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30 Sentences With "precise order"

How to use precise order in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "precise order" and check conjugation/comparative form for "precise order". Mastering all the usages of "precise order" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The precise order and timing of the last three votes remain in flux.
The precise order of those high draft picks matters a great deal, as does good judgment.
It's the same way with the atomic clock, but it's probing a much deeper and more precise order of our universe.
If you're paying attention, you'll notice that the notes are all layered in a precise order that spells out the song's  title.
Not to mention the fact that all of these things have to happen at precise moments, in a precise order, extremely quickly, and autonomously.
There were dozens of period-appropriate trinkets — Tiny Tina baby carriages, Silly Putty, Bazooka Joe — and the women had to place them into each bag in a precise order, all while firing off rapid, breathless dialogue.
Whatever the precise order and form the negotiations take, the United States and the Taliban need to work a way around the principal stumbling block: the Taliban's reluctance to speak to the Afghan government and the United States' unwillingness to recognize itself as a conflict party and put the issue of troop withdrawal on the table.
The letters, or bases, form specific bonds across the double strand of DNA: C pairs with G, while T pairs with A. The human genome has 3 billion of these "base pairs," and their precise order determines not just the structure of proteins but their quantity and the circumstances of their production — like ramping up antibodies in response to an infection.
The spacecraft employed several systems in a precise order, with the entry, descent and landing sequence broken down into four parts—described below as the spaceflight events unfolded on August 6, 2012.
In this work, Huy An laid a small tape band on each span of Vĩnh Tuy Bridge, the longest bridge in Vietnam. After 1 month, he collected tapes on 78 spans and arranged them in precise order of the spans. The dust on the tape naturally changed color shades, recorded very slight yet existing difference of geographical length and distance.
Polymerase cycling assembly (or PCA, also known as Assembly PCR) is a method for the assembly of large DNA oligonucleotides from shorter fragments. The process uses the same technology as PCR, but takes advantage of DNA hybridization and annealing as well as DNA polymerase to amplify a complete sequence of DNA in a precise order based on the single stranded oligonucleotides used in the process. It thus allows for the production of synthetic genes and even entire synthetic genomes.
The game is filled with a variety of puzzles that must be solved to advance the story. These include memory games and mazes. Others involve competing against a computer-controlled opponent, completing a sequence in a limited number of moves, operating mechanisms, or using an inventory item. Puzzles do not all have to be completed in a precise order; there is some flexibility in terms of being able to move through game areas and work on different challenges.
The same could always not be said about cases of desertion and the cases of large units, divisions, or battalions leaving the front. Where possible, they were disarmed peacefully, then sent by train back to Russia. The Romanian orders from General Prezan were clear: No Russian unit could leave the front to go back to Russia without written approval from the Russian high command. The units that moved on their own initiative and without a precise order were to be disarmed.
As is the case with other graphic adventure games, progress in Silverload involves finding and interacting with various "hot spots" in order to pick up objects, solve puzzles and interact with (or kill) the various characters in the town. Picking up certain objects will cause the game's (and town's) clock to move forward, and thus, the trick to success is to pick up the right items in the precise order. Otherwise, the player must restart the game from the beginning, or from the last save point.
Retreat mining is often the final stage of room and pillar mining. Once a deposit has been exhausted using this method, the pillars that were left behind initially are removed, or "pulled", retreating back towards the mine's entrance. After the pillars are removed, the roof (or back) is allowed to collapse behind the mining area. Pillar removal must occur in a very precise order to reduce the risks to workers, owing to the high stresses placed on the remaining pillars by the abutment stresses of the caving ground.
The key out-come of the meeting was the publication of a shared political platform between the Communist Party and Soong's People's First Party. Finally, Soong lectured at Tsinghua University, an echo of Lien's lecture at Peking University four weeks prior. Soong's visit was designed to emphasize his belief in common shared roots for the Chinese people, a reflection of his pro-unification sentiment. He specifically chose to honor the historical ancestor of the Chinese people, the contemporary father of the Republic of China, and then his own direct ancestors in that precise order.
In others, they are stacked or linear, though not with any sort of precise order and acting more like a loosely formed oriental rug. Their palette and arrangement do recall the Swiss painter Paul Klee, whom Fontaine admired. Most of these paintings were untitled, as Fontaine approached them as abstract and non- literary entities. Fontaine was, by the mid-1950s, living in Darmstadt, where he also had contact with composers of new music (Karlheinz Stockhausen and Mauricio Kagel would be among these) and practitioners of modern dance and other arts.
When looking at the seeds up close in Tate Modern's Turbine Hall, picking out each unique seed proves to be an easy task. However, when standing farther back once each of the 100 million seeds is deposited in a neat and orderly fashion, altogether a sense of expanse and immenseness is felt by the viewers. The millions of individually created seeds spread across such a wide space are meant to symbolize the vastness of China, and its uniform and precise order. An individual seed is instantly lost among the millions, symbolizing the conformity and censorship of the Communist Party of China.
It is difficult to determine the precise order of events which led to the brawl between Wells' and Maddox's supporters, as the fight was described by at least eight eyewitnesses with significant discrepancies, such as: "Crain and Bowie exchanged fire. Crain missed Bowie, who was later shot in the hip";Davis (p 213) "Crain deliberately shot Bowie, who remained standing";Edmondson (p 99) and "Crain shot Bowie in the hip, knocking him off his feet".Hopewell (p 31) On September 24, five days after the brawl, Samuel Wells wrote to the press, claiming that Crain's shooting of Cuny constituted premeditated murder.Batson (1992), p.
Sequences of the same color may intersect, but only at a single position. If the draw deck becomes depleted during play, the discard pile is shuffled and drawing begins again. Sequence rules dictate no table talk or coaching between team members and a precise order in which hands must be played (card, chip, replace card). If a player forgets to replace a card on their turn and if any of the other players points it out then, they cannot make it up in a later one and must continue playing the game with a reduced number of cards.
Later, he shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or MedicineJohn Sulston: Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2002 with Sydney Brenner and Robert Horvitz, both of whom he had collaborated with at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology (LMB), for their discoveries concerning 'genetic regulation of organ development and programmed cell death'. One of Sulston's most important contributions during his research years at the LMB was to elucidate the precise order in which cells in C. elegans divide. In fact, he and his team succeeded in tracing the nematode's entire embryonic cell lineage. In 2004, Sulston received the Golden Plate Award of the American Academy of Achievement.
Chapters in the Quran are arranged in the chronological order of revelation, and the precise order has eluded scholars. According to tradition, Muhammad told his companions the traditional placement of every Wahy as he revealed it,Israr Ahmed – Bayan-ul-Qur'an – Introduction and Wm Theodore de Bary, an East Asian studies expert, describes that "The final process of collection and codification of the Quran text was guided by one over-arching principle: God's words must not in any way be distorted or sullied by human intervention. For this reason, no attempt was made to edit the numerous revelations, organize them into thematic units, or present them in chronological order...".
Correggio conceived a series of works entitled Amori di Giove or Love Affairs of Jupiter after the success of Venus and Cupid with a Satyr. The series eventually consisted of two pairs of works, each pair having the same dimensions, though he may have planned for there to be more. The precise order of the four works is still debated, though their main importance lies in their contribution to the development of secular and mythological painting via its new and extraordinary balance between naturalist rendering and poetic transfiguration. Pierluigi De Vecchi ed Elda Cerchiari, I tempi dell'arte, volume 2, Bompiani, Milano 1999, p. 236.
The traditional cavalry hold has the rider place all four reins in the left hand; in this way, the right hand is left free to hold a sword, lance, or other weapon. The precise order of reins has varied from era to era, from country to country, and to suit specific circumstances of battle or pageantry. In every case, a great deal of precise control is needed to selectively engage the bradoon or curb independently. Less schooled troopers may ride while engaging only a single pair of reins for one bit, and allowing the reins for the second bit to bow and thereby apply only the passive effect of gravity on that bit.
The text pictures every man hiding in the rocks of the mountains during a major earthquake to attempt to hide from God's wrath, while celestial phenomena turn the moon blood red and the sun dark. These celestial phenomena are also mentioned in Joel 2:31, which foretells the same precise order of events mentioned in Revelation: The moon turns blood red and the sun turns dark before the great day of the Lord. Matthew 24:29-31 mentions the same event, yet it places the celestial phenomenon as occurring after the "tribulation of those days". According to these passages, it then seems that the day of the Lord is an event closely tied with the coming of the Messiah to judge the world.
As a European-trained military leader, Montcalm's instinct was for large, set-piece battles in which regiments and soldiers moved in precise order. Such actions required a disciplined soldiery, painstakingly drilled for as long as 18 months on the parade ground, trained to march in time, change formation at a word, and retain cohesion in the face of bayonet charges and musket volleys. Though his regular regiments (the "troupes de terre" or "metropolitans") were adept at such formal warfare, in the course of the campaign their ranks had been replenished by less professional militiamen, whose talents at forest warfare emphasised the individual: they tended to fire early and then drop to the ground to reload, thus reducing the effect of concentrated fire at close range..
In 2014, the former Miss Pennsylvania Sheena Monnin ultimately settled a $5 million arbitration judgment against her, having been sued by Trump after alleging that the Miss USA 2012 pageant results were rigged. Monnin wrote on her Facebook page that another contestant told her during a rehearsal that she had seen a list of the top five finalists, and when those names were called in their precise order, Monnin realized the pageant election process was suspect, compelling Monnin to resign her Miss Pennsylvania title. The Trump Organization's lawyer said that Monnin's allegations had cost the pageant a lucrative British Petroleum sponsorship deal and threatened to discourage women from entering Miss USA contests in the future. According to Monnin, testimony from the Miss Universe Organization and Ernst & Young revealed that the top 15 finalists were selected by pageant directors regardless of preliminary judges' scores.
The Directory encouraged the public singing of psalms, but left it to the minister's discretion which psalms should be used in the service and where in the service (contrast this with the Book of Common Prayer, which set out the precise order for singing psalms for every day of the year in a way that ensured that the entire Book of Psalms is sung once a month). The sections dealing with baptism, communion, marriage, funerals, days of public fasting and days of public thanksgiving all have a similar character. In 1643, the Long Parliament had ordered the Westminster Assembly to draw up a new Confession of Faith and a new national catechism. The result was the production of the Westminster Confession of Faith and two catechisms, the Westminster Larger Catechism (designed to be comprehensive) and the Westminster Shorter Catechism (designed to be easier for children to memorize).
RT-11SJ displayed on a VT100. Users generally operated RT-11 via a printing terminal or a video terminal, originally via a strap-selectable current-loop (for conventional teletypes) or RS-232 (later RS-422 as well) interface on one of the CPU cards; DEC also supported the VT11 and VS60 graphics display devices (vector graphics terminals with a graphic character generator for displaying text, and a light pen for graphical input). A third-party favorite was the Tektronix 4010 family. The Keyboard Monitor (KMON) interpreted commands issued by the user and would invoke various utilities with Command String Interpreter (CSI) forms of the commands. RT-11 command language had many features (such as commands and device names) that can be found later in DOS line of operating systems which heavily borrowed from RT-11. The CSI form expected input and output filenames and options ('switches' on RT-11) in a precise order and syntax.
In most compiled languages, the compiler is free to order the function calls `f`, `g`, and `h` as it finds convenient, resulting in large-scale changes of program memory order. In a functional programming language, function calls are forbidden from having side effects on the visible program state (other than its return value) and the difference in machine memory order due to function call ordering will be inconsequential to program semantics. In procedural languages, the functions called might have side-effects, such as performing an I/O operation, or updating a variable in global program scope, both of which produce visible effects with the program model. Again, a programmer concerned with these effects can become more pedantic in expressing the original source program: sum = f(a); sum = sum + g(b); sum = sum + h(c); In programming languages where the statement boundary is defined as a sequence point, the function calls `f`, `g`, and `h` must now execute in that precise order.

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