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"homelier" Synonyms
plainer simpler folksier unfussier cosier(UK) cozier(US) humbler homier lowlier wholesomer austerer honester commoner poorer meeker quieter smaller mundaner heartier purer uglier unlovelier grotesquer uncomelier viler fuglier disgustinger mousier unpleasanter ghastlier gruesomer horrider horribler nastier scuzzier grislier terribler obscener grimmer comfortabler friendlier comfier snugger pleasanter warmer easier cushier softer snugglier mellower cannier toastier hotter plusher safer starker severer chaster sparer barer cleaner rawer balder drier bleaker meagrer(UK) meagerer(US) barrener sparser measlier unwarier unworldlier realer truer greener callower fairer ignoranter naifer dewier happier calmer placider tranquiler laxer fresher peacefuller securer gentler dowdier slovenlier untidier sloppier scruffier frowzier shabbier daggier slobbier frowsier blowsier blowzier frumpier dingier stodgier baggier mumsier drearier sadder normaler staler boringer duller blander hackier ornerier drabber meaner triter older cheesier tackier squarer more frumpish more unkempt more unfashionable more unstylish more inelegant more tasteless more unattractive more old-fashioned dumpier squatter chunkier shorter stouter chubbier plumper podgier stubbier tubbier fatter pudgier bulkier paunchier portlier broader fubsier porkier squattier stockier more domesticated more housewifely more domestic more homelike more personal more private more home-grown more familiar more homemade earthier robuster franker directer more natural more unpretentious more practical more realistic more pragmatic more straightforward more hardheaded more pragmatical more unidealistic more uninhibited more basic more matter-of-fact more no-nonsense more hard-boiled More

10 Sentences With "homelier"

How to use homelier in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "homelier" and check conjugation/comparative form for "homelier". Mastering all the usages of "homelier" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Goffman was raised to be a sociologist, though she tends to prefer the homelier designation of ''fieldworker.
After all, the airwaves at the time were filled with homelier fare like The Andy Griffith Show and Bonanza.
He frets about homelier things: about his responsibilities to his family and his job, about the day-to-day irritants of office politics, about the nature and strength of his various loyalties.
This scene was censored with clothing in overseas editions. GameDaily described her appearance as "angelic", adding "despite looking homelier than the other girls, [she] is still jaw dropping," and gave her mentions and praise in several articles for her character strength and evolution along the series.Babe of the Week: Hottest Blondes. GameDaily. Retrieved on 2009-01-18.
But he is better in homelier works, with which he adorned the royal castles of Bensberg and Oranienstein at different periods of his life. His earliest works are more conscientious, lighter and more transparent than his later ones. At all times he is bold of touch and sure of eye, giving the motion of birds with great spirit and accuracy.Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911).
He adds that the differing interests of Tolkien and his wife Edith may be "dimly discernible" in the estrangement of the Ents and the Entwives, while their long-delayed romance is evident in Elrond (as Father Francis Xavier, Tolkien's guardian), who forbids Aragorn to marry Arwen unless he becomes king of Gondor and Arnor. He notes that the delayed marriage of the servant-hobbit Sam Gamgee and Rosie Cotton is a homelier echo of the theme.
A song like this, dripping with sentiment even by early-1900s standards, lent itself to parodies. Billy Murray recorded one. The verse describes him passing by the house of Maggie Jones, a maiden "homelier than me", who asks him to fetch some apples on the promise of giving him one of the pies she plans to bake. That verse continues into the chorus: :So I climbed up the old apple tree, :For a pie was a real thing to me.
From the first he had a way of adapting his models to his own uses. The series of essays called "The Busy-Body," which he wrote for Bradford's American Mercury in 1729, followed the general Addisonian form, already modified to suit homelier conditions. The thrifty Patience, in her busy little shop, complaining of the useless visitors who waste her valuable time, is related to the ladies who address Mr. Spectator. The Busy-Body himself is a true Censor Morum, as Isaac Bickerstaff had been in the Tatler.
The series of essays called "The Busy- Body", which he wrote for Bradford's American Mercury in 1729, followed the general Addisonian form, already modified to suit homelier conditions. The thrifty Patience, in her busy little shop, complaining of the useless visitors who waste her valuable time, is related to the ladies who address Mr. Spectator. The Busy-Body himself is a true Censor Morum, as Isaac Bickerstaff had been in the Tatler. And a number of the fictitious characters, Ridentius, Eugenius, Cato, and Cretico, represent traditional 18th-century classicism.
The most often cited interpretation for the badeken is that, according to , when Jacob went to marry Rachel, his father-in-law Laban tricked him into marrying Leah, Rachel's older and homelier sister. Many say that the veiling ceremony takes place to make sure that the groom is marrying the right bride. Some say that as the groom places the veil over his bride, he makes an implicit promise to clothe and protect her. Finally, by covering her face, the groom recognizes that he is marrying the bride for her inner beauty; while looks will fade with time, his love will be everlasting.

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