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212 Sentences With "fertilizes"

How to use fertilizes in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "fertilizes" and check conjugation/comparative form for "fertilizes". Mastering all the usages of "fertilizes" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Ammonia from this process fertilizes crops, which in turn nourish you.
As such, they determine which male hyena's sperm fertilizes their eggs.
Parthenogenesis happens when another egg, rather than sperm, fertilizes an egg, according to Scientific American.
Then the male wraps his body around hers, spraying sperm-laden milt that fertilizes the eggs.
An adjacent cell, called a polar body, actually fertilizes the egg with the females own genetic material.
Then the male toad fertilizes the eggs and places all of the eggs on the female's back.
In the conventional method, a doctor retrieves a woman's eggs and fertilizes them in a Petri dish.
We eat, and then I deep clean the kitchen and both bathrooms while J. mows and fertilizes the lawn.
Asexual reproduction in sharks happens when a polar body, or the cell adjacent to the egg fertilizes it, said Dudgeon.
A quick primer on fertility: In an unassisted pregnancy, a woman's ovary releases an egg, and sperm finds and fertilizes the egg.
He cuts it, fertilizes it, plows it with his brush, plants objects like a seed so that they might germinate and grow.
Whales are especially important to the ecosystem, she said, because their waste fertilizes phytoplankton, the plants that produce half the world's oxygen.
The increase is because of the carbon dioxide that humans are putting into the atmosphere, which fertilizes the plants, Dr. Campbell said.
The Sweetwater Foundation's work is an aquatic biome where a fish tank cultivates nutritious water that then fertilizes the lettuce growing above.
At that point, the female lays her eggs and the sperm slowly trickles down her back until it finds — and fertilizes — the eggs.
The male fertilizes the eggs internally and carries them in the pouch until they hatch, releasing the fully formed offspring into the sea.
It's a multistep procedure where a medical team removes eggs from a woman's ovaries, and then fertilizes the eggs with sperm in a laboratory.
Pollen from these stamens fertilizes the hefty breast-like female flowers—which have a moist ovule positioned precisely where you'd expect the nipple to be.
She successfully retrieves and fertilizes four eggs from Katkin, testing the embryos to be sure they are chromosomally normal and then implanting them in the surrogate.
Some strains make it impossible for an infected male to reproduce with an uninfected female — when his sperm fertilizes one of her eggs, it fails to develop.
FISHY BUSINESS As part of a research project at work, I bought an aquaponic tank with a betta fish that fertilizes the herbs that grow on top.
Before we get too deep, let's take it back to Sex Ed real quick: When sperm fertilizes an egg, the resulting blastocyst implants in the walls of your uterus.
" For him, the findings weigh in on a key question about the sperm that ultimately fertilizes an egg: "Is it random, or does it have to be the best sperm?
If people are brought up within a society that dislikes Jews or considers millions of Muslims to be apostates, inevitably that prejudice fertilizes the soil within which extremism can grow.
In this way, Trump's stewardship is really valuable: he provides the nutrient rich horseshit that fertilizes the stupid ass root and creates a beautiful, truthful flower that smells like farts.
All times EST A new moon on your horizon fertilizes the soil for new beginnings, and on a deeper level, gives you a refreshed perspective that helps you compartmentalize your feelings.
Sperm from a male drone fertilizes a queen's eggs, and she sends out a chemical signal, or pheromone, that renders worker bees, which are all female, sterile when they detect it.
But experts say there's likely another insidious factor to consider—the extent to which anti-abortion activists and politicians emphasize that life begins "at conception," or when a sperm fertilizes an egg.
These insects seem to have the opposite parts for their biological sex; the animal with the eggs is the one with the penis, while the animal that fertilizes the egg receives the penis.
Larger organisms also play an outsized role in global nutrient cycling—whale poop fertilizes the oceans with iron, for instance, while salmon migrations bring nitrogen and phosphorus upstream and even onto the land.
New research suggests this could be a problem, as contaminants are now showing up in treated sludge—and, in lower levels, even in some animals that have fed off the plants it fertilizes.
It would also prevent riverbed sediment that fertilizes the Mekong Delta rice bowl from moving down river, a particular problem for Vietnam where delta farmlands are being destroyed by saltwater incursion from the sea.
" (Feminist icon Gloria Steinem shares that same stance on surrogacy.)Regarding IVF, Pitlyk said it is a "scientific fact" that "human life begins at the moment when a human sperm fertilizes a human egg.
Identical twins, on the other hand, are made when the same sperm fertilizes the same egg, but then that zygote splits into two embryos, each sharing the same genetic mix of DNA from mom and dad.
In fact, having a boy was so important to Taylor, who has a degree in Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics from UCLA, that she started researching what variables affect whether an X or Y sperm fertilizes an egg.
Most people are familiar with the basics of how a woman gets pregnant: an egg is released from an ovary; sperm fertilizes the egg; the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine lining, where it eventually becomes a fetus.
This also extremely rare phenomenon is called heteropaternal superfecundation, and occurs when two ova meet two sperm, from two different parents-to-be, creating two embryos (homeopaternal superfecundation is what happens when one parent fertilizes two separate ova).
Lennart Nilsson, an innovative Swedish photographer whose micro-cameras bared some of life's previously impenetrable and breathtaking moments — most memorably a human embryo's maturation from the instant a sperm cell fertilizes an egg — died on Saturday in Stockholm.
Image: William Warby/FlickrYou probably have this image of the circle of life in your head where a zebra eats a plant, a lion eats the zebra, the lion dies and fertilizes the soil, and then new plants grow.
For men who have very few viable sperm, this means that the fertility experts can choose the best quality sperm and ensure it fertilizes the egg by injecting the sperm rather than leaving it to swim to the egg unaided.
They take a long time to kick in and have more side effects than those that physically block the passage of sperm or interfere with how it fertilizes an egg, says Aaron Hamlin, the executive director of the Male Contraception Initiative, a nonprofit organization working to bring new male contraceptives to market.
The queen fertilizes the egg by selectively releasing sperm from her spermatheca as the egg passes through her oviduct.
Depending upon which sperm fertilizes the egg, the resulting plant will be trisomic or monosomic for the translocated A region.
The male fertilizes each egg individually. The female then dives under water and attaches it to a submerged object. Each egg is attached to a different object.
The queen will store the spermatozoa, returning to the nest to lay her eggs which she fertilizes in the laying process with remarkably few sperm per egg.
Staminate spikelet which fertilizes the pistillate spikelet Carex glaucescens is a graminoid, meaning they have a grass-like appearance. This species begins blooming in the early summer months, and begins developing fruits into the late summer months around July and August. Carex glaucescens features a staminate spikelete at the top of the plant which fertilizes the pistillate spikelets below it. The fruits are born on pendulous pistillate spikelets which are covered by translucent papilla, which gives the fruit sac its glaucous appearance.
The Kornstier ("corn bull") is a cattle-shaped corn spirit. At Christmas the bull fertilizes the fruit tree. In spring the Kornstier is called Aprilochse ("April ox") or Maiochse ("May ox").Mannhardt, Die Korndämonen, p. 9.
Haberbock ("oat buck"),Mannhardt, Wald- und Feldkulte: Band II, p. 165. Grasbock ("grass buck"), Heubock ("hay buck") or Baumbock ("tree buck").Mannhardt, Wald- und Feldkulte: Band II, p. 171. At Christmas the buck fertilizes the fruit tree.
Only 1 in 14 million of the ejaculated sperm will reach the Fallopian tube. The egg simultaneously moves through the Fallopian tube away from the ovary. One of the sperm encounters, penetrates and fertilizes the ovum, creating a zygote.
The myth of eternal return and the Phoenix as its symbol was a motif employed by the Syrian poet Adonis in the poem Resurrection and Ashes: Adonis connects the Phoenix with the myth of Tammuz who fertilizes the land with his blood.
The guanaco acts as a keystone species: it prevents domination of grass species, acts as a disperser and fertilizes, and has high reproductive rates "Reproduction in South American Camelids". Timothy Smith. Iowa State University. 1985. , providing food for local carnivores, especially pumas.
In 2019 the IAU announced that WASP-6 and its planet WASP-6b would be given official names chosen by school children from The Dominican Republic. The planet WASP-6b is named Boinayel. Boinayel the god of rain that fertilizes the soil.
During spawning, the fish will lay their eggs on gravel bottoms of freshwater tributaries. The female digs out a hole called a redd. The preferred depth for steelhead spawning is 6 in to 14 in. She then lays the eggs, and a male fertilizes them.
The female lays a single egg at a time, placing it in small cracks and crevices in wood, rocks, or other hard substrates. The male fertilizes the eggs as soon as they are laid. They may spawn in any position from horizontal to vertical.
Males will display to females by opening their mouths and flaring their gills. Nonreceptive females may be driven from the spawning area. Spawning takes place on a smooth rock or clean sand bed. The female lays one or two eggs, then the male fertilizes them.
A male toad finds the female and jumps on her back, a process called amplexus.Western_Spadefoot_Toad.pdf As the female lays eggs in a long chain (cordon), the male fertilizes them. The group of eggs is called spawn. [The yolk within the egg splits into two sections.
Abhiyans like Hindon Kali and Krishna Bachao Abhiyan are held by locals. NGOs with RWA are working to aware local and trying to remove solid non-biodegradable wastes like plastic from the river. Now, farming is reducing chemical fertilizes and pesticides near the flood plains.
Each individual hermaphrodite normally fertilizes itself when an egg and sperm that it has produced by an internal organ unite inside the fish's body.Sakakura Y, Soyano K, Noakes DLG, Hagiwara A. (2006). Gonadal morphology in the self- fertilizing mangrove killifish, Kryptolebias marmoratus. Ichthyological Research, Vol.
Ovophiles are mouthbrooding members of the fish family Cichlidae (cichlids). Ovophiles dig pits or holes in which the female lays eggs. The female lays eggs in this pit and then immediately takes the eggs into her mouth. The male then fertilizes the eggs in the female's mouth.
Males turn more bluish during spawning. They build nests on rocks or coral ledges. Then, females lay their eggs in the nests and the male fertilizes them."Abudefduf vaigiensis" Encyclopedia of Life Retrieved on December 21, 2014 Males guard and aerate the eggs until they hatch.
Form I males are found in low-water conditions between June and October, peaking in September–October. Males have mating plugs in October. Kisatchie painted crawfish reproduce with the male depositing sperm into an external receptacle under the female's abdomen. She then fertilizes her eggs as she excretes them.
The females and the males leave the starfish and mate in the sea. Tailed sperm enters the female and fertilizes the numerous oocytes. Each oocyst produces a small ciliated larva which makes its way to another star. The genome of one of these species – Intoshia linei – has been sequenced.
The male fertilizes the eggs inside the pouch and provides physical protection for them as they develop. He also osmoregulates, aerates the embryos, and may provide some nourishment until the offspring are born. When fully grown, pups will be expelled from the pocket and evolve in complete autonomy.
Hippocampus spinosissimus is an ovoviviparous species, with the female using an ovipositor to transfer eggs to an enclosed brood pouch on the male's stomach. The male then fertilizes and protects the developing embryos before giving birth to tiny () independent young. Individuals reach sexual maturity when they are around .
The female lays her eggs and the male immediately fertilizes them. Incubation time varies depending on the temperature of the water and amount of light to which the eggs are exposed. The adults both share in the responsibility of protecting the young until they reach a length of about 3 mm.
Parental care among sirens is paternal due to external fertilization. In S. intermedia males circle around females and may rub or bite her flank region. Both male and female will go on their backs and turn. It is assumed here where the female spawns and the male fertilizes her eggs.
A sexual stage also exists for P. humuli, in which an antheridium fertilizes an oogonium to produce a recombinant oospore. While oospores are classically thought to be the chief survival structure of oomycetes, their role in primary infection in downy mildew of hops is uncertain.Johson, D.A., et al. 2009. Downy mildew.
The economy of Villa Canales is based around coffee, sugarcane, and pineapple. The city is the largest producer of pineapple in the nation, due to the nearby Pacaya Volcano which fertilizes the soil. Due to rapid growth and development, it has become one of the main municipalities of the department.
C. leptosoma, like other fish in its genus, has an unusual breeding strategy. Males form a three-dimensional lek in mid-water. Females decide which males they want to mate with. If a female chooses to mate with a particular male, they will release an egg, which the male fertilizes in midwater.
Signs and symptoms of early pregnancy may include missed periods, tender breasts, nausea and vomiting, hunger, and frequent urination. Pregnancy may be confirmed with a pregnancy test. Pregnancy is divided into three trimesters, each lasting for approximately 3 months. The first trimester includes conception, which is when the sperm fertilizes the egg.
It lives in a temperate climate in water with a temperature range of 18 °C to 22 °C (64 °F to 72 °F). It is of commercial importance for public aquariums. When spawning, female hides eggs inside Cristaria mussels and the male fertilizes them externally. The pair do not guard the eggs.
Their nitrogen rich feces fertilizes the soil. Their stings are mild, so they are not dangerous. The only downside with respect to humans is that their burrowing can leave unsightly mounds. If an area has a large density of burrowing females, then these mounds can be quite noticeable and are difficult to get rid of.
The male fertilizes the eggs; they hatch after about one month. When the eggs hatch, the young toadfish stay attached to the yolk for some time. When the yolk has been absorbed for energy, the young toadfish learn to swim. Even when the young have started to swim, the adult still protects its young.
It spawns in early summer, in May or June. The appropriate temperature of its mating is 18~28 degrees Celsius. The female species lays and attaches the eggs under a rock, and the male species come and fertilizes it. (External fertilization) After a couple of weeks, and around 20 degrees Celsius, the eggs start to hatch.
Dasypterus ega copulates before the end of hibernation, but a female L. ega delays its ovulation and stores the sperm for 6 months and fertilizes it later. All reproductive organs involuted following mating in July (early winter) and remained inactive until the following April (autumn).. Crichton, E. G. (2000). Sperm storage and fertilization. Reproductive biology of bats, 295–320.
For the majority of their lives, O. gracilis live by themselves except during mating season. Mates are found using chemical cues. During the mating process the male uses the first and second abdominal appendages to transfer sperm packets called spermatophores to the female. The sperm fertilizes the egg which the females produce and carry on their setae.
Those that are anadromous are carnivorous, feeding on fishes or marine mammals. Anadromous lampreys spend up to four years in the sea before migrating back to freshwater, where they spawn. Adults create nests (called redds) by moving rocks, and females release thousands of eggs, sometimes up to 100,000. The male, intertwined with the female, fertilizes the eggs simultaneously.
Breeding for Anaxyrus hemiophrys typically commences during early emergence in late April to early May and goes until August or September. It takes place in aquatic environments. The male grasps the female in a process called amplexus. The female deposits the eggs in shallow water and the male fertilizes them with his sperm as they are being deposited.
It feeds on worms, benthic crustaceans, insects, and plant matter. It lays eggs in dense vegetation and adults do not guard the eggs. The female holds 2-4 eggs between her pelvic fins, where the male fertilizes them for about 30 seconds. Only then does the female swim to a suitable spot, where she attaches the very sticky eggs.
It feeds on worms, benthic crustaceans, insects, and plant matter. The female holds 2-4 eggs between her pelvic fins, where the male fertilizes them for about 30 seconds. After fertilization the female swims to a suitable spot, where she attaches the very sticky eggs. The masked corydoras lays eggs in dense vegetation without adult protection.
It feeds on worms, benthic crustaceans, insects, and plant matter. It lays eggs in dense vegetation and adults do not guard the eggs. The female holds 2–4 eggs between her pelvic fins, where the male fertilizes them for about 30 seconds. Only then does the female swim to a suitable spot, where she attaches the very sticky eggs.
The female deposits her eggs inside freshwater mussels. The male sheds his sperm into the inhalent current of the respiring mussel and thereby fertilizes the eggs. The young hatch and remain protected within the mussel for about a month, eventually leaving the mussel as actively swimming larvae. Both sexes reach sexual maturity in 1 year, at a length of .
It feeds on worms, benthic crustaceans, insects, and plant matter. It lays eggs in dense vegetation and adults do not guard the eggs. The female holds 2–4 eggs between her pelvic fins, where the male fertilizes them for about 30 seconds. Only then does the female swim to a suitable spot, where she attaches the very sticky eggs.
It feeds on worms, benthic crustaceans, insects, and plant matter. It lays eggs in dense vegetation and adults do not guard the eggs. The female holds 2–4 eggs between her pelvic fins, where the male fertilizes them for about 30 seconds. Only then does the female swim to a suitable spot, where she attaches the very sticky eggs.
It feeds on worms, benthic crustaceans, insects, and plant matter. It lays eggs in dense vegetation and adults do not guard the eggs. The female holds 2–4 eggs between her pelvic fins, where the male fertilizes them for about 30 seconds. Only then does the female swim to a suitable spot, where she attaches the very sticky eggs.
Mating happens when this behaviour reaches its climax where the female releases the eggs and the male fertilizes them. Fertilised eggs promptly sink to the bottom and into the gravel. The other fish will start eating the eggs and picking at the gravel to find them. The male will then ferociously guard them for a period of time.
It feeds on worms, benthic crustaceans, insects, and plant matter. It lays eggs in dense vegetation and adults do not guard the eggs. The female holds 2–4 eggs between her pelvic fins, where the male fertilizes them for about 30 seconds. Only then does the female swim to a suitable spot, where she attaches the very sticky eggs.
It feeds on worms, benthic crustaceans, insects, and plant matter. It lays eggs in dense vegetation and adults do not guard the eggs. The female holds 2-4 eggs between her pelvic fins, where the male fertilizes them for about 30 seconds. Only then does the female swim to a suitable spot, where she attaches the very sticky eggs.
Primary gamefish include largemouth bass, crappie, and bluegill. The property owners' association fertilizes the lake each year to promote gamefish growth. The water level of the lake is intentionally lowered during the winter months to reduce excessive shoreline vegetation growth. Because the lake is private, only owners, their families, and invited guests are allowed to fish.
While the eggs are being transferred, the mating pair rises through the water until copulation is complete. At this point, the male assumes an S-shaped posture and fertilizes the eggs, all the while travelling back down the water column. Males possessing brood pouches release their sperm directly into them; the pouches are then vigorously shaken.
At certain times of the year, the settlers fish abundant shrimps in the Huarmey River. This river fertilizes the valley and flows from south to north. The port of Huarmey is located at 5 km to the south, through a detour that begins in the Pan-American highway. Huarmey is 83 km from the next major city, Casma.
She swims to the bottom between layings. The male fertilizes the eggs during this time by releasing sperm into the water. Amplexus can last for several hours. When the female has laid all her eggs she signals the male once more by going motionless, and after several minutes, the male releases the female and she returns to her normal behavior.
This species, as the more common and congener Hemichromis bimaculatus, is a popular aquarium fish and it is widespread commercially for breeding in the aquarium. Reproduction is quite simple and it is carried easily in captivity. Usually, the female lays about 400 eggs on a stone and the male immediately fertilizes them. At a temperature of 25.5 °C, after 48 hours they hatch.
Fry jumps out of his river and over to Leela's, but is stuck on the land adjacent to it. He too is caught by Brrr, who reluctantly lets him go after the bear version of Ndnd argues with him over eating too much fish. Fry reaches Leela and fertilizes her eggs, and both die happily along with all the other salmon.
This first division produces two distinctly different blastomeres, termed AB and P1. When the sperm cell fertilizes the egg cell, the sperm pronucleus and centrosomes are deposited within the egg, which causes a cytoplasmic flux resulting in the movement of the pronucleus and centrosomes towards one pole.Goldstein, B, Hird, SN. "Specification of the anteroposterior axis in Caenorhabditis elegans." Development 1996. 122:1467–74.
Water chemistry is not especially important and temperature in the 72 – 79 °F (22 – 26 °C) range is fully sufficient. It feeds on worms, benthic crustaceans, insects, and plant matter. It lays eggs in dense vegetation and adults do not guard the eggs. The female holds 2–4 eggs between her pelvic fins, where the male fertilizes them for about 30 seconds.
At the Izu-Bonin-Mariana volcanic arc, the Pacific Plate subducts beneath the Philippine Plate. The subduction of the old Pacific Plate releases fluids from the downgoing slab into the mantle. The interaction between these fluids and the mantle fertilizes the latter and results in volcanic activity. Compared to ocean island volcanoes, these volcanoes are longer lived and produce more gas-rich magma.
Within the mosquito midgut, the female gamete maturation process entails slight morphological changes, becoming more enlarged and spherical. The male gametocyte undergoes a rapid nuclear division within 15 minutes, producing eight flagellated microgametes by a process called exflagellation. The flagellated microgamete fertilizes the female macrogamete to produce a diploid cell called a zygote. The zygote then develops into an ookinete.
Parjanya ( ) according to the Vedas is a deity of rain, thunder, lightning, and the one who fertilizes the earth. The Atharvanic poet claims Parjanya and Prithvi father and mother of all beings. His other wives are Bhūmi and the sacred cow Vasa. It is assumed Parjanya is the udder and lightning is the teats of the rain-cow, accordingly rain represents her milk.
Redspotted catsharks are oviparous. Breeding occurs in individuals in an annual cycle. However, they mate seasonally, typically in spring and winter, though females have occasionally been shown to have egg capsules in the summer. They are polygynandrous and while the male fertilizes the female's eggs he typically performs what is called a "courtship ritual" that consists of the male biting the female.
IV (7):61. The male fertilizes the eggs, causing them to become adhesive and lodge in the gravel of the nest, preventing them from being carried away by the currents. The eggs are then abandoned by both parents and hatch within a few days. The newly hatched fish school together to feed in the warmer and more protected backwaters and vegetated stream margins.
The sneakers then release their sperm on the spawning ground as soon as the paired female releases her eggs. Though sneakers’ sperm fertilizes some eggs, the paired male cannot distinguish the eggs fertilized by the sneakers from those fertilized by his own sperm. Therefore, the paired male gives parental care equally to all the eggs. Kleptogamy is a good strategy in many ways.
In addition, the female does not choose her mate. Males find their female mates with the use of visual and chemoreceptive signals. Once a mate is found, the female digs a hole and lays the eggs while the male externally fertilizes them. Once the eggs are laid, the male and female head back to the ocean, and the eggs develop on their own.
At the height of the season, the queen may lay over 2,500 eggs per day (more than her body mass). She fertilizes each egg (with stored sperm from the spermatheca) as it is laid in a worker-sized cell. Eggs laid in drone-sized (larger) cells are left unfertilized; these unfertilized eggs, with half as many genes as queen or worker eggs, develop into drones.
Ilaya is located 15.80 kilometers away from the City Proper. It is bounded by barangay Hilltop in the North; barangay Barcelona in the South; barangay Sto.Nino and San Miguel, Polanco, Zamboanga del Norte in the West and barangay Ba-ao in the east. Most of the soil in the area is loam, which fertilizes the agricultural land that constitutes most of the land area.
USDA Forest Service Fact Sheet ST-463 Google Scholar. The primary inoculum on pine are basidiospores which infect the pine needles in spring between March and May. The basidiospores germinate and grow into the stems of the tree where the fungus can overwinter for 4–6 months in the wood. In the fall, the spermatia forms and fertilizes the aceiospores in the following spring.
Other poison frogs lay their eggs on the forest floor, hidden beneath the leaf litter. Poison frogs fertilize their eggs externally; the female lays a cluster of eggs and a male fertilizes them afterward, in the same manner as most fish. Poison frogs can often be observed clutching each other, similar to the manner most frogs copulate. However, these demonstrations are actually territorial wrestling matches.
Cows, goats and sheep eat the pods and leaves. There seems to be evidence that Mimosa tenuiflora forage or fodder cause development defects to pregnant ruminants in Brazil. The tree is an important source of forage for bees, especially during the dry season and in the beginning of the wet season. Like most plants in the family Fabaceae, Mimosa tenuiflora fertilizes the soil via nitrogen fixing bacteria.
The male releases sperm and fertilizes the eggs in the female's mouth. This pecking and fertilizing behavior repeats until the female is done laying eggs. Once the females are enticed and enter the male's territory to spawn, after spawning, the females will rear the young in their mouths: a behavior called mouthbrooding. After about two weeks of incubation have passed, the females will release their young.
It lives in a tropical climate in water with a 6.0 - 8.0 pH, a water hardness of 2 - 25 dGH, and a temperature range of . It feeds on worms, benthic crustaceans, insects, and plant matter. It lays eggs in dense vegetation and adults do not guard the eggs. The female holds 2-4 eggs between her pelvic fins, where the male fertilizes them for about 30 seconds.
Self- pollination is an example of autogamy that occurs in flowering plants. Self- pollination occurs when the sperm in the pollen from the stamen of a plant goes to the carpels of that same plant and fertilizes the egg cell present. Self-pollination can either be done completely autogamously or geitonogamously. In the former, the egg and sperm cells that united came from the same flower.
In many parts of the world Mucuna pruriens is used as an important forage, fallow and green manure crop. Since the plant is a legume, it fixes nitrogen and fertilizes soil. In Indonesia, particularly Java, the beans are eaten and widely known as 'Benguk'. The beans can also be fermented to form a food similar to tempe and known as Benguk tempe or 'tempe Benguk'.
A group of Perna viridis attached on a rocky substrate The Asian green mussel has separate sexes and fertilizes externally. There are a very few functional hermaphrodites (<0.1%). The mussel's sexual development was shown to be affected by temperature. Spawning ordinarily occurs twice a year between early spring and late autumn; however, the mussels found in the Philippines and Thailand are known to spawn all year round.
The gafftopsail catfish (Bagre marinus) is found in the waters of the western central Atlantic Ocean, as well as the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. It has long venomous spines which can cause painful wounds. It feeds on crustaceans and other fish. The male of the species fertilizes the eggs of the female, and broods them in his mouth until they hatch.
Callitriche stagnalis is a monoecious plant, having both female and male reproductive structures. C. stagnalis staminate and pistillate flowers contain the stamen (male reproductive organ that fertilizes via pollen) and the pistil (female reproductive organ), respectively. Small distances between flower types of C. stagnalis promotes aerial self-pollination. Another structural feature that may aid pollination are the two distinct bracts located at the base of each flower.
During mating season, the salamanders travel upstream, where the female lays two strings of over 200 eggs each. The male fertilizes the eggs externally by releasing his sperm onto them, and then guards them for at least three months, until they hatch. At this point, the larvae live off their noticeable stored fat until ready to hunt. Once ready, they hunt as a group rather than individually.
After returning to Earth and killing countless others, Piro initiates a plan to kill Jesus Christ in his infancy, thereby preventing the creation of Christianity. Piro infiltrates the womb of the Virgin Mary and slays the gestating Jesus within. An egg opportunistically appears where Jesus dies, which Piro fertilizes with his semen. From this egg a new Piro is born, who graphically bursts out of the Virgin Mary, killing her.
When she is ready to spawn she turns to the male next to her and pounds below his ventral fin. The pair go into the "T-position" with the male releasing the sperm into the female's mouth before the sperm fertilizes the eggs. The female cups her ventral fins and lays a few eggs (usually between 4 and 12 eggs) in her fins. The eggs are about 1.8 mm in diameter.
When in breeding condition, the males' eyes turn red. After the female lays her eggs, the male fertilizes the eggs and aggressively defends the nest, eggs and fry from any intruder-including other females. Males are most commonly found defending the nest for up to five days later until the fry have hatched. Young warmouth spend most of their time hiding under benthic substrate available to avoid predators.
They usually deposit their eggs singly, occasionally in pairs, but very rarely in clusters. The male lungfish fertilizes each egg as it emerges, and the eggs are deposited in dense aquatic vegetation. The newly laid egg is hemispherical, delicate, heavily yolked, and enclosed in a single vitelline and triple jelly envelope. The egg about 3 mm in diameter; with the jelly envelope, it has a total diameter of about .
The life span of the tangerine darter is about four years. Tangerine darters spawn by first the male mounting the female; the female then scatters her eggs over the gravel, while the male disperses milt and fertilizes the eggs. While doing this both the male and female make a quivering motion. Females choose the most brightly colored males (bright orange black line with some blue where orange meets the black).
During copulation, the male inseminates the female. The spermatozoon fertilizes an ovum or various ova in the uterus or fallopian tubes, and this results in one or multiple zygotes. Sometimes, a zygote can be created by humans outside of the animal's body in the artificial process of in-vitro fertilization. After fertilization, the newly formed zygote then begins to divide through mitosis, forming an embryo, which implants in the female's endometrium.
In the first step in the reproductive cycle for Mozambique tilapia, males excavate a nest into which a female can lay her eggs. After the eggs are laid, the male fertilizes them. Then the female stores the eggs in her mouth until the fry hatch; this act is called mouthbrooding.Popma, 1999 One of the main reasons behind the aggressive actions of Mozambique tilapias is access to reproductive mates.
Salt dump in Solikamsk Silvinit is a Russian company involved in the production of mineral fertilizes. The company delivers its products to all regions of Russia and to over more than 50 countries worldwide, including Brazil, China, India, United States, East-South Asia and Latin America, among others. It manages its activities through two branches, one in Belarus and one in Germany. Silvinit operates through eight affiliated companies and eight subsidiaries.
Breeding takes place during the monsoon season between May and September. The male maintains a territory, positioning himself on a twig or leaf overhanging a stream and calling repeatedly. The female arrives in response to these calls and deposits a small clutch of eggs on the exact spot from which the male was calling. She then returns to the stream and he stands over the eggs and fertilizes them.
During the spring, favorable food supplies, adequate light, and optimum water temperature provide conditions for breeding and early growth. At this time, the female deposits hundreds of egg capsules in tower-shaped structures about high. The male fertilizes these eggs. After fertilization, the eggs develop into trochophore larvae, and the eggs subsequently hatch as free swimming microscopic veliger larvae, which can be carried some distance on ocean currents.
Once the oviposition site is created, the female then begins to lay her eggs in shallow water, and the male fertilizes the eggs. The egg masses, fairly large in size, range up to 1300 eggs. The egg masses, once laid, absorb water and become the size of a softball. These eggs are not attached to any type of vegetation, but are left free-floating in a permanent water source.
Spawning takes place during early winter and late spring. The male's head becomes darker, and he selects a protected nest site, such as under a rock or ledge. After courtship, the female enters the nest, turns upside down, and deposits her eggs on the ceiling, where they adhere. Typically several females will deposit eggs in a nest, then the male fertilizes and guards them, fanning the eggs with his pectoral fins.
After the female is in the nest, up to eight males attempt to mate with her by curving around the female and releasing their milt as she deposits her eggs about four inches below the surface. After spawning, the males immediately retreat toward the ocean. The milt flows down the female’s body until it reaches the eggs and fertilizes them. The female twists free and returns to the sea with the next wave.
Karan p. 65 A folk-tale about Bir Kuar tells that he was so attached to a she-buffalo called Pararia that on his wedding-night, instead of sleeping with his bride, he went to the forest with the buffalo and impregnated her. This tale defines Bir Kuar's role as a god of fertility and protector of cattle, who fertilizes female cattle. Once, Bir Kuar was given a choice between his wife and his herd.
Inside the nest, the female turns upside down and releases eggs that the male fertilizes. Males will spawn with multiple females this way, and may also spawn with each female multiple times. Coastrange sculpin eggs are yellow to orange in color and are deposited on the underside of the flat rock at the top of the nest. They are less prolific than other sculpins and only produce an average of ~1000 eggs.
Fertilization often occurs with the help of egg-spots, which are colorful spots on the anal fin of the male. When the female sees these spots, she tries to pick up the egg- spots, but instead gets sperm that fertilizes the eggs in her mouth. Many cichlids and some labyrinth fish are ovophile mouthbrooders. Larvophile or larvae-loving mouth-brooders lay their eggs on a substrate and guard them until the eggs hatch.
The spermatozoon that fertilizes an oocyte will contribute its pronucleus, the other half of the zygotic genome. In some species, the spermatozoon will also contribute a centriole, which will help make up the zygotic centrosome required for the first division. However, in some species, such as in the mouse, the entire centrosome is acquired maternally. Currently under investigation is the possibility of other cytoplasmic contributions made to the embryo by the spermatozoon.
In red flour beetles, males are known to engage in polygamous behavior. Research largely shows that Male red flour beetles engage in polygamous behavior to avoid inbreeding depression, especially when there is competition from other males. There is a higher fertilization success in out- bred males when they compete with inbred males to fertilize the same female. In polygamous beetles, the male that last fertilizes the female ends up having a higher fertilization success.
The male produces capsules containing mature sperm cells, spermatophores, which are deposited in a reservoir called the spermathecae of the female during mating. The female then fertilizes her immature eggs, oocytes, and deposits them in a dark, protected area. The female lays 50 to 80 eggs which she vigilantly protects until they hatch and the baby centipede molt once. If danger is detected she will wrap around her babies to keep them safe.
It lives in a tropical climate in water with a 6.0 – 8.0 pH, a water hardness of 2 – 25 dGH, and a temperature range of 72 – 79 °F (22 – 26 °C). It feeds on worms, benthic crustaceans, insects, and plant matter. It lays eggs in dense vegetation and adults do not guard the eggs. The female holds 2–4 eggs between her pelvic fins, where the male fertilizes them for about 30 seconds.
It lives in a tropical climate in water with a 6.0 – 8.0 pH, a water hardness of 2 – 25 dGH, and a temperature range of 70 – 75 °F (21 – 24 °C). It feeds on worms, benthic crustaceans, insects, and plant matter. It lays eggs in dense vegetation and adults do not guard the eggs. The female holds 2–4 eggs between her pelvic fins, where the male fertilizes them for about 30 seconds.
It lives in a tropical climate in water with a 6.0 - 8.0 pH, a water hardness of 2 - 25 dGH, and a temperature range of 77 - 83 °F (25 - 28 °C). It feeds on worms, benthic crustaceans, insects, and plant matter. It lays eggs in dense vegetation and adults do not guard the eggs. The female holds 2-4 eggs between her pelvic fins, where the male fertilizes them for about 30 seconds.
It lives in a tropical climate in water with a 6.0 – 8.0 pH, a water hardness of 2 – 25 dGH, and a temperature range of 68 – 77 °F (20 – 26 °C). It feeds on worms, benthic crustaceans, insects, and plant matter. It lays eggs in dense vegetation and adults do not guard the eggs. The female holds 2–4 eggs between her pelvic fins, where the male fertilizes them for about 30 seconds.
Once the pollen tube reaches an ovule, it bursts to deliver the two sperm cells. One of the sperm cells fertilizes the egg cell which develops into an embryo, which will become the future plant. The other one fuses with both polar nuclei of the central cell to form the endosperm, which serves as the embryo's food supply. Finally, the ovary will develop into a fruit and the ovules will develop into seeds.
Depending on the mechanism of sex determination for a species, decisions about sex allocation may be carried out in different ways. In haplodiploid species, like bees and wasps, females control the sex of offspring by deciding whether or not to fertilize each egg. If she fertilizes the egg, it will become diploid and develop as a female. If she does not fertilize the egg, it will remain haploid and develop as a male.
The mood of the album is calm and melancholic. A typical song is "Naming the Rose", a chamber music-like arrangement for lead vocals, keyboards (in Hammond organ sound), violas and background choirs. It is about a gardener who names his last creation – a damask rose – after his wife who died on the very day the best blossom opened. The rose breeder fertilizes the seeds of the variety with the ashes of his wife.
In gymnosperms, which do not form ovaries, the ovules and hence the seeds are exposed. This is the basis for their nomenclature – naked seeded plants. Two sperm cells transferred from the pollen do not develop the seed by double fertilization, but one sperm nucleus unites with the egg nucleus and the other sperm is not used. Sometimes each sperm fertilizes an egg cell and one zygote is then aborted or absorbed during early development.
The flagella/cilia apparatus pulls the body of the sperm forwards. The sperm have only a tiny distance to travel to the archegonia, of which there are usually two or three. Two sperm are produced, one of which successfully fertilizes the ovule. Although it is widely held that fertilization of ginkgo seeds occurs just before or after they fall in early autumn, embryos ordinarily occur in seeds just before and after they drop from the tree.
Menhaden, also known as mossbunker and bunker, are forage fish of the genera Brevoortia and Ethmidium, two genera of marine fish in the family Clupeidae. Menhaden is a blend of poghaden (pogy for short) and an Algonquian word akin to Narragansett munnawhatteaûg, derived from munnohquohteau ("he fertilizes"), referring to their use of the fish as fertilizer. It is generally thought that Pilgrims were advised by Tisquantum (also known as Squanto) to plant menhaden with their crops.
The sperm of the male reaches the female egg and fertilizes, resulting in a diploid zygote, which develops into a new sporophyte. Postelsia are green in color as juveniles, and change to a golden brown as they age, reaching a height of . As a Postelsia alga grows, its stipe thickens in the same manner as a tree's trunk. The cells beneath the epidermis, called the meristoderm, divide rapidly to form rings of growth, again, like a tree.
Midwife toads (Alytes) are a genus of frogs in the family Alytidae (formerly Discoglossidae), and are found in most of Europe and northwestern Africa. Characteristic of these toad-like frogs is their parental care: the males carry a string of fertilised eggs on their back, hence the name "midwife". The female expels a strand of eggs, which the male fertilizes externally. He then wraps them around his legs to protect them from predators in the water.
The female lays the eggs on a surface during the night and the male fertilizes them. The male then stays near the eggs to protect them from predators to and ensure fungus does not grow on the eggs. By day 3 the fry can be seen moving within the eggs and by day 5 the fry are clearly visible as fish. By day 6 the eggs start to hatch and all have hatched by day 9.
The fish lays its eggs in dense vegetation and the adults do not guard the eggs. The female holds a single egg between her pelvic fins, where the male fertilizes them for about 30 seconds. Only then does the female swim to a suitable spot, where she attaches the sticky egg. The pair repeats this process about every three minutes for from one to two hours with some 10- to 15-minute rests between egg releases.
White clover is included in some grass seed mixes, because it is a legume that fertilizes the soil A beneficial weed is an invasive plant not generally considered domesticated (however, some plants, such as dandelions, in addition to growing wild, are commercially cultivated) that has some companion plant effect, is edible, contributes to soil health, adds ornamental value, or is otherwise beneficial. Beneficial weeds include many wildflowers, as well as other weeds that are commonly removed or poisoned.
In the common fig, the inflorescence is a syconium, formed by an enlarged, fleshy, hollow receptacle with multiple ovaries on the inner surface. A female wasp enters through a narrow aperture, fertilizes these pistillate flowers, and lays its eggs in some ovaries, with galls being formed by the developing larvae. In due course, staminate flowers develop inside the syconium. Wingless male wasps hatch and mate with females in the galls before tunnelling their way out of the developing fruit.
The female lays her eggs, which he then fertilizes. In about 14 days, these hatch into tadpoles. Their parents, typically the male, then carry the tadpoles into the canopy, with the tadpoles sticking to the mucus on their parents' backs. The parents then deposit their tadpoles into the small pools of water that accumulate in the center of bromeliads, and guard the tadpoles while they feed on algae and small invertebrates that inhabit the tiny pool.
Stages in the development of the female genitals The biological sex of an individual is determined at conception, which is the moment a sperm fertilizes an ovum, creating a zygote. The chromosome type contained in the sperm determines the sex of the zygote. A Y chromosome results in a male, and an X chromosome results in a female. A male zygote will later grow into an embryo and form testes, which produce androgens (primarily male hormones), usually causing male genitals to be formed.
It is hypothesised that the free cercaria in water bodies accidentally find and penetrate these animals as second intermediate host, where they encyst as metacercaria. These are directly infective to mammals upon consumption, while they get attached to vegetation, where night soil is used. Humans ingest the metacercaria either by the infected fish or contaminated vegetable. The parasite travels through the digestive tract into the duodenum, then continues down to reach the caecum, where it self- fertilizes and lay eggs, continuing the cycle.
In vain pursuit, he ejaculates on the Acropolis, and his seed fertilizes the soil there, impregnating Gaia and leading to the birth of Erechtheus. After Erechtheus is born, Athena takes the baby into her care and places him into a chest (or, in some versions of the story, a basket). She entrusts the chest to the Kekropidai, warning them never to look inside. While Pandrosos faithfully follows Athena's instructions, Aglauros and Herse are compelled by curiosity to open the chest, provoking Athena's wrath.
Females can store sperm in two places (1) the buccal cavity where recently mated males place their spermatophores, and (2) the internal sperm- storage receptacles where sperm packages from previous males are stored. Spermatophore storage results in sperm competition; which states that the female controls which mate fertilizes the eggs. In order to reduce this sort of competition, males develop agonistic behaviors like mate guarding and flushing. The Hapalochlaena lunulata, or the blue-ringed octopus, readily mates with both males and females.
Most reach a maximum overall length of 40-60 cm (16-24 in), but some strains of the largemouth bass have been reported to grow to almost a full meter (just over three feet) in length.Rohde, F.C., Arndt, R.G., Lindquist, D.G. & Parnell, J.F. (1996): Freshwater Fishes of the Carolinas, Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1994. The male builds a "bed" (nest) in which a female is induced to deposit her eggs, then he fertilizes them.
Figure 2: The zona pellucida surrounds the blastocyst cavity that contains the inner cell mass. The quality of the sperm that fertilizes an egg is a key contributor to the overall quality of the embryo. Abnormalities in DNA fragmentation and chromosomal arrangements are the main source of genetic deviation in males that can affect embryo quality. DNA fragmentation occurs when the strands of DNA are separated to form two separate strands, this disrupts the genetic information that is coded in genes.
Heavy herbivory by insects and small mammals has been observed on the plants, including invasion of the pods by beetles. The plant does not reproduce until at least its sixth year, and when it does reproduce, it usually self-fertilizes, contributing to a low genetic diversity in populations. The plant has been reintroduced at one site in Iowa. As the plant probably benefited from the presence of bison, researchers are putting cattle on one site to test the effects of their grazing.
The mangrove killifish (Kryptolebias marmoratus) produces both eggs and sperm by meiosis and routinely reproduces by self-fertilisation. This capacity has apparently persisted for at least several hundred thousand years. Each individual hermaphrodite normally fertilizes itself through uniting inside the fish's body of an egg and a sperm that it has produced by an internal organ. In nature, this mode of reproduction can yield highly homozygous lines composed of individuals so genetically uniform as to be, in effect, identical to one another.
It may be beneficial for the female to lay more eggs instead of caring for the eggs, so she departs as the male fertilizes the eggs, leaving him to care for the eggs. The cabbage looper generally utilizes typical mating strategies, in that males compete for females. However, occasionally the reverse occurs, where females will seek males. This only happens under particular selection conditions, such as a shortage of males or host plants that bias the sex ratio towards females.
For example, the female gastric-brooding frog (Rheobatrachus sp.) from Australia, now probably extinct, swallows her fertilized eggs, which then develop inside her stomach. She ceases to feed and stops secreting stomach acid and the tadpoles rely on the yolks of the eggs for nourishment. After six or seven weeks the mother opens her mouth wide and regurgitates the tadpoles which hop away from her mouth. The brooding sea anemone (Epiactis prolifera) is a colonial hermaphrodite that fertilizes and incubates its eggs internally.
As a member of the order Amphipoda, the males locate the female Abludomelita obtusata by using their antenna to sense the female's pheromones. Once the female is “ready” to be fertilized, the male Abludomelita obtusata inseminates the female via her marsupium or brood pouch. Then, the female fertilizes her eggs in the marsupium. There are no larval stages for the young, they hatch directly into juvenile stage a few days after they are fertilized and they are released into the ocean.
In female organisms, a sperm containing an X chromosome fertilizes the egg, giving the embryo two copies of the X chromosome. Females, however, do not initially require both copies of the X chromosome as it would only double the amount of protein products transcribed as shown by the hypothesis of dosage compensation. The paternal X chromosome is quickly inactivated during the first few divisions. This inactive X chromosome (Xi) is packed into an incredibly tight form of chromatin called heterochromatin.
The reproductive biology of the yellow bass is similar to that of the white bass, where spawning occurs during the spring with fish swimming into the tributaries to make spawning runs. Spawning usually occurs in moderately shallow waters during which the female lays on her side and exposes the eggs as the male fertilizes from above. The larvae of the yellow bass school together to avoid predation and they grow fairly quickly in size. Yellow bass have average lifespan of about six years.
Attached to the viscidium via the caudicle is the pollinia. Upon removing its proboscis from the flower, the pollinarium stalk will be straight and parallel with the moth's proboscis. Then after leaving the orchid the caudicle will eventually dry out, causing its angle relative to the moth's proboscis to change by 90° so that it is at the correct angle to attach to the stigma of the next orchid the moth visits. The moth then repeats this process at another A. sesquipedale orchid and simultaneously fertilizes it.
In such a system there is typically no market in farmland, so land is not bought or sold on the open market and land rights are traditional. In slash-and-burn agriculture, forests are typically cut months before a dry season. The "slash" is permitted to dry and then burned in the following dry season. The resulting ash fertilizes the soil and the burned field is then planted at the beginning of the next rainy season with crops such as upland rice, maize, cassava, or other staples.
The male removes the sperm from a female who had mated with a previous male: many species of salamanders will remove the spermatophore from the previous male and insert his own; thus, ensuring his paternity. Sperm storage is a method by which females can control the sperm that fertilizes their eggs. Female salamanders and newts, most notably Triturus vulgaris, possess sperm-storage glands called spermathecae in the walls of their cloacae. Sperm storage has evolved independently to control reproduction in response to the environment.
Rather than depending on insects or even the wind for pollination, scientists have discovered that Holcoglossum amesianum actually fertilizes itself. The orchid defies gravity to twist the male part of its flower into the necessary shape to fertilize the female one. The plant does so without the help of sticky fluids or other methods used by self-pollinating plants to ensure that the pollen reaches the egg. It grows on tree trunks in China's Yunnan province and flowers during the dry, windless months of February to April.
For sexually reproducing populations, studies have shown that single-celled bottlenecks are beneficial for resisting mutation build-up. Passaging a population through a single-celled bottleneck involves the fertilization event occurring with haploid sets of DNA, forming one fertilized cell. For example, humans undergo a single-celled bottleneck in that the haploid sperm fertilizes the haploid egg, forming the diploid zygote, which is unicellular. This passage through a single cell is beneficial in that it lowers the chance of mutations from being passed on through multiple individuals.
Conventional mate-finding strategy involves males seeking and competing for females and females caring for offspring. In many animals, however, the opposite occurs, where the females competes for males and males care for young. This role reversal can occur for a variety of reasons: environmental conditions, timing of fertilization, and biased sex ratios. For example, male fish often provide more parental care because, after females lay their eggs, males have to ensure that their sperm fertilizes the eggs and does not get washed away.
Female butterflies regularly mate more than once. Females can internally store the sperm of many males at one time, but the sperm of the most recently mated male is the one that usually fertilizes the female. While seeking out multiple mates can lead to increased parasite exposure and predation risk, female butterflies can often benefit from remating by receiving more material resources from males and increasing the genetic diversity of their offspring. Virgin females are found to engage in remating behavior more frequently than recently mated females.
Iron-rich dust rising into the atmosphere is a primary source of ocean iron fertilization. For example, wind blown dust from the Sahara desert fertilizes the Atlantic Ocean and the Amazon rainforest. The naturally occurring iron oxide in atmospheric dust reacts with hydrogen chloride from sea spray to produce iron chloride, which degrades methane and other greenhouse gases, brightens clouds and eventually falls with the rain in low concentration across a wide area of the globe. Unlike ship based deployment, no trials have been performed of increasing the natural level of atmospheric iron.
One sperm fertilizes the egg cell and the other sperm combines with the two polar nuclei of the large central cell of the megagametophyte. The haploid sperm and haploid egg combine to form a diploid zygote, the process being called syngamy, while the other sperm and the two haploid polar nuclei of the large central cell of the megagametophyte form a triploid nucleus (triple fusion). Some plants may form polyploid nuclei. The large cell of the gametophyte will then develop into the endosperm, a nutrient-rich tissue which provides nourishment to the developing embryo.
The Bolivian tradition began with the indigenous belief in Pachamama, or Mother Nature. The combat is in praise of Pachamama, and any blood shed throughout the fighting is considered a sacrifice, in hopes of a fruitful harvest and fertility. Because of the violent nature of the tradition there have been fatalities, but each death is considered a sacrifice which brings forth life, and a donation to the land that fertilizes it. The brawls are also considered a means of release of frustration and anger between the separate communities.
The mycelium grows intracellularly and haustoria penetrate through the host cells when the temperature is around 60 degrees F. After about 1–2 weeks when the temperature is between 60-64 degrees F, conidiophores (the asexual stage) will form out of the plant stomata bearing conidia. Sporulation occurs at night. The conidia disseminate in high humidity mornings when it’s about 50-60 degrees. Meanwhile during the sexual stage, the antheridia (the male sex organ) fertilizes the oogonium (the female sex organ) with a fertilization tube and an oospore is developed.
The availability of resources and population size can greatly affect how many matings each individual participates in. Increased population size within a given area with fixed resources can limit how many offspring can survive. Therefore, males must often compete with other males to be the last male that mates with the female, to increase his fertilization rate. By being the last male to mate with a female, it is likely that his ejaculate removed previous ejaculate from previous males, increasing the chances that his sperm fertilizes the female.
Mouthbrooding females lay eggs and immediately snatch them up with their mouths. Over millions of years, male cichlids have evolved egg-spots to initiate the fertilization process more efficiently. When the females are snatching up the eggs into their mouth, the males gyrate their anal fins, which illuminates the egg-spots on his tail. Afterwards, the female, believing these are her eggs, places her mouth to the anal fin (specifically the genital papilla) of the male, which is when he discharges sperm into her mouth and fertilizes the eggs.
A brooding female Reproduction of the winged mapleleaf is very similar to that of many other freshwater mussels. The males release their sperm into the water, then as the females siphon in water the sperm fertilizes the eggs which are located on their gills. After fertilization the eggs develop into a larva, and once the larva reaches a certain stage it is released from the gills of the mother mussel into the river current. The larva then must reach the gills of a host fish where it can then continue its growing process.
The Nile river flows into South Sudan just south of Nimule, where it is known as the Bahr al Jabal ("Mountain River"). Just south of the town it has the confluence with the Achwa River. The Bahr al Ghazal, itself long, joins the Bahr al Jabal at a small lagoon called Lake No, after which the Nile becomes known as the Bahr al Abyad, or the White Nile, from the whitish clay suspended in its waters. When the Nile floods it leaves a rich silty deposit which fertilizes the soil.
Endosperm is formed when the two sperm nuclei inside a pollen grain reach the interior of a female gametophyte (sometimes called the embryo sac). One sperm nucleus fertilizes the egg cell, forming a zygote, while the other sperm nucleus usually fuses with the binucleate central cell, forming a primary endosperm cell (its nucleus is often called the triple fusion nucleus). That cell created in the process of double fertilization develops into the endosperm. Because it is formed by a separate fertilization, the endosperm constitutes an organism separate from the growing embryo.
Shortly after the calyptra is shed, liberating the pollen from the anthers of the stamen. Wind and insects generally play only a small role in aiding pollination, with the process being mostly self-contained within the vine. But cross-pollination between vines of different varieties is possible: Cabernet Sauvignon is a cross of Cabernet Franc and Sauvignon blanc; Petite Sirah is a cross of Syrah and Peloursin. During the process of fertilization, the pollen fertilizes the ovary which produces seeds as the flower begins the transformation into a grape berry, encapsulating the seed.
Male superb fairywren in breeding plumage Post-copulatory sexual selection is one of the main factors that drives the evolution of sperm morphology and ultimately its relative ability to fertilize an egg after copulation has occurred. Sperm competition occurs when a female is inseminated by multiple males during one breeding season resulting in differential fertilization success among males. In birds, the last male to inseminate the female usually fertilizes the highest proportion of eggs because by the time fertilization occurs, the oldest spermatozoa have been lost. This is known as last male sperm precedence.
Remating behavior by a female harms her most previous mate, who could lose his paternity if another male's sperm fertilizes the female. Thus, after males produce the spermatophore, they pass an additional gland secretion that spills out of the female's copulatory opening, forming a mating plug that hardens within a few hours of copulation. As the female variable checkerspot has two genital openings, this secretion does not impact oviposition ability. The mating plug protects the male's paternity by acting as a mechanical barrier to reinsemination by preventing other males from penetrating the female.
If that sperm cell fertilizes a normal egg cell with one X chromosome, the resulting child will have two X chromosomes and two Y chromosomes in each of his body's cells. In a small percentage of cases, 48,XXYY syndrome results from nondisjunction of the sex chromosomes in a 46,XY embryo very soon after fertilization has occurred. This means that a normal sperm cell with one Y chromosome fertilized a normal egg cell with one X chromosome, but right after fertilization, nondisjunction of the sex chromosomes caused the embryo to gain two extra sex chromosomes, resulting in a 48,XXYY embryo.
They have a monogamous relationship and tend to mate for life and live in the same cave. They reproduce from October until the end of winter starting from when they are around seven years old. The male puts his head against the female's abdomen and wrap around her, while she extrudes the eggs (she can lay up to 10,000 at a time) which he then fertilizes. Afterwards they coil around them and use her body to shape the eggs into a neat sphere roughly the size of a grapefruit, the male then coils around her to add an extra layer of protection.
In Florida, almost all (>99%) are homozygous clones, but in highly colonized South and Central American pools males typically are 3—8% of the population, and in offshore cays in Belize 20—25% are males. K. marmoratus produces eggs and sperm by meiosis and routinely reproduces by self-fertilization. Each individual hermaphrodite normally fertilizes itself when an egg and sperm that it has produced by an internal organ unite inside the fish's body. In nature, this mode of reproduction can yield highly homozygous lines composed of individuals so genetically uniform as to be, in effect, identical to one another.
This is facilitated by the absence of oxygen in the decaying tissue. Accordingly, (secondary) phosphate is generally only preserved in enclosed spaces, such as a tightly-closed bivalve shell. Higher concentrations of phosphate in the sea water do not enhance phosphatization, as may seem natural; rather, it increases the rate at which the organism breaks up, perhaps because the mineral "fertilizes" the decay micro-organisms. Phosphatization can happen quickly: The chitinous structures that support bivalve gills can be replaced by calcium phosphate, with a little help from co-occurring bacteria, in just two to six days.
The excreting of the seed of the tree is relevant, because some Indian trees are believed to only sprout when the seed is excreted by a bird, thus further amplifying the concept of cooperation and mutual dependence. The image of the animals standing on each other’s shoulders, on the back of a patient elephant, also portrays social and environmental harmony: the bird finds a seed and plants it, then the rabbit waters it, and the monkey fertilizes it. Once the seed sprouts and begins to grow, the elephant protects it. After some time, the small plant grows into a big, beautiful tree full of healthy fruit.
Chart of the generalized male reproductive system embryionic The genetic sex is determined by whether a Y bearing or next bearing sperm fertilizes the open; the presence or absence of a Y chromosome in turn determines whether the gonads of the embryo will be testes or ovaries; and the presence or absence of testes, finally, determines whether the sex accessory organs and external genitalia will be male or female. This sequence is understandable in light of the fact that both male and female embryos develop within the maternal environment - high in estrogen secreted by the mother's ovaries and the placenta. If estrogen determined the gender, all embryos would become feminized.
Most maize and staple food was produced by small scale communal farms, while larger commercial farms focused on cash crops like tobacco, paprika, fruits, flowers and beef exports, providing much needed foreign currencies for imports. Zimbabweans face different challenges in their agricultural activities and these challenges include; lack of resources to buy inputs and equipment, poor rains in some areas, poor roads networks to transport their produce and lack of participation in policies to support their activities. Government entities must support these agricultural activities by providing seeds, fertilizes and finance to buy other implements. They can also provide agricultural equipment that they can hire for a subsidized cost.
In Ammothea hilgendorfi, a sea spider species, fertilization occurs as a female transfers her eggs to a male who holds them with ovigers, a specialized pair of legs and fertilizes the eggs externally. The males glue the eggs into clusters and carries the eggs on his ovigers until they hatch. The personal cost to males for providing a prolonged care for the young is seen to be a significant parental investment because parental assurance is thought to be substantial for post-zygotic investment. A high level of paternity assurance is Ammothea hilgendorfi, suggests that reduced foraging ability, increased predation risk, and lower mobility exist.
He then moves to a new position with potential for egg deposition a few centimetres (inches) away and starts making his advertisement call again to attract another female. In this way, the male decides where the eggs are to be laid. This is the only known Old World frog species where the male and female do not engage in amplexus, the mating behaviour in which the male frog grasps the female round the body and fertilizes the eggs as they are laid. After 12 to 15 days, the developing tadpoles emerge from the jelly-clad eggs and drop into the stream below, where they continue their development.
The female sheds the eggs and the male fertilizes them in a few seconds of vigorous thrashing. The eggs are semi-buoyant and will sink without significant current, and take 24 to 36 hours to hatch. A 1914 account of silver perch spawning in the wild in the Murrumbidgee River states: > The observer of a shoal engaged in distributing ova says: “Between 50 and 70 > silver perch were playing—some feeding at the surface and others swimming > about apparently aimlessly—in a series of eddies under a precipitous bank of > the Murrumbidgee River, at a spot where the water was 10 or 12 foot deep. A > section of the shoal, mostly the largest fish, remained in a central > position.
Stem cells resembling totipotent blastomeres from 2-cell stage embryos can arise spontaneously in mouse embryonic stem cell cultures and also can be induced to arise more frequently in vitro through down-regulation of the chromatin assembly activity of CAF-1. The human development model is one which can be used to describe how totipotent cells arise. Human development begins when a sperm fertilizes an egg and the resulting fertilized egg creates a single totipotent cell, a zygote. In the first hours after fertilization, this zygote divides into identical totipotent cells, which can later develop into any of the three germ layers of a human (endoderm, mesoderm, or ectoderm), or into cells of the placenta (cytotrophoblast or syncytiotrophoblast).
The cause of ovarian pregnancy is unknown, specifically as the usual causative factors – pelvic inflammatory disease and pelvic surgery – implicated in tubal ectopic pregnancy seem to be uninvolved. There appears to be a link to the intrauterine device (IUD), however, it cannot be concluded that this is causative as it could be that IUDs prevent other but not ovarian pregnancies. Some have suggested that patients who undergo IVF therapy are at higher risk for ovarian pregnancy. An ovarian pregnancy is usually understood to begin when a mature egg cell is not expelled or picked up from its follicle and a sperm enters the follicle and fertilizes the egg, giving rise to an intrafollicular pregnancy.
In this instance, the second male fertilizes about 80% of the eggs.Parker, G. A. and R. A. Stuart (1976) “Animal Behavior as a Strategy Optimizer: Evolution of Resource Assessment Strategies and Optimal Emigration Thresholds” The American Naturalist 110(976):1055–1076 Thus, after a male has mated with a female he guards her so that no other males will have the opportunity to mate with her and displace his sperm before she lays her eggs. After the female lays her eggs, the male must take the time to search for another female before he is able to copulate again. The question, then, is how long the dung fly should spend copulating with each female.
The tentacled blenny (Parablennius tentacularis) is a species of combtooth blenny most commonly found in all parts of the Mediterranean Sea (except the eastern part), in the Sea of Marmara and the Black Sea, and the east Atlantic near the coast of Portugal, Spain, Canary Islands, and Morocco south to Guinea. This species reaches a length of TL. Found in brackish waters, in estuaries or deltas, this demersal fish can be found in the sand at the bottom of the water in light vegetation. The adult males guards a suitable spot, which a few females may visit and deposit their eggs, the males fertilizes the eggs and guards them until they hatch.
After a sperm fertilizes an ovum to form a zygote, rapid DNA demethylation of the paternal DNA and slower demethylation of the maternal DNA occurs until formation of a morula which has almost no methylation. After the blastocyst is formed, methylation can begin, and with formation of the epiblast a wave of methylation then takes place until the implantation stage of the embryo. Another period of rapid and almost complete demethylation occurs during gametogenesis within the primordial germ cells (PGCs). Other than the PGCs, in the post-implantation stage, methylation patterns in somatic calls are stage- and tissue-specific with changes that presumably define each individual cell type and last stably over a long time.
A day-flying hummingbird hawk-moth drinking nectar from a species of Dianthus Most species of Lepidoptera engage in some form of entomophily (more specifically psychophily and phalaenophily for butterflies and moths, respectively), or the pollination of flowers. Most adult butterflies and moths feed on the nectar inside flowers, using their probosces to reach the nectar hidden at the base of the petals. In the process, the adults brush against the flowers' stamens, on which the reproductive pollen is made and stored. The pollen is transferred on appendages on the adults, which fly to the next flower to feed and unwittingly deposit the pollen on the stigma of the next flower, where the pollen germinates and fertilizes the seeds.
The oldest woman of the house remains awake at night and goes from room to room to put down grass on the cushions of couples, young people and children, a ritual that symbolizes the regeneration and quickening. On the morning of 14 March, the elderly leave the door open as a sign of generosity, a pitcher filled with fresh water and take home a clump of green grass. The youngest fertilizes the orange and olive trees, but the smaller ones are the first to make the "lucky" visits to neighbors and relatives who give them turkey legs, dried figs and nuts. Finally lunch on 14 March, should be eaten outdoors in the company of friends and relatives.
This medium may be a broad- leaf plant in the aquarium, a flat surface such as a piece of slate placed vertically in the aquarium, a length of pipe, or even the glass sides of the aquarium. The female deposits a line of eggs on the spawning substrate, followed by the male, which fertilizes the eggs. This process is repeated until a total of 100 to more than 1,200 eggs are laid, depending on the size and health of the female fish. As both parents care for the offspring throughout development, the pair takes turns maintaining a high rate of water circulation around the eggs by swimming very close to the eggs and fanning them with their pectoral fins.
Since then Back to the Roots has introduced over 90 varieties of organic seed packets, and several other indoor gardening kits including an aquaponics fish tank, windowsill herb & veggie planters, microgreen grow kits, and a line of kids gardening kits. Each of the kits is part of a Grow One, Give One campaign where the company donates kits and curriculum to elementary school classrooms. As of Sept 2020, the company's products are sold in over 10,000 stores including Cost Plus, Costco, Kroger, Nordstrom, Petco, The Home Depot, Walmart, Target, Amazon, and Whole Foods. In the aquaponic system, the Water Garden, the natural fish waste fertilizes the plants, and the plants clean the water so there are minimal water changes required.
Among all living organisms, flowers, which are the reproductive structures of angiosperms, are the most varied physically and show a correspondingly great diversity in methods of reproduction. Plants that are not flowering plants (green algae, mosses, liverworts, hornworts, ferns and gymnosperms such as conifers) also have complex interplays between morphological adaptation and environmental factors in their sexual reproduction. The breeding system, or how the sperm from one plant fertilizes the ovum of another, depends on the reproductive morphology, and is the single most important determinant of the genetic structure of nonclonal plant populations. Christian Konrad Sprengel (1793) studied the reproduction of flowering plants and for the first time it was understood that the pollination process involved both biotic and abiotic interactions.
Glossina palpalis and G. morsitans from a 1920 lexicon Tsetse have an unusual lifecycle which may be due to the richness of their food source. A female fertilizes only one egg at a time and retains each egg within her uterus to have the offspring develop internally during the first three larval stages, a method called adenotrophic viviparity. During this time, the female feeds the developing offspring with a milky substance secreted by a modified gland in the uterus.Geoffrey M. Attardoa, Claudia Lohs, Abdelaziz Heddi, Uzma H. Alama, Suleyman Yildirim, SerapAksoy: Analysis of milk gland structure and function in Glossina morsitans: Milk protein production, symbiont populations and fecundity, in: Journal of Insect Physiology, Band 54, Nr. 8, August 2008, S. 1236-1242, doi:10.1016/j.jinsphys.2008.06.
In Chinese mythology Shennong taught humans the use of the plow together with other aspects of basic agriculture, the use of medicinal plants, and was a god of the burning wind (perhaps in some relationship to the Yan Emperor mythos and/or slash-and-burn agriculture, in which the ash produced by fire fertilizes the fields). He was also sometimes said to be a progenitor to, or to have had appointed as one of his ministers, Chiyou (and like him, was ox- headed, sharp-horned, bronze-foreheaded, and iron-skulled). One difference between mythology and science is exemplified in Chinese mythology. Shennong is also thought to be the father of Huang Emperor () who did carry on the secrets of medicine, immortality, and making gold.
McHarg I. (1975): Design with Nature, Wiley, John and Sons, New York. This principle states there is a level of human habitation intensity wherein the resources that are consumed will be replaced through the replenishing natural cycles of the seasons, creating environmental equilibrium. Embedded in the principle is contention that so long as nature can resurge each year; so long as the biomass can survive within its own eco-system; so long as the breeding grounds of fauna and avifauna are safe; so long as there is no erosion and the biomass is maintained, nature is only being utilized. Underlying this principle is the supposition that there is a fragile line that is crossed when the fauna, which cross-fertilizes the flora, which sustains the soil, which supports the hillsides, is no longer there.
Stem cell debates have motivated and reinvigorated the anti-abortion movement, whose members are concerned with the rights and status of the embryo as an early-aged human life. They believe that embryonic stem cell research profits from and violates the sanctity of life and is tantamount to murder."The stated reason for President Bush's objection to embryonic stem cell research is that 'murder is wrong'" (BBC) The fundamental assertion of those who oppose embryonic stem cell research is the belief that human life is inviolable, combined with the belief that human life begins when a sperm cell fertilizes an egg cell to form a single cell. The view of those in favor is that these embryos would otherwise be discarded, and if used as stem cells, they can survive as a part of a living human person.
Close-up of a flower of Schlumbergera (Christmas or Holiday Cactus), showing part of the gynoecium (the stigma and part of the style is visible) and the stamens that surround it Plant reproductive morphology is the study of the physical form and structure (the morphology) of those parts of plants directly or indirectly concerned with sexual reproduction. Among all living organisms, flowers, which are the reproductive structures of angiosperms, are the most varied physically and show a correspondingly great diversity in methods of reproduction. Plants that are not flowering plants (green algae, mosses, liverworts, hornworts, ferns and gymnosperms such as conifers) also have complex interplays between morphological adaptation and environmental factors in their sexual reproduction. The breeding system, or how the sperm from one plant fertilizes the ovum of another, depends on the reproductive morphology, and is the single most important determinant of the genetic structure of nonclonal plant populations.
186–187, Berkley, 2003, Khonsu is mentioned in the Pyramid Texts and Coffin Texts, in which he is depicted in a fierce aspect, but he does not rise to prominence until the New Kingdom, when he is described as the "Greatest God of the Great Gods". Most of the construction of the temple complex at Karnak was centered on Khonsu during the Ramesside period. His temple at Karnak is in a relatively good state of preservation, and on one of the walls is depicted a creation myth in which Khonsu is described as the great snake who fertilizes the Cosmic Egg in the creation of the world.Handbook of Egyptian Mythology, Geraldine Pinch, p156, ABC-CLIO, 2002, Khonsu's reputation as a healer spread outside Egypt; a stele records how a princess of Bekhten was instantly cured of an illness upon the arrival of an image of Khonsu.
Orange-thighed frogs (Litoria xanthomera) in amplexus Amplexus (Latin "embrace") is a type of mating behavior exhibited by some externally fertilizing species (chiefly amphibians and horseshoe crabs) in which a male grasps a female with his front legs as part of the mating process, and at the same time or with some time delay, he fertilizes the eggs, as they are released from the female's body. In amphibians, females may be grasped by the head, waist, or armpits, and the type of amplexus is characteristic of some taxonomic groups. Amplexus involves direct contact between male and female, distinguished from other forms of external fertilization, such as broadcast spawning, where sperm and eggs are freely shed into water without direct contact by individuals. In order for amplexus to be initiated, male frogs must first find a mate by attracting one through calls, typically in the evening.
Females reduce the risk of losing all of their offspring because it is likely that some of the males they mated with make good parents. Sequential polyandry will allow females to have a multiple clutches in different nest sites, reducing the risk of abiotic factors, such as temperature, or biotic factors like predators affecting development of the offspring. as cited by Some male behaviors that may have led to polyandry are displacement, where a male is gripped onto and mating with a female, another male may make an effort to mate as well and displace the male that was originally copulating; forced copulation, where there is a high density of aggressive males, and female abandonment, where a female but spots a better one to mate with and abandons the less favorable one. This can lead to sequential polyandry if the male leaves before the entire clutch is released and an additional male fertilizes these eggs as well.

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