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"fainter" Antonyms
finer better fresher livelier fitter healthier stronger robuster haler sounder abler heartier more okay more energetic more animated more OK more resolute more energised(UK) more thriving more vigorous powerfuller mightier tougher burlier bigger brawnier stouter heavier beefier braver firmer buffer ruggeder bolder greater meatier huskier hunkier louder racketier noisier rowdier harsher fortissimo more boisterous more booming more clamorous more deafening more raucous more rambunctious more stentorian more clangorous more resounding more cacophonous more earsplitting more reverberant more obstreperous intenser sharper vivider fuller brighter harder shinier splendider flashier lucider more burning more concentrated more brilliant more striking more vibrant more shining more dazzling more glaring clearer more definite more pellucid more distinct more explicit more defined more definitive more precise more distinctive more express more exact more specific more clear-cut ranker starker more obvious more blatant more conspicuous more noticeable more visible more brazen more evident more inordinate more open more unmissable more unmistakable more flagrant more manifest more pronounced more unconcealed huger seriouser larger more significant more enormous more major more meaningful more substantial more considerable more massive more sizeable likelier more probable gutsier brasher more courageous more convincing more daring more audacious more enterprising more confident more assured

140 Sentences With "fainter"

How to use fainter in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "fainter" and check conjugation/comparative form for "fainter". Mastering all the usages of "fainter" from sentence examples published by news publications.

It remained for close to three months [qarıban min thalathat ashhur] getting fainter and fainter until it disappeared; at the beginning it was towards a darkness and greenness, then it began to throw out sparks [yarmı bi-l-sharar] all the time, and then it became more and more whitish and then became fainter and disappeared.
The claim of fainter voices, or the desire to live.
Jupiter has rings as well, but they are much fainter.
Antares is fainter but it also has a fiery color.
"As our technology gets better and better, we're able to look fainter and fainter, so we're discovering smaller and smaller moons," said Scott S. Sheppard, the Carnegie Institution for Science astronomer who led the discoveries.
The din of the traffic outside became fainter in the courtyard.
Moonbows are much fainter than rainbows, since moonlight much weaker than sunlight.
If Hillary Clinton is a "fainter" then so is George H.W. Bush.
A familiar star in the constellation Orion is fainter than ever recorded.
THE ritual chants of "Death to America" had grown fainter in recent years.
A guaquero'sodds of making a Carranza-like fortune, never high, have become fainter.
A larger and fainter shadow called the penumbra will surround the inner shadow.
And then there's the fact that it grew fainter over the past century.
And then there's the fact that it's grown fainter over the past century.
For the fainter of heart, Digitsole's also announcing a couple of saner-looking kicks.
From there, Uranus will be the bluest point among the fainter stars in Pisces.
During this time, the star repeatedly grew brighter and fainter up to five times.
They also found that the burst was surrounded by a fainter, constant radio glow.
And the fainter red structures come from corresponding observations made by ESA's Planck satellite.
The sound of bulls stampeding through the oil market is getting a little fainter.
The longer I've had a pen in rotation, the fainter its ink will be.
I'm a fainter when I see blood, but there is just no time for that.
Astronomers also identified a fainter, continuous radio source, that also seems to be co-located.
Speed was crucial, since `Oumuamua is getting progressively farther away and growing fainter every day.
Proxima Centauri is a cool red dwarf star, much smaller and fainter than our Sun.
Those three characteristics make the satellites fainter than Starlink's, and invisible to the naked eye.
That means that even though they're fainter, OneWeb's satellites could still leave a bright streak.
The space telescope uses that to its advantage by measuring fainter stars and distant clusters.
On Monday, I would be glowing still after the weekend's pills, sweating beer, wine, and whiskey out with every step; the evidence of another weekend night out at Turnmills or the Blue Note, echoing fainter and fainter with every step… BOING BOING BOING BOING!
That's about 50 times fainter than what can be seen with the naked eye at night.
All questions that sound fainter with practice but feel important in ways that keep me grounded.
They tend to be fainter with fewer streaks in the sky than others on this list.
But Stieglitz's praise of Strand grew fainter until he was eventually left to fend for himself.
In any case, the Angels' chance of winning before Trout's contract expires grew fainter on Wednesday.
If GW170817 is a black hole, astronomers should expect to see X-ray emissions get progressively fainter.
It looks like a new population that's systematically fainter than the pulsars that Fermi has already seen.
The blinding light of the solar disk would completely swamp the much fainter light from surrounding stars.
The fainter star is half the size of Thuban and only about 40% hotter than the sun.
Thirteen thousand light-years away from us, the planet orbits a star 10,000 times fainter than our sun.
Earth appears as a pale blue speck, and to its left is an even fainter speck: our moon.
Every image, every letter had a fainter replica overlapping and just off to the side, she told him.
Its partner is five times fainter than the larger star in the pair and about half its size.
Every time an American wants to vote but instead gives up and goes home, our republic's pulse grows fainter.
But that estimate may be on the low side, given that many more fainter brown dwarfs probably went undetected.
As fainter aftershocks continued on Wednesday and Thursday, many Koreans said they support the postponement — but some were inconsolable.
But the three planets described in the study orbit a much fainter star and are relatively close to Earth.
The researcher looked in the very near-infrared, a spectrum of light in which fainter stars can be detected.
During the healing process, the scars are obvious and extremely visible, but after a few years, they become fainter.
The bad news is that the moon will be about three-quarters full, obscuring many of the fainter meteors.
With these values in hand, they can infer the distances to standard candles that are fainter and farther away.
The signal is up to a million times fainter than all of this nearby radio noise, according to Koopmans.
Its slender clarity has taken on a more pronounced flutter; her tone feels narrower and harder, yet also fainter.
Both, oddly, are near-exact repeats of Clinton's disagreements with Obama in 2008 — but much fainter this time around.
Bielfield's and Charles's voices mix in a pleasingly delicate way, with Charles ringing fainter but just as clear as Bielfield.
The process turns the Sun-like star into a red dwarf — a much smaller, cooler, and fainter type of star.
The resulting red dwarf / white dwarf pair, described today in the journal Nature, are indeed fainter and undergoing periodic eruptions.
For instance, a distant, potentially Earth-like planet is about 10 billion times fainter than the star it orbits around.
And when it happens, it can be pretty freaky, whether you're the fainter or you see someone else pass out.
With surface brightnesses up to 250 times fainter than the night sky, these galaxies can be incredibly difficult to detect.
The former North Star is part of a binary system, meaning it has a much fainter companion star it orbits.
It can see light in the night sky that's 4 billion times fainter than those seen with the naked eye. 
Another entrant, Telesat, said its smaller constellation would operate at higher orbits than some companies' satellites, making their satellites fainter.
But unlike classical novae, eruptions in dwarf novae are fainter and occur repeatedly every few days to decades, under different mechanisms.
But eclipses block out the intense light coming from the Sun, allowing researchers to study the fainter corona in more detail.
A glowing red blast radius surrounded New York City, where I live; fainter orbs floated over towns where I visited family.
Some models that predict what a black hole colliding with a neutron star look like predict a much fainter resulting explosion.
"If the singer is that close, you can hear the song getting fainter just before the whale surfaces nearby," she recalled.
They tend to be fainter with fewer streaks in the sky than others you might be able to see this year.
This image of the sky around the bright star Alpha Centauri AB also shows the much fainter red dwarf star, Proxima Centauri.
The team peered over the port side as the yellow drone dived beneath the ship, its blinking light growing fainter, then disappearing.
Comet Borisov is small — less than half a mile across — and it is getting fainter as it moves away from the sun.
I find my drawings from memory are often fainter, as I suppose they come from somewhere else, other than those of direct observation.
"If they're higher, they'll be fainter but visible for longer," Bassa, an astronomer at the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy, tells The Verge.
White is better here, but it is difficult to read the minute and second markers because they're in a fainter grayish-black hue.
The corona is a million times fainter than the Sun, making it hard to see and study normally, according to the space agency.
Telescopes detect the sunlight that asteroids reflect, but the smaller the asteroid, the fainter the reflection; plus, some asteroids just aren't very reflective.
Various observatories have taken images of DarkSat as it's passed overhead to gauge just how much fainter it appears compared to its cohort.
Various observatories have taken images of DarkSat as it's passed overhead to gauge just how much fainter it appears compared to its cohort.
However, an almost-full moon will outshine fainter meteors, so you&aposre likely to see about 30 meteors each hour, according to NASA.
In astronomy terms, the dimming is called "fainting," since the star is getting fainter to the naked eye and to telescopes on Earth.
Galaxy surveys have attempted it, but current telescopes couldn't detect some of the fainter or more distant galaxies and had to rely on estimates.
Although the star experiences variability and the initial dimming was expected, it grew fainter over time rather than returning to normal brightness, Guinan said.
One said his model showed that the star would grow fainter before exploding, but it may be a year or so before it does.
Plus, peering into the planets' atmospheres is less challenging since these planets orbit around a star that's much smaller and fainter than our yellow Sun.
Just like the first two discoveries, this third planet is orbiting around a dwarf, a type of star that's smaller and fainter than our Sun.
But they're very interested in pulling out fainter signals, such as those produced when a pair of neutron stars spin about each other very quickly.
If this were any other couple than Brangelina, even a much fainter whiff of infidelity at the beginning of their relationship would have doomed them.
That's similar to how researchers were able to spot MK2 next to Makemake, even though the moon is 1,300 times fainter than the dwarf planet.
When there is a single bright object in the image, it can create fainter artifacts as well because of internal reflections within the telescope's detector.
In risk-taking rats, however, those receptors sent a much fainter signal, so the rats kept making high-stakes choices even if they lost out.
"The Delta Aquarid meteors may tend to appear a bit fainter than the Perseids and meteors seen in other major showers," Sky and Telescope reports.
While Saturn has much fainter rings beyond its main ring system, the F ring serves as the boundary of the primary A, B, and C rings.
Originally, coronagraphs were designed to block out light from the Sun, allowing astronomers to study the much fainter outer atmosphere — or corona — that surrounds our star.
The bigger a telescope mirror is, the more light it can capture and the fainter and farther it can see — out in space, back in time.
The X-ray Astronomy Satellite, known as ASTRO-H, will be able to detect X-rays more than 6003 times fainter than its telescope predecessor, Suzaku.
The moon is perfectly sized to block out the entire surface of the sun, leaving the corona, which is some million times fainter in our view.
There are hints of an economic slowdown, partly because of the uncertainty created by Trump's trade war, but they're considerably fainter than those of 2015-16.
LOFAR has been scanning the sky for a decade; in this time it has accumulated enough data to see fainter objects than any previous radio survey.
Not only can it detect the vibrations of a distant marsquake; it can also detect the even fainter vibrations of waves circling Mars the second time around.
But as more spacecraft acquired images of Phobos, astronomers discovered a fainter, second family of scars, resembling the indentations caused by a golf ball skipping across sand.
At the beginning of January the star was fainter than ever before observed, according to Edward Guinan of Villanova University, who has been compiling data on Betelgeuse.
American Epic: The Best of Blues (Lo-Max/Third Man/Columbia/Legacy) Anyone interested owns somewhat fainter and scratchier versions of tracks on this definitive country blues compilation.
NASA said that InSight had detected three other possible quakes, but they were even fainter than the one recorded on April 6, so their origins remain a mystery.
We're borrowing that technique and applying it to blocking the light of another star so we can see a planet that might be a billion or more times fainter.
Using radiocarbon dating, archaeologists previously determined that the Megaloceros artworks are between 36,000 and 37,000 years old—meaning the fainter eruptions drawn behind them are at least that old.
Telescopes detect the sunlight that these asteroids reflect, but the smaller the asteroid, the fainter the reflection, and the harder it is for a telescope to spot the rock.
The bright screen will reduce the number of meteors you see by 60 to 80 percent, because it spoils our eye's ability to see some of the fainter streaks.
Lindsay noted that in his previous images, he left the exposure a bit too long, which meant his meteors turned out a little fainter than he would have liked.
While peace talks are frozen indefinitely, Israel continues to support the growth of the settlements, and the possibility of a viable peace deal between Israelis and Palestinians grows fainter.
Now 25, with wide, blue eyes that never rested long on anything, May spoke in a soft voice that got fainter when she described how Vallee's threats had isolated her.
Her insights are sharp, and her engaging intelligence is a welcome guide, but as the memoir proceeds, her distinctive voice grows fainter, drowned out by the clamor of her forebears.
"The brightness of Sgr A* varies all the time, getting brighter and fainter on the timescale of minutes to hours—it basically flickers like a candle," Do said in an email.
What to look for: A deeper, longer line indicates that you enjoy long-term commitments; a fainter or shorter line means you may experience your share of on-again, off-again relationships.
As hopes for climate preservation grow fainter, I find myself ever more attached to Mr. Penone's art; this publication is an evidence locker of how nature and the man-made became indistinct.
El Niño's impact is felt most strongly around the Pacific and Indian oceans, and becomes fainter further away, where the effects are more likely to be masked by other oceanic and atmospheric developments.
"Like a stranglehold, Styrofoam latches itself around the neck of the environment, shortening its breath and its cries going fainter with each passing day," said a Guyanese Environmental Protection statement issued in January.
Limited as Mary's role seems to have been when he was a boy in Queens, New York, her presence became even fainter when, at 13, he was dispatched to New York Military Academy.
Lining the walls were bookcases stacked with ledgers detailing the workshop's century of orders, the handwriting chronicling the customers' names, addresses and desires growing fainter and more spidery as you paged ever backward.
With more than a thousand million stars packed in, it's the most complete map of our galaxy ever created, revealing objects a million times fainter than what can be seen with the naked eye.
And while a press officer at SpaceX said the satellites will grow fainter as they move to higher orbits, some astronomers estimate that they will be visible to the naked eye throughout summer nights.
"Obtaining the images was a scramble for the Gemini team because the object is quickly becoming fainter as it moves away from Earth," John Blakeslee, head of science at the Gemini Observatory, said in a release. 
Where visible light captures bright stars and explosive supernovae, infrared allows scientists to peer past the luminous glare to glimpse fainter objects like brown dwarfs, which are curious objects classed between giant planets and dwarf stars.
It's an odd, ill-fitting note in a game that filled me with a strange sort of grief, because it is the moment I could feel a culture's connection to the recent past growing weaker and fainter.
This lets the astronomers gauge the relative distances to fainter cepheids in farther-away galaxies, which gives them the distances of "Type 1a supernovas" in those same galaxies — explosions that serve as brighter, though rarer, standard candles.
Books of The Times "Nothing could be fainter than those torches which allow us, not to pierce the darkness, but to glimpse it," wrote the philosopher Seneca, shortly before his former student Nero forced him to commit suicide.
Keith R. KluenderProfessor and Department Head, Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences, Hofstra UniversitySounds arriving at the eardrum (at the end of the ear canal) will be somewhat fainter because the pinna (auricle) works like an acoustic funnel for sound waves.
Although you're still likely to catch a few meteors even if you are located in an area with high levels of light pollution (as long as you have a clear sky), you may just miss the fainter shooting stars.
While U.S. media have boosted their efforts to explain the facts behind Made in China 2025 as the looming all-out trade war focuses attention on it, voices promoting the initiative in China's official rhetoric have grown significantly fainter.
The stroll explores both fainter, harder-to-detect smells traveling from long distances, perhaps by wind or water, and close-up smells, "the ones that might only be released on physical contact or on breaking or scratching," Ms. McLean said.
Image: NASA, ESA, and A. Parker (SwRI)Unlike its relatively bright host (Makemake is the second-brightest Kuiper belt object after Pluto), MK 2 is incredibly dark—about 1,300 times fainter than Makemake—so it basically resembles a chunk of floating charcoal.
The lenses of some obvious fakes allow the penetration of light from such relatively faint sources as fluorescent lamps, while the only thing one should see through authentic solar-safe filters when looking at objects fainter than the sun is pitch blackness.
One physicist not involved with the study, Clifford Will from the University of Florida, Gainesville, wrote that this research has made the validity of some of those alternate theories "much fainter"—but that they haven't been completely ruled out, according to a Nature commentary.
This kind of quick transition from seizure to stillness is a characteristically Kurtagian move, as in the final of his six "Moments Musicaux" for string quartet, from 2005, when a sudden ripping roar fades to a faint march, pricked by an even fainter violin.
The modern descendants of the TV and radio towers that inadvertently sent Elvis to the stars are far more efficient in terms of the power they use, which means the ''leaked'' signals emanating from Earth are far fainter than they were in the 1950s.
It's an observatory under construction in Chile with a huge field of view: Its mirrors will be able to capture an area of the sky 40 times the size of the full moon, and spot objects 10 million times fainter than the human eye could see.
In "I Am the Blues," the documentarian Daniel Cross spends part of three years driving the cracked back roads of Louisiana and Mississippi to some of the last enclaves of the Delta blues, finding the heart of this indisputable American art form still beating, if growing fainter.
"These results are an important confirmation of our cosmological models, which predict that small dwarf galaxies in the universe should also be surrounded by a population of smaller fainter galaxy companions," said Laura Sales, study author and assistant professor of physics and astronomy, at the University of California, Riverside.
Violence against women, for example: In 1977's Three Weeks in May, Lacy stenciled RAPE in red on a map of reported rapes in Los Angeles — heavy red print for those officially reported and fainter red stamps for the estimated nine other rapes statistics say go unreported for every one that is.
But even so the beats are fainter and laxer than those on If You're Reading This, and although things perk up at the end with "Pop Style" and the inescapable "Hotline Bling," for the most part each slow, bland, half-rapped/half-sung elegy drags and drags and evaporates into a fine, chilly, barely tangible mist.
Proxima Centauri is a small red dwarf star located just 4.25 light years away, slightly closer to Earth than the famous binary pair of Alpha Centauri A and B. (It is actually believed to be gravitationally bound to Alpha Centauri, making the system a trinary.) Smaller and fainter than our sun, red dwarfs comprise roughly 80 percent of all stars in the Milky Way, although we don't see them when we look up into the sky at night.

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