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269 Sentences With "sows"

How to use sows in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "sows" and check conjugation/comparative form for "sows". Mastering all the usages of "sows" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Then, by transplanting these purged nuclei into egg cells extracted from sows' ovaries, and implanting the results into other sows' uteruses, they created eight litters of PERV-free piglets—30 animals in all.
The current dearth of data sows only seeds of discontent.
PRRS often kills piglets and in some cases, also sows.
Previous plans were targeting around 40,000 more sows this year.
Debate is counterproductive because it dilutes passion and sows confusion.
The film shows sows with bloody and mangled teats; pregnant sows gnawing on the bars of the narrow stalls they live in until they give birth; and piglets clambering over and nibbling dead siblings.
"Trump sows trouble with his Western allies," was its lead headline.
Yet it sows such discord, it risks perhaps overshadowing even them.
Go deeper: Russian blame game sows U.S. discord to weaken Ukraine
The Smithfield farm housed about 45,000 sows, according to the company's website.
But the artist sows charm amidst the chaos of his digital abstractions.
That is harder now because the population of breeding sows has collapsed.
Sows have their first cubs at five to eight years of age.
The Chinese government deliberately sows confusion in official announcements and state-controlled media.
From here, the researchers produced PERV-inactivated embryos and implanted them into sows.
In other words, their come-on is successful if it sows more failure.
Certainly, I thought he should not change into a man who sows oats.
Boars, particularly farrowing sows protecting their young, can be aggressive, charging and attacking intruders.
However, the pursuit of economic stability often sows the seeds of its own demise.
She rarely admits fault, sows doubt, and waits for damaging revelations to blow over.
Do they open up pregnant sows and pluck little unborn piglets from the womb?
It sows the seeds of violence and destroys the hopes and dreams of people.
Finally, they used the edited cells to create embryos that were implanted into surrogate sows.
Those embryos were then implanted in sows, growing to fully formed piglets, free of PERV.
In Lone Rock, Iowa, a town of about 200 people, Roger Cherland raises 23,000 sows.
Mr. Villasana Hernaez sows his peas in January and harvests them about four months later.
I turned my head and looked around: happy sows and adorable piglets in every direction.
It had 38 million sows, a decline of 11% on the year, the NBS said.
These balls of cells were implanted into sows and then taken out a few weeks later.
And in the process, the order sows confusion and leaves American lives hanging in the balance.
"Behavior that erodes other nations' sovereignty and sows distrust of China's intentions must end," Shanahan said.
Graffiti was scrawled on the building reading "Macron the clown" and "Who sows misery reaps anger".
PRRS, also known as 'blue-ear disease', often kills piglets and in some cases, also sows.
Still, the news sows distrust in Twitter's ad platform at a tough time for the company.
"If milo was just a touch cheaper, I'd be feeding it to the sows," Morgan said.
In the name of self-preservation, the government effectively sows the seeds of its own decline.
It does NOT mean that we are moving sows directly from breeding stalls to farrowing stalls.
But it's not just the misinformation itself that sows division, it's also the debate about it.
The ban also sows chaos as officials struggle to determine who is covered by the order.
It ultimately sows uncertainty in our minds; it makes us wonder whether this could have happened.
In March the number of sows was declining nearly twice as fast as that of pigs overall.
Repression sows the desire for diversification and a falling yuan reinforces the benefits of holding other currencies.
As many as half of China's sows may have died, according to industry estimates shared with Reuters.
New Jersey sows have dropped as many as six cubs in a litter, and five, and four.
A more typical large breeding farm in northern China would have 8,000 sows on around 13 hectares.
Even farms supplying new farms with young sows have been hit by disease, reducing already short supplies.
Heedless of the negative side effects including the division and fear he sows, Trump knows no other way.
Correction (November 1st 2018): We misquoted President Donald Trump as saying Iran sows "disruption" in the Middle East.
Michelle Goldberg notes that disinformation spread over Facebook sows discord internationally as well as in the United States.
In Florianópolis, Agriness writes software to monitor the health of 1.6m sows, which produce 80% of Brazil's pork.
Sows have their first cubs at five to eight years of age, and space them three years apart.
So whether the women kill anyone or not, Boko Haram sows fear and division, exactly as it intends.
In addition, piglets and breeding sows are becoming more expensive in China, a result of the mass culling.
"Posing Modernity: The Black Model From Manet and Matisse to Today" sows disruption on another more nuanced front.
Mr. Putin seeks to bolster his domestic popularity by looking powerful as he sows discord with the West.
The history that she made flies squarely in the face of the bigotry and divisiveness that Trump sows.
In 2007, Circle Four had pledged to phase out the gestation crates that keep pregnant sows practically immobile.
The company has a herd of 14,000 sows at its three farms and one breeding farm in Heilongjiang.
The company, which currently has 30,000 sows, is building new farms in both Guangdong and Guizhou provinces, he said.
"The sows hang upside down, their heads soaking in blood dripping off their ears, their eyelashes," the author recounts.
Sows, or adult females bred to produce piglets for slaughter, account for roughly one in 232 pigs in China.
It also sows the seeds for burnout or mistakes if reference materials aren't readily available and properly adhered to.
Later, she sows dissension between the former Lesus, letting Rick know that Kelley, Wentworth and Wardog are targeting him.
U.S. sows on average gave birth to a record 10.53 piglets in a litter in the September-November quarter.
Trump's goal is to make the NATO summit a disaster - an international embarrassment that sows more discord inside Europe.
"Joe Biden sows fear and division as President Trump conveys optimism and hope," the campaign wrote in one email.
"It makes me so sad," said Huang Tiancen, the farm manager, who raised the sows when they were piglets.
They then implanted the embryo in surrogate sows, resulting in healthy pigs that showed no signs of the viruses.
The concern troll airs disingenuous worries, sows doubt, saps energy, has reservations, worries that things are going too far.
But a viewer can turn away from her to see, and hear, sows in similar straits all around her.
Before the epidemic, however, many pigs sold for $250 or more apiece, particularly breeding sows, according to government data.
Sows, or adult females bred to produce piglets for slaughter, account for roughly one in 10 pigs in China.
Iran's "corrupt dictatorship", he told the UN General Assembly on September 13th, "sows chaos, death and destruction" in the region.
The real questions are how long it takes, how many lives will be wasted and how much hatred it sows.
He sows bitterness, influences his followers to lose all sense of proportion and teaches them to answer hate with hate.
Yangxiang will house 30,000 sows on its 13-hectare site by year-end, producing as many as 840,000 piglets annually.
They are bound together by the single evil ideology of Islamist extremism that preaches hatred, sows division, and promotes sectarianism.
Yangxiang will house 5003,000 sows on its 11-hectare site by year-end, producing as many as 840,000 piglets annually.
They are bound together by the single, evil ideology of Islamist extremism that preaches hatred, sows division, and promotes sectarianism.
In epidemiologically quiet times, the anti-vaccine lobby sows doubts; when Ebola or pandemic flu strikes, Americans clamor for protection.
Rather than appeal to his compatriots' better nature, he sows division, stokes resentment and exploits their prejudices, especially over immigration.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It sows distrust in our institutions and I think it&aposs irresponsible and maybe he needs a history lesson.
"Military justice sows the greatest terror in our population," said Juan Miguel Matheus, an opposition congressman in the state of Carabobo.
He would have to start by changing his own rhetoric—he calls Iran "a corrupt dictatorship" that "sows chaos, death and destruction".
As many as half of the country's breeding sows are thought to have died or been slaughtered to cope with disease outbreaks.
"They are bound together by the single evil ideology of Islamist extremism that preaches hatred, sows division, and promotes sectarianism," she said.
To find out, the researchers transferred the altered genetic code into pig embryos, a number of which they implanted in surrogate sows.
Periods of low volatility tend to breed complacency and excessive risk-taking among traders, which sows the seeds of their own demise.
The wide scale of such predation is an interlocking harm that sows even further distrust of financial institutions in working-class communities.
It is violence that sows terror to accomplish specific and concrete political objectives that perpetuate white dominance — terrorism in a textbook sense.
Nor will they identify with the racist white cop, the "bad cop," as Flip calls him, who eventually reaps what he sows.
Organized labor sows freedom, because you're not free if you can't organize for a fair day's pay for a good day's work.
Where Sterne's "Tristram" digresses to prevent plot from happening, "CoDex 1962" sows plot upon plot, in the tradition of epics and sagas.
The embryos were implanted in sows and grew into piglets that were genetically identical to the pig that supplied the initial cell.
He cited a new client who wants to build eight 5,000-head sow farms this year, requiring 35,000 young sows in September.
Donald Trump is a sexist and racist man who insults Gold Star parents, stokes fear of Muslims and sows hatred of Latinos.
Republicans and Democrats alike who support new trade agreements have worried the president's policy sows chaos rather than protects workers and consumers.
These include no cages for hens and sows, and, for chickens and turkeys, shorter transport times and better lighting relative to industry standards.
Some pork producers in Mato Grosso in center-west Brazil are culling their reproductive sows, said Alexandre Possebon, the state deputy farm secretary.
But he will wait to see how the market develops before adding another 60,000 sows to his herd next year, as originally planned.
"The only system that performed worse than the gestation crate system was a system where sows were literally tethered in place," they write.
The real danger behind his reckless attacks is that he sows the seeds of doubt, making all news stories and all facts relative.
That only sows fear in communities and makes us less safe by wasting valuable law enforcement resources that should be used catching actual criminals.
But as Guillaume Chomicki and Susanne Renner of the University of Munich describe in this week's Nature Plants, it also sows and nurtures them.
Whereas ICE touts 287(g) as a "tremendous benefit to public safety", critics say it encourages racial profiling and sows mistrust among immigrant communities.
Under state law, it&aposs illegal to kill black bear cubs or sows with cubs in most of Alaska, including where the shooting occurred.
After growing the embryos in dishes for a few days, the scientists transferred them to 41 surrogate mother sows — 30 to 50 embryos each.
If they provoke Trump in any way to make him angry at them, that sows more division and hurts the Republican Party in 2018.
The more he makes threats and sows uncertainty, the more likely Iran's leaders are to decide that the gains are not worth the grief.
Obama administration official turned CNN commentator Sam Vinograd argues that Trump sows discord in much the same way that Russian hackers try to do.
Besides low prices that have smaller operations culling sows or re-thinking expansion plans, there is worry about diseases spreading through such intensive operations.
New sows are introduced to a building on the top floor, and are then moved by elevator to an assigned level, where they remain.
Still, COFCO said it planned to expand the number of sows to take advantage of the tight supply of hogs following the disease outbreak.
"Prevent reinforces an 'us' and 'them' view of the world, divides communities, and sows mistrust of Muslims.... it makes us less safe," they wrote.
In February 2017, firefighters from the Pewsey Fire Station in southwest England saved two sows and 18 piglets from a blaze at a nearby farm.
The farm is expected to start getting pigs in November and eventually have an inventory of 13,203 Hypor-breed sows produced by Holland's Hendrix Genetics.
Another victory was persuading a supplier to phase out the use of gestation stalls for sows which make it impossible for the animals to move.
The legislation, known as SB 2661, "sows seeds of confusion," said Leah Aden, deputy director of litigation at the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund.
The order sows confusion around whether to treat Jews as belonging to a foreign race, which in fact is a core anti-Semitic talking point.
At a farm with 400 sows on the outskirts of Beijing, owner Ma said she had attended a government meeting on the disease several weeks ago.
Finally he told his campaign manager to start a massive rumor campaign about his opponent's life-long habit of enjoying carnal knowledge of his barnyard sows.
YAJI MOUNTAIN, China (Reuters) - On Yaji Mountain in southern China, they are checking in the sows a thousand head per floor in high-rise "hog hotels".
But well shy of that, it sows enmity by jumbling together information and misinformation to a point where there's no discerning the real from the Russian.
U.S. global power is "sputtering to a stall" as the Trump philosophy of retrenchment and unilateralism sows confusion among both allies and rivals, Eurasia Group says.
This same category insidiously pits Asians against other "real minorities" in a manner that sows divisiveness between people of color and benefits only the racial majority.
The more Mr. Trump flails, Mr. Bolton tears down and Mr. Putin sows fear and broadcasts threats, the more Capitol Hill is obliged to step up.
"At best, it sows chaos and confusion; at worst, it forces couples to bring federal court litigation in order to exercise a clearly established federal constitutional right."
"About 50 of them all piled into a farrowing house, immediately the sows are jumping up and down," said Hook in an interview with the Lincolnshire Live.
Although they risk revealing intelligence sources and methods and may even please Russia—because proof of its success sows mistrust—they also lay the ground for action.
An executive at another company that has recently moved into pig farming said it now planned to add only another 5.63,000 sows to the current 60,000 head.
Instead, Hsiung and his team allege that sows remained in gestation crates so long that they wound up giving birth there, with fatal consequences for their piglets.
"The fact that the sows in the breeding stalls and the sow in the farrowing crate both have pink paint is meaningless," Lombardo wrote in an email.
" Community members are also working on Ifan: the name given to what Agboginou describes as a "multifunctional agricultural robot" that "sows, plows and sprinkles in the fields.
The ministry said earlier on Monday that the country's hog herd had shrunk 25.8% in June from a year ago, with the number of sows down 26.7%.
The companies backing the technology say they can help farmers isolate disease carriers, reduce the cost of feed, increase the fertility of sows and reduce unnatural deaths.
In Hebei too, the northern province surrounding Beijing, many counties have few sows left, said Johnson, who saw his first case of the disease there in October.
Hebei province told Reuters in a statement the African swine fever situation was "stable" and disputed the assertion that there were few sows left in many counties.
" Booker pointedly read a Scripture from the book of Galatians: "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.
In 2015, it began sourcing its bacon from pigs that follow strict antibiotic-free vegetarian diets, specifically from farms that do not use gestation crates for pregnant sows.
ISIS wants to use history to own its interpretation of Islam as it sows chaos and terror, provokes extreme reaction, and tries to use that reaction for recruitment.
Only about one in five Chinese sows is in industrialised production, estimates Bill Christianson of Genus, a British firm that is the world's biggest supplier of breeding pigs.
Some are also looking to add space for the heavier pigs currently favored by customers and to cater for extra piglets as sows become more fertile, experts said.
They chased the animals into the brush, and ditches, working together to position themselves so that they could corral the large sows and boars, which frequently got away.
Who will stop at nothing 4 power feeding off the anger n' resentment he sows 24/7 while constantly whining how whatever doesn't go his way is unfair.
Mr. Philippe is running for a national Senate seat, an election that has been delayed for more than a year now as the country's political discord sows unrest.
The foreign-born share of the U.S. population is near a record high, and increased diversity and the distrust it sows have clearly put stresses on our politics.
On the other side, sows—each at least as intelligent and emotionally sensitive as a dog—are locked individually into metal pens roughly the dimensions of their bodies.
Beijing has repeatedly called for farmers to restock, but putting new sows on to a farm that has been infected with African swine fever is risky, say experts.
Sanders, an independent Vermont senator, tends to portray the institutional Democratic Party as corrupt and relentlessly sows suspicion about the motives and integrity of everyone who disagrees with him.
Such a shift would transform rural China, where almost half a billion pigs are produced each year, about 40% of them on small farms with fewer than 30 sows.
Producers have scaled back expansion plans because of the trade war, said Barry Kerkaert, a vice president at Minnesota-based Pipestone System, which annually sells farmers about 250,000 sows.
National pig stocks in December were almost 13 percent lower than the previous year's level, said Tang, while numbers of breeding sows were down by more than 8 percent.
It's an improvement, but it leads to increased conflict with other sows and results in confinement due to a lack of personal space rather than confinement by metal bars.
Boars in well-run facilities can service up to 200 sows, twice as many as the average farm in China, said Casey, thanks to work done in such labs.
SmartAHC, a company that uses A.I. to monitors pigs' vital statistics that offers commercially available services, hooks up sows with wearable monitors that can predict the pigs' ovulation time.
Yemen: The ban is "not justified" and "supports the terrorists and sows divisions among people," Yemen's Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister Abdel-Malak al-Mekhlafi posted on Twitter.
Major breeders are also holding onto female pigs that were originally destined for slaughter to use for breeding instead, as they try to rebuild the herd without enough breeding sows.
Here in the heartland of Twin Peaks Nation, this abominable man in black sows and reaps a pulpy-corny crop of pain and sorrow, mostly by manipulating and murdering women.
Demand from China is expected to remain strong next year as a plunge in the number of breeding sows means it will take time to rebuild the country's pig stock.
Where other people merely eat, fuck and shit in the same building like quarantined boars and sows, they actually do matey stuff like watch Stranger Things and chat about work.
"Research has shown conclusively that local law enforcement's collaboration with ICE increases instances of racial profiling, and sows distrust between the community and law enforcement," advocates said in a letter.
He called the video game industry a "corrupting shadow industry that sells, and sows, violence against its own people" — naming games like Bulletstorm, Grand Theft Auto, Mortal Kombat and Splatterhouse.
History has taught us far too well that using brute force to eliminate one person's opinions from the marketplace of ideas always sows conflict and frequently amplifies those very opinions.
We started in the breeding area, a series of long metal warehouses filled with tiny newborn piglets and pregnant sows big enough to knock a small car off the road.
Often the chaos and discord the President sows distracts from more successful aspects of his presidency, and his raging temperament and insistence on waging perpetual political warfare exhaust many voters.
Central bankers are starting to recognize that when loose monetary policy is driving up asset prices to potentially unstable levels, it sows the seeds of a recession and hurts everyone.
CEOs, like the rest of the country, are faced with the challenge of making sense of Trump's policies and actions, but his favorite method of communication – Twitter – sows chaos not clarity.
" She said in a statement Sunday that the recent attacks in England are bound together "by the single, evil ideology of Islamist extremism that preaches hatred, sows division and promotes sectarianism.
The 18 piglets and two sows were rescued after an electrical fault set hay on fire at a farm in Milton Lilbourne, 70 miles (110 km) west of London, in February.
Four people who supply large farms recently told Reuters as many as half of China's sows have either died from African swine fever or been slaughtered because of the spreading disease.
But when Mr. Trump's words repeatedly repudiate what is supposed to be official policy, it sows confusion and undermines trust in officials like Mr. Pompeo who try to defend the president.
"She sows the seeds of trust and makes you feel her interests are aligned with yours," said Fred Harman, a partner at Oak Investment Partners, which invested in The Huffington Post.
Guns in situations like these create an impetus for violence, not only silencing the first amendment rights of counter-protesters through intimidation, but also sows confusion and chaos for the police.
" I said that access to POTUS is valuable, but "with Trump, the downside of that access is that he's saying so much stuff that's untrue that it sows confusion and division.
Speaking at a Hungarian film festival where she will receive an award, Binoche told Reuters that feminism called for compassion in the migration crisis, where fear sows the seeds of more conflict.
WAREHOUSES EMPTIED Demand from China is expected to remain strong next year as a plunge in the number of breeding sows means it will take time to rebuild the country's pig stock.
The three primary animal welfare ratings programs — GAP-Certified, Animal Welfare Approved, and Certified Humane — all prohibit cages for egg-laying hens, as well as for breeding sows in the pork industry.
One major, underestimated reason for the cascade of leaks is that Trump has publicly humiliated, insulted or berated so many current and former administration officials that it sows disloyalty in the ranks.
The DBV German Farmers' Federation called for a 70-percent cut of the country's wild boar population, saying hunters should also be allowed to kill sows and newborn piglets, the newspaper said.
Trump will "stop at nothing" to have power and feeds off the "anger [and] resentment he sows 24/85033 while constantly whining how whatever doesn't go his way is unfair," Rose wrote.
Demand has been sapped as the virus, which has infected more than 110,000 people and killed over 3,800 worldwide, shows no signs of slowing and sows fears about an impending global recession.
Frank: I think the culture wars, plural, of the Trump era are all intense, all corrosive and all reflective of a president with little thought or care about the fractiousness he sows.
Instead, every time he talks about race and gender and dismisses the importance of representation, he tosses huge chunks of the electorate away and sows division, whether he means to or not.
For white working-class families, where women often work out of necessity and who also believe in the importance of divergent responsibilities for men and women, that dissonance sows significant marital conflict.
The poster campaign, which has also attracted explicitly anti-Semitic graffiti, "evokes sad memories but also sows hatred and fear," said the ambassador, referencing the fate of Hungarian Jews in the Holocaust.
A substantial chunk of the group, about 100 people, staged an eight-hour sit-in at the farm's farrowing house—a building filled with the small crates sows are kept in during breeding.
Do they not understand that their pessimism is corrosive and sows distrust in exactly the places where we have nurtured a spirit of hope we feel we can rely on to move forward?
The steps come after ministry figures showed the number of live pigs fell 16.6 percent at the end of February from a year earlier, and the number of sows fell 19.1 per cent.
But some farming industry executives estimate that as much as half of China's sows have either died from ASF or been slaughtered because of the spreading disease, much higher than the official numbers.
But figures from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs on the same day said the herd had shrunk 25.8% in June from a year earlier, with the number of sows down 26.7%.
By the end of the year, 10,226 sows will live inside two huge barns on this 280-hectare (22017-acre) site, producing up to 25,2000 piglets annually, or about 235,2003 tonnes of pork.
"Sow got out of her pen, had to chase her down," said Farmer Frank — Frank Hull, 71 — whose body, ravaged from decades of heavy manual work, is no longer built for chasing sows.
But the degree to which senior officials have had to reverse or slow roll precipitous, ill-considered, even dangerous decisions by the president also erodes civilian control of the military and sows uncertainty.
One who does what is right and speaks the truth; who knows that when you eat the labor of your hands, you are praiseworthy, that he who sows in tears shall reap in joy.
It is the kind of gap that sows distrust between urban and rural voters, many of whom wrap their resentment of big-city dwellers in a broader animosity toward an aloof and unresponsive government.
Israel's ambassador to Hungary initially denounced the campaign, saying it "evokes sad memories but also sows hatred and fear", an apparent reference to Hungary's part in the deportation of 500,000 Jews during the Holocaust.
The posts are accompanied by a dramatic trailer about the spread of a flu-like pandemic that sows chaos globally as the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention struggles to find a cure.
"We are already, even now, having to deal with information out of Russia or with internet attacks that are of Russian origin or with news which sows false information," Merkel told reporters on November 8th.
FINANCIAL STRAIN The steps come after ministry figures showed the number of live pigs fell 503 percent at the end of February from a year earlier, and the number of sows fell 19.1 per cent.
The ministry also said the number of sows declined by 31.9% in July, a year after the nation reported its first outbreak of the disease, which is fatal to pigs but does not harm people.
While cutting hog breeding rates and culling sows is typical during downturns in demand, this is turning out to be the most severe contraction for Brazil's livestock industry since the world economic crisis in 2008.
Defending the move, Adel al-Jubeir, the Saudi minister of foreign affairs, said in a CNBC interview on Tuesday that Iran executes "hundreds of people" annually, actively supports terrorists and sows conflict throughout the Mideast.
Ultimately, it will make little difference since his defense was long ago unmoored from fact and is based on selling a disinformational narrative to his followers that sows confusion and devalues truth for everyone else.
The first stop was the insemination shed, followed by a visit to the nursery, where sows suckle their new piglets — which are born walking and with a full set of teeth — in well-heated pens.
In Shandong, the fourth largest pig-raising province in China, more than half of farms with large numbers of sows were now empty, Johnson estimated, based on his conversations with farmers and larger pig producers.
One would not, for instance, blame "the Farmer who sows Barley,—the Brewer who makes it into Beverage,—the Merchant who imports Rum, or the Distiller who makes spirits" for all the unhappiness associated with alcoholism.
SAO PAULO (Reuters) - Stubbornly record-high corn prices in Brazil, the world's No. 215 exporter of the grain, are compelling pork producers to slaughter sows they cannot afford to feed and poultry processors to close plants.
Two medium-sized companies have told Reuters they have either reduced expansion plans or are holding off on future expansion of breeding pigs, while an industry analyst said some small farmers have already begun slaughtering sows.
Americans – and our partners overseas – deserve transparency about the purpose and scope of U.S. military activities around the world; the confusion that unnecessary secrecy sows can put the success and sustainability of these activities at risk.
Never mind how much fear it sows in many women, in many people of color and in many L.G.B.T. Americans, all of whom could see rights that they fought so long and hard for snatched away.
According to Dionne Searcey of the New York Times, after meddling in the U.S. elections in 85033, Russia is using similar tactics in CAR; but as it sows political chaos, this time there are also diamonds.
The new plant will make 65,000 concrete slats per year for pig barn floors - Hog Slat produces more than 1 million slats a year overall - enough to supply roughly 18 large farms hosting around 8,000 sows each.
"Something like 50% of sows are dead," said Edgar Wayne Johnson, a veterinarian who has spent 14 years in China and founded Enable Agricultural Technology Consulting, a Beijing-based farm services firm with clients across the country.
But a principled return to "pre-existing law and practice" sows pardon where there is injury, and it relegates the non-problem of the wrong bathroom to old, tried and true trespassing law — and to the jury.
While it is possible that a skillful COS might bring order to the Oval Office -- as Kelly appeared to do early in his 16-month tenure -- he will always be subservient to a President who sows chaos.
Now "Better Things," which has a 10-episode first season, must demonstrate it is more than just the female or West Coast counterpart to "Louie," which remains on hiatus while its principal architect sows other creative oats.
After adjusting for the value of its biological assets, mainly sows and unsold pigs, COFCO said profit attributable to the company's owners came to 142 million yuan, up from a 13 million yuan loss a year ago.
" He sows this feeling of uncertainty into the composition of the book, replacing a traditional arc with "a more unpredictable narrative structure that is full of triumphs, twists, reversals, victories, lulls and low points, big and small.
At 2.5 million it's the nation's largest, and is growing exponentially as the sows birth litters of five to six piglets twice a year and those piglets can start reproducing before they are even a year old.
"Something like 250% of sows are dead," said Edgar Wayne Johnson, a veterinarian who has spent 20193 years in China and founded Enable Agricultural Technology Consulting, a Beijing-based farm services firm with clients across the country.
Iran is an active threat to American interests as it sows chaos in the Middle East, but the White House would "of course" welcome the opportunity to negotiate with Tehran, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Saturday.
An initiative on this year's California ballot would extend the sales ban to pork from hogs born to out-of-state sows housed in gestation pens and to veal from out-of-state calves housed in veal crates.
To cast the DACA immigration debate as something other than 100-proof cultural identity politics sows confusion, obscures the urgency of our duty to protect vulnerable Americans, and strengthens the hand of the side that knows what it's doing.
BEIJING (Reuters) - China's inventory of breeding sows rose 0.6% in October for the first monthly increase since April 2018, official figures showed, signalling that pig production may soon start to recover after a devastating epidemic of African swine fever.
"This bipartisan legislation sends a clear message that Congress will not stay on the sidelines while Russia continues to interfere in our elections, threatens Ukraine's sovereignty and sows discord in the transatlantic community," Shaheen said in a separate statement.
Cedric tells us it's a case of Trump reaping what he sows, and the only shocking aspect of the NATO Summit smack-talk sesh is it's the first time a prominent world figure's been caught poking fun at POTUS.
And as Stewart notes, the very fact that a Russia misinformation campaign is in the public discourse hampers the democratic process by damaging public trust: But it's not just the misinformation itself that sows division, it's also the debate about it.
In the early morning hours of February 21, firefighters from the Pewsey Fire Station in southwest England were called to a barn fire, where they rescued two sows and 18 piglets from a blaze started by 60 tons of hay.
China's pig herd fell 13 percent in January compared with the same month a year earlier, while the number of breeding sows was down 15 percent from the previous year, according to data from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.
The company has stated publicly that sows on its farms will remain in crates while being inseminated, then moved to group housing with other mother pigs, and then moved to bigger "farrowing crates" with their piglets once they've given birth.
Lusk and Norwood also find good results for the "confinement plus" system, in which sows have limited access to the outdoors but plenty of space for themselves and their piglets and plenty of space to roam freely outside their lying area.
But when the rebellious Belle Camellia uncovers a plot by the truly vile Princess Sophia to enslave her and her sisters, she sows the seeds of a grass-roots revolution that is bound to blossom more fully in the inevitable sequel.
The last episode previewed, "A Traveler," is a step sideways, a wry, spooky Christmas tale about a charming mystery man (Steven Yeun) who sows paranoia and havoc at a remote Alaskan police station run by an egotistic captain (Greg Kinnear).
He has fed them homegrown wheat and barley, provided natural lighting in the sheds where sows give birth, and built "safety zones" in each stall that gave newborns a place to sleep beyond the potentially lethal crush of their gargantuan mothers.
And in an effort to give nursing sows the space to stand up and stretch, Mr. Nielsen recently expanded the size of their confinement cages by 50 percent, a significant sacrifice for farmers whose profit margins are often razor thin.
Trump's trade track sows kernels of discontentTrump's decision to back out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, a $62 billion market for U.S. farmers, provides a fresh threat to a slumping agricultural economy that has grown increasingly dependent on exports.
In fact, he edited an entire tome on the subject, the Handbook of Milk of Non‑Bovine Mammals—a whopping 470 pages on the milks of ten non-bovine mammals: goats, sheep, buffaloes, mares, camels, yaks, reindeer, sows, llamas, and humans.
Etc. If you can't directly undercut legitimacy like that, relentlessly 'brand' your opponent in a way that shows them to lack natural authority ('little' flop-sweat Marco, 'low-energy' Jeb, the listless Nancy) or sows questions about legitimacy ('lyin' Ted, 'crooked' Hillary).
In interviews late last year, many moderate or independent women who supported Trump — or skipped the presidential line of the ballot altogether in 2016 — said they were exasperated with the President's tweets and the atmosphere of chaos he sows within his administration.
But polling and focus groups reflect a growing unease among a small but potentially decisive group of voters who sided with Mr. Trump in 2016 but are increasingly turned off by the unremitting nastiness, the gratuitous squabbles and the endless chaos he sows.
Voting rights groups say based on their experience of previous elections, the practice of exact match sows confusion, suppressing turnout, and that overstretched county workers are more likely to add a voter to a pending list to save time and meet deadlines.
Viganò, concluding that his former boss had singled him out as the devil in disguise, complained in his next statement that Francis "compared me to the great accuser, Satan, who sows scandal and division in the Church, though without ever uttering my name".
Their reunion sows the seeds for the dense thicket of Rebeck's satisfying plot, which meanders over several years and tracks the lives of these two people who are miserable without each other yet can't seem to find their way back into the same orbit.
But I agree that the deviation in her story is at least rooted in what makes the book so searing even 30 years later, namely Gilead's casual dismissal of anything that makes the Handmaids more than breeding sows, or even just a little more human.
These practices definitely violate the spirit of their pledge to eliminate gestation crating, which, as Hsiung notes, did not specify that sows would remain crated for every waking moment outside of pregnancy — but Smithfield can argue that it obeyed the letter of its promise.
How did Anne-Marie Slaughter, who is chief executive of New America, a left-leaning think tank, and an Obama administration State Department official, describe the type of government that sows distrust as a way of discrediting anything that is negative or critical of it?
While other estimates are more conservative, the plunge in the number of sows is poised to leave a large hole in the supply of the country's favourite meat, pushing up food prices and devastating livelihoods in a rural economy that includes 2100 million pig farmers.
It's not just bleak — plenty of shows are bleak — but also determined to impress upon its viewers that its imagined dystopian future of fertile women being kept as breeding sows and ritualized rape reimagined as patriotic duty isn't too far off from our reality.
Why It matters: Taking its title from what is now a well-known Game of Thrones catchphrase (which translates to "all men must die"), "Valar Morghulis" sows the seeds of some long-term bitterness for one character, and introduces a long-haul plot point for another.
Animal advocates at groups like the Humane League and Mercy for Animals have, in recent years, increasingly relied on "corporate campaigns" pressuring meat purchasers to force animal welfare improvements, and have exacted a startling number of pledges covering millions, if not billions, of animals, including sows.
As Mr. Trump pits his advisers against one another and sows doubt about America's future in Asia, Mr. Wang has emerged as one of Mr. Xi's most influential confidants, one who has brought a steadiness of vision and purpose to China's rivalry with the United States.
At the Open Philanthropy Project, which researches the highest-impact interventions for global problems, farm animal welfare program officer Lewis Bollard came out strongly in favor: This would directly improve the welfare of about 40M layer hens, 700K pregnant sows, and 100K veal calves each year.
Making Mexico pay: Ideas abound, and so do obstaclesCounting the winners and losers from an import-based taxWhiteHouse sows confusion about plan for a 20% import tax Mr. Musk has pressed for a carbon tax to combat global warming, which Mr. Trump once dismissed as a Chinese hoax.
It's a damaging cycle perpetuated, as Monica inadvertently points out, by Bollywood movies, where the male hero regularly sows his wild oats until his interest is suddenly piqued by a wholesome Indian girl back home who may or may not have carried a torch for him this whole time.
"The bill, drafted in secret without the input of experts or Democrats, further eliminates protections for those with pre-existing conditions, imposes an age tax on seniors, decimates Medicaid, raises premiums, denies coverage to millions of Americans and sows utter chaos in the health care marketplace," the group said.
While most will probably reject the application as an inappropriate request to meddle in a state-law matter, some might be persuaded that the state court's order sows confusion and "irreparable injury" to Pennsylvania's federal elections by issuing an "eleventh-hour" requirement for a new map at a moment's notice.
While Israel has repeatedly hit Hezbollah affiliated targets over the course of the Syria civil war, the current escalation sows fears of a broader conflict as the Syrian civil war winds down and thousands of well trained and experienced Hezbollah fighters refocus their attention back on the conflict with Israel.
France will hold elections to the national legislature in June, and national elections will soon take place in Germany, which chancellor Angela Merkel warned is already "having to deal with information out of Russia or with internet attacks that are of Russian origin or with news which sows false information."
Nothing sows discord and despair quite like an interminably long and messy American election cycle, and maybe that's the comedic logic a bunch of cynical capitalists were operating from when they had the bright idea to use the 2020 presidential candidates' policies and likenesses on Valentine's Day cards this year.
The seven-minute tour takes you through the life of a factory-farmed pig, including piglets being tail-docked and castrated without pain relief, sows suckling their young in pens so small they can't stand, and males being fattened in such confinement that they turn on each other or succumb to disease.
He displayed an almost unrecognizable demeanor during his afternoon in Mexico, appearing measured and diplomatic, while hours later he took the stage at his campaign rally and denounced illegal immigrants on the whole as a criminally minded and dangerous group that sows terror in communities and commits murders, rapes and other heinous violence.
Mr. Shanahan barely mentioned China by name during a speech to a gathering of Asian military officials on Saturday, although he warned Beijing that "behavior that erodes other nations' sovereignty and sows distrust of China's intentions" should stop, in a clear reference to China's militarization of disputed islands in the South China Sea.
Holding up military aid — for whatever reason — assists the Russian "gray war" in eastern Ukraine and sows doubts in Kyiv, also known as Kiev in the Russian transliteration, that the United States is wholly supportive of Ukraine, a fear that many State Department and National Security Council officials have expressed in testimony.
Human-Pig Chimeras Suggest a Long Road to Organ FarmingSeveral dozen embryos sat in a lab that seemed straight out of a David Lynch film—part pig, part…Read more ReadPreviously, Izpisúa Belmonte tried to grow pig embryos using human stem cells, but these cells failed to sufficiently take hold after the hybridized pig fetuses were implanted into sows.
For example, most egg-laying hens are crammed into cages so small that they can't even spread their wings, chickens raised for meat have been selectively bred to grow faster than their bodies can handle, and most breeding sows in the pork industry are confined in crates so narrow, they can't turn around for most of their lives.
"It has been shocking to see how much this has brought people to explicitly say being bisexual doesn't make you queer enough," she told me over Twitter DM.  Given the pervasiveness of this anxiety, and the discord it sows within the queer community, I set out to uncover where it came from — and what we can do about it.
The subject couldn't be more relevant, given the profusion of fake news and misinformation on the web today; a public with a voracious appetite for scandal and entertainment, coupled with media outlets obsessed with ratings and clicks; Russian meddling in the 2016 campaign and next year's European elections; and a president-elect who has stoked the fears and grievances of supporters, and who frequently lies, flip-flops and sows confusion by tweet.
The second possibility is one Elizabeth Drew, the chronicler of Watergate, sketched on this page on Thursday — a march to impeachment and perhaps Trump's resignation, in which the president's erratic behavior, the chaos it sows in markets and American alliances, and Republican self-interest end up in a mutually reinforcing dynamic, and after a devastating Mueller report, perhaps, key Senate Republicans finally deem the president "too great a burden to the party or too great a danger to the country" to continue in his office.
Read more: Trump's abrupt withdrawal from Syria may allow ISIS to come back with a vengeance — using the group's time-tested strategyChaos sows chaos The Pentagon issued a report in August warning of the resurgence of the terror group both in Iraq and Syria due to the lack of US presence in both Iraq and Syria, and retired three-star general Michael Nagata warned in Defense One last week that the US's actions in Syria and Iraq deprived coalition forces of the opportunity to gain intelligence from captured ISIS fighters, as well as benefiting from and causing chaos in both Syria and Iraq.

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