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139 Sentences With "potties"

How to use potties in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "potties" and check conjugation/comparative form for "potties". Mastering all the usages of "potties" from sentence examples published by news publications.

We now have two potties downstairs, and two potties upstairs.
And as far as Porta Potties go, they were pretty clean. 
Ask her which one of the potties she wants to use.
He even fronted the money to rent port-a-potties and dumpsters.
When she thinks about festivals she thinks: sweat, dirt, and porta potties.
Her rallies are held in port-o-potties & she still has room.
Port-a-potties, tents, and blankets have all been donated as well.
Random strangers offered me their extra toilet paper in the porta-potties line.
I remember watching people push over porta potties, sometimes with people in them.
Martin said he's seen several Pittsburgh Potties in homes and buildings throughout his career.
Hint: She's got a high pony, a sippy cup and an opinion on potties.
"You can't have a gathering without porta-potties," Shaggy explained earlier in the week.
There were Port-A-Potties scattered throughout the area, quelling worries about bathroom shortages.
It was a vast, if sterile, kingdom of metal, concrete and bountiful porta potties.
Motherboard called 1st Jon, the company that leases and services the port-a-potties.
It was a vast, if sterile, kingdom of metal, concrete and bountiful porta potties.
Port-a-potties have also provided the setting for one too many horror stories.
Upon arrival the adult male was pronounced deceased & three Port A Potties engulfed in flames.
" Posters above the Porta Potties state, "These bathrooms have been liberated from the gender binary.
Unfortunately for me, I have a tiny bladder and a phobia of port-a-potties.
Workers have also brought porta-potties and stored food and provisions for about two months.
Beige port-a-potties dot the intersections of residential streets, where unmowed lawns grow unruly.
Others shuffled to port-a-potties and foot-powered sinks to shave and brush their teeth.
We make use of the porta-potties (not too bad, actually) and settle into the crowd.
This resulted in concertgoers needing to leave the stadium to go to the washroom in porta-potties.
Smells of nature fill the air accompanied by an occasional whiff of the overwhelmed port-a-potties.
In their disdain for vanity, its inhabitants make potties out of gold and children's playthings out of jewels.
They just have the hand sanitizer in the port-a-potties, but they're out most of the time.
The port-a-potties labeled "Employees Only" are more expensive and nicer than the toilets intended for drivers.
Asha parked her bike and found a vacant unit in the long line of porta-potties abutting the street.
To give them a satisfying answer, he and his colleagues decided to conduct the first study on Squatty Potties.
Anytime you're at an outdoor festival, the line for the semi-sanitary porta potties will be a long wait.
Staging opera in alternate venues is now fairly common, although Porta Potties are not usually part of the equation.
Early on in the night, much like the porta potties at warehouse parties, everything starts off clean and unscathed.
A musician attempts to use the port-a-potties during the Cardiff's Big Weekend festival, in Cardiff, Wales, on Aug.
There were stories about phones run over by steamrollers, dropped in Porta Potties, pulled from the wreckage of plane crashes.
Dumpsters overflowing with garbage line the muddy streets, and the only toilets are overflowing porta-potties or unlit, concrete latrines.
"Once those port-a-potties fill up, there's no amount of cleaning that will save them," Purdy told the Post.
I mumbled any number of mortified "I'm sorrys" and then — as one does — ran away to the port-a-potties.
An Uber driver service facility in Los Angeles has separate port-a-potties for drivers and "employees," Motherboard has learned.
"The first order was like 2,000 Squatty Potties, they arrived from China, and we got this big container full," said Bobby.
We had these two big dudes on Harleys pulling two different Porta-Potties, and me and a friend raced each other.
There's a central food storage, where volunteers often drop off sandwiches, and a row of three porta-potties in the back.
"Once those port-a-potties fill up, there's no amount of cleaning that will save them," she told the Washington Post.
Typically, this government office is more focused on relief measures like porta-potties, hand-washing stations, custodial services and public transportation.
There are fire pits used for cooking, a long row of porta potties, and portable sinks for washing hands and dishes.
"There's a bathroom right here across the street, our park has port-a-potties, there's a gas station right here," Budde says.
In addition to the lawyers volunteering their time, supplies varying from generators to port-a-potties to food are consistently being donated.
Food and supplies were limited at the encampment, the too few porta-potties weren't cleaned out fast enough, and people got sick.
Right by Soylent's headquarters, you can see a row of porta-potties, a reference to the company's problems with making people sick.
Gone are the days when music fans slept in the open air, survived on junk food and put up with smelly porta potties.
Across the United States, officials are urging citizens to prepare, warning of traffic jams, wifi outages and shortages of alcohol and porta-potties.
The festival also had accessible outdoor bathrooms in the form of a series of Porta Potties with two handwashing stations in the middle.
I remember doing the same thing when we were potty training — we put those little potties everywhere, hoping they'd remember to use them.
SEN worked to tackle the sanitation issue with the installation of over 500 port-a-potties throughout the areas inhabited by the displaced.
At one point in the video, two porta-potties slide on a sidewalk before one flips onto a van and the other becomes airborne.
But the fans also provided plenty of entertainment as well ... bros were crushing porta potties just to get a better look at the action.
While there are now tanks of clean water and makeshift port-a-potties, the people in the ever-growing encampment live in squalid conditions.
The back of the estate's another story, but the horde of trailers, trucks and porta-potties suggests the landscaping operation is in high gear.
If a violent gust of wind can rip port-a-potties from the ground, it can certainly be strong enough to weaponize an umbrella.
They visited the porta-potties, then they went to the men who were solemnly unloading boxes of food from a truck at the gate.
There were more whiskey bars than Porta-Potties spread across the concert grounds; even so, the lines for whiskey dwarfed those for the bathroom.
Urinating in public is a jailable offense and I wouldn't wish the porta-potties lining the routes in the French Quarter on my worst enemy.
Bridge wait times are so long at the Bridge of the Americas that Juarez has brought in port-a-potties for anyone stuck in traffic.
And regardless of whether their are mummies inside, the easiest way to deal with porta potties is just to go at home before you leave.
Even if you provide port-o-potties, as you have to for 75, a bunch of people will say "yuck" and use the house bathrooms.
The event had promised a glamorous weekend in the Bahamas, but images from Fyre Festival instead featured tents, port-a-potties and sad cheese sandwiches.
"As far as Pittsburgh potties go, this is the least scary that I've seen and I am comfortable using it," Krajewski said of her makeshift bathroom.
But instead of high-end lodges and villas, they found wet mattresses, porta-potties and the type of tents used by FEMA for disaster relief efforts.
"  "…there were sorta potties (only about one for every 200 yards) that were knocked down and only three showers although there were hundreds of people arriving.
A fun day at a Colorado park took an interesting turn recently when large gusts of wind sent a pair of porta-potties flying through the air.
There's also a bit of logistical challenge: not just where to put the porta-potties, but also how to get the humans and heavy equipment you need.
It's not like there aren't enough bathrooms to go around—Burning Man organizers already set up nearly 2,000 port-a-potties around Black Rock City every year.
It's a pain to get to, a monster to navigate, and will test your patience, your endurance, and your tolerance to heat, grime, and port-a-potties.
Thankfully, no one was inside of the port-a-potties when the wind storm hit the Colorado park Monday, and we're left with a fitting visual metaphor.
Port-a-potties were at the camp and were cleaned twice daily, trash was changed out several times a day, and there was even recycling, organizers told KHON.
Port-a-potties on bungee cords and Africanized bees aside, you could show Jackass to a space alien and it'd learn what it means to be an American.
There will be a support station at Constitution Gardens, which will have porta-potties, water stations, heating tents, medic stations, and a tent where lost people can meet.
Sick of slogans and tired of being casually hazed and verbally abused, they take refuge in drawing penises inside the porta-potties that dot their bases and outposts.
It seemed a potentially combustible mix, but clashes were limited to a few harsh words exchanged near some porta-potties, and the city went about its usual business.
Washington (CNN)Inauguration planners rushed to wipe away a potential controversy Friday after porta-potties on the National Mall happened to be adorned with the President-elect's first name.
One can almost get used to the lack of electricity, but after using porta-potties for weeks, and before that, buckets, a flushing toilet sounds like an amazing dream.
" — SETH MEYERS "Somehow the Ukrainians managed to indoctrinate a toddler to use our potties and do their bidding to one day bring down the president of the United States.
One day you are a star, the next day they are telling you the hot dogs are for principal talent only and the porta-potties are in the back.
She told her where you can fight (the porta-potties) and how to make prison cheesecake (nondairy creamers and Sprite) and what Danielle Steel book was the must-read.
Seeing people hiking up the mountain past the port-o-potties, Mr. Mangauil stormed after them and wound up on the hood of a ranger truck, even more angry.
Do they not have the right to do molly, possibly wear horribly offensive/cultural appropriating clothing, and pass out in their own vomit behind the Porta Potties in peace?
Some of those porta potties have signs stamped on them saying "do not throw diapers in the bathroom," an indication of the varying ages of those who pass through.
Judy Edwards originally thought they might just sell a few Squatty Potties here or there to help supplement their retirement income, because no one likes to discuss pooping problems.
One of the biggest mistakes puppy parents make with indoor potties, like Wee-Wee Pads and real or artificial grass pads, is putting them in several locations around the home.
We spent an hour and a half together, weaving a tale of betrayal, hijinks, and some pretty messed up port-a-potties while laughing and getting to know each other.
"We work long hours and deserve better than the six foul-smelling and fly-ridden port-a-potties available to us at the nation's 2nd busiest airport," the letter reads.
As I looked around El Barretal, where just a handful of port-o-potties service the whole population and kids play in fetid puddles, a health crisis also seemed imminent.
The sweeping $1.9 billion program aims to build new potties and upgrade existing public facilities from smelly, disgusting places where most people don't flush to palaces with ATMs, TVs, and sofas.
You may be surprised to discover you can make pretty good money picking head lice out of other people's scalps, cleaning porta-potties, and mopping up blood from a crime scene.
The porta-potties are present here as well, but they are surviving a little better here in the outer areas, rather than in the hub of activity that is Little Rose City.
In June, Palm Beach County Commissioner Hal Valeche told local station CBS-12 that the county was placing porta-potties at some larger homeless encampments, and recognized the root of the problem.
This was the Hubble Cantata, a staggeringly ambitious work that attempted to bring the cosmos down to Brooklyn and make sweaty crowds bordered by beer tents and porta-potties feel like astronauts.
When I arrived at camp in early December, the economy of shit had mostly been handled by clusters of meticulously maintained porta-potties, each one stocked with hand sanitizer and toilet paper.
Chanel West Coast is happy to TALK about dropping a deuce at Coachella ... as long as it's only talk because she has some very strict rules about the music fest and porta-potties.
He said the railroad would have to bring in temporary toilets, similar to the ones used at sporting events and festivals, commonly known as port-a-potties, which also quickly become quite rancid.
But now, thanks to a program called Safe Parking — a network of parking lots equipped with porta-potties and lot monitors — she can now stay in her car overnight without worrying about her safety.
JANET Unless we are having a midlife crisis, like the title character in John Cheever's story "The Swimmer," private swimming pools, swing sets and Porta Potties are strictly off-limits to unauthorized passers-by.
On the plus side, there's no crowd at the parking lot or lines for the porta-potties, but there's also none of the usual support at rest areas or cheering at the finish line.
While overnight guests of the ice hotel also get a regular hotel room at the nearby Hôtel Valcartier for bathroom and changing needs, the ice hotel itself only has two (albeit heated) Porta-Potties.
While a spokesperson for American Airlines did not identify any specific guidelines concerning the use of portable potties on flights, they did tell PEOPLE that all of their flights contain lavatories for passengers to use.
The Presidential Inaugural Committee — an independent fundraising organization that foots the bill for items from port-a-potties to glitzy inaugural balls — does not have to disclose its donors for 90 days after the event.
They've raised money to buy new tents, install and maintain port-o-potties, and have participated in two marches as well as two acts of civil disobedience when they refused to move during a sweep.
Regularly maintained bathrooms are an obvious solution, but as hinted at with the private funding needed to be raised for Where Do We Go Berkeley's port-o-potties, cities often scoff at this logical measure.
You wouldn't believe the downpour of indignities and diminishments Murphy has weathered over the years — being videotaped from one room to the next, being banished to distant porta-potties when functional bathrooms were steps away.
But sharing it all with a raucous, amorphous festival—one that might not have enough security or porta-potties, and that will definitely have too many people who want to break the Air Force's rules?
Motherboard reported last year that some Uber Greenlight Hubs segregated bathrooms by worker classification; at one facility, Uber drivers were directed to Port-a-Potties without running water and scolded for using employee designated ones.
So be careful near the Fan Wall, and don't talk to your friends too long near the Official Port-o-Potties of Game Day, which near as I can tell somehow don't have corporate sponsors.
I'm scared of the outdoors, so I joined a commune in the rainforest; I hate port-a-potties and camping, so I went to a music festival; I attended a Nickelback concert and became a convert.
And yet, it turns out that there are some people who don't find port-a-potties disgusting—a notion the executive director of the Portable Sanitation Association International, Karleen Kos, argued in response to the article.
It's time to address one of the primary problem with an all-day, outdoor party: I desperately have to pee and the lines at the few-and-far-between port-o-potties stretch down the road.
How Artspan's juried local art show resulted in an assortment of reproductions on branded banners hanging on the fences surrounding Super Bowl City's port-o-potties and playground, many blocked off by generators and trash bins.
In the first video, filmed earlier that week, the handicapped and women's port-a-potties were padlocked, while unlocked facilities looked dirty, with piles of used toilet paper crowding the seats and empty hand sanitizer dispensers.
The outhouse race, in which teams of five drag wooden port-a-potties on skis across the ice — two pushing, two pulling, one enthroned on the toilet seat — was relocated to the dry land outside Duffy's Tavern.
On the left side of the stage, a row of porta-potties became a makeshift staircase supporting scores of young people who hopped the guard rail, landed atop the stalls, then slid their way down to the field.
But to neighbors whose lives have been upended over the past year — by the noise, and vibrations, and fumes, and dust, and traffic, and wires, and Port-a-Potties, and rats — another accouterment captures the spirit of the place.
In more than two dozen recent contracts and modifications with Rapid Deployment, the government lists many of the emergency services it has hired the Alabama-based company to provide, including meals, port-a-potties, generators, and more at US quarantine sites.
This did not go well, according to tweets by annoyed fans that paint a picture of piss-covered chaos: The report tells stories of 45-minute-long lines for the porta-potties driving some fans to pee on a fence in desperation.
By then the festival had at least one toilet trailer and a cluster of porta-potties, but the ticket-holders were long gone from the site, which some compared to a refugee camp in part because the "luxury tents" were similar to FEMA tents.
So, if you're going to use this home and its yard, then you need to embrace the full responsibility of it — yard work before, professional yard work after, potties, parking, permits and permission, tent, food service and trash management, thorough housecleaning before, professional housecleaning after.
The next afternoon, we headed up the King Street Extension, just north of the skate park, to Tradesman Brewing, the place with the broadest gravel parking lot and the homeliest affect: an unmarked steel big-box with a refrigerated trailer and four porta-potties parked outside.
In an email, she wrote in favor of the port-a-potty and its broader public health benefits, conceding that while port-a-potties aren't always pleasant, they're oftentimes the only choice, and a whole lot better than forcing people to relieve themselves wherever they goddamn please.
In the line for Don's Johns, the famed porta-potties that were still left over from the inauguration, I met a woman named Ann who worked in DC. She said that the subway ride in for her was more packed than any of her morning rush hour commutes.
On Monday, the port crossing at Otay Mesa in California closed for the night with 150 trucks waiting to cross; on Wednesday, lines to cross into El Paso from Ciudad Juarez were so long that the local government of Juarez brought port-a-potties to relieve people waiting.
In the de-saturated, overcast light we took in the expanse of the camp: the fires and smoke spiraling into the sky; the teepees, RVs, tents, and buses providing shelter for some 3-5000 people; the porta potties, elaborate makeshift kitchens, and piles of wood waiting to be chopped.
After Coachella organizers explained to West his dome would be too difficult to construct in four months and require the festival to move a large number of portable bathrooms, West became agitated, saying he was "an artist with a creative vision who shouldn't be spending his time talking about port-a-potties," Billboard reports.
Dodge past the cigarette hawkers and camera crews on the entry road, swing a right before crossing the railway lines, follow a mildly malodorous line of port-a-potties until they peter out, and that's where you'll find Tamer: frying chicken, mixing yoghurt-tahini sauce, and barking orders to his eager cohort of line chefs.
This article originally appeared on VICE Canada Festival season is now in full swing, which means at this very moment there are thousands of people camped out in sweltering heat, surrounded by walls of perpetually full porta-potties, likely buying pills and powders from total strangers, and definitely making decisions of wide-ranging quality.
Dr. Summerville reiterates that outside of the idyllic party you've created in your head, there's a whole lot of stuff that's not only less fun, but downright shitty: sunburns, festival port-o-potties, or just getting so sloshed that you never even make it out of the campground all tend to be details that get ignored.
Workers preparing for President-elect Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump pushes back on recent polling data, says internal numbers are 'strongest we've had so far' Illinois state lawmaker apologizes for photos depicting mock assassination of Trump Scaramucci assembling team of former Cabinet members to speak out against Trump MORE's inauguration next week are covering up the logos on port-a-potties that list the restroom supplier's name: Don's Johns.
An op-ed to chew on: Enhancing protections for sensitive information in congressional investigations NOTABLE LINKS FROM AROUND THE WEB: Narrow bipartisan path emerges on privacy (National Journal) Amazon suit claims Trump bias tainted cloud bid, judge says (Bloomberg News) EU agrees tough line on digital currencies like Facebook's Libra (Reuters)  Uber office has nice port-a-potties for 'employees only,' inferior ones for drivers (Motherboard)  View the discussion thread.
In one of the long lines for the porta-potties, I overheard a conversation that reminded me, absurdly enough, of my time in the old Condé Nast cafeteria, where I would listen in on young editorial assistants chatting about what actress had agreed to be in a sponsored-content video or what Grace Coddington had said or how they had gotten out to Montauk without having to step foot on a bus.
For four hours they would burn police cars, tip over porta-potties, trap several hundred fans of the musical Wicked in the Queen Elizabeth Theatre, cause millions of dollars' worth of damage to downtown Vancouver, pose for some incredible photos, and, perhaps, plant a seed of interest in the mind of Americans like myself, who knew basically nothing about our neighbors to the north beyond the fact that they were supposedly pretty friendly, pretty quiet, and pretty weird.
Staffers were calling in sick en mass, and the youth-led gun control advocate group March For Our Lives: Virginia bussed in the night before and slept in their representatives' offices rather than wade through the crowds of protesters (many of whom displayed poor gun safety form, like wearing handguns on belt clips that could easily fall off, or resting the muzzle of a loaded semi-automatic weapon on the tops of their shoes, or leaving guns piled on the ground outside of the rows of porta potties while they did their business).

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