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250 Sentences With "glossaries"

How to use glossaries in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "glossaries" and check conjugation/comparative form for "glossaries". Mastering all the usages of "glossaries" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Even with such comprehensive glossaries, however, results can be inconclusive.
Translators search their entomological glossaries for suitable "Ungeziefer" alternatives but to no consensus.
These enhanced editions available only on iBooks include sigils and family trees and glossaries.
The glossaries, on the other hand, may come as a bit of a letdown to old-school wordniks.
To that end, these misogyny clusters have created glossaries for their acronyms, offer cheat sheets, and have their own language patterns.
He says it's made with non-fiction readers in mind, who often jump around books to check glossaries, endnotes, and other referential material.
MacFarlane spent years collecting words from all over Britain, in all of its dialects, which are given in glossaries and read like a gift.
Ms. Rice's cadre of sexy vampires evolved from pop-Gothic fantasy creations into figures so complicated they required their own glossaries in later novels.
Enter Stranger Things, which has inspired full glossaries of its references and occasionally lifts shots and sequences wholesale from other movies and TV shows.
Downloadable glossaries (say, between a national and a regional language) can help an aid worker with a smartphone render technical terms in a way locals will understand.
Luckily for those who never met Bil, his final opus is a posthumously published cookbook full of recipes, glossaries, musings, arguments, and conversations with fishermen about seafood.
The app can also read stories out loud, and includes glossaries, so users can look up any words they don't know and check how to pronounce them.
To keep their emotions in check, they carefully prepare for an assignment: building glossaries in advance, reading voraciously about the subject matter, and reviewing previous talks on the topic.
Hoyaken is stocked with magazines and bilingual glossaries of "kigo," haiku words used to connote the season like cicada for summer, scarecrow for autumn and the winter-blooming camellia.
Shieling, gneiss, pash, choss, sheep-fank: While reading Robert Macfarlane's essays in "Landmarks" you'll want to pause to say the words — collected in glossaries throughout — aloud, savoring their pronunciations and meanings.
These Enhanced Editions offer iBooks users an interactive experience, with the ability to access secondary material, including interactive character maps, definitions of the various houses referenced in the novel, annotations, glossaries, and more.
The GIST also have has a robust social media presence (mostly on Instagram and Twitter), as well as a website full of resources like guides, glossaries, FAQs and deep-dive interviews on female athletes.
The US Census Bureau now offers glossaries and other information in a total of 59 languages, including Lithuanian, Somali and American Sign Language -- all of them spoken most commonly in more than 2,000 households.
Long before someone tweeted "That's not OK!" there were netiquette guides and rule books, glossaries, and jargon guides, like The New Hacker's Dictionary, available in text-only format for download, or Hitchhiker's Guide to the Internet, first released in 22019. Bibles.
This book feels like an antidote to that, as startling and interesting and fizzy as the word "zugs," which in Exmoor refers to "little bog islands, about the size of a bucket," and is one of dozens of unexpected terms compiled in the glossaries that punctuate this book.
But if the only way we can get people to pay attention to a storm is by pulling the scariest-sounding terms from the depths of meteorological glossaries and slapping them in all caps across Twitter feeds, then there is something wrong with the larger media landscape—which I guess is no surprise.
"If They Come for Us" encompasses clear, compact free verse, ghazals (a kind of couplet with South Asian roots), a crown of sonnets and poems that imitate Mad Libs, glossaries, floor plans and crosswords, all set against the kinds of frustration and injustice, existential and political, that Asghar has seen or known.
Then I spent a week or so looking through glossaries of boxing terminology, and while I found a few "almosts" (the locker room attendant THREW IN THE TOWEL), I couldn't find enough to justify the larger grid size — though I suspect that Merl Reagle, God bless him, could have made it work without straining his brain one iota.
As a devotee of The Dictionary of American Regional English, I was disappointed to find Mr. McClelland's glossaries light on entries like "devil strip" (as the grassy area between the sidewalk and the street is known in Akron, Ohio) and "n' at" (a Pittsburghism, short for "and that," which is tacked on to the end of a sentence to mean "et cetera").
For glossaries that relate primarily to one game or family of similar games, see Game-specific glossaries.
The Theosophical Glossary by Helena Blavatsky was first published in 1892. Some other important theosophical glossaries are the Encyclopedic Theosophical Glossary by Gottfried de Purucker and the Collation of Theosophical Glossaries.
The earliest history of Old English lexicography lies in the Anglo-Saxon period itself, when English-speaking scholars created English glosses on Latin texts. At first these were often marginal or interlinear glosses, but soon came to be gathered into word-lists such as the Épinal-Erfurt, Leiden and Corpus Glossaries. Over time, these word-lists were consolidated and alphabeticised to create extensive Latin-Old English glossaries with some of the character of dictionaries, such as the Cleopatra Glossaries, the Harley Glossary and the Brussels Glossary.Patrizia Lendinara, ‘Anglo-Saxon Glosses and Glossaries: An Introduction’, in Anglo-Saxon Glosses and Glossaries (Aldershot: Variorum, 1999), pp. 1–26.
Wordfast products can support multiple TMs and glossaries. Text-based TMs can store up to 1 million TUs and glossaries can store up to 250,000 entries each. Wordfast Pro 5 TMs can store up to 5 million TUs and glossaries over 1 million entries each. Wordfast is able to use server-based TMs, and retrieve data from machine translation tools (including Google Translate and Microsoft Translator).
In some cases, the material in these glossaries continued to be circulated and updated in Middle English glossaries, such as the Durham Plant-Name Glossary and the Laud Herbal Glossary.Das Durhamer Pflanzenglossar: lateinisch und altenglish, ed. by Bogislav von Lindheim, Beiträge zur englischen Philologie, 35 (Bochum-Langendreer: Poppinghaus, 1941). Old English lexicography was revived in the early modern period, drawing heavily on Anglo- Saxons' own glossaries.
In translation work, translation segments are compared with translation units stored in the translation memory, and exact or fuzzy matches can be shown and inserted in the translated text. Glossaries are handled by the integrated terminology module. Glossaries can be imported in TMX or delimited text formats and exported as delimited text or MultiTerm XML. Glossaries can include two or more languages or language variants.
This is a glossary featuring terms used across different areas in mathematics, or terms that do not typically appear in more specialized glossaries. For the terms used only in some specific areas of mathematics, see glossaries in :Category:Glossaries of mathematics.
Please see the bottom of the page for glossaries of specific fields of engineering.
The Corpus Glossary is one of many Anglo-Saxon glossaries. Alongside many entries which gloss Latin words with simpler Latin words or explanations, it also includes numerous Old English glossaries on Latin words, making it one of the oldest extant texts in the English language.
The importance of Afrikaans glossaries was realised early on. The first published works that appeared include English-Afrikaans glossaries for automotive terms, grocers terms and butchers term. Professor PJ Nienaber was the first editor of the "Handhaaf en hou"-series (Maintain and build), which published shoemaker terms, cooking terms and photographic terms. Later English-Afrikaans glossaries for rugby, football, cricket, shooting, bridge, athletics, boxing, swimming, water polo, tennis, billiards, hockey, basketball and golf terms were published.
In 2011, in collaboration with the Development and Application Service, TermCoord introduced the "Glossary Links" tool to enable users to search in its collection of glossaries by keyword, languages, source or category.From words to the deeds. "More than 100 new monolingual, bilingual & multilingual glossaries". Retrieved on 21 February 2014.
A number of helpful glossaries appear near the end of CPS including Medical Abbreviations, and Latin Prescription Terms.
In older Glossaries there were listings following both columbite and tantalite that referred the reader to ferrocolumbite, magnocolumbite, manganocolumbite, and so on.
The manuscript contains three Latin-Old English glossaries. The First Cleopatra Glossary (folios 5r-75v) is alphabeticised by first letter, drawing on a wide range of sources, including a glossary more or less identical to the Third Cleopatra Glossary, material related to the Corpus Glossary, and a glossed text of Isidore of Seville's Etymologiae.Phillip Pulsiano, ‘Prayers, Glosses and Glossaries’, in A Companion to Anglo-Saxon Literature, ed. by Phillip Pulsiano and Elaine Treharne (Oxford, 2001), p. 218; Patrizia Lendinara, ‘Anglo-Saxon Glosses and Glossaries: An Introduction’, in Anglo-Saxon Glosses and Glossaries (Aldershot, 1999), pp. 1–26 (pp. 22-26); Wolfgang Kittlick, 'Die Glossen der Hs. British Library, Cotton Cleopatra A. III: Phonologie, Morphologie, Wortgeographie', Europäische Hochschulschriften: Reihe XIV, Angelsächsische Sprache und Literatur, 347 (Frankfurt am Main, 1998) §§2.2, 14.2.5; cf. 14.1.5.
This glossary of structural engineering terms pertains specifically to structural engineering and its sub-disciplines. Please see glossary of engineering for a broad overview of the major concepts of engineering. Most of the terms listed in glossaries are already defined and explained within itself. However, glossaries like this one are useful for looking up, comparing and reviewing large numbers of terms together.
Such a society was first proposed by Aldis Wright in 1870. It was founded in 1873 with W. W. Skeat as its secretary. The society's publications were divided into four series: bibliographies, reprinted glossaries, original glossaries and miscellanies. One unsatisfactory feature of the publications is that they are often arranged by counties whereas dialect boundaries rarely coincide with county boundaries.
Phillip Pulsiano, 'Prayers, Glosses and Glossaries', in A Companion to Anglo-Saxon Literature, ed. by Phillip Pulsiano and Elaine Treharne (Oxford, 2001), p. 218.
In medieval Europe, glossaries with equivalents for Latin words in vernacular or simpler Latin were in use, such as the Leiden Glossary (ca. 800 CE).
Most of the terms listed in Wikipedia glossaries are already defined and explained within Wikipedia itself. However, glossaries like this one are useful for looking up, comparing and reviewing large numbers of terms together. You can help enhance this page by adding new terms or writing definitions for existing ones. This glossary of civil engineering terms pertains specifically to civil engineering and its sub-disciplines.
Most of the terms listed in Wikipedia glossaries are already defined and explained within Wikipedia itself. However, glossaries like this one are useful for looking up, comparing and reviewing large numbers of terms together. You can help enhance this page by adding new terms or writing definitions for existing ones. This glossary of engineering terms is a list of definitions about the major concepts of engineering.
Most of the terms listed in Wikipedia glossaries are already defined and explained within Wikipedia itself. However, glossaries like this one are useful for looking up, comparing and reviewing large numbers of terms together. You can help enhance this page by adding new terms or writing definitions for existing ones. This glossary of mechanical engineering terms pertains specifically to mechanical engineering and its sub-disciplines.
Most of the terms listed in Wikipedia glossaries are already defined and explained within Wikipedia itself. However, glossaries like this one are useful for looking up, comparing and reviewing large numbers of terms together. You can help enhance this page by adding new terms or writing definitions for existing ones. This glossary of aerospace engineering terms pertains specifically to aerospace engineering and its sub-disciplines.
For glossaries, OmegaT mainly uses tab-delimited plain text files in UTF-8 encoding with the .txt extension. The structure of a glossary file is extremely simple: the first column contains the source language word, the second column contains the corresponding target language words, the third column (optional) can contain anything including comments on context etc. Such glossaries can easily be created in a text editor.
Most of the terms listed in Wikipedia glossaries are already defined and explained within Wikipedia itself. However, glossaries like this one are useful for looking up, comparing and reviewing large numbers of terms together. You can help enhance this page by adding new terms or writing definitions for existing ones. This glossary of calculus is a list of definitions about calculus, its sub-disciplines, and related fields.
Computational approaches to the automated extraction of glossaries from corporaJ. Klavans and S. Muresan. Evaluation of the Definder System for Fully Automatic Glossary Construction. In Proc.
Warren H. Held, Jr, William R. Schmalstieg, Janet E. Gertz, c. 1987, Slavica Publishers, Inc. w/ Glossaries, Sign List, Indexes; Sign List, pp. 180-202, tu, no.
Irish Archeological Society.Stokes, W. (Ed.). (1862). Three Irish Glossaries: Cormac's Glossary Codex A. O'Davoren's Glossary and a Glossary to the Calendar of Oingus the Culdee. Williams & Norgate.
This glossary of medical terms is a list of definitions about medicine, its sub-disciplines, and related fields. Most of the terms listed in Wikipedia glossaries are already defined and explained within Wikipedia itself. However, glossaries like this one are useful for looking up, comparing and reviewing large numbers of terms together. You can help enhance this page by adding new terms or writing definitions for existing ones.
A collection of glosses is a glossary. A collection of medieval legal glosses, made by glossators, is called an apparatus. The compilation of glosses into glossaries was the beginning of lexicography, and the glossaries so compiled were in fact the first dictionaries. In modern times a glossary, as opposed to a dictionary, is typically found in a text as an appendix of specialized terms that the typical reader may find unfamiliar.
In 2008, Velázquez Press began creating products to help Spanish-speaking English Language Learners. Recognizing that many Spanish-speaking immigrants lack the vocabulary or language skills to understand classroom content, the company launched a line of subject-specific glossaries for students to use in the classroom, at home, and on state standardized testing. Velázquez Press has created subject-specific glossaries for math, science, social studies, and language arts.
Encyclopedias have existed for around 2,000 years, although even older glossaries such as the Babylonian Urra=hubullu and the ancient Chinese Erya are also sometimes described as "encyclopedias".
Most of the terms listed in Wikipedia glossaries are already defined and explained within Wikipedia itself. However, glossaries like this one are useful for looking up, comparing and reviewing large numbers of terms together. You can help enhance this page by adding new terms or writing definitions for existing ones. This glossary of electrical and electronics engineering is a list of definitions of terms and concepts related specifically to electrical engineering and electronics engineering.
The database currently contains links to about 1800 multilingual, bilingual and monolingual glossaries and dictionaries publicly available online. The glossaries are categorised according to the various domains featured in parliamentary texts. Another helpful resource is the DocHound page – a one-stop reference page with links to various document types used in EU institutions or their respective search pages, where translators can find all kinds of reference documents they might need for their translations.
Much more powerful than first- generation TM systems, they include a linguistic analysis engine, use chunk technology to break down segments into intelligent terminological groups, and automatically generate specific glossaries.
Hittite version of ARAD-(ÌR)Held, Schmalstieg, Gertz, 1987. Beginning Hittite, Glossaries, Sign List, p. 56, ÌR. and the common cuneiform sign usage in the Amarna letters. EA 364, from Ayyab.
Cooke found that about half the entries in the glossary derive from earlier Anglo-Saxon glossaries, with the closest parallels being afforded by the Corpus Glossary of c. 800 and the Cleopatra Glossaries of the tenth century:Jessica Cooke, 'Worcester Books and Scholars, and the Making of the Harley Glossary: British Library MS. Harley 3376', Anglia, 115 (1997), 441–68 (p. 456-57). about two- thirds of the material in the latter appears in the Harley Glossary.
6, 2015. The Minnesota and IEEE P 1622 glossaries, on the other hand, refer to EBM and electronic ballot marker (or electronically-assisted ballot marker).2016 Election Terminology Guide, Minnesota Secretary of State, Apr.
Traditions of Edinburgh by Robert Chambers. W & R. Chambers. p. 171 Glossaries of the dialects of Yorkshire (1878), Cheshire (1886), and Northumberland (1892) equate crack variously with "conversation", "gossip", and "talk".Castillo, John (1878).
Each entry gave the phonetic notation, definition, and citations from dictionaries, rime dictionaries, histories, and other classic literature (Yong and Peng 2008: 220). In addition to their value in establishing the Chinese interpretation of Buddhist technical terms, these "pronunciation and meaning" glossaries also serve as important sources for studying the Chinese phonology of their times (Buswell and Lopez 2013: 1031). Besides the yinyi phonological and semantic glossaries of Chinese Buddhist terms, there were also collections of translated terms in the sutras, such as the Fānyì míngyì jí 翻譯名義集 "Collection of Translated Buddhist Terms" by Fayun 法雲 (467-529) and Fān fànyǔ 翻梵語 "Translating Sanskrit" by Bao Chang 寶唱. In a strict sense, neither the glossaries nor the collections can be considered Sanskrit-Chinese bilingual dictionaries (Yong and Peng 2008: 369).
The manuscript of the Corpus Glossary, Cambridge Corpus Christi College, 144, dates to the 8th century. The manuscript in fact contains two glossaries, the first of which is short, and the second of which (fols. 4–64v, to which the name 'Corpus Glossary' usually refers) is much longer. This latter contains almost the full text of the Épinal-Erfurt glossary (deriving independently from the same archetype as the Épinal and Erfurt manuscripts), along with about as much extra material again.Phillip Pulsiano, ‘Prayers, Glosses and Glossaries’, in A Companion to Anglo-Saxon Literature, ed.
In a 2005 study, J. N. Adams, Michael Lapidge and Tobias Reinhardt observe that "the exhumation of (poorly understood) Greek words from Greek-Latin glossaries for purposes of stylistic ornamentation was widespread throughout the Middle Ages." In the preface to his 1962 edition of Æthelweard's Chronicon, Campbell referred to the "hermeneutic tradition". In 1975, Michael Lapidge developed Campbell's distinction in an essay on the "hermeneutic style". He stated that the term implies that the vocabulary is based mainly on the Hermeneumata, a name for certain Greek-Latin glossaries.
Google Translator Toolkit was an online computer-assisted translation tool (CAT) - a web application designed to allow translators to edit the translations that Google Translate automatically generates using its own and/or user-uploaded files of appropriate glossaries and translation memory. With the Google Translator Toolkit, translators could organize their work and use shared translations, glossaries and translation memories. It allowed translators to upload and translate Microsoft Word documents, OpenDocument, RTF, HTML, text, and Wikipedia articles. Google Translator Toolkit was supported by Google Translate, a web-based translation service.
According to slang glossaries of the early 1920s, the term "dumb Dora" referred to any young woman who was scatter- brained or stupid."Flappers Make Bums Blush With Latest English." Washington (DC) Herald, March 13, 1922, pp. 1, 3.
As such, boxouts will often be seen containing things like glossaries and author biographies. On web pages they frequently contain hyperlinks to related articles. In terms of design, boxouts help to break up the page and make it more visually interesting.
D. II. Vol. 3, Translation of the Anglo-Norman passages in Liber albus, glossaries, appendices, and index., Proper Cite: City of London (England), Henry T. Riley, and John Carpenter. Munimenta Gildhallæ Londoniensis: Liber albus, Liber custumarum, et Liber Horn.
This glossary of ecology is a list of definitions of terms and concepts in ecology and related fields. For more specific definitions from other glossaries related to ecology, see Glossary of biology, Glossary of evolutionary biology, and Glossary of environmental science.
The envelope had glossaries of airplanes and ships; an Aircraft Identity Corps identity card and instructions. At war's end, the volunteers also received a brass Volunteer Aircraft Observers button for his lapel pin and certificate of thanks from Canada's Department of National Defence.
A dictionary is to be distinguished from a glossary. Although numerous glossaries publishing vernacular words had long been in existence, such as the Etymologiae of Isidore of Seville, which listed many Spanish words, the first vernacular dictionaries emerged together with vernacular grammars.
Bled, Slovenia. Interoperability is usually understood as the capability of autonomous systems "to exchange information and be able to use it",Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. IEEE Standard Computer Dictionary: A Compilation of IEEE Standard Computer Glossaries. New York, NY: 1990.
A recent history of Chinese lexicography (Yong and Peng 2008: 371) call Huilin's Yiqiejing yinyi "a composite collection of all the glossaries of scripture words and expressions compiled in and before the Tang Dynasty" and "the archetype of the Chinese bilingual dictionary".
The book has been re-released as a trade paperback, with French flaps, glossaries, and author biography. It is also available as a full-cast audiobook featuring Lori Jablons, R.F. Daley, Shane Johnson, Jim Meskimen and Tait Ruppert, and directed by Jim Meskimen.
This glossary of agriculture is a list of definitions of terms and concepts used in agriculture, its sub-disciplines, and related fields. For other glossaries relevant to agricultural science, see Glossary of biology, Glossary of ecology, Glossary of environmental science, and Glossary of botany.
She also uses numerous other sensory techniques, like sound, and smell, to create new environments and experiences for viewers. Recurring themes in Soares' work are interpersonal relationships, glossaries, labyrinths, and gardens, elements through which the artist alludes to mythology, literature, and to art history itself.
Currently FUEL Project is working in 40 different languages worldwide. It helps the user to translate and understand different computer terminologies in his own native language. Additionally, the content and glossaries are provided as open source. They are completely free to access by user.
Kittlick's linguistic investigation showed that some, at least, of the glosses in the Third Cleopatra Glossary are in the Anglian dialect of Old English, with later overlays from West Saxon and Kentish (probably in that order). The glossary-- though not necessarily all its entries--must have originated in the eighth century.Wolfgang Kittlick, 'Die Glossen der Hs. British Library, Cotton Cleopatra A. III: Phonologie, Morphologie, Wortgeographie', Europäische Hochschulschriften: Reihe XIV, Angelsächsische Sprache und Literatur, 347 (Frankfurt am Main, 1998), §§2.2, 14.3.2. About two thirds of the material in the Cleopatra Glossaries also occurs in the later Harley Glossary.Phillip Pulsiano, ‘Prayers, Glosses and Glossaries’, in A Companion to Anglo-Saxon Literature, ed.
His best-known poems are Áfangar and Í Árnasafni. One of his discoveries at the institute is the pair of glossaries that are the only documentation on Basque–Icelandic pidgin. In 1923 he married Þórunn Ástriður Björnsdóttir (1895-1966) and in 1975 married Agnete Loth (1921-1990).
"Topographic Map. A map that presents the horizontal and vertical positions of the features represented; distinguished from a planimetric map by the addition of relief in measurable form." This definition is used in many glossaries of map terminology. and "thematic maps" that focus on specific topics.M.-J.
Dialects, &c.;, of the Counties of Great Britain, of which about sixteen came out, including original glossaries of Essex, Gloucestershire, Dorset, Cumberland, and Berkshire. In 1851 he published A Descriptive and Critical Catalogue of Works, illustrated by Thomas and John Bell. This was compiled by himself.
Universal Terminology eXchange (UTX) format is a standard specifically designed to be used for user dictionaries of machine translation, but it can be used for general, human- readable glossaries. The purpose of UTX is to accelerate dictionary sharing and reuse by its extremely simple and practical specification.
From Glossaries to Ontologies: Extracting Semantic Structure from Textual Definitions, Ontology Learning and Population: Bridging the Gap between Text and Knowledge (P. Buitelaar and P. Cimiano, Eds.), Series information for Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, IOS Press, 2008, pp. 71-87. or a computational lexicon.R. Navigli.
67 The pyramid style article format was retained, but italicization of potentially unfamiliar words was dropped for esthetic purposes, though potentially difficult words such as palaeographic, miscarriage and recession were still defined in context. Major articles such as computer and genetics had glossaries for technical terms.
This volume also contains chapters on wine and coffee. # Plated-Dish Recipes, consists primarily of 48 more complex recipes, each of which includes both a main dish and various accompaniments. The index to the set appears in this volume, along with two glossaries and a set of reference tables.
This glossary of nanotechnology is a list of definitions of terms and concepts relevant to nanotechnology, its sub-disciplines, and related fields. For more inclusive glossaries concerning related fields of science and technology, see Glossary of chemistry terms, Glossary of physics, Glossary of biology, and Glossary of engineering.
Today the advanced agencies provide the information on their websites in an understandable way, often categorized for different groups of users. Several glossaries have been set up by different organizations or statistical offices to provide more information and definitions in the field of statistics and consequently official statistics.
Mícheál Ó Cléirigh was a Franciscan and head of the Four Masters. He compiled another famous glossary called ‘Sanasán Mhichíl Uí Chléirigh’ (Michael O’Clery's Glossary). This glossary was printed in 1643 during the author's lifetime. These two glossaries and others are valuable for the etymological and encyclopaedic information contained in them.
This glossary of evolutionary biology is a list of definitions of terms and concepts used in the study of evolutionary biology, population biology, speciation, and phylogenetics, as well as sub-disciplines and related fields. For additional terms from related glossaries, see Glossary of genetics, Glossary of ecology, and Glossary of biology.
Mathews returned to Melbourne in 1945. Three years later, the Australian Department of Defence engaged him to work on the translation of archival material and the compilation of glossaries. Initially a part-time position, this was extended to a full-time position from 1951. After six years, Mathews retired in 1957.
The earliest dictionaries in the English language were glossaries of French, Spanish or Latin words along with their definitions in English. The word "dictionary" was invented by an Englishman called John of Garland in 1220 — he had written a book Dictionarius to help with Latin "diction".Mark Forsyth. The etymologicon.
Two early glossaries of some words from the Champion Bay Amangu were collected. One, by R. J. Foley, was published in a work by Augustus Oldfield in 1865, and the other was gathered by the Colonial Secretary of Western Australia Roger Goldsworthy, and published by E. M. Curr two decades later.
Mirza Mahdi Ashtiyyani has made glossaries for Asfar. In 1958, Allameh Muhammad Hosein Tabatabae'i and Allameh Muzaffar edited the book in a new version presented in nine volumes. In 1974, Javad Mosleh translated Asfar into Persian. In 1989, Ayatullah Abdullah Javadi-Amoli published a commentary in Persian entitled Raheeq-e Makhtum.
Development of TermWiki began in 2009, using MediaWiki software as a development platform. The tool was formally released in May 2010 and has added several functions since then including translator and reviewer workbenches, pages on featured terms, and the ‘My Glossary’ module for managing glossaries (2011/01/19). . Retrieved 2011-03-18.
The Byzantine Karaites, showed a knowledge of Greek philosophical terminology. Rabbinic authors spiced their comments with Greek phrases. The familiarity of Romaniote Jewry with the Greek language is well documented. Biblical translations, Piyyutim, Folksongs, Ketubbot, Liturgical instructions, Glossaries, Mystical texts and the use of Greek words in Commentaries in Judaeo-Greek are known.
This is a glossary of terms that relate to flamenco arts.Sources: The Bibliography contains eight books. Two (by Batista, and Pemartin) are entirely arranged alphabetically, and five other books contain alphabetic glossaries. Otherwise, individual references sometimes are given in footnotes to the text, usually when the source information is not presented alphabetically.
Other named folders include ones for automatic consultation within the program: /tm/ for existing translation pairs in .tmx format, /tm/auto/ for automatic translation of 100% matches, /glossary/ for glossaries, /dictionary/ for StarDict (and .tbx) dictionaries. When the user goes to translate a segment in the Editor pane, OmegaT automatically searches the .
Ham Mukasa (left) with Apolo Kagwa, 1902 Ham Mukasa (c. 1870–1956) was a vizier in the court of Mutesa I of Buganda (in present-day Uganda) and later secretary to Apolo Kagwa. He was fluent in both English and Swahili. He wrote one of the first glossaries of the Ganda language.
In addition to original research articles, 'another section publishes previews, reviews, analytical articles, commentaries, essays, correspondence, current nomenclature lists, glossaries, and schematic diagrams of cellular processes. Features include "PaperClips" (short conversations between a Cell editor and an author exploring the rationale and implications of research findings) and "PaperFlicks" (video summaries of a Cell paper).
Scottish Gaelic Texts Society logo The Scottish Gaelic Texts Society is a text publication society established "to provide the publication of texts in the Scottish Gaelic language, accompanied by such introductions, English translations, glossaries and notes as may be deemed desirable." It was established in 1934.Home. Scottish Gaelic Texts Society. Retrieved 3 February 2019.
Multiple theories for the etymology of "armscye" have been proposed. The scholarly etymology has the origin as "arm" + "scye." The first documented use of "scye" in print is by Jamieson (1825) Suppl.: "sey," a Scots and Ulster dialect word (written also scy, sci, si, sie, sy in glossaries) meaning ‘the opening of a gown, etc.
There are six phonemic tones in the Chiangmai dialect of Northern Thai: low-rising, mid-low, high-falling, mid-high, falling, and high rising-falling.Gedney, William J., and Thomas J. Hudak. William J. Gedney's Tai Dialect Studies: Glossaries, Texts, and Translations. Ann Arbor, MI: Center for South and Southeast Asian Studies, The University of Michigan, 1997. Print. (pronounced ) is a major social learning network that allows users to learn, discover, share, and store personal terms and glossaries in 1487 domains in 97 languages.TCWorld (2011/03). . Retrieved 2011-04-15. The site emphasizes collaboration, with a forum, a question/answer module, messaging features that encourage user interaction, and discussion pages on each term.
DocBook files are used to prepare output files in a wide variety of formats. Nearly always, this is accomplished using DocBook XSL stylesheets. These are XSLT stylesheets that transform DocBook documents into a number of formats (HTML, XSL-FO for later conversion into PDF, etc.). These stylesheets can be sophisticated enough to generate tables of contents, glossaries, and indexes.
5, October 2013, p. 47. His first two novels in particular – Search Sweet Country (1986) and Woman of the Aeroplanes (1988) – were praised for their linguistic originality, both books including glossaries that feature the author's neologisms as well as Ghanaian words.B. Kojo Laing (Bernard Kojo Laing) Biography - (1946–2017), (Bernard Kojo Laing), Search Sweet Country, Woman of the Aeroplanes.
UTX (Universal Terminology eXchange) is a simple glossary format. UTX is developed by AAMT (Asia-Pacific Association for Machine Translation). A tab- separated text format that contains minimal information, such as source language entry, target language entry, and part-of-speech entry. UTX is intended to facilitate rapid creation and quick exchanges of human-readable and machine-readable glossaries.
Initially, UTX was created to absorb the differences between various user dictionary formats for machine translation. The scope of the format was later expanded to include other purposes, such as glossaries for human translations, natural language processing, thesaurus, text-to-speech, input method, etc. UTX could be used to improve the efficiency of localization for open source projects.
On the day of her wedding to the artist Brum, Stephanie elopes with the undertaker Max at the autumn equinox. Thus begins an epic novel encompassing astrology, astronomy, antiquarian glossaries, mortuary science, fencing guilds, love, sex and Commedia Dell’Arte, spanning the dream-lives of a community of modern day characters during the medieval carnival season of Fasching.
The published transcription allotted each item an index number to facilitate further study. The team of editors provided a thematic index of generic headings in alphabetical order. Within the index many heading provide short glossaries. This indexing solution to the large number of royal possessions has itself a helpful introduction running to three and half pages.
In 1953, Alistair Campbell argued that there were two principal styles of Latin in Anglo-Saxon England. One, which he called the classical, was exemplified by the writings of Bede (c. 672–735), while the English bishop Aldhelm (c. 639–709) was the most influential author of the other school, which extensively used rare words, including Greek ones derived from "hermeneutic" glossaries.
In addition to his glossaries, he produced important new editions of Byzantine historians and a number of other works. His extensive history of Illyria was not published until 1746 by Joseph Keglevich, who partially corrected it.Illyricum vetus et novum, 1746. Du Cange is one of the historians Edward Gibbon cites most frequently in his Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.
The Yale Edition of the Complete Works of St. Thomas More is the standard scholarly edition of the works of Thomas More, published by Yale University Press. The first of the fifteen volumes to be published (volume 2) appeared in 1963, and the last (volume 1) in 1997. The English works are provided with glossaries, and the Latin works with facing English translations.
Prints of these photographs are at the Africana Museum in Johannesburg. Sir George Grey commissioned him to capture live animals and to compile glossaries of the Bantu languages. Chapman kept diaries throughout his journeys, but his Travels in the Interior of South Africa appeared only in 1868, shortly before his death. Chapman travelled at times with Francis Galton and C.J. Andersson.
Oxford English Drama editions offer a selection of plays, selected from an author's œuvre or as an anthology of plays linked by topic or theme (e. g. Four Revenge Tragedies). Renaissance, Restoration and eighteenth-century plays have glossaries of archaic words appended, in addition to the usual array of critical material. The series' general editor is Michael Cordner of the University of York.
Since 1996, however, Nicaraguans have been writing their language by hand and on computer using There are now many texts written in Nicaraguan Sign Language, including three volumes of reading lessons in ISN, Spanish I and II (two levels of texts, workbooks and primers), Cuentos Españoles (a collection of stories in Spanish with ISN glossaries), and a geography text.
The existence of similar glossaries from Akkadian times (explaining Sumerian logograms) led an Assyriologist, Erich Ebeling, to explain that many of the words in the Frahang were derived from Sumerian or Akkadian. This led to a number of "far-fetched interpretations,". which were then subsequently incorporated into a number of later interpretations, including those of Iranists, so effectively making even these unreliable.
This is a very rarely used term. It was defined in the 1966 book, The genera of flowering plants (Angiospermae), as a specific term for a flower head of a plant in the family Asteraceae. However, on-line botanical glossaries do not define it and Google Scholar does not link to any significant usage of the term in a botanical sense.
In the glossaries, faecce is given as a lemma (a word to be glossed); given that most such words in these glossaries are in Latin, it ought to be a Latin word, but no such Latin word is known, leading some scholars to suggest it may by Old Irish. Since it is glossed with the Old English word mære, which denotes female supernatural being associated with causing illness and nightmares, it could be the origin of the Hiberno-English fetch. Recent research has not arrived at a consensus on this question.Alaric Hall, 'The Evidence for Maran, the Anglo-Saxon "Nightmares"', Neophilologus, 91 (2007), 299–317 (p. 301), .William Sayers, 'A Hiberno-Norse Etymology for English Fetch: “Apparition of a Living Person”', ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes and Reviews, 30:4 (2017), 205-209 (p.
Alternative names are provided in (braces) but usage of tango related names varies: for example entrada and sacada or voleo and boleo may be used to describe the same steps. The names used here follow many sources including English instructional DVDs (such as Christy Coté and George Garcia DVDs published by Dancevision), Argentine DVDs which often have English subtitles, internet resources, and published books and glossaries.
A software developer uploads a locale source file to a Phrase project. The person in charge of managing the localization process can either assign the translations to their translators or order them from a professional translation service provider directly in Phrase. While translating, linguists have access to screenshots, glossaries and other features that provide context. When translations are ready, the developer downloads the translated content, e.g.
Drawing on his Paris experience, he employed comparative techniques and worked with glossaries by Hungarian, German and British writers that included Romanian proverbs.Regneală, p. xxviii In early 1878, his position at Saint Sava became full-time, and turned into a permanent job in 1882. Later in the year, he was hired to teach Romanian language and literature in the upper section of Matei Basarab.
Way's widow presented the Society of Antiquaries with 150 volumes of dictionaries and glossaries from her husband's library, and two volumes of his drawings of prehistoric and other remains. She also presented his collection of several thousand impressions of medieval seals, which became the basis of the largest classified collection of British seal impressions. The Society possesses a wax medallion portrait of Way by R. C. Lucas.
Chinese characters do not appear in the main text of the book and the system of romanization used is Wade-Giles, not pinyin. There are no footnotes but there are references in the text. Three glossaries give Chinese characters for terms, proper names, and titles for books, sections of books, and articles. There is also an index and a list of books that are suggested further reading.
Although translation is done within the browser environment, users can also download unfinished translations in Wordfast Pro 5's TXLF bilingual format as well as in a bilingual review format that can be handled by many other modern CAT tools. Users of Wordfast Classic and Wordfast Pro 3 and 5 can connect to translation memories and glossaries stored on Wordfast Anywhere directly from within their respective programs.
The Iron Duke was written and published in the July 1940 issue of the pulp magazine "Five-Novels Monthly". The Iron Duke is from the Golden Age series which Galaxy Press started re-publishing in 2008. The book has been re- released in paperback, with glossaries, and author bio. It is also available as a full-cast audiobook, with full sound effects and music, featuring Michael Yurchak.
These are glossaries. Among the non-minor scholia are mythological (allegorical) aetia, plots, and paraphrases, explaining the meanings of obscure words. The order of precedence and chronological order of these Iliad scholia is D, A, bT, and other. Material in them probably ranges from the 5th century BCE (the D scholia) to as late as the 7th or 8th century CE (the latest bT scholia).
A Parallel Persian-English Text, Edited and Translated with an Introduction and Notes by W.M. Thackston Jr. and Hossein Ziai. Costa Mesa: Mazda Publishers: Bibliotheca Iranica: Intellectual Traditions Series, No.3, 1999. # The Philosophy of Illumination. English translation of Suhrawardî's Hikmat al-Ishrâq, plus a new critical edition of the Arabic text, with Introduction, Notes, and Glossaries of technical terms, by John Walbridge and Hossein Ziai.
The entire curriculum has been broken into component subjects, chapters and topics. Each topic constitutes a module of learning consisting of several granular learning objects such as video lectures, slides, animations of concepts, textual notes, glossaries, questions relevant to the topic, book and journal references, etc. The approach to development, quality practices adopted during development and content presented in product have been inspected and approved by MCI.
Two national member societies (Canadian, American) of the International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS) maintain and publish glossaries of scientific terms. Other soil science societies defer to the American glossary. The term agrology is not in use. Edaphology or crop edaphology in combination with soil management would be the preferred approach used by soil scientists to concisely describe soil science as it applies to crop production.
Also, the manuscript contains valuable information on Cosmas of Aetolia and his journeys through Albania. Constantine also compiled two Greek-Albanian glossaries comprising a total of 1,710 entries, most of Albanian words belong to the Berat dialect and are commonly used there. He also wrote a short passage containing another original Albanian alphabet which resembles the Glagolitic-Cyrillic script. Only two verses are written in this alphabet.
As such, translators can use potential translations in sentences and test them with different structures and syntax. Correct translations from English for specific purposes into other languages is crucial in various industries and legal systems. Inaccurate translations can lead to 'translation asymmetry' or misunderstandings and miscommunication. Many technical glossaries of English translations exist to combat this issue in the medical, judicial, and technological fields.
Even after the subsequent co- ordination of British and American operation procedures there were still many characteristics which made it easy to distinguish the units of each Army. They used different operating signals and different abbreviations for identical service branches and units. In phone communication, differences in enumeration was the most striking contrast. Special dictionary and glossaries were provided to intercept staff to help identify idiomatic phrases.
If I Were You was written and published in 1940, and contains the pulp fiction style fantasy, danger, and the supernatural. If I Were You is from the Golden Age series which Galaxy Press started re- publishing in 2008. The book has been re-released in paperback, with French flaps, glossaries, and author bio. It is also available as a full-cast audiobook, with music and sound effects, featuring Nancy Cartwright.
The first dictionaries compiled in Irish independent of an accompanying text are described as Glossaries. It is most likely that these were put together from glosses already appended to other texts. Sanas Cormaic (Cormac's Glossary) is the most famous of these and was compiled over one thousand years ago. It was compiled by Cormac Mac Cuileannáin, the Bishop of Cashel and king of Munster, who died in 908.
The pre-Sargonian period of the 26th to 24th centuries BC is the "Classical Sumerian" stage of the language. The cuneiform script was adapted to Akkadian writing beginning in the mid-third millennium. Our knowledge of Sumerian is based on Akkadian glossaries. During the "Sumerian Renaissance" (Ur III) of the 21st century BC, Sumerian was written in already highly abstract cuneiform glyphs directly succeeded by Old Assyrian cuneiform.
The Triumph of Confessionalism in Nineteenth- Century German Lutheran Missions p. 80 Later Graul wrote Bibilotheca Tamulica seu Opera Praecipua Tamuliensium (1854–1865). A work in 4 volumes, it contains in its third and fourth volumes the first complete translation of the Tirukkural in Latin, German, and the standard spoken Tamil with notes and glossaries. It was published by his student Wilhelm Germann the year after Graul's death in Erlangen.
After numerous dictionaries and glossaries of a less-than-comprehensive nature came a thesaurus that attempted to include all German, Kaspar Stieler's Der Teutschen Sprache Stammbaum und Fortwachs oder Teutschen Sprachschatz (1691), and finally the first codification of written German, Johann Christoph Adelung's Versuch eines vollständigen grammatisch-kritischen Wörterbuches Der Hochdeutschen Mundart (1774–1786).Schiller called Adelung an Orakel and Wieland is said to have nailed a copy to his desk.
Papias (fl. 1040s–1060s) was a Latin lexicographer from Italy. Although he is often referred to as Papias the Lombard, little is known of his life, including whether he actually came from Lombardy. The Oxford History of English Lexicography considers him the first modern lexicographerHans Sauer, "Glosses, Glossaries, and Dictionaries in the Medieval Era," in The Oxford History of English Lexicography (Oxford: Clarendon Press,2009 ), vol.1, p.
Egerton MS 88 is a late sixteenth-century Irish manuscript, now housed in the British Library Egerton Collection, London. It is the work of members of the O'Davorens (Irish: Ó Duibhdábhoireann), a distinguished family of lawyers in Corcomroe, Co. Clare, and was compiled between 1564 and 1569 under the supervision of Domhnall Ó Duibhdábhoireann. The document is an important collection of medieval Irish legal texts, literature, grammatical works and legal glossaries.
Albanian Grammar: With Exercises, Chrestomathy and Glossaries. Collab. on and translated by Leonard Fox. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. 1984. p. 305. and she is present as a character in Albanian Wonder Tales, by George Post Wheeler: The Boy who killed the Dîf, The Boy who took the Letter to the World where the Dead live, The Boy who was fated to be a King and The Boy who was Brother to the Drague.
Jonathan Martin, "Coalition of Liberals Strikes Back at Criticism From Centrist Democrats", The New York Times, December 5, 2013. The site features a participatory political encyclopedia ("DKosopedia"), glossaries, and other content. It is sometimes considered an example of "netroots" activism. Daily Kos was founded in 2002 by Markos Moulitsas and takes the name Kos from the last syllable of his first name, his nickname while in the military.
' (, ) is a Sanskrit term for a traditional collection of words, grouped into thematic categories, often with brief annotations. Such collections share characteristics with glossaries and thesauri, but are not true lexicons, such as the kośa of Sanskrit literature. Particular collections are also called '. While a number of nighantavas devoted to specialized subjects exist, the eponymous Nighantu of the genre is an ancient collection, handed down from Vedic times.
The Qamus al-Muhit is the first handy dictionary in Arabic, which includes only words and their definitions, eliminating the supporting examples used in such dictionaries as the Lisan and the Oxford English Dictionary."Ḳāmūs", J. Eckmann, Encyclopaedia of Islam, 2nd ed., Brill 1612 Vocabolario dell'Accademia della Crusca In medieval Europe, glossaries with equivalents for Latin words in vernacular or simpler Latin were in use (e.g. the Leiden Glossary).
After the 2007 edition was published, Ron Herbst and the staff of Barron's Educational Series drastically reorganized the book, breaking out much of the material into specialized glossaries on subjects like chocolate, liqueurs, charcuterie, and spices. This edition was published in hardcover as The Deluxe Food Lover's Companion and included a marker ribbon bound into the spine. The 2013 fifth edition received a similar treatment in April 2015.
A terminologist intends to hone categorical organization by improving the accuracy and content of its terminology. Technical industries and standardization institutes compile their own glossaries. This provides the consistency needed in the various areas--fields and branches, movements and specialties--to work with core terminology to then offer material for the discipline's traditional and doctrinal literature. Terminology is also then key in boundary-crossing problems, such as in language translation and social epistemology.
In response to a personal copyright taken out by Bishop John Lancaster Spalding, various editions include annotations or other modifications. While the approved text had to remain the same in the catechisms, by adding maps, glossaries or definitions publishers could copyright and sell their own version of the catechism. The Baltimore Catechism was widely used in many Catholic schools until many moved away from catechism-based education, though it is still used in some.
Small devoted his leisure time to literary work. His first larger publication was a volume, English Metrical Homilies … Edited, with an Introduction and Notes, Edinburgh, 1862. He was the chief associate of Cosmo Innes in editing the Journal of Andrew Halyburton, published in 1867. Thereafter his chief labour was expended on editing, with careful glossaries and indices, the works of early Scottish poets, viz. The Poetical Works of Gavin Douglas, 4 vols.
Grendler, p114. These were usually in the form of fables or poems. New students generally started off with easy basic grammar, and steadily moved into harder Latin readings such as the Donatus (Ars Minor stage), which was a syntax manual that was memorized, or even more advanced with glossaries and dictionaries. Although many teachers used many books that varied from person to person, the most popular textbook would have been the Doctrinale.
Tables of contents and glossaries may be managed with some automation. The user interface and editing features have been described as nearly identical to Apple's Keynote and Pages products. Apple clarified its position on rights of ebooks generated by iBooks Author on Feb 3, 2012 to address some controversy that its ebooks could be sold only through the Apple Bookstore, specifying that only books carrying the .ibooks suffix were subject to such restrictions.
One of its missions is to collect and distribute socio-linguistic data, in order to approach language revival with a basis in science and facts. It must collect data on the Breton language (Arsellva ar brezhoneg) and publish it, and advise communes on bilingual signage and place names. It supports TermBret, the cooperative terminology service which publishes glossaries. In addition, it assists individuals, administrations and businesses who want to use the Breton language.
In London, there were comments on the different dialects recorded in 12th-century sources, and a large number of dialect glossaries (focussing on vocabulary) were published in the 19th century.Petyt (1980), p.37 Philologists would also study dialects, as they preserved earlier forms of words. In Britain, the philologist Alexander John Ellis described the pronunciation of English dialects in an early phonetic system in volume 5 of his series On Early English Pronunciation.
Interoperability is a characteristic of a product or system, whose interfaces are completely understood, to work with other products or systems, at present or in the future, in either implementation or access, without any restrictions. While the term was initially defined for information technology or systems engineering services to allow for information exchange,Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. IEEE Standard Computer Dictionary: A Compilation of IEEE Standard Computer Glossaries. New York, NY: 1990.
On August 18, 2009, W3C released the new standard that builds a bridge between the world of knowledge organization systems – including thesauri, classifications, subject headings, taxonomies, and folksonomies – and the linked data community, bringing benefits to both. Libraries, museums, newspapers, government portals, enterprises, social networking applications, and other communities that manage large collections of books, historical artifacts, news reports, business glossaries, blog entries, and other items can now use SKOS to leverage the power of linked data.
"The Great Secret" was written and published in April 1943 of Science Fiction Stories/Future Science Fiction magazine. The Great Secret is from the Golden Age series which Galaxy Press started re-publishing in 2008. The book has been re-released in paperback, with glossaries, and author bio. It is also available as a full-cast audiobook, with full sound effects and music, featuring Bruce Boxleitner, Lynsey Bartilson, R.F. Daley, Jim Meskimen, Josh Robert Thompson, and Chuck White.
Glossaries for Chinese circulated among the missionaries from early on. Robert Morrison's A Dictionary of the Chinese Language (1815-1823), noted for its fine printing, is one of the first important Chinese dictionaries for the use of Westerners. Due to the status of Guangzhou as the only Chinese port open to foreign trade and exchange in the 1700s, Cantonese became the variety of Chinese that came into the most interaction with the Western world in early modern times.
Attached to the communique was a letter from Flight Lieutenant H. H. Graham, commanding officer of Torbay Airport, No. 1 Group RCAF, St. John's; glossaries of airplanes and ships; an identity card; and procedural instructions. At war's end, Aircraft Identity Corps volunteers in Canada and the Dominion of Newfoundland received a brass Volunteer Aircraft Observer button and certificate of thanks from Canada's Department of National Defence. Some Aircraft Detection Corps Newfoundland volunteers qualified for the United Kingdom's Defence Medal.
Dead Men Kill was written and published in the July 1934 issue of the pulp magazine "Thrilling Detective". Dead Men Kill is from the Golden Age series which Galaxy Press started re- publishing in 2008. The book has been re-released in paperback, with glossaries, and author bio. It is also available as a full-cast audiobook, with full sound effects and music, featuring R.F. Daley, Jim Meskimen, Jennifer Aspen, Lori Jablons, John Mariano and Matt Scott.
High German dictionaries began in the 16th century and were at first multi-lingual. They were preceded by glossaries of German words and phrases on various specialized topics. Finally interest in developing a vernacular German grew to the point where Maaler could publish a work called by Jacob Grimm "the first truly German dictionary", Joshua Maaler's Die Teutsche Spraach: Dictionarium Germanico-latinum novum (1561). It was followed along similar lines by Georg Heinisch: Teütsche Sprache und Weißheit (1616).
16th tablet of the Urra=hubullu lexical series, Louvre Museum The cuneiform lexical lists are a series of ancient Mesopotamian glossaries which preserve the semantics of Sumerograms, their phonetic value and their Akkadian or other language equivalents. They are the oldest literary texts from Mesopotamia and one of the most widespread genres in the ancient Near East. Wherever cuneiform tablets have been uncovered, inside Iraq or in the wider Middle East, these lists have been discovered.
By using the toolkit, they can view translations previously entered by other users in the "Translation search results" tab, or use the "Dictionary" tab to search for the right translations for hard-to-find words. In addition, translators can use features like custom, multi-lingual glossaries and view the machine translation for reference. They can also share their translations with their friends by clicking the "Share" button and inviting them to help edit or view their translation.
Arbanasi (Arbanasi language: Arbëneshë)1984 Martin Camaj, Leonard Fox "Albanian Grammar: With Exercises, Chrestomathy and Glossaries", page xi is a community in the Zadar region, Croatia, of Albanian origin, who traditionally speak the Arbanasi dialect of Gheg Albanian. Their name means Albanians in Croatian and is the toponymy of the first Arbanasi settlement in the region, which today is a suburb of Zadar. In Albanian literature, they are known as "Albanians of Zadar" (Arbëreshët e Zarës).
Though both left their name in the Ottoman literature, according to the historian Mustafa Âlî who knew the family members, none of them rose at the level of their father. Beside being a judge, Ali was a very industrious writer, producing a number of glossaries and commentaries on Islamic theological works. His notable work was Akhlak-ı Ala'i written in 1564 and dedicated to the beylerbey of Syria, Ali Pasha. It is a high end study on ethics.
There he participated in the Chicago Assyrian Dictionary project under professor A. Leo Oppenheim, focusing on etymological references. Salonen received his PhD in 1950. From 1949 to 1978 he held the position of associate professor of Assyrian and Semitic Philology at the University of Helsinki. His research interests focused on the material culture and everyday life of Mesopotamia, such as its watercraft, vehicles and doors; a large part of his work consists of thematic glossaries of specialized terminology.
In Finland, there is a clear reciprocation of trust between employers and employees.European industrial relations glossaries (2009) Employer's Managerial Prerogative, available at (Accessed: 14 October, 2014). The employees are expected to show a certain level of subordination to the employer as well as respect secondary duties such as following instructions given to them by employers. Loyalty is also seen as an essential part of most businesses in Finland, and it is seen as a secondary duty as well.
In the Middle Ages the two most important defining elements of Europe were Christianitas and Latinitas. The earliest dictionaries were glossaries: more or less structured lists of lexical pairs (in alphabetical order or according to conceptual fields). The Latin-German (Latin-Bavarian) Abrogans was among the first. A new wave of lexicography can be seen from the late 15th century onwards (after the introduction of the printing press, with the growing interest in standardisation of languages).
The International Permafrost Association (IPA) is an integrator of issues regarding permafrost. It convenes International Permafrost Conferences, undertakes special projects such as preparing databases, maps, bibliographies, and glossaries, and coordinates international field programmes and networks. Among other issues addressed by the IPA are: Problems for construction on permafrost owing to the change of soil properties of the ground on which structures are placed and the biological processes in permafrost, e.g. the preservation of organisms frozen in situ.
Among the general lexicons or glossaries are: Du Fresne du Cange, "Glossarium ad scriptores mediae et infimae graecitatis" (2 vols., Lyons, 1688); Du Fresne du Cange, "Glossarium ad scriptores mediae et infimae latinitatis"; Forcellini, "Lexicon totius latinitatis" (Padua, 1771, often reprinted). "Thesaurus linguae latinae" (begun at Leipzig, 1900) # Palaeography, a methodical introduction to the reading and dating of all kinds of manuscript sources. It was first scientifically investigated and formulated by Mabillon, De re diplomaticâ (Paris, 1681).
In the view of Angelika Lutz his prose was influenced by Anglo-Saxon heroic poetry as well as Latin and Greek sources: "That it was later viewed as a failure may be attributed both to his limited command of Latin grammar and his extreme stylistic pretensions." In 2005 Lapidge reflected: > Thirty years ago, when I first attempted to describe the characteristic > features of tenth-century Anglo-Latin literature, I was rather naively > bedazzled by the display of vocabulary which one encounters there. Because > much of the vocabulary appeared to derive either from Aldhelm or from > glossaries of the type called "hermeneumata", I followed scholarly tradition > and described the style as "hermeneutic", on the assumption that the > principal impulse behind the verbal display was that of dazzling the reader > with arcane vocabulary exhumed from Greek-Latin glossaries and authors such > as Aldhelm. I now suspect that the perception needs modification: that the > authors' principal aim was not obfuscation, but was their (misguided, > perhaps) attempt to reach in their prose a high stylistic register.
In 1960 it renamed as 112th Army Division ().112th Army Division, 1960. In January 1961 it became one of the first ten combat alert divisions of the army, which made it a "big" division under PLA glossaries, as a fully manned and equipped division. In 1962 the division was designated as a "Northern" unit, Catalogue A. In 1966 it moved to Gaobeidian, Hebei province with the Corps HQ. In 1968 it started to convert to a northern motorized army division.
The extensive glossaries of the D-scholia were intended to bridge the gap between the spoken language and Homeric Greek. The poems themselves contradicted the general belief in the existence and authorship of Homer. There were many variants, which there should not have been according to the single-author conviction. The simplest answer was to decide which of the variants was most likely to represent a presumed authentic original composition and to discount the others as spurious, devised by someone else.
Jesuit missionaries were active among indigenous peoples in New France in North America, many of them compiling dictionaries or glossaries of the First Nations and Native American languages they had learned. For instance, before his death in 1708, Jacques Gravier, vicar general of the Illinois Mission in the Mississippi River valley, compiled a Kaskaskia Illinois–French dictionary, considered the most extensive among works of the missionaries. Extensive documentation was left in the form of The Jesuit Relations, published annually from 1632 until 1673.
Ibrahim al-Laqani () was a mufti of Maliki law, a scholar of Hadith, a scholar of theology and author of one of the most popular didactic poems on Ash'ari theology (Jawharat at-Tawhid) which became the subject of numerous commentaries and glossaries. One such was by his son 'Abd al-Salam al-Laqani. Al-Laqani studied under notable Hanafi, Maliki and Shafi'i scholars, but only issued fatwas in the Maliki school. He was also a professor at al-Azhar university of Cairo.
Over the years, the 10/40 Window has evolved from a specialist term used by Christian missiologists to assumed vocabulary for Christians in the West. It is an emerging term in the secular pressTIME: The 10/40 Window and can be found in press style glossaries. Non-western writers and organizations also refer to the 10/40 Window. Society for world mission/mission network/Srilanka-ŔĚ˝ÂČŻźąąłťç In addition, those opposed to the idea of evangelism make use of the term.
Weblio is a free integrated bilingual dictionary website and online encyclopedia for Japanese-speaking sites operated by the Weblio Corporation. Weblio can perform a bulk search on a variety of dictionaries, encyclopedias and glossaries, and return results. The dictionary facility includes Kenkyūsha's New Japanese-English Dictionary and 70 other Japanese–English and English–Japanese dictionaries with 4,160,000 English words and 4,730,000 Japanese words. As of January 20, 2016, a total of 665 dictionaries, encyclopedias and glossary sites can be searched in full.
Reference works include dictionaries, encyclopedias, almanacs, atlases, bibliographies, biographical sources, catalogs such as library catalogs and art catalogs, concordances, directories such as business directories and telephone directories, discographies, filmographies, glossaries, handbooks, indices such as bibliographic indices and citation indices, manuals, research guides, thesauruses, and yearbooks. Many reference works are available in electronic form and can be obtained as reference software, CD-ROMs, DVDs, or online through the Internet. A reference work is useful to its users if they attribute some degree of trust.
Cotton MS Cleopatra A.iii is an Anglo-Saxon manuscript once held in the Cotton library, now held in the British Library, containing three glossaries which important evidence for Old English vocabulary, as well as for learning and scholarship in Anglo-Saxon England generally. The manuscript was probably written at St Augustine's, Canterbury, and has generally been dated to the mid-tenth century,N. R. Ker, Catalogue of Manuscripts Containing Anglo-Saxon (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1957), pp. 180-82 [no. 143].
This 10-chapter dictionary had entries taken from 226 Buddhist scriptures. Each entry gave the phonetic notation, definition, and citations from dictionaries, rime dictionaries, histories, and other classic literature (Yong and Peng 2008: 220). In addition to their value in establishing the Chinese interpretation of Buddhist technical terms, these "pronunciation and meaning" glossaries also serve as important sources for studying the Chinese phonology of their times (Buswell and Lopez 2013: 1031). Copies of the Yiqiejing yinyi were later transmitted to Korea and Japan.
1301) attached Guido to himself; and remained his patron also as Cardinal-Archbishop of Sabina. To this patron Baysio dedicated his chief work, a commentary on the Decretum of Gratian, which he wrote about the year 1300 and entitled Rosarium Decretorum. It is a collection of older glossaries, not contained in the Glossa Ordinaria, and principally compiled from Huguccio. Many additions to the glossary which are found in the editions, published since 1505 (Paris), are taken from the Rosarium of Baysio and appear over his name.
The history of Jèrriais dictionaries goes back to 19th-century manuscript glossaries work of Philippe Langlois, A. A. Le Gros and Thomas Gaudin. These were later revised and expanded into the Glossaire du Patois Jersiais published in 1924 by La Société Jersiaise. The 1960 Glossary of Jersey French (Nichol Spence) recorded Jèrriais in phonetic script. The 1924 Glossaire inspired the research by Frank Le Maistre that culminated in the Dictionnaire Jersiais–Français published in 1966 to mark the 900th anniversary of the Norman Conquest of England.
Reliability engineering is a sub-discipline of systems engineering that emphasizes the ability of equipment to function without failure. Reliability describes the ability of a system or component to function under stated conditions for a specified period of time.Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (1990) IEEE Standard Computer Dictionary: A Compilation of IEEE Standard Computer Glossaries. New York, NY Reliability is closely related to availability, which is typically described as the ability of a component or system to function at a specified moment or interval of time.
Encyclopedic leishu anthologies were published in China for nearly two millennia before the first modern encyclopedia, the English-language 1917 Encyclopaedia Sinica. While English usually differentiates between dictionary and encyclopedia, Chinese does not necessarily make the distinction. For instance, the ancient Erya, which lists synonyms collated by semantic fields, is described as a dictionary, a thesaurus, and an encyclopedia. The German sinologist Wolfgang Bauer describes the historical parallel between Western encyclopedias and Chinese leishu, all of which arose from two roots, glossaries and anthologies or florilegia.
Branded Outlaw was written and published in 1938, and contains the pulp fiction style shoot'em up action, bad guys, classic Western heroes, true love, and in the end law and order and justice triumph. Branded Outlaw is from the Golden Age series which Galaxy Press started re-publishing in 2008. The book has been re-released in paperback, with French flaps, glossaries, and author bio. It is also available as a full-cast audiobook featuring David O'Donnell, R.F. Daley, Bob Caso, Jim Meskimen and Tamra Meskimen.
The Niralamba Upanishad (, IAST: Nirālamba) is a Sanskrit text and is one of the 22 Samanya (general) Upanishads of Hinduism. The text, along with the Sarvasara Upanishad, is one of two dedicated glossaries embedded inside the collection of ancient and medieval era 108 Upanishads, on 29 basic concepts of Hindu philosophy. Niralamba Upanishad defines and explains 29 Upanishadic concepts. It is notable for stating that men, women, all living beings, Hindu gods such as Vishnu and Rudra (Shiva), are in their essence just the same ultimate reality that is Brahman.
This list includes notable historic, standardized and common use dictionaries of the German language. The beginnings of German dictionaries date back to a series of glossaries from the 8th century CE. The first comprehensive German dictionary, the Deutsches Wörterbuch (DWB), was begun by the Brothers Grimm in 1838. The Duden dictionary, begun in 1880 and now in its 25th edition, is currently the prescriptive source for the spelling of German. The official dictionary for Austrian German, the Österreichisches Wörterbuch (ÖWB), is published by the Austrian Federal Government and is now in its 41st edition.
See also: Pedagogy of the Oppressed de Morais' Organization Workshop (OW) – and, hence, moraisean large- group capacitation (LGC) – did not come to the attention of the English- speaking public until the mid-80s, when the Chilean Social Psychologists I. & I. Labra moved to Zimbabwe and transferred the method to the (southern) African context. Ch 12: "Hard Learning in Zimbabwe". Latino texts were initially translated on an 'ad hoc' basis, including the 'dictionary' translation of capacitación (Spanish) as training (English).'Training' also happened to coincide with potential sponsors' Development glossaries, e.g.
Although he pays little attention to etymology, he provides definitions of legal terms, and gives excerpts from earlier glossaries such as the Liber glossarum and from textbooks of the liberal arts and logic.John Edwin Sandys, A History of Classical Scholarship (Cambridge University Press, 1906, 2nd ed.), p. 521. Of greater general interest, Papias provides often copious examples and discursive information for each word,John Block Friedman, The Monstrous Races in Medieval Art and Thought (Syracuse University Press, 2000), p. 111. and should probably be regarded as an encyclopedist as much as a lexicographer.
The Sarvasara Upanishad (, IAST: Sarvasāra Upaniṣad) is a Sanskrit text and is one of the 22 Samanya (general) Upanishads of Hinduism. The text, along with the Niralamba Upanishad, is one of two dedicated glossaries embedded inside the collection of ancient and medieval era 108 Upanishads. The text exists in two versions, one attached to the Atharvaveda in many Sanskrit anthologies, and another attached to the Krishna Yajurveda in some anthologies such as the Telugu-language version. The two versions have some differences, but are essentially similar in meaning.
The Durham Plant-Name Glossary (MS Durham, Cathedral Library, Hunter 100) is an glossary translating Latin and Greek plant-names into Old English/Middle English. It was copied in Durham in the early twelfth century. Its principal sources were Greek-Latin-Old English plant-name glossary whose lemmata come from Dioscorides’s De materia medica, which also contributed lemmata and glosses to the Épinal-Erfurt glossaries, and those entries in the Old English Herbarium which translate Latin plant-names with vernacular plant-names.Das Durhamer Pflanzenglossar: lateinisch und altenglish, ed.
The Evangelist portrait was a particular feature of their decoration.Calkins, 23-29, and chapters 1 and 3 Most of the masterpieces of both Insular and Ottonian illumination are Gospel Books,Calkins, chapters 1 and 3 deals with these in turn and there are very many Byzantine and Carolingian examples. But most Gospel Books were never illuminated at all, or only with decorated initials and other touches. They often contained, in addition to the text of the Gospels themselves, supporting texts including Canon Tables, summaries, glossaries, and other explanatory material.
Virtually all manuscripts are religious in content, and their main purpose was to provide instruction to the illiterate common people (of course, with literate scholars serving as teachers). Many of the texts are in versified form in order to facilitate memorisation and recitation. Apart from purely religious texts (almost all of them in versified form), there are also narratives in verse (e.g. Lqist n Yusf “the story of Joseph”, Lɣazawat n Susata “the Conquest of Sousse”), odes on the pleasures of drinking tea, collections of medicinal recipes (in prose), bilingual glossaries, etc.
As used in Yasna 60 and 61, the term dahma appears to mean 'pious' or 'good', but that it may have originally been used to refer to one who had been initiated into the Zoroastrian religion. Zend translations of Yasna 61 and middle Persian glossaries appear to have considered the term unfamiliar enough that it needed explanation. In these, dahm is considered the essence of the just man, and the name of the prayer is translated as 'blessings of the good/pious'. However, according to Boyce (1982), the authors of the Zend were mistaken.
His work on punctuation (Pause and Effect: an Introduction to the History of Punctuation in the West, 1993) focuses on "visual reading aids" and was highly influential. His Lyell Lectures at Oxford discussed the prosopography of English scribes and focussed on how they wrote, rather than on terms for identifying scripts, and proved him an erudite and entertaining lecturer. His books have glossaries which demonstrate how precisely he used language. He compiled a catalogue of Keble College's medieval manuscripts which was published in 1979 by Scolar Press, London.
Comics Journal praised this innovation in 1986: "The (Space) Brigade's origin in the Graphic Novel's glossary section, is hilarious; in general, the Starstruck glossaries provide as much mirth as the series itself." And The Comics Journal reiterated this supportive praise in 2011 by saying, "Starstruck's reputation as a confusing book unfairly implies that it is a confused book, which it emphatically is not. History, culture, family relationships, religions, vernacular speech, and all manner of written texts from this fantastic world accumulate and intersect with perfect consistency."John Hilgart.
In addition to the story itself, The Ice-Shirt comprises a preface, a foreword and afterword, glossaries (of characters; places; "dynasties, races and monsters"; and of primary texts), a chronology, and a list of secondary texts. Illustrations by the author (such as his drawings of Icelandic plants, his renderings of ancient maps, and a self-portrait) and free-ranging footnotes are interspersed throughout the book. The story proper is told in four parts (called movements) with a total of 25 chapters. The longest chapter has 26 subsections; the shortest chapters have only one.
The term "adaptive" as used in immunology is problematic as acquired immune responses can be both adaptive and maladaptive in the physiological sense. Indeed, both acquired and innate immune responses can be both adaptive and maladaptive in the evolutionary sense. Most textbooks today, following the early use by Janeway, use "adaptive" almost exclusively and noting in glossaries that the term is synonymous with "acquired". The classic sense of "acquired immunity" came to mean, since Tonegawa's discovery, "antigen- specific immunity mediated by somatic gene rearrangements that create clone- defining antigen receptors".
From the Chola period (9th century) onwards the popularity of Aiyanar became even more pronounced and so many bronze images of him are available from this period. Tamil Nighantus (proto-glossaries) such as Piṅkalantai (11th century CE) and Cūṭāmaṇi Nighaṇṭu (1520 CE) have explicitly recorded the characteristics of Sastha. Kanda purānam, 14th century Tamil version of Skanda Purana narrates the history of Aiyanar in which seconds the story told in Brahmanda purana. Here Ayyan, Kanda puranam tells, sends his chief commander Mahakala to protect Indrani from the demon Surapadman.
Among these books Ivanov discovered a bilingual Chinese-Tangut glossary called the Pearl in the Palm () which he realised was the key to deciphering the Tangut language. He later discovered three monolingual Tangut dictionaries and glossaries: Homophones (); Sea of Characters (); and Mixed Characters (). Based on the Pearl in the Palm and the other dictionaries, Ivanov was able to compile a dictionary of about 3,000 Tangut characters. The dictionary was completed in 1918, and deposited at the Asiatic Museum, where it remained until 1922, when Ivanov took it back.
Adshead 1987, p. 237 Currently, there is a vast collection of specialized domains and fields covered by TERMIUM Plus, ranging from administration (including appellations), arts, sciences to law and justice. Aside from the millions of entries recorded by TERMIUM Plus, the database also contains writing tools for both the English and French language (such as The Canadian Style, a writing style guide; and Dictionnaire des cooccurrences, a guide to French collocations), archived glossaries, as well as a link to the Language Portal of Canada (containing various French and English writing resources).
289), Director of the Imperial Library, though it was questioned by his successors. Among his editions, only two have survived; the large number of quotations shows the extent of Xun Xu work's influence. Among Jizhong texts, the most profound influence was the Bamboo Annals, but the Bamboo Annals was not the only text retrieved. Collectively known as Jízhŏng shū (汲塚書), it also included Guoyu, I Ching, the Tale of King Mu, Suoyu 瑣語 ("Minor Sayings", anthology of the anomaly accounts zhiguai 志怪), several Warring States period glossaries, and other titles of interest.
6 The Open Door texts are subject to specific editorial guidelines, which help participating authors create novels for the purpose intended. These include: a discernible plot; a few, well-developed characters; simple language with the occasional challenging word; and short chapters, to create the feel and structure of "regular" novels. All the texts are 10,000 words or less and sentences are kept short. These characteristics of the texts have also endeared them to students learning English as a foreign language, and they are gradually being marketed as such, with co-editions containing glossaries being produced by German ELT publisher Cornelsen as of 2006.
The Art of the Japanese Language The Art of the Japanese Language () was published at Nagasaki in three volumes from 1604–1608. In addition to vocabulary and grammar, it includes details on the country's dynasties, currency, measures, and other commercial information. Although it was preceded by some manuscript glossaries and grammars, such as those given to the Philippine Jesuits who settled at Kyoto in 1593, it was apparently the first printed Japanese grammar. A manuscript edition is in the Vatican Library; the two surviving copies of the printed version are in Oxford's Bodleian Library and the private collection of the Earl of Crawford.
The History of Science Collection drew on the collections of the Whipple Museum at the University of Cambridge and the History of Science Collection at the University of Oxford. As well as directly related information, these Collections also included text, video, and display resources, as well as bibliographies and glossaries. Included in the collections were a variety of what were called "narratives". These were works using the collections in a variety of forms from traditional documents to hyper-documents to display spaces, but these are seen, much as any work, as the view of an author.
The Han dynasty experienced the transition of Chinese lexicography from wordlists and glossaries to character dictionaries and word dictionaries. The Jijiupian generalized the practice of logically classifying characters into different sections, which inspired the "macro- level stylistic format of the Chinese dictionary" (Yong and Peng 2008: 144). From the Han to the Six Dynasties (220-589), the most popular character textbook was the Jijiupian (Wilkinson 2000: 49). During the Northern and Southern dynasties (420-589), several other popular textbooks appeared, such as the Qianziwen "Thousand Characters Text", Baijiaxing "Myriad Family Surnames", and Sanzijing "Three-character Classic" (Yong and Peng 2008: 57).
As the deadline stipulated in Part XVII of the Constitution for switching to Hindi as primary official language approached, the central government stepped up its efforts to spread Hindi's official usage. In 1960, compulsory training for Hindi typing and stenography was started. The same year, India's president Rajendra Prasad acted on the Pant Committee's recommendations and issued orders for preparation of Hindi glossaries, translating procedural literature and legal codes to Hindi, imparting Hindi education to government employees and other efforts for propagating Hindi. To give legal status to Nehru's assurance of 1959, the Official Languages Act was passed in 1963.
The Rangjung Yeshe Wiki is a Wiki community established in 2005 focused on building a Tibetan-English Dictionary, glossaries of Buddhist terminology, biographies of Buddhist teachers, and articles on important Tibetan Buddhist literary works and collections. The site aims to develop resources useful for the "community of lotsawas" involved in translating Buddhist texts from Classical Tibetan to English and other European Languages. The original content of the Wiki was based on a digital Tibetan-English dictionary compiled by the translator Erik Pema Kunsang in the early 1970s. The Rangjung Yeshe Wiki currently has over 23,720 articles, 1,060 uploaded files, and 825 registered users.
Modernization occurs when a language needs to expand its resources to meet functions. Modernization often occurs when a language undergoes a shift in status, such as when a country gains independence from a colonial power or when there is a change in the language education policy. The main force in modernization is the expansion of the lexicon, which allows the language to discuss topics in modern semantic domains. Language planners generally develop new lists and glossaries to describe new technical terms, but it is also necessary to ensure that the new terms are consistently used by the appropriate sectors within society.
The application can be used for web-based knowledge representation and content management projects, for developing structured knowledge bases, as a collaborative authoring tool, suitable for making electronic glossaries, dictionaries and encyclopedias, for managing large web sites or links, developing an online catalogue for a library of any thing including books, to make ontologies, classifying and networking any objects, etc. This tool is also intended to be used for an on-line tutoring system with dependency management between various concepts or software packages. For example, the dependency relations between Debian GNU/Linux packages have been represented by the gnowledge portal.
Bronze 'fish tally' with small Khitan inscription owned by Stephen Wootton Bushell There are no surviving examples of printed texts in the Khitan language, and aside from five example Khitan large characters with Chinese glosses in a book on calligraphy written by Tao Zongyi (陶宗儀) during the mid 14th century, there are no Chinese glossaries or dictionaries of Khitan. The main source of Khitan texts are monumental inscriptions, mostly comprising memorial tablets buried in the tombs of Khitan nobility. There are about 33 known monuments with inscriptions in the Khitan small script, ranging in date from 1053 to 1171.
Nanticoke is sometimes considered a dialect of the Delaware language, but its vocabulary was quite distinct. This is shown in a few brief glossaries, which are all that survive of the language. One is a 146-word list compiled by Moravian missionary John Heckewelder in 1785, from his interview with a Nanticoke chief then living in Canada. The other is a list of 300 words obtained in 1792 by William Vans Murray, then a US Representative (at the behest of Thomas Jefferson.) He compiled the list from a Nanticoke speaker in Dorchester County, Maryland, part of the historic homeland.
Eichholz designed En Novan Mondon ("Into a New World") (1984), a complex Esperanto course for children using the Cseh method. She also wrote an English-language brochure on equitable bilingualism in Canada (1982), collaborated with her husband Rüdiger Eichholz in compiling the extensive anthology Esperanto in the Modern World (1982), and created instructional card games. She supported her husband's work on glossaries, revising, for example, the rough draft of the Esperanta Bildvortaro ("Esperanto Picture Dictionary") (1988). She also worked on neologisms and sexism in Esperanto, and supported her husband with respect to the publications of Esperanto Press.
The Yiqiejing yinyi is not strictly a bilingual dictionary in the modern meaning of Sanskrit headwords and Chinese translation equivalents, it is technically a monolingual dictionary of Chinese Buddhist terms. Although early yinyi glossaries and dictionaries have some basic features of modern bilingual dictionaries, they can be considered as the "most distant forerunners of modern Chinese bilingual dictionaries" (Yong and Peng 2008: 371). Within the Chinese "pronunciation and meaning" tradition, Huilin's Yiqiejing yinyi became the definitive glossary (Buswell and Lopez 2013: 1030). Scholars value it for having accurately recorded the pronunciations and understandings of Buddhist technical terms during the Tang dynasty.
Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd. (MRML) is a leading publishing house located in New Delhi, India. Established in 1952 by Manohar Lal Jain, it is one of the oldest publishing houses in India. It publishes books on Social Sciences and Humanities and has published over 3000 academic and scholarly publications in subjects such as Indian Art, Art History, Architecture, Archaeology, History, Culture, Politics, Numismatics, Geography, Travels, Voyages, Indian Law, Indian Medicine, Language, Literature, Linguistics, Dictionaries, Glossaries, Handbooks, Indices, Music, Dance, Theatre, Religion, Philosophy, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Sufism, Sikhism, Tantra, Mysticism, Yoga, Sanskrit Literature, Sociology, Anthropology, and related subjects.
The Ch'ŏphae Sinŏ (1676), a textbook of Japanese The Mongŏ nogŏltae, a Mongolian version of the Nogŏltae The bureau produced a series of multilingual dictionaries, glossaries and textbooks. These works were repeatedly revised or replaced to keep up with changes in the target languages during five centuries. They are valuable sources on the history of Korean and the other four languages. There was a glossary for each of the foreign languages: the Yŏgŏ yuhae (譯語類解) for Chinese, Mongŏ yuhae (蒙語類解) for Mongolian, Waeŏ yuhae (倭語類解) for Japanese, and Tongmun yuhae (同文類解) for Manchu.
The Association’s primary responsibilities are to convene International Permafrost Conferences, undertake special projects such as preparing databases, maps, bibliographies, and glossaries, and coordinate international field programmes and networks. International conferences were held at: West Lafayette, Indiana, U.S.A. (1963); Yakutsk, Siberia (1973); Edmonton, Canada (1978); Fairbanks, Alaska (1983); Trondheim, Norway (1988); Beijing, China (1993); Yellowknife, Canada (1998); and Zurich, Switzerland (2003: ICOP 2003). The Ninth International Conference on Permafrost (NICOP) was held in Fairbanks, Alaska, June 29-July 3, 2008 and the Tenth took place in Salekhard, Russia, June 25–29, 2012 (TICOP 2012). The Eleventh International Conference on Permafrost will be held in Potsdam, Germany in 2016.
John Bullokar, presumably because of his religion, obtained his medical degree away from England, at Caen, France, on 16 October 1612. John Bullokar was the author of "An English Expositor: Teaching the Interpretation of the Hardest Words Used in our Language" (1616) and "A True Description of the Passion of our Saviour Jesus Christ, a poem in six-line stanzas" (1622). For his contribution to the development of the English dictionary, John Bullokar is recognized by linguists and lexicographers. The "Expositor" treated Latin and Greek loanwords of Renaissance English, drawing from many contemporaneous sources, ranging from Robert Cawdrey's alphabetical and Thomas's Latin–English dictionaries to specialist glossaries.
For this reason, the importance of terminology has become increasingly clear. Back when the European Parliament worked with less than ten official languages a Terminology Division was created with the aim of collecting glossaries and other terminology material. Later on, this division was combined with the IT service, resulting in the creation of the Euterpe database (European Terminology for the European Parliament). Alongside the development of inter-institutional translation memory systems (internal Euramis), previously separate resources such as the Commission's Eurodicautom and Parliament's Euterpe, were merged into the common inter-institutional terminology database IATE (InterActive Terminology for Europe), which has been used by the EU's translation services since summer 2004.
However, they could not decide on where they should move the company, so they instead opted to split the company in half, a move they were able to pursue due to Descent success. Thus, half of Parallax' employees followed Toschlog to Michigan, where Toschlog formed Outrage Entertainment, while Kulas stayed with the main Parallax office in Champaign. As Kulas' company was to receive a new name, he asked the remaining team for ideas. When he found that he liked none of the proposals, he sat down in his living room, pulling books from a shelf and looking through dictionaries and reference books' glossaries for a possible name.
The Penguin versions of the works of D. H. Lawrence reproduce the scholarly editions originally published by Cambridge University Press without some of the specialist editorial apparatus. They are based on the most accurate versions of the texts, and include a critical essay of introduction; bibliography of criticism; explanatory notes; alternative and missing chapters; and glossaries of dialect terms where required. The titles are widely available in a cheap paperback format. Penguin has a long association with the publication of Lawrence's work, most notably the first unexpurgated paperback edition of Lady Chatterley's Lover that led to a prosecution for obscenity in the early 1960s.
The basis of the work was manuscripts containing an Arabic-Coptic vocabulary that he had obtained from Pietro della Valle. Della Valle had originally given these manuscripts to a Franciscan named Tomasso Obicini to edit and publish. When Obicini died, Della Valle passed the material on to Kircher, who did not give either of them credit in his acknowledgements, but the work was in fact a translation of the glossaries contained in those manuscripts. At the same time, Kircher used the new book as an opportunity to include extensive revisions to the Prodromus Coptus - various scholars had pointed out mistakes in his earlier work.
First, Huilin cited early rime dictionaries, such as the Yunquian 韻詮 "Rime Interpretation", Yunying 韻英 "Rime Essentials", and Kaosheng qieyun 考聲切韻 "Examining Pronunciation in the Qieyun". These three exemplify the numerous lost works that were primarily reassembled from Yiqiejing yinyi citations. Second, the Yiqiejing yinyi quotes linguistic information from Chinese dictionaries and glossaries. Some are familiar lexicons like the Shuowen Jiezi, Yupian, and Zilin; others are little known like the Zitong 字統 "All Characters", Gujin zhengzi 古今正字 "The Rectification of Ancient and Contemporary Characters", and Kaiyuan yinyi 開元音義 "Pronunciations and Meanings of Kaiyuan [era 713-741] Characters".
The Berber languages were originally written using the ancient Libyco-Berber script and then centuries later by the Tuareg Tifinagh script in Tuareg language areas, from which the Neo-Tifinagh alphabet/abjad is the modern development. The use of a Latin script for Berber has its roots in European (French and Italian) colonial expeditions to North Africa. Dictionaries and glossaries written with Latin letters, ordered alphabetically and following European orthography (mainly French) began to appear in print in the 19th century, they were intended to the colonial administration, traders and military officers. With the arrival of linguists specialized in Semitic languages, a Semitic romanization system emerged: diacritics were used and dictionary entries were now ordered by root.
After these we may place the many ancient annals, and there exists besides a great mass of genealogical books, tribal histories, and semi-historical romances. After this may come the bardic poetry of Ireland, the poetry of the hereditary poets attached to the great Gaelic families and the provincial kings, from the 9th century down to the 17th. Then follow the Brehon Laws and other legal treaties, and an enormous quantity of writings on Irish and Latin grammar, glossaries of words, metrical tracts, astronomical, geographical, and medical works. Nor is there any lack of free translations from classical and medieval literature, such as Lucan's Bellum Civile, Bede's Historica Ecclesiastica, Mandeville's Travels, Arthurian romances and the like.
1702, 4to), destined to facilitate the comparative study of Oriental languages. It contains the first four chapters of Genesis, in the Hebrew text, accompanied by the Latin version of Arius Montanus, in the Targums of Onkelos, of Jonathan, and of Jerusalem, and the Syriac, Samaritan, Arabic, Ethiopian, and Persian translations, each with a literal Latin translation. It gives also all that part of both the smaller and the larger Masorah which relates to these four chapters, and the notes of R. Solomon, Aben-Ezra, etc. The whole is preceded by a model of parsing in each of these languages, and followed by glossaries for all the words contained in the book: Virga Aharonis polyglottos (Marb.
P.W. Crummey volunteered with the Aircraft Detection Corps Newfoundland, which was created by the Commission of Government during World War II. The Aircraft Detection Corps was an all-volunteer civilian unit meant to observe the Newfoundland coast for suspicious planes and ships. In March 1942, he received a letter from Newfoundland's Commissioner of Defence L. E. Emerson informing him that Aircraft Detection Corps Newfoundland would be administered by the Royal Canadian Air Force as a unit of the Canadian Aircraft Identity Corps. Crummey also received: a letter from Flight Lieutenant H. H. Graham, Officer Commanding No. 1 Group RCAF St. John's; glossaries of airplanes and ships; an identity card; instructions; and a brass pin for his lapel.
The Evangelienbuch was the work of an old man, and for most of his monastic life Otfrid was concerned with teaching and with the preparation of works in Latin, including biblical commentary, and glossaries to the gospels. Otfrid's own hand has been identified in the manuscripts of five bible commentaries, Priscian's Institutiones Grammaticae, an anthology of Priscian with Latin and OHG glosses, parts of Augustine's Treatises on the Gospel of John. Beyond this, his impetus is seen behind the expansion of the monastery's library holdings and the increased activity of its scriptorium in this period. The resulting collection of commentaries and other reference materials for almost all of the books of the Bible was exceptional in scope.
The 1968 edition consisted of 750 plant-based, whole food recipes for adults and infants, along with glossaries of natural ingredients, tables of equivalents, nutritional information charts, natural remedies, and an outline of the Seventh-Day Adventist "prescription for health", or Christian vegetarianism. The book promotes a diet based on the Bible; and the covers of the various editions all depict author Hurd reading from a Bible. Numerous recipes using soybean products such as soy pulp, soy milk powder, and soy flour are featured. According to Shurtleff and Aoyagi, Ten Talents is the first cookbook to feature recipes for soy milk ice cream shakes and the earliest to have a recipe for soy sour cream.
Along with previous subject knowledge, research helps the translator understand the basics of the text. Some of the tools a technical translator might use as well are glossaries, encyclopedias, and technical dictionaries, most of which may be recently published, as technology evolves quickly. The translator must always keep up to date with new technologies in the field they are translating into as well, by attending conferences or courses, or subscribing to magazines, so that they are using the latest terminology. In the case of terminological or language issues that the translator cannot solve on their own, the translator may do research or call on the experts of a particular field for more clarification and explanations.
Uniformity of spoken English never existed and does not exist now, but usages do exist, which must be learnt by the speakers, and do not conform to prescriptive rules. Usages have been documented not by prescriptive grammars, which on the whole are less comprehensible to the general public, but by comprehensive dictionaries, often termed unabridged, which attempt to list all usages of words and the phrases in which they occur as well as the date of first use and the etymology where possible. These typically require many volumes, and yet not more so than the unabridged dictionaries of many languages. Bilingual dictionaries and glossaries precede modern English and were in use in the earliest written English.
Surnames were for a long time after their introduction, used only by the gentry; and when they began to be assumed by the lower orders, the clansman almost invariably took the name of his chief, considering himself a member of his family, at least by adoption, if not by blood. In England new men emerged, and founded new families; it was easier to adopt new arms rather than trace a connection with those who had died. Hence it came to pass that while in England the multitude of entirely distinct coats of arms is enormous, in Scotland the number of original coats is small.Woodward, J. A treatise on heraldry, British and foreign : with English and French glossaries, Vol.
Finabel is a European organisation for the promotion of cooperation and interoperability between the national armies of the member states of the European Union (EU).Finabel information folder: "Finabel: Contributing to European Army Interoperability since 1953" Founded in 1953, Finabel is controlled by the chiefs of staff of its member states' armies, and the organisation's work agenda consists of studies and working groups. Finabel also has a relatively small permanent secretariat. The studies carried out by Finabel take the form of reports resulting from studies and research, entrusted to the working groups, agreements relating to the military characteristics of equipment, as well as conventions on standardising procedures, testing methods and glossaries to facilitate exchanges between member states.
In English (among others), John Cowell's Interpreter, a law dictionary, was published in 1607, Edward Phillips' The new world of English words came out in 1658 and a dictionary of 40,000 words had been prepared in 1721 by Nathan Bailey, though none was as comprehensive in breadth or style as Johnson's. The problem with these dictionaries was that they tended to be little more than poorly organised and poorly researched glossaries of "hard words": words that were technical, foreign, obscure or antiquated. But perhaps the greatest single fault of these early lexicographers was, as historian Henry Hitchings put it, that they "failed to give sufficient sense of [the English] language as it appeared in use."Hitchings 2005, London p.
The most significant ones are the inscriptions of the post- Classical periods and the papyri, for being two kinds of texts which have authentic content and can be studied directly. Other significant sources are the Septuagint, the Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible, and the Greek New Testament. The teaching of these texts was aimed at the most common people, and for that reason, they use the most popular language of the era. Other sources can be based on random findings such as inscriptions on vases written by popular painters, mistakes made by Atticists due to their imperfect knowledge of Attic Greek or even some surviving Greco-Latin glossaries of the Roman period, Augsburg. e.g.
The book was generally well received for its extensive treatment of its content. According to one reviewer: > The book supplants The World of Robert Jordan's the Wheel of Time, another > companion-like reference book published in 1997 that was, until now, the > last word on filling in the Wheel's backstory through appendices. The > Companion delves into characters, locations, items, languages, history and > events with commendable dedication, with particular praise aimed at a multi- > page written and visual breakdown of the logistics of the Last Battle from A > Memory of Light. The book is structured like a dictionary, using > alphabetical entries that make it a much lengthier version of the glossaries > found at the ends of other Wheel of Time books.
A small number of textbooks, in Argentina, Poland, Spain and the USA, for example, complement their presentations of the history of the Holocaust with meta- historical commentaries in the form of glossaries of historic terms. Meta- narrative approaches are pedagogically effective when explaining the political expediency of commemorations of the Holocaust via monuments or in international relations, as in textbooks from Argentina, Germany, India and the Russian Federation. They also encourage a critical approach to such phenomena as the personality cult surrounding Hitler, as outlined in the Salvadorian textbook in our sample. In exceptional cases, authors not only apply historiographical paradigms, but also discuss their merits, as in the sketches of Hannah Arendt’s, Zygmunt Bauman’s and Daniel Goldhagen’s explanations of the Holocaust in Argentinian textbooks.
The inside front cover page is usually left blank in both hardcover and paperback books. The next section, if present, is the book's front matter, which includes all textual material after the front cover but not part of the book's content such as a foreword, a dedication, a table of contents and publisher data such as the book's edition or printing number and place of publication. Between the body copy and the back cover goes the end matter which would include any indices, sets of tables, diagrams, glossaries or lists of cited works (though an edited book with several authors usually places cited works at the end of each authored chapter). The inside back cover page, like that inside the front cover, is usually blank.
It is essentially a monolingual dictionary of Chinese Buddhist terms because all the headwords are Chinese character transcriptions of Sanskrit loanwords and the definitions are in Chinese characters. According to Yong and Peng (2008: 371), early yinyi glossaries and dictionaries bear some basic features of modern bilingual dictionaries, but it is more reasonable to consider them as the "most distant forerunners of modern Chinese bilingual dictionaries". In any case, the Yiqiejing yinyi, which compiled non-Chinese loanwords and defined them in Chinese, is the "first Buddhist dictionary of its kind and the first, albeit crude, attempt at bilingual lexicography" (Chien and Creamer 1986: 36). Furthermore, it preceded Horace Hayman Wilson's (1819) Sanskrit-English Dictionary by more than one thousand years (Yong and Peng 2008: 370).
The subject matter of the great majority of the scrolls is Buddhist in nature, but it also covers a diverse material. Along with the expected Buddhist canonical works are original commentaries, apocryphal works, workbooks, books of prayers, Confucian works, Taoist works, Nestorian Christian works, works from the Chinese government, administrative documents, anthologies, glossaries, dictionaries, and calligraphic exercises. Many of the manuscripts were previously unknown or thought lost, and the manuscripts provide a unique insight into the religious and secular matters of Northern China as well as other Central Asian kingdoms from the early periods up to the Tang and early Song Dynasty. The manuscripts found in the Library Cave include the earliest dated printed book, the Diamond Sutra from 868, which was first translated from Sanskrit into Chinese in the fourth century.
He did not consider the term entirely satisfactory, and suggested that "glossematic" would be an alternative, but adopted "hermeneutic" because it had been used by other scholars. Jane Stevenson also expresses dissatisfaction with the term, and in the view of Rebecca Stephenson: "The word "hermeneutic" itself is misleading, since this style has nothing to do with the modern field of hermeneutics, nor does it feature words drawn from the Hermeneumata, a set of Greek and Latin glossaries, from which its exotic vocabulary was once thought to derive." However, both scholars reluctantly accept the term. The style was formerly called "Hisperic", but scholars now reject this term as wrongly suggesting that it is Irish, and think "Hisperic" should be confined to the language of the very obscure Hisperica Famina.
The Joint Technical Language Service (JTLS) was established in 1955, drawing on members of the small Ministry of Defence technical language team and others, initially to provide standard English translations for organisational expressions in any foreign language, discover the correct English equivalents of technical terms in foreign languages and discover the correct expansions of abbreviations in any language. The remit of the JTLS has expanded in the ensuing years to cover technical language support and interpreting and translation services across the UK Government and to local public sector services in Gloucestershire and surrounding counties. The JTLS also produces and publishes foreign language working aids under crown copyright and conducts research into machine translation and on-line dictionaries and glossaries. The JTLS is co-located with GCHQ for administrative purposes.
" In 2011, Wirtualna Polska ranked the "visionary" Another World as the 15th best game for the Amiga, remembering it for a cinematic feel and "uncommonly" high difficulty (for a first-time player) and calling it "one of the most important titles in the history of electronic entertainment." In 2012, ranked this "short-but-sweet cinematic action game" as the 99th most essential video game of all time, commenting: "Especially in an age of entertainment where fans cry out for pages upon pages lore and glossaries for the tiniest minutiae of their fiction, Out of this World's dimension contains a sense of mystery that makes it all the more lonely, and often, quietly beautiful. The game can be brutal and heartbreaking, but Chahi's amazing vision makes [it] a thoroughly gripping experience.
The etymology of fetch is obscure and the origin of the term is unknown. It may derive from the verb "fetch"; the compound "fetch-life", evidently referring to a psychopomp who "fetches" the souls of the dying, is attested in Richard Stanyhurst's 1583 translation of the Aeneid and the first edition of the Oxford English Dictionary suggested this usage may indicate the origin of the term fetch. Accounts of the origin of fetch are complicated by a word faecce, found in two textually-related Old English glossaries, the Corpus Glossary and the First Cleopatra Glossary.Neville, pp. 106–107.Taylor, p. 106.Alaric Hall, 'The Evidence for Maran, the Anglo-Saxon "Nightmares"', Neophilologus, 91 (2007), 299–317 (pp. 301, 313), . Faecce could in theory be an Old English form of modern English fetch.
The tasks of the Finabel Committee have a European perspective; their purpose is to ‘promote and facilitate interoperability between land forces across the full spectrum of military operations through the harmonisation of concepts, doctrines and procedures, whilst taking into account the joint military environment’, and to ‘develop a common European understanding of defence problems by seeking to complement and co-operate with NATO and EU military structures.’ The Finabel Committee takes its decisions based on consensus and equality between its Member states. The organisation expresses itself through reports entrusted to working groups, which produce ‘studies’ and ‘agreements’ on the military characteristics of equipment or ‘conventions’ that normalise certain procedures and glossaries in order to facilitate discussion between countries. The proposal and recommendations that result from Finabel’s work can be freely applied by the land components and its member states.
Folio 9 of manuscript codex Nova N 176 There are no surviving examples of printed texts in the Khitan language, and aside from five example Khitan large characters with Chinese glosses in a book on calligraphy written by Tao Zongyi (陶宗儀) during the mid 14th century, there are no Chinese glossaries or dictionaries of Khitan. However, in 2002 a small fragment of a Khitan manuscript with seven Khitan large characters and interlinear glosses in Old Uyghur was identified in the collection of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Then, in 2010 a manuscript codex (Nova N 176) held at the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Saint Petersburg was identified by Viacheslav Zaytsev as being written in the Khitan large script. The main source of Khitan texts are monumental inscriptions, mostly comprising memorial tablets buried in the tombs of Khitan nobility.
A relatively large number of memorial inscriptions written in both the Khitan large script and the Khitan small script are known, but there are no surviving printed books in either Khitan script, and no Chinese glossaries of the Khitan language. Until recently, the only known examples of Khitan text not inscribed on stone or portable artefacts were five Khitan large script characters recorded by Wang Yi 王易, who was sent as an envoy to the Khitans in 1058, and which are reproduced in a mid 14th century book on calligraphy written by Tao Zongyi 陶宗儀. In 2002 a small fragment of a Khitan manuscript with seven Khitan large characters and interlinear glosses in Old Uyghur was identified in the collection of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Nova N 176 is therefore the only known example of a full-length manuscript text written in the Khitan language (in either of the two Khitan scripts) to have survived to the present day.
Detail of Khitan small script on the epitaph of Yelü Dilie (1026–1092) The list of Khitan inscriptions comprises a list of the corpus of known inscriptions written in the Khitan large script and the Khitan small script. These two scripts were used by the Khitan people in northern China during the 10th through 12th centuries for writing the extinct Khitan language. The Khitan language was in use during the Liao Dynasty (907–1125), the Kara-Khitan Khanate (1124–1218) and the Jin dynasty (1115–1234), but the last recorded Khitan speaker, Yelü Chucai, died in 1243, and the language probably became extinct soon afterwards. There are no surviving examples of printed texts in the Khitan language, and aside from five example Khitan large characters with Chinese glosses in a book on calligraphy, Shūshǐ huìyào (書史會要), written by Tao Zongyi (陶宗儀) in the mid 14th century, there are no Chinese glossaries or dictionaries of Khitan.
Some of the earliest evidence for the wild-man tradition appears in the above-mentioned 9th- or 10th-century Spanish penitential. This book, likely based on an earlier Frankish source, describes a dance in which participants donned the guise of the figures Orcus, Maia, and Pela, and ascribes a minor penance for those who participate with what was apparently a resurgence of an older pagan custom. The identity of Pela is unknown, but the earth goddess Maia appears as the wild woman (Holz-maia in the later German glossaries), and names related to Orcus were associated with the wild man through the Middle Ages, indicating that this dance was an early version of the wild-man festivities celebrated through the Middle Ages and surviving in parts of Europe through modern times. Wild people, in the margins of a late 14th-century Book of Hours As the name implies, the main characteristic of the wild man is his wildness.
Nae Antonescu, Reviste românești de cultură din Transilvania interbelică, vol. 1, Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca, 1999, The museum, associated with Cluj University (soon renamed after King Ferdinand), had as its goals the spread of popular interest in studying and cultivating the Romanian language, the training of Romanian philologists and the publication of monographs, special dictionaries, glossaries and bibliographies. The museum ended up being the nerve center of the great dictionary project, resumed from the 1906 attempts; this project was headed by Constantin Lacea and Theodor Capidan, who in turn were assisted by numerous other linguists in different stages. Lexical and etymological notes were presented in weekly meetings and later published in the museum's Dacoromania magazine, and in this way, practically all active members of the museum contributed to the Dictionary. Pușcariu and his team worked for 43 years, until 1948, completing some 60,000 definitions across over 3,000 pages covering up to the letter "L".
Although it was outlawed by the authorities, the German version achieved the status of a cult favourite on the Russian black market. The Mysteries of London and its even lengthier sequel, The Mysteries of the Court of London, are considered to be among the seminal works of the Victorian "urban mysteries" genre, a style of sensational fiction which adapted elements of Gothic novels – with their haunted castles, innocent noble damsels in distress and nefarious villains – to produce stories which instead emphasized the poverty, crime, and violence of a great metropolis, complete with detailed and often sympathetic descriptions of the lives of lower-class lawbreakers and extensive glossaries of thieves' cant, all interwoven with a frank sexuality not usually found in popular fiction of the time. An illustration from The Mysteries of London The Mysteries of London, like most of Reynolds' works, was published first as a weekly penny dreadful, or "Penny Blood", illustrated with lurid engravings and circulating mainly among readers of limited means and education.
Tangut Buddhist painting from Khara-Khoto After the arrival of the Khara-Khoto material in Saint Petersburg in autumn 1909, sinologist Aleksei Ivanovich Ivanov (1878–1937) worked on the preservation and identification of the hundreds of books and manuscripts that were written in the Tangut script, and it was not long before he discovered a bilingual Chinese-Tangut glossary called the Pearl in the Palm () which he immediately realised was the key to deciphering the Tangut language. He later discovered three monolingual Tangut dictionaries and glossaries among the Khara-Khoto material: Homophones (); Sea of Characters (); and Mixed Characters (). Ivanov published a number of articles on the Tangut script between 1909 and 1920, which helped disseminate knowledge of the Tangut script, and encouraged other scholars to study the language. In 1916, based on the material published by Ivanov, the German orientalist Berthold Laufer (1874–1934) published a study of the Tangut language in which he attempted to reconstruct the pronunciations of some characters, and in which he proposed that the Tangut language belonged to the Lolo-Moso branch of the Tibeto-Burman family.

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