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"social democracy" Definitions
  1. a political system that combines the principles of socialism with the greater personal freedom of democracy; a country that has this political system of government

349 Sentences With "social democracy"

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On the future of social democracy Returning to where we started, do you think social democracy has a future?
Or are you advocating for something like Scandinavian social democracy?
The decline of social democracy across Europe is well documented.
Similarly "social democracy" has been too tainted as a term.
And I don't think social democracy is up to this.
Social democracy in Europe is in desperate need of renewal.
What the "new socialists" want is social democracy, not socialism.
European social democracy is not flush with fresh thinkers right now.
That is where I see the future for European social democracy.
Some say that is when the problems of social democracy began.
What is social democracy if not the left pole of liberalism?
The beauty of capitalism under social democracy is the presence of choice.
"Social democracy" as a label is finished, because it has been tainted.
But I also do believe that social democracy is very 20th century.
Playing favorites was contradictory to the meritocratic model of American social democracy.
What's a constitutional crisis compared to the horrors of mild social democracy?
There are people arguing for social democracy or a Green New Deal.
At the other end is social democracy, which is common in Europe.
Social democracy is being reinstated in a hurry, because—to paraphrase Mrs.
In that sense, he's one of the prime architects of social democracy.
Letters Why many millennials are attracted to Bernie Sanders and European social democracy.
The centre-right Party of Brazilian Social Democracy (PSDB) did well, winning 803.
Jacobin writers have been admirably straightforward in refuting this mischaracterization of social democracy.
In the 21st century, anti-immigrant politics is the social democracy of fools.
Yet the crisis within social democracy runs deeper than the failings of individuals.
And the tide has turned against reformist social democracy in Italy and elsewhere.
The other way, some kind of social democracy calls, especially to younger voters.
"It would be the end of social democracy in Germany," one said darkly.
The moment social democrats stopped playing the role of mediators between capital and labour, the moment they turned their back on the class struggle (which social democracy always accepted but tried to regulate) it was the end for social democracy.
Social democracy, once ambiguous about capitalism, came to work with and depend on it.
They can sound somewhat admiring of European social democracy and its systems of redistribution.
But Spain's prime minister has delivered a rare good result for European social democracy.
Schulz dubbed the result "a hard day for social democracy" shortly after conceding defeat.
The city inspired one resident, Karl Polanyi, to a lifelong defense of social democracy.
The distinction between actual democratic socialism and social democracy is crucial to you — why?
The party will not disappear; social democracy is too strong an idea for that.
Labour's crisis is a microcosm of the test that confronts social democracy at large.
The Times Magazine looks at whether the trend indicates the death of social democracy.
These suburban members are not going to be blazing the trail for social democracy!
Americans once dreamed more expansively, she says, invoking ideas of social democracy and social justice.
Some of his newspaper columns seem to espouse anti-state libertarianism, others liberal social democracy.
Party of Brazilian Social Democracy—long the main opposition party of the center-right—has
It was a burning point that the social democracy had let the neo-fascism grow.
Going forward, Democrats might as well shoot the moon with aggressive Sanders-style social democracy.
Building a multiracial social democracy is one of the great political challenges of our time.
There are also all the various kinds of social democracy now extant to give us models.
Some in Podemos are moving towards social democracy, but the party does not look ready yet.
The right-leaning Brazilian Social Democracy Party is torn between two possible candidates: Sao Paulo Gov.
So you're saying the Third Way sowed the seeds of the current crisis of social democracy.
This is the set of economic arrangements that falls under the catchall heading of social democracy.
New Zealand grapples with neoliberal pressures but is attempting to hold on to its social democracy.
A bastion of social democracy, the country refused to deal with the realities of mass immigration.
It would also be a serious and lasting defeat for a reformist and internationalist social democracy.
She offered a different model: pro-Cuban, neither violent nor radical, an alternative to social democracy.
Adler, the son of the legendary founder of Austro-Hungarian social democracy, calmly waited to be arrested.
But the forces squeezing social democracy across Europe may prove too powerful for Mr Sieling to resist.
To equate democratic socialism or social democracy with revolutionary communism is therefore both definitionally and historically inaccurate.
Perhaps Sanders regards social democracy as a transitional stage on the way to a thoroughgoing American socialism.
Mr. Twendele belonged to the Union for Social Democracy and Progress, a party known for its nonviolence.
But U.S. conservatives — like Fox's Regan — continually and systematically blur the distinction between social democracy and socialism.
Not the social democracy of François Hollande, but that of the early days of the Second International.
Some on the left view social democracy as a stop-off on the way to democratic socialism.
Social democracy faced crises and defeats aplenty in the past, but its future was never in doubt.
In a modern social democracy, with all its checks and balances, what was there to worry about?
Even in Scandinavian countries — often cited as the apotheosis of social democracy — center-left parties are struggling.
As long as they avoid the two fundamental contradictions of modern social democracy, the decline will continue.
But this country is built on social democracy, and it has been that way since the 1920s.
But, to borrow a Silicon Valley term, it's a plan for a minimal viable product of social democracy.
It is difficult, in short, to detangle the decline of social democracy from the challenges facing European democracies.
But I do not think that social democracy has the analytical skills to come to terms with this.
Mr Iglesias has rebranded Podemos's ideology as "new social democracy", in an attempt to steal the Socialists' clothes.
Every modern capitalist society has introduced a more-or-less substantial measure of social democracy into its economy.
India already had political democracy (one vote per citizen), but the constitution also needed to foster social democracy.
Today's social democracy falls apart on the contradiction between advocating nearly unlimited government largess and nearly unlimited immigration.
A social democracy builds a robust public sector because shit happens, and when it does, people need help.
What they want is social democracy – the kinds of basic guarantees of health care, protection against poverty, etc.
If "communism" is too laden with historical failures and semantic difficulties, are "socialism" or "social democracy" better alternatives?
Lenin's critics charged him with establishing a state of siege in Russian social democracy and then globalizing it.
But I also don't think risk aversion is the whole story behind the recent attraction to social democracy.
Ever since, Democrats have been backing into progress, moving incrementally, accepting basic conservative critiques of muscular social democracy.
So what was happening leading up through the '70s is that New York City was becoming a social democracy.
"They said that social democracy could not offer hope," she adds: "But Emmanuel Macron has shown that it can."
Joao Doria represents the Brazilian Social Democracy Party –the same political party that supported the former President Dilma Rousseff.
If you devise your social democracy in the right way, people should hardly ever find themselves in extreme poverty.
Sweden, in spite of its much-vaunted social democracy, has welcomed many immigrant groups but struggled to integrate them.
Social democracy trumped imperial glory; reluctantly, the latter was progressively given up, transmuted into a Commonwealth of independent states.
Corey Robin says "socialism" – but as far as I can tell he really means social democracy: Denmark, not Venezuela.
Since, under social democracy, true power continues to reside with the capitalists, its commitment to egalitarianism is necessarily fragile.
I think he invents a language of social democracy which really spreads in the following 40 or 50 years.
The market-friendly Party of Brazilian Social Democracy (PSDB), Mr Temer's main governing partner, might pull out of the coalition.
The fate of social democracy should worry not only those on the left, but anyone concerned with democracy in Europe.
He was confident that the United States had set out on a road that would lead it to social democracy.
To come back to social democracy, your party had not been very successful for a while when you became leader.
It never made a choice between traditional tax-and-spend socialism and a more moderate German or Scandinavian social democracy.
The British political theorist Michael Freeden expressed the thought that social liberalism was the British version of Scandinavian social democracy.
The fact is that limited government conservatism is not especially appealing to nonwhite Americans, whereas liberalism and social democracy are.
Key to Temer's survival is whether the Social Democracy Party (PSDB), Brazil's third largest, will stick with his coalition or bolt.
But the country's prime minister has delivered rare good news for social democracy ahead of the election for the European Parliament.
Batista also accused Temer and aides of negotiating millions of dollars in illegal campaign donations for his Brazilian Social Democracy Party.
Certain politicians, and gullible or careless members of the press, persist in claiming that social democracy is a form of socialism.
On the question of whether Clinton opposes New Deal style social democracy due to principle or logistics, the book is unclear.
If the "socialism" label now describes social democracy -- capitalist economies with highly redistributive welfare states -- then the "red scare" is overplayed.
Transforming themselves into a real opposition party in Brussels could meet both needs and save both social democracy and the European project.
If the base Sanders has built proves durable, there may yet be a bright future for social democracy in the United States.
Likewise, practically none of the people who work for start-ups are in the trade unions, a crucial foundation of social democracy.
But during the last century, successful democracy in Europe depended upon the organizational model and political-economic vision associated with social democracy.
Then, with the entire establishment behind Clinton, Sanders's pure outsider vision of robust social democracy caught fire with elements of the grassroots.
A more left leaning Social Democracy will be joined in opposition by a far-right party, the Alternative for Germany or AfD.
I still think the American ideal of multiethnic social democracy is worth pursuing, and worth defending from illiberalism in all its guises.
They include Aécio Neves, a senator from the centrist Brazilian Social Democracy Party and the runner-up in the 2014 presidential race.
"A lot of it is Trump, but I think it's really a reaction to forty years of dismantling social democracy," Buttigieg said.
But social democracy is, at its core, a movement that marries socialist concerns about the misery caused by capitalism to liberal reformism.
A spokesman for Neves, the leader of the centrist Social Democracy Party (PSDB), said the investigation would show his conduct was correct.
"There was lots of social democracy in the first bit on Europe, but after that it stops," Luebke said of the coalition blueprint.
But he is colourless and belongs to the Party of Brazilian Social Democracy (PSDB), which is among the most tarnished by Lava Jato.
Alckmin, the center-right candidate for the Brazilian Social Democracy Party in the October election, is stuck with single-digit support in polls.
If one looks at it as a way to put forward progressive values, that should be the natural eco-system for social democracy.
Cartes has been held up as an example of the right-wing's resurgence in Latin America, following a period of widespread social democracy.
The political models we are heading for are thus more likely going to be various forms of, more or less, liberal social democracy.
You can argue that the major goals of social democracy — universal health care and other social provisions — were achieved long ago in Europe.
And his clear implication is that social democracy can be revived by refocusing on populist economic policies, and winning back the working class.
This negligence is found in both the postwar reformism of social democracy and in the now stagnating and chaotic neoliberalism that replaced it.
Perhaps from his vantage point, re-electing this president doesn't seem uniquely catastrophic when set against the danger of European-style social democracy.
The irreconcilably different views of voters in Hornsey and Doncaster reflect a widening divide that is eroding the electoral power of social democracy.
He labels his opponents from the Workers Party (PT) and the Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB) as criminals who took part in corruption.
"Forget the nostalgia for 21st-century social democracy," announced the liberal Israeli newspaper Haaretz, channeling the views of Harvard political scientist Yascha Mounk.
Temer met with the leader of the main opposition party, the Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB), to secure support for a transitional government.
It's a full-spectrum vision of a sustainable social democracy — a level of progressive ambition that most US citizens have likely never encountered.
We aren't a European social democracy by any stretch, but there is a consensus that we should support the least advantaged among us.
They fought the incremental reforms that led to European social democracy precisely because they knew these local improvements in justice did make things better.
Its reputation has leftist politicians elsewhere filled with envy: Bernie Sanders has cited Sweden, and its neighbour Denmark, as his ideal of "social democracy".
This creates a puzzle: Why did voters who by and large benefit from social democracy turn against the parties that most strongly support it?
" Calling the election result a "black day" for social democracy he said voters "were very clear that we have to go into the opposition.
In the long term, it might be seen as unfair if you live in a kind of social democracy—or meritocracy, if you will.
And at the same time, the Democratic Party continues to shift left, deepening Bernie Sanders's long-distance love affair with Nordic-style social democracy.
What Americans call liberalism and Europeans recognise as the centre-left or social democracy is under threat in many countries, both rich and developing.
The hope that social democracy has finally come to America stems from positions that the contenders jockeying for the Democratic Party's nomination are adopting.
But it might just be Social Democracy taken out of the freezer, where it had been placed by the neoliberal left in the 1990s.
The hope that social democracy has finally come to America stems from positions that the contenders jockeying for the Democratic Party's nomination are adopting.
Aécio Neves, a senator (and potential presidential candidate) from the Party of Brazilian Social Democracy (PSDB), part of Mr Temer's coalition, allegedly received 65.5m reais.
Put together, this is not quite a plan for full social democracy, like the one Bernie Sanders cobbled together to mixed results in the primaries.
"Social Democracy was rooted and anchored in the Ruhr, but in past decades that has unwound," said Stefan Marschall, a politics professor at Duesseldorf University.
Conservative Geraldo Alckmin, who was named by the Social Democracy Party as its presidential nominee Saturday, cast blame for the country&aposs 13 million unemployed.
In January, two members of an opposition party, Convergence for Social Democracy, were arrested for the crime of handing out leaflets announcing a future meeting.
The things voters found appealing about social democracy are still on offer: consider Angela Merkel's pension-age-lowering, minimum-wage-introducing, environmentalist brand of centrism.
Throughout the emerging "Third World," by contrast, the United States allowed governments very little leeway to experiment with even non-Communist paths to social democracy.
At home, the leader of the governing Direction Social Democracy Party, Robert Fico, has rarely missed an opportunity to bash George Soros, Brussels, and Washington.
While everywhere else reformist social democracy emerged, converted to a market economy that was regulated to limit unemployment and inequality, the French Left stands alone.
His power was all in what he symbolized — that maybe the great Canadian experiment in social democracy was not working as well as we thought.
And "social democracy" — a term that better fits the belief of more ordinary liberals who want, say, Medicare for all — is a politically dying force.
Some members of Mr. Temer's coalition, including legislators from the Brazilian Social Democracy Party, have signaled that they are preparing to break with Mr. Temer.
Last September, Doria intimated that he could leave the centrist party he is affiliated with — the Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB) — to run for president.
Aécio Neves of the centre-right Party of Brazilian Social Democracy (PSDB), whom she defeated in the election in 2014, faces corruption accusations (which he denies).
Born in Rouen, not far from Mr Macron's home town of Amiens, Mr Philippe was drawn as a student to Rocard's version of reformist social democracy.
"Social democracy in the 21st century means a very competitive economy and very redistributive public spending," says Ignacio Urquizu, a PSOE deputy who supports Ms Díaz.
He crushed candidates with more temperate views and more impressive track records, including Geraldo Alckmin, the nominee of the centrist Party of Brazilian Social Democracy (PSDB).
After the war and the end of the monarchy there was a brief flourishing of progressive social democracy in the city, the era of "Red Vienna".
But the state's embrace of sensible, pro-business social democracy and relative indifference towards populism shows how contingent some of the truths of our age are.
To the objection, then, that the spirit of social democracy is to fight on behalf of one part of society against another, what is your response?
It gave American workers unheard-of power to shape the nation's political economy, bringing the United States as close as it ever came to social democracy.
Daron Acemoglu, a professor of economics at M.I.T., who has thought deeply about global and domestic inequality, draws a clear distinction between socialism and social democracy.
Some lawmakers from the center-right Brazilian Social Democracy Party, a key partner in Mr. Temer's coalition, have already argued that they should leave the government.
The European Union, built on the twin creeds of social democracy and Christian democracy, has now been forced to accommodate a third assertive ideology: nativist populism.
This benevolence is an expression of the Dardennes' stubborn humanist faith, and also of their commitment to the battered and resilient ideals of European social democracy.
It leaves Republicans blind to the electoral threat posed by Warren's Nordic-style social democracy, because they can't see the difference; they can only see reds.
He is a disciple of Michel Rocard, prime minister in 1988-91, whose moderate social democracy differed markedly from the orthodox socialism of his president, François Mitterrand.
In the past, social democracy stood for the view that the democratic state could and should use its power to maximize capitalism's upsides when minimizing its downsides.
"There's consensus about the need and urgency for reform," says Tasso Jereissati, a senator from the centrist Brazilian Social Democracy Party, which supports the government's economic agenda.
The collapse of the oil price in the 1980s and 1990s weakened a stable social democracy, hollowing out its welfare state, causing bank failures and exposing corruption.
"The labor movement in the 2300s and the black freedom movement in the 2000s is what made the Democratic Party a vehicle for social democracy," Piven said.
"Social democracy was always driven by ideas," said Wolfgang Petritsch, a veteran diplomat and onetime chief aide to Austria's best-known chancellor, the Social Democrat Bruno Kreisky.
Such reforms are the hallmarks of social democracy, the fragile compact between capitalism and the welfare state now coming undone even in its Scandinavian and Canadian strongholds.
If Trump's supporters are not, in fact, motivated by economic marginalization, then even full Bernie Sanders–style social democracy is not going to prevent a Trump recurrence.
Mr. Pahor is deeply entrenched in the traditional party system of the left that has ridden the waves of European social democracy since the collapse of Communism.
The bottom line is that real G.D.P. per capita isn't everything, and you shouldn't uncritically use that measure to judge how social democracy is working in Scandinavia.
During the last decades of the 20th century — adverse years for social democracy across the West — rumors of liberalism's death within the party proved greatly, and repeatedly, exaggerated.
But Mr Alckmin's Party of Brazilian Social Democracy (PSDB) is one of the most powerful (the last elected non-PT president, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, was among its founders).
Sao Paulo state governor Geraldo Alckmin and Sao Paulo city mayor Joao Doria, both from the Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB), had 8 percent of voting intentions each.
"We cannot undermine a government plan that is crucial for the economic recovery," said Jose Anibal, a leader with Temer's main ally, the Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB).
"Even in Scandinavia, long a bulwark of social democracy, the once-dominant center-left parties are in decline, and nationalist parties with nativist tendencies are growing," Galston noted.
The Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB), Temer's biggest ally in the governing coalition, put off a meeting on Sunday to decide whether to continue supporting the beleaguered president.
Maia initially flirted with opposition parties, but was officially backed by other Temer partners such as the Brazilian Social Democracy Party, or PSDB, one of the country's largest.
Mr Temer is expected to compensate for the loss of the PT's votes in Congress by bringing into government the centre-right Party of Brazilian Social Democracy (PSDB).
The archives show links to several political parties including former governing coalition partner, the Brazilian Democratic Movement Party (PMDB), and the opposition, the Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB).
That is the whole point of social democracy: universal health care, universal public benefits, decent wages and housing, publicly funded elections, citizen participation in corporate boards and politics.
Still, there's a big difference between real, existing social democracy — of the sort on display in Denmark or Sweden —and the Christmas list exorbitance of the DSA platform.
The effect of drinking lead on your body, however, doesn't change with the background institutions of the market economy, be they feudalism, laissez-faire capitalism, or social democracy.
These are places where Mr Trump won big and is still popular; and where voters are liable to consider social democracy as something America defeated in the cold war.
But electorally, the sorts of places where Mr Farron's welcome blend of social democracy and liberalism does best are safe Labour seats in places like London, Bristol and Norwich.
Many of the systemic socialists in the West turned to various forms of social democracy and welfarism after finally realizing that state economic planning disincentivized entrepreneurship, innovation and modernization.
Previously leader of the centrist Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB), the scandal cost Neves his position and has hurt the party's standing as it heads into the 2018 election.
"LK," an anonymous blogger who posts frequently at Social Democracy for the 21st Century, a liberal website sharply critical of the cultural left, was more outspoken, writing on Jan.
These are the leaders that previously did nothing to stop President Obama's reshaping of American society, on some Ivy League notion, of an America based on European social democracy.
If America becomes a social democracy it'll be because the left's ideas win out and the candidates will be forced to follow suit in spite of the Constitution's structural regressiveness.
"If he continues with this level of support and the center remains divided, Bolsonaro could reach the runoff," said Congressman Fabio Sousa of the centrist Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB).
He would be fine with a sort of Keynesian social democracy, but it doesn't really matter, because A Thousand Small Sanities is not about politics, but about feelings toward politics.
Coming from urban areas, a new generation of legislators is ready to pull Washington to the left, emboldened by the support from their constituents for identity politics and social democracy.
Three of the city's 22 councilmembers joined in the festivities, but the mayor of Mogi das Cruzes, Marcos Melo of the Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDE), didn't make an appearance.
More than three decades ago, the political scientist Adam Przeworski described the growing dilemma for social democracy posed by a growing middle class and declining number of blue-collar workers.
This is because the older voters of the Democratic party, whose votes have overwhelmingly gone to Clinton, don't appear interested in Sanders-style social democracy, and probably won't be anytime soon.
Kristianssen says this election is about whether Sweden wants to remain an open or closed society and whether social democracy — a movement struggling all over Europe — can survive the populist wave.
Brasília is abuzz with talk of a Temer-led government of national unity, which would include Mr Cardoso's centre-right Party of Brazilian Social Democracy (though not the former president himself).
If social democracy—the accommodation of competitiveness with social justice—is a "natural" disposition for so many voters, what is to stop other parties from appropriating it from the social democrats?
Smer-Social Democracy is projected to hold 49 seats in the 150-seat Parliament, compared with the 83 seats it won in 2012, when it had 44 percent of the vote.
Norway has a mild reputation, now, as a beneficent social democracy, so rich with oil that it's almost unseemly, its finances largely walled off from the calamities within the European Union.
What's more, Mr. Acemoglu added, the political system can respond in different ways to workers' pain: The Great Depression not only led to Nazi Germany, it also produced Sweden's social democracy.
Disarray on the left could improve the chances for a centrist such as Geraldo Alckmin, governor of Sao Paulo, Brazil's richest state, and candidate for the powerful Brazilian Social Democracy Party.
There is something about clean lines, airy interiors, white walls and simple, wooden furniture that, outside of Sweden, where its practicality and function represents the principles of social democracy, feels elitist.
Socialists need to start, Sunkara writes, by electing Bernie Sanders president, then quickly pass policies like Medicare-for-all that push the US toward a more centralized model of social democracy.
The bottom line: The election results make clear that social democracy is not dead in Europe, and that defending both the interests of workers and cosmopolitan values can still resonate with voters.
He lived a political life in the shadow of Mitterrand, the Socialist President of France from 1981 to 1995, but nevertheless helped lead France's Marxist-rooted Socialists toward market-friendly social democracy.
For a time, it seemed as if the pro-labor vision of a moral capitalism could become an American version of social democracy, although it was more effective as rhetoric than policy.
Its worldview resembles, in fact, the right-wing politics of contemporary Europe — a tradition, heretofore judged foreign to American politics, called "herrenvolk republicanism," that reserved social democracy solely for the white majority.
Senator Aecio Neves, leader of the main opposition Brazilian Social Democracy Party, said he and the leaders of five other opposition parties were ready to back a transitional government led by Temer.
He lists the ways in which Senator Bernie Sanders proposes to push American economics and politics in the direction of European "social democracy" and sees disadvantages to the United States in every one.
Two of the other top contenders, Geraldo Alckmin of the centre-right Social Democracy Party (PSDB) and Fernando Haddad of the left-leaning Workers' Party (PT), were both charged with illegal campaign financing.
His Party of Brazilian Social Democracy (PSDB) has a large number of seats in congress, which will entitle him to lots of free advertising time on television and public money for his campaign.
It is divided between moderates (mostly based in its eastern strongholds, where it is the de facto party of social democracy) and hardliners (mostly based in the west, where it is less mainstream).
I think one of the great problems that social democracy faces is that the great battles of our movement throughout Europe and the world, in history, are not bones of contention any longer.
The main ally in his governing coalition, the Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB), is waiting for the court ruling to decide whether to abandon Temer's government, which would sink his fiscal reform agenda.
Most of the young Europeans I know view capitalism as a rigged and unfair system; to them, real socialism — and not just German-style, neo-liberal "social democracy" — is hardly a dirty word.
During the postwar decades, social democracy promoted solidarity and a sense of shared national purpose so as to avoid the fractures that undermined European democracy during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
In another sign that change was the biggest winner in balloting on Saturday, four members of Prime Minister Robert Fico's leftist Smer-Social Democracy Party were also defeated for election as regional governors.
D.R. era of social democracy gave way to the age of Ronald Reagan, which brought deregulation, tax cuts for the wealthy, and the promise that free-market capitalism would lead to widespread prosperity.
The two factions that have disputed the presidential election for the last three decades, the leftist Workers' Party and the more conservative Social Democracy Party, have both been crippled by the corruption scandal.
Geraldo Alckmin, the nominee of the Party of Brazilian Social Democracy (PSDB), had assembled a vast coalition of centrist parties, which gave him 40 times more free television advertising time than Mr Bolsonaro had.
There can be no respite from fighting today's Republican Party, a uniquely dangerous organization that combines white racial supremacism with a reactionary hostility to modern social democracy and a deranged attachment to climate denialism.
Unlike its European counterparts, the French Socialist Party never explicitly embraced a more moderate form of social democracy, because it is "haunted by a Marxist superego" argued Manuel Valls, a former Socialist prime minister.
Two potential presidents from the centre-right Party of Brazilian Social Democracy, Aécio Neves, Ms Rousseff's defeated rival from 2014, and Geraldo Alckmin, the governor of São Paulo state , joined the anti-government marches.
Left policy makers and analysts, Rodrik writes, face the paradox that earlier waves of reforms from the left – Keynesianism, social democracy, the welfare state – both saved capitalism from itself and effectively rendered themselves superfluous.
But the Brazilian Social Democracy Party, which had its origins in the opposition to the country's military dictatorship before evolving into a more conservative grouping that now anchors Mr. Temer's coalition, scored big gains.
To organize globalization in a fairer way, into one a system at least resembles the balances of the old nation state, is both a demanding and a highly demanded task for Social Democracy today.
Bernie Sanders's (I-VT) brand of social democracy and the newfangled form of hyper-woke politics that Hillary Clinton used to beat him in a primary, Biden offers true back-to-basics economic populism.
STOCKHOLM — To understand why Sweden, a bastion of social democracy, might end up with a far-right party in government after national elections on Sunday, you need to take a walk with Ahmed Abdirahman.
"If we don't find our way back to a social democracy that sets itself apart then not much will be left of this party," said Arno Bischof, who also attended the meeting in Essen.
It was his book "The Conservative Mind" (224) that first used the word "conservative" to classify various currents of antiprogressive dissidence that ran from the French Revolution to the 20th-century heyday of social democracy.
The dynamic 41-year-old MP grew up in a tough Plattenbau, or communist-era tower block, but says he was made by the local school: "That's social democracy," he tells a crowd in Weimar.
Globalization, in other words, has begun to undermine the fundamental promise of social democracy in Europe and of post–New Deal liberalism in the United States: to provide economic and social security and upward mobility.
"Going into another coalition with Merkel is bad for social democracy and bad for democracy," Mr. Kühnert said, summing up his pitch as he rushed to another campaign stop in an eastern district of Berlin.
It begins with a rift between political consciousness and practice: Despite its internationalist outlook, social democracy has always relied on the nation-state as the framework for safeguarding the rights of workers and redistributing wealth.
One of the questions at the heart of the fight between Clinton and Sanders is whether Sanders's promise to lead a political revolution that brings the United States closer to social democracy is credible or fantastic.
Yet social democracy - though it can claim success in creating and developing public services which have improved the lives and health of citizens - can now rarely convince its former supporters that it's still worth their votes.
It will take longer for the directors to be confirmed as a result and it's still possible new names could be put forward, said Ribeiro, a member of the Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB) from Para.
IN 1988 A group of centre-left politicians and academics who had opposed the military dictatorship that governed Brazil from 1964 to 1985 set up a new political organisation, the Party of Brazilian Social Democracy (PSDB).
Influenced: Britain's Liberal Party, European social democracy Ayn Rand 1905-1982 Main works: "The Fountainhead", 19803; "Atlas Shrugged", 1957Known for: Rand launched a brutal attack on the morality of a Western liberalism that criticises self-interest.
Previous generations of American liberals often looked to European welfare states for inspiration, but European social democracy is in a state of semi-permanent chaos induced by its inability to offer an EU-level governing agenda.
The past six contests have come down to a fight between the left-of-centre PT and the centre-right Brazilian Party of Social Democracy (PSDB), which ruled from 1995 to 2002 under Fernando Henrique Cardoso.
But while there are significant differences in Latin America between the left and the right, or between neoliberalism and social democracy, the leeway for economic change is much more narrow than proponents of each side believe.
" He sees Sanders's ideology as closer to "European-style social democracy," observing that the Vermont senator started off his campaign last year with "kind of an old-school Marxian approach with the class struggle explaining everything.
The source, who asked not to be named because he was not authorized to speak on the matter, said he did not expect the Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB) to be part of the future government.
Alarming some politicians, Jair Bolsonaro, an ultranationalist congressman who excoriates immigrants and defends the torture of drug traffickers, is polling well ahead of traditional contenders like Aécio Neves, a senator from the Brazilian Social Democracy Party.
And it is now not inconceivable that in the near future, Britain could elect Jeremy Corbyn's socialist Labour Party and implement old-fashioned social democracy, while the rest of Europe embraces a milder version of Thatcherism.
Barbosa's anti-corruption credentials will help him draw votes away from centrist candidate Geraldo Alckmin of the Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB) and environmentalist Marina Silva and help him reach the second-round run-off, Eurasia said.
But it was clear from the MSNBC forum that many of these same voters who find a lot to like about Sanders may not completely share his vision of Nordic-style social democracy — at least not yet.
Opponents of the demolition, the Times explains, "[saw] it as an affront to Norwegian and global artistic heritage, and a capitulation to Mr. Breivik," who was vehemently opposed to Norway's tradition of social democracy and safety net.
Some members of his governing coalition, including his closest ally the Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB) are split over whether it is time to abandon the corruption-plagued president even if they fully back his economic policies.
That is how Aécio Neves, who narrowly lost the presidential election in 2014 to the left-wing PT incumbent, Dilma Rousseff, has justified an electoral suit his Party of Brazilian Social Democracy (PSDB) brought against her winning ticket.
They are particularly eyeing the big-budget Cities Ministry, whose head resigned last week due to divisions in his Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB) over whether to abandon the scandal-hit Temer government ahead of an election year.
Acquittal by the electoral court could help Temer's main coalition ally, the Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB), convince its younger members who want to bolt from the government to stay put and help push unpopular reforms through Congress.
"Once again, thank you Geraldo Alkmin for uniting the scum of Brazilian politics," Bolsonaro said, referencing the four-time governor of Sao Paulo, candidate for the Brazilian Social Democracy Party, who trails Bolsonaro by 10 points or more.
The defense team of both Temer and Rousseff requested the testimony be scrapped, arguing that it went beyond the scope of the original complaint filed by the Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB) after it lost the 2014 election.
As my colleagues Matt Yglesias and Zack Beauchamp have written, the difference between Biden's response to the coronavirus and Sanders's is that Biden treats it like a management problem, while Sanders makes the explicit connection to social democracy.
After a 2016 primary contest that pushed Hillary Clinton to adopt the most progressive platform in history and revitalized the sort of agitation for social democracy that defined Bernie Sanders's career, the party had two ways to go.
Temer's charge will first be voted on by the 66-member Constitution and Justice Committee, which on Tuesday evening chose deputy Sergio Zveiter, from the president's own Brazilian Social Democracy Party, to be the rapporteur for the case.
That was a Golden Age for social democracy because governments, including the American government, hastened to find an alternative to communism, but that meant recognizing trade unions, encouraging democratic parties, encouraging cooperation in various kinds, and so on.
Temer's main coalition ally, the Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB), which seeks to win the presidential election next year, was split on whether to back Temer, whose economic policies it shares, or distance itself from his corruption-plagued government.
Pooling society's resources to meet people's basic needs is a tenet of social democracy, one that's been advocated domestically by much of the labor movement and many of its political supporters among New Deal and post-New Deal liberals.
SAO PAULO (Reuters) - Presidential hopeful João Doria, the mayor of Brazil's largest city, made it clear on Monday that he is not married to the centrist Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB) and is open to courtship from other parties.
With Temer's future on the line because of an ongoing corruption investigation and an electoral fraud trial that begins later Tuesday, the Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB) is considering leaving the cabinet and quitting the coalition whatever the outcome.
As he stood on the stage, he pointed at me and my colleague, Peter Weisenbacher, who is also an L.G.B.T. rights activist, and railed against us: He yelled into the microphone that we were agents of Smer-Social Democracy.
I think it's mostly true, as my colleague Walter Shapiro wrote on Wednesday, that there are no "hidden armies of would-be Democratic voters" waiting to usher Bernie to the presidency (and by extension, the country to social democracy).
Nor is the context for these two books the same: France is a social democracy, extending to its citizens benefits Americans would find unimaginable; the United States remains, as ever, enthusiastically capitalist, with an instinctive distaste for big government.
"A lot of American Jews and leftists had a dream for Israel, that it would be a social democracy that respected human rights, and they're seeing that dream be destroyed by people like Bibi NetanyahuBenjamin (Bibi) NetanyahuMORE," he said.
Now, in his late 70s, he has become a favorite of the loud, if congenitally unreliable youth vote, his visage animating armies of internet memes, his voice helping to revive a dormant passion for social democracy in American life.
In comments to reporters on Thursday, Lemos said she was close to accepting an offer to run for vice president alongside Alckmin, the candidate for the Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB), after they had a frank discussion on Wednesday night.
The appointment of Imbassahy, one of five ministers now from the Brazilian Social Democracy Party, or PSDB, in Temer's Cabinet, reflects the president's growing dependence on the allied party to pass economic reforms aimed at closing a huge budget deficit.
Scandinavia's most populous nation, Sweden sees itself as a bastion of social democracy and diplomatic neutrality, choosing not to join NATO even as countries in the Baltic Sea and Eastern Europe did so after the end of the Cold War.
Trying to get more of a handle on his politics, I asked Sunkara to pick between Eduard Bernstein — the incrementalist German Marxist who sowed the seeds of modern social democracy — and Rosa Luxemburg, who assailed Bernstein for abandoning hope of revolution.
Radio Free Europe reported Saturday that Caputova, a liberal and environmental lawyer, took about 58.4 percent of the vote compared to 85033 percent won by Maros Sefcovic, an independent candidate backed by the current ruling Direction-Social Democracy (Smer-SD) party.
The Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB) will support a government led by Vice President Michel Temer from the aisles of Congress if the left-leaning Rousseff is unseated next month, but the party is split over whether to join his cabinet.
The Temer and Rousseff defense teams requested the Odebrecht testimony be scrapped, holding that it went beyond the scope of the original complaint filed to the court by the Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB) after it lost the 2014 election.
The Temer and Rousseff defense teams requested the testimony be scrapped by the court known as TSE, holding that it went beyond the scope of the original complaint filed by the Brazilian Social Democracy Party after it lost the 2014 election.
Though everyone on the left sees social democracy as an improvement on red-blooded capitalism, it nonetheless struggles to break free from what Mr Piketty calls "proprietarianism", defined as "the political ideology founded on the absolute respect for private property".
Political scientist Cas Mudde notes that leaders of the EPP, the largest voting bloc in the Parliament that includes center-right leaders from around the continent, have for years enabled Orbán's attacks on social democracy, believing they could control his worst tendencies.
That meant siphoning votes away from center-right mainstays such as the Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB), which is set to lose about 20 of its 49 seats due to its role in graft scandals and compromises with the unpopular Temer government.
Rocha's 1 percent was matched by former Finance Minister Henrique Meirelles, the candidate of President Michel Temer's ruling Brazilian Democratic Movement (MDB), and trailed former Sao Paulo Governor Geraldo Alckmin, standard-bearer for the Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB), with 4-6 percent.
Image 2 of 2 SAO PAULO – Five allied political parties endorsed the presidential nominee of the bigger right-leaning Brazilian Social Democracy Party on Thursday, giving a boost to the man seen as the establishment candidate in Brazil&aposs fractured political landscape.
Unfortunately, America doesn't have a substantial Social Democracy Party, so anything to the left of the mainstream Democratic Party is simply called socialism because Americans don't have the vocabulary to talk about these things with more subtlety than a binary left-versus-right.
The lawmaker for the centre-right opposition Party of Brazilian Social Democracy (PSDB) was the 2000nd member of the 226-seat lower house of Brazil's Congress to say "yes" to sending impeachment charges against the president, Dilma Rousseff, to the Senate for trial.
It is exposed to global change: migration, environmental change, the EU. How do you make social democracy—which emerged at a time when the world was much less interconnected and interdependent—compatible with a world of fast-moving capital, violent economic change?
Social democracy is the result of the split of the Second International, between the traditional Marxist-Communist line that capitalism could not be civilised and the social democratic path of proposing change through the ballot box and some accommodation—the mixed economy.
Yet she is more respected than loved—helping to explain the startling success of Mr Sanders, a snowy-haired scold who thunders against global free-trade pacts, wants to break-up big banks and generally make America more like a Nordic social democracy.
Dean Acheson's famous remark, in 1962, that "Great Britain has lost an empire and has not yet found a role" suggests that striving to become a social democracy within Europe would somehow have been an insufficiently glorious ambition for an erstwhile world power.
" There's a degree of nostalgia for mid-twentieth century social democracy among today's leading leftists, who long for the days when income taxes were high, unions were strong, and reformist policies found a middle ground between the extremes of "socialism" and "capitalism.
The difference seems significant, until you compare it to today's primary where Clinton is making a very similar pitch, and Sanders is promising a political revolution powerful enough to drive big money and corruption out of politics and bring social democracy to America.
Many seem to have set the formula aside as incompatible with the current views of the party base, which is seen as demanding either a full pitch for social democracy, an explicit focus on questions of racial and gender identity, or both.
This is the pitch that Barack Obama used — not the transformation of America into a Nordic social democracy or the transformation of America into a sociology classroom, but some basic efforts to get the government on the side of middle-class people.
In doing so, Mr. Doria is emerging as one of the stars of the Brazilian Social Democracy Party, which had its origins in the opposition to Brazil's military dictatorship before evolving into a more conservative group anchoring the coalition of President Michel Temer.
SAO PAULO (Reuters) - The Brazilian Social Democracy Party, President Michel Temer's biggest ally, could depart his coalition once Congress has voted on a series of economic reforms in coming weeks, O Estado de S. Paulo reported on Monday, citing a senior party member.
Leveraging the fiscal crisis of the time, New York's leaders abruptly turned away from the city's burgeoning social democracy toward the radical capitalist ideology of neoliberalism, a model of governance that focuses on privatization, deregulation, fiscal austerity, small government, and trickle-down economics.
He praised the deal's commitment to strengthening the EU and tackling youth unemployment across the bloc, saying that in a world where U.S. President Donald Trump was an increasingly unreliable partner and China ever more powerful, social democracy was hard to achieve "by national means".
The mid-20th century in the United States featured many elements of social democracy, at least for the majority of white workers: Public education became readily available, housing was heavily subsidized, and ordinary workers took home a greater share of income than ever before.
Mouamba was a senior member of the Pan-African Union for Social Democracy (UPADS) but was expelled from the opposition party for participating in consultations that preceded a referendum last October on changing the constitution to allow Sassou Nguesso to serve a third term.
"It is the right that has inherited the ambitious modernist urge to destroy and innovate in the name of a universal project," Tony Judt, a British historian, lamented in "Ill Fares the Land", a paean to social democracy he dictated on his death bed.
Bruno Araújo of Pernambuco state, a federal deputy for the centre-right opposition Party of Brazilian Social Democracy (PSDB), cast the 342nd vote in Congress's 513-seat lower house in favour of sending impeachment charges against the president, Dilma Rousseff, to the Senate for trial.
The alternative would have been a six-party right-wing coalition led by the center-right Freedom and Solidarity party, which came in second to Mr. Fico's Smer-Social Democracy party, but leaders of those parties deemed that unlikely because the coalition would be unstable.
It's a different way of thinking about US history and the current moment, this choice that a new generation is facing, between social democracy on the one hand, represented by [Bernie] Sanders and [Alexandria] Ocasio-Cortez, and barbarism, on the other hand, with Donald Trump.
The parties that produced Europe's welfare states had different names, but they all embraced the balances — of the free market and the public sector, of enterprise and equity, of profit and protection — that socialism or its cousin social democracy (as opposed to communism) stood for.
Because a binary view of "liberals" and "conservatives" dominates American politics, ideologies to the left of mainstream Democrats tend to get lumped together — which often means the left conflates democratic socialism and social democracy, and the right casts all of it as socialism or communism.
Social democracy is in a coma in Europe, so I do think the elections in 2020 will be totally fascinating in America because the Democratic Party will be obliged to answer the question, 'What does it mean to be on the left in America?
This social democracy would involve a commitment to a free civil society, especially for oppositional voices; the need for institutional checks and balances on power; and a vision of a transition to socialism that does not require a "year zero" break with the present.
"We have to wait until we can agree on a way forward the day after, to maintain stability and preserve our constitution and democracy," said Senator Tasso Jereissati, leader of the center-right Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB) that is the largest ally in Temer's ruling coalition.
Prime Minister Robert Fico's leftist Smer-Social Democracy party, which has governed since 2012, finished first with 28 percent of the vote on Saturday, according to the national Statistical Office, but to form a new government, it will be forced to seek support among several other parties.
Voters like those in Doncaster now reject social democracy because social democrats failed to recognize what the populists did: that left-behind whites are economically protectionist and socially conservative; that they are deeply anxious about economic disadvantage and threats to their identity, values and ways of life.
With antecedents in British and European social democracy — the lectures and work of the socialist William Morris, the utopian ideas swirling around the Bauhaus in 1920s Germany positing that design should reflect a society at its most efficient and egalitarian — modern industrial design had a revolutionary mission.
One of Brazil's most powerful politicians, Aécio Neves, a senator from the centrist Brazilian Social Democracy Party and the runner-up in the 2014 presidential election, argued that accepting campaign funds, even if illegal, should be considered distinct from the corruption that has jolted the nation.
In that Scandinavian paradise of secular social democracy, between 57 percent and 82 percent of the population, depending on your source, is formally affiliated with a Christian denomination (including 76 percent with the Church of Norway, the state church), but only about 3 percent attend church.
"He will survive because he has a majority, though not my vote because I believe there is enough evidence to put him on trial by the Supreme Court," said Fabio Sousa, a lawmaker of the centrist the Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB), a member of Temer's governing coalition.
Running for president for the second time in four years, Sanders is betting that his program of liberal social democracy that almost upset Hillary Clinton in the 2016 primary will be enough to carry him to the nomination this time around against a much larger field of Democrats.
In Denmark, that haven of social democracy Bernie Sanders loves, a nativist party that rails against immigration, multiculturalism and the loss of sovereignty to the European Union won more than a fifth of the vote in parliamentary elections last year, three times the share it got in 1998.
The modifications of social democracy do little, by socialists' lights, to challenge a capitalist class that counts on the ongoing ransacking of already weak welfare states like that of the United States to continue padding private-sector bottom lines and that rationalizes casualized, exploitive regimes of labor control.
But there is no avoiding that the state of America — at least when viewed through the eyes of someone who comes from a functioning social democracy — is lamentable, and Partanen is good at blending the individual stories of her friends into the cold, hard facts of national statistics.
It has long struck me as puzzling that Bernie Sanders refers to his ideology — which I would characterize as social democracy or even just welfare state liberalism — as democratic socialism, a politically loaded term that seems to imply policy commitments Sanders hasn't made to things like government ownership of major industries.
What Sanders and other so-called radicals are advocating is routinely called "social democracy" abroad -- a phrase used infrequently in the US. It provides a pragmatic course that delivers lower inequality, better health care and improved work conditions, together with high living standards and a dynamic and innovative private sector.
But the Sanders wing of the Democratic Party manifestly belongs to a robust and consequential tradition of left-liberal activism within the party, one that stretches back to the middle of the 20083th century and has long aimed at transforming the party into more of a vehicle for social democracy.
Edson Fachin, a judge on the supreme court, which tries sitting politicians, has authorised the attorney-general to open a criminal investigation into Mr Temer, Mr Loures and Aécio Neves, a senator from the centre-right Party of Brazilian Social Democracy (PSDB), who was caught in another Batista-related sting.
"For so long, anything associated with the term socialist was not something that could be said in mainstream politics if you wanted to be taken seriously," Stephanie L. Mudge, a sociology professor and expert on socialism and social democracy at UC-Davis, told me, adding that this wasn't always the case.
A delegation of Norwegian activists attended the People's Summit in Chicago in June, and a few days later, three of us American activists—Winnie, Claire, and our friend and collaborator Moumita Ahmed (founder of Millennials for the Revolution)—accepted their invitation to travel Oslo to see Nordic social democracy first-hand.
" I reached out to Harris and asked him to expand on this idea, and here's what he said: "The bourgeois humanism of social democracy has flooded the engine of American revolt, but in the mascot's rabid eyes we recognize anew the unavoidable truth: The people have enemies and they must be destroyed.
Defense spending dropped from 4–5% of GDP during the Cold War to 2.5% in the mid-7503s and 1% in recent years, though Sweden continues to operate a robust $1.2 billion arms industry that sells weapons around the world, including to dictatorships, even as the country's leaders tout peace and social democracy.
These include a stronger New Deal (a full-fledged social democracy) under Henry Wallace, reasonable engagement with the Soviets, an Interstate System less destructive to American cities, a copacetic vision for public housing and federal funding for writers — in short, a United States modeled on Northern European lines, never apocalyptically obsessed with Moscow.
Alternatively, the more you favor a left-wing politics that stresses economic forces above all else, the more you'll cast Trump's blue collar support as the bitter fruit of the Democratic Party's turn to neoliberalism, and argue that social democracy rather than shaming and shunning is the cure for right-wing populism.
Despite her keen eye for how politics constantly shifts, she seems to believe that in Western Europe politics reached its highest stage after World War II, when capitalism was tamed by social democracy and liberal values were broadly adopted (or imposed) — all under an American security umbrella and funded by Marshall Plan cash.
He defeated the incumbent, Fernando Haddad, who governed relatively competently but had the misfortune to belong to the PT. Mr Doria's victory boosts his centre-right Party of Brazilian Social Democracy (PSDB) and the presidential hopes of the governor of São Paulo state, Geraldo Alckmin, who championed Mr Doria against opposition from other party grandees.
One of the more suggestive documents of the transition from the halfway social democracy of the Cold War era to today's mostly neoliberal order is a memo that Lewis Powell, soon to be a Nixon appointee to the Supreme Court, wrote in 1971 to Eugene Sydnor Jr., the head of the Chamber of Commerce.
It also means that keeping his base of youth voters intact even in absence of his own campaign is essential to ensure that there will be a contingent of Democratic voters friendly to social democracy in coming elections, when candidates encouraged by Sanders's surprising success so far might feel confident enough to run on a similar message.
Now, what we are facing is a major technological upheaval within global capitalism, in which the old-fashioned way of thinking about capital and labour and their tussle - which is central to social democracy, or ought to be if it is to be revived - is becoming disrupted, as they say, by the third or fourth machine age.
To see the difference between communism and social democracy, we need look no further than one of the major theorists and architects of the Russian revolution, Leon Trotsky, who was such a vehement opponent of social democrats in Western Europe that he blamed them for saving capitalism and preventing communist revolutions in places like Germany and France.
The 2014 independence referendum put a number of freighted questions to Scots: What kind of country would an independent Scotland be, with what relationship to Britain and to the European Union, and with what resources to finance a country that sees itself as a Nordic-style social democracy and spends far more than it takes in?
"In a Europe now dominated by center-right governments that seem to live in fear of the far right or in the hands of the far right, Spain stands out instead as a fortress for social democracy," said José Ignacio Torreblanca, the head of the Madrid office of the European Council on Foreign Relations, a think tank.
A 2018 article looking at similar survey data for a subset of these countries hypothesized why: While right-wing populism thrives on "welfare chauvinism" (or social democracy only for native whites), unions preach a gospel of solidarity among all workers and offer a political networking space to debate and disarm the siren call of the right.
"Some more establishment, corporate Democrats get very scared by this term but if being a democratic socialist means that you believe health care, housing, education and the things we need to thrive should be a basic right not a privilege then count me in," she said, describing what would historically be viewed as the cornerstones of a social democracy.
Just as Trump emerged as leader of the Republican Party after Paul Ryan and others spent a decade laying out an ambitious agenda of tax cuts, Medicare privatization, and safety net rollback, Carter took over as the surprise leader of the Democrats at a moment that represented the best chance for American social democracy since the New Deal.
For the most of us who are not familiar with the terminology and Marxism, ponder this:   Social democracy is a political ideology that has as its goal the establishment of socialism through the implementation of a policy regime that includes, but is not limited to, high taxation, government regulation of private enterprises, and the establishment of a universal welfare state.
It was his growing commitment to proletarian revolution that precipitated the famous divorce in Russian social democracy between Lenin's Bolsheviks ("majority"), who insisted on the need to organize the working class for revolution, and the Mensheviks ("minority," though they were often in fact part of the majority), who thought the best socialists could do would be to force the liberals to become revolutionary.
At a time when 32 million Americans may soon be kicked off their health insurance by Republicans in Congress, when a $15 national minimum wage is still an ambitious policy goal, and when concepts like paid parental leave or free college sound like distant dreams, the strong welfare states of the Scandinavian region shine like a beacon to a new generation of leftists yearning for social democracy.
The pillars of American social democracy were built by Democratic administrations and labor, particularly the industrial unions that were formed from the millions of workers who had joined the movement by the end of World War II. United Auto Workers President Walter Reuther, for example, believed unions would be central players in all post-war economic planning and had staffers working full-time on issues such as nuclear safety.
After promising a relatively cautious return to traditional social democracy in its 2017 manifesto — nationalization of some key industries, provision of free university education, slightly higher taxes on the richest — the Labour Party has since been driven by its base to embrace a more radical, forward-looking program, including a commitment to reducing carbon emissions at breakneck speed and ambitious reforms in favor of inclusive education and workers' rights.
Into this breach stepped the Scottish National Party with the pitch that an independent Scotland wouldn't so much be a tiny, cold backwater as another thriving Nordic-style social democracy just like Norway or Finland — countries that are, in fact, tiny and cold and sort of backwaters but that also regularly dominate international rankings of quality and life and serve as emblems of hope to left-wing intellectuals around the world.

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