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"slickest" Synonyms
greasiest slipperiest slippiest slitheriest iciest oiliest smoothest slimiest soapiest glassiest wettest sleekiest skiddiest sleekest shiniest glossiest silkiest sheeniest most oiled most oleaginous brightest sparkliest clearest lucidest splendidest sunniest glitteriest most lustrous most shining most brilliant adroitest deftest smartest cleverest sharpest ablest handiest niftiest aptest nimblest neatest best greatest meanest savviest agilest finest wickedest quickest glibbest shallowest flippest readiest easiest suavest simplest tritest laziest most superficial most pat most insincere most disingenuous most meretricious most specious smarmiest suckiest fulsomest gushiest creepiest butteriest smuggest humblest phoniest(UK) abjectest winsomest sliest craftiest wiliest shrewdest trickiest foxiest subtlest cagiest dodgiest cutest canniest sneakiest shiftiest astutest shadiest excellentest wonderfullest superbest grandest coolest choicest fabbest heavenliest loveliest swellest dandiest peachiest grooviest hottest elitest keenest deadliest tastiest completest cleanest chicest snazziest dapperest swankest trendiest nattiest snappiest hippest spiffiest classiest fliest sassiest dressiest ritziest flashiest fanciest strongest powerfullest soundest weightiest most persuasive most convincing most compelling most cogent most effective most forceful most plausible most telling most influential most credible most eloquent most conclusive most impressive triggest trimmest tidiest primmest crispest sprucest snuggest nicest daintiest finickiest tautest best-kept straightest politest courtliest worldliest pleasantest sveltest blandest softest best-bred best-mannered gentlest chattiest gabbiest gossipiest mouthiest talkiest windiest wordiest blabbiest gassiest gobbiest lengthiest freest prosiest tonguiest yakkiest noisiest newsiest emptiest most streamlined most efficient most organised(UK) most organized(US) most modernised(UK) most simplified most reorganized(US) most up to date most up-to-date fairest prettiest sublimest worthiest dishiest directest earnestest seriousest wisest hardest firmest most businesslike most professional most correct most methodical most orderly most polished most lubricious clammiest moistest dampest sweatiest stickiest muddiest ooziest muckiest miriest sludgiest slushiest gooiest gloopiest gummiest most aerodynamic most flowing most sweptback More

119 Sentences With "slickest"

How to use slickest in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "slickest" and check conjugation/comparative form for "slickest". Mastering all the usages of "slickest" from sentence examples published by news publications.

But they are among the slickest navigators of the labyrinth.
CN: Sheryl Sandberg is the slickest person in the entire world.
It doesn't matter how many people in the world use Android, the slickest and best applications are still happening on iOS first, which synergizes nicely with the company's present lead in having the slickest user interface.
It's the slickest emulator experience on Windows, certainly as far as games go.
The Gear 3603 is the slickest 360 camera with two lenses I've ever used.
I have to be honest … it's one of the slickest moves I've ever seen.
Here's a look at some of the slickest smart appliances we've seen at CES.
As a wearable tech meets fashion solution, this is easily one of the slickest I've seen.
One of the slickest applications of the inside low kick is against big right hand swingers.
Not really replicable in a game, but definitely one of the slickest fails you'll ever see.
Google says Pixel Buds are optimized for audio (obviously), but the slickest feature by far is translation.
Eventually, though, it seems inevitable that AI will be able to outpace even the slickest human pilots.
Gypsy Guide is not the slickest app in the world, and it's not making anyone a billionaire.
Every few months, consumers hit the streets with the latest, fastest, smartest, and slickest gadgets in their pockets.
Photo: Sam Rutherford (Gizmodo)But perhaps the slickest new Bixby feature is its on-the-fly translation skills.
For the slickest example of the jab as a transitionary weapon, we turn to the great Roberto Duran.
And this meant weeding out some of the slickest proposals, which generally came from the best-funded organizations.
The new Mac Pro is a computer that isn't designed to be the thinnest, slickest, lightest thing out there.
This is why the Russian government is ready to acknowledge corruption's ubiquity — the slickest propaganda couldn't convince people otherwise.
Moreover, thanks to the outsole's fabricated treads, you'll have great grip and traction even on the slickest of surfaces.
Page is either the slickest foreign spy to ever walk the planet, or he's not a spy at all.
When I started, TurboTax had the slickest technology, Block gave the best tax guidance and TaxAct was a bargain.
Photo: Alex Cranz (Gizmodo)The $1,300 Canon RP is not the best camera made or even the slickest mirrorless camera.
For two years, Veitch continued to engage with the slickest of scammers and the result was some hilarious verbal jousting.
What is perhaps the emotional crux of the story is also the coolest and slickest scene in the entire movie.
For instance, here Cooper counters an omoplata attempt with a heel hook in one of the slickest sequences of the night.
IMGUR user D10D3 has uploaded pics of one of the slickest attempts at a real Ono-Sendai Cyberspace 7 I've seen.
It's not the slickest design out there, compared to flagships by Apple and Samsung, but it's built like a damn tank.
He hoped he'd be able to get off the starting line early, while the salt was still cool and at its slickest.
So I think even if the ÖVP has the slickest packaging we are a good way ahead in bringing in new, fresh people.
This is by far the slickest of all options: you can play or pause either from notifications or from the phone's lock screen.
It doesn't have the best gunplay nor the slickest stealth, its art direction feels dated and its voice acting is serviceable at best.
And after spending years as baseball's slickest-fielding first baseman, he has now mostly hung up his glove, playing primarily as a designated hitter.
It stands in stark contrast to the Churchill War Rooms in central London, one of the slickest and well-attended tourist attractions in England.
Once again, Google's devices aren't the slickest pieces of hardware — that title would likely either go to Apple or Samsung, depending on personal preference.
Yet Mr. Rubchinskiy's slickest accomplishment may be how stealthily he exploits social media to win over an army of boys to his fashion cause.
Now Ms. Parks is surprising New York audiences once again, by writing what at first appears to be her slickest, most conventional play to date.
Kevin Lee isn't the slickest ring general, but there are other ways to cut an exchange short which we will get on to in a second.
The slickest aspect of Apple's iPhone X / XS navigation is the way you can swipe across the gesture bar at the bottom to switch between apps.
Fulham are not the slickest nor the most successful club in London, and may well have a mixed few years ahead of them on the pitch.
" In one of her slickest zingers she noted that "a man you can bait with a tweet is not a man you can trust with nuclear weapons.
Most airline or hotel or bank apps don't offer pared-down experiences (like was once the case), but their very fastest, slickest experience with the greatest functionality.
This video includes the slickest, most impressive dance routine this side of "Thriller" and it takes place in an eye-wateringly white spaceship that's moving at hyperspeed.
Played by Jason Tam, in the show's slickest performance, the Squip materializes to Jeremy looking like Keanu Reeves in "The Matrix" and proceeds to dictate his life.
This was before Filipovic's reactions slowed and his chin faded—he was still a powerful, accurate striker with some of the slickest takedown defence in the heavyweight game.
Charles was one of the slickest fighters in the history of the game, when James Toney was being brought up on fight film, Charles was his chief case study.
The Black Shark uses the same Snapdragon 845 chip as everyone else, but it's extremely, conspicuously fast — easily the slickest and most responsive Android device I've used all year.
I Pitted Canon&aposs &aposAffordable&apos EOS RP Against My Beloved Sony A7 IIIThe $1,300 Canon RP is not the best camera made or even the slickest mirrorless camera.
I have no idea whether it's any good in practice, but the fact that it replaces every single button on the dashboard is particularly compelling on BMW's slickest car.
Delivery will make or break the winners — it won't necessarily be the startup with the slickest design, but rather the food entrepreneur who first perfects these newest delivery models.
We need to move into a world where our political leaders are accountable for problem-solving, not just generating the slickest and most memorable slogans in lieu of solutions.
The guy has some of the best power at 125—a division which is short on big hitters—but also some of the slickest ways of getting it home.
Each represents the premium in their space: Vogue with over a century in print and access to A-list everyone, Apple with the slickest must-have gadgets on the planet.
Now the more user-friendly redesign is trickling down to the thinner m153 and m17, and at first glance, this looks like one of the slickest gaming laptops we've seen.
The track is an interesting way to end what has been Junior Boys' slickest release to date: it's strange and secluded, practically pulsing with a desire to be left alone.
"Is it really about the latest and greatest long skis, the biggest, slickest tricks, or going steeper and deeper?" he asks in his self-published book Instant Skiing, Instant Fun.
One of Holloway's slickest methods, and one which has earned him a good few of his stoppages, is to draw the opponent forward and attack their body as they step in.
In most of these images, the eye glides over the slickest of surfaces: computers, banks, storage buildings, and glassy offices — as in "The lobby of Ernst & Young's headquarters in London" (2015).
The SNY reporter pulled what is possibly the slickest move in the history of sports when he casually caught a foul ball during a live report, like it was no big deal.
Since opening in March, shoppers, diners and gawkers have streamed to Hudson Yards, the borough's "biggest, newest, slickest gated community," as Michael Kimmelman, the architecture critic of The New York Times put it.
With military-style lace-up boots, sweaters reading "Utopia: This Must Be The Place!" and snakeskin sliders on offer, we're racing to the checkout for H&M's latest – and arguably slickest – collaboration to date.
The $750 Lenovo Yoga 720 might not be the slickest 2-in-1 Lenovo's made this year—the Yoga 920 is nearly perfect all around—but my god is it nice for the price.
As recognized by Pitchfork's Chris Dahlen at the time, it was their "slickest, catchiest" to date, with handclaps and hypnotic hooks, not to mention some tracks funky enough for you to shake your ass to.
This is the kind of song where you want to argue about who came through with the slickest verse, but it's not just some dusty lyrical exercise; it's also a lush cut for the radio.
Its slickest publication had been Dabiq , a magazine named for a Syrian town where, in the seventh century, Armageddon was prophesied to play out in an apocalyptic battle with infidel forces from the Roman Empire.
The slickest interrogation comes from Representative Al Green (D-Texas), who cleverly unifies the themes by asking Zuckerberg if he knew how many of the top executives of the Libra Association were women, minorities, or LGBTQ.
For many years it was accepted that Google led the way with the slickest, most intuitive, most efficient software: the 'stock' Android experience that appeared first on the Nexus phones and survives in slightly altered form on the Pixels.
But despite being more than twice the price of an entry-level Apple Watch, and possessing half the features, the Movado Connect is still one of the slickest smartwatches you can buy right now, because this thing really does have style.
All images: Sam Rutherford/GizmodoThere was once a time when Sony's Xperia phones were some of the slickest, most fashionable Android phones out there, thanks to their stylish, minimalist designs and trend-setting features like water-resistance way back in 643.
His character, a buddy of Han Solo's, last appeared in Return of the Jedi in 1983 before Donald Glover played a younger version of the galaxy's slickest smuggler in the spin-off Solo: A Star Wars Story, released earlier this year.
I ended up in the middle of an awkward cluster of people and had to employ the slickest, most creative poses I could think of in order to get a picture of myself without a hundred other people in it.
We have a profile of Amy Schumer and her new Netflix special; a look at Japan's disappearing ice monsters, above; and an architecture review of Manhattan's newest, biggest, slickest real estate venture (spoiler alert: Our critic was not a huge fan).
Ultimately, PageCloud wants to create a service that makes building a website as simple as sketching with pen and paper and though there are many competitors — Wix and Squarespace among others — the startup does have some of the slickest UX we've seen.
In between milking the sticky-ass hook, "keep a gold chain on my neck/fly as a jet/boy you better treat me with respect," it's just verse after verse of them showing off their slickest flows and most "ooo"-worthy one-liners.
It's one of the best picks out there if you want to get your clips looking like they were edited on the desktop, but don't want to do the heavy lifting—and it also has one of the slickest interfaces we've come across.
The former First Lady was always more admired than loved by her party (a dirty secret that even the slickest Clinton-style stage-management of her rallies could not conceal), and her defeat by Donald Trump eroded much of that grudging regard.
Or rather why they fail to come up with effective structures to support maintaining public ownership of public assets; to distribute benefits equally, rather than disproportionately rewarding the single, best-resourced, fastest-moving commercial entity that happens to have the slickest sales pitch.
JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE — "LIKE I LOVE YOU" Subtract the boy band curls, add heaps and heaps of bad boy swagger and a pinch of sexy whisper-talking, break out your slickest moves, and you've got the recipe to turn Timberlake into a grown-up, worldwide phenomenon.
A Collapse of Horses by Brian Evenson (Coffee House Press) The latest collection by one of my all-time literary heroes, A Collapse of Horses finds Brian Evenson continuing his work of burrowing deeper and deeper into the slickest and blackest parts of human psyche.
Among the two dozen or so opposition groups in the anti-Maduro coalition, Popular Will has the slickest operation, with well-oiled publicity channels, plenty of powerful friends abroad and a telegenic face in Lopez's wife Lilian Tintori, a former kitesurf champion turned rights activist.
He joined the franchise for its second installment, 1980's The Empire Strikes Back, and again in Return of the Jedi in 1983 before Donald Glover played a younger version of the galaxy's slickest smuggler in the spin-off, Solo: A Star Wars Story, released last year.
The story of a dance hall girl making her way in the world through a string of relationships, Sweet Charity is indelibly a Fosse musical — and the film is one of his slickest achievements as a director and choreographer, though at the time it was a major box office flop.
But her run to the Wimbledon final not only proved that her game is no longer one-dimensional as it was in the past, when she would only venture off the baseline as a last resort, but that she also has the weapons to make an impact on the sport's slickest surface.
Nor did he swallow each genre whole, preferring to pick and choose among specific musical elements from everywhere — streamlined rhythm guitar and hyperactive bass here, steady straightahead rock beats and flashy guitar solos over there, now for aching quietstorm horns and moaning backup singers, now for monster grooves straight from the James Brown playbook, now for classic pop showtunes that could have come from the prerock era, now for psychedelic alienation effects to rival the late Beatles, plus a soul-derived vocal style that veered effortlessly between soft/wet croon and harsh/crazed shriek while hitting every note in between, and let's not forget the zippiest, crunchiest, slickest, most elegant synthesizer sound ever to split the difference between American disco and British new wave.
Jack Miller, writing for the Toronto Daily Star, called the first season the "slickest commercial adventure series" produced to date by the CBC. The second season received mixed reviews and its audience share declined to 13%.
The song was given mixed reviews by musical critics: Mark Guarino of the Arlington Heights, Illinois Daily Herald called the song "earnestness at its slickest", while Ann Powers of The New York Times said that it was "splendidly corny".
Reviewing the original episodes, the Los Angeles Times called it "about the slickest two hours of warfare ever shown on the tube."Big Al Loses as Ness Bags Another Big Winner Page, Don. Los Angeles Times 13 Jan 1961: A7.
Parker was part of the Dodgers' and World Series teams. Known as one of the slickest fielding first basemen of all time, he won the National League Gold Glove Award for first base every year from to 1972."Parker Ties NL Record", Evening Outlook, Sports, p. 24, Santa Monica, California, Dec.
Joe Dylanne is a plain-clothes NYC cop with a badge and a robust personality. He always resorts to unconventional methods in order to capture the city's slickest criminals. When Dylanne receives a message from Katy, an old sweetheart of his, the news is not as pleasant as he anticipated. Rather, it is an imperative call for help.
The size of the particle and many other interrelated components of a lubricant make it difficult to make blanket statements about whether PTFE is useful or harmful. Although PTFE has been called "the slickest substance known to man",Presenting PTFE: A Potent Resin, A Well-Kept Secret by Owen Heatwole, April 1981, for QMI. it would hardly do any good if it remains in the oil filter.
The Popular Magazine initially started as a boy's magazine, but the editorial focus was shifted after only three issues to one of adult mainstream fiction, a program the magazine would retain for the rest of its publication run."The Popular Magazine: Appreciating the 'Slickest' Pulp" by Ed Hulse, Blood 'N' Thunder magazine. Part I, No. 24 (Summer 2009) (pp. 76-100); Part II, No. 25 (Winter 2010), pp. 78-99.
Preparation began on a studio pitch that included a poster-sized cel featuring the comic's cast against a traced photo background—as Bakshi intended the film to appear. Despite Crumb's enthusiasm, the artist refused to sign the contract Krantz drew up. Artist Vaughn Bodē warned Bakshi against working with Crumb, describing him as "slick". Bakshi later agreed with Bodé's assessment, calling Crumb "one of the slickest hustlers you'll ever see in your life".
" Variety also described the album as "Another solid rhythm and blues session with one of the slickest acts of the genre, Earth, Wind & Fire, which always keeps it together. "A couple of instrumentals break up a lot of smooth, polished vocal instrumental trips." Rick Atkinson of The Record placed Spirit at number 5 on his list of the top 15 albums of 1976. Spirit was also nominated for an American Music Award for Favorite Soul/R&B; Album.
Halliwell's Film Guide gave the film a negative review, saying it was a "stupefying from-the-stalls rendering of a successful stage farce; in this form it simply doesn't work".Halliwell's Film Guide, 13th edition - . Radio Times was similarly scathing, stating the film "reduces the precise timing of the double entendres, the bedroom entrances and exits and the dropped-trouser misunderstandings to the level of clumsy contrivance, which not even the slickest of players can redeem".
Bakshi later agreed with Bodé's assessment, calling Crumb "one of the slickest hustlers you'll ever see in your life". Krantz sent Bakshi to San Francisco, where Bakshi stayed with Crumb and his wife Dana in an attempt to persuade Crumb to sign the contract. After a week, Crumb left, leaving the film's production status uncertain, but Dana had power of attorney and signed the contract. Crumb received US$50,000, which was delivered throughout different phases of the production, in addition to ten percent of Krantz's take.
Texas Ranger John Salmon Ford said of her, "She could whip any man, fair fight or foul, could shoot a pistol better than anyone in the region, and at black jack could outplay (or out cheat) the slickest professional gambler." Several tales are told of Bowman and her earlier years. The first is that she and her husband had accompanied Zachary Taylor during his campaign during the Seminole Wars. There is no record of a woman matching Bowman's description accompanying Taylor, but such an event would help explain her later loyalty to him.
The more common one has its carbon atoms arranged in a cubic lattice, while the less common one, lonsdaleite, has a hexagonal lattice. By mixing these polytypes in various ways at the nanoscale level of structure, DLC coatings can be made that at the same time are amorphous, flexible, and yet purely sp3 bonded "diamond". The hardest, strongest, and slickest is such a mixture, known as tetrahedral amorphous carbon (ta-C). For example a coating of only 2 μm thickness of ta-C increases the resistance of common (e.g.
For the previous ten years, the CBC's nightly newscast, The National, had aired at 10 p.m., and was followed by a 40-minute newsmagazine package called The Journal, which was hosted by Barbara Frum. However, following Frum's death in early 1992, the CBC took the opportunity to revamp its flagship newscast. The CBC's live coverage of the Charlottetown Accord referendum results on October 26, 1992 effectively acted as a soft launch for the show,"The News at Nine; CBC's new Prime Time News goes up against the U.S. networks' slickest hits".
Robert Brown of The Monthly Film Bulletin declared, "Basic shortcomings in writing, performances and direction, combined with the unnerving relish with which the film carves up its hapless female victims, allow little scope for either genuine horror or a parody of the same." George Anderson of The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette called the film "one of the tamest ... horror flicks to date." Retrospective assessment has noted the film's mixture of slasher films with Italian gialli films and police procedurals. Film scholar Adam Rockoff deemed the film "grim" and one of the "slickest-looking slasher" films.
For days afterwards, the southerners would taunt the northern sentries, thanking them for all the food and inviting them over for dinner. There was so much beef available that Confederate sentries would sometimes offer it in unauthorized trades with Union sentries for certain luxury items of which the Federal soldiers had a plentiful supply, but the Confederates lacked. After the beef was eaten or spoiled, the Confederates reverted to their previous, dire food situation. Abraham Lincoln called the raid "the slickest piece of cattle- stealing" he ever heard of.
Potion Design has done software development, mostly in the form of iPad apps. Their first major such project was the "Biblion" iPad app in 2011, for the New York Public Library, which presents an interface for viewing images, documents and text from the library's archives. Alexis Madrigal, a senior editor for The Atlantic, called Biblion "one of the slickest media consumption experiences that I've seen for the iPad." They have also designed iPad apps for Josef Albers' 1963 book Interaction of Color (for Yale University Press), and for the works of photographer Richard Avedon (for the Richard Avedon Foundation).
Since the early 1950s, both amygdalin and a chemical derivative named laetrile have been promoted as alternative cancer treatments, often under the misnomer vitamin B17 (neither amygdalin nor laetrile is a vitamin). Scientific study has found them to be clinically ineffective in treating cancer, as well as potentially toxic or lethal when taken by mouth due to cyanide poisoning. The promotion of laetrile to treat cancer has been described in the medical literature as a canonical example of quackery, and as "the slickest, most sophisticated, and certainly the most remunerative cancer quack promotion in medical history".
FIFA is a series of association football simulation video games developed and released annually by Electronic Arts under the EA Sports label. Football video games such as Sensible Soccer, Kick Off and Match Day had been developed since the late 1980s and already competitive in the games market when EA Sports announced a football game as the next addition to their EA Sports label. The Guardian called the series "the slickest, most polished and by far the most popular football game around". As of 2011, the FIFA franchise has been localised into 18 languages and available in 51 countries.
In 2006 Williams returned to the tailoring world with his own brand, Terence Trout, creating suits for David Beckham, James Caan, David Haye, Michael Portillo and Jermaine Jackson. He also made suits for David Beckham's three sons. Lucia Van Der Post of FT How to Spend it fame once said; "For several years he’s been a little-known secret, as his telephone number was passed around a select group of fans and he was quietly making suits for some of the slickest dressers around." The name 'Terence Trout' came from a gentleman Williams saw when he was a child.
The free-language rule which had been in effect between 1973 and 1976 was abolished by the European Broadcasting Union before the 1977 contest and countries were now required once again to perform in one of their official languages. However, Germany had chosen an English- language song before the EBU announced the rule change, so they (along with Belgium who had done the same) were given dispensation to perform in English. On the night of the final Silver Convention performed 6th in the running order, following Norway and preceding Luxembourg. It is usually acknowledged that the group's professionalism and experience shone through with the slickest stage performance of the night.
Monique Wright was the third panelists who was 'savvy' and 'super smart' who could talk about anything, making her invaluable on a panel. As his role as the moderator who would steer the conversation, Matt White was one of the 'slickest presenters' on television Boland believed. The final panelist was former Big Brother contestant Big Brother housemate Zach Douglas who was 'flamboyant', 'street smart', 'unpredictable' but still 'naïve'. Other than Adam Boland, the production team wasn't so supportive about Douglas' appointment with Rob McKnight telling Boland, "Sometimes you let your groin get in the way of your decisions.." and Zach was one of these 'groin decisions'.
GameSpot said it "expertly uses audio to push the story along" and noted that many of the games' tracks "include voice or chanting and all are appropriately uppity or low with the game's mood", but said there were many areas with silence or ambience making the "game's soundtrack a tad sparse." Xenogears was the first Square game to feature voice overs and anime cut scenes. Electronic Gaming Monthly said they are "some of the slickest animation cinemas" they have seen. Game Revolution praised the "absolutely spectacular and stunning" hand-drawn anime cut-scenes, but stated that they were sparse and poorly synched with the voice acting.
Some commentators were critical of McCormick's decision to record country music. Alanna Nash panned When You Get a Little Lonely as "the most manufactured of country pop" and criticized McCormick for singing with "the overwrought exuberance of a high school variety show contestant". The Atlanta Journal-Constitution Miriam Longino wrote that she "can carry a tune" and that the album has the "slickest arrangements and studio musicians", but she largely dismissed it as "a contrived attempt to cash in on country's popularity". Longino said McCormick's interpretation of country music was inauthentic, writing, "A pair of Tony Lama boots cannot transform this California actress into Patsy Cline".
The first voice on air, Jane Garvey, later went on to co-present the breakfast and drive-time shows with Peter Allen. The Times described the launch as "slipp[ing] smoothly and confidently into a routine of informative banter" and The Scotsman as "professionalism at its slickest". The news of the first day was dominated by the fatal stabbing at Hall Garth School in Cleveland, the first of many major incidents which the network covered live as they unfolded. The tone of the channel, engaging and more relaxed than contemporary BBC output, was the key to the channel's success and set the model for other BBC News services later in the decade.
Shortly after Le Building's premiere at Annecy, Amid Amidi ran a glowing profile of the film on Cartoon Brew. Amidi used the film as an argument against the perceived decline of 2D animation, claiming that the student work of Gobelins as a whole is "probably the slickest and most technically proficient of any animation school" he had ever seen. Multiple times over the following years, Amidi would call back on Le Buildilng as exemplary of the work being produced at Gobelins. In conjunction with the 2006 Siggraph conference, Animation Magazine ran an article by Ramin Zahed, noting that Le Buildilng – which was screening at that year's event – had "already generated good word of mouth".
David Smyth of the Evening Standard called the song the "slickest, most appealing production" of its parent album. Jennifer Drysdale (Entertainment Tonight) singled the track out as a "flirty" number while also showcasing "more of a pop sound" for the then upcoming Liberation album. USA Today critic Patrick Ryan also defined the song as a "flirty" track "whose hypnotic high flutes and dexterous guest verse from rapper GoldLink will be lodged in your brain all summer". Writing for HotNewHipHop, Chantilly Post noted that "Like I Do" sounds "like home for GoldLink as if the song could have been on his previous album At What Cost" while giving the song a "HOT" stamp.
Less than three days before the 10,000 m, a special commission of the IAAF, consisting of the same seven members that had suspended Nurmi, rejected the Finn's entries and barred him from competing in Los Angeles. Sigfrid Edström, president of the IAAF and chairman of its executive council, stated that the full congress of the IAAF, which was scheduled to start the next day, could not reinstate Nurmi for the Olympics but merely review the phases and political angles related to the case. The AP called this "one of the slickest political maneuvers in international athletic history", and wrote that the Games would now be "like Hamlet without the celebrated Dane in the cast." Thousands protested against the action in Helsinki.
Frank Sinatra as John Baron, berating a hostage. When the film was released, Bosley Crowther, film critic for The New York Times, liked the direction of the film and the acting, and writing "Yet such is the role that Mr. Sinatra plays in Suddenly!, a taut little melodrama that... [it] shapes up as one of the slickest recent items in the minor movie league... we have several people to thank—particularly Richard Sale for a good script, which tells a straight story credibly, Mr. Allen for direction that makes both excitement and sense, Mr. Bassler for a production that gets the feel of a small town and the cast which includes Sterling Hayden, James Gleason and Nancy Gates." Crowther especially liked Sinatra's performance.
Under Guzik's guidance, Alex became experienced in securing Syndicate protection through bribery of city officials. By the mid-1940s, Alex was the main liaison between the Chicago Outfit and city hall officials. He granted control of the Loop's illegal gambling and prostitution operations, including a lucrative call girl operation out of prominent downtown hotels (of which many call girls were paid up to $500 to $1,000) Alex's operations brought in an estimated $1 million a month for the Syndicate. Described as "one of the wiliest and slickest crooks" within the Chicago Outfit, Alex would decline to answer questions under the Fifth Amendment over 39 times during his appearance before the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the U.S. Senate Committee on Government Operations.
In their review, Mobilesyrup lauded the phone, saying "there is no going back". They praised its aesthetics, noting that the Galaxy Nexus combined design elements of the Nexus S and Galaxy S II. Although the OMAP SoC was clocked lower and used a last-generation GPU while pushing a 720p screen with 40% more pixels than competitors with qHD (540p) screens, there was no slowdown or app instability and the Galaxy Nexus was often faster than contemporary smartphones in both benchmarks and real-world usage. They also praised its software, as the "experience is just that much better", declaring the phone as "the first best Android device ever." Engadget's Darren Murph, described Ice Cream Sandwich as "smooth as ever" further saying that "without question, this is easily the slickest, most polished version of Android yet".
" Preezy of XXL said, "HNDRXX is a reminder that no matter how hard he tries to shun his reputation as a hitmaker, Future remains one of the most reliable acts in mainstream music, his reluctance aside." Michael Madden of Consequence of Sound said, "While his most definitive project remains 2015's Dirty Sprite 2 for its balance of Future's innate melodic sense and especially effective trap records, HNDRXX comes in as a close second." Kristian Brito of The Quietus said, "It's the slickest, spaciest project he's released since Honest (which was always underrated), and sits far left of the trap rigor mortis of the self-titled record." Mosi Reeves of Rolling Stone said, "Like its predecessor, it's an hour-plus data dump of quotidian creativity with a slight thematic focus, not a tightly sequenced tour de force.
AllMusic's Steve Legget reviewed a CD compilation of the tracks and stated: "the result is actually a pretty decent record, featuring the slickest-sounding (relatively -- we're talking Lightnin' here) Hopkins you're ever going to encounter. Given a backing band of Earl Palmer on drums, Jimmy Bond on bass, and Joe "Streamline" Ewing on trombone, Hopkins turns in measured (for him) and almost jazzy renditions of "Shining Moon," "Talk of the Town," and "Shaggy Dad," and even with the unlikely trombone accompaniment, it all works". The Penguin Guide to Blues Recordings called it: "a rather weird album Lightnin' recorded for Verve-Folkways, accompanied by bass, drums and jazz trombonist John "Streamline" Being. Among some routine but perfectly acceptable blues and boogies Lightnin' remembers an old song his brother Joel also sang "Good Times" and the rag song "Shaggy Dad"".
" Stephen Thomas Erlewine of AllMusic gave the album four out of five stars, saying "Ready to Die is, against all odds, a terrific Stooges album." Ryan Bray of Consequence of Sound gave the album three and a half stars out of four, saying "Ready to Die is another torrid tour de force from a band built for speed, not comfort." Tim Stegall of The Austin Chronicle gave the album four out of five stars, writing that "Ready to Die finds the quintet on Fat Possum, making them indie artists for the first time, and they give their new label the best produced, loudest, and slickest – without sacrificing any primal grit and drive – Stooges disc yet." Jason Heller of The A.V. Club gave the album a C, saying, "Luckily there are enough high points on the album to mark it as a clear improvement over The Weirdness.
The American Prospect. December 2, 2002 Survival of the Slickest: How anti- evolutionists are mutating their message The scientific community and science education organizations have replied that there is no scientific controversy regarding the validity of evolution and that the controversy exists solely in terms of religion and politics."Such controversies as do exist concern the details of the mechanisms of evolution, not the validity of the over-arching theory of evolution, which is one of the best supported theories in all of science." Science and Creationism: A View from the National Academy of Sciences, Second Edition United States National Academy of Sciences A federal court, along with the majority of scientific organizations, including the American Association for the Advancement of Science, say the Institute has manufactured the controversy they want to teach by promoting a "false perception" that evolution is "a theory in crisis" by falsely claiming it is the subject of wide controversy and debate within the scientific community.

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