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"vilely" Definitions
  1. in a way that is extremely unpleasant or bad

9 Sentences With "vilely"

How to use vilely in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "vilely" and check conjugation/comparative form for "vilely". Mastering all the usages of "vilely" from sentence examples published by news publications.

We're honoring the memory of those heroes, of those boys who were vilely murdered.
The seats at the Newhouse are set in a tight semicircle around the stage, an arrangement well suited to Joe's unnervingly direct appeal, which is rambunctious and fun in one instance, vilely bigoted in the next.
The main character was played by one of the leading actors of the time, Johnston Forbes-Robertson, and the play was a tremendous commercial success. It was twice made into film, in 1918 and in 1935. However, the play was condemned by critics – Max Beerbohm described it as "vilely stupid" and as written by a "tenth-rate writer".
In the Hebrew Bible, Saul, Israel's first king, led a charge against the Philistines at Mount Gilboa ().Julie Baretz The battle ends with the king falling on his own sword and Saul's sons, Jonathan, Abinadab, and Melchishua being killed in battle (). King David, who hears about the tragedy after the battle, curses the mountain: :Ye mountains of Gilboa, let there be no dew nor rain upon you, neither fields of choice fruits; for there the shield of the mighty was vilely cast away, the shield of Saul, anointed with oil ().
John won a significant victory while preventing Arthur's forces from capturing his mother, seizing the entire rebel leadership at the Battle of Mirebeau and his sister Eleanor, Fair Maid of Brittany. Foolishly John disregarded his allies' opinions on the fate of the prisoners, many of them their neighbours and kinsmen. Instead he kept his prisoners so vilely and in such evil distress that it seemed shameful and ugly to all those who were with him and who saw this cruelty' according to the L'Histoire de Guillaume le Marechal. As a result of John's behaviour the powerful Thouars, Lusignan, and des Roches families rebelled and John lost control of Anjou, Maine, Touraine, and northern Poitou.
A ten-day power-cut at the beginning of 1947 prevented any broadcasting and gave Potter the opportunity to dash off a book. To the despair of his publisher he was a far from methodical author: every Potter manuscript was "a mass of dirty bits of paper, vilely typed, corrected in illegible biro, episodic and half- revised."Hart-Davis, Volume 4, Letter of 7 February 1959 This book, The Theory and Practice of Gamesmanship: Or the Art of Winning Games Without Actually Cheating, illustrated by Frank Wilson, was published in 1947, and sold prodigiously.Lowrey, Burling, "The Timelessness of Stephen Potter's Gamesmanship", Virginia Quarterly Review, Autumn 1993, pp.718–26 It was the first of his series of books purporting to teach ploys for manipulating one's associates, making them feel inferior and thus gaining the status of being one-up on them.
On a wall facing the piazza, a marble plaque was placed the year after the massacre, a translation reads:In questa Piazza alla vigilia della liberazione die Firenze il 17 Luglio 1944 il fascismo sconfitto assassinava vilmente cinque cittadini innocenti Ivo Poli di Anni 8, Igino Bercigli Corrado Frittelli Aldo Arditi, Umberto Peri. Il Loro reicordo nel clima della nuova democrazia da la certezza del avvento di una civilta di liberta e di giustizia i cittadini di Oltrano il 17 Lugio 1945 > In this square, on the eve of the Liberation day of Florence, July 17, 1944, > defeated Fascism vilely assassinated five innocent citizens: Ivo Poli of 8 > years, Igino Bercigli, Corrado Frittelli, Aldo Arditi, and Umberto Peri. > Their memory under a climate to the democracy gives certainty of the advent > of a civilization of freedom and justice for the citizens of the Oltrarno, > July 17, 1945. Decades later, a monument consisting of a block with an oval cavity has been set up in the piazza Tasso, it is flanked by two plaques, and surrounded by fence.
Prince, p.724, translated by him from a quoted Latin text on 15 October 1326.Prince, p.725: 5 October; Date of death 15 October per DNBBuck "Stapeldon, Walter (b. in or before 1265, died 1326)" Oxford Dictionary of National Biography His head was chopped off and his body was thrown onto a dunghill "to be torn and devoured by dogs".Prince, p.724 Later some of his supporters took away his body and re-buried it in the sand of the shoreline of the River Thames next to the bishop's palace, Exeter House, beyond Temple Bar on The Strand, which site was later occupied by Essex House, the townhouse of the Earl of Essex during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I.Prince, pp.724–5 About six months later the Queen "reflecting how dishonourable a thing it was to suffer the corps of so truly great and good prelate to lie thus vilely buried"Prince, p.725 ordered his body to be disinterred and removed for burial in Exeter Cathedral, "there to be honoured with most magnificent exequies", which duly occurred on 28 March 1327.
Belvidera is a noblewoman who is the daughter of Priuli and the wife of Jaffeir. “Belvidera is affectionate, constant, and pure” character who remains faithful to Jaffeir and gains pardon for the conspirators who were plotting to murder her father (1). According to Derek Hughes, Belvidera is a complex character; sometimes Belvidera is an admirable character, particularly in comparison to those who surround her. When Jaffeir tells Belvidera of the plot to destroy the senate, she recognises the corruption of the senate, but does not condone the plan of the conspirators (4): she says to Jaffeir, “Can thy great heart descend so vilely low, / Mix with hired slaves, bravoes, and common/ stabbers,… and take a ruffian's wages/ To cut the throats of wretches as they sleep?” (8). Her argument persuades Jaffeir to not partake in the conspirators’ plan, but to instead turn them in to the senate. On the other hand, Derek Hughes also says, “Belvidera is not different in kind from the other characters. She is the highest product of the world of Venice Preserv’d, but she is of that world to the very end” (4).

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