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410 Sentences With "blah blah"

How to use blah blah in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "blah blah" and check conjugation/comparative form for "blah blah". Mastering all the usages of "blah blah" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Would you go as far as "candelabra" and "blah-blah-blah-blah-blah blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah"?
"From an employee perspective, their year-end feedback sessions went something like this: "blah blah blah, blah blah blah, blah blah, blah blah.
I'm looking forward to your blah, blah, blah, blah, blah show.
Clue of the form "Blah, blah, blah ... ambient music ... "blah, blah, blah.
" And also, "Man this cracker at work blah blah blah blah blah.
"Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah is what I think about that stuff," he said.
It's all a bit blah blah blah, we're saving you from yourself, blah blah blah.
JOHN HARWOOD: John Boehner said, "Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah"— KEVIN BRADY: Well, he did.
"' When Sheeran gets his meal — "farm to table blah blah blah posh and fancy blah blah blah with a side of blah blah blah" — he "just thought there was something missing.
I didn't follow the details of his case, but ... Women shouldn't earn as much as men, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
"Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah is what I think about that stuff," Ryan told conservative radio talk show host Hugh Hewitt.
It's like: Can it move, can it smell, can it — blah, blah, blah, blah?
What we did say is blah blah blah blah was said by the newspaper.
And the blah blah blah blah cue the teacher's voice from the Peanuts cartoons.
There's too many, the finances, and the jig will be up, blah, blah, blah, blah.
"I don't wanna think that I'm influential or an icon or blah blah blah blah," she said.
"Blah blah blah eating disorder culture blah blah," she wrote on Twitter in reference to the advertisement.
I don't ever set out and say I'm going to do a show about blah blah blah blah.
Water weighs 8.34 pounds per gallon, and the moon compels tides and waves, and blah blah blah blah.
I hope you get to see your family, blah blah blah, I hate you, blah blah, 10 percent tip.
I approached and told my story: Blah, blah, blah, red Bentley, blah, blah — "I know him," the man said.
And he said, 'I don't like the way you walk and I don't like the way you laugh and I hate the way you talk and blah blah blah blah blah.
The Cavs are playing well, and if Isaiah is looking like this, then maybe they will blah blah blah blah.
" And everyone says, "Gender and race, blah blah blah.
He said it was very cool, selective, blah blah blah.
That was me doing a parody of blah, blah, blah.
He's their MVP, this isn't on him, blah blah blah.
Women can do anything men can do, blah, blah, blah.
He wants to be a country singer, blah blah blah.
She is able to move on and blah blah blah.
All right, let's see, blah, blah, blah, constitution stuff again.
Stupid, didn&apost know what they were doing, blah, blah, blah.
Sure, social media is stressful and hectic and blah, blah, blah.
SK: "I don't think Dave has ever had ..." blah blah blah.
But anyway, we're all complicit in this shit, blah blah blah.
Blah blah this and blah blah that!' because everyone ate it!
I don't feel pressure about the whole first, blah blah blah.
Mostly we've talked and argued, argued and talked, blah blah blah.
People wouldn't see it, they told her and blah, blah, blah.
Help Desk I am woman, hear me roar, blah blah blah.
Wishing you the best for the divorce settlement, blah blah blah.
But he's like, "You know, someone might think that …" blah blah blah.
All I hear is blah-blah-blah, unfounded theories and somebody's estimates.
And if the answer is, "blah, blah, blah," then shame on us.
"Blah, blah, blah," she said as one reporter recounted the OSC's findings.
I've found myself on TV just like, "Blah blah blah," you know.
Cinematographers want the screen to have a specific look, blah blah blah.
You know, sort of like, 'Oh, everyone's heard of blah blah blah.
Instead, our script frequently looks more like this: Us: Blah blah blah.
I have kids and grievances of my own and blah blah blah.
"We're not, like, from the rolling hills blah blah blah," jokes Owens.
"Roses are red, Blah blah blah blah," Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank President Neel Kashkari, one of the Fed's most ardent doves, tweeted early on Thursday.
So we said, okay, we're going to make the endpoints and we're going to open up managing not only BlackBerry, but everybody's endpoints, including phones, tablet, PCs, equipment, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, medical devices and so forth.
It starts off well enough, extremely disappointed blah blah...the fans...blah blah blah but then it really moves in for the kill at the end.
The show is about some high school teens blah blah blah who cares.
You can see me when I'm on stage, I'll talk — blah blah blah.
Before, I'd have to go online and download it, and blah blah blah.
She also learns the true meaning of Christmas, community, generosity, blah, blah, blah.
Okay — he just says "blah blah blah" in place of his Spanish verse.
He is a genius and legend and blah blah blah—I get it.
Blah blah blah.........I'm off to pour some vodka on my frosted shreddies ?
Like a Boss Rated R for cursing and booty calls, blah blah blah.
He was distracted, though: "All I heard was, 'Blah blah blah,'" he said.
Is there going to be some sort of group funded blah, blah, blah.
"We've all seen the tweets about voter fraud, blah, blah, blah," Clark said.
And even just in terms of the craft of writing, do we really want to exchange the standard funding sentence ("blah blah blah raised blah from blah with participation from blah blah blah") with a multi-paragraph exegesis of a fundraise?
Spotify, Apple Music, Google Play Music, blah blah blah... change the record, can't you?
All the "Lil Marco" blah blah blah Strzok: Ok I may vote for Trump.
Yes, nature is amazing blah blah blah, but nature is also super fucking gross.
"You're all like, 'Oh, I'm against the globalist elite, blah, blah, blah,'" Bregman says.
Then they start making this charade that I was asking immunity, blah blah blah.
Look, I have OCD so the insurance will cover it and blah, blah, blah.
Yeah, I think both parties are at this major crossroads and blah blah blah.
Oh, and don't forget Shea Weber, great leader, grit and heart, blah blah blah.
It is not my job to be like, "Blah blah, blah happened today," right?
The company invited me to a fancy dinner, blah blah blah, but they're hypocrites.
The new White House spin is: Yes, there were meetings, but blah, blah, blah.
A company gets funded or it's launching a consumer product or blah blah blah.
"For example, if you look at the ride-sharing companies — Lyft and Uber — they will tell you that they're actually going to be profitable faster than we thought on an adjusted EBITDA basis, pro forma, blah blah blah blah blah, " he said.
It'll never make a $1 and blah blah blah,' like, you get fired for that.
I spent so much time trying to be blah blah blah whatever to impress people.
Then he did the classic, 'Oh, then my name is blah blah blah, what's yours?
I may not have made it to the theater, get a babysitter, blah, blah, blah.
Let me get you some water or make you a cup of blah blah blah.
We need to talk to you because Vladimir Putin is mad about blah blah blah!
All that "blah blah blah" is steeped in a somnolent restlessness that promises sweet awakenings.
Add a few more items and simmer until it becomes delightfully aromatic, blah, blah blah.
But I think that vampires in the more traditional mainstream meaning–which is the sexy, male, powerful blah, blah, blah, blah figure–are many times legitimizing rape culture, I think.
I actually think the common anarchist position is that people are fundamentally good, blah blah blah.
"Blah, blah, blah," says Doug Powell, a retired food-safety professor and the publisher of
Yeah, sure, she complained and complained that men got something she didn't, and blah, blah, blah.
You know, the rubbing elbows with celebs, cool clothes, getting your first chain, blah blah blah.
I know it's a rough game, and "that's just the way it goes" blah blah blah.
" And he said, "Well, Facebook's always had dating lurking in the background, and blah, blah, blah.
"It's like, blah blah blah," Mr. Zicherman said, speaking at a latte shop near his home.
There are veggies too -- heirloom roasted carrots, smoked new potatoes, whey braised cabbage ... blah, blah, blah.
"The whole blah blah blah of the runway shows — it's not a form that rivets me."
So it's all about education, and climate change, and feminism, and inclusion and blah, blah, blah.
And he asked me a question about basic income and about poverty and blah, blah, blah.
Blah blah blah, everyone knows it, we even have an entire show dedicated to the stuff.
So when I split the hairs and I don't give you hope, okay, and you say, "Oh that guy's an asshole, blah blah blah blah blah," if you can beat my system, if you can stay and you're the one person who runs the gauntlet, fantastic.
She has a message for the ladies about god and obedience and learning lessons, blah blah blah.
I worked out so hard and everybody is like, 'Oh, she looks so skinny blah, blah, blah.
I know, it's so over, it's so overdone, there was so much of it, blah blah blah.
"I hear what they're saying, but I feel like it's just blah, blah, blah," Ms. Stephens said.
Obamacare prevented insurers from discriminating against women who've had C-sections and blah blah blah who cares?
As punishment, Anne is told that she must return to school because idle hands, blah blah blah.
We experiment a lot, and you can say that we are breaking down barriers, blah, blah, blah.
We were always told, Never show your bra, never let the straps hang out, blah blah blah.
The shows that critics would call powerful and searing and an honest portrayal of blah blah blah.
"All the people were coming up to him saying, 'Michael, keep strong, blah blah blah,' " Behar recalls.
While we were there, he was talking about how I was so good, and blah, blah, blah.
"It's the same old things: 'I'm too small, I'm not strong enough, blah, blah, blah,' " he continued.
On stage, Payton waxes on about Skye Leighton and switching sides and bravery and blah blah blah.
You people have already heard the same words I have: systematic prejudice, racism, fear, blah blah blah.
He like, 'Ok, we're going to rehearse today, blah, blah, blah, and we're going to rehearse this scene.
Then, okay, in that situation you might be aware of this, blah, blah, blah, that kind of thing.
I didn't want to contribute to the madness, throwing all my thoughts out there like blah, blah, blah.
Yeah, we know ... fake (blah, blah, blah) -- but watch the video, Ronda's body took some real damage here.
"All you weak ass online blah blah blah websites can go shuv it in your arse," he wrote.
And to boot, pies are circular, and pi helps you calculate the area of circles, blah blah blah.
But don't get up there and say, 'It's not misogynist and I didn't write this blah blah blah.
Seated across from a small painting in progress — a drippy "Blah, Blah, Blah" — Bochner answered T's artist's questionnaire.
Married, three beautiful kids, living in the most expensive zip code in the United States, blah, blah, blah.
" In a 2005 article in the Guardian, a friend of Ms. Lawson's was anonymously quoted as saying that all articles about her were basically the same: "Blah blah tragedy, blah blah sexy, blah blah cooking.
Tyrion takes the stage to introduce Jon, who goes on at length about the White Walkers, blah blah blah.
They are not hired to text each other about their personal dislike of a particular candidate, blah, blah, blah.
It was also nice to not think about where to go get food, when to eat, blah blah blah.
You're a fucking legend, gonna be super proud, blah blah blah more lovey bollocks not suitable for public consumption. .
Manafort plus consultants which not tens of million which is balderdash in advance and blah blah blah Russian state.
And then there's all the people that are revolving doors and military people into military contractors, blah, blah, blah.
Took a tone that said I actually meant that ridiculous tweet and the BBC must uphold blah blah blah.
Blah blah blah'—and I'm thinking, why the fuck should I give any credit or say anything at all?
"Blah, blah, blah," she told a reporter who noted her past Hatch Act violations a couple of weeks ago.
Yeah, yeah, we know that not everyone gets a trophy, blah, blah, blah … but have you seen these shows?
Double Bounce supports multimedia and you get a website, there's a chat room, blah blah blah, those are other differences.
"For a woman it's 'Oh now you're 2000, you need to get married, have children,' blah blah blah," she said.
Here in Lyon, they are like blah blah blah and spend a lot of their time playing on their phones.
That came out and then Holder was like, "Of course I'm going to do my best," and blah, blah, blah.
People can say, 'Oh, they suck, blah blah blah', but if you don't want to listen to them, that's fine!
To which I responded by placing my hands over my ears and proclaiming "BLAH BLAH BLAH" until they stopped talking.
His state post-conviction attorney abused substances during the hearing and literally uttered the words "blah blah blah" in court.
"We had an off-camera discussion of you're going down, you're getting ready for bed, blah, blah blah," she explains.
A legitimate proof would be a bunch of boring facts about the product's features, reliability, low cost, blah blah blah.
" By "blah blah blah," he probably means, "That's absolutely right, and women deserve equal pay for everything men can do!
I want a divorce, blah, blah, blah, which, we'd had the same conversation for eight years, and it was tiresome.
He's a supercilious, hateful kid whose favorite phrase is a dismissive "blah blah blah," summing up everything he considers boring.
I realize as an adult that it's a significant film, and that this scene was groundbreaking and blah, blah, blah.
It was like, Gordon Hayward and his team are losing in this game, they blew a lead, blah blah blah.
Once you stripped all that stuff out, some if it's Google's fault, some of it's eBay's fault, blah blah blah.
Purilexa also targets the Hypothalamus, reducing appetite, as well as sensitivity to external stimuli, blah blah blah… okay, we get it.
One of my arguments ... is good for business, there's so many studies about this, blah blah blah, but there really is.
Teach him all the things I now know about maintaining a healthy relationship … how to validate, communicate, compromise, blah blah blah.
Blah blah blah something to do with how referring to trans people by their correct pronouns is the same as 1984.
You know, when he wrote me the letter, he said, "You have every right to fire me," blah blah blah. Right?
You'll see a title of an article that's "trans teen, blah blah blah" but you just keep moving with your day.
You know, "Blah, blah, blah," and unfortunately in San Francisco he was stopping at startups and people do, they know me.
Blah Blah Blah, which hung on the bedroom wall of Adam Brody's character, Seth, alongside ones for Ben Folds Five and Rooney.
We'd had a big deal with Tommy and the Woodstock movie with Roger looking like a Greek god and blah blah blah.
Blah, blah blah, she doesn't forgive Arie for what he did, but she can't say exactly what he did, and she's mad.
All she hears is, 'Blah, blah, blah, Meeka' — but she likes to hear my voice and I love that she pays attention.
In the experiment, the researchers asked participants to repeat meaningless sounds out loud ("blah-blah-blah") while performing visual and sound tasks.
Unfollow keep you trash to yourselves All you weak ass online blah blah blah websites can go shuv it in your arse.
In a video obtained by TMZ, the Biebs seems to forget the words, singing "blah blah blah" instead of the Spanish lyrics.
" Then she rolled her eyes and said, "I've had a really rough year, blah, blah, blah—you know, we're getting through it.
In high-level political speak, it is a controversial effort to impose federal will over a state's mandate and blah blah blah.
But ..." Then comes the about-face, usually fueled by an accusation: "But I only did it because you did, blah, blah, blah.
John auditioned for the show, and we had heard really good things about him—"You've gotta see this guy," blah, blah, blah.
So, when I came up with that, academics that I talked to said: 'You can't say that, that's not true, blah blah blah.
Surprising a New York City club crowd with a mini concert, the singer repeatedly said "Blah, blah, blah" instead of the actual lyrics.
" And I was like, "Well, not right now because I'm about to watch the movie, but maybe when it's done, blah, blah, blah.
Part of the argument is going to be, Well, the main opposition force in Idlib is an al Qaida affiliate, blah blah blah.
They walk out onstage and they give you a story about how this is going to change the world and blah, blah, blah.
During a concert, he forgot the words to the song and ad-libbed "blah blah blah" and "burrito" in lieu of his verse.
Railing against the young wussy generation—with their safe spaces and iPods and blah blah blah—is an easy shortcut to perceived seriousness.
The thing is about 'art uni' is that people go into it thinking 'my creativity is going to flourish and blah blah blah.
It's mainly because I'm going in on his girlfriend or his family or blah blah blah, and he's crying like a little baby.
I read these press releases from all festivals, "This is going to refine, this is going to be the best," blah blah blah.
Yeah, and the text-audio alignment and all this stuff is being enabled by machine learning and artificial intelligence and blah blah blah.
It&aposs kind of fun to think about for a second, like, oh, are there ufo&aposs up there that government, blah, blah, blah.
I have those days where it feels like the world's coming to an end, I'm never going to win this championship, blah, blah, blah.
POWERBALL Money (That's what I want): We won't bore you with the blah-blah-blah about the odds of winning tonight's $1.5 billion Powerball.
Growing up as a queer kid, this was kind of all I ever wanted (besides being accepted for "who I was," blah blah blah).
The message was something like, "Kaubel is a saint for doing it this long blah blah blah", and we were happy to step up.
In between the assumptions and the proof is enough mathematical "blah blah blah" (as Mr Romer puts it) to hide the assumptions' full role.
" — Erin Cassese, political psychology expert at the University of Delaware "All the blah blah blah from candidates who have next to no black support.
This is the year you swear you are going to eat less saturated fat, learn Latin, enjoy life to the fullest, blah blah blah.
KS: Yeah, but the others are great, they're not all locked in yet, but they're all great and they're all going to talk all kinds of ... We're going to talk all kinds of stuff about Silicon Valley responsibility, work, future, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Those [two] are completely oppositional, but they kind of have the same energy when you go to their rallies, it's this, "We love this candidate, and blah, blah, blah, blah," a love and an energy that you don't see with every candidate out there.
Of course, you already know the basics — retinol, vitamin C, and SPF are crucial blah blah blah — so make 2018 the year you go deep.
Maybe in the beginning when he first started posting [photos of] me on his Instagram, people would be like, 'Who's this girl, blah blah blah?
It's really easy to look now and go, 'Street Fighter is about to blow up, there's so much money, blah blah blah,' but who cares?
"If you're a Nobel Prize winning author, you may not say 'I won the Nobel Prize for my work in blah, blah, blah,'" Stewart says.
"I feel like me saying this – a lot of people were like, 'That's such an arrogant thing to say' and blah, blah, blah," Sheeran admits.
" In response to his "blah, blah, blah" remark, Ryan spokeswoman AshLee Strong tweeted: "I didn't give him that talking point, but I'm good with it.
"The thing I would say we missed with Phone is we tried to use the old techniques -- software licensing and blah, blah, blah," Ballmer said.
" In each, she plays a fiercely protective mother, a role in her by now familiar wheelhouse, which she characterized as "forthright, strong, blah blah blah.
In a different vein, there is the very clever "Blah, Blah, Blah" (2016), not the yellow one, but the one on the orange painted canvas.
"You're all like: 'Oh, I'm against the globalist elite, blah, blah, blah,'" Mr. Bregman, 30, told Mr. Carlson, who responded with a foul-mouthed rant.
"It's funny 'cause there's this narrative from a small group of angry people on Twitter about 'oh millions of dollars, blah blah blah,'" said Toucchi.
"Yes, it will cause a gigantic, horrifying explosion of chaos and blah blah blah," said Rick Wilson, a veteran Florida Republican consultant and "Never Trump" leader.
"I think they said, 'This is cool, it's going to be more fun, and this campaign will drive attention, blah blah blah,'" Shkliarov told VICE News.
He got off the plane and got Peter's resignation and he wrote a blog post about how he had been hosed by me, blah, blah, blah.
I can understand what you're saying where growing up you learn "Dear blah blah blah... Sincerely," in the letter and how it's supposed to be formatted.
You heard about that 57-year-old dude who held a plank for 5 hours last year and now you're all #goals and blah blah blah?
That spawned a slew of reactionary takes from equally oblivious dipshits defending her and impugning social media mobs and blah blah blah it was the worst.
"Even with some noise around me, 'he can't close, he can't plays on Sundays', blah, blah, blah, I've just got to do my thing," he said.
I can't just get onstage and be like, "Blah blah blah, my wife is a bitch and my mom is a whore" and that's the show.
I'm not going to be a poseur and say, "Yes, I love this period, blah blah blah," but I felt that his art was truly beautiful.
The president and congressional leaders voice commitments to finding solutions blah, blah, blah, the press gets escorted out and the real work begins behind closed doors.
The guys in her life were all commitment-phobes and the women were snobs, and the colleagues were blah blah blah — and I was so bored.
Now, of course, the mode tends to be sped up, because in the neoliberal university, if you don't produce you don't get tenure, blah blah blah.
Nevertheless, with great financial means comes great resp—blah blah blah we've all heard it before but from old people with Dodge Caravans not objectively successful rappers.
You know there's been a lot of talk about it; I feel like there was a lot of kind of slander about Hollywood elite, blah, blah, blah.
I was told I would price myself out of the market, I didn't have enough recent media coverage to compete against well-known speakers, blah, blah, blah.
Then all the comments were like, it's so freeing to have a safe identity in Christ because my identity changes all the time and blah blah blah.
"You'd have the same issue at Salesforce if somebody from the outside came in and said, 'We're going to help you to blah-blah-blah,'" he said.
She immediately began insulting our people accusing them of not following the court order, insulting and abusive behavior towards those covered by the pause, blah blah blah.
It's about this boring couple—they live in Jersey and don't have sex anymore, blah blah blah—and they have this date night that goes insanely awry.
I was like, I wanted to make the point looking at this that when Trump tweets like, "Media is the enemy of the people," and blah, blah, blah, blah, that he gets way more pickup on Twitter than when he tweets about jobs numbers or something else like that.
And yet, following some not-so-persuasive persuading by Mr. Mac (blah blah blah, something about no judgements) and a literally hour long time-jump, Shawn is in.
Super Bowl LI was great for a ton of reasons - football took place, some big comeback happened, blah blah blah LADY GAGA JUMPED OFF A F*CKING ROOF.
He had responded to a long diatribe she had written him about how they shouldn't have slept together and how he had used her and blah blah blah.
" She started sobbing uncontrollably, so we ended up comping her dinner and she was going, "Oh, thank you, this is so nice, I feel awful, blah blah blah.
There's shakshuka too, with runny yolks—infinitely better than the hipster spot down the road which smothers the simple flavors with redundant additions—feta, pesto, blah blah blah.
Yes, he told me, he spent much more than 10,000 hours programming, and was also hardcore about business, blah blah blah, but, he concluded, the hypothesis was correct.
"She was like, 'We know more about Norco and blah, blah, blah and what it can do to you, but we don't that much about marijuana,' " Smith said.
The big discovery was that we could create these verticals of excitement and enthusiasm attitude, blah, blah, blah, and that they could completely live on their own, independently.
Justin Bieber's seemingly masterful Spanish singing on the #1 hit "Despacito" did not translate in a live performance ... unless we missed the "blah blah blah" lesson in Español class.
Things didn't work out for them when they dated six years ago because they weren't Christians, but now they both are, and now everything's great and blah blah blah.
" But we get an on-the-nose impression of Ginger Spice when Scary trots on set to say, "Blah blah blah, girl power, know what I mean?
So eventually he's like, I've got this great opportunity coming up where you'll make 40 percent and get your money back in a couple of months, blah, blah, blah.
And even though his minutes are low and he's only played in 21 games and blah, blah, blah few players squeeze more from every second they're on the floor.
Of course, there's a ton of misinformation about drinking bleach and blah, blah, blah — that stuff is very harmful, because a certain chunk of the population starts believing it.
And, you know, without really a written presentation, they say: I know this company, I worked with them for years, they'll give us an exclusive, and blah, blah, blah.
But the pressure is there—the pressure to, you know, stand up there and represent and provide hope for blah blah blah—to address whatever the political moment is.
You know, I don't want to spend my life writing "What time is the Super Bowl?" because my days and hours are very valuable and I think that ... It would be a bad way for me to spend my life doing it, and frankly that should be automated and blah blah blah blah blah, but ... I mean, if no one else did it then I would be happy to jump in, but.
We can perhaps forgive the Onion Knight for not sitting properly, as he was once just a smuggler born in humble Flea Bottom that Stannis blah blah blah etc. etc.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows J.K. Rowling Sure, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is about the boy wizard come to vanquish the Dark Lord and blah, blah, blah.
Then a patient wrote to The Donald and said what a great institution it was—blah, blah, blah—and I got a nice letter on Gold & Bosch stationary congratulating me.
If you let audiophile assholes tell you what to buy you'll end up with a pricey turntable that takes specialized cartridges, and allows all manner of customizability blah, blah, blah.
After briefly going back to his old ways when he gets out of prison, Gekko has a Scrooge-like epiphany, realizing that family is more important than blah, blah, blah.
Anyway, my guess is what Facebook will tell us is that everything is still in flux and they want the user experience to be the best and blah blah blah.
It's a wanky place that only offers one size and one type of milk and raw sugar blah blah blah, but it's right next door to my doctor, so whatever. ($3.22).
"A lot of people tell me, 'Well, your kids are on the covers of magazines and blah, blah, blah,' and I'm like, 'Yes because I want to normalize this,' " says Martin.
So, knowing that it was a risk, some folks that were talking to us about distributing it were talking that part up, like, "Yeah, I don't know, yeah," blah, blah, blah.
Even the people my age who are already married will always say, "Your expectations are too high, just settle, blah blah blah." it's as if in not marrying, we become criminals.
The two leaders have disagreed before (with the pope calling Trump "not a Christian"), so there were questions about how they would get along, what would get discussed, and blah blah blah.
The FBI, then under since-fired Director James Comey, refused on familiar pretexts: claims that my file would reveal confidential sources, contained information that would jeopardize the bureau's work, blah, blah, blah.
But neither do we mind, signing a six country agreement if need because these six countries represent values, they represent economic market, has the weight of history behind it, blah, blah, blah.
"A lot of people tell me, 'Well, your kids are on the covers of magazines and blah, blah, blah,' and I'm like, 'Yes, because I want to normalize this,'" Martin told Out.
So five-seven years ago, people thought it was nuts to invest in fintech because you have incumbents: Banks, insurance companies, whatever, they're massively powerful, too big to fail, blah, blah, blah.
I got into fighting because I was The Cool Kid At School, and now I'm embarrassed, especially because we were all coming back to our high school group and blah, blah, blah.
She's prone to saying "blah, blah, blah" when she talks about things that she's uncomfortable with or that she thinks are obvious or when she just seems tired of hearing herself talk.
You can look at a single element, or a single moment in a program choreographically and decide why that's better, blah, blah, blah, but ultimately the cream will rise to the top.
You are now putting engineers and product managers, data scientists, machine learning, at the center of an organization, whereas the McKinsey MBA blah blah blah person is now sort of at the edge.
"So [Emma and I] had been texting, blah blah blah, we texted like every day for a year, but we had never talked on the phone, and we had never met," Lawrence explained.
Fair trade, better education, opportunity, healthcare, lower taxes, strong military and national defense, homeland security, blah, blah, blah, yeah, right, whatever ...standard political pablum fed to you by political and self centered opportunists.
I argued endlessly with MSNBC about all things national security for years, doing the daily blah, blah, blah in Secaucus, but also poking at the conventional wisdom of everyone from Matthews to Hockenberry.
"There is no combination of sticks and carrots, sanctions and blah blah blah that mean North Korea is just going to cave and do exactly what we want them to do," Kang says.
" She added: "You know, before I would get so upset about what people would write and say things about me on TV and blah, blah, blah — and now it's like, yeah, who cares?
First, it's worth noting that for a guy who talks all about how he's a uniter and that we're all fighting too much blah blah blah, he sure loves to pick a fight.
"I had been asking Brody [Jenner] and Kristin [Cavallari] if they had a friend for me, and they were like, 'No, we don't have any friends for you, blah, blah, blah,'" Heidi says.
You know, the one about how Apple isn't innovating with new hardware because the future of its business is in services and streaming video and this new Apple credit card that blah blah blah.
"The older generations used to call us spoiled, thought that we didn't know how to read, didn't know how to act, blah, blah, blah," Marwan said, a glass of lemonade sweating in her hand.
All season long, the characters have been talking about how the Wall has stood for thousands of years, and how the Seven Kingdoms are safe as long as it stands, and blah, blah, blah.
"There is no combination of sticks and carrots, sanctions and blah blah blah, that means North Korea is just going to cave and do exactly what we want them to do," Kang told me.
OK, the first half of the company's event was all Windows 10 Creators Edition and blah blah blah "3D for everyone" with awkward 3D emoji in the new Paint 3D, but the last half — whoa!
I'm not necessarily into, like, "The Ballad of Blah Blah Blah"-kind of storytelling, but where you can include details that work to establish a setting and moves along a narrative is what I like.
Now I totally get that these apps are primarily for sex and people have preferences, and blah, blah, blah, but really: How these things are said with such casualness shows the insidious powers of language.
I could've left it on that note, with some "we have to appreciate things while we have them because before we know it they'll be gone and life feels slow but then" blah blah blah.
"Blah Blah nobody reads these anyways," one of the canaries reads.
"People tell me I'm not relevant anymore, blah, blah," she said.
We don't want to be like, 'Enterprise blah blah' or whatever.
Run the Jewels have dropped a new video for RTJ3 cut "Oh Mama," but rather than starring Killer Mike and El-P, the clip has fellow beloved Adult Swim compatriots Rick and Morty (of the titular series) as suited-up, Tarantino-esque badasses going on typically dimension-hopping escapades covered in alien goop and vomit and blah blah blah blah.
Still, when asked about why she lost Michigan, she gave a non-answer, rambling about how she won one and lost one and that it's a marathon and that she's overall pleased, and blah, blah, blah.
We were just very on-edge because it's the second record and we kinda had set the tone for what we were like with the first one as, like, "a party band" and blah blah blah.
In those works and his more recent "Thesaurus" series — in which Bochner depicts exuberant collisions of formal, colloquial and vulgar synonyms — the artist examines words' ability to muddy meaning ("blah blah blah" is a recurring motif).
Now you don't have to actually talk to people; you can go on the internet and say"—he motions typing on a keyboard, mock-shouting —"'fuck you, fuck you, blah blah blah', or any absolutely horrible thing.
Some chapters, like chapter 86 ("Railway or tramway locomotives, rolling-stock and parts thereof; [blah blah blah]") have only a couple of dozen categories, while chapter 84 ("Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances; parts thereof," i.e.
His spittle-flecked tirade is more of the usual (blah blah women suck, blah blah sandwich), but when he raises a gun to put a bullet in Ally's head, he gets a nasty surprise: It's not loaded.
"Instead of just hating on it, saying 'Oh I can't stand it, so horrible, blah, blah, blah,' it's about really putting yourself in that mind-set to be able to understand it more deeply," Mr. Marty said.
That you are not cool because you don't have this toy, that it's funny to see somebody being bopped on the head, that hey, kids be the first in line in order to get blah, blah, blah.
People routinely tell Urbina that she looks old for her age (228, or 21.) And Espasito says the joke causes her fourth-grade students endless amusement – "we're older than our teacher, blah blah blah," she puts it.
If you've got friends there, they scratch your back and blah, blah.
Scar was a demo that we sent to Ivo Watts-Russell and he liked it, but he wasn't sure; people at the label said we weren't very good, that they'd seen us play live and blah, blah, blah.
"You know, the world has painted her as just like you know the Princess of Pop and everything's perfect and blah blah you're just not expecting that she's going to write her ass off," he said.
Ji's past suffering is sometimes mentioned in the more commercial media, but there it's usually done in a breezy, sugarcoated language: Maestro Ji had endured hardship, yet his love for our motherland has never diminished, blah, blah, blah.
If Democrats let a rare opportunity to do something about it pass them by because of Senate norms or the august traditions of the blah blah blah, they shouldn't be surprised if their base abandons them in 2022.
The basic justification for this is that most prospective draftees hire agents, and having an agent means you're no longer an amateur, because amateurs don't hire agents, and blah blah blah let's ride a carousel of circular logic.
American artists have made a pretty good living by identifying or, alternately, prophesying this trend of woe — as good a living as American politicians used to make denying it ("Morning in America," Points of Light, blah blah blah).
I understand Mark Zuckerberg doesn't use Twitter, even though I have had dinner with him and his wife and told them about how I wanted to help the world, and he said he'd help me, and blah blah blah.
Some people do fashion, and if someone's famous, and they're wearing a Gucci suit and Gucci loafers, I look at that, I respect it, I know what it's for and and I know why and how, blah blah blah.
"  He reps, "The Oval-X eternal," and, aside from that, claims, "that we pretty much just eat candy, pet cats, go swimming, listen to ska, make art, watch movies, and read calvin and hobbes, etc etc blah blah blah.
It was my mother, who was one tough dude, and she produced three good kids — my brother Tony Scott, [director of] Top Gun, blah blah blah, and my brother [Frank Scott], a sea captain in the South China Sea.
I know you can't really say that, without Hield, Oklahoma would have lost 43-68 (somebody else would have replaced him, blah blah blah), but it certainly feels like Hield made all the difference in the world last night.
"I feel like I've managed the first six weeks or six tournaments of the year very well, even with some noise around me, whether it is he can't close, he can't play on Sundays, blah, blah, blah," McIlroy said.
The Friends gang has lost Chandler, though he's there in spirit, blah blah.
There's no joy or wonder to behold, just comic-book movie blah-blah.
Initially, they wanted to buy the whole company and I told my partner, "Well, let's just sell 49 percent of it" so we could retain blah blah blah, and they kept coming back and upping the price and making it sweeter.
"Look, the only reason I'm even here is to promote Deadpool, which is now out on Blu-Ray and DVD, blah, blah, blah, like anyone still f—ing buys those glorified f—ing drink coasters," Reynolds says while suited up.
Adding insult to injury is the fact that, despite his fluent-sounding Spanish in the "Despacito" remix, the Canadian star has forgotten the words to the song during multiple live performances — occasionally singing "blah blah blah" without any hint of embarrassment.
There are 100 people telling you that you're awesome, that was sick, blah-blah-blah, but one person says you got a funny style, and you forget about all the good stuff and just look at the one negative thing.
It is as lame as lame can be, yet somebody somewhere will haul it all out this week or next, oh that "goat" that jinxed the Cubs, ha ha ha, oh that fan who interfered with the ball, blah blah blah.
He's self taught, but he transcends this "Let's start a band and have a name and go on tour and make t-shirts, and our video has to be funny so we can go viral and blah blah blah" mentality.
If you enjoy playing music or being in a band, it's more about writing songs, the creation of it as a whole, rather than thinking about where it could go, how you're going to score it, or blah blah blah.
Obviously, I will say again, Disco Elysium is something is very clearly inspired by the tabletop role-playing game space, down to the dice showing up on screen, down to them explain their dice mechanic in blogs and blah blah blah.
It also puts Democrats on the defensive, forced to explain that wait, no, they don't want to end air travel, they just want to build high-speed rail because blah blah blah—as the saying goes, when you're explaining, you're losing.
Like Michael Collins, I don't wake up every morning thinking, Bethlehem Chapel, blah blah.
Every moment Don grabs his alter, and speaks about black folks not being a monolith, or confronting racism with an exposed cheek, blah blah blah ("dignity always wins"), forces everything within me to not roll my eyes back to the point of pain.
"Sure, we know the gable slope should be between 10-15 degrees and blah blah blah," said Adams, who is actually on the patent for the original Natural Keyboard, and so is about as familiar as you can get with the design.
Yeah. If I've got my tech company hat on, I'm going to say, "How do you define 'audience,' and is it engaged, and are they viewing your stuff every day, and are they casual fans or active fans," and blah blah blah.
"I called the producers and I said this is great, can't wait to get blah blah blah , and what a great part — why don't we see if we can get um…" Ford said, again turning to Gosling for confirmation of the actor's name.
It's the scene where Michael Jordan, having been taken from Earth and minor league baseball by the Looney Tunes so he can compete in a high-stakes basketball game against aliens blah, blah, blah you've seen this bullshit, does some practice dunking.
Miss America contestants must fit their responses within the remarkably tiny time frame of 20 seconds, all while simultaneously demonstrating every positive characteristic in a Tinder profile; funny, warm, personable, responsible, intelligent, easygoing, fit, cooks well, good with kids, blah blah blah.
Anyway, elsewhere Jonny talks about getting nominated for an Oscar, the specific craft of writing film scores, his relationship with director Paul Thomas Anderson blah blah blah—but really the important part is the scrapping, which I am very relieved is settled.
A Song of Ice and Fire 69: Winterfell Drift started off with Jaime appearing in front of basically all of the show's main characters in a sort of informal tribunal blah blah blah we all already know what's going to happen here.
Instead of exciting Petah Tikvah, with a 'P,' they wind up in a stultifying Negev outpost called Bet Hatkivah, with a 'B' — "like in basically bleak and beige and blah blah blah," as one of Mr. Yazbek's dead-on lyrics puts it.
On the drive home after school, I feign interest in all the things a parent is supposed to care about — homework, volleyball, science projects, blah blah blah — until I can ask the question I really want the answer to: How was your lunch?
Page by page, floor by floor we discover a diverse bunch of residents in a city apartment building, laughing, cheering, dancing, or in the case of a sheep, talking to themselves, until we reach the BLAH BLAH BLAH coming from the top floor.
That's when my phone went mad with people saying "Who's this prick with the pink lilo, he's ruined the puddle, the puddle was magic until he ruined it blah blah blah" so that kind of took over for the rest of the day.
Blah blah entrusted with the task and responsibility and privilege of carrying this company forward.
That's when he said, "Ken, you would destroy my marriage, these were consensual," blah, blah.
Even though they've said the whole time, 'It won't work, you can't do subscription, it doesn't work,' blah blah blah, whatever …  So in hindsight, would you do it differently, where MoviePass would have been private and then grow it and then go to an IPO?
"So after watching 45 (President Trump) ramble on about the vote, and blah blah blah, he says, 'We were close very close, maybe 10, 15 votes from winning,' how will the American people EVER know how close the vote would have been," Chipley wrote.
Or they tell you something that you don't want to do, but then you're afraid not to say what they've asked you to say, because you think they really want it, they think you think it would make a better show, blah blah blah.
"It's kind of like there's all these different parts of the game — tactical, technical, blah, blah, blah — and then there's just the 'moments' part, where you have to win or lose games, where you need people to step up," Lloyd's longtime teammate Megan Rapinoe said.
And then, at the conversion camp, there's a painting of Mike Pence and ... Jane Lynch and Andrew ... And I go down there, I give this big speech about how it's okay to be you, you create your own family wherever you go and blah blah blah.
KS: Yeah, you had a great headquarters by that section of the city that was ... Yeah, and so I think it was then disappointing for people in Chicago when it didn't prove to earn its place alongside Facebook and Amazon and Microsoft and blah blah blah.
Call it a redistribution of holidays, if you must—the state will not sanction which days are for celebration, when we feast and bestow gifts upon each other, blah blah blah—and, of course, give all the gifts you actually want to give within that metric.
We only got like five minutes till Tandy's gotta load up, so no more blah blah bullshit.
Which is the new generation, Intel doesn't want to call it M but it's M, blah blah.
So I always used to say the toughest people are Manhattan real estate guys and blah, blah.
Imagine, maybe in Morocco, they're dressing up as white kids because the Moors used to take white kids from Cornwall in the 16th Century and use them as slaves, and are now categorising them as not being able to dance well and blah blah blah, all the other stereotypes.
One can go blah, blah, blah down the line and come up with a policy agenda that would do a lot to help America's kids by bolstering their families' incomes, improving the healthfulness of their ambient environment, and putting in the work to surround them with effective educational institutions.
The app offers plenty of data and has a wealth of surf cams from breaks around the world, so you can see the swell before you go — or stare longingly at your home break when you're in another meeting and your editor's all, like, blah, blah, blah. Cowabunga.
" —marieannmarie "I kept comparing myself to other people and saying I wish I was that size blah blah.
"There is no combination of sticks and carrots, sanctions and blah blah blah that mean North Korea is just going to cave and do exactly what we want them to do," Dave Kang, the director of the Korean Studies Institute at the University of Southern California, told Vox in September.
This is MMA, and anything can happen, blah, blah blah.... Far more likely than a career-revivifying Bigfoot upset, however, is that his giant heart has written a check his body can't cash, and that he is victimized by one of the most dangerous heavyweights on earth as a result.
I was at a very hoity-toity black-tie event and I was doing jokes about Trump and some guy got up and started screaming at me, but once I got to my Hillary joke — I had one Hillary joke — and I go, 'Blah blah blah Hillary' he goes, 'Loser!
A lot of the Republicans who stayed in the weeds and privately said I hate him, he's disgusting, he's an asshole, he's not a conservative, blah blah blah—a lot of those people are playing nice and playing paddy-cake with him and pretending it's all going to be kumbaya.
Over the previous weeks Shallow King, né Matthew Kader, had mocked Garbrandt for pulling out of his fight with TJ Dillashaw with an injury; in response Garbrandt accused the King of having "bitch tits"; Kader claimed Garbardt blah blah blah; and Garbrandt issued a challenge to fight him at his gym.
This particular course was called "The Image of Christ" and was full of rich, young, white girls who spent the class mostly twisting their long tresses in their fingers and sipping from Starbucks cups while the instructor babbled on about the reed and birch twigs in the painting, blah, blah, blah.
Anthony Kane: When I was heading down I thought it was a bit of fun, so I jumped in, no bother, but then I saw that advertisements started using the pink lilo picture for holidays, like, "Don't be in the puddle, blah blah blah," and I think Coral Bet had something.
Drag DJs sometimes, of course, really overplay the whole thing, trying to entertain, blah-blah-ing on the microphone.
Some people are forcing us to say everything is great, and blah blah, but it is what it is.
"She's more or less listening to their blah-blah," Denis said of Isabelle in an interview with the Independent.
The process of picking shampoos and conditioners and keratin treatments and leave-in styling agents and pore-cleansers and moisturizers and blah blah blah feels so hit-or-miss, and I have no idea how this concoction of chemicals I'm supposed to smear on my body is radically different from that other one.
Sookie's back "We could not get those schedules to work and there was a whole thing and then I was going to be out of the country and blah blah blah and literally about an hour-and-a-half ago we figured out that I'm going go back and do it," McCarthy said.
There is a football-football joke in here that I'm going to avoid—we get it, there was a split between the sports during the turn of the 20th century and the name stuck with both variants, blah, blah, blah—but let's get to the important stuff: why isn't OBJ playing soccer?
On one hand, the association will tell anyone who will listen—most notably, federal judges overseeing antitrust lawsuits—that it's perfectly legal and acceptable for schools to collude and limit player compensation to scholarships and small cost-of-attendance stipends, because athletes are students and amateurs and not professionals and blah blah blah.
Well... apparently they are also marching against the oppression of women worldwide blah blah... but I chose to ignore that.
Mr. Alessandrini has said that he will turn his attention next to a spoof of Hollywood called "Blah Blah Land."
You're able to tell a very limited few [people] that you can trust, but still you're walking around and let's say ex-boyfriends call you and you're like 'Oh sorry, I can't see you because of blah blah blah,' or you can't go on dates for four months but you have to make excuses.
" She compared the experience of seeing other people talking about intersectionality to an "out-of-body experience," telling me, "Sometimes I've read things that say, 'Intersectionality, blah, blah, blah,' and then I'd wonder, 'Oh, I wonder whose intersectionality that is,' and then I'd see me cited, and I was like, 'I've never written that.
Of course, you aren't going to get Trump to commit suicide by saying what he truly feels, whereas Duke has no position to lose, so he's always been outspoken, and will tell you he believes the founding fathers were white, and he wants to protect America's white population years down the road blah, blah, blah.
Meanwhile, we're treated to a Sally flashback from 1973, the night she sewed herself to two grunge musicians during a sexy heroin binge so that they'd never leave her (choice line: "I just wanna crawl inside your skins and masturbate"), and then the Addiction Demon started haunting her and never stopped, and blah blah blah.
I like to say, "Film Don't Lie" (it's one of my podcast's 73 mottos, my theory being a show's quality is directly proportionate to its number of mottos) but of course that's crap: there's no such thing as objectivity, the watcher brings his or her biases to everything, postmodernism, Schrödinger's cat, blah blah blah.
I think you identify something here too, which is there were a number of steps along the way [where I thought] you know what, I need to reevaluate if I want to stay on this thing of "Warren seems like someone who could win this election because she's a uniter" and blah, blah, blah.
Basically she speaks blah, blah, blahs, which we can understand because she's our mom, but it's kind of like playing charades.
One chink out of it wants to take your rights away, they're never going to get them back, and blah, blah.
And it is hard to ascend to this level: Having access to the office Spotify account is normally a complete faff anyway, and jumping over that hurdle puts most people off from doing it because you have to interact with someone in IT, and they need to give you weird access to a remote computer, and blah, blah, blah.
"I'm not some old technophobe, and I get the whole post-computing cloud / device blah blah thing," Ball told Motherboard via email.
I've seen some comments on Instagram and they're like 'wtf who would get some like this done?' blah blah but idgaf really.
In effect, the president and his visitors threw away the blah-blah scripts and negotiated possible legislation in front of the nation.
His patron, Bash (Chris Lowell), tells him to cut the complicated blah-blah and just give the women outrageous characters and outfits.
And instead of boring, complicated terms of services that tell you "for every minute of downtime, you're eligible to blah blah blah," Algolia has three charts that make it easy to understand what happens if the service goes down for 2 minutes, 20 minutes or 2 hours: [gallery ids="1366978,1366979,1366977"] All of this information will sound useless if you aren't using Algolia.
It's the perfect evocation of tfw u gotta send that late night text to meet up with bae and they're all 'hey, it's 22 AM ur corny' but then u like their pic on the gram and so u meet up anyway even though u definitely don't have feelings for each other blah blah blah xanax Drake dad hats—What's that?
You can take that for one of two things: it either means Burns should be the runaway Norris winner, because he's blown a historic season by a defenseman out of the water with his own historic season, or it means he's just like Karlsson—offense only, not good in his own end, blah blah blah, let's give this to Weber.
ZOE QUINN: The thing that was hard wasn't the abuse and the hate as much, in comparison to people who could have done something and chose not to, either because they didn't take it seriously or they thought, "Oh this will just blow over, don't feed the trolls, blah blah blah" and it's like: No, you actually have to fight back.
The comparatively straighter "Anna and the Apocalypse" also features the usual girl-and-boy blah-blah, which plays out against a wan zombie cataclysm.
You can trace a direct line to clickbait now, how the media operates now, grabbing headlines with sensationalistic what-have-you's, and blah blah blah's.
He gets a few drinks in him and we have a conversation about jobs/stuff/blah blah but then it arrived at who we admired.
If you tell someone 'Twitter is a blah blah…', sorry, I can't even bother to look up the current Twitter mission statement it's so dumb.
One of the big things I try and get people to cough out more download numbers, and so I know that's probably going to be an overestimation or something of a lie, but you just want to qualify that and kind of, "This is why blah, blah, blah," and then you just figure out maybe it's 210 percent, 220 percent if you're lucky about that.
"I just went up and said, 'Hi, listen, I'm going to have to move out of our apartment cause I'm sick and I don't have any money and I don't want to go home and I just want to get out and do things and I don't know what I'm going to do but I don't have any place to live and blah blah blah,' " Cher recalled.
It doesn't really matter—I wrote a dissertation on soil and microbes (technically "carbon biogeochemistry," which has implications for understanding our biosphere as a holistic system and predicting future climate change blah blah blah), but as I have yet to meet another human being who openly identifies as a dirt doctor, I will continue to assume that this is not a thing one does.
It has become so common to talk about shows as online content, conceived to catch the eyes of the generation that lives with a smartphone and all its filters as a bodily extension and blah blah blah, so on and so forth, that it is almost a shock to see a collection made with a three-dimensional woman and not a two-dimensional image in mind.
But in any case, unless your local team is one of the lucky annual pair, the competition on the field takes a back seat to the endless pregame blah blah blah, the halftime extravaganza, the rollout of new advertisements at a cost that might otherwise stabilize Social Security, and the betting line in Vegas, where gamblers risk enough to underwrite a single-payer health care system.
Also, we're told since their mini break last fall ... there's been constant drama over "dumb stuff" -- what to eat, what they say on social media, blah, blah.
As many people prepare to spend the next few days around friends and family, sitting around in one room, eating food and feeling affectionate, blah blah, etc.
Before long, we returned to the subject, and Mr. Brown offered a vivid excoriation of the new law — the "blah-blah detail," as he put it, be damned.
Chyna posted her sonogram with a long message about her little nugget, fairy tales, bundles of joy and blah, blah -- she's really happy about what's cooking in the oven.
And then they're gonna go to Planned Parenthood and they're gonna be like, 'Oh, we can help you, like, you know, blah blah, we can take care of it.
"I had this really cool couple who were my last couple to cook for that evening, so we were sitting around and talking, sharing stories, blah, blah," Roxanne says.
"[There are] some old fogies who think, 'Well, doctors shouldn't be sharing personal information or talking about their lives in places the patients could find it, blah, blah,'" Caplan says.
This is team basketball at what might be its highest point of realization, a harmony of individual and collective virtuosity, truth and beauty in synchronicity, and honestly blah blah bleugh.
I hope Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds never do one of those "Performs Blah Blah In Its Entirety" tours, as I hope they never become a tourism destination spot.
Sure, they have an office in NYC, blah blah, but basically, Gareth Hague, the London-based designer in charge of reenvisioning THE MET's logo, is not attached to New York.
Milan is one of those cities that tends to get a bad rap in the industry — it's too gray, too industrial, blah blah — but personally I like it a lot.
And instead of speculating her as a snake and blah blah bah, here is a handy, official ranking of other, important snakes that have appeared in pop culture and the world.
I get a lot of criticism because people are like, 'That's vain, blah blah,' but it's a fun photo of me going down a water slide and IDGAF what anyone says.
You might need to know the basics—this was taken in High Wycombe in 289—but if you want, "This is Neville, son of an Irish priest, the skinheads came from blah, blah..." then no.
"I know he has a beautiful voice and I know I am 'soooooo lucky' and blah blah but john's vocal warmups make me want to stab my brain," the model and mother tweeted on Monday.
When my voice finally made it into the next room, sounding like Bob Dylan's, the nurse came in and told me I was okay, the surgery was a success—blah blah, heard that one before.
"We'll be working through case-by-case," he says, and continues on with his talking points — that they're improving in equality between men and women presenting the programmes, in drama it's already 50/50, blah blah.
Anyway, I was in this darkened room with her and it was like what should have been ... You could imagine it as this mother/daughter bonding blah-blah-blah moment, and then I had this kind of out-of-body experience because I was incredibly tired, obviously, and I saw this scene from the outside, and she was looking up at me, and their eyes are perfectly developed enough just to see their mother's or the parent's face, and I was looking down at my phone, and I was searching for antique doorknobs on eBay.
Then of course there's a double romance and low-key royal conflict and, blah blah, if this movie sounds more like the product of a Netflix algorithm than it does human creativity, well, yeah, that's probably the point.
The Ancient One gives him the old blah-blah about letting go of his ego, and I think we're expected to see his endless-death answer to Dormammu as him learning that lesson, and becoming selfless and self-sacrificing.
I'll talk about the last "wonderful" book I read, since I've gotten allergic to the word "great" lately — everyone's best friend on Twitter is "the great so-and-so" who has just written a "great" book or article, blah blah.
Alongside the usual tra-la-la and chichi of Fashion Week in Paris, a fair amount of blah-blah was heard about the potential merging of the sexes on runways and the end of a separate men's wear season altogether.
"It was like, 'Oh, I love your shoes and what a great bag, blah blah,'" Ms. Quinn recalled, until she asked Ms. Conway about her husband, and Ms. Conway, she said, grew angry that Ms. Quinn had even brought him up.
Any other politician in the same circumstance would have made some totally forgettable remark about how North Korea was "defying the will of the international community" and how "this behavior is unacceptable" and "we condemn these provocations in the strongest terms" and blah blah.
They've got some performance improvements and new blah blah connectivity features, but what's most striking is the way that Samsung's creeping towards that platonic ideal of a bezel-less design: A television whose picture is hanging there in the air without any frame around it at all.
The most the feds usually do is set a broad policy agenda, fund specific components of the K-12 system (including IDEA and other programs for at-risk youth), and otherwise bloviate a lot about how they believe children are the future, teach them well and let them lead the way, blah blah.
We were at this awards thing, and he was there, and I walked up to him but I was shaking, I couldn't help it, I was so nerdy and I was basically trying to say, "Hey man, I needed to thank you for blah blah," so it was actually more like "herugh" and then I had to run off because I embarrassed myself.
The common understanding is that incel anger stems grow out of their perception that they do not receive the sexual gratification they are entitled to by virtue of their place on the social pyramid, largely because feminism and the sexual revolution and multiculturalism and cultural Marxism and blah blah have encouraged women and minorities to usurp the natural order of things.
A growing number of countries have had their own equivalents of Brexit: Donald Trump's victory over Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election; the election of a populist government in Italy; the Catalan revolt in Spain; the rise of populist authoritarians in Russia, Hungary, Poland and, to some extent, India; the simmering rage against what Viktor Orban calls "liberal blah blah" in the intellectual dark-web.
It is to entrench the brutal government of Bashar al-Assad by controlling the useful part of Syrian territory, bomb the moderate opposition into submission, block any possibility of Western-instigated regime change, use diplomatic blah-blah in Geneva as cover for changing the facts on the ground and, maybe fifth or sixth down the list, strengthen the Syrian Army to the point it may one day confront the murderous jihadist stronghold of the Islamic State.

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