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5 Sentences With "more softened"

How to use more softened in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "more softened" and check conjugation/comparative form for "more softened". Mastering all the usages of "more softened" from sentence examples published by news publications.

President TrumpDonald John TrumpPence: Intelligence shows Iran directing militias not to attack U.S. targets Mnuchin aims to wait until end of 85033 to disclose Secret Service costs for Trump's travel: report Pressure building on Pelosi over articles of impeachment MORE softened his tone toward Iran on Wednesday, claiming Tehran is "standing down" and welcoming de-escalation after growing tensions between Washington and Tehran prompted concerns the two could be on the brink of war.
Henning also shows dark trails with the introduction of Tanja Wittkamp, but with time is shown as a warm and suffering hero. With the character's recasts in 1998 and 2000 the character seems more softened and became a romantic lead. Even though her schemes cost Christoph his life, Henning remains close with his longtime-stepmother Clarissa through his existence.
Nowe Widnokręgi (Polish: New Horizons) was a Polish language magazine initially published monthly, later once every two weeks and served as the official organ of the communist Union of Soviet Writers. It was published from February till June 1941 in Soviet-occupied Lwów. Despite its orientation, it differed from the earlier publication Czerwony Sztandar, reflecting a more softened cultural policy of the Soviets vis-a-vis Polish culture.Caviar and ashes: a Warsaw generation's life and death in Marxism, 1918-1968.
Volleyball competitions (beach and indoor) at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing were held from 9 to 24 August 2008. Indoor volleyball events were held at Capital Indoor Stadium and Beijing Institute of Technology Gymnasium. Beach volleyball competitions were held from 9 to 22 August 2008 at the Beach Volleyball Ground at Chaoyang Park. The 2008 Summer Olympics volleyball competitions brought the introduction of the new ball with a new moulding design making it more softened compared to the Mikasa MVP200.
In October 2008, Kornbek was replaced by Bjarne Hartung Kirkegaard from its more conservative and religious wing. In 2010, the Christian Democrats regained parliamentary representation when the Independent former Conservative MP Per Ørum Jørgensen joined the party. Since he was not formerly known for having expressed opinions based on Christianity, these events once more softened the religious character of the party. On 30 June 2011, it was announced that the Christian Democrats had started cooperating with Fælleslisten, a single-issue party fighting for decentralization, especially in health care policy, with some success in regional and local elections.

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