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"fervent" Definitions
  1. having or showing very strong and sincere feelings about something
"fervent" Synonyms
ardent fervid intense passionate emotional enthusiastic impassioned vehement earnest animated heartfelt eager flaming perfervid sincere warm zealous fanatical feeling fiery hardened seasoned chronic entrenched habitual rooted deep established inveterate settled committed devout firm fixed intrenched lifelong perennial resolute set thorough scorching searing burning hot boiling roasting sweltering torrid broiling scalding sultry ultrahot superheated red red-hot white-hot piping hot amorous amatory enamoured(UK) enamored(US) amative anacreontic erotic love loving tender steamy sexy aphrodisiac randy lustful keen faithful constant dependable devoted loyal patriotic staunch dutiful steadfast true impervious steady unfaltering emphatic stalwart trusted enduring genuine candid frank honest unaffected wholehearted guileless unpretentious truthful upfront trustworthy unfeigned unadulterated unpretended unquestionable cordial ecstatic elated euphoric delighted rapturous enraptured overjoyed happy thrilled exhilarated joyful rapt joyous jubilant blissful transported excited exultant rhapsodic entranced glowing bright brilliant shining radiant luminous lustrous dazzling incandescent beaming refulgent shiny effulgent lucent lambent candescent ablaze sheeny fulgent lucid active engaged participating busy dedicated occupied activist contributing influential motivated employed energetic affectionate fond adoring caring doting kind benevolent gentle dear friendly nurturing supportive considerate aphrodisiacal erogenous erotical erotogenic hot-blooded lascivious libidinous naughty sensual sexual More
"fervent" Antonyms
apathetic cold cool dispassionate impassive emotionless unemotional detached frigid unfeeling unimpassioned calm dispirited dull indifferent insincere irreligious unconcerned unenthusiastic unexcited algid arctic bitter bone-chilling freezing frozen ice-cold iced icy chilly frosty wintry(US) frore biting chilling Siberian chill wintery(UK) shivery casual intermittent irregular occasional aperiodic temporary episodic spontaneous sporadic choppy impermanent stolid episodical laodicean lazy passive lukewarm fickle disloyal faithless unfaithful irresolute uncertain vacillating perfidious recreant traitorous arbitrary unreliable inconsistent unsettled unstable treacherous indecisive mercurial undependable uncommitted moderate light mild soft gentle reasonable temperate faint minimal weak balmy genial mellow normal controlled fair mediocre benign intermediate measured dishonest fake phony(US) phoney(UK) pretentious backhanded contrived disingenuous illegitimate spurious artificial underhanded artful dissembling false bogus dissimulating feigned guileful dim lackluster(US) lacklustre(UK) unbright unbrilliant pale pallid wan dark gloomy superficial shallow apparent feigning posturing seeming empty hollow hypocritical rushed flimsy flippant passing untrustworthy little modest slight inconsequential petty tiny paltry subtle inconsiderable slim imperceptible small unimportant vague nominal trivial broad-minded liberal tolerant catholic open-minded cosmopolitan open receptive free-thinking non-sectarian unbigoted unprejudiced broad conforming nonsectarian unattached unengaged inconstant unpledged unpromised unmarried available partnerless unwed unwedded indefinite infrequent unconfirmed undecided platonic

958 Sentences With "fervent"

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" On the health care bill: "It is my fervent hope, and the fervent hope of millions, that regardless of party, such courage is still possible.
She is a fervent Bernie Sanders supporter with equally fervent bipartisan tendencies—known, roughly equally, for her concern for the treatment of veterans and her opposition to U.S. intervention abroad.
Stans are much more fervent — and much more rabid.
As Swift's internet presence diminished, the rumors grew more fervent.
MANCHESTER, New Hampshire —Any fervent comments section has its factions.
Despite his otherwise fervent support for President Donald Trump, Sen.
The conclusion of Mueller's investigation ends weeks of fervent speculation.
Three decades ago, Serra's most fervent critical champions were leftists.
So I remain fervent in my support of clinical trials.
My beliefs were rigid, dogmatic, and fervent — until they weren't.
It looks like our fervent shipping is finally paying off.
It also reignited the fervent nationwide conversation about police shootings.
But the criticism was not equally fervent on both sides.
Schlapp is a Kansas native and a fervent Trump ally.
Similarly, impeachment remains only a fervent hope of the left.
Musk reaches his fervent fan base — and critics — via Twitter.
Even so, many Icelanders remain fervent supporters of the fireworks.
And he was a reluctant but fervent convert to business.
The air buzzed with insects whirring a fervent nocturnal chorus.
A fervent bicycle culture has seen rapid development in Bhutan.
SB Nation presents: Another workout that inspires fervent dedication- CrossFit
She was a fervent supporter of Hillary Clinton during the campaign.
While there was fervent enthusiasm for Cruz, former New Hampshire Sen.
The most fervent Sandernistas tended not to be Democrats at all.
Their faith in Nazism's ultimate triumph grew all the more fervent.
Instead, he appeared to speak directly to his most fervent supporters.
Perry has been an outspoken and fervent supporter of Clinton's campaign.
Brennan, Hayden and Clapper are fervent patriots of the highest order.
Jeff Flake, a Republican who has become a fervent Trump critic.
Mr. Whipple said that nuns were among his most fervent admirers.
" Trump is known to be a fervent viewer of "Fox & Friends.
Many of the Khmer Rouge's most fervent ideologues were foreign-educated.
And after Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, they all became fervent Trump supporters.
Mr. Hodgkinson seemed to be a fervent opponent of Mr. Trump.
Monday's ended with a fervent account of Rachmaninoff's youthful First Symphony.
My father was a great actor, but also a fervent patriot.
Celebrities and politicians lent their fervent support, but there were doubters.
"I didn't even know how fervent the fandom was," Ayers says.
"Keep in mind that Trump has a fervent base," he said.
Much of the action will come from fervent supporters of Sen.
Wordplay MONDAY PUZZLE — A wistful and fervent dream from Timothy Polin.
But his fervent supporters see Mr. Han as Taiwan's best hope.
Instead, it's the outgrowth of the fervent love of his father.
All the online drama didn't do much to deter Popeyes fervent customers.
PewDiePie's most fervent fans were angered by YouTube and Maker Studios decision.
I am a fervent supporter of Bernie Sanders, as my granddaughters know.
But outside the convention hall, protests were far louder and more fervent.
A rocky start to 2016 trading failed to deter one fervent bull.
But, my fervent desire for him made me look straight past that.
Yeah, it's warm, but Revelations says that shit has a "fervent" heat.
His fervent disciples followed it to the letter and, often, to excess.
Love may not be original, but this funny, fervent novel is. ♦
There is precedent for Netflix giving in to the most fervent demands.
Patriotism is passion Patriotism seems especially fervent among two groups of Americans.
On one hand, his most fervent supporters expect serious action on China.
Trump's critics were much more fervent in their opinions than his supporters.
But despite the crisis, Suu Kyi continues to enjoy fervent domestic support.
That and his anti-communism made Ronald Reagan's administration his fervent supporter.
His announcement was met with fervent opposition by most states with coastlines.
Fortunately, there's a fervent strain bubbling just barely beneath the glossier fare.
Over the centuries this civic religion fired a fervent desire for change.
But they also know their audience: fervent defenders of the Second Amendment.
The strongest essays narrow themselves to Le Guin's fervent obsession with language.
A little over a year in, Kennedy remains a fervent Trump supporter.
Ultimately this is a novel as tender and fervent as a prayer.
"What does that mean?" said Ms. Thomas, herself a fervent Trump backer.
Her fervent followers shout "two cents" as she holds up two fingers.
But an undercurrent of prejudice still undergirds the National Front's fervent rallies.
He inspires the same kind of fervent, true-believing following as Trump.
Later, he started going to church on his own, growing increasingly fervent.
Youth all over the world are fervent in their faith and tradition.
My childhood self had another fervent dream that met a similar fate.
But like Michelle Obama, Trump is actually a frequent and fervent hugger.
Fervent emailers can attach as many emails, which will appear as an .
Among his most fervent admirers was Margaret Thatcher, former British prime minister.
Bright, too, has stuck to his fervent defense of the confederate battle flag.
Instead, you see Democrats who were lukewarm supporters suddenly becoming more fervent proponents.
Five years of economic recession have turned many into Maduro's most fervent opponents.
English Premier League soccer has a small, fervent group of fans in America.
That is a rather loaded framing, Justice Ginsburg argued in her fervent dissent.
The changes announced Thursday look like a fervent wish to return to 2010.
And even if you're just a fervent Finland fan, indiscriminate cybercrooks run rampant.
Once again, this discourse is happening online: The responses were fervent and immediate.
Waters has been a fervent critic of Trump since before he took office.
So who can save this damaged bill that has almost no fervent supporters?
O'Rourke's charisma and perceived authenticity ensure that he will retain a fervent following.
So many fervent voters voiced this lament: Why can't we be like California?
But he and Mr. Karakaya share a fervent preoccupation with improving customer service.
He spoke with such calm but fervent passion and knowledge of the issues.
She has positioned herself as a fervent Trump supporter and immigration hard-liner.
They have a fervent commitment to some cause, some ideal or some relationship.
The ex-congressman has become a fervent critic of Trump's rhetoric and character.
Glass-Steagall was dying, and cannot be resuscitated, despite fervent attempts by Sen.
"Take your turtle shell off," he said, in his quiet but fervent way.
A fervent autodidact, Park was also deeply familiar with German theories of protectionism.
That fervent speculation only intensified after the release of the "Britney's Gram" episode.
" Toward the end of the book, Mr. Chernow called Hamilton "a fervent abolitionist.
Despite some fans' skepticism, these automated responses were enough for some fervent followers.
In that role, the government's own website described him as a "fervent Kabiliste".
Nothing made tourists more visible than their fervent Instagramming and ever-present iPhones.
Despite our fervent efforts to get him help, he slipped through our grasp.
Darwin's writings produced fervent reactions, many of which are still going on today.
Few besides the most fervent government loyalists ever saw truth in the plots.
There were flowers, flags, candles, Christmas trees, wreaths, and hundreds of fervent notes.
For Erdogan's fervent supporters, such apparent reluctance is further evidence of U.S. complicity.
Celebrities and politicians lent their fervent support and others doubted the actor's claims.
But that does not seem likely to placate the most fervent Brexit supporters.
Separatists won a December election and chose fervent separatist Quim Torra as regional chief.
The fervent supporters in the audience helped Trump handily win the New Hampshire primary.
And a Mafia don's fervent need for abject loyalty from his capos and soldiers.
His speech drew applause, though not the fervent reception of his usual campaign rallies.
The hosts' enthusiasm was just too awkward a pairing with the audience's fervent booing.
The deal was made over the fervent opposition of the hardline conservative Freedom Caucus.
During the Cold War, however, Franco's fervent anti-communist views found a receptive audience.
I think it might be central to his appeal to his most fervent supporters.
When Henry broke with Rome to marry Anne Boleyn, her fervent faith became heresy.
Even Uber's most fervent supporters had not grasped the true potential of the business.
He was politically radical, with fervent convictions about social justice, atheism, vegetarianism and nonviolence.
Does anyone outside of the most fervent gearheads care that much about their cars?
My love affair with Doctor Who follows a trajectory all fervent fans will recognize.
The Republican's most fervent supporters would often chant "lock her up"  at Trump's rallies.
We asked a few particularly fervent thieves about the details of their respective thievery.
This is one reason the public option attracts both fervent support and bitter opposition.
This new, fervent insistence on cleansing campuses of contradictions is usually attributed to politics.
That's right, this colorful mushroom friend is arguably the Mushroom Kingdom's most fervent loyalist.
They are not the majority of his supporters, but they are his most fervent.
This was especially important against Trump, who has had a fervent base of support.
The Nixon impeachers were serious and careful; the Clinton impeachers were fervent and excited.
Atkins, a former topless dancer, was described as one of Manson's most fervent disciples.
But it is worth remembering that for jihadists, it was also a fervent hope.
I've received letters from readers all over China expressing their fervent and unwavering support.
EU also has the backing of a fervent community, those in The Thunderbolts Project.
This looks far too "soft" for the liking of fervent Euroskeptics in her party.
News analysis The Israeli prime minister's fervent base can make President Trump's look pallid.
" But ultimately he fears that the usually fervent interest in gun rights "trumps sanity.
Your author, in keeping with coastal elitist stereotypes, is a fervent lover of greens.
Not even its most fervent supporters expect it to go anywhere without considerable adjustment.
This was not a popular view except among the most fervent pro-Trump outlets.
He turns his lens toward the surrounding commotion, the fervent faces in the stands.
Pope Francis, who is Argentine, added his "fervent prayers" in a telegram on Saturday.
The bottom line: Facebook's TikTok argument is unlikely to placate its most fervent critics.
From the perspective of Trump's most fervent supporters, the issue of race is crucial.
The fervent support among younger voters for Sanders was evident in the Nevada results.
The fervent support among younger voters for Sanders was evident in the state's results.
But a few have clearly capitalized on conservatives' fervent hatred of Ms. Ocasio-Cortez.
Their movement feels exhilarating, the fulfillment of their most fervent political hopes in view.
But some of his most fervent backers insist that it makes perfect electoral sense.
As a fervent Amazon customer, I love that its platform keeps getting more convenient.
Mr. Peck's choreography often makes dancers look fervent, ignited; Mr. Ratmansky's arouses their imaginations.
They are not the majority of his supporters, but they are his most fervent.
In Egypt, support for Mr. Trump remained fervent among the country's anti-Islamist establishment.
The fervent hope was to prevent the next imminent terrorist attack on American soil.
Bernie Sanders is doing enough to quell his fervent supporters' "vicious, malicious" behavior online.
Not only are they fervent Meadows supporters — they are even more passionate Trump supporters.
Rather, he constructed a honey trap for the media, with his fervent supporters as bait.
Every popular medium was built upon its early advocates' fervent belief in its unique potential.
Mrs Cox was a fervent pro-European who bemoaned British foreign policy's missing moral compass.
But they also fear defying the very loud will of Trump's fervent and unshakable supporters.
Tulsi Gabbard and Andrew Yang are wildcards with fervent followings that could make things interesting.
"It's time for America to repent," Ms. King said, before a fervent and rapt crowd.
Plenty of other brands and models, have a fervent following despite problems with the vehicle.
Across Arizona, Democrats are making a fervent push in the final stretch before Election Day.
He has throngs of fervent supporters who have come to believe facts are somehow partisan.
Sounds like some of Microsoft's most fervent browser users may be asking the same question.
Most fervent are Argentina's Rolingas, a country-wide tribe of devotees who worship The Stones.
Some Republicans, not all of them fervent Trump supporters, think the controversy will ultimately fade.
Some of Trump's most fervent fans expressed enthusiasm for his performance at the news conference.
There was more than one moment when I got caught up in their fervent activities.
He has not directly contradicted Trump's fervent denials of collusion between his campaign and Moscow.
And of course, there are the VR horror games, which already enjoy a fervent following.
From a Kaganologist's point of view, the significance of her fervent gerrymandering dissent was twofold.
Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, and their fervent criticism of the Israeli government's treatment of Palestinians.
The alleged bomber, Cesar Sayoc Jr., appears to be a fervent supporter of the president.
"He was just a little too fervent about the campaigning thing and winning," Neukirch said.
My fervent hope is that it is a starting point for negotiations with congressional Democrats.
Companies that attract such fervent consumer ire are often the product of extensive market consolidation.
Pointing to various regions, he delivered a fervent lecture about endangered tigers and polar bears.
From the Vatican, Argentine Pope Francis said he was making "fervent prayers" for the crew.
If he does, Trump's most fervent defenders in the House will take it in stride.
Five years later, Garner's death remains a fervent topic locally and on the national stage.
On today's episode of Daily VICE, we speak with Donald Trump's most fervent women supporters.
A skillful politician with a fervent support base, Mr. Erdogan still leads in the polls.
The practice has been especially fervent in relation to content about the COVID-19 outbreak.
Self-deprivation is his art, which he practices with fervent determination and on public display.
In his brief career, he inspired fervent fan devotion as well as significant public backlash.
That résumé has earned him a fervent group of supporters, mostly in the evangelical community.
In fact, it's precisely the broad unpopularity of Republican government that's inspiring such fervent protest.
Russian President Vladimir Putin is waging a fervent campaign to undermine NATO's unity and effectiveness.
Student activism on campuses is not as fervent as it is in the United States.
Student activism on campuses is not as fervent as it is in the United States.
It's a vicious cycle: The more Bitcoin plummets, the more fervent and delirious people get.
Instead of focusing on huge subscriber numbers, Snapchat parent Snap touts its fervent user base.
Twitter bots have seemingly become the weapon of choice for fervent political supporters this election cycle.
Beastwars has an incredibly fervent fanbase in NZ and Australia, and increasingly so in Europe too.
They're all delicious, but even the most fervent cheese lover has a line they won't cross.
Nevertheless, the most fervent and disgruntled of Markle's detractors have labeled her an opportunistic social climber.
A Republican former senator from Alabama, Mr. Sessions was an early, fervent backer of Mr. Trump.
Second, an increasingly fervent activist base could make it harder for Labour to broaden its appeal.
Albinati was never a fervent believer, and he stopped going to Mass in his early teens.
Since that night, Helene has been a fervent believer in what psychedelics can do for women.
You could see that in their fervent embrace of bad trade deals, deregulation and "responsible" capitalism.
There's no official word yet, but that hasn't stopped fans from running wild with fervent hope.
In Stone's, Mia is brittle and brave, fervent and fantastic, a little goofy and extremely skilled.
" Their de facto leader even gave a raspy speech before leading a fervent chant of "Encore!
For years, America pursued a fervent policy of appeasement, rewarding Tehran's malicious acts with more concessions.
But his fervent and at times over-the-top campaigning for Remain blew up his chances.
It also stiffened the fervent opposition to Catalan separatism among national political parties - and many Spaniards.
Hannity, a fervent loyalist of President Trump, responded to the arrest with his usual partisan umbrage.
Even some of the most fervent Trump fans have acknowledged she did not state the truth.
His campaign has clearly drawn passionate support and fervent opposition, but its fortunes are dwindling rapidly.
He likened the fervent support here to that in a college town in the United States.
In their hands, ceramic manufacture, dependent on high skill and fervent prayers, grew crude and loose.
There were a lot of very fervent Nazis in the country in the 1930s and 1940s.
How frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds.
She learned she had cancer four years ago but remained a fervent mountaineer, her family said.
The devotion at Liangjiahe falls far short of the fervent cult of personality that Mao ignited.
But until this year, they did not know that their father had been a fervent Nazi.
Democrats believe it was Mr. Trump, with his fervent shutdown embrace, who presented them a gift.
But she retained a fervent fan base for her cheery movies and for her TV show.
Like Mr. Trump, the president's most fervent supporters are not swayed by facts they consider inconvenient.
Even so, Sanders retains a base of fervent fans that shows little sign of leaving him.
Elizabeth Warren, a fervent opponent of super PACs, is now receiving super PAC support in Nevada.
Loves "omnichannel"; makes up for it through fervent fandom of the British proto-punk band Suicide.
The Mustang, however, has its own fervent following, even now, 55 years after it was introduced.
History shows that fervent debate—and self-interested misinformation—go back to the mid-20th century.
Despite health troubles and anxiety about his finances, Twain had a fervent curiosity that never faltered.
The number soon grew to more than three hundred—young or old, fervent or merely curious.
So, there isn't the lasting association and fervent loyalty many former "SNL" stars have with Michaels.
We have become democrats by habit and no longer defend our system with a fervent faith.
If airport workers, for example, declare a strike, they can expect to attract fervent community support.
My fervent prayer is that grace pervades a papacy in the spotlight during this week's summit.
She's hunted down every answer she could with the fervent passion of ... well, a true believer.
And yet, Nintendo doesn't run its business according to the suggestions outlined by the most fervent threads.
Yet he is also a fervent pro-European who wants to keep the EU united and strong.
For the most fervent Tesla fans, another three months might be palatable, even with the repeated delays.
They're fervent, insatiable music lovers who have trusted the service to be the foundation of their listening.
If you're going to quote scripture in a room of fervent Christians, you better know your stuff.
In doing so, they joined the very corruption her son had devoted such fervent passion to fight.
His fervent beliefs about food and health now seemed validated by nothing less than the Holy Bible.
This was a history of which I had no knowledge when I was at my most fervent.
That could make it harder to generate the same level of fervent support as four years ago.
It's been the biggest disappointment of Trump's presidency to some of his earliest and most fervent defenders.
Working in 1916, German writer Hugo Ball aimed his pen at World War I's fervent nationalist rhetoric.
The show found a fervent fan-base, and unexpectedly attracted an audience of millions around the world.
And is the White House really going to say that they're fervent defenders of the First Amendment?
Commercial air travel also followed this path, with early passengers engaging in fervent prayer on the runway.
With a 98% on Rotten Tomatoes, Netflix Original American Vandal has a fervent (and vaguely twisted) fanbase.
Unfortunately, the negative realities of this romcom don't seem to be resonating with its fervent fan base.
Even worse, speaking as an educator, I try to foster fervent, but respectful, debate among my students.
At this point, Cleganebowl is like a religion, with its own fervent following, hashtag, and dedicated subreddit.
He was also a fervent critic of arms control during the height of the nuclear arms race.
For the Saudis, however, every calculation is colored by a fervent preoccupation with the intentions of Iran.
Despite Lost Somewhere's lack of mainstream success or digital availability, the album has maintained a fervent cult.
His fervent support is not something she's matching… Things seem to be a little off the rails.
The legacy of this decision is clearly illustrated by Canada's fervent support of startups in recent times.
That has deprived the team of playing in front of their fervent fans and in familiar conditions.
"We were sickened by the association," the fervent address, posted to Rosanne's Facebook page on Wednesday, read.
The somber opening violin and clarinet lines unfolded to haunting effect before eventually reaching a fervent climax.
The committee has distinct partisan divisions and boasts both fervent critics and fierce Trump allies, including Rep.
In a televised broadcast, Chávez declared that he had chosen Maduro, a fervent disciple, as his successor.
Brennan has emerged as a fervent Trump critic, and regularly weighed in on the special counsel's investigation.
His fervent fan base includes Bob Dylan, Patti Smith, Francis Ford Coppola and the poet Billy Collins.
Kobach, a fervent Trump ally, is running for governor in a tight race against Democratic state Sen.
The Rohingya are painted as potential terrorists in Jammu and the call for their relocation is fervent.
He makes grandiose promises to rile up his most fervent supporters, apparently without thinking through the implications.
The decision angered some of his most fervent supporters, who immediately criticized his seeming change of heart.
She also spent the day telling other fervent protestors about her hometown: Have you heard about Flint?
What remains is a fervent hybrid of nationalism and anti-statism, an echo of the rebel yell.
He is a fervent fan of President Trump, who has made numerous baseless claims about voter fraud.
She wrote her dissertation on the metaphysical poet George Herbert, whose limpid, fervent verse touched a nerve.
However, tensions between the two campaigns — and among their most fervent supporters — have increased in recent days.
Instead of being educated to a cultured skepticism, too many have been educated to a fervent certitude.
It made for fervent fans who relied on the band for a kind of emotional safe harbor.
Mr. Hughes, who followed the case closely, said Mr. Gammal's lawyers were particularly fervent in their defense.
Ideologically, Mr. Trump's most fervent supporters in Congress break with the Freedom Caucus in important policy areas.
Trump's most fervent supporters would probably not recognize qualities in the President that Biden saw in McCain.
Castro does not inspire the fervent following of Ocasio-Cortez, and his presidential campaign never gained traction.
But as anticipation for American Dirt grew more fervent ahead of its release, so did the criticism.
Gladys Knight's fervent, tearful, forthright voice can suggest either one in this vintage Motown "hit factory" reject.
His disdain for millionaires and billionaires is as fervent as ever, even as he has become one.
It's that tension laced with hope that makes French's books so compelling and her fans so fervent.
In court, however, he has a reputation for being bare-knuckled, with a fervent desire to win.
But as other seekers of clicks discovered, Mr. Trump's supporters were far more fervent than Mrs. Clinton's.
I closed this lovely book with a fervent wish that everyone in it live happily ever after.
Robert Walser was likely to find in images a reason to look into his own fervent imagination.
After it launched late in 2015, Netflix's Making a Murderer was wildly popular, developing a fervent following.
Photographs of Biel alongside the fervent anti-vaxxer Robert F. Kennedy Jr. appeared on social media Wednesday.
But one of the best fillings is vegetarian beef, a miracle of soy protein and fervent with ginger.
Many hailed the film, and it was nominated for an Oscar, but it also had its fervent detractors.
No wonder Peter Thiel has been such a fervent proponent of distribution, beyond just building a great product.
The meme really took off when David Harbour, who plays Hopper, tweeted his fervent approval of the account.
Just worries that his fervent gesture would fade from minds, and that the spectre of Mao would remain.
Still, Sanders retains a fervent base of support, which in turn has given him a lot of money.
And so even after the curtain falls on Cleveland on Thursday night, the fervent money chase won't stall.
Dole Whip was introduced in Disney Parks in the 1980s, and has since garnered a fervent fan following.
To more fervent Brangelina fans, Pitt and Jolie are good parents, good people, a good husband and wife.
He brushes off the fervent debate about whether the commercially available D-Wave computer offers a speed advantage.
A pertinent example: Earlier this year, a number of fervent DC Comics stans fervently demanded that Warner Bros.
It would be very hard, even if you're a very fervent progressive, to think that's a good idea.
Comey told the cast of "Fun Home" he'd booked tickets after a fervent recommendation from his adult daughter.
This is not a topic on which the more fervent carbon tax advocates have showered themselves with glory.
Even fossil fuels' most fervent supporters realize that federal energy research plays an important role in economic development.
The President has faced sagging approval ratings for months, but has maintained fervent support among his political base.
Betsy DeVos, Trump's nominee for Education secretary, is a fervent supporter of charter schools over their public counterparts.
But even fervent keto-followers like Harper and Weiss caution that the keto plan is not for everyone.
But it was singular among its most fervent consumers for its unique, sophisticated home goods and customer service.
There are certain atheists who have no compunction about dismissing fervent believers as victims of delusion and hallucination.
But, in public, Pence remained a calm but fervent advocate for Trump through that drama — and many others.
McBath, who recently won her runoff in Georgia, was a fervent supporter of Clinton during the 21 campaign.
It's a shame, because there's no place in the U.S. more fervent in its hockey fandom—sorry, Minnesota.
Americans know less about their history and creed and are less likely to be fervent believers in it.
Much of his career has been built on this issue, along with his fervent opposition to illegal immigration.
Chile, like several other South American nations where soccer reigns supreme, has a small but fervent tennis following.
Foreign and Lebanese players of different religions play for all the teams, winning fervent followings regardless of background.
At rallies, the president's most fervent supporters look past his falsehoods, racially charged statements and attacks on critics.
The battles have been intensified by the election of Mr. Trump, who enjoys fervent support from white nationalists.
Demobilized soldiers, right-wing militias and fervent communists all fought for their competing visions of the postwar order.
Around the country, plummeting profits have forced the closures of even outlets with fervent commitments to independent reporting.
Yale said it would rename a building honoring an alumnus, John C. Calhoun, a fervent supporter of slavery.
Despite all the fervent opposition from the political establishment, he has made significant progress toward accomplishing that goal.
There, he was reacquainted with Steve Jackson, a cousin and boyhood chum as well as a fervent Zionist.
But it was a coherent vision, and he is rallying a true and fervent love of our home.
Yes, in case any of you forgot, Travis Kalanick has devoted some seriously fervent passion to fight corruption.
That's enough to sow doubt in even the most democratic of minds and the most fervent of revolutionaries.
My friend Win Luanchaison, a real-estate developer and fervent culinary explorer, and I tucked into our bowls.
Hanging out with friends, he honed his technique by watching DVDs of two of his most fervent inspirations.
I suspect TLOU Part II will inspire similarly fervent adoration and divisive reactions, but for a different reason.
A fervent critic of the Trump administration, the Goldman chief has frequently scolded the U.S. president on Twitter.
Rather, Walser was more likely to find in images a reason to look into his own fervent imagination.
" Zeleny wrote that Biden "followed the lead of -- and sought support from -- some of the Senate's most fervent segregationists.
It also means that that about 17 times out of 18, Mr McIlroy's fervent supporters will go home disappointed.
Expect to see acts of all genres with fervent followings, from Ry Cooder to Tank, Citizen Cope to Tinashe.
And his fervent, loyal flock looks like it is as up for the fight as it was in 2016.
I wonder if the Rent backlash when it first came out was as fervent as the Hamilton backlash is.
Among the more fervent Cold Warriors, Canada was often seen as a weak link in the battle against Bolshevism.
Mr Bolsonaro is a fervent defender of the military dictatorship and a fan of Chile's former dictator, Augusto Pinochet.
During the 2016 presidential election, and in the early days of the Trump administration, Drudge was a fervent supporter.
IT BEGAN AS a demand from a handful of Liberal Democrat MPs and a hard core of fervent Remainers.
And when it comes to fans, it's hard to imagine any more fervent than those that love Star Wars.
Everything you can find in bookstores is either written by one of his fervent supporters, or by Sanders himself.
The word first came from former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who is perhaps Trump's most fervent campaign surrogate.
A fervent campaign led to a career-shifting role as Melanie Hamilton in 1939's Gone With The Wind.
An original watercolor painting of the storefront elicited the most fervent bidding war while I was at the auction.
Donald Trump's campaign appears to be paying to promote his campaign on Reddit, where he has a fervent fanbase.
When we began writing To Venomous Depths, we knew we were on to something special; something powerful and fervent.
And in its fervent support for Moore, conservative media may have reached its political zenith — and its moral nadir.
She also criticized the fervent speculation and excitement behind the asset class, attributing price movements to irrational investor behavior.
The issue will now be whether Cohen, who was until recently a fervent supporter of the president, is credible.
To many—including some well-drawn, fervent female acolytes—her combination of sincerity, neediness, ambition and sympathy were alluring.
The poll found that while Trump's most fervent supporters approve of refusing to bend, no other demographic group did.
Stanley Black & Decker's innovation push remains as fervent as it did when Frederick Stanley founded the company in 1843.
For some artists with a fervent grass-roots base and a mastery of social media, the answer is no.
Most others, however, are trying to avoid offending the fervent Trump followers while not alienating more independent-minded centrists.
" But all the business leaders he speaks with have one thing in common: A "fervent desire to solve problems.
This super bubbly agua mineral, in retro green-tinted glass bottles, has developed a fervent following here in Texas.
The Bolívars may no longer be a youth orchestra, but they play with the fervent blandness of child prodigies.
Some creators invite and encourage engagement from their fervent fan bases, especially if they're already familiar with fan culture.
The region is deeply divided between fervent secessionists and those, increasingly vocal, citizens who prefer to remain in Spain.
As a newcomer to politics, Trump has used colorful language in the past to describe fervent support for him.
But in terms of fervent opposition to Trump and his policies, Waters is in a league of her own.
Abu Firas was a fervent opponent of Islamic State's style and was ideologically at odds with the militant group.
"I have come, above all, to pray with the nation's small but fervent Catholic community," Francis said on Tuesday.
He has proved uniquely and idiosyncratically able to sustain the loyalty and fervent belief of investors, customers and employees.
President Trump relied on a fervent, immovable base that Ailes laid the foundation for, with tools supplied by Murdoch.
Many of his most fervent supporters are involved in the technology industry and actively promote him on social media.
The final touch was Crandell's suggestion of a partnership between the cigar-puffing Mies and his fervent advocate Johnson.
While Charles Darwin became a fervent abolitionist, his half cousin, the brilliant and arrogant Francis Galton, became something else.
Ida B. Wells, a world-class journalist and fervent anti-lynching reformer, was an indefatigable critic of the segregation.
It found a fervent cult audience, but it wasn't the blockbuster smash and franchise-starter Henson had hoped for.
But perhaps this idea of humiliating Mexico is what really appeals to President Trump and his most fervent supporters.
A good shop or a restaurant will always have somebody who is fervent about wine and ardent about hospitality.
If Ms. Handel keeps a cool distance from the president, she risks alienating the most fervent pro-Trump voters.
Sanders' endless spigot of small contributions from fervent supporters keeps him flush even while he lags in the polls.
Some fervent Trump critics accused the president of having orchestrated the situation in Iran with this outcome in mind.
Interpreting his slippery lyrics became a favorite pastime of the band's most fervent fans, the Deadheads, something he relished.
They would be followed, Mr. Boss recalled, by 50 to 100 of the most fervent collectors, armed with flashlights.
Their survival instincts won't permit it, given the allegiance of Trump's diminished but still fervent base among GOP voters.
"Proud to be followed by @narendramodi" read the Twitter bios of hundreds of the prime minister's most fervent supporters.
Moulton, earlier this year, emerged as a fervent critic of Pelosi, questioning her ability to effectively lead the caucus.
The August ruling setting forth the new joint employment standard sparked immediate and fervent protest from the business community.
Everybody knows that the president is a racist and a xenophobe who draws fervent support from outright white nationalists.
But she was leaning toward doing so, she added, earning a high-five from Ms. Ramos, a fervent supporter.
While Tesla owners can be fervent, the vehicles continue to exhibit supposed poor workmanship and endure long repair times.
News Analysis Sexual harassment has come back once more to haunt Hillary Clinton, that fervent, flawed champion of women.
So it's fitting that one of Olio's central figures is a fervent admirer of The Souls of Black Folk.
Additionally, he has embraced a fervent religiosity that is evident in the religious content on his social media feed.
Since the death of his beloved wife Joan on July 6, 2017, his most fervent desire was to join her.
Gun control proponents are equally fervent in interpreting the amendment as protecting only a communal right, not an individual right.
She emphasized the show's fervent fan base and two online videos to explain why Netflix was bullish about the show.
Bill Mitchell, a fervent Trump supporter, sees this raw approach to news as the New Media Upside Down's competitive advantage.
So, it's no surprise Newsom's body of work is the subject of fervent scholarship — and Newsom the object of fascination.
So it remains my fervent hope that we step back and try to deliver on what the American people need.
What if the studios interpret our fervent standom to mean gay people want to see straight actors in gay roles?
Particularly fervent crystal enthusiasts will say that crystals need to be treated with great care, almost as though they're alive.
Characters uncover secrets only to be killed off; they get pregnant, married, and separated within a few dozen fervent pages.
An early and fervent supporter of Mr Sanders, he too favours a mix of sensible progressive proposals and Utopian schemes.
His father, James Mill, was the "most faithful and fervent disciple" of Jeremy Bentham, the inventor of the felicific calculus.
During the election campaign, Mr Trump became a fervent proponent of the idea that America suffers from widespread voter fraud.
For Trump, it means building on the reality television star quality that built him a fervent following during Republican primaries.
Meanwhile, a handful of fundraising campaigns have sprung up to solicit cash from fervent believers who want more miles built.
This might explain why people are so fervent about Musk: he took a joke and made a real, fun thing.
The recent weakness of gold suggests that some of the fervent bullion believers have jumped on the bitcoin bandwagon instead.
For its most fervent adherents, French republicanism is supposed to supercede all previous loyalties, be they Catholic, Protestant or Jewish.
For as fervent as Dallas Cowboys fans are, there are just as many people who have despised Jerry for decades.
That could make it harder for him to generate the same level of fervent support he did four years ago.
To Alker, this move suggests "that the fervent desire to get CHIP done had faded," in the House at least.
Such sermonising keeps the piece from feeling honest, though perhaps at home among movies distributed and supported by fervent believers.
But unless you're a die-hard Liverpool fan or a fervent chronicler of doping cases, you probably never heard why.
He and his wife have a son, Abram, 11, a fervent basketball fan who is non-speaking and has autism.
A showdown could spark backlash from the party's fervent base, where the president remains popular, just months before the midterms.
Still, it's a significant indicator of the arguments that President Donald Trump's fervent allies are making against the Mueller investigation.
Outside of Carlson, the only women to come forward from Fox News have been those in fervent support of him.
While the Trump-Putin meeting will be closely watched by NATO members, its most fervent observers might be in Ukraine.
Clinton in November, a faster coalescing around the survivor of a fervent primary fight than her "PUMAs" exhibited in 2008.
When President Clinton proclaimed the event a "victory for peace," he voiced not empty rhetoric, but many people's fervent expectations.
There were signs of it before he used a fervent antiglobalization message and "America First" language to stir nationalist sentiment.
Corsi grew up in East Cleveland, where his father was an official with a railroad union and a fervent Democrat.
While Israel consistently polls amongst his most fervent supporters internationally, polling data shows his Israeli approval rating closer to 69%.
Rosie O'Donnell, one of President Trump's most fervent critics, says she's genuinely concerned whether she'll survive his time in office.
Pelosi, a fervent Clinton supporter, stressed that the presumptive Democratic nominee has acknowledged her error in using a private server.
A Juggalo is just a fan of the Insane Clown Posse, or perhaps a particularly fervent fan of the group.
The lower house's approval of the bill by a crushing 22015 votes to 216 stunned even the most fervent optimists.
Community's fervent fan base helped keep it on the air for six seasons, despite it never becoming a huge hit.
Trump drew tremendous ratings and had fervent supporters, and Ailes was afraid of losing that audience to rival media outlets.
Tisch was often referred to as a socialite, she was also a fervent benefactor for causes like the AIDS crisis.
Wallace, in a fervent hope to work with Moscow, was blind to the machinations in which he was a pawn.
Ironically, while their music is easily identifiable amongst their fervent fan base, relatively little is known about the members themselves.
As a fervent Sanders supporter, Andiola has been critical of Hillary Clinton throughout this election on a number of issues.
She became a fervent admirer as Mr. Bolsonaro vowed to take drastic measures to restore security, like tougher prison sentences.
Yet in Mr. Hadelich's lean, fervent account of the Brahms, that master emerges as a trailblazer, a precursor to Ligeti.
And all would face the wrath of the President and his fervent base if they voted against Trump's interests. Sen.
He was initially seen as a fervent advocate of the "America First" stances put forth by Trump during the campaign.
" Church leaders had failed in "safeguarding the faithful," he said, calling for apologies, reparations, transparency, new policies and "fervent prayer.
One of the most fervent anti-war senators is Paul, with his libertarian bent and his opposition to nation-building.
Part of the reason Harris is such a fervent believer is that he developed the Jawzrsize with himself in mind.
As a seemingly gentle, childlike man, he inspired a protectiveness in his most fervent fans that continues to this day.
The fervent belief in the fundamental freedom of all people, regardless of color, was built into the foundation of Ohio.
Frank Wolf, a Republican congressman from the area, was a fervent supporter of the Uighurs and a critic of China.
But even with early eligibility and same-day registration, many of Sanders's most fervent Latino supporters aren't eligible to caucus.
We also just did a piece on the culture of very fervent fans of the Browns, an Ohio N.F.L. team.
Only time will tell if his fervent faith in the soft "g" is vindicated, or consigned to the dustbin of history.
" Quim Torra, the Catalan region&aposs current president and a fervent separatist, said the dropping of rebellion charges was "wonderful news.
Fervent Wall Street critic Sanders decried the potential influence of Goldman veterans on Trump's administration when the Cohn pick was reported.
Yet instead of trying to expand his support, he speaks mainly to his fervent base, representing around half of Republican voters.
The no-frills German discount grocery chain is growing aggressively across the US and, like Wegmans, has attracted a fervent following.
But that fervent defense of free speech hasn't been extended to students who wanted to start a conversation about fighting racism.
All five were there for their own unique reasons, yet fervent imaginations and a shared sense of fun brought them together.
Curly hair is among nature's most fickle, high-maintenance creations, and haircare brands catering to curls tend to inspire fervent devotion.
"You're Too Big To Hide Here" I was six and in the middle of a fervent game of hide-and-seek.
Florida's two major parties are now looking to their most fervent supporters - progressive Democrats and Republican conservatives - for victory in November.
There is otherwise a risk they will mistake seething anti-Trump resistance with a desire for Mr Sanders's similarly fervent pitch.
The second presidential debate has come and gone, and with it, the corresponding amount of hot takes, headaches and fervent arguments.
Musk's fringe is different because the center is morally righteous, which means the outliers are even more fervent than other fandoms.
Some have speculated that Fidel Castro was holding him back with the fervent communist ideals that he built his government around.
But surprisingly, less than half of eligible millennials actually showed up at the polls in 2012 despite fervent social media activism.
They're now just old paper, stapled together by sellers capitalizing on nostalgia for one of American media's most fervent news spectacles.
Rao's comments drew fervent criticism on social media, with some calling for engineers and executives behind the project to be punished.
The New York Times, you're a publisher, you're a fervent Twitter … Brian Stelter: Yes, I would say CNN anchor and Twitter.
It comes during a time of fervent domestic support for Erdogan as well as international misgivings about the post-coup crackdown.
Their deep pockets, fervent membership base, and exorbitantly powerful lobbying arm have stymied any kind of meaningful gun reform for decades.
Hanna's father, Erik (Joel Kinnaman of Altered Carbon), is an ex-CIA agent and still the target of a fervent search.
Nowhere else is neighbor forced to argue face-to-face with neighbor, our passions and fervent beliefs rising to the surface.
But Sanders's most fervent backers, who have still not accepted Clinton becoming the nominee, caused significant disruption during the previous hours.
And the demographic core of Trump's base — male, white and rural — tracks seamlessly with the most fervent supporters of gun rights.
More broadly, Germany has been the most fervent voice that reckless economic pursuits should be punished, no matter the human toll.
He was compelled by fervent concern over Hitler's advance and, no doubt, by a desire to stay politically alive and visible.
In contrast, even fervent supporters of Obama in the city see the ongoing U.S. embargo as a leading cause of poverty.
In the campaign's last weeks, at such rallies, Mr. Trump is sealed in a hermetic bubble with his most fervent supporters.
Though it attracted fervent devotees, the show turned off some who found its naval-gazing, blue-tinted introspection short on action.
" Pompeo adheres to a fervent brand of evangelical Christianity and once characterized politics as "a never-ending struggle ... until the rapture.
Killer Mike's been an active voice in the US election since the Democratic primaries, mostly in fervent support of Bernie Sanders.
McBath, who recently won her runoff in Georgia's 6th Congressional District, was a fervent supporter of Clinton during the 2016 campaign.
His fervent delivery, rooted in blues and soul music, makes compelling listening out of this process, on record or in concert.
Despite fervent denial, the most gripping evidence of the erasure of Nakhichevan's Armenian heritage comes from within the Azerbaijani government itself.
Mr. Trump, a fervent opponent of the deal, officially withdrew the United States from it on his fourth day in office.
Robert Jeffress, the senior pastor of First Baptist Dallas and one of Mr. Trump's most fervent evangelical supporters, said on Tuesday.
It's that directness that has earned her particularly fervent fans, many of whom are looking to Ulven for guidance and understanding.
A fervent champion of national security, he gave Trump a pass for making light of Russian interference in an American election.
Some of its most fervent admirers see it as the perfect work of art for its moment, the roaring mid-1980s.
One of the most fervent evangelists of this was Sergio Marchionne, the Fiat chief executive who engineered the merger with Chrysler.
Her youth, charisma and progressive policies have stirred fervent admiration among her devotees — a phenomenon called "Jacindamania" by the news media.
But last time the issue came up, 12 years ago, it was sideswiped by fervent opposition from lawmakers and the public.
Ernst Toller (Ethan Hawke), an upstate New York pastor, as he comes undone after meeting a fervent environmentalist and his wife.
With their armed insurrection, black balaclavas and fervent speeches, the Zapatistas forced Mexico to grapple with its long history of inequality.
When wind turbines were first proposed off the coast of Cape Cod in 2002, the objections from many environmentalists were fervent.
His challenge on Tuesday will be to show skeptics that he is more than a niche candidate with a fervent following.
His economic advisor Gary Cohn, a fervent supporter of free trade, announced on Tuesday that he would be leaving the administration.
Heller and McSally have both hewed closely to Trump as they try to gin up support from the president's fervent base.
Clinton and Trump are hampered by the worst favorability ratings for nominees in modern times, though both have committed, fervent supporters.
"Every time we saw her, we shouted awful things," a fervent Beatles fan recalled about Ono in Philip Norman's book Shout!
On all four albums, pop's urge for inclusion prevails, and in concert — Eilish and Grande fill arenas — they spur fervent singalongs.
My parents always emphasized the importance of civic engagement -- hence my fervent support of our my daughter's involvement in the walkout.
A fervent atheist, he introduced Danish readers to Nietzsche and, late in life, wrote a book entitled "Jesus: A Myth" (1925).
A fervent budget hawk, he was ready with his own spending plan when Republicans captured the Senate after the 2014 elections.
Landing the Conservative Party conference for the Grand has been largely Moose's doing, and his fervent professional hope is that Mrs.
During the 2016 presidential race, Sessions, then a Republican senator for Alabama, was among Trump's earliest and most fervent political allies.
Lee Zeldin, a New York Republican who emerged during the House impeachment proceedings as another of the president's most fervent defenders.
After five seasons, Fox decided to cancel the comedy, which has always drawn modest ratings but also a fervent cult following.
Finally, we went inside the Canadian headquarters of the Instant Pot, the kitchen gadget that inspires fervent devotion from its users.
And when these movies are done well, their most fervent fans are right there, ready to embrace that snow globe themselves.
Blending the kind of exhaustive data PRRI touts, Jones traces two intertwined cultural histories: that of mainline Protestantism — careful, ecumenical, less fervent in the culture wars — and its sometime rival evangelical Protestantism, whose fervent and uncompromising reactionary approach to hot-button political issues from segregation to LGBTQ issues was responsible for both its rise and, he says, its downfall.
His most fervent followers are likely to brush them off, as they argue that Trump broke no laws, and admire his cleverness.
Who needed a web full of think pieces when voters could get frequent and fervent updates on Trump direct from the source?
Here was an American president who had railed against free trade and immigration speaking to the world's most fervent believers in globalization.
At the time, "Tiptree's" work was received as sharp and innovative, earning Hugo and Nebula awards and drawing a fervent fan base.
It is successful, however, if its purpose is to show to Trump's most fervent backers, to his base, that he is tough.
We're optimistic that after Aladdin premieres in its entirety in May, Swole Genie will attract a fervent fan base of his own.
In 2016, he was an early and fervent supporter of Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, or "Crazy Bernie," as Trump called him.
As with Clinton herself, Tuesday marked an occasion that was years in the making for some of the candidate's most fervent supporters.
The company announced in December that user growth was at 30 million MAUs, so growth has been fervent in 2017 so far.
But he does seem to be starting the process of easing his fervent supporters, many of whom loathe Clinton, back into reality.
The big appeal of Mr. Sanders to his most fervent supporters is that he hasn't changed his views on his core issues.
The clothing brand spent the rest of the day assuring fervent Queen Bey stans that it meant no slight by the tweet.
Aside from a fervent desire to leave the EU without a deal, his priorities are not always those of a typical Faragist.
Ehrenreich got warm reviews for quirky 2016 comedy "Hail, Caesar" but is otherwise little known to generations of fervent "Star Wars" fans.
Last year, Automata became a surprise critical and commercial success, selling more than two million copies and earning a fervent cult following.
Years of successful grassroots campaigns have convinced fervent fan bases that if they're passionate and loud enough, they can resurrect the dead.
Why it matters: Cruz emerged as a fervent critic of President Trump in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, which devastated Puerto Rico.
Fervent Beyoncé fandom, as well as demand for a Texas-centric primer to Black feminist studies, fueled student excitement over the course.
Clearly, all of this naked lust is painted as moral bankruptcy in the face of the fervent prayer we were talking about.
He made his pitched to a packed, warm high school gym full of fervent supporters in Milton, Massachusetts, just outside of Boston.
This DJ/producer is a stalwart of Havana's small but fervent underground electronic music scene, and has been touring nationally since 2001.
Though Chaudry isn't recognized on the street (yet), she's a public figure when it comes to the fervent Serial discussions on Reddit.
" That fervent desire to push boundaries has been with DPR2 since childhood, he told me, and is part of his "whole personality.
He notched a $25 million haul in the third fundraising quarter of the year, suggesting fervent support for his grassroots movement persists.
His fervent hope is that he walks off Thursday night feeling better than he did on that afternoon nine-plus months ago.
Trump's most fervent supporters want the return of traditional industries, the retreat of intrusive government and the disempowering of the current elite.
Her message may come swathed in sparkle and couched in her own fervent Christianity, but she gets it across just the same.
Despite the fervent claims of Qatari officials that the offending speech never happened, Qatar's neighbors, led by Saudi Arabia, reject the explanation.
Roger Ver, a bitcoin investor and fervent supporter of Free Ross, said in a Reddit post that the hacker had approached him.
Whereas civilisation was centered on commerce, luxury, and urbanity, Kultur infused local ties and traditions with fervent spirituality, and idealized the Volk.
Among them is Zoé Robledo Aburto, an opposition senator representing the state of Chiapas and a fervent proponent of the disclosure initiative.
Now it is getting the kind of recognition that will live on for decades in the fervent, tribal world of English soccer.
He could be utterly relentless in bringing America back closer to herself precisely because his devotion to American ideals was so fervent.
A fervent Catholic, Mr Camacho declared in the presidential palace vacated by Mr Morales that "the Bible has re-entered" the building.
Tariffs could also backfire on the economy of the regions in the southeastern United States where Mr. Trump's support is most fervent.
The GOP Congress also has come up short on some of Trump's chief priorities, disappointing the president and his most fervent supporters.
That has gained him fervent support among voters who feel most aggrieved by America's changing demography, particularly white voters without college educations.
Franks, a fervent Trump backer, said if the leaker cannot be prosecuted under the law, then that person should be politically ostracized.
The Israeli government, and its most fervent supporters in the United States, expected Donald Trump to deliver a new New Middle East.
But his fervent base of supporters packed the state convention over the weekend in hopes of winning additional delegates for their candidate.
Should he have just waited in the parking lot and given his ticket to someone more fervent with a shorter reading list?
Current and former spies are floored by President Donald Trump's fervent defense of Russia at this year's G7 summit in Biarritz, France.
On Saturday, Mr. Pence riled up Mr. Kemp's fervent supporters and posed for selfies afterward while country music blared from the speakers.
Now, with fervent contempt for the Constitution, he is out to silence Obama administration appointees who do not toe the Trump line.
Sebastian, born Iosif Hechter in 1907, was a writer deeply immersed in the fervent intellectual life of Romania in the interwar decades.
But I hope there will be some fervent singing as well — maybe even some of what used to be called protest songs.
Even a massacre of fellow Americans lacks the singular power of illegal immigration as a galvanizing factor for some fervent Trump supporters.
Though a fervent New Dealer during Franklin Roosevelt's presidency, he had been drifting to the right and now found his political lodestar.
After a particularly fervent sermon in Chicago, his sister committed him to a mental hospital, where he was placed in solitary confinement.
At worst, it communicates that message more broadly to the most fervent of the white supremacists who number among the president's supporters.
Mr. Zeldin, a veteran, clearly connected with voters in the First District with his fervent support of Mr. Trump and of Israel.
Many Weibo users have pointed out the parallels between Xuexi Qiangguo and the fervent "Little Red Book" campaigns of the Mao era.
One of the most fervent environmental campaigns in Australia's history could also be a tipping point in the global campaign against coal.
Mr. Haq was a fervent supporter of the Afghan struggle against the Soviets in the 1980s and later supported the Taliban movement.
The Republican National Committee, though, distributed talking points to supporters criticizing a "fervent anti-Trump bias" and calling for Mr. Strzok's termination.
More recently, Trump has received a wild reception at the conference dominated by young people and the right-wing's most fervent members.
If possible I would prefer something by a fervent materialist about a wealthy clubman and a dark apachess—or something about love.
Mr. Raniere's most fervent followers included Allison Mack, the former "Smallville" actress, and Clare Bronfman, an heiress to the Seagram liquor fortune.
That's come as supplies have tightened due to fervent campaigning from environmentalists that has dried up funding and investment in the sector.
New Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez has met Puigdemont's successor - fervent separatist Quim Torra - in a thawing of relations between Madrid and Barcelona.
Naturally, these platforms spawned a tremendous wave of fervor for Bernie's campaign, and, at times, an equally fervent response to his adversaries.
"My fervent hope is that this reintroduction will contribute to the strengthening of conservation," said Titus Matlakeng, South Africa's ambassador to Chad.
State authorities twice prosecuted for the murder Byron De La Beckwith, a fervent white supremacist whose guilt was supported by overwhelming evidence.
But she also gave a fervent description of how it worked by drawing in more investors attracted to profiting through good works.
He also said some of his fraternity brothers, who are fervent supporters of Mr. Trump, are giving Mr. Yang a hard look.
He also said some of his fraternity brothers, who are fervent supporters of Mr. Trump, are giving Mr. Yang a hard look.
The video highlighted newspaper headlines accusing so-called "Bernie Bros" — Sanders' most vocal and fervent supporters — of spewing the social-media vitriol.
Trump professes a fervent belief in loyalty, but for him, the trait is a one-way street running only in his direction.
For his ambassador to Israel, he nominated David M. Friedman, a lawyer and fervent supporter of Israeli settlements in the West Bank.
Schulz is a fervent supporter of increased EU integration and would make establishing a economic and monetary union (EMU) a core objective.
She has a fervent following and regularly sells out at literary festivals, but has remained just on the edge of the radar.
I can now proudly say I count Republicans and fervent Christians as good friends, I just couldn't tell you who they are.
That's the topline frustration I hear from Trump voters who made that frustration manifest in their fervent support of an unlikely hero.
The most fervent gun rights advocates are almost certain to turn out every year, and guns are the issue that drives them.
His Republican rival, Ron DeSantis, is a fervent Trump supporter, riding an endorsement by the President to victory in the Republican primary.
And like a cathedral, the bookshop attracts fervent worshipers — up to 3,500 a day — who pay a three-euro fee (about $3.20).
So when a fervent conservative friend asked if I wanted to campaign for Bush after cross-country practice I said of course.
Bernie Sanders's campaign and his most fervent supporters are going to read this article as harsh — and in many ways it is.
Although Mr. de Blasio did not endorse Mr. Sanders for the Democratic nomination in 2016, he was and remains a fervent admirer.
Both sides will use the vacancy to rouse the most fervent members of their political bases by demonstrating the stakes in the election.
Parker and Clyde attracted fans, the most fervent of whom stormed the site of their death in Louisiana, gathering stray bullets as memorabilia.
During his time as a member of the Florida House of Representatives, he was a fervent supporter of Florida's Stand Your Ground law.
In the meantime, fervent fans will just have to trek out to LA to get a savory taste of the bloody addictive soondae.
For a particular demographic, Kim can give a power-up to anyone and any product, and Kanye has built his own fervent following.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads The commercial success of BTS in the United States realizes the Korean pop industry's most fervent dream.
Trump's most fervent supporters included outspoken anti-Semites, online trolls on the "alt-right" who delighted at tormenting Jewish journalists and public figures.
Richard Shelby of Alabama, a strong Sessions supporter and fervent admirer of Trump, told me in his office on Capitol Hill in December.
But perhaps because he is neither physically imposing nor long off the tee, Spieth attracts a fervent following in nearly every golf circle.
They are the key to his presidency -- it's how he shapes a political narrative and connects with his army of fervent, loyal voters.
By day, Sebastian laments his parents' fervent search for his bride-to-be, but by night, Sebastian transforms into fashion icon Lady Crystallia!
She says some of this may have been attributable to Corbynmania, but it was also due to her stance as a fervent Remainer.
There are tensions about the White House's strategy, with the most fervent Trump allies favoring a hard-line approach and others expressing misgivings.
If he talked about his affinity for pizza, I'd ask — with fervent enthusiasm — what he thought the best pizza joint in NYC is.
"I've liked him ever since he came out, when no one else liked him," says Sam (below), 26, eyes-bright with fervent excitement.
The show never enjoyed tremendous ratings during its three seasons at Fox, but it did enjoy critical acclaim and a fervent cult following.
And although opposition protests occasionally gum up the centre of Nairobi, even his most fervent supporters will not stay on the streets indefinitely.
Humphrey was a fervent #NeverTrump member and was still hoping as late as mid-October that the GOP would find a different nominee.
Several Tories have openly floated the idea of replacing her as prime minister, preferably with a more fervent believer in Brexit (see article).
The sport has definitely developed a fervent following in the States, even though it still lags behind the NFL, NBA, NHL, and MLB.
He is a fervent backer of right-to-work legislation, which prevents unions from requiring workers, members or not, to pay union dues.
But shares quickly bounced back before falling again when Gary Cohn, the president's economic adviser and a fervent advocate of free trade, resigned.
The game's ceasless evolution and improvement has created a stable, fervent user base—a base that's not shy about asking for new features.
Trump made hardline immigration rhetoric an early part of his White House run, a move that inspired fervent support from conservative, grassroots voters.
The term "girl power" was born in Olympia, Washington, out of a fervent feminist punk scene that would become known as Riot Grrrl.
Perry was one of Clinton's most fervent celebrity surrogates during the 2016 presidential race, repeatedly hitting the campaign trail for the Democratic nominee.
Betsy DeVos, Trump's Education secretary, has long been a fervent advocate for school choice reform like the kind being discussed in Orlando Friday.
Regulators have largely given the country's platforms free rein—which may not be unconnected to the fact that they are now fervent lobbyists.
But Avishek had managed to capture Bennington's manic stage pacing, the way his voice went from a fervent whisper to a curdled scream.
The editorial boards of The New York Times and The Washington Post, in particular, probably would be the most fervent in offering praise.
Michelle Kraus, managing partner of Technology & Politics, a global technology industry advisory firm, is a big Clinton fund-raiser and a fervent supporter.
It has also attracted a fervent fan following, with some even creating a website dedicated to which characters the show should feature next.
Netflix has canceled One Day at a Time — but the critical darling's fervent fan base isn't letting it go down without a fight.
His campaign has not only galvanized young voters, but also produced an invaluable email list, several million strong, of fervent activists and donors.
Still, the curtain call lasted no more than two and a half minutes, despite fervent applause, which had been consistent throughout the night.
Some of the more fervent pro-Europeans – such as the thousands who protested Brexit on Saturday – still hope the decision can be overturned.
Dietary dogma is so strong in Los Angeles that even Dodgers Stadium offers vegan and gluten-free options for fervent-but-sensitive gamegoers.
The big picture: The breadth and speed of the new disclosures were sobering even to the most fervent loyalists in Trump's inner circle.
As the NYTimes points out, the president's admission of replacing Obamacare is sure to be a serious disappointment to Trump's most fervent supporters.
And yet Trump quickly took a commanding lead in the polls, and rode his fervent support all the way to the White House.
Some of Trump's most fervent supporters have branded IRI an enemy, a proponent of the globalist agenda that Trump and his backers abhor.
Foreigners in particular are widely assumed to have been the Islamic State's most fervent adherents since they moved there to join the caliphate.
After the war, Albert Reimann Jr.'s fervent Nazism and abuse of forced laborers did not stop his family from attaining colossal wealth.
He is a passionate cynic, an artist who degrades and celebrates his medium through the relentless yet fervent repetition of a selected motif.
Resistance to the Trump administration has taken the form of rallies, speeches, fundraisers, boycotts, fervent Facebook posts, a sea of knitted pink hats.
The trade restrictions have forced Qatar into deeper economic ties with Iran, while Tamim has become the object of a fervent personality cult.
Still, her dramatic rise and fall have unleashed fervent discussions on a range of topics including body image, social mobility and female empowerment.
Mr. Soros and Mr. Steyer were among the targets who had pipe bombs sent to them by a fervent Trump supporter last month.
But even the most fervent evangelists (myself included) never imagined the kind of global economic, social, and cultural impact Wi-Fi would have.
He tacks toward the center ideologically, and the passion that fueled his candidacy was a fervent frustration with the way Washington works now.
Meanwhile, some of the most fervent activism against affirmative action comes from a growing movement of recent first-generation Chinese immigrants, academics said.
"Arnold used to say never walk past anybody, always acknowledge people," said Mickelson, who over the years has gained his own fervent following.
Her announcement this week could appeal to more fervent supporters of Mr. Sanders, whose base Ms. Warren has been seeking to win over.
That's when, having had my fervent fill, I can take a more leisurely and experimental approach to the rest of the season's bounty.
Ross Brawn, Formula One's managing director for motorsport, was born near Manchester and is a fervent supporter of the Manchester United soccer club.
When he was Ohio's governor, John Kasich was especially fervent in that mission, signing more than a dozen bills targeting women's health care.
The immersion was churchlike, less about sensory overload than a fervent commitment to take in a pastor issuing one demanding statement after another.
On her 2019 album, "Cuz I Love You," Lizzo lets loose with virtuoso gospel-rooted singing that can be fervent or wildly campy.
Donald Trump claims to have fervent support among Christian evangelicals, even as pockets of the community have started speaking out against the president.
Galloway suggested the apology didn't seem entirely genuine — not that it matters much to his very fervent base of Tesla investors and consumers.
But it's uncommon for George Conway to tweet about Trump in direct response to his wife, one of the president's most fervent supporters.
Farage, a fervent Trump supporter, rose to prominence as the leader of the U.K. Independence Party (UKIP), a rival to May's Conservative government.
Mr. Keliher has become a fervent evangelist for "American War," which he predicts will be one of the spring's most widely discussed novels.
The fervent collectors still powered through political malaise and ignored CDC warnings about Zika in order to buy up what was on offer.
Both Sanders and Trump have been peddling messages of economic gloom, and their most fervent supporters may just be parroting back those messages.
It was upheld unanimously, despite the fervent advocacy of Debs's lawyer Clarence Darrow, by the same Supreme Court that would decide Plessy v.
But conservatives in the United States and Africa were equally fervent, arguing that a change in the teaching would oppose historical church teaching.
The hoopla will be fervent, among the faithful, and both the life and the works will doubtless be aired afresh on our behalf.
The alt-right movement had been earning plenty of attention throughout the election cycle, especially for its members' fervent support for Donald Trump.
Sean Hannity, a Fox News Host and one of Trump's most fervent supporters, praised the president's decision to accept Kim's invitation to meet.
In the eyes of its most fervent fans, Marvel has assassinated Magneto, arguably the most beloved villain the comic book company has ever created.
Protesters gathered on 14th Street outside the National Press Club to demonstrate against "DeploraBall," an event organized by some of Trump's most fervent supporters.
A flight attendant insisted on pushing half-size bottles of Dasani — also made of plastic, albeit "partially sourced from plants" — despite my fervent protestations.
Juicero's most fervent believer was its CEO, Doug Evans, who came up with the idea after finding flaws with every juicer on the market.
One woman turns out to be a fervent supporter of President Donald Trump who fears a deep-state conspiracy to remove him from office.
My brief but fervent hopes for a Jason and Molly-type reversal are pretty much shattered once Peter takes a seat next to Rachel.
"It is my fervent hope that this young woman gets all the support that she needs going forward," Mr. Thompson said in his statement.
When the girls were teenagers in the '70s, they moved to Berlin and were swept up into the fervent political spirit of the times.
If anything, in this Sabrina, "religion" stands in for any kind of fervent belief: a political affiliation, a social cause, sports fandom, bigotry, whatever.
Each year President Hamilton would have given a fervent speech at a national convention in Washington virtually guaranteeing sainthood to those who backed him.
Obama praised the energy of Sanders' fervent supporters Wednesday, but called on them to support Clinton even if they have doubts about her policies.
It's not shocking, Bratich argued, that this Comello QAnon situation has gained such a fervent following amid the aftermath of the college cheating scam.
One of Mr Modi's first and most fervent pledges in office was to clean up the Ganges, to ensure its "purity and uninterrupted flow".
Are you a fervent acolyte of the on-demand video streaming revolution and yet still yearn for some of the old-school television charm?
But the prime minister said Savoini, who is a fervent admirer of Russian President Vladmir Putin, held no official role in the Italian government.
On "Midnight Child," for example, Martin Rehof sings of someone missing, and here Communions almost shed their playfulness for something more adult and fervent.
If you're inclined to put that notion to the test, start with Tony Malaby, a tenor and soprano saxophonist with a fervent, pleading sound.
A man can talk about his fervent faith and moments later decry as false quotes that are clearly verifiable-on camera or in writing.
The commission will meet French president Emmanuel Macron, a fervent Paris 2024 supporter who took power on Sunday, at the Elysee Palace on Tuesday.
Fervent believers have searched for any sign that Half-Life 3 may be coming in the intervening years, desperately clinging to rumors and hope.
After fervent speculation, the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences confirmed Wednesday that Chris Rock will return to host the 2016 Oscars telecast.
Perhaps the least-loved of Ms. Denis's features since her 1999 breakthrough, "Beau Travail," the film nevertheless has a fervent — dare we say rabid?
Party divisions, rapidly changing demographics and a very fervent and ardent opposition remain dangerous threats to the GOP's tenuous hold on national political power.
McGovern, with the avid and fervent support of legions of young people and party outsiders (sound familiar?) upset the established order and ruling class.
On the contrary, in Jamie's account of her childhood, one detects something like the fervent nostalgia of Russian expatriates for life before the revolution.
It took a lot out of me for understandable reasons but it was a fervent reminder of why I do the work I do.
But from his perch onstage in St. Augustine, soaking in the screaming cheers of thousands of fervent supporters, Mr. Trump saw a different reality.
The move to revoke Brennan's security clearance was widely seen as an effort by Trump to retaliate against one of his most fervent critics.
But secondly, watch the way he replies to this question from journalist and fervent anti-doping crusader, Paul Kimmage, at a 2009 press conference.
Mr. Aoun, 81, has developed a fervent political base of supporters who consider him a last hope for the country's dwindling Maronite Christian community.
In the months before the murder, Ellard was in the throes of an intense, fervent friendship with a blonde, delicate girl named Josephine Bell.
The chicken is spatchcocked, flattened, smeared with marinade and then settled in the garlicky bath overnight, where it grows more fervent with each hour.
" As for Sanders, Warren again condemned the online rhetoric of some of his most fervent supporters and said such behavior represented "a real problem.
Sure, his most fervent supporters and the most stubborn tribunes of his fugitive greatness — Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Ann Coulter — are rallying behind him.
And for once, he might actually pick up some support beyond his fervent base, and even find himself on the right side of history.
Bernie Sanders' most fervent supporters have built a grassroots progressive political movement since his 2016 presidential bid, showing up in throngs to his rallies.
He was also perhaps its most fervent evangelist, openly boasting at the Capitol that he had convinced friends and acquaintances to buy into Innate.
It wasn't the rampant nationalism of fervent soccer fandom he was tapping into: rather, the collective experience of the sport bringing disparate people together.
For Escapex clients, it means controlled access to their most fervent admirers, a way to reach the superfans, ignore the haters and make money.
In so doing, the campaign is making an appeal to the party's rank and file, reaching beyond Mr. Sanders's fervent base of progressive voters.
Another was the birth of Hasidism, in the eighteenth century, which used a fervent democratic mysticism to wrest authority away from Judaism's learned élite.
In fact, it's the people who go to church least — like the members of the alt-right — who seem the most fervent moral crusaders.
My fervent hope is that the FTC will continue to look to the platform level as the proper place to levy any substantial fines.
On one hand, when handled skillfully and tactfully, customer service via social media can produce positive PR and create fervent brand loyalty that's infectious.
The president's most fervent backers, in both politics and the media, have suggested that Mueller's probe might be derailed by allegations of political bias.
Enthusiasm is more fervent at the ideological edges of each party, with 24.3% of liberal Democrats and 56% of conservative Republicans deeply enthusiastic vs.
They believe Sanders's fervent base of supporters and his commitment to Medicare for All have kept him in a strong position in the race.
Ms. Pirro, whose television career had stagnated, has watched her ratings rise as she became one of Mr. Trump's most fervent on-air defenders.
If Republicans are to enact major legislation in the next few years, over Democrats' fervent Senate opposition, reconciliation is how it's going to happen.
Clinton's leadership and a statesmanlike lecture on her approach to issues evolved into an angrier recitation of grievances against Mr. Sanders and his fervent supporters.
In 2009, Eddie Chung's documentary The Achievers, a common term used for self-identifying Lebowski fans, detailed the subculture and fervent fandom behind the festival.
The Republican-controlled Texas House passed the so-called "Save Chick-fil-A" bill on Monday, despite fervent opposition from Democrats and the LGBTQ caucus.
OnePlus customers are fervent supporters of the phone — there's no need to cringe while reading the oft-dreaded "comments section" in reviews of OnePlus devices.
For me personally because I am so invested and so politically active and a fervent supporter of Hillary Clinton, obviously I was over the moon.
After a long and fervent campaign by Timothée Chalamet's Twitter stans, the first look at his preppy stoner indie, Hot Summer Nights, is finally here.
While the evangelical Christian right is now a fervent Trump constituency, it wasn't that way when Trump first announced his run for president in 2015.
Today the word eros refers to sex, but to the Greeks it meant the fervent desire to reach excellence and deepen the voyage of life.
It would be a mistake to think that the English Reformation was mostly peaceful, with beheadings and burnings confined to a small and fervent elite.
For months, drama and tumult have rocked the Republican Party, as a fervent anti-Trump movement launched a full-on onslaught to derail his candidacy.
When I first started going to China, I met many people in positions of power who were fervent believers in the principles of open society.
Maduro's dwindling but often still fervent supporters, many of whom remember the generous welfare policies of the Chavez years, want to give him another shot.
But, awkwardly for liberals, he was also a fervent believer in free markets and free trade, years before Margaret Thatcher ever started talking about Thatcherism.
Now a fervent Trump supporter, she once ran for the presidency on a Green Party ticket and championed liberal views on gay rights and abortion.
They got off on the wrong foot during the debate over Afghanistan, these officials said, because General McMaster was so fervent about sending additional troops.
I had a fervent crush on Draco Malfoy as a teenager, and it has had a pretty drastic effect on my interpretation of the books.
Perez, a fervent Clinton campaigner, jumped in later but has gained steam and is believed to have the backing from some in the White House.
It would infuriate some of his most fervent supporters, risk economic turmoil, and violate a campaign promise shortly before he's up for reelection in 2020.
Flower kids are an institution at figure skating competitions as they whiz out to scoop up the presents fervent fans toss to their favorite skaters.
It's our fervent hope that ever-mounting evidence of collusion between the Trump team and Russia will convince Republican members to sign on as well.
He has been a fervent opponent of Le Pen for years, but her anti-establishment, anti-globalisation stance could resonate with some of his voters.
But there is some evidence that his administration might not be as radical as his most fervent backers hope and his most adamant critics fear.
According to a fervent Instagram post, this couldn't be further from the truth, and Winter used her trusty Notes app to set the record straight.
He followed his message of reconciliation to the people of Laos with a fervent restatement of his strategic focus on Asia, often called the pivot.
Although the move has long been sought by the most fervent backers of Israel, a storm of protest is already brewing in the Arab world.
Jackson Pollock, Krasner was a fervent booster of her husband's work, outspoken in her conviction that he was, as she liked to say, numero uno.
Democrats run the additional risk of driving the fervent few who call for impeachment away from any candidate who will run against Trump in 28500.
The last US Ambassador to Syria, Robert Ford, will be remembered for his fervent anti-Assad stance and desire for President Obama to be bolder.
Much like their candidate, many of Trump's most visible and fervent supporters, drawn largely from the nativist right wing, were disposed to wild conspiracy theories.
That kind of political calculus has not yet budged Mr. Trump's most fervent backers, who see the 2016 race as a battle over national identity.
He was also one of the most fervent abolitionists in eighteenth-century France, and he brought that fervor to the final volumes of the Encyclopédie.
Armed with rave reviews and a fervent fan base, the two-part "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child" is a shoo-in for best play.
Betsy DeVos, who will be the secretary of education, is one of the most prominent and fervent advocates of using federal money for charter schools.
Fervent free-traders repeat endlessly that everyone loses in a trade war, conveniently overlooking the critical point that, in this case, the losses are asymmetrical.
Yet the most fervent anti-Trump campaigners have long held on to one slim reed of hope that there's still a way to stop him.
Mr. Jones is a fervent supporter of Donald J. Trump, who appeared on The Alex Jones Show for a 30-minute interview in December 2015.
His most fervent allies portray Mr. Mueller as a runaway prosecutor whose supervisor, Rod J. Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general, should be removed from office.
The debate over the mine has dominated headlines in Australia for months and fueled one of the most fervent environmental campaigns in the nation's history.
LONDON — "Grief Is the Thing With Feathers" is a novel that, despite defying easy categorization, found a fervent readership when it was published in 2015.
This was an era of global oil shocks and nuclear meltdowns, and Greg was of the fervent belief that the monorail might save us all.
Mr. Hatch, who will retire after four decades in Congress at the end of the year, has also been a fervent supporter of the president's.
Mr. Hodgkinson also appeared to have been a fervent fan of Senator Bernie Sanders, according to a Facebook page with references to the Vermont senator.
The largest, most fervent and violent Baghdad protests on Wednesday were in the poor and working class neighborhoods of Sadr City and Al Amal City.
The ad attacking Sanders represents the riskiest bet yet on the power of big money because of its chance of inflaming Sanders' fervent fan base.
For the most fervent and least coherently ideological members of the self-described Trump opposition, a mastermind figure provides a stable and versatile narrative prompt.
The president's frenetic tweets and public statements make it hard enough for fervent loyalists to defend him on television, let alone before the U.S. Senate.
He has been a fervent opponent of Le Pen for years, but her anti-establishment, anti-globalisation chord could resonate with some of his voters.
In the end, this bill is unlikely to usher in a new era of economic growth and prosperity, despite the fervent claims of its backers.
Sports Illustrated censured the program's "fervent religious culture," in which receiver DeAndre Hopkins, now a star for the Houston Texans, was baptized on the field.
That disparity, in the very city where Mao spent his youth and first embraced politically radical ideas, has infuriated his most fervent admirers across China.
Though the Iranian government is usually a fervent defender of its military activities, Iranian leaders have, in this instance, chosen to outwardly critique the military.
Moore, a fervent public tribune of conservative family values, was credibly accused of sexually abusing a 14-year-old girl and pursuing several other teenagers.
One of Jefferson's most fervent hopes was that Americans would be spared this carnage, and he did his best to set us on that path.
Mr. Paslow's wife, Adele, was outraged by Mr. Trump's treatment of women, and sparred with Mr. Peterson and her own mother, a fervent Trump supporter.
His fans back him and his teachings with zealous vigor, and the employees and volunteers who run his events are often his most fervent followers.
Every serious attempt to remove a president has had to confront this segment of the electorate's loyalty—or fervent opposition—to the president under investigation.
"People are really devastated, a lot of the #KHive are women of color," she added, referencing the hashtag of Harris's most fervent and active supporters.
When I stepped out of the Harrington on the morning of July 19703, the streets of DC were already swamped with Trump's most fervent supporters.
When Doyle, the former editor of Portland magazine, died in 2017, he left behind a fervent fan base and a trove of well-loved books.
And for every moderate or casual Trump-leaner he may lose by fighting, he could easily be gaining the more fervent support from his base.
Older South Koreans were among her most fervent supporters, while critics warned that she was trying to take the country back to its authoritarian past.
Just 3½ years later, Nelson announced Thursday that after "fervent, united prayer to understand the will of the Lord," the church is reversing the policy.
He was notorious for his religious zeal and his fervent defense of the church during a time when Christians were heavily persecuted for their beliefs.
Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), the ranking member of the Intelligence Committee and a fervent defender of Trump's, was in Pompeo's call log on March 31.
But they underestimate the fervent anti-Europeanism of Mr. Trump's voters and the limits placed on a president who insists on governing from his base.
This gives a single sufficiently radioactive bad review a blackball effect—which is, of course, the most fervent hope of the person who posted it.
It was no rare occurrence to find, near the beach's northern boundary, a small but fervent cohort of nude baby boomers distributing Naturism 101 pamphlets.
But at 100 minutes, this fervent experiment drags — because it's too convoluted, and because the single philosophical stand it seems to take is for nihilism.
Some said it was a symbol of the part-Kenyan president's ancestral dislike of the British empire – of which Churchill had been such a fervent defender.
Ms Ortega's rebellion and Mr Ramírez's resignation are a sure sign that the regime has lost moral authority even among some of its most fervent supporters.
The vitriol adds context to polling that shows Trump losing to almost every major 2020 Democrat, despite marshaling the most fervent base of any modern president.
This growing anti-Americanism also helps explains the fervent opposition to the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, or TTIP, the proposed EU-US free trade deal.
With Donald Trump's surprise presidential win becoming all but official on Monday, it's a good time for reflection by his fervent opponents and most ardent supporters.
What does it mean that Oram (Billy Crudup), the hapless replacement captain of the Covenant, is a fervent Christian who's mistreated and disrespected by his crew?
And rapping China over religious freedom is a layup for the fervent Christian -- who also seeks the favor of religiously inclined elements of Trump's voter base.
" Indianapolis Mayor Joe Hogsett, a former aide to Bayh, said in a statement: "Our thoughts and fervent prayers are with former Indiana First Lady Susan Bayh.
Concern trolls are the worst, but this fervent reaction to an otherwise innocuous Instagram story made me wonder if nasal decongestant spray really is the devil?
In years past, Trump enjoyed a small but fervent fan base at CPAC — but the young, grassroots conservative crowd tended to cheer loudest for Kentucky Sen.
I'm talking about awards season — a time of going to the movies, having fervent debates over which film deserves Best Picture, and narrowing down Oscars bets.
But she delivered a swift rebuke to her critics on stage, charging that the party could not choose caution and overlook the fervent desire for change.
A bid to wrest the party banner away from his hands would risk alienating his fervent supporters, who might then repudiate any subsequent nominee that emerges.
As the fervent audience awaited her with open arms, she leaped from the stage with an eagerness that seemed to have been building for 15 years.
After all, books by Vine and YouTube stars — most of which are autobiographies — have risen to bestseller lists thanks in large part to their fervent fanbases.
Thus, I'm hoping everyone (everyone) reading this will hear/read my fervent plea: can we please, once and for all, put an end to pointless meetings?
The vignette is not loaded with a crucial narrative decision that will trigger complex branching storylines, nor does it overwhelm the player with bombastic, fervent action.
Sentencing was set for October 5 but will no longer be necessary due to the pardon issued by Arpaio's guardian angel and fervent supporter, President Trump.
Though each have fervent fanbases in their own right, Khan and Hynes have more freedom of narrative — the creative is just as important as the personal.
Some said it was a symbol of the part-Kenyan President's ancestral dislike of the British empire – of which Churchill had been such a fervent defender.
Trump refused to apologize and their feud has carried into his administration, where McCain has been one of his most fervent Republican critics on Capitol Hill.
Some said it was a symbol of the part-Kenyan president's ancestral dislike of the British Empire - of which Churchill had been such a fervent defender.
He was not initially discussed as a successor, but rules on whom could be nominated created problems with the initial contender, fervent immigration hardliner Ken Cuccinelli.
Among the supporting players Ms. Lagerfelt impresses with her fervent but conflicted Daya, and doubles as a Christian patriarch who assails the Templar for his choices.
A fervent supporter of the European Union and globalisation, Mr Macron is being accused of nationalism, protectionism and of trying to shore up his declining popularity.
Some said it was a symbol of the part-Kenyan President's ancestral dislike of the British Empire -- of which Churchill had been such a fervent defender.
Idaho was a similar holdout, but for Attack of the Clones, which points to either extremely questionable taste preferences or perhaps a fervent mistrust of sand.
Among his most fervent supporters are Brazil's farm lobby, which depends on the Chinese market and which has led Bolsonaro to soften his view of China.
Snapchat has quietly updated its logo to give its iconic ghost a thicker outline, but the seemingly small change has ignited fervent criticism from users online.
Much of Butina's operation in the US was centered around her fervent support for gun rights, after she had founded a pro-gun organization in Russia.
Lewis has a rich, powerful voice, and invests her rendition of the show's most famous song, the much-recorded, indisputably gorgeous "Memory," with a fervent intensity.
Unfortunately, we don't currently recommend the HomePod to anyone but the most fervent of Apple fans because it is lacking in app support, smarts, and functionality.
A part of Mr. Fink — a fervent Democrat today — believes he would make a pretty good Treasury secretary, say people who have discussed politics with him.
The announcement marked a bookend to an often acrimonious relationship between the two men, and spurred fervent speculation over who Trump will pick as Kelly's replacement.
In the world of art, athletes and musicians may seem like unlikely subjects, but the truth is that they're some of the most fervent collectors around.
In Catania, even those who are not fervent Salvini supporters, believe he should not face criminal investigation for his refusal to allow migrants to come ashore.
The fervent purchasing of long-term Treasurys has sent their yields to multiyear lows over the past few months; bond yields fall when their prices rise.
Although this fervent anti-business rhetoric sounds similar to the 2020 Democratic primary, but it was actually Franklin Roosevelt in 1936 accepting the party's presidential nomination.
He is among the most fervent users, whose numbers have steadily increased since the low-cost subscription-based movie service became more widely available in 219.95.
Credits scenes have become a tradition in superhero movies, and are used by studios and filmmakers to reward the fervent fandoms that follow comics-based properties.
A few fervent Sanders supporters told me that Warren's dogged stance on anti-corruption and corporate responsibility made her the only other candidate they'd even consider.
But he also definitely has a fervent following, as evinced by the scene that immediately followed his RNC shoot and all those willing to help him.
But he is less than fully trusted among fervent supporters of Brexit, who believe that other contenders worked harder behind the scenes to advance their cause.
Over the nearly two years of the Mueller investigation, a segment of liberals and activists built up fervent hopes that it would bring Mr. Trump down.
But at a Republican fundraiser in West Des Moines on Tuesday night, the president received a fervent welcome, suggesting his near-absolute grip on the party.
A federal grand jury returned the 30-count indictment against the man, Cesar A. Sayoc Jr., 56, a fervent Trump supporter who was arrested on Oct.
The "report further demonstrates that a fervent anti-Trump bias existed from the very start of the Russia investigation," tweeted Ronna McDaniel, the Republican Party chairwoman.
Bourne was the least important radical a century ago, but with his fervent embrace of a decentralized, globalist, cosmopolitan world, he is the most relevant today.
Seun Kuti, the son of the Afrobeat pioneer Fela Kuti, will lead the kinetic and politically fervent band Egypt 80 at Brooklyn Bowl on Sept. 20.
Hetal Amin, a fervent Modi supporter who runs a women's organization, is bringing together 1,000 women to line a segment of the route from the airport.
The Australian rugby federation terminated the contract of its star player, Israel Folau, who is a fervent Christian, for his social media posts about gay people.
Bolton holds other hawkish views with which I usually agree, including his fervent opposition to the Iran nuclear deal and his thoughts on Vladimir Putin's Russia.
"She will convey to the president the best wishes of Nigerians and their fervent prayers for his quick recovery," said the spokesman in an emailed statement.
Anderson, whose most fervent wish was for her parents to get back together, saw Skalnik as an interloper, and a calculating and tacky one at that.
The White House invited the most fervent supporters over to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue on Wednesday morning for a chance to get on the same page. Sen.
Bud Lilly, a fly fisherman and conservationist whose fervent advocacy of catch and release inspired people to call him "a trout's best friend," died on Jan.
Later that summer, I came across an essay for a British weekly by the actress Elizabeth Hurley, a fervent Leave supporter, who was now doubling down.
At the Met, Wagstaff's hard-driving self-confidence has rubbed some people the wrong way, but she has fervent supporters both inside and outside the museum.
It opens on the second dating anniversary of Genesis (Mandi Masden, winning and assured), a charter school principal, and Rashad (McKinley Belcher III, fervent), a firefighter.
Before the Alabama election, it was possible to imagine that Trump's presidency would help take the wind out of the fervent rightward shift of American politics.
Then again, for a broadly popular candidate openly courting older and more moderate Democratic voters, a more reserved, less ideologically fervent platform is surely by design.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads PARIS — A particularly fervent place to go in Paris for obscure, obsessive, and excessive inclinations is the Halle Saint Pierre.
Beto 1.0 was a fervent believer that the banalities of his life (visit to the dentist, pumping gas, driving a car) should be broadcast to the world.
In what might be her most outrageous video yet, Cardi parades in front of cameras and fervent supporters proclaiming her innocence as she walks into a courthouse.
Friedman's fervent support for Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank makes him a controversial choice as U.S. ambassador to America's top ally in the Middle East.
Public protest against the tax has been fervent in Australia for many years, with critics calling it discriminatory and unjust, and protests taking place across the country.
Matt McRae, Vizio's chief technology officer, took to AVSForum (where he maintains an active presence) to explain the revised user interface to the company's most fervent users.
She liked to look at his face while he worked, to see it transformed by the fervent, vacant light that possessed him as his maps took shape.
There are many Americans who recognize the shortcomings of outlets like Infowars, Breitbart, and Fox News, but remain fervent fans because they enjoy the exaggeration and provocation.
The unwillingness of policymakers to address Japan's fervent appeals for exchange rate intervention may inadvertently hasten the implementation of "helicopter money" by Japan and other industrialized nations.
But for the show's fervent fans, it remained a must-see from start to finish, because any given episode could be another one-of-a-kind classic.
The show's fandom is especially Internet-savvy as well, with huge communities on Reddit, Imgur and Tumblr, who swap GIFs, fan art and theories with fervent regularity.
In addition to Bannon and Bass, other members of the group include fervent supporters of Trump, fellows from conservative think tanks, and former defense and intelligence officials.
I bring up the fact that on that particular day, fervent tweets in support of the Paris Climate Agreement are interspersed with promotion of their new single.
WHEN Emmanuel Macron was a child, growing up in the northern French town of Amiens, he was a fervent supporter of a southern club, Olympique de Marseille.
The entire industry has progressed more slowly than fervent investors had hoped, with sluggish headset sales being particularly damaging to content companies that needed those extra eyeballs.
Invasion America is mostly forgotten today, but the site Animation Artist published a story about its most fervent fans, and episodes have been unofficially uploaded to YouTube.
Most Americans favour such laws and would like universal background checks on gun purchases, too (though support for gun control is less fervent than for gun rights).
It bears mentioning, too, that as the Dreyfus Affair (1894–1906) unfurled in waves of sordid, anti-semitism, Nordau, like many European Jews, became a fervent Zionist.
The Trump administration is fervent about deregulating the financial sector and walking back from police reform efforts, all while consumer biometrics are proliferating on a massive scale.
Rall is one of the most fervent of those supporters, and it's telling that Bernie doesn't even enter a book that bears his name until page 74.
She's a vocal participant in a grassroots movement backing the 2020 candidate that takes its name from a moniker embraced by some of Beyoncé's most fervent supporters.
The word can refer to a member of a celebrity's fervent fandom, like Rihanna's Navy or Beyoncé's Beyhive or Nicki's Barbz (also stylized as Barbs or Barbiez).
Although Cruz emphasized his fervent evangelicalism to try and differentiate himself from Trump, both share the same anti-intellectual, anti-rational, black-and-white, and authoritarian mindset.
Barletta, a fervent Trump supporter who shares his hard-line views on immigration, then took the stage and rattled off a laundry list of Trump&aposs accomplishments.
None of us were particularly fervent fans of the film, but we appreciated the sentiment of driving an hour or longer just to reach a favorite restaurant.
Mr. Hyde, a conservative who died in 2007, was such a fervent foe of abortion rights that the amendment banning federal funding for abortion bears his name.
Clinton presented herself as a sure-footed commander in chief, a fervent believer in America as an exceptional country, tested by her time in the Situation Room.
But Russia, one of Assad's most fervent allies, dismissed the allegation and suggested that the U.S. was trying to create a pretext for attacking the Syrian government.
The trailer depicts the early life of a young Shakespeare filled with a love triangle, raucous crowds at the Globe Theatre, heroes and villains, and fervent writing.
From the beginning, military action was never overwhelmingly backed by the public and by the time Britain withdrew that slim support had given way to fervent opposition.
A lawyer and successful businessman, he is a man of no very fervent views, but likes enterprise, is socially liberal and leans, like many Australians, towards republicanism.
That only Trump's most fervent backers reject compromise may be politically problematic for the president since only 21625 percent of voters said they strongly approve of him.
Mr. Mekurya (his name is pronounced GET-a-chew Me-KUR-ya) had an imposing sound and presence, blowing in declamatory gusts with a fervent, quavering vibrato.
That album, which set Mr. Mekurya's fervent cry against churning guitars and bleating horns, led to a spate of concert bookings in more than a dozen countries.
And Mr. Trump has repeatedly disregarded advisers who urged him steer clear of conflict with a comparatively obscure rival, no matter how fervent his distaste for her.
While Redbone never achieved mainstream commercial success, his appearances on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson and Saturday Night Live have earned him a fervent underground following.
Despite his own fervent feelings about his country's "young democracy," Mr. Mendonca Filho said he was intent on giving viewers a chance to process "Aquarius" for themselves.
While he would be best served by a somber shade — perhaps for his tresses as well as his temper — his most fervent fans prefer a sassy one.
And the Italian fans, known as the most enthusiastic in the world — fervent for Ferrari, not for Formula One — prayed for just one thing: a Ferrari victory.
But the pugnacious aircraft's fearsome firepower, shark-toothed visage, and successful track record saving ground troops time and time again has earned it a fervent fan base.
American feminism is a raucous mishmash of pop culture heroines, reproductive rights advocates, anti-rape activists and others, glued together by little more than fervent online debate.
It's way too early for even the most fervent Trump supporters to insist the same happy results will come from this president's tougher talk and potential actions.
The plan, being drafted as legislation by House Republicans, would not grant Puerto Rico's most fervent request: permission to restructure its entire $72 billion debt in bankruptcy.
Chareau's most fervent supporters were a small coterie of cultivated, upper-middle-class professionals, many of whom were related, notably the Bernheims, the Flegs and the Dalsaces.
"There is a fervent desire to view this as an isolated instance rather than symptomatic of a culture that deprecates women and doesn't take the concerns seriously."
With popular rage against increasingly dysfunctional institutions swelling, ambitious patricians, determined to outflank their competitors, began to build a fervent base of support by making outsize promises.
But no secretary of state in recent decades has been as open and fervent as Mr. Pompeo about discussing Christianity and foreign policy in the same breath.
The fervent Catholicism that defined Ireland for so long was in part a response to English oppression and Anglican rule, which crushed Gaelic language, culture and identity.
We were a nation torn by often vicious prejudices; fervent beliefs in racial, ethnic, sexual and religious hierarchies; and a people armed with powerful tools of exclusion.
In late December 2016, a Jetflicks subscriber used the service to stream a recently released episode of The OA, a Netflix show with a fervent fan base.
For fans of Mr. Stanfield's — and they're a fervent bunch who feel like they're in on a secret everyone should know — this development is big and beautiful.
But Sanders has long positioned himself as an antiestablishment candidate, and his vows to take on the Washington elite have won him a fervent base of supporters.
Proposals for multi-family housing complexes in sleepy communities of single-family homes often trigger fervent opposition complete with lawn signs and rowdy town board meeting crowds.
Since the Communist Party gave Mr. Xi the exalted title of "core leader" last week, it has built a fervent campaign to rally the country around him.
Among Mr. Trump's fervent supporters the impeachment will be further evidence of his persecution by a corrupt establishment, for which they will love him all the more.
Unlike aglianico, nerello mascalese and frappato, montepulciano did not burst on to the scene, leaving behind a frenzied Instagram trail of fervent sommeliers and impassioned wine merchants.
Earlier this week, he announced that he would install Richard Grennell, the U.S. ambassador to Germany and a fervent loyalist, as the acting director of national intelligence.
But Mr. Conway has never aimed his sharp-edged Twitter wit directly at Ms. Conway, who has been one of Mr. Trump's most fervent and shameless defenders.
In the end, a passionate liberal like Raskin, with a fervent base that will turn out on Election Day, should be more than enough to secure victory.
Macron, a fervent europhile, has traded barbs with Orban and other eastern European leaders, accusing them of not respecting democratic values and refusing to take in migrants.
I'm not as fervent in my fandom as an adult, so it was nice to remember what it felt like to be so passionate about an artist.
Unintentionally hilarious—Wiseau thought he was writing in the style of Tennessee Williams—it amassed a fervent fandom, who have turned it into something of a legend.
The photographs of the devices — all used by the Kinsey Institute, a nonprofit dedicated to the scientific study of human sexuality — prompted fervent speculation among the audience.
With the third season now on Netflix, fans both fervent and casual are seeing some of the best production design and VFX of the show's entire run.
How much longer even the most fervent competitors will put up with these shenanigans before dropping SF5 for another fighting game, however, is yet to be seen.
Just two days after the release of Destiny 2, the game's fervent fan community has already centered its focus on a grievance that's threatening to tear it apart.
A native of Winchester, Massachusetts, and a fervent supporter of the Boston Red Sox and other city teams, Milley received his Army commission from Princeton University in 1980.
As the president and CEO of the National Urban League, one of the nation's oldest and largest racial justice and economic empowerment organizations, this is my fervent hope.
" Asked what tactical changes he had in mind, he said: "Point out slightly more directly what it means if you support Donald Trump in such a fervent manner.
JG: There's only a few periods in history where you go though this fervent that young people — and I still consider myself relatively young— can build new things.
As depicted in Gentleman Jack, Lister's presentation – from her all-black clothing to her close "friendships" with women — became the subject of fervent gossip among the mannered class.
In Washington, she often came off as overly solicitous in her introductions, and her fervent offers to connect made some uncomfortable, people who met her told BuzzFeed News.
Aside from the fervent tweeting, there were signs the White House would rely on its allies in Congress to defend the President as the impeachment inquiry heats up.
Both have small but fervent followings, with Yang riding a wave of small donors and strong New Hampshire polling to a debate stage return last week in Manchester.
Bathrobe, available on Snowe, $98Snowe's $98 unisex bathrobe has been called the best and most absorbent terry robe on the market, and I'm just one more fervent believer.
Trump may have been able to sweep up huge amounts of donations from his fervent supporters, but he does not seem to have motivated the big outside actors.
But Shannon is an intense, fervent actor, and that makes his villain roles in films like Guillermo del Toro's new horror / romance / fantasy The Shape of Water standout.
Byrd's bigger problem—and the reason why, for centuries, he was not granted the same official approbation as Tallis, who hid his faith better—was his fervent Catholicism.
The most fervent critics of the airline after the April 9 passenger-dragging fiasco on United Express Flight 43 have also no doubt lost their sense of humor.
It is fervent rhetoric spread via fear-based political tactics that paint a portrait of the immigrant as the enemy, an enemy who takes jobs away from Americans.
It's difficult to think of a recent TV series that has prompted as fervent a discussion of mental health and suicide as much as Netflix's 13 Reasons Why.
In three out of four preliminary contests, the thrice-married, loosely churched Donald Trump has prevailed over Ted Cruz, whose fervent evangelicalism has been a main selling point.
Chief among the figures is the U.S.'s new ambassador to Israel David Friedman, who is a fervent supporter of Israeli settlements and an opponent of Palestinian statehood.
"Fun Home" was a hit in New York, but it couldn't be more fervent in attacking the hypocrisies of small town Pennysylvania, from which its rebellious heroine escapes.
The most fervent Apple fans will wait — but in the meantime, the iPhone 8 could start looking better and better for everyone else who needs a new smartphone.  
Tracking the devastation of the victims' families and the fervent search for justice, the two-hour special will include exclusive new revelations uncovered by PEOPLE's experienced crime reporters.
Whether you're a fervent deplorable for Donald Trump or a shimmying Hillary Clinton acolyte, you probably agree that this presidential campaign has outstayed its welcome by some measure.
In spite of Greenberg's fervent support for the extension of the window for people to petition for re-sentencing, he directly credits Proposition 47 with the crime spike.
In many instances, the words he sings are sharply influenced by last November, and the fervent tone of Garrett's displeasure at what happened is noticeable throughout the album.
As staunch rivals of President Hassan Rouhani, who sealed the Iran deal during his first term in office, hardliners such as Shariatmadari are fervent critics of the JCPOA.
Zeldin, who's been a fervent Trump supporter, is a top target for Democrats this cycle, despite Trump carrying the district by more than 85033 points in 2016.   Rep.
But everyone I spoke with, including the most fervent advocates for carbon removal, stressed the huge challenges of the work, some of them technological, others political and economic.
Utah was seen as favorable territory for Sanders, with an overwhelmingly white population and a caucus process that tends to reward candidates who have the most fervent supporters.
That creative breakthrough allowed shows to aim for smaller but more fervent audiences, to traffic not in quirky heroes but in flawed Everymen prone to depression and savagery.
Bathrobe, available on Snowe, $98Snowe's $98 unisex bathrobe has been called the best and most absorbent terry robe on the market, and I'm just one more fervent believer.
There will now be renewed focus on the administration's fervent appeals to China to solve the crisis for the US by leaning heavily on on its recalcitrant neighbor.
Trump faces pressure to deliver trade concessions with China for some of his most fervent supporters and prevent a crisis with North Korea from spiraling out of control.
"I'm a patriot," said Cengiz Topcu, 57, a fisherman in Rize on the Black Sea coast, Erdogan's ancestral home town where his supporters are among the most fervent.
Yet Le Pen's deputy Florian Philippot, a fervent opponent of the euro, disagreed, re-affirming that he would leave the FN if it ditched its anti-euro policy.
"It is my fervent hope that nobody else will suffer the persecution that had been levied on me through self-serving interpretation and implementation of the law," Mrs.
That signaled a departure from the policies maintained under President Obama that saw traditional allies alienated, especially by Obama's fervent desire to reach a nuclear deal with Iran.
As the investigations went on, the Sign group split into the two fervent factions, occupying different ends of the ideological spectrum and jockeying for power over the project.
But as Mark Tseng-Putterman has written, this fervent insistence at being the "right" kind of Asian is still invested in a preoccupation with how others see us.
Even after the authorities arrested a fervent Trump supporter and accused him of sending the pipe bombs to Mr. Soros and other critics, Republicans did not back away.
Clinton ran against Obama in a bitter campaign in 2008, and many of Sanders's most fervent supporters think he's a weak-kneed neoliberal sellout tool of Wall Street.
It has been a thorn in the government's side ever since president Enrique Peña Nieto took office in 2012, because of its fervent opposition to his education reform.
Mr. Stewart's impassioned speech, which quickly spread on television networks and social media, was only his latest effort in years of fervent advocacy on the behalf of Sept.
He is also a fervent critic of Iran, insisting that the 2015 nuclear deal negotiated between Iran and six major powers, including the United States, should be scrapped.
In the north of Greece where opposition to the deal is most fervent, protesters have targeted the homes of members of Parliament from Mr. Tsipras's leftist Syriza party.
Paris Dennard, who is black and one of the president's most fervent evangelists, said he had lost many black Republican friends because of his support for Mr. Trump.
But that seemed no match for Mr. Modi's aggressive and well-financed campaign machine, which enjoys the fervent support of many grass-roots groups within India's Hindu majority.
Sanders instead opened the door for Biden to address the left's concerns with his candidacy and to potentially begin to win over his fervent base of young supporters.
For months, Mr. Trump and some of his most fervent congressional supporters have clamored for the material's release against the protests of the intelligence and law enforcement communities.
So many, from fervent fans to faraway admirers, have been waiting for a product like this, especially given the popularity of other at-home streaming bikes like Peloton.
Still routinely mischaracterized as an American client regime, South Vietnam was home to millions of fervent but factionalized anti-Communists, mostly concentrated in urban centers and provincial capitals.
Fervent, unencumbered advocacy for abortion rights is especially necessary under President Trump, who, through his appointments and policies, has done everything possible to take away Planned Parenthood's funding.
It's a reminder that the upward striving of first- and second-generation Jewish immigrants in the middle decades of the 20th century was accompanied by fervent political idealism.
But as Dan Corken, one of Mr. Biden's most fervent volunteers, knocks on doors here, he is dubious about the candidate's prospects just days out from Monday's caucuses.
But despite fervent lobbying by the mayor, the deal quickly disintegrated when the Teamsters, which represents the drivers, pulled its support — an embarrassing setback for Mr. de Blasio.
Defensive end Chris Long, who also wore one of the masks after the game against the Falcons, has already established himself as a fervent supporter of educational causes.
The soloists are excellent, particularly the radiant soprano Latonia Moore and Rodrick Dixon, fervent as Moses, here imagined not as a patriarchal bass but as a youthful tenor.
His name is Forky (Tony Hale), he was put together from cutlery, pipe cleaners, and goggly eyes, and he clings to a fervent belief that he is trash.
Some children carry into adulthood the fervent wish that their divorced parents will somehow reunite, poisoning their ability to find joy in the actual relationships that surround them.
Though technically not a consumer product, the presence of so many LIDAR products at CES speaks to the fervent belief that the sensor is poised to go mainstream.
On the wall of his lab, a tapestry of the Last Supper depicts the apostles in fervent conversation, like scientists at a conference arguing over a controversial theory.
One of the reasons we may be seeing slightly less fervent sales than the analysts had predicted is because the holiday sales season is starting earlier and earlier.
Naysayers voice the more fervent views, as roughly twice as many U.S. adults say they are not satisfied at all with democracy as say they are very satisfied.
The shop has occupied the same spot on the Lower East Side of Manhattan for 19303 years, and in that time has amassed a fervent group of loyalists.
After months of critic hype and fervent fan speculation, Netflix's mysterious and controversial The Perfection finally began streaming on Friday — and already, it's tearing the horror community apart.
Navarro, who is a fervent opponent of trade deficits, has argued in favor of the U.S. leaving NAFTA and imposing tariffs on our main trading partners, including China.

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