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9 Sentences With "boggles at"

How to use boggles at in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "boggles at" and check conjugation/comparative form for "boggles at". Mastering all the usages of "boggles at" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The mind boggles at what scientists are now capable of doing with DNA.
The mind boggles at what the merchandising will be when it lands in earnest next year.
The mind boggles at the thought of all the unknown and out-of-reach fossils trapped under Antarctic ice.
The mind boggles at the thought of ancient humans building their stone tools for thousands upon thousands of years before the first band of Homo sapiens finally ventured outside of Africa.[Nature]
Looking out at the massive stacks of palletized material lined up around the high school track, lit day and night by portable floodlights, the mind boggles at the amount of material that goes into building a city.
" To which Una Mullally, an Irish Times columnist who edited a book of essays and poems called "Repeal," riposted: "The mind boggles at how you seek to uphold a system where women are not allowed to make choices for themselves.
In 1912 after the tour, Linder demanded and received a salary of one million francs a year, and Charles Pathé used the huge sum to generate publicity, with an ad reading "We understand that the shackles which bind Max Linder have attained the value of one million francs a year...the imagination boggles at such a figure!" This set a precedent in the entertainment industry for actors' salaries that would become a staple of the Hollywood system, but privately Pathé nicknamed Linder "The Napoleon of the Cinema". The high point of Linder's career was from 1912 to 1914. His films were made with increased skill and "Max" was at his funniest.
Larry Printz of The Morning Call also expressed a similar view of the song, stating that the song "is loaded with platitudes, but [it's] easy on the ears." However, Siobhan Grogan of NME magazine stated "to the delight of lonely men everywhere, she tells us she's 'weak with desire' and knows 'I'm meant to say no'—and the mind boggles at how she'd have turned out if she'd spent her teens glugging cider on a street corner." Chuck Campbell of Daily News viewed the song as "gurgling" and noted that Simpson was singing it breathlessly. An editor of The Advocate remarked that the track sounded more manufactured than composed.
Song sparrow Nice worked on the life-histories of birds at a time when most of the focus was on collection, description and geographic listing. Her work on the song sparrow is considered a landmark and Deborah Strom wrote in Bird Watching with American Women (1986) that her work was so vast and difficult that the mind boggles at the time and patience required. Ernst Mayr wrote that Nice almost single-handedly initiated a new era in American ornithology and the only effective counter movement against the list-chasing movement. Her first research paper was published with the help of Mayr and Erwin Stresemann in the German Journal für Ornithologie in 1933 and 1934 because American journals would not accept such long articles.

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