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43 Sentences With "mottles"

How to use mottles in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "mottles" and check conjugation/comparative form for "mottles". Mastering all the usages of "mottles" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Its cephalothorax is yellowish, with brown mottles on its caput and posterior part of its thorax; the abdomen is yellowish with mottles. Pubescence is very light.
Its underparts are mostly greyish, with dark or dusky mottles.
The forehead, sides of the head and neck, and flanks of the female are orange-buff. Its crown is brown, with black mottles. The female's beak is brownish. Its underparts are buff, with black bars, and its upperparts have black and rufous mottles and streaks.
It has faint markings on the breast, and the belly and flanks are buffy. The juvenile has mottles.
Atuna cordata grows up to tall. The smooth bark is grey-green with white mottles. The ovoid fruits measure up to long.
The rufous-throated partridge is long. The male weighs and the female weighs . The male has a grey forehead. The olive-brown crown and nape have black mottles.
Biogeochemical processes in wetlands are determined by soils with low redox potential. Wetland soils are identified by redoxymorphic mottles or low chroma, as determined by the Munsell Color System.
The Iwo Jima rail was coloured dark brown, with black mottles on its back, and a white colouration on its belly. The bird was typically about six inches long.
The irregular lightness variations caused by mottling can be objectively measured with specially made instruments. These instruments simulate visual evaluation under different observing angles and characterize clouds / mottles by their size and visibility. Small to large mottles are measured under three observing angles, in which the scan length can usually be varied from 10 to 100 cm. The measurement results are independent of color and curvature of the surface and thus can be considered objective.
There is a broken white eye-ring. The immature has a darker crown, dark patches on its face and a horn-brown beak, and its breast and upper belly have mottles or spots.
Leopard complex has a different mottling pattern from champagne's freckling pattern Leopard vs. Champagne: The Leopard complex is responsible for the spotted coat of the Appaloosa and other breeds. Even when a spotted hair coat is absent, other traits produced include mottled skin and a white sclera around the eye but generally the eye itself is dark brown. These mottles are alternations between unpigmented pink skin and pigmented skin, which is usually black (thus the mottles are black on a pink background).
Sobemovirus is a genus of viruses. Plants serve as natural hosts. There are currently 14 species in this genus including the type species Southern bean mosaic virus. Diseases associated with this genus include: mosaics and mottles.
Ring mottle glass was re-discovered in the late sixties by Eric Lovell of Uroboros Glass. Traditionally used for organic details on leaves and other natural elements, ring mottles also find a place in contemporary work when abstract patterns are desired.
The undulate brown seed pods that form after flowering are prominently rounded over seeds. The pods have a length of up to and a width of . The mottles seeds within have an irregularly oblong to elliptic and are around in length.
The Hainan partridge is long. The male weighs about , and the female weighs about . The head is blackish, and there is a white patch on the ear coverts and a whitish supercilium. The crown and nape are dark brown, with black mottles.
The Ukinga girdled lizard (Cordylus ukingensis) is a poorly known species of girdled lizard from central Tanzania. They are rupicolous (rock-dwelling) and feed on small arthropods. The dorsal coloration is red-brown with scattered dark mottles. The lateral scales often have pale borders.
The snouted cobra is a relatively large species. Adult specimens average between in length, but they may reach lengths of . Colouration of dorsal scales may vary from yellowish to greyish-brown, dark brown or blue-black. Ventral scale colouration is yellow with darker mottles.
Under such conditions, oxidized soil components (e.g., nitrate, ferric oxide) are reduced. Depletion of ferric oxide removes the brownish colour common to many soils, leaving them grey. As the soil dries and oxygen re-enters, the reduced iron may be oxidized locally to bright yellow-brown spots (mottles).
Thus, Gleysolic soils are usually identified by their poor drainage and drab grey colour, sometimes accompanied by brown mottles. Gleysolic soils cover about 117 000 km2 (1.3%) of Canada's land area. Three great groups of Gleysolic soils are defined. Humic Gleysols have a dark A horizon enriched in organic matter.
Zygocactus virus X is a little-understood plant virus which was first reported in a Thanksgiving Cactus (S. truncata) from Missoula, Montana, United States. Transmission takes place through mechanical inoculation. Once infected, the cactus develops symptoms which can include (varying with the host infected) reddening of the pads, mosaics, mottles, ringspots or necrosis.
Mate preferences of female mottles sculpins, Cottus bairdi. Animal Behavior 28:728-734. This leads to very large nest sizes. One study looked at twelve different nesting sites within a year and found that one nest can have anywhere from 54 to 1587 eggs with an average of 744 eggs per nest.
Egg size is specific to species and the eggs are usually rounded ovals, smooth slightly glossy, whitish or buffish with brown spots and mottles. Burhinus’ eggs match with the ground, nesting building and choice of nest substrate preferred by each species and individual variation occurs. This increases crypsis and improves hatching success.Williams MD (1981) Description of the nest and eggs of the Peruvian Thick-knee (Burhinus superciliaris).
Some soil classifications include well-drained alluvial soils in the brown earths too. Typically the Brown Earths have dark brown topsoils with loamy particle size-classes and good structure – especially under grassland. The B horizon lacks the grey colours and mottles characteristic of gley soils. The rich colour is the result of iron compounds, mainly complex oxides which, like rust, have a reddish-brown colour.
Of these viruses the most serious and prevalent are NDV, NYSV and NWSV. NDV is associated with chlorotic leaf striping in N. tazetta. Infection with NYSV produces light or grayish green, or yellow stripes or mottles on the upper two-thirds of the leaf, which may be roughened or twisted. The flowers which may be smaller than usual may also be streaked or blotched.
Climate factors and vegetation/soil organisms have weathered the glacial parent materials to form the present day Houdek soil. The C horizon has hue of 10YR, 2.5Y, or 5Y, value of 5 to 7 and 4 to 6, and chroma of 2 to 4. It is loam or clay loam and is slightly or moderately alkaline. It has few to many mottles inherent to the parent till.
They mine the leaves of their host plant. The mine starts as a narrowly linear mine. Later, it gradually widens into a very long and irregularly curved gallery that is sometimes fused into a large blotch. The last sap-feeding larva makes an inter parenchymal mine, so that the mine is seen from the upper side of the leaf as a trace of pale greenish mottles in this stage.
Mozambique girdled lizards reach 137.5 mm from snout to vent and 281 mm in total length (based on a captive individual). Males are dark brown to black above with bright orange undersides and black throats. Females and juveniles are dark brown above with small cream spots scattered on the neck and back. The bellies and sides are gray with orange and black mottles on the lower jaws and throat.
Over the centuries, the weight of these deposits crushed the shell fragments and compressed them into stone. It overlies the thin Glenwood Shale, which overlies the thick St. Peter Sandstone. It is shot through with dolomitic mottles in an anastomose pattern; this dolotimization occurred after deposition but prior to the development of joints in the rock. About 100 million years later, geologic forces raised southeastern Minnesota above the ocean surface.
Narcissus yellow stripe potyvirus (NYSV) is a plant pathogenic Potyvirus of the family Potyviridae which infects plants of the genus Narcissus.ICTV Virus Taxonomy: 2013 release. Narcissus yellow stripe virus It is one of the commoner viruses infecting Narcissus, and is transmitted by aphids. Infection with NYSV produces light or grayish green, or yellow stripes or mottles on the upper two-thirds of the leaf, which may be roughened or twisted.
The terminal organ is linear and the diverticulum is simple in form with a slightly swollen shape. It has small spermatophores each being 8 to 10 mm in length, roughly one third of the length of the mantle. The head is now dsitnguished much from the mantle and the eyes are rather small. The skin is smooth and overall the animal is red-brown to purple in colour with a marbling of darker mottles.
The mottles are substantially larger than the freckles of champagne skin, and leopard complex horses do not necessarily have light eyes. Pearl vs. Champagne: In the homozygous state, or when combined with cream, the Pearl gene produces a diluted apricot to buff color, pale eyes and pale skin. Heterozygous pearls (one copy of the gene) often exhibit dark skin with some pinkish freckles, while homozygous pearls (two copies of the gene) have champagne-like skin.
Spicules last for about 15 minutes; at the solar limb they appear elongated (if seen on the disk, they are known as "mottles" or "fibrils"). They are usually associated with regions of high magnetic flux; their mass flux is about 100 times that of the solar wind. They rise at a rate of 20 km/s (or 72,000 km/h) and can reach several thousand kilometers in height before collapsing and fading away.
In the early 1980s, Nahar began analysing the soils of different areas of the country. Twenty soil samples belonging to four pedons from Bhola District were analysed for their profile morphology, particle size distribution, and mineral composition in the clay fraction. Fine to medium-sized mottles with distinct contrast were present in almost all the horizons. Structural B (cambic) horizon has developed in all the pedons where clay content ranged from 17–42%.
AMV infects over 600 plant species in 70 families (experimental and natural hosts). Some hosts: potato (Solanum tuberosum), pea (Pisum sativum), tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum), bluebeard (Caryopteris incana), ... Symptoms vary from wilting, white flecks, malformation like dwarfing, ringspots, mottles, mosaics to necrosis depending on the virus strain, host variety, stage of growth at infection and environmental conditions. Signs of infection can persist or disappear quickly. The virus can be detected in each part of the host plant.
The body is scaleless and the lateral line extends to the anal fin. The lip is thick and has an irregular outline and there are three pairs of barbels around the mouth, one maxillio-mandibular pair and two rostral pairs. The body colour is generally a light yellowish brown with an irregular pattern of grey brown mottles and a varying number of diffuse bars or blotches which can fuse towards the caudal fin to for vertical stripes.
Months later upon his arrival, the new Petersburg manager, Chester Mace, was shown the curious novelty. In limited facilities of late 1956, "Goldy" had spawn with a few Rainbow trout. A few months later in 1957, the Petersburg hatchery moved these yellow-mottles to the larger Spring Run hatchery. By the spring stocking of 1963, the West Virginia Centennial year, Evans and Mace had supervised the spawning of good color and quality brood stock of the Mountain State's Centennial Golden Trout.
All species of this genus have cryptic plumage of sandy browns with streaks and mottles, usually with spots of cream, buff, brown and black. The head of the Burhinus has a broad domed crown, giving rise to the Afrikaans name of dikkop, which translates to "thick head". The closed wings of most Burhinus have banded upper coverts. This is not as prominent on the American species and the Peruvian thick-knee is plainer and greyer except for the head. In flight, Burhinus’ wing plumage is much more striking with patterning that contrasts with the otherwise cryptic plumage.
The tell-tale identifiers of the champagne gene in an adult horse are hazel eyes and freckled skin. At birth, champagne horses have bright blue eyes and bright pink skin, as the horse matures the eyes darken to hazel and the skin becomes freckled. The color of the skin is the single most important visual identifier of champagne horses: in the adult horse, the skin is "pink with abundant dark freckles, except under white markings." The freckles - not mottles, splotches, specks, or blotches - are dark and may have a purple cast, and are small and numerous.
By 1900, more than half the butter produced in the United States was factory made; Europe followed suit shortly after. In 1920, Otto Hunziker authored The Butter Industry, Prepared for Factory, School and Laboratory, a well-known text in the industry that enjoyed at least three editions (1920, 1927, 1940). As part of the efforts of the American Dairy Science Association, Professor Hunziker and others published articles regarding: causes of tallowiness (an odor defect, distinct from rancidity, a taste defect); mottles (an aesthetic issue related to uneven color); introduced salts; the impact of creamery metals and liquids; and acidity measurement. These and other ADSA publications helped standardize practices internationally.
Groundwater gley soils develop where drainage is poor because the water table (phreatic surface) is high, whilst surface-water gleying occurs when precipitation input at the surface does not drain freely through the ground. A reducing environment exists in the saturated layers, which become mottled greyish-blue or greyish-brown due to its ferrous iron and organic matter content. The presence of reddish or orange mottles indicates localised re-oxidation of ferrous salts in the soil matrix, and is often associated with root channels, animal burrows, or cracking of the soil material during dry spells. In the World Reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB), soils with redox processes due to ascending groundwater belong to the Reference Soil Group Gleysols.
Camouflaged tawny frogmouths blend in with colour and texture of tree bark in Sydney. Camouflaged tawny frogmouth couple in afternoon sun, Melbourne One of the best examples of cryptic plumage and mimicry in Australian birds is seen in the tawny frogmouth, which perch low on tree branches during the day camouflaged as part of the tree. Their silvery-grey plumage patterned with white, black, and brown streaks and mottles allows them to freeze into the form of a broken tree branch and become practically invisible in broad daylight."Tawny Frogmouth Fact Sheet, Lincoln Park Zoo" The tawny frogmouth often chooses a broken part of a tree branch and perches upon it with its head thrust upwards at an acute angle using its very large, broad beak to emphasise the resemblance.
Ingesting ash may be harmful to livestock, causing abrasion of the teeth, and in cases of high fluorine content, fluorine poisoning (toxic at levels of >100 µg/g) for grazing animals. It is known from the 1783 eruption of Laki in Iceland that fluorine poisoning occurred in humans and livestock as a result of the chemistry of the ash and gas, which contained high levels of Hydrogen Fluoride. Following the 1995/96 Mount Ruapehu eruptions in New Zealand, two thousand ewes and lambs died after being affected by fluorosis while grazing on land with only 1–3 mm of ash fall. Symptoms of flourorsis among cattle exposed to ash include brown-yellow to green-black mottles in the teeth, and hypersensibility to pressure in the legs and back.
This means that fresh supplies of iron and aluminium oxides (sesquioxides) are constantly being provided, and leaching ensures a net accumulation of these compounds in the B horizon, giving an orange-brown "rusty" colour which is very distinctive. The aluminum and ferric iron compounds in the subsoil also tend to bind the soil particles together, giving a "pellety" fine structure to the soil, and improving permeability, so that despite being in relatively high rainfall areas, the soils do not have the grey colours or mottles of gley soils. In the World Reference Base for Soil Resources, these soils are called Umbrisols, and the Soil Atlas of Europe shows a preponderance of this kind of soil in north-west Spain. There is a tendency for the soils to occur in oceanic areas, where there is abundant rainfall throughout the year, winters are mild and summers relatively cool.

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