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"pleasantness" Definitions
  1. the fact of being fun or attractive or of giving pleasure
  2. the quality of being friendly and polite
"pleasantness" Synonyms
niceness agreeableness enjoyableness heavenliness delightsomeness gloriousness goodness marvellousness marvelousness pleasurableness splendidness wonderfulness charm enchantingness loveliness pleasingness superbness brilliantness delightfulness divineness affability geniality amiability friendliness cordiality agreeability graciousness amiableness warmth sociability kindliness sweetness kindness congeniality amenity personableness conviviality benevolence charity compassion generosity beneficence sympathy tenderness mercy humanity kindheartedness goodwill humaneness understanding charitableness consideration clemency concern jocularity merriment glee gaiety mirth cheerfulness hilarity cheer joviality jollity festivity mirthfulness fun gleefulness gladness merriness revelry elation liveliness exhilaration smoothness mellowness mildness softness blandness delicacy lightness gentleness balminess comfortableness comfiness comfort coziness(US) snugness plushness warmness cosiness(UK) homeliness ease contentment pleasure well-being relaxation enjoyment luxury serenity beauty attractiveness prettiness comeliness grace allure appeal elegance gorgeousness glamour(UK) winsomeness fairness allurement bloom exquisiteness handsomeness pulchritude sweetness and light harmony peace concord hearts-and-flowers love and peace good humour(UK) personality charisma character magnetism attraction dynamism individuality likableness presence force of personality strength of personality powers of attraction lure enticingness pull captivation tunefulness euphony melody musicalness lyricism melodiousness euphoniousness harmoniousness musicality music mellifluousness lilt sweet tone silveriness sweet sound propriety appropriateness fitness rightness suitableness aptness correctness suitability seemliness appositeness ethicality felicitousness felicity fittingness happiness morality properness appropriacy accordance advisability More

160 Sentences With "pleasantness"

How to use pleasantness in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "pleasantness" and check conjugation/comparative form for "pleasantness". Mastering all the usages of "pleasantness" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The campaign here has been marked by a relentless pleasantness.
They asked study participants to rate the pleasantness of both consonant and dissonant chords.
But what it lacks in scope and pace, it makes up for in pleasantness.
The room was made up to seem welcoming, but its pleasantness somehow felt oppressive.
I was as touched by her pleasantness as I was impressed by her cleverness.
The odors were sniffed by a panel of 40, who described their intensity and pleasantness.
Last night's game was a pleasant ending to an arrangement always meant to maximize pleasantness.
The researchers asked more than 100 Tsimane study participants to rate the pleasantness of various sounds.
Twitter, which is generally bad, also houses some of the finest pockets of pleasantness on the internet.
However, the researchers found that the Tsimane rated consonant and dissonant tones equally in terms of pleasantness.
She indulged my prying questions with the resigned pleasantness of someone very familiar with our uneven power dynamic.
Then, the women were asked to smell the shirts and rank the odors based on intensity, pleasantness and sexiness.
I'm so fortunate to have my wife and my daughter, and the pleasantness of my neighborhood to walk around.
That pleasantness spilled into what turned out to be an almost, but not quite, perfect evening at Il Cantinori.
In one classic Swiss study, women were asked to sniff T-shirts previously worn by men and rate their pleasantness.
If a change of environment — a cafe where you can sit outside — will increase the pleasantness of the task, change your environment.
When the idea of tanking the rest of this season was brought up, he bristled — but not without maintaining his Midwestern pleasantness.
They found that there were many common themes between the experiences, like thinking of death and dying, and finding peace and overall pleasantness.
All participants were played music over headphones featuring varying levels of consonance and dissonance and then asked to rate the pleasantness of each piece.
It 's cheap, it's pleasant, and we know people who have moved here from their respective countries to take advantage of that cheapness and pleasantness.
Still, it's companionable in the lowered-stakes world of Netflix films where pleasantness and a handful of highlights seem to matter as much as excellence.
The next day, they were asked to rate the "pleasantness and intensity" of both sweet and savory high-calorie food smells, like potato chips and—yes!
The following day, all the men returned to the lab, where 40 women sniffed the pads and rated the odor on pleasantness, attractiveness, masculinity, and intensity.
In the case of race, one experiment looked for associations between black names (like "Jermaine" or "Tamika") with words denoting pleasantness or negativeness (like "friend" or "terrible," respectively).
The pleasantness ranking of the men's body odors was associated with being higher if a woman was not taking birth control and carrying dissimilar genes than the man.
The beach location and pool were the most frequently cited as positives, and the pleasantness of the staff was noticed everywhere from the check-in to the pool attendants.
So a lot of lounge music, especially the uncomplicated nostalgia of 90s bands like Pink Martini, can feel a bit wallpaper-y, a surface-level pleasantness hiding very little underneath.
The pleasantness lingers tomorrow with more sun and mild temperatures, before cooler temperatures and the chance of a few showers as a midweek storm system skirts by to the south.
Their results showed remarkable variety: The most reported near-death feeling was a sense of everything speeding up or slowing down (27%), followed by a sense of pleasantness or peacefulness (22%).
The tight race at the top of the field comes as Mr. Trump and Mr. Cruz have dropped any pretense of pleasantness and have been sharply attacking each other in recent weeks.
In an effort to usher in this new mood of online pleasantness, its product teams will drop the former goal of helping people find "relevant content" as they test the "meaningful interactions" thesis.
It floats along at first on the candy-colored cleverness of its design (set by David Goldstein, lighting by Jamie Roderick, projections by Lisa Renkel & Possible) and the pop pleasantness of its songs.
You have the camera pointed directly at you for long, long swathes of screentime, but you can barely move a muscle, because you're playing a character who can't convey any emotions beyond vague pleasantness.
One of these asked them to estimate the relative intensity of a workout on a scale of 1 to 10, while another required rating the pleasantness (if any) of a workout on a similar numeric scale.
In a beanie or a hat covering my hair, I am suddenly non-threatening to security at stadiums, I'm talked to politely by cops at protests, and I find myself jarred by the pleasantness of these interactions.
You can easily interact with Coyotes on the level of that pleasantness, lying supine the spaces between its abstract melodies, but Atkinson says she chose the title, in part, for its status as a symbol of doubt.
Yet what I remember, from the privilege of distance, is the pleasantness of this group surrender; of a region or city collectively saying: we give in, we can go no further today, the weather, for now, has bested us.
While making zero strides in friendship or general pleasantness in Season 12 of The Bachelorette, Chad has been getting more than his money's worth out of the experience, simply by virtue of the massive amount of food he has consumed.
The screen alerted them to which jar sniff at any given time, and they then rated the intensity of each on a scale from 1 (extremely weak) to 7 (extremely strong) and pleasantness from 1 (extremely unpleasant) to 7 (extremely pleasant).
The queues snaking around the block for his retrospective at the Tate demonstrate the compelling popularity of his bright colors, the aesthetic pleasantness of his vibrant landscapes spanning his near-280-year career, and his capturing of glamorous sex and sun in the 21960s.
It is all the things about Meg that are most unlikable, that our culture teaches girls to reject — her anger, her prickliness, her inability to perform social pleasantness — that make her a formidable opponent to IT, ultimately able to defeat IT where her beloved father failed.
Eliot (Hale Appleman) has a palpable regality in both his look and his soul; Margo (Summer Bishil) has blossomed as a brazen queen; Quentin (Jason Ralph) is steadfast and earnest, buoyed by Ralph's deep pleasantness, an energy that's completely transformed the character from what he was in the books.
In a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study of 20 subjects, when the senses of smell and touch were paired with pictures of a product, the right medial orbitofrontal cortex, a region of the brain involved in the perception of pleasantness, was activated more strongly than when those senses were independently engaged.
" But as George F. Kennan, the diplomat and the author of the theories for containing the Soviet Union, told students at the National War College in 1946, "You have no idea how much it contributes to the general politeness and pleasantness of diplomacy when you have a little quiet armed force in the background.
However, while on camera, she takes on a façade of pleasantness.
I hope it's all honour and kudos and pleasantness, without a tax of botherations.
Meanwhile, the feeling of pleasantness associated with affective touch activates the anterior cingulate cortex more than the primary somatosensory cortex. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data shows that increased blood-oxygen-level contrast (BOLD) signal in the anterior cingulate cortex as well as the prefrontal cortex is highly correlated with pleasantness scores of an affective touch. Inhibitory transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) of the primary somatosensory cortex inhibits the perception of affective touch intensity, but not affective touch pleasantness. Therefore, the S1 is not directly involved in processing socially affective touch pleasantness, but still plays a role in discriminating touch location and intensity.
Increased blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) contrast imaging, identified during functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), shows that signals in the anterior cingulate cortex, as well as the prefrontal cortex, are highly correlated with pleasantness scores of affective touch. Inhibitory transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) of the primary somatosensory cortex inhibits the perception of affective touch intensity, but not affective touch pleasantness. Therefore, the S1 is not directly involved in processing socially affective touch pleasantness, but still plays a role in discriminating touch location and intensity.
The kit instructed me to log the name of each odor, along with its intensity, duration, pleasantness, expectedness, and any associations it inspired.
Participants were instructed to imagine themselves moving to a foreign land, needing to locate a new home and transporting their possessions. Finally, the Pleasantness condition asked participants to simply rate the pleasantness of a list of words. In the Survival and Moving conditions, participants were asked to rate the relevance of each word on a list to their imagined situation. Participants were then subject to a surprise recall test.
No'am (, lit. Pleasantness) is a religious moshav in south-central Israel. Located in Hevel Lakhish, it falls under the jurisdiction of Shafir Regional Council. In it had a population of .
This includes net pleasantness or unpleasantness and how long the experience lasted. The peak–end rule is thereby a specific form of the more general extension neglect and duration neglect.
There were also varying ratings of pleasantness and correctness among regions within the South. When English speakers from Reno, Nevada rated Southern English, they rated it as less correct and pleasant and most different from their own speech.
In the control condition, the words were rated for their relevance to moving for a foreign land, and their pleasantness. A surprise recall test is administered, and recall of the listed words in all three conditions is recorded and analyzed.
In 1798, Chorin published his first pamphlet, Imre No'am (אמרי נועם Words of Pleasantness), in which he argued that as the sturgeon had scales it was permitted as food according to Scripture. His opinion, although following that of Landau and other authorities, was strongly opposed by Mordecai Benet and his partisans. Rabbi Isaac Krieshaber of Páks wrote a refutation, Maḳḳel No'am (מקל נועם Staff of Pleasantness), which called forth a second pamphlet by Chorin, Shiryon Ḳasḳassim (שריון קשקשים Armour of Quills), (Prague, 1799). By his determined opposition to the traditional usages in Hungary, Chorin incurred the hostility of most of his colleagues.
Thithikudhe (English: It's pleasantness) is a 2003 Indian Tamil-language romantic drama film directed by Brinda Sarathy. It stars Jiiva and Sridevi Vijaykumar in the lead love roles. The film's score and music were composed by Vidyasagar. It was released on 1 August 2003.
Sa'id was the son of the Umayyad caliph Abd al-Malik and one of the latter's concubines.Hinds 1990, p. 118. He became known as Sa'id al- Khayr,Al-Baladhuri, p. 280. which translates as "Sa'id the Good", because of his piety, pleasantness and charitable works.
The use of gimmickry, using superficial pleasantness to cover up dishonest activities or intentions, providing misleading or incorrect advice regarding safety, or providing untrue explanations for behaviors are means used by unethical organizations, managers, or coworkers in order to obtain some advantage (Harris & Nelson 2008, p. 240).
Noam () is a Hebrew name which means "pleasantness", and while started as the male version of the female No'omi (English: "Naomi" or "Noemi"), today, it is a very common Hebrew name for both males and females alike. The common name day for both genders is often 7 December.
Hpakant Township"Myanmar States/Divisions & Townships Overview Map" Myanmar Information Management Unit (MIMU) (; also Kamaing Township) is a township of Mohnyin District in the Kachin State of Burma (Myanmar)."Developing Kachin State with peace, unity and pleasantness" MRTV3 The administrative centre is Hpakant. The major town is Kamaing.
Bramson was born to a Jewish family in New Rochelle, New York. He is a first-generation American. Bramson's Polish-born parents were refugees during World War II who met in Israel in the 1950s, married, and moved to the United States. His first name Noam literally means in Hebrew "Pleasantness".
240–242 . Rowley's poetry actually focused not only on politics, but also on the pleasantness and rustic nature of pioneer life, with humor and witty observations. For example, in another poetic inventory of his "estate", he sums up that he has virtually nothing, but still he was independent and happy.
How can God's will be implemented most effectively? Netzach refers to actions of God that are Chesed, "kindness," in essence, but are presented through a prelude of harshness. Hod refers specifically to those events where the "wicked prosper." It is retribution —Gevurah, "strength/restraint," in essence, but presented by a prelude of pleasantness.
Soyer's remarks—he knew both women—show pleasantness on both sides. Seacole told him of her encounter with Nightingale at the Barrack Hospital: "You must know, M Soyer, that Miss Nightingale is very fond of me. When I passed through Scutari, she very kindly gave me board and lodging."Soyer, p. 434.
All students receive instruction in Hawaiian Studies. This includes the culture, language, history and music of Native Hawaiians as well as Hawaiian geography. The value of aloha is extended to include akahai (kindness), lokahi (unity), oluolu (pleasantness), haahaa (humility) and ahonui (patience). Participation in Native Hawaiian sports is emphasized during Makahiki (Thanksgiving).
A study by Peter Kuppens (2008) showed that extraverts and introverts engage in different behaviors when feeling pleasant, which may explain underestimation of the frequency and intensity of happiness exhibited by introverts. Specifically, Kuppens (2008) found that arousal and pleasantness are positively correlated for extraverts, which means that pleasant feelings are more likely to be accompanied by high arousal for extraverts. On the other hand, arousal and pleasantness are negatively correlated for introverts, resulting in introverts exhibiting low arousal when feeling pleasant. In other words, if everything is going well in an extravert's life, which is a source of pleasant feelings, extraverts see such a situation as an opportunity to engage in active behavior and goal pursuit, which brings about an active, aroused pleasant state.
Levels of processing theory apply when words and pictures are compared under semantic study instructions (rate the pleasantness of each item), recall is very similar for pictures and words, as both were encoded at deeper levels. Picture superiority results from superior encoding for pictures as opposed to words, which facilitate greater recollection for pictures.
The transformation of an internal judgment into an overt category rating that expresses the judgment is the first concern for testing range–frequency theory. This judgment is an internal, subjective experience that is observable to our own introspection but not to the outside world. The internal judgments are attributes of a stimulus (i.e., its pleasantness).
Instrument amplifier design largely concentrates on subjective issues, such as "pleasantness" of certain type of tone. Fine examples are cases of distortion or frequency response: HiFi design tries to minimize distortion and focuses on eliminating "offensive" harmonics. It also aims for ideally flat response. Musical instrument amplifier design deliberately introduces distortion and great non-linearities in frequency response.
The village was established in 1955 by Hapoel HaMizrachi. The first residents were Jewish immigrants and refugees from North Africa, most of whom were from Morocco. They were later joined by more Jewish immigrants from Iran and Iraq. It was named after the Biblical book Proverbs 3:17: The Wisdom - "Her ways are ways of pleasantness".
The children then were asked about how pleasant the odor was. Children five and under generally chose the happy face regardless of the odor they were presented with. Starting around age five, children generally selected faces based on the pleasantness of the odor. For example, being exposed to the fish odor boosted their likelihood of choosing the disgusted face.
This is evident in his research that shows that the pleasantness of a situation is a more important factor than the social or nonsocial aspect in determining extraverts' enjoyment. His longitudinal studies also reveal that extraverts are happier whether living solitarily or with others, working in social or nonsocial job environments, and living in large cities or rural areas.
Phonaesthetics (in North America, also spelled phonesthetics) is the study of beauty and pleasantness associated with the sounds of certain words or parts of words. The term was first used in this sense, perhaps by J. R. R. Tolkien,Holmes, John R. (2010) "'Inside a Song': Tolkien's Phonaesthetics". In: Eden, Bradford Lee (ed.). Middle-earth Minstrel. McFarland. p.
Noam (, lit., Pleasantness) is an Orthodox Jewish, Religious Zionist, right- wing political party in Israel, established in July 2019 by a very conservative faction in the Religious Zionist community inspired by Rabbi Zvi Thau and his Har Hamor Yeshiva. The party's main goal is to advance policies against LGBT rights, and against what its backers call "the destruction of the family".
We know from all the years, I spoke many times > about this, not to use force or violence, and even more so, not to hurt any > Jew. It's against our ways. Everyone knows the way of Skver is Torah, and > all its ways are ways of pleasantness and all its paths are peace. I really > should not have to say this.
One leaves Bologna, climbs the Apennines, and takes the road to Rome. The departure, according to Stendhal, has nothing to do with one’s will; it is an instinctive moment. This transformative process actuates in terms of four steps along a journey: #Admiration – one marvels at the qualities of the loved one. #Acknowledgement – one acknowledges the pleasantness of having gained the loved one's interest.
Another study that had 32 participants listen to twelve musical pieces and found that the strength of perceived and elicited emotions were dependent on the structures of the piece of music. Perceived emotions were stronger than felt emotions when listeners rated for arousal and positive and negative activation. On the other hand, elicited emotions were stronger than perceived emotions when rating for pleasantness.
Marzia De Lucia, Christian Camen, Stephanie Clarke, and Micah M. Murray (2009). "The role of actions in auditory ob ject discrimination". "Neuroimage" 48(2): 475–485. Sonic interactions have the potential to influence the users’ emotions: the quality of the sounds affects the pleasantness of the interaction, and the difficulty of the manipulation influences whether the user feels in control or not.
From 1875 to 1893 he then was imperial envoy in China and, in 1882/1883, concluded a trade- and amicability-treaty with Korea, where he intensely studied the culture and history of East Asia. Due to his detailed knowledge of Asia, his impressive personality as well as his pleasantness, von Brandt was highly esteemed in Beijing, where he became doyen of the diplomatic corps for many years.
A Midrash taught that great is peace, for the world could not be maintained except by peace, and the Torah is wholly peace, as says, "Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace." The reading of the Shema concludes (in the Evening, Maariv, Prayer Service) with the words: "He spreads the tabernacle of peace over His people." The Amidah prayer concludes with peace.
During the 20th and 21st centuries, the phrase "sweetness and light" has more typically been used, not in Arnold's sense, but more mundanely, to indicate merely a friendly demeanor or a pleasant situation. Bob's close friends knew he wasn't all sweetness and light. Or: Our time at the opera was all sweetness and light. The phrase is often used ironically to denote unexpected or insincere pleasantness.
His style's defining word is (buen) talante, roughly "pleasantness", "niceness" or "good disposition", which is in brisk and carefully chosen contrast with the more confrontational and brusque premiership style of previous Prime Minister José María Aznar. Similarly, Zapatero has been quoted to shy away from adopting unpopular measures, having a "habit of showering public money on any problem" and, in all, being "averse to tough decisions".
One's characterizations of a stimulus' pleasantness merits such category ratings as wonderful, unpleasant, or slightly disappointing. As Parducci (1995) notes: "The fact that subjects permitted to generate their own categories follow the same principles of judgment as do subjects restricted to a prescribed set of categories encourages application of range-frequency theory to everyday judgments outside the laboratory".Parducci, A. (1974). Contextual effects: A range-frequency analysis.
The PAG may be specifically involved in human maternal behavior. The PAG contains a high density of vasopressin and oxytocin receptors, and it has direct connections with the orbitofrontal cortex, which might mediate the role of the PAG in maternal love. The lateral orbitofrontal cortex is activated by pleasant visual, tactile, and olfactory stimuli. Its response depends on pleasantness rather than on intensity of stimulation.
Padmini (Manju Warrier), a traditional married woman, goes to Manali, Himachal Pradesh to meet her car rallyist husband Giri (Jinu Joseph) to resolve a personal conflict. Rani is a tomboy brought up in North India. She is running away from a wanted criminal Raja who has posed a threat to her life. Rani and Padmini meet on a bus and a memorable journey starts with pleasantness of simple interpersonal relations.
Reviewers praised the game's balance and pleasantness. Even amid its time-restricted segments, the game's pace is peaceful. Paste praised this contrast: the game's soothing repetition of tidying clutter and calm soundtrack against its more frenetic time-based challenges. Nintendo World Report praised the solo game mode's ability to make drudgery interesting, but thought that the Expert Mode's challenging modifiers removed the relaxed atmosphere that made the game successful.
Rick Emerson Show fans launched the "Coffee Cup Crusade." They deluged the Portland headquarters of Entercom with coffee cups, each with the message: "I need my morning fix. Bring back Rick Emerson." Baumgarten, Mark The Willamette Week "Return of the Pleasantness" CBS Radio, reacting in part to the strength of support for Emerson throughout the Portland metro area, decided to give Emerson an opportunity to retool Johnson AM 970, an all-comedy radio station.
Elisha refusing the gifts of Naaman, by Pieter de Grebber Naaman (, "pleasantness") the Aramean was a commander of the armies of Ben-Hadad II, the king of Aram-Damascus, in the time of Joram, king of Israel. According to the Bible, Naaman was a commander of the army of Syria. He was a good commander and was held in favor because of the victory that God brought him. Yet Naaman was a leper.
Kristiansen and Hotte also found that independent selves had actions and behaviors that are influenced by their own thoughts and feelings, but Interdependent selves have actions, behaviors and self-concepts that were based on the thoughts and feelings of others. Westerners have two dimensions of emotions, activation and pleasantness. The Japanese have one more, the range of their interdependent relationships. Markus and Kitayama found that these two different types of values had different motives.
Set in 1953, in the fictional US town of Langley Springs, Personal Enemy tells us the story of the Constant family. Mrs Constant is the head of the household and inspiration of the town. Her qualities and principles embody the ethos of the community: decency, godliness and pleasantness are paramount. Mr Constant is doing well for himself -- the American Dream is becoming a reality for this hard working, decent, suburban man in the insurance racket.
While Goguryeo sculpture was highly rigid and Silla sculpture was formalized, Baekje sculpture exhibited distinct characteristics of warmth, softness, and used relaxed poses. . Sometimes, the Baekje style has been attributed to influence from the southern Chinese dynasties. . However, the most remarkable feature of Baekje sculpture is the distinctive Baekje smile. . The smile gives the Baekje statues a sense of friendliness and an air of pleasantness that is rarely found in other traditions of Buddhist sculpture.
Women that were ovulating rated the odors of MHC-dissimilar men as more pleasant than those of the MHC-similar men. Furthermore, odors of MHC-dissimilar men often reminded women of current or former partners, suggesting that odor—specifically odor for MHC- dissimilarity—plays a role in mate choice. In another study done by Wedekind et al., 121 women and men were asked to rank the pleasantness of the odors of sweaty T-shirts.
The pleasantness of the stations is ensured by high levels of architectural quality, together with the redevelopment of the surrounding area. Inside the stops are finished with works that protect the cleanliness and comfort of the environment, the latter in particular should be a standard of quality recognized only by choosing plants that give rise to an elegant, comfortable, clean, and modern. This is useful also to entice the user to assume correct behavior.
By hypothesis, due to the sensory impairment, a natural, more monotonous diet would occur just due to lack of pleasantness from variety of foods. However, it was proven that sensory impairment did not greatly affect the decline in sensory-specific satiety; instead, there is an unclear cognitive process that relates to decline in sensory-specific satiety that just may be the decreased desire for overall change in the elderly as compared to adolescents.
MHC-based sexual selection is known to involve olfactory mechanisms in such vertebrate taxa as fish, mice, humans, primates, birds, and reptiles. At its simplest level, humans have long been acquainted with the sense of olfaction for its use in determining the pleasantness or the unpleasantness of one's resources, food, etc. At a deeper level, it has been predicted that olfaction serves to personally identify individuals based upon the genes of the MHC. Human olfactory system.
A site was chosen on the banks of the Yamuna River on the southern edge of Agra and purchased from Raja Jai SinghThe grandson of Raja Man Singh of Amber and a relative of Shah Jahan through his Great Uncle Raja Bhagwant Das.Asher, p.212 in exchange for four mansions in the city. The site, "from the point of view of loftiness and pleasantness appeared to be worthy of the burial of that one who dwells in paradise".
Traditional behaviorism dictates all human behavior is explained by classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Operant conditioning works through reinforcement and punishment which adds or removes pleasure and pain to manipulate behavior. Using pleasure and pain to control behavior means behaviorists assumed the principles of psychological hedonism could be applied to predicting human behavior. For example, Thorndike's law of effect states that behaviors associated with pleasantness will be learned and those associated with pain will be extinguished.
Wallace visits two very different 'utopian' communities, the planned town of Celebration which maintains its pleasantness through strict rules and regulations, and the anarchic self-governing neighborhood of Christiania. He also speaks to a Catholic Cardinal about the role of religion in society and to Sheriff Joe Arpaio about law and order. A sombre visit to death row and an interview with the death row chief John George leads him to decide against the death penalty in his country.
Aristotle also suggested that relationships were based on three different ideas: utility, pleasure, and virtue. People are attracted to relationships that provide utility because of the assistance and sense of belonging that they provide. In relationships based on pleasure, people are attracted to the feelings of pleasantness when the parties engage. However, relationships based on utility and pleasure were said to be short-lived if the benefits provided by one of the partners was not reciprocated.
There was a greater memory recall in both the ancestral and modern survival conditions when compared to pleasantness control conditions, but only the ancestral condition presented significantly greater word recall. Both conditions are fitness-relevant, but there was no memory enhancement for survival processing in the modern context. Additionally, as females typically performed gathering tasks over the span of human evolution, and males performed hunting tasks, research into this gender dichotomy was conducted. No significant data were found.
Translated by Judah J. Slotki, volume 6, page 815. A Midrash taught that great is peace, for the world could not be maintained except by peace, and the Torah is wholly peace, as says, "Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace." The reading of the Shema concludes (in the Evening, Maariv, Prayer Service) with the words: "He spreads the tabernacle of peace over His people." The Amidah prayer concludes with peace.
Peter K. Hatemi is an American political scientist and Distinguished Professor of Political Science at Pennsylvania State University, where he is also a professor of microbiology and biochemistry. He is known for his research on the relationship between genetic factors and political behaviors, as well as the genetic underpinnings of violent behavior. He has also studied the relationship that other factors have to political orientations, such as an individual's personality traits and the perceived pleasantness of another person's odor.
Ratings of pleasantness and correctness of dialects vary between speakers of different dialects. Speakers with the Southern accent from Memphis, Tennessee, rated other Southern regions as less correct than other regions, but no less pleasant. Surprisingly, they rated their own speech as least educated and pleasant. Speakers from Memphis were also much more aware of distinctions among dialects within the South, but were not aware of differences in other regions such as the West, lumping it as one largely "correct" area.
The somatosensory cortex is a part of the brain that receives and encodes sensory information from receptors of the entire body. Affective touch is a type of sensory information that elicits an emotional reaction and is usually social in nature. Such information is actually coded differently than other sensory information. Though the intensity of affective touch is still encoded in the primary somatosensory cortex, the feeling of pleasantness associated with affective touch is activated more in the anterior cingulate cortex.
Not always is it entirely pleasant, and when rejection seems likely the thoughts focus on despair, sometimes to the point of suicide. The pleasantness or unpleasantness of the state seems almost unrelated to the intensity of the reaction. Although the direction of feeling, i.e. happy versus unhappy, shifts rapidly, with 'dramatic surges of buoyancy and despair', the intensity of intrusive and involuntary thinking alters less rapidly, and only in response to an accumulation of experiences with the particular limerent object.
For example, recognition performance is improved through the use of semantic associations over feature associations. However, this process is mediated by other features of the stimuli, for example, the relatedness of the items to one another. If the items are highly interrelated, lower-depth item-specific processing (such as rating the pleasantness of each item) helps to distinguish them from one another, and improves recognition memory performance over relational processing. This unusual phenomenon is explained by the automatic tendency to perform relational processing on highly interrelated items.
It was concluded that participants in the survival condition had higher rates of false recognition than participants in the pleasantness condition. Evidence for a survival recall advantage has been found to be accompanied by higher false recall rates and results in lower rates of net accuracy (ratio of true recall to recall as a whole). The survival recall advantage appears to occur when only true recall is considered. When total output is taken into account and net accuracy is calculated, the survival recall advantage disappears.
Reused materials from the abbey were also incorporated in Gwydir Castle. The stone coffin of Prince Llewelyn the Great was moved from the abbey to the Gwydir Chapel at the church in Llanrwst. Only a small arch remains of the original edifice, which was described in Samuel Lewis' topographical dictionary as "remarkable for the pleasantness of its situation and the beauty of its architecture". In 1885, the Cambrian Archaeological Association noted discrepancies regarding the subsequent history of the Maenan Abbey estate: The grounds were excavated in 1963.
Devarsi Ghosh of also praised the album, saying; "Where Trivedi really shines – and seems to have sweated on – are the two piano pieces titled Andhadhun Theme 01 and Andhadhun Theme 02". She said the pieces "evoke pleasantness one minute, dread in the next, and several other moods in between". Garvita Sharma of The Times of India wrote that it "may not be the best album by Amit Trivedi" but "it's still a standout for it goes hand-in- glove" with the film's theme.
CLTS does not specify technical standards for toilets. This is a benefit in terms of keeping the costs of constructing toilets very low and allowing villagers to start building their own toilets immediately. However, it can produce two problems: first in flood plains or areas near water tables, poorly constructed latrines are likely to contaminate the water table and thus represent little improvement. Second, long-term use of sanitation facilities is related to the pleasantness of the facilities, but dirty overflowing pits are unlikely to be utilised in the longer term.
MHC may be related to mate choice in some human populations, a theory that found support by studies by Ober and colleagues in 1997, as well as by Chaix and colleagues in 2008. However, the latter findings have been controversial. If it exists, the phenomenon might be mediated by olfaction, as MHC phenotype appears strongly involved in the strength and pleasantness of perceived odour of compounds from sweat. Fatty acid esters—such as methyl undecanoate, methyl decanoate, methyl nonanoate, methyl octanoate, and methyl hexanoate—show strong connection to MHC.
Both novelty and significance of a stimulation are implicated in the generation of an orienting response. Specifically, the emotional significance of a stimulus, defined by its level of pleasantness, can affect the intensity of the orienting response toward focusing attention on a subject. Studies showed that during exposure to neutral and emotionally significant novel images, both pleasant and unpleasant images produced higher skin conductance readings than neutral images. With repeated stimulation, all skin conductance readings diminished relative to novel introduction, though with emotionally significant content diminishing more slowly.
People generally regard their own dialect as distinct from other quite similar ones. A study of Bostonians reflected this tendency. People outside of the New England area saw speech as having a single Bostonian accent, while Bostonians themselves perceived different dialect boundaries, with their own region being separate from the rest of the New England area. When 50 Bostonians were asked to draw perceived dialect boundaries and rate degrees of pleasantness and correctness to examine similarities and differences, they varied significantly, reflecting the difficulty of establishing distinct dialect boundaries when mapping isoglosses.
Empirical studies suggest that dream pleasantness leads to higher levels of hope and openness towards conflict resolution, whereas unpleasant dreams have a negative impact on clients' progress, as the dreamer may focus on impending threats and therefore lead to unresolved conflicts. Importance of the use of the dreams in therapy has been tested throughout the years by some empirical studies. It has been found that understanding a disturbing persistent dream can reduce its occurrence and its associated distress. Freud believed that the therapist's role contributes a lot in dream work's efficacy.
In the 1960s, a series of Zajonc's laboratory experiments demonstrated that simply exposing subjects to a familiar stimulus led them to rate it more positively than other, similar stimuli that had not been presented before. At first, Zajonc looked at language and the frequency of words used. He found that overall positive words were used more than their negative counterparts. Later, he showed similar results for a variety of stimuli, such as polygons, drawings, photographs of expressions, nonsense words, and idiographs, judging by a variety of procedures, such as liking, pleasantness, and forced-choice measures.
In music, consonance and dissonance are categorizations of simultaneous or successive sounds. Within the Western tradition, consonance is typically associated with sweetness, pleasantness, and acceptability; dissonance is associated with harshness, unpleasantness, or unacceptability although this depends also on familiarity and musical expertise . The terms form a structural dichotomy in which they define each other by mutual exclusion: a consonance is what is not dissonant, and a dissonance is what is not consonant. However, a finer consideration shows that the distinction forms a gradation, from the most consonant to the most dissonant .
Soft touch refers to the stimulation of slow, unmyelinated C tactile afferents. This is accompanied by a sense of pleasantness, and has been likened to other interoceptive modalities like thermoregulation and nociception because of the similarities in anatomical function. Soft touch activates the insula rather than the somatosensory cortex, indicating that it has an affective importance absent in Aβ fibers. Since soft touch utilizes a separate pathway, it may have a social relevancy, allowing the body to separate the “noise” of outward stimuli from stimuli that evokes an affective feeling.
The essential idea behind his research on happiness, was, as he put it: "that the happy life is one in which the best of whatever is experienced comes relatively often". Happiness, according to Parducci, was entirely relative. The pleasantness of any one experience of happiness depended on its relationships to a context of other experiences, real or imagined. It is not to say much, as Parducci elaborated, that the same objective achievement is less pleasant when it falls short of one's goals and more pleasant when it exceeds those goals.
One of the drops is of the taste stimulus, and the other two drops are pure water. Threshold is defined as the concentration at which the patient identifies the taste correctly three times in a row. Suprathreshold tests, which provide intensities of taste stimuli above threshold levels, are used to assess the patient's ability to differentiate between different intensities of taste and to estimate the magnitude of suprathreshold loss of taste. From these tests, ratings of pleasantness can be obtained using either the direct scaling or magnitude matching method and may be of value in the diagnosis of dysgeusia.
In order to research emotional responses to art, researchers often rely on behavioral data. But new psychophysilogical methods of measuring emotional response are beginning to be used, such as the measurement of pupillary response. Pupil responses have been predicted to indicate image pleasantness and emotional arousal, but can be confounded by luminance, and confusion between an emotion's positive or negative valence, requiring an accompanying verbal explanation of emotional state. Pupil dilatations have been found to predict emotional responses and the amount of information the brain is processing, measures important in testing emotional response elicited by artwork.
Systematic interest in the letter preference began in 1959 with brand-preference studies by researchers Mecherikoff and Horton. These tried to find the relative appeal of letters for use in package labels. In an extension of the studies, subjects were asked to rank the English alphabet by the pleasantness of the appearance of capital letters. While there was not a great deal of agreement amongst the subjects (the coefficients of concordance were low), a strong positive correlation was found between a letter's average rank and how frequently it occurred as an initial letter of family names.
The second and third experiments controlled for the congruity effect, which was thought to be an underlying explanation for such a memory advantage. A survival scenario along with a robbery scenario were used to rate words instead of the original survival, moving or pleasantness categories. Butler found that, when the materials are controlled for with respect to congruence between type of processing (survival vs robbery scenario) and nature of materials (word lists), survival processing does not always produce superior recall; survival processing did not produce a recall advantage within the congruent conditions where congruity was controlled for.
The inferior colliculus is a mid-brain structure which is the first site of binaural auditory integration, processing auditory information from the left and right ears. Frequency following responses (FFRs) recorded from the mid-brain exhibit peaks in activity which correspond to the frequency components of a tonal stimulus. The extent to which FFRs accurately represent the harmonic information of a chord is called neural salience, and this value is correlated with behavioral ratings of the perceived pleasantness of chords. In response to harmonic intervals, cortical activity also distinguishes chords by their consonance, responding more robustly to chords with greater consonance.
In addition, they would want to move Agam's sculpture elsewhere in Tel Aviv. Former Mayor Lahat, who was mayor when the redesigned square was brought in, also favours restoring the square to street level, saying that destroying the original square to solve congestion was the one mayoral decision he regretted. He said that, "I am responsible, and I take the blame," and that "we changed the square, and all the greenery, the beauty and the pleasantness went. Now it is possible to do something really beautiful and impressive," referring to the potential redevelopment of the square.
Temperature and pain are thought to be represented as “feelings” of coolness/warmness and pleasantness/unpleasantness in the brain. These sensory and affective characteristics of thermoregulation may motivate certain behavioral responses depending on the state of the body (for example, moving away from a source of heat to a cooler space). Such perturbations in the internal homeostatic environment of an organism are thought to be key aspects of a motivational process giving rise to emotional states, and have been proposed to be represented principally by the insular cortex as feelings. These feelings then influence drives when the anterior cingulate cortex is activated.
Observers are instructed to report subjectively on simply physical stimuli in psychophysical experiments. The observer is often asked to report how pleasant, or loud, or large any given physical stimulus is. For something as taking a drink of lemonade, the pleasantness of the drink is affected by an assortment of factors, including: the temperature of the drink, the drinkers' state of thirst, the amount of sugar, or the amount of lemon (to name but a few). In another set of experiments (Marsh & Parducci 1978), actual outcomes included wins of up to $200 and losses no larger than $100 in a pseudogambling game.
Hume then confronts an objection: his account ignores intention, having us love or hate those who bring us pleasure or pain even where this is completely unintended. In response, Hume insists that qualities unrelated to intentional action really can elicit love or hatred, so long as the qualities are "constant and inherent in [someone's] person and character": e.g., disliking someone for their ugliness or stupidity. It is with isolated actions that intention is important: it "connect[s the action] with the person" and can also amplify the pleasantness or unpleasantness of the action, whereas "entirely involuntary and accidental" actions arouse only mild or short-lived passions.
One study showed that ratings of pleasantness, taste intensity, and ideal saltiness of low-salt soups were greater when the soup contained umami, whereas low-salt soups without umami were less pleasant. Another study demonstrated that using fish sauce as a source of umami could reduce the need for salt by 10–25% to flavor such foods as chicken broth, tomato sauce, or coconut curry while maintaining overall taste intensity. Some population groups, such as the elderly, may benefit from umami taste because their taste and smell sensitivity is impaired by age and medication. The loss of taste and smell can contribute to poor nutrition, increasing their risk of disease.
Eutrapelia comes from the Greek for 'wittiness' (εὐτραπελία) and refers to pleasantness in conversation, with ease and a good sense of humor. It is one of Aristotle's virtues, being the "golden mean" between boorishness (ἀγροικία) and buffoonery (βωμολοχία). When construed narrowly, eutrapelia is associated with an emotion in the same manner modesty and righteousness are associated with emotion, while it is not tied to any particular emotion when construed in wider terms, and is classified with truthfulness, friendliness, and dignity in the category of mean-dispositions that cannot be called pathetikai mesotetes. For a while, eutrapelia mostly came to signify jokes that were obscene and coarse.
In 1992 Pizarro was declared a "Distinguished Citizen in Chile". In 1999 and 2000 she received the award of the (APES) as "Best Performer", and in 2001 she was anointed with the newly created Chilean National Music President of the Republic Award. In the same year, Palmenia Pizarro debuted at the Viña del Mar Festival, where the public gave her the Silver Seagull and Gold Seagull statuettes, and the newspaper La Cuarta gave her a prize for pleasantness. In 2002 she celebrated her 40-year career with a performance in her native San Felipe, with songs like "Recuerdos de mi pueblo", dedicated to her childhood neighborhood of El Almendral.
It is widely held that happiness is achieved through two major systems: subjective well-being (people's evaluations of the satisfaction and pleasantness in their lives) and meaning in life (people's conceptions that they lead a life corresponding to their values and potentials). While most approaches regard happiness as a mental outcome, Shmotkin's model considers it a process. Accordingly, both subjective well-being and meaning in life systems regulate, or otherwise reconstruct, personal conceptions of hostile-world scenarios. The concept of hostile-world scenario is central for depicting the image that each individual has about actual or potential threats to one's life or, more broadly, to one's physical and mental integrity.
His favored example of this duality is Limburger cheese, which is known for its repulsiveness to the nose yet pleasantness to the mouth. Originally published in 2012, Neurogastronomy by Gordon M. Shepherd provides an overview of the way smell is perceived in humans. The book comprises a detailed review of how retronasal smell, in combination with taste, creates flavor. After a thorough account of the neural basis for identification, recognition, and preference for certain flavors, Shepherd explores potential political and social implications of a deeper understanding of flavor perception, such as causes of obesity and concerns of loss of smell sensitivity in old age.
Anemia was shown at the Venice Film Festival on September 9, 1986. Curti stated the film received "generally perplexed, if not downright bad reviews". Piero Zanotto of La Stampa stated that the film's narrative was a series of "linear encounters with oneirism, eroticism, horror, sentimentalism, period-evoking flash backs all tied together by an extremely thin but logical thread of the events lived by the protagonists" and concluded that: "As for the pleasantness of the result for the viewers... we have strong doubts". The film has not received theatrical distribution and was first shown on Rai Tre television in Italy on October 27, 1990.
On finding himself his own master, Drummond naturally abandoned law for the muses; "for," says his biographer in 1711, "the delicacy of his wit always run on the pleasantness and usefulness of history, and on the fame and softness of poetry". In 1612 began his correspondence with Sir William Alexander of Menstrie, afterwards Earl of Stirling, which ripened into a lifelong friendship after Drummond's visit to Menstrie in 1614. Drummond's first publication appeared in 1613, an elegy on the death of Henry, Prince of Wales, called Teares on the Death of Meliades (Moeliades, 3rd edit. 1614). The poem shows the influence of Spenser's and Sidney's pastoralism.
The Count always treated his wife with patience, pleasantness and determination to help her pass through the depression she suffered from, presuming that she somehow could have avoided Pedro's birth defect. His happiness became visible in the letter that he wrote to his father soon after the birth of his third child, in which he stated, "We are really happy, grateful and glad. Having two healthy children after so many misfortunes that made me lose any hope of becoming a father, exceeds what I dared myself to expect." Their third child was a son, Luiz de Orléans e Bragança, born 26 January 1878 and named after Gaston's father.
He longs for a world, away from superficiality, for people like him, who have a deeper understanding of their existence. In the morning, Marthe arrives with her whole family, including another lover, but Cincinnatus cannot cross the cell, cluttered with temporary furniture for the guests, in time to speak with his wife before everyone is ushered out. Next, Pierre revisits and chides Cincinnatus, as the once director did, for his lack of gratitude at everyone's pleasantness in the prison. A few days later, Cecilia C., Cincinnatus's estranged mother, enters the cell against Cincinnatus's wishes, and she explains the strange circumstances surrounding his birth and his father especially.
Affect theory of social exchange shows how the conditions of exchanges promote interpersonal and group relationships through emotions and affective processes. The theoretical arguments center on the following five claims: Emotions produced by exchange are involuntary, internal responses Individuals experience emotions (general feelings of pleasantness or unpleasantness) depending on whether their exchange is successful. These emotions are construed as a reward (or punishment) and individuals strive to repeat actions that reproduce positive emotions or avoid negative emotions. Individuals attempt to understand what in a social exchange situation produces emotions Individuals will use the exchange task to understand the source (partners, groups, or networks) of their emotions.
Whether you're a longtime fan or have only heard his music on the radio, Matthew West's Into The Light deserves a listen, or two, or three." Worship Leader's Jeremy Armstrong said "West plies commanding pipes to power-guitar-pop with a post grunge ready-for-mainstream pleasantness. If you mix Stephen Curtis Chapman’s tight songwriting with MercyMe’s power rock you come out with Into the Light, Matthew West’s fourth studio project. And though there is a clear production sheen and accessibility, the key with West goes beyond his catchy writing style—he fills his radio-ready tunes with a heart and depth rarely heard on the waves.
Pupil response tests were used to test emotional response to different types of portraits, left or right cheek, and pupil dilation was linearly related to the pleasantness of the portrait, with increased dilations for pleasant images, and constrictions for unpleasant images. Left-facing portraits were rated as more pleasant, even when mirrored to appear right- facing, suggesting that people are more attracted to more emotional facial depictions. This research was continued, using portraits by Rembrandt featuring females with a left-cheek focus and males with a right-cheek focus. Researchers predicted Rembrandt chose to portray his subjects this way to elicit different emotional responses in his viewers related to which portrait cheek was favored.
Ilario Bandini in 1956 The technical regulation imposed a restyling to 750 sports torpedo. It was not carried out a body including wheels but were created wheel that could be attached to the body while maintaining the standard of performance and lightness that were requested. It was amended to make uniform the line; whole body became more smooth and round and away considerably from the model of departure but adding aesthetic pleasantness aerodynamic performance. A recent contest of elegance in USA This type is characterized also for the curious position of the headlights, mounted between the wheels and the car body, resting position not oppose any resistance but aerodynamic meet with the mere presence requirements of the regulation.
An unusual study carried out with Harris and Aycicegi, "Taboo words and reprimands elicit greater autonomic reactivity in a first language than in a second language" (2003), investigated the involuntary psychophysiological reactions of bilingual speakers to taboo words. Thirtytwo TurkishEnglish bilinguals judged an array of words and phrases for "pleasantness" in Turkish (their first language), and in English (their second), while their skin conductance was monitored via fingertip electrodes. Participants manifested greater autonomic arousal in response to taboo words and childhood reprimands in their first language than to those in their second language, confirming the commonplace claim that speakers of two languages are less uncomfortable speaking taboo words and phrases in their second language than in their native language.
The current Receiver, who asks Jonas to call him the Giver, begins the process of transferring those memories to Jonas, for the ordinary person in the Community knows nothing of the past. These memories, and being the only Community member allowed access to books about the past, give the Receiver perspective to advise the Council of Elders. The first memory is of sliding down a snow-covered hill on a sled, pleasantness made shocking by the fact that Jonas has never seen a sled, or snow, or a hill—for the memories of even these things has been given up to assure security and conformity (called Sameness). Even color has been surrendered, and the Giver shows Jonas a rainbow.
Photos of the area on the 1930s show lots divided up, a low sea wall, individual houses and the trees so characteristic of the area now mere saplings. It is perhaps second only to Santa Tereza as a carioca urban neighbourhood in its pleasantness, architectural unity and lack of the crass development which has scarred so much of the city. Part of this is explained by the neighborhood's insularity. The developers of Urca made their money by dividing up the neighbourhood into lots and selling them to small investors, many of them recent European immigrants, especially Portuguese, of relatively modest means – the richer middle class headed for the more glamorous neighbourhoods of Copacabana and Leme, the other side of Praia Vermelha.
It has been proposed that survival processing and recall of survival-relevant materials increases both true and false memory recall. Howe and Derbish suggested that if human memory does benefit from survival processing, this benefit must include both an increase in true recollection of information actually present and also a reduced susceptibility to false memory illusions. Further, Howe and Derbish state, if survival information is more distinctive and processed at an item-specific contextual level, false memory rates should be low. To test this, Nairne's survival/pleasantness experiment was modified to manipulate the type of processing along with the information being processed (eliminated the possibility of recollection of survival- related material due to arousal or emotionality; neutral, negative or survival related).
Fruit and flowers were also carried; the mild climate around Penzance and on the Scilly Isles meant that they were ready for market earlier and could command high prices. The completion of the railway through Cornwall made it easier for tourists and invalids to enjoy the mild climate of Penzance. Bathing machines had been advertised for hire on the beach as early as 1823, and the town was already "noted for the pleasantness of its situation, the salubrity of its air, and the beauty of its natives". (Reprinted by D. Bradford Barton, Truro, 1972) The town's first official guide book was published in 1860, and the Queen's Hotel opened on the seafront the following year. It was so successful that it was extended in 1871 and 1908.
Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times gave the film three stars out of four and called it "fairly good, in a quiet and workmanlike sort of way, although there's a plot twist at the end that ruins things unnecessarily. But what’s best about it, what makes it worth seeing, is Kennedy’s visual approach to the subject of John Wayne." Roger Greenspun of The New York Times wrote, "I don't think that tone and attitude are quite enough to sustain a movie, or that an air of good feeling can take the place of meaningful dramatic action. But as an exercise in pleasantness, 'The Train Robbers' is an interesting addition to the late history of the traditional unpretentious Western."Greenspun, Roger (February 8, 1973).
In real estate and lodging, an amenity (lat. amoenitās “pleasantness, delightfulness”) is something considered to benefit a property and thereby increase its value. Tangible amenities can include the number and nature of guest rooms and the provision of facilities such as elevators (lifts), wi-fi, restaurants, parks, communal areas, swimming pools, golf courses, health club facilities, party rooms, theater or media rooms, bike paths or garages, while intangible amenities can include aspects such as well-integrated public transport, pleasant views, nearby activities and a low crime rate. Within the context of environmental economics, an environmental amenity can include access to clean air or clean water, or the quality of any other environmental good that may reduce adverse health effects for residents or increase their economic welfare.
And for what purpose, I ask, has that god received the charge of > hearths? He runs about the kitchens of men, examining and discovering with > what kinds of wood the heat in their fires is produced; he gives strength to > earthen vessels, that they may not fly in pieces, overcome by the violence > of the flames; he sees that the flavour of unspoilt dainties reaches the > taste of the palate with their own pleasantness, and acts the part of a > taster, and tries whether the sauces have been rightly prepared.Arnobius, > 4.6, as translated by A.H. Bryce and Hugh Campbell (Edinburgh, 1871). The name Lateranus is based on the Latin stem meaning brick, later-, as in opus latericium, a type of brickwork (compare also laterculus).
At the heart of a contextual theory of happiness is the assumption that pleasantness is a judgment where the underlying dimensions are degrees of freedom. Also important to consider is the term context, defined as the conceptual representation of a set of events (real or imagined) that determine the dimensional judgment of any particular event Parducci 1995 Parducci posited that when a stimulus is rated alongside other stimuli, its rating will depend in part on where it ranks among the stimulus set. In two influential publications, Parducci provided a more nuanced delineation of the relationship between category judgment and different features of the stimulus context. Special emphasis was given to the psychological representation of the extreme values of a given distribution.
With this change Tender-Conscience is able to get by unrecognized by the men from the House of Mirth and, so, go on his way. At the Hill Difficulty Tender- Conscience had the choice of the three ways: the one going up the hill also called "Difficulty," the one going around the right hand of the hill called "Danger," and the one going around the left side of the hill called "Destruction." The broadness and pleasantness of the two byways induced Tender-Conscience to take the right-hand byway Danger. He thought that this way would also lead him to the top of the hill, but the growing denseness of the forest surrounding the way and the howlings of wild beasts that he heard induced him to go back to the foot of the hill.
One major finding is that survival processing has been shown to yield better retention than imagery, self-reference and pleasantness, which are all considered to be among the best conditions for remembering learned information. Otgaar, Smeets and van Bergen hypothesized that since visual processing developed earlier than language, there ought to be a survival advantage for images as well as words, and they found such an advantage. Grasslands survival scenarios showed higher retention than near-identical scenarios in which the word 'grasslands' was replaced with 'city' and the word 'predators' replaced with 'attackers'. It is suspected that this result is due to the human mind being attuned to scenarios relevant to our species' ancestral past, even though threats present in a modern urban society are far more relevant today.
Middlewich is a deanery, hath burgesses, and other privileges, as the rest of the Wiches have. Half a mile N. E. from the town is the goodly manor-place of Kinderton, belonging to Lord Vernon, called The Barn of Kinderton. The town is well build, and a desirable place of residence not only for pleasantness of situation, but, what is far better, for the friendly and hospitable disposition of its inhabitants. The directory goes on to list 4 esquires, 3 gentleman, 4 attorneys, 3 surgeons, a cheese factor, two publicans (of the Kings Arms and the White Bear), a school master, 2 haberdashers, a chandler, 2 tanners, 3 salt proprietors, 3 mercers, 2 clock makers, a timber merchant, a medicine vendor, a grocer, a book seller, a glazier and a keeper of the house of correction.
Eric Thurm of The A.V. Club gave the episode a B–, saying "The deficits of 'He's Bla-ack!' are not small, but they're slightly easier to overlook getting caught up in the very sitcom-like pleasantness of just hanging out with Cleveland again in a non-Cleveland Show setting. The cheesy flashback montage of bro moments between Cleveland and Peter (which I am pretty sure was of actual clips from earlier episodes) was just as cynical as everything else Family Guy does these days, but it was also effective at what it was trying to do. Cleveland and Peter may never be this close again in any given episode, but it's nice to have him back anyway." The episode received a 2.1 rating in the 18-49 years old demographic and was watched by a total of 4.16 million people.
To refuse to accept > the challenge it presents would be an act of defeatism. The impact of the motor car was compared with that of a heavy goods vehicle which; > given its head, would wreck our towns within a decade... The problems of > traffic are crowding in upon us with desperate urgency. Unless steps are > taken, the motor vehicle will defeat its own utility and bring about a > disastrous degradation of the surroundings for living... Either the utility > of vehicles in town will decline rapidly, or the pleasantness and safety of > surroundings will deteriorate catastrophically – in all probability both > will happen. > Indeed it can be said in advance that the measures required to deal with the > full potential amount of motor traffic in big cities are so formidable that > society will have to ask itself seriously how far it is prepared to go with > the motor vehicle.
" Despite being critical of Alison Goldfrapp's "wispy, ethereal, often impenetrable vocal approach", Dave Hughes of Slant Magazine opined that the album is "most compelling for the way in which the band's regained austerity and naturalism contrasts with their more recent hedonism." Kat Lister of NME expressed that "Seventh Tree is bound to ruffle a few electro-feathered fans, but there's no denying it's a venture that sets the pair into new experimental territory." In a mixed review, Rolling Stones Christian Hoard felt that the "slow pace can be a snooze", but wrote that the album "still makes for good post-party chill-out music". Nate Patrin of Pitchfork was less impressed, stating that the album's ambience is "so subtle and slow-moving it doesn't seem to go anywhere, and it coasts on some frothy sense of pleasantness that evaporates the moment the song ends.
The fourth principle is the Equal Compensation Principle, which essentially states that activities equally valued by the employer should be equally valuable (in terms of compensation, including non-financial aspects such as pleasantness of the workplace) to the employee. This relates to the problem that employees may be engaged in several activities, and if some of these are not monitored or are monitored less heavily, these will be neglected, as activities with higher marginal returns to the employee are favoured. This can be thought of as a kind of "disintermediation"—targeting certain measurable variables may cause others to suffer. For example, teachers being rewarded by test scores of their students are likely to tend more towards teaching 'for the test', and de-emphasise less relevant but perhaps equally or more important aspects of education; while AT&T;'s practice at one time of paying programmers by the number of lines of code written resulted in programs that were longer than necessary—i.e.
However, the way in both Elizabeth's parents are portrayed as if not bad parents, then at least not entirely good parents, implies that Elizabeth is more sensible and able to judge people better than both her mother and father, making her the best one to decide who her husband should be. Reflecting her strong character, Elizabeth complains that Bingley is a "slave of his designing friends", noting for all his pleasantness that he does not have it in him to really stand up for himself; Johnson wrote the "politically potent metaphor" of a "slave" would had cut deeply at a time when slavery was still legal in the British Empire.Johnson, Claudia Jane Austen, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1988, pp. 85–86. Susan Morgan regards Elizabeth's major flaw to be that she is "morally disengaged" – taking much of her philosophy from her father, Elizabeth observes her neighbours, never becoming morally obligated to make a stand.
Mill demonstrated an early insight into the value of the natural world—in particular in Book IV, chapter VI of Principles of Political Economy: "Of the Stationary State" in which Mill recognised wealth beyond the material, and argued that the logical conclusion of unlimited growth was destruction of the environment and a reduced quality of life. He concludes that a stationary state could be preferable to unending economic growth: > I cannot, therefore, regard the stationary states of capital and wealth with > the unaffected aversion so generally manifested towards it by political > economists of the old school. > If the earth must lose that great portion of its pleasantness which it owes > to things that the unlimited increase of wealth and population would > extirpate from it, for the mere purpose of enabling it to support a larger, > but not a better or a happier population, I sincerely hope, for the sake of > posterity, that they will be content to be stationary, long before necessity > compel them to it.
Joseph Medworth was elected Town Bailiff in 1809. William Richards, in his history of Lynn Vol I published in 1812, describes the castle site. "The detached (castle) buildings have been removed and some elegant rows of houses have been erected.The plan of a large Circus has already also been laid out, about one half which has already been built: when the plan is completed it will add greatly to the pleasantness and beauty of the town. The Castle is still standing, and likely to stand, with what may be called fair play, as long as any of the new buildings, although it has been built now over 150 years, and was, at the time of the sale, stated (even by his lordship, it seems) to be in a decayed and ruinous condition". In January 1814 the castle was temporarily used by the Seminary for Young ladies run by Miss Diggle and Miss Oldham whilst their property in The Crescent was completed. The present Regency villa formed the centre of a major redevelopment of the area in 1816; thus the site has been continuously inhabited for nearly a thousand years. The Castle owner Joseph Medworth died on 17 October 1827.
Those married must be and will be sacred to each other, even more than what they are to each self. :::The man, whose main sexual attributes are courage and strength, must give and shall always give the woman protection, food, and direction, treating her always as the most delicate, sensible, and finest part of himself, and with magnanimity and generous benevolence that a strong being owes the weak, essentially when this weak delivers to himself, and also when Society has entrusted him. :::The woman, whose main attributes are self denial, beauty, compassion, shrewdness and tenderness, must give and shall always give the husband obedience, pleasantness, assistance, comfort, and advice; treating him always with the veneration owed to the person supporting and defending us, and with the delicacy of whom doesn’t want to exasperate the abrupt, irritable and harsh part of him, which is of his nature. :::One to another are owed and shall always give respect, deference, fidelity, trust, and tenderness; both will take care of what they were expecting from each other by joining together, and that this will not be contradicted by this union.

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