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"bloodier" Synonyms
gorier grislier more bloodstained more bloodsoaked more ensanguined more imbrued more sanguinary more crimson more blood-soaked more sanguineous more sanguine rawer pinker redder fresher greener sorer unriper juicier more gaping more rare more undercooked more underdone more uncooked more mooing more natural more inflamed more bloodshot more blue bloodthirstier crueler viciouser fiercer grimmer heavier violenter feller deadlier beastlier wickeder horribler fouler harsher deathlier viler eviller baser wantoner rottener ruddier wretcheder fuller hatefuller lousier curster completer stupider peskier dirtier filthier loster more flaming more confounded more blooming more pestilential more precious more blessed gruesomer ghastlier horrider terribler direr awfuller disgustinger sicker fearfuller unpleasanter grosser loathlier grotesquer intenser wilder more unhampered more unrestrained more assured more boundless more brutal more categorical more emphatic more limitless more resounding more unambiguous more unbridled more uncompromising more uncontestable more uncontrollable more uncontrolled more uncurbed oulder weer more piffling more sanguinolent gaudier showier louder brighter vivider livider more lurid more garish more brilliant more glaring more dazzling more colourful(UK) more extravagant more fiery more fluorescent more colorful(US) more striking realer huger purer seriouser severer fairer perfecter arranter more royal more major more total more absolute more legit more thorough rosier flusher healthier haler heartier more florid more flushed more rubicund more glowing more reddish more embarrassed more pinkish more roseate more blushing more burning harder stonier thicker-skinned unkinder greedier sourer tougher more pitiless more callous more merciless more ruthless more inhumane more unmerciful more heartless more unforgiving more unfeeling deader sheerer starker ranker cleaner flatter wholer more downright more unqualified more categoric more scratched more blistered more skinned more unhealed more cut More

173 Sentences With "bloodier"

How to use bloodier in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "bloodier" and check conjugation/comparative form for "bloodier". Mastering all the usages of "bloodier" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Think a dentist's suction device, only bigger ... and bloodier.
Visions of liberation soon gave way to a much bloodier reality.
The day got bloodier and more dangerous until 1:45 p.m.
But in areas with bloodier histories they may be more receptive.
Memorial Day weekend proved even bloodier than last year in Chicago.
The specter of a bloodier standoff has caused some international concern.
But every week in America we hear stories that are bloodier.
The more powerfully your heart beats, the bloodier it's going to be.
Meanwhile the biggest trade fight of all, with China, is getting bloodier.
But for the past five years his work has been, well, bloodier.
The bloodier the crime and longer the sentence, the greater the reward.
Prepare for things to get much weirder — and bloodier — before they get better.
It would only exacerbate the chaos in Venezuela and make it even bloodier.
But, it did happen — and this story ends much bloodier than you expect.
And it doesn't get much longer, bloodier, or sillier than the debate tonight.
It would have been a little more bloodier, fat pieces, things like that.
What comes next is unclear, but undoubtedly it will be bloodier and more chaotic.
Grace's dress gradually gets dirtier and bloodier as she fights back against the family.
But Aleppo is far larger, and such a siege would be longer and bloodier.
It's just like Kirk fighting the Gorn but bloodier and with pillows for weapons.
The action sequences, similarly, are starker and bloodier than most versions of the story.
The terrain, the number of Venezuelan forces, it would have been a much bloodier conflict.
NO CONFLICT since the 1940s has been bloodier, yet few have been more completely ignored.
I don't think there has been a bloodier episode in this season or the last.
Foreign interventions have made those shifting front lines even bloodier and have deepened the stalemate.
In fact, they're getting bigger, bloodier, and sometimes a little stranger with each new blockbuster.
The insurgency has begun another spring offensive, which promises to be bloodier than in years past.
The audience is given no indication that Asriel has much bloodier and darker intentions in mind.
The result was a bloodier war with more Syrian suffering but little change in Mr. Assad's calculus.
The second, and far bloodier, intifada grew out of the collapse of the peace process in 2000.
It also helped install and manage even bloodier dictatorships in Chile, Uruguay, and elsewhere in South America.
This season looks even bloodier and sexier than the last, as you can see in the trailer here.
Polygamous societies are bloodier, more likely to invade their neighbours and more prone to collapse than others are.
Hulu's original series The Handmaid's Tale is back for season 2, looking bloodier and more harrowing than ever.
That means more chances to expand the pantheon and get bloodier, gorier, and more violent than ever before.
Yet the suffering in the Arab world's poorest country has been overshadowed by the far bloodier conflict in Syria.
I learned this in a much bloodier crucible, the one in which I was baptized as a foreign correspondent.
The systemic violence of class gives way to bloodier, more gruesome violence in which food plays an unfortunate role.
A third, considerably bloodier film, "Lizzie," focuses on Lizzie Borden, the woman accused of murdering her parents in 1892.
Now, Stephen King's Pennywise the child-eating clown is back, with bloodier teeth and a fresh set of victims.
The problem was not one of faulty implementation; Jackson's own actions made the process of removal bloodier and crueler.
The handover of power, and the resulting partition of India and Pakistan, would be bloodier than anyone could have imagined.
Logan is R-rated, which means its fights are darker and bloodier than in typical PG-13-rated superhero flicks.
Then an even bloodier scene followed, when a sniper in Dallas shot and killed five police officers in apparent retaliation.
And the conflict has been bloodier and its combatants more plentiful and heavily armed than those in Cyprus or Ireland.
Other Israelis have said that if thousands of angry Palestinians breached the Gaza fence, the outcome would be far bloodier.
As antigovernment demonstrations in the semiautonomous city become increasingly violent, some residents see echoes of the bloodier summer of 234.
And Iraq would certainly not be facing a new civil war that will potentially be bloodier than the Syrian conflict.
And after their sentence was handed down on Wednesday, the convicted men vowed to carry out an even bloodier attack.
And should war erupt, it could be Israel's most desperate clash since the 1973 Yom Kippur War -- and far bloodier.
Syrian troops have gained some ground in the area during a Russian-backed offensive that aid agencies warn is growing bloodier.
This logic may help explain why several of this week's mass shootings were bloodier than similar events earlier in the year.
In the weeks ahead, the Army forces departed and fresh Marine battalions arrived, encountering even bloodier combat than during the siege.
And without the multilateral rules-based system to contain the conflict, the trade war between China and America could get much bloodier.
European history provides some solace to Arabs: before the continent united, it waged wars even bloodier than those the Arabs are enduring.
More often than not, war is much longer, much more expensive, much bloodier, much more horrific than anyone thought at the beginning.
Those possibilities — and the danger that lethal machine errors could precipitate bloodier conflicts — will require close cooperative measures between robot-armed nations.
I was blind, willfully ignorant, I suppose, to the bloodier side of the Thanksgiving story, to the more honest side of it.
Bloodier and thirstier is popular opposition—not only to Trump, but to free speech, property rights, border security, bathroom security, and police.
But we do know what happened to Kiki — and how his fate inevitably sets up an even bloodier next season of Narcos: Mexico.
But as she told Jimmy Fallon on Friday's Tonight Show, this little girl has an appetite for something a little bit, um, bloodier.
That's right, Hester has officially moved into a basement room which means things are only going to get a lot crazier and bloodier.
If full-scale war does break out, experts warn the conflict will almost certainly be even bloodier and uglier than the last time.
VISITORS to Northern Ireland need not venture far to discover that local people have strong views about another, even bloodier zone of conflict.
Crime rates in the United States have fallen even as Hollywood films have become bloodier and violent video games have grown in popularity.
For his follow-up, Naishuller wanted to go a step further, making a bigger, bloodier, and even more violent take on the concept.
Boxing in ancient Greece was a bloody sport, made bloodier and more brutal by the thin leather wraps that boxers wore as gloves.
"The next 12 months most likely will be bloodier than the past 12 months," says Fawaz Gerges of the London School of Economics.
The Showtime Twin Peaks takes advantage of the freedom of premium cable to make the violence bloodier and the sexual perversions more explicit.
Dr. Ford is predicting that Westworld's future lies in creating a richer environment with more layered characters, rather than bigger and bloodier adventures.
Burton's distorted, slightly dystopian suburbia often takes on a gleefully manic, almost circus-like form that's descended from gothic's bloodier cousin, Grand Guignol.
Here, he walks around in a sleeveless undershirt, a tattoo on his left bicep, getting sweatier and dirtier and bloodier by the minute.
She has been a staunch critic of Duterte, who has threatened to slap her and has warned of an even bloodier campaign ahead.
Clamping a camera onto a shark fin is about as easy as suctioning one to a whale's back — and bloodier, with more teeth.
His death is a hint that the jihadist group—already known for kidnapping schoolgirls and turning children into human bombs—is becoming bloodier still.
Bloodier battles would come in 1918, but on the first day of the Somme the British Army suffered its greatest daily loss: 19,19183 killed.
Caesar's reign—and its bloody end and bloodier aftermath—would later come to be seen as a turning point in the history of Rome.
If the battle in the countryside around Mosul has been fierce, then commanders expect an even bloodier fight once their troops enter the city.
If Democrats succeed, it will usher in a bloodier era of divided government, partisan warfare, oversight investigations and calculations leading into the 2020 elections.
The difference between 2002 and now is that war with North Korea would be far, far bloodier than even the terrible war in Iraq.
An abrupt American pull-out would make matters worse, dooming Afghanistan to an even bloodier civil war and possibly to an eventual Taliban victory.
The ancients had been undergoing civil tensions -- albeit much bloodier, but no less contentious -- just as we debate immigration, gun control and the like.
Had Trump gone through with the planned strike, it's possible both nations would now be engaged in a much more violent, much bloodier struggle.
If the "shot heard round the world" signaled the start of the Revolutionary War; a "tweet heard round the world" could start something far bloodier.
We don't know if a second UK/France/Russia versus Germany war could've been avoided and, if so, whether another, bloodier war would've occurred instead.
Most people, other than Mika and 45, can probably get through a plate of eggs Benedict without coming to bloody blows (or bloodier tweet storms).
Yes, both were based on source material — but networks' willingness to embrace both series' bloodier traits only really sprung up after the rise of reality.
Finally, a humbled Mexican government was forced to order Ovidio's release, opting against a bloodier confrontation that officials later said could have claimed hundreds of lives.
Although Europeans have been used to urban guerrilla attacks for decades, some bloodier than Tuesday's events in Brussels and none as costly as al Qaeda's Sept.
Three officers shot him within one minute, killing him, the chief said, adding that the scene might have been bloodier if not for the quick response.
Like "Deadpool" before it, "Logan" demonstrates that adults will turn out for tentpole fare that is bloodier and more profane than your average X-Men movie.
The northern Syria problem, far from resolved by the American departure, is entering a new chapter that could be far bloodier, more chaotic and more destabilizing.
But while the parliament is rapidly approving yet more repressive laws, jihadist attacks are becoming bloodier and more brazen, leaving the security forces struggling to respond.
After the fairly serene scene, Bran fast-forwarded away from the lord of light to Jon's birth, which was decidedly less serene and a whole lot bloodier.
The Walking Dead is back, kicking off its eighth season with a bloodier, more political story arc that will likely track the comic's "All Out War" saga.
HONG KONG — As the protests in Hong Kong have gotten more violent, a bloodier summer of unrest, more than half a century ago, has loomed ever larger.
But a different reaction to Reddit ban — this one on Voat — made the movement's underlying agenda much more clear: "[Reddit] just made their future Holocaust that much bloodier."
Ten days after Énard's win, a second, even bloodier set of attacks drew the world's attention to the Bataclan concert hall and other Parisian locales struck by terror.
I'm rooting for the former, though the latter will make for bloodier TV. This week, another host, Teddy, realized that he's more of a monster than he thought.
Of course, we all remember the bloodbath when Rose dominated Paige VanZant -- but Namajunas says she's been in way bloodier fights ... and describes it in ultra-gory detail.
Velvet Buzzsaw comes off as an indictment of the well-documented corruption and snootiness of the art world—sort of like the dark comedy The Square, but bloodier.
Shardlake participates in a tense murder trial and visits a hellish prison where the condemned await execution — by hanging if they're lucky, by bloodier methods if they're not.
Telling this X-Force story would allow Fox to delve into deeper, bloodier, darker themes — the kind you see in Deadpool and don't see in the X-Men movies.
It's bloodier and more violent, yes, but more importantly, the new stakes in play make that violence feel earned in a way that the first season's bloodshed often didn't.
A week of shocking violence in the United States took a bloodier turn on Thursday night, when five police officers were shot and killed by a sniper in Dallas.
Those statistics notwithstanding, young Mexicans are still choosing to study journalism—even if they live outside Mexico City, where the violence is bloodier and the working conditions more deplorable.
The American public is far too complacent about the possibility of a war with North Korea, one that could be incomparably bloodier than any U.S. war in my lifetime.
The men just seemed to be a lot bloodier, and there was also an opportunity for a lot of people to settle old scores when no one was looking.
Since his inauguration, his promised war on drugs has been even bloodier than expected, with about 3,000 killed without trial by police and vigilantes in highly publicized street-style executions.
We had a bloodier week than this one, for example, at the end of April, with 13 mass shootings—including the Piketon, Ohio, massacre—leaving 15 dead and 44 injured.
That same day, the Islamic State took responsibility for a larger and bloodier attack in Mastung, Balochistan, killing over 130 people, including Nawabzada Siraj Raisani of the Balochistan Awami Party.
Cohen reportedly faxed him fifteen pages of unused lines; from these, Cale pulled together new lyrics, which change the entire narrative trajectory of the song, making it bloodier, less celestial.
To say too much about his involvement in the story would be to spoil some of the game's bloodier surprises, but he is an entirely different creature to Dante and Nero.
Duterte has previously told police to kill "idiots" who refuse to go quietly, and in February warned his signature campaign could get even bloodier in the second half of his presidency.
By next year, the battle waged by big tech and the last of the remaining media giants will get bloodier when Disney, AT&T Inc and Comcast's NBCUniversal join Netflix, Amazon.
Even among those, the Langdon Park scene of Curtis Pixley's murder stood out for its brutality, signaling to residents that things would only get bloodier in the District—and they did.
War is extremely hard to predict, but most outside experts believe the US-backed forces will eventually come out on top, even if the fighting is bloodier, and lengthier, than expected.
Nostalgia also almost certainly powered the success of Suspiria, which is much bloodier and more disturbing than Halloween but appeals to arthouse horror fans for whom the 1977 original is a classic.
The pair co-directed and star as two of the vampires: a prissy, chore-conscious romantic and a former terror who's hopelessly determined to regain the fearsome glory of his bloodier youth.
Although America witnessed a couple of equally deadly and one much bloodier mass shooting than that in Yekaterinburg this week, none of them succeeded in drawing the same level of national attention.
LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Three land rights activists from two continents were named as finalists for a prestigious human rights award on Friday as the global conflict around land rights turns bloodier.
And this could be bloodier than the previous wars because Mr. Kadyrov's security forces, which are only nominally a branch of the Russian Interior Ministry, are so well trained and well equipped.
Cops, who pointed out that the incident could have been bloodier—two infants were playing nearby—think the drive-by may be linked to another shooting on the same block a week ago.
But it is proof, too, of a bloodier kind of alchemy, in which Russia's grim history, all those repressions and upheavals, came to gestate the genius of Tchaikovsky and Pushkin, Dostoevsky and Shostakovich.
Although the past seven days saw the fewest mass shootings in America since the last week of May , this stretch was actually deadlier and bloodier than last week , which witnessed eight such attacks.
The United Kingdom's still-roiling Brexit controversy, with the referendum's most fervent supporters boasting of an unleashed Britain recapturing imperial-era glory, has tended to leave the messier, bloodier details of colonialism unexamined.
The Yugoslav People's Army, responding to Slobodan Milosevic, president of Serbia, engaged in a brief war in Slovenia, then in a longer and much bloodier one in Croatia, leveling cities and committing atrocities.
Tasha: There were certainly bigger, bloodier, and more important things going on in "Stormborn" than a quiet conversation between Arya Stark and the baker kid she left behind at an inn in season 3.
Even without these Halloween weekend party shootings, this week was already much bloodier than the rest of the month—although most of the other recent large-scale gun attacks were routine by American standards.
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syrian state media reported on Thursday that a ceasefire had been agreed in the last rebel bastion in the country, the northwest, where aid agencies say a government offensive is growing bloodier.
Indeed, militia groups inside Iraq seem to be trying to provoke the United States into a bloodier conflict that could prompt Iraq to evict the 5,000 remaining American troops there, a longtime Iranian goal.
Or maybe Germany is fine, but absent WWII, tensions between the US and the Soviet boil into a hot war that is even bloodier and more destructive than the actual Second World War was.
The next year, they fought the even bloodier Battle of Siffin, where followers of Ali and Muawiyah, the governor of Damascus, crossed swords, deepening the divisions that became the Sunni-Shiite split that persists today.
Ms. Kimpton explained that the texts cut into her umbrellas are from some of the Old Testament's bloodier passages, and that the more uplifting words on the wall consist of individual letters from those verses.
But the film casts a shadow forward in time, into the darkness of Chile's later, bloodier period of military rule, and beyond that into the political uncertainties of the present, in Latin America and elsewhere.
But if members of Congress start worrying that money appropriated for one purpose will be clawed back by the White House and handed over for a different one, look for spending battles to get bloodier still.
The nine-year-old company has zeroed in on fans who want to see wrestling that is different - and bloodier - than Mexico's traditional, deeply rooted version in which the fights are often more spectacle that real combat.
The series is bloodier, more gruesome, and more sinister than anything else the company has created, thanks to its real sense of consequence; it truly feels like the violence that haunts its Hell's Kitchen setting is inescapable.
As with other features of our decadence, a Pax Americana sustained by indefinite police actions, indefinitely frozen conflicts and indefinite postponements of defeat is hardly the worst geopolitical scenario imaginable, and definitely preferable to certain bloodier alternatives.
As for Libya, had NATO (with Arab League backing) not entered the month-old civil war to ensure Mr Qaddafi's defeat, she reportedly believes, it could have been "another Syria"—a far bloodier and arguably more intractable conflict.
Although outsiders often pay little attention to them, many in Nigeria fear the upcoming state elections could be bloodier than the presidential poll, in which at least 39 people died (it was won by the incumbent, Muhammadu Buhari).
"In Nigeria in particular, vigilantism did much to turn an anti-state insurgency into a bloodier civil war, pitting Boko Haram against communities and leading to drastic increases in violence," the International Crisis Group, a think-tank, said.
So it makes sense that as the destigmatization of the female body and its bloodier functions progresses, so does the development of skin-care innovations tailored specifically to work with a woman's skin before, during, and after her period.
Yes, the show's gone bigger and even bloodier, but this scene conveys the extent of just how crushed June's spirit is with such startling clarity that it's impossible not to look into her eyes and shudder at their blankness.
But elsewhere, the Arab Spring proved much bloodier: It produced a brutal counterrevolution and coup in Egypt, a devastating civil war in Syria (which helped give rise to ISIS), a civil war in Libya, and the war in Yemen.
End of Evangelion is something of an expansion on the series, then; while it's a must-watch for any Eva viewer, it's more like the opposite, bloodier side of the TV ending's coin than a separate coin of its own.
Since it's hard to simply force audiences to care about the deaths of extreme supporting characters, both The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones have increasingly turned toward sensationalizing the deaths that do occur, making them bigger and bloodier, with mixed results.
Next year brings at least six that could unsettle the party, from June's 30 years since the bloody Tiananmen crackdown to October's 70 years since Mao Zedong proclaimed the founding of the People's Republic at the end of an even bloodier civil war.
Until then, we tapped Vit for her behind-the-scenes scoop on what really goes on before the camera rolls, how Apa covers his real tattoos for those shirtless scenes, and why this season will be much dirtier and bloodier than the last.
Before the deal was reached, Politico's Michael Grunwald wrote about the perils of one side of a shutdown fight winning too lopsidedly—when there's obvious winners and losers, the losers tend to plot their revenge, making the next battle that much bloodier.
A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying takes a more personal approach, putting you and your friends into the shoes of individual characters in the series's timeline and letting you play your way through unfolding events like a darker, bloodier Dungeons & Dragons.
England hasn't had a civil war since 1651, and the last time the country was invaded, in 1688, the elite decided to pretend they'd backed the whole thing all along, dubbing it a "glorious revolution" (Scotland and Northern Ireland had far bloodier experiences).
It was the prelude to a much bloodier time, from 1983 to 1985, when Mr. Mugabe sent his North Korean-trained Fifth Brigade into the western area of Zimbabwe known as Matabeleland, Mr. Nkomo's political power base, to hunt down so-called dissidents.
The movie is reportedly set on the same timeline as the 2004 Sarah Michelle Gellar film (which itself was a remake of the 2002 Japanese movie Ju-On: The Grudge) but already it looks bloodier, more chaotic, and just generally more unsettling.
AMMAN (Reuters) - Syrian rebel commanders and rights groups said on Monday Russia and its Syrian ally are stepping up aerial strikes on heavily populated cities, in a new and bloodier phase of a three-month-old assault on the last opposition bastion in the northwest.
Signs of an escalation in the sprawling residential district, from where Shi'ite insurgents once attacked U.S. forces after the 2003 U.S. invasion, spooked the government as it would mean serious trouble for Iraq and much bloodier unrest, security forces, local leaders, lawmakers and analysts say.
But the party apparatus was fundamentally unprepared to cope with Trump -- or his appeal to a constituency that had, with the chairman's apparent blessing, been served so much red meat for so long that it could hardly be faulted for demanding an even bloodier cut. 4.
IN A war as ugly as the one in Syria, several bleak lessons stand out: the longer it goes on, the bloodier it gets, the more countries are sucked into the vortex and the more unpalatable become the options to stop, or at least contain, the fighting.
As mass shootings became bloodier and more frequent, departments trained for the threats as they evolved, whether they were shootings in schools, like Columbine, where 13 people were killed, and Virginia Tech, where 32 were killed in 2007, or in restaurants like Luby's cafeteria in Killeen, Tex.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States is "very concerned" about the intensification of the conflict in Libya, with a rising number of reported Russian mercenaries supporting Khalifa Haftar's forces on the ground turning the conflict into a bloodier one, a senior State Department official said on Saturday.
You can see these impulses grow stronger and more dominant in Miller's later work: Sin City is bloodier and uglier than any of his previous comics, and not grounded in the sort of character legacy that helped guide and restrain his takes on Daredevil and Batman.
The devastating attacks by Islamic extremists that year are also on the list, among them the murderous assault on the Paris offices of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, and the even bloodier attack at Paris' Bataclan concert hall, the worst in a series of killings in one day.
As the notes chugged and pirouetted through my headphones, it felt like I was giving myself permission to enjoy the kind of music that had formed a cornerstone of my early musical development—but that I'd abandoned in my pursuit of all things faster, harder, bloodier, more brutal.
Despite a 4,500-strong French force in the Sahel region, jihadist attacks have multiplied since they first intervened in 2013 in an effort to push back Islamists and allied Tuareg rebels who had taken over the northern half of the country, while ethnic conflicts have turned bloodier than ever.
The episode came in the midst of a nine-month period that shook up the United States' already combustible relationship with Iran — beginning with the Trump administration's escalation of sanctions and culminating with the two powers in a direct military confrontation on the brink of wider and bloodier conflict.
But he gave about the best performance he could've hoped for, which should give him a decent chance of outpacing Rubio and maybe even Cruz too in the state: The longer, the bloodier, and the sillier this campaign season is, the better it is for the eventual Democratic nominee.
The biggest concern is that if disagreements do emerge, Iraq could be facing something even darker than the storm clouds that were starting to gather in early 2004, when the impending battle for Mosul and other Iraqi cities gave way to a far bloodier sectarian struggle to shape the nation's future.
Serafini said that while Trump "probably did mean" his tweets "as favorable to Manafort," there was a risk of Trump's Twitter followers viewing Manafort in a negative light because of the juxtaposition with Capone, who ended up going to prison on tax-related charges, not for his bloodier crimes in Prohibition-era Chicago.
Despite its low body count, this incident likely attracted more attention than, say, the much bloodier Roanoke bar shooting earlier that week because, as Jaclyn Schildkraut, a specialist on media coverage of mass shootings at the State University of New York—Oswego recently explained to VICE, schools hold a special place in our national conscience.
"Bargaining, Part 2" (season 6, episode 2) "Bargaining, Part 53" is where Buffy's writing staff really starts to take advantage of the laxer standards and practices department of its new network, UPN: The violence is more graphic and bloodier than it ever was on the WB, and the villains are tossing around rape threats.
Scandalously, aid for Syrians was cut in 2015 even as the war grew bloodier: aid agencies got a bit more than half of what they needed last year, according to the UN. Donors at a conference on Syria in London this week were asked for $9 billion for 2016—about as much as Germans spend on chocolate every year.
The pair had previously worked together on Stormwatch, which served as a predecessor to The Authority, converting the series from a run-of-the-mill superhero team story into something edgier and bloodier — an unapologetically violent, intensely political series that questioned the morality of the entire business of being a superhero, asking whether superheroes, as traditionally imagined, were really doing any good at all, or just serving powerful interests.
This is a policy of palliatives, and maybe it's better than the conceivable alternatives: stronger Israeli military action that results in more Palestinian casualties, and more international condemnation; a war to remove the Hamas leadership by force, which would be considerably bloodier without guaranteeing that Hamas won't return to power once Israel leaves; or full-scale re-occupation of the Strip, which leaves Israel with responsibility for the lives of some two million Palestinians.

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