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331 Sentences With "fairies"

How to use fairies in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "fairies" and check conjugation/comparative form for "fairies". Mastering all the usages of "fairies" from sentence examples published by news publications.

When more photographs of fairies showed up the same year, he wrote two articles and a nonfiction book, "The Coming of the Fairies," in which he insisted that the figures depicted were actual fairies.
"Glitter for the fairies" is number seven on the list, while "pink sign for the fairies" also made the cut.
In "Fairies are Exquisite Dancers," a favorite, he draws gnarly strands from the swirling riffs, which makes these dancing fairies seem intriguingly dangerous.
" I have to give the Post two "Blue Fairies.
Unless you count the winged fairies on Alexander McQueen's sinister fairies evening gown, which is black and sprinkled with skeletal pale-winged creatures, not the kind you'd envision keeping Tinker Bell company.
Fairies have remained perfectly balanced on that line of belief.
New animals, dinosaurs, wizards, zombies, and fairies are also included.
Absolutely nothing is more magical than fairies, not even unicorns.
Nine actors play fairies, mortals and some very rude mechanicals.
Fairies pledge our loyalty to love — first, last and always.
"No one believes in fairies," he spluttered to me once.
While still a teenager working in an Australian ore mine, the Perth native penned The Iron Fairies Trilogy, a dark fairytale series about a miner who lives underground and hand carves fairies for 400 years.
It includes mythical creatures, such as wizards, fairies, mermaids and vampires.
In the graphic novel, we have all these fairies as well.
Not everything is going to be covered in rainbows and fairies.
The earth spirits and fairies need our help to protect it.
Peter would rather romp with the Lost Boys and the fairies.
Fairies aren't sexist, because we're not sexual, I hope that's clear.
Dressing up or talking about fairies or superheroes is not allowed.
The ballet profession is not all tutus and sugar plum fairies.
While we're at it, throw in some glitter for the fairies, too.
Fairystrings are best described with words like fairies, strings, glittering, and enchanting.
By enrolling in Yale, Alex is making a bargain with the fairies.
I'm really into magic and fairies and 'woodland sprite,' as you say.
She used that season's ensembles to illustrate "The Fairies," by Charles Perrault.
Pro tip: Get bottles ASAP and fill them with fairies for insurance.
Diners enter through a door on which animated fairies flap their wings.
He would defend the veracity of photographs of ghosts and of fairies.
They're tooth fairies that we invoked early on to make things work out.
The movie turns Los Angeles into a magical world with fairies and magic.
New additions include dinosaurs, genies, fairies, and even zombies in time for Halloween.
Fair enough if you believe in tooth-fairies and ludicrous supply-side economics.
Fairies, by most accounts, can turn invisible, tell the future, and shape-shift.
These characters aren't fairies, yet Balanchine gives them the ballet's most magical episode.
I am reminded that a majority of Icelanders claim to believe in fairies.
Soon afterward, we return to the forest and the fairies and fireflies at dusk.
By using flower fairies, we can give our audience an idea of Victorian thinking.
Samhain centered around lighting bonfires and wearing costumes to ward off spirits and fairies.
In "Sleeping Beauty," the bumbling, well-meaning fairies are named Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather.
A psychic also visited the family home in Cottingley, claiming to see fairies everywhere.
The writer remained convinced of the existence of fairies until his death in 1930.
It's fun to feed hummingbirds and see them up close — almost like encountering fairies.
No, that's the wrong word — fairies don't love people, not in the traditional way.
On this side of the pond, we're more obsessed with housing for the fairies.
He has put all the old stuff back in: fairies, gypsies, peasants, the baby.
Enter Navah Wolfe and Dominik Parisien's new anthology, which asks the question: Robots or Fairies?
There are new wizards, witches, fairies, vampires, and also dinosaurs and a bearded man emoji.
In the world of the film, humans live alongside fantastical beings (like orcs and fairies).
Oxley said she wanted to take the service worldwide, so she started The Book Fairies.
Pink fairies are nocturnal, and spend their nights burrowing in the sands of central Argentina.
Consider a defense that my sister once mounted on behalf of the likelihood of fairies.
There's Balanchine's expert storytelling, with its honeyed comedy and deft interweaving of fairies and mortals.
The witches and warlocks and magic and fairies and darkness wanted to be written about.
Though some characters are fairies and others mere mortals, everyone manages to look wonderfully otherworldly.
Its members' duty, Ms. Mine said, is to be "fairies selling dreams," onstage or off.
Children occasionally leave notes with instructions for the fairies, which Ms. Ojibway sometimes acts on.
The fairies, most in various shades of white, suggest the gleam of darting silver fish.
No one today cares about the prince, daredevils in stretchy fabrics, clowns, fairies, or astronauts.
We included as many of the fairies as we could before the Fs ran out.
I sat in hand-carved chairs hidden in the forest; they seemed made by fairies.
Leprechauns are tricky mythical fairies in Irish folklore who like to pinch anyone in sight.
So far, Ms. Juray said, more than 150 tooth fairies have received the company's certification.
Because, we all know Kourt does not eat chocolate that isn't organic and made by fairies.
And actually, both his father and grandfather were committed to asylums for claiming to see fairies.
So far, "Fairies wears boots and you gotta believe me" has been most of the lyrics.
Winter activities have a large presence as do mythical creatures (fairies, wizards, and elves, oh my!).
Irish Fairy Doors are small hand-made wooden doors that help fairies relocate into human homes.
Lots of times I'm asked, 'Do you consider unicorns and fairies and vampires to be real?
Hair Fairies has operated for seventeen years and, according to Vuong, business only continues to grow.
The exhibition has seven sections: Couture, Abstractions, Influences, Precious Objects, Nature, Ballerinas and Fairies, and Icons.
ENCHANTED WAVE HILL WEEKEND (Saturday and Sunday) Remember the woodland fairies in "A Midsummer Night's Dream"?
So I ran away to Kensington Gardens and lived a long, long time among the fairies.
"He wanted to depict the stories about gods and goddesses, kings and fairies," said Mr. Wattas.
Ultimately, though, I'm with William Butler Yeats and would think twice about luring in the fairies.
Shouldn't City Ballet audiences in 2018 be used to seeing black Sugar Plum Fairies and Dewdrops?
If you look closely enough, you might notice fairies adorning stoops and lawns in your neighborhood.
She dismisses the notion that fairies are real, but her members do not seem to mind.
But her humanity also leaves her with a major advantage: Fairies can't lie, but Jude can.
After all, the nocturnals, fairies, psychics, and ghosts are said to emerge when the moon rises.
Because when I read the first, I was like, why are we talking about "swimming fairies"?
Once upon a time, adults who chased fairies at the bottom of the garden were locked up.
Something was holding him back and he kept steering the conversation back to dinosaurs and tooth fairies.
Fairies are not all sweetness and light, they have this nasty or cruel side in historical accounts.
Pink fairies are extremely sensitive to environmental changes, and usually survive only a few days in captivity.
I know several children who don't care much about bunnies or fairies -- but the jolly red suit?
Neither girl appears in it; the image shows the fairies alone, dancing in a bed of grass.
The fairies share their break room with the princesses as well, so it's one big break room.
Fairies and Molly can access the upstairs through a grand staircase, which is surrounded by glowing lights.
There's a lot of culture, a lot of talk about fairies, a lot of myth around it.
American postcards from the 20th century showed "fairies" with limp wrists, doing "women's work" as store clerks.
In the scenes with fairies, for instance, ethereal glissandi in the strings convey the sense of a topsy-turvy world in which fairies are real, a man might be transformed into an ass, anyone could fall in love with anyone, and it all may have been a dream anyway.
Hobbits, fairies, Dr. Septimus Pretorius' people in bell jars—Hollywood has been miniaturizing things in movies for decades.
The film takes place in an alternate version of the present day that also involves elves and fairies.
From Lord of the Ring inspired elves to fairies and genies, Unicode is tackling the world of fantasy.
The Book Fairies was created in March in honor of International Women's Day, according to the group's website.
Other women say that they have lasting relationships with fairies that have altered the course of their life.
I overheard some guys making snide and sneering references to a place called Pirelli's where "the fairies" went.
They tasted just like dairy-based ice cream — it was like fairies were dancing on my taste buds.
They then follow the breeze and find the wind, which Martin depicts by showing flying fairies and butterflies.
After a gentle start, the novel accelerates into an action thriller, with cameos from fairies and river gods.
"Encyclopedia Mythologica: Fairies and Magical Creatures" and "Encyclopedia Mythologica: Dragons & Monsters," by Matthew Reinhart and Robert Saguda. Candlewick.
Word of her talents makes its way to the fairies, who are themselves very gifted at skipping rope.
Elves and fairies have long been depicted as having ear cartilage that peaks in a lilting sylvan way.
Grant), who adores Lysander (Kyle Beltran), who adores her right back — at least until the fairies roofie him.
Those are the things that turn people toward notions of fairies, witches, and the undead in the first place.
Fairies in the world of Bright are like mosquitos with personalities; hungry, menacing little creatures seen as a nuisance.
If you were to meet Ophelia Gregory, you'd think that the good fairies must have clustered around her cradle.
"I see fairies in my peripheral vision and on rare occasions, straight on for a few seconds," she says.
Cornwall-based event organizer and Fae magazine editor Karen Kay says she communes with fairies on a daily basis.
She assembled a company of girls, and they put on "A Midsummer Night's Dream," full of sprites and fairies.
Princess Aurora is taken in by three fairies in both "Sleeping Beauty" and "Maleficent," but their names are different.
In 1920, Conan Doyle used the photos to illustrate an article he was writing about the existence of fairies.
The fairy-themed party had it all -- 2 fairies, a teepee, tons of balloons ... and even a shiny Bentley.
The place slowly evolved into the first Iron Fairies bar, and invitations to design spaces across Asia quickly followed.
She also knows the rituals for protection from the fairies — the Good People, the Fair Folk, the Good Neighbors.
Waking up to find a complimentary breakfast bag hanging outside the door, delivered by "breakfast fairies," was a delight.
As she has acquired more fairies, she has slowly begun taking over prime real estate in her husband's garden.
But despite Kate and Christopher's disavowal of the fairy folk and their heathen ways, the fairies remain profoundly attractive.
The trailer shows a woman — played by Tomb Raider star Alicia Vikander — by a pond dealing with some playful fairies.
The elegant, spinning fairies were the toy of the late 1990s, but they were also pretty much tools of war.
According to the website, there have been about 50,000 books shared by more than 5,000 "book fairies" in 100 countries.
Forty-four percent of the 1,602 Brits surveyed by Dr. Simon Young and Dr. Ceri Houlbrook professed to see fairies.
The publication reports that the hotel's ballroom was adorned with trees, and included actors dressed as forest creatures and fairies.
Smith is a hardboiled cop just trying to get through another day on the job; also, there are fairies. Sure.
Sasha Lane (American Honey) is Alice Monaghan, a character who Hellboy rescues from fairies in the original Dark Horse comics.
Years later, he built a workshop in Bangkok where he could craft his iron fairies—tiny figures with various personalities.
TB: We're looking at different varieties of pucks and fairies — different horn shapes and different wing shapes, races within races.
Think tiny doors made for fairies placed in unexpected scenarios, fairy figures on miniature rope swings, or gnomes on beaches.
Snap and Instagram's augmented reality lenses transform users into puppies, fairies, monsters, Wonder Woman, storied Jamaican singer-songwriters, and the like.
It's time for mermaids, dragons, elves, phoenixes, griffins, fairies, and countless other mythical creatures to have their time in the sun.
In another, fairies grant Koblish the ability to fly... only for Koblish to get hit by an airplane once he's airborne.
Located in a basement on Pottinger Street, the enchanting Hong Kong branch of Iron Fairies feels like a labor of love.
This week Edward Sorel illustrates and writes about Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's fascination with and belief in the existence of fairies.
" It becomes this train of all the princesses and fairies feeling Cinderella's boobs and saying, "Oh, my god, they're so real!
Adult coloring books were devoid of the movie tie-ins and cartoons and fairies and princesses that characterize children's coloring books.
The movie has Will Smith playing a cop in a gritty version of Earth where orcs and elves and fairies exist. Okay!
We wheedled hints out of the black-sweatshirted assistants running around the room with glowing LED Navi fairies stuck to their chests.
"The project is not about fairies or gnomes but instead about reflecting the spirit and architecture of the neighborhood," Singer told CNN.
"You're away with the fairies again," he'd say with a grin, startling me out of whatever reverie had momentarily captured my imagination.
Over the past three decades Link has explored oceans and dungeons, partnered with pirates and fairies, and battled countless octoroks and skulltulas.
In our area, a parent can now choose from among Love Bugs, Nit Pickers, Hair Fairies or the sensibly named Lice Happens.
The sleek, minimalistic speakeasy is more suited for cocktail connoisseurs who can't handle the sensory overload in Ophelia or The Iron Fairies.
His look has been influenced by Katherine Cardona, a contemporary illustrator specializing in fairies, and Sakimichan, a gender-bending fantasy digital artist.
Everybody has in the back of their mind the idea of fauns as lecherous forest creatures or fairies as deceitful shape-shifters.
The fairies we meet are new additions to the world, but they feel ancient and unknowable, like the witches but wholly unique.
Zombies, Vikings, or fairies aren't going to hurt anybody's feelings, and you aren't going to run into a pirate wench that feels disenfranchised.
In it, there are magical fairies and gingerbread houses — but the vibe is more suited to posh grown-ups this time around. Intrigued?
The personal variety of these six fairies is a bit startling: As soon as each starts to dance, you feel you know her.
If you've ever watched a gritty cop drama and wished there were more orcs and fairies in it, Bright might be for you.
For a child, such words conjure magical places — untouched, holy lands where fairies might live and animals might speak in ways I understand.
Bright already felt pretty much like a really bad, racist knock-off of Tithe, a well-respected YA novel that brought fairies into cityscapes.
This time there seem to be fairies instead of aliens, and Joel Edgerton standing in as Smith's snarky partner — only he's also an orc.
When completed, "The Sanctuary of Knowledge" depicts an old couple reading by the fire in a cavernous Baroque library as fairies fly around them.
Memorial Day through Labor Day brings ferries full of fairies, Marys, and everyone in between to enjoy these LGBTQ communities' diverse and eclectic offerings.
The fact you can't see where the fairies are attached on the ground because of the exposure hiding the pins also made them credible.
Phillip's mother, Queen Ingrith (Pfeiffer), is a threat to the peace that was formed between the humans and the fairies in the first movie.
But Janet doesn't learn about the fairies until she dumps her fairy boyfriend, hooks up with a guy named Thomas Lane, and gets pregnant.
Fantin-Latour undercuts the theory of his earlier work with an unexpected series of fuzzy paintings of fairies — something from outside the observable world.
As 60% of Icelanders believe in fairies and other supernatural creatures, the country's open-mindedness to the unseen was something that also attracted Turner.
It's been said that, later on, Christians adopted this superstition from Pagans and, in turn, made it more about Jesus and less about woodland fairies.
The humble beginnings of tiny doors While Tiny Doors ATL isn't meant to service fairies, Singer credits these mythical creatures as a source of inspiration.
Historians believe the American tooth fairy may have been inspired by this tradition, combined with European folklore about good fairies giving gifts or granting wishes.
In addition to nibbling tours and aromatherapy Wellness Whiff Walks, guests can try to spot the fairies living in tiny houses made from repurposed gourds.
So my concept was to take away the fairies and create a world where you make a contract with the audience that these guys exist.
A world filled with fairies, gnomes, and wizards has the potential to be just as entertaining as one with Navy SEALs who are also seals.
I just was there at a very young age, and [eventually] my girlfriends from San Jose came to San Francisco and started being hair fairies.
In ancient Ireland, they would give butter as an offering to the fairies because they were thought to be mischievous and harbingers of bad luck.
Yet this "Dream," in which fairies and mortals alike are frequently dozing off or being put to sleep by magic, can itself drift toward sleep.
Hovering over the bush, with their two-inch-long iridescent bluish-purplish-black bodies and singed-tangerine wings dizzyingly aflutter, they looked like dancing fairies.
It flopped at the box office and was filled with fairies and pixies and a bunch of other magical creatures that looked kind of creepy.
Ophelia and The Iron Fairies transport visitors to imaginary lands of peacocks and iron mines, while J. Boroski takes a 180 with a minimalist vibe.
A child's bedroom is often a magical arena, a corner of the home that is all their own — so why not cover it in fairies?
So go over there, be gay, don't march down in the middle of the street and your drag outfit being fairies and things like that.
The definition is correct but I always imagine fairies, art nouveau maidens and gossamer damselflies as clues for this, so it didn't come to mind.
He was befriended by the magician Harry Houdini, a fellow debunker, and corresponded with the detective novelist Arthur Conan Doyle, a believer in fairies and spiritualists.
It includes six new "face" emoji, a ton of fantasy characters (vampires, and fairies, and mermaids, and the like), new foods (sandwiches and coconuts!), and dinosaurs.
There are fairies living in a mirror-world of a town in upstate Washington - and that world is responsible for the death of our protagonist's brother.
After a few hours have passed, you've become an expert in the world, and all without cumbrous tutorials or invasive fairies whispering tips in your ear.
The first scene, she says, is a story of singing fairies — who are equipped with an Aladdin-looking magic lamp (and its powder-fresh incense scent).
We have consent fairies, who are volunteers who dress up in fairy lights and are generally there for people to approach if there are any issues.
Cockroach guest or not, the party was still clearly a hit for Dream and all her guests with a homemade teepee, fairies and tons of presents.
The next few seem to get a little localized: "Out of your tree" and "away with the fairies," in particular, seem specific to the Emerald Isle.
He claimed that that the real Cleary had been abducted by fairies, and that he had merely killed the changeling that they left in her place.
I was there at a very young age, and my girlfriends—all those queens from San Jose—came to San Francisco and started being hair fairies.
I came to think of them as the empty curses of bad fairies; I was blessed, and cursed, to have in most ways an ordinary life.
"We actually did one play together — because she was the queen, of course, in Midsummer Night's Dream, and I was one of the fairies," Washington revealed.
Made up of "fairies, a cloud kingdom and some other magical elements," she remembers the piece was displayed at her local library for a few years.
Not only does this book come with a hefty cast of characters (like "Seven Killings"), there are also shape shifters, fairies, trolls, and, apparently, a map.
The course of true love never did run smooth, but it doesn't usually get so bumpy that it includes magical flowers, squabbling fairies and lusty donkeys.
I arrived, finally, at a small, neat brick house that was surrounded by a large collection of ceramic garden gnomes, teddy bears, Yorkies, mermaids and fairies.
"I knew unicorns and fairies were real!" a 5-year-old girl shrieked to her mother at the first Ohio Fairy Gardening Festival in Perry, Ohio.
The last time I was in Iceland, in early July several years ago, I understood why talk of the existence of fairies and gnomes persists there.
There are some people who have seen UFOs, other people who have seen fairies or elves, and other people who have experiences with angels or spirit guides.
There might not be much substance to this romp beyond its "fairies on the block" concept, but that's an entertaining enough idea that we'll show up regardless.
Some options include filters for both images and videos that involve celebrities, cartoon characters, fairies and even one scene as a drunken 'salary man' making a toast.
For the evening, Beccaria's nymphs transform into bright luminescent fairies wearing short or maxi dresses, tunics with cape-shaped sleeves, some lightened up by small crystal decorations.
Check it out on episode 4 of The Toy Shop:  Even though the hellish fairies aren't stocked by retailers anymore, you can still find them on eBay.
Doulas can sound like mythical maternity fairies who are there to use their healing powers for whatever the pregnant person needs to make labor and delivery easier.
Directed by Suicide Squad's David Ayer, it's the story of a LAPD cop (Smith) who lives in an fantastical world where fairies and magical creatures are commonplace.
Mr. del Toro's style can also be compared to the literary magic realism of Latin America as he mixes serious dramatic moments with sea monsters and fairies.
Once you phone for its 'secret' location (it's connected to The Iron Fairies), the staff at J. Boroski will fix you up, no matter what ails you.
Read more: What to See, and Where to Eat Bagels, in Montreal Fairies don't have sex, but we desire everyone, no matter gender or race or age.
The initial episodes have the magus protecting Chise from impish fairies, taking her to a dragon-populated Iceland and introducing her to colleagues in the magic arts.
He also had a deep interest in the supernatural and helped popularize a famous hoax of the early 20th century: a series of photographs of garden fairies.
The children's chorus of fairies in Britten's "A Midsummer Night's Dream" (1960) is an elegy for the loss of innocence in a Europe still rebuilding from war.
The 2014 and 2015 seasons of "George Balanchine's The Nutcracker" brought a flood of six new Sugarplum Fairies (notably Emilie Gerrity and Unity Phelan) from the corps.
Moberly-Holland relied on Majolie's sketches of fairies flitting from flower to flower, which some men at the studio were reluctant to draw, deeming the task too girly.
But readers can see what the bullies can't: that Barbara is surrounded by fairies and strange creatures, and that there's a weird and threatening magic to her world.
Little, Big is a cult classic with all the elements of a compelling read: a huge and slightly magical house, a huge and very magical family, and fairies.
Though she grew up without religion, valuing instead the scientific perspective, her mother was very "witchy," so ideas like fairies and talking to trees inevitably entered the conversation.
Their new book, Magical Folk: British and Irish Fairies 500 AD to the Present, is the first major modern history of such beings in almost half a century.
I was thrilled with the beauty of it: the smooth, shallow holes and grooves had the look of secret runes—the writing, I imagined, of Druids or fairies.
Halloween originated from a Celtic festival called Samhain, which was celebrated 2,000 years ago and centered around lighting bonfires and wearing costumes to ward off spirits and fairies.
He and his wife vacationed with the Llewelyn Davies family, and Barrie played with the children around the lake, creating endless tales of pirates and Indians and fairies.
So she enrolled in a daylong course at the elf school, or Álfaskólinn, where she — and a handful of other foreigners — learned about elves, fairies and water sprites.
Holly Black, an author of the best-selling "The Spiderwick Chronicles" fantasy series, believes that everybody would look better with pointed ears like those on fairies and elves.
Molly's Secret Fairy Wonderland is a three-bedroom, two-bathroom, two-story house hidden inside a tree and is only accessible by Molly and, you guessed it, fairies.
Hilton, also 36, shared a gallery of photos on her Instagram, which included throwbacks to their younger days, from celebrating Halloween as fairies to their transformation into reality stars.
Future potty pros will be unable to resist the fairies, animal superheroes and dinosaurs on these disposable, economical pants, available in sizes 40T/3T, 3T/4T and 4T/5T.
In honor of IWD, Emma Watson announced via her Twitter that she and the international band of feminist book fairies would be hiding feminist books throughout their respective cities.
The third story, "Three Robots Experience Objects Left Behind from the Era of Humans for the First Time" isn't online, but appears in a recent anthology, Robots vs. Fairies.
For seven seasons, viewers headed South to the fictional Louisiana parish of Bon Temps where vampires, werewolves, fairies, mediums, witches, shapeshifters, and regular ol' humans coexist in relative harmony.
Now that there's makeup to make us resemble fantastical creatures from unicorns to fairies, it was high time something came along to help us achieve the enchanting mermaid look.
" According to this passage, the magician can select whicever of the three fairies they desire, and the fairie will then "hasten to rest herself in this most sacred bed.
Tiny elderflowers had been strewn on top, and while they didn't add much flavor, they did provide the momentary suspicion that the kitchen had been taken over by fairies.
She avoids people as she works, but over the years she said she has occasionally been caught in the act and would explain that she was helping the fairies.
Saturn is strict and orderly, while Neptune's fog is filled with fairies, doors to other realms, and delusions—some of which are harmless, some of which are decidedly not.
Titania, queen of the fairies, slumbered beneath a tree in Nelson A. Rockefeller Park, not far off the path that curves along the Hudson River in Battery Park City.
In the early 2000s, for instance, Reynolds sent "cigarette fairies" to give out Camel coupons at bars and built air-conditioned "Newport Pleasure Lounges" at concerts and music festivals.
A work in which the worlds of fairies and politicians meet — and, not surprisingly, collide — this comic love story is also a cautionary tale about not jumping to conclusions.
And you know that is wonderful — in a world where you believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny and pixy fairies, you can give free everything to everyone.
Surfacing Living among us are hundreds of fairy gardeners, who maintain a sense of childlike wonder and whimsy by embracing miniature gardening with fairies, gnomes and other mythical figurines.
Even if you are a total skeptic for fairies, unicorns, and water sprites, recognizing the complexity of nature encourages an appreciation for its processes that we often can't see.
From John Everett Millais' iconic floating Ophelia to William Blake's Oberon, Titania and Puck with Fairies Dancing, William Shakespeare has long been a source of inspiration for the visual arts.
One respondent described witnessing an all-night woodland rave where two female fairies, a dwarf or goblin, and what they described as a "mudman" danced to "tribal drums" till dawn.
There's the embodiment of so many of those fairies by children (students from the School of American Ballet), one of the most enchanting uses of children in all of ballet.
This is the aspirational growth threshold that Trump promised but naysayers from the Obama administration like Larry Summers said you would have to believe in "tooth fairies" to even consider.
These deep black shadows look realer, or anyway more solid, than the girls, whose green, mauve and yellow arms and motley faces make you think of fairies under colored spotlights.
In 1983, both women finally told The Unexplained magazine that the photographs had been faked and explained how they'd done it—but adding that they'd really seen fairies in Cottingley.
In Ms. Pyle's version, Aurora's father owns a Lower East Side garment factory, and the three fairies — Violet, Scarlet and Azure — are played by men and are the factory's designers.
NOMA is revisiting his work in Bror Anders Wikstrom: Bringing Fantasy to Carnival, which features rare watercolor sketches of his imaginative floats and costumes, from colossal dragons to flowery fairies.
As Aurora attempts to fit in with Phillip's family, Maleficent discovers her heritage as a "dark fae," a race of fairies who went into hiding after being hunted nearly to extinction.
Game developers used popular YouTube channels about Minecraft to recruit women to lend their voices to animated fairies in the garden for the Minecraft game, which will be released this year.
You'd have to believe in "tooth fairies  and ludicrous supply-side economics" to believe in his 3 percent growth prediction, is how Obama's former chief economic adviser, Larry Summers, put it.
At our home where I grew up in England, my father's art, paintings of fairies and goblins, was all over the walls, and my mother's creatures were all over the house.
One Edinburgh version of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" has King of the Fairies Oberon as Obi-Wan Kenobi from Star Wars, while "Romeo and Juliet" is told in Chinese operatic style.
Jenny is a centered pixie dream girl trying to lure Tom away to play with the fairies, but he feels like someone who rejected whimsy and spontaneity before she was born.
"As far as [Griffiths] was concerned, fairies were a part of nature, they lived around the beck with the other wildlife who lived there," Lynch later told the Telegraph & Argus newspaper.
"Carnival Row" offers an unlikely mix of genres, laying out a murder mystery in a world of fairies and other mythical creatures, while also delivering a healthy dose of allegorical politics.
Henson creates an expansive world full of odd, disquieting beings — moss adorned with eyeballs, beautiful fairies with a vicious bite, beaky swamp dwellers that pluck out their own eyeballs and swallow them.
Some have even said that leprechauns are the rejected fairies who have been ousted by the fairy community, which explains why they're usually described as grouchy creatures who are prone to mischief.
A luminous pre-Notebook Rachel McAdams plays Kate, a young understudy stuck playing Midsummer fairies while her diva roommate (a proto-Jenna Maroney unburdened by charisma or talent) butchers Shakespeare's iconic ingenues. 
Allegations have also surfaced that Park shared classified information with Choi, whom some believe possesses "shamanistic powers" and belongs to a mysterious cult known as the "Eight Fairies," which runs the government.
Arianna Nadine, a practicing witch and the co-host of astrology podcast Blood Moon Milk, says that her fascination with fairies was spurred by a craving for a greater connection with nature.
ZOLA "Don't Eat" This track sounds exactly like what you'd expect from a singer/songwriter who favors acoustic guitars, and buys into leaving crystals in a garden for the fairies to take.
In the spirit of giving, Acorn will unveil the subsequent two movies "Agatha Raisin and the Fairies of Fryfam" on Christmas Eve and "Agatha Raisin and the Curious Curate" on Jan. 28.
"It truly was an exciting family event for us and not something we set out to do, but something that just occurred by the magic of the fairies," Mary Beth Meyer said.
The brother-sister duo had been hoping the mystical little fairies would make visit them overnight on St. Patrick's Day — as they annually do in the Harris/Burtka household for the Irish holiday.
Demons present the same basic difficulties, as do fairies, and ghosts defy pretty much every biological principle: among other problems, they have no substance, require no sustenance, and do not decay or die.
In Act III, three Jewel fairies dance with one set of rhythms to a flowing, abundant waltz, but then the solo Diamond Fairy dances with a completely different rhythm to the same waltz.
VICE caught up with Froud over the phone from Portland, Oregon, where he talked about life after Labyrinth, growing up in a house full of goblins and fairies, and peeing on David Bowie.
Even if you do believe in fairies you may not believe in "Peter Pan," the Bedlam theater company's downbeat adaptation of the J.M. Barrie original, created and performed by a six-member ensemble.
To commemorate this chance meeting, Barrie commissioned a bronze statue of Peter Pan surrounded by squirrels, rabbits, mice and fairies by Sir George Frampton which has stood in Kensington Palace Gardens since 1912.
After a brief and unsuccessful attempt to start his own tech company, Mr. Wang turned his attention to kitchen appliances, a market that hadn't yet been visited by the tech industry's disruption fairies.
He used to be a mortal man, but because he was so handsome, the queen of fairies took him for her own, and now, on Halloween, she plans to sacrifice him to hell.
It was sold in 2016 to children's entertainment company Spin Master, which produces kids TV "Paw Patrol" and others, and makes a number of toys, like the Flutterbye Fairies and Kinetic Sand, for example.
Yesterday, we spotted a product teaser on the brand's Instagram featuring four never-before-seen Spring 2018 lipsticks that claim to be infused with the tears of angels, fairies, mermaids, and of course, unicorns.
This otherworldly view (note the person in the middle for scale) is from Hang Tien, or the Cave of Fairies, named for the enchanting rock formations and magical swirling patterns on the limestone walls.
It was published and, as Keller recounts, "this was the pinnacle of my happiness" – until she was "dashed to earth" when the similarities between her story and Margaret T Canby's The Frost Fairies emerged.
A series of photos demonstrate Medicus' craftsmanship, but they also imagine a world where massive wads of protoplasm can fly around in the air, presumably devouring fairies, sprites, and other non-scientifically verified creatures.
That might seem like a lot of intellectual firepower for parsing the distinctions between fairies and mermaids, but the ability to think about nonexistent things isn't just handy for playing parlor games on Halloween.
While the holiday season typically drums up visions of sugarplum fairies, bright lights, gifts, and cheer, many people admit this time of year is filled with an overwhelming amount of physical and emotional discomfort.
I started to remember flipping through that pop-up book, looking at the image of an animated Princess Diana riding in a horse-drawn carriage, surrounded by fairies (which was clearly true to life).
The girls reported having previously seen the fairies by a stream and then gone back with a camera borrowed from Elsie's father so Frances could take a picture of her with the mystical creatures.
I recall an affinity for Megan McCafferty's series about a young aspiring writer named Jessica Darling, and loved books that plunged me into unknown worlds, from Hogwarts to Eoin Colfer's underground world of fairies.
Mumtaz, the 3-year-old girl whose explosive energy usually consumes the two-bedroom apartment, is lying on her back watching a cartoon cadre of British elves and fairies imagine a pink unicorn into existence.
Had Sherlock Holmes seen that initial image, he would no doubt have noticed that although a breeze had caused the leaves on the trees to blur, the wings of the flying fairies showed no movement.
The educated class of Victorian England went wild for fairies and spirits in the heyday of scientistic optimism, and both Vallée and von Däniken offered up their books amid the Age of Aquarius's similar craze.
While all metal is cheesy and theatrical, Nightwish take their melodrama to another level with choirs, live orchestras, elves, fairies, odes to magic and nature…Holopainen even once wrote a whole album about Scrooge McDuck.
And the company would continue to press innovations, such as the branded lens filters that transform users into monsters, fairies or Taco Bell tacos, and that have become new forms of advertising beloved by brands.
While passing through the Strait of Magellan, near Chile's southern tip, as she recalled in her memoir, she conjured up fairies and beasts on walls of ice — an early, whimsical prelude to her screen reveries.
The popular children's fantasy series comes to life in this screen adaptation, which follows 12-year-old genius Artemis Fowl and his bodyguard as they try to rescue his criminal dad from powerful underground fairies.
Conner faked his death during his first brush with success, and later exhibited under pseudonyms, including Dennis Hopper (his friend), Justin Kase, and Emily Feather, whose gossamer inkblots, suggesting tantric drawings by fairies, mesmerize here.
Though Cleary's case is now better understood as a case of domestic violence rather than fairy mischief, 27 percent of the Magical Folk respondents who had experienced fairies did report them being unfriendly or downright hostile.
It is why one community is more likely to believe in fairies and another in zombies, and why, with churches peddling a more palliative version of Christianity, demons have declined in plausibility vis-à-vis angels.
"I found the fairy aspect of this," Ms. Hill said, "the fairies themselves to be the most fascinating, when described in the texts on mythological beings, in that there's no one way to be a fairy."
I didn't want to read prayers that I thought were untrue to who Jon—a Pagan magician who loved to cast spells and charged crystals in the sun and believed in fairies and spirit entities—was.
PETER PAN Don't expect a splashy musical: J. M. Barrie's 1904 play about a boy who won't grow up gets the Bedlam treatment as a cast of six morphs into pirates, fairies, children and other characters.
Fairies can see strip malls and high-rises, we can see fluorescent franchise joints, and Montreal is as full of them as most cities, but we can't describe those places, we can barely talk about them.
" Instead of showcasing May's artistic talent, Little Women tourists often find that this reinforces Louisa's description of Amy as "never so happy as when copying flowers, designing fairies, or illustrating stories with queer specimens of art.
Zelda games have been quite obviously hard fantasy games in which Link relied on magic boots, time-manipulating ocarinas (is there a more "fantasy" instrument than an ocarina?) and personal assistant fairies to fight an evil magician.
It's easy to understand how fairies can become lifelong companions for women who crave a taste of the ethereal and wish to embrace the intangible feminine forces that sit quietly at the margins of mainstream patriarchal society.
The elegant formality of the human characters is part of the comedy, the more so when they cannot conceal their passions, but the high poetry of the fairies, both comic and serious, becomes the ballet's larger framework.
With the buddy-cop fantasy "Bright," Will Smith and the director David Ayer attempt to chart new territory: an urban action film populated not only by humans but also fantastical creatures like centaurs, fairies, orcs and elves.
Most of the hundreds of fairy gardeners gathered at a nursery near Cleveland were adults who seek a sense of childlike wonder by embracing the fantasy element of miniature gardening with fairies, gnomes and other mythical figurines.
The Kay Customz dolls are groundbreaking in their representation of those with vitiligo, but you can also find dolls with albinism and dolls for Breast Cancer Awareness, plus princesses and fairies — all with gorgeous hair, outfits, and accessories.
As for the smoker who's on the fence about still flicking their cigarette onto the pavement, it might be of benefit to consider that a vast quantities of butts aren't picked up by cleaning fairies overnight, nor Pope.
" The theory is that such reforms increase efficiency and competitiveness and will allow for economic recovery even as the government cuts pensions, healthcare and other social spending in order to pay down debt and please the "confidence fairies.
Salt, one of the family's go-to remedies, was traditionally reputed to keep away malicious fairies, and the overgrown grounds Lia wanders through, with their perimeter of rusty barbed wire and shark-infested waters, resemble Sleeping Beauty's castle.
Our plan: to traverse volcanoes and glaciers in the never-ending daylight; whisper in our sons' ears of trolls, fairies and elves; and hoist them on our shoulders as thousands Viking-clap in unison on a cobblestone street.
In its early scenes, the movie seems to want — in the manner of the similarly soul-draining Bright — to use different species (elves, orcs, fairies, puppets) and their relationships with humankind to say something about race and policing.
In The Perilous Gard, Janet is a clumsy and awkward young noblewoman named Kate, and the fairies are the descendants of Bronze Age British pagans who have kept their holy cults alive in hidden caves under the hill.
They're not dealing with the witches and the armored bears of His Dark Materials here, but with fairies and river spirits, with fairy tale villains who can only be defeated if a child is clever and tricky enough.
The beauty is not just in the illustrations themselves, but in the way the archive is organized: A word cloud lets you search the illustrations by motif, from the magical (witches, fairies, ghosts) to the grim (death, daggers, beheadings).
Old hippies will also find missing The Allman Brothers Band's double album Eat a Peach with its opulent gatefold mural of a whimsical landscape of psychedelic mushrooms and bejewelled fairies drawn by W. David Powell and J. F. Holmes.
It's perhaps not a magical portal but an always-open, inviting one that promises a journey to a lost city of artists and roadside fairies where Basquiat sits on a chair, drawing on Man Ray portraits with a Sharpie.
LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Small children dressed as fairies on your doorstep may be cute while teenagers in zombie masks can be less appealing, but what rights do you have to say who knocks on your door at Halloween?
The fairies, presented mostly as antagonists in season two, turned out to have a reason to be so pissed off at humanity, and finding the kind of reparations that would balance the scales turned out to be appropriately difficult.
Britney's Instagram became way more personal, filled with videos of her sons doing skateboard tricks in their Vegas backyard, motivational quotes, and more pictures of sparkly fairies and apple-cheeked babies than Anne Geddes could stuff in a teapot.
In Neil Gaiman's beloved novel — and the lavish new Starz adaptation from Bryan Fuller and Michael Green — gods exist because people believe in them, and as soon as we stop believing... well, you remember what Peter Pan told us about fairies.
As the historian Michel Pastoureau has written, people came to associate it with the vagabond spirits that roamed through the precincts of nature—and even some that ventured beyond them: fairies, goblins, leprechauns, and little green men from outer space.
Director: Troy Nixey Writer: Guillermo del Toro and Matthew Robbins Remake of: Don't Be Afraid of the Dark (1973) Evil fairies don't necessarily sound like prime horror film fodder, but the malevolent creatures here are scary enough to convince any naysayers.
The British actress joined forces with The Book Fairies, an international organization of volunteers who anonymously leave second-hand or donated books in public spaces, to hide free copies of Margaret Atwood's "The Handmaid's Tale" around Paris on Wednesday and Thursday.
By the same token, this biological theory would deal a credibility blow to angels, demons, fairies, vampires, and werewolves, plus all those creatures assembled, as by an insane taxidermist, from the separate parts of real species: mermaids, griffins, centaurs, chimeras, sphinxes.
Bright takes place in modern Los Angeles, but one that looks more like J.R.R. Tolkien's worlds than the one we know: Orcs, elves, fairies and other mythical creatures live among humans, and you better believe there are tensions between them.
Departing Prague for Zlin, the birthplace and hometown of Ivana Trump, the president's first wife and mother of his oldest three children, is like traveling from an enchanted land of elves and fairies, and back to dull mortal Middle-earth.
In 1983, a much older Elsie Wright finally owned up to the hoax: She had cut the fairies out of an illustrated children's book and then held them up with invisible threads so Frances could photograph her smiling at the cutout.
Center stage is Bottom, who so craves attention that he tries to play all the parts, overplays his own outrageously, and doesn't even notice when (in a prank by meddling fairies) his human head is replaced by that of an ass.
Rotten Tomatoes score: 67%Synopsis: Adapted from the classic play by William Shakespeare, Michael Hoffman's retelling follows star-crossed lovers Demetrius (Bale), Helena (Calista Flockhart), Lysander (Dominic West), and Hermia (Anna Friel) as they wander a forest thick with fairies.
As a starting point, Mr. Millepied gave Mr. Lacroix videos of a New York City Ballet performance in the early 2000s, when he danced the role of Oberon, the king of the fairies, and a 1967 filming supervised by Mr. Balanchine.
Written and directed by Mara McEwin and choreographed by Emily Bunning, the show welcomes its intended audience — those ages 2 to 5 — into an intimate, homey environment that's also populated by puppets, among them a mouse, a fish and fairies.
For example, he was only 22 in 1842 when he painted "The Fairy Blast," which depicts a band of travelers moving hurriedly through the dark mountains just as a gust of wind — suggesting the presence of mischievous, malevolent fairies — is compounding their dread.
" In a blog post published Tuesday in The Washington Post, Larry Summers, former Treasury secretary in the Clinton administration, said the growth forecast based on the Trump administration's policies is fair enough "if you believe in tooth fairies and ludicrous supply-side economics.
In its absence, we can make do, as my sister did, with a good reason for why we haven't found it, a strategy that lends plausibility not only to fairies in their tininess but also to ghosts and other creatures capable of vanishing.
Five years ago she started building the fairy houses, drawing upon a childhood she said was rich in fairy-tale lore and stories like "Thumbelina" by Hans Christian Andersen, "The Borrowers" by Mary Norton and the Flower Fairies, illustrations by Cicely Mary Barker.
Northern white writer Henrietta Christian Wright, known for her popular stories of fairies and magic, described that day in August 1619 as a time when the meadows alongside the James River were "beautiful with summer" — a sight lost on the African captives.
There is often, even in Ashbery's most sophisticated and urbane work, a hint of the lonely, dreaming, kindhearted boy from upstate New York, whose first poem — at age 8 — was about a battle between fairies and bushes that culminates in a picnic.
At the beginning of her shift, she'd enter the bowels of the Magic Kingdom and be costumed as either Pocahontas, Mulan, or Silvermist (a Peter Pan fairy of East Asian appearance who first appeared in the Disney Fairies direct-to-DVD films).
"Bright" takes place in an alternate version of Los Angeles where humans live side-by-side with fantasy creatures like fairies, elves and centaurs; Mr. Smith plays a brusque cop whose new partner is a lumbering, oversized orc, played by Joel Edgerton.
Tam Lin's body betrays him by turning into anything the fairies please, but Janet has the ultimate control and final say over her own body: it's she who initially seduces Tam Lin and she who ultimately decides on the terms of her pregnancy.

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