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118 Sentences With "most persuasive"

How to use most persuasive in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "most persuasive" and check conjugation/comparative form for "most persuasive". Mastering all the usages of "most persuasive" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Despite his most persuasive efforts, he just isn't your type.
This is probably the argument liberals would find most persuasive.
Dads showed the most change, and daughters were the most persuasive.
Which of the examples provided by the author are most persuasive?
What aspects of the letter do you believe are most persuasive?
The Green New Deal is the *most persuasive* idea on the table.
Which of his arguments for a moratorium do you find most persuasive?
But Cole said the most persuasive argument may be the most basic.
But in the end, the voters always choose the most persuasive candidate.
But the most persuasive analogue is nearer both in time and in space.
But perhaps the most persuasive political case for impeachment is the long view.
Perhaps: What is it about Trump's business record that you find most persuasive ?
Perhaps the most persuasive explanation is exactly the one offered by Gillmor in 2009.
The most persuasive explanation is that MacLean confirms and extends their deep preexisting suspicions.
He's also become Bernie Sanders's most persuasive — and, through his Facebook videos, viral — surrogate.
The most persuasive argument will fall on deaf ears unless real change accompanies our words.
In the American election game, it comes down to which candidate is the most persuasive.
These are also issues where McConnell could be at his most persuasive to fellow Republicans.
I fought them with the most persuasive instruments at hand, the way both my grandfathers did.
Throughout a career spanning decades, Papa Wemba remained among the most persuasive global proponents of African music.
Clinton's most persuasive surrogates — delegate math, and "Fear of a Trump Presidency" — as by the candidate herself.
Reading "Sapiens," I'm reminded that those who prevail are the ones who tell the most persuasive stories.
Walter Lippmann's Public Opinion, published in 1922, is the most persuasive critique of democracy I've ever read.
It's the most persuasive proof captured on film that the tools of exploitation can make transcendent art.
Next, share your lists with a partner and discuss which of the arguments you find most persuasive.
And some of the most persuasive critics are those with experience at schools that practice the philosophy.
This is the most persuasive case for giving more money to lifesaving charities that I've read in years.
He was at his most persuasive when he was committing to an unabashedly progressive agenda: farsighted and compassionate.
And contrary to his elementary school advice, Cummings became one of the most persuasive speakers in the statehouse.
Clinton, for all his flaws, was one of the most persuasive speakers to serve in the Oval Office.
We will collect some of the most persuasive in a follow-up post in The Stone next week.
Here is where Taubes is at his most persuasive, tracing sugar's unique and intractable place in the American diet.
One, it's offered the most persuasive case for how DAPA could actually hurt the state (more on that later).
It's a good trick used by the most persuasive candidates and salespeople, and it's one Bill Clinton had in abundance.
It was his promise of keeping and adding to American jobs that was his most persuasive message during the campaign.
This is what Trump means when he says that the system is rigged, which may be his most persuasive argument.
Or in what several sources called the most persuasive argument: framing the election around Democratic calls for Medicare-for-all.
But what usually happens is that Rob reaches out to these people, because he's just the most persuasive of us.
She and her team understand very well that the most persuasive religions have usually had an element of high theater.
But perhaps the most persuasive similarity is the way in which Thomas's jump resembles the French artist's advice to aspiring painters.
Without a clear answer, which interpretation wins out comes down to which camp in the Trump administration is the most persuasive.
While support from parents is frequently the most persuasive, caring adults from outside the home can also help build measurably positive outcomes.
He may be a top three center next season, and is the most persuasive reason to be optimistic for the team's future.
The nominee will be the candidate who builds the broadest coalition of support and makes the most persuasive argument on the economy.
You'll even learn how to move others to action through a three-step persuasion blueprint used by the world's most persuasive people.
The company has said that it uses secret psychological methods to pinpoint which messages are the most persuasive to individual online viewers.
" One page lists "the most persuasive words in the English language": "You, New, Money, Easy, Discovery, Free, Results, Save, Proven, Guarantee, and Love.
The most persuasive is that APX Labs, a company that designs software for smart glasses, lists Tesla as one of its main customers.
The single most persuasive fact that tells us that Texas is not competitive is that Clinton's campaign team has almost no operation here.
Even the most persuasive argument — that compulsory voting violates free speech ideals that include the right to silence — misunderstands how compulsory voting works.
So it was another study this year that to my mind provided the most persuasive evidence that strenuous exercise alters how we age.
But by forgetting to use one of the most persuasive words in the English language, you'd run the risk of blowing the sale.
His most persuasive images draw on social realism and early modern woodcuts to create a stirring visual analogue to the BPP's ideological platform.
The show's most persuasive performances come from the ensemble's oldest members: Hope and Stephanie Berry, who plays Ruth, Joy's understandably worried mother back home.
The most persuasive advocacy on Friday night occurred when these players channeled their evident desire to connect into performances of notes on the page.
He spent his energy not on vilifying anyone but on stating in the least hysterical, most persuasive manner possible what's right and what's wrong.
And somehow the rudimentary aspect of the special effects makes the illusions wrought by Prospero seem the most persuasive of any production I've seen.
Even if Mnuchin or Bannon were the best and most persuasive speakers out there, these are powers only President Trump truly has at his disposal.
The agencies with the most persuasive pitches are those that have increasingly personalized data on the patterns and preferences of a broad range of consumers.
The most persuasive version I've ever seen, from Fiasco Theater in 2014, refrained from interpretive gloss, and let the play's paradoxes speak eloquently for themselves.
Polis helps identify which doors for salespeople to target and works with companies to identify the scripts that are most persuasive for consumers, according to Tucker.
The most persuasive case your correspondent has heard to the contrary came from Chris Wilson, a Republican pollster who worked for Ted Cruz in the primary.
Have students compare and contrast several of the monologuists below, and decide which person — and which specific speech — is most persuasive, funny, or effective — and why.
The most persuasive person was her wife, Laurie Leitch, the director of Threshold GlobalWorks; the couple was introduced by the cartoonist Garry Trudeau, and married by him.
Perhaps the most persuasive answer to worries about elitism is the observation deck, at the intersection of the old brick and new glass parts of the building.
"A solid to him for being one of the most persuasive arguments that Rosario Dawson should double-down in her relationship with me," Booker said of Biden.
For now, both sides say they are trying to get to know the new Congress and learn which members are worth attention and which arguments are most persuasive.
In the end, the argument that was most persuasive to Mr. Trump was the one made most forcefully by Mr. Sessions: The program was simply against the law.
The movement's most persuasive argument rests on a study published in 22015 by the prestigious medical journal The Lancet that established a link between measles vaccines and autism.
"We were so angry at each other, both genders," Lauren Salzman, Nancy's daughter, a clever 40-year-old and perhaps the group's most persuasive junior leader, told me.
Bernie Sanders's most persuasive argument for his single-payer health plan, in a presidential race where he is continually fending off attacks from opponents on his political right.
One of the most persuasive arguments that evangelicals like Dobson make is that Christians are under attack in America, persecuted by the likes of humanist secularists and radical feminists.
One of the most persuasive advocates of an open-protocol revival is Juan Benet, a Mexican-born programmer now living on a suburban side street in Palo Alto, Calif.
They provide our culture's most persuasive script for what I call "capitalist catechism": narrating that the source of success is not some preexisting privilege of genetic blessings or Steinbrennerian spendthrift.
News Analysis Hiding out from American drones in Yemen's badlands in March 2010, Al Qaeda's most persuasive English-language recruiter donned a camo jacket and addressed American and European Muslims.
I could pen the most persuasive essay in the history of the written word, or represent college athletes at Congressional hearings in Washington, D.C. where political advisors are brought to tears.
The most persuasive, but under-discussed argument in favor of auditing the election in Wisconsin is that it will pull many Americans out from under a penumbra of confusion and propaganda.
It is in uncovering proof of this second thesis where the book is both most persuasive and most arresting — and where its lessons for the Democratic Party are the most salient.
And this month, documents found on the computer backups of a deceased Republican strategist offered the most persuasive evidence yet that the decision was driven not by policy, but by partisanship.
Instead, a firm grasp of the language allows them to collaborate with other researchers across borders, communicate seamlessly in conferences, and submit papers to prestigious journals with the smoothest, most persuasive prose.
Overall, I thought Yang was a bit off in his delivery last night with misplaced pauses, a lackluster speaking style and a rare inability to focus on presenting his most persuasive answers.
Two of the most persuasive saleswomen New York has ever seen are peddling their wares with high style and equal determination at the Nederlander Theater, where "War Paint" opened on Thursday night.
Kistulentz is most persuasive with the nuts and bolts of the crisis machine: TV news editors who trim offending material from disaster footage and emergency teams deployed to inform surviving family members.
Get others to think your conclusion is their ownNo one can be forced to truly believe something, Carnegie wrote, and that&aposs why the most persuasive people know the power of suggestions over demands.
This is the ideal forum for President Trump to influence public opinion by focusing on the sustainability of the Affordable Care Act, which is his most persuasive argument and potential basis for a bipartisan compromise.
Perhaps the most persuasive explanation is the rise of angry populism, built on a rejection of the established order and a growing focus on issues of culture and national identity, rather than practical economic outcomes.
The most persuasive evidence that ban the box helps ex-offenders get hired comes out of Durham, North Carolina, which banned the box in city government hiring in 2011, and county government hiring in 2012.
We'll more likely be plugged in as abstract computational nodes, our attention and product-buying decisions channeling the flow of trillions of dollars of commerce; our free will up for grabs to the most 'persuasive' bidders.
One of the most persuasive criticisms of the show's exploitative qualities came from the writer and critic Ashley Ray-Harris, who has criticized the series for failing to tell nuanced stories about its characters of color.
Even so, here's how I hear it: Asked about the inspiration for a particular line for a particular song, Cohen answered, instead, with the most persuasive explanation I've encountered of what artistic inspiration might actually involve.
For next Saturday's primary in South Carolina, one of the most conservative states in the nation, that allows him to make the most persuasive arguments about championing the Scalia legacy that is intensely popular on the right.
These questions won't really be resolved by which side presents the most persuasive arguments but rather by the competing pressures facing lawmakers at home, from the White House and from the uncertainties of an election year impeachment.
Maybe the most persuasive song is also the simplest: "Condition the World Is In," a (more or less) two-chord lament by the Religious Souls, four men and three women, who sometimes recorded as the Kingcannon Family.
The most persuasive criticism of the op-ed isn't that the author is doing something wrong in the White House, but that going public in the form of an op-ed itself endangers their quiet anti-Trump insurgency.
" Caroline Mala Corbin, who teaches at the University of Miami School of Law and has worked for the ACLU, explained, "The most persuasive free speech justification for this protection is not that white supremacists have anything worth saying.
While those studies have been widely accepted among academics and professionals, the law's opponents will have plenty of motivation to challenge them, undercutting what have long been among the most persuasive arguments for adding women to corporate boards.
" Sims adds, "In my experience Ivanka also happened to be one of the most persuasive surrogates the President had, both in terms of selling his agenda to the public and in twisting the arms of wavering members of Congress.
It's a giant leap from Rascal Flatts's "Banjo" to Stephen Sondheim's "Johanna" from "Sweeney Todd," in which Mr. Johnson unfurled the full power of his voice in one of the most persuasive renditions of that song I can recall.
"Gun to my head, I'd guess the film that recalls our collective guilt in the most persuasive, cinematic way, so that would be 'Spotlight,'" said an academy member and campaign watcher whose job status hinges upon staying anonymously behind the scenes.
So they set out to reach them in their communities, talking to them in their language, with the belief that touching them in the most personal way possible, at churches, bodegas, bus stops and nail salons, was also the most persuasive.
This is the moment to embrace that reality, moving from generic linking to CDC resources— which are not always up to date—to the most persuasive and personalized "lens" and empowering actions that motivate billions to make life-saving choices.
This positioning, right in the middle of the millennial generation, is part of what makes her one of the most persuasive commentators on the seductions and ironies of cultural and other forms of capital, and the ways they move through the digital sphere.
"Displaying the usual meticulousness associated with the Pixar brand, 'Ratatouille' is a nearly flawless piece of popular art, as well as one of the most persuasive portraits of an artist ever committed to film," A.O. Scott wrote in his review for The Times.
These intense physical displays have long served as his most persuasive markers of authenticity; his toothy smile and persona may be contrived, but the motorcycle he races on helmetless and the wind that pummels him during a free-fall are anxiously real.
The most persuasive performance on Wednesday was of Zosha Di Castri's whirlwind "Phonotopographie" — a piece that opened with fast riffs in the winds and eventually carried Alarm Will Sound out the doors of the hall, after a short parade through the aisles.
" The judge said that in deciding the bail issue, he found "most persuasive" Mr. Zarrab's "lack of ties to the United States, his significant wealth and his substantial resources, his extensive international travel and his strong ties to foreign countries, including countries without extradition.
This finding will continue to be debated in the coming months, but for now, despite its flaws, it is still one of the most persuasive pieces of evidence yet for the view that minimum wage policies hurt workers at the bottom of the economy.
To see which e-cigarette ad formats were most persuasive to teens, researchers analyzed data from a recent nationwide survey of about 22,000 middle school and high school students from grades 6 through 12, when youth are typically about 54 to 18 years old.
To me, the most persuasive argument against this creeping definition of what constitutes a "film" is that it seems designed to elevate some TV (namely, TV directed by people who are already beloved in the film world) and keep the rest of it in its place.
And the Los Angeles survey is most persuasive when seen in that light, not as a "masterpiece" show — it runs into trouble there for me — but as a record of a radical personal and cultural history that retains some hint of what once made it provocative.
So far, 13 of its 16 endorsed candidates for the Virginia House of Delegates have won (a couple of them may face runoffs.) That so many women landed on ballots this year was remarkable, but their skills and organizing talent, not their gender, proved most persuasive.
"When we were working on this in the Oregon legislature in the 70s, the most persuasive, powerful speech then, and still that I've ever heard, came from a Republican pig farmer who never smoked, never drank, but thought that the failed policy of marijuana prohibition was stupid," he says.
Activity: Debating Under What Circumstances Health Care Providers Can Refuse Patients Ask students working in small groups to rank the arguments listed below, both in favor and against allowing the operators of the clinic to refuse service to Ms. Benitez, from most persuasive to least persuasive in each category.
The movie's most persuasive section shows evidence of possible collusion between the site and some of its advertisers; yet despite an abundance of legal expertise, no one is on hand to substantively address First Amendment rights, or to examine claims that the website is a useful ally in locating and prosecuting traffickers.
His reference to peaceniks was the most persuasive to this viewer, owing largely to the wonderful hippie-style military regalia he showed, along with shorts over leggings, covetable olive drab trench coats, soft suits of burgundy velvet, and regimental jackets whose swirling motifs, appliquéd on sleeves, were devised by Wes Wilson, godfather of West Coast psychedelia.
The most persuasive constitutional argument by those challenging the appointment is that the underlying logic of cases allowing for prior acting appointments of non-Senate-confirmed individuals to positions that otherwise would require Senate confirmation is exigency — a need to fill the position — and the lack of another person who had been confirmed by the Senate to do so.
Ahead of the 2020 presidential election, a Trump move to acknowledge and act on this would also allow him to counteract the most persuasive criticism of his foreign policy, namely that he is alienating allies without yet showing wins on four significant fronts regarding rivals: China and its unfair trade, Iran and its malign behavior, North Korea's nuclear proliferation and Venezuela's despotic dictatorship.
This is what soccer is now, and what it may well be in years to come: UEFA is likely to see this game, should it go ahead, should Boca's latest legal appeal fail, as a green light to take the Champions League final — its own showpiece — outside Europe: to the Middle East, to North America, to wherever the money on offer is most persuasive.

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