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"susceptibilities" Synonyms
feels feelings emotions sensitivities sentiments affections sensibilities heartstrings sensations delicate sensitivity finer feelings moral sense sense of outrage fee-fees sentiment emotion ego passions affectivity sensation vulnerability exposure defenselessness liability susceptivities vulnerableness weaknesses powerlessness susceptibleness susceptiveness defencelessness helplessness openness hypersensitivity allergies subjection intolerance sensitiveness reactions amenabilities impressionability receptiveness impressionableness suggestibility tractability amenableness malleability responsiveness accommodativeness pliancy complaisance compliance pliabilities manipulability receptivity ingenuousness predispositions proneness inclination propensity likelihood tendencies dispositions proclivities penchant aptness leanings impulses bents predilection habits biases affinities fondness likings love fancies preferences taste partiality appetite keenness relish attachment attraction favor(US) favour(UK) likes passion Achilles heels failings flaws shortcomings faults deficiency defects foibles frailty underbellies downfalls chinks jugulars handicaps kryptonite undoings backs weak spots instinct intuition insight sense noses faculties urges savvy aptitudes knacks awareness vibes consciousness impressions responses thought tingles gut reactions subtlety perceptiveness judgements(UK) fragility debilities feebleness infirmities enervation delicacies enfeeblements decrepitude fatigue delicateness exhaustion faintness frailness puniness weakliness asthenia debilitations incapacities spinelessness cravenness irresolution meeknesses timorousness impotence indecision indecisiveness ineffectuality pusillanimity timidity cowardliness effeteness ineffectiveness ineptitude ineptness accessibility convenience handiness availability attainability obtainability readiness nearness exposedness possibilities reachability affectibility nervousness reactiveness reactivity sympathy temperament nature character personality constitutions temper complexions make-up spirits stamps mettle outlooks grain humour(UK) moods quality souls More

103 Sentences With "susceptibilities"

How to use susceptibilities in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "susceptibilities" and check conjugation/comparative form for "susceptibilities". Mastering all the usages of "susceptibilities" from sentence examples published by news publications.

We are rightly concerned about insurance companies knowing our genetic susceptibilities.
The full reasons why women have different susceptibilities are unclear, she said.
In a world that is becoming increasingly digital, Covington said, these susceptibilities are not that unusual.
Linking all those As, Ts, Gs, and Cs to specific diseases, susceptibilities, and health outcomes could genuinely change medicine.
"Genetic susceptibility to liver disease does not explain all the individual susceptibilities to alcohol-induced liver injury," Perlemuter said.
It also suggested that certain conditions and susceptibilities inherited from Neanderthals may have served a useful purpose at one point.
Of the nine susceptibilities revealed by the test, the report said "none had been formally resolved" as of September 2018.
Meanwhile, as more information about genetic susceptibilities becomes available to people, long-term-care insurers will want to know what applicants know.
"Different people tend to have different susceptibilities; some tend to develop more symptoms in sinuses, lungs, or ears," Timothy Laird, MD, tells Insider.
But the same ecosystem of susceptibilities that heightens the risk of violent death at 17 just transfers that risk inside our adult bodies.
" Henry also explains in the sit-down interview that his job "is really just to relay sometimes the medical susceptibilities that I'm told people have.
The questions grew even more profound, using experiments to tease out universal susceptibilities, raising the possibility that behavior was more easily swayed by outside forces than personality researchers previously believed.
There are specific security measures you can take on your own, especially when it comes to your account and PIN numbers, and always be careful of public WiFi, spyware, and other susceptibilities.
You note current efforts to harness the promise of genomic medicine aimed at sequencing more genomes, to understand labyrinthine genetic susceptibilities arising from variation in multiple genes ("Encore une fois", May 7th).
Once we understand how to spot diseases or disease susceptibilities in the genome, parents using IVF and PGS will have the option of choosing to implant embryos likely to avoid these outcomes.
If we apply big data machine learning techniques to all of that data, while complying with HIPAA patient confidentiality, could medical professionals detect patterns and susceptibilities in families and individuals before they become a problem?
For example, he said, "if you take simvastatin and drink a single glass of grapefruit juice, it's like taking three times the dose," though the impact can be much more or much less, since individual susceptibilities vary widely.
With decreasing degrees of certainty, according to the degree of consanguinity, it can divulge a relative's susceptibilities to certain diseases, for example, or information about paternity, that the relative in question might or might not want to know, and might or might not want to become public.
In the study, published in the journal Nature Climate Change, researchers assessed the vulnerability of 607 primate species and subspecies with two sets of criteria: their "intrinsic susceptibilities," or traits such as their body mass, the daily distance they travel and the number of individuals in their group, and their previous exposure to cyclones and droughts over the last 46 years.
He was modest and retiring, genial, intensely patriotic, and of strong religious susceptibilities; but with all his devotion to literature he died penniless.
Contact shifts and magnetic susceptibilities in iron-sulfur proteins as determined from nuclear magnetic resonance spectra. Methods Enzymol. (1972), 24(Pt. B), 304-17.
Congo grass has an important role as a forage crop and significant value can be added by increases crop yields and working on breeding out certain susceptibilities to pests.
The church does not participate in debate on whether homosexual susceptibilities develop from "nature" or "nurture", suggesting that such debates are better left to science. Oaks has admitted that "perhaps such susceptibilities are inborn or acquired without personal choice" and "may have some relationship to inheritance," citing some scientific research. However, the church teaches that these inclinations will not continue beyond death and that gender and gender roles are an eternal and essential characteristic of a soul.
Three classes of vancomycin- resistant S. aureus have emerged that differ in vancomycin susceptibilities: vancomycin-intermediate S. aureus (VISA), heterogeneous vancomycin- intermediate S. aureus (hVISA), and high-level vancomycin-resistant S. aureus (VRSA).
Opaque black schorl and yellow tsilaisite are idiochromatic tourmaline species that have high magnetic susceptibilities due to high concentrations of iron and manganese respectively. Most gem-quality tourmalines are of the elbaite species. Elbaite tourmalines are allochromatic, deriving most of their color and magnetic susceptibility from schorl (which imparts iron) and tsilaisite (which imparts manganese). Red and pink tourmalines have the lowest magnetic susceptibilities among the elbaites, while tourmalines with bright yellow, green and blue colors are the most magnetic elbaites.
These distinct groups also correspond to important biological differences. Clinically important differences include differing susceptibilities to antibiotics. M. abscessus subsp. abscessus and bolletii carry a common antibiotic resistance gene, which confers resistance to macrolide antibiotics, while M. a.
Strike chords. It is no use describing a house; the reader will fix the scene in some spot he knows himself. All you've got to say is 'India' and a man sees something. Then play on his susceptibilities.
The results of these steps are combined to produce an estimate of risk. Because of the different susceptibilities and exposures, this risk will vary within a population. An uncertainty analysis is usually included in a health risk assessment.
The Biot–Savart law can be used in the calculation of magnetic responses even at the atomic or molecular level, e.g. chemical shieldings or magnetic susceptibilities, provided that the current density can be obtained from a quantum mechanical calculation or theory.
Aspergillus lentulus is a species of Aspergillus fungus. It is a close relative of Aspergillus fumigatus. It has smaller conidial heads with diminutive vesicles compared to A. fumigatus, and cannot survive at . It also has decreased in vitro susceptibilities to multiple antifungals, including amphotericin B, itraconazole, voriconazole, and caspofungin.
The antimicrobials with good intracranial penetration are metronidazole, chloramphenicol, penicillins, and meropenem. Optimally, the selection of antimicrobial is done according to the recovered isolates and their antimicrobial susceptibilities. A substantial improvement in patients' survival rate has occurred after the introduction of computed tomography (CT) and other scans and utilization of metronidazole therapy.
As a result, more diverse larval amphibian communities that include species with differing susceptibilities can alter parasite infection success and the resulting pathology in sensitive host species. For instance, larval toads (a sensitive species) raised experimentally alongside larval gray treefrogs (a resistant species) exhibited 37% less infection and fewer malformations (Johnson et al. 2008).
As semimetals have fewer charge carriers than metals, they typically have lower electrical and thermal conductivities. They also have small effective masses for both holes and electrons because the overlap in energy is usually the result of the fact that both energy bands are broad. In addition they typically show high diamagnetic susceptibilities and high lattice dielectric constants.
Materials that are called "paramagnets" are most often those that exhibit, at least over an appreciable temperature range, magnetic susceptibilities that adhere to the Curie or Curie–Weiss laws. In principle any system that contains atoms, ions, or molecules with unpaired spins can be called a paramagnet, but the interactions between them need to be carefully considered.
Voluntary conduct—conduct which is free and informed—is more likely to be regarded as a novus actus interveniens than involuntary conduct. An abnormal event, otherwise amounting to a novus actus interveniens, will not be so counted if it was foreseen by the accused (or, in cases of negligence, if it ought reasonably to have been foreseen), or if it was planned by him. The victim's pre-existing physical susceptibilities are, by logical definition, never an intervening cause. Where, therefore, the victim was suffering from a physical condition, such as a weak heart, haemophilia, a cerebral aneurism or an earlier injury, rendering him particularly susceptible to harm, and thereby contributing to his death, the maxim in South African law is that "you take your victim as you find him," with all his weaknesses and susceptibilities.
Generally, the abscess can be eradicated through surgical drainage alone; however this is sometimes inadequate. Therefore, systemic antibiotic treatment may be required, but only if there is evidence of spreading infection. As the bacteria involved are known, antibiotic therapy selection can be specific, based on published susceptibilities. Penicillin in the form of amoxicillin is the most common antibiotic to use.
656 and to some extent on Dostoevsky's own reformed ideas about Russia. Stepan Verkhovensky began as a caricature of Granovsky, and retained the latter's neurotic susceptibilities, academic interests and penchant for writing long confessional letters, but the character was grounded in the idealistic tendencies of many others from the generation of the 1840s, including Herzen, Belinsky, Chaadaev, Turgenev and Dostoevsky himself.Peace (1971). pp.
These currents are of similar appearance as those reported for ion channel proteins. They are thought to be caused by lipid membrane pores spontaneously generated by the thermal fluctuations. Such thermal fluctuations explain the specific ionic selectivity or the specific time-course of the response to voltage changes on the basis of their affect on the macroscopic susceptibilities of the system.
Accordingly, E+ above corresponds to the spatially symmetric/spin-singlet solution and E− to the spatially antisymmetric/spin-triplet solution. J. H. Van Vleck presented the following analysis:Van Vleck, J. H.: Electric and Magnetic Susceptibilities, Oxford, Clarendon Press, p. 318 (1932). :The potential energy of the interaction between the two electrons in orthogonal orbitals can be represented by a matrix, say Eex.
This leads to cell fusion since PEG induces cell agglutination and cell-to-cell contact. Though this type of cell fusion is the most widely used, it still has downfalls. Oftentimes PEG can cause uncontrollable fusion of multiple cells, leading to the appearance of giant polykaryons. Also, standard PEG cell fusion is poorly reproducible and different types of cells have various fusion susceptibilities.
Consequent of this genomic instability, the resulting cancer cells have the potential to diverge in sequence and gain new traits. This intratumoral heterogeneity creates a tumor mass with different genomic backgrounds as well as unique cellular traits and drug susceptibilities. Several research groups have shown that heterogeneity and genomic instability are heavily correlated with poor patient outcomes and aggressive cancers. Chang-Min Choi et. al.
For relativistic matter, pressure and temperature are not independent variables, so the equation of state is a relation between the energy density and the pressure. This has been found through lattice computations, and compared to both perturbation theory and string theory. This is still a matter of active research. Response functions such as the specific heat and various quark number susceptibilities are currently being computed.
Rabi sent his thesis, entitled On the Principal Magnetic Susceptibilities of Crystals, to Physical Review on July 16, 1926. He married Helen the next day. The paper attracted little fanfare in academic circles, although it was read by Kariamanickam Srinivasa Krishnan, who used the method in his own investigations of crystals. Rabi concluded that he needed to promote his work as well as publish it.
PGIPs are leucine-rich repeat glycoproteins of approximately 360 amino acids in length, and PGIPs may reduce the activity of PGs by one or two orders of magnitude.Cook, B. J., Clay, R. P., Bergmann, C. W., Albersheim, P., and Darvill, A. G. (1999) Fungal polygalacturonases exhibit different substrate degradation patterns and differ in their susceptibilities to polygalaturonase inhibiting proteins, Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 12, 703-711.
Ammo, resource satchels, pouches, quivers, resistance, antidotes, health potions, and traps can all be crafted. Weapons have modification slots for dealing more damage. Aloy wears a Focus, a small head piece that scans machines to determine their susceptibilities, identify their location, their level, and the nature of loot they will drop. One machine, the Stalker, can enable cloaking technology to avert the gaze of Aloy's Focus scan.
'Count Clermont, a Tragedy; Caius Toranius, a Tragedy, with other Poems,' 1841. 4. ' Melodies of Scotland,' 1849; the last being an attempt to supply words for the old national airs of such a correct and conventional type as not to offend the susceptibilities of the most fastidious. The verses are generally tasteful and spirited, but in no case have they been successful in supplanting those associated with the old melodies.
Nishimura, K., & Abe, M. T. (1988). Prey susceptibilities, prey utilization and variable attack efficiencies of Ural owls. Oecologia, 77(3), 414-422. Different studies in Japan showed that the Ural owls are capable of hunting prey that is hiding in shallow snow or near the snow’s surface during winter but voles hiding in the subnivean zone, ephemeral tunnels made under deep snow by the voles, are largely inaccessible to these owls.
The Kubo formula, named for Ryogo Kubo who first presented the formula in 1957 , is an equation which expresses the linear response of an observable quantity due to a time-dependent perturbation. Among numerous applications of the Kubo formula, one can calculate the charge and spin susceptibilities of systems of electrons in response to applied electric and magnetic fields. Responses to external mechanical forces and vibrations can be calculated as well.
Planta Med. 44:134-138Lee, S.H., Lee, J.R., Lunde, Kubo, I., In vitro antifungal susceptibilities of Candida albicans and other fungal pathogens to polygodial, a sesquiterpene dialdehyde. , 1999, Planta Medica 65, pp 204-208 Horopito was used traditionally by Maori for a variety of medicinal purposes including treatment of: fungal skin infection, stomach pain, diarrhoea and as an analgesic. Early European settlers to New Zealand also used horopito for medicinal purposes.
A collection of short stories, Angaaray (embers), which had stories by Sajjad Zaheer, Ahmed Ali, Rashid Jahan and Mahmud-uz- Zafar was published in 1932 and banned in 1933 by the British Government of India "for hurting the religious susceptibilities of a section of the community." This gave rise to the All-India Progressive Writers' Movement & Association of which both Sajjad Zaheer and Ahmed Ali were co-founders.
When Heracles puts it on, the Hydra's venom begins to cook him alive, and to escape this unbearable pain he builds a funeral pyre and throws himself on it. Metaphorically, it represents "a source of misfortune from which there is no escape; a fatal present; anything that wounds the susceptibilities"E. Cobham Brewer, Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. 1898. online or a "destructive or expiatory force or influence".
Vespel is used in high-resolution probes for NMR spectroscopy because its volume magnetic susceptibility (−9.02 ± 0.25×10−6 for Vespel SP-1 at 21.8 °C) is close to that of water at room temperature (−9.03×10−6 at 20 °C ) Negative values indicate that both substances are diamagnetic. Matching volume magnetic susceptibilities of materials surrounding NMR sample to that of the solvent can reduce susceptibility broadening of magnetic resonance lines.
Historically, a nakōdo would require a candidate to bring a family history to prove that they are not a member of the burakumin. Members of the Ainu, an indigenous people from the Hokkaidō region were commonly avoided as well. Descendants of people who were exposed to the radiation from the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were also avoided due to perceptions regarding possible child deformities and susceptibilities to rare diseases.
Russell went on to genetically characterize many laboratory animals for phenotypes such as physical attributes and disease susceptibilities, completing a monumental histological study on the effect that the major coat color mutations of the mouse have on the physical attributes and distribution of pigment granules in the hair. This analysis is the first attempt to define each phenotype of the mouse in terms of genetic factors, setting the stage for virtually all coat-color studies.
The optimal growth temperature range for S. candida is , with a minimum of 5 °C and maximum 37 °C. It is a keratinophilic species which may contribute to its role in nail infections. It grows well on protein-rich surfaces and is able to digest α-keratins. In vitro study of antifungal susceptibilities reports S. candida as relatively more resistant to the antifungal drug amphotericin B, and susceptible to Itraconazole and miconazole.
UConnect is Fiat Chrysler's Internet-connected feature which enables owners the ability to control the vehicle's infotainment/navigation system, sync media, and make phone calls. It even integrates with the optional on-board WiFi. However, susceptibilities in Fiat Chrysler’s UConnect system, available on over 1.4 million cars, allows hackers to scan for cars with the system, connect and embed malicious code, and ultimately, commandeer vital vehicle controls like steering and brakes.Greenberg, A. (2015, July 21).
Albert Potter Wills (1873–1937) was an American physicist who researched magnetic materials and was the PhD advisor of the Nobel Prize winner Isidor Isaac Rabi. During his career he investigated magnetic susceptibilities, magnetic shielding, magnetostriction, conduction of electricity through mercury vapor, and hydrodynamics. He also wrote a textbook on vector analysis. Wills received his PhD from Clark University in 1897 under Arthur Gordon Webster with a thesis entitled: On the susceptibility of diamagnetic and weakly magnetic substances.
Dorothy and Lydia enter, but the two men do not recognise them as the rustics who enchanted them in Act I. The women play on the susceptibilities of the men. Wilder becomes beguiled by Lydia and Sherwood by Dorothy. Eventually the women succeed in persuading each man to give them the rings that "Abigail" and "Dorcas" gave the other at the inn. The guests retire to rest, and in the dark, Wilder, Sherwood and Lurcher carry out Wilder's scheme.
Right: A woman with a swollen face while trekking at high altitude (Annapurna Base Camp, Nepal; 4130 m). Left: The same woman at normal altitude. People have different susceptibilities to altitude sickness; for some otherwise healthy people, acute altitude sickness can begin to appear at around above sea level, such as at many mountain ski resorts, equivalent to a pressure of . — High altitude information for laypeople This is the most frequent type of altitude sickness encountered.
"..the term is increasingly unacceptable to Irish historians in particular, for whom the Irish Sea is or ought to be a separating rather than a linking element. Sensitive to such susceptibilities, proponents of the idea of a genuine British history, a theme which has come to the fore during the last couple of decades, are plumping for a more neutral term to label the scattered islands peripheral to the two major ones of Great Britain and Ireland." Roots, Ivan (1997).
Increasing dominance of C. glabrata in northern Europe, the United States, and Canada has been observed while C. parapsilosis has become more prominent in southern Europe, Asia, and South America. Regional species distribution guides treatment recommendations since the species exhibit different susceptibilities to azole and echinocandin classes of antifungals. The virulence of Candida species differs considerably, with C. parapsilosis and C. krusei being less virulent than C. albicans, C. tropicalis, and C. glabrata. This variation is reflected in mortality rates.
A live frog levitates inside a diameter vertical bore of a Bitter solenoid in a magnetic field of about 16 teslas at the Nijmegen High Field Magnet Laboratory. Diamagnets may be levitated in stable equilibrium in a magnetic field, with no power consumption. Earnshaw's theorem seems to preclude the possibility of static magnetic levitation. However, Earnshaw's theorem applies only to objects with positive susceptibilities, such as ferromagnets (which have a permanent positive moment) and paramagnets (which induce a positive moment).
Troy Duster points out that genetics is often not the predominant determinant of disease susceptibilities, even though they might correlate with specific socially defined categories. This is because this research oftentimes lacks control for a multiplicity of socio-economic factors. He cites data collected by King and Rewers that indicates how dietary differences play a significant role in explaining variations of diabetes prevalence between populations. Duster elaborates by putting forward the example of the Pima of Arizona, a population suffering from disproportionately high rates of diabetes.
Usually, once cultures of the causal organism are grown and their susceptibilities tested, aminoglycosides are discontinued in favor of less toxic antibiotics. As noted, aminoglycosides are mostly ineffective against anaerobic bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Infections caused by Gram-positive bacteria can also be treated with aminoglycosides, but other types of antibiotics are more potent and less damaging to the host. In the past, the aminoglycosides have been used in conjunction with beta-lactam antibiotics in streptococcal infections for their synergistic effects, in particular in endocarditis.
Hiller tactfully describes their falling out as arising from "social, and not from personal susceptibilities." But in fact it seems to have been more to do with Hiller’s succession to Mendelssohn as director of the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra in 1843. From 1825 to 1827, Hiller was a pupil of Johann Nepomuk Hummel in Weimar; while he was with Hummel at Beethoven’s deathbed, Hiller secured a lock of Beethoven's hair. This lock is now at the San Jose State University, after having been sold at Sotheby's in 1994.
Since 2004 Saltiel was an elected corresponding member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. He served in the Physics Department Board and was member of the Bulgarian Physical Society, the Optical Society of America and the European Physical Society. His area of research included nonlinear optics, cascade nonlinear-optical processes, optical phase conjugation, nonlinear-optical susceptibilities, picosecond lasers, generation and measurement of ultra short pulses and high resolution spectroscopy. He authored or co-authored more than 184 research papers, with 244.2 Impact Points and 614 citations.
After attending high school in Husum and serving in the German army in Nordfriesland (district), Eckart Marsch, born in Friedrichstadt (Schleswig-Holstein) in 1968, studied physics at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and the Technical University of Berlin, and after his undergraduate degree at the University of Kiel. Here he finished his studies with the diploma in 1973 and acquired the title Dr. rer. nat. in theoretical physics. Topic of his doctoral thesis was "Transport coefficients and susceptibilities of the Hubbard model in the Hartree-Fock approximation".
British) side, for, while warmly supporting Rhodes and the policy of Lord (then Sir Alfred) Alfred Milner, he showed great tact in dealing with the susceptibilities of his Afrikaner opponents. Indeed, the policy which he always advocated, that of a United South Africa, absolutely autonomous in its own affairs, but remaining part of the British Empire, is now an established fact, readily accepted by men of all parties. Garrett's important contribution to that result constitutes his chief title to remembrance. But the enormous physical strain was too much for his frail constitution.
The "Deacon of Vienne", who was martyred at Lyon during the persecution of 177, was probably a deacon installed at Vienne by the ecclesiastical authority of Lyon. The confluence of the Rhône and the Saône, where sixty Gallic tribes had erected the famous altar to Rome and Augustus, was also the centre from which Christianity was gradually propagated throughout Gaul. The presence at Lyon of numerous Asiatic Christians and their almost daily communications with the Orient were likely to arouse the susceptibilities of the Gallo-Romans. A persecution arose under Marcus Aurelius.
Apophysomyces variabilis infections are not transmissible from person to person. Apophysomyces variabilis is one of four species in the genus Apophysomyces, which also includes A. elegans, A. ossiformis, and A. trapeziformis. In the past, Apophysomyces elegans was believed to be the species responsible for most cases of cutaneous mucormycosis attributed to Apophysomyces, but recently, some of the other species have been shown to be important in human infection. Since the new species have only recently been recognized, much remains to be learned about their relative clinical importance, comparative virulence, epidemiology, and anti-fungal drug susceptibilities.
Examples include Symantec's DeepSight portal and vulnerability datafeed, Secunia's (purchased by Flexera) vulnerability manager and Accenture's vulnerability intelligence service (formerly iDefense). Vulnerability databases advise organisations to develop, prioritize and execute patches or other mitigations which endeavour to rectify critical vulnerabilities. However, this can often lead to the creation of additional susceptibilities as patches are created hastily to thwart further system exploitations and violations. Depending upon the level of a user or organisation, they warrant appropriate access to a vulnerability database which provides the user with disclosure of known vulnerabilities that may affect them.
CNVs are sources of inherent genetic diversity and are engaged in gene-environment interaction. CNVs (and associated polymorphisms) play a role in filling in the gap towards understanding the genetic basis of quantitative traits and the different susceptibilities to autoimmune and neurobiological diseases. Substantial data from all over the world has been collected and analyzed to determine that schizophrenia, indeed, has a strong genetic relationship with a region in the MHC locus on chromosome arm 6. Data and information collected internationally can shed light onto the mysteries of schizophrenia.
Natural pesticides have been used for this purpose for thousands of years (e.g. concentrated table salt is toxic to many slugs). Bioaccumulation of chemically-prepared agricultural insecticides is a matter of concern for the many species, especially birds, which consume insects as a primary food source. Selective toxicity, controlled application, and controlled biodegradation are major challenges in herbicide and pesticide development and in chemical engineering generally, as all lifeforms on earth share an underlying biochemistry; organisms exceptional in their environmental resilience are classified as extremophiles, these for the most part exhibiting radically different susceptibilities.
In doped semiconductors the ratio between Landau and Pauli susceptibilities may change due to the effective mass of the charge carriers differing from the electron mass in vacuum, increasing the diamagnetic contribution. The formula presented here only applies for the bulk; in confined systems like quantum dots, the description is altered due to quantum confinement. Additionally, for strong magnetic fields, the susceptibility of delocalized electrons oscillates as a function of the field strength, a phenomenon known as the de Haas–van Alphen effect, also first described theoretically by Landau.
However, A3 and A11 can process and load antigens even when proteosome activity is diminished suggesting an alternative mechanism for loading which may benefit in recovery from some disease but impair recovery of others. It appears that these and other viruses have learned to exploit some defect in the region surrounding A11 that allows the near complete shut-down of gene expression. Oddly, in Africa A11 is at very low frequencies, and homozygotes are rare, suggesting that other genetic susceptibilities may exist that steer the virus toward Burkitt's lymphoma.
The church does not condemn what it calls "susceptibilities," "inclinations", or "temptations" of any type that are not acted upon, pointing to the example of the temptation of Christ. Members with homosexual "inclinations" can participate as all other members of the church and if they remain celibate or heterosexually married, they can participate in the religion to the same extent as straight members. Heterosexual marriage is considered a sacred covenant which should generally not be pursued if homosexual feelings are not under control. Those with same- gender attractions are encouraged to talk to their ecclesiastical leader.
Mitra's researches were focused on physico-chemical and spectroscopic studies of the bimolecular systems. He deployed single crystal magnetic anisotropy and Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy for investigating inorganic paramagnetic complexes such as metalloporphyrins and low-symmetry transition metal complexes and his work is reported to have widened our understanding of their electronic structures. His contribution to magnetochemistry is marked by the methodologies he developed to measure single crystal susceptibilities. Working on the magnetic and electronic properties of phthalocynines, metal porphyrins and similar inorganic materials, the team led by him discovered the molecular ferromagnet and elucidated their electronic structures for the first time.
Francis Spalding suggested that Lawrence's fascination with the theme of homosexuality is manifested in Women in Love, and that this could be related to his own sexual orientation. "Lawrence's views (i.e., warning David Garnett against homosexual tendencies), as Quentin Bell was the first to suggest and S. P. Rosenbaum has argued conclusively, were stirred by a dread of his own homosexual susceptibilities, which are revealed in his writings, notably the cancelled prologue to Women in Love". In 1999, the Modern Library ranked Women in Love forty-ninth on a list of the 100 best novels in English of the 20th century.
The Cholula brand hot sauce lists piquin peppers and chile de arbol peppers among its ingredients."Nutrition Information", Cholula Website , Last accessed 02 Jul 2009 Pequin peppers are highly valued in Mexico, often costing more than 10 times the price of other peppers, but their cultivation is limited due to low seed germination (15% average germination rate) and susceptibility to disease. Pequins prefer moderate shade levels (35% shade) and daily watering, though they are drought tolerant. In the wild, Pequins grow in the understory of trees as perennials; under cultivation, they are grown as annuals as disease susceptibilities limits their growth.
Vulnerability databases contain a vast array of identified vulnerabilities. However, few organisations possess the expertise, staff and time to revise and remedy all potential system susceptibilities hence vulnerability scoring is a method of quantitatively determining the severity of a system violation. A multitude of scoring methods exist across vulnerability databases such as US-CERT and SANS Institute's Critical Vulnerability Analysis Scale but the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) is the prevailing technique for most vulnerability databases including OSVDB, vFeed and NVD. The CVSS is based upon three primary metrics: base, temporal and environmental which each provide a vulnerability rating.
In The Quarterly Review John Wilson Croker, writing anonymously like all the reviewers, compared it to Dutch paintings, congenial rather than exalted, and advised the author to stick to history, while The Scourge considered that Scott did not take readers beyond their usual susceptibilities. Francis Jeffrey in The Edinburgh Review found the work hastily and often indifferently written and judged those passages where the author addresses the reader directly flippant and unworthy. Waverley was published anonymously, but half of the reviews ascribed it with varying degrees of certainty to Scott. Many readers too recognized his hand.
Any pathogen with a high virulence, high transmission rate and long incubation time may have already caused a catastrophic pandemic before ultimately virulence is limited through natural selection. Additionally, a pathogen that infects humans as a secondary host and primarily infects another species (a zoonosis) has no constraints on its virulence in people, since the accidental secondary infections do not affect its evolution. Lastly, in models where virulence level and rate of transmission are related, high levels of virulence can evolve. Virulence is instead limited by the existence of complex populations of hosts with different susceptibilities to infection, or by some hosts being geographically isolated.
Pathways must be explored on various spatio-temporal scales in order to understand the complex interplays that can occur through history, inter-generationally, across the lifecourse; as well as at global, national, societal, familial, and molecular levels. Cumulative Interplay describes how patterns of disease occur within a social, ecological, and biological context. It emphasizes how individuals in different socio-economic positions have different exposures, susceptibilities, and resistance (both biological and political) to disease, based on their unique histories and experiences over the lifecourse, based on spatio-temporal factors and the interaction with groups, power structures, discrimination, and inequality. Agency and Accountability claims that the State is a responsible agent in the patterns of disease distribution in a given society.
Swelling within the oral cavity or cheeks, along with a history of progressively worsening tooth pain and fevers, is usually enough evidence to support the diagnosis of a mouth infection. Depending on the severity of the infection, further tests may include x-rays and CT scans of the mouth to better characterize the location and extent of the infection. If the infection is drained with a needle or scalpel, then a swab of the infection is collected to identify the microbes present in the abscess and to determine their respective susceptibilities to antibiotics. Other lab tests may include a complete blood count with differential, serum electrolyte concentrations, and other routine assays for an infectious workup.
What is today known as the Bohr–van Leeuwen theorem was discovered by Niels Bohr in 1911 in his doctoral dissertation and was later rediscovered by Hendrika Johanna van Leeuwen in her doctoral thesis in 1919. In 1932, van Vleck formalized and expanded upon Bohr's initial theorem in a book he wrote on electric and magnetic susceptibilities. The significance of this discovery is that classical physics does not allow for such things as paramagnetism, diamagnetism and ferromagnetism and thus quantum physics are needed to explain the magnetic events. This result, "perhaps the most deflationary publication of all time," may have contributed to Bohr's development of a quasi-classical theory of the hydrogen atom in 1913.
Scores of different types of inactivating GATA mutations have been associated with GATA2 deficiency; these include frameshift, point, insertion, splice site and deletion mutations scattered throughout the gene but concentrated in the region encoding the GATA2 transcription factor's C-ZnF, N-ZnF, and 9.5 kb sites. Rare cases of GATA2 deficiency involve large mutational deletions that include the 3q21.3 locus plus contiguous adjacent genes; these mutations seem more likely than other types of GATA mutations to cause increased susceptibilities to viral infections, developmental lymphatic disorders, and neurological disturbances. One GATA2 mutation is a gain of function type, i.e. it is associated with an increase in the activity rather than levels of GATA2.
His Ph.D. dissertation topic was titled "Magnetic Susceptibilities of Some Common Gases." He returned to the University of Idaho in 1926 to teach, and became the head of the physics department in 1930, a position that he held for sixteen years. He led a productive materials science laboratory and was mindful of practical applications of his research--for example, as an extension of his researches in photoelectricity, he and his student Lawrence W. Foskett developed a telephone using light instead of copper wire for transmitting signals. At present, however, Hammar is best remembered for an experiment that was quite outside of his main area of research, the Hammar experiment, a test of the validity of special relativity.
On 14 January 1895, the king, after the fall of the Kálmán Széll ministry, entrusted him with the formation of a cabinet. His programme, in brief, was the carrying through of the church reform laws with all due regard to clerical susceptibilities, and the maintenance of the Composition of 1867, whilst fully guaranteeing the predominance of Hungary. He succeeded in carrying the remaining ecclesiastical bills through the Upper House, despite the vehement opposition of the papal nuncio Antonio Agliardi, a triumph which brought about the fall of Gustav Kálnoky, the minister for foreign affairs, but greatly strengthened the ministry in Hungary. In the ensuing elections of 1896 the government won a gigantic majority.
Likewise, the affair between Argante and Armida is Hill's creation, as are the conversions to Christianity, the latter possibly a sop to English susceptibilities. Rossi was required to turn the elaborate scenario into verses, a relatively light task which, he said, was "the delivery of a few evenings". Nevertheless, Rossi complained that Handel hardly gave him time to write: "To my great wonder I saw an entire Opera set to music by that surprising genius, with the greatest degree of perfection, in two weeks". Price argues that Rossi's role was beyond that of a mere versifier, quoting Hill's words of praise for Rossi in the preface to the libretto, which suggest that Rossi was the senior partner in the birth of the libretto.
In humans, genetic linkage analyses, genome-wide association studies of single nucleotide polymorphisms, copy number variation surveys, and mutation screenings found the human chromosomal 12q24 locus, with the SH2B3 gene at its core, to be associated with an exceptionally wide spectrum of disease susceptibilities. For example, hematopoietic traits of red and white blood cells (like erythrocytosis and myeloproliferative disease), autoimmune disorders, and vascular pathology have been reported. Moreover, co-expression of the interleukin-7 receptor together with LNK was carefully studied, and it was concluded that interleukin-7 receptor expression was significantly more highly expressed than LNK in B-cell acute leukemic lymphoma. This observation distinguished a novel subset of high-risk B-cell acute lymphoblastic lymphoma with a potential therapy targeting the interleukin-7 signaling pathway.
In introducing federal discrimination protections for LGBTI people, the Gillard Government promised that religious bodies would be exempt, unless they were aged care providers receiving Commonwealth funding. The main exemptions are in sections 37 and 38 of the Sex Discrimination Act 1984, which include the ability for religious educational institutions to discriminate against LGBT students and teachers "in good faith in order to avoid injury to the religious susceptibilities of adherents of that religion". In 2017, Perth teacher Craig Campbell was dismissed from a Baptist school after he revealed his sexuality on social media. The Greens promised to repeal religious exemptions to LGBT anti-discrimination protections before the 2016 election, while in January 2018 the Labor Party announced it had no plans to act upon the issue.
The gene is likewise critical for the formation of the lymphatic system, particularly for the development of its valves. The human gene is also expressed in endothelium, some non- hematological stem cells, the central nervous system, and, to lesser extents, prostate, endometrium, and certain cancerous tissues. Scores of different types of inactivating GATA mutations have been associated with GATA2 deficiency; these include frameshift, point, insertion, splice site and deletion mutations scattered throughout the gene but concentrated in the region encoding the GATA2 transcription factor's ZF1, ZF2, and 9.5 kb sites. Rare cases of GATA2 deficiency involve large mutational deletions that include the 3q21.3 locus plus contiguous adjacent genes; these mutations seem more likely than other types of GATA mutations to cause increased susceptibilities to viral infections, developmental lymphatic disorders, and neurological disturbances.
By designing magnetic fields and carefully arranged magnets, it is possible to use the differences in the magnetic susceptibilities of two materials to concentrate only one within a volume. An example is to be found in the work where a bioink was formulated by suspending human breast cancer cells in a cell culture medium that contained the paramagnetic salt, diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid gadolinium (III) dihydrogen salt hydrate (Gd-DTPA). Like most cells, these breast cancer cells are much more weakly attracted by magnets than Gd-DTPA, which is an FDA-approved MRI contrast agent for use in humans. Therefore, when a magnetic field was applied, the salt hydrate moved towards the magnets, displacing the cells to a predetermined area of minimum magnetic field strength, which seeded the formation of a 3D cell cluster.
' The Prime Minister said, 'We agree...We just need to find a formula that leads to susceptibilities. I’m going to see Foch...Wait for me…'. Clemenceau adds, 'I called Foch, I made him aware of the proposal and I asked him to find the formula necessary to avoid crumpling at Haig and Petain.' Foch, after half a minute or so of reflection, said to me: 'Here is what one could write: By decision of the Governments of Great Britain and France, General Foch is responsible for coordinating, on the Western Front, the operations of the French and British armies whose commanders-in-chief Marshal Haig and General Petain, will have to give him all the information useful for the establishment of this coordination'. I approved of this formula, Foch scribbled it down…” Terrail, Gabriel, "The Unique Command" Paris: Literary & Artistic Co., 1920, pgs.
Like D-Peptides and β peptides, peptoids are completely resistant to proteolysis,Susan M. Miller, Reyna J. Simon, Simon Ng, Ronald N. Zuckermann, Janice M. Kerr, Walter H. Moos, Comparison of the Proteolytic Susceptibilities of Homologous L-Amino Acid, D-Amino Acid, and N-Substituted Glycine Peptide and Peptoid Oligomers Drug. Dev. Res. (1995), 35, 20-32 and are therefore advantageous for therapeutic applications where proteolysis is a major issue. Since secondary structure in peptoids does not involve hydrogen bonding, it is not typically denatured by solvent, temperature, or chemical denaturants such as urea (see details below). Notably, since the amino portion of the amino acid results from the use of any amine, thousands of commercially available amines can be used to generate unprecedented chemical diversity at each position at costs far lower than would be required for similar peptides or peptidomimetics.
Etching engraved in 1889 by Alphonse Lamotte after the haut-relief Mirabeau answering to Dreux-Brézé by Jules Dalou modelled in 1883, also called Les Etats Généraux Henri Evrard, marquis de Dreux-Brézé (1762–1829) was a member of the French nobility who at the age of twenty-seven played a role in the meeting of the states-general in 1789. Brézé had succeeded his father Thomas as court master of the ceremonies to Louis XVI in 1781. During the opening stages of the Estates-General of 1789 it fell to Brézé to regulate the questions of etiquette and precedence between the three estates. That as the immediate representative of the crown he would offend the susceptibilities of the deputies of the Third Estate was perhaps inevitable, but little attempt was made to adapt archaic etiquette to changed circumstances.
Stern (1983) believes that there is today consensus that a necessary distinction is to be made between a non-native language learnt and used within one country to which the term second language has been applied and a non-native language learnt and used with reference to a speech community outside national or territorial boundaries to which the term foreign language is commonly given. He argues that while the distinction between 'second' and 'foreign' has a certain justification, it is perhaps less important than it has sometimes been made out to be and it may be misleading. He notes that the distinction became popular after World War II in international organisations, such as UNESCO, in order to meet nationalist susceptibilities in discussions on language questions. Fasold and Connor-Linton (2006), Falk (1978) and Hudson (2000) provide similar definitions for the two terms.
One explanation for the connection between inflammation and depression symptoms, is that depression is a disorder that stems from immune responses across the body. Due in large part to the systems that bring them about both involving the same pro-inflammatory cytokines, the suggestion is that strong or prolonged immune responses allow for those with susceptibilities to depression to experience it outside of experiences with any other risk factors. Of the ways this might happen, one is that those whose immune responses have been shifted to be pro-inflammatory without sufficient anti-inflammatory compensation have elevated risk of experiencing inflammation intense enough to cause depression. Another suggestion is that variation in neurotransmitter production or receptors may also play a role in one's risk of experiencing inflammation-based depression if certain combinations result in increased risk of inflammation, similarly putting them at risk of maladaptive changes in brain chemistry.
Down syndrome is caused be the presence of an extra chromosome 21 (i.e. trisomy 21) due to a failure in normal chromosomal pairing or premature unpairing during the cell division of meiosis in egg or sperm cells. In these cases, virtually all cells in Down syndrome individuals bear an extra chromosome 21. However, there are other genetic changes that may either cause Down syndrome or cause an individual without Down syndrome to bear disease susceptibilities of the syndrome. These genetic changes include: a) genetic mosaicism in which some body cells bear a normal chromosome complement while others bear an extra chromosome 21; a) a part of chromosome 21 is located on another chromosome due to a Robertsonian translocation; b) partial trisomy 21 in which only part of chromosome 21 is duplicated; c) an isochromosome in which chromosome 21 contains two long but no short arms; and d) key genes on chromosome 21 are duplicated on this or other chromosomes.
All-Star Superman #5 While drawing the energy of ordinary humans is almost instantaneous, it takes a notably longer time in the case of immensely powerful beings, which gives the victim more time to react and free themselves from Parasite's grip. Following an encounter with the Strange Visitor, however, Parasite's powers were enhanced and enable him to retain the energy he takes for longer as well as granting Jones the ability to shape-shift; he can now physically morph into his victims right down to their DNA, being able to access their memories, gain their natural abilities, and mimic their voices. The Parasite's biggest weakness is that he also absorbs the weaknesses of his victims and cannot counter such susceptibilities even when he has other abilities that should; when he absorbed both Superman and Livewire's powers, he retained the latter's vulnerability to water despite possessing the former's near-invulnerability. Parasite also maintains Superman's weaknesses, like Kryptonite, even when Parasite in addition already absorbed the powers of non-kryptoinains.
Part (c) specified that a report be produced jointly by the Secretary of Treasury, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and the Securities and Exchange Commission with recommendations for effective regulations to apply the requirements of the BSA with regards to investment companies. This report was submitted to Congress on December 31, 2001. It gives a background to money laundering and how the BSA and Anti-Money Laundering Act (AML) was developed to counter increasingly sophisticated money laundering schemesFinCEN, "A report to congress in accordance with § 356(c) of the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 (USA PATRIOT ACT)" and gives an overview of the general process criminals use to undertake money laundering, and how they use investment companies in each stage of the process. In order for effective regulations to apply to the BSA, the report acknowledges that different types of investment companies have different susceptibilities to money laundering and thus regulations must deal with them differently.
VTE is a blood clot in a vein, and includes deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE). Estrogens are known to increase the risk of VTE due to their effects on liver synthesis of coagulation factors. EE carries a greater risk of blood clot formation and VTE than does natural estradiol, which is thought to be due to structural differences between the two compounds and different susceptibilities to liver inactivation. A 2012 meta-analysis estimated that the absolute risk of VTE is 2 per 10,000 women for non-use, 8 per 10,000 women for EE and levonorgestrel-containing birth control pills, and 10 to 15 per 10,000 women for birth control pills containing EE and a third- or fourth- generation progestin such as desogestrel or drospirenone. For comparison, the absolute risk of VTE is generally estimated as 1 to 5 per 10,000 woman–years for non-use, 5 to 20 per 10,000 woman–years for pregnancy, and 40 to 65 per 10,000 woman–years for the postpartum period.
244 Although Lawrence never made it clear their relationship was sexual, Frieda believed it was.Spalding, Francis (1997) Duncan Grant: A Biography. p. 169-170: "Lawrence's views (i.e. warning David Garnett against homosexual tendencies), as Quentin Bell was the first to suggest and S. P. Rosenbaum has argued conclusively, were stirred by a dread of his own homosexual susceptibilities, which are revealed in his writings, notably the cancelled prologue to Women in Love." In a letter written during 1913, he writes, "I should like to know why nearly every man that approaches greatness tends to homosexuality, whether he admits it or not ..."Letter to Henry Savage, 2 December 1913 He is also quoted as saying, "I believe the nearest I've come to perfect love was with a young coal-miner when I was about 16."Quoted in My Life and Times, Octave Five, 1918–1923 by Compton MacKenzie pp. 167–168 However, given his enduring and robust relationship with Frieda it is likely that he was primarily "bi-curious", and whether he actually ever had homosexual relations remains an open question.Maddox, Brenda (1994) The Married Man: A Life of D. H. Lawrence.

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