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"heredity" Definitions
  1. the process by which mental and physical characteristics are passed by parents to their children; these characteristics in a particular person

132 Sentences With "heredity"

How to use heredity in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "heredity" and check conjugation/comparative form for "heredity". Mastering all the usages of "heredity" from sentence examples published by news publications.

After spending all this time challenging our definitions of heredity, how do you think we should expand our notion of what heredity is?
It hangs like a cloud over our most personal experiences of heredity, even if we can't stop trying to smuggle the old traditions of heredity into the new language of genes.
Mendel worked out the first set of rules of heredity.
Muhkerjee's piece emphasizes the link between heredity and mental illness.
How does this sharing affect our current conception of heredity?
Darwin thought they held clues to the mysteries of heredity.
You also say that we can mistake heredity for kin.
Explaining longevity involves explaining life itself, from heredity to lifestyle choices.
Ideas built on a wrongheaded understanding of heredity had devastating consequences.
He had no tools to understand the mechanism behind the heredity.
I think we should be generous on our definition of heredity.
Normally, for me, it represents the passage of time, heredity, and sexuality.
Nevertheless, heredity clearly plays a modest role in how long people live.
Why do you think heredity is so malleable to fit people's biases?
Is our current understanding of genetics and heredity fueling any modern prejudices?
But the basic derivation of cells capable of transmitting heredity has been achieved.
He envisioned a battle between heredity and experience that shapes each of us.
And it still made an important point -- that heredity is not necessarily destiny.
I spoke with Zimmer about the history of humans trying to understand heredity, examples of heredity that contradict our ideas of family and inheritance, and the question of whether we place too much symbolic value on the passing along of DNA.
For neoliberalism, class isn't based on old money or heredity, but on meritocratic professionalism.
Those benefits shouldn't be determined by heredity and cronyism more than ability and grit.
We can trace heredity and yet we still struggle to make sense of it.
Thomson's examination of the prisoner confirms his view that criminal behavior is determined by heredity.
SHE HAS HER MOTHER'S LAUGH: The Powers, Perversions, and Potential of Heredity, by Carl Zimmer.
"If one is looking for ' the heredity,' one can nearly always find it," he wrote.
Heredity and certain connective tissue disorders like Dupuytren's contractures increase the risk of developing Peyronie's.
How does intelligence offer an example of how contradictory the concept of heredity can be?
It's possible that some ideas about a bigger heredity don't pan out and that's okay.
It is almost the iron law of intelligence that is being propounded here—based on heredity.
Go deeper: Researchers continue seeking new clues on how heredity may play a role in migraines.
Cultural heredity, I argue in the book, has been essential to our success in our species.
We think of ourselves, in terms of heredity, as being sort of containers for our genes.
We shouldn't close ourselves off to those possibilities and just have a simplistic view of heredity.
What biologists Austin Burt and Andrea Crisanti proposed was nothing short of hacking the laws of heredity.
Paris Jackson proves there's something heredity about singing, because she was awesome as grandma Katherine looked on.
You can see that there is influence of heredity on the different test scores that people get.
We tend to think of heredity as just going from one generation straight down to the next.
Epigenetics is incredibly exciting and fascinating, and it opens up the possibility of a heredity of experience.
But due to the heredity principle, for him to be set aside he would have to be killed.
Just 75 years ago, we were not even confident that DNA was the primary material governing genetic heredity.
LGBT isn't a heredity condition, so finding guidance among your immediate support network can be a tricky prospect.
The most notable investment on the continent is the Human Heredity and Health in Africa Initiative, or H193Africa.
Again, there are no simple cause-and-effect stories here; these are complex patterns of heredity and environment.
Our interest in heredity is testament to a deep human concern with generations past, and those yet to come.
Only in America can someone be "Un-american" in contrast to countries where citizenship is viewed more as heredity.
SHE HAS HER MOTHER'S LAUGH The Powers, Perversions, and Potential of Heredity By Carl Zimmer 656 pp. Dutton. $30.
Now that genetic ancestry testing is recreationally available, exploring heredity has become synonymous with a journey of self-discovery.
We can look at it and understand it as heredity in the same way that we look at genes.
"The first thing someone looking on the web would see is cancer is caused by environment or heredity," said Vogelstein.
There she studied the role of chromosomes in heredity under Theodor Boveri, which inspired her later and most significant work.
Around 35 percent of lung cancer is the result of copying errors, while heredity plays a virtually non-existent role.
Spurred by rapid advances in biotech, the writer Carl Zimmer spun a personal tale around the emerging science of heredity.
Another physical challenge springs from Talusan's heredity: She and her sisters have a genetic predisposition to breast and ovarian cancer.
Among them were "Protein Biosynthesis and Problems of Heredity, Development and Aging" (1963) and "Molecular-Genetic Mechanisms of Development" (1968).
Carl Zimmer 's She Has Her Mother's Laugh: The Powers, Perversions, and Potential of Heredity tackles this vast and important topic.
In a 2015 study published in Human Heredity, Dr. Ruthsatz and her colleagues examined the DNA of prodigies and their families.
Wall attributes his alcoholism to three factors: his heredity, his personality and how he handled the enormous stress of his job.
It is a social and legal definition — a young, crude one at that, overlaid on the tangled realities of ancestral heredity.
"Scientists have been studying many factors that could be linked with ALS, such as heredity and environmental exposures," the CDC says.
Heredity: CarGurus founder and CEO Langley Steinert previously co-founded TripAdvisor ― an online travel portal currently valued at more than $6 billion.
Decreased mobility is something almost all of us will face in our lives, whether by way of an accident, aging, or heredity.
Her group, which advocates for topics around heredity breast and ovarian cancer, recommends people see a genetic counselor before and after testing.
The medical model, with an emphasis on heredity and brain chemistry, began to replace Freud, and the age of psychopharmacology was born.
But taking a DNA sample from a crocodile is a far riskier proposition than getting one from your typical home heredity kit.
In some countries, it's clear that the constitution is based on heredity, or the monarch, or the rise of power in that way.
The impact of heredity on life span has turned out to be about as big as its influence on developing high blood pressure.
Had he shown even the faintest aptitude for oratory or ministering to the poor, he might never have determined the basic laws of heredity.
Few authoritarian regimes have established means of tidily transferring power from one leader to the next (except for monarchies, which often rely on heredity).
"She Has Her Mother's Laugh" challenges our conventional wisdom about heredity, especially as we enter the new realms of surrogate pregnancy and gene editing.
And it was there, apart from his selection activity (which was also conducted by other SS doctors), that Mengele perpetrated his criminal heredity experiments.
In this era of Heredity and Get Out, we've pretty much got the range between "arthouse masterpiece" and "smart, thematically sophisticated mainstream horror" covered.
Zimmer delves into heredity's often ugly past, and shows how the idea of heredity has been used to justify one group's superiority over another.
Adashi calls mitochondrial DNA "sort of a Wild West" in the study of heredity because there's a lot about it that we still don't know.
As Zimmer's healthy daughters grew up, his thoughts moved from their specific genetic legacies to a broader wonder about heredity itself and how we understand it.
Something that struck me when reading about the long history of people trying to understand heredity was how it could serve as a vehicle for prejudice.
It seems like we've also been long grappling with the heredity of intelligence: how to measure it; if it's innate or if it can be improved.
It's luck, my parents were old, my father lived slightly over 100, my mother lived almost 100 so if there's anything in heredity I hit the jackpot.
To the Romans, heredity was a tool for passing on the assets of long-dead ancestors — they were concerned with what it meant to be an heir.
This was in contrast to the classical laws of genetic inheritance developed by Gregor Mendel in the 19th century and widely accepted as a basis for heredity.
When he says, "Social status in Japan depends more on education than on heredity and family connection," he is ignoring what it means to be born a woman.
By bypassing the traditional logic of genetics and evolution, epigenetics can arouse fantasies about warp-speeding heredity: you can make your children taller by straining your neck harder.
Though the film has some way-out elements, it's ultimately an affecting look at someone who desperately wants to pin her problems on something other than inescapable heredity.
Plus, Vandery notes, individual biology, due to heredity or environmental factors, could lead to intense person-to-person variation in effects, which we do not understand well enough yet.
Common genetic variations may play a greater role in the onset, severity and heredity of migraines than previously thought, according to new research published today in the journal Neuron.
We often think of heredity in simple terms: you get your DNA, or genes, from your mother and father, who in turn got theirs from their mothers and fathers.
As we learn more about the biological mechanism of heredity—and even face the possibility of editing it—there can be a tendency to simplify the concept of inheritance.
His 1912 book on a family that he felt proved his theories, The Kallikak Family: A Study In The Heredity Of Feeble-Mindedness, was highly influential to the Nazis.
And it turns out that heredity of height is very similar in describing intelligence in the sense there are a lot of genes that influence how tall people become.
I think we should think of heredity as what the past has given to the present and what part of the present will be passed down to the future.
"It was tremendously important to Truman to be a star in all of those worlds," he added, referring the elites of heredity and of accomplishment Capote cultivated with equivalent ardor.
It makes sense that our bodies, outside of heredity and the environment, will on an unfortunate occasion produce a nasty cancerous cell that churns out more copies of its twisted self.
But by 1953, the great Joshua Lederberg, then at the University of Wisconsin, had shown that this sort of transformation, relabeled "infective heredity," is a routine and important process in bacteria.
The actions of King Maegor Targaryen, known as Maegor the Cruel, were sometimes attributed to madness, but his cruel nature might have been rooted in a traumatic brain injury, not heredity.
It's about heredity, not race "Fast Color" is an indie film about a Midwestern woman named Ruth (Gugu Mbatha-Raw) who possesses supernatural abilities and must flee when her powers are discovered.
"It was his vision to study how heredity could be involved in practically everything," Dr. Francis Collins, a geneticist and the director of the National Institutes of Health, said in an interview.
By then, he had published more than 100 scientific papers on the biosynthesis of proteins, heredity and the aging process, and had become a prolific contributor to the underground literature of protest.
In other words, UNRWA has been perpetuating the Palestinian-Israel conflict through heredity, and by not insisting that this population be resettled, as the UN has done with every single other refugee population.
But the conundrum that heredity addresses is really much more general: What is the nature of instruction that allows an organism to build a psyche, or a nose— any nose—in the first place?
While many might see a woman thrust into the apex of power by a position gained through heredity — and not via a democratic process — as the antithesis of a feminist icon, The Crown says otherwise.
Those were just two of three big surprises that flowed from the work and the influence of Woese — the existence of the archaea (that third kingdom of life) and the prevalence of H.G.T. (sideways heredity).
In addition, density is considered an independent risk factor for breast cancer due to increased estrogen production, genetic heredity and elevated growth factors in the breast tissue of women with dense breasts, according to Harvey.
He laid the foundation for such testing, having honed his skills more than 60 years ago using blood types and 300 years of church records to study heredity in the villagers of his own country.
Heredity could be used to single out why a certain race was inferior, justify the superiority of kings, explain—incorrectly—why the poor had lower intelligence, and encourage laws to prevent certain people from having kids.
The most notorious example involved the father of psychiatric genetics, Ernst Rüdin, who during the Nazi era sought to cleanse the German population of so-called degenerative heredity through the sterilization and "euthanasia" of the mentally ill.
The distribution company debuted the trailer for French director Gaspar Noé's upcoming thriller Climax today, and the movie looks like a cross between Heredity (which came out this year) and Center Stage (which came out in 2000).
In 21960, the Soviet biologist Trofim Lysenko made a bold declaration to the Lenin All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences, attacking Western genetic science based on the study of heredity and evolution, and promoting Lysenko's own views.
Genos is one of those startups using a next-generation sequencing process to both give you a good idea of your heredity on a deeper level and give researchers a crowdsourced genetic map to help with disease discovery.
Generally regarded as "the father of hereditary cancer detection and prevention," or the "father of cancer genetics," Lynch believed early on that heredity played a part in cancer during a time when most scientists attributed cancer to environmental causes.
In his Pulitzer Prize-winning "The Emperor of All Maladies," Mukherjee explored the ramifications of a corrupted genetic code, cancer; this work elegantly grapples with the moral consequences of learning to program heredity ourselves and control our own fate.
As forensic anthropologist and bioarchaeologist Kristina Killgrove noted to me: The basic ridge pattern of fingerprints was discovered in 1823, but popularized later in the 19th century by Francis Galton, Charles Darwin's cousin, who was interested in heredity, race — and eugenics.
It can be caused by a variety of factors, including heredity; tight ponytails, braids, or other styles (called traction alopecia); stress to the body (including weight loss, childbirth, surgery, and illness); certain medications or medical treatments; menopause; and autoimmune skin disease.
Scientists said on Wednesday that unlike in people and most other animals, in this bat species the structures called telomeres located at the end of chromosomes, thread-like strands inside a cell's nucleus that carry genes determining heredity, do not shorten with age.
Irving Gottesman, a pioneer in the field of behavioral genetics whose work on the role of heredity in schizophrenia helped transform the way people thought about the origins of serious mental illness, died on June 29 at his home in Edina, Minn.
Servants "don't have families," a great-aunt airily explains to her descendant; if the wealthy have heredity and tradition to keep them in line, the poor have only religion and other communal terrors, here signified by a pool of flesh-eating fish.
Charles Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection, the rediscovery of Gregor Mendel's laws of heredity, the cracking of the genetic code, genetic engineering, the Human Genome Project, CRISPR—all were followed by grandiose claims of the imminent total control over life's fundamental processes.
While the series has focused on inherited power in the Skywalker clan -- from Anakin to Luke, Leia to Ben/Kylo Ren -- allowing for the fact that the bad guy might by misleading Rey, "The Last Jedi" seemingly dispenses with heredity as a primary concern.
For more than two centuries, the principle that federal officials would be selected on the basis of merit, not heredity, has been protected as much by tradition, cultural norms and a desire to avoid the appearance of impropriety as it has been by law.
In the early 2200s, while researching the history of sexual selection, Prum read a seminal 22 paper and a 2200 book on the subject by the English biologist and statistician Ronald Fisher, who buttressed Darwin's original idea with a more sophisticated understanding of heredity.
Genius is not always immediately recognizable: Van Gogh was unappreciated in his time, Mendel's theories on heredity weren't understood until long after his death, and a man who cuts his biggest books in half to make them more portable is currently being admonished online.
In a new book, She Has Her Mother's Laugh, by science writer Carl Zimmer, Fairchild's story is just one of many examples he offers to complicate our idea of heredity and its history, and to prove it's more complex and varied than we might think.
There are a lot of anthropologists who have come to believe that that process of teaching things to the next generation, and the next generations being able to build on what they're learned and pass that down—that in itself is another kind of heredity.
Those traits testified to his torturous ordeal as an inmate in Auschwitz, where the notorious Dr. Josef Mengele subjected him and hundreds of other Jews and Gypsies to macabre experiments designed to tinker with their genetic heredity and thus prove the supremacy of the Aryan race.
In reality, it's party organs are less institutionalized and under the controlling influence of Kim Jong Un. Kim's heredity accession alone ensures that his rule differs from other leaders who climbed the Soviet party's greasy pole with guile and competitiveness but without familial networks paving the way to power.
But that more modern biological notion of heredity comes with some new, technical baggage: It's easier to talk about the high blood pressure that runs in your family than it is to discern the alleles that define it, all the meiotic divisions that had to occur before that trait was passed down to you.
The biological laws of heredity that dictate how much DNA you share with your relatives make it such that someone like Talbott could be identified by the chunks of genetic material he has in common with his genealogy-curious cousins, even though he never volunteered to put his own DNA in the public square.
And that, when allied with the discovery that the material of heredity is a chemical called DNA, which encodes genetic information in the order of its component units, known as nucleotides, led to the idea of a gene being a particular piece of DNA that carries in its nucleotides the blueprint of a particular protein.
The researchers used genome sequencing to look at the mutations responsible for abnormal cell growth in 17 types of cancer and compared it to data collected from cancer patients in 69 countries, including the US. They sought to assign the proportions of mutations to one of three factors: cell division, lifestyle and environment, and heredity.
Though he tends to back away from it under pressure, Murray is admirably clear in the conclusion to The Bell Curve and elsewhere about why he thinks it's important to discuss IQ and heredity — he believes that focusing on this issue will build political support for restricting immigration from poor countries and reducing economic assistance to poor families.
Five of our recommended titles this week take science as a starting point, whether it's the hard science of genetics and heredity ("She Has Her Mother's Laugh," by the Times reporter Carl Zimmer) or the quest for mechanical precision ("The Perfectionists," Simon Winchester's book about engineering) or the medical and psychological aspects of gender identity (Arlene Stein's "Unbound").
Heredity plays a far smaller role in the eye health of cats than of dogs, Dr. Priehs said, with most feline eye problems related to injuries from dust-ups with other animals or infections, especially with the herpes virus, which can hide out in the nerve cells of kittens exposed to the virus and erupt many years later.
Recall that scientific precepts have been appropriated and misapplied to all sorts of things things that serve the needs of hateful, craven ghouls through the ages: Social Darwinism hiding the vampiric acts of an oligarch class in the armor of natural order; discoveries in genetics and heredity fueling the idea of "racial purity" which framed ghastly forced sterilization programs as a means of assisting natural selection.
In the San Salvario neighborhood, south of the city center, one finds a museum dedicated to Cesare Lombroso, the 21980th-century criminologist who believed that a tendency to crime was an evolutionary throwback, "atavism," which could be determined by heredity; his wrongheaded, dangerous and, for a time, powerfully influential research is preserved in the museum's incomparably creepy store of death masks and skull-measuring instruments.

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