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"weariest" Synonyms
sleepiest drowsiest deadest sickest lowest bleariest limpest logiest weakest flattest droopiest infirmest faintest gauntest wannest peakiest feeblest palest sickliest sluggishest coolest world-weariest miserablest glummest gloomiest angriest sorest crossest iratest maddest huffiest hottest under the collar eggiest shirtiest lividest rabidest hottest testiest snakiest toughest difficultest hardest heaviest severest harshest roughest ruggedest weightiest grimmest stiffest cruelest painfullest sweatiest tallest stickiest seriousest ambitiousest fiercest thorniest boringest dreariest drabbest dullest dustiest slowest stalest stodgiest stuffiest driest stupidest tamest aridest oldest blandest mundanest tritest wishy-washiest laziest snooziest draggiest stolidest mooniest wimpiest stretchiest doziest yawniest easiest dreamiest softest frailest weakliest smallest scrawniest fragilest slightest spindliest unhealthiest weediest shakiest most strengthless most helpless most ailing most exhausted most effete most wasted most blasé most nonchalant most indifferent most unconcerned most apathetic most carefree most uninterested most careless most uncaring most relaxed most detached most heedless most offhand most regardless most bored most jaded most unmoved most distant unhappiest emptiest forlornest saddest wretchedest morosest mournfullest moodiest bleakest woefullest dolefulest sullenest baddest sorriest most disinterested most dispassionate most insouciant most impassive most incurious most insensible most listless most perfunctory most unresponsive most complacent most pococurante most uncurious queasiest most disgusted most sickened most nauseated most shocked most appalled most nauseous most displeased most scandalized(US) most abhorred most fastidious most overwrought most satiated most squeamish most tired most teed off most fed up tensest uptightest edgiest fidgetiest jumpiest jitteriest nerviest twitchiest craziest highest touchiest most agitated most distracted most distraught most frantic most excited most overexcited most wired most hysterical More

12 Sentences With "weariest"

How to use weariest in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "weariest" and check conjugation/comparative form for "weariest". Mastering all the usages of "weariest" from sentence examples published by news publications.

So the one who is "Spent the most?" is the WEARIEST.
IN MOST contexts, a dignitary calling something new a "game-changer" is the weariest of clichés.
Once they're on the bed, they offer even the weariest student a retreat to burrow into each night.
Others, the weariest and most infirm, have stayed behind, most with hopes of catching up to the larger group at some point.
This past weekend saw the release of the first R-rated Wolverine movie, Logan, the bloodiest, saddest, weariest X-Men movie ever made.
Traveling to a tropical locale and indulging in beaches and drinks with umbrellas can amp up the weariest worker bee, but vacation also brings about work anxiety.
That way, Kerr reasoned, he and all of his weariest Warriors could go away to Italy to "ride bikes and sip wine" and finally recharge after five consecutive trips to the finals.
But even the homeliest and world-weariest of us give off a shine, however dulled or flecked by experience, and Johnny, manic and stubborn in his devotion, has reached the dire stage in life—fortysomething, divorced with kids, one tour in prison—when this truth becomes a strategy: just latch on, find the light, and make connection happen.
The theme of the work is a meditation on the nature of ideal love. Shelley advocates free love, criticising conventional marriage, which he described as "the weariest and the longest journey". Epipsychidion opens with an invocation to Emilia as a spiritual sister of the speaker. He addresses her as a "captive bird" for whose nest his poem will be soft rose petals.
Heads and Hearts was recorded in November 1984 at Townhouse Studios in London. Andy Kellman of AllMusic opined that the album saw the group "riding the wave of optimism—or maybe it would be better to say enthusiasm or vigor—that shot through them as they found themselves revitalized after parting ways with a major label", citing the album's "sweepingly hopeful sensibility", despite calling the album's first track "one of the Sound's weariest, most exasperated-with-the- rigors-of-existence songs in their quiver".
Since Hefner went quiet in 2001, Hayter debuted as a solo artist with the solo album "Practical Wireless" on Absolutely Kosher Records. Pitchfork complimented Jack's voice, calling it "one of the weariest, most world-beaten voices around" and remarked that "Hefner's just holding you back, Jack.". The album was remembered nearly a decade later when featured by Faded Glamour in a 'Buried Treasure' article. Save for a number of remixes and compilation appearances, Jack's output was sparse following the release of the album, though he would play pedal steel and other instruments on a large number of records from musicians as diverse as Tram, Mark Mulcahy and The Wildhearts.
' So we went at them. As for nurturing talent, the talent that was around we... nurtured. Al Alvarez wrote about "the fashion for the diluted near-verse designed for mass readings and poetry-and-jazz concerts", linking it with pop lyrics as "the logic of a traditional form at its weariest", scolding "the poet resigns his responsibilities" and concluding, "what he offers is not poetry", a criticism remarkably similar to that made by F. Dalton in The Times Literary Supplement, on 31 June 1917 about "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock": "The fact that these things occurred to the mind of Mr. Eliot is surely of the very smallest importance to anyone, even to himself. They certainly have no relation to poetry...".

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