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"nonuniform" Definitions
  1. not uniform: such as
  2. marked by varied or changing appearance (as of surface, color, or pattern)
  3. not consistent in conduct, character, or effect : exhibiting variation, deviation, or unequal or dissimilar operation

130 Sentences With "nonuniform"

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"The drift to a nonuniform currency could become a serious issue for the U.S. if cryptocurrencies take up a large volume of trade," he said.
The airline allowed employees to try an alternative garment, and eventually to wear nonuniform business clothes purchased independently — "black-and-whites," as employees call them — on a case-by-case basis.
He soon realized that if an object were placed in a nonuniform magnetic field — one that is stronger at one end than the other — scientists might be able to piece together a three-dimensional image of its atomic structure.
Dr. Mansfield built a prototype of a magnetic resonance imaging machine in 1978, and he volunteered to be the first person to be enclosed in it and scanned, even though some scientists worried that its nonuniform magnetic field could induce cardiac fibrillation.
According to the patrol guide of the New York Police Department, officers are prohibited from having beards and nonuniform headdresses, but exceptions can be made for officers who receive a medical or religious accommodation to wear facial hair up to one millimeter in length, essentially stubble.
In November, the airline began allowing attendants to wear nonuniform business clothes purchased independently — "black-and-whites," as employees call them — after a media report in November drew attention to the AFA, the labor union, and its plans to test Delta&aposs uniforms as part of an organizing drive among employees.
Nonuniform sampling is a branch of sampling theory involving results related to the Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem. Nonuniform sampling is based on Lagrange interpolation and the relationship between itself and the (uniform) sampling theorem. Nonuniform sampling is a generalisation of the Whittaker–Shannon–Kotelnikov (WSK) sampling theorem. The sampling theory of Shannon can be generalized for the case of nonuniform samples, that is, samples not taken equally spaced in time.
A nonuniform D4-symmetric variant is the cell of the noble square antiprismatic 72-cell.
Note: For nonconvex forms below an additional descriptor Nonuniform is used when the convex hull vertex arrangement has same topology as one of these, but has nonregular faces. For example an nonuniform cantellated form may have rectangles created in place of the edges rather than squares.
In terms of uniform and nonuniform DIF, if the intercepts and matching variable parameters for both groups are not equal, then there is evidence of uniform DIF. However, if there is a nonzero interaction parameter, this is an indication of nonuniform DIF.Swaminathan, H., & Rogers, H. J. (1990). Detecting differential item functioning using logistic regression procedures.
Nonuniform variants with [4,3,4] symmetry and two types of truncated octahedra can be doubled by placing the two types of truncated octahedra to produce a nonuniform honeycomb with truncated octahedra and hexagonal prisms (as ditrigonal trapezoprisms). Its vertex figure is a C2v-symmetric triangular bipyramid. This honeycomb can then be alternated to produce another nonuniform honeycomb with pyritohedral icosahedra, octahedra (as triangular antiprisms), and tetrahedra (as sphenoids). Its vertex figure has C2v symmetry and consists of 2 pentagons, 4 rectangles, 4 isosceles triangles (divided into two sets of 2), and 4 scalene triangles.
The superposition of the two images, a shear image, represents the surface of the test object at this unloaded state. This makes the method much less sensitive to external vibrations and noise. By applying a small load, the material will deform. A nonuniform material quality will generate a nonuniform movement of the surface of the test object.
Optimum Conditions of Turbulence Reduction with Screens, Mechanics of Nonuniform and Turbulent Flows. Nauka, Moscow, pp. 35\. # Dryden, H.I., Schubauer, G.B., 1947.
Nonuniform pentagonal prisms called pentaprisms are also used in optics to rotate an image through a right angle without changing its chirality.
The resulting film will feature weld lines wherever legs were present. These weld lines are weaker than the surrounding polymer, and may also have different optical characteristics, such as haze. This weakness is caused by incomplete healing of the polymer molecular matrix. Furthermore, a pressure gradient produced by the spider legs will cause nonuniform die swell, resulting in nonuniform film thickness.
Other mountain chains surrounding the country also impact air circulation. The complexity of the landscape causes nonuniform formation of climatic zones and creates vertical climate zones.
Nonuniform variants with [3,4,3] symmetry and two types of truncated cuboctahedra can be doubled by placing the two types of truncated cuboctahedra on each other to produce a nonuniform polychoron with 48 truncated cuboctahedra, 144 octagonal prisms (as ditetragonal trapezoprisms), 192 hexagonal prisms, two kinds of 864 rectangular trapezoprisms (288 with D2d symmetry and 576 with C2v symmetry), and 2304 vertices. Its vertex figure is an irregular triangular bipyramid.
Most of the difference between OGCMs and AGCMs is that the data are sparser for OGCMs. Also, the data are not only sparse but also nonuniform and indirect.
Clote & Kranakis (2002) p.50 Barrington's theorem says that BWBP is exactly nonuniform NC1. The proof uses the nonsolvability of the symmetric group S5. The theorem is rather surprising.
Nonuniform variants with [3,3,3] symmetry and two types of truncated octahedra can be doubled by placing the two types of truncated octahedra on each other to produce a nonuniform polychoron with 10 truncated octahedra, two types of 40 hexagonal prisms (20 ditrigonal prisms and 20 ditrigonal trapezoprisms), two kinds of 90 rectangular trapezoprisms (30 with D2d symmetry and 60 with C2v symmetry), and 240 vertices. Its vertex figure is an irregular triangular bipyramid.
The response of cone cells to light is also directionally nonuniform, peaking at a direction that receives light from the center of the pupil; this effect is known as the Stiles–Crawford effect.
Within the microstructure of the soft palate lie a variety of variably-oriented fibers that create a nonuniform surface with a nonuniform density distribution. The tissue has been characterized as viscoelastic, nonlinear, and anisotropic in the direction of the fibers. Young modulus values range from 585 Pa at the posterior free edge of the soft palate to 1409 Pa where the soft palate attaches to the maxilla. These properties are useful when quantifying the effects of corrective orthopedic devices such as the Hotz Plate on cleft lip.
The cubic honeycomb has a lower symmetry as a runcinated cubic honeycomb, with two sizes of cubes. A double symmetry construction can be constructed by placing a small cube into each large cube, resulting in a nonuniform honeycomb with cubes, square prisms, and rectangular trapezoprisms (a cube with D2d symmetry). Its vertex figure is a triangular pyramid with its lateral faces augmented by tetrahedra. 120px Dual cell The resulting honeycomb can be alternated to produce another nonuniform honeycomb with regular tetrahedra, two kinds of tetragonal disphenoids, triangular pyramids, and sphenoids.
Later, Rodriguez Hertz has researched rigidity theory, which describes the flexibility and motion of sets of rigid bodies. His work in nonuniform-measure rigidity has advanced ergodic theory. A recent work of Aaron Brown and Federico Rodriguez Hertz provides a significant generalization of nonuniform-measure rigidity theory. Another very important work of Rodriguez Hertz is on global rigidity of Anosov actions, joint with Zhiren Wang and joint with Aaron Brown and Zhiren Wang, which has been seen as ``the crowning achievements in the work on global rigidity of Anosov actions on tori and nilmanifolds. in.
The sampling theory of Shannon can be generalized for the case of nonuniform sampling, that is, samples not taken equally spaced in time. The Shannon sampling theory for non-uniform sampling states that a band-limited signal can be perfectly reconstructed from its samples if the average sampling rate satisfies the Nyquist condition. Therefore, although uniformly spaced samples may result in easier reconstruction algorithms, it is not a necessary condition for perfect reconstruction. The general theory for non-baseband and nonuniform samples was developed in 1967 by Henry Landau.
The convex hull of the rectified 24-cell and its dual (assuming that they are congruent) is a nonuniform polychoron composed of 192 cells: 48 cubes, 144 square antiprisms, and 192 vertices. Its vertex figure is a triangular bifrustum.
The convex hull of the rectified 5-cell and its dual (assuming that they are congruent) is a nonuniform polychoron composed of 30 cells: 10 tetrahedra, 20 octahedra (as triangular antiprisms), and 20 vertices. Its vertex figure is a triangular bifrustum.
The use of nonuniform sampling is often used in stereological work. The point sampled intercept method selects cells using a point probe. The result is a volume- weighted estimate of the size of the cells. This is not a biased result.
In applied mathematics, the nonuniform discrete Fourier transform (NUDFT or NDFT) of a signal is a type of Fourier transform, related to a discrete Fourier transform or discrete-time Fourier transform, but in which the input signal is not sampled at equally spaced points or frequencies (or both). It is a generalization of the shifted DFT. It has important applications in signal processing, magnetic resonance imaging, and the numerical solution of partial differential equations. As a generalized approach for nonuniform sampling, the NUDFT allows one to obtain frequency domain information of a finite length signal at any frequency.
However, selecting different shapes and sizes for the structuring element result in different images depending on whether objects fit in the structuring element or not. The other example is that you have an image under nonuniform illumination and you want to extract objects separately from background. The common method for image segmentation is to threshold the input image based on intensity value. However, if the image under nonuniform lighting, it is possible that segmentation errors might present since some objects in darker area have close intensity values as background intensity values and would not be extracted by only utilizing threshold method.
This is in contrast to the more common lumped-element model, which assumes that these values are lumped into electrical components that are joined by perfectly conducting wires. In the distributed-element model, each circuit element is infinitesimally small, and the wires connecting elements are not assumed to be perfect conductors; that is, they have impedance. Unlike the lumped-element model, it assumes nonuniform current along each branch and nonuniform voltage along each wire. The distributed model is used where the wavelength becomes comparable to the physical dimensions of the circuit, making the lumped model inaccurate.
A nonuniform rhombicuboctahedron with blue rectangular faces that degenerate into digons in the cubic limit. A digon as a face of a polyhedron is degenerate because it is a degenerate polygon. But sometimes it can have a useful topological existence in transforming polyhedra.
Dielectrophoresis is the motion of uncharged particles due to induced polarization from nonuniform electric fields. Dielectrophoresis can be used in bio-MEMS for dielectrophoresis traps, concentrating specific particles at specific points on surfaces, and diverting particles from one flow stream to another for dynamic concentration.
Since 2003, J.C. Michel and P. SuquetMichel J.C., Suquet P., « Nonuniform Transformation Field Analysis », Int. J. Solids and Struct., 40, 2003, pp. 6937–6955Michel JC. and P. Suquet, « A model-reduction approach in micromechanics of materials preserving the variational structure of constitutive relations », J. Mech. Phys.
CIE 13.3-1995, Method of Measuring and Specifying Colour Rendering Properties of Light Sources. The measure has two main flaws. Its color differences are measured in a nonuniform color space. Its color sample set has just 8 items, which is too few to test lights with complex spectra.
It remains a powerful constraint that the distribution of geologic features on the planet (plains, volcanoes, rifts, etc.) is decidedly more nonuniform than the crater population. This means that while the nature of resurfacing on Venus may vary regionally in the uniformitarian hypothesis, the rates must be similar.
At different places, the organization was nonuniform in terms of subordination, headcount, degree of military training. This state was often called "half-partisan". While successful at local conflicts (e.g., with ataman Alexander Dutov in Orenburg guberniya), this loose organization was inefficient when combating larger, organized forces of the White Army.
One of the reasons to adopt the NUDFT is that many signals have their energy distributed nonuniformly in the frequency domain. Therefore, a nonuniform sampling scheme could be more convenient and useful in many digital signal processing applications. For example, the NUDFT provides a variable spectral resolution controlled by the user.
Effects of precession on the seasons (using the Northern Hemisphere terms). As the orientation of Earth's orbit changes, each season will gradually start earlier in the year. Precession means the Earth's nonuniform motion (see above) will affect different seasons. Winter, for instance, will be in a different section of the orbit.
In 1957, Cahn worked with John E. Hilliard to develop the Cahn–Hilliard equation which describes the thermodynamic forces driving phase separation in many systems, and developed the joint theory of spinodal decomposition.Cahn, J,W. and Hilliard, J.E., Free Energy of a Nonuniform System. I. Interfacial Free Energy, J. Chem. Phys.
For a generalised idea of quaternions, one should look into Rotors. Euler angles can also be used, though not with each angle uniformly distributed (; ). For the axis–angle form, the axis is uniformly distributed over the unit sphere of directions, , while the angle has the nonuniform distribution over noted previously .
Contingency table models for assessing item bias. Journal of Educational Statistics, 7, 105–118. However, nonuniform DIF presents an interesting case. Rather than a consistent advantage being given to the reference group across the ability continuum, the conditional dependency moves and changes direction at different locations on the θ continuum.
This earthquake was a thrust in a very oblique subduction zone. It ruptured at least along the New Guinea trench. The slip distribution is very nonuniform. The largest slip was ∼12 m near the hypocentral depth, and the mean slip over a 230 km by 100 km fault area was 4 m.
Magazines can pose a bulk-scanning challenge due to small nonuniform sheets of paper in the stack, such as magazine subscription cards and fold out pages. These need to be removed before the bulk scan begins, and are either scanned separately if they include worthwhile content, or are simply left out of the scan process.
Solids, 90, 2016, pp. 254–285 (lire en ligne) have been developing a method to reduce the number of internal variables of homogenized behavioural laws. This Nonuniform Transformation Field Analysis (NTFA) model uses the structuring of microscopic plastic deformation fields. A mode base is first built by the "snapshot POD" method along learning paths.
Plus, since the classic snowboard has a nonuniform flex, mainly characterized as insignificant flex between the riders feet, then the DES has more than twice as much edge control. Other advantages are also defined: seamless edge-to-edge transition, smoother ride, no toe/heel drag, better tip/tip flex and less chance of catching the leading edge.
There are all sorts of workpieces that can be carburized, which means almost limitless possibilities for the shape of materials that can be carburized. However careful consideration should be given to materials that contain nonuniform or non-symmetric sections. Different cross sections may have different cooling rates which can cause excessive stresses in the material and result in breakage.
Ultimately transducers were replaced by electromechanical elements termed "shaker boxes" to reduce those failures. The array could not attain full power due to nonuniform displacement across the face of array at higher power. The problem of inter element coupling and cascading failure was never fully solved. USNS Mission Capistrano undergoing conversion showing Project ARTEMIS active source array well.
The convex hull of two cantellated 24-cells in opposite positions is a nonuniform polychoron composed of 864 cells: 48 cuboctahedra, 144 square antiprisms, 384 octahedra (as triangular antipodiums), 288 tetrahedra (as tetragonal disphenoids), and 576 vertices. Its vertex figure is a shape topologically equivalent to a cube with a triangular prism attached to one of its square faces.
This provided a test of general relativity, gravitomagnetism and related models. The principal investigator was Francis Everitt. Initial results confirmed the expected geodetic effect to an accuracy of about 1%. The expected frame-dragging effect was similar in magnitude to the current noise level (the noise being dominated by initially unmodeled effects due to nonuniform coatings on the gyroscopes).
An external magnetic field imposed on a ferrofluid with varying susceptibility (e.g., because of a temperature gradient) results in a nonuniform magnetic body force, which leads to a form of heat transfer called thermomagnetic convection. This form of heat transfer can be useful when conventional convection heat transfer is inadequate; e.g., in miniature microscale devices or under reduced gravity conditions.
Input-to-state stability of the systems based on time-invariant ordinary differential equations is a quite developed theory. However, ISS theory of other classes of systems is also being investigated: time-variant ODE systems Yuandan Lin, Yuang Wang, and Daizhan Cheng. On nonuniform and semi-uniform input-to-state stability for time-varying systems. In IFAC World Congress, Prague, 2005.
Traditional mosaics, such as classical Roman floors, are made up of individual tesserae, usually small cubes that are uniformly shaped and designed for their intended use. Trencadís differs in that the tesserae are nonuniform pieces broken from tiles and chinaware originally made for other uses. Trencadís is thus a form of bricolage, found object art, or recycled art. There are two main methods for trencadís.
In this case, before Otsu's method is applied to input image, white top-hat transform should be implemented to correct nonuniform lighting condition and make obvious contrast between background and objects. Therefore, the objects can be extracted entirely from background without segmentation errors. The threshold values are 0.5216 and 0.2 and normalized to [0,1] for original image and applied white top-hat transform respectively.
The guided and radiation modes together form a complete basis set. Many problems can be resolved by considering only a modest number of modes, making EME a very powerful method. As can be seen from the mathematical formulation, the algorithm is inherently bi-directional. It uses the scattering matrix (S-matrix) technique to join different sections of the waveguide or to model nonuniform structures.
Also, unlike uniform DIF, an item can simultaneously vary in discrimination for the two groups while also varying in difficulty (i.e., ar ≠ af and br < bf). Even more complex is "crossing" nonuniform DIF. As demonstrated in Figure 2, this occurs when an item gives an advantage to a reference group at one end of the θ continuum while favors the focal group at the other end.
In geometry, an enneagrammic antiprism is a star antiprism constructed with enneagrammic bases. There are two forms, built on the two enneagrams {9/2} and {9/4}, and one crossed form {9/5}. A nonuniform 9/7 cross-antiprism can be constructed without equal edge-lengths. A 9/3 ratio is reducible and so represents a compound polyhedron of 3 triangular antiprisms with 120 degree rotations between them.
Nanoinformatics is the application of informatics to nanotechnology. It is an interdisciplinary field that develops methods and software tools for understanding nanomaterials, their properties, and their interactions with biological entities, and using that information more efficiently. It differs from cheminformatics in that nanomaterials usually involve nonuniform collections of particles that have distributions of physical properties that must be specified. The nanoinformatics infrastructure includes ontologies for nanomaterials, file formats, and data repositories.
For examples which go near key points see nonuniform rational B-spline, or Bézier curve. This is extended to the forming of three- dimensional curves, shapes and complex, dynamic artistic patterns such as used in laser light shows. The process can be extended to motions. The path of an object can be interpolated by providing some key locations, then calculating many in between locations for a smooth motion.
The method is often referred to as semi-destructive thanks to the small material damage. The method is relatively simple, fast, the measuring device is usually portable. Disadvantages include the destructive character of the technique, limited resolution, and a lower accuracy of the evaluation in the case of nonuniform stresses or inhomogeneous material properties. The so-called calibration coefficients play an important role in the residual stress evaluation.
Simulation of Field Water Use and Crop Yield. John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY.), and included scaling factors to enable simulations of flow in heterogeneous soils. The code also allowed the flow region to be composed of nonuniform soils having an arbitrary degree of local anisotropy. SWMII was a direct predecessor of the SWMS_2D model (Šimůnek et al., 1992Šimůnek, J., T. Vogel and M. Th. van Genuchten. 1992.
In 1967 Katok was awarded a Moscow Mathematical Society for Young Mathematicians Prize (with A. Stepin and V. Oseledets). In 1983 he was an invited speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Warsaw (his talk was titled "Nonuniform hyperbolicity and structure of smooth dynamical systems"). Katok became a member of American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2004. In 2012, he became a fellow of the American Mathematical Society.
Energy transport and the propagation of waves plays an important role in the wave heating of plasmas. Power-flow trajectories of electromagnetic waves through a spatially nonuniform plasma can be computed using direct solutions of Maxwell's equations. Another way of computing the propagation of waves in the plasma medium is by using Ray tracing method. Studies of wave propagation in plasmas using ray tracing method can be found in.
Macaulay's method has been generalized for Euler-Bernoulli beams with axial compression,W. H. Wittrick, "A generalization of Macaulay’s method with applications in structural mechanics", AIAA Journal, 3(2) (1965), 326–330. to Timoshenko beams,A. Yavari, S. Sarkani and J. N. Reddy, ‘On nonuniform Euler–Bernoulli and Timoshenko beams with jump discontinuities: application of distribution theory’, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 38(46–7) (2001), 8389–8406.
The utilization of the difference between dielectrophoretic forces exerted on different particles in nonuniform electric fields is known as DEP separation. The exploitation of DEP forces has been classified into two groups: DEP migration and DEP retention. DEP migration uses DEP forces that exert opposite signs of force on different particle types to attract some of the particles and repel others. DEP retention uses the balance between DEP and fluid-flow forces.
Thermomagnetic convection can occur when an external magnetic field is imposed on a ferrofluid with varying magnetic susceptibility. In the presence of a temperature gradient this results in a nonuniform magnetic body force, which leads to fluid movement. A ferrofluid is a liquid which becomes strongly magnetized in the presence of a magnetic field. This form of heat transfer can be useful for cases where conventional convection fails to provide adequate heat transfer, e.g.
A 2008 meta-analysis of 193 studies sought to interpret the link between science knowledge and attitude towards science. The studies included were taken using nonuniform methods across the world between 1989 and 2004 to provide a cross- cultural analysis. Broad and specific science knowledge and attitude categories were correlated. General science and general biology knowledge was gauged using questions similar to those by the National Science Foundation used to capture "civil scientific literacy".
The definition of public accommodation within the Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is limited to "any inn, hotel, motel, or other establishment which provides lodging to transient guests" and so is inapplicable to churches, mosques, synagogues, et al. Section 12187 of the ADA also exempts religious organizations from public accommodation laws, but religious organizations are encouraged to comply. Various US states have nonuniform laws that provide for nondiscrimination in public accommodations.
Despite its seeming organicism, blob architecture is unthinkable without this and other similar computer-aided design programs. Architects derive the forms by manipulating the algorithms of the computer modeling platform. Some other computer aided design functions involved in developing this are the nonuniform rational B-spline or NURB, freeform surfaces, and the digitizing of sculpted forms by means akin to computed tomography.John K. Waters, Blobitecture: Waveform Architecture and Digital Design(Rockport, 2003).
Historically, the theory was used to model nonuniform adsorbates and multi-components solutes. For certain pairs of adsorbates and adsorbents, the mathematical parameters of the Polyani theory can be related to the physicochemical properties of both adsorbents and adsorbates. The theory has been used to model the adsorption of carbon nanotubes and carbon nanoparticles. In the study done by Yang and Xing, the theory have been shown to better fit the adsorption isotherm than Langmuir, Freundlich, and partition.
Flexoelectricity is a property of a dielectric material whereby it exhibits a spontaneous electrical polarization induced by a strain gradient. Flexoelectricity is closely related to piezoelectricity, but while piezoelectricity refers to polarization due to uniform strain, flexoelectricity refers specifically to polarization due to strain that changes from point to point in the material. This nonuniform strain breaks centrosymmetry, meaning that unlike in piezoelectiricty, flexoelectric effects can occur in centrosymmetric crystal structures. Flexoelectricity is not the same as Ferroelasticity.
Cutting speed and wire temperature combine to determine the thickness and consistency of kerf. For a given wire temperature, an attempted motion in excess of the wire's ability to melt the foam can lead to wire drag and poor surface finish of the cut foam. Conversely, dwelling in the foam any longer than strictly required to melt the cut path can lead to excessively thick kerf. A nonuniform feed rate can lead to a kerf of varying thickness.
Sclerosis of epiphyses, diaphyses, and metaphyses with increased radiolucency are key characteristics of the disease. In addition, mottled metaphyseal sclerosis and widening are also present in patients. Development of irregular patchy sclerosis along the bone can also be identified, as well as metaphyseal flaring evolve towards Erlenmeyer flask deformity with nonuniform patches of sclerosis, which are especially prevalent in older patients. The metadiaphyses, a portmanteau of the metaphysis and diaphysis, are bulbous and expanded with bowing and relative radiolucency.
Philosophically, coronal seismology is similar to the Earth's seismology, helioseismology, and MHD spectroscopy of laboratory plasma devices. In all these approaches, waves of various kind are used to probe a medium. The theoretical foundation of coronal seismology is the dispersion relation of MHD modes of a plasma cylinder: a plasma structure which is nonuniform in the transverse direction and extended along the magnetic field. This model works well for the description of a number of plasma structures observed in the solar corona: e.g.
The spherical shape of the globe thermometer gives a reasonable approximation of a seated person; for people who are standing, the globe, in a radiant nonuniform environment, overestimates the radiation from floor or ceiling, so an ellipsoid sensor gives a better approximation. There are several other precautions to be taken when using a black-globe thermometer, depending on the conditions of the measurement. Furthermore, there are different measuring methods, such as the two-sphere radiometer and the constant-air-temperature sensor.
Along with the slightly older Codex Marianus it is an important document for its use of the round Glagolitic script, the oldest recorded Slavic alphabet. It exhibits linguistic features characteristic of the Ohrid recension (Old Macedonian). By analyzing the language of the codex it was established that the style and antiquity of the text is nonuniform, second part being more archaic than the first part. Some scholars explain this by gradual adaptation to the language of the source from which the manuscript originated.
Homogeneity and heterogeneity are concepts often used in the sciences and statistics relating to the uniformity in a substance or organism. A material or image that is homogeneous is uniform in composition or character (i.e. color, shape, size, weight, height, distribution, texture, language, income, disease, temperature, radioactivity, architectural design, etc.); one that is heterogeneous is distinctly nonuniform in one of these qualities. Heterogeneous Mixtures, in chemistry, is where certain elements are unwillingly combined and, when given the option, will separate.
Anatol Markovich Zhabotinsky (Анато́лий Ма́ркович Жаботи́нский) (January 17, 1938 - September 16, 2008) was a Soviet biophysicist who created a theory of the chemical clock known as Belousov–Zhabotinsky reaction in the 1960s and published a comprehensive body of experimental data on chemical wave propagation and pattern formation in nonuniform media. The reaction had been discovered by Boris Pavlovich Belousov in the early 1950s. From 1991 until his death, Zhabotinsky was an Adjunct Professor of Chemistry at Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts.
The distribution of the two elements within the grains is nonuniform, a phenomenon termed 'segregation'; that is, concentration gradients are established across the grains. As a casting having a cored structure is reheated, grain boundary regions will melt first inasmuch as they are richer in the low-melting component. This produces a sudden loss in mechanical integrity due to the thin liquid film that separates the grains. Furthermore, this melting may begin at a temperature below the equilibrium solidus temperature of the alloy.
The additional satellites over 24 improve the precision of GPS receiver calculations by providing redundant measurements. With the increased number of satellites, the constellation was changed to a nonuniform arrangement. Such an arrangement was shown to improve accuracy but also improves reliability and availability of the system, relative to a uniform system, when multiple satellites fail. With the expanded constellation, nine satellites are usually visible from any point on the ground at any one time, ensuring considerable redundancy over the minimum four satellites needed for a position.
In geometry, the augmented triangular prism is one of the Johnson solids (J49). As the name suggests, it can be constructed by augmenting a triangular prism by attaching a square pyramid (J1) to one of its equatorial faces. The resulting solid bears a superficial resemblance to the gyrobifastigium (J26), the difference being that the latter is constructed by attaching a second triangular prism, rather than a square pyramid. It is also the vertex figure of the nonuniform 2-p duoantiprism (if p is greater than 2).
Cite: "precipitation and erosion may influence the kinematics and locus of tectonic activity in orogens."David R. Montgomery, Greg Balco and Sean D. Willett. 2001 Climate, tectonics, and the morphology of the Andes Cite: " tectonics, nonuniform erosion due to large-scale climate patterns is a first-order control on the topographic evolution of the Andes." A hypothesis holds that scarce sediment supply to the Atacama Trench caused by arid climate induced high shear stresses in the subduction process that enhanced the Andean mountain building.
The algorithm uses a particle physics simulation in which a set N of randomly oriented unit vectors is generated, resulting in a random, nonuniform distribution of points on the sphere. Each particle then receives a repulsive force from every other particle, proportional to the inverse square of the distance between them. By iteratively displacing the particle in the direction of the resultant forces, the particles rearrange themselves. This system will tend to a stable, minimum energy configuration within approximately 40 iterations, where each particle is maximally separated from its closest neighbors.
J. Mech. A/Solids, 9, (1990), p. 505-515 N. Bilger, F. Auslender, M. Bornert, H. Moulinec, A. Zaoui, « Bounds and estimates for the effective yield surface of porous media with a uniform or a nonuniform distribution of voids », Eur. J. Mech. A/ Solids, 26, (2007), p. 810−836 behaviours; \- proposal of the "affine formulation "A. Zaoui, R. Masson, « Micromechanics-based modeling of plastic polycrystals: an affine formulation », Mat. Sci. Engng, a285, (2000), p. 418-424 R. Masson, A. Zaoui, « Self-Consistent Estimates for the Rate-Dependent Elastoplastic Behaviour of Polycrystalline Materials », J. Mech. Phys.
For example, some sedimentary layering promotes the formation of soil such as a silty cover on bedrock, or a sandy cover on a clayey alluvium layer. In both of these cases, a friable surface material has been established by nonpedogenic instances. Other instances of sedimentary surface cementation, or fine interbedded sequences of clay and sand, could be considered to be not conducive to the formation of a soil. Nonuniform parent materials may be difficult to find in soils and paleosols, although deviations from normally found minerals could lend clues to the original parent material.
The irregular daily movement of the Sun was known to the Babylonians. Book III of Ptolemy's Almagest (2nd century) is primarily concerned with the Sun's anomaly, and he tabulated the equation of time in his Handy Tables. Ptolemy discusses the correction needed to convert the meridian crossing of the Sun to mean solar time and takes into consideration the nonuniform motion of the Sun along the ecliptic and the meridian correction for the Sun's ecliptic longitude. He states the maximum correction is time-degrees or of an hour (Book III, chapter 9).
The size of the separators it produces can be further improved, in practice, by using a nonuniform distribution for the random cutting planes.. The stereographic projection in the Miller et al. argument can be avoided by considering the smallest circle containing a constant fraction of the centers of the disks and then expanding it by a constant picked uniformly in the range [1,2]. It is easy to argue, as in Miller et al., that the disks intersecting the expanded circle form a valid separator, and that, in expectation, the separator is of the right size.
It is formed because the detergent is strongly alkaline (basic) and glass dissolves slowly in alkaline aqueous solution. It becomes less soluble in the presence of silicates in the water (added as anti-metal-corrosion agents in the dishwasher detergent). Since the cloudy appearance is due to nonuniform glass dissolution, it is (somewhat paradoxically) less marked if dissolution is higher, i.e. if a silicate-free detergent is used; also, in certain cases, the etching will primarily be seen in areas that have microscopic surface cracks as a result of the items' manufacturing.
The Shannon sampling theory for non- uniform sampling states that a band-limited signal can be perfectly reconstructed from its samples if the average sampling rate satisfies the Nyquist condition.Nonuniform Sampling, Theory and Practice (ed. F. Marvasti), Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, 2000 Therefore, although uniformly spaced samples may result in easier reconstruction algorithms, it is not a necessary condition for perfect reconstruction. The general theory for non-baseband and nonuniform samples was developed in 1967 by Henry Landau.H. J. Landau, “Necessary density conditions for sampling and interpolation of certain entire functions,” Acta Math.
Globes of Earth often display an analemma. The north–south component of the analemma results from the change in the Sun's declination due to the tilt of Earth's axis of rotation. The east–west component results from the nonuniform rate of change of the Sun's right ascension, governed by combined effects of Earth's axial tilt and orbital eccentricity. One can photograph an analemma by keeping a camera at a fixed location and orientation and taking multiple exposures throughout the year, always at the same time of day (disregarding daylight saving time, if applicable).
Asymmetric numeral systems are systems used in computer science where each digit can have different bases, usually non-integer. In these, not only are the bases of a given digit different, they can be also nonuniform and altered in an asymmetric way to encode information more efficiently. They are optimized for chosen non-uniform probability distributions of symbols, using on average approximately Shannon entropy bits per symbol.J. Duda, K. Tahboub, N. J. Gadil, E. J. Delp, The use of asymmetric numeral systems as an accurate replacement for Huffman coding, Picture Coding Symposium, 2015.
Propositional proof systems can be interpreted as nonuniform equivalents of theories of higher order. The equivalence is most often studied in the context of theories of bounded arithmetic. For example, Extended Frege system corresponds to Cook's theory PV_1 formalizing polynomial-time reasoning and Frege system corresponds to the theory VNC^1 formalizing NC^1 reasoning. The correspondence has been introduced by Stephen Cook (1975), who showed that coNP theorems, formally \Pi^b_1 formulas, of the theory PV_1 translate to sequences of tautologies with polynomial-size proofs in Extended Frege.
Giuseppe Cocconi and Edwin Ernest Salpeter (1958) theorized that inertia depends on the surrounding masses according to Mach's principle. Nonuniform distribution of matter thus would lead to anisotropy of inertia in different directions. Heuristic arguments led them to believe that any inertial anisotropy, if one existed, would be dominated by mass contributions from the center of our Milky Way galaxy. They argued that this anisotropy might be observed in two ways: Measuring the Zeeman splitting in an atom, or measuring the Zeeman splitting in the excited nuclear state of using the Mössbauer effect.
For Fermi levels below a sertain value EFre (for CGS this is the valence band maximum energy plus 0.2 eV) the defect acts as a shallow donor and causes a defect level at the conduction band. When the Fermi levels rise above EFre, the configuration of the defect changes into two states: a shallow acceptor and a deep acceptor. As a consequence of these defect levels, a nonuniform charge en and defect distribution is created which are affected by light and hence change various electrical characteristics of the module.
The great duoantiprism can be constructed from a nonuniform variant of the 10-10/3 duoprism (a duoprism of a decagon and a decagram) where the decagram's edge length is around 1.618 (golden ratio) times the edge length of the decagon via an alternation process. The decagonal prisms alternate into pentagonal antiprisms, the decagrammic prisms alternate into pentagrammic crossed-antiprisms with new regular tetrahedra created at the deleted vertices. This is the only uniform solution for the p-q duoantiprism aside from the regular 16-cell (as a 2-2 duoantiprism).
HB1522 (August, 2013) provides DuPage and Peoria counties with the option of charging fees to residents whose property benefits from county stormwater management. HB1522 allows the counties to assess the tax in a nonuniform manner, based on their own rules, exemptions and special considerations. Home rule municipalities in Illinois have always had the ability to establish special fees under their own ordinances. The City of Elgin, Illinois was planning to assess the Stormwater Utility Tax in 2014, but an outraged public and decisive election results caused the Elgin City Council to unanimously reject the tax.
It is used to perform Fourier transformation on an optical signal on a single shot basis and at high frame rates for real- time analysis of fast dynamic processes. It replaces a diffraction grating and detector array with a dispersive fiber and single-pixel detector, enabling ultrafast real-time spectroscopy and imaging. Its nonuniform variant, warped- stretch transform, realized with nonlinear group delay, offers variable-rate spectral domain sampling,A. Mahjoubfar, C. Chen, & B. Jalali, "Design of Warped Stretch Transform," Scientific Reports 5, 17148 (2015) doi:10.1038/srep17148.
While a naive application of equation () results in an O(N^2) algorithm for computing the NUDFT, O(N \log N) algorithms based on the fast Fourier transform (FFT) do exist. Such algorithms are referred to as NUFFTs or NFFTs and have been developed based on oversampling and interpolation, min-max interpolation, and low-rank approximation. In general, NUFFTs leverage the FFT by converting the nonuniform problem into a uniform problem (or a sequence of uniform problems) to which the FFT can be applied. Software libraries for performing NUFFTs are available in 1D, 2D, and 3D.
The operative temperature is an indicator of thermal comfort which takes into account the effects of both convection and radiation. Operative temperature is defined as a uniform temperature of a radiantly black enclosure in which an occupant would exchange the same amount of heat by radiation plus convection as in the actual nonuniform environment. With radiant systems, thermal comfort is achieved at warmer interior temp than all-air systems for cooling scenario, and at lower temperature than all-air systems for heating scenario. Thus, radiant systems can helps to achieve energy savings in building operation while maintaining the wished comfort level.
A population of high-inclination TNOs with semi-major axes less than 100 AU may be generated by the combined effects of Planet Nine and the other giant planets. The eTNOs that enter perpendicular orbits have perihelia low enough for their orbits to intersect those of Neptune or the other giant planets. An encounter with one of these planets can lower an eTNO's semi-major axis to below 100 AU, where the object's orbits is no longer controlled by Planet Nine, leaving it in an orbit like . The predicted orbital distribution of the longest lived of these objects is nonuniform.
Uniformed staff wear the Class A grey uniform and pant or Class B blue polo shirt and grey BDU pant. Honor Guard officers wear a ceremonial dress uniform similar to other law enforcement agencies with the TDCJ badge on the left chest area. Badges are not issued to officers outside of the Honor Guard except to assistant wardens and above; however, correctional officers are not prohibited from purchasing and displaying the badge on belts, jackets, or nonuniform clothing. Correctional training officers (academy training) wear red polo shirts as an optional uniform, which has correctional training- specific patches.
It can also be seen as a nonuniform truncated icosahedron with pyramids augmented to the pentagonal and hexagonal faces with heights adjusted until the dihedral angles are zero, and the two pyramid type side edges are equal length. This construction is expressed in the Conway polyhedron notation jtI with join operator j. Without the equal edge constraint, the wide rhombi are kites if limited only by the icosahedral symmetry. joined truncated icosahedron The sixty broad rhombic faces in the rhombic enneacontahedron are identical to those in the rhombic dodecahedron, with diagonals in a ratio of 1 to the square root of 2.
Paul Felix Nemenyi (; June 5, 1895 – March 1, 1952) was a Hungarian mathematician and physicist who specialized in continuum mechanics. He was known for using what he called the inverse or semi-inverse approach, which applied vector field analysis, to obtain numerous exact solutions of the nonlinear equations of gas dynamics, many of them representing rotational flows of nonuniform total energy. His work applied geometrical solutions to fluid dynamics. In continuum mechanics, "Nemenyi's theorem" proves that, given any net of isothermal curves, there exists a five parameter family of plane stress systems for which these curves are stress trajectories.
Symmetry in the splitting network ensures that the same power is delivered to each subarray. Several precautions are required to avoid reflections that would lead to standing waves and the consequent nonuniform power distribution within the subarrays: (1) Each stripline is terminated by a matched load that consists of several wavelengths of resistive strip line. The use of resistive stripline rather than a discrete resistor guarantees a near-perfect match over a wide range of fabrication parameters. (2) The dimensions of capacitors in the low- and high-pass filters are chosen to avoid resonances near the drive frequency.
It is the policy and the purpose of this Act, to establish a comprehensive Federal program to deal with cigarette labeling and advertising with respect to any relationship between smoking and health, whereby — ::(1) The public may be adequately informed that cigarette smoking may be hazardous to health by inclusion of a warning to that effect on each package of cigarettes. ::(2) Commerce and the national economy may be — :::(A) Protected to the maximum extent consistent with this declared policy. :::(B) Not impeded by diverse, nonuniform, and confusing cigarette labeling and advertising regulations with respect to any relationship between smoking and health.
Patterns can include relatively evenly spaced patches, parallel bands or some intermediate between those two. These patterns in the vegetation can appear without any underlying pattern in soil types, and are thus said to “self-organize” rather than be determined by the environment. Several of the mechanisms underlying patterning of vegetation have been known and studied since at least the middle of the 20th century, however, mathematical models replicating them have only been produced much more recently. Self-organization in spatial patterns is often a result of spatially uniform states becoming unstable through the monotonic growth and amplification of nonuniform perturbations.
One of the most prominent functions of many modchips --the circumvention of copy protection mechanisms--is outlawed by many countries' copyright laws such as the Digital Millennium Copyright Act in the United States, the European Copyright Directive and its various implementations by the EU member countries, and the Australian Copyright Act. Other laws may apply to the many diversified functions of a modchip, e.g. Australian law specifically allowing the circumvention of region coding. The ambiguity of applicable law, its nonuniform interpretation by the courts, and constant profound changes and amendments to copyright law do not allow for a definitive statement on the legality of modchips.
3D model of a gyrobifastigium In geometry, the gyrobifastigium is the 26th Johnson solid (J26). It can be constructed by joining two face-regular triangular prisms along corresponding square faces, giving a quarter-turn to one prism.. It is the only Johnson solid that can tile three-dimensional space. It is also the vertex figure of the nonuniform p-q duoantiprism (if p and q are greater than 2). Despite the fact that p, q = 3 would yield a geometrically identical equivalent to the Johnson solid, it lacks a circumscribed sphere that touches all vertices, except for the case p = 5, q = 5/3, which represents a uniform great duoantiprism.
Cells are tetrahedra constructed as all permutations of edge pairs between each polygon. It can be understood by analogy to the relation of the 3D prisms and their dual bipyramids with Schläfli symbol { } + {p}, and a rhombus in 2D as { } + { }. A bipyramid can be seen as a 3D degenerated duopyramid, by adding an edge across the digon { } on the inner axis, and adding intersecting interior triangles and tetrahedra connecting that new edge to p-gon vertices and edges. Other nonuniform polychora can be called duopyramids by the same construction, as two orthogonal and co-centered polygons, connected with edges with all combinations of vertex pairs between the polygons.
The capacitive effect of long underground or undersea cables in AC transmission applications also applies to AC overhead lines, although to a much lesser extent. Nevertheless, for a long AC overhead transmission line, the current flowing just to charge the line capacitance can be significant, and this reduces the capability of the line to carry useful current to the load at the remote end. Another factor that reduces the useful current-carrying ability of AC lines is the skin effect, which causes a nonuniform distribution of current over the cross-sectional area of the conductor. Transmission line conductors operating with direct current suffer from neither constraint.
A. [Ca(L)(H2O)4]•H2O B. [Sr(L)(H2O)4]•H2O C.[Ba(L)(H2O)]•H2O In each case, the metal is represented in green. Metal centers, often called nodes or hubs, bond to a specific number of linkers at well defined angles. The number of linkers bound to a node is known as the coordination number, which, along with the angles they are held at, determines the dimensionality of the structure. The coordination number and coordination geometry of a metal center is determined by the nonuniform distribution of electron density around it, and in general the coordination number increases with cation size.
Once collectible card games became popular after the advent of Magic: The Gathering, new technology was needed for two reasons. First, existing devices were not made with shuffling in mind: rigid top- loaders are effectively impossible to shuffle, and traditional card sleeves break easily during shuffling. Card sleeves also became more important because of Magic tournaments: cards that were worn were considered to be marked, and could not be used in tournament decks. The card sleeves themselves were also a potential a marking device: one drawback of traditional card sleeves was that they were typically slightly nonuniform, and therefore a potential way of marking cards in a deck on their own.
Thus for a resulting weak bichromatic optical lattice, it has been found that the pinning transition is robust against the introduction of the weaker secondary optical lattice. Studies of vortices in nonuniform Bose–Einstein condensates as well as excitatons of these systems by the application of moving repulsive or attractive obstacles, have also been undertaken. Within this context, the conditions for order and chaos in the dynamics of a trapped Bose–Einstein condensate have been explored by the application of moving blue and red- detuned laser beams via the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation. Bose–Einstein condensates composed of a wide range of isotopes have been produced.
Distortion involves the warping of polyhedra due to nonuniform bonding lengths, often due to differing electrostatic attraction between heteroatoms. For instance, a titanium center will likely bond evenly to six oxygens in an octahedra, but distortion would occur if one of the oxygens were replaced with a more electronegative fluorine. Distortions will not change the inherent geometry of the polyhedra—a distorted octahedron is still classified as an octahedron, but strong enough distortions can have an effect on the centrosymmetry of a compound. Disorder involves a split occupancy over two or more sites, in which an atom will occupy one crystallographic position in a certain percentage of polyhedra and the other in the remaining positions.
As Meola et al. pointed out in Infrared thermography in the evaluation of aerospace composite materials, "Several different types of defects may occur during the fabrication of composites, the most common being fibre/play misalignment, broken fibres, resin cracks or transversal ply cracks, voids, porosity, slag inclusions, nonuniform fibre/resin volume ratio, disbonded interlaminar regions, kissing bonds, incorrect cure and mechanical damage around machined holes and/or cuts." Also, three main problems related to cutting polymerized composite materials must be considered. The first is that reinforcement fibers are abrasive, hence traditional tools for cutting are not suitable, as their lives would be very short and their blunt edges would damage the materials.
If the material contains a crack or flaw which make the spatial distribution of the electrical conductivity nonuniform, the path of the eddy currents is perturbed and the impedance of the coil which generates the AC magnetic field is modified. By measuring the impedance of this coil, a crack can hence be detected. Since the eddy currents are generated by an AC magnetic field, their penetration into the subsurface region of the material is limited by the skin effect. The applicability of the traditional version of eddy current testing is therefore limited to the analysis of the immediate vicinity of the surface of a material, usually of the order of one millimeter.
If the material contains a crack or flaw which make the spatial distribution of the electrical conductivity nonuniform, the path of the eddy currents is perturbed and the impedance of the coil which generates the AC magnetic field is modified. By measuring the impedance of this coil, a crack can hence be detected. Since the eddy currents are generated by an AC magnetic field, their penetration into the subsurface region of the material is limited by the skin effect. The applicability of the traditional version of eddy current testing is therefore limited to the analysis of the immediate vicinity of the surface of a material, usually of the order of one millimeter.
The fractional quantum Hall effect(FQHE) is a strongly correlated system of general interest in the field of condensed matter. Previous DFT applications maps the FQHE to a reference system of non- interacting electrons, but fail to capture many interesting features of FQHE. The progress has been recently made to map the FQHE instead to a reference system of non-interacting composite fermions, which are emergent particles in FQHE. When a non-local exchange-correlation is incorporated to take care of the long-range gauge interaction between composite fermions, this DFT method successfully captures not only configurations with nonuniform densities but also topological properties such as fractional charge and fractional braid statistics for the quasiparticles excitations.
An important extension of a Frege system, the so called Extended Frege, is defined by taking a Frege system F and adding an extra derivation rule which allows to derive formula p \leftrightarrow D, where \leftrightarrow abbreviates its definition in the language of the particular F and the atom p does not occur in previously derived formulas including axioms and in the formula D. The purpose of the new derivation rule is to introduce 'names' or shortcuts for arbitrary formulas. It allows to interpret proofs in Extended Frege as Frege proofs operating with circuits instead of formulas. Cook's correspondence allows to interpret Extended Frege as a nonuniform equivalent of Cook's theory PV and Buss's theory S^1_2 formalizing feasible (polynomial- time) reasoning.
Main results in chemical engineering include the development of a novel filtration process – depth membrane filtration, systematic study of nonuniform particle deposition on the inner and outer surfaces of ultrafiltration and microfiltration membranes, and mathematical modeling of coupled heat and mass transfer with chemical conversions. Main results in computer science and computational mathematics include the development of an approximate method for nonlinear differential and integrodifferential equations and development of a feedback algorithm for switch location with application to network design. Serge Timashev and Yuriy Polyakov are currently developing a phenomenological theory for the analysis of natural time and space series with stochastically varying components, Flicker-Noise Spectroscopy, that may be used for problems such as the diagnosis of health conditions and earthquake prediction.
The Labeling Act's stated purposes are to inform the public of the health risks of smoking while protecting commerce and the economy from the ill effects of nonuniform requirements to the extent consistent with the first goal. Although fidelity to these purposes does not demand the preemption of state fraud rules, the principal question here is whether that result is nevertheless required by 15 U. S. C. §1334(b), which provides that "[n]o requirement or prohibition based on smoking and health shall be imposed under State law with respect to the advertising or promotion of any cigarettes the packages of which are labeled in conformity with the provisions of this chapter." Pp. 5–9. (b) Respondents' claim is not expressly pre-empted by §1334(b).
The electrostatic attraction of the charged plastic pen to neutral uncharged pieces of paper (for example) is due to temporary charge separation (electric polarisation or dipole moment) of electric charges within the paper (or perhaps alignments of permanent molecular or atomic electric dipoles). A net force then arises as the slightly nearer charges of the dipole get attracted more strongly in the nonuniform field from the pen which diminishes with distance. In a uniform electric field, for example inside parallel capacitor plates, temporary polarisation would occur in the small pieces of paper but with zero net attraction. The triboelectric effect is now considered to be related to the phenomenon of adhesion, where two materials composed of different molecules tend to stick together because of attraction between the different molecules.
Human performance modeling techniques in this area include the work of Melloy, Das, Gramopadhye, and Duchowski (2006) regarding Markov models designed to provide upper and lower bound estimates on the time taken by a human operator to scan a homogeneous display. Another example from Witus and Ellis (2003) includes a computational model regarding the detection of ground vehicles in complex images. Facing the nonuniform probability that a menu option is selected by a computer user when certain subsets of the items are highlighted, Fisher, Coury, Tengs, and Duffy (1989) derived an equation for the optimal number of highlighted items for a given number of total items of a given probability distribution. Because visual search is an essential aspect of many tasks, visual search models are now developed in the context of integrating modeling systems.
Various local wavelengths on a crest-to-crest basis in an ocean wave approaching shore Wavelength can be a useful concept even if the wave is not periodic in space. For example, in an ocean wave approaching shore, shown in the figure, the incoming wave undulates with a varying local wavelength that depends in part on the depth of the sea floor compared to the wave height. The analysis of the wave can be based upon comparison of the local wavelength with the local water depth. A sinusoidal wave travelling in a nonuniform medium, with loss Waves that are sinusoidal in time but propagate through a medium whose properties vary with position (an inhomogeneous medium) may propagate at a velocity that varies with position, and as a result may not be sinusoidal in space.
The min-entropy, in information theory, is the smallest of the Rényi family of entropies, corresponding to the most conservative way of measuring the unpredictability of a set of outcomes, as the negative logarithm of the probability of the most likely outcome. The various Rényi entropies are all equal for a uniform distribution, but measure the unpredictability of a nonuniform distribution in different ways. The min-entropy is never greater than the ordinary or Shannon entropy (which measures the average unpredictability of the outcomes) and that in turn is never greater than the Hartley or max-entropy, defined as the logarithm of the number of outcomes with nonzero probability. As with the classical Shannon entropy and its quantum generalization, the von Neumann entropy, one can define a conditional version of min-entropy.
However, there are also rays that did interact with the acoustic field in the following manner: If a ray travels through a region of nonuniform density whose spatial gradient has a component orthogonal to the ray, that ray is deflected from its original orientation, as if it were passing through a prism. This ray is no longer parallel, so it doesn't intersect the focal point of the focusing element and is not blocked by the knife. In some circumstances the deflected ray escapes the knife-blade and reaches the camera to create a point-like image on the camera-sensor, with a position and intensity related to the inhomogeneity experienced by the ray. An image is formed in this way, exclusively by rays that interacted with the acoustic field, providing a mapping of the acoustic field.
The ship's testing and evaluation activities took her from the Naval Research Laboratory near Washington into the Chesapeake Bay, the coastal waters off the Virginia Capes, and the Caribbean. She played a vital part in the development of new and better Navy sonar equipment. The ship was used by the Naval Research Laboratory in tests of a subset of the transducer element modules for the active acoustic source for Project Artemis when the initial elements failed due to inter element coupling, nonuniform displacement across the face of array and element destruction. Despite problems with the well design, wave action in the well and air compression under the doors causing them to lift off their tracks, the ship successfully towed equipment to depths of until engine failure too expensive to repair after a mistake during shipyard repairs led to the ship's retirement in 1959.
He was head of the Theoretical Mechanics Section at the laboratory and one of the country's principal authorities on elasticity and fluid dynamics. At the US Navy Research Laboratory, Nemenyi became mentor to Jerald Ericksen, where he put Ericksen to work on the study of water bells. Nemenyi pioneered what he called the inverse or semi-inverse approach, which applied vector field analysis, to obtain numerous exact solutions of the nonlinear equations of gas dynamics, many of them representing rotational flows of nonuniform total energy. In continuum mechanics, "Nemenyi's theorem" proves that, given any net of isothermal curves, there exists a five parameter family of plane stress systems for which these curves are stress trajectories. In his 1964 exposition, The Main Concepts and Ideas of Fluid Dynamics in their Historical Development, Nemenyi was highly critical of Isaac Newton's inadequate understanding of fluid dynamics.
This edition incorporated more objectified scoring methods, while placing less emphasis on recall memory and including a greater range of nonverbal abilities (Roid & Barram, 2004) compared to the 1916 edition. When Terman died in 1956, the revisions for the third edition were well underway, and Merrill was able to publish the final revision in 1960 (Roid & Barram, 2004). The use of deviation IQ made its first appearance in third edition, however the use of the mental age scale and ratio IQ were not eliminated. Terman and Merrill attempted to calculate IQs with a uniform standard deviation while still maintaining the use of the mental age scale by including a formula in the manual to convert the ratio IQs with means varying between age ranges and nonuniform standard deviations to IQs with a mean of 100 and a uniform standard deviation of 16.
However, the rib partially covers the gas diffusion layer (GDL) and the resultant gas-transport distance is longer than the inter-channel distance. Furthermore, the contact pressure between the GDL and the rib also compresses the GDL, making its thickness non-uniform across the rib and channel[55]. The large width and non-uniform thickness of the rib will increase potential for water vapor to accumulate and the oxygen will be compromised. As a result, oxygen will be impeded to diffuse into catalyst layer, leading to nonuniform power generation in the FC. This new design enabled the first FC stack functions without a humidifying system meanwhile overcoming water recirculation issues and achieving high power output stability[54]. The 3D micro lattice allows more pathways for gas flow; therefore, it promotes airflow toward membrane electrode and gas diffusion layer assembly (MEGA) and promotes O2 diffusion to the catalyst layer.

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