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"sicklily" Definitions
  1. in a sickly manner
"sicklily" Synonyms
infirmly weakly frailly unhealthily feebly delicately diseasedly faintly invalidly sickishly lowly lacklusterly(US) lacklustrely(UK) sickly unsoundly decrepitly prostrately shakily languidly tenderly sentimentally mawkishly schmaltzily cornily mushily soppily cloyingly slushily saccharinely sugarily drippily cheesily maudlinly cutesily sappily syrupily sloppily tweely ickily soupily sweetly honeyedly palely wanly pallidly ashenly pastily bloodlessly whitely anemically(US) anaemically(UK) sallowly peakily colorlessly(US) colourlessly(UK) milkily whitishly lymphatically listlessly insipidly disgustingly nastily nauseatingly revoltingly yuckily unpleasantly sickeningly repulsively abhorrently noisomely repellently abominably appallingly foully grossly distastefully horridly ghastlily vilely awfully noxiously deleteriously harmfully poisonously detrimentally insanitarily unwholesomely damagingly destructively injuriously ruinously unhealthfully unhygienically balefully dangerously lethally malignly rottenly queasily nauseously badly roughly crummily lousily ropily grottily funnily seedily peculiarly queerly meanly garishly gaudily flashily flamboyantly showily loudly ostentatiously brilliantly glaringly splashily glitzily brightly tawdrily vulgarly brashly luridly tastelessly swankily tackily cheaply penetratingly powerfully pungently strongly bitingly pervasively sharply acridly burningly headily smartingly stiflingly stingingly astringently bitterly irritatingly offensively mephitically languorously lackadaisically languishingly limply spiritlessly apathetically comatosely dreamily easily heavily impassively inactively indifferently inertly lazily morbidly gruesomely grislily ghoulishly macabrely dreadfully grotesquely hideously horribly malignantly pathologically aberrantly abnormally blackly darkly grimly bleakly horrifically gorily hellishly loathsomely shadowily somberly(US) sombrely(UK) spookily diabolically funereally More

1 Sentences With "sicklily"

How to use sicklily in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "sicklily" and check conjugation/comparative form for "sicklily". Mastering all the usages of "sicklily" from sentence examples published by news publications.

He grinned sicklily, turning away his head. She had got his manhood, but Lord, what did he care!

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