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"ghastlier" Synonyms
scarier terribler horribler direr gruesomer awfuller fearfuller grimmer grislier dreader eerier horrider creepier spookier hairier darker ghostlier wretcheder grotesquer unearthlier uglier unlovelier disgustinger nastier fuglier grosser viler beastlier uncomelier homelier unpleasanter fouler weirder shadowier deathlier deadlier uncannier stranger obscurer heavenlier unworldlier rummer curiouser odder obscener hatefuller loathlier weaker yuckier eviller badder poorer woefuller crummier miserabler pitifuller lousier rottener shabbier shoddier suckier abjecter trashier crumbier junkier lamer paltrier cheaper grottier severer somberer(US) sombrer(UK) graver sadder gloomier bleaker drearier soberer dolefuler intenser acuter fiercer deeper heavier violenter keener viciouser harder extremer stronger powerfuller greater sharper seriouser harsher wilder rougher tougher adverser austerer dourer ruggeder starker more hostile more unfavorable(US) raunchier wickeder more reprehensible more shameful more disgraceful more unforgivable more indefensible more inexcusable more abhorrent more odious paler pallider wanner pastier ashier sallower sicklier livider greyer(UK) chalkier grayer(US) peakier whiter greener doughier mealier milkier sicker creamier queasier ropier queerer seedier more ill more unwell more nauseated more nauseous more off crueler bloodthirstier spitefuller meaner unkinder sterner flintier dastardlier wantoner baser more monstrous more atrocious more fiendish more heinous more inhuman more abominable gorier shadier more distressing gaunter scrawnier thinner bonier scraggier deader more cadaverous more emaciated more skeletal more haggard more wasted more anorexic more macilent more consumptive more skeletonlike more etiolated more lymphatic More

15 Sentences With "ghastlier"

How to use ghastlier in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "ghastlier" and check conjugation/comparative form for "ghastlier". Mastering all the usages of "ghastlier" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The only thing that promises to be ghastlier is the outcome.
This compilation, associated with no particular festival but recommended for generic events, typifies the genre's ghastlier tendencies.
How, for instance, is drowning the cause of death and not something ghastlier like a traumatic brain injury?
Operated by the puppeteers and filmed with a small camera, it looked larger, ghastlier, something like the "hideous progeny" that Shelley described.
We get a number of deaths, none of them natural, and one, a smothering, is all the ghastlier for being imposed with such determined calm.
He couldn't project, sometimes he couldn't even hit the expected notes, and although both Morrissey and Simon Le Bon are unimaginable without him, Bowie's instrument is considerably ghastlier than either.
The ghastlier aspects of an uncomfortable subject — the killing of a human being by order of the state — might not seem to pair well with fried burrata in a house marinara.
Amazon's Lore starts off with a look at some of the ghastlier moments — or decades — in modern history, ranging from the horror of the lobotomy movement to the surprising origins of Dracula.
Describing the Romans as barbaric may seem apt, given their predilection for extreme violence and torture as a form of entertainment, but some of the ghastlier stories of Roman sadism appear to have been inflated by anti-Roman historians.
At a moment when instability seems to be the only constant in American politics, "It Can't Happen Here" offers an alluring (if terrifying) certainty: It can happen here, and what comes next will be even ghastlier than you expect.
Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump pushes back on recent polling data, says internal numbers are 'strongest we've had so far' Illinois state lawmaker apologizes for photos depicting mock assassination of Trump Scaramucci assembling team of former Cabinet members to speak out against Trump MORE's gaffes grew ghastlier and more undemocratic by the week.
Other variants of this hat are they Ghastly Gibus, the Ghastlier Gibus, and the Ghastliest Gibus.
Moody made his first appearance in February 1991, as a heel, when Brother Love, who originally managed The Undertaker, passed him on to be managed by Paul Bearer. Bearer took on a spookier, ghastlier character. Bearer also hosted the WWF talk show segment entitled The Funeral Parlor, which included memorable segments such as the Ultimate Warrior being locked inside a casket, among others. In 1992, The Undertaker and Bearer turned face, when Undertaker stopped former ally Jake "The Snake" Roberts from ambushing Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth with a chair backstage.
Contemporary doctors were unable to give him a clear diagnosis, other than a 1913 opinion of "hyperneurasthenia". Later writers have suggested vascular dementia, early-onset Alzheimer's disease, neurosyphilis, and Vitamin B12 deficiency from vegetarianism as possible causes of his illness. In October 1914, Deakin wrote that he had "no continuity of memory or argument" and relied upon "impressions that fade or are forgotten in a few minutes and often in a few seconds". In November 1915, he wrote that he could remember what he had read for only a few hours and that "no collapse could be ghastlier".
The Economist summarily dismissed Brendan Simms' book, Unfinest Hour, on the Bosnian War for having no more than "the force of an inkpot thrown from a schooldesk" and for its criticism of government ministers for their "flaws of logic [and] failures of clairvoyance". Simms himself observed in response that The Economist own attempts at clairvoyance had "backfired spectacularly". He pointed to the weekly's editorials through July 1991 and 1992, which predicted that European Community foreign policy would deal with the situation well and that there would not be all-out war in Bosnia. Simms characterizes The Economist as being "a longstanding opponent of military intervention" in Bosnia, pointing to its editorials of July 1995, when the 1995 NATO bombing campaign in Bosnia and Herzegovina was underway, and to Bill Emmott's own letter to the publication, which rejected "intervention in this three-cornered civil war, a war which all along has risked escalation into a far wider conflict with even ghastlier consequences", as evidence of this.

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