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"neatness" Definitions
  1. the quality of being tidy and in order or of being carefully done or arranged
"neatness" Synonyms
tidiness trimness spruceness unclutteredness orderliness immaculateness cleanness smartness niceness order cleanliness clearness correctness methodicalness organisation(UK) organization(US) straightness efficiency absence of clutter arrangement grace agility deftness dexterity gracefulness precision adroitness nimbleness elegance daintiness light-footedness lightsomeness effortlessness poise finesse ease stylishness suppleness fluency flow skill adeptness expertise expertness skilfulness skillfulness accuracy cleverness cunning artistry craft artifice artfulness competence masterfulness ingenuity ingeniousness inventiveness aptness effectiveness intelligence simplicity usefulness handiness convenience utility practicality helpfulness usability efficacy versatility workability use benefit service advantage avail mileage functionality serviceability legibility clarity plainness readability decipherability legibleness readableness ease of reading comprehensibility intelligibility explicitness coherence transparency perspicuousness obviousness unambiguity perspicuity lucidity method regulation symmetry uniformity classification design form pattern plan planning purpose regularity structure system primness fastidiousness fussiness meticulousness care cleanly habits punctilio discipline regimentation rigorousness spit and polish apple-pie order excellent order fine fettle good shape just so orderly perfect arrangement precise order shipshape succinctness brevity conciseness briefness concision terseness compactness crispness pithiness sententiousness shortness economy curtness laconicism compendiousness compression pith economy of language pointedness tininess miniaturisation(UK) miniaturization(US) smallness littleness minuteness fineness slightness diminutiveness puniness atomity narrowness small size infinitesimalness scantiness dinkiness More

205 Sentences With "neatness"

How to use neatness in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "neatness" and check conjugation/comparative form for "neatness". Mastering all the usages of "neatness" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Mr Harford warns against a creeping force for neatness: automation.
" Quotable "I don't like neatness in anything except my house.
"Fernandez graded Trump's signature overall a C with strong points for "neatness.
The neatness of this backpack is best expressed in its exterior pockets.
"Neatness for photographs is almost as important as storage," Ms. Oey said.
THE humdrum town of Gaotian lies, with symbolic neatness, in "the centre of China".
Meanwhile, Orth plays up Lee's stereotypically gay characteristics, from his neatness to his effeminacy.
That orbital neatness affects the number of planets that TESS&apos transit method can identify.
This was a raw and forward-facing futurism that resisted the lazy neatness of classification.
The landscaping on the central plaza has the soulless neatness of a digital architectural rendering.
It does feel messy and drawn out compared with the neatness of the current tournament format.
It's the neatness of being able to separate your cards out that's worth your time and money.
According to a profile in the Wall Street Journal, Kondo has had a lifelong commitment to neatness.
She plays card games and performs volunteer work and frets over the neatness of her family's clothing.
On a walk down Fifth Avenue, what impressed him the most was the neatness of Citi Bike racks.
The crown vetch and the curly dock are almost eliminated as I survey the neatness of my work.
A: Anyone who has spent time in a teenager's bedroom knows they don't have a reputation for neatness.
He is a wonderful person, husband, father and grandfather, but he doesn't think that all this neatness is important.
One of the less appreciated pleasures of the pilot's job is its neatness (for lack of a better term).
David Hare is, of course, a playwright, so the neatness of Collateral shouldn't come as too much of a surprise.
Popular history emphasizes neatness and inevitable triumph in the face of adversity, and Grant's presidency was neither neat nor triumphant.
First, as a parent with a neatness hang-up and kids who love art projects, I have come to loathe glitter.
The neatness of the pun, its capacity to make things rhyme, exists at the expense, perhaps, of mess, despair, and sheer human intractability.
Authorizations, declarations, agreements and treaties give the impression of neatness, but they are ephemeral measures of strength and weakness, of victory and defeat.
With hundreds of objects arranged in symmetrical groupings, its altar is a study in spiritual neatness so grandly fastidious as to feel cosmic.
Having an organized home can be a wonderful thing, but neatness is rarely the only thing holding someone back from their life's full potential. ●
Mr Doonan and Ms Johnson are playful in their critiques, concerned mostly with the "coolness" of an idea and the neatness of the execution.
In Marie Kondo's highly regarded book on neatness and organization, she writes that you should only keep things that bring joy into your life.
"Feed-in braids are any braid or plait that has hair added to it for neatness and length," NYC-based hairstylist Koni Bennett says.
True, every character finds a home when the music stops, but for one or two of the less-developed characters that neatness can feel contrived.
Here, there are gatefolds of his images that reveal a kind of chaotic neatness of books, magazines, VHS tapes, DVDs, recording equipment, television sets, and cables.
But because the reveries take place inside the minds of Owen and Annie, they possess a narrative neatness that is psychologically realistic, rather than artistically so.
He rated the "slant" of Washington's signature the best of all presidents in this piece and said Washington should be "proud" of his letter formation and neatness.
She's always been inclined toward neatness, a crisp Ikea aesthetic, even if she isn't as cheerfully ruthless as Marie Kondo ("Spark Joy"), the Japanese anti-clutter guru.
We've been trained to expect neatness, to log every detail in a story as indicative of some wiki-worthy overall mythology, or as some clue to what's next.
So the most shocking thing about Richard D. James Album arriving only a year later is not its ballyhooed swan dive into jungle and drill'n'bass, but rather its neatness.
"We would rather witness the dust and mud of Broadway, with its business and bustle, than the Quaker neatness and the Quaker quiet of most Philadelphia thoroughfares," this "Visitor" wrote.
Your only privilege, even as the son of a noble house, is to understand the fix you are in, and to express yourself neatly when neatness can avail you nothing.
About 12 hours later, they were presented with a second set of statements, which the police said had been retyped for neatness, but which may have conflicted with the earlier ones.
"(Desperate times call for desperate measures!)" Of course, the Revenge Body host had to share a way to keep organized, as she's particular about the neatness of her fridge and home bar.
When my siblings and I went to visit him in December, he was propped in a chair, his hair combed with a neatness that it never had when he combed it himself.
The black and white cinematography, scenes devoted to choreographed performance and neatness of composition recall Krzysztof Kieślowski's early documentary, Seven Women of Different Ages (1979), though without the same metaphorical, universalizing frame.
Sure, you have to express yourself and how totally stressed out messiness (or aggressive neatness) makes you, but don't just harp harp harp on every dirty sock you see out of place.
While the series lacks the cinematic quality and narrative neatness we've come to expect from popular films like "American Sniper" and "Lone Survivor," it has a rawness missing from those more carefully crafted films.
"That's part of the neatness of being a Harley rider, is the community, you meet so many people, you meet CEOs of major corporations, doctors, lawyers, ex-convicts, people from all walks of life," he said.
Exuding their unique brand of abstract, ethereal pop, the EP contains a track called "Iona," a swirling frenzy of tribal percussion, vocal harmonies, and orchestral sweeps that finds a sweet crux between dramatic swells and minimalist neatness.
There is a digital neatness to the works — except when you look at the sides, where the paint and the clear gel filling the negative space left by the combs are allowed to ooze over the edges.
For example, people believe that how hard you press down on the paper relates to how uptight you are, the slant of your writing indicates introversion or extroversion, and the neatness/sloppiness of your writing reveals organizational tendencies.
This is the company that called Blu-ray "a bag of hurt," chopped DVD drives and Ethernet ports off its most popular laptops, and pioneered the use of non-replaceable batteries for the sake of aluminum unibody design neatness.
When presenting a package to an acquaintance, the study found that it is better to give a well-wrapped gift, as wrapping neatness may say more about the relationship between the gift giver and recipient than the gift itself.
ITO, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan (Reuters) - The Japanese may be known for their neatness, particularly when it comes to making their bed in the morning, but all social norms went out the window on Saturday during qualifying for the All-Japan Pillow Fighting Championships in Shizuoka Prefecture.
It reflects the stages in my life — a messy room as a kid and in college, then a house of five people's things overflowing, to the neatness of these later years for efficiency, to this one spirited room full of loved objects in my artist studio.
In the outer sections, formations keep changing so fluently that, when it's over, you hardly know a quarter of what you've seen; but the ending is a nice touch of neatness, with the 10 dancers finally becoming five male-female couples, something you never quite imagined happening until it does.
Even in my excitement I admired the neatness of it, the buttons perfectly aligned, so that I thought for the first time in many years of my father dressing me as a boy, teaching me about this line, the gig line, he called it, buttons and buckle forming an order that was more than vanity, that signalled some deeper righteousness.
HE WAS struck again and again by the wonder of being in his own house, the audacity of it: to walk down a farm track in Wiltshire to his own front gate, to close his doors and windows on his own space, privacy and neatness, to walk on cream carpet through book-lined rooms where, still in a towelling robe at noon, he could summon a wife to make coffee or take dictation.
This was the start of the family era: Simultaneously, the company stopped trying to compete with its rivals on having the best graphics and began to push innovative hardware and software gimmicks instead, as seen in this ad for 2011's Nintendo 3DS ... ... and this montage of features for the ill-fated Nintendo Wii U: Viewed in this context, that viral Nintendo Switch video takes on a lot more meaning: The players shown in it are more diverse than ever, and the focus is on the human effect of the console's gimmicks — more than the neatness of the gimmicks themselves.
Neatness, cleanliness and ceremoniousness are other ubiquitous compulsive character traits.
Furthermore, this cemetery's neatness and organization is famous throughout the region.
I found his teeth had been filed down and bishoped with the greatest neatness and perfection.
Pleasure competitions also have classes which are judged on the turnout, neatness or suitability of the horse(s) and carriage.
It is very important to neatness, comfort, and success in sewing, that a lady's workbasket should be properly fitted up.
As seen from the roadside, color and neatness are probably the two most important factors in visual sightliness, Strobel says.
His Chekhovian mots and those little traits that astonish us by their neatness and appositeness, he often took direct from life.
These researchers established that certain physical appearance variables, including attractiveness, type of dress (both formal and neatness), and perceived age, informed strangers' zero-acquaintance personality judgments. Ratings between strangers were most similar to each other and to the target's self-rating for the traits "sociable" and "responsible". Ratings of target attractiveness informed judgements of sociability; formality and neatness of dress informed judgements of responsibility.
The founding celebration took place "with all the neatness of holy poverty," in Serra's words. Smoke from the soldiers' guns, fired in repeated volleys, served as incense.
It was introduced into horticulture in 1852, and was a favorite of renowned garden writer William Robinson for its neatness as an edging plant and in front of borders.
The theme for the station focuses on the simplicity, neatness, and order of a modern city. Glass, aluminum, and enamel are used in the roofs, ceilings, pillars, and walls.
With Neatness and Dispatch is a 1918 American silent comedy film directed by Will S. Davis and starring Francis X. Bushman, Beverly Bayne, and Frank Currier. It was released on April 15, 1918.
To develop leadership qualities and a sense of responsibility in children the school has a head boy/head girl, captains, vice captains and prefects who are responsible for discipline, neatness and organization of functions.
To develop leadership qualities and a sense of responsibility in children the school has a head boy/head girl, captains, vice captains and prefects who are responsible for discipline, neatness and organization of functions.
To develop leadership qualities and a sense of responsibility in children the school has a head boy/head girl, captains, vice captains and prefects who are responsible for discipline, neatness and organization of functions.
To develop leadership qualities and a sense of responsibility in children the school has a head boy/head girl, captains, vice captains and prefects who are responsible for discipline, neatness, and organization of functions.
Also at this time, a music copyist was often employed to hand-copy individual parts (for each performer) from a composer's full score. Neatness, speed, and accuracy were desirable traits of a skilled copyist.
Alternative treatments used for the common cold include numerous home remedies and alternative medicines. Scientific research regarding the efficacy of each treatment is generally nonexistent or inconclusive. Current best evidence indicates prevention, including hand washing and neatness, and management of symptoms.
For purposes of identification some breed registries require photographs of them among other individual characteristics. However, because chestnuts grow over time and horse grooms often peel or trim off the outer layers for neatness, their appearance is subject to change.
Kelowna Courier and Okanagan Orchardist, Thursday, Jan 24, 1918; pg. 4 1920: Wigmore Hall, Wieniawski concerto, Handel sonata: "The double stops and other ornaments are a model of neatness, and these are helped by a sensitive bow-hand".The Times, Monday, Feb 09, 1920; pg.
The rest of the time was spent in neatness inspections and marching. In 1904 the Teacher Residence was further extended to accommodate the large family of the then teacher, Mr. Cooke. The price of the extensions was . In 1909 the underpart of the school building was asphalted.
Armijn Pane, writing four years after the film's release, criticised the troops' neatness during their march, writing that their uniforms should have become progressively dirtier. Foreign reception, however, has been more positive. The Japanese film critic Tadao Sato, for instance, praised the film's concept, comparing it to the work of Andrzej .
Freud's first paper on character described the anal character consisting of stubbornness, stinginess, and extreme neatness. He saw this as a reaction formation to the child's having to give up pleasure in anal eroticism. The positive version of this character is the conscientious, inner directed obsessive. Freud also described the erotic character as both loving and dependent.
The play divided critical opinion. The Times thought that "judged by the standard that the Aldwych farces have set for themselves, A Night Like This is a disappointment. It lacks speed … above all, it lacks verbal neatness and surprise". In The Manchester Guardian, Ivor Brown thought the production "immensely ingenious" with "business of the happiest order".
Indiaglitz said, "A perfect one for those who love masala flicks". Chennaionline said, "Maanja Velu has all the ingredients of a masala flick but the problem is that it has no novelty or neatness to impress us". Top 10 cinema said, "The movie may have its reach amongst the commercial film lovers, who have no regards for logics".
252Neuwirth (2003), p. 253— for four seasons. He found himself working alongside Povenmire again, this time as a writing partner, a choice Marsh claimed was made by the crew in hopes of making Povenmire's neatness offset his own sloppy storyboarding. The pair developed a distinctive style, including in their stories characteristic musical numbers and chase scenes.
The Commissioner of Police of the City of Hyderabad used to be called the ‘Kotwal’. It is one of the oldest establishment and used to be the most powerful job in the H.E.H. Nizam's Government. As a city police commissioner, he also headed the Baldia in Ex-Officio cadre. He is responsible for peace and neatness in the city.
Nicolas Bernier Étienne Ficquet (13 September 1719 – 11 December 1794) was a French engraver. Ficquet was born in Paris in 1719, and was instructed by G. F. Schmidt and Le Bas. He acquired great reputation by a set of small portraits which he engraved of distinguished literary characters of France. They are executed with extraordinary neatness and delicacy, and are very correctly drawn.
Marshall, David, and Bruce Harris, Wild About Flying! Dreamers, Doers, and Daredevils, Buffalo, New York: Firefly Books, 2003, , p. 40.] Pinedo's cultured background and naturally reserved nature, as well as the orderliness and neatness instilled in him by his naval training, made him atypical of the aviators of his day, who tended to be mavericks and daredevils. He preferred to avoid publicity.
11 In The Guardian, Billington's praise was less guarded, although he found "the diagrammatic neatness of the plotting ultimately becomes slightly oppressive". In The Daily Express Herbert Kretzmer commented that the author "tries too hard to do too much", although he predicted a long run for the play.Kretzmer, Herbert. "What the doctor ordered", The Daily Express, 11 May 1973, p.
By noting that 'the art of armoring had to be learned' it kind of confirmed the notes about its armor. An engineer downplayed the defects of all the monitors, but noted that one could not expect a shipyard that was used to work in wood to deliver the 'same neatness in ironwork' as a company that had 25 years of experience.
Handel himself seems to have been not insensible to its merit, > for I heard him play it by memory as a lesson at Mrs. Cibber's, with > wonderful neatness and spirit near twenty years after it was > composed.Charles Burney: A General History of Music: from the Earliest Ages > to the Present Period. Vol. 4. London 1789 reprint: Cambridge University > Press 2010, , p. 330.
Village Voice critic Robert Christgau describes the song as "sprawling blockbuster cut" which he considers compromised to some extent by its "relative neatness and control." A 2015 reader poll by Rolling Stone ranked "Danger Bird" as Young's 7th best "deep cut." A year earlier the editors of Rolling Stone rated "Danger Bird" to be the 24th best Neil Young song of all time.
Close attention was given to the cleanliness of staff and the neatness of their uniforms. The railway was the only means of transport for the people living in the area and was a source of much pride. In 1923 following the grouping it became part of London and North Eastern Railway. Following nationalisation in 1947, it was taken over by British Railways.
Judging an entry in the Fairford, Faringdon, Filkins and Burford Ploughing Championships, United Kingdom, 2014. An advertisement for ploughing match in 1842 A ploughing match is a contest between people who each plough part of a field. Nowadays there are usually classes for horse-drawn ploughs and for tractor ploughing. Points are awarded for straightness and neatness of the resulting furrows.
Despite the opera's popularity with audiences, Puccini has been the target of condescension by some music critics who find his music insufficiently sophisticated or difficult. The composer Benjamin Britten wrote in 1951, "[A]fter four or five performances I never wanted to hear Bohème again. In spite of its neatness, I became sickened by the cheapness and emptiness of the music."Britten, Benjamin.
John Tiller always had a keen interest in music. He was always a perfectionist to the point where very few people could live up to his standards. At ten years old he became a choirboy, and with his perfectionist qualities, he became choirmaster by fourteen. His obsession with neatness and cleanliness was to earn him the excellence for which he was later to be renowned.
Roberto is a veteran who is characterised by orderliness and a firm belief in the value of control. He runs his own hardware store accordingly. If a supplier sells him boxes with 100 screws each, he counts all the screws and files a complaint if just a single one is missing. He feels that the world around his isle of neatness has gone mad.
Eva herself and her teenage daughter Gloria wore some dresses fashioned from Pag-asa cloth to show its versatility and practical use in daily activities. Dr. Macapagal is credited with transforming Malacañang from a dirty and dishevelled place to a clean and magnificent palace. Her training as a physician enabled her to bring about cleanliness and neatness in the rooms and appointments of the presidential residence.
This made it necessary to revise the design with side rods to transmit the motion forward to the lever mechanism mounted near the front of the frames. Thus, some of the advantage of 'neatness' and compactness of the original was lost."Locomotive Adventure" Harold Holcroft, Ian Allan. London The gear was also used on the sole K1 and the first of the U1 class.
They have now finished and nearly furnished one of the > handsomest residences in Washington Territory. For completeness, neatness, > convenience, and architectural beauty, it discounts any house we know of in > the country. Their friends are glad to see them so agreeably situated. The Slocum House is listed in the National Register of Historic Places, based on its architectural value to the State of Washington.
He was responsible for deciding which boys would share rooms together, weighing the strengths of one against the other. Some were chosen to be his personal assistants. He stressed the importance of outer appearance and the need for neatness and cleanliness. He did not want the image of the poor, tattered, down-trodden yeshiva bochur (yeshiva student) to be associated with the alumni of his institution.
Criqui 2014, p. 125. The Wire included the album in its list of "100 Records That Set the World on Fire". Tank magazine characterized Record Without a Cover as "one of the most important moments in the history of 20th century sonic art", likening its "conceptual neatness" to John Cage's composition 4′33″. In 2008 Japanese musician Otomo Yoshihide paid homage to the album.
Fitzgerald began writing "Absolution" in June 1923. In a letter to Maxwell Perkins, Fitzgerald stated that it was originally intended to be the prologue of his later novel The Great Gatsby, but that it "interrupted with the neatness of the plan". In 1934, Fitzgerald wrote in a letter to a fan that the story was intended to show Gatsby's early life, but was cut to preserve his "sense of mystery".
Daily life was the focus of the game with secular virtues such as thrift, ambition, and neatness receiving more emphasis than religious virtues. Indeed, the only suggestion of religion in Bradley's game was the marriage altar. The Checkered Game of Life was wildly popular, selling 40,000 copies in its first year. Unlike The Mansion of Happiness, Game of the District Messenger Boy (1886) focuses on daily life rather than eternal life.
Besides the weekly, the firm published numerous other titles. They kept an office at "no. 56, State-street, Boston, where printing in all its branches, is executed with neatness, accuracy and dispatch;"Joseph Nancrede's fixed-priced-catalogue. Printed for Benjamin Russell, by Gilbert and Dean, ca.1803. by 1804, they'd moved to "no.78, State-Street, corner of Wilson's Lane."Report of the committee of the town convention. 1804.
For instance, neatness informed judgments of conscientiousness, whereas variety and quantity of books informed judgements of openness to experience. More recently, Back et al. (2010) investigated how well perceivers could make judgements of targets by viewing their social media profiles, either on Facebook or StudiVZ. The researchers found that perceivers could accurately predict extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness of a target by simply perusing the social media profile.
Often, the coat is clipped short to simplify care, but the coat still requires daily brushing. For conformation showing, the coat must be left in its natural state, though trimming for neatness around the feet and anus is allowed. The shorter cut is typically called a "puppy cut" or a "teddy bear cut" when the puppy cut is accompanied by a fuller, rounder face, resembling a cute and cuddley stuffed animal.
She often comments on Emily's competence and neatness and ponders the purpose of the girl's existence. Emily herself is intelligent and insightful but is also quite distant. The narrator and Emily somewhat enjoy each other's company and seem to form a tacit arrangement of tolerance between them. This idyllic time (in the words of the narrator) ends when a gang of young people take up residence in the community.
After retirement from the conservatory, Reinecke devoted his time to composition, resulting in almost three hundred published works. He wrote several operas (none of which are performed today) including König Manfred. During this time, he frequently made concert tours to England and elsewhere. His piano playing belonged to a school in which grace and neatness were characteristic, and at one time he was probably unrivaled as a Mozart player and an accompanist.
To develop leadership qualities and a sense of responsibility in children the school has a head boy/head girl, literary incharge, sports captain, discipline incharge, captains, vice captains and prefects who are responsible for discipline, neatness and organization of functions. The school also has an Editorial board which includes the literary incharges headed by a teacher incharge which is responsible for organizing literary related competitions. School Editorial board: Mrs. Sadaf Fatima, Shreya Yadav, Samriddhi, Vandita Gupta.
Perfectionism has been linked with anorexia nervosa in research for decades. Researchers in 1949 described the behavior of the average anorexic person as being "rigid" and "hyperconscious", observing also a tendency to "neatness, meticulosity, and a mulish stubbornness not amenable to reason [which] make her a rank perfectionist". Perfectionism is an enduring characteristic in the biographies of anorexics. It is present before the onset of the eating disorder, generally in childhood, during the illness, and also, after remission.
In January of that year, Boro beat Newcastle United 4–2 at St. James' Park, and Cummins scored Boro's fourth goal, prompting match commentator Kenneth Wolstenholme to say another of his famous one-liners. Immediately after the goal, Wolstenholme said, "That gives him (Cummins) ten out of ten, and one for neatness". Cummins played against Scotland in Willie Maddren's Testimonial Match prior to their departure for the 1978 World Cup in Argentina. Former Boro colleague Graeme Souness also played.
Mr. Justice Ashurst's judgments, which are reported in Loffts and Douglas's 'Reports' and Chitty's 'Practice Cases,' are remarkable for their clearness and good sense. A contemporary writer thus describes his qualities as a judge: 'Sir William Ashurst is a man of liberal education and enlarged notions. His language has no peculiar neatness nor brilliancy, but it is perspicuous, pointed, and clear. He reasons logically, and knows well how to winnow the chaff and eloquence from argument and law.
Molière, after Sébastien Bourdon. Jacques Firmin Beauvarlet, a celebrated engraver, was born at Abbeville in 1731. He went to Paris when young, and was instructed in the art by Charles Dupuis and Laurent Cars. His first manner was bold and free, and his plates in that style are preferred by some to the more finished and highly-wrought prints that he afterwards produced, although it must be confessed that the latter are executed with great neatness and delicacy.
The book contains personal stories, photographs, and diary entries from each of the three sisters. Among the personal stories, Khloé discusses her regret about losing her virginity at age 14 to an older boyfriend, writing "Feeling rushed and pressured and unsure should have been my clue that I wasn't ready to take that step." Kim discusses being starstruck by meeting many celebrities she had admired. Kourtney talks about her obsessive need for neatness and organization in her home.
Dr. Daggett, he selected and arranged the Hymns and Psalms, as set forth by the General Association of Connecticut, in use for twenty years past in most of the Congregational Churches in this State. Mr. Hooker was a clear thinker, and expressed his thoughtfulness in a style remarkable for its neatness and perspicuity. He married, July 17, 1822, Mary Ann Brown, who died May 3, 1838, without children. He married Harriet Watkinson, Nov 22, 1843, who survived him.
Over time it became a fad among teenage girls, especially in a lightweight form that emphasised their figures. It was not long before Hollywood was also exploiting this image as part of the sweater girl look. By the late 1950s the "tight turtleneck" had been adopted as part of the preppy style among students, a style emphasising neatness, tidiness and grooming. This would become an important aspect of the polo neck's image in the United States.
Samuel Ireland said that the valuable and extensive library was housed in an elegant suite of apartments, consisting of four rooms, three of which commanded a pleasant view of the gardens. In this collection (which included upwards of 8,000 volumes) were many rare and valuable books, in the most perfect condition. The excellent order in which they were ranged, and the extreme neatness that prevailed throughout the apartments, reflected great honour on those who had the superintendence of them.
John Dewrance conducted experiments on the distribution of heat in steam boilers. There are claims he was responsible for the construction of George Stephenson’s locomotive the Rocket and for supporting it at the Rainhill trials. He was appointed Locomotive Superintendent of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway from 1840 to 1844 during which time his designs at the Edge Hil workshops were noted for their neatness. In 1844 he left to become the locomotive engineer of the Great Southern and Western Railway.
Her piece was auctioned at 700,000 yen, the highest price among the Japanese artist bears, and she donated whole amount. Because all her work process is done by half-backstitch, she can create only about 35 teddy bears in a year, which makes her creations more valuable as a rarity. Some authoritative museums in Japan ( including Huis Ten Bosch) and England asked her to make special teddy bears for their exhibits. Her teddy bears associated with fantasy, cuteness, and neatness.
Pope's translation of Homer's Iliad and Odyssey was not an attempt to make the works available to an Augustan audience, but rather to make a new work occupying a middle ground between Homer and Pope. The translation had to be textually accurate, but it was intended to be a Pope translation, with felicity of phrase and neatness of rhyme from Pope. Additionally, Pope would "versify" John Donne, although his work was widely available. The changes Pope makes are the content, the commentary.
Nevertheless, says an eye-witness, "the gravity and uncommon neatness of his dress, his grey, venerable locks, blending with a pale but interesting countenance, in which an air of beauty was still visible, altogether excited attention, and I never saw a stranger come into the house without asking who he was."via DNB:Dublin Penny Journal, i. 369 He died at his residence in Henry Street, Dublin, on Monday 4 November 1771. His remains were honoured with a public funeral of imposing solemnity.
The school's report card is an assessment of a students work. The Co-Curricular Evaluation includes assessments in Reading, Library Education, Art, PE, Indian Music, Dance/Drama, Work Experience and Western Music. Each of these categories has four sub-categories (for example, Reading breaks down into Interest, Imagination, Verbal Skills and Group Activity). The school's Personality Development assessment includes areas such as Courtesy, Confidence, Care of Belongings, Neatness, Regularity and Punctuality, Initiative, Sharing and Caring, Respect of Others' Property and Self-Discipline.
There is a doubt as to the sex for Mr. Owens was uncertain > on the point. In 1926 > Today there is but one evidence of that early settlement is a lonely grave, > said to be that of a girl of 17 years of age, whose name, to be read on a > tiny wooden cross, was L.L. Sundball. The grave is surrounded by a neat > fence in excellent preservation. There is some mystery as to the means by > which it maintains a permanent neatness.
Anand (Sharwanand) is a young man suffers with obsessive compulsive personality disorder and is very picky on cleanliness and neatness. He doesn't even dare to touch others hands since they contain germs and bacteria and has a heavy fear towards hospitals since they have infectious patients. He one day meets Meghana (Mehreen Pirzada) after an incident involving a man spitting chewing gum on her shoe. He falls in love with her after she tells the man the importance of cleanliness.
It is round, rich, and clear, of wonderful flexibility, and such astonishing firmness, that it is impossible to suspect any note is passed over unperceived. He has the neatness and precision of execution that Ber and Barizel have acquired on the clarionet or bassoon. The tone is equal in its whole extent, taking and holding F# with as much ease as a tenor voice would do, or running over the notes with a vivacity unheard of till now.Castil-Blaze (1833) p.
The essential requisites of hearing and seeing have been > happily attained. We do not remember to have been in any Theatre where the > view of the stage is so complete from all parts of the house, or where the > actors are heard with such distinctness. The house is made to contain about > 2,000 persons. The audience part, though wanting in those brilliant > decorations which the artists have designed for it, yet exhibited a neatness > and simplicity which were highly agreeable.
Other notable works included Nausicaa and Ulysses, Saint Jerome in the Desert, and 'A View of Tivoli. He also produced some small pictures, in the style of the realistic school, such as Campo Vicino (1845), which was lithographed by Anastasi; The Temple of Antoninus and Faustina (1846), a View of the Cascades of Tivoli, and a Park Interior, which rivalled photography in their neatness and sharpness of effect and minuteness of detail. He died in Paris in 1852. View of Badajoz from the San Cristobal heights.
During the Civil War, women worked in an ammunition factory at the Washington Arsenal. Many lower-class women—including Irish immigrants—needed wages, especially after male relatives went to war. Women were believed to have nimble fingers, attention to detail, and a tendency to neatness suitable for rolling, pinching, tying, and bundling cartridges with bullets and black powder. On June 17, 1864, fireworks left in the sun outside a cartridge room ignited, killing twenty-one women, many of whom burned to death in flammable hoop skirts.
Thus the history of the miniature in the 15th century must be sought in the manuscripts of the Continental schools. First we have to consider northern France and the Low Countries. As it passes out of the 14th and enters the 15th century, the miniature of both schools begins to exhibit greater freedom in composition; and there is a further tendency to aim rather at general effect by the coloring than neatness in drawing. This was encouraged by the wider field opened to the miniaturist.
The hotel register wasn't preserved so well from the end of the 1950s and it hasn't been relied on for the article. But its quality and neatness until then allows for a unique summary regarding those who once graced the hotel carpets. The very first guest in the Butler Arms left an account of what he hoped for and what he found in the hotel and in Lough Currane. But his address, Leamington, is so broad that it allows no enquiry into his own story.
His scripts became famous among printers as early as 1832, and retained their pre-eminence for a generation. The last set of punches he cut was for a great primer script. He was at the time in his seventy-eighth year, but for beauty of design and neatness of finish, the type in question has rarely been excelled. On November 9, 1842, he was awarded the first design patent (a new form of patent authorized by Act of Congress) for fonts (printing typefaces and borders).
Hawke was an archetypal amateur gentleman playing at a time when professionals were generally viewed as second-class citizens but Hawke, who had great admiration for the professional cricketers in his charge was determined to improve their status and give them respectability. He insisted on discipline and neatness from his professionals and, in return, he gave them a financial stability they had formerly lacked. He instituted winter pay after the 1896 season, initially £2 per week, and established a merit system which resulted in payment of bonuses.Hodgson, p. 69.
He occasionally offered psychoanalytical interpretations of power players, as in this passages from The Money Lenders: > "[Bankers] seem specially conscious of time, always aware that time is > money. There is always a sense of restraint and tension. (Is it part of the > connection which Freud observed between compulsive neatness, anal eroticism > and interest in money?)" Sampson was a personal friend of Nelson Mandela before Mandela became politically active. In 1964 Sampson attended the Rivonia Trial in support of Mandela and other ANC leaders, and in 1999 he published the authorised biography of Mandela.
When he finally works up the courage to tell her his feelings, he bumps into So-jung instead, a messy musician and free spirit whose life is lived spontaneously, adventurously and impulsively. With So-jung's help, he tries to woo his dream girl, but the only catch is that she wants someone who doesn't share her obsession for neatness. So now Jung-seok must break his routine and place himself outside of his comfort zone, as So-jung asks him to enter a singing audition program together with her.
Fogarty's clothes were easy to wear, practical, and made with casual fabrics, following the American sportswear tradition. She ran her own label from 1962 to 1974, and worked as a freelance designer until her death. In 1959, Fogarty published a style manual, Wife Dressing: The Fine Art of Being a Well-Dressed Wife, which emphasized femininity, neatness, and always being suitably dressed as desirable qualities. Wife Dressing was rediscovered in the early 21st century, and has become a key resource for designers and fashion historians looking to explore the 1950s ideology of ultra-feminine dressing.
There are a > mandarin, borne in a rich palanquin by six white slaves, whilst two negros > draw a chariot on which a young Chinese woman is seated. They are preceded > and followed by a host of Chinese playing various musical instruments [...]. > This march concluded, the ballet begins and leaves nothing to be desired > either in the diversity or in the neatness of the figures. It ends in a > contredanse of thirty-two persons whose movements trace a prodigious number > of new and perfectly designed attitudes, which form and dissolve with the > greatest of ease.
He surpassed, by many degrees, all the landscape painters of his time, in neatness of touch and delicacy of finishing. His taste was Flemish, but he worked up his pictures in an exquisite manner, and enriched them with small figures, which had exactness. His scenes were well chosen, and generally are views of the Rhine, designed with accuracy. In these views he constantly represents a large extent of country, diversified with hills, lawns, groves, and windings of the river, and comprised the most extensive scenes in a small compass.
Sekuła also supported finishing construction efforts for the new Silesian Museum in Katowice. During his marshalship, Sekuła was commonly found commenting on the neatness of dress and organization of provincial government officials, prompting pro-cycling groups to accuse the marshal of not approving bureaucrats commuting to work by bicycle. Sekuła also was an advocate for protecting children from the effects of the War in Donbass in eastern Ukraine, noting the strong connections Silesians had with the Donbas region. In September 2014, Sekuła announced his resignation as marshal prior to that year's local elections.
The originals of his maps, which are preserved in the National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh, are characterised by neatness and accuracy. Pont's manuscript maps are key historical documents for their time, of importance in the fields of place-names, settlements, and other studies. Many of the maps have miniature drawings of major buildings (such as castles and abbeys), obviously sketched from life. Though on a small scale and not entirely accurate, these give an idea of the appearance of many buildings that have been altered or have disappeared completely.
The huts were disliked by some visitors, and eventually fell into disrepair: only the partial remains of one stone hut can still be seen. William Wordsworth objected to the neatness of the paths when he visited in 1815, but the harsh lines of these have mellowed over the years. During the Victorian period many Rhododendron were planted to enhance the landscape. Most of the trees were cut down during World War II. Once hostilities ended, the trees were replanted, again with Scots Pine but this time mixed with Hybrid Larch, Fir and Spruce.
During the 1919 May Fourth Movement, when students in Taiyuan staged anti-foreign demonstrations, Yan warned that patriotism, like rainfall, was beneficial only when moderate. After the Kuomintang succeeded in forming a nominal central government in 1930, Yan encouraged Nationalist principles that he viewed as socially beneficial. During the 1930s he attempted to set up in every village a "Good People's Movement" in order to promote the values of Chiang Kai-shek's New Life Movement. These values included honesty, friendliness, dignity, diligence, modesty, thrift, personal neatness and obedience..
The lively Katy is now bedridden and suffering terrible pain and bitterness. Her room is dark, dreary, and cluttered with medicine bottles; when her siblings try to comfort her, she usually drives them away. However, a visit from Cousin Helen shows her that she must either learn to make the best of her situation or risk losing her family's love. Helen tells Katy that she is now a student in the "School of Pain" where she will learn lessons in patience, cheerfulness, hopefulness, neatness, and making the best of things.
Between 8 and 12 months of age, the digestive system improves, and many babies begin eating finger foods. Their diet is still limited, however, because most babies lack molars or canines at this age, and often have a limited number of incisors. By 18 months, babies often have enough teeth and a sufficiently mature digestive system to eat the same foods as adults. Learning to eat is a messy process for children, and children often do not master neatness or eating etiquette until they are five or six years old.
11: "Mdme Pauline Rita has in her part a very pretty 'vocal waltz', which she executes with all possible neatness and fluency." In December 1874 she played the lead role of the Prince de Conti in Charles Lecocq's Les Prés St. Gervais at the Criterion Theatre.The Graphic, 5 December 1874, p. 546 The following year, she starred in the title role, Clairette Angot, in a revival of Lecocq's La fille de Madame Angot at the Opera Comique, which replaced La Périchole on the bill with Trial by Jury.
252Neuwirth (2003), p. 253 The show's creator, television newcomer Joe Murray, hired Povenmire solely on the strength of his Life is a Fish comic strips, which proved he could both write and draw. Though Povenmire started on Rocko simply to occupy his downtime from The Simpsons, he found the greater creative freedom he enjoyed on his temporary job compelling, and quit The Simpsons to work on Rocko full-time. There, he reunited with Jeff Marsh, this time as a writing partner; Marsh claimed the crew hoped Povenmire's neatness would offset his own sloppy storyboarding.
After directing Downhill and Easy Virtue, two stage adaptations for the Gainsborough company, Hitchcock was frustrated and jumped at the chance to develop an idea of his own. The Ring is commonly described as Hitchcock's only original screenplay although it actually had input from at least Eliot Stannard, who wrote all of Hitchcock's other silent films. Colleagues at the studio were impressed by the neatness of Hitchcock's script and his grasp of structure. What's more, writing for silent films came naturally to a director who already thought in visual terms.
The temple is a socially important institution for the Sri Lankan Tamils Hindu identity of north Sri Lanka. In the Sri Lankan Tamil diaspora, many temples have been built in Europe and North America using the same name as a cultural memory. Thanks to its Administration and strict decipline admired and revered by the devotees, Nallur Kovil is the epitome of punctuality, order and neatness, and provides a model for all Saiva temples. Above all it is the manner in which religious ceremonies are conducted with such impeccable timing and strict discipline that makes it a favourite amongst devotees.
He persuaded Picasso's dealer, Daniel Kahnweiler, to comment on the contemporary art market; and he also got Michel Leiris to write about Giacometti. Spender recalled to Connolly's biographer, Clive Fisher, that Watson hated "priggishness, pomposity and almost everything to do with public life," and he suspected that he had educated himself "through a love of beautiful works and of people in whom he saw beauty ...". He added "When I think of him then, I think of his clothes, which were beautiful, his general neatness and cleanness, which seemed almost those of a handsome young Bostonian."Clive Fisher, Cyril Connolly: A Nostalgic Life.
" The sociologist Shmuel Noah Eisenstadt questioned Oriental Despotism in regard to Islamic societies. He saw the earlier Oriental Despotism theorists and Wittfogel as "precursors, or manifestations of what would later be called the 'Orientalist' approach," which Edward Said accused of imposing this type of analysis on Islamic societies. The reception among scholars of China was especially skeptical. The Princeton University sinologist Frederick Mote wrote that Wittfogel "presents effective arguments, and the neatness of his total view of Chinese despotism is compelling, yet when it is applied to any one period of history there appear certain difficulties in accepting his arguments.
Woods had been engaged to marry, but her fiancé died during World War II. To escape all the memories of her hometown, she moved to Washington, D.C., in 1943, working in a variety of federal offices until she met Nixon while she was a secretary to the Select House Committee on Foreign Aid. Impressed by his neatness and efficiency, she accepted his job offer in 1951. She developed a very close relationship with the Nixon family, especially First Lady Pat Nixon. Woods, as part of his staff, accompanied Vice-President Nixon on his 1958 goodwill tour of South America.
Perfectionism often shows up in performance at work or school, neatness and aesthetics, organization, writing, speaking, physical appearance, and health and personal cleanliness. In the workplace, perfectionism is often marked by low productivity and missed deadlines as people lose time and energy by paying attention to irrelevant details of their tasks, ranging from major projects to mundane daily activities. This can lead to depression, social alienation, and a greater risk of workplace "accidents". Adderholdt-Elliot (1989) describes five characteristics of perfectionist students and teachers which contribute to underachievement: procrastination, fear of failure, an "all-or-nothing" mindset, paralyzed perfectionism, and workaholism.
Mukhtaṣar (), in Islamic law, refers to a concise handbook of legal treatises, characterized by neatness and clarity. Mukhtasars originated during the Abbasid caliphate and were created as a method to facilitate the quick training of lawyers without the repetitiveness of lengthy volumes, yet evolved into a mode of access into the fundamentals of Islamic law for the educated layperson.John Esposito, The Oxford Dictionary of Islam, Oxford University Press 2003 Some well-known mukhtasars include the Mukhtasar of Khalil, by the Egyptian Maliki scholar Khalil ibn Ishaq al-Jundi (died 1365), and the Mukhtasar al-Quduri, by Hanafi scholar Imam al-Quduri.
Clive Barnes remarked in his review, "The misunderstandings are all very well understood, but what gives Osborn's play its finesse and glitter is the neatness of its writing and the sheer style of its construction as well as the observation and comic insight Osborn brings to his characters"NY Post January 19, 1988 Clive Barnes The Vinegar Tree was made into a movie called Should Ladies Behave? in 1933 with Alice Brady, Lionel Barrymore, Conway Tearle, Katherine Alexander, Mary Carlisle, William Janney, Halliwell Hobbes. The screenwriters were Bella and Samuel Spewack and the director was Harry Beaumont.
Another line emerging from analytic aesthetics and the American Society of Aesthetics has been lately discussing the expansion of aesthetics’ category repertoire to include other qualities (cuteness, prettiness, messiness, neatness, cuddliness, loveliness, organized, disorganized)Leddy, Thomas. 1995. 'Everyday Surface Aesthetic Qualities: "Neat", "Messy", "Clean", "Dirty"'Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 53, 259-68See also Leddy, ThomasThe Extraordinary in the Ordinary: The Aesthetics of Everyday Life (Broadview Press 2012) as well as other types of ordinary experiences (i.e. scratching an itch, playing with a pencil).Irvin,Sherri “Scratching an Itch,” Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 66, 1 (2008), 25-35.
Porson is a typeface in the Greek alphabet based on the handwriting of the English classicist Richard Porson, who, as his biographer writes, "excelled ... in writing with neatness and beauty" and "wrote notes on the margins of books with such studied accuracy that they rivalled print".Watson, 361 The face was based on Porson's transcription of the Medea.Dictionary of National Biography, 162 Richard Austin was commissioned by the Cambridge University Press to cut it, from 1806 onwards.Bringhurst, 278 It was cast by Caslon foundry, but it never appeared in their specimens, as the type was peculiar to Cambridge.
On the table to the left of the Duke is a golden salt cellar, or nef, in the shape of a ship; Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry, ca 1410. Things were different for the wealthy. Before the meal and between courses, shallow basins and linen towels were offered to guests so they could wash their hands, as cleanliness was emphasized. Social codes made it difficult for women to uphold the ideal of immaculate neatness and delicacy while enjoying a meal, so the wife of the host often dined in private with her entourage or ate very little at such feasts.
By the time he was fit to play once more, Pheasant had become established at centre-half and Bowden was transferred to Southampton of the Southern League. At Southampton, he took over at centre-half from Bert Lee who had left during the close season after six years in which he hardly missed a match. Despite his lack of height, Bowden impressed the Saints' fans with his "stylish neatness when in possession". Bowden missed two months mid-season following an injury (when he was replaced by John Robertson) before returning at the end of January for the rest of the season.
The main elevation is a simple Regency front, whilst the sides, less ambitious but perhaps more pleasing, have large curved bays, running through the two floors. The general impression given by the design is of quietness and good taste, the severely stuccoed walls being relieved only by the somewhat stiff mouldings run in the plaster work and the elaboration of the entrance. The rear of the house is unstudied and lacks the neatness of the other elevations. The interior has some splendid rooms, the stair hall being one of the finest and perhaps the best, of such things in Australian Colonial architecture.
In addition to these undertakings, he executed numerous drawings in pencil, and also in colours, for private commissions; and necessity often compelled him to part with many to picture-dealers and print-sellers. He was employed by the architect Cockerell to engrave a very large 'View of Rome', and another plate as a companion to it, neither of which was published. His drawings exhibit all the minutest details without the appearance of labour, yet with a neatness that is truly surprising. A 'View of the Interior of Milan Cathedral' was published after his death for the benefit of his widow.
Sociologist Dennis Gilbert uses a list of values identified by Melvin Kohn to be typical of the professional middle and working class. Middle-class parents' values for their children and themselves included: "Consideration of Others, Self-Control, Curiosity, Happiness, Honesty, Tolerance of Nonconformity, Open to Innovation…Self-Direction." This contrasted with surveyed working class individuals, who reported: "Manners, Obedience…Neatness, Cleanliness, Strong Punishment of Deviant Behavior, Stock to Old Ways, People not Trustworthy…Strict Leadership" as values for themselves and their children. There is a strong correlation between these values and the occupational activities of the respondents.
Arsenicum album is one of the fifteen most important remedies in homeopathy. In classical homeopathy, people are sometimes assigned a constitutional type, named after the homeopathic remedy applied, partly on the idea that people with similar physical or mental characteristics who suffer from similar symptoms can be treated effectively with their constitutional remedy. "Arsen. alb." types are "tense, restless ambitious individuals" with a tendency toward hypochondriasis, pessimism, need for reassurance, and a meticulous attention to neatness and detail. For homeopathic use, arsenicum album is prepared by separating arsenic from iron (as in arsenopyrite), cobalt, or nickel by baking at high temperatures.
"The white people lived on the rich valley floor... and the blacks populated the hills above it, taking small consolation in the fact that every day they could literally look down on the white folks" (5). The story is organized by chronological chapters labeled with years. In "1919," the first named character, handsome Shadrack, a previous resident of the Bottom, returns from World War I a shattered man, suffering from shell shock or PTSD and unable to accept the world he used to belong in. Living in the outskirts of town and attempting to create order in his life, he develops methods such as keeping his shack in hospital-grade neatness.
In late 1952, the Los Angeles City Council allowed the Building and Safety Department to begin a slum clearance project to try to force homeowners who had houses deemed substandard to repair, demolish, or vacate those houses. In early 1955, the city began a $500,000 project to add of curbs, sidewalks, and streets. Meagher said that the "neatness and cleanness" of the new infrastructure were "a challenge to homeowners grown apathetic to thoroughfares ankle deep in mud or dust." Some area businessmen established the San Fernando Valley Commercial & Savings Bank in November 1953 to finance area rehabilitation projects after other banks persistently refused to give loans to those projects.
All the > wings were embellished with balconies filled with Chinese men and women > spectators of the fete. The corps de ballet were well composed and well > grouped, the individual pas agreeably varied, and the contredanse was > executed with a precision and neatness unusual in grands ballets [...]. Threats of war between Britain and France, however,The Seven Years' War opened with Frederick the Great of Prussia's invasion of Saxony and was followed by Britain and France declaring war 18 May 1756. and English antagonism to French dancers led to riots in which Boquet's costly décors and machines were destroyed, and the theatre and its accessories extensively damaged.
Critics praise Worth's humorous yet philosophically sophisticated paintings. A reviewer in The New Yorker described his paintings thus: “We’re blocked from seeing or interpreting at every turn, but the effect is engaging rather than frustrating." Jack Bankowsky of Artforum chose Worth for the "Best of 2011," saying, "His subtle play of shadow and substance, of represented image and abstract invention, makes one's head turn circles around how a given picture was made- and what it means to make one." In The New York Times, Ken Johnson has said: "Painted with sensuous neatness in a nicely simplifying representational style, Alexi Worth's pictures present curious visual puzzles slyly charged with sexual undercurrents.
Accusations do occasionally backfire, with real veterans accused of being imposters. Doug Sterner, a Vietnam War veteran who catalogs military awards, and Stolen Valor author B.G. Burkett, note that some modern veterans have become hypersensitive to imposters, leading to vigilantism or even turning detection into a "hunting game." A common error is placing too much emphasis on the neatness of a uniform or certain quirks about how it's worn, which is not necessarily compelling when a veteran is older and has been out of the service for several decades. Another is making too many inferences based on older regulations, such as gender restrictions that were in place in the past.
They were later made in smaller strips, around the time stair carpet became popular, and woven at the site of the job by the carpet fitter. These carpets were then held in place with individually nailed tacks driven through the carpet around the perimeter and occasionally small rings in the carpet which were folded over. The introduction of tack strip, "tackless strip", "gripper strip", or "smoothedge", simplified the installation of wall-to-wall carpeting, increasing the neatness of the finish at the wall. Because gripper strips are essentially the same thickness as underlay, using gripper strips yields a level edge, whereas tacking gives an uneven edge.
Monk was originally envisioned as a "more goofy and physical" Inspector Clouseau type of character. However, co-creator David Hoberman came up with the idea of a detective with obsessive–compulsive disorder.. This was inspired by his own bout with self-diagnosed obsessive–compulsive disorder; in a Pittsburgh Post- Gazette interview, he stated that, "Like Monk, I couldn't walk on cracks and had to touch poles. I have no idea why—but if I didn't do these things, something terrible would happen." Other fictional inspirations include Columbo and Sherlock Holmes, and his obsession with neatness and order may be an homage to Hercule Poirot.
The neatness of the large areas of colour which emerge in lighter tones from the background, and the analytical treatment of the details of the woman's clothing are characteristic of Raphael. The dispersive effect of this attention to detail is fully compensated by the tones of colour - used here in a fairly limited range - which unify the composition as a whole. Nicoletta Baldini describes the hands in this portrait as "vibratile," a distinction from Michelangelo or Da Vinci. X-ray analysis has shown the presence of an early Raphael drawing under the painting, of a female, young face with soft features, with later modifications.
Along with the sailor suit, the Eton suit, the Norfolk suit and the Fauntleroy suit, the Buster Brown suit is cited as one of the key looks in boys' clothing of the period. The suit was often chosen by mothers for their sons against their children's wishes. It was perceived by mothers as a symbol of neatness and gentility but could lead to its wearer being mocked by other children and called a "sissy". Mark Rothko, who arrived in the United States as a child immigrant with his family in 1913, was deliberately dressed in a Buster Brown suit made in Daugavpils in order to camouflage both the family's poverty and their Russian- Jewish origins.
Roger Ebert identified the color scheme as emphasizing green in the grass, khaki in the Scouts camp and uniforms, and some red, creating "the feeling of magical realism". Scholar Nicolas Llano Linares wrote that Anderson's films are "distinctively andersonian to the limit", "filled with ornate elements that create particular worlds that define the tone of the story, the visual and material dimensions of his sets". Linares particularly commented on the use of the animated maps, which make Anderson's universe more credible, and also have metaphorical significance. Macdowell pointed to the characters' books and the production of Noye's Fludde as examples of the "indulgent, excessive, yet attractive neatness" that children in Anderson's films enjoy.
The Shakers opens with the Narrator, Tom Davenport, reading a quote Benson John Lossing from an 1857 edition of Harper's New Monthly Magazine, speaking of the order, neatness, and beauty of a Shaker community. "Simple Gifts" is sung by several Shaker women while the camera pans over Sabbathday Lake Shaker Village. Shots of Shaker sisters sweeping, cooking, filling bird feeders, and washing clothes are shown, with numerous cuts to show historical images of the Shakers accompanied by the Narrator discussing their growth and decline. The film then cuts to inside the main dwelling house of Canterbury Shaker Village, and films Sister Lillian Phelps discussing her life and decision to join the Shakers.
For all the hard work he has done in the cricket field, Pilling was never constitutionally robust, and the serious illness which kept him out of the cricket field in 1890 originated in a severe cold which he caught during the winter when taking part in a football match. At the end of the summer he journeyed to Australia for the benefit of his health, leaving in the same steamer that took a large proportion of the Australian team. In 1891, Pilling was rated by Wisden to the second-best wicket-keeper in the world, with Jack Blackham being rated the best. His style was described as the perfection of neatness and rapidity, without the least unnecessary show.
Mark Thornton Burnett, Constructing "monsters" in Shakespearean drama and early modern culture (New York: Macmillan, 2002), 139. The Latin verses have been translated into English as: > A trusty servant's picture would you see, This figure well survey, who'ever > you be. The porker's snout not nice in diet shows; The padlock shut, no > secret he'll disclose; Patient, to angry lords the ass gives ear; Swiftness > on errand, the stag's feet declare; Laden his left hand, apt to labour > saith; The coat his neatness; the open hand his faith; Girt with his sword, > his shield upon his arm, Himself and master he'll protect from harm.Quoted > in Howard Staunton, The Great Schools of England (Strahan.
He > was exceedingly punctilious in points of etiquette, and I well recall that > although we officers were quartered around in the buildings in the most > inconvenient places, he took special pains to seek us all out and make a > friendly call upon each one. His pleasing manners put everyone at ease, and > his conversation was gentle and mild. Although scrupulously particular in > dress and personal neatness, he had none of the airs of foppishness about > him." John B. Magruder Tidball served with him in the Old Army, and said of Magruder's nickname "Prince John" that the moniker was "in consequence of his grandiose pretensions and his general qualities of affection": > "In this sense he was indeed a remarkable man.
In 1972, an official proclamation by the Soviet Minister of Culture, Yekaterina Furtseva, ordered Soviet musicians to "study and admire" Stravinsky's music and she made hostility toward it a potential offence. While Stravinsky's music has been criticized for its range of styles, scholars had "gradually begun to perceive unifying elements in Stravinsky's music" by the 1980s. Earlier writers, such as Aaron Copland, Elliott Carter, and Boris de Schloezer held somewhat unfavorable views of Stravinsky's works, and Virgil Thomson, writing in Modern Music (a quarterly review published between 1925 and 1946), could find only a common "'seriousness' of 'tone' or of 'purpose', 'the exact correlation between the goal and the means', or a dry 'ant-like neatness'".
There is no clerestory. The battlements throughout the Church are Perpendicular. In Richard Cumberland’s memoirs,Memoirs of Richard Cumberland (R. Cumberland, 1806) he writes “The Spire of Stanwick Church is esteemed one of the most beautiful models in that style of architecture in the kingdom ; my father (Denison Cumberland) added a very handsome clock, and ornamented the Chancel with a railing, screen, and entablature upon three-quarter columns, with a singing gallery at the west end, and spared no expense to keep his Church not only in that neatness and decorum, which befits the house of prayer, but also in a perfect state of good and permanent repair.” The pulpit was presented by John Dolben, Bishop of Rochester, and once Rector of Stanwick in 1778.
From the Masterworks series: :"Tanguy presents us with a magical submarine world and its beyond. In the center hangs a pivotal being, a yellow-white shape of a bird half shell, each part distinct yet melting into the other, suggesting a possible metamorphosis...When one looks closely at the painting's composition, it appears to be divided into an almost artificial geographic neatness. On the right side of the painting a stem like creatures drift toward the center, which only at second glance reveals itself to be a woman's form...Tanguy so rarely included a woman in his paintings that her presence seems all the more significant." Author David Clarke noted that the painting is one of a number of canvases by Tanguy that has ambiguous underwater ambiance.
The poor quality of the entries began to prove damaging to Goethe's reputation, so when Friedrich entered two sepia drawings—Procession at Dawn and Fisher-Folk by the Sea—the poet responded enthusiastically and wrote, "We must praise the artist's resourcefulness in this picture fairly. The drawing is well done, the procession is ingenious and appropriate... his treatment combines a great deal of firmness, diligence and neatness... the ingenious watercolour... is also worthy of praise." Friedrich completed the first of his major paintings in 1808, at the age of 34. Cross in the Mountains, today known as the Tetschen Altar, is an altarpiece panel said to have been commissionedSee Koerner (2009), 56–61, which outlines research that complicates the commissioning narrative.
In Thorndike's words, “Ratings were apparently affected by a marked tendency to think of the person in general as rather good or rather inferior and to color the judgments of the qualities by this general feeling.”In "A Constant Error in Psychological Ratings", Thorndike asked two commanding officers to evaluate their soldiers in terms of physical qualities (neatness, voice, physique, bearing, and energy), intellect, leadership skills, and personal qualities (including dependability, loyalty, responsibility, selflessness, and cooperation). In Thorndike’s study, attractiveness play an important role in how people tend to consider a person such as if an person is friendly or not based on his or her physical appearance.His goal was to see how the ratings of one characteristic affected other characteristics.
Some of his personnel selection methods included tests to measure certain desirable characteristics and rating scales to rate applicants on necessary skills and attributes (appearance, demeanor, neatness, judgment, accuracy). In 1919, Scott and his associates founded the Scott Company Engineers and Consultants in Industrial Personnel, which provided services to over 40 industrial concerns in its first year. He was elected president of the American Psychological Association in 1919, and in 1920, elected president of Northwestern University of which he served until 1939. In 1933, he was awarded the Cross of the Legion of Honor by the French Government for his contributions to education and the Goethe Plaque by the German Government "in recognition of Northwestern University's impressive celebration of Goethe's anniversary".
In 2372, Jake writes a draft of his first novel, Anslem, under the influence of Onaya, an alluring alien woman who feeds on creative neural energy by tactile absorption through the cranium ("The Muse"). As Jake becomes a young adult and feels the need for independence, he moves out of his father's quarters to become roommates with Nog, who is now a Starfleet Academy cadet on DS9 for field study. Jake's slovenliness and Nog's new-found neatness initially strain their friendship, until Benjamin Sisko, as Nog's commander and Jake's father, orders them to settle their differences. In an alternate timeline ("The Visitor"), Benjamin Sisko is thrust into an odd sub-space dimension after being struck by an errant energy bolt in the USS Defiant engine room.
Likewise Calgary's responded with insults about Edmonton's northern latitude and frigid weather, calling the city's residents "Esquimaux" (an archaic spelling of "Eskimos", referring to the indigenous people of the Canadian Arctic, properly called Inuit). Despite the fact Edmonton is one and a half thousand kilometres south of the Arctic, the name "had the advantages of alliteration, neatness, uniqueness, and a certain amount of truth," and thus, according to historian of Edmonton Tony Cashman, "it stuck." The name remained an unofficial nickname, however, until the arrival in Edmonton of American baseball coach and sports promoter William Deacon White in 1907. White founded the Edmonton Eskimos baseball team in 1909, the football Eskimos in 1910, and Edmonton Eskimos hockey team in 1911.
She was also spurred on by the fact that a Boston press had already published an unauthorized version, though she praised it as one of great "neatness and beauty". The main text of Flora's Dictionary is an alphabetical list of over 200 flowers from acacia rose to zinnia, each with their scientific names, their traditional symbolic meanings (for example, red clover means industry), and a selection of verse featuring the flower in question. This is bookended by sections focusing on scientific aspects of the subject. At the front of the book are two long notes, one on the "structure of plants" and the other on "flowers"; together, they give a clear and quite extensive introduction to plant morphology and the Linnean system of botanical nomenclature as they were understood at the time.
On June 26, 1861, 30 – 10 Pounder Rifled Cannon were tested at Fort Ellsworth. Col. J. Howard Kitching with the 6th New York Artillery occupied Fort Ellsworth: > Now we are in Fort Ellsworth...It is a very fine piece of work on a splendid > commanding position, overlooking Washington, Alexandria, and all the > surrounding country, for fifteen or twenty miles. When we came in > was occupied by four hundred 'man -of-war's men:' in fact, a complete > frigate's crew – and they have been spending the past two months in putting > the fort in order, just as sailors do, sodding and whitewashing everything, > and planting evergreens, until the inside of the works is the very picture > of neatness. They moved on to Fort Worth, on Wednesday, November 27, 1861.
At the time it was built, the original lighthouse was clearly visible the approach by sea, the Governor's Domain, and many places around the harbour. The picturesque and romantic qualities of the lighthouse in its coastal setting have been recorded in many early paintings, sketches and later photographs, all of which has contributed to its landmark qualities. Barnet's decision to replicate the aesthetic of the Greenway tower in the 1880s suggests an early social and aesthetic approval of Greenway's design and the landmark qualities that were already valued. The lightstation contributes a significant romanticised landscape to Sydney Harbour as a whole, with a distinctive landscape aesthetic: the institutional neatness and stoic associations contrasted with the rugged scale of the clifftop, windblown landscape bounded on two sides by windy coastal reserves.
Poirot and his faithful Captain Hastings are characters whom one is glad to meet again, and they are the most lively in the book, but even they are little more than pawns in this problem. But the plot is arranged with almost mathematical neatness, and that is all that one wants."The Times Literary Supplement, 14 April 1932, p. 273 Isaac Anderson began his review in The New York Times Book Review on 6 March 1932, by writing "With Agatha Christie as the author and Hercule Poirot as the central figure, one is always assured of an entertaining story with a real mystery to it ... [T]he person who is responsible for the dirty work at End House is diabolically clever, but not quite clever enough to fool the little Belgian detective all the time.
The 2nd Parrish breaker, 1901 The Parrish Colliery was a relative late-comer to Plymouth. Its origins can be traced to the sale by the Wadhams family of their homestead farm in 1871 to the Wilkes-Barre Coal & Iron Co. The property was located in the center of Plymouth Borough, between Academy and Girard streets. In 1874, the Wilkes-Barre Coal & Iron Co. became part of the Lehigh & Wilkes- Barre Coal Co., which acquired the property, but by some arrangement the mine was operated by the Parrish Coal Co., organized in 1884. The company built a breaker, said to be "a model of neatness,"Reports of the Inspectors of Mines...for the year 1884 (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: Lane S. Hart, 1885). built by contractor Joseph C. Tyrrell and completed in September 1884.
Vanitas with a Royal Crown Though he started as a weaver working in Haarlem's famous white linen damask industry, van der Vinne quickly took to painting, and would take on any painting job no matter how small. According to Houbraken, this led to an oft- quoted comment by Job Adriaenszoon Berckheyde, who claimed that he was "the Raffael of sign-boards". When he spoke of his own work, van der Vinne often repeated the advice of his teacher Frans Hals, saying that "one must boldly smear the paint on; when you become confident in the art, then neatness will follow". What survives today from his hand are mostly still lifes and genre scenes, often with a similar arrangement of a vanitas items, and many include a trompe l'oeil portrait sketch on a paper hanging off a desk.
The reviewer for The Times opined that "Get Cracking, although a distinct improvement on other films in which Mr Formby has appeared, is cut too closely to fit the demands of an individual technique to achieve any real life of its own". Bell-Bottom George was described 60 years later by the academic Baz Kershaw as being "unashamedly gay and ... peppered with homoerotic scenes"; Bret concurs, and notes that "the majority of the cast and almost every one of the male extras was unashamedly gay", The film was a hit with what Bret describes as Formby's "surprisingly large, closeted gay following". The reviewer for The Manchester Guardian was impressed with the film, and wrote that "there is a new neatness of execution and lightness of touch about this production ... while George himself can no longer be accused of trailing clouds of vaudevillian glory".
Lady Jane's cottage ornee The site of Lady Jane's cottage overlooking the Lugton Water Aiton states that "Near to the gardens, in a remote corner, more than half encircled by the river, a remarkably handsome cottage has been reared, and furnished, under the direction of Lady Jean Montgomery, who has contrived to unite neatness and simplicity, with great taste, in the construction of this enchanting hut. That amiable lady, spends occasionally, some part of her leisure hours, about this delightful cottage: viewing the beauties, and contemplating the operations of nature, in the foliage of leaves, blowing of flowers, and maturation of fruits; with other rational entertainments, which her enlightened mind is capable of enjoying." Such a romantic cottage was called a 'cottage ornée'. Lady Jane Hamilton, the 13th Earl's Aunt built or extended 'Lady Jane's Cottage' which lay beside the Lugton Water.
The best of his effusions have preserved a certain freshness because of the neatness with which they are turned, but it can scarcely be said that they have any pretension to be called poetry. They were inspired by incidents in the private life of the day, and were largely addressed to a few friends of exalted rank, who were hardly less witty than the author himself, such as the Duc de Nevers, the Marquis de Lassay, the Duchesse de Bouillon and the Marquis de La Fare. In the collections of Chaulieu's works, which were very often reprinted, side by side with his own pieces will be found petits vers de société indited by these great friends of his, and often quite as well-turned as his own. To write such verses, indeed, was almost an accomplishment of good breeding.
It became slender aft. The side-by-side cockpit was set slightly into the wing leading edge and a baggage space or third seat was placed in the trailing edge. On the water, lateral stability was provided by fixed, flat bottomed floats mounted on the wing at mid-span on pairs of parallel struts. The wheeled undercarriage of the amphibian attracted contemporary notice for its neatness: the mainwheel legs were enclosed in fairings, rotated through about 180° rearwards then upwards along the fuselage sides, positioning the retracted wheels in the wing roots. The first SM.80 was originally powered by a 112 kW (150 hp) six cylinder inline engine Alfa-Romeo built Colombo S.63 engine, mounted centrally well above the wing on a parallel pair of forward leaning N-form struts, supplemented by a transverse V-shaped bracing.
The 'old style' fixed master socket had only one set of terminals on the back and customers were supposed to use extension kits plugged into the front socket; however, many customers hard-wired their own extensions anyway for neatness and robustness reasons, which was a poor arrangement since it provided no way to isolate the customer's internal extension wiring from BT's wiring. The BT NTE 5 Linebox Socket allows easy disconnection of the internal wiring by removing the two screws and sliding out the bottom half of the socket. In recent years NTE5 sockets have been fitted in place of master sockets. These have a front plate where the lower half is removable so allowing customer's access to the terminals required for connecting internal extension sockets; it also provides access to a test jack, to determine if line faults are due to the customer's wiring or BT's.
As a result, he received an adverse efficiency report that rated him as being deficient in military bearing, neatness, tact and judgement, and recommended that he be given field service assignments only. This ended any prospect of his being given a mechanical engineering position. In November he remarried Peggy; their son Peter was a ring bearer at the wedding. On November 6, 1922, Aurand became the Ordnance Officer for the V Corps Area at Fort Hayes, Ohio. In this role he supervised the training of National Guard units from Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio and West Virginia, and in November 1923 he prepared mobilization plans for the Corps Area. Promoted to major in the Ordnance Department for the third time on January 8, 1924, Aurand went to Washington, DC, on August 18, as a staff officer in the office of the Chief of Field Service in the Ordnance Department.
But their look did evolve from that. I was involved in making other funny collars for them at the time, and made the Capes for ‘Help’’ ‘The Mod look was very functional in a way. The bum-freezer jacket with its double vents facilitated sitting on a scooter. It was derived from the British hunting jacket, of course’ ‘I was asked to design a look for The Kinks and decided that a Regency look would go with their haircuts, so I made those high collared jackets and put them with frilly-fronted shirts. I’m still owed £1,500 for doing that’Rock Fashion, Joshua Sims,Omnibus Press 1999, The Fashion Book, an informative and definitive compendium of international designers, summarised Gilbey's career thus: ‘With his trademark simplicity and almost militaristic neatness, Gilbey was an important force in menswear in the 1960s…Gilbey is one of fashions visionaries’.
These rare examples seem to be all that survive of Sherwin Pottery, however it produced a huge array of serviceable pottery, as advertised in the Hobart Town Courier in 1835: bread pans, milk pots, cream pots, butter containers, cheese pans, baking dishes, hand basins, pipkins, flower pots, chimney pots, malt kiln tiles etc. Sherwin also played a role in producing earthenware for Hobart's infrastructure by making earthen made pipes for the supply of water. Sherwin Pottery was recognised as being comparable in ‘neatness and durability' to anything of the kind imported from England and considerably cheaper. The pottery was also credited with successfully competing against the substandard pottery coming from Sydney. With the Hobart Town Courier stating in 1831 that even ‘though apparently neat and well-made, [Sydney pottery] were nevertheless in some degree pervious, and allowed the liquid in them to escape’. By 1836, the Pottery in Kangaroo Valley was advertised for sale as Sherwin wanted to move to another area of ‘more convenience’.
His voice was a baryton (a medium between the tenor and the bass) of no great power or compass, but of a sweet and mellow quality. He sang with simplicity, without any attempt at ambitious ornament, but with a great deal of taste and expression; and, being a poet as well as a musician, he was particularly attentive to a clear and emphatic utterance of the words... In singing, he accompanied himself with facility and neatness, on an instrument of a peculiar kind, combining the properties of the pianoforte and the chamber organ, and so constructed that the performer could produce the tones of either instrument separately, or of both in combination. To this instrument were attached a set of bells, a side drum, a tambourine, and a gong, which he could bring into play by various mechanical contrivances, so as to give a pleasing variety to his accompaniments.'Hogarth (Ed.), Songs of Charles Dibdin (1848), Vol.
The possible 'cottage orne' beside the Annick Water, showing the high quality ashlar stonework. Aiton gives the following description of a building in the Eglinton Estate which may have inspired the construction of this summer house if this is what it is, saying that "Near to the gardens, in a remote corner, more than half encircled by the river, a remarkably handsome cottage has been reared, and furnished, under the direction of Lady Jean Montgomery, who has contrived to unite neatness and simplicity, with great taste, in the construction of this enchanting hut. That amiable lady, spends occasionally, some part of her leisure hours, about this delightful cottage: viewing the beauties, and contemplating the operations of nature, in the foliage of leaves, blowing of flowers, and maturation of fruits; with other rational entertainments, which her enlightened mind is capable of enjoying."Lady Jane Hamilton, the Earl's Aunt built or extended 'Lady Jane's Cottage' which lay beside the Lugton Water.
By this time, Loctugan and Ibisan were assigned to it as visitas. In the middle of the 18th century, Capiz was declared the capital city of the province of the same name which later became “the most famous sea port and the biggest ministry the Augustinians had in that province.” Capiz (or Capis) was renowned all over for its shells, the capis used for window panes on houses and convents all throughout the Philippines. Tradition holds that this is the place where the Visayas dialect is spoken with “more propriety and musicality” and where “women dress with more neatness, and elegance” The Capizeños showed special loyalty to Spain during the British invasion, by sending money and ammunition to Manila and jailing the alcalde mayor, Señor Quintanilla, who was caught “conducting secret negotiation to have the province handed over peacefully to the British.” In 1732, Capiz had 2,327 souls. In 1760 Capiz had 3,971 of which 16 were Spaniards.
The most significant development at OLC in 1947 was the establishment of a House System, which divided students into groups to compete for points in departments, neatness of uniforms, and athletics. The first Houses to be established were Farewell, Hare and Maxwell, named after the prominent personalities of the School’s early days. Dr. John James Hare served as the School’s first Principal until 1915. Rev. Frances Farewell succeeded him serving the School as Principal until his death in 1929. Ms. A.A. Maxwell was the Lady Principal and Dean for 21 years and was remembered as a teacher of first magnitude, a leader, and friend to the students. Carter House was added in 1962. Ms. J. May Carter was also a Lady Principal and Dean who served the School from 1951 to 1957. Students and staff remain dedicated to the House system, competing in activities throughout the year to ultimately attain the coveted House Cup.
The fame of the Elzevir editions rests chiefly on the works issued by the firm of Bonaventura and Abraham. Their Greek and Hebrew impressions are considered inferior to those of the Aldines and the Estiennes, but their small editions in 12mo, 16mo and 24mo, for elegance of design, neatness, clearness and regularity of type, and beauty of paper, cannot be surpassed. Special mention ought to be made of their two editions of the New Testament in Greek, published in 1624 and 1633, of which the latter is the more beautiful and the more sought; the Psalterium Davidis, 1653; Virgilii opera, 1636; ', 1635; but the works that gave their press its chief celebrity are their collection of French authors on history and politics in 24mo, known under the name of the Petites Républiques, and their series of Latin, French and Italian classics in small 12mo. Also, they are noted for their publication in 1638 of Galileo's last work, the Two New Sciences, at a time when the Inquisition forbade the latter's writings.
Wheel fender extension to keep down lunar dust improvised using duct tape during the Apollo 17 mission The first material called "duck tape" was long strips of plain non-adhesive cotton duck cloth used in making shoes stronger, for decoration on clothing, and for wrapping steel cables or electrical conductors to protect them from corrosion or wear. For instance, in 1902, steel cables supporting the Manhattan Bridge were first covered in linseed oil then wrapped in duck tape before being laid in place. "Considering... that 100,000 yards of cotton duck tape must be wrapped around the cable with neatness and exactitude, it may be imagined that this method of cable preservation is quite expensive." In the 1910s, certain boots and shoes used canvas duck fabric for the upper or for the insole, and duck tape was sometimes sewn in for reinforcement. In 1936, the US-based Insulated Power Cables Engineers Association specified a wrapping of duck tape as one of many methods used to protect rubber-insulated power cables.
Having an escaping Randall kill him would've offered some poetic symmetry. I'm not going to miss this character, but he deserved a better send-off." Time journalist Nate Rawlings drew allusions from Dale's attack to the episode title, commenting that "when the lone zombie we see in this episode tears open Dale's stomach, spilling the contents of his body onto the cold ground, we're reminded that the walkers are the judges, they're the jury, and this particular one was a most brutal executioner." Although he was shocked by the sequence, Eric Goldman of IGN assailed the earlier development of Dale in the episode, opining that he was obnoxious. Handlen felt that the character development of Carl Grimes was more stable that similar developments in the episode; "Using Carl to both resolve the episode’s plot, and making him semi-responsible for Dale's death, has a satisfying neatness, and serves as a reminder that for all their talk, Rick and the group have no idea what impact their choices will make.
According to some critics, the television situation comedy The Odd Couple, starring Jack Klugman and Tony Randall, also played upon the ambiguity of "two divorced, heterosexual men sharing a Manhattan apartment, where they cooked, cleaned (or refused to clean), bickered, and negotiated the dilemmas of everyday existence together," and "Randall’s uptight, opera-loving Felix" may have "functioned as a ‘stealth gay stereotype’ in the still-closeted world of '70s prime time." Alternatively, some critics contend, "if slobhood is code for heterosexuality and neatness for homosexuality (a trope that persists today in shows like Queer Eye for the Straight Guy), The Odd Couple might be read as an unconsummated love story between a straight and a gay man." Even during the airing of the show, executive producer, Garry Marshall, remembers that Midwestern focus groups were turned off by The Odd Couple because "they thought it was about homosexuals," and Klugman says that the show’s outtake reels contain "a lot of scenes of us kissing and hugging... because the network was concerned people thought Oscar and Felix were gay, and we were trying to make them nervous".
A copy of the Missorium of Theodosius in the Museum of Mérida, Spain. The dish is a leading example of the style of the so- called "Theodosian Renaissance", along with the base of the Obelisk of Theodosius in Istanbul and the fragments surviving of his triumphal column there. This is the first stylistic phase that can be clearly linked with the new capital of Constantinople, and according to Ernst Kitzinger: "One senses that some strong artistic personality or personalities who set the tone and aesthetic standards were active at the centre of political power, stamping the monuments of this period with an unmistakable imprint".Kitzinger, 31 Despite limitations in terms of anatomical correctness, and a "soft, rubbery quality" in the nude bodies, the style has "an element of studied classicism" as well as "an insistence on clear, continuous and simplified outline, on neatness and regularity" in the figure of Terra/Tellus, so that "Classicist form is oddly paired with linear abstract order", the latter more prominent in the upper zone, to lend an air of authority and "timelessness and absolute stability" to the imperial figures that was not required below.
His work was later admired in England by Thomas Frognall Dibdin, who wrote that 'in his Italic letter...he stands unrivalled; such elegance, freedom and perfect symmetry being in vain to be looked for among the specimens of Aldus and Colinaeus...Baskerville was a truly original artist, he struck out a new method of printing in this country and may be considered as the founder of that luxuriant style of typography at present so generally prevails; and which seems to have attained perfection in the neatness of Whittingham, the elegance of Bulmer and the splendour of Bensley." Thomas Curson Hansard in 1825 seems to have had misgivings about his work, praising his achievement in some ways but also suggesting that he was a better printer than a type designer. On his death his widow Sarah eventually sold his material to a Paris literary society connected to Beaumarchais, placing them out of reach of British printing. A. F. Johnson however cautions that some perhaps over-patriotic British writers on type design have over-estimated Baskerville's influence on continental type design: "there seems to be no trace of a Baskerville school outside Great Britain, except of course in the use of actual Baskerville types.

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