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111 Sentences With "flinches"

How to use flinches in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "flinches" and check conjugation/comparative form for "flinches". Mastering all the usages of "flinches" from sentence examples published by news publications.

She knows she still flinches when she hears loud sounds.
Yet today a bare majority flinches, and Auer lives on.
Is your day woven from the fabric of a million flinches?
But it still flinches at anything other than a fawning press.
At the wrong moment, in front of the authorities, Andrei flinches.
"Today a bare majority flinches, and Auer lives on," he wrote.
"Nobody flinches from bringing prosecutions if the law allows it," Bharara said.
"NO ONE SAYS bequest anymore," flinches a manager at a big charity.
Every time she flinches in pain is a reminder that Perry won't change.
Narrating from far in his own future, Jacob flinches when recalling his decisions.
Miller hardly ever flinches from the darkness or jagged edges of her tale.
But the guest, the newly elected president of Tunisia, Kais Saied, barely flinches.
What's amazing about the moment is ... Yo Gotti never flinches for a second.
Everyone flinches and glances around nervously, expecting yet another round of technologically driven mayhem.
When I mention this to Pierpoline, her eyes fractionally darken and she flinches in irritation.
She sighs and grins and flinches, she rips into fast food, she screams at children.
We can see as he turns and then kind of flinches away from the procedure.
Taylor flinches a little at the thought, but opts to stay on the slippery slope.
Kelly never flinches, and his security on the ground with him doesn't seem too concerned.
He looks puzzled, but barely flinches, and after inspecting the small bloody wound, laughs it off.
The camera flinches only once, panning away when Cherry is savagely raped by a white gang.
In a crowd that size, it's no wonder there are a few flinches here and there.
Both Machida's use their hips to feint kicks and attempt to capitalize on their opponent's flinches.
But that didn't prepare me for her jolts and flinches when she touches parts of my face.
Government shutdown The premise of a game of chicken is that in the end, someone always flinches.
Washington (CNN)The premise of a game of chicken is that in the end, someone always flinches.
But Rapace is able to tease out the differences between them with mannerisms, small looks, and tiny flinches.
Residents are so used to the shelling that no one even flinches at the sound of an explosion.
Three of their flinches resulted in flags for false starts during a 23-25 loss to the Bears.
When Randall walks in to deescalate the situation, Deja flinches and shields herself from the physical reaction she's expecting.
The audience barely flinches at the thought of an almost-dead person's super-sized virtual body blowing kisses at them.
Neither book flinches from tracing the role that race, class, education and culture play in what are ostensibly political arguments.
When you touch his paws on the right side, he flinches … when you touch his left paws he doesn't move.
When the journalist responds that he doesn't believe him at all, Frank flinches and refuses to speak on the record.
If Mrs May flinches at the unjustified outrage it has caused, it is hard to see her taking on bigger challenges.
" Miller, Weiner adds "is a poetic, precise writer" who "hardly ever flinches from the darkness or jagged edges of her tale.
She flinches every time he makes a pungent goulash of the English language, especially when it's in the service of his excesses.
This video is hilarous ... Leo DiCaprio winces and flinches as Lady Gaga walks up to the stage to accept her Golden Globes award.
This way, nobody flinches when I am also CEO of Buddy&Soul, or tells me it comes at the expense of my performance.
Ma (Sheila Vand), pale-skinned and beautiful, flinches; she works in a brewery, while Paps is more serially employed in minimum-wage jobs.
They connect kind of cute at a party, where Barry flinches at the frat-boy scene, and quickly settle into adorably geeky coupledom.
Doughy, awkward boys, boys with smiles like flinches at the corners of their mouths: We ordered them to pack up and trade bunks.
Then shallot, more curry leaves, and chilies go in next, all spitting at her like earlier, and everyone flinches away except for her.
Namajunas utterly bewitched the champ: this poster girl for accuracy and economy in the cage, reduced to swinging at shadows and recoiling from flinches.
Emmit flinches whenever Sy goes off on Ray, and Ray wants to please Nikki, so he's on the hook for anything she cooks up.
Ginny is white and older, and ready to start dating again seven months after her husband's death — Reg barely flinches upon learning she's a grandmother.
Also, he flinches under pressure: it's never a good thing when a kid is asked to make multiple reads, and his second look makes him nervous.
We can only hope that if somebody flinches or something goes haywire, there will be a modern-day Stanislav Petrov around to save mankind from itself.
Anyway, during their meeting, Jon's lower half is covered only by a tight-fitting pair of underpants, so Ponch flinches when Jon goes in for a hug.
Footage of the event, which was broadcast on live television, shows Maduro look up mid-speech, while his wife Cilia Flores, who is standing behind him, flinches.
When Agnes discovers that she's pregnant, she flinches at the prospect of having an abortion, which clearly strikes her as yet one more intolerable rejection of life.
As a result, I think it's gotten pretty easy to not expect too much out of our horror movies, beyond some jumps and flinches, and maybe some giggles.
"I don't think I'll ever be able to forget what I saw in that classroom," the 16-year-old says, adding that she flinches every time she hears a loud noise.
Tony #2 does become fit, and he does become violent, but you can also tell from the 9,987 flinches that follow even the slightest reference to violence that he hates it.
Someone's beer has just flunked the "What do we say to the god of death?" test, but viewers are so engrossed with the drama on the screen that no one even flinches.
But then there is a moment — so subtle you could easily miss it — when Mearns lays her head on Ramasar's chest, and almost imperceptibly, he flinches before wrapping his arms around her.
Even as bros toss back brews in the early scenes, a storm cloud of dread hangs over the characters and the audience flinches with suspicion alongside the pledges at every frat bro pleasantry.
He never complains or flinches, he just silently eats whatever's in front of him, whether it's a nightmare like wet cat food on ice cream, or something entirely prosaic, like spam or strawberries.
Where the battle rages there the loyalty of the soldier is proved; and to be steady on all the battle front besides, is mere flight and disgrace if he flinches at that point.
"One detaches oneself," Offred intones in a calm voice-over, but the way Emily flinches and winces and snaps her eyes shut reveals that such detachment from one's own ritualized rape is impossible.
But Pat is tough and stoic, and barely even flinches as Dr. Lee freezes off 307 of her individual seborrheic-keratosis spots — the most she's ever removed from one patient in a single sitting.
The documentarian this time is Sara (Desiree Akhavan), who barely flinches when Aaron confesses to being a serial killer and seems completely unfazed by his repeated attempts to scare the shit out of her.
She pronounces the name to rhyme with a Scottish loch, and Isaac (Woody Allen), who's only just met her, flinches in disgust, mouthing and remouthing her words as if he were chewing stale cake.
Having left the embrace of the school community, she had to work to forge a new one — trying to combine new friends with those who already understand why she flinches when fire alarms go off.
When Eleven and the lead scientist whom she once called "Papa" are reunited in the final episode, he seems genuinely confused when, deprogrammed and recognizing him as a "bad man," she flinches away from his embrace.
TALKING of the fatal assault on Arkadiusz (known as Arek) Jozwik outside a takeaway in Harlow, Essex, on August 27th, Eric Hind flinches at the memory of being shown a photograph of his friend after his death.
Because she flinches from connecting all the dots, Jacob Appelbaum's story feels tacked on, as artificial of a post-script as the scenes from Clinton's nomination at the Democratic National Convention and President Donald Trump's eventual victory.
You can even watch an episode of the 2008 BBC documentary "Stephen Fry in America," in which the actor and author tours the facility and flinches at the smell of a body folded into a trash bin.
And this season, the scene where Frank touches Claire's pregnant belly and she sort of flinches, and then they have the argument with the throwing of the ashtray, that definitely came out of collaboration with the writers and directors.
In Frank Capra's " Meet John Doe " (1941), another bum—Gary Cooper, if you please—pretends, again for a reward, to be the author of fake newspaper articles lambasting the genuine ills of society, and flinches at the fame that ensues.
Maloney, who said Mueller didn't strike him "as the kind of guy who flinches," asked whether he believed he had sufficient evidence to prove Trump's intent without an interview and if that was the reason he didn't seek a presidential subpoena.
The music's languid warmth presents her dilemma with clarity: this character is stuck, in Southern California and in her own life, as claustrophobia sets in and her songwriting resorts to smaller and smaller gestures, barely perceptible flinches, to convey quiet desperation.
Szablowski makes you feel for the Roma families who are losing their livelihood (they earned money by making the bears dance and act out comedy sketches as street entertainment), yet he never flinches from detailing the cruel conditions these same people imposed on the animals.
No one in the N.B.A.'s league office flinches when LeBron James wears one black and one white shoe with the word "equality" written on them, as he did on Sunday in a game against the Washington Wizards in the shadow of the White House.
Literally meaning "from below to above," this involves the extreme foreshortening of figures and objects in order to create the effect that they are suspended in the air, at times bearing down and entering into the space of the beholder beneath (who duly flinches in anticipation).
In a place where development and expansion come up against an unbelievably harsh climate, and every year a handful of people you knew in high school are blown to chum in Iraq or Afghanistan, nobody flinches at the sight of a deer carcass–turned–fly buffet.
Sometimes you throw things at the hand—things that have worked in the past: antidepressants, cognitive behavioral therapy, meditation, yoga, ebooks, isolation, being with people, sex with strangers, sex with not-so-strangers, dietary restrictions, beautification, shopping, shoplifting—and the hand flinches for a second, then only clenches tighter.
It's there when she flinches before Brian's anger at her intervention in his latest tumble down the 12 steps; when she's gripped, momentarily, by the sight of an old man saying grace in the soup kitchen; and when she listens to Donna's mother (the great Estelle Parsons) talk briskly about loss and regret.
As a southpaw Till should have had to contend with Cerrone's lead hand when jabbing, but through good handfighting, feints, and dropping his lead hand below Cerrone's vision, Till could sneak through crisp jabs that drew flinches and overreactions from Cerrone in the later going, and raised his head for the left straight in combination.
They both leave such lasting impressions in brief scenes — Narducci in a flashback (one of the few not from Frank's perspective) in which she barely flinches when her husband, played by Joe Pesci, comes home covered in blood, and White when her husband Jimmy, played by Al Pacino, marvels at her political guile and ruthlessness.
In Saudi Arabia, MBS's lifting of social and religious restrictions may have won him greater support among the country's youthful population—but it is a measure of how uncertain the crown prince is of his support that he repeatedly flinches, then flails, at the slightest perceived challenge to his authority, whether it comes from family members or independent journalists.
Physical activities here include the slow defacing of a large poster of a glamorous African woman; angry, harsh, return-to-basic-work rhythms with pots and pestles; gentle physical care of one woman by another, as if by a nurse with a victim; and solo movement in which Ms. Munyaneza's body flinches, arches, reels, hinges — sent off vertical balance by unseen forces.
Fleet flinches revealing that Fleet's father has abused him before. Fleet's father then sees the error in his ways and walks off, sad and defeated.
Morgan flinches fearing he's about to be hit, but Awesome knows that it wasn't even possible Ellie would actually sleep with Morgan. Awesome shows Ellie that he got her the TV, and the two make up.
Regarding the character, Dev said, "Shankar, the protagonist, was an athlete and a boxer. He never flinches from any challenge or danger. Be it fighting the African lion or duelling on the cliff, and that too without a body double." Most of the cast members of Chander Pahar are from South Africa.
No romanticist, Adams never flinches from describing all the vagaries and disappointments that afflict sexual and platonic relationships, but neither does she ever permit these descriptions to produce a sense of crushing pessimism."Dictionary of Literary Biography Vol 234. Detroit: Gale Group, 2001. Reviewers described her work as "fusing the sensibilities of Jane Austen and Mary McCarthy.
She eats alone whilst he watches TV with his conspicuously attractive friend, who he informs her will be staying with them for a while. He fills the bathtub with live eels whilst she sits watching in her underwear. She attempts to maneuver her husband into sex, but he flinches away from her touch. Left alone in the bathroom, Chyi playfully pushes them around with her toes.
Impressed by Mowgli's bravery, Shere Khan, for his own amusement, gives him a 10-second head start to run away. But Mowgli still refuses and grabs a log, intent on fighting the tiger. Shere Khan becomes annoyed and immediately attempts to attack Mowgli, who flinches in fear, finally understanding the true danger of the ferocious beast. Fortunately, Baloo arrives just in time and grabs Shere Khan by the tail.
Alfie bonds with Shenice, and Martina tells Kat that she has lost her bar and has nothing left, so Kat allows them to stay with her and Alfie at the Vic. After a night out with Kat, Martina spends the day in bed. Kat later finds Shenice wearing her clothes and makeup. Kat shouts at Shenice to take the clothes off, and Shenice flinches thinking Kat is going to hit her.
Most baffling of all is Dr. Munson (Walter Abel). After being admitted to his facility, he tears a security door off it hinges with his bare hands and kills a guard. He then ignores shouted warnings to halt by a second guard, who shoots him four times in the back. Munson neither flinches nor bleeds, just gets into his car and calmly drives off as if nothing unusual has happened.
When Jamil declares his love and proposes monogamous marriage to her, Diana passively accepts. But at the ceremony, she throws the water from their ceremonial cup in his face, humiliating him in front of his father and his tribe. Devastated by her rejection, Jamil furiously strikes her three times with his whip. When Diana neither flinches nor takes her eyes off his face, Jamil cannot meet her gaze and looks away.
Petra and Dag become trapped and make out, but he flinches and Petra accuses him of being afraid of her. The aliens find them again, and Dag realizes that the aliens can only see inorganic materials, such as their synthetic clothing. The three then strip and run to Dag's house, where they change into organic cotton clothes kept by Dag's hippie mother. Later, Dag, Petra, and Ned are captured by the aliens.
Unsure, she decides to keep dating him and sees another man simultaneously. Hodaya profanes the Sabbath for the first time in her life and then lets Avri drive her to the beach, where she tells him the truth. Reut begins to lose interest in Yochai. Although intending to consummate her relationship with Avri, Hodaya flinches at the last moment, and she decides to end their romance, stating that the differences between them are too great.
Unsure, she decides to keep dating him, and also sees another man simultaneously. Hodaya profanes the Sabbath for the first time in her life and then lets Avri drive her to the beach, where she tells him the truth. Reut begins to lose interest in Yochai. Although intending to consummate her relationship with Avri, Hodaya flinches at the last moment and decides to end their romance, stating the differences between them are too great.
He then prepares to do the same to Stan, but his wife has evidently not finished with him yet. She comes out of their apartment wielding a gigantic vase and, despite Mr. Kennedy's efforts to protect himself, crashes it over his head, putting him out for the count. Having evaded a beating, Stan then leaves as though nothing has happened, but falls down the stairs (offscreen) as Ollie watches and flinches with every thump and loud crash as he reaches the bottom.
At the West Hills Golf Club in Westchester, E.J. Kimball (Walter Kingsford) and his son Manuel (Russell Hardie) are welcomed into the party of elderly Professor Barstow (Boyd Irwin Sr.) and his prospective son-in-law Claude Roberts (Victor Jory). Barstow sends his caddy back to the clubhouse to fetch his visor, and finds himself without his clubs when it is his turn to tee off. The elder Kimball loans his driver to Barstow. Immediately after hitting his drive, Barstow flinches.
Clock DVA described their goal as borrowing equally from surrealist automatism and "nervous energy sort of funk stuff, body music that flinches you and makes you move." 23 Skidoo, like Clock DVA, merged industrial music with African- American dance music, but also performed a response to world music. Performing at the first WOMAD Festival in 1982, the group likened themselves to Indonesian gamelan. Swedish act Leather Nun were signed to Industrial Records in 1978, being the first non-TG/Cazazza act to have an IR-release.
Includes the video as released by SITE. Then Sotloff delivers a prepared statement: Next the executioner says while waving the knife at the camera: The executioner then puts his right hand on Sotloff's chin and the knife to his throat and begins a sawing motion while Sotloff flinches then falls back. The video fades to black without showing any blood. Next the camera pans left to right as it shows Sotloff's body on the ground with his bloody head on top of headless body.
Over Here is a 2-part television miniseries made in 1996 by the BBC for BBC1 from 7 to 8 April 1996, this comedy-drama miniseries chronicling the lives of US Army Air Corps B-17 Flying Fortress bomber crews on a Royal Air Force Spitfire base during World War II. Samuel West starred as the RAF pilot Archie Bunting. Martin Clunes starred as Group Captain Barker; a man who flinches at the mention of, and has an inability to say the word, "Luftwaffe".
The final dog touches Claude's leg, and when he flinches and storms off in anger, Edgar feels he has confirmed his suspicions. Angry at the strange show Edgar put on in front of a buyer, Trudy confronts Edgar and they get in a struggle. In the midst of their argument, Edgar, enraged, seeing a figure he thinks to be Claude, swings a hay hook and sends him tumbling down the stairs, killing him. Trudy discovers that the figure was actually Dr. Papineau, their vet.
Kramer, disturbed by the concept of the bris, upsets the mother with grotesque descriptions of circumcision and seizes the baby in an unsuccessful rescue attempt. The mohel (Charles Levin) is extremely irritable and high-strung and implies that he was charged with malpractice due to a botched circumcision on at least one previous occasion. Made increasingly nervous by this, Jerry flinches as the circumcision gets underway, and the mohel cuts Jerry's finger. The four go to the hospital, where the baby's parents have to break up a fight between Jerry and the mohel.
She recoils from the sight of her own face and sometimes flinches when other cats are frightened by her scarred face. However, Brightheart is warm and kind-hearted to many warriors in the Clan. She adopts the duties of an unofficial medicine cat during the latter half of The New Prophecy series, becoming an object of Leafpool's jealousy, but quickly returns to being a warrior after Leafpool becomes ThunderClan's main medicine cat. In Twilight, Brightheart holds a grudge for Daisy, who often flirts and spends time with her mate, Cloudtail.
The insurance company responsible for the film vetoed the idea, believing that the drug would cause permanent incapacitation. Kovic visited the production daily and would often participate in rehearsals with Cruise. Kovic also appears in the film as a World War II veteran at an Independence Day parade who flinches in response to exploding firecrackers, a reflex that Cruise's character adopts later in the film. On July 3, 1989, following the end of reshoots, Kovic gave Cruise his Bronze Star Medal as a birthday present and in praise of his commitment to the role.
Kenny and the ghost see each other; the ghost does not speak, and flinches away and disappears when Kenny raises a shoe in defense. Kenny tells his father there is something upstairs, but his father interprets that as a metaphor for “something you don’t want anyone to know about. Secrets.” Kenny visits the local library, where he meets an old historian, Pardon Willinghast, who is also curious about the property. Kenny tries to talk with the ghost boy, who mutters the word “slave.” He asks Willinghast if any former owners had slaves, but he doesn't get a candid answer.
Daryl pulls out his knife but flinches and looks away as Sasha dispatches the dogs with a silenced weapon before they can get any closer. Rick stands up and begins to collect branches to make a fire. In the next scene they are shown to be cooking meat on the fire and eating and, as the camera pans out, Noah is seen to be sitting on the ground with them and staring at a blue dog collar that is lying, discarded, in the dirt. As they eat, Father Gabriel throws his priest collar into the fire, signifying his lost faith.
The Alfred I. Dupont jurors awarded Smith with his second Gold Baton and said of the body of work: "the series never flinches from showing why terrorist groups harbor such hate for America and includes people whose attitudes toward the United States are undoubtedly offensive to many viewers. Yet all of the programs are balanced and never sensationalized." Smith continued reporting on Al Qaeda in subsequent years. In the trilogy, "In Search of Al Qaeda", (2002), "Return of the Taliban" (2006) and "Obama's War" (2008), Smith twice interviewed President Pervez Musharaff on Pakistan's duplicitous Afghanistan policy.
In response to Michael's reactions when being touched, Bibel concluded, "In real life, getting punched in the face by a convict who claims to be offering protection would be traumatic enough to elicit [that] reaction from an 18-year-old who is new to prison life. But this is a soap. Anyone who flinches when being touched, has in all probability been sexually assaulted." When Michael finally does get released from prison, he is on probation, and he cannot really enjoy his freedom because Jason, who got himself arrested to protect Michael, is still in jail.
The next morning, Akai arrives at a murder scene. He draws back the covering over the body and flinches when he sees it is Kanie. One of the crime scene investigators reminds him that the body's location is where a double murder occurred several years prior, when the parents of a teenage girl were killed. Akai then goes to where Kanie had been taking Oburi to confront him, but instead finds Sawa, who shoots him in the right hand and groin before emptying the magazines of both her and Oburi's guns into the rest of his body.
This is due to the Nightwatcher using tactics like Raph's and due to the reason that Donnie believes that the team still exists where as Raph does not. Donnie also doesn't support Mikey's admiration of The Nightwatcher and even though Donnie doesn't know that Raph is The Nightwatcher, believes that Raph should get a normal job to support the family. Donnie's dislike of The Nightwatcher alone seems to mildly anger Raph and then there's the fact that Splinter put Donnie in charge of the turtles while Leo was away. This factor annoys Raph a little more and leads to Raphael almost punching Donnie in the face; smirking when his brother flinches.
The story opens late one Christmas Day in an antique store, presumably in London during the mid 1880s. A man named Markheim has come even though the store is officially closed, and the rather shady dealer points out that whenever he comes to visit after hours, it is usually to privately sell a rare item, claiming it to be from a late uncle's collection he inherited. The dealer hints his suspicions that more likely Markheim stole these items, although it has not stopped him from purchasing them, usually for an amount less than what his client asked for. Markheim visibly flinches at the dealer's not-so-subtle insinuations, but claims that he has not come to sell anything this time, but rather to buy a Christmas present for a woman he will soon marry, implying she is well off.
Due to this experience, when Tatsuhiro is about to hit her following the events at the island, she flinches by instinct. She loves Sato and tries to make it seem like he needs her more but in reality she is even more lonely than he is to the point where she attempts to commit suicide after Sato refuses her feelings in a second contract she makes. She is seen at the end of the anime getting help from Sato to finish her high school degree, so that she and Sato can go and finish college in order to start their life (relationship) officially together. Misaki's personality greatly differs between the manga and the novel and anime; in the manga she appears more sarcastic and doesn't hesitate to reprimand Tatsuhiro, even showing a more manipulative, controlling side, while in the novel and anime, she has an introverted personality and is portrayed to be more innocent.

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