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122 Sentences With "vocabularies"

How to use vocabularies in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "vocabularies" and check conjugation/comparative form for "vocabularies". Mastering all the usages of "vocabularies" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Despite their competing internal energies, they form coherent visual vocabularies.
The languages of large, literate societies usually have larger vocabularies.
Yet mime, like acting and dance, has distinct schools and vocabularies.
In the lab, biological, metaphorical, and even slightly Kafkaesque vocabularies conflate.
Here, all the artists are conversant with many idioms and vocabularies.
Yeah, we start to become part of people's vocabularies, that's good.
Hollywood at its best puts more aspirations in more people's vocabularies.
Few vocabularies are as rich as the vernacular used by baseball scouts.
If anything, 18-year-olds who swear more have bigger vocabularies on average.
The poems are often themselves complex systems, their vocabularies interlocking like machine parts.
There are few canine prodigies with larger vocabularies, and they had intensive training.
Marsh possesses one of the largest vocabularies of mark-making that I know of.
Sure enough, dynamics, rhythms, speeds, geometries, directions and vocabularies kept changing at the Walker.
To 'google' something was already a part of both people's vocabularies and the dictionary.
On average, impoverished children have smaller vocabularies, below average reading skills and lower test scores.
He finds cues in concept art or the idiosyncratic vocabularies that so many games employ.
Just look, after all, at their rich, technical vocabularies, and the complex industrial societies that they serve.
Around the same time, separate researchers found that a few other species had similar vocabularies of danger.
The Ghanaian artist Atta Kwami has one of the most flexible abstract vocabularies of any painter today.
They grew on me, as I know they grew on countless others, and we developed shared visual vocabularies.
Watch the video above to learn more about the universal pattern across many of the world's color vocabularies.
In the mini-computer and mainframe eras, the prevailing wisdom was that you'd want these very rich vocabularies.
Where to get the most accurate information about COVID-19Quite quickly, "coronavirus" has pervaded vocabularies across the world.
And we might also more quickly land on some common conventions, vocabularies, and grammars for speaking to them.
In the paintings I have described, you encounter three or four different, abstract vocabularies in a single work.
Granted, budgie vocabularies tend to be pretty limited, but they'd really only need to learn "I am Groot," anyway.
Our essays are all manufactured from crushed souls — a passive voice with extravagant vocabularies — constantly interpreting, but never relating.
Another cord has drawings of faces in different emotional states, so the children can expand their vocabularies around feelings.
Museums & Galleries The Ghanaian artist Atta Kwami has one of the most flexible abstract vocabularies of any painter today.
Working small, they fruitfully extended the geometric vocabularies of Constructivism, Mondrian and late Kandinsky with local colors and repurposed materials.
There's this idea of an open, you know, I talked about these vocabularies being, this idea of an open vocabulary.
Parents: Brace yourselves for a dark turn in your children's senses of humor and a marked improvement in their vocabularies.
And there are a few other dogs with shockingly large vocabularies, Dr. Fugazza said, including mixed breeds, and a Yorkie.
I want to commend you on expanding the vocabularies of your young readers, with words like: paedophile, rapist, wife-beater, Nazi.
But Buckman's work is also indebted to the vocabularies of print and social media, where commodity consumption and pop-feminism converge.
Af Klint, who brought together a range of vocabularies her work, made no separation between sign, representation, diagram, and color wheel.
Usually, she brings together two vocabularies, beginning with a brushy, solid, or modulated ground made of a thin coat of paint.
Good Willsmith is pretty democratic in our approach, and at this point anything goes because we know our vocabularies so well.
Burton's essay is really about how astrology and witchcraft have become important spiritual vocabularies within parts of the social justice movement.
Teachers who don't have rich vocabularies or groundings in math and science can't impart those things to their students, he says.
Using a fusion of styles — African dance mixed with hip-hop and modern vocabularies — the work told a tale of gun violence.
From early medieval times to the present day, Hindus and Muslims have borrowed from each other's religious vocabularies, with sometimes surprising results.
Crockett's vocabularies, ranging from solid to porous to semi-transparent, have their own distinct material presence, which she never calls attention to.
One classic study demonstrated that three-year-olds from professional families had two-times larger vocabularies than children whose families were on welfare.
And 6-month olds who share regular playtime with dad have bigger vocabularies by age 21625 than those who play only with mom.
This means lessons and activities that expand children's oral vocabularies and knowledge, so they know the meaning of the words they can decode.
Continuing proof that comic books and TV shows have very different vocabularies, and that converting the first into the second requires hard choices.
The researchers tested the device with different tasks, including games of chess and basic multiplication and addition problems, using limited vocabularies of 20 words.
That combination of vocabularies from various languages is the best way to honor all of Tasmania's original tongues, she told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.
But this show uses the disparity between words and music to suggest how inadequate most people's vocabularies are in conveying their most ardent longings.
With a poet's ability to connect disparate dots, Ada grasped that his invention could manipulate vocabularies beyond numbers, something Babbage neither anticipated nor recognized.
Jio undid the tyranny of flatness by introducing gradated tones into his bands, thereby melding two seemingly incommensurable vocabularies: volumetric surfaces with flat ones.
On this basis, Lek's practice and continuing series continues to explore the vocabularies of a post-human world, art, consciousness, god, and even enlightenment.
Scribblenauts Unlimited, Nintendo Wii U Kids can learn about puzzle solving while exercising their vocabularies and stretching their imaginations in this highly creative puzzle adventure.
And once Wilson interrupts the presented narrative using the very vocabularies of established museum methods, he cracks open the "artificial boundaries" typically governing museum work.
In what was absolutely a good use of my time, I've assembled the definitive, arbitrary ranking of these latest additions to our pictorial vocabularies. 123.
In "Serrulata" (2018), the artist layers multiple vocabularies and processes — patterns, pours, splotches, and drips — without trying to order them into an all-over composition.
Between outside influences and the diversity of the subcontinent's own indigenous communities and tribes, India has yielded one of the most magnificent pattern vocabularies ever.
These Bosch-like accounts are grotesque and whimsical, painting landscapes of destruction from the basic vocabularies of both contemporary culture and ages-old apocalyptic imagery.
To these recognizable physical vocabularies Cunningham added startling weight shifts and surprising directional changes, creating a sense of staggering physical awareness edging into pure aesthetics.
Girls around 30 months tend to have higher vocabularies than boys—a "well-recognized female advantage" in early-childhood language development, they write in their study.
He paints in a number of manners and vocabularies, and in doing so, he resists subjective readings based on related motifs and a consistent painterly approach .
On a more basic level, who doesn't notice that some people have larger vocabularies than others, can solve harder math problems or organize more complex projects?
The viral sprawl of the false DC story meant that people who'd never heard of missing white woman syndrome suddenly had the phrase in their vocabularies.
Engels the Artist doesn't seek out these other vocabularies — he is firmly a painter, but one who employs a number of deconstructive tools in his work.
"Parents: Brace yourselves for a dark turn in your children's senses of humor and a marked improvement in their vocabularies," Neil Genzlinger wrote in The Times.
Lomas says we should try doing the same thing as adults but with untranslatable words, so that we add ever more complexity to our emotional vocabularies.
For the collaborative collection designed by the Mulleavys and Vevers, they were interested in exploring the idea of mixing the vocabularies of New York and Los Angeles.
The choreographer Guillaume Côté draws on a range of vocabularies, from ballet to jazz to contemporary, in a production that interweaves digital media with the analogue world.
When they're not showing off their vocabularies, they are cluing entries in ways that are positively evil, both aided and abetted by Will Shortz and Joel Fagliano.
For all of the variety in painting tools and the often conflicting painterly vocabularies, from sophisticated to blunt and flatfooted, the paintings don't feel collaged or arbitrary.
The different vocabularies that she brings together — a repeated arch and the drop of black paint spreading on the painting's surface — evoke order, repetition, dispersal and decay.
The study found that 10% of both populations (96 of the SELMA children and 37 of the TIDES children) had language delays of vocabularies under 50 words.
Winning the Scripps National Spelling Bee is an impressive academic achievement: Not only do its champions boast frighteningly large vocabularies, but they're all under the age of 15.
What we're missing here are fresh visual vocabularies and art narratives that might account for the kinds of relations and responsibilities in which we currently find ourselves entangled.
Too often, our vocabularies get saturated by meaningless buzzwords, and they can creep into our résumés and cover letters, but these words often make a reader's eyes glaze over.
Also, words that kids look up in the onboard dictionary are automatically saved as flashcards that they'll be able to go back and review to help build their vocabularies.
Librarians spent decades figuring out how to best organize its constantly growing collections, which would render systems dated as their contents reflected new industries, and thus required new vocabularies.
For example, stressful environments can impair a child's developing executive function—the skills that help us think, learn, plan, focus, develop strong vocabularies, synthesize abstract concepts, and succeed in school.
She hypothesized that perhaps it was because Gorky had masked his subjective experience of being a genocide survivor and refugee in exchange for being able to explore progressive aesthetic vocabularies.
The difference between natural and computer languages is not merely one of degree, with natural languages' involving vocabularies that are several orders of magnitude larger than those of computer languages.
The attentive viewer is apt to end up scrutinizing every inch of the composition, as the differences both underscore and complement the divergent vocabularies that Jio has deftly joined together.
To no one's surprise, the young subjects experienced far fewer tip-of-the-tongue failures than the seniors, even though they had smaller vocabularies over all, according to other tests.
Gropius, who late in the war had been buried alive for three days, somehow went on to invent one of the most buoyant and optimistic vocabularies in any artistic medium.
I had done a sabbatical at DEC, where they were doing this conventional wisdom, as I mentioned earlier, about the really rich vocabularies, and it led to a bunch of bugs.
The homophonic title embodies the paradoxical stakes of Consciousness Razing: the monuments, histories, institutions, and vocabularies that currently stand are untenable, yet those that are to come will be radically insufficient.
"The collection details important architectural trajectories in the decades which witnessed shifts away from high modernism to early postmodern vocabularies, and then to high-tech and digital architectures," Ms. Casciato said.
Words can mean different things to different people, and native English speakers, with their broader vocabularies, are more likely to use idioms and slang that can confuse those unfamiliar with the language.
But it is difficult to find something new to say, because the war is ongoing, as it has been for seven years of exhausted vocabularies, and because -- really -- we still don't care.
In addition to debuting the new iPhone 11 (and trying to add new vernacular to people's vocabularies), Apple also revealed two higher-end iPhone models, a new iPad model, and new Apple Watches.
C. E. Morgan has more nerve, linguistic vitality and commitment to cosmic thoroughness in one joint of her little finger than the next hundred contemporary novelists have in their entire bodies and vocabularies.
She took work as a hospice nurse because the location of the facility was convenient and she needed to pay the bills, but soon developed a mission to bridge the vocabularies of theology and medicine.
The Next Generation, after all, overlapped on the air for a couple of seasons with Dawson's Creek — another show ostensibly about teenagers, but ones whose vocabularies and problems weren't exactly familiar to the average high schooler.
"It saddens me when I think about how much vocabularies are shrinking — I know mine is, and there's only so much I can blame on lactation," writes Fisher about what inspired her to create the series.
The movement's rise to popularity bewildered and alarmed the military dictatorship, which in 503 imprisoned the two rising stars, and then exiled them to London (where they added more English, and English rock, to their vocabularies).
"The language of seduction coming from a non-millennial tended to be cheesy Cinemax dialogue," he told me—a theory that presupposes that older women aren't pulling their sex vocabularies from other sources like romance novels.
What's most notable about this show — beyond the weight of history and the creation of new cultural vocabularies, or the identifying of overlooked ones — is Mr. Akomfrah's facility in working with moving images on multiple screens.
These forces have combined to ensure that issue upon issue mimics the slavery debate in generating opposed vocabularies, opposed sets of facts, irreconcilable data, driving the factions further and further apart until civil discussion becomes impossible.
These fictional languages usually have limited vocabularies with only a few thousand words, and other than Esperanto—two million people speak it today, mostly concentrated in Europe, East Asia, and South America—they haven't really caught on.
There are analogues in nearly every art: modes and vocabularies that we accept in the work of the past but which seem, in new work, like period reënactment or, if the seams are exposed, like postmodern bricolage.
But for most typically developing kids, special interests and special subjects are a source of endless bedtime stories, specialized vocabularies, themed birthday parties and Halloween costumes (we put in quite a few pirate years in my house).
Even the title of this volume gives a taste of Wright's method of blending vocabularies: the word "oblivion" boasts a provenance in Western philosophy and literature, while the sound of the banjo brings back the "tinkly hymns" of Wright's Southern childhood.
Engels the Artist doesn't seek out these other vocabularies — he is firmly a painter, but one who employs a number of deconstructive tools in his work: canvases are ripped and punctured, wooden stretchers protrude, staples are applied to the paintings' facades.
I believe creating and cluing them with one group in mind, whether they are older folks like me or younger solvers who have quite different vocabularies and interests, makes some unhappy but minimizes some opportunities to learn from each other's generational knowledge base.
We talked earlier about how biologists and engineers are raised in very different disciplines with very different vocabularies, and creating opportunities for these people from different cultures, essentially, to come together is a challenge, but it's a challenge that, I think, we can meet.
Interestingly enough, Monkman was once an abstract painter before undergoing a massive stylistic shift: "I moved away from abstraction years ago, because the trajectory of reducing painting into smaller vocabularies ultimately leads to work that is too personal and cryptic," the painter tells Creators.
The three artists in this touching exhibition of drawings and lithographs (subtitled "A Kinngait Family Portrait") were grandmother, mother and daughter, and each established quite distinct artistic vocabularies in Cape Dorset (or Kinngait, as it is called in Inuktitut, the local language) in northern Canada.
Meantime there are hundreds of kids from the sixth through 12th grades in the N.A.I. During high school, their first class every day is taught in a room on U.S.C.'s campus, so that college is demystified and becomes a fixed part of their vocabularies.
The MyFirstBananagrams letter tiles can also be used to play ten other mini word games that are designed to help children expand their vocabularies and hone their spelling skills so that they'll soon be able to move up to the more traditional version of the game.
I'd name many other Mexicans, men and women, who drew more productively on surrealist, folk and indigenous vocabularies to force a new art after the revolution, including Rivera, the wily modernist Dr. Atl, the Mexico-based Englishwoman Leonora Carrington and the ripe-for-rediscovery Alice Rahon.
We'll have to develop — we're already beginning to develop — whole new vocabularies of "virtual literacy" … and whole new forms of storytelling that may have more in common with video games, and immersive theater like Punchdrunk's Sleep No More, and Third Rail Projects' Then She Fell, than traditional screen narratives.
When you put it in virtual memory or you put it in floating point, all the advantages... DP: There's also a philosophical argument that led to a lot of anger, which was the belief that with these bigger, richer vocabularies, the hardware would be closer to the software.
And because it's less necessary for advice columns to respond to the more straightforward stuff that can be easily Googled (to the point where LMGTFY is an actual website), they skew more heavily toward the philosophical, developing their own subgenres and vocabularies — they're not just for old people or housewives anymore.
In this show — which ranges from large, multi-panel works to ones you can hold in your hand — what impressed me most were the different vocabularies she had gathered together, from images and patterns inspired by Japanese art to natural forms seen under a microscope to tight patterns derived from fractals.
It's a blunt but effective rhetorical confiscation, in which a battle-ready right relishes its ability to seize, inhabit and neutralize the arguments and vocabularies of its opponents, reveling in their continued inability to formulate any sort of answer to the trusty old ''I know you are, but what am I?
Such misunderstandings and missteps provide us with the opportunity to realize that queer people don't come preprogrammed with gender and sexuality studies degrees and vocabularies, and that generous allies inside the community can sometimes help those negotiating their identities to see anti-LGBT bias they may have absorbed and reproduced, often unwittingly.
In addition to bringing "men with sophisticated vocabularies for sexual variation into contact with those with no sophistication in sexuality or culture," World War I also severely limited the sexes' access to each other; when they marched off to defend their country, men were mostly separated from women, and often traumatically so, for extended periods of time.
Inspired by a similar study of heavy metal lyrics (the most metal word turned out to be "burn," if you're curious), two individuals (one who goes simply by the name "The DataFace") have mapped out the vocabularies of seemingly every major rapper and used that data to create an incredibly comprehensive map of ad-libs, punchlines, and subject matter.
"Pidgin and creole studies had generally been dismissed, largely because creole languages in particular were thought to be spoken almost exclusively by poor people of color and were considered to be bastardized versions of the European languages that contributed their vocabularies," said Sarah Thomason, a linguist at the University of Michigan and an associate editor of The Journal of Historical Linguistics.
Rather than trying to present a definitive picture of Sakamoto (which would be impossible here), I'd like to take as an entry point works that fit within the former branch that I described—music that reaches out towards new, undefined places, music that is experimental and adventurous, at times obtuse and difficult, and always working to push boundaries and create new vocabularies.
In allowing students the opportunity to seriously engage art and a range of artmaking practices over the course of their childhoods, Free Arts NYC not only empowers students to develop the grit and character skills needed to negotiate poverty, it also exposes a diverse group of youths to the arts, an unintended effect being that Free Arts NYC kids are building visual vocabularies that make art more accessible.
We see this in the willing stockpiling of techie jargon into individual vocabularies (the Androids, the iPhones, the lesser-seen Surface Books); the new word coinages (blockchain), the new and expanding uses for existing words (a 'message' is a noun; 'message me' an imperative verb asking someone to send you an IM); the creative portmanteaus (glasshole is a particularly good one), the tech-obsessed idioms (I don't have bandwidth for that right now), and so on and on.

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