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"blighting" Synonyms
ruining marring destroying spoiling wrecking damaging devastating injuring impairing shattering scotching sabotaging crushing demolishing dashing scuppering disfiguring undoing banjaxing annihilating withering shrivelling(UK) shriveling(US) mildewing infecting killing decaying blasting wasting away polluting contaminating defiling staining soiling dirtying tainting befouling fouling smirching adulterating debasing poisoning alloying profaning afflicting troubling distressing tormenting bothering worrying plaguing upsetting torturing harassing vexing paining harrowing oppressing besetting annoying bedeviling(US) bedevilling(UK) racking agonising(UK) compromising discrediting dishonoring(US) dishonouring(UK) sullying besmirching disgracing humbling shaming tarnishing blotting defaming embarrassing humiliating lowering stigmatising(UK) searing parching desiccating dehydrating drying exsiccating hardening drying up drying out biting piercing bitter raw freezing penetrating sharp arctic cutting harsh icy nipping chill frigid glacial stinging chilly cold frosty frozen scornful contemptuous disdainful mocking sneering blistering dismissive mortifying scathing supercilious superior hurtful snubbing calamitous dreadful awful terrible dire disastrous unfortunate tragic appalling ruinous woeful lamentable catastrophic grievous cataclysmic deplorable fatal destructive frightful wipeout destruction devastation ruin annihilation demolishment demolition disintegration dismantling obliteration collapse damage downfall elimination end ruination wreckage smashing More

105 Sentences With "blighting"

How to use blighting in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "blighting" and check conjugation/comparative form for "blighting". Mastering all the usages of "blighting" from sentence examples published by news publications.

A drought blighting southern Africa has hit Zimbabwe particularly hard.
They've been bloody awful for years, blighting the Premier League with their horrible, horrible football.
Nora learned this after blighting herself to another dimension and seeing her family happy without her.
Plastic waste has become a scourge of the 21st century, blighting landscapes and killing marine life.
Jon Petter Gintal, who deals with international affairs at the parliament, says blighting the landscape would be foolish.
Mr. González's son had spent nearly two decades fighting the twin plagues of corruption and impunity blighting Mexico.
Remarkably, this insight did not lead Herzen to pessimism, despite the blighting of so many of his political hopes.
Social pressures are at work here, too, but in the play the women manage the blighting all on their own.
A corruption investigation led to the arrest of several top Expo officials in 2014, blighting preparations for the world fair.
This bore fruit on the opening night of the new format, with poor attendances blighting the EDL Trophy Checkatrade Trophy.
MONTREAL — Canada on Monday joined a growing global movement with a plan to ban single-use plastics blighting the environment.
But officials came to regret the introduction of bony-headed Hawaiian cane toads to eat insects that were blighting sugar cane crops.
So seriously, in fact, that airplane loads of emergency biscuits were recently flown in to bolster the biscuit shortage currently blighting the nation.
But I bet that I'm hardly alone in finding them a refreshing antidote to the rampant dietary puritanism that is blighting our times.
But maybe it sits there, blighting the neighborhood for days or weeks, until it's finally disposed of by sanitation workers at public expense.
He said he was aware of the financial stress that is blighting families as they contend with recession and the country's 55% inflation rate.
They harassed the players, flew into the eyes of spectators, swarmed over kit and equipment and landed on camera lenses, blighting the entire event.
But that idyllic picture is beginning to darken, with plane crashes, terror attacks on the beach and refugee deaths at sea now blighting the region.
I traveled back to Puerto Rico in May and saw firsthand farm after farm abandoned during this crisis, blighting the island's graceful mountains and countryside.
Why not, for instance, take on building owners who leave sidewalk sheds in place long past their expiration date, blighting miles upon miles of urban landscape?
But reducing the pollution blighting many parts of China depends on cutting back on the heavy industry, mining and coal use that underwrite much of the economy.
So if you want to understand why the great slump that began in 2008 went on so long, blighting so many American lives, the answer is politics.
She highlighted the debts that previous Olympic host cities have incurred and the unfinished infrastructure already blighting Rome from previous sporting bids as reasons to justify the withdrawal.
Conte got off to a difficult start, with accusations he had inflated his academic credentials and a faltering maiden speech in parliament blighting his first weeks in office.
But just as Trump has "at least 20 Muslim friends," he also has French friends, who are diligently feeding him intelligence on the social issues blighting the country.
The incident is seen as blighting the record of Buhari, who took office three years ago - after the Chibok abduction - with promises to keep civilians safe from Boko Haram.
It has a wide spectrum of symptoms, from obsessive behaviour to hypersensitivity to sound, light or other sensory stimulation, the severity of which ranges from mild to life-blighting.
At the center of Morrowind's map stood the Red Mountain, a domineering volcano that belched ash into the sky, blighting the land with ruined crops, poor visibility, and terrible disease.
But that last time-honored tradition has vexed city planners for centuries, with rodents blighting New York City's tunnels, streets and businesses for as long as the city has existed.
So on Thursday, e-scooter company Bird unleashed "Community Mode" on its app, which includes a way to report or complain about bad parking jobs or damaged Birds blighting city streets.
Americans stopped going to their neighborhood diners, grocers, haberdashers and five-and-dimes, shifting their business to big malls, and blighting the central business districts of towns and cities across the country.
Take a minute and join me as we explore their beautiful journeys across that most vile of human blighting: The two gentlemen of the sand trap, relaxing after a productive evening of mousing.
Ecological restoration is an urgent need across vast stretches of rural America that have suffered from poor land use, extraction industries, invasive species, loss of native biodiversity and a blighting of the rural landscape.
Most of the victims died after being run over on Las Ramblas, the main pedestrian boulevard in Barcelona, blighting Spain's recent image as a place relatively untouched by terrorism and rattling nerves across Europe.
No city wants to look like many Chinese cities where dockless bike-sharing companies like Ofo and Mobike launched a few years ago and made a mess with crowded sidewalks and bike litter blighting streets.
The king of the kickboxers laments the passing of his era, the lack of artistry in the ring, the incomprehensible scoring of judges and the prevalence of gangsters and gamblers at ringside blighting the sport.
It's a message that resonates with particular force at this rancorous, divided moment in America's story, when so many of us are in willful denial of the grim legacies of the past blighting our present.
Yet despite the positive reading of the election result for Russia, the country still faces a raft of challenges stemming from longer-term issues blighting its economy such as the effect of sanctions and struggling commodity prices.
State power utility Zesco revealed last month that a supply shortfall reached 810 megawatts in November, with Zambia and neighboring Zimbabwe both suffering 20-hour per day power cuts due to extreme drought conditions blighting its hydropower output.
Third: I sensed that my feelings for her were so strong that, even if it all somehow went wrong and disintegrated, the shadow of her would continue to fall across every future relationship I attempted to have, blighting them.
The scandal blighting Park Geun-hye's presidency involves her close friend Choi Soon-sil, who is alleged to have used her relationship with the president to meddle in state affairs and wield influence in the sports and cultural communities.
" He warned the unwary that "it is not in the external atmosphere that we must look for the greatest impurities, but it is in our own houses that the blighting, withering curse of foul air is to be found.
" Peter Kiernan, lead energy analyst at the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) said "a severe loss in (Iranian) volumes will put pressure on the supply side, given the political uncertainty currently blighting other oil exporters, such as Venezuela and Libya.
" Their report stated that the "millions of square feet of these sites, nearly four times the size of Central Park, arguably encompass one of the most blighting influences on the city's neighborhoods, yet also constitute one of the last development frontiers.
Agriculture Minister Antonio Walker said the high temperatures at the height of the Southern Hemisphere summer, which runs from December to March, and dry conditions caused by a historic drought currently blighting Chile had provided fertile ground for the fire.
For many people, the case was a particularly galling example of Ireland's "compo culture", an epidemic of dubious compensation claims, extravagant awards and soaring insurance premiums that is blighting small business, forcing drivers off the road and stifling public activities, including local festivals.
"We also look forward to the Mayor's initiatives in the short term, which will improve air quality by helping to phase out the diesel vehicles responsible for much of the roadside pollution blighting our city and expanding the ultra-low emissions zone," he added.
By January of this year, the Abkhazian government was forced to order the state electricity company Chernomorenergo RUE to cut 15 crypto-mining farms off the grid, claiming they were using as much electricity as 1,63 households and had caused power outages that were blighting the region.
And, for now at least, with rulers that have strongly authoritarian instincts running most Arab countries, Israel, Turkey, China, Russia and the U.S., and with conflict and humanitarian catastrophe blighting Gaza, Libya, Syria and Yemen, stability may appear more desirable to most people than further risky protest and armed struggle.
They are no doubt delighted to hear that we were not under the kind of pressure that we worry may be blighting their lives, that our parents were decently removed from the whole process, that we applied to only five — or three — or two schools, that we had never heard of hiring college consultants or taking prep courses, that we lost no sleep over where we would get in, that we never thought of doing "college visiting" tours with our parents, and that we generally lived in a saner, less stressed and happier time.
Their proliferation went beyond their ability to remain clandestine, and eventually their dark alchemy led to the blighting of the Legion reality.
Unfortunately, in recent years Pullinger Kop Park has fallen into a state of neglect and there are anti-social issues blighting the park which have reduced its use as an outdoor community amenity space.
By now, the strike had severely affected the nation. Half-a-million workers were laid off, as companies lacked enough steel to keep plants running."Steel Shortages Blighting Nation", The New York Times, July 14, 1952.
Symptoms of bacterial panicle blight include seedling blighting and sheath rot in addition to panicle blighting, which accounts for most of the damage from this disease. Affected panicles have blighted florets, which initially show white or light gray on the basal third with a dark-brown margin and eventually become straw-colored. The florets then turn dark with growth of fungi or bacteria on the surface. Extensive occurrence of upright panicles because of the failure of grain-filling and seed development is a typical phenomenon observed in a severely infested field.
Blighting is believed to be caused by two C. inaequalis mycotoxins, Pyrenocines A and B. Pyrenocines A is the more potent of the two, stunting growth and causing necrosis in vegetation. Both cause leaf tip die back in turf grass and leaf leakage of electrolytes in Bermuda grass.
The Roger Scruton Reader. London and New York: Continuum, xii. His third book, The Meaning of Conservatism (1980) — which he called "a somewhat Hegelian defence of Tory values in the face of their betrayal by the free marketeers"Gentle Regrets, 51. — was responsible, he said, for blighting his academic career.
Whelan the Wrecker, a now infamous demolition company, was responsible for most of the destruction towards most of Melbourne's historic buildings, notably the Federal Coffee Palace. A vast number of city hotels also closed in the 1950s, as a result of blighting liquor laws, which meant that the cost of running a licensed venue outstripped the return.
Jerusalems first chapter tells the story of Albion's fall into Selfhood. Its overture sets the scene for Los's journey into Albion's interior and humanity's transfiguration in forgiveness of sins. In the first scene, Albion banishes Jerusalem and Jesus, blighting nature, culture and his internal life. Then Los contends with his Spectre, forcing him to work for Albion's restoration.
Pseudomonas cichorii is non-host specific as it does not infect just one host. Its host range includes lettuce, pepper, celery, coffee, wheat, basil and several other host plants. Symptoms of the causal agent vary depending on the host and the area of the plant infected. In general, pseudomonas cichorii is seen to cause leaf blighting and spotting.
McKinlay was an avowed supporter of the Geary Act restricting Chinese immigration. At the Chinese Exclusion Convention in 1901, he led the speakers with the "Legal Aspects of the Chinese Question", lauded by the San Francisco Call as a "brilliant address". He concluded the speech calling for a renewal of the Geary Act which would "guard and protect [us] from the blighting curse of Asiatic immigration".
Blighting of new leaves may also take place. The fruit of the pepper is infected through the stem giving way to water soaked areas on the fruit that are overgrown by signs of the pathogen which appear as, "white-gray, cottony, fungal-like growth" (hyphae). The fruit mummifies and stays attached to the stem. P. capsici blight on lower stem of a bell pepper plant.
When later published, the balance sheet showed a profit of £1,715. He awarded £546 to his full-time workers, each of whom received £11. However, in the final year of the scheme, there were no further payments, primarily because of the blighting of the potato crop and the devastation caused by the ‘Great Fire’. The disastrous fire began after the gas works manager repaired a fault with a lighted candle.
From a December 2014 survey by the VU University Amsterdam, it was concluded that the Dutch population has 27% ietsists, 31% agnostics, 25% atheists and 17% theists. As ietsists cannot be neatly classified as religious or nonreligious, ietsism is somewhat notorious for blighting statistics on religious demographics. Hence labeling ietsists as either religious or nonreligious will tilt the demographic balance for those countries to either predominantly religious or predominantly nonreligious.
Botrytis squamosa (teleomorph: Botryotinia squamosa) is a fungus that causes leaf blight on onion (often termed ‘blast’) that is distinctly characterized by the two stages – leaf spotting followed by blighting. The pathogen is an ascomycete that belongs to the family Sclerotiniaceae in the order Helotiales. The lesions start out as whitish streaks and take on a yellow tinge as they mature. They cause yield losses up to 30%.
Its reconstruction has been indefinitely postponed. In 1986, the Naheüberbauung, as it is commonly known, was opened to traffic. For its 20th anniversary, there was an exhibition at the Idar- Oberstein Stadthaus (civic centre) with photo galleries about the planning, building and completion of the project. For its efforts, Idar-Oberstein won an award in 1988 in a contest staged by German town planners: First Prize for Most Consequential Blighting of an Historic Townscape.
Blake was not active in any well-established political party. His poetry consistently embodies an attitude of rebellion against the abuse of class power as documented in David Erdman's large study Blake: Prophet Against Empire: A Poet's Interpretation of the History of His Own Times. Blake was concerned about senseless wars and the blighting effects of the Industrial Revolution. Much of his poetry recounts in symbolic allegory the effects of the French and American revolutions.
In the late 1980s, Norwich passed an ordinance on property owners that stipulated that properties "shall reflect a level of maintenance in keeping with the standards of the community and not constitute a blighting factor for adjoining property owners." This resulted in the landowners being forced to make improvements to the visual appearance of the (then vacant) building or face fines. The building was also part of Society of the Founders of Norwich Inc.'s "Walking Through History" guide.
Feeding on the intense hatred each held for the Master, Tanzra's seven deadly sins and their minions combined their power to raise the spirit of their mighty leader. Tanzra, now vowing revenge for his defeat by the Master, unleashed these demons upon the world. The player in this game assumes the role of the Master, aided by his angelic associates, known as Crystallis. Some of the stages in the game are meant to be ironic regarding the blighting nature of Tanzra's demons.
The importance of Agropyron cristatum is often undermined, as the plant has not been domesticated for modern agricultural use. Agropyron cristatum’s ability to withstand various environmental and biological blighting makes it a truly unique and valuable organism. Recent studies highlight the importance of A. cristatum in future agricultural development because it exhibits several desirable traits for the improvement of domesticated wheat.Zhang J, Liu W, Han H, Song L, Bai L, Gao Z, Zhang Y, Yang X, Li X, Gao A, & Li L (2015).
The industrialization of the Shire was based on Tolkien's childhood experience of the blighting of the Worcestershire countryside by the spread of heavy industry as the city of Birmingham grew.The Fellowship of the Ring, "Foreword to the Second Edition" "The Scouring of the Shire", involving a rebellion of the hobbits and the restoration of the pre-industrial Shire, can be read as containing an element of wish-fulfilment on his part, complete with Merry's magic horn to rouse the inhabitants to action.
This pathogen only affects onion, garlic and leek – Allium spp. The first symptom of the disease occurs in the leaves 24–48 hours after initial exposure to the pathogen, appearing as long white lesions 1–5 mm in length surrounded by a greenish-white halo. The tissue then turns soft due to pectolytic enzymes produced by the pathogen and the center of the lesion takes on a straw-color. Complete blighting can be seen about 12 days after initial infection.
The virus develops prior to and during bloom, affecting new tissues by turning them black, and older tissues by turning them turn orange. Foliage withers and dies either systemically or partially as individual branches. Plants can remain symptomless for up to 4 years yet will test positive for the virus. Symptoms may or may not occur in a way the plant undergoes a shock – blighting and foliage dies off leaving a bare, leafless plant that may or may not recover.
Down on His Luck is an 1889 painting by the Australian artist Frederick McCubbin. It depicts a disheartened swagman, sitting by a campfire in the bush and sadly brooding over his misfortune. According to an 1889 review, "The face tells of hardships, keen and blighting in their influence, but there is a nonchalant and slightly cynical expression, which proclaims the absence of all self-pity ... McCubbin's picture is thoroughly Australian in spirit." The surrounding bush is painted in subdued tones, reflecting his somber and contemplative mood.
The song gives the lament of a lonely mother whose son has been lost in the war: She comments on the irony of war being between different mothers' sons, killing each other with muskets. Conflict between nations should be resolved by arbitration, not by the sword and the gun. Victory is not enough to console a mother for the loss of her son, and the blighting of her home. War would end if all mothers said they would not raise their sons as soldiers.
Crowds turn their backs part way through Brendan Nelson's apology reply. Brendan Nelson also delivered a 20-minute speech. He endorsed the apology but in his speech Nelson referred to the "under-policing" of child welfare in Aboriginal communities, as well as a host of social ills blighting the lives of Aboriginal people. > The Alice Springs Crown Prosecutor Nanette Rogers with great courage > revealed to the nation in 2006 the case of a four-year-old girl drowned > while being raped by a teenager who had been sniffing petrol.
16: "He spoke too well.… Since he did not talk, look, or act like a slave (in the eyes of Northern audiences), Douglass was denounced as an imposter." In the later years of his life, one newspaper described him as "a bright example of the capability of the colored race, even under the blighting influence of slavery, from which he emerged and became one of the distinguished citizens of the country." In 1895, R. Meade Bache of the University of Pennsylvania published an article in Psychological Review claiming that reaction time increases with evolution.
The infection progresses inward from the tips of branches and forms small lesions at points where infected tissue meets healthy tissue. Lesions then girdle limbs less than one centimeter in diameter, effectively killing the entire branch.USDA FS: Phomopsis Blight of Junipers Repeated blighting occurring in early summer may also result in abnormal bunching caused by Moniliophthora perniciosa or more commonly known as Witches Broom.KSU: Juniper Diseases Alpha spores are spherically shaped while beta spores are long and filamentous Phomopsis blight of juniper only infects young, succulent tissue such as immature leaves or branches.
The Nyss are now in the hardest time of their history. Awakened from the frigid mountain tops, the dragon-spirit Everblight has begun his wave of conquest, destruction, and corruption. In addition to the creation of the dragon-spawn, the first objective of Everblight was the mass corruption (blighting) of the Nyss. An unmitigated success, this windfall for Everblight has decimated the Nyss population and sent the few survivors clamoring south into Khadoran towns speaking of a nameless horror, often only to be killed by their ancient human enemies.
The Combat Zone had a reputation for violent crime which, while not unfounded, was sensationalized by the press. In April 1975, Police Superintendent Joseph M. Jordan (who later became the Commissioner) told reporters that Boston's most "troublesome" police districts were Districts 2 (Roxbury), 3 (Mattapan) and 4 (Back Bay/South End). The Combat Zone was in District 1. Street crime in the Combat Zone was commonly attributed to the blighting influence of adult businesses, despite the fact that the area had been a skid row before their arrival.
The Board also acquired the power to clear slums in 1875, but found the process cumbersome and expensive, resulting in small progress (although it accelerated when further Acts of Parliament removed some restrictions). Several parks were also bought by the Board and opened to the public. However, McGarel-Hogg's administration was hit by scandal in 1887 over the sale of surplus land, blighting somewhat the award of a peerage in the celebrations of Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee. A Royal Commission found officers and two members of the Board guilty of malpractice.
The game takes place in a world standing on the brink of the apocalypse. The cause is the Demon Lord, a boundless evil being of staggering power who authors the catastrophes blighting the landscape. Each new horror released reflects the Demon Lord's approach, the touch of its shadow, and its growing hunger for not only the planet but the entirety of all things. Although near, the Demon Lord remains outside the cosmos, rattling the cage of its prison as it strains to escape the Void to visit catastrophic destruction to the world.
However, the increasing need of climate scientists for regional or global data syntheses to support their modelling activities requires automation of the data exchange process. Consequently, oceanographic data managers are developing 'virtual data centres' to support the distribution of data through software agents. Distributed data systems are critically dependent on machine- readable metadata to provide information on such issues as physical access protocols and semantics of the data. It is essential that this metadata conforms to agreed standards to prevent the computing paradigm of 'garbage in, garbage out' blighting automated data exchange.
When the umbilical ring has failed to close during the gestation (pregnancy) which results in a central defect in the lineal alba. Umbilical hernias are smaller than one centimeter in size that it is present at birth but will only close in four to five years of life. In some cases, hernias don't need any surgical repair but when it is larger in size that protrusion is blighting to the parent and the child, it would require to get an early surgical repair. It is more common in women with increased intra-abdominal pressure during pregnancy.
A 1922 poll of critics in Literary Digest voted Hergesheimer the "most important American writer" working at the time. Hergesheimer's works of long-form and short fiction sold well with both male and female readerships; a 1929 teaser in for an upcoming serialized story in Cosmopolitan, for example, called Hergesheimer a writer "who understands women better than any writer alive today." On the other hand, John Drinkwater wrote that "His constant complaint is that women readers, with their craving for sentimentality, are a blighting influence upon the American fiction of the age."John Drinkwater, 1931, The Outline of Literature, p. 834.
The story of Spinning Silver unfolds in the voices of several characters, but primarily in the voices of three young women who struggle against strong evil forces, in an imaginary medieval eastern European kingdom called Lithvas. Miryem takes over her father's unsuccessful money-lending business in the peasant village where hers is the only Jewish family. Her success at "turning silver into gold" attracts the attention of the Staryk king, who rules a winter kingdom full of magic. The Staryk are using their power to make the winters in Lithvas longer and longer, blighting the crops and impoverishing the kingdom.
While those who emerge are at first stunned by the sheer beauty of the land around them, they also begin to notice that things are not as perfect as they seem. The slimes encountered are only the first part of what becomes a series of monsters and terrible occurrences that are blighting the Empire and laying it to waste. When scouting the land, as per orders from the Avernite government, the player is asked by the Empire to help save the surface from its blight. Adventurers must bring the Avernites and the Empire together to find the cause of the destruction.
The easy life he had spoken of to Northcote had largely vanished by the time that conversation was published about a year before his death. By then he was overwhelmed by the degradation of poverty, frequent bouts of physical as well as mental illness—depressionMaclean writes of "the blighting effect of the melancholy which had by this time had become habitual with Hazlitt", p. 538. caused by his failure to find true love and by his inability to bring to fruition his defence of the man he worshipped as a hero of liberty and fighter of despotism.
The United States Congress passed the District of Columbia Redevelopment Act of 1945 to address the vast blighted area found in the District of Columbia. The Act created a commission of five members called the District of Columbia Redevelopment Land Agency and granted it the power to redevelop blighted areas and eliminate any "blighting factors or causes of blight." The act granted the Agency the power of eminent domain, if necessary, to transfer private property from the original owner to a private entity to serve the public purpose of redevelopment. The Act was not only concerned with clearing slums but also with modernizing the urban environment.
However, while the members of the expedition are at first stunned by the sheer beauty of the land around them, they begin to notice that things are not as perfect as they seem. The slimes the party encounters are only the first part of what becomes a series of monsters and terrible occurrences that are blighting the Empire and laying it to waste. While scouting the land, as were the expedition members' orders from the nation of Exile, the members are asked by the Empire to help save the surface from its blight. They bring the Exiles and the Empire together as allies trying to find the cause of the destruction.
The first permanent American diplomat came in 1835, when Henry Wheaton was sent to Prussia. The United States Secretary of State said that "not a single point of controversy exists between the two countries calling for adjustment; and that their commercial intercourse, based upon treaty stipulations, is conducted upon those liberal and enlightened principles of reciprocity... which are gradually making their way against the narrow prejudices and blighting influences of the prohibitive system."Manfred Jonas, The United States and Germany (1985) p 17 During the American Civil War (1861–1865), all of the German states favored the northern Union but played no major role.
Grace Mugabe is known for her lavish lifestyle, and Western media has nicknamed her "Gucci Grace". The Daily Telegraph called her "notorious at home for her profligacy" in the coverage of a 2003 trip to Paris, during which she was reported as spending £75,000 (approx US$120,000) in a short shopping spree; and in the years leading up to 2004 withdrew over £5 million from the Central Bank of Zimbabwe. When Grace Mugabe was included in the 2002 sanctions, one EU parliamentarian said that the ban would "stop Grace Mugabe going on her shopping trips in the face of catastrophic poverty blighting the people of Zimbabwe". She faces similar sanctions in the United States.
Douglass is growing old and has lost much of his fire and vigor of mind as well as body, but he is still able to interest an audience. He is a remarkable man and is a bright example of the capability of the colored race, even under the blighting influence of slavery, from which he emerged and became one of the distinguished citizens of the country," the Chester County PA newspaper remarked. Gravestone of Frederick Douglass located in Mount Hope Cemetery, Rochester At the 1888 Republican National Convention, Douglass became the first African American to receive a vote for President of the United States in a major party's roll call vote."Past Convention Highlights.
Liberato JR, Allen SJ, Suassuna ND, Mehta YR, Koenning SR & Shivas RG the black arm symptom is characterized by dark brown to black lesions which may coalesce and the extended necrosis then girdles the stem with blockage of the vascular system at infected sites which hinder the movement of water and nutrients though the plant system. Drooping of leaves is associated with this hindrance of water and nutrient movement. Cracking of the stem and gummosis is also observed in infected plants. The resultant breaking of the stem which hang typically as a dry black twig is referred to as the ‘black arm’. The pathogen also reportedly causes blackening of the veins and veinlets, giving a typical ‘blighting’ appearance.
According to R. A. Thompson, Engineer of the Texas Railroad Commission, "The blighting effects of the Civil War were felt by the railroads perhaps more than by any other kind of enterprise, and during the financial depression extending particularly from 1862 to 1869, building practically ceased." In fact, the CSA&RG; did not lay any tracks before or during the war. On August 28, 1868, the legislature amended the charter of the Columbus, San Antonio and Rio Grande Railroad to allow it to commence its rail line at Gonzales, or some other point on the as yet unbuilt rail line of the Indianola and Austin Railroad, rather than at Columbus.Gammel, (compiler) The Laws of Texas 1822-1897, vol.
Rehabilitated Queen Anne-style cottage at 415 Clark Street Major community revitalization efforts in Mechanicsville began in the 1970s with the establishment of the preservation group Mechanicsville Citizens for a Better Community. In 1985, Knoxville created the Mechanicsville Task Force, which made recommendations on the rehabilitation of historic homes and the construction of new homes. During the same period, a study on the blighting conditions in the neighborhood was conducted, culminating in the report, "A Redevelopment Plan for Historic Mechanicsville, Knoxville, Tennessee." In 1997, the local public housing authority, Knoxville's Community Development Corporation (KCDC), received a $22 million HOPE VI grant from the Department of Housing and Urban Development to revitalize the College Homes portion of the neighborhood.
It was terribly hard to cast them as a couple who had some > unstated problem in their marriage because everything in fact denied that. > So it was hard to understand why she would run after the barman when Bryan > was there, because Bryan is quite iconic and quite wonderful as an > Australian country man... Without wishing Sam Neill away, because I think > he's terrific - it might have worked better had Bryan been the barman... I > think that this was an example of how you can cast a film with great > excitement, get all these wonderful actors but, at the same time, in the > very act of casting, you're blighting it or preventing the drama from > emerging successfully.
According to the historian Jerry White, along with competition from the railways and bus services, the sinking of Princess Alice "had some impact ... in blighting the tidal Thames as a pleasure-ground". Bywell Castle was reported missing on 29 January 1883 sailing between Alexandria and Hull; it carried a cargo of cottonseed and beans. In February 1883 newspapers carried a final report: > It is believed that the steamer Bywell Castle, which ran down the saloon > boat Princess Alice, off Woolwich, some years ago, has been lost in the Bay > of Biscay, in the gale which proved fatal to the Kenmure Castle. The Bywell > Castle carried a crew of 40 men and her cargo consisted of Egyptian produce.
Approval of the wind farm followed an unsuccessful challenge by the Taralga Landscape Guardians in the Land and Environment Court of New South Wales to block the project on the grounds of aesthetic and environmental impacts including noise emissions and blighting of the landscape. Chief Justice Brian Preston ruled in favour of approving the wind farm as the long term benefit of reduced greenhouse gas emissions was in the greater public interest. As of 6 February 2015, 30 turbines have been erected on site, and all are turning while in their commissioning phase. The end of construction is expected to happen around June, with the Operational period to follow soon thereafter, once AEMO testing is completed.
The building of the A500 dual carriageway and Queensway in the 1970s bisected the area, effectively making the Brick Kiln Lane area into part of Basford, and blighting the run-down terraced housing that remained along Garner Street to the east of the A500. 160 residential terraced houses in Garner Street were demolished between 2002 and 2005, since they were deemed to be too near to the A500 road. This effectively removed the bulk of the residential population of Cliffe Vale. In the 1990s and 2000s the canal and towpath was regenerated for boaters and cyclists, with the towpath becoming National Cycle Route No.5 and providing easy off-road access to Stoke-on-Trent railway station less than a mile away.
He felt bitterly the humiliation of Prussia by Austria after the victory of the reaction; and in 1852 he set his signature reluctantly to the treaty which, in his view, surrendered the "constitutional rights of Schleswig and Holstein". His whole influence was now directed to withdrawing Prussia from the blighting influence of Austria and Russia, and attempting to draw closer the ties that bound her to Britain. On the outbreak of the Crimean War he urged Frederick William to throw in his lot with the western powers, and create a diversion in the north-east which would have forced Russia at once to terms. The rejection of his advice, and the proclamation of Prussia's attitude of "benevolent neutrality", led him in April 1854 to offer his resignation, which was accepted.
The story begins when a wizard named Arriman the Awful, living in Darkington Hall, decides to choose a wife from his hometown of Todcaster; his ulterior motive is a prophecy that foretells that another, darker wizard will take over Arriman's burden of smiting and blighting, which bores him by now. It is proposed by his servant that the prophecy must have meant Arriman's son. Since Arriman has no son, nor even a wife, he decides to hold a contest in which the seven witches of Todcaster (Mabel Wrack, Ethel Feedbag, Mother Bloodworth, Nancy Shouter, Nora Shouter, Madame Olympia, and Belladonna) are to take part that will decide whom he will marry: whichever witch performs the blackest act of magic will be his bride. However, most of the witches of Todcaster are downright revolting and nasty.
On the occasion of International Electricity Fair in 1891, the companies Schuckert & Co. on the route Kaiserstraße - Mainkai and the company Siemens & Halske on the route Hauptbahnhof - Opera Square led electric trams. While the Schuckert car was supplied with power from a sub-line and also from a catenary by means of a roll current collector, the Siemens & Halske rail company drew its power from accumulators. From May 1, 1897 operated between the main train station and the Galluswarte accumulator trams of the Frankfurt tramway company in experimental operation. The main reason for these attempts were critical voices, which fought against the catenary of an electric tram because of the feared "blighting the cityscape", although the experience had already clearly demonstrated the technical superiority of the trolley system.
Three years after making history as the first postwar FA Cup winners from outside the top flight, Sunderland finally made their way back to the First Division after six years away by winning the Second Division title. Runners-up Bristol City achieved promotion after 65 years away from the First Division, finishing level on points with West Bromwich Albion. Bolton Wanderers missed out on promotion by a single point, while Southampton compensated for a failed promotion bid by winning the FA Cup at the expense of Manchester United - the first major trophy of their history. Nottingham Forest progressed to eighth place in their first full season under the management of Brian Clough, while Chelsea's first season at this level for more than a decade produced a disappointing 11th-place finish, with financial problems still blighting the club.
According to some historians including William Muir,The Corân – William Muir ayaat 9 to 16 refer to Walid ibn al-Mughirah as his personality traits fit in the character defined in these ayaat and a tradition by Ibn Abbas that "We know of no one whom God has described in the derogatory way in which He describes him, blighting him with ignominy that will never leave him (the adverbial qualifier [ba'da dhalika, 'moreover'] is semantically connected to zanim, 'ignoble')".Tafsir al-Jalalayn by Jalal al-Din al-Mahalli and Jalal ad-Din as- Suyuti Tafsir al-Jalalayn also highlights the correlation in 16th ayah: "Soon We shall brand him on the snout" and his nose being chopped off by a sword at the Battle of Badr. However the target personality is not restricted to a single person as the ayaat describe a personality type and not a name and the description starts with a plural form: "So do not obey the deniers".
The race was very heavily weather affected with rain wreathing the circuit for much of the day, earlier blighting the Bob Jane T-Marts V8 300 race held for a combined field of AUSCARs and Future Touring Cars. The race spent many laps behind a safety car because of low visibility caused by fog, including the final 17 laps and was eventually declared after 50 laps, 31 short of the intended full race distance. Paul Morris avenged his disqualification from victory in the 1997 AMP Bathurst 1000 taking victory over the two-car factory supported Volvo team, Jim Richards driving solo as Cameron McLean was unable to take his scheduled middle stint because of the weather and because of tyre issues, and Craig Baird and Matthew Coleman. Fourth place and leading independent driver was young New Zealander Mark Porter who had so impressed team owner Mike Downard that he kept Porter in the car rather than take his own turn at the wheel.

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