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28 Sentences With "inseminates"

How to use inseminates in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "inseminates" and check conjugation/comparative form for "inseminates". Mastering all the usages of "inseminates" from sentence examples published by news publications.

"Donald Cammell's dark social satire provocatively taps into our collective fear of technology, centring around a sentient machine which forcefully inseminates a woman," Adam Woodward said.
Regardless of the mechanism, this ability allows females to respond differently to conspecific males depending on whether the male that inseminates her is favorable to her or not.
Much like increasing the number, increasing the quality of sperm that a male inseminates into a female enhances his paternal certainty when the threat of sperm competition is high.
The number of sperm in any given ejaculate varies from one ejaculate to another. This variation is hypothesised to be a male's attempt to eliminate, if not reduce, his sperm competition. A male will alter the number of sperm he inseminates into a female according to his perceived level of sperm competition, inseminating a higher number of sperm if he suspects a greater level of competition from other males. In support of ejaculate adjustment, research has shown that a male typically increases the amount he inseminates sperm into his partner after they have been separated for a period of time.
For an example, see Gryllus bimaculatus. Sperm competition is often compared to having tickets in a raffle; a male has a better chance of winning (i.e. fathering offspring) the more tickets he has (i.e. the more sperm he inseminates a female with).
She was desired by all the huacas, whose advances she rejected. One day, seated below a lúcuma tree. Cuniraya transforms into a bird and inseminates a ripe fruit of the tree, which he lets falls beside Cahuillan. She eats the fruit and becomes pregnant.
This is largely due to the fact that the less time a couple is able to spend together, the chances the female will be inseminated by another male increases, hence greater sperm competition. Increasing the number of sperm a male inseminates into a female acts to get rid of any rival male's sperm that may be stored within the female, as a result of her potential extra-pair copulations (EPCs) during this separation. Through increasing the amount he inseminates his partner following separation, a male increases his chances of paternal certainty. This increase in the number of sperm a male produces in response to sperm competition is not observed for masturbatory ejaculates.
The manakin species are very interesting in their family life. Long-tailed manakin males form a long-term partnership duo or trio. Together they sing in synchrony and, for any female who is attracted by their singing, perform a complex coordinated courtship dance. If she mates, only the alpha male inseminates her.
Penis fencing is a mating behaviour engaged in by certain species of flatworm, such as Pseudobiceros bedfordi. Species which engage in the practice are hermaphroditic, possessing both eggs and sperm-producing testes. The species "fence" using two-headed dagger-like penises which are pointed, and white in colour. One organism inseminates the other.
Going through endless profiles of potential donors, Kal gets upset that she herself cannot get Fran pregnant. When they discover that Fran is ovulating, Kal hurries to the donor company to get the sperm. She inseminates Fran, but with no success. After visiting the local elementary school a few times, they share their worries for their child.
There are three girls who try to wake him: winter girl, spring girl, and summer girl. Only the last one is successful. In some versions of these poems he inseminates either his sister or his mother to be able to provide fertility for fields and orchards. Feast of Sampsa has been traditionally held on June 29.
Mercedes has an abortion, despite Jacqui's attempts to convince Mercedes to allow Tony and herself to raise the baby, unaware Tony is the father. Tina agrees to be a surrogate mother but later has sex with Russ, Mercedes' husband. She inseminates herself with Tony's spem and later discovers she is pregnant. Tina gives birth to Max (Brayden Haynes-Mawdsley).
A male bed bug (Cimex lectularius) traumatically inseminates a female bed bug (top). The female's ventral carapace is visibly cracked around the point of insemination. Traumatic insemination describes the male's tactics of piercing a female and depositing sperm in order to ensure paternity success. Traumatic insemination in this sense incorporates species which display extra-genitalic traumatic insemination.
He breaks off the pinky ritual and says that Winter is to bear the new Messiah. She is horrified at the thought of incest, but he explains that Samuels is to act as a medium between them. As Samuels inseminates Winter, Kai intends to be inseminating him, leaving her "pure". Vincent committed Ally for three weeks, and now won't leave her house.
Females are more prone to selecting larger males due to fitness preference. He proceeds to hold her round the flanks and uses his toes to stimulate her cloaca. After about half an hour he squeezes her sides firmly and she stretches her hind legs and ejects a mass of eggs embedded in strings of jelly. The male releases her and inseminates the egg mass with his sperm.
Females fly into these swarms, and mating takes place in the air. A rising male clasps the thorax of a female from below using his front legs bent upwards, and inseminates her. Copulation may last just a few seconds, but occasionally a pair remains in tandem and flutters to the ground. Males may spend the night in vegetation and return to the nuptial dance the following day.
During copulation, the male inseminates the female. The spermatozoon fertilizes an ovum or various ova in the uterus or fallopian tubes, and this results in one or multiple zygotes. Sometimes, a zygote can be created by humans outside of the animal's body in the artificial process of in-vitro fertilization. After fertilization, the newly formed zygote then begins to divide through mitosis, forming an embryo, which implants in the female's endometrium.
The male then inseminates the female which fertilises the ova, resulting in a fertilised egg. A singular egg then hatches external to that of the mother. Some birds stay at colonies throughout the year but most birds fly to colonies in August to woo and sweep burrows for breeding. After mating, females leaves colonies for one to six weeks for forming eggs and males also leave but return to nest site for a few times.
It is decided that the Jakovasaurs are to be given their own home in the hope that they will breed. However, problems arise when it is determined that both Jakov and Joon-Joon lack any genitalia. Dr. Mephisto instead artificially inseminates Joon-Joon, and after a gestation period of only four days, Joon-Joon gives birth to an entire litter of baby Jakovasaurs. It is quickly determined that the Jakovasaurs are a major disruption to everyday life for the people of South Park.
As a member of the order Amphipoda, the males locate the female Abludomelita obtusata by using their antenna to sense the female's pheromones. Once the female is “ready” to be fertilized, the male Abludomelita obtusata inseminates the female via her marsupium or brood pouch. Then, the female fertilizes her eggs in the marsupium. There are no larval stages for the young, they hatch directly into juvenile stage a few days after they are fertilized and they are released into the ocean.
Max calls Ida, and as she leaves, Ida notices how Misty has placed the pillow between her legs. When she arrives, Max explains the insect: It is known to inhabit the nests of birds and other small animals, where it behaves like a parasite, inserting its proboscis and drinking the animal's blood, while invading the host's reproductive DNA and making them carry out the insect's young. Ida is horrified to learn that Misty may have been bitten by Mick. Mick inseminates Misty during another sexual intercourse.
Petra takes a share of the Marbella, preventing herself from being forced out, and in the season finale it's discovered Rafael has another sperm sample leftover. Petra has just learned that Rafael is trying to manipulate her in hopes of getting rid of her, and so, rather than telling him about the sample, she steals it for herself. Despite initial debate, Petra inseminates herself via a turkey baster, putting her in a position of being in Rafael's life forever. The two are forced to put aside differences and work together through this pregnancy.
It has wings almost clear of scales and flies strongly, seeking out a mature female to inseminate. The female in contrast, remains in her bag after emerging from the pupa. She is a highly specialised, worm-like creature: she has no wings at all, and lacks legs and even eyes; she lies helpless in her shelter, only able to turn her posterior towards the opening of her bag for insemination, and away from the opening for oviposition. The male inserts the point of his abdomen through the neck of the bag and inseminates her.
A colony of vampire bats Male vampire bats guard roosting sites that attract females, but females often switch roosts During estrus, a female releases one egg. Mating usually lasts three to four minutes; the male bat mounts the female from the posterior end, grasps her back with his teeth, holds down her folded wings, and inseminates her. Vampire bats are reproductively active year-round, although the number of conceptions and births peak in the rainy season. Females give birth to one offspring per pregnancy, following a gestation period of about seven months.
Jane the Virgin is an American comedy-drama television series that premiered on The CW on October 13, 2014. The series follows Jane Villanueva, a hard- working, religious young Latina woman whose vow to save her virginity until marriage is shattered when a doctor mistakenly artificially inseminates her during a checkup. To make matters worse, the biological donor is a married man, a former playboy and cancer survivor who is not only the new owner of the hotel where Jane works, but was also her former teenage crush. The show was ordered to series on May 8, 2014, followed by a full season order on October 21, 2014.
Luis takes Fancy to her "princess room", where he intends to sleep on her couch and protect her during the night. Fancy's attacker injects Luis with a drug, however, which causes him to hallucinate that he is making love to Fancy while the attacker rapes him and collects his semen. After dragging Luis away, the attacker then rapes Fancy for a second time, during which time he inseminates her with Luis's semen. Chad and Whitney hear Fancy screaming and find her alone but bruised, and when they search the mansion for her attacker, they find Luis, unconscious and dressed as Fancy's assailant, in the kitchen pantry.
He convinces Kim, and Donna inseminates herself but does not get pregnant and soon after decides she needs to find a committed father. Later, Vincent realises that he misses Claudette and invites her to a family dinner and she promises that she has changed, but when Babe Smith (Annette Badland) is locked in a freezer overnight, Vincent wrongly thinks Claudette is the culprit. A few weeks later, Vincent discovers that Kim has caused him to have a parking fine. He then finds out that Kim never passed her driving test and bans her from driving until she does, deciding to teach her how to drive himself and Kim eventually passes her driving test.
Kim calls Claudette to try to stop the plan but Claudette is supportive despite Vincent still hating her, and Vincent manages to convince Kim. Donna inseminates herself with Vincent's donated sperm, and Kim, realising how hard it will be on her family, attempts to stop it but she is too late. However, Donna does not get pregnant. Donna is determined to keep trying but when she finds out Whitney Dean (Shona McGarty) is pregnant and Whitney says she would not be able to raise a baby on her own, Donna realises she will not be able to look after a baby by herself and decides to stop trying for a baby, with Kim reassuring her that she will find the right man.

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