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"stuffiest" Synonyms
muggiest stalest humidest sultriest heaviest closest mustiest fuggiest smelliest frowstiest frowziest hottest smokiest thickest warmest stickiest steamiest dampest torridest fustiest rheumiest most blocked most mucous most blocked up most stuffed up most stopped most stuffed staidest primmest soberest stiffest squarest starchiest straightest uptightest prissiest puffiest smuggest strictest rigidest narrowest mimsiest severest austerest boringest nicest dreariest dullest drabbest slowest flattest oldest stodgiest aridest driest dustiest weariest stupidest tamest blandest mundanest tritest deadliest grumpiest testiest crossest crankiest rattiest grouchiest crabbiest prickliest snappiest crotchetiest perversest snarkiest snippiest raspiest touchiest tetchiest worst-tempered chippiest narkiest crustiest smallest least smallest-minded pettiest stubbornest blindest meanest wilfullest hardest deafest rabidest extremest shallowest firmest coldest coolest unfriendliest frostiest frigidest chilliest haughtiest uppitiest proudest snootiest loftiest thickest-skinned iciest seriousest sternest grimmest harshest toughest dourest pickiest steadfastest most rigorous most stringent most inflexible most oppressive most unbending most authoritarian most conservative most traditional most orthodox most unprogressive most reactionary most ultraconservative most paleoconservative most hidebound most traditionalistic most mossbacked most conformist most unimaginative most old-fashioned most old-school most buttoned-down most strait-laced wariest cagiest chariest timidest safest shiest most unadventurous most circumspect most prudent most tentative most careful most cautious most hesitant most unenterprising most conventional most timorous vainest most conceited most pompous most vainglorious most egotistical most egoistic most egotistic most overweening most egoistical most complacent most bigheaded most important most prideful most arrogant most assured most biggity most biggety high and mightiest snobbiest snottiest cockiest lordliest poshest sniffiest huffiest chestiest toploftiest pushiest brashest boldest floweriest purplest windiest stagiest fulsomest showiest wordiest gassiest fanciest mouthiest biggest rotundest fussiest flashiest loudest busiest artiest fullest most bloated most swollen most distended most inflated most tumescent most tumid most turgid most overinflated most puffed most puffed out most puffed up most intumescent most overfed most overstuffed most pumped up More

2 Sentences With "stuffiest"

How to use stuffiest in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "stuffiest" and check conjugation/comparative form for "stuffiest". Mastering all the usages of "stuffiest" from sentence examples published by news publications.

It's the place even the stuffiest people and organizations get to be a little loose.
The location will be Loulou's, London's stuffiest but most exclusive nightclub, and the theme is Berlin 1989.

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