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"socialism" Definitions
  1. a set of political and economic theories based on the belief that everyone has an equal right to a share of a country’s wealth and that the government should own and control the main industries

707 Sentences With "socialism"

How to use socialism in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "socialism" and check conjugation/comparative form for "socialism". Mastering all the usages of "socialism" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Democratic socialism is not a new version of socialism; it is just another method of establishing socialism.
The primary difference between socialism and democratic socialism is that socialism commits to public ownership of private industry, whereas, democratic socialism is a political ideology that focuses on a democratic control shared economy.
"All this talk about socialism isn't about socialism," Williamson writes.
Soviet socialism was radically different, as are other visions of socialism.
Ah, but isn't democratic socialism a "kinder, gentler" version of pure socialism?
Then there's the label "socialism" -- the umbrella under which democratic socialism lives.
And we are told not to worry about voters' hesitance about socialism because the ideological difference between Soviet-style socialism and democratic socialism is clear.
Socialism. Republicans and conservatives assert that the Democratic Party is increasingly embracing socialism.
Regardless of how the socialists come to power and what variants between political flavors of Christian democratic socialism, Soviet-style revolutionary socialism, Democratic socialism or any other kind of socialism are, they are all based on the same blueprint — Karl Marx's "scientific socialism" — and share the common mantra: "fair and equitable" distribution of wealth.
But clearly the stigma of socialism is lifting as presidential contender Bernie Sanders has brought socialism, and in particular democratic socialism, to the forefront of the national conversation.
But Sanders's candidacy has shifted the public perception of socialism—at least notional socialism—somewhat.
Third, and this is Mises's point regarding socialism, land socialism will create economic calculation problems.
Republicans don't want to do anything that's smacks of socialism, except socialism for the wealthy.
Politically, it's never been possible, because it's been considered socialism, and socialism was a kill switch.
So when you hear people talk about socialism, just ask them, where has socialism ever worked?
And if surveys mentioned that aspect of socialism, that growing support for socialism would vanish immediately.
The point of Socialism: The Game was actually to convince people that socialism could never work.
So, I think you overstate the arguments against socialism, but the Democrats can&apost win with socialism.
National parks, places for all Americans, "grew out of an expression of socialism, or democratic socialism," explains Grusin.
ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ, DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST: Well, first of all there this huge difference between socialism and Democratic socialism.
Y.) deliver an introductory course in socialism (absent any evidence of how socialism is working out in Venezuela)?
What do they mean by "democratic" socialism, and how does the socialism they foresee comport with republican liberty?
That said, Democratic views of socialism have improved, and young people view socialism more positively than older generations.
As part of the "America vs Socialism" theme, there's a giant red pillar that just says SOCIALISM. pic.twitter.
Look, I am no apologist for socialism but there is a difference between Cubist communism, Chavez&aposs high handed socialism bordering on communism, and Sweden for example, which does have a kind of democratic socialism.
Why, for example, is the totalitarian socialism of Nazi Germany poles apart from totalitarian socialism of the Soviet Union?
Women from across the left-wing spectrum — from socialism to socialism-lite — use feminism fakery to build their careers.
Sanders chose to identify his "democratic socialism" not with any historical socialists, but with a liberal opponent of socialism.
How would you compare your version of socialism with other socialist organizations, like DSA, or democratic socialism more generally?
He's also the guy whose weird attempt at dunking on socialism proved that he doesn't actually know anything about socialism.
The Sanders brand of democratic socialism is not Latin American-style socialism where businesses and utilities are seized and nationalized.
Why is the idea of socialism, whether the pseudo-socialism of the United States or Mr. Kühnert's genuine form, flourishing?
"Our view is it's not capitalism versus socialism because socialism isn't just about economics," Schlapp said early in the conference.
"Today there is much talk of 'democratic socialism,' and indeed I see that term as synonymous with 'socialism,'" he writes.
"The difference between my socialism and Trump's socialism is I believe the government should help working families, not billionaires," he added.
The White House just put out a report the other day attacking socialism, and linking Democrats and Democratic proposals to socialism.
Economist Joseph Schumpeter, in "Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy," feared that socialism would displace capitalism even though capitalism was a better system.
Fidel: Because Republicans have been calling everything socialism forever, Americans found themselves defining socialism as something different than the traditional form.
So please explain what is the difference between the socialism that you profess and the socialism in Nicaragua, Cuba and Venezuela.
"The problem in Venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented, but that socialism has been faithfully implemented," he said.
When Democratic lawmakers and left-leaning spokespeople talk about socialism — or democratic socialism — they're not talking about changing the means of production.
They may hate democratic socialism because it benefits working people, but they absolutely love corporate socialism that enriches Trump and other billionaires.
The problem with socialism, I'm quoting Margaret Thatcher, the problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.
Fifty-seven percent of Democrats held a positive view of socialism; only 16 percent of Republican voters viewed socialism favorably, Gallup found.
"The problem in Venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented, but that socialism has been faithfully implemented," Trump said to applause.
But today, the hottest trend among some far-left Democrats is to embrace socialism – calling it "Democratic socialism" to make it sound more appealing.
Since 1949, fewer people think socialism is about government control and more people think socialism is about equality, benefits, services, and Medicare for All.
And so we have socialism when it comes to the internet, we have socialism when it comes to free shipping, but that's about it.
"They may hate democratic socialism because it benefits working people, but they absolutely love corporate socialism that enriches Trump and other billionaires," he said.
Whether "socialism makes it more expensive to buy a Ford Ranger XL" is a sufficient debunking of socialism, I'll leave as an open question.
"While President Trump and his fellow oligarchs attack us for our support of democratic socialism, they don't really oppose all forms of socialism," Sanders said.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads After the End: Timing Socialism in Contemporary African Art presents an excavation of aesthetic responses to socialism in Africa.
When the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation commissioned a poll on socialism last year it found most millennials—69 percent—had trouble correctly defining socialism.
The report repeatedly conflated different forms of socialism, mixing together the autocratic policies of states like the Soviet Union and Maoist China with democratic socialism.
HURT: -- my question to you is, so I don&apost know how socialism -- I don&apost know how anybody makes the argument in favor of socialism.
The new popularity of democratic socialism prompted two libertarians to examine its differences from classic forms of socialism, in which private enterprise is restricted or eliminated.
It seems crafted to minimize concerns from conservatives screaming about socialism when the reality is that they're going to scream socialism no matter what Democrats propose.
How Sanders defines his socialism  "Socialism isn't a dirty word to African Americans," says  Jerald Podair, an author and history professor at Lawrence University in Wisconsin.
When politicians and commentators speak of socialism positively, maybe their intent is to appeal to the people who react to socialism positively and disregard everyone else.
The Gallup polling company, which has been tracking Americans' views on socialism for decades, points out that 57 percent of Democrats have a positive view of socialism.
A majority of Americans say socialism is incompatible with American values, and only 10 percent of voters in a new poll have a positive view of socialism.
Sanders didn't bite when the moderator (Jorge Ramos of Univision) asked about socialism in Venezuela, saying that it's not the same as his idea of democratic socialism.
Indeed, one of the chief selling points of Chavismo to its Western fans wasn't just that it was an example of socialism, but of democratic socialism, too.
Mr Xi stresses that socialism with Chinese characteristics is in fact about "socialism and not any other kind of –ism" (point two, subsection three on the mind-map).
Nearly 220% of Americans consider socialism to be a threat to the US, according to INSIDER polling, even though they tend to disagree on what "socialism" actually is.
Despite the millions slaughtered and hundreds of millions oppressed under the banner of socialism in the 20th century, Bernie Sanders has helped rehabilitate "socialism" in American progressive politics.
The Washington Post notes that Ocasio-Cortez favors a European style of democratic socialism that's far different than the socialism that was implemented by Hugo Chavez in Venezuela.
When the people on the left talk glowingly of socialism, they tend to talk about a socialism that is a couple large steps down the path of bigger government.
I read considerable talk about "the democratic" as applying to the process of getting socialism; damn little about it as an adjective applying to socialism when you get it.
" He framed the crisis in Venezuela as a failure of socialism and suggested Democrats wanted to use the Mueller investigation to force him out of office and "institute Socialism.
"Socialism" claim It is worth mentioning that while many countries in Europe have smaller socialist or communist parties within their multiparty systems, they are not countries living under "socialism".
And this smear campaign has had a predictable effect: Sooner or later, if you call any attempt to improve American lives "socialism," a lot of people will conclude that socialism is O.K. A recent Gallup poll found that majorities both of young voters and of self-identified Democrats prefer socialism to capitalism.
I don&apost think that this one district in New York is scalable in terms of running on Democratic socialism or socialism in most of these other districts around the country.
But Gates also said that he's in favor of capitalism in general and that most people who are ostensibly arguing for socialism in the United States aren't actually advocating for socialism.
Among Democratic voters, a decline in support for capitalism did not translate to increased support for socialism; and among young voters, positive views of socialism have fallen four points since 2016 .
But that same poll also measured that only 33 percent supported socialism, suggesting that democratic socialism could struggle to be a viable alternative unless its supporters convert large swaths of Americans.
The announcement of Ms. Monopoly comes a few weeks after the company received criticism for Monopoly Socialism -- a tongue-in-cheek game that sparked debate for its flippant handling of socialism.
MALAVE: -- not socialism and the ideals that combine that.
For Sanders, the issue is ideology — that is, socialism.
Sanders used the speech to cast democratic socialism as separate and apart from the sort of socialism tried unsuccessfully in Europe, a philosophy in which economic rights are inseparable from human rights.
" Dems increasingly embrace socialism over capitalism -  Gallup:  "For the first time in Gallup&aposs measurement over the past decade, Democrats have a more positive image of socialism than they do of capitalism.
Ramos, for example, asked Sanders to explain why he'd stopped short of calling Venezuelan leader Nicolás Maduro a dictator, and asked him to explain what differentiated his democratic socialism from Venezuela's socialism.
Socialism (even oxymoronic democratic socialism) places an almost religious-level of faith in the government's ability to provide security while simultaneously placing zero faith in the governed to make their own choices.
Ironically, Sanders has never identified as a democrat and has tried to soften his full-throated socialism by calling himself a "Democratic Socialist" — insinuating that his brand of socialism is a modern doctrine, a "fair capitalism," a kind of "minimalist socialism" — something light and airy like cotton candy and achieved through proper re-education and democratic processes.
I mean, it&aposs incredible the state of the Democratic Party when you&aposre embracing socialism, when DNC chair Tom Perez said Ocasio-Cortez and socialism are the new face of our party.
"A funny thing happens when you demonize universal health care, nutritional aid, and unemployment benefits as 'socialism': lots of people decide socialism is OK," New York Times op-ed writer Paul Krugman tweeted.
Here are five takeaways from the conference: Republicans preview 2628 message: anti-socialism If there's one message that rang clear throughout CPAC, it's this: the Democratic Party is now the party of socialism.
The Sanders version of socialism Communism today is associated with repressive regimes in the Soviet Union and China, although it is was, in the vision of Karl Marx, the next step after socialism.
But, also -- her embrace of socialism is -- I find just.
What does a hybrid of capitalism and socialism look like?
Trump and Republicans are already painting these ideas as socialism.
They think national socialism is a relic of the '30s.
WATTERS: You want socialism to replace capitalism here in America?
But getting there -- you don&apost get there through socialism.
The Democratic Party officially endorses socialism, the video up next.
" ON SOCIALISM IN U.S. POLITICS "I'm a card-carrying capitalist.
They want socialism because they want free stuff over freedom.
When young people invoke socialism, however, conservatives hear something else.
It's never to early to teach her about socialism. pic.twitter.
I would absolutely die to eradicate Socialism and its variants.
Socialism-- CHARLIE MUNGER: you got your wish it came back.
What about this moment makes socialism such a rallying cry?
Older respondents tend to be far more wary of socialism.
"Socialism is toxic to these voters," said the top Democrat.
He described democratic socialism in a speech earlier this month.
This country is debating the importance of a socialism vs.
He called for us to embrace the tenets of socialism.
Go deeper: Exclusive poll shows young Americans are embracing socialism
He could actually endorse National Socialism in so many words.
We have a history of fascism, and even National Socialism.
And that's like living with all this government or socialism.
Socialism with a human face died with the Soviet economy.
"Socialism with an iPad" is one of his favourite slogans.
Meanwhile, Republicans remain much more positive about capitalism and socialism.
But first, the Democrats struggle to make socialism sexy again.
Certainly, helping farmers is not the first step to socialism.
When you have socialism, everything is ran by the government.
That&aposs what you get, and so socialism ... LEVIN: Obamacare?
Do you think the millennials even know what socialism is?
Country star John Rich is sharing his thoughts on socialism.
"We will never let socialism destroy American healthcare," Trump said.
Even worse, millennials now view socialism more positively than capitalism.
" He went on: "Socialism is about dismantling that structure altogether.
Still, the Cuban economists refutes the downfall of Cuban socialism.
But what does a movement for "democratic socialism" actually mean?
And that's not even in a talk calling for socialism.
I'm talking about capitalism and socialism and the militaristic system.
Perhaps even more worrisome is the rising popularity of socialism.
This is why socialism in any form does not work.
So what are polls measuring when they ask about socialism?
His "thoughts on socialism" were written into the party's constitution.
And Mr Lukashenko's adherence to socialism goes well beyond symbols.
The Hill: Trump divides Democrats with warning of creeping socialism.
But one thing is true: socialism is on the rise.
Republicans have to be smarter on how they define socialism.
President Trump worries that Venezuelan socialism has come to America.
They needed to be better capitalists to afford their socialism.
"This is what I mean by democratic socialism," he said.
And your supporters adopt "socialism" as a positive descriptor too.
They speak of socialism as a viable course for America.
A majority said they had a favorable view of socialism.
King was even drawn to socialism as a young man.
" He said: "The Democrats want to replace freedom with socialism.
Almost from its origins, the word "socialism" came with modifiers.
James Hohman: Will Americans' embrace of socialism wane without Sanders?
Far from hurting his candidacy, the "socialism" label helped it.
They had spared the country from "European socialism," he said.
By doctrines, he meant political ideologies like communism or socialism.
He believes in corporate socialism for the rich and powerful.
"Freedom, not socialism, ended slavery," intoned Vice President Mike Pence.
Sanders would have to deal with widespread fear of socialism.
"In socialism, what you get is warm wine," he said.
But I've been wondering, exactly how discredited is socialism, really?
Sanders's campaign has caused dictionary searches for "socialism" to spike.
What are the politics of Sanders's commitment to democratic socialism?
"Socialism has taken over the Democratic Party," says the ad.
The mortality rate for countries with socialism is 100 percent.
Socialism kills every country it comes in contact with, folks.
Just like Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont believes in socialism.
What the "new socialists" want is social democracy, not socialism.
But many Americans see them as slippery slopes to socialism.
"South Carolinians don't want socialism," Cunningham said in an Feb.
Socialism is in a lot of places around the country.
They are proposing a completely different course by promoting socialism.
Sports of The Times Socialism wafts in the spring wind.
Growing up, we always heard socialism was scary, scary, scary.
There are different meanings, interpretations and economic theories of socialism.
His Movement to Socialism (MAS) has a majority in congress.
Socialism when it suits him, capitalism when it suits him.
Socialism is the most compelling secular religion of all time.
Today, the real argument is not between capitalism and socialism.
Anything that helps and aids every American must be socialism.
He believed he was doing what socialism revered: organizing workers.
That doesn't mean we need to adopt socialism or communism.
The reasons why some millennials prefer socialism have been documented.
"Socialism is a movement that loves a smear," he said.
Meanwhile, 51 percent of young people are positive about socialism.
Take, for example, the Democratic Party's renewed attraction to socialism.
It has essentially adopted socialism as its cause du jour.
He's told Republicans they must choose between federalism and socialism.
McConnell explain Social Security and Medicare in terms of socialism.
"Name one country where socialism has ever worked," she challenged.
If the question is framed as socialism or capitalism, it's difficult to state the obvious: We may need a bit more socialism now, even if that may create a need for more capitalism later.
It's not clear that everyone has a shared definition for what "socialism" actually means, but if Sanders wins the presidency, he'll do so by convincing people that whatever socialism is, it's a good thing.
The term "socialism" has become so confused in this debate that it does not have a clear policy meaning; its use, rather, is a sign that "socialism" sounds positive to a number of Americans.
Recent polling from the Pew Foundation shows that, while Republicans are overwhelmingly opposed to socialism, 65 percent of Democrats feel either somewhat or very positively about socialism (55 percent say the same about capitalism).
I don't know if it is socialism or not socialism — that's a semantic game — but it would definitely represent the greatest centralization of power in the hands of the Washington elite in our history.
"The one thing we have in our favor is that socialism is an abysmal failure," Paul added, saying the difference between the capitalism of South Korea and socialism in North Korea is visible from space.
These experiments taught us lessons, showed us a glimpse of another world—and showed us the limitations of building socialism without resources and building socialism without a genuinely strong capacity to be democratic in action.
We have the spectacle of contemporary Africa, Venezuela and much of Latin America as evidence of the political calumny of socialism, and we have seen the brain drain of other Western countries that advocate socialism.
The study also found greater uncertainty about defining socialism among racial minority groups with 27 percent of black voters saying they did were unsure of what socialism was and 22 percent of Hispanics being uncertain.
Trump attacks Democrats over "socialism"The president excoriated Democrats for what he says is an embrace of socialism, citing new policies like "Medicare for all" and the "Green New Deal," which is spearheaded by Rep.
In a recent NBC News / Wall Street Journal poll, 50% of US adults said they viewed socialism either somewhat or very negatively compared to just 18% who said they had a positive view of socialism.
And both big business and capitalism do far better than socialism.
WATTERS: Hold on, I&aposm just asking where has socialism worked?
I don't think socialism is the ticket, or open borders either.
First was socialism, with the state in charge of economic life.
So why is it that the millennial generation is embracing socialism?
But the socialism of younger people today sounds nothing like that.
Unlike Raúl, he dislikes the "market socialism" of China and Vietnam.
And he decided, he came back, and it was hard socialism.
What evidence is there that women had better sex under socialism?
He has warned that his Democratic rivals would usher in socialism.
" CII's approach, Lipton warned, "would lead to state corporatism or socialism.
Socialism has never been proved to work anywhere in the world.
As this year's presidential election approaches, socialism isn't looking so bad.
" On Medicare for All bill: "Democrat lawmakers are now embracing socialism.
His party, the Movement towards Socialism, remains powerful in rural areas.
Go deeper ... "Axios on HBO" poll: 55% of women prefer socialism
Millennial socialism has a refreshing willingness to challenge the status quo.
Hickenlooper: That depends on what, what aspect of socialism they embrace.
Even on socialism-averse Wall Street that idea has gained traction.
I don&apost think a lot of people know about socialism.
Trump: "They want to raid Medicare to pay for socialism." pic.twitter.
"Freedom or socialism — that's the choice in 2020," NRCC Chairman Rep.
But there's no indication that what she's putting forward is socialism.
Again, that's not socialism in the classic sense of the word.
This is the same person who did that Skittles socialism tweet.
And capitalism has some flaws, but socialism has no benefits, okay.
Everyone gets free education, what you call that other than socialism?
TATE: They stand for socialism, open borders, and resisting Donald Trump.
Republicans, on the other hand, favored capitalism much more than socialism.
What is it exactly that socialism is meant to fix here?
Democratic socialism has gained national prominence in recent years with Sen.
The Harvard poll showed just 33 percent said they favor socialism.
Apparently socialism has its limits, even in reliably blue New York.
In 1968, I would have settled for nothing less than socialism.
Think of it as socialism for thee but not for me.
Orwell once identified as the first aim of socialism: nurturing a
The inherent virtue of Socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.
"Democratic socialism is for every worker on earth," the post read.
Older respondents were more likely to associate socialism with negative definitions.
He also hit Sanders to drive home his argument about socialism.
But it also means that his socialism is his alone. At
We can't think that the American people understand what socialism is.
Surely, such a dedicated socialist can truthfully explain what socialism is.
She must know what socialism is if Bernie won't speak up.
Socialism is not about wealth creation; it is about wealth distribution.
In this context, socialism works, it works as it supposed to.
Meanwhile, 57 percent of the same respondents felt positively about socialism.
She disputed that Democratic socialism is "ascendant" in the broader party.
For Debs, socialism meant public ownership of the means of production.
Debs understood capitalism best on a train, socialism best in prison.
"Big government socialism will wreck the economy," the campaign ad states.
Still, many with Morales' Movement for Socialism (MAS) party stayed away.
The unfolding crisis in Venezuela again demonstrates the failures of socialism.
Whites with college degrees, in short, weren't secretly dreaming of socialism.
If you're thinking that sounds a lot like socialism, you're right.
We all thought that socialism might prevail and it just hasn't.
In both years, 51% of respondents said they viewed socialism positively.
What are opponents going to do — denounce it all as socialism?
This is one reason that Sanders-style socialism picked up steam.
And people think several different things when they hear about socialism.
But that's about equality, not the standard textbook definition of socialism.
Democratic socialism has become a major force in American political life.
Bernie Sanders is making his case for his brand of socialism.
But Quist's platform doesn't exactly amount to full democratic socialism, either.
Instead, it depicts suffering inflicted by state control masquerading as socialism.
A socialist, in the traditional sense, is an adherent of socialism.
"Socialism inevitably produces stagnation, corruption and often worse," Mr. Dimon writes.
There's been nothing to teach people about the varieties of socialism.
The word "socialism" appears 144 times — on average, twice a page.
Still, the specter of socialism evokes fear of a new totalitarianism.
I very much look forward to Bloomberg and Sanders talking socialism.
Women in Eastern Europe had better sex under socialism, she argues.
First, can Republicans paint Sanders' "democratic socialism" as something to fear?
Socialism is about radically changing the way people's lives are now.
The Tories loosened the corset of socialism; they never removed it.
Then again, the Yankees benefit from a different sort of socialism.
The party would have edged toward his brand of democratic socialism.
Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, but he did warn against socialism.
Rick Scott (R-Fla.): Socialism must never replace the American Dream.
And the moderating elements he endorses are typically part of socialism.
She's pro-union but nervous about national Democrats' talk of socialism.
The important thing is that this form of socialism compels obedience.
O.C. plus three" and warned of the "grim specter of socialism.
Where with socialism, the top priority is society and social politics.
But there's another important element to consider in terms of socialism.
As to whether the country wants socialism, that's another question entirely.
He or she should push back on this drive toward socialism.
I'll tell you what I believe in terms of democratic socialism.
He will continue to push the party towards his beloved socialism.
And the association between "socialism" and social mobility isn't an accident.
The word "socialism" appeared 144 times — on average, twice a page.
What do Trump's people, or conservatives in general, mean by "socialism"?
Opinion Columnist Department of Irony: Republicans can't stop howling about socialism.
Republicans may cry socialism, and affluent centrists may not love it.
"To his credit, Sanders has been consistent in his support for socialism and even, at times, communism," Delaney said in a statement on Wednesday, ahead of a speech Sanders gave on his view of Democratic socialism.
In 1922 he published "Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis", in which he demonstrated the impossibility of socialism as an economic and social system and described how it leads to the destruction of the social fabric.
Beyond the fact that our schools have failed to teach the disastrous consequences socialism has wrought on the nations and people around the world, it's now becoming more acceptable inside the Democrat Party to accept socialism.
Then he made the case that what America has right now is "socialism for the rich," benefiting Bloomberg and other wealthy people at the expense of the working and middle classes: Let's talk about democratic socialism.
He says the problem isn't socialism per se, but rather "petro-socialism": The real gains that marginalized Venezuelans saw through increased social spending were ultimately undermined by a refusal to generate sources of growth other than oil.
Michelle, when you hear people denigrate the American system like Cortez does, when we talked about importing socialism into America, do you really believe she thinks socialism can be successfully implemented in America and people can thrive?
Or, at least a good point about how socialism is defined in the U.S.Gates pointed out that the current surge in pro-socialist rhetoric in the U.S. isn't really socialism by any strict definition of the word.
We have a simple choice: we can have the Democratic socialism of Bernie Sanders to benefit all Americans, or we can have Republican socialism which benefits the 1% and leads us to a constant state of war.
In the United States and Britain, where millennials have little experience of socialism or personal memory of what it produced in the Soviet era, many young voters are inclined to see socialism as something new and positive.
While a majority of Democrats nationwide react positively to the word "socialism," strong antipathy toward socialism among Republicans and Republican-leaning independents suggests that a socialist political agenda might not bode well in swing districts this fall.
They are going to demonize him and bring up Venezuela and socialism.
McCain went on to slam socialism, quoting Margaret Thatcher in the process.
Let&aposs hang out at the coffee shop and talk about socialism.
The DSA argues that socialism is more than what its critics portray.
And for those of you who need reminding, socialism doesn&apost work.
Antonio, is socialism, identify politics, open borders, and environmentalism a winning formula?
There is a name for this approach, and it is called socialism.
Now he plans to speak at a conference on socialism in July.
Part of the problem with socialism is it just doesn&apost work.
When I mentioned socialism, they all insisted I'd be better off volunteering.
Cunningham blasts Sanders: 'South Carolinians don't want socialism' MORE received one each.
And it's not socialism, it's stronger and smarter and more, better capitalism.
Cunningham blasts Sanders: 'South Carolinians don't want socialism' MORE at 18.5 percent.
In Massachusetts Joseph Schumpeter wrote "Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy", published in 21950.
Bloomberg's willingness to confront Sanders on socialism and electability isn't in doubt.
We've already got a lot of this kind of socialism in America.
Wait, this is a 13-year-old using terms like hard socialism?
Rocard built his version of municipal socialism around self-governing local committees.
"To their minds, socialism became a kind of substitute religion," Sarna said.
In reality, both parties traditionally have supported neither socialism nor unregulated capitalism.
Cunningham blasts Sanders: 'South Carolinians don't want socialism' MORE with one each.
The big picture: Democrats and young adults are increasingly favorable to socialism.
A club for capitalists or socialism by stealth, depending on your view.
Mr Trump's strategists see fear-mongering over socialism as a winning strategy.
Is that socialism or ... I don't know what human-centered capitalism means.
HANNITY: Why does the poll show Democrats, Jesse, support socialism over capitalism?
The problem is that the millennials never give socialism a close examination.
A new Gallup poll confirms that more Democrats prefer socialism to capitalism.
We are not talking about authoritarian or totalitarian forms of socialism, right.
What do you think about this socialism experiment within the Democratic Party?
They were (in order): racism, socialism, fascism, concentration camp, xenophobia and bigot.
Further: Sanders's brand of democratic socialism is hardly in his best interests.
Harwood: Let me ask you about the word "socialism" in our politics.
Similar to socialism, progressivism advocates for a government built on compulsory force.
As a philosophical label, socialism fares dismally alongside capitalism in public sentiment.
Trump's opponents might update the old slogan: Liberal-conservative-socialism or barbarism!
Score one for socialism, in which the hits are shared out equally.
Socialism in any form, with any adjective, is a path to failure.
His party, the Movement to Socialism (MAS), maintained its majority in congress.
I guess it was socialism and class warfare for the win then!
Democrats are younger, and older Democrats are much more hostile to socialism.
Despite what "fake news" tells you, there is nothing populist about socialism.
"What is socialism if not standing with the workers?" he told CNN.
Others say Jews are behind socialism and communism; "Remember Marx," they insist.
More than any other generation before them, Millennials are OK with socialism.
Meanwhile, about 50 percent of Americans say that they view socialism negatively.
This is the type of socialism being promoted by politicians like Sen.
Jesse Watters: Now, let's look at the facts about socialism, shall we?
Conversely, 2202 percent said they see the party as opposed to socialism.
Trump has repeatedly attacked socialism while linking it to the Democratic Party.
All of these provisions feature prominently in the DCA version of socialism.
We have to be mindful that every ism — communism, socialism, fascism, etc.
Sanders does not want to acknowledge that Democratic socialism is an oxymoron.
It's one of the reasons Donald Trump is now running against socialism.
But they do have a sense of what socialism would feel like.
It is not necessarily about handouts for all, or socialism for America.
Socialism is the greatest system ever invented for making people equally poor.
These Jews, who established American socialism, did so in an adopted language.
Republicans have seized on socialism as a wedge issue as freshman Rep.
Socialism in America could wait, they felt; their daughter's education could not.
Younger generations are embracing socialism — or at least opening up to it.
Socialism and capitalism each unleashed unprecedented horrors racing across the world's surface.
Given socialism concerns about Mr. Sanders, that candidate could be Elizabeth Warren.
James could have been describing Howells's socialism and that of his contemporaries.
Trump also planned to make socialism a central focus of his attacks.
But that's not what everyone thinks of when they're told about socialism.
When speaking with voters, Souffrant Forrest doesn't talk specifically about democratic socialism.
Trump has said publicly he's worried it'll look too much like socialism.
And what do we mean, in 2018, when we talk about "socialism"?
Socialism is not journalists, intellectuals or politicians armed with a policy agenda.
The problem isn't really the specifics of socialism or this or that.
His assertion that capitalism was superior to socialism disturbed the Chinese greatly.
That means they are endorsing Socialism, hate of Israel, and the USA!
Meretz is the only party really sticking to its ideology: Zionist socialism.
Only here is the word "socialism" freighted with so much perceived menace.
" He added: "What do I mean when I talk about democratic socialism?
Socialism destroys 100 percent of every country it comes in contact with.
"He was definitely a victim of National Socialism," a museum spokeswoman said.
" Cheney replied, "Yes, @SenSanders, son of Eli Sanders, socialism is a fraud.
"They're running on big government socialism, that's what it's called," Murtaugh said.
You know, I just don't think the country is prepared for socialism.
It's true that socialism is unpopular with a large majority of Americans.
State socialism ravaged the economy as powerful unions crippled industry with strikes.
The Ben and Jerry's founders also defended Sanders's support for Democratic socialism.
Democratic socialism has arrived and the American people are here for it.
Even today, an employer can still fire someone for quietly endorsing socialism.
An anti-socialism ad with a burning image of AOC sparked controversy.
"I believe in democratic socialism for working people, not billionaires," said Sanders.
Sanders' embrace of socialism delights Republicans and concerns moderate Democrats like Sen.
Maybe you thought we meant socialism, or abortion, or race relations. Nope.
Miranda, is a member of Congress for the Socialism and Liberty Party.
In the Acts of the Apostles, God favored the poor and socialism.
Socialism produces economic and political inequality as the rulers turn into gangsters.
I learned the ills of socialism quickly … and became a Whig slowly.
Former Vice President Joe Biden has said the US doesn't need socialism.
I don't know even how that became socialism or Republican or Democrat.
" She later added, "I'm not sure I even know what socialism is.
And when people looked up socialism, they usually looked up capitalism too.
He also knocked socialism and emphasized the need for new conservative leaders.
And there was his grandiose vision of the destiny of National Socialism.
Republicans will then use it to argue Democrats are moving toward socialism.
In 2019, "socialism" is enjoying something of a revival in American politics.
Someone would say that socialism is bad and the crowd would cheer.
"The twilight hour of socialism has arrived in our hemisphere," Trump said.
"I don't believe the country should be heading to socialism," he said.
And, funny thing, during all this time, socialism didn't have much appeal.
The debate over Donald Trump's alleged n-word tape, explained "Socialism" vs.
It's a complex work to process, because Hillers had embraced National Socialism.
For a long time, though, socialism was considered to be anti-American.
"Skip the socialism and capitalism chapters, read the democracy chapters," Frum says.
Speaking in the same room where former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz warned earlier in the day that socialism is taking over the Democratic Party, Ocasio-Cortez defended her self-described democratic socialism and dismissed "fear-mongering" about it.
One Democratic operative said that Sanders's decision to refocus his campaign on democratic socialism was "inexplicable" given his lackluster support among Democratic partisans and older voters, many of whom still associate socialism with the Cold War and authoritarianism.
Read more: All the Monopoly rules you've probably been playing wrong your whole lifeHasbro also released Monopoly Socialism a few weeks ago, which is a tongue-in-cheek game that angered some for its "flippant" treatment of socialism.
" In this regard, President Harry Truman was right when he said that: "Socialism is the epithet they have hurled at every advance the people have made in the last 20 years…Socialism is what they called Social Security.
Some Democratic politicians such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have followed Bernie Sanders lead in taking up the mantle of what they call "socialism," while presenting what in fact is closer to mild democratic socialism or a strong welfare state.
"It's all these candidates that would get affected … and hurt by a campaign's inability to distinguish their brand of Democratic socialism from the socialism that many folks in Florida fled from or have a negative perception of," Macías said.
His Movement Toward Socialism party has presided over 20153 percent annual economic growth.
PERINO: Well, I think -- WATTERS: When have we lost the argument on socialism?
His denunciations of Maduro's socialism mirror his 2020 campaign attacks on progressive Democrats.
Pence accused Omar on Thursday of backing "socialism over freedom" with her comments.
"Virtually everywhere it has been tried, socialism has brought suffering, misery and decay."
In fact, it's safe to say working-class millennials are actually into socialism.
The poor, meanwhile, consumed leftist ideology like the libertarian socialism of Mikhail Bakunin.
This led me to consider the degree of land socialism in this country.
Embracing socialism seems sinister, and something that no rational person should ever consider.
But we're arguing about socialism again and we're arguing about free markets again.
Unlike Fidel, Raúl is keen on the "market socialism" of Vietnam and China.
"An enemy of Socialism cannot write in our newspapers," he said to Lockwood.
She knew she was a revolutionary, and she was determined to break socialism.
Elizabeth Warren's reformist view of capitalism than to the democratic socialism of Rep.
Deng Xiaoping coined the clunky term "socialism with Chinese characteristics" in the 1980s.
But "socialism with Chinese characteristics" has long had a contradiction at its heart.
Why it matters: Socialism is losing its Soviet-era stigma, especially among women.
Peruvian (and Latin American) socialism should not blindly copy European models, he thought.
"He did a good job of softening the edges of socialism," Rove said.
Now, when we say entrepreneurship is dying, socialism is coming, yada, yada, yada.
Xi Thought updates the Theory invented by Deng, namely "Socialism with Chinese Characteristics".
Whatever you might think about the Green New Deal, it is not socialism.
Socialism used to be a scary word in the U.S. Presidential hopeful Sen.
But the experts say socialism was not the root cause of Venezuela's problems.
Go deeper: Trump's lifeline: Democrats' socialism surge Trump's 2020 vision: America First vs.
"I don't think the country will go to socialism in 2020," Buffett added.
WATTERS: But we don&apost know if socialism can play in the heartland.
"Bernie has to speak to what democratic socialism is," Warren said in March.
HENNINGER: Paul, I am giving a hit to Socialism for its entertainment value.
They&aposre all for the same march to socialism that Nancy Pelosi preaches.
Since Hugo Chavez imposed socialism on the country, it has spiraled ever downward.
I mean, socialism-- (CROSSTALK) HANNITY: A question I have for both of you.
It will not stop layoffs, nor will it suddenly turn capitalism into socialism.
TARLOV: You know, socialism has been mentioned to me a few times actually.
They also reminded me that American socialism has been on the rise before.
Politicians like Bernie Sanders and Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez are making socialism cool again.
"Socialism", "communism", "fascism", "terrorism" and "racism" all saw big spikes in lookup traffic.
Democrats marginally express positive views of socialism, independents and Republicans strongly negative views.
At least it wasn't the 'socialism with post-crash American tendencies' speech again.
Increasingly, the core of the party is openly in favor of outright socialism.
About 6 percent believe socialism means being social, including activity on social media.
JAMES FISHERGrand Rapids, Michigan What the millennials are proposing is egalitarianism, not socialism.
Democratic socialism speaks to people's fears and anger and offers a positive vision.
New Deal, we are told, is socialism incarnate and just plain impractical—a
They attack those policies as socialism and institute their own far-right ideas.
Now, Republicans love to scream "socialism" at any policy that involves the government.
Sanders has consistently claimed that his socialism is a Scandinavian-type welfare state.
These surveys also make clear that respondents do not know what socialism is.
Americans won't vote for socialists if they come to understand what socialism is.
Sanders cannot come clean on socialism and be more than a fringe candidate.
But the real story in Gallup's data isn't necessarily voters' opinion of socialism.
"We can't think that the American people understand what socialism is," McDaniel said.
Thankfully, Colombians voted against socialism and opted for change in President-elect Duque.
The report does also discuss the democratic socialism practiced by some European countries.
Debs wrote its manifesto, but there's a certain timidity to the new socialism.
Politicians can tell different groups that socialism is whatever they want to hear.
" Pence, in a tweet on Thursday, accused Omar of choosing "socialism over freedom.
This, much more than Sanders, is why more Americans have warmed to socialism.
The only social order compatible with spiritual freedom, Hägglund believes, is democratic socialism.
GUTFELD: They&aposre throwing socialism around because they don&apost have any ideas.
Because big welfare states needed to become better capitalists to afford their socialism.
Detractors like to equate Senator Bernie Sanders's socialism with Soviet and Chinese Communism.
But the question is: What do Americans mean when they talk about socialism?
But he waved off the idea that democratic socialism is on the march.
He also implied that using the DPA would be a form of socialism.
For leftists in the 2010s, confronting the Republicans and the Democrats, it's socialism.
Speaking of progressives, Trump's condemnation of socialism was an underhanded swipe at Sen.
Throughout, there are odd touches that at times feel almost sympathetic to socialism.
Socialism is what they called the growth of free and independent labor organizations.
" In a 1977 essay for Dissent magazine, "Socialism and Liberalism: Articles of Conciliation?
There's little attention paid to Mitch McConnell's daily fulminations against regulations and socialism.
Democrats, if you are listening, we don't need socialism or massive spending plans.
Socialism (of some kind) is espoused by a growing number of Democratic politicians.
The Catholics attribute the lack of individual accountability to the ideology of socialism.
From an academic standpoint, there's an ongoing debate about what socialism really is.
It's something that socialism and the left have not been able to shake.
Anti-Semitism is both the socialism of fools and the conservatism of creeps.
The working-class heroes of Socialism became the working-class losers of capitalism.
And it was this realization that the hardest socialism is compulsion, is coercion.
"South Carolinians don't want socialism," Cunningham told the Post and Courier in Charleston.
" For Evan Schmidt, a second-year economics major, "socialism is a word only.
And that, more than his support for socialism, is what sets Sanders apart.
Democratic socialism is really just asking people not to economically oppress each other.
At least Sanders is honest enough to call this what it is: socialism.
"German National Socialism is a historic movement of the past," Mr. Spencer said.
When socialism bleeds into government overreach, it drains countries of prosperity and gumption.
Our form of capitalism must not be questioned; it means we'll have socialism.
Trump's dig on socialism means he's scared, Ocasio-Cortez said after his speech.
They're all proponents of socialism, who made promises they could never, ever keep.
This stuff is so far to the left, it does amount to socialism.
In 2020, democratic socialism has firmly centered itself in the mainstream political discourse.
I believe that at its very conception the idea of socialism was stillborn.
" In Mr. Collins's words: "What's interesting about socialism is that it announces itself.
Sanders, for his part, gave his own speech this week defending democratic socialism.
By Wednesday, however, his campaign had announced a new topic: Sanders and socialism.
" Democrats, he said, "want to raid Medicare to fund a thing called socialism.
"He doesn't realize that so many Democrats prioritize socialism over capitalism," Luntz said.
There's no hiding it now: The Democrat Party is the party of socialism.
"They want to raid Medicare to fund a thing like socialism," he said.
There are those who say King gravitated toward socialism later in his life.
Socialism is more than just an opposition to low wages and bad conditions.
Clay Higgins, warned the republic was at stake, perhaps by threat of socialism.
What does he make of the rise of "socialism" on the American left?
THE FALL of the Berlin Wall in 1989 supposedly consigned socialism to history.
You wrote a really powerful column the other day about socialism ruining Venezuela.
North Korean socialism would never recover from this intrusion of market-based economics.
Which ideology — capitalism, socialism or Communism — do we chalk that win up to?
"This is what I mean by democratic socialism," he said in the excerpts.
"Democratic Socialism" is not going to work in this part of the country.
A 21st-century American election is about to be fought over socialism. Amazing!
And the president attacked "socialism" broadly, with a single reference to "crazy" Sen.
National socialism and Islam both offer a strong worldview — very masculine, very optimistic.
Point number two, what do I mean when I talk about democratic socialism?
"Thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era should be used to educate people and guide students to strengthen their confidence in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics and to boost patriotism," Xi added.
Whatever interest Hitler had in socialism was not based on an understanding of socialism that we might have today — a movement that would supplant capitalism in which the working class would seize power over the state and the means of production.
This was the new it girl for socialism, the poster child for socialism, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who said this yesterday when she was asked by Chris Cuomo about whether Nancy Pelosi is really the leader of the party or will be.
He is fond of invoking Mr. Reagan's Cold War dictum ("We win, they lose"), Margaret Thatcher's dismissal of socialism ("The problem with socialism is, eventually you run out of other people's money"), and even, at times, President John F. Kennedy.
In all its different varieties, you can still mark some clear lines between this Western European socialism and Marxist socialism—and also distinguish pretty clearly between it and the neoliberalism or market-liberalism that came to dominate the Democratic Party here.
After Ocasio-Cortez's victory, Merriam-Webster reported a surge in look-ups for "socialism" — which could be evidence of a significant surge in sympathy and interest, or just a reminder that many people in 2018 remain unsure what "socialism" really means.
"So what are we talking about here?" the host Stephanie Ruhle asked in an MSNBC segment, with background graphics highlighting that democratic socialism is "NOT Socialism" and "NOT Communism" but something more like a fondness for Social Security and Amtrak.
Opinion Columnist After watching Bernie Sanders try, for at least the second time, to defend himself as a "democratic socialist" by defining "democratic socialism" as something that is not actually socialism, I'm struggling to understand the purpose of it all.
Socialism in China depends on the private ownership of capital to feed its populace — that is, capitalism — whereas capitalism in the West has meant shared ownership of corporations through their shareholders, a modern form of socialism serving enlightened self-interest.
HOWARD ELTERMAN, NEW YORK To the Editor: Re "Democratic Socialism Is Dem Doom" (column, July 7): I agree wholeheartedly with Bret Stephens that the Democratic Party would be making a fatal mistake in adopting "democratic socialism" as its core message.
We call this the "private payer" system, and it feels like capitalism, not socialism.
Sanders, of Vermont, ran for president in the Democratic primaries and touted Democratic Socialism.
President Donald Trump tried to stoke fears of socialism Friday as he bashed Rep.
And that looks a lot like picking winners and losers and back to socialism.
And if it's Sanders's time, it's an opportunity for DSA and socialism in general.
In another excerpt from Friday's MSNBC broadcast, Matthews further blasted socialism and Sanders' campaign.
In his careless economic management, he undercut the oil wealth that funded Venezuelan socialism.
A recent Gallup poll showed that 57% of Democrats have positive views about socialism.
Invited by moderators, he said he was worried about Sanders' socialism and Buttigieg's inexperience.
Among young Americans, socialism is ever less of a boo word (see chart 22).
Yang's answer looks a lot like socialism, although he doesn't use the word himself.
BILL GATES: Socialism used to mean that the state controlled the means of production.
And a lotta people who are promoting socialism actually aren't using that classic definition.
I wanted my children to see firsthand the ineffectiveness of socialism at creating prosperity.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said socialism is "not the view" of the Democratic Party.
He vowed to rid Brazil of socialism, political correctness and "ideology that defends bandits".
And loved even more the endorsement-by-sitting-and-silence when he hammered socialism.
That's what we stand for, not socialism like Bernie Sanders, and increasingly Hillary Clinton.
He says Chinese-style socialism has been "blazing a new trail" for other countries.
WHEN THE Berlin Wall fell in November 2250, many consigned socialism to the rubble.
Indeed, what might be called "millennial socialism" is having something of a cultural moment.
Capitalism had won and socialism became a byword for economic failure and political oppression.
We tend to discuss politics in terms of end states. Socialism. Capitalism. Democracy. Authoritarianism.
You can see there what this supposed 21st-century socialism has done to Venezuela.
Amy Harder asked Ocasio-Cortez whether her proposal feeds into Trump's claims about socialism.
For all the talk of our socialist moment, there's relatively little socialism being proposed.
Bernie Sanders was two years into his congressional career; democratic socialism was not ascendant.
The poll did find some agreement on what policies should be considered socialism, however.
I think she actually believes that this platform could work, that socialism could work.
They truly believe that socialism is the pathway to economic security here in America?
That&aposs an ambiguous difference, but "socialism" tends to mean a larger private sector.
But it was surprising to hear Gates make a really good point about socialism.
But what's being floated on the mainstream political stage right now isn't real socialism.
Up next, new report suggests socialism is on the rise across the United States.
Socialism says that all people should be &aposhappy&apos and in the same situation.
Republicans have slammed "Medicare-for-all" as they allege Democrats have drifted toward socialism.
In the popular imagination—and especially among conservatives—socialism means the death of freedom.
They accuse Democrats of a drift toward socialism spurred in part by freshman Rep.
A good night for Sanders serves only to affirm the Democratic embrace of socialism.
Cubans, who live with undemocratic socialism, seem to find this baffling rather than attractive.
American voters intentionally steered far away from emerging socialism and the Road to Serfdom.
But it at least flirts with real, open socialism every once in a while.
He tackled trade, socialism, nominations, the Second Amendment, the Alamo, abortion and much more.
But it's because of that that I know that socialism won't work in Florida.
By definition, this is socialistic, because socialism involves, after all, government control of resources.
She wants the good kind of Western socialism of Belgium, Sweden, Frace, and Italy.
Brexit chaos combined with state socialism would ensure the country's long-term economic decline.
" Mujica went on, "There's a fundamental problem there—you can't make socialism by decree.
Mr Xi has "totally ruled out" any option other than orthodox socialism, he writes.
Rejecting canonical texts and their alleged white supremacist authors is related to advancing socialism.
His views aren't even entirely consistent with democratic socialism, the political tradition he claims.
I think the Cold War was primarily an ideological battle between capitalism and socialism.
But the philosophies and the ideas behind this textbook socialism are not just foolish.
Some liberals became friendly to "socialist" ideas and the term "liberal socialism" was born.
Socialism has become a widely talked about term on the 2628 campaign trail.  Sen.
Only 13 percent described socialism as government ownership of some parts of the economy.
Other Democratic candidates and office-holders have discussed socialism in recent years as well.
Socialism may resonate in bright blue districts, but it dissuades in the purple ones.
Does that interest line up with a legit understanding of what democratic socialism is?
Trump Jr.'s dig at socialism got a reaction from some on the left.
A growing number of progressives embrace democratic socialism as an ideological descriptor, including Sen.
Ilhan Omar, while socialism clocked-in at a not-exactly awe-inspiring 28503 percent.
Republicans need to be more precise when it comes to the definition of socialism.
Brutalist architecture has become a kind of visual shorthand for Cold War-era socialism.
It's always the same — this time it is different; this time socialism is democratic.
Those who criticize socialism for its failure to create wealth are missing the point.
Like the poll respondents, she was also hard pressed to explain what socialism is.
Socialism is not simply a generous welfare state, as Sanders would have us believe.
"What is socialism if not standing with the workers?" he told CNN in November.
On the subject of socialism, young people don't want what leaders such as Rep.
More than two decades of socialism have given them nothing but poverty and tyranny.
Over the weekend at the California Democratic Convention, several Democratic candidates sparred over socialism.
TV. Uygur's remarks come after Sander's gave a speech on Wednesday defending democratic socialism.
In other words, it's not the socialism that dooms Democratic proposals; it's the racism.
So when I talk about democratic socialism, let's be clear, what does it mean?
Debsian socialism was broad and inclusive, attracting immigrants in New York and Oklahoma farmers.
But it'll only happen if American socialism is updated and retrofitted to suit the
The Democratic Party now believes that the path of socialism — some, such as Rep.
That is why socialism always begins with cheering crowds and ends in economic ruin.
For Bernie Sanders, the answer is because he wanted, and wants, to promote socialism.
People have an opinion about socialism, regardless of what others mean by the term.
The yearning for socialism among today's millennials reflects an unfortunate ignorance of the alternatives.
But it's not just Wall Street that loves socialism — when it works for them.
It's an incredible tribute to something bad happening, and the something bad is socialism.
But growing inequality and marginalization — byproducts of financial globalization — have thrust socialism center stage.
Eventually, the entire system collapsed; as it did everywhere else, socialism in Germany failed.
Forget the wannabe socialism of American Democrats like Bernie Sanders or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
Only 9 percent said Sanders's socialism made them less likely to vote for him.
Second, I can see we're going to be having some "socialism" discussions this season.
"Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era," of course.
The distinction between actual democratic socialism and social democracy is crucial to you — why?
Is it an experiment with socialism or the Obama era policies that worked before?
Garcia said he believed socialism is growing, citing advertising he had seen on Facebook.
At the same time, only 19% of voters have a positive view of socialism.
"We had eight years of Obama taking us back to socialism," Ms. Dziamko said.
When "sewer socialism" ruled during the first half of the 20th century, Milwaukee flourished.
"Socialism destroys nations, but always remember, freedom unifies the soul," the President nonsensically mused.
The EU sovereign debt crisis did not happen because of EU profligacy or socialism.
They say schools play a vital role in turning children into "builders of socialism".
Mr. Trump is already fond of equating Democratic approaches to health care with socialism.
This is all part of Trump's sale: Elect Democrats and watch socialism grow. 50.
Team Rising breaks down why Trump is concerned about running against socialism in 85033.
Corbyn offers a heavy dose of socialism and silence on Brexit as his solution.
The Democratic National Committee denounced the cries of socialism heard at the CPAC event.
The Texan believes that Democrats and Americans generally are more pragmatic than ideological. Socialism?
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as the "new face of socialism" and drew plenty of outrage.
You could call that democratic socialism, but you can also just call it smart.
Democratic Socialism Simulator plays similar to Reigns, but with a more topical political veneer.
Socialism is appealing to many because it seems perfect in the way it's presented.
Not with Republicans itching to turn the 2020 election into a referendum on socialism.
Think of it: Millennials have much kinder views toward socialism than any generation before.
William Morris's Arts & Crafts movement and Guild Socialism adopted Ruskin as a primary influence.
Suppose, for example, a state passed a law restricting advertisements that promote Venezuelan socialism.
"A lot of young people are trying to discover Socialism," he said by telephone.
The push among many candidates to distance themselves from democratic socialism comes as Sen.
There has been little change in Americans' attitudes toward socialism at the national level.
Millions of people died under these banners of socialism and millions more were impoverished.
Economist Benjamin Powell explains why he says socialism sucks and his warning to Americans.
Gosh, I know that — and we could discuss the word "socialism" if you want.
Not all of the game's jabs at socialism elicited this sort of reaction, however.
This aggressive labeling coincided with a rise in favorable attitudes toward socialism among Democrats.
He's also sort of detoxified the word socialist and the whole idea of socialism.
What do you see as the difference between the Democratic Party and democratic socialism?
According to Gallup, Democrats now view socialism in a more positive light than capitalism.
Don't talk about socialism, focus on the inefficiency and inequality you see, some said.
Sanders's Democratic Socialism seems like a worthwhile antidote to a radically broken system, and these young people, many of whom were born after the fall of the Soviet Union, associate "socialism" more with prosperous Scandinavian countries than with autocrats who assassinated political opponents.
In a time when the impacts of racism, sexism, inequality and climate change are difficult to ignore, "people are like, 'Well if the status quo is capitalism and this alternative is called socialism, you know, I guess I prefer socialism,'" Sunkara said.
" In that conversation, Fox News contributor Campos-Duffy reiterated her fears of socialism and told viewers that Ocasio-Cortez wants to turn America into Venezuela, where people "don't have shoes on their feet because of what socialism has done to their country.
Pete Buttigieg equated socialism with a "rigid ideology," but Mr. Sanders fits into a strain of American socialism that has largely eschewed ideology, made few references to Karl Marx, and been more likely to talk about fairness and values than about economic theory.
At a moment when President Trump is beginning to accuse potential Democratic rivals of embracing socialism, Mr. Pompeo, a former Kansas conservative congressman who has lost none of his partisan edge, said socialism and cronyism were at the heart of Venezuela's problems.
Perspective: Kevin Kühnert, the leader of the Social Democrats' youth organization in Germany and one of his party's most promising young talents, has made socialism his calling card — but not the "wannabe socialism of American Democrats," writes Jochen Bittner of Die Zeit.
They stick to each other about as well as socialism sticks to the American dream.
Sanders was reacting to comments Dimon made Wednesday denouncing socialism at an appearance in Washington.
Policies rooted in socialism, like Medicare or social security are widely popular across political lines.
But you take a look around the world, socialism is not exactly riding high. Please.
It suffices to say that Venezuela is the right's en vogue boogeyman for scary socialism.
Cunningham blasts Sanders: 'South Carolinians don't want socialism' MORE also hasn't met the polling criteria.
They're not interested in socialism and the revolution and all of that foolishness you hear.
But you take a look around the world, socialism is not exactly riding high. Please.
Mises concluded that economic calculation in a socialist economy is impossible, therefore socialism is impossible.
Cunningham blasts Sanders: 'South Carolinians don't want socialism' MORE, haven't been the only targets. Sen.
IT WAS in 20043 that Joseph Schumpeter published his only bestseller, "Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy".
Angela Ferreira's work also gives us a look at the end of socialism in Mozambique.
Sunkara is surprisingly dour when asked how his vision of socialism could actually be achieved.
A half-century of socialism, military coups, and isolationism will do that to a country.
Though no social reformer, he worried about the danger of working-class support for socialism.
SL: I think socialism is an idea that appeals to a lot of my peers.
Nothing could be further from my mind than to downplay national socialism or its consequences.
Many mainstream Democrats worry the term "socialism" in any context will turn off American voters.
The shock doctrine of no deal might just make Britain susceptible to his disaster socialism.
And they loved even more the endorsement-by-sitting-in-silence when he hammered socialism.
And democratic socialism or no, we don't think Sanders is planning to share this one.
" Crowder also sells a range of merchandise, including t-shirts labeled "Socialism Is For Fgs.
In it, Ghodsee meticulously explains how women quite literally do have better sex under socialism.
The word "socialism" also spiked during this period, as Sanders called himself a democratic socialist.
He believed that the Amerindian peasant communities of the Andes contained the germ of socialism.
Their democratic socialism goes considerably further than the market-friendly redistributionism of the third way.
What's new: Capitalism is being squeezed from both sides by a debate over socialism vs.
Some 703% of Americans aged 270-212 have a positive view of socialism, says Gallup.
I have a list of celebrities that support Socialism I refuse to spend another $ on.
But today left-wing politicians are pushing capitalism for the masses perilously close to socialism.
But this doesn't mean that National Socialism could be some kind of path to salvation.
Mr Correa had expected his successor to carry on his programme of "21st-century socialism".
Too many other Latin Americans remain in thrall to populism or archaic versions of socialism.
Today, socialism has bankrupted the oil-rich nation and driven its people into abject poverty.
Virtually everywhere socialism or communism has been tried, it has produced suffering, corruption, and decay.
Socialism, political scientists point out, was less entrenched in Vietnam than it is in Cuba.
And now a new poll shows from Gallup Democrats view socialism more positively than capitalism.

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