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"never-ending" Definitions
  1. seeming to last forever

952 Sentences With "never ending"

How to use never ending in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "never ending" and check conjugation/comparative form for "never ending". Mastering all the usages of "never ending" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Read more:I put Olive Garden's Never Ending Pasta Pass to the test to see if it's really never-ending.
Read more: I put Olive Garden's Never Ending Pasta Pass to the test to see if it's really never-ending.
I ate at Olive Garden with a Never Ending Pasta Pass to see just how never-ending the pasta really is.
Somewhere in the never-ending ether of the net, two Twitter bots are having a cheerful, never-ending conversation with each other.
After the success of the Never Ending Pasta Passes, which sold out in seconds, Olive Garden unveiled its latest installment in "never-ending" food promotions Monday.
Just as never-ending social feeds sent some of us running back to email, so too are never-ending direct messages sending people back to text messages.
Olive Garden is bringing back its beloved Never Ending Pasta Pass, which allows diners to enjoy seven weeks of Never Ending Pasta Bowls for $100 per pass.
Every year, Olive Garden sells tens of thousands of its Never Ending Pasta Pass which promises unlimited free pasta from Olive Garden during the Never Ending Pasta Bowl promotion period.
So, we decided to combine these guests' favorites to make 'never ending' even better with the introduction of Never Ending Stuffed Pastas, giving guests more of what they crave at an unbelievable value.
I was in that tunnel — it's a never-ending tunnel.
I was in that tunnel -- it's a never-ending tunnel.
I mean the never ending media appearances by Jim Clapper.
The Pasta Pass gets you the Never Ending Pasta Bowl.
It was however yellow sand of the never- ending plain.
" Keeping them safe, Patalak says, "is a never-ending process.
There's nothing romantic — or Islamic — about a never-ending war.
" The source added, "It's a never-ending cat and mouse game.
Image: ZTEThe saga of ZTE is a never-ending roller coaster.
But in this situation," she starts to cry, "it's never-ending.
The never-ending gift of beer sounds pretty sweet for dad.
Our Facebook feeds had turned into a never-ending funeral service.
Where a civil war is going on and it's never ending?
It's visual, never-ending content that can be accessed anywhere, anytime.
It's a vital listen in an age of never-ending tumult.
Hair can be described by a never-ending list of adjectives.
It's like a never-ending cycle that you can't escape from.
Go deeper ... Courtenay's story from this morning: The never-ending boom
But the never-ending criticism from agents eventually wore her down.
" Go deeper: "Preserving the Sistine Chapel Is a Never-Ending Task.
The internet is like a never-ending hamster wheel of creativity.
The pursuit of safety — especially for LGBTQ folks — is never-ending.
TikTok is like a never-ending variety show; it's pure entertainment.
Gray for Thom Browne is a never-ending well of inspiration.
This never-ending custody fight was emotionally and financially draining us.
So using "N" suggests a criticism of a never-ending term.
Trump's dealings with Russia are a never-ending stream of controversy.
Maybe it's our never-ending desire for new identities and experiences.
Wall Street is starting to resemble a never-ending Irish wake.
A city with a gang violence epidemic that seems never ending?
The cycle of horrible news is overwhelming and seemingly never-ending.
Pocket Card Jockey is a never-ending quest for equestrian perfection.
An online ticketing system nixes dull waits on never-ending lines.
The houses began aggressively hyping a never-ending flow of new
But race is like the never-ending song of our work.
"You feel like it's a never-ending process," Ms. Jordan said.
It's a never-ending loop that continues to amplify the issue.
" He added later, "It's the never-ending battle for higher ground.
"I feel that this is a never-ending project," Peraić said.
"It felt like it would be never-ending," Jessica Darlington said.
If the process seems never-ending, it's because it practically is.
I'm in a never-ending nightmare trying to do just that.
And if one undertakes the effort, the process is never-ending.
It's my workplace, my lunchroom, my pit of never-ending chores.
It was a never-ending cocktail party without the social anxiety.
All part of the never-ending circus on West 33d Street.
But that's no reason to stay in a never-ending war.
Britain's never-ending Brexit debate cleared a major psychological hurdle Tuesday.
We are confronted with the never-ending task of bearing witness.
EU states do not want a never-ending transition muddle.  13.
There are never-ending debates over the benefits and disadvantages of democracy.
It's another one of the never-ending plot devices in the show.
And with a never-ending do list, our brains need a break.
Click here to view original GIFBuilding a never-ending Slip 'N Slide?
"Adds [Urban Outfitters] to my never-ending debt without question" reads another.
The internet provides a never-ending stream of information, disinformation and rumour.
Except, that never-ending white string is not pasta, it's a tapeworm.
This keeps me from taking breaks that turn into [never-ending] escapades.
God, your never ending love and grace never cease to amaze me.
It is a 24-hour street carnival and a never-ending parade.
It&aposs never ending, like you know, a ball of yarn, Greg.
Those folks who are in a never-ending cycle of conflict … Outrage.
Katy Perry is roaring about her never-ending feud with Taylor Swift.
The never-ending controversies have coincided with the departures of several executives.
Now lecturers are using it to grade the never-ending things, too.
It claims to be a "never-ending rally" dedicated to President Trump.
It's a never-ending list, which just underlines how much elections matter.
Jeff Flake (R-AZ) said of the never-ending cycle of scandals.
The longest, truly never-ending saga of this season continued this week.
Several witnesses described the chaos of the shooting as seemingly never-ending.
And it just went on and on, never ending, through the roof.
So for Google, it looks like a never-ending race with itself.
The questions were never ending, and the answers were in short supply.
However, the never ending wars have created a growing restlessness in America.
The Never Ending Pasta passes, which went on sale at 2 p.m.
Our economy doesn't increase along with the never-ending supply of immigrants.
To be watched so much is a kind of never-ending nightmare.
Annoyed by the never-ending stream of fake news on social media?
But the work is never-ending because rain washes the pesticides away.
What's also illuminating is how never-ending the therapeutic road can be.
"This is going to be a never-ending battle," said Mark Zuckerberg.
The Khe Sanh Combat Base was devastated amid the never-ending shelling.
Sorting through all that clutter can feel like a never-ending task.
For Indigenous Americans, though, colonization is a never-ending condition of life.
There is no appetite for the usual, never-ending partisan trench warfare.
The U.N. is a never-ending scandal disguised as an everlasting hope.
It's a great area, but it seems like construction is never-ending.
It screams of the never-ending mantra of 'boys will be boys.
And by all, we mean a never-ending flow of mashed potatoes.
Notability turns your iPad Pro into a never-ending pad of paper.
I believe that the image represents the never-ending cycle of war.
A transformation is never-ending — it becomes a journey and a lifestyle.
"The pain was never-ending for the first three months," McNamara said.
He is banking on your becoming overwhelmed by his never-ending antics.
It's also difficult, never-ending and still very much worth the struggle.
It's never ending and it's omnivorous and it's not a separate silo.
" • "In the air there is a stench of never-ending manifold variety.
The war on terror, by definition, is both unwinnable and never-ending.
" He added that politics is "a never-ending struggle ... until the rapture.
A seemingly never-ending flow entered Bangladesh near the village of Palongkhali.
You want your big guitars and hummable melodies and never-ending teenage idyll.
I took to journalism and soon saw Attica as a never-ending story.
Point blank: It hurts, it sucks and it feels like it's never ending.
The end of the seemingly never-ending Galaxy Fold saga might be nigh.
It's getting through a never-ending list of things that they absolutely need.
To not get sucked into the never-ending addiction spiral of phones. Yeah.
Melissa McCarthy really appreciates her parents' never-ending encouragement while she was young.
It's a never-ending cycle in what seems like no end in sight.
Small projects like this (and larger ones) seem never-ending in this house.
"I think describing new species will be a never-ending job for generations."
Plus, networks seems to have a never-ending demand for reboots and remakes.
Priyanka Chopra knows her wedding to Nick Jonas may have seemed never-ending.
Maybe you want to declare your never-ending love for your significant other.
With all of these never-ending premieres, TV can feel a little overwhelming.
For them, the last 40 years has largely been a never-ending recession.
Photo: GettyThe need for more blood donations is a seemingly never-ending problem.
Can't get enough of the somehow never-ending Jenna Cooper/Jordan Kimball saga?
The list of things I don't understand about my miscarriage seems never-ending.
Or it keeps going, and it's going to be a never-ending cycle.
You can see how you could get trapped in a never-ending circle.
Because the Royal Family is like a never-ending real-life Netflix series.
The never-ending search for angles was making me a poorer thinker, poorer
A never-ending quest for the greater meaning, one chord at a time.
In a nutshell: falling in love with solutions rather than never-ending problems.
At this rate, it becomes a never ending game of maintenance catch up.
"It's just a never-ending ask on every line item," this person said.
Thank you for your never-ending support in the fight against pediatric cancer.
Throughout my entrepreneurial journey I've found that the learning process is never-ending.
Scrolling through Pinterest in search of inspiring interiors is a never ending quest.
Sidebar They say that Bob Dylan, 23, is on a never-ending tour.
Colombia Dispatch In normal times, Colombia's crowded capital reverberates with never-ending noise.
Facebook, so far, has thrived on its promise of never-ending usage growth.
So who wins in the never-ending evolutionary battle between predator and prey?
Well, it appears we've entered the never-ending presidential impeachment campaign, as well.
Is there any hope that we can recover from this never-ending nightmare?
" Some of the lyrics -- "Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of God.
And then I napped a little more during the never ending Today show.
This is probably another never ending hoax and total lie from the DNC.
Yet the never-ending supply of bright young men was a mixed blessing.
A time-sensitive gauntlet is laid down, and the never-ending action begins.
Its economy is a never-ending cycle of oil-industry booms and busts.
This is probably another never-ending hoax and total lie from the DNC.
It's a never-ending cycle of people trying to get the last word.
I am sick of being in the middle of a never ending conflict.
Case in point: the countless, never-ending stream of articles about the subject.
Meeting Foxconn's never-ending need for workers requires considerable effort from the government.
"Olive Garden is known for its never-ending abundance and Italian generosity—with unlimited soup or salad and breadsticks with every meal, and guests' favorites like Never Ending Pasta Bowl," said Jennifer Arguello, executive vice president of marketing for Olive Garden.
That cohort had Vietnam; we grew up with the never-ending war in Afghanistan.
In the food world, there's an almost never-ending list of these unbeatable combos.
Had his long, never-ending paperwork stretched into this year, he wouldn't be here.
But do you know just how never-ending that conflict is going to be?
"The past week has been a never-ending nightmare for Georgina," says the source.
The never-ending debate over net neutrality has long had pretty predictable fault lines.
Then I succumb to playing an never-ending game of fetch with my dog.
Among the most constraining is its never-ending hunger for more and more data.
Finding ways for us to understand context and nuance is a never-ending battle.
David Garber is trapped in a never-ending bassline IRL (and on Twitter, too!).
"You wind up having what I call the 'never-ending argument,'" Dr. Greer says.
My studying was never-ending, so I always looked for a good stopping point.
" When commenters asked what causes the excess growth, Never Ending Callus responded simply, "genetics.
Ryan Seacrest can also add skincare specialist onto his never-ending resumé now too.
Cutting and growing your hair is a never-ending task — albeit a fun one.
There are times where losing that patina of never-ending mystery hurts the narrative.
It's basically a never ending shove match that goes on until someone gives up.
It was indicative of the "never-ending battle against performance enhancing drugs," he said.
Handling air traffic control at Heathrow must be a never ending game of stress.
He is delighted to answer my never-ending questions about U.S. history and culture.
So I can call my hours a little better but it's still never ending.
Sure you could shut off the never-ending stream of Moana, but will you?
Hateful and the Privileged, the former always on a never-ending search for new
Photo: GettyThe leaks are never-ending; but naturally, some are more sensitive than others.
It was only temporary, though at the time I thought it was never-ending!
Instead, we seem trapped in a never-ending storm of rancor, divisiveness and distraction.
Fighting continues but the people of Afghanistan want peace in this never ending war.
"To design better techniques with my trainer is a never-ending process," said Sun.
Until then, the never-ending news cycle of Facebook's self-made disasters will continue.
From these never-ending cycles of sensory input and motor output, we create ourselves.
Dumping encourages overproduction, trapping family farmers in a never-ending need for higher yields.
It probably felt like a never-ending punishment, but the process helped you learn.
"A lot of WeWork feels like a never-ending party," one former employee said.
After all, space is never-ending, and your phone is, comparatively speaking, quite small.
But for the millions remaining the struggle for life's basic necessities seems never-ending.
Does Election 2016 feel "never-ending," or do you still find yourself very engaged?
And where to begin in a city where the night life is never-ending?
Looking for a quick way to keep up with the never-ending news cycle?
While low inflation might sound great, a never-ending shortfall might hurt the economy.
But it seems like our homes are a never-ending revolving door of Tupperware.
I am probably still covering the never-ending fight over health care in America.
A never-ending quest to fix the unfixable — what I saw in the mirror.
Staying in Iraq offers only a never-ending vista of civil war and uncertainty.
They may also come to regret setting into motion the never-ending impeachment process.
A pacifier that won't keep falling to the ground in a never-ending loop
Economists have only begun to model never-ending growth over the last 75 years.
The St. Regis in Aspen, Colorado, hosts a never-ending calendar of holiday events.
Appropriation is a blunt charge, and can become a never-ending game of gotcha.
A cloud of cigar fume marked an alcove featuring a never-ending poker game.
"Clearing the sea of the sludge is a never-ending process," Mr. Mishra said.
It's a never-ending process, especially when there are young people using your platform.
Then there's the fatigue on all sides over the never-ending Brexit political fight.
S. service member was killed & 6 injured in our never-ending war in Afghanistan.
Already, people feel deluged by a never-ending flood of national damage and despair.
I have to highlight the hypocrisy in Washington that this never ending debate creates.
Without any real repercussions for employers, abuse is a never-ending problem, Anderson said.
But the real problem comes from the never-ending need to purchase energy points.
Rome is the Eternal City, and its scams targeting travelers are never-ending as well.
And if you love cheesy flicks, there is practically a never-ending supply of options.
Despite my never-ending battle with public transit, my blood pressure seems to be fine.
There is a seemingly never-ending stream of shit and semen and vomit on-screen.
The pervasive sentiment of 2018 is that we all live in a never-ending hell.
The never-ending American culture war, online and offline, that sometimes breaks out into violence.
Why do executives and viewers continue to fall into the trap of never-ending narratives?
So the never-ending news of nationwide E. coli outbreaks linked to Chipotle is terrifying.
" Looks like we have to add "advertising' to Reynolds' never-ending list of talents, too.
APOn Facebook's never-ending quest to take over the world, no stone is left unturned.
Olive Garden's never-ending pasta passes are going on sale on Thursday at 22 p.m.
Just grief, sadness, and the never-ending attempt to make sense of something utterly senseless.
Not. The next few days were a rush of annoying expenses and never-ending paperwork.
But have you ever wondered why Westeros is stuck in this never ending medieval age?
"Roswell, that was a smoke screen," he divulges, encouraging Mulder's never-ending quest for answers.
All of this comes amidst a never-ending stream of regulatory challenges for the company.
In a world of never-ending eyeshadow palette launches, it's hard to beat the originals.
On paper, Chasm's pitch is compelling: a never-ending Metroid, where every experience is different.
This will be a "never-ending battle" as Zuckerberg said, dragging out over many years.
This year, 21,000 OG Never Ending Pasta Passes were sold in less than a second.
So what's likely to happen next in the never-ending story of right-wing feverdreams?
"Finance Minister Schaeuble's never-ending Greece bashing is annoying and doesn't help anyone," she said.
It seems that fashion is playing a dizzying and never-ending game of musical chairs.
Listen to her father and smile as he talked about scientific advancement, never-ending progress?
Visiting the centre of Lewisham can feel like walking through a never-ending building site.
A chronic case of never-ending worries affects up to 25 million people each year.
He was faced with the cliff edge—the vast, never-ending edge of the world.
It is, in essence, a never-ending fetch quest, but one that never grows repetitive.
In the never-ending GOP fratricide, liberal Republicans have been chased out of their party.
An absolute honest to God never ending supply of bullshit and hate from these trolls.
I wanted all of it: the expertise at my fingertips, the never-ending skill upgrades.
Our community is exhausted by the unnecessary and seemingly never-ending reality show-type drama.
But for many of the millions remaining, the hunt for basic necessities is never-ending.
At the same time, this cannot be allowed to become a never ending fishing expedition.
Being a full-blown espresso fiend, my quest for the perfect espresso is never-ending.
Prague City Hall is in Prague, Czech Republic is home to this never-ending elevator.
But for me, one Never Ending Pasta Bowl was more than enough for a lifetime.
Surely, not simply to score a point in his never-ending battle for better ratings.
Temptation to distort markets would be irresistible and suspicions of favoritism and fraud never-ending.
It didn't feel so much as a craft as a never-ending trial of stamina.
These days he's proving his qualities with never ending jokes on the internet and twitter.
Canaan and his sister Madees place the never-ending stream of completed bottles into boxes.
The vast majority are irrational numbers, never-ending decimals that cannot be written as fractions.
Threats, risks, vulnerabilities and our responses to each are a never-ending, organic, evolving process.
Many people feel nauseated all day, like from a never-ending case of car sickness.
If you appease one thing, there's another thing coming up, it's a never-ending cycle.
The battle between the two credit cards most beloved by frequent travelers is never-ending.
This Afghan child was yet another young life lost in a seemingly never-ending conflict.
Until recently, funding H.I.V. medicines worldwide looked like a noble, necessary — and never-ending — project.
The opportunities to market ourselves online are never-ending, but the financial rewards remain elusive.
It has become a never-ending fight against a hidden foe that resists conventional antibiotics.
"The search for racial equality is like a perpetual revolution never ending," Ms. Bright wrote.
Or will it be the never-ending overtures to Republicans in the spirit of bipartisanship?
But it's very hard to do that when we are literally at never-ending war.
Boeing's never-ending 737 Max saga When will the 737 get back in the air?
The field was a waterlogged pit of mud, beaten into submission by never-ending rain.
"The Antipodes" portrays a never-ending brainstorming session for unspecified purposes in an unspecified place.
As with any kind of misinformation, it's a game of never-ending whack-a-mole.
Like YouTube, social media companies have found that policing content is a never-ending challenge.
American families are on a never-ending treadmill, working harder than ever but getting nowhere.
Take, for example, the never-ending conundrum of choosing between dressing comfortably and dressing luxuriously.
It's a huge responsibility that I don't take lightly … a never-ending process and negotiation.
It takes long hours just to keep up with the never-ending stream of goods.
"It's a never-ending process," said Luca Pronzati, chief business innovation officer of MSC Cruises.
Each memory or moment bleeds into the next, creating a never-ending loop of confusion.
So I'd say being incarcerated is worse for them because it's a never-ending experience.
More than one of these jigsaws can be combined to make a massive, never-ending puzzle.
Clinton and Fallon snapped a few selfies after talking smack about the never-ending Republican debates.
We watched The Never Ending Story and stayed up until we couldn't keep our eyes open.
But this never ending war of words between Sadiq Khan and Donald Trump is frankly ridiculous.
But like all automatons, AI systems are tireless and produce a never-ending stream of images.
After chatting with the group, Kufrin pulls Booth aside to address the never-ending Underwood situation.
He continues working with maps, posters, and the like in "Billions of Never Ending Universes" (2015).
And there's a never-ending list of new rivals, positioning themselves as the newer, cooler, alternative.
Jennifer Garner is poking fun at her never-ending bag — and all the random items inside!
It's a never-ending question among Firefly fans: will we ever go into the black again?
I feel like I'm in a never-ending battle with debt from medical bills and expenses.
The Walking Dead has become a never-ending purgatory — both for its characters and its fans.
It really is a never-ending cycle — and one Lupita Nyong'o is caught in right now.
"Rust, decay, breakage…dry-rot, ants, keep up a never-ending attack" on his other assets.
And if there's one place that's absolutely perfect for thrashing out never-ending arguments, it's Twitter.
Smarter Every Day's latest video is all about the never ending fun that are Tesla coils.
The never ending (seriously, why won't it end?) saga of Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna continues.
I feel like I'm stuck in a never-ending loop of paying debt and getting nowhere.
Imagine Pennywise embodying the concept of our primarily undiscovered understanding of a never-ending outer space.
His career is a never-ending experiment that continues to yield humiliating results for his opposition.
CNN's Chris Cillizza says it's just another Trump smokescreen on the (never-ending) Russia questions. 4.
So allow me to join the never-ending chorus and say, as usual, thank you Beyoncé.
As for Bethenny ... she's been in a never-ending custody war with ex-husband Jason Hoppy.
However, I have tried numerous techniques in a never-ending quest to work faster, smarter, better.
Gone are the halcyon schooldays when friend-making opportunities were plenty, and social events never-ending.
In a world of never-ending, useless meetings, one child is actually raising some serious questions.
Many will dread the struggle ahead and regret the never-ending contest between security and liberty.
But, in either case, its main goal is to keep the never-ending rumor mill churning.
But instead of dealing with the core issues, it catches people in another never-ending cycle.
Our never-ending scroll is an iPhone app, our GPS no match for Rudolph's nose. Mrs.
It wasn't that he rejected fashion; he loved it, with a never-ending enthusiasm for discovery.
The thing about being a Chief Editing Officer is that it is a never-ending job.
"Pokémon: Red and Green" launched the never-ending cultural phenomenon that is Pokémon around the world.
The action of previous God of Wars mimicked the epic, never-ending battles of ancient Greece.
At some point, Congress will tire of bankrolling a kleptocratic government fighting a never-ending war.
The I-Spy-like photos teased the return of the chain's legendary Never Ending Pasta Pass.
An extra-long charging cable, which is the closest you'll get to gifting never-ending convenience
An extra-long charging cable, which is the closest you'll get to gifting never-ending convenience
And with every meal, homemade pickles and a never ending chain of kielbasa—oh, the sausage!
The constant presence of paparazzi and the never-ending relationship rumor mill are just two examples.
It sounds like a never-ending bucket of golf balls being dumped on a tin roof.
" On the timeline for fixing data privacy: "This is going to be a never-ending battle.
If everyone is OK with all of that, then keep fighting the good never-ending fight.
It's become commonplace today to complain about the seemingly never-ending parade of franchise superhero films.
This wasn't a great weekend for combat sports and their never-ending quest for societal acceptance.
All too reminiscent of Groundhog Day, Greece's never-ending sovereign debt crisis is again attracting attention.
They are physical manifestations of what employment is becoming—never-ending, all-consuming, around-the-clock.
It is a thankless and seemingly never-ending task that unfolds amid an often ambivalent public.
So I ask, how do you guys manage self-care in this almost never ending climate?
The Gorilla Channel was to become one small skirmish in the never-ending American culture war.
We all know that HR rules and cutbacks and never-ending meetings are never going away.
Life could be like a never-ending stay in Margaritaville, with yoga classes and "FINtastic" dining.
The "never-ending" chores meant Wiant went without sleep and missed classes, hurting his academic performance.
"The difficulty comes from the never-ending list of things we have to do," Reedie said.
Dealing with Iraq's political woes has been a never-ending balancing act for the United States.
He promised to get the U.S. out of never-ending military conflict in the Middle East.
The dream of coal's never-ending reign required ignoring its very obvious ecological and human consequences.
With the never-ending 24/7 daily job caregivers face, they rarely get any time off.
Fallout 76 has produced a never-ending stream of problems for developer Bethesda and series fans.
Westbrook was the scowling underdog on a never-ending mission to prove the entire universe wrong.
The dull blue and never-ending ruffled pleats are a bit too much for us, thanks.
We&aposve made tangible progress toward creating this culture, though it&aposs a never-ending project.
But not if the home is filled with a to-do list and never-ending drudgery.
We've all felt like we've been living in a never-ending purgatory here in Puerto Rico.
" Like the empty landscapes of Clyfford's childhood, "his canvas was a never-ending space to fill.
Going along, day in and day out, at the office can feel like a never-ending grind.
In truth the region is on a never-ending roundabout of unfulfilled promises and bureaucratic wheel-spinning.
Computer security firms will likewise lean on a AI in a never ending effort to keep up.
The House Republican caucus would have faced never-ending ridicule by Democrats, government watchdogs and transparency advocates.
The never-ending battle between Link and Ganon has lasted through the ages across several different platforms.
Mario's PicrossPlaying Tetris is fun, but its never-ending onslaught of falling tetrominoes is far from relaxing.
Election Day lasts just one day — a 24-hour culmination of the seemingly never-ending campaign season.
Image: Sam Rutherford (Gizmodo)Getting rid of spam is a never ending game of cat and mouse.
In fact, our behavior is a key component of the never-ending feed of information we create.
This time of year, it can feel like there's a never-ending stream of engagements and weddings.
Get the Never-Ending Valentine's Card — $7.99 See Details First, prepare them for the heartbreak to come.
The entertainment business is a never-ending and ever-intensifying war for consumers' limited time and attention.
The drugs also separate Charlotte from her to-do list, her never-ending schedule, her compulsive multitasking.
These two parties have been embroiled in a legal tango ever since, one that feels never-ending.
The latest entrant in the never-ending parade of exposed data appears to be Adobe Creative Cloud.
Why not make it a whole act, or even a whole movie in this never-ending franchise?
Here's the part where I point out that email clients are in a never-ending arms race.
Our search for the highest quality of goods with the lowest price points possible is never-ending.
Because the internet is in a never-ending quest to find wholesomeness, that video has gone viral.
When something awful and never-ending and impermeable is weighing on me, I remember: Things fall apart.
With global politics in a state of never-ending instability, all I wanted was a little protection.
This is, of course, just the latest in the never-ending lineup of buzzy new Oreo flavors.
Our lives are a never-ending exercise in wondering what's real and what's really a sick joke.
Lauren Juliff, London, writer at Never Ending Footsteps and author of How Not to Travel the World
Aside from a never-ending supply of fatherly advice, Danny was known for obsessively cleaning the house.
Olive Garden is gearing up to sell its coveted $100 Never Ending Pasta Passes on Sept. 15.
When it comes to the never-ending saga of Jelena, it seems, we're all in this together.
My husband is addicted to his phone and it's a never-ending battle: me versus his phone.
I would say the snuggles and the never-ending hugs and love that I get from him.
It's the latest in a never ending pile of depressing evidence video game workers need to unionize.
And—like any overly co-dependent companionship—it also has a never-ending need for your attention.
But in the never-ending arms race for the extreme, Bugatti thinks it can one-up itself.
Dealing with never-ending stares from strangers and never ceasing pain physically, the question demanded an answer.
All images: AppleBloomberg just published an enlightening update on the never-ending saga of iPhone X delays.
There wasn't space to spin into a never-ending abyss of checking locks and fleeing trash cans.
Not too shabby for a guy whose career seems to be on a never-ending roller coaster.
Security is an ongoing and never-ending battle between phone makers like Apple and Google and hackers.
As for the opportunity, thankfully for investors and tech companies, the problem of security is never-ending.
Just look at Amazon and the never-ending privacy nightmare that is Alexa as proof of this.
What we want instead, especially from women of Sandberg's stature, is a never-ending well of authenticity.
"Another thing was to get the controls right, which has been a never ending nightmare," he said.
This never-ending belief in ourselves and our "talents" is the main thing that keeps us addicted.
A never-ending horizon and ranch-style buildings make for a calming landscape reflective of rural America.
As Cardon pulls on a plastic-lined cover, the wand's never-ending wet wipe rolls into itself.
"To us, it was the beginning of new pain and the start of a never-ending war."
Reconnecting with those roots, Folster says, is key to ending a seemingly never-ending cycle of abuse.
Instead, Clinton's campaign still seems stuck on the old model of never-ending high-dollar fund-raisers.
This seems to be a never ending process that I will never be allowed to effectively complete.
" In emails of his own, Clarke also expressed irritation with what he called "a never ending process.
In the never-ending quest for the very best deals, sometimes all it takes is a code.
"Their need for attention and admiration is never-ending," clinical psychologist Candace V. Love told Business Insider.
The never-ending controversy over Kim Kardashian's naked selfie has made its way to The Daily Show.
And a never-ending amount of traditional melodies—each village has their own melody, their own songs.
Amid the never-ending toasts, I asked Mr. Chen whether he came to the festival every year.
" The_Donald bills itself as "a never-ending rally dedicated to the 45th President of the United States.
We're engaged in periodic, never-ending conflict in a half-dozen countries without any signs of ending.
It's sort of like watching a never-ending football match where your team is permanently shipping goals.
The common psychological state is best described as an inextinguishable anguish and pain that seem never-ending.
Levi has four kids, two computers and a never ending pile of WhatsApp messages from their teachers.
He loves longform content and calls his channel "TikTok on steroids" — part of the never-ending grind.
Its harmonies are constantly swaying back and forth with subtle dissonances, a never-ending push and pull.
Lately, keeping up with the Kardashian's and their hair changes has felt like a never-ending sprint.
Guests were also treated to a never-ending breadstick bar outfitted with marinara and Alfredo dipping sauces.
The company also boosted prices on its never ending promotions in order to make them more profitable.
The musical world imagined in Ludvig Forssell's Death Stranding score is one of gradual, never-ending decay.
There's a lot of drama right now in the never-ending online war between Sussex fans and.
Some missions can be never-ending, with peacekeepers accused of sexual and other abuse in several nations.
Research shows that never-ending digital distractions hurt your capacity to focus, think creatively and make decisions.
And despite talking himself into a seemingly never ending "gaffe" news cycle, Biden remains in the lead.
Regulators thus have a never-ending task of trying to protect consumers from the manipulators and fraudsters.
Balancing the demands of tournament owners and players proved to be a never-ending battle for Kermode.
A never-ending campaign, with rallies designed to please some and unnerve others, works against that goal.
Set intentional time away from your voicemails, social media, and never-ending emails to just be together.
But in business, sometimes that can lead to never-ending discussions that keep you from moving forward.
Additionally, our smartphones bombard us around the clock with a never-ending stream of news and information.
Frustration is building across farm country at what feels like a never-ending season of bad news.
Kim Jong Il's half-brother, Kim Pyong Il, was sent abroad on never-ending diplomatic service, for instance.
It's infuriating to watch, especially when it happens repeatedly, like never-ending clockwork, for a decade of television.
We line up to order pizzas and chicken fingers to the sound of the never-ending Mummy music.
The actor, 60, apparently keeps up with what we assume is a never-ending supply of fan mail.
Here are some of our top picks from the truly impressive, seemingly never-ending offerings in Wayfair's sale.
So will technology's never-ending quest to turn what is private into public eventually reach our inner minds?
Giant Vintage is, indeed, a never-ending collection of bug-eyes, cat-eyes, and every shape in-between.
The magazine cover alone coined the phrase "Breaks the Internet," sparking a tidal wave of never-ending memes.
There's an innocence to their gags — the flower that squirts water, the never-ending scarf, the honking nose.
The result is that American homeownership is made to look completely ludicrous, a never-ending series of disappointments.
" Shoop talked about building an "in-your-face defense that's built on relentless pursuit and never-ending pressure.
Yet the never-ending subjugation of Palestinians will erode Israel's standing abroad and damage its democracy at home.
The memes, which kicked off on Reddit in July, revolved around the insects' never-ending lust for lamps.
After a long, mysterious journey, it appears Falkor the lizard's never-ending story has reached a happy ending.
And it's because they transform into demonic creatures sent from hell to give you never-ending nightmare fuel.
The pop culture image of code — those scrolling, never-ending lines of impenetrable hieroglyphs — is an intimidating one.
That's what makes it fantastically, unexpectedly vital in 2017: the gruesome year of the never-ending dumpster fire.
Today, Starbucks is helping you get through this week that, ahead of next week's holidays, feels never-ending.
Bryan Bishop, The Verge: There are times where losing that patina of never-ending mystery hurts the narrative.
Germany is in the crosshairs of a major migrant crisis, a never-ending Greek debt saga and Brexit.
I'm grateful to have experienced pregnancy and having children, but parenthood is a never-ending whirlwind of worry.
But Teilhard's point was that humanity was simply one step on a never-ending staircase of increasing complexity.
Say goodbye to never-ending sponsored posts from Tasty, CNN, and other brands that have embraced the platform.
But that one device unleashed a never-ending revolution of change, each cycle accelerating faster than the last.
As Facebook's never ending string of crises continues, internal disagreements have prompted its chief security officer to leave.
Even when the fund-raising's done, the alerts linger, like a clingy friend at night's never-ending end.
It's already been a never-ending year of airline PR nightmares, and it's only the end of April.
While I wait in the never-ending line, I set up appointments to see a few apartments downtown.
Asian golfers continue to dominate women's golf, with South Korea supplying a never-ending conveyor belt of talent.
It's pretty darn crazy, the amount of variety we have at our disposal: it seems almost never ending.
Ricky Gervais had a few more choice words to add to his never-ending joke about Caitlyn Jenner.
Andrew M. Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York, combatants in a never-ending intrastate quarrel.
How to assert generational values into a language we may never truly master is a never-ending challenge.
Miller also seems be on a crusade against the never-ending media wave of idolizing stick figure bodies.
You retell the most painful week of my life as if it were a never-ending bachelor party.
And since 1988 he has been on a "Never Ending Tour", playing at least 70 times a year.
Jupiter's poles are alive with never-ending northern light displays that span regions larger than the Earth itself.
Hope he's found his world of never ending happiness/You can always see the sun, day or night.
The Federal Reserve was erected to be a citadel to stand above the never-ending tumult of politics.
If the never-ending news cycle is stressing you out now more than ever, you're far from alone.
They just have to hope that Google can resist the never-ending temptation to place profits over fairness.
It's the latest, and perhaps most intrusive, example of Silicon Valley's never-ending quest to maximize worker productivity.
I love that was unconditional, a love that was completely pure, a love that would be never ending.
Leon's parties quickly gained a loyal following: reliable drugs and never-ending sex under an umbrella of protectiveness.
Throughout her discography, Cline was shattered, broken, exasperated and left neurotic by a never-ending succession of breakups.
At night, the never-ending buzz of drones lull you into a light sleep under their watchful din.
Eventually, we came to a stop at what looked like a never-ending sea of large concrete cubes.
The idea is simple: Provide owners with a never-ending parade of classical and modern works of art.
Here are more answers to commonly asked questions about what's beginning to feel like a never-ending shutdown.
But if the never-ending selection and Prime two-day shipping excite you, Amazon is worth a look.
Sometimes I pictured him enveloped in light, dissolving into the never-ending worship around the throne of God.
It looked like every other cookie cutter never-ending co-op shooty game, a genre quickly becoming oversaturated.
I like that the person who finds a home is, nonetheless, a "traveler" — the journey is never-ending.
One signal, like a spider, will activate an incredible network of thoughts, a never-ending process of thinking.
Lucille Clifton and Elizabeth Bishop are never-ending sources of anchoring and astonishment for me as a poet.
"I'm just, like, so overwhelmed with this never-ending party that we have going on," Ms. Adamiak said.
It arrived amid what must have seemed like never-ending turmoil — race riots, political assassinations, the Vietnam draft.
The struggle to maintain a liberal democratic culture while living with fearsome ghosts is, in fact, never-ending.
A shortage of ventilators, personal protective equipment and never-ending work is the reality many are currently facing.
She is a never-ending source of love — for me, for our son, for us as a couple.
"We want to remind people that the fight for freedom is a never-ending process," says Mr Galik. ■
Despite the never-ending negative headlines, Mark Zuckerberg's company continues to rack up strong earnings and revenue gains.
It can be confusing at times, and I once spent 30 minutes walking down a never-ending staircase.
"We're dominated by people who want unlimited checks to the military and never-ending intervention," Mr. Paul said.
But they're often painful and daunting, creating a never-ending search for pairs that mix comfort and style.
We are worried that if this stupidity keeps ramping up, we will be in another never-ending war.
Having procrastinated grading for at least 30 minutes, I settle back into the never-ending stack of papers.
From work anxiety to entirely too much screen time to snoring partners, sleep is a never-ending battle.
Every moment of the hands-on preview felt like a never-ending free fall into pure inertia and exhilaration.
He made many seem wholly deficient and it was a never-ending cycle of dramatic victory and honorable defeat.
One of my songs is called 'This is My Story' or 'The Never Ending Story,' which is about Bushwick.
My version of heaven is a place where the clouds are filled with a never-ending supply of Vegenaise.
On Monday, an update said rescuers were doing their best to keep up with the never-ending bottle feedings.
Turns out this isn't the first time a judge made such an order in their never-ending legal case.
Person of Interest turned that premise into a never-ending nightmare, averted only through the power of said love.
Making matters worse, all this touching is happening in an environment filled with a never-ending stream of travelers.
In the winter, it's the cold weather, indoor heating, and a never-ending rotation of hats, earmuffs, and hoods.
And, why—as The Times asks—was Richardson still "feted by fashionistas" despite the never-ending string of allegations?
Plus, we have the latest, absurd, shark-jumping, psychotic rhetoric from the left, their never-ending obsession with Russia.
Despite being just a few inches away, this dog's attempt to reach some delicious human food seems never-ending.
For three seasons, you've danced around what we know is coming, which is the internet and never-ending interconnectivity.
Which allows the organization's brand, much like Trump's, to hinge on the perception of a never-ending, righteous win.
He spent much of his first term in office in a never-ending fight with Cuomo, the state's governor.
L'Oreal and Revlon found half a billion new potential customers and launched a never-ending campaign to convert us.
In my never-ending quest to wrap everything in brown leather, I'm pleased with this AirPod case from Nomad.
They two really got to know each other when they had a never-ending urinal conversation with each other.
With shadows, highlights, tones, and a never-ending grayscale, black-and-white photography may be harder than it seems.
But there's one thing that's more important to Blake: one-upping her hubby in their never-ending troll-fest.
Add in the ingrained sexism and belittlement she faced from Britain's sporting establishment, the challenges could be never ending.
"My biggest issue is the never-ending gun violence that has now become an epidemic," one woman told us.
Can't stand the screaming kids, the never-ending baggage lines or watching people put their gross barefeet on stuff?!?
Or maybe you're in the opposite camp, and think the outrage there are the never-ending investigations involving Clinton.
It's a never-ending list filled with photographic evidence that many people don't understand basic rules of airline travel.
Folks looking to get their hands on Olive Garden's Never Ending Pasta Pass had to act fast on Thursday.
The company's name rarely comes up in the seemingly never ending stories on data breaches within the tech industry.
"It's a never-ending war," sighs José (not his real name), an officer drafted in from a nearby neighbourhood.
First I was attacked by two different packs of mutated dogs, a seemingly never-ending wave of barking rage.
Who knows, a Never-Ending Gobstopper could be just the candy Dustin needs to feed and occupy future Demodogs!
Flights are not all booked by a travel manager, nor are never-ending drinks being poured by dutiful attendants.
Look down, and I am drawn to the seamlessly never-ending blueness just past the edge of my ship.
But there's one caveat: Picking a new style can feel like sifting through a never-ending pool of options.
Photo: Alex Cranz (Gizmodo)The never-ending saga surrounding Apple's newer MacBook keyboards just saw a slightly refreshing update.
Each mission features different objectives and obstacles, along with a never ending tide of fragile minions to mow down.
On the never-ending Ferris wheel of Rob and Chyna, the wheel stops at a photo shoot with Chyna.
Sure, it's a never-ending onslaught of rich dudes bickering over who sold out more shows, negativity, and Deadmau5.
For $100, the Never Ending Pasta Pass gets pass-holders unlimited pasta (obviously), toppings, soup, salad, breadsticks and soda.
And thanks to the world's never-ending love affair with the internet, full stack coders are in high demand.
Yet Baloch was also the recipient of a never-ending flow of threats from all aspects of Pakistani society.
Now, it was just a friendly chance event in the middle of a never-ending continent-hopping family vacation.
And this game is exactly what it sounds like: an exhaustive never-ending game of Where's Waldo for adults.
Human forms seem inadequate for the task; the sublime is posited as a never-ending quest, an endless query.
The retailer no longer wants to participate in the ongoing (and never-ending) narrative that flat shoes aren't cute.
The feud isn't over because Nikki cannot stop fanning the flames in a seemingly never-ending quest for money.
The result could well be a one-way ratchet toward a conflict that is ever-broader and never-ending.
Texas high school shooting Another school shooting, another community reeling from a (seemingly) never-ending wave of gun violence.
The never-ending nightmare that is commercial flying just added a rather horrifying new potential mishap to its roster.
It seems like the never-ending quest for the "ideal" body has resulted in a series of bizarre memes.
If ever you needed proof that moms are a never-ending source of comedy gold, just ask Jeff Squires.
Hope he's found his world of never ending happiness/You can always see the sun, day or night. #RIP.
In their never-ending search for growth, Amazon seems to be moving further & further afield from their core competency.
Together, they toast to Hakeem's daughter, but not before cracking wise about their seemingly never-ending bad-luck streak.
Since 22, Mr. Dylan has toured almost constantly, inspiring an unofficial name for his itinerary, the Never Ending Tour.
The Never-Ending Story I very much enjoyed Claire Friedman's "How to Read 'Infinite Jest' " (Shouts & Murmurs, November 5th).
The shared frustration, daily victories and Disney theatrics passed our time, but the mind-numbing boredom was never ending.
Unable to know themselves, or truly love themselves, they hunger for a never-ending supply of admiration from outside.
Never-ending ErrorsOne fundamental problem with Alexa or other voice assistants is that the technology is prone to fail.
It's a metaphor for the 2016 campaign: Trump's fakeness veiled in populist charisma against Clinton's never-ending political calculations.
It's a small thing but speaks to Apple's insane attention to detail and never-ending quest for clean design.
Dresses are liberating, in all senses: from their variety of silhouettes to their never-ending color and pattern options.
Twenty-four hours does not seem like a long time in the never-ending deathscape that is the apocalypse.
Netted layers of paper cut into spindly bows frame a never-ending hole which opens up to another world.
They're the quotes you might text fellow Game of Thrones fans to commiserate over the never-ending off-season.
The National Security Agency's activities are under fierce scrutiny in Germany by a seemingly never-ending special parliamentary committee.
Right at home Instead of a monthly maintenance bill, house owners face a never-ending trickle of repair costs.
Makeup artists proved the never-ending possibilities of kohl and ink this season, with unusual patterns around the eyes.
" While using the organization as a cover, Mr. Raniere "tapped into a never-ending flow of women and money.
Bergdahl morphed into a singular figure onto which Americans projected their resentment of the never-ending war in Afghanistan.
The seemingly never ending saga of the sale of the Miami Marlins took yet another strange turn last night.
It felt like a never-ending lunch in a school cafeteria, where every table was the cool kids' table.
It had to be complex and hollowing and euphoric, a 90-minute live episode of a never-ending telenovela.
But what will you do now that you don't have a never-ending barrage of tweets to scroll through?
We collected footage, stories, and data to surface the strangling realities of daily life under never-ending police stops.
He seems to see black American life as a never-ending barrage of gunfire on bombed-out city blocks.
Los Angeles is infamous for its never-ending traffic, and driving around the city is usually a painful process.
Heller's point is that self-preservation is not merely sane, but the only sane response to never-ending war.
A grizzled journalist of an earlier generation brought home to me the practical implications of this never-ending search.
The choice to turn him off has been the most disappointing development during this never-ending, nasty presidential campaign.
"Security is a never-ending journey and our customers can be confident we are working for them," says Apple.
For President Donald Trump, impeachment once seemed like a vacation compared to the never-ending, leak-filled Mueller investigation.
Mothers saw their children kidnapped, drugged and forced to take up arms in the country's never-ending civil war.
What with the never-ending day and the jet lag, we'd had no idea how our children would cope.
In a decade where online games became never-ending products, "Fortnite" has set itself apart as an adaptable juggernaught.
In order to heal from her never-ending cycle of judgment, Gabby fearlessly committed to going through a detox.
"America has lost an appetite for counterinsurgency; they just think of this as a never-ending war," he said.
We watched it on a never-ending loop the same way other kids might watch their favorite Disney movies.
But they don't seem outwardly jaded or even fatigued by their never-ending schedule, nor their relatively recent success.
Kylie Jenner also upped her Instagram game on the tropical getaway with her never-ending collection of barely there bikinis.
"It's surely a post modern expression of the never ending cycle of consumerism society is suffering," reportedly reads one comment.
By now, it feels like nearly every celebrity has weighed in on the never-ending Taylor Swift/Katy Perry feud.
It'd be like this perfectly edited biking video where it's a never ending ride from one track to the next.
Rest, from the never-ending circle of checking e-mail, then Twitter, then Instagram, then Facebook, then e-mail, again.
The estate is still tied up with the seemingly never-ending lawsuits attached to Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme, she says.
"I love that people are more open to creative tones, and I'm 100% behind the trend never ending," she says.
This time of year, it can sometimes feel like there's a never-ending stream of engagements, showers, and other festivities.
The thing I got from all those experiences is that the search for black history is a never-ending journey.
Eight years ago, Barack Obama was being inaugurated after eight prior and seemingly never-ending years of a Republican administration.
That there's an unforgiving, never-ending-ness of it, that it happens so often, that it can be so bad.
Shoppers are also inundated with never-ending choice, and so there's a freedom in not being wedded to one item.
This could be AT&T keeping tabs on data packets or Google charting the never-ending flow of search queries.
Go deeper: Afghanistan is by far America's longest war A look at the United States' never-ending wars in Afghanistan
And, indeed, in our era of the never-ending, Trumped-up news cycle, many people are looking for something — anything!
They also argue that Lava Jato's never-ending probes are depriving the country of the political stability it desperately needs.
"It's a never-ending game to keep ahead of the others," Csathy said of the competition in the streaming world.
Instead, it results in a never-ending loop of putting other people's feelings and well-being way before their own.
Google sent me into that gorgeous maze of never-ending halls and corridors armed only with a Project Tango Prototype.
It's been two years since NASA's research spacecraft, New Horizons, zoomed past Pluto on its never-ending voyage into space.
As for whether 2016's iteration of Never Ending Pasta will boost perception for the brand, only time will tell.
Sadder still that the federal government is turning a blind eye to the seemingly never-ending effects of climate change.
There seems to be a never-ending quest to conquer shower sex, and the number of tips are almost endless.
Click here to view original GIFIf only this never ending swirl of beautiful landscapes actually existed on one bike trail.
But Rodriquez says the flames also represent the never-ending chaos coming from the White House on a daily basis.
Yet, in this age of never-ending connectedness, the lack of necessary boundaries is having serious repercussions on our lives.
ALL you need for a movie is a girl, a gun, lots of singing, melodrama and never-ending dance sequences.
The video was short but never-ending, documenting the afterlife of electronics in a form that resembled a catchy commercial.
Monopoly is a ruthless, never-ending, game of strategy, chance and immoral spending that ruins friendships and destroys Game Night.
Never ending empathy for ICE agents, who have their reputations as mirrored or lives threatened, for just doing their jobs.
There may even be some level of alteration to healthcare — but healthcare improvement and change is a never-ending story.
In the never-ending stream news cycle there is only one thing that can save us from boredom: news bloopers.
You play as metal beetle — okay, it's not that simple — and speed down a never ending snake of a highway.
Wireless carriers in the United States remain entrenched in a never-ending battle over which company has the "best" network.
Will House Republicans become a small-tent, Trump-like party, viewing congressional committees as instruments of never-ending political war?
I'm so sad for her...This saddens me to no end because it seems to be never-ending for her.
And the last tab, 'All Photos,' features the traditional never-ending grid of all your photos in your camera roll.
Olive Garden's newest promotion is here, and it'll have you feeling full just thinking about it: never-ending stuffed pastas.
It's easy to forget that there's a whole universe beyond Alexandria and Rick's never-ending feud with power-hungry maniacs.
There are no power-up pills here though — just a never-ending hunt to the death for the unicellular protozoa.
Congressional Republicans have recently taken a new hostage in their never-ending stream of threats to shut down the government.
One of the occupational hazards of gadget blogging is the never-ending flood of PR emails from desperate Kickstarter companies.
Google's app and game store Google Play might soon become yet another subscription service on your (likely never-ending) list.
He told Fairman this would be his life forever—out on the streets and behind bars, a never-ending cycle.
The new recruits got though it all with camaraderie and a lot of never-ending banter—during and after training.
For this reason, whatever happens, Britain's seemingly never-ending Brexit saga is set to drag on for some time yet.
The US military's seemingly never-ending mission supporting civil authorities along the southwestern border will last at least another year.
In guest rooms he appears in videos about Trump Hotels on a television channel in a seemingly never-ending loop.
We must have adequate long-term funding for an enormous and effectively never-ending need for infrastructure creation and maintenance.
North Korea's bluster, in this view, is not sincere, but just another set piece in an elaborate, never-ending show.
The never-ending and over-budget procurement of the (otherwise impressive) F-2628 is but one example of this outcome.
Soon, you'll find yourself in a never-ending loop of parties – and friendships – that will help to enrich your life.  
Italian politics is a noisy, messy, never-ending game of musical chairs, with plenty of motion but little forward movement.
Food diversity is a bother, a gross inefficiency, and a never-ending problem for both the planet and people everywhere.
As we all already know, it is a very, very, very tough industry with never-ending pressures, intensity, and drama.
A lad named Kane, who, it has recently come to light, is the latest revelation in this never ending story.
The fate of this never-ending Tug-o-War between ethanol and oil interests remains unclear regardless of EPA's leadership.
Getting Anything & Everything DoneThe battle for work-life balance is never-ending — and no one knows this better than women.
Home to 125 food and clothes stalls, it stocks a never-ending range of Caribbean, African, Asian, and English groceries.
It felt like yet another uncontrollable, cruel turn in the Richter family's never-ending fight to keep their boy healthy.
Yet, on Monday, with his political compass apparently spinning in his never-ending feud with Mayor Bill de Blasio, Gov.
K-12 schools are said to be in a never-ending crisis, and college debt has become a new crisis.
His smile was contagious, unrelenting, and never-ending, while his personality could light up any environment he would be in.
The Jaybird Vistas are just the latest in a seemingly never-ending parade of earbuds battling AirPods for your dollars.
Each component of "Licht" is modular by design, since its inspiration is the never-ending cycle of life and death.
These standoffs jibe neatly with his belief that negotiations, and life in general, are a never-ending battle of nerve.
I actually enjoyed being among a never-ending sea of bodies moving so slowly that drying paint would be jealous.
In the never-ending tug-of-war between growth and value investing, growth has lately been the strong-armed winner.
Encouraged by Schindler, his school friend Richard Neutra relocated as well — a never-ending list of transplants that continues today.
Music, in his telling, is about open-ended, never-ending pleasure, about gaining confidence in your own choices and judgments.
Insurers, terrified of the never-ending claims they might have to pay, started to exclude flooding from homeowners' insurance policies.
Diaper bags are essential for parents to organize and carry the never-ending list of things babies and kids need.
My iPhone has long been a blue-lighted distraction with a never-ending buffet of crap to keep me awake.
The current phase of this never-ending research has found him taking on a region commensurate with his global ambition.
This never-ending cycle traps generations of low-income families in a punitive system of state surveillance and foster care.
B+ Tom Steyer I was hoping that Steyer would not attempt his usual never-ending staring contest with the cameras.
Use them the right way, however, and you can finance a never-ending vacation like Pedro Pla and Grace Cheng.
It only puts us on a never-ending path of giving more financial support at the expense of federal taxpayers.
But those victories may be short-lived because retailers are caught up in a seemingly never-ending race against Amazon.
Back in June, the star poked fun at herself for the never-ending stream of random items in her purse.
There was immense social pressure to be a part of the never-ending wave pool of content, commitment, and spending.
We've endured chronic underfunding, we've fought with absurd and outdated bureaucracies and faced a seemingly never-ending flow of need.
" But on Wednesday, Trump renewed his attacks on the special counsel, complaining of the "never ending and corrupt Russia investigation.
In a place where highlights are in never-ending supply, Mr. Lo's introduction to Ms. Masenda was his ultimate highlight.
There is a never ending list of people from this Caribbean Island that have made a footprint in U.S. history.
Today, it feels like governments across the globe are trying to catch-up with the never-ending advancements in technology.
Today, we're talking about computers and the never-ending war between MACS and PCs: ■ 30D: Not "revolting" as in disgusting.
Meanwhile, a majority of voters are left hanging with unsolved problems, somewhere in the middle of this never-ending scrum.
Republicans assure us that never-ending tax cuts will not decrease government revenue because an unshackled economy will endlessly expand.
Yet all of that work has been stymied for decades by a seemingly never-ending pattern of rising Pentagon budgets.
Some elected leaders are governing as if by never-ending referendum, pushing for raw popular will to carry the day.
In many ways, this seems to be the latest round in the seemingly never-ending health care hot potato game.
Many were motivated by a fear of missing out on profits during what seemed like a never-ending rally last year.
And we learned that it's not hard to prank Google Home and Amazon Echo into a cycle of never-ending chicanery. 
He is food crazy and has a never ending appetite, [which caused him even] to jump into a pizza delivery car.
Even though we condemned it to a never-ending sleep in 2017, we've been starting feel overcome by it's sparkly powers.
There is a never-ending war with those who despise cilantro, aka coriander, and those who just don't understand the hatred.
Part of the deluge seems to stem from audiences' never-ending quest for "authenticity," the desire for meticulous televisual world building.
Instead, anger was directed at Mexico's ruling elite, whom voters blamed for rising inequality, corruption and the never-ending drug war.
The new trailer for season 16 of Keeping Up with the Kardashians dropped on Wednesday, and the drama is never-ending.
Let's hope Big Little Lies doesn't also become a never-ending saga of poor decisions and unrealistic plot twists like PLL.
The job of VA secretary might be the second hardest in Washington, especially in a time of seemingly never-ending war.
Now imagine you could combine the never-ending fun of Crash Bandicoot with the versatility and usability of the Nintendo Switch.
As an online dater, I've had enough of the never-ending barrage of new, gimmicky dating apps from the tech world.
After the seemingly never-ending primary circus, it's time for the main attraction under the big top: the national political conventions.
If you answered, "infinite psychedelic visuals such as giant spirals, never-ending walls, and gigantic rooms of portals", you'd be correct!
The homework monsoon was so massive and never-ending that some students actually took a ride down the papery stairwell mudslide.
After losing him, Frankel is "devastated,"  friend told PEOPLE, explaining that she leaned on him throughout her seemingly never-ending divorce.
Diners looking to get their hands on the Never Ending Pasta Pass at Darden's (DRI) Olive Garden had to act fast.
The Never-Ending Man, distributed in the US by GKIDS, documents the period directly after his latest attempt at quitting animation.
Hell is hearing Labor Party leader Bill Shorten say "put that on the spend-o-meter" in a never-ending loop.
Why are we in a never-ending, vicious cycle of feeling alienated and alone because everyone around us is coupled up?
The chain is selling 1,000 annual pasta passes and 23,000 passes that grant the holder eight weeks of never-ending pasta.
Sparkly is like a never-ending digital scrapbook packed with photos of real, recently-engaged women sharing photos of their rings.
A Dog Became Mayor  After a brutal and seemingly never-ending election season, it's great to have some positive political news.
But this form of intertextuality doesn't seem as if it'll end since the movie franchises that spawned them are never ending.
The internet is filled with a seemingly never-ending supply of memes all playing off a collective anxiety over state surveillance.
Since then, molten lava has been pouring into the sea like delicious tropical punch from some magical never-ending juice box.
For five years, Greg Phillpotts had a never-ending runny nose that drove him crazy — and even ruined a Thanksgiving dinner.
Why it matters: The never-ending story of the day seems to be how deep ties run between Trump and Russia.
Photo: ComcastFaced with the never-ending onslaught of convenient cordcutting solutions from competitors, Comcast has decided to take a new tack.
"It's a never-ending story," said Mr. Walsh, whose two brothers and cousin were also abused at St. Alipius Primary School.
All of this comes amidst a seemingly never-ending wave of Tesla headlines dominating Silicon Valley over the last few weeks.
However, the next four (and possibly eight) years will be a never-ending journey among an ever-changing coterie of advisors.
It is hated by Euroskeptic lawmakers who fear it will trap the U.K. into a never-ending customs union with Europe.
This religion was benevolent and all-accepting, and became the bedrock on which never-ending world peace and prosperity were built.
Politically, that would just be another version of the never-ending debate about why some people are better off than others.
Trump is running away with the GOP nomination, as his rivals continue their never-ending fight about who's the best alternative.
The dating website employs a never-ending questionnaire as one way to determine compatibility between its five million or so users.
Romeo is the talker, all big schemes and never-ending hustle; Samson is more prone to sullen silences and solitary raptures.
There is a long list of bad superhero games, and fans have come to accept a never ending pool of mediocrity.
These seven tracks were chosen by the THUMP staff and guaranteed to make your holiday celebrations a never-ending dance party.
The 2016 election has been a never-ending source of stress and chaos in the midst of an entirely bizarre year.
It's also one of those things that's a never ending rabbit hole as well, because it's never really going be done.
After centuries of never-ending warfare and two world wars, stability in Europe is a core interest of the United States.
Rising valuations, a seemingly never-ending bull market run, a tightening Fed, rising bond yields — both eras certainly have similar components.
Because, OMG, this issue is a never-ending conundrum for so many politically concerned women and the men who fuck them.
Every five seconds, a new photo was taken of me, like I was trapped in a never ending photo booth session.
Those never-ending issues earned the bank the wrath of its U.S. regulators, leading to its designation as a troubled bank.
The column prompted me to think about whether the battlegrounds in the never-ending abortion wars display a similar geographic concentration.
Its murdered robots have become murder-robots, and the show's never-ending timeline trickery and narrative puzzle boxes are still escalating.
Olive Garden's Never Ending Pasta Pass is back on sale this week, offering customers nine weeks of unlimited pasta for $100.
Nowadays, streaming services make it easier than ever to consume music: one track at a time, or in never-ending playlists.
NEVER-ENDING STORY Nerves about Greece's finances were also resurfacing amid signs that its bailout programme may be showing cracks again.
If Canada and the U.S. managed to solve the never-ending softwood lumber dispute it would be a modern-day miracle.
In the never-ending search for new revenues to fill state coffers, South Dakota has approved a troubling new tax law.
The bar even featured two special chalk signs that read "I'll happily marinara you" and "To never ending love and breadsticks."
The artworks play off the seasonal changes in the landscape brought by fall weather emphasizing the never-ending cycle of life.
The California wildfires have turned into a potent, never-ending example of the climate crisis we seem to forever be avoiding.
" Pompeo adheres to a fervent brand of evangelical Christianity and once characterized politics as "a never-ending struggle ... until the rapture.
"Pi is the radius of a circle, a circle of life and a symbol of never-ending love," his father said.
In the never-ending Apple versus the government battle, the Obama administration rebuked Apple in a filing, and Apple snapped back.
Finally, with your woman card you can also get never-ending, unprompted advice on how you should or should not speak.
The war against bots is never-ending, though hopefully it doesn't end in the Skynet-type scenario we all secretly expect.
For now, we can continue through that never-ending cycle of hunger and overeating, desire and guilt that makes us human.
This never-ending battle over women's access to birth control was punctuated by Monday's Supreme Court decision in the Zubik v.
Popular Mechanics recently discussed The Never-Ending Greatness of L.L. Bean's Boots, and GQ has sung L.L. Bean's praise for years.
So maybe it's just cabin fever and a winter that seems never-ending, but I'm dreaming of being anywhere but here.
It shows how Glasgow has been torn down, reimagined, and transformed, and it questions the city's seemingly never ending urban renewal.
And when the bums in power on the other team generate a never-ending drip of scandals, it's even more powerful.
Her reply was tough: The never ending news cycles about Trump's racist tweets isn't NOT warranted, what he did was horrifying.
What's fascinating about this is the way the two are trapped in a never-ending cycle of watching versions of themselves.
Over the course of his career he's recorded 37 studio albums, and he's been on a never-ending tour since 1988.
"When I made the first turn, the never ending turns of each hearse was quite something in my mirror,"Perches said.
Or a guitarist with a lighting bolt across his eye, stretched out on the floor during a seemingly never-ending riff?
Is technology solving any of the headaches of transportation, like delayed subway trains, inaccurate bus schedules and never-ending city traffic?
For the past 16 years our nation has been at a never-ending war with a similarly regenerating enemy: international terrorism.
Google has also struggled to police YouTube, removing a never-ending flood of videos with hate speech, conspiracy theories, and pornography.
This never-ending season of America's Next Top Democrat just keeps running, and taking the catwalk this week was Joe Biden.
But let's not forget the never-ending range of towable caravans and larger motorhomes for the likes of Hymer and Fiat.
Nothing disastrous has occurred on the foreign policy front — yet — but the never-ending chaos within the administration hardly inspires confidence.
We experienced delayed ferries and never-ending police checkpoints — and laughed along with the locals for whom these are everyday struggles.
Theirs is a world where nothing comes easily, and the struggle to support their families is often a never-ending battle.
One cannot stand the constant, never-ending bombardment of lies, and the bizarre antics of the president and his Republican cronies.
There is a never-ending stream of dishonesty, offense and hostility emanating from this administration, sometimes too much to properly track.
Still, we live on a planet of scarce resources requiring never-ending tradeoffs in the face of high levels of uncertainty.
The concept is by no means revolutionary, but its almost never-ending list of nostalgic and new titles appeals to many.
When they came upon the white sandy beach of the large Naf River, they saw a never-ending collection of people.
She would not specify the turnover rate, but several employees said the company was engaged in a never-ending hiring campaign.
It&aposs like experiencing the first moment that warmth hits you after a cold day outdoors on a never-ending loop.
The IMF has said it cannot participate in a program which could keep Greece in a never-ending cycle of indebtedness.
" MJ recommends listening to Migos and reading The Ringer's profile of them, "Migos and the Never-Ending 15 Minutes of Fame.
There is no multiplayer yet, just a never-ending supply of AI racers zooming around tracks from old Mario Kart games.
But it's a never-ending game of whack-a-mole that's only getting harder as we barrel toward the 2020 election.
Doherty, author of The Rise of the President's Permanent Campaign, is well acquainted with the phenomenon of the never-ending campaign.
When they came upon the white sandy beach of the large Naf River, they saw a never-ending collection of people.
The piece is made of glass balls that are chrome and a faded pink and looks like a never-ending dance.
It's all part of a never-ending cycle of attention and discussion around how Kim looks and how much she weighs.
"If he thinks it's the United States against the whole world, I suspect that that means never-ending war," Sanders said.
By now, it seems that every celebrity has somehow been pulled into the never-ending drama between Taylor Swift and Kanye West.
" Comment from discussion ayihc's comment from discussion "UPDATE: hello all to who has been following my foot saga that is never ending.
And imagine a never-ending process of experimentation, learning and undoing, resisting and building in the unexplored terrain of an historic rupture.
Luke was a smart, quiet, humble and complex man with a heart of gold and never-ending well of integrity and love.
Various Instant Pot enthusiasts have amassed their own online followings with a seemingly never-ending thirst for Instant Pot recipes and tips.
In the worst cases, these models cast police and community in the role of belligerents fighting an outright and never-ending war.
In the meantime, the never ending Lich Hunt, led by 22018 very Angry and Conflicted PLAYERS (& others) continues into the dungeon level!
The bubbly trailer shows her interacting with those boys and fighting the seemingly never-ending adolescent battle to find her true self.
LONDON — Another year, another never-ending supply of ghastly trends to be added to a list of things that we'd sooner forget.
The never-ending interview If the company is being inflexible or flaky during the interview process, that could be a red flag.
A website called MakeGirlsMoe does almost the same thing, but instead of celebs, it churns out never-ending headshots of anime characters.
" Of course, her appearance didn't come without some teasing from DeGeneres, who compared the seemingly never-ending nuptials to the "royal wedding.
She confirmed people's whimsical fantasies of life in England with a never-ending stream of images of castles and balls and boys.
On Wednesday, Democratic Senator Bill Nelson said "the never-ending flow of piecemeal recall announcements" on Takata air bags "needs to end".
To soothe the burn, however, beverages are always accompanied by a truly never-ending stream of free chips, cheesy crackers, and nuts.
In order to honor our never-ending love of this classic menu item, we decided to hold a blind burger taste-test.
Or in other words, the perfect excuse for Kylie Jenner to entertain us with her never-ending collection of barely there bikinis.
Her previous relationships with Wiz Khalifa and Kanye West had become fodder in what seemed like a never-ending cycle of abuse.
The bumhunter's dream is to play thousands of games of poker a day against a never-ending line of fresh, inexperienced newbies.
After all, if Spider-Man movies can appear on a never-ending stream of reels, surely there's hope for the Barden Bellas?
Facebook's seemingly never-ending quest to make itself appealing to younger, teenage smartphone owners has now resulted in an app called LOL.
If the powers that be behind Being Mary Jane want to string viewers along with Mary Jane's never-ending personal turmoil, fine.
While conditions in the Kivus (most notably altitude and humidity) are ideal for cultivating trees, the region's never-ending skirmishes are not.
But not everyone thinks that Google should be able to suck up a never-ending stockpile of personal data on its users.
Organisers have staggered the events carefully to minimise overlaps and wrangling for players, which has resulted in a never-ending worldwide circus.
Continuum Infinitum has no beginning and no end, just an infinite zoom into a never-ending abyss of trippy mind-melting shapes.
One of the few objects to make it through this never-ending purge is a copy of Uniracers for the Super Nintendo.
This most recent pair of closures may end up as another mighty thump in a never-ending game of whack-a-mole.
Olive Garden: The Never Ending Pasta Bowl deal is back and includes unlimited servings of pasta, homemade soup or salad and breadsticks.
If you're not careful, photography can become a black hole of never-ending accessories and camera gear that you can never escape.
For those engaged in the never-ending battle against the bulge, Withings Body Cardio Scale has improved on the old bathroom scale.
And by crippling encryption, it risks turning those compromised products into new funnels of information for the never-ending haystack of information.
Kim Kardashian West is still embroiled in a seemingly never-ending Twitter feud with Bette Midler over Kim's recently posted nude selfies.
With Gribbin out, we can close the door on the never-ending "infrastructure week" and say definitively that nothing is happening here.
So to take one task off your never-ending wedding checklist, we've rounded up 16 options ahead that will accomplish just that.
Say what you want about Disney Princesses, they're a seemingly never-ending source of inspiration for artists, fan theorists, and critics alike.
As we eat, Betty and Julie discuss what's next on what seems to be a never-ending itinerary of appearances and performances.
On the other, it's got similar elements to anti-rape gadgets that rely on a sense of never-ending paranoia to exist.
For anyone watching the net neutrality debate unfold, it feels like a never-ending, ever-evolving complicated saga of a complicated topic.
The never-ending arguments about not sounding "country enough" is why Kacey Musgraves didn't service singles off Golden Hour to country radio.
Germany's attempts to atone for the evils of its past, while confronting the troubles of its present, is its never-ending preoccupation.
While the Real Housewives may be known for their never-ending fights, there's one subject Kelly Bensimon thinks they shouldn't touch: politics.
After losing him, Frankel is "devastated," a friend told PEOPLE, explaining that she leaned on him throughout her seemingly never-ending divorce.
But the company's never-ending supply of customers could eventually grow it to a $1 trillion company, said venture capitalist Gene Munster.
Meyers and Co. saw the true nature of the never-ending news beast the night Michael Flynn resigned as National Security Adviser.
A movie with that title employs the plot device of actor Bill Murray reliving the same day in a never-ending loop.
But since TV is seemingly never-ending these days and life is short, let's break those reactions down into four basic categories.
In the weeks to come, they started toppling, joined by others, in a seemingly never-ending cascade, the world's longest domino trick.
In the meantime, the never ending Witch Hunt, led by 22019 very Angry and Conflicted Democrats (& others) continues into the mid-terms!
He's unsurprisingly tired of dealing with all of the crap that being speaker entails, including the never-ending power struggles and infighting.
From bumper-to-bumper traffic to delayed trains to never-ending contruction, trips to and from work are nightmares come to life.
There are never-ending Reddit threads of people talking about whether you have to be vegan to be part of the trend.
We have a long watchlist for ourselves on Prime Video and the options for our daughter seem to be never ending too.
"Risking damage to local infrastructure and dumping huge piles of taxpayer money onto the never-ending bonfire of Donald Trump's vanity," Rep.
We live in a world where short videos are everywhere and never-ending, most not worth the time they consume, however brief.
Aside from being known for its incredible never-ending pasta deals, Olive Garden is pretty famous for its impressive selection of appetizers.
The trade war seems never ending, signs of economic trouble are popping up around the world, there's an impeachment inquiry in Washington.
Their websites bore the usual hallmarks: never-ending scroll, brash copy, lurid visuals, dodgy Microsoft clip art, flashing gifs, and shadow font.
The stream even comes complete with its own peanut gallery — a never-ending stream of comments encouraging or mocking the armed men.
Earlier this week, Arcade Fire's divisive seemingly never-ending Everything Now rollout found its way to The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.
He's destructive: downing Xanax, blowing racks on Phantoms, and taking other dudes' girlfriends to bed with him in a never-ending bender.
Ticketing systems can be funky, so always refresh and try again if you end up in a never-ending queue for access.
The final result: a never-ending cycle of a violent trade-off that most Americans would consider unacceptable within our own borders.
" Adam Lach: Alec, you once said, "This is the never ending struggle, I think storytelling is the most powerful art, for me.
The internal debate I had between him, Lowry, Russell, and Middleton was never ending; I'm not positive I made the right choice.
The agency has invested in a new testing system that it hopes will stem the seemingly never-ending problem of food scandals.
Listen below alongside an interview with Gilmore about Rainbow Jail, the never-ending search for old weird music, and, uh, Stoic philosophers.
Democratic aides acknowledge that yes, the group is frustrated -- they came to Washington to work, not deal with a never-ending shutdown.
An artificial Christmas tree is a popular alternative to the classic, especially for those preoccupied with never-ending holiday to-do lists.
I join with Planned Parenthood, NARAL and all Americans who have been fighting the never-ending attacks on women's right to choose.
What I struggle with, as a never-ending, twisting moral conflict, is applauding the performance of someone who's accused of predatory behavior.
For teens, in particular, that myth may be hard to shake; suffering can seem never-ending from the vantage point of adolescence.
In the meantime, the never ending Witch Hunt, led by 103 very Angry and Conflicted Democrats (& others) continues into the mid-terms!
What if this was all one never-ending public disinformation operation—some psychological warfare scheme to make the Soviets look like dupes?
Traditionally, we respond to the never-ending stream of computer vulnerabilities by regularly patching our systems, applying updates that fix the insecurities.
But the desire to reclaim never-ending shelves of land, farther and farther into the sea, will inevitably be outfoxed by physics.
Narrow roads, gobs of tourists, steep inclines, double-parked delivery vans, never-ending construction, and maddening six-way intersections run rampant there.
All the rest of us, subjected to a never-ending soap opera that does nothing to enlighten us or improve our lives.
" Left: "As a teenager, I'd ride my bike and skateboard through the Cité Radieuse's halls, which felt like a never-ending highway.
Looking around, it isn't hard to imagine a future in which everyone lives in domed cities in temperature-controlled, never-ending summers.
There is little doubt that the never-ending cycle of eviction and relocation of Roma families poses a significant obstacle to schooling.
Medical Files of 145,000 Vulnerable Rehab Patients Carelessly Leaked OnlineThe leaks are never-ending; but naturally, some are more sensitive than others.
"We have a never-ending battle with things like this all over the world, as do others," he said in an email.
In their never-ending attempts to block President Trump's agenda on each front, liberals have used nearly every trick in the book.
With Facebook, you're buying into a promise of never ending revenue growth with a user base of 2 billion people and growing.
The approach to politics, global trade, and social philosophy that defined an era led not to never-ending prosperity but utter disaster.
Trump's never-ending circus of corruption will continue to suck up most of the news coverage and a lot of public attention.
First, Olive Garden introduced the Never Ending Pasta Pass, and now the National Aquarium in Baltimore has a parade of pasta puffins.
Below, Ms. Dufton discusses the never-ending national conversation around the drug, the inspiration she takes from a charitable clown and more.
Even as Tesla keeps adding skills and features to the operating system, there's a never-ending list of requests that drivers want.
In the meantime, the never ending Witch Hunt, led by 13 very Angry and Conflicted Democrats (& others) continues into the mid-terms!
It seems, especially for me at the growth fund, where I focus, that there is a never-ending supply of money bags.
Plenty of brands have opted to team up with Amazon and hand over full collections instead of engaging in a never-ending fight.
Where us mere mortals opt for athleisure vibes, celebrities use the photo op to continue their showcase of never-ending wealth and style.
Putting a stop to this kind of crime has been described as a "never-ending game of whack-a-mole " for law enforcement.
It prompted what has been a seemingly never-ending re-litigation of the 2016 primary — and the "Bernie would have won" rallying cry.
But that shouldn't be a problem because what else are you doing with the last few days of this seemingly never-ending month?
Sometimes they're just never-ending threads of rhyming words, or thousand-strong chains of users insulting the last person to post above them.
Never Ending Netflix lets you skip title sequences, automatically play next episodes, hide auto play promoted videos, and banish the continue watching prompt.
Basically, those people used to have Qualcomm modems might see worse LTE service in fringe areas, due to some never-ending patent dispute.
Raising prices on menu items like its popular Never Ending Pasta Bowl helped boost sales, despite declining traffic to the Italian restaurant chain.
The app's For You Page, a never ending queue of trending content, displays videos based on content the user has already engaged with.
Other favorites: JSTOR, Java on the Brain The internet is a never-ending sprawl of extremely good memes, constantly mutating, remixing, and changing.
A 'no deal' outcome of this sort may well be better than the never ending purgatory the Prime Minister is offering the country.
With a never-ending army of lobbyists at its disposal, it is also trying to convince state legislatures to ban this truthful speech.
Sanders also cited the prophet Amos at Liberty University, quoting his prayer that justice and righteousness would roll like a never-ending stream.
There's the human ranger Talion, who can't die and is on a never-ending quest for revenge following the death of his family.
Here in the United States, in the days since the attack, I feel as though I have been watching a never-ending funeral.
"My product is educational content that changes your life," says Bilyeu, 2000, whose social media feeds are a never-ending stream of positivity.
One of the downfalls of a never-ending news cycle is that media outlets can rush stories or jump to conclusions for clicks.
The general agreement is that, ultimately, there is no military solution, and that Russia cannot prosper from a never-ending conflict in Syria.
The Roadie 2, then, is a godsend for those of us cursed to the never-ending torment of being really bad at guitar.
Back then, the options for shades, textures, and lengths weren't as vast as they are today (see: Artizia's never-ending Super Puff collection).
From A to Uber A to a town full of straight-up stalkers, it's hard to keep up with the never-ending drama.
Carving out space to explain myself in the midst of what feels like a never-ending media frenzy has seemed precarious at best.
A diminishing sense of humanity and dark fears as we creep into an apocalyptic future thanks to climate change and never-ending wars?
While most would agree that the NHTSA is correct in its guidance, there is one major problem: cybersecurity is a never-ending battle.
On his never-ending hunt for quick cash that he doesn't actually have to work for, Frank has gotten wrapped up in politics.
To the artistic mind, the dichotomy between the natural world, and the destruction of man is a never-ending source for creative pursuits.
The investment also comes with the added benefit of getting Volkswagen some headlines that aren't related to its never-ending diesel emissions scandal.
The ubiquitous and never-ending demand for psychoactive substances by society is largely ignored, yet it is a major factor driving substance abuse.
The seemingly never-ending record run for stocks doesn't mean the Trump rally is on solid footing, according to perma bear Peter Schiff.
In a similar concept to Olive Garden's Never-Ending Pasta Pass, the fast food chain is selling Frosty Key Tags at participating locations.
If someone puts up never-ending hoops and tells you to keep jumping through them to achieve an unachievable goal, you don't agree.
I decided to "keg" our margarita in hopes of having a virtually never-ending supply of it for our droves of thirsty customers.
"As long as entities use Social Security numbers to authenticate you, the criminals will have a record that is never-ending," said Maor.
In its never-ending quest to become the main destination to watch online video, Facebook has announced it'll launch live 360-degree videos.
We especially love its never-ending selection of boots, with super versatile options like thigh-high heeled boots and classic block heel booties.
Gerstley recommends scheduling regular get-togethers for couples to go through the list — which, let's face it, is going to be never-ending.
The Democrats' sober approach to impeachment can never compete with the never-ending pro-wrestling match that follows the president wherever he goes.
Too often we perpetuate a never-ending cycle of arrest, incarceration, family separation, and other responses that have negative outcomes and unintended consequences.
They serve on the front lines, deploying around the world, plus fighting a new form of war, the never-ending war on terror.
That was my knee-jerk reaction to the latest example in a long, seemingly never-ending string of spasms of everyday public hate.
Olive Garden's Never Ending Pasta Pass entitles passholders to unlimited pasta at Olive Garden for nine weeks from September 23 through November 24.
And we'll just see how long internet publishers make it without our never-ending supply of fodder for the 24-hour news cycle.
Your work  feels like concentrated panels of a giant graphic novel, almost a never-ending story similar to the works of Henry Darger.
But I was soon distracted by the approaching sight of what appeared to be a never-ending swarm of people roaming the beach.
By 2004, he was regularly appearing on Oprah, and an extremely annoying, never-ending debate about the value of this advice was born.
A seemingly never-ending stream of people—many of them young and Black—poured into the venue, buying up all the remaining tickets.
In other words, Pfizer's "strength-in-numbers" strategy is proving to be an efficient remedy against the never-ending battle with generic competition.
I'm likewise on a never-ending quest to up my clue game, so I'm pleased to take credit for 48-Across & 28-Down.
The interior is wallpapered with pages from a French history book, as if to lend the bird never-ending hours of reading pleasure.
When faced with today's never-ending array of products, they are also enticed by the freedom of not having to commit to owning.
Other questions needing an answer include her mysterious campaign finances and the never-ending stream of corruption investigations against Fujimorista congressmen and candidates.
The master was lured back by the sweet promises of computer animation (as revealed in the 2016 documentary "Never-Ending Man: Hayao Miyazaki").
In Australia, however, I'm often struck by the never-ending flurry of new funding announcements for so many things deemed vital by officials.
I've made the same recipe using a mix from my farm share (a never-ending parade of rutabaga and celery roots and turnips).
We created a massive, grinding insurgency that provided a never-ending stream of telegenic images of American soldiers abusing Muslim men and women.
In such conditions, art would still be a voice of hunger, desire, discontent, passion, reminding us that the democratic project is never-ending.
Not long ago, the U.S. entered the never-ending presidential election campaign, in which the next campaign begins the morning after Election Day.
Those with the proper financial means can now live essentially forever by transplanting their brains into a never-ending series of body hosts.
One side suggests that termites, locked in never-ending competition with neighboring colonies, create the circles as they fight for dominance and resources.
New York (CNN Business)It appears the comeback for Olive Garden owner Darden Restaurants, much like its famous pasta specials, is never ending.
LONDON — New York may increasingly resemble a retail desert, with Barneys in seemingly never-ending liquidation sales and Opening Ceremony closing its stores.
" Trying to coordinate her father's care in Tokyo with her siblings in the United States, she said, "feels like a never-ending nightmare.
Then you are led to another hallway — seriously, it's never-ending — where screens show the Burj Khalifa at various stages of its construction.
In today's always-on and connected world, it is too easy to get caught in the spin cycle of never-ending to-dos.
I (we) are ....doing things that nobody thought possible, despite the never ending and corrupt Russia Investigation, which takes tremendous time and focus.
One of about a zillion debates during the never-ending 0003 season, the whole affair will likely end up a footnote in history.
Depending on which side you are on, you can soar over the ocean or what seems like the never-ending province of Seibo.
It's structural deficiencies — high taxes, rigid labor markets and a never-ending array of suffocating rules and regulations — that are holding economies back.
And even then, may the dulcet tones of Fat Joe performing "Lean Back" echo across the barren plains, providing their never-ending warmth.
But the never-ending list single mothers keep of "Things Needing to Get Done," as she calls it in her book, became unbearable.
And, regardless of what you think of what the Kardashians are selling, their never-ending hustle is an undeniable lesson in female entrepreneurship.
Generations of Chicago mayors have struggled to tamp down violence and root out police misconduct, sometimes making progress but never ending the problems.
In more innocent times, Twitter hoped its users might congregate around hashtags in a never-ending series of productive pop-up mini-discourses.
A staple of the series, trading lets players swap their Pokémon with another player in the never-ending quest to, well, catch 'em all.
The switch is part of an enigmatic ad campaign KFC launched last year that involves a seemingly never-ending parade of Harland Sanders impersonators.
You can finally settle that never-ending debate around your Christmas dinner table, once and for all: Die Hard is definitely a Christmas movie.
I started craving the foods I was eating, and was able to decline the never-ending barrage of sweets that comes through my office.
Its apparently never-ending mission: to explore strange new revamps of old shows, to seek out fully integrated distribution models and new revenue streams.
With so many stories retroactively declared unfinished, a never-ending cycle of renewals, reboots, revivals, continuations, and feature films feel like a foregone conclusion.
Naturally, instead of sharing the global market, they spent a lot of their time and resources on a never-ending battle of one-upmanship.
It's also fed by how we consume the news in a never-ending stream of TV, radio, digital video, social media, and, yes, podcasts.
The bad news is that human society is a never-ending comedy of errors in which our hopes and dreams play out as farce.
Warren struggled in the early days of her presidential campaign to get beyond the seemingly never-ending controversy over her Native American heritage claims.
Woeful road safety, accidents at sea, scams and even angry elephants have added to what seems like a never-ending litany of bad news.
We all know New England Patriots fans are none too fond of NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, thanks to the league's never-ending "Deflategate" crusade.
Giving users a never-ending list of possible matches on Tinder, then, isn't helping people feel like they have options – it's overloading the brain.
I was forced to reload an old save multiple times after the game froze or dropped my character into a seemingly never-ending abyss.
The seemingly never ending battle between Felix "PewDiePie" Kjellberg and T-Series for most subscribed to YouTube creator just hit a whole new level.
No matter the fabric, each infinity scarf is a continuous, seemingly never-ending piece of material that you will most likely get trapped in.
After questioning when, oh when, Ramona and Bethenny's Never Ending Story of a "feud" would end, this week's installment finally gave me some hope.
Host Nilay Patel and the crew close the show with the never-ending-but-not-as-extreme-as-a-trade-war streaming wars update.
GabiBeing the young entrepreneur that she is, Gabi likes to create a polished look that never gives up — even on those never-ending workdays.
The episode ends with Cartman tricking Alexa to talk to a Google Home unit and vice versa, creating a never-ending loop of profanity.
Having lost my mother to cancer in 2007 there's a painful familiarity to his never-ending bad news and sunken-cheek slide into death.

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