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14 Sentences With "unsightliness"

How to use unsightliness in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "unsightliness" and check conjugation/comparative form for "unsightliness". Mastering all the usages of "unsightliness" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Even a momentary lapse of unseemliness or unsightliness can live on forever, like herpes.
In the original Washington Post report, "shithole" appears in all its unsightliness throughout the article and in its headline.
Aside from the stench and unsightliness of the garbage, locals are worried about the health threats posed by this toxic eyesore.
Now in my early 30s, I tend to regard my baldness as something of a joke, an unsightliness to be indulged.
Using wind and current, rather than an outboard motor, it barrels through the ocean waves corralling plastic and debris into a dense blob of unsightliness.
If you're just plain sick of the clutter of cables, be it the unsightliness or the frustrations in their constant tangling, this thing is for you, too.
And since the Post prefers that "individuals and businesses" account for the environmental effects of their consumption and production activities, let us recognize how very dirty "clean" energy actually is: Land-use both massive and ghastly in its unsightliness.
They suggested the situation at the Deauville was an especially jarring example of a national trend in which wealthy communities complain about the unsightliness of abandoned buildings and homeless people who find shelter in or around them, while refusing to address the root causes.
Ugliness is a property of a person or thing that is unpleasant to look upon and results in a highly unfavorable evaluation. To be ugly is to be aesthetically unattractive, repulsive, or offensive. There are many terms associated with visually unappealing or aesthetically undesirable people, including hideousness and unsightliness, more informal terms such as turn-offs.
TVA's completion of Fort Loudoun Dam in 1943 brought modifications to Knoxville's riverfront. In 1946, travel writer John Gunther visited Knoxville, and dubbed the city, the "ugliest city" in America. He also mocked its puritanical laws regarding liquor sales and the showing of movies on Sunday, and noted the city's relatively high crime rate. While Knoxvillians vigorously defended their city, Gunther's comments nevertheless sparked discussions regarding the city's unsightliness and its blue laws.
As a legacy of a sea that once covered the area in Devonian times, a great deal of clay underlies Guckheim, having also been quarried for decades in the immediate vicinity. After clay quarrying is finished, affected areas are recultivated. The quarrying leaves typical traces on the land, such as loss of surface vegetation, unsightliness, and recultivation perceived as inadequate, which have been publicly controversial for years in Guckheim. In the past, there has also been limited brown coal mining (first mentioned in documents in 1746, lasted until 1847) and basalt quarrying (until 1928).
She also ordered a total reworking of the garden by the famous garden designer, André Le Nôtre. The old stable wing that stretched along the garden was also renovated and subdivided into comfortable apartments to be occupied by what might be likened to today's artists and intellectuals in residence: Philippe Goibaut, Roger de Gaignières, and, a bit later, Marc-Antoine Charpentier. For a bride, Marie de Lorraine aimed high and was victorious: Elisabeth d'Orléans, Louis XIV's first cousin, whose high rank outweighed the unsightliness of her crooked back. The marriage was celebrated on 5 May 1667.
Fishing technology at Monterey prior to 1905 was archaic and inefficient; the canning process was equally crude. The unsightliness, odor, and processing waste from harbor canneries dictated that all future canneries would have to locate away from any business or residential district. To catch more fish the fishermen turned to the more efficient lampra fish net used in Sicily. The lampra net is set around a school of fish and when both ends are retrieved the vessel tows the net forward, closing the bottom and then top of the net while it scoops up much of the school of fish.Lampra fish net Accessed 12 February 2012 By 1912 70,000 cases of sardines were shipped.
David A. Campbell, Greek Lyric Poetry, Bristol Press (1982), page xxv Mimnermus employs the internal rhyme in the pentameter lines 2 () and 4 (). Here is the same poem paraphrased in English to imitate the rhythms of an elegy, with half-rhymes employed in the same lines 2 (far...for) and 4 (youth...bloom): ::What is life, what is sweet, if it is missing golden Aphrodite? :::Death would be better by far than to live with no time for ::Amorous assignations and the gift of tenderness and bedrooms, :::All of those things that give youth all of its covetted bloom, ::Both for men and for women. But when there arrives the vexatiousness :::Of old age, even good looks alter to unsightliness ::And the heart wears away under the endlessness of its anxieties: :::There is no joy anymore then in the light of the sun; ::In children there is found hate and in women there is found no respect.

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