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966 Sentences With "more realistic"

How to use more realistic in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "more realistic" and check conjugation/comparative form for "more realistic". Mastering all the usages of "more realistic" from sentence examples published by news publications.

It's ten times faster than previous methods, and incorporates a more realistic model of fur to create more realistic images.
"The United States appears to be adopting more realistic tactics on nuclear disarmament, but not more realistic objectives," said Mount, at the Federation of American Scientists.
The new UK law makes that a more realistic possibility.
Right now, it's almost more realistic than continuing to rent.
In obvious ways, "Parasite" is more realistic than those films.
Ted) Cruz and a more realistic choice than (Ohio Gov.
There is also a more realistic appreciation of the market.
Having a sister circle makes Nola a more realistic person.
Trump's role as First Lady becomes more and more realistic.
YA: Well I think we need to be more realistic.
Economists said the downward revisions rendered the forecasts more realistic.
In recent years, they have become larger and more realistic.
Hacking state and local elections, however, would be more realistic.
He said 2000,21 homes would be a more realistic target.
It definitely made things more affordable and seem more realistic.
But lately they have become more realistic and more engaging.
I have a feeling I'll be more realistic going forward.
But "internment" seems a better, more realistic and accurate term.
"Some things are more realistic than others," Mr. Kolb said.
"They are being more realistic," she said of Republican leaders.
Go for something more realistic, and investors may just shrug.
Thankfully, Amazon is also looking at some more realistic solutions.
A more realistic one maybe, with police officers shooting blanks.
Oddly, they seem less faithful the more realistic they become.
Seeing those numbers made everything seem much more realistic for us.
I've gotten more realistic about what medicine can and can't do.
But these more realistic emoji still lived alongside the blobby expressions.
It's a scenario that has grown more realistic month by month.
Despite some flaws, fake videos and audio are getting more realistic.
The images it produced also felt sharper, richer, and more realistic.
You had an interest in making the film feel more realistic.
It's also much more realistic than other options on the table.
Realistic Staging drills deep underground also makes the training more realistic.
The second is a brief sketch of my more realistic theory.
I think the bond market's probably telling a more realistic story.
They want to see more realistic representations, which includes sexy ones.
I'd prefer a more realistic hedgehog design like one of these.
Right now, sellers need to be a little bit more realistic.
Yet analysts believe mid-2020 is a more realistic time frame.
Agent say more realistic direction is recovery memoir and TED talk.
So you can't say what might be the more realistic opinion.
"Space mining could be more realistic than perceived," the report said.
The more picks they get, the more realistic that blockbuster becomes.
Should youngsters be taught to be more realistic about their future?
The goal is to put object recognition through more realistic paces.
By using 360-degree video, Pixvana's approach is more realistic looking.
For the Celtics, Hayward makes that goal more realistic than ever.
"  Clinton, however, "proposes changes that are less sexy but more realistic.
We should go to the streets and do something more realistic.
One argument is that the current policy approach is more realistic.
The Sustainable Energy Development Reform Act takes a more realistic approach.
Some of Trump's proposals in Phoenix were more realistic than others.
It's obviously one of the darker, creepier, even more realistic fairytale stories.
It says, I have more modest ambitions, but they are more realistic.
Through regular sessions, he developed more realistic ways to manage his anxiety.
The more realistic options pose varying degrees of threats to the Raptors.
The source close to Aramco described that as a more realistic valuation.
That gives James' fights a heft that's less cartoonish and more realistic.
The median gain of 20143 percent may be a more realistic measure.
But this time, things are rendered with a much more realistic style.
"Frankly, for me right now, it's more realistic," the actress told Refinery29.
But the point is that they are more realistic than other films.
Guns are apparently more realistic when it comes to recoil and reloading.
When it all works together, games can feel more realistic than ever.
AUSTIN, Texas — Samsung's latest virtual reality accessory makes VR way more realistic.
"We just think that (the 2050) target is more realistic," Pallone said.
The dolls have more-realistic proportions than the original pin-thin Barbie.
"There has been less rhetoric and a more realistic approach," he said.
Chitin-based plastics, on the other hand, are a little more realistic.
We wanted something that's more realistic in terms of physics and environment.
Maryna Tezina of Poppen Atelier gives dolls a more realistic-looking makeover.
Now, this plan is established on a more realistic ground than ever.
It just got more realistic about what delivering high quality would require.
Basically, HD Rumble makes vibrations feel more realistic compared to regular buzzing.
The latter end of that guestimate seems more realistic to my eye.
There's plenty of fuckers to pick on with a more realistic agenda.
What's some of the stuff that's more realistic in the short term?
There should probably be more realistic portrayals of adolescence in mainstream media.
They also want the scenery to be more realistic, like movie scenery.
We need to keep telling these stories and get more realistic portrayals.
The probabilities of a Sprint/T-Mobile deal became powerfully more realistic.
In fact, it creates a more realistic scenario for them to succeed.
And even this risks making it sound more realistic than it is.
The simulation blended fact and fiction to make it feel more realistic.
The purpose is to make the image on screen look more realistic.
The selfies on the iPhone 11 Pro look a lot more realistic.
These go beyond occlusion and into more realistic physics and 3D mapping.
Mr. Briones gives a far more realistic performance than Mr. Pryce did.
I've had readers tell me it's way more realistic, especially the older ones.
The technique could lead to more realistic video gameplay and more agile robots.
But the June announcement to resettle 22,211 residents seemed a more realistic goal.
Experts say there are more realistic ways to address the student loan crisis.
They want more explosions and more realistic CGI, which makes for bigger budgets.
Movies are more immersive, voices are more realistic, and distortion is practically nonexistent.
Despite a lot of heated rhetoric, his foreign policy has been more realistic.
That's when then the show sort of shifts into a more realistic telling.
More realistic—and optimistic, if you're inclined—scenarios still see Powell's role expanding.
Npoole even included LED lights to make the Pokédex that much more realistic.
For an even more realistic touch, Freakmo bought some surgical staples and sutures.
But it could be a chance to forge a more realistic immigration policy.
Ray-tracing gives more realistic lighting but requires huge amounts of computing power.
A more concrete valuation will be more realistic once the deal formally closes.
Were there things you did to make your representation more realistic, less tawdry?
As TechCrunch reports, Amazon's aim was a more realistic delivery of the news.
His work has somewhat more realistic proportions and a dramatic use of shadow.
Now he's given them a more realistic way to pass the time: videogames.
This seems more realistic for me than waking up every day at 6.
They seek to inject a more realistic measure of doubt in courtroom testimony.
Sorolla's works tended to be more realistic than those from his French counterparts.
A more realistic goal for the coalition and for Afghanistan is nonviolent coexistence.
But more realistic, if still ambitious, scenarios could yet turn the House blue.
The result is more realistic lighting, reflections, and shadows in a video game.
He now has a more realistic endeavor: finding success in the United States.
The more Afghans discuss their political future, the more realistic political negotiations become.
Ray agrees that it's healthier for people to watch more realistic sexual behaviors.
Other more realistic options include weakening enforcement of regulations and defunding regulatory agencies.
Those additions help soldiers train in a more realistic environment, according to Sgt.
Thompson also painted clouds on the ceiling to make it look more realistic.
More realistic economic assumptions are enough to wipe away those deficit reductions entirely.
Clearly people were calling out for more realistic sex scenes amidst the smut.
I think you're going to see a little more realistic games in September.
Its message was more realistic and easier to abide by: Moderation is key.
Last year, Epic acquired game studio 3Lateral which built more realistic human avatars.
Could they not have bought the guy a more realistic-looking bald cap?
It&aposs the more realistic number you&aposre hoping to meet or exceed.
But having a more realistic attitude makes it easier for us going forward.
Another measure, phasing out coal power plants, is more realistic now, Olhoff said.
Unplugging for a few hours rather than a day may be more realistic.
Or for you even to think, "Ok, this is a more realistic threat"?
I can guarantee you no, but New Yorkers are more realistic than that.
"It appears that they are finally bringing forth more realistic cost estimates and a more realistic schedule," said Stephen Levy, executive director and senior economist with the Center for Continuing Study of the California Economy, a Menlo Park-based research group.
With Microsoft, conditions were slightly more realistic, but still not like playing at home.
Even in grittier, more realistic works, the motivations of communist characters were rarely explored.
But the colors are fake; the iPhone X took a far more realistic photo.
The deal is "reflective of lower smoking rates and more realistic assumptions," Schankel said.
But a more realistic vole tally is likely to hover in the 170 range.
A more realistic strategy to diversify away from diamonds is to attract more tourists.
"They are getting more realistic and that will precipitate more M&A," he said.
Words' meanings—as in real life—drift, too, giving the system more realistic messiness.
Its promise to reduce instances of muscle ache after a workout seemed more realistic.
Hope that my girls would choose the more realistic options if given the choice.
There will be lightsabers that look far more realistic than the cheap plastic variety.
A more realistic possibility is that bitcoin hit a key technical level, he said.
They shared Barbie's signature blonde tresses but sported a more realistic and relatable frame.
Women tend to be more realistic and manage day-to-day lives very well.
Prices must be fairer, more realistic, and they should be an incentive for investors.
Their hopes of re-entering the federal parliament in 2017 now seem more realistic.
I think we need to get some more realistic projection on technology and innovation.
If you're lucky, you'll get four hours of life, but three is more realistic.
Though he has a more realistic face, the character still a superhero-like quality.
Lastly, Väätäinen turned Prince Eric from "The Little Mermaid" into a more realistic man.
Given current trends, is that prospect any more realistic than what I have proposed?
Over the years, costumes have become both more pop culture dependent, and more realistic.
Having children, some could argue, is a way of making that hope more realistic.
Here's a more realistic vision of what's about to happen over the next year.
They attempted to make Sonic more "realistic" but ended up creating something fairly disturbing.
Photo: Matthew Reyes (Gizmodo)Razer's gotten a little more realistic with its concepts recently.
" Maya Fernbaugh, 18: "Euphoria represents a new generation of teens, a more realistic version.
We're used to seeing it in more realistic games like Tomb Raider or Skyrim.
I wouldn't tag us as favorites, but we have a much more realistic chance.
His sportswriting, which mixed careful research with personal recollections, was more realistic than reverential.
More realistic expectations about young children's sleep patterns might help parents cope, she said.
Which vision you view as more realistic will likely drive which candidate you support.
The more realistic a president is, the more a country will believe his reassurances.
Swinson's more realistic private eye has a cocaine addiction, which is kind of refreshing.
But the Hypersense concept products are far more realistic and feasible than past concepts.
But it is the only way forward for those who have more realistic expectations.
A more realistic estimate is 2.4 percent, according to the report (The Washington Post).
But nowadays, aiming to save 2000 percent of your income is probably more realistic.
Pat Tiberi's retirement, as a more realistic target for Democrats than the Arizona district.
That's forced the company to be more realistic ahead of its public market debut.
" "So yeah, they want to bring on world peace — in a more realistic approach.
A top priority should be securing a more realistic budget submission in FY 2019.
The Google Pixel 3 XL shot was about as good, and arguably more realistic.
In her mind, the 2024 Summer Games in Paris are a more realistic goal.
From that standpoint, you try to be more realistic about what's within our control.
People, she says, are a little more realistic about working mothers and pregnant women.
Everyone, it seems, has ideas about new tax strategies, some more realistic than others.
Much of this could have been mitigated with better education and more realistic planning.
Do you remember points when you stepped in to tweak it to be more realistic?
Or that the clouds move in more realistic ways, breaking the sun's light just so?
It had sparkly blue eyes, a more realistic look, and the ability to memorize faces.
Here are 218 different explanations -- some way more realistic than others -- for Trump's win: 219.
The Poo-Chi is a more realistic choice, because at least it has a bone.
But wild ideas like these become a bit more realistic now that West is involved.
They want to see romantic conflict resolution seem more realistic and more grounded in reality.
Martin's novels subverted the typical hero's journey trope in favor of more realistic plot outcomes.
The more realistic your goals are, the more likely you'll be able to accomplish them.
Second, shopping online for ankle boots, as opposed to other types, is way more realistic.
It is that this darker view of Britain is more realistic than the previous one.
Restoring damaged tissue to a fully-functioning state will become much more realistic as well.
This is a more realistic look at the way that the Middle East is unfolding.
It is a more realistic goal than returning low-skilled work to America en masse.
Kelly praises the fight scene, which he says is more realistic than most movie fights.
This week's papers are but a first step towards a more realistic approach to Brexit.
"As urban farming like Bowery scales up… that becomes more and more realistic," Ghobarah said.
Computer technology has advanced enough that Kong looks more realistic than he ever has before.
Instead, they argue it can become grounds for more realistic talks and ultimately a settlement.
While this isn't new, Eureka labs reportedly tried to make the 3D graphics more realistic.
But when the show is a drama or a dramedy, the sets are more realistic.
He's also adjusted her body proportions over the years to make her look more realistic.
These questions are only going to grow as VR technology gets more and more realistic.
Some of these stories are more realistic than others, but all play upon alternate histories.
A three-bedroom house set among others in ordinary use provides a more realistic context.
Fortunately, tree designers and manufacturers have gotten better at producing more realistic branches and needles.
"I hope he'll find somebody who has a more realistic point of view," he said.
They looked more realistic in an iPhone 7 shot viewed on the iPhone 7 screen.
The older I get, the more realistic I am as to what I'm good at.
A more realistic goal would be to challenge leagues in the Netherlands, Portugal and Mexico.
But Mnuchin's Treasury will come up with more realistic models for the Trump tax cut.
The YouTubers added details to their replica truck to make it appear even more realistic.
Nvidia makes graphics chips for PCs and laptops that help video games look more realistic.
All of this while better simulating some of the features of more realistic combat shooting.
In 2006, however, Yuji Naka wanted to create a Sonic game with a more realistic tone.
It's definitely a more realistic goal than trying to send 100 people to Mars by 2024.
The paintings are intentionally unlike the more realistic portraits that have come before (to less fanfare).
In the nearer term, the proposals at the top of this list are much more realistic.
Duggan says she created the blog to give a more realistic view of living with autism.
The town's attitude about radioactivity is much more realistic and pragmatic than it would be elsewhere.
Filmmakers explained that they contact the FBI because they want their work to be more realistic.
"Moving forward, an offer of at least 200p per share would be more realistic," he added.
Even in this more realistic hybrid scenario, the devil is in the details of the implementation.
Shape spoke with experts on the subject to learn how to be a more realistic optimist.
The Laser TV also includes wide color gamut support and the promise of more realistic color.
It responds to touch and voice, and 22 actuators enable more realistic movement than previous models.
This has lifted the party's spirits, as has a (more realistic) push for bigger state pensions.
In consequence, it is in no one's interest to make more realistic assumptions about future returns.
More realistic is the record for PGA Tour victories, 82 held by the late Sam Snead.
"Price expectation from vendors has become more realistic, but many are still unrealistic," Mr. Coulson said.
But no matter what, that kind of tension will make stories feel all the more realistic.
A big platform like the Pacifica is a more realistic test bed for exploring such considerations.
"We're looking into how to capture more realistic soundscapes at a lower CPU cost," Martz says.
It's also working on new AR technologies to make that virtual Pikachu seem even more realistic.
So credit where it's due on his part in getting a bit more realistic about things.
There seems to be a more realistic grasp of the situation than older generations might have.
A more realistic look at the prospects of a deal is more than warranted, Djankov said.
The TVs have displays that are said to feature ultra-contrast and more realistic, accurate color.
" He put his hands around her neck, and misinterpreted her resistance as making "things more realistic.
Boom founder Blake Scholl says that his planes will be a more realistic option for customers.
Finding curltopia may sound like a fantastical dream, but it's actually more realistic than you think.
Romo said the team deliberately made the avatar without features to keep the experience more realistic.
It's all based in actual geological science, which makes his maps look more realistic and believable.
More realistic types of financing are likely to come as bank loans or lines of credit.
Largely for this reason, most companies are opting for more realistic — but less interactive — 360 video.
If the House goes Democratic in the 2018 elections, impeachment may become a more realistic possibility.
The Formula One teams are constantly developing the simulator to make the racing experience more realistic.
And that way, you get a more realistic and kind of photorealistic portrayal of the portrait.
Padda said a mid-single-digit growth rate is more realistic for the years to come.
"In our community, we are just at the beginning of establishing more realistic models," she said.
I'm a fan of dystopian fiction, which feels more and more realistic by the day, unfortunately.
But if the North were to move things forward, they would hopefully present something more realistic.
America deserves a new, more realistic foreign policy that will help us avoid the next Iraq.
We need better research and more realistic theory to guide our massive investments in health care.
Musk said a goal of 7,000 was more realistic and would require significantly less capital spending.
This works because A.I. has a far more realistic understanding of the world than you do.
"It's a matter of making the case that our plans are more realistic," the source said.
Beauty companies are also hoping to use AR to make virtual makeovers even more realistic looking.
Jonathan Warner, 23, who works in information technology on 14th Street, took a more realistic position.
Instead, the agency agreed with most private forecasters that 1.9 percent was a more realistic assumption.
Ultimately, Mr. Bahr sees Atlanta as a more realistic option than the market where he lives.
But life is extremely chaotic, so this year I've decided to set far more realistic goals.
"We were 100 percent more realistic, and we understood what our budget could afford," he said.
Arguably, losing your phone or seed phrase is a more realistic daily threat than a hack.
This two-stream model generated much more realistic videos, albeit short ones with really low resolutions.
And so I think that is more realistic than a lot of things that we see.
However, former astronaut Buzz Aldrin thinks that a slightly later target date of 2040 is more realistic.
If you're looking for more realistic true-to-life colors, the iPhone is the way to go.
But these projects show that there are potentially more realistic ways to interact with the virtual world.
This seems like the more realistic future when it comes to the Netflix-for-theaters business model.
The sex itself tends to be more tender, more real, with longer foreplay and more realistic endings.
If you have a darker view of Amazon and its reported practices, it's a little more realistic.
I think the Red Cross numbers of 21,21 dead in the camps from typhus are more realistic.
It's much more realistic, he thinks, to print them on-site using digital representations of their genome.
In a more realistic story, she might be scrolling through Instagram or looking at old text messages.
But from a narrow party-building perspective, it gives them a much more realistic chance at recovery.
A more realistic case would have several concentrated categories and a long tail of dozens of others.
It's high time we saw more realistic body types on one of the world's most iconic dolls.
So a price tag of three-quarters of book value, or 3.9 billion euros, seems more realistic.
Host Shaun T (creator of the hugely popular Insanity program) says it makes the setup more realistic.
And research suggests that those who have a more realistic understanding of inequality worry more about it.
Ishiguro is quick to point out that the bigger the group, the more realistic the communication exchange.
Few people are hashing out a more realistic vision for a hybrid, melting-pot form of Germanness.
I think I maybe need to just snap out of it and be a little more realistic.
But that weirdness makes reading the minds of your fellow travelers that much more realistic, and visceral.
But perhaps the deafening shock wave is a more realistic way to represent today's lasers' incredible power.
Trying to set benchmarks along the way — based on your age and earnings — might be more realistic.
It's more realistic – you don't even realize it, but that's a behavior drivers do all the time.
Even if yields perk up further, a 5 percent long-run return assumption may be more realistic.
Administration negotiators must also be more realistic about the concessions they can wrest from Canada and Mexico.
The parents push the movie into more realistic territory; after all, lovers don't exist in a vacuum.
Traditionally, though, it was always very computationally intensive, though the results tend to look far more realistic.
Instead, the J.P. Morgan found a "more realistic and importance anchor" would be 50 cents per share.
Mr. Othman, the general director of Maan, said the influence of money made the show more realistic.
But even with more realistic figures, he comes up with a new plan that hits 19 sports.
The eventual goal is to shrink the pixel blocks so that food looks more realistic when combined.
In this respect, blacks have a more realistic view of the limits of politics than most Americans.
Paramount's new design fades Sonic's blue fur into his tan mouth for a slightly more realistic depiction.
But it's far more realistic than activists' convincing the Trump administration to do anything about climate change.
At one base, soldiers preferred to play mouse-and-keyboard games over a more "realistic" virtual room.
"I resist and fight against sometimes that very cynical, more realistic view of the world," he said.
Bermuda recently publicized getting an "upgrade" from Brud which made her look even more realistic than before.
I couldn't figure out how to make it more realistic, and I realized I didn't really care.
Here is a more realistic explanation: The early Islamic civilization was creative because it was open-minded.
Social media has pushed marketers to show people in more realistic and diverse ways, Ms. Grossman said.
Others were more realistic and chalked it up to being standard ops for a fast-food chain.
You wanted something more realistic — something with weight so you could feel like a true Jedi master.
If STAR Labs can make these avatars more realistic, then they might be adopted more widely. Fine.
Advisers told the company last month that $1.1 trillion to $1.7 trillion was a more realistic valuation.
Advisers told the company last month that $1.1 trillion to $1.7 trillion was a more realistic valuation.
You'll sometimes get a more realistic answer from peers of the role or others in the company.
I personally loved all the small touches in the home that made the set feel more realistic.
The way Catastrophe deals with Rob, however, is much smarter — not to mention more realistic — than most.
The promise of VR is that it gives you a more realistic or immersive engaging experience, right?
With the slow rise of VR, virtual strip clubs and nightclubs are becoming more realistic than ever.
J. Samet: Some of your paintings combine loose, gestural depictions of the figure with more realistic ones.
Scientists have created a more realistic fake finger that they hope will help them improve fingerprint ID technology.
The voice knows which words should be emphasized for a more realistic delivery of the news, explains Amazon.
He said that a lengthy transition for Britain's exit from the European Union was "becoming more realistic now".
And honestly, I was kind of surprised the show went with this more realistic ending to the story.
This is a big step in being more realistic, although this toy dog doesn't do anything but breathe.
The team decided they wanted to create a world that was much more realistic than in games past.
The next stage is to test whether anything similar happens to mice fed more realistic doses of antibiotics.
Originally they were planning on the fall of 2019; now the first quarter of 2020 seems more realistic.
Technology: Bablyon 5's creators wanted a show that was more realistic than Star Trek; they mostly succeeded.
I liked the idea of having a photo that was a more realistic representation of our true relationship.
"Turmoil at the Hershey Trust makes such an event more realistic than in the past," noted the analyst.
He and his colleagues plan to conduct follow-up experiments to find a more realistic and sustainable program.
Where are the stories and narratives to make sense of how power works in a more realistic sense?
The winner's dad can't help but be a little worried, while Riley's mom offers a more realistic outcome.
HDR will allow whiter whites and darker blacks to create a more realistic and 3-D looking image.
But telling it all from Cicero and Tiro's perspective makes it more realistic, more detailed and more subtle.
"Inbox one page" is not only more realistic, it's more useful, says productivity and leadership coach Ellen Faye.
They're each screaming ahead towards understanding the mechanism of action by which they can make that more realistic.
Win and the chances of a final payday against Joshua or Fury are suddenly a lot more realistic.
"I most definitely would say that Bernie Sanders needs to give us more realistic plans," echoed Sydney Shaw.
It's striking to see the new dolls standing alongside the classic Barbie; things feel a little more realistic.
Here's how other designers and companies tried to create more realistic and body-positive dolls over the years.
But Lorenz found a more interesting and more realistic set of solutions that generated weather that wasn't periodic.
Life can move so fast that you feel like giving up on what's idealistic for something more realistic.
But for most others, the more realistic reality is that the budget for your dream gown isn't unlimited.
The American Mafia has become more realistic—and with that transformation, its reality, at times, has been exaggerated.
This would increase the range and reliability of the boxes, naturally, and make island communities much more realistic.
Again, it's no surprise that seeing more realistic body types in media has a positive effect on women.
But where Sanders comes at it from a socialist's perspective, Trump is much more realistic about his approach.
The artist Jirka Väätäinen has re-created some of Disney's most popular characters so they appear more realistic.
Here, Belle is still wearing her signature white blouse and blue dress, but her face is more realistic.
But as things stand now, it's a far more realistic possibility in the future than Dallas or Philadelphia.
Of the two maps I did, I feel this may be the more realistic one for Trump. Thoughts?
An audience favorite that's been panned by critics, "National Treasure" (2004) might benefit from a more realistic plot.
Dr. Sauer pleaded with doctors to "promote more realistic views" of the realities of pregnancy at advanced ages.
"Sellers realized that if they wanted to move their property, they needed to be more realistic," he said.
It could be made more realistic with some reference to psychology: Borrowing produced a sense of personal shame.
These days Jake's still going strong and continuing to do Romania proud while looking more realistic than ever.
His current robots are even more realistic, and Ibuki's questing face and delicate hands are really very cool.
It's a complicated way of saying that real-world scenarios look a lot more realistic and just… better.
"It seems to be more realistic to me if we're just gonna be realistic about it," Maher said.
To many, a condensed tournament, possibly without foreign players, later this year looks like a more realistic prospect.
The room immediately feels warmer, and more realistic — yet it's still full of blocky "Minecraft" visuals, of course.
This kind of advanced sensor would enable apps like Pokémon Go to offer much more realistic augmented reality.
A more realistic reading is that Cuba is heading for more of the same: undemocratic one-party rule.
This new Joker is more of a sympathetic figure at the center of a darker, more realistic story.
Buttigieg called such proposals a "shiny object" that will distract Washington from achieving more realistic gun safety reforms.
It is also a mesmerizing story about difference and adolescence, one that is far more realistic than most.
In its reporting on the apparent Democratic "retreat" from support of Israel, Haaretz provided a more realistic picture.
A more realistic answer is that there just weren&apost any new blockbusters released over the holiday weekend.
Real VCs will benefit from its benching, though, because now they can invest in a more realistic environment.
Her photo-based, exquisitely executed drawings appear more realistic and seductive than photographs could ever hope to be.
But like the rest of the virtual reality market, these tools are still evolving toward more realistic scenes.
We view the current industry environment as normal and a more realistic base for assessing future growth potential.
Other on the record reports were much more realistic, such as those from Robert Walpole of the CIA.
In Kunming, they hope, all 196 parties will adopt a new and more realistic framework to protect biodiversity.
But for a more realistic gauge of China's economy, economists tend to look at variables beyond official numbers.
Now it would seem more realistic to portray a character panicking about whether the gemstone was ethically sourced.
On the other hand, my paintings have always been more realistic and the form and content more classic.
But despite this focus on super-intelligent AI, we should remember that the technology poses much more realistic challenges.
I just think there's a more realistic version of a teenager's life that people don't focus on as much.
For example, he expects to add details like more realistic building interiors and additional people walking around the campus.
Facebook just began rolling out support for its 3D photos, which make portrait mode images look much more realistic.
The combination of the case and AI is able to capture richer and more realistic sound, the company says.
This platform could conceivably be used to produce more realistic computer animation, but also for virtual testing of robots.
And Farpoint utilizes a number of gestures and design flourishes to make the virtual weapon feel even more realistic.
That got us a more realistic lighting environment, but there was this other wonderful benefit that came from that.
I still go back to ADF every so often, but I've become more realistic about what I can handle.
Johnson could adopt a more realistic timetable and try to ratify the deal by, say, the end of November.
Hence a more realistic estimate would assume that insurance overhead would drop to Canada's level of about 210 percent.
"This gives it a more realistic feel than just putting on a pair of virtual reality goggles," Koharik said.
I was the oldest guy there at that time in the show, so I was more realistic about relationships.
The shoes could be great for smaller exploration games, where you're walking more realistic distances at a slower pace.
"A Trump presidency, as it was becoming unbelievably more realistic last week ... was clearly making markets nervous," Troise said.
Now YouTube is finally embracing HDR, which means newer videos are going to get a lot more realistic looking.
Finally, it's important to create a "reflection" eyeliner on the bottom lid to make the upper line more realistic.
"I see Halloween costumes get more and more realistic and incredible every year," says Claudia Soare, the brand's president.
Apps like DeepNude are almost certain to proliferate, offering faster and more realistic deepfakes in the years to come.
Developers have already said that the timeframe is too ambitious—a deadline of 12-18 months is more realistic.
If they have said 300-500 meters, it would be much more realistic under all weather and humidity conditions.
And the Pixel 3 phones also boast more realistic AR stickers (is that really a thing people care about?).
"Its hybrid cloud strategy has resonated with enterprises where this is a more realistic and flexible approach," Voce said.
TWD is handling anti-heroism in an interesting, perhaps even more realistic way than most modern dramas, sans zombies.
"People are taking a more realistic view on the long term," said Somorjai, who Joined Salesforce 11 years ago.
The third is that many automakers are showing autonomous vehicles, but I found that connected cars are more realistic.
Veep is a fictional comedy, but it's clear the HBO favorite is more realistic than real life these days.
He's trying for something denser and more realistic than the usual fantasy binaries of pure, simple good and evil.
Her on-screen (and off-screen) pregnancy cracked the door for a more realistic depiction of marriage on TV.
A more realistic goal for the music industry is to persuade YouTube to pay more for playing their songs.
In my testing, Essential's camera consistently produced photos with more realistic colors and sharper details than my iPhone did.
For a more realistic guide to tipping, check out everything you need to know about the money you give.
New and improved, aibo now has OLED eyes and can move on 22 axes, making its movements more realistic.
That's gone, and our assessment of the fantasy values of all these players has to get way more realistic.
They all have a gravity of feeling embedded in form itself that can be missing from more realistic work.
I think the other and probably more realistic option for them is to get deeper into the media world.
A more realistic depiction of swarms would take away their Achilles heel, requiring screenwriters to figure out new tricks.
Dr. Lenhart's team studied the aphids and ladybugs in the laboratory as well as in a more realistic setting.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer appeared to see another Obamacare repeal effort as a more realistic possibility on Friday.
The iPhone 11 Pro's photos look more realistic, which is something the Ultra is capable of, but not consistently.
Elizabeth Olsen reimagined as Jane from "Tarzan" includes the character's signature yellow dress, but her face looks more realistic.
This live-action Sonic had a much more realistic look — disturbing, considering how inherently cartoon-y the character is.
" This is a more realistic, diverse and perceptive view of the city than viewers saw in "Seinfeld" and "Friends.
But Ferrell never loses his signature naive sincerity, while Poehler — even while high — remains the more realistic harebrained logician.
All will harbour hopes of a top-half finish, but this target is more realistic for some than others.
The increased amount of visual information makes for a smoother, more realistic-looking picture — but that has its pitfalls.
Happily, a self-driving vehicle experiment planned for Texas shows a better and more realistic path to public acceptance.
Oh, Siri Thanks to updates that rolled out with iOS 11, Siri sounds much more realistic than it has previously.
For me, it's more realistic and more human to have humorous and uplifting things happen against a slightly darker backdrop.
The settlement has not been made public, but experts from across the globe believe the latter number is more realistic.
But Moore is far from generic — and if he's the nominee Jones has a much more realistic chance of reelection.
Sometimes she says she essentially agrees with him, but that her plans for achieving their shared goals are more realistic.
As immersive as some VR content is, a little motion goes a long way towards making it feel more realistic.
The more realistic scenario, though, is usually more boring on a local level but potentially devastating on a large scale.
The company's research and development team is constantly tinkering with Impossible's protein, looking for ways to make it more realistic.
In theory, the idea is a good one: Create more realistic-looking Bitmoji-style characters based on a user's selfie.
It will take time to change that mindset, Kapoor said, but India's middle class and youth want more realistic fare.
A company spokesperson told me that the lenses I've tested are more realistic thanks to faster and more accurate tracking.
Is there something about reaching that balance between more realistic and more fantastical that you've been approaching in this series?
Economic growth is slow, and unemployment is either 20173% (by the official measure) or 37% (by a more realistic estimate).
"We expect the IMF ... to adopt a more realistic and a more constructive approach in the immediate future," Tzanakopoulos said.
He tells The Associated Press that a team has been dispatched to investigate and get a more realistic death toll.
The rest of the range come in more realistic sizes, from 8TB all the way down to a mere 480GB.
What's wild is that Kylie Jenner's wax figure looks more realistic than Kylie herself.....Meanwhile Beyoncé's looks like Britney Spears.
It used a projector with a motorized lens that enabled images to have more depth and therefore look more realistic.
But bidders are expected to consider a valuation at 10-12 times core earnings as more realistic, the people added.
The Bronze Age had staple superheroes but with more realistic, darker and socially relevant stories — much like the show itself.
They added more liquid and less ice to the clouds in their model simulations, striving to create more realistic conditions.
Sometimes she says she essentially agrees with him but that her plans for achieving their shared goals are more realistic.
"EVS does this with a broader audio frequency range, which translates to richer, more realistic-sounding voice audio," Ray said.
Unable to get the procedure done at MMCR, Chamorro (who declined to be interviewed) had nowhere more realistic to go.
Yep, the peach emoji now looks more realistic and more like a peach, much to the disappointment of the internet.
"In 2020...we will have the ability to seek the lowering of primary surpluses to more realistic levels," Mitsotakis said.
To approximate a more realistic serving, the survey calculated levels of phthalates based on the fat content of each product.
What if, instead of Bey's addictive track, the video was dubbed with an audio track that's a little more realistic?
I had interesting stories that were a bit more realistic than what you would read in the typical teen magazines.
Once on paper, it's easier to identify how distorted they are, and to generate more realistic thoughts to replace them.
TAPI is expected to start carrying gas by 2020, although the ADB's Tumiwa said a later start was more realistic.
Giving students and their families more realistic ideas of college costs, and more reasonable expectations of family support, would help.
To give buyers a more realistic view of what to expect from a home, Zillow is introducing video walkthroughs today.
The second time we did it, our friends dropped the books on the ground to make it seem more realistic.
Artificial intelligence researchers are grappling with more realistic questions like whether their creations will take too many jobs from humans.
Rio Tinto should seize the moment and come up with a forecast for Chinese steel output that is more realistic.
One would think a powerful military power would have a more realistic understanding of invasion forces and dealing with insurgencies.
"It's making it all seem a little bit more realistic that we're going to capture some plume activity in process."
So doing it in stages and being more realistic about what you can change now, and then work towards it.
" That was partly bluster: C.Z.I. is working on a slightly more realistic agenda, to "cure, prevent or manage all diseases.
Instructors will also be able to use the VR environment for more realistic tests, compared with traditional formats, she added.
And she imbues her more realistic stories with an off-kilter tone that makes them feel slightly, sometimes indescribably magical.
And according to Lumus, the wider the field of view, the more realistic the augmented content and experience can be.
SVB Leerink analyst Ami Fadia called the forecast cut more significant than expected, but said it is probably more realistic.
As the threat of a full blown trade war gets more realistic, companies are working to counter it, Reuters reports.
That more than any other development might smooth the way for more realistic, rational, and improved relations between our nations.
As rendered by the effects wizards at Industrial Light & Magic, he is both bigger and more realistic than ever before.
In trying to make moral theory more "realistic," they, unlike May, still take themselves to be doing traditional moral philosophy.
Their setups were primitive, but the work was often more realistic and technically ambitious than tattoos done on the outside.
In addition to making games more realistic, these chips are useful for machine learning, self-driving cars and mining cryptocurrencies.
The Naomi Kids Gourmet Kitchen Set ($120) looks more realistic and is designed for kids up to 10 years old.
The bundle also comes packaged with the Oculus touch controllers that up the ante with more realistic precision and movement.
This is done so obviously that rather than making them more realistic, it just makes them more mushy and indistinct.
Now, the algorithm runs on the GPU, making it far softer and foreground objects have a far more realistic look.
But I think the students are far more realistic about some of the challenges of gravity and valuations coming back.
Even Ballie, which seems a more realistic addition to the company's smart home strategy is also still very much conceptual.
What's much more realistic is that congress takes action, responding to the broad support among their constituents for research. Sen.
Microsoft also redesigned and simplified the ways users interact with virtual objects, making it more realistic as a work tool.
In an expensive area, a cap of 40 percent may be more realistic, said Ted Beck, chief executive of NEFE.
"It's more down-to-earth, its more realistic," he said, adding that he wanted to learn how smaller federations coped.
Biden would surely love to repeat his example, but it's probably more realistic to expect a tougher road going forward.
The fact that the game is so family oriented has surprised some, but Gray says it's more realistic this way.
In addition to helping girls gain more confidence, something needs to be done at the school level to teach boys to have a more realistic assessment of their own performance, or at a minimum, to be able to acquire a more realistic assessment of other males' abilities independent of what those males proclaim about themselves.
His more realistic strategy then would be to deny Mr. Trump a majority and hope to win at a contested convention.
Along with facial scanning, such a camera could be used to take 3D selfies for more realistic avatars in new apps.
In the quest to make video games more realistic, where do you draw the line between make believe and painful reality?
Now that he's one step closer to actually having to do the job, he has honed a slightly more realistic plan.
But this sex simulation tube has a few tricks in its skin sleeve to make it feel more realistic than most.
The sky filters look a bit more realistic than the cartoon-like World Lenses, which add animated overlays onto your snaps.
Lyst wanted "to bring body-positive Ken to life, embracing a more realistic version of manhood in 2016," they tell PEOPLE.
In other words, it's far more realistic to drop 10 pounds of fat while gaining a pound or two of muscle.
Sankey says OPEC's forecast for 1.3 million bpd in demand growth next year is more realistic, but perhaps still too optimistic.
I'm not one for scare tactics but I think business leaders need to get more realistic on the future of jobs.
Like the fact that Jimmy meticulously sprays Kim Kardashian's hair part, which helps her faux glow appear that much more realistic.
Over time, through the efforts of researchers worldwide, these formulas are refined, making the model more realistic but also more complicated.
A more realistic result is a game in which Denver's defense keeps things close but the team ultimately comes up short.
Nintendo's original target for the financial year was 20 million Switch consoles, later revised to a more realistic 17 million units.
And the price of emitting CO21 is negligible (at least until governments make it more realistic) giving SMR a big advantage.
Also like the S3003, the colors are more saturated and warmer compared to the more realistic colors from the iPhone 6S.
UPS, to its credit, managed to do a demo in more realistic conditions, but it just didn't work out for them.
"The price of ETH is becoming consolidated as people become more realistic about blockchain technology," said Sky Guo, CEO of Cypherium.
The amount that we made at the store actually made a significant dent, so it's really becoming more realistic every day.
Click here to view original GIFMattel has finally started making Barbie dolls with more realistic body types, but what about Ken?
Triumphalist hints in Chinese official media don't augur well, but let's hope that a more realistic and constructive thinking will prevail.
Dolph explains it's much easier and more realistic to practice surgery on a fresh cadaver, as opposed to an embalmed one.
And other, more realistic meat substitutes are now beginning to creep into the consumer market, like the much-hyped Impossible Burger.
" At the time, the summer was coming to a close, so the nurse asked her to pick a "more realistic goal.
However, it's looking more realistic every day that many sensor technologies will migrate to the screen itself (or just underneath it).
But for every lacy bra we recommend, it needs to be offset by something more realistic for day-to-day wear.
Following the weekend sweep, Callaway was more realistic about the division landscape and the Nationals than some of his enthusiastic players.
During the campaign, Clinton was more realistic about Russia than Trump whose statements called into question fundamental principles of Western security.
Unfortunately, I do not rule England, and that role instead falls to Queen Elizabeth, who has a much more realistic diet.
This was something a little more realistic and she can easily go back to black when she starts to film again!
Short for high dynamic range, HDR boosts a TV's contrast ratio and color accuracy for a richer and more realistic look.
But since those predictions have been consistently unreliable, the API based its analysis on what it said are more realistic forecasts.
He said Libya's target of 1.25 million bpd was "wishful thinking," saying 850,000-900,000 bpd by year-end was more realistic.
New labels announced by the Food and Drug Administration on Friday will come with more realistic serving sizes, among other changes.
It started with May's speech in Florence, Italy -- which the EU interpreted as the UK finally becoming a little more realistic.
This is considerably less appealing — but perhaps more realistic — than a standard political promise to "bring people together" and transcend polarization.
Others have also commented that people should rotate the A4 paper sideways to landscape format for a more realistic waist measurement.
Yet stronger sales were driven by slightly softer prices, especially at the high end, as sellers became more realistic about prices.
But in the last year, shows have increasingly dared to portray abortion and unwanted pregnancies in in a more realistic way.
Mr. Rochet said that given more realistic current prices, homes were no longer selling with steep discounts off their asking prices.
Instead of trying and failing to pursue immediate offsets, however, a more realistic approach would recoup those costs over several years.
We are more realistic: science and personal experience indicate that most people need time to become proficient in a second language.
I'm eager to see the hair on a more realistic model, and not the disturbing cloth and wooden doll used here.
The launch of a plus-size male modeling division now perhaps signifies a return to more realistic physiques being in fashion.
In the new millennium, network television, perhaps taking its cue from cable, began handling abortion in a more realistic way again.
The Moon squares Neptune at 6:10 PM, asking us to consider our feelings from a more realistic point of view.
When I make trees, I feel like I'm painting with the game and pushing to get a more realistic looking landscape.
The more realistic racing sims out there are also more than just games with pedals and a wheel attached to them.
A more realistic one is beating its 2015 journey, which ended with a loss to England in the round of 16.
As companies like Aurora build aircraft for autonomous flight, entrepreneurs like Mr. Groden believe that adapting existing aircraft is more realistic.
And I think 13 Reasons Why is just much more realistic than a lot of other high school movies and shows.
Apex Legends is a battle royale shooter game owned by Electronic Arts (EA) that looks more realistic than its rival Fortnite.
Mr. Gruber said the paper's estimates were best viewed as a kind of ceiling for the effects of more realistic reforms.
"That's a much more realistic approach than attempting to reinvent the wheel or imagining there's a quick fix," Mr. Indyk added.
Her questions, posed to help make the scene look more realistic — ''How is this touch or physical act deepening the narrative?
Learning-based light balance is adopted from Night Sight and is now available on all photos to get more realistic shots.
Strengthening Iraqi sovereignty is more realistic than yearning to eliminate any trace of Iranian influence, which is a job for Iraqis.
I felt that I could best carry out my duty and contribute something useful by following up on more realistic threats.
A more realistic and useful approach would be to identify and resolve failures in properly integrating those arrivals into American society.
"Dad had this vision of us together, but he realized that this was a better, more realistic option," Jay Robertson said.
But who could forget the first live-action Star Wars TV show, starring an ever-more-realistic cutest creature in existence?
After crunching the numbers, Gallagher and Sabat found a more realistic amount for low-income households, specifically, to aim for: $225,2000.
Others have argued that a 22019 to 10 percent offset benefit is more realistic, but even those lower numbers are significant.
The new course of fire also will feature more realistic silhouette targets marked with lethal zones on the head and chest.
"I think kids want to see more realistic acting in shows today," said Sam Ashe Arnold, who's the group's jock, Gavin.
But Latent Logic could help Waymo make its simulation more realistic by using a form of machine learning called imitation learning.
Historically, Americans have swung behind any newly elected president, with partisan divisions and more realistic expectations resuming after a honeymoon period.
Rand Paul, Dean Heller and Shelley Moore Capito makes passing the motion to proceed later Tuesday a much more realistic goal.
This means more time watching Malek struggle with dental effects meant to bring his mouth into more realistic alignment with Mercury's.
There are those that still believe it will happen, but the sport's more realistic fans have pretty much given up hope.
Virtual reality is on the cusp of becoming a mainstream consumer product, and every year content becomes more and more realistic.
De Juniac also suggested pilotless planes may soon become a more realistic possibility for commercial flight within the next twenty years.
"More realistic standards can save lives while continuing to improve the environment," said EPA Acting Administrator Andrew Wheeler in a statement.
Yet in Far Cry Primal there's a natural urgency for survival that feels truer and more realistic than any game it's made.
"This increased acceptable loss may indicate that beekeepers are more realistic or pragmatic in their expectations of colony losses," the survey said.
A more realistic figure is 30, though Michael O'Leary, the airline's boss, admits that it may end up being none at all.
Earlier this month, Jaitley said July 1 was a more realistic deadline for GST implementation, instead of the previous April 1 date.
By adding bile, aka digestive juices, to make the model even more realistic, her team turned those mini guts into norovirus factories.
Apple says this gives the camera a better understanding of the focal plane, for example, helping generate more realistic depth of field.
But others fear Wednesday's ADP report of just 156,000 jobs, while not an accurate predictor of jobs growth, might be more realistic.
The further away we get from the end of the show, the more realistic our lives sort of go back to being.
The new avatars boast more realistic mouth and eye movements, a small upgrade that Facebook maintains was intensely challenging to pull off.
Reducing wage growth down to a more realistic level results in an increase in the typical worker's income replacement rate of 17%.
Regina Hall, playing Mo's right-hand-woman, Dawn, gets to be funny, but also brings in a more realistic element at times.
"Anything that increases our ability to generate graphics that are more realistic and compelling I think is good for Nvidia's bottom line."
Unlike Battle Royale, H13Z1 is relatively more realistic, with a much larger map, more drab colors, and a handful of drivable vehicles.
The pair rely on one another for moral support and sanity, which feels far more realistic and satisfying than interpersonal conflict would.
I think female customers want a more realistic and intuitive picture of the clothes they are buying on different kinds of models.
Developing a small rocket is also a bit more realistic than creating a big, powerful one like the Falcon 9, says Haot.
Image by Michal Vitek/ShutterstockAs optical computing becomes a more realistic prospect, lasers will be required to connect components inside our devices.
Those recommendations include being more "realistic" about the cost and schedules of large programs, being sure to update them along the way.
Because when strong women feel powerful together, a more realistic definition of beauty emerges...You've never seen beauty quite like this before.
Delaney: Well, the more realistic option of those two is to make public tuition free as part of a national service program.
The central bank raised interest rate decisively and this was followed by the new economy program, which includes more realistic macroeconomic assumptions.
Just the day before, Rihanna modeled her latest fall collection for Fenty X Puma for a more realistic take on casual fashion.
"Going into receivership, they can be very tough in their renegotiation, and more realistic," said Steve Allen, managing director of Essence Media.
At 91, the Queen has mellowed and is more realistic about the modern world, insiders and veteran royal watchers recently told PEOPLE.
The third aim seems to be to make military training more realistic, something that is needed as higher-tech weapons are deployed.
A more realistic approach will be welcomed by investors and foreign donors but it will not reverse the currency crisis, experts said.
Watson called the development "more meaningful" than love at first sight stories, suggesting it's more realistic than other fairytales in that regard.
He said Chile would present a more "realistic" view of the current situation in its formal response, due to begin on Thursday.
Economists said the budget proposal given parliament on Tuesday is more realistic than the previous two Widodo presented after his 2014 election.
But still, it is a more realistic notion of all that's coming than any rough-shot patent sketches you've looked at lately.
The design of the Google Assistant makes it hard to imagine as a criminal accomplice, even if its voice becomes more realistic.
And in Virginia, Democrats' unexpectedly large gains in the state's House of Delegates made expansion a much more realistic prospect there, too.
Because none of the light is absorbed, it's all reused in the image, giving you brighter colors and a more realistic hologram.
This, believe it or not, has made me more picky, and more realistic about which items will actually work in my closet.
Now we know Jake has been calling out Conor for a while ... so maybe he's getting slightly more realistic going after Danis.
Had HBO flipped that ticket — which, given the outcome of Season 6, seems more realistic — fan favorite Sansa may well have won.
Most instruments sound better and more realistic on the PM3, however the Sine still tends to make them more exciting and engaging.
Chapman said he believes he can return next week but said the weekend series in Oakland June 16-18 is more realistic.
"It is much more realistic to actually see it here," said Kim Sang-jin, 8, who watched the meeting live on television.
But some of their films are in a more realistic register, such as Fargo, No Country For Old Men, and True Grit.
But when it ventured into hardware products such as Surface tablets and laptops, brick and mortar retail became a more realistic possibility. 
But in some news reports, his supporters sound more realistic about what Mr. Trump, the presumptive G.O.P. nominee, could accomplish as president.
Washington is confident electric vehicle technology will improve in the coming years, making it more realistic to have a mostly electric fleet.
That sort of thinking opened the internet up to people with a more realistic understanding of the power of groupthink and deception.
Cruella de Vil's iconic black-and-white hair and fur coat are all in Väätäinen's version — but with a more realistic look.
And as long as the campaign makes such claims, they argue, it undermines Democrats hoping to make a more realistic economic case.
Both Phillips and Phoenix added that the character's origin story will be far more realistic and grounded than other comic-book adaptations.
Kim, 46, uses oil on canvas to create the stunning paintings that can look more realistic than photographs to the naked eye.
The Journal described former executives as saying Neumann's "outlandish" cost-cutting goals helped produce better results than "more realistic" goals would have.
Doing a simple sweep of possible contestants'Sending contestants on more realistic dates could make for some more genuine and long-lasting connections 
But she also noted that Pompeo's statement may foreshadow a more realistic understanding of how to wind down North Korea's nuclear program.
The more "realistic" explosions we see in movies, the less we come to value the explosions we encounter in TV news reports.
In Finney's view, a more realistic alternative to a female Bond would be to have the franchise helmed by a female director.
Tight inventory and more realistic pricing has led to homes selling for closer to asking than in previous years, in some locations.
Together, the average over the last few months is something more realistic, given where things stand in the decade-old economic expansion.
With the onset of the printing press it became a more private experience, the content of that storytelling more realistic and linear.
Seren's family is slightly better off than David's, so he has a slightly more realistic path to follow toward stability and success.
This made more affordable local schools where he had been accepted, including the City College of New York, a more realistic option.
Voters in Jackson said they think Biden is less polarizing and more realistic than other candidates at this point in US history.
And the reason, he said, was because women are more likely to be more realistic in their plans and meet their goals.
"I think that's more realistic for a lot of people, versus, they'll never work again and retire in five years," she says.
We are also urging more realistic budget proposals by the administration, and a return to order in the appropriations process in Congress.
That said, the underlying technology here certainly seems far more realistic than the devices it showed off onstage this time last year.
A more realistic, and accessible booking, would be one of the traditional guestrooms such as the Standard, Courtyard or Bay View rooms.
Instead of jockeying for a high draft pick, mediocrity in the rugged N.F.C. had become a more realistic possibility for the season.
But a more realistic two-bedroom will average around $4,200, and New Yorkers will tell you that you probably won't find it.
Speeding up to that pace would dramatically reduce the billions in cost in tunneling, making Musk's hoped-for hyperloop project more realistic.
What's next: The creators of the new benchmark hope that more realistic tests will prod much-needed changes to image-recognition systems.
Instead of yet another hopeless plea to these cities to get over their tax addictions, it's time for a more realistic plan.
The dolls have 11 "joints" for more realistic movement at the neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, and knees, and come with puppies.
A more realistic history of how human rights improve appreciates that democracy is the end, not the beginning, of a society's liberalization.
A much bolder and more realistic vision would be to scrap it and create a new security architecture for the Atlantic's continents.
Where hand-drawn rotoscoping had previously been used to make animation look more realistic, here, it makes the real world resemble animation.
Driver message boards helped make details like how an Uber-like company messages and communicates with drivers through an app more realistic.
Another good (and perhaps more realistic) use of points, and the Singapore Airlines awards chart, is to fly first-class to Hawaii.
It's time to take a more realistic look at the various factors driving these tragedies and shift our focus to real solutions.
Aramco is aiming for a valuation of $2 trillion valuation, though "some analysts see about $1.5 trillion as more realistic," Bloomberg notes.
The more realistic objective — the goal of America's founders — is to prevent any single individual or small body to wield unchecked power.
The introduction of verified audience reviews is designed to bring the score into more realistic alignment with public impression of a film.
This is a kind of imaginary thinking common in childhood that typically gives way to a more realistic view of the world.
We wanted to look into what a giant beast should sound like — whether it's Godzilla, the prehistoric Kong lizards, or more realistic dinosaurs.
She also takes on the role of a Cinderella-like princess pretending to love the more realistic dressmaking skills of her animal friends.
Oculus' avatars are getting redesigned in the future, too — they'll be a bit more realistic looking, and closer to Facebook's VR cartoon avatars.
The hugely simplified character designs against the much more realistic-looking rusted-out environments are really striking, especially combined with the show's concept.
This would be much more realistic than the kind of stereoscopic 3D viewing tech found in all TVs, games, and movie theaters today.
It doesn't take away from it, but it forces you to look at Eli's time in New Jersey through a more realistic lens.
While he remains insistent on the values of liberal, open societies, Obama has grown more realistic about the speed and scope of change.
From the release: A physics-based method has the potential to create more realistic games, but getting the subtle details right is difficult.
The game's teaser trailer of 2015 had this striking, stylized look to it, but the in-game art is a lot more realistic.
The game's style seems tailor-made for a mobile console, favoring more impressionistic character models while playing around with more realistic particle effects.
Of course, technology presents opportunities for even more realistic roleplaying, further blurring the lines between what's "real" and "fake," what's acceptable and unacceptable.
Instead of splashy campaigns full of big promises, successful games today are more realistic and restrained, with a history to back them up.
"Today's retirees are much more realistic than even 5003 years ago," said Winnie Sun, founder of Irvine, California-based Sun Group Wealth Partners.
More realistic, Abbud-Madrid said, is the idea of using a variety of resources to sustain extraterrestrial bases for long periods of time.
I am now much more realistic about the fact that not everyone wants to be your friend and not all people are good.
More ominously, Wall Street forecasts for medium-term earnings are also falling as analysts take a more realistic view of tech business models.
Mr Shantaram's choice of posed portraits over documentary photography (which purports to be more realistic and objective in nature) is important to him.
The extended timeline allows for a launch-ready state by 2025, which seems a bit more realistic given the current state of affairs.
The style's thin lines and colourless palette was put to the service of more realistic imagery than Americans had previously been accustomed to.
Often, they are put in "moulage," or makeup: "torn clothes, bone fragments … a more realistic training exercise gives you better training," he said.
The blocky keys also resemble a more realistic piano, should you want to transition to learning the full-sized instrument after the Labo.
Epic Games announced this morning that they've acquired Serbia-based 3Lateral, a game studio focused on designing more realistic computer-generated human characters.
This does away with the need to stitch images from myriad projectors into one seamless spectacle and make the 3D effects more realistic.
A more realistic number, he says, would be 30 aircraft a year over 25 years, adding up to sales of around 750 MRJs.
The shift to current generation consoles means a larger world, more realistic creatures to hunt, and a complex ecosystem that feels surprisingly real.
Ms Wynn: I do think that it's a more realistic way of understanding what the biggest platforms of our political circus are like.
They underscore the importance of studying the climate on our own planet in order to create more realistic physical models of planetary evolution.
Biden and Harris began the debate with an immediate disagreement over healthcare, fighting over whose plan was more realistic and more politically feasible.
Breaking up the banks has some merit as an idea; it is more realistic than many of Mr Sanders's other proposals (see article).
The "Cheap Thrills" singer also opted for a more realistic airport look than most celebrities, sporting sweatpants and sneakers for the trip. E!
He hopes that in the future, new games will build on the game's foundation, while providing a more realistic approach to cost elements.
However, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said that July 1 appeared to be a more realistic date for the rollout as against April 1.
Instead, you approach CSB treatment like you would an eating disorder, and help a person regulate behavior in more realistic ways, he says.
Many sellers are lowering their prices as they become more realistic about values, according to Jonathan Miller, president and CEO of Miller Samuel.
Not shying away from darker elements in a story helps to make them more realistic, and impart a much more powerful emotional punch.
A review in 2011 put ridership at a more realistic 30m passengers a year, with an end-to-end ticket price of $89.
Barbie, the iconic doll that has long been under fire for her impossible proportions, will look a little more realistic as of today.
The more realistic approach is to attack the various facets and mitigate the damage that exists to bring things to a manageable state.
Economists are good at reducing a complicated world to a few assumptions, then adding bells and whistles to make their models more realistic.
He estimated that, at best, around 100,000 of them would be treated with Ingrezza, but a more realistic level would be around 50,000.
Far from damaging U.S. relations with Putin, an unswerving show of determination would place those relations on a more realistic and sustainable basis.
This would loosen up a bit Washington's past efforts of "maximum pressure" on North Korea and make the prospects of denuclearization more realistic.
In addition, women are craving models with more realistic body types, something that's hard to find among Victoria's Secret's tribe of airbrushed supermodels.
This has a much more realistic representation of the year-to-year fluctuations in sea ice, as well as the long-term trend.
At least this time, the agency is aiming for a world free of "drug abuse," which might be a tiny bit more realistic.
A more realistic solution is to eat before you start drinking, thereby minimizing the direct contact the alcohol has with the stomach wall.
The good news, in other words, is that Trump now has a more realistic sense of the enormity of the North Korea threat.
On a similar note, Epic is releasing the tools they have been using in their work to create more realistic digital human characters.
The more realistic threat for home health companies is whether the federal government will resurface a new payment system that would make cuts.
Prager takes a more realistic though voyeuristic look at the cultural underbelly of LA with a fitting scene of the morning commute (above).
"They're a bit more realistic so they can be your personal avatar vs trying to make them cute, funny, and cartoony" Raimo explains.
His work has incorporated a more realistic understanding of human behavior into economic theory and driven a wide range of public policy improvements.
Set decorators always have odds and ends that they keep in order to scatter around a set to make it look more realistic.
Develop a more realistic middle-ground outlook, rather than a doom and gloom sort of stance, so you can start to feel better.
With the situation further deteriorating in Syria and Iraq, the potential for a spillover into Turkey becomes more realistic with each passing day.
It is a plea for a more realistic understanding of the typical development path and of how few young players actually become stars.
"There could come out new facts that would make impeachment a much more realistic and immediate option," Mr. de Blasio said on WNYC.
"But, I find that Nuri and Yasir are not just updated versions of our characters, but more realistic ones as well," he added.
"I think it's going to provide consumers with a much more realistic view of how the major airlines are working," Mr. Leocha said.
"Using a matte highlighter rather than shimmer will make the brow appear even more realistic and keep the overall look clean" he says.
"People need to have a more realistic expectation of what returns are going to be," said Greg Davis, chief investment officer at Vanguard.
"Everyone agrees that with more realistic percentages we will be able to give new dynamism to the oil and gas industry," Coelho said.
What about a more realistic gamebook set entirely in the world where most of us live, with mundane choices like Bandersnatch's cereal decision?
"Women tend to be more realistic conservative, and authentic about what they are asking for when it comes to funding," Ms. Norris said.
A more realistic goal is to walk away at the end of the dinner feeling as if you were thoughtful, respectful and fair.
But a more realistic reason for the drop at the box office is that there were no blockbuster new releases over the holiday.
With the Thunder, Anthony now has a more realistic chance of winning his first N.B.A. championship, although the Warriors remain an imposing obstacle.
Not only does the water look a lot more realistic now, but you can also grab a rod and go fishing in it.
That was always in the back of my mind, so it made me want to be more realistic with how I spent money.
That was always in the back of my mind, so it made me want to be more realistic with how I spent money.
Alexa will switch between languages, and employ new natural-sounding voices modeled using neural network processing to provide more realistic and expressive responses.
But the images of winning a pennant and hoisting the World Series trophy are far more realistic for some — the 2019 Yankees included.
" Conservative pundit Ben Shapiro wrote that his "two-year-old son could come up with a better, more realistic proposal than this one.
But Ludacris hasn't used CGI as a one-off experiment, and he doesn't seem interested in getting into more realistic CGI as technology advances.
The more realistic Mr Robbins is unlikely to articulate such an ambition—he would probably be happy if Cisco remained among the top five.
Much of those advancements— like more realistic blending of virtual objects with real-world environments — have made their way into Pokémon Go as updates.
The WLTP, or World Harmonised Light Vehicle Test Procedure, is a new standard that is supposed to make European fuel economy labels more realistic.
"We theorize that the combination of successful project completion skills with real world experience helps older entrepreneurs identify and address more realistic business opportunities."
The more realistic ones put their astronauts in suspended animation, but instead of sleeping for hundreds of years, they're usually on ice for decades.
"This kind of analysis helps us to hone in on a more realistic estimate of what the sizes of these populations are," Hillbruner said.
Because when you're closer in age to 30 than to 20, Miranda feels like a more realistic icon with whom to bedeck your merch.
One company is out to make those virtual sessions a little more realistic with the OhRoma, a mask that brings scent to VR porn.
"The BOJ has become more realistic in its communication to become more credible," said Masayuki Kichikawa, chief macro strategist at Sumitomo Mitsui Asset Management.
Since that iconic episode of Murphy Brown, the representation of single mothers in pop culture has become more raw, more realistic, and more ubiquitous.
Whereas popular shooting games like "Fortnite" and "Overwatch" contain fantasy elements, "Call of Duty" aims to appeal to hardcore gamers with more realistic scenes.
The more realistic side of the I.D. Crozz gives us an idea of how VW expects a real road-ready EV crossover to behave.
There are modern touches, of course, namely a more avant garde dream ballet and inclusive casting that reflects a more realistic diversity of bodies.
With that in mind, here are more realistic goals Norris says you should work toward — en route to that golden, double-salary nest egg.
The facial expression is at once more complex and more realistic than that of his predecessors' portraits, but the background is pure symbolic fantasy.
U.S. startups are still raising money, although, for some, the valuations are coming down to what some might say is a more realistic level.
SM: The same applies in L.A. People are getting more realistic about valuations, though I think it'll be another six months before it's normalized.
Alvarez used human hair from Indique (a brand loved by Beyoncé and Kim Kardashian), as the softness and luster makes it look more realistic.
Over the next several years, Bush steadily recognized the need to pull back and adopt a more realistic approach to dealing with the world.
Forbes said private investors had bought stakes in Theranos that implied a $9 billion valuation but said $800 million is a more realistic figure.
Google has begun experimenting with using light field photography to capture more realistic virtual reality scenes, the company announced in a blog post today.
Or how about a more realistic example: generating video that not only matches the input audio, but is tweaked to communicate a specific emotion.
The capture phase of the game is also new and improved, with pokémon moving around the environment in AR+ mode in more realistic fashion.
A more realistic goal, suggests Amnon Shashua of Mobileye, a maker of AV technology, is to reduce the number of road deaths a thousandfold.
Those used by Eldredge's team to build today's IEDs were sourced in Thai stores "to make it more realistic for the participants", he said.
There are bright spots on TV and in movies that show more realistic, more anatomically accurate, and much, much more relatable self-love sessions.
"What this means is that the 3D models we create are so much more realistic than anything else anyone else has made," said Chen.
The former's West Village pad is the stuff of every 20-something's dreams, while Abbi's gritty small-space dwelling is a bit more realistic.
Former Obama Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson, for one, has called "abolish ICE" no more realistic than making Mexico pay for the wall.
"We're also seeing that parents are more realistic about the cost of coverage and how much of that they can cover themselves," Ridolfi said.
The attackers originally demanded more than $3.6 million, but apparently reduced their fee to a more realistic total at some point during the negotiations.
In order to make the user experience more realistic, Facebook also announced plans to improve the resolution and load time of virtual reality videos.
"Everything we did was operationally realistic," Syring told reporters, adding that "decoys" were deployed by the target ICBM to make the test more realistic.
In case you hadn't heard, the beloved musical Cats is back on Broadway — but Stephen Colbert thinks it could be a little more realistic.
He initially set the number at 1 million, but reduced his benchmark to a more "realistic" goal of 103,000 retweets, which Clara reached today.
"Growth targets have looked overly ambitious for some time and a more conservative provisioning policy signals a more realistic stance," Peel Hunt analysts wrote.
If we are to harness AIs for universal good, we need to be more realistic about their daily implications and the net benefits thereof.
There needs to be a more realistic attitude from those of us who have benefited from the carried interest loophole for too many years.
It's far more realistic to plan for small bursts of non-work activity than to think you'll be able to shut it out completely.
Nor has the "Free Trade Area of the Americas" many of us conceived as a more realistic multilateral approach based upon regional common goals.
But this alien has already landed, and according to Ayres, the more realistic goal is to try to keep out the next spotted lanternfly.
The ballyhooed tech Nvidia introduced on its new top-of-the-line of cards allows game makers to create much more realistic lighting effects.
But it may be unavoidable unless the political party in power contributes to the effort to find a more realistic solution to climate change.
With dozens more big budget action films planned over the next few years, we'll see how the superhero genre addresses this more realistic trend.
Possibly, based on Lundgren's suggestion that if damages had to be calculated, that $4 per disc was more realistic, he would still face time.
At the time, Uzi was facing pressure from his mom, a nurse, to be more realistic about his ambitions and get a real job.
A listing by March would be "very difficult", and a more realistic time frame would be the second half of next year, he said.
More realistic polls make worrying about electability seem a lot more reasonable than polls that are calling Trump's political viability in Georgia into doubt.
OFFERMAN I was glad I wasn't called upon to emulate any specific Silicon Valley figurehead, but instead a more realistic, finely wrought human being.
The graphics chip has been bumped up for higher screen resolution and can support ray tracing, which adds more realistic shadow and lighting effects.
The more realistic hope is that community gardens and urban farms can provide some families with an additional source of healthy, low-cost produce.
She wrote a heartfelt apology letter to customers, gave them more realistic dates and pulled every employee, even the office workers, into the workshop.
It also takes into consideration a more realistic view of American families, with combinations of up to two adults and up to three children.
I saw the original New York Television Festival pilot, and the HBO series is, for lack of a better word, more realistic than that.
Is it somehow more realistic to accept the status quo of Iran exporting sectarian violence at will and creating a Shiite corridor of control?
Is it more realistic to watch the regime forcibly try to bend all of Iranian society to conform with tenets of the Islamic Revolution?
Successfully conducting these tests better demonstrates viability and is a more realistic simulation of how they would be used if deployed against an adversary.
But the University of Washington researchers found that, by first reconstructing a shiny object's environment, they could make more realistic views of the objects.
The World Health Organization's estimate this week of 3.4 percent seemed to shock experts, some of whom said that 1 percent was more realistic.
In our test below, the Galaxy S20 Plus' low-light photo had more realistic colors than the iPhone's and it was a tad sharper.
But he said that detecting the "tells" is getting harder and harder as the deepfake technology becomes more advanced and videos look more realistic.
Lee told CNBC it's more realistic to assume bitcoin will replace 5 percent of gold within five years, making a single coin worth $25,000.
Long way to go There is no question that we need to see more realistic and authentic female characters on television and in film.
For the deepest shades, we use ultramarine blue, and from there can add reds, yellows and blacks to make it more natural, more realistic.
An Uber investor told Reuters that shutting its Southeast Asia unit would allow the company to "print money" and make an IPO more realistic.
To make the experience even more realistic, kids will be able to "slice" the salami and cheese with a non-sharp, kid-friendly knife.
The former standard (FTC/ISO puffing protocol) was repealed in 2008, with the hope that a new, more realistic standard would take its place.
The United States should therefore open the door for a more realistic approach to negotiations that shows Kim Jong Un a peaceful way out.
But simple attempts to realign incentives, like the carbon tax, would be more effective and more realistic than government efforts to reorganize vast industries.
Yes, both of those things would make better looking (more realistic) trees—but I'm going to leave that to you as a homework assignment.
In my reporting, Trump's presidency has been less surprising, and often less alarming, to those with a more realistic view of America's racial past.
All the people he's met have given him a more realistic understanding of what happens around the world than watching the news, he thinks.
As it goes on, the hologram of the woman goes from a sketched-out wire frame image to a fully colored, more realistic one.
No sober person should call him this year's Andre Iguodala just yet, but another Cleveland victory could make that impossible thought look more realistic.
PrEP has helped men have much more realistic discussions with their doctors about what their risk really is and how to reduce it, McCormack adds.
Marine biologists can use hydrogels to design next-generation biomimetic robots more realistic than elastomeric and metallic ones to study their interactions with sea animals.
You might be better off setting more realistic, achievable strength-training goals for your training sessions, rather than just lifting to get big muscles ASAP.
The result from the new, more sophisticated module (see below), is faster hand-tracking with virtually no latency for more realistic 1:1 hand controls.
"This is a much more realistic picture of what it's like in the world of team sports and coaching," Auriemma said of this year's team.
It says 1.5 percent of GDP and some form of debt relaxation - for example, over what is paid when - would be more realistic and sustainable.
That's the way evolving technologies like virtual reality, augmented reality, and even interactive lighting are allowing filmmakers to tell fantastic stories in more realistic ways.
Knowing this, a team of computer scientists at Princeton University created a new method for making your selfies look more realistic—and, ultimately, more attractive.
That includes more advanced animations for individual monsters, like Charmander's fiery tail, as well as more realistic shadows that make your pokémon appear more natural.
If drawn to a more realistic scale the landmasses of China, India and the continental United States would all fit comfortably on the African continent.
Spatial audio is an advantage for virtual reality because it makes audio sound more realistic, which can make a VR experience feel more immersive overall.
"Some of those Democrats in your party, tell them to get more realistic," said Smith, the man who flagged Rose down while walking his dog.
Raising a family, paying off student loan debt and spending on experiences like travel seem more realistic for many than buying a home, ING reports.
"I think this is a sign of more realistic thinking at Intel and putting their investments where they're more likely to pay off," Dawson said.
Then, of course, people memed it, flipping the phrase into goals for adulthood that are just a wee bit more realistic for most of us.
The Public Housing Authorities Directors Association, representing administrators from about 1,900 authorities, said absent additional money, voluntary smoke-free policies were a more realistic option.
The introduction of more realistic pricing could also have political and social ramifications, since Saudis are some of the world's biggest consumers of cheap energy.
According to Mintel, a research firm, over half of consumers in Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Spain reckon fashion retailers should use more realistic models.
"Even though it's a tongue-in-cheek show, it's a much more realistic way of finding a girlfriend than The Bachelorette is," he told me.
A more realistic estimate, Freemark says, is two stations for $100 million apiece, the vehicles for $500,000 each, and a maintenance facility for $50 million.
At 91, the Queen has mellowed and is more realistic about the modern world, insiders and veteran royal watchers tell PEOPLE in this week's issue.
Congressional Republicans, meanwhile, have laid out a more realistic plan, even if it's not quite as politically popular: Spend less money and cover fewer people.
Some parents may want to set a limit of one hour, but two hours seems more realistic as an overall guideline given teens' current use.
Lamm hopes by creating more realistic dolls, he can encourage parents and children of both genders to expand their views on body ideals and attractiveness.
It will only look worse next year as more capable electric cars hit the road, and the Mini gets a more realistic EPA mileage rating.
They'll liven up any dinner party with a stolen bit from Charlie Chaplin, or make your next game of table top soccer far more realistic.
The show, courtesy of Breaking Bad writer Moira Walley-Beckett, will take a much more realistic approach to the classic story by Lucy Maud Montgomery.
I decided to share the ways that I take care of myself, since they feel a little more realistic than those discouraging self-care pieces.
It's sort of like Jurassic Park, where the de-extinct dinosaurs have DNA from living frogs, but with more realistic science and less disastrous consequences.
When the effects were on, I found that not only did it feel more realistic, I was far better at steering myself around the track.
According to government officials, the atmosphere has improved since the banks scaled back their estimates of how many jobs will move to more realistic levels.
Harm reduction, in the context of safe sex practices, is a much more realistic approach to saving people and/or improving their quality of life.
Eventually, Xo decided to be "more realistic," which meant her apparent lifelong dream of opening a dance studio that we had never heard of before.
"He certainly pivoted to talk about a more realistic strategy later in the campaign," William Stock, President of the American Immigration Lawyers Association, told me.
Qualcomm envisions more realistic-looking digital objects that can be overlaid on top of reality, allowing for AR shopping to finally become a feasible experience.
Honestly, wanting to push up the wedding after almost losing Yvonne is one of the more realistic relationship plot lines the show has ever had.
"Greece needs debt sustainability along with a more realistic final fiscal target after the end of the current program," Yannis Stournaras told German newspaper Handelsblatt.
As part of the campaign, Bodyform surveyed over 10K men and women and found that 74 percent wanted "more realistic representation of periods" in ads.
"This is fairly representative of the whole market along the coast, where average prices have recovered to a more realistic — not inflated — level," she said.
The number is probably closer to $5,000 if more realistic investment returns are assumed and if projected benefit payments are discounted at a sensible rate.
That's particularly true of the British papers, which tend to be more realistic (or alarmist, depending upon your point of view) than their American counterparts.
Some people are more conservative: Anish Kapadia, the head of London-based independent oil and mining advisory Palissy Advisors, says $1 trillion is more realistic.
"If the North were to move things forward, they would present something more realistic and doable," said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
While consensus sees 2.9 percent same-store sales growth in 2018 – a key industry metric – Slabaugh argued that modest 2 percent growth is more realistic.
RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) - Brazil's President Jair Bolsonaro said on Thursday that his government has adopted a more realistic and pragmatic policy on international trade.
The first act is broad and impressionistic, and each of the next two sections is more realistic and denser with psychic danger than the last.
At more than nine hundred pages, it presents a more realistic take on the panorama of human nature than any four-letter acronym ever could.
He believes Congress would have more incentive to pass a budget if it had the force of law and was a more realistic fiscal roadmap.
Lust sees the advantages of the consumer having a more realistic experience too, and she wants to open it up to a more female audience.
With investors worried about Turkey's economy an overheating against a backdrop of rampant inflation, the update from Moody's provided a more realistic reading, said Hammarlund.
If timid Trump had taken the risk of going to these places, he might have had a more realistic sense of how he is faring.
For the development of a more realistic style urban architecture, Riekeles points to Wings of Honneamise and Neon Genesis Evangelion as being far more critical.
An engineer in Malta buying a Space Garbage Truck was thrilled to explain how they would have designed the thing to make it more realistic.
The theory is that growing up post the 2008-recession has left them with a more realistic outlook on the hellscape that is late capitalism.
The way that Mir and the ISS came together influenced science fiction writers and directors to incorporate those concepts to present a more realistic interpretation.
The more realistic hope is that Mr. Duterte can be moved away from the United States just a bit, Professor Zhang, of Lingnan University, said.
When I spoke to her the other day, she had a more realistic view of what that would take, and was re-evaluating that goal.
This is not just for masculinity, but in every part of our lives, I think we're trying for more realistic representations — particularly around gender identity.
The slimy, squishy materials not only help doctors get a more realistic understanding of complex cases, they can help medical students develop muscle memory faster.
With friends, they played an army game called Airsoft, which is like paintball except that it uses pellets, and the guns are more realistic-looking.
It also announced the PS5's controllers will feature advanced haptics with variable tension, so shooting a bow and arrow feels more realistic, for example.
It has 4K high dynamic range (HDR) video recording, which accentuates the contrast between light and dark colors to make an image look more realistic.
It's not quite the modular gaming PC concept that Razer teased in 2014, but it seems far more realistic — assuming Intel keeps making the modules.
Granted, these Marvel series for Netflix are known for their slow burns, offering a grittier, darker, more realistic take on the company's sprawling cinematic universe.
But it's a gap that probably should be filled, in case the organoids do develop in such a way that the concerns are more realistic.
With a more realistic strategy and more disciplined spending practices, the country could be made considerably safer while spending less on the Department of Defense.
The study's authors theorized that Socratic questioning helped patients examine the validity of their negative thoughts and gain a broader, more realistic perspective on them.
" In Europe, Donald Tusk, the president of the European Council, said on Twitter: "Sad process, surrealistic times but at least more realistic announcement on #Brexit.
A more realistic idea would be for the Northeast Corridor to undertake a series of cheaper incremental improvements that, in total, could drastically improve speeds.
Hitch's artwork is far more realistic than the exaggerated, often goofy style that dominated comics in the early 1990s, with a greater sense of drama.
Aaron Sorkin's near-perfect West Wing (the first three seasons at least) is more realistic than Scandal and certainly less nihilistic than House of Cards.
And it feels more realistic for a 15-year-old to be struggling to manage crime in his own borough rather than taking on planet-smashers.
When starting the quiz, you can add your name and email to make the examples more realistic, though none of your information actually leaves the site.
"Gibe IV and Gibe V cannot go on without the Kenyan government being a little bit more realistic of the impact," Angelei told Thomson Reuters Foundation.
If eBay is able to separate StubHub and the classifieds business, the remaining marketplace business could be a more realistic size for a private equity transaction.
The center image shows some of the editing choices and the last image is shows how precise positioning can make the whole image look more realistic.
After skewering those yogurt commercial tropes of impossibly perfect women, the brand delves into some more realistic portrayals of what professional women's mornings might look like.
But in the nearer term, and on a more realistic scale, Google's only really seeking to have a buffer against Samsung's dominance within the Android ecosystem.
"I was trying to find stock images that aren't too stuffy and more realistic, that don't show us with tweed jackets and elbow patches," she says.
Toyota's proposed future is far less exciting and futuristic than Google's cute robotic pods, but it might also be more realistic, especially in the short term.
The tiny satellite drifted outward and then inflated a balloon to increase its overall size (in order to represent a larger, more realistic piece of debris).
Expectations for economic growth in Europe and Asia appear more realistic, after being too high before, said Jeffrey Kleintop, chief global investment strategist at Charles Schwab.
The Li Keqiang index measures electricity consumption, railway cargo volumes and bank lending to gauge a more realistic view on activity levels within the Chinese economy.
But despite warnings from some that the creation of super-intelligent AI is just around the corner, those working in computational coal mines are more realistic.
But since Apple's flagship iPhones use actual depth data obtained from two cameras, they produce a more realistic transition between the subject and the blurry background.
Williamson told Mashable that this photo is a bit more realistic, in terms of what Simmons looks like in real life: He's making me look bad.
During the 2016 campaign Trump had vowed to lift annual GDP growth to 4 percent, though administration officials now see 2.53 percent growth as more realistic.
"This time, a more realistic valuation helped boost interest in this start-up," Linus Yip, Chief Strategist at First Shanghai Securities, said about Junshi Biosciences' debut.
Although field studies sometimes lack the controlled settings needed for precise scientific experimentation, they make up for this with a more realistic description of natural processes.
But it was high time to replace the purple eggplant—which, as a 2015 study confirmed, everyone obviously used as a dick—for something more realistic.
So it's a bold business move for Axe to buck a sexy narrative that sells big in a favor of a more realistic — and inclusive — one.
The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (and accounting industry rule maker) is now weighing in and requiring pension plans to report their liabilities with more realistic rates.
Their imagery is graphic, but they don't linger over the bloodshed, which makes them feel more realistic — and more horrible and powerful at the same time.
None of those anti-ACA votes were serious, as became apparent when Trump got into office and the GOP had to write new, more realistic bills.
While most of us dreamed of kickstarting our career by winning American Idol or Project Runway (this was 2005), he had more realistic advice to impart.
Here's a look at seven of them, ranked by my subjective feelings of what makes the most sense—some are far more realistic than others. 7.
If the result is a more deliberate and methodical move toward summitry based on more realistic expectations for the outcome, this experience might even prove salutary.
And he has painted a more realistic picture of what is actually happening than the polls, government statistics, and media pundits have been able to muster.
Dr Menon and his team thought mimicking the way morphos refract and diffract light might thus let them create more realistic and usable holograms than today's.
Experiencing the scenes from the perspective of the woman adds more of an emotional wallop, because it feels so much more realistic than a 2D movie.
"We think 250 million bpd (cuts) is more realistic, not 12.063 million bpd ... But who is going to do this is another question," the source said.
"We have all become so accustomed to eating so much more now that I think a more realistic maximum would be about 800 calories," he said.
Focusing on other potential benefits of these programs, and the costs at which they occur, makes for a more realistic discussion and subsequent set of investments.
Break down your big goals into smaller, more realistic stepsCreating multiple milestones and checkpoints gives you the opportunity to assess and pivot as you go.5.
It's also a more realistic one, perhaps, than true unity — let alone putting the spark back into our metaphorical sex life, if it was ever there.
This means that the sensor can see further into reds, greens and blues than ever before — translating into much more realistic-looking color across the board.
I did try a version with a more realistic version of myself, but it was too jarring, and I couldn't face drawing myself over and over.
Meanwhile, what coaches and programs actually do—from enthusiastic notes to under-the-table payments to no-enticement-spared recruiting visits—tells another, more realistic story.
As tech picks up and we can gather more realistic avatars with facial expression tracking, virtual chat rooms like AltspaceVR could really take on existing teleconferencing.
Many subjects are stylized, while some are more realistic; in one unique mosaic near the Kyiv River Port, rowers resemble the blocky figures of Egyptian hieroglyphs.
Of course, the Gallup number is just one poll, but it makes for a more realistic estimate of Trump's Twitter audience than his official follower count.
She decided to pursue film because it seemed like a more realistic career option than theater, and has taken acting and improv classes throughout her life. 
The caricature is the candidate — to the point where Mr. Sanders has joked with Larry David that his impersonation is more realistic than the genuine article.
Television is often seen as somehow more "realistic" because its characters can go on long-term journeys, from point A to point Z and back again.
" And because time isn't cut up evenly, Mr. Botstein said, "it is in a funny way more realistic, because musical time becomes organic, less artificial sounding.
Doing so strengthened her relationships with the people she worked with and allowed her to better serve them — and to set more realistic expectations for herself.
A more realistic approach would be for lawmakers to offer incentives to homeowners and cities to reduce the number of homes at risk of catastrophic flooding.
Apple has been granted a patent for headphones that could position audio signals in the room around you, making conference calls feel more realistic and natural.
"While the strategy looks sensible and more realistic than previous targets, it probably implies a reduction in consensus expectations," UBS analysts said in a research note.
While the group would certainly like to see marijuana removed from the Controlled Substances Act, its stance is that rescheduling is the more realistic option, politically.
While some states begin exploring riskier investments to achieve higher returns, other public pension plans are beginning to embrace a more realistic view of acceptable returns.
If "Monsoon Wedding" the film aimed to offer a more realistic version of a Bollywood fantasy, the stage musical returns the material to a heightened realm.
The 219ers need to get healthy more than they need to dominate this week, so a narrow win is far more realistic than the anticipated blowout.
Instagram wants its users to know it hears them: The enigmatic algorithm, an eternal source of agony for influencers, has begun to favor more "realistic" content.
NATO was also supportive of Trump's airstrike on Syria and is a more realistic partner there than Russia — whose main interest is keeping Assad in power.
Promoting the idea that the Japanese model could improve transit in America sure seems like a more realistic possibility than some kind of underground vacuum tunnel.
That's a far-fetched scenario that depends on the light bulbs becoming widespread enough to blanket a city, but there are other more realistic attacks too.
This approach disregards the long-stated US goal of denuclearizing North Korea and goes straight for a more realistic goal of freezing its nuclear-missile program.
In fact, he thinks it's high time Hollywood made a more realistic film — perhaps one about a 100-meter-wide city-killer landing on a major metropolis.
And a more realistic U.S. investor performance would be that of a 60/40 portfolio (40 percent large cap stocks, 20 percent foreign stocks, 40 percent bonds).
"This harsher-than-expected view ... may be more realistic than you think" when it comes to how tech leaders feel about China's unfair trade practices, Cramer said.
Back then, her hair resembled a tall glass of rosé, leaving a few pieces of her natural color throughout to give the look a more realistic feel.
"Speech quality is certainly important, but more can be done to make a synthetic voice sound even more realistic and engaging," the company notes in today's announcement.
It's a 2388 by 1668 resolution display that Apple claims can support the P3 colorspace—which is a wide color gamut with more realistic reds and greens.
"We estimate that the investiture may take place end of June or beginning of July, though July is more realistic," Celaa said after a weekly cabinet meeting.
Getting the truth out to the public has always been a more realistic goal than ousting the president, and in that sense, the process was a success.
Snapchat is updating its Bitmoji-enabled "World Lenses," the feature that lets you overlay your Bitmoji characters onto your surroundings, to make the animations look more realistic.
So, instead of promising ourselves we're going to be better every time we look at our credit card bill, we're looking for some more realistic damage control.
A 3D front-facing camera would allow for more realistic selfie filters and augmented reality masks, but there could also be applications in gaming and 3D modeling.
Sure, there are dozens of big-picture steps you can take to drastically change your lifestyle, but that doesn't mean you should discount the more realistic tweaks.
A more realistic assessment would be that the meeting produced a truce based on two elements: some murky mercantilism, and a deal to talk about a deal.
And I think, even with Oxy, if you could put a muzzle on management and the board and make it more realistic, I think Oxy is undervalued.
By doing so, Serial producers hope to illuminate the inner workings of the courts in a more realistic way than any episode of Law & Order ever could.
Rather than expecting monetary stimulus to generate more business investment, it's more realistic to think that interest-rate cuts will cause higher asset prices and more debt.
To see Bridget Jones attain her weight loss goals, but still struggle with the same issues, would provide a more realistic portrayal of women's relationships to dieting.
Effects like rain, soaring spaceships, and falling debris can sound more realistic than ever, turning your living room into a dome of immersive audio with overhead effects.
Even models based on more realistic descriptions of human behaviour would fail to capture the odd outcomes that can emerge out of interactions among billions of people.
That's why it's great when people are transparent about the work they put into a relationship — it helps people around them set more realistic expectations for themselves.
Like the AdS/CFT correspondence, theirs is also a toy model, but some of the principles of its construction may extend to more realistic space-time holograms.
I am convinced that the more realistic the face, the more details and realism are needed in the animation in order for the viewer to believe it.
Unfortunately, this prediction proved accurate for a number of participants: those who saw the film as more realistic, and those who reported higher levels of narrative immersion.
Once they saw the film and how often BB-28 owners were reenacting and filming scenes from it, they decided to make a more realistic BB-28.
The scientists are able to produce brighter holograms than currently available and can be viewed at almost any angle, making them appear more realistic than ever before.
What could be more realistic, down to earth, and antithetical to pop culture's view of the seemingly inseparable relationship between games and violence than petting a dog?
While Girls is ostensibly more realistic and less madcap, Broad City has a certain quality that is instantly identifiable to a certain kind of broke NYC twentysomething.
I'm much more aware [now], and I think I was so heartbroken and blindsided by everything that I didn't have a more realistic head on my shoulders.
A more realistic forecast would allow Rio to develop a strategy for its vital iron ore assets that goes beyond the current laser-like focus on costs.
The Treasury has already indicated it is reviewing its budget for the current financial year to cut the government's expenditure and set more realistic revenue collection targets.
The finance ministry has already indicated it is reviewing its 2019/20 (July-June) budget to cut the government's expenditure and set more realistic revenue collection targets.
The Treasury has already indicated it is reviewing its budget for the current financial year to cut the government's expenditure and set more realistic revenue collection targets.
Sock was broken again with a netted forehand under pressure in the fifth game, and the more realistic fans filed out on the changeover at 4-1.
Discussions with the Kenyan government on the pipeline construction are under way, Chief Executive Paul McDade said, adding 294 was a more realistic timeframe for first oil.
"There's definitely some bombastic points and some much more realistic aspects of the announcement," said Andrew Hires, an assistant professor of neurobiology at the University of California.
"I think we've got to be more realistic now with our expectations even though it's not in us to lower the bar," Bob Bryan said this week.
Perhaps if close to 40 percent of newspaper journalists hadn't also lost their jobs in the last decade, we might have a more realistic, better informed public.
The iPhone XS Max's camera was able to capture colors that looked more realistic than the Note 10, and in some cases it offered crisper detail, too.
That makes unraveling what happened a bit less zesty, but also allows the storytelling to feel more realistic, dark and erotic than the author's more fanciful works.
When I was a boy, in Ohio, my parents urged me to wish for something more realistic, such as never going anywhere in Missouri (several states away).
There is a more realistic assessment of the current stance of trade negotiations, said Jon Hill, an interest rate strategist at BMO Capital Markets in New York.
While the displays on Samsung's phones are usually vibrant and full of bold color, I sometimes find in that colors generally look more realistic on the iPhone.
Among the other applications: Help pave the way for even more realistic sports video games Add a virtual referee to help human officials Even spot injuries earlier.
So far, Google has announced: Google Assistant: More realistic voices using technology from Google's DeepMind subsidiary - plus John Legend's voice will answer some queries later this year.
She wants to set a more realistic, maybe even inspiring, example through her transparency about the hard work and unhealthy habits that looking like that can entail.
With exhibits like "Destination: Mars" and tools like OnSight and HoloLens, exploring and working in space from Earth is becoming a much more realistic and immersive experience.
It would be more realistic to retrain those workers for renewable energy, which expanded at its fastest-ever rate in 2015, according to the International Energy Agency.
The game lacked color or personality, instead giving us more realistic looking rappers and a boring story mode that played like Empire with goofy kung fu fights.
They know, from their experience, that health coverage is not as cheap as $15, and have more realistic assumptions than the one Trump makes in this answer.
But the more realistic among them acknowledged that Mr. Modi faces no formidable political opposition and is likely to win a second five-year term in 2019.
Lindsey originally envisioned "Up and Vanished" as a TV documentary, but after listening to "Serial," he decided a podcast would be more realistic considering his limited resources.
It's a lot of just figuring out what levers we can pull to make it feel more realistic, as opposed to 'She pushes him and he falls.
That's the more realistic way to look at the league after it passed the 615-game mark on Thursday on a regular-season schedule that features 1,230.

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