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"imprecation" Definitions
  1. a curse (= an offensive word that is used to express extreme anger)

23 Sentences With "imprecation"

How to use imprecation in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "imprecation" and check conjugation/comparative form for "imprecation". Mastering all the usages of "imprecation" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Mr. McPartland and Mr. Burke used to greet one another on the phone with a vulgar imprecation.
" He thanked the rest of the band and then the crowd, offering one last imprecation: "May you all be happy, may you all be healthy, and may you all have the benefit of being extra lucky.
While Huynh Phu So is regarded by most commentators as a traditionalist, and indeed many of his teachings support such an interpretation, he also had a well-defined modernizing vision, evident, for example in his imprecation against superstition.
During World War II, one of the armed merchant cruisers sent by the Kriegsmarine to Japan was named Götz von Berlichingen by its captain after Kriegsmarine HQ rejected his initial suggestion Michael. The swap may refer to Berlichingen's famous imprecation: Er kann mich im Arsche lecken ("he can lick me in the arse").
Columba saves a swimmer from the monster with the sign of the Cross and the imprecation, "Thou shalt go no further, nor touch the man; go back with all speed." The beast flees, terrified, to the amazement of the assembled Picts who glorified Columba's God. Whether or not this incident is true, Adomnan's text specifically states that the monster was swimming in the River Ness – the river flowing from the loch – rather than in Loch Ness itself.
The east wall of the antechamber bears spells that protect and provide for the king. The passage into the serdab is inscribed with the Morning Ritual, but the serdab itself was left uninscribed. The texts of the horizontal corridor are split into three sections. Their dominant theme is the king's ascent into the sky, alongside other personal texts, a protective spell for the tomb, and a "final imprecation against the guardian of the door" in the north-east section.
Bahimiron was an American black metal band based in Houston, Texas and Phoenix, Arizona, United States. It was formed by vocalist and guitarist David "Grimlord" Herrera in 2001, after leaving the death metal band Imprecation in 1993. Other members of the band included bassist Jenoside and drummer Blaash, who would play in the band from its formation until its dissolution, and second guitarist Luna, who joined Bahimiron in 2013. The band was best known for their second album, Southern Nihilizm, released in 2008.
Labels from the tomb of Menes Diodorus Siculus stated that Menes had introduced the worship of the gods and the practice of sacrifice as well as a more elegant and luxurious style of living. For this latter invention, Menes' memory was dishonoured by the Twenty-fourth Dynasty pharaoh Tefnakht and Plutarch mentions a pillar at Thebes on which was inscribed an imprecation against Menes as the introducer of luxury. In Pliny's account, Menes was credited with being the inventor of writing in Egypt.
Gibberish, also called jibber-jabber or gobbledygook, is speech that is (or appears to be) nonsense. It may include speech sounds that are not actual words, or language games and specialized jargon that seems nonsensical to outsiders. "Gibberish" is also used as an imprecation to denigrate or tar ideas or opinions the user disagrees with or finds irksome, a rough equivalent of "nonsense", "folderol", or "claptrap". The implication is that the criticized expression or proposition lacks substance or congruence, as opposed to simply being a differing view.
A solemn affirmation may also be used where it is not reasonably practicable to administer an oath in a manner appropriate to a person's religious beliefs. Section 6 provides that the form of a solemn affirmation is "I, do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm ..." followed by the words of the oath prescribed by law, omitting any words of imprecation or calling to witness. Section 7 repealed the Oaths Act 1838, the Oaths Act 1888, the Oaths Act 1909, the Oaths Act 1961 and section 8 of the Administration of Justice Act 1977.
Chinese wu "shaman" occurs over 300 times in the Chinese classics, which generally date from the late Zhou and early Han periods (6th-1st centuries BCE). The following examples are categorized by the common specializations of wu-shamans: > men and women possessed by spirits or gods, and consequently acting as seers > and soothsayers, exorcists and physicians; invokers or conjurers bringing > down gods at sacrifices, and performing other sacerdotal functions, > occasionally indulging also in imprecation, and in sorcery with the help of > spirits. A single text can describe many roles for wu-shamans. For instance, the Guoyu idealizes their origins in a Golden Age.
In it, he called down vengeance on himself and his "posterity" if he did not "utterly forebear all rash swearing and all manner of drinking and all manner of debauchery [...] or if ever I am guilty of finding fault with any thing my intended wife shall doe or say". The text of Broughton's "imprecation" later became moderately famous, being printed in Thomas Pennant's Tours in Wales and elsewhere. The local historian A. N. Palmer noted that on reading it "one can easily guess what sort of man Edward Broughton was". Broughton married Wyke on his release.
The "Curse of the Pharaohs" is supposed to have haunted the archeologists who excavated the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, whereby an imprecation was supposedly pronounced from the grave by the ancient Egyptian priests, on anyone who violated its precincts. Similar dubious suspicions have surrounded the excavation and examination of the (natural, not embalmed) Alpine mummy, "Ötzi the Iceman". While such curses are generally considered to have been popularized and sensationalized by British journalists of the 19th century, ancient Egyptians were in fact known to place curse inscriptions on markers protecting temple or tomb goods or property.
When it came time to compose the final aria Or sei pago, ol ciel tremendo, the librettist's words gave him no inspiration at all and, at their next meeting, Romani agreed to re-write the text. Returning within half an hour, the second version left Bellini equally cold—as did a third draft. Finally, when asked what it was that he was seeking, Bellini replied: "I want a thought that will be at one and the same time a prayer, an imprecation, a warning, a delirium ...". A fourth draft was quickly prepared: "Have I entered into your spirit?" asked the librettist—and he was embraced by the young composer.
Doina opens with a localization of the Romanian space, highlighting regions which were at the time in Russia and Austria-Hungary: —translation by Mirela Adăscăliței, in Oișteanu, p. 199 Eminescu moves focus on Bessarabia, depicted as raided by "muscali" on horseback; on Bukovina, with foreigners as "caterpillars" and stalkers of the local Romanians; then on Transylvania, crossed by the foreigners' "inroads". Overall, the projected country is aflush with intruders and the Romanian is a "foreigner in his own land"; birds are chased away, songs are extinguished, and the forest, "brother of the Romanian", is depleted. The description of this desolate landscape ends in imprecation: —translation by James Christian Brown, in Boia, p.
Muzaffar Shah died about 1458 and was succeeded by Raja Abdullah who was styled Sultan Mansur Shah. The new ruler, as his sons grew up, paid special favour to Raja Muhammad and designated him as his successor, but when this youth was about fifteen years of age, there happen to be an event which deprived him of all prospects of ruling over Melaka. One day, while riding past a group of boys who were engaged in a sepak raga game, the young prince's headdress was displaced by a misdirected ball kicked by Tun Besar, the Bendahara's son. The infuriated youth, with an angry imprecation, drew his kris and killed the innocent author of the incident.
Filippo Cicconetti, in his 1859 biography, gives an account of Bellini's working methods, explaining how he set texts to music always with the words in front of him in order to see how inspired to compose he might become. When it came time to compose the final aria Or sei pago, o ciel tremendo, the librettist's words gave him no inspiration at all and, at their next meeting, Romani agreed to re-write the text. Returning within half an hour, the second version left Bellini equally cold—as did a third draft. Finally, when asked what it was that he was seeking, Bellini replied: "I want a thought that will be at one and the same time a prayer, an imprecation, a warning, a delirium....".
Ceretic Guletic of Alt Clut was a king of Alt Clut (modern Dumbarton) in the 5th century. He has been identified with Coroticus, a Britonnic warrior addressed in a letter by Saint Patrick. Of Patrick's two surviving letters, one is addressed to the warband of this Coroticus. Bemoaning the capture and enslavement of newly Christianised Irish and their sale to non-Christians, Patrick includes the imprecation: > Soldiers whom I no longer call my fellow citizens, or citizens of the Roman > saints, but fellow citizens of the devils, in consequence of their evil > deeds; who live in death, after the hostile rite of the barbarians; > associates of the Scots and Apostate Picts; desirous of glutting themselves > with the blood of innocent Christians, multitudes of whom I have begotten in > God and confirmed in Christ.
Chirk surrendered to Parliamentarian general John Lambert at the end of the month but Lambert specifically excluded Broughton from the articles of surrender, likely due to his previous activities. Gatehouse Prison, Westminster; Broughton went from being a prisoner here in 1659 to holding its lease, on marrying the former keeper's widow Broughton was now in danger; a contemporary wrote it was feared "he will lose his life on account of having broken a former parole". He was moved from Chester to the Gatehouse Prison in London, but ongoing political instability in England meant that the main participants in Booth's uprising were not brought to trial before the Restoration brought Charles II back to power in 1660. In the interim Broughton instead spent his time courting Mary Wyke, the widow of the prison's keeper; she only agreed to marry him if he swore an "imprecation" to prove his sincerity.
In the middle part of the document are expounded the causes and reasons that justified the "Spanish Americans" in their decision for independence, followed by a call to Europe for it to co-operate in the work to liberate the Latin American peoples. In the third and final part, he speculated and debated on the destiny of Mexico, Central America, New Granada, Venezuela, Río de la Plata, Chile, and Peru. Finally, Bolívar ends his reflections with an imprecation that he would repeat until his death: the necessity for the union of the countries of the Americas. Even though the Carta de Jamaica was nominally addressed to Henry Cullen, it is clear that its fundamental objective was to gain the attention of the most powerful liberal nation of the 19th century, Britain, with the aim that it would decide to involve itself in American independence.
A woman performs a cursing ritual (Hokusai) A curse (also called an imprecation, malediction, execration, malison, anathema, or commination) is any expressed wish that some form of adversity or misfortune will befall or attach to one or more persons, a place, or an object. In particular, "curse" may refer to such a wish or pronouncement made effective by a supernatural or spiritual power, such as a god or gods, a spirit, or a natural force, or else as a kind of spell by magic or witchcraft; in the latter sense, a curse can also be called a hex or a jinx. In many belief systems, the curse itself (or accompanying ritual) is considered to have some causative force in the result. To reverse or eliminate a curse is sometimes called "removal" or "breaking", as the spell has to be dispelled, and is often requiring elaborate rituals or prayers.
Parvati thereupon pronounces an imprecation upon Pushpadanta, condemning him to be born upon the earth as a man; and she sentences his friend Malyavan, who had ventured to intercede for him, to a like destination. Parvati tells the culprits that they shall resume their celestial condition when Pushpadanta, encountering a Yaksha, a follower of Kubera, the god of wealth, doomed for a certain time to walk the earth, as a Pisacha or goblin, shall recollect his own former state, and shall repeat to the Pisacha the stories he overheard from Siva; and when Malyavan, falling in with the Pisacha, shall hear from him again the stories that his friend Pushpadanta had narrated. The recitation of the stories forms also the limit of the Pisacha’s sojourn amongst mortals. The two demigods, Pushpadanta and Malyavan, are born as two Brahmans, named Vararuchi and Gunadhya, and their adventures as mortals constitute the subject of several tales.
Nicolae Mareș, "Profesorul Juliusz Demel istoric al românilor", in Magazin Istoric, July 2019, p. 55 In the 1970s, following the deterioration of contacts between Romania and the Soviet Union, communist leader Nicolae Ceaușescu became more lenient toward Doina. At a Communist-Party plenary meeting early that decade, he reportedly cited the imprecation about dogs "eating the hearts" of xenophiles. Nicolae Manolescu, "Cenzura comunistă și literatura", in România Literară, Nr. 51/2016 In 1976, Ceaușescu proposed to publish a collection of Eminescu's "national" poetry, headlined by Doinas apparent claim to Bessarabia. "Stenograma Ședinței Comitetului Politic Executiv al CC al PCR din ziua de 5 mai 1976", in România Literară, Nr. 13–14/2014 Actor Ludovic Antal was reportedly the first in his profession to test censorship by publicly reciting Doina, at some point before his death in 1979. Valeriu Birlan, "Scrisoare inedită – Veturia Goga", in Convorbiri Literare, November 2008 References to Doina were still stripped from the 1977 Romanian edition of an Eminescu study, by the Frenchman Alain Guillermou.

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