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"devil" Definitions
  1. the Devil (in the Christian, Jewish and Muslim religions) the most powerful evil being synonym Satan
  2. an evil spirit
  3. (informal) a person who behaves badly, especially a child
  4. (old-fashioned, informal) used to talk about somebody and to emphasize an opinion that you have of them
"devil" Synonyms
Lucifer Beelzebub Satan archfiend fiend serpent Archfiend Mephistopheles Old Nick evil one the dickens Prince of Darkness diablo beast demon The Devil Old Scratch satan archangel evil spirit daemon ghost ghoul specter(US) spectre(UK) ghoulie djinn imp shaitan bogie bugbear cacodemon genie hellhound spook dybbuk lucifer villain rogue scoundrel wretch reprobate rascal miscreant monster knave brute savage baddy scamp hound evildoer rapscallion scallywag varlet monkey hellion tyke urchin scapegrace horror perisher mischief varmint pickle troublemaker whippersnapper person individual soul man creature character guy being human sort customer body personage thing cookie mortal bod party life specimen hell heck dickens deuce Sam Hill daredevil madman madcap desperado hothead tearaway adventurer stuntman exhibitionist swashbuckler showboat stuntwoman hotdog stuntperson show-off risk-taker thrill-seeker adrenalin junky hot dog stunt man bogey phantom spirit apparition wraith shade phantasm shadow vision poltergeist sprite visitant fantasm haunt materialisation(UK) materialization(US) maniac nut nutcase nutter headbanger loony lunatic schizophrenic crank cuckoo nutjob psycho psychopath psychotic schizo screwball bedlamite twilly twilly devil dust storm sandstorm black blizzard dust devil duster harmattan khamsin peesash samiel sand column sandspout simoom sirocco bete noire foe rival adversary antagonist bane curse enemy opponent competitor plague anathema trouble bad news bitter enemy detested person pet hate bedevil annoy bother irk irritate peeve pester harass harry badger hassle worry bug nag give a hard time torment persecute tease rib kid mock chaff taunt ridicule deride josh rag needle joke jive razz ride rally satirise(UK) satirize(US) roast bait cook boil grill bake poach stew simmer barbecue toast heat broil parboil coddle fry steam melt fricassee microwave casserole More
"devil" Antonyms
God Holy Father Creator Heavenly Father Jehovah Lord Yahweh Christ Jesus Jesus Christ The Almighty Archfiend demon lucifer Prince of Darkness the Evil Spirit angel god spirit agathodemon seraph archangel deity divinity avatar demigod numen divine being guardian spirit holy being celestial being immortal goddess daemon celestial demigoddess saint humanitarian hero altruist philanthropist philanthrope helper good Samaritan do-gooder friend gentleman almsgiver Good Samaritan sweetheart darling dear sweetie dearie gem cherub sweetie pie coward chicken sissy wimp poltroon cautious person risk-averse person scaredy-cat stick-in-the-mud goody-goody being reality brightness light animal plant hard worker heroine savior(US) saviour(UK) goody defender redeemer champion conservator deliverer guardian legend liberator protector rescuer luminary paragon preserver saver benefactor police good person kind person paragon of virtue one in a million advantage aid assistance behaviour(UK) behavior(US) benefit blessing favor(US) favour(UK) good goodness happiness help kindness manners obedience right virtue figment abstract fabrication concept manifestation notion imagining personification instantiation image nonentity alien extraterrestrial space invader android cyborg robot bot humanoid droid machine comfort console placate calm reassure relieve uplift encourage cheer gladden inspirit lift pacify enliven relax soothe ease succour(UK) succor(US) assuage discourage dissuade halt ignore please repress stop support leave alone leave in peace let go make happy assist delight

605 Sentences With "devil"

How to use devil in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "devil" and check conjugation/comparative form for "devil". Mastering all the usages of "devil" from sentence examples published by news publications.

It's the "devil you know versus the devil you don't" argument.
And I know the devil, cause I've seen that devil in myself.
Sort of the devil you know versus the devil you don't know.
Why, though, would a devil worshipper want to be free of the devil?
The devil you don't know is always scarier than the devil you do.
Sometimes you just have to shake the devil off you, whatever that devil is.
So, will it be the devil you know or the devil you don't know?
This is how the devil woos you, before you know it is the devil.
He's not the Devil, although he sometimes has the devil standing next to him.
"You devil, you angel, you devil, you angel," one woman said to her lover.
Their illness paralyzes and galvanizes them; it is their devil, their angel, their devil.
In Arabic, Shaytan means devil, and ISIS targeted the Yazidis as infidels and devil worshipers.
The devil in "Orange World" turns out to be just a devil, not Satan himself.
Talking about the devil, it has been said that the devil is in the details.
But the devil is in the details, and the details of the devil are drab.
"Does helping the devil make you a devil too?" he asks, in the memoir's final pages.
Because, as the saying goes, the devil you know is better than the devil you don't.
The story line is a senior devil teaching a junior devil how to corrupt their victims.
From their perspective, it's picking between the devil they know and the devil they don't know.
It's Devil Wears Prada if Devil Wears Prada took a closer look at the implications of domestic abuse.
The devil, in these cases, isn't in the details, the devil is in the unseen, unknown, unsolicited narratives.
According to the Tasmanian government, a team led by Dr. Sam Fox trapped 14 healthy devils free of Devil Facial Tumour Disease — a cancer that spreads from devil to devil and results in the marsupials' death.
Devil in the details The red painted board, a devil trapped inside a bottle, is folk art by T. Brown.
Still, nothing screams, "Get away from this strange, pasty man!" like the devil giving you a book about the devil
It turns out they do that because they've made a deal with the devil, and the devil sends them chess moves.
The Russian establishment is a firm practitioner of the adage better the devil you know versus the devil you don't know.
We argued like the devil, as I said in my eulogy, we loved each other, but we argued like the devil.
For trick-or-treating, Kim's daughter North dressed as a devil, while Kourtney's daughter Penelope dressed as half-devil-half-angel.
"If America is the devil, better the devil we know," says Dmitri Trenin, director of the Moscow Carnegie Center, a think-tank.
That his boxing-ring nickname is "The Pazmanian Devil" and his robe sports little devil ears seems like a wink at this.
Devil May Cry 5 It's been a decade since Capcom's hack and slash title Devil May Cry 3 hit the Xbox 360.
"Texas is very resistant to the type of social programs Bernie offers, but the devil is not Bernie, the devil is Trump."
Devil May Cry 5 is a true follow-up to Devil May Cry 4, bringing back the original characters and storylines from the 2010 title (instead of the spinoff / reboot DmC: Devil May Cry that was released back in 2013).
Upon agreeing and enlisting the Devil as his steward, Tartini handed him his violin to see if the Devil had any musical ability.
When it comes to defending a company against an agitated investor, the devil you know may be better than the devil you don't.
If Robert Johnson made that famous crossroads pact with the Devil, Prince met the Devil and convinced him to become a Jehovah's Witness.
You got the devil in you, Margery O'Hare, and there's only one way to get the devil out of a girl like you.
Capcom has finally announced Devil May Cry 5, the long-awaited sequel to Devil May Cry 4, which was released over 10 years ago.
" Alec Lambert - We Know The Devil OST "Anyone can kill the devil; that's why they always make teens the vampire slayers, the magical girls.
Satenay allegedly told police that "the devil was inside his room," and that he "hit the devil with a [B]ible," the report states.
The baseline human instinct is to be conservative on big system change — the devil you know is better than the devil you don't know.
Most people don't like ObamaCare, but when they couldn't understand the Republican alternative, they chose the devil they knew ‎versus the devil they didn't.
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur is a series about a young pre-teen named Lunella Lafayette and a giant, mutated, prehistoric dinosaur named Devil Dinosaur.
"The devil is in the details, and the devil here is how folks on the ground respond," Douglas Berman, an Ohio University law professor, told me.
Three times the devil tried to tempt Ibrahim to abandon his mission, and each time Ibrahim hurled seven stones at the devil to ward him off.
Stoning the devil During the "stoning of the devil," pilgrims lob rocks at three pillars, known as the "Jamarat," symbolizing the rejection of the devil's temptation.
It's associated with the Devil card in the tarot, and trust me, the devil has good sex (I would know, I am a witch after all).
However, it is the portrayal of the devil as man-like that reveals some of the most intriguing ideas about what the devil has historically represented.
The devil promised it would be totally chill to give birth to the spawn of Satan, but as Rose notes in the film, the devil always lies.
"It's basically going with the devil you know over the devil you don't," said Brian Gardner, a managing director of New York investment firm Keefe Bruyette & Woods.
But the Democratic elite know well the first rule of crony capitalism: better the devil you already own than the devil who requires an ongoing subscription fee.
A campaign built around the devil you know versus the devil you don't seems to be the thread running through all these studies, interviews, photos and portraits.
Remember that scene in The Devil Wears Prada when Anne Hathaway's Andy was finally eating the meal she rightfully deserved with her dad, and then boom: The Devil, a.k.a.
Fans have been waiting for a true sequel to Devil May Cry 4 for years, and now they're getting just that with Capcom's newly unveiled Devil May Cry 5.
The blacksmith then uses that power to attach the devil to a stool or tree, and only releases the devil on the condition that he may keep his soul.
The text claims that women consort with the devil due to their uncontrollable carnal lust, and thus sex with the devil was a big part of supposed demonic pacts.
To wit: Recently, Simmons tweeted an image of the Pope throwing down the devil horns alongside a picture of the Dalai Lama and Simmons himself also throwing up the devil horns.
" -August 22016 But then... On Hillary: "She's the devil.
" In response to that, Stephanie called Heidi "the devil.
" November 4 "The Devil Next Door" and "District 9.
"Louisiana made a deal with the devil," said Anderson.      
Never forget - I am a Blue Devil for life.
" Another read: "America, the Devil; You have no mercy.
" But, he added, "Jesus even met with the Devil.
There's such a variety of witchcraft traditions throughout history and also in the modern world, so to pin down one thing and to say you work with the devil—like, whose devil?
A MINUS Not available on streaming services Zeal & Ardor: Devil Is Fine (MVKA Music) Challenged to join black metal and black music in holy sacrilege, biracial Swiss New Yorker Manuel Gagneux said either fuck you or fuck yeah and began hollering faux field hollers of "devil is kind" and "devil is fine" over chain-gang percussion.
After sharing a few rounds, Jack tricked the Devil into turning himself into a coin in order to pay the bill, and pocketed the Devil before he could return to his normal form.
Roy believed he had seen the devil at a hospital, and Carter said she had dreamed of the devil, said Breggin, who added that nightmares are common among people who are on Prozac.
You mess with the bull, you get the (devil) horns.
The Devil is wherever Eye may wish to be, tonight!
The devil came down to Georgia for a reason, right?
"Please take the devil up out you bro," West continued.
Toss on a pair of devil ears, and you're done!
The Devil Wears Prada is making its way to Broadway.
Sure, he's like the devil, he's a force of evil.
Sound like Meryl Streep's monologue in The Devil Wears Prada?
The devil is really in the details with this game.
The internet can never be our savior or our devil.
Saying the 'devil made me do it' is so yesterday.
Bowser is the Devil, the Deceiver who leads humanity astray.
Here's the problem, though: It is a devil to explain.
What mischief might the devil make for these idle hands?
The devil wears Prada, but what will Kelly Rutherford wear?
As I said above, the devil is in the details.
But I don't think the devil works out there anymore.
The Sunni militants consider the Yazidis to be devil worshippers.
You know what they say, the devil is always busy.
It's like they say, better the devil you know, right?
"The devil is in the detail," he said by phone.
With "Black Museum," the series offers a devil to blame.
The devil, as ever, is in the detail, analysts noted.
Gives you a reason to grab that Dirt Devil, eh?
Townspeople believed the devil instructed witches to curse these girls.
But the devil is in the details, as they say.
This is no Funny Face or The Devil Wears Prada.
A dust devil spotted by NASA's Opportunity rover in 2016.
I just would never sell my soul to the devil.
Some parts of me say that he is the devil.
"I would not call the Devil 'invincible,'" Borgonie told Motherboard.
But sometimes it's better to trust the devil you know.
We might as well start with the devil you know.
One ad depicted Hillary Clinton as the devil boxing Jesus.
Go on then and have another bag, you cheeky devil.
With all of this, the devil is in the details.
And the devil you know almost always wins that one.
I had very prominent seats at the Sun Devil stadium.
To be perfectly frank, the devil is in the details.
He called her "the devil" with hatred in her heart.
What we've seen so far is more devil than details.
So what's good for the devil, is good for Tasmania.
We parked in front of the Cave of the Devil.
So then I must be the devil, because I'm right.
And indeed, the proverbial Devil will be in the details.
Or just as often: The Devil is in the details.
This is totally like The Devil Wears Prada; it's great.
In most cases, devil facial tumour disease (DFTD) is fatal.
When did you move from "devil worship" to actual Satanism?
Every song relates to the saying The Devil You Know.
Sources in Brussels say the devil is in the detail.
But the devil is the defaults that leave these off.
"Little Devil," as the voice for the film's abject protagonist.
Every round of Devil Daggers starts like the same nightmare.
Trilobites There may yet be hope for the Tasmanian devil.
He doodled "devil horns" on a head shot of hers.
W.B. has a wee bit of the Devil in him.
What would a police procedural look like starring the Devil?
That album, I Must Be the Devil, is out now.
And I had a devil of a time remembering OBOLI.
Jay-Z) / "The Devil Is A Lie" (Rick Ross feat.
They made a bargain with the devil in full knowledge.
Others shuttled sideways, pretending to protect themselves from the devil.
"The devil finally got punished by the law," he wrote.
It's time to look at the devil in the details.
"The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It" — Warner Bros.
Dante conjured fire, ice and a devil with three faces.
But the devil is, as they say, in the details.
So, does Trump listen to the angel or the devil?
Sometimes, a deal with the devil pays off, big league.
And there is no difference between Jesus and the devil.
"The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It" — September 11
Better the devil you know than the one you don't.
Sophie Turner started her day watching The Devil Wears Prada.
Dr. Heavens has no doubt that the gravel devil exists.
Cecilia could tell you the devil is in the details.
I'm not afraid of any devil or demon or incantation.
But the devil, as always, will be in the details.
The cartoonist Thomas Nast literally drew her as the Devil.
That's why I say, 'The Devil done blessed his tongue.
He walks in, and whoosh: instant sympathy for the Devil.
But I had a devil of a time solving it.
That gives us THE TOWER, THE DEVIL and THE SUN.
Check out our full review of "Devil May Cry V."
"Boredom lets the devil into your mind," Mr. Mendiola said.
Oh, the weakness the devil can see in our hearts!
But the dragon — like the devil — is in the details.
The devil even has his own musical interval, the tritone.
Films involving the devil are also included in this category.
Capcom publishes Street Fighter V, and Devil May Cry 5.
The devil works hard but fashion nova works harder pic.twitter.
A.J. Green will get lots of work, but someone else should see 22017-plus targets, too, and I feel more comfortable with the devil I don't know (Boyd) than the devil I do (Brandon LaFell).
Opportunity rover after a dust devil cleaning / Image courtesy of NASA Opportunity rover after a dust devil cleaning / Image courtesy of NASA This was a godsend to Opportunity and the NASA team who operated it.
Proud of her meme'd moniker, Kris also tips her hat to another woman who can go toe to toe with the Devil when it comes to business: Miranda Priestly of The Devil Wears Prada fame.
"If we have to talk to the devil to guarantee the safety and future of the Mexican people in the U.S., Mexico will talk to the devil," said Economy Minister Ildefonso Guajardo, according to Reuters.
The film is set to the haunting tones of one of King Dude's best-loved ballads, "Deal With the Devil," and follows a story of love, revenge, and the devil, all bathed in ghostly twilight.
You clearly thought I was the devil, forcing your jaw open.
"Do you know the Tasmanian Devil, the cartoon character?" she asks.
That sounds pretty good, but the devil is in the details.
"It's a lot like a pact with the devil," she says.
News that he'd seen The Devil Wears Prada about 75 times.
As always with immigration reform, the devil is in the details.
When the Red Devil shows up in Chanel's back seat AGAIN!
Better the devil you know than the one that you don't.
As with any credit card, the devil is in the details.
The process is akin to applying sunscreen produced by the devil.
And that hasn't changed at all with Devil May Cry 28.
Devil May Cry 5 is a very particular kind of game.
If they want to see the devil, let them see it.
Netflix CEO Reed Hastings sold his soul to the devil. 7.
All are great ideas — but the devil is in the details.
"She's between the devil and the deep blue sea," England says.
Photo print The devil works hard, but CVS photo works harder.
"As they say, the devil is in details," Mr. Moon said.
There's a tattoo of the Tasmanian Devil warped around her forearm.
Scrooged, Swimming With Sharks, The Devil Wears Prada — it's a trope!
Incumbents may benefit from a preference for the devil you know.
In the card, two lovers stand in front of the Devil.
The devil would want for us to remain in the dark.
The result is Devil May Care, in which Brigstocke plays Lucifer.
The devil is not in the details; it's in the gaps.
The Devil Wears Prada's Karen Rosenfelt will executive produce the project.
They may be more willing to choose the devil they know.
"The devil is always in the details," Hooper, from Invesco, said.
Some, made deals with the devil (looking at you Dinah Stevens).
"The devil is in the details with this character," Rodgers notes.
One such devil had turned South Dakota into his hunting ground.
The wooden devil suspected keys cause more problems than they solve.
The seven wonders is rigged the devil michael's dad #AHSApocalypse pic.twitter.
This meant the devil had arrived and had to be exterminated.
Episode 7 is seriously lacking in devil worship and juicy backstory.
Never again "The devil has come to Huntington," Sara Murray says.
Whispers is a speedy little devil who escapes in a helicopter.
Our favorite MOM-ism is 'Save your hate for the devil.
In her own words, the devil was working overtime this week.
Why do you call your penis "the devil between your legs"?
She's also working on another volume of Love Is the Devil.
I expected to see the devil come to take me away.
If the devil is holding up your sign, something's gone wrong.
But the devil here is very much in the scientific details.
"You have to be a devil to represent Joe," Ali said.
The devil is working hard but Kris Jenner is working harder.
DEVIL AT MY HEELS by Louis Zamperini and David Rensin (Morrow).
The zoo has bred 31 healthy Tasmanian devil joeys so far.
"I thought he was the little devil or something," she said.
"How to execute on that is the devil in the details."
"The Devil Wears Prada" (2006) is a comedy with star power.
The status quo turned out to be the devil they knew.
How can she possibly advise breaking a compact with the devil?
The devil stares at it thoughtfully, then eats the sale tag.
"They are a better devil compared to the A.N.C.," he said.
He's also definitely, like 100% for sure this time, the devil.
I believed that chain letters were spells cast by the Devil.
What is in front of us is a devil, I guess?
In the end though, the devil would be in the details.
And can we go ahead and request a Red Devil cameo?
So he tried to return to his old pal, the Devil.
I joked that any devil could duck my right-handed throw.
You once thought a devil lived in your linen closet. Yes.
Where were you when you sold your soul to the devil?
If they want to see the devil, let them see him.
Mental illness or not, we all deal with our own devil.
The beloved Park Service survived the encounter with the devil, barely.
He doesn't even make much of a deal with the devil.
The Devil, though, is only after my wallet and my keys.
Now, the devil could be in the details here, of course.
For far too many others, it'll be the devil they know.
What's he going to say, the Devil made me do it?
"The devil will burn you," Asan's young son yells at him.
It is a devil's flower mantis, not an African devil mantis.
Western sweets, even at their most refined, wink at the devil.
"Isn't the Tasmanian devil a cartoon character?" she asked, looking suspicious.
They wore chokers and tracksuits, accessorized with sunglasses and devil sticks.
"I've met the devil and survived," she said with a shrug.
Coal and prisons, Sexton figured, were bargains with the same devil.
"That's where the devil comes into the picture," Dr. Berns said.
If they want to see the devil, let them see one.
They wore chokers and tracksuits, accessorized with sunglasses and devil sticks.
The chain's response was subtle but unmistakably unapologetic: a devil emoji.
When searching for a solution, the devil is in the details.
In uncertain times, Italians may be choosing the devil they knew.
ZTL Furry Devil Horns Headband for Pets, $7.49, available at Amazon
You'd get up and you'd argue like the devil with them.
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
He seems to have accidentally sold his wife to the devil.
Once, a teacher overheard me talking about Devil May Cry 3.
Anna and her co-founder, Red Devil, are the club's stalwarts.
Although mainstream Satanism doesn't even worship the Devil (followers are atheists who consider the devil a symbol for individualism and freedom, rather than an actual entity), its followers have been accused of some pretty devilish stuff.
Ross Perot and Patrick Buchannan were party outsiders that struck a chord only to eventually fall by the wayside when the electorate decided to swing with devil they know rather than the devil they might regret.
In many cases, it can be more beneficial to simply let a known spy continue to operate, since the adage "the devil you know is better than the devil you don't" is particularly apt in counterintelligence.
" It's a dense, ever-shifting collage, variously hinting at ska-punk, Britpop, fiddle tunes and "Sympathy for the Devil," with barbed bits of lyrics like "sordid, sentimental, sick souvenirs" and "Even the devil sold his soul.
"nerdy crying devil face with open eyes nerdy crying devil face with open eyes"When you're about to say aloud, "I think the Pokémon: Detective Pikachu movie looks pretty good" and you're bracing for the horrified screams.
It&aposs almost like it&aposs an abstracted moment and for that reason, the devil&aposs not in the detail, the devil is in the emotion that you feel, the weight that you feel in that scene.
In "All the Good Girls Go to Hell," she makes a deal with the devil to survive climate apocalypse ("Once the water starts to rise/and heaven's out of sight/she'll want the devil on her team").
Many of this should sound familiar to those who know Worst Girls' first effort, We Know the Devil, which followed a trio of queer teens, well, hunting down the devil as members of a religious summer camp.
You had to learn what it was like to be a Devil.
It was very Anne Hathaway as Andy Sachs [fromThe Devil Wears Prada].
"We loved each other, but we argued like the devil," Biden said.
In Polly Nor's whimsical illustrated world, woman is a devil unto herself.
CAOS announced Sabrina's connection to the devil within its first 40 minutes.
The Devil even feels like a Dyson in how it navigates floors.
She compares him to Joffrey, which is basically calling him the devil.
They issue a law and then the devil is in the details.
Some people say success is like selling your soul to the devil.
And as one, it needs to shake hands with the devil sometimes.
So they have some knowledge, but the devil is in the details.
But to Luther music was a divinely inspired weapon against the devil.
"The devil is in the details," Skinner said in a telephone interview.
I'm not the devil; I don't believe in the Santa Claus either.
Here Comes the Devil is my personal favorite hidden Netflix horror movie.
A decade later, Devil May Cry 4 is getting a proper sequel.
"But if that's true, then you are the devil," the statement continues.
He and Devil have been together for about a year, Urrutia said.
Police said Suarez and Devil were expected to return home on Saturday.
Maybe it's just a failure of imagination: better the devil you know.
Today he is a Kosovo Albanian hero—and to Serbs, a devil.
I got hold of this Rouge Dior Lipstick in Dark Devil ($37).
"#PreggoInMyFashionNovaFit 😩 #CongradulationsAreInOrder 😈" she wrote, adding sad-face and devil emojis.
At that point we will begin to reclaim what the devil took.
"They're not supernatural, they're not the devil, they're nothing special," she said.
But as always with Black Mirror, the devil is in the details.
There is a lot of frantic refreshing and bargaining with the devil.
Me, forgetting about the door locked to keep the Devil out: pic.twitter.
It's quick as the devil, but has very littleimagination, and no smalltalk.
" He also often said: "The devil can cite scripture to his purpose.
It keeps it fresh, to be able to laugh at the devil.
A delightfully icy Hanks as Miranda Priestly from The Devil Wears Prada.
"It's like Kirk released the Tasmanian devil in this bitch," Kortni observes.
She also compared the LGBTQ community to Nazis, communists, and the devil.
Most of mankind has believed in the Devil, for all of history.
"We're demolishing the house of the devil," he told the Miami Herald.
One of them was a big one of me as the devil.
We lost a treasured member of our Sun Devil Baseball Family yesterday.
Here's where Gene Simmons's attempt to trademark the devil horns comes in.
This dancing with the devil was something Vic and I did together.
And listen to "Lexicon Devil" by The Germs while you're at it.
Devil May Cry 5 is a ridiculous game from start to finish.
" Said another person: "He's a Tasmanian devil and lives out of suitcases.
He apologized to her, she said, blaming his behavior on the devil.
The authentic human versus the slick, smooth-talking devil with laughing eyes.
The hit song was featured in the movie "The Devil Wears Prada".
It was the devil, and we wanted to be free of it.
He lights a candle for God, but he works for the devil.
But give him a moment of sympathy before calling him the devil.
The devil went down to Vegas and shot 500 people last week.
It's about, yes, the devil himself, who is thought to have disappeared.
"If you say you're pro-choice, you're the devil," one student says.
He was great company and event bought me these cool devil horns.
Randall Terry is dressed as the devil and has a speaker system.
The devil will be in the detail of how everything is implemented.
"I have more faith in the devil than in politicians," he said.
Read More:  10 of the best outfits in 'The Devil Wears Prada'
While people may not love Obamacare, it's the devil they now know.
" The devil bashes its jaw into her collarbone like a shovel. "Ow!
If he was the son of the devil they wouldn't bite him.
What&aposs he going to say, the Devil made me do it?
Americans have to choose between the devil they know and the other.
The story of the Jersey Devil has been around since the 1700s.
Not the literal devil, of course — just a character who symbolizes him.
The devil is working hard but Kris Jenner is working harder pic.twitter.
Sort of like the angel and devil whispering persuasions into your ears.
Earlier this year he tried to trademark the devil horns hand thing.
I really think the devil is in the details, as they say.
But We Know the Devil slyly points at a better way forward.
The story of the Jersey Devil has been around since the 1700s.
The devil, of course, is in the details, so let's dive in.
She played another revolutionary in Mr. Godard's "Sympathy for the Devil" (1968).
The devil agreed, but Jack ditched the tab and kept the coin.
"But in many of these cases, the devil is in the details."
The point is that God and the Devil are in the details.
They knowingly made a deal with the devil, and can't back out.
"May the cat eat you, and may the devil eat the cat."
"I am convinced the devil lives in our phones," one parent says.
If I had plenty of land, I shouldn't fear the Devil himself.
They were thought to be devil-worshipers who had sex with demons.
One night I asked her if I could pray for the Devil.
"As you know, nicotine is an addictive devil," Duterte said on Wednesday.
"As you know, nicotine is an addictive devil," he said on Wednesday.
Or you could try Melissa Clark's recipe for smoky red devil eggs?
Well, the devil is running rampant in the Trump administration so far.
My forthcoming memoir is tentatively titled, 'The Devil Wears Carleton Alumni Gear.
However, some Christians believe that celebrating Halloween "glorifies" the devil and witchcraft.
Once they made that deal with the figurative devil, they were stuck.
For any move Mr. Trump makes, the devil is in the details.
Miles said he had a devil on his shoulder, testing his faith.
The devil is in the details, more so in the tax code.
LONDON (Reuters Breakingviews) - Auto groups are dancing with the tech-giant devil.
"I'm sending a card your way Jacob you handsome devil," tweeted Kendrick.
They were like our children, like that little devil out there now.
As the Devil labored all night to build the aqueduct, she prayed.
For that, he seems prepared to make a deal with the devil.
The book Devil in the White City brought him to greater prominence.
You want to compare Donald Trump to the devil, or Charlie Manson.
Clerics claimed that the different Pokemon were different names of the devil.
Keith is initially presented as the devil, sure, but the devil with some good ideas … until the movie eventually reveals him as just another sellout, chasing an unattainable future instead of guarding the past as zealously as possible.
It's the modern inversion of the '70s horror formula Eggers was clearly inspired by: yes, the Devil may very well be real, but the one we should really be afraid of is the devil in our own hearts.
Yet he ultimately hints at a latent fear of the devil and what he represents that has continued to fuel the image of the devil in our imaginations, no matter how much we try to laugh him off.
US Olympian (and London 903 silver medalist) Leo Manzano told me that in Mexico there's an expression: "Más sabe el diablo por viejo que por diablo"—the Devil knows more because he's old than because he's the Devil.
GUATEMALA CITY (Reuters) - Revelers in Guatemala set ablaze cardboard representations of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump wearing devil horns during a traditional ceremony, "La Quema del Diablo", or the Burning of the Devil, held ahead of Christmas every year.
Diplomats look at the Arab Spring or the democratization effort in Ukraine, see the destabilization and conflict that has resulted, and they start to feel that the dictatorial devil they know is better than the democratic devil they don't.
But after a while, they may conclude that the devil they know just may be better than the devil they don't know (or, more pointedly, don't know as well.) Then there are financial considerations, especially when children are involved.
One of the oldest tales of the bunch was determined to be The Smith and the Devil, in which a blacksmith sells his soul to a devil/evil spirit in return for the power to weld any materials together.
If you want to understand the magic of Devil May Cry 5, look no further than V. The game's newest lanky boy addition is one of three heroes to play as throughout Devil May Cry 5's winding narrative.
I was sure I was making some sort of pact with the devil.
The... devil magic... is... overwhelming... Less Quick Comment: Quick, name three current Cardinals!
In March 2013, an unreleased Kesha song called "Dancing with the Devil" leaked.
But as with all Western Union transfers, the devil is in the details.
But one artist is reclaiming the devil for women and their personal demons.
But I&aposm going to take a slightly view, the devil&aposs advocate.
Better the devil you know, and also you want an opportunity for education.
We have been in a deal with the devil for a long time.
So that I feel like the audience [back] then understood Miranda's the devil.
As one of the former Red Devil killers herself, she has a point.
He claims the Devil appeared before him and offered to become his servant.
Besides, if you aim to cheat the devil, you owe him an offering.
Devil May Cry 5 launches March 8th on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.
Krasinski recently even confessed to watching The Devil Wears Prada maybe 72 times.
He out here tapdancing for the devil and making us all look bad.
"There is a devil inside me," read the words inside the bloody doorway.
One of this week's Halloween-holdover series focuses on devil worship and witchcraft.
"You can't play god without being acquainted with the devil," Ford tells Bernard.
Having said that, the devil&aposs really going to be in the details.
WILLIAMS: Senior producer Rob Monaco&aposs twins as a mummy and dapper devil.
WORST: Barkaboda countertop - $230With this wood countertop, the devil is in the details.
You suffered a collapsed lung while recording your new album Chasing the Devil.
Fashioned after the devil himself, Him proves how impressionable young people often are.
The devil will be in the details of how this is rolled out.
Devil facial tumor disease has killed thousands of Tasmanian devils since the 1990s.
"Like so many things, the devil will be in the details," Ohlin said.
Except Jeremy isn't just a normal guy, he's an advocate...for the devil.
As we all know, the number 666 means you are the devil. Satan.
He is his own demon, he is his own devil, his own tormentor.
Glen David Gold is the author of Carter Beats the Devil and Sunnyside.
J. Miller), and Devil (Sean Hayes) with other emojis in The Emoji Movie.
Recently, the adorable duo reenacted several iconic scenes from The Devil Wears Prada.
"The devil took his best shot," said John-David in the Monday interview.
LONDON — When it comes to Bran's flashbacks, the devil is in the detail.
There were so many books and documentaries calling her the devil and shit.
ISIS considers the Yazidis to be devil-worshippers and wants to eliminate them.
"The devil could not have come up with a better plot," he says.
Many more intelligent people than you or me have believed in the Devil.
And it's not the fact that happy hardcore is sent from the devil!
For example, the parent believes the child has been possessed by the devil.
Faith takes off like the Tasmanian boxing devil and crushes her first wall.
This means there's a potential for developing new drugs using the devil cathelicidins.
So the devil may yet get (manually) unchained from all these fuzzy details.
Dude, you got the devil in chains and he's waiting to get loose.
In fact, they looked upon these bills as the work of the devil.
The devil, of course, is in the details of those new scientific findings.
Jamarat is a ritual that commemorates Ibrahim fending off temptation from the devil.
So it's kind of like devil and the angel in the same location.
His opponent is the devil, he says — hate her with all your heart.
In designing a postal banking system, the devil will be in the details.
Her devil has never put this on the table in such precise terms.
She clutches the devil to her, lacing her fingers through its trembling fingers.
"Mine was not a devil," Carol, an Old Mom with carroty curls, says.
In the fight for Clintoncare and Obamacare, the devil was in the details.
Yes, I'd give the devil benefit of law, for my own safety's sake.
As is everything with North Korea, the devil will be in the details.
But one Democratic candidate is willing to dance with the devil: Bernie Sanders.
And even the Lord himself called the Devil a variety of euphemistic names.
And I was so surprised to see him sign on with the devil.
I'm having a devil of a time figuring out which news is fake.
All photos by Cara Robbins Jehnny Beth has been thinking about the Devil.
He warned that the Devil was always there ready to destroy your life.
You have captured her devil may care/pissed off attitude perfectly :D pic.twitter.
If I'm The Devil... will be released on June 10 via Epitaph Records.
"I'd give the devil benefit of law, for my own safety's sake."—St.
The very first song the band wrote was about fear of the devil.
Learn more about Hieronymus Bosch, Touched by the Devil on the official website.
He became the devil on your shoulder, whispering evil thoughts into your head.
On the one hand, better the devil you know, and what a resumé.
The devil is in the details and the big test is the implementation.
Obamacare, the devil piñata of every Republican attack, was neither repealed nor replaced.
Imagine liking The Devil Wears Prada and not even feeling embarrassed about it!
For a while, I was pretty sure I hated Devil May Cry 5?
Tragically, in the 19th century, Cheddar sold its soul to the devil: industrialization.
Lima is a Christian away from the cage but a devil inside it.
Downtown looked "like the devil ground his heel into it," one witness said.
WRESTLING WITH THE DEVIL A Prison Memoir By Ngugi wa Thiong'o 248 pp.
David and Lorraine also claim to have seen the devil sitting in it.
The panther symbolized Christ, with the ultimate serpent—the dragon—as the devil.
In the 19th century, critics of bicycles labeled them tools of the devil.
So was heavy metal music, thought to be a pact with the devil.
My husband taught me that bag checking is the work of the devil.
While this seems to be straightforward algebra, the devil is in the details.
Historic FAKE NEWS leak: 'orange-faced devil grabs people with small hands, urinates'.
"Beat the Devil" can be found on YouTube and streamed through Amazon Prime.
But we should not kid ourselves: This devil does indeed have devilish origins.
The company follows a bloody production of "The White Devil" with more blood.
The spiritual bath was intended to wash the "gay devil" out of me.
Now the devil is having his due, and you must share the blame.
" One feels the Devil everywhere, in the "blackness that unfolded in all directions.
I don't know if that's true that the old man was the Devil.
Highlighting lyrics that they interpreted as "devil worship," some activists invoked the crusades.
That's sitting down to talk with the devil, who is killing the people.
And although unnerving, some casually remark that the devil is beating his wife.
President Xi Jinping later said China was sure of defeating a "devil" coronavirus.
But the devil in the details say he still gets the final say.
So, the devil really will be in the details, as the cliche suggests.
One, she says, has even muttered, "Devil be rid of me!" at her.
Republicans have sold out their principles and made a deal with the devil.
But, as in most cases of policymaking, the devil is in the details.
The deal they've struck with the devil comes at too high a price.
It betrays a devil who cares too much — and about the wrong things.
Those who make a deal with the devil are deserving of no sympathy.
And, her account reads much like something out of The Devil Wears Prada.
But I'm not a devil and by no means am I a monster.
Moreover, there is plenty of devil in the detail of China's aluminum exports.
Yes, I'd give the devil benefit of law, for my own safety's sake!
Like you the Devil come to burn me right here where I stand.
All the while, the devil with the yellow eyes is pulling David's strings.
Or perhaps, a run-in with the devil of Hell's Kitchen, Matt Murdock?
The former Duke Blue Devil has struggled, averaging only 7.7 points per game.
But as with any new content policy, the devil is in the details.
As ever with such trade disputes, however, the devil is in the detail.
No longer content with Nancy Pelosi, the right craves a new she-devil.
"He made a deal with the devil to become speaker," Rooney told me.
"She can be an angel or she can be a devil," explained Rousteing.
Segovia, popular with tourists, had largely avoided such controversy — until the Devil appeared.
I used to willfully ignore Carpool Karaoke, but I have forced myself to watch several of them because the devil you know is better than the devil you don't, and I want to understand why people go gaga for these spots.
" The devil is in the details: For readers coveting other kinds of luxury bags, here are some general tips from Wetzbarger on making sure yours is for real: "When it comes to luxury goods, the devil is always in the details.
The Rays, meanwhile, used to be called the Tampa Bay Devil Rays (an animal different from the stingray) but dropped the "devil" in 2007, with the team saying at the time that the name now referred to a ray of sunshine.
The subject here is the novel "The Number Devil," by Hans Magnus Enzensberger, in which Robert, a math-averse boy, has a series of 230 dreams in which a sly creature called the Number Devil leads him on mathematical adventures.
" Between Two Evils gets really dark toward the end, with "Devil & Me," a cryptic song about this relationship that feels like a dance with the devil, which leads to her cries on the outro, "I can't deny being seduced by evil.
The devil will be in the details, which the Post says aren't final yet.
It's only a miracle if the God you pray to is really the Devil.
Bernie Sanders "made a deal with the devil" when he agreed to support Clinton.
Pete was whipping Jesus, who's carrying the cross, while the devil shouts at them.
Then there's the theory that John Candy's character, Gus Polanski, is actually the devil .
Lola, Verdon's character, is a seductress sent by the devil to ruin men's lives.
And by the end of the campaign, Hillary Clinton appeared as the devil incarnate.
What the devil meant for bad, God's going to turn it into something good.
Here's why fat—including the heavily demonized saturated fat—is actually not the devil.
Initiative Q does a very similar thing, but the devil is in the details.
In Fable, evil characters sprout devil horns while those who do good get haloes.
They hate unpredictability and would have much preferred Hillary Clinton, the devil they knew.
"People's obsession with that baby..." he began, referencing the devil child from season 1.
"They're all good ones — old-school snakes, devil heads," Boogie said in the report.
On the surface, The Girlfriend Experience and The Devil Wears Prada look very similar.
Now that it's crystal clear that Swift is the devil, what does this mean?
When the devil card appears in a reading it represents power and imprisoned energy.
Phil still thinks 'Devil Without a Cause' is the greatest album Beck never made.
Some burned large paintings of Trump marked with the words: "Deal of the devil".
The Hinds member is and always has been the devil inside the listener's head.
Just days into their vacation, Suarez, 32, and Devil, 25, rented a jet ski.
Meanwhile, Trump's labeling of Clinton as "the devil" follows his running mate, Indiana Gov.
I would take a meeting with anyone -- I take the meeting with the devil.
Paul also tweeted out the news with a devil emoji, announcing the "surprise" move.
Then came death threats from Islamic extremists, who mistook the rockers for devil worshippers.
Fun bonus: There's a devil-horned version for the naughty pooch in your life.
They have long suffered persecution, with many Muslims referring to them as devil worshippers.
Don't expect to see Tasmanian devil milk on your pharmaceutical shelf any time soon.
"Patterns are the work of the devil," she told Harper's Bazaar earlier this year.
Devil May Cry 5 is a good deal, too, costing $39.59 instead of $59.99.
I make like the Tasmanian Devil and get dressed and pack in an instant.
The terrified family can only conclude that this is the work of the devil.
Or is the angel on your left scale and the devil on your right?
"The devil is always in the details," said Arthur Kroeber, partner of Gavekal Dragonomics.
There are other cool elements that Devil May Cry 5 introduces to the series.
"The devil can make people do things if they listen to him," she says.
He is often surrounded by small men with devil horns who do his bidding.
But the devil is in the details of those conditions, if there are conditions.
"I made a deal with the devil," Jonas says, taking a sip of whiskey.
We signed a deal with the devil, obviously, that's how we got our talent.
More often than not, the devil is in the details — or in the context.
"You can admire Trump's sentiment, but the devil is in the detail," Nixey said.
Harry, you handsome devil, why did you schedule your album release for finals week?
The three-part limited series Serial Killer: Devil Unchained premieres Monday at 9 p.m.
Although as it turns outs, the devil is more of a pipe guy actually.
In the next video, Legend makes his Devil Wears Prada: B Movie Reenactment debut.
That might sound like a no-brainer, but the devil is in the details.
The track, memorably, was featured prominently, opening the modern classic The Devil Wears Prada.
It didn't have the devil or someone getting cut up on the front cover.
Come, my devil-eared friend, and take me into your lair of soothing respite.
In 1989, she starred in She-Devil as the mother of Meryl Streep's character.
"If you do not vote ANC, it's like choosing to be with [the] devil."
He was dubbed the "Devil in Adoption" by adoption advocates and quit last year.
Will Del Monte rue the day it decided to dance with the pseudoscience devil?
The Devil has returned to Broadway, with the power to make the strong tremble.
They were regarded by Islamic State militants and other jihadist groups as devil-worshippers.
I don't want to be the devil, but one hit probably wouldn't hurt you.
The original Let the Right One In, I Saw the Devil, and The Host?
"You can always find the next devil that needs to be sold," she said.
The Devil gives the kratt a soul, making it the slave of its creator.
The first one, "Devil May Care," was released in 1956 on the Bethlehem label.
Kelly, 28, fired back days later, dropping the song "Rap Devil" just days later.
While "privatization" sounds like a great a concept, the devil is in the details.
Now those once abundant Tasmanian devil populations have been decimated by contagious facial tumors.
"The devil is going to be in the details of the implementation," Bohm said.
He actually called her the devil and said she has hate in her heart.
Every night since I got home from the hospital, I've been nursing the devil.
Drugging a devil is no easier and no harder than cutting her baby's fingernails.
Her devil is in a large cat carrier, its fur poking through the holes.
"I definitely referred to him as the [bleeping] devil," she replied, bright as sunshine.
"The Devil Inside" is another horror movie that didn't live up to audience expectations.
The obvious hype-monster here is the devil you don't know, the rookie Dixon.
He's had the devil chemical and now he's got a hole in his stomach.
Stones is harder, so how about "Sympathy for the Devil" and "Jumping Jack Flash"?!
According to the country's conservatives, it's the product of the devil, of Western depravity.
When I was young I simply thought my feelings were the devil tempting me.
Their early hits weren't about the devil or drugs or getting your rocks off.
The Devil Wears Prada is a movie we keep returning to for many reasons.
That's when it clicked, and Devil May Cry 5's guiding ethos became clear.
There is still plenty about Whittaker's game that is wild and devil may care.
A friend of his from Mexico went insane and saw spirits and the devil.
The devil, especially when it comes to the oil industry, is in the details.
These devil characters come up to you during the carnival, and they whack you!
"It's like a bargain with the devil," said Naseim Omeish, 25, a development official.
Watching The Devil and Daniel Johnston for the first time was a shattering experience.
Kristín Anna: I Must Be the Devil is released by Bel-Air Glamour Records.
And after we lost the campaign the devil did give me my soul back.
"Beat the Devil" is a film whose supposed shortcomings are actually its appealing qualities.
If the [number of the] Devil is 666, [the number of] God is 777.
With Trump in office, the devil is running around ass-naked in the streets.
We all sold our souls to the devil so the model could become famous.
"The devil is in the details," said Erik Josowitz, an insurance analyst at
But is taking down those demons down making a deal with the devil himself?
Documents entered into evidence throughout the trial showed Mr. Shkreli as devil-may-care.
You'll wake up feeling more refreshed and less like mornings are the devil incarnate.
He rattled off a list of animals: Tasmanian devil, kangaroo, wombat, kookaburra and koala.
Tom Brady (lucky devil) is the husband of: (a.) "Project Runway" host Heidi Klum.
In Juanita's eyes, Manson was both the devil and a reincarnation of Jesus Christ.
Collateral Beauty, directed by David Frankel (The Devil Wears Prada), will open Dec. 16th.
For far too many others," he writes, Trump will "be the devil they know.
Sometimes St. Nick stops by on Christmas Eve, and sometimes the devil drops in.
For playoff expansion specifically, the devil of those discussions will be in the details.
"Speaking of the devil, here they go!" he exclaimed in his thick Jamaican accent.
Here, the devil is very much in the details and specifically in the definition.
Yet it's hardly happily ever after for a young woman running from the Devil.
As for Google's pledge specifically, the devil, as always, will be in the details.
His last was in "Making a Deal With the Devil," a 2019 F.B.I. drama.
Fire hazards Even if you're dressed as the devil, you don't want to burn.
An all-star team is helping bring The Devil Wears Prada to the stage.
Ms. Della Femina, even with her devil-may-care sashay, is organized and responsible.
"What the devil meant for bad, God's going to turn it into something good."
And she had asked me to play, "Sympathy for the Devil," which I did.

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