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"ivory tower" Definitions
  1. a place or situation where you are separated from the problems and practical aspects of normal life and therefore do not have to worry about or understand them

195 Sentences With "ivory tower"

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"CEOs don't sit up in an Ivory Tower," he said.
How is life at the top of your ivory tower?
We can only talk about you from our ivory tower.
Will this push arts institutions further up into an ivory tower?
You're in the Ivory Tower you want everything to be perfect.
In the typical fashion of the ivory tower intelligentsia, scapegoats were conceived.
The library is a literal ivory tower full of scholarly magic-users.
Mr. Miller was no ivory-tower dreamer or Detroit desk jockey, though.
Unfortunately, American policymakers pay little price for acting as ivory tower warriors.
Ivory Tower Americans seem to be forever undergoing a "crisis" of civility.
The chickens have come home to roost in the campus ivory tower.
Ivory Tower Surfers, like theologians, must wrestle with the problem of evil.
Make no mistake: this critique is not being made from an ivory tower.
But certainly that can be isolated from the public in the ivory tower.
He is simply the designer probably best known outside the ivory tower of fashion.
"I'm not in an ivory tower making my work," Mr. Puryear said in April.
Indeed, BDS is to some extent a victim of its own ivory tower success.
At 17, I left for that quintessential ivory tower of the North: Yale University.
"We're not somewhere up in the ivory tower plotting the next catastrophe," Bodenhamer said.
That writers are not the stereotypical person writing in the attic or the ivory tower.
The problem is the entire Ivory Tower sits atop an ever-rising swell of subsidies.
" He also accused Ms. Hidalgo of "blindness" and said she was in an "ivory tower.
My perspective from the ivory tower of my former career shielded me from this reality.
At Tesla, we lead from the front line, not from some safe and comfortable ivory tower.
The Ivory Tower is broken not because of profit, but because of so much taxpayer money.
Was it a decision that the ivory tower folks thought was in their clients' best interest?
Artist Liang Yuanwei describes her studio as an "ivory tower" on the bleak urban-rural-fringes.
As a composer, he was bound to be an outsider; but not one in an ivory tower.
Primary reform is being looked at seriously by diverse players, from the grassroots to the ivory tower.
"Was I going to remain an academic, sitting in an ivory tower criticizing things?" he told me.
But the streets and shops below his ivory tower offer ample evidence that his scheme is succeeding.
"He felt it was an ivory tower and needed an infusion of practical experience," Dr. Klag said.
How long has she been locked in this ivory tower, with no one to challenge her worldview?
Just look at the bounty of ivory tower hand-wringers on Amazon with "reform" in the title.
Ivory Tower A century ago, almost all black Americans lived in the South, largely in rural areas.
Professors today find themselves not in an ivory tower, but in some corridor of Franz Kafka's castle.
" In the ivory tower battlefield, "every idea is an incitement" and "eloquence often sets fire to reason.
Whatever ivory-tower romance Mr. Obama once harbored for the court has been hardened by years of conflict.
None of that ivory-tower work cued the public crescendo that this year's reporting on Harvey Weinstein did.
This enormous outdoor amphitheater was one such gift to the commoners from the ivory tower of the aristocrats.
Mr. Kramon's reality and his admonitions reflect an isolated experience and view of life, from an ivory tower.
Sir Tony Brenton's letter on engaging with Russia is a classic demonstration of ivory-tower wishful thinking (December 2000rd).
Within the confines of the ivory tower, characters get into situations that might not exist in the outside world.
Without support for children (and families) in such circumstances, their climb to the ivory tower will remain arduous indeed.
At the same time a movement was developing within political science to expand its reach beyond the ivory tower.
In other words, "scholarship" is the Ivory Tower way of saying "SALE" and making it (and you) feel special.
Don't dismiss these calls for old-fashioned courtesy as a case of fragile ivory tower egos or misplaced nostalgia.
The issues to which the students are so sensitive might be benign when they occur within the ivory tower.
And their activism has helped spur bold new strains of questioning, even inside the sober confines of the ivory tower.
But their continued interest in research proves that you do not have to leave the ivory tower to criticise it.
Some students, inspired by Maoist ideas about the need for intellectuals to leave the ivory tower, took jobs in factories.
Ivory Tower At some point in the last half-century, American politicians started talking about responsibility in a new way.
The process is so much more collaborative than just sitting in some ivory tower and doing some silly banking deal.
"  "We are not a company that is sitting in a little ivory tower and not thinking about all of these dynamics.
Instead, it's "a chance to get out of the ivory tower" and find talented students in places might otherwise be neglected.
To Dr. Zigler, Head Start was not just another ivory-tower theory to be tested on the nation's most vulnerable children.
This descent from the ivory tower to the crowded terrain of punditry has inevitably attracted criticism—and there is plenty to mock.
They can find their way inside of any ivory tower too — and are probably looking for a faulty back door right now.
"The ivory tower effect has always been a danger for the Elysee palace's occupant," political analyst Thomas Guénolé of Sciences-Po university.
They should also resist the temptation to look "tough" on the cash-hoovering Ivory Tower by taxing the tip of its flagpole.
The decision should not live in the ivory tower—CRISPR is perhaps the largest and most important scientific experiment of our time.
Ivory Tower In recent years, the scientists and polemicists known as the New Atheists have been telling a certain type of evolutionary story.
But in Los Angeles, you really can seal yourself off in an ivory tower that separates you from people, only enhancing your loneliness.
Free tuition is not then some sinecure in the ivory tower; for many of them it'd be protection against life on the street.
Donald Trump is up in his ivory tower going through the motions of selecting the team that will be responsible for our government.
Northwestern Law students and faculty will be an active part of our democratic process, not just ivory tower observers or participants of convenience.
I shouted it to the top of the stupid ivory tower, but you know what happens to athletes who tell tales on their coaches.
When it comes to four-year colleges, the ivory tower casts a long shadow of stigma over many first-generation and low-income students.
Politicians who sit in their ivory tower and think theres alternative uses for the site are washing their hands of the issue, he said.
The beauty debates have since cooled, but Hickey has stoked his reputation as a swashbuckler against the prudes and pedants of the ivory tower.
"Politicians who sit in their ivory tower and think there's alternative uses for the site are washing their hands of the issue," he said.
But however it may undermine the ivory tower of the art cabal, it also, paradoxically, fulfills the dream of another variety of plutocratic mindset.
After all, what could be more antithetical to the buoyant creativity embodied by the Bauhaus than the Getty's Ivory Tower looming above the 405 Freeway?
Creating software that learns can be taught as a craft, not as a high intellectual pursuit to be undertaken only in an ivory tower. Fast.
Some called it "the ivory tower," which could have alluded to its status as a place for training, or the fact that it was sequestered.
It is too bad that Mr. Fish's fixation on small-bore campus politics keeps him from appreciating what is at stake outside the ivory tower.
In the end, this scheme may be the first draft of future history, or it may be the mad vision of an ivory tower strategist.
And nothing symbolizes that like the couture: stratospherically expensive clothes made by hand for the ivory tower few, just as it has been for decades.
"Trump has taken America from its ivory tower to the level of a rotten banana republic," Mohamed Rageh Roweis, a Palestinian analyst, wrote on Twitter.
Charles's tragedy is that he's a prisoner of an ivory-tower notion of royalty as much as Shakespeare's medieval figurine of a king, Richard II, was.
If the DIY bio movement is about making science accessible to those outside the Ivory Tower of academia, the German government's statement represents a serious roadblock.
In effect, the industry has sat in its ivory tower, believing that science backs its positions and that its products provide the energy the community needs.
The phrase was coined in 2012, as "le grand remplacement," by the French writer Renaud Camus, giving the whole movement a patina of ivory tower intellectualism.
"These rules were meant to placate some bureaucrat in an ivory tower in Washington, D.C.," said John M. Barrett, chief executive of Citrus Bank in Tampa.
Many of the more radical proposals, including one to abandon monetary policy altogether and focus on urging runaway deficit-spending, were seen as ivory tower musings.
This "snowflake culture" is perpetuated by those in the rarified air of the ivory tower that leaves some university officials feeling they can do no wrong.
Ivory Tower Blockchain, the ingenious database technology best known for underpinning the faddish digital currency Bitcoin, is reviving the utopian fantasies of the early internet era.
Woods said he was not living in an "ivory tower" and was willing to make some changes, but would not be rushed into making any big alterations.
You might now be thinking that this is really something — for somebody like me to say all this, sitting in the ivory tower in the Ivy League.
Dickinson knew a thing or two about loneliness, too, locked away as she was in her ivory tower, and Nadler also spent years laboring in near obscurity.
Perhaps because that's what we've always done inside the ivory tower, even if it is a tradition in world full of bad traditions that need some alteration.
The fact that some Silicon Valley software engineers don't want to expend their efforts on tools that help the military execute that mission is ivory tower nonsense.
I can't sit down and write a memoir and be like, "We did everything perfect in 2016," and I didn't want to write it from that ivory tower.
While debates over science policy have been grossly overlooked on the campaign trail, Trump knows he is hitting a nerve by calling out the "Ivory Tower" scientific establishment.
"We were out in Utah in our ivory tower, as we were labeled, and it just took getting out in the field to fix the rift," Shaw said.
While the least effective works of the exhibition criticize neoliberalism from an intellectual ivory tower, the strongest pieces effectively engage visitors by inverting the byproducts of neoliberal consumerism.
I could be in my ivory tower all day, which was wonderful, but after about 30 years, my life began to feel like everything had been so chosen.
Ivory Tower Ever since completing his Ph.D. at the University of Pittsburgh in 1993, the Israeli philosopher Irad Kimhi has been building the résumé of an academic failure.
Ivory Tower Over the past few years, many scientific researchers, especially those working in psychology and biomedicine, have become concerned about the reproducibility of results in their field.
The idea that lowering the corporate tax rate leads to a growing economy and more jobs is not some quaint economic theory dreamed up in an ivory tower.
In its move from the ivory tower to Silicon Valley, Callisto has made fundamental changes to its inner workings, changes that might undermine the very value Callisto offers survivors.
Ivory Tower In October of 23.953, two Swiss astronomers announced a major discovery: They had detected, about 223.95 light-years from Earth, a planet orbiting a sun-like star.
Even an ugly construction elevator, lifting and dropping against the growing bones of a new ivory tower on West 57th Street, borrowed the lilting grace of a conductor's wrist.
The second, "Annuity Fables: Some Observations From an Ivory Tower," appeared in the Journal of Financial Planning and was written by Moshe A. Milevsky of York University in Toronto.
The field of comparative politics — a discipline that contrasts the formation and fall of political systems around the globe — has long been an obscure realm of the ivory tower.
Hopefully the book Gilly was reading was one of the handful Sam decided to swipe on his way out of the Ivory Tower and back to the real world.
"I think for a lot of people this summer has shown that it's sort of beyond this ivory tower intellectual debate," Maya Jenkins, a Hopper senior, said on Friday.
The series retains the film's ebony-and-ivory-tower premise, a close study of students in a traditionally African-American dorm at the mostly white, Ivy League Winchester University.
" Meghan, reacting to Harry's public statement about her safety: "I'm a grown ass woman living in a real modern world and not some fragile wench up in an ivory tower.
And in panels, research presentations and speeches, what was once mainly a preoccupation of ivory tower Marxists and other players on the margins of the profession is taking center stage.
So let's redirect it from its intended audience to its ideal one, from the ivory tower to Trump Tower, and look at Sessions' remarks through the prism of his ruler.
Our projects aren't ivory-tower theoretical navel-gazing; we're answering questions that will affect the lives of hard-working people in every state in the country, and around the world.
But the ivory tower ideal of the campus as an arena for the free exchange of ideas — one being challenged at colleges across the country — exploded over the Manning episode.
Ivory Tower In 2, Albert Einstein delivered a series of lectures at Princeton that marked his final attempt at a comprehensive synopsis of the special and general theories of relativity.
These ivory tower thought experiments about the 2030's economy may seem completely inconsequential, but technological evolution is promising some very big changes that will demand we navigate an unprecedented landscape.
He has a doctorate from the University of Washington, and taught there, too, but he's always believed that smart ideas should spill out of the ivory tower and into real life.
A long-time advocate for the politically fraught open-access movement in research, he hopes his involvement in academic politics will lend him an edge in politics outside the Ivory Tower.
The ivory tower creates a system of power and punishment not unlike the ones critics like Butler and Žižek have accused the state of perpetuating, though clearly on a different scale.
But after 10 years, she shocked her ivory-tower colleagues by giving up her tenured post to join the Manhattan district attorney's office before moving to the Brooklyn district attorney's office.
Rather, he was the man with the sketch pad, erupting with ideas in the ivory tower of material artistry, and we forgave him his trespasses in the name of the muse.
"I could dream up 10 people from the outside that could be chairperson, but I don't really know, from an ivory tower, if that makes sense," Baird analyst Ben Kallo told CNBC.
Ivory Tower From Hobbes and Hegel to John Stuart Mill and John Rawls, the seminal figures of Western political theory are united in their almost complete neglect of the topic of immigration.
"For a long time, marketing was seen as, they didn't participate in that conversation, they were in the ivory tower creating beautiful ads and they were sacrosanct from that process," Cronin added.
His era of golden age film was very much considered the ivory tower of scene painting in that he was very well-versed in painting, excellent colors, and excellent artists and technicians.
Embracing internet-based pop culture in real-time, President Obama changed the perception of a sitting president from that of the ivory tower bully-pulpit to one of an accessible public servant.
And in debates that have largely been limited to ivory-tower forums, the scientists whose job is to mine humanity's genetic variations for the collective good are grappling with how to respond.
"I guess you could say that Jim Wilson was the theoretical part, but George wasn't an ivory tower intellectual," Lawrence J. Mone, the president of the Manhattan Institute, said in an interview.
One of the biggest bad-faith criticisms of the Times—and thus journalism as a whole—is that it's nothing but an ivory tower that doesn't understand how the world really works.
Far too many in higher education believe this type of engagement is beneath them and that the ivory tower of academia is somehow diminished by contact with the real world of commerce.
It's just that we chose the independent route over the big-box brokerage firms so we can operate in an environment that revolves around clients — not shareholders, ivory tower management and product sponsors.
A policy that rewards outreach signals that research isn't the only important work, but instead, extending knowledge beyond the ivory tower and recruiting people who are traditionally neglected by academia have real value.
The "Ivory Tower" exists, sure—and academics in general could certainly do more to communicate their research to a general audience—but few college lecturers are trapped in this bubble at all times.
The political, social, and economic elite has resided in an ivory tower for a long time as it showed a predilection for cosmopolitanism, capitalist democracy, free trade, open borders, and cultural cross-pollination.
"It's the kind of thing that emerges in an ivory tower with not much thought about the practicality," said E.J. McMahon, a conservative economist and founder of the Empire Center for Public Policy.
Ivory Tower It's hard to say how many people in the United States practice polygamy — estimates vary widely, from 20,000 to half a million — but it's clear most of their fellow Americans disapprove.
Combined with other changes that had sprung biology free from the ivory tower, the concern was that someone with a modicum of expertise would go rogue and start a Crispr-It-Yourself baby project.
There's a silver lining though -- Scaramucci says signing up for 'Big Brother' brought him down from his ivory tower of snobbishness and elitism ... and got him back in touch with his blue-collar roots.
HHGM is a totally untested and unpredictable, ivory tower top-down Washington science project being foist on America's most vulnerable seniors and the home care nurses and caregivers they so deeply need and appreciate.
Ivory Tower Ever since Darwin came up with the theory of natural selection, there has been a question — in some quarters, a worry — about whether human beings remain in any meaningful sense unique creatures.
I love teaching, but I felt like I wanted to do something for the world that was not part of the ivory tower of just solving problems that I thought were really curious and interesting.
If you live in an ivory tower — and, as Donald Trump said the other night, "leadership is about telling people what to do and then having them do it" — that doesn't sound fun to me.
Ivory Tower With their strange and puzzling relationship to numbers, the Pirahã, a small group of hunter-gatherers who live deep in the Amazon rain forest, seem like some fantastical creation of Jorge Luis Borges.
David Baker, a performer, composer and educator who helped bring jazz studies into the academy at a time when the ivory tower considered the field infra dig, died on Saturday at his home in Bloomington, Ind.
Out of the shadows, to an ivory tower The four wrote an open letter published by Boston public radio station WBUR asking to be valued as humans, for the good they have done and will do.
For too long, it felt as though Paris is Burning was trapped in the ivory tower, only available for white liberal college students who were taught to look at it from a distant, anthropological point of view.
In a 1963 piece for his "Ivory Tower" column in National Review (a regular feature on higher education — underscoring just how much the state of America's colleges worried the right), Russell Kirk dismissed concerns with communist professors.
The Ivory Tower is supposed to be a realm of idealism, but it's starting to look as though accused sexual predators and hypocrites may get even more support there than in the cutthroat world of D.C. politics.
Thus he reached down and out from his ivory tower to Donald Trump's supporters and, by extension, to Trump himself and to the Republicans in the Senate who have shown such profound reluctance to cross the president.
Today, the art critic seems much less inclined to opine from an elusive ivory tower and is more willing to get down-and-dirty by curating shows that place artists within the context of something much larger.
I think, in this election, there was a lot of sense — and there's still the sense, if you look at Twitter — of the media is in our ivory tower, we're all elitists, and we didn't understand the country.
"If they really believe that they're going to be on this perch, this ivory tower, and they have the appetite or the desire or the ego to do that, it's probably not going to work out," he added.
"There is an ivory tower effect, if you will, where great ideas are being thought about and discussed at headquarters, but until you roll them out into the field, you don't realize all the challenges involved," he said.
These molecules escaped from the ivory tower and started a (relatively) bloodless revolution within America, especially among young people, who were disillusioned with the US government, and the handling of the Vietnam War and the civil rights movement.
Every fairy tale comes with a princess in a castle at its center, and even though they descend from their ivory tower — as Tate memorably does in Tarantino's film — we never for a moment forget that they're princesses.
Football's biggest critics, they said, were the same bubble-world liberals in the media, ivory-tower scientists (who overplay the dangers of concussions) and soft coastal suits who never played the game — and never met a Trump voter.
Zayner frequently draws parallels between early computer hackers and today's DIY biologists: Tools like genetic engineering are poised to drastically reshape our world, and he believes that biohackers could be the ones to free them from the Ivory Tower.
For applied scientists—that intrepid cadre who get their hands dirty in the sometimes dangerous world beyond the ivory tower, participating in difficult decisions with little time and major consequences—getting the right answer is only half the battle.
Coates has attained an exalted perch, the rare public intellectual whose reach extends from the ivory tower to the street, hailed by Toni Morrison as the heir to James Baldwin, shouted out by Chance the Rapper on a mixtape.
We've all heard the argument that philosophy is isolated, an "ivory tower" discipline cut off from virtually every other progress-making pursuit of knowledge, including math and the sciences, as well as from the actual concerns of daily life.
She said she had to fight "the ivory tower doorkeepers who often overlook or dismiss the works of black women historians, especially those of us who teach at historically black universities and colleges," of which Morgan State is one.
FRANKFURT, Oct 26 (Reuters) - Christine Lagarde will ensure European Central Bank policymakers climb down from their "ivory tower" and face the political realities of the euro zone, the ECB's vice president, Luis de Guindos, said in an interview published on Saturday.
But as explained in the new Cato Institute book, "Unprofitable Schooling: Examining Causes of, and Fixes for, America's Broken Ivory Tower," the problem is not profit, nor is profit-seeking restricted to people in schools with for-profit tax designations.
With "Herzog," he found a middle ground: he succeeded in being the author of "The Victim" and "The Adventures of Augie March," of writing the city and the country and the ivory tower, of channelling the virtues of control and exuberance.
It's not just another episode of the learned cosmopolitan descending from the ivory tower to produce anthropological discourses on that strange creature known as the Trump voter and make it back to the big city in time for a martini.
This was no ivory tower journalism, and it was always good fun to hear about the national newspaper journalists buying drugs "undercover" while the dealers and sex workers spun them ridiculous yarns because they could spot them a mile off.
"Though 'intersectionality' peeked its head above the parapets of the ivory tower occasionally, its first major appearance in general press was around the 2017 Women's March on Washington," Kory Stamper wrote at New York magazine's the Cut earlier this year.
Far from an ivory-tower academic, Grenier helped the government deploy search and rescue efforts at Ground Zero after 9/11 and cave-clearing 'bots in Afghanistan, and the bomb-disposing Packbot she developed has saved the lives of thousands of service members.
Our current neoliberal system of awarding individual productivity based on the myth of exceptionalism feels particularly concentrated within the ivory tower, where the general absence of other Black people functions to make you feel special for being among the chosen intelligent few.
To dismiss the easily consumable is to dismiss mass culture which is to be a complete fucking dolt, and the kind of ivory tower dwelling nonentity that pretends they've never heard of Big Macs or Big Brother or Barry Scott from the Cilit Bang adverts.
They should come down from their ivory tower and take a look at the Ant-Man and Wasp cosplayers at every convention, at the kids in "I am Scott Lang" shirts, at the almost cult-like devotion that Ant-Man fans have to the character.
Those manners are the pretentions of ivory-tower culture, and they have done nothing to stop a $19 trillion debt, a swelling-till-it-pops bureaucracy or a political class that tosses out solutions and sound governance in exchange for power on a regular basis.
The chumminess suggests a deeper and more intractable moral rot in American academia: It shows that when a billionaire (or, in Epstein's case, a faux billionaire) comes calling, men in the ivory tower can't resist lowering their golden locks to let the plutocrat climb aboard.
The chumminess suggests a deeper and more intractable moral rot in American academia: It shows that when a billionaire (or, in Epstein's case, a faux billionaire) comes calling, men in the ivory tower can't resist lowering their golden locks to let the plutocrat climb aboard.
When I arrived in Washington, D.C., as a China specialist from the Ivory Tower (in my case, Ithaca, New York), I experienced a profound culture shock when it came to how China was discussed among academics, policy wonks and political leaders inside the Beltway.
Her aides are also hoping that as she continues to tell her personal story — one set in this state — Ms. Warren will beat back critics, including some Democratic rivals, who have sought to brand her as an ivory-tower academic walled off from common citizens.
The interpersonal struggles of its main characters don't amount to a hill of beans in a world where every member of humanity is doomed to an eternity of torment after they die, simply because a bunch of ivory tower demonfolk don't understand the complexities of modern life.
What's unusual—electrifyingly so—is to see this kind of polyphonic, self-conscious literary performance and all-stops-pulled-out postmodernist production value brought to bear on underclass lives, and on questions of social justice that tend not to penetrate the soundproofing of the ivory tower.
The Native American claim is the perfect vehicle for conservatives to undermine a female Ivory Tower academic who is a persistent and effective critic of crony capitalism, and to expose affirmative action as a liberal plot to discriminate against white men and eliminate meritocracy in America.
While at first the reaction among statesman was a call for understanding, this was only for a season, and with renewed vigor, liberals have doubled down on attacks of anyone who voted for Trump, labeling with every "–ism" and "–phobia" the ivory tower can Wordly Wise.
Then the New York detective Lizzie Needham (Bojana Novakovic) encounters a killer ripped from the pages of "Freaks," the professor's best-selling treatise on abnormal behavior, and lures him and his natty tweeds from the ivory tower at the University of Pennsylvania onto the gritty city streets.
If included in the final tax plan, it would disproportionately harm nonwhite graduate students and be disastrous for the already dismal diversity of academia, putting an additional roadblock between people of color and the ivory tower and depriving all of us of their desperately needed intellectual contributions.
Blindly clinging to "free trade" positions might make sense in the think-tank ivory tower or in the boardroom bubble, but this thinking is of little consolation to the men and women who have lost their jobs on the assembly line or in the textile plant.
While higher education may once have been associated with the ivory tower — a secluded place of rigorous study — now companies like Target, Trader Joe's, Urban Outfitters, and Publix are opening stores on or near college campuses, chasing students who are setting up shopping habits that could last a lifetime.
If these admissions officers are not allowed to take into account the racism that Black, Latinx, and Native American students have experienced that has blocked their opportunities for academic achievement, they will only deepen the racist systems that have locked these students out of the ivory tower for generations.
Koeh­ler's theories have not been universally embraced by his peers, some of whom feel that he's too much of an ivory-tower figure—a person who may be great at analyzing papers but, despite his time studying neo-Nazis, lacks enough direct experience with extremists to know how they really think.
That set in motion the biggest test imaginable of a basic argument that has consumed ivory-tower economists, union-hall organizers and corporate executives for years on end: What if paying workers more, training them better and offering better opportunities for advancement can actually make a company more profitable, rather than less?
For while she is resolute that she would go back to the Mexico she left as a young girl with her parents, she thinks a different path would be encouraged by those same people whose lifetime of sacrifice and selflessness, she says, guided her out of the shadows and into the ivory tower of Harvard.
That's a common complaint against philosophy in general and moral philosophy or ethics in particular: It's all well and good to tell people how to live their lives from inside your ivory tower, but then at some point you have to go home and actually live, and often philosophers' own lives don't at all match the ideas they espouse.
The most attention-grabbing elements of the flick are threefold: ample access into, arguably, the most exclusive fashion event that exists; a chance to devour copious screen time of the one, the only Anna Wintour; the fact that it was directed by Andrew Rossi (the guy behind critically acclaimed films like Page One: Inside The New York Times and Ivory Tower).
Ivory Tower The sociologist and law professor Mark Osiel would like to draw your attention to a peculiar, perhaps even paradoxical, aspect of our legal system: We often grant people rights that we hope they will not exercise, or that we trust they will exercise only sparingly, because the behavior that is authorized is at odds with our common morality.
Joyce was ranked something like 100th at the time, but was playing a totally different sport, according to the Big D. I am sort of interested in finding out if there is a secret society of ridiculously sick Rocket League players out there who are never put into our random matches because they live in an ivory tower constructed out of all the chassis of the cars they've pummeled into dust.
Although I confess to having enjoyed the cachet evoked by my school's name, I've often regretted that I didn't attend a large coed school with football and basketball games (and parties) to attend — or wished that a "gap year" had been available so that I could have had a year to experience the real world before being immersed in an ivory tower that, perhaps at one year older, I would have appreciated more.
"If you're looking for an escape from a connection with other people on this planet, if you want to be, you know, separated from your potential to empathize with others, if you want a life in an ivory tower where everybody is an enemy and you need to build walls and you've got to do a better deal with the Chinese or whatever it might be, that this leader that you've elected thinks is a good idea, well, that's what you believe," he said.
I do make a lot, and I was talking with John Markoff about this, too, that early paper where he went Appendix A, and it's very well known that this paper they wrote when they were still students, it said advertising was antithetical to a really fair search, how it had to be kept transparent in an ivory tower, and to see how they were converted from that very idealistic viewpoint to this incredibly practical money-obsessed version through, I would say, Stanford and the influence of Stanford.
Reality for those of us on the ground is different:  My industry alone lost over 500,85033 direct manufacturing jobs and another million-and-a-half indirect jobs, and thousands of business owners in other industries struggled through sleepless nights, knowing only too well that while the narrative coming from the Ivory Tower offered protection to the political class, it was cold comfort to those on the front line — those who knew, such as economist Susan Houseman at the Upjohn Institute, that automation actually had very little to do with the job losses.

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