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"typist" Definitions
  1. a person who works in an office typing letters, etc.
  2. a person who uses a typewriter or computer keyboard

133 Sentences With "typist"

How to use typist in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "typist" and check conjugation/comparative form for "typist". Mastering all the usages of "typist" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Before that, he was a typist at the United Nations.
That ping is like an aural flashback for a typist.
This typist shows that masks weren't just for outdoors either.
It turns out if you're a heavy typist like me that .
Her highest ambition now is to find work as a typist.
I had heard it could make me a more efficient typist.
Punch had started at the department in 1951, as a typist.
Suppose that the best lawyer in town is also the best typist.
They probably presumed it was as a typist, the kiss of death.
He flirted with Jane Caldwell, a young woman hired as his typist.
One remarkable typist hit 85 words per minute on a mobile device.
What you may not know, however, is that Anthony is a loud typist.
Some seemed to think the museum piece was the typist, not the typewriter.
Therefore, while a shitty typist using a crappy password remains vulnerable for a relatively long period of time, a complex password entered by a touch typist (for example: "jxM#1CT") may only be recovered within roughly 14 to 19 seconds.
I am not a professional gamer nor typist so this keyboard suits my needs.
She planned to tell the Russians, when they came, that she was only Goebbels's typist.
As a touch typist, I felt myself off by a letter, which was extremely frustrating.
She got a job at an aircraft maintenance shop — as a typist and file clerk.
I developed a reputation as a fleet writer when really I was a fleet typist.
Each group found the best typist and sat him or her in front of the teletype.
I'm the Best Coder because I'm a fast typist, and I type extra fast in programming emergencies.
It's not something I'd normally use because I consider myself a fairly fast, if hopelessly inaccurate typist.
Eventually, yes, it made me a faster typist, but not for the reasons that I hoped it would.
This is easier said than done, perhaps because I have the weak fingers of a professional internet typist.
Rocket Typist for Mac You know how Gmail predicts what you're about to say before you say it?
Well, you can bring that streamlined auto-fill goodness to all your typing with Rocket Typist for Mac.
In the meantime Gilgi's boss at the hosiery company is showing an unhealthy interest in his young typist.
The president and Ms. Mugabe became involved when she worked as a typist in the president's secretarial pool.
She is a receiver and producer of information: woman as information processor, computer, typist, recorder, transcriptionist, receptionist, black box.
He served in Germany just after the end of World War II, becoming a clerk and typist for Gen.
His wife at the time, Caroline Conran, the home editor of Queen magazine, hired Ms. Hogg as a typist.
And "even though I was a terrible typist and couldn't read my own shorthand, somebody actually hired me" she says.
She attended public schools and became a stenographer for a Jewish lawyer and a typist for a right-wing nationalist.
If you're a good typist with a few extra hours and a computer, you could start your own transcription service.
Before the EHR, I dictated hospital admission histories on a phone and a typist getting $30 an hour typed them.
Dr. Lightman grew up in Memphis, the son of a movie-theater owner and a dance teacher and Braille typist.
According to the researchers, the password "12341234" is recoverable up to 45 seconds after typed by a "hunt-and-peck" typist.
Grammarly is up there with Dragon Dictation, the speech-to-text software which, as a fast typist, I never took to.
Still determined to become an engineer, she headed to Washington and secured a job with the Navy as a clerk-typist.
The narrative, universally accepted across the country, was that the shy young typist had stolen Mr. Mugabe's heart and then corrupted him.
A fabulous typist, the eccentric "Mad Mildred" scores a choice secretarial position among the 40,000 eager Americans recruited to work at Hanford.
" Bannon referred to Stephen Miller — Trump's powerful senior adviser for policy, and keeper of the nationalist flame after Bannon's departure — as "my typist.
When she applied for her first job at the Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, she was asked to work as a typist.
Hiring her as a typist, The New Yorker wound up publishing many of her closely observed stories, which helped redefine Irish-American literature.
The wardrobe of a city that once was, filling skyscraper boardrooms and ballrooms, typist pools and art collectives, and may never be again.
Now, 10 years after making the switch, I'm fairly confident it made me a faster typist, but not for the reasons you might expect.
I can totally imagine myself taking notes on a keyboard of this kind, maybe even without a screen, for the maximum pro typist kudos.
In The Typist, Stolakis takes on discrimination against LGBTQ service members through the story of a Korean War veteran tasked with writing dishonorable discharges.
" Her early friends included "radical lesbians who joined the marines, professional car thieves, drug addicts who died, a rock star, and one shorthand typist.
She worked as a typist and file clerk, auditioned for musical parts and had her first singing engagement in a Boston nightclub in 1950.
So be very careful with the web addresses you enter, and if you're a bad typist maybe invest in some anti-malware and antivirus software.
Before British aviator Amy Johnson flew from Croydon (South London) to Darwin, Australia, she worked as a secretary and typist for a firm of solicitors.
But when she informed the personnel office that she was pregnant, she was offered a clerk-typist job at the lowly rank of GS-2.
Her parents did not believe women should have careers, so she worked as a typist during World War II to save money for her education.
Stories of their heated fights, rumors of a love triangle involving their typist, Louise Thompson, and the involvement of lawyers have all made the rounds.
When you become a more experienced typist and can type by touch, these ridges indicate where your pointer fingers should be placed on the keyboard.
Her father, George, owned and ran a shoe store, and her mother, Rae (Higer) Goldstein, was a homemaker and legal typist for New York City.
His father, Ivan, had been a czarist army officer who went over to the Bolsheviks after the Russian Revolution; his mother, Anastasia, was a typist.
A onetime typist in the Nixon White House, she is now among Mr. Trump's affluent advisers, with assets worth between $9 million and $28 million.
In the next phase, a second typist will take over, entering Berry's words into a computer, and he will send the finished draft to his publisher.
Acer's keyboard also has an annoying tendency to rattle when you type on it with any kind of force (I'm a bit of an...aggressive...typist).
That new keyboard angle has no impact on typing ease or quality (I remain a terrible typist on both Surface Books, and all MacBook Pros, too).
A typist by day, Barbara issued her first public challenge that year to any 98 to 112 pound girl who would face her in the ring.
His father ran a clothing store, and his mother worked as a typist for a clothing company, which, David speculated, may have been how they met.
She was a typist in the presidential pool when she and Mr. Mugabe began an affair while the president's first wife, Sally, was dying of cancer.
It follows a police detective (Volker Bruch) and a police typist (Liv Lisa Fries) as they navigate a plot that involves blackmail, gold and sadomasochistic pornography.
Are you a keyspammer in need of a linear key, a typist in a quiet office, or do you live alone and need something satisfying and loud?
After graduating from the University of Alabama with a business degree, he moved to New York and took a job as a typist at the United Nations.
Of note: The cover model had three-inch fingernails at the time of her 1986 cover shot, which seems like a bad choice if you're a typist.
Ms. Graham, center, was a poor typist, but she was also an artist who knew that painters covered their mistakes by painting over them, not erasing them.
The frequently hard-riffing interplay between the flutist and typist — at the Kitchen, it was percussionist Nathan Davis — proved lively across each of the work's three sections.
He is a son of Mary Ann Mazzola and Daniel P. Mazzola of Massapequa, N.Y. His mother retired as a clerk typist at the Massapequa Water District.
But to accurately capture a password there are a number of other variables to consider, including how well the typist types and the complexity of the password itself.
She left school at 15 and became "a typist and a comptometer operator, which is another kind of typing [and] adding machine," as she recently told The Telegraph.
Barbara worked as a typist during the day, and spent her evenings training at the YMCA under the tutelage of coach Leonard Smith, whom she would eventually marry.
Mr. Brady and Ms. Hindley met when they were both working at a small chemicals company in Manchester, she as a typist and he as a stock clerk.
"There used to be very traditional jobs — blue-collar worker, white-collar worker, you're going to be the electricians and plumbers, you're going to the typist pool," she said.
Writing with her first reader literally underfoot, Ogawa's narrator struggles to complete her manuscript — a novel-within-the-novel about a captive typist — even as her inner resources deteriorate.
Writing with her first reader literally underfoot, Ogawa's narrator struggles to complete her manuscript — a novel-within-the-novel about a captive typist — even as her inner resources deteriorate.
Unwilling to settle for being a telephonist, audio typist or piano tuner—stereotypical occupations for blind people—I rebelled and went to a mainstream further-education college, followed by university.
There are some things that are not ideal when using it (basically you have to be a touch typist), but it's astounding how natural a lot of the interaction is.
Born in Berlin in 1911, Ms. Pomsel worked as a stenographer for a Jewish lawyer and as a typist for a rightist nationalist — at one point working for both simultaneously.
He is a two-finger typist — "me and Raymond Chandler," he said with a chuckle — but said he did not know how many words per minute he could bang out.
If a skilled typist (also known as an American millennial) is sitting in a classroom, he or she will be able write down almost every word that the lecturer utters.
But after being transferred to Houston, he quit in 1962 and returned to Washington, where he worked briefly as a typist for National Geographic magazine before resigning because of depression.
There were no keyboards or screens; Wilkes had to write a program on paper and give it to a typist, who translated each command into holes on a punch card.
Born in Alabama in 1930, Nabors attended the University of Alabama, after which he headed for New York for a brief time to work as a typist for the United Nations.
It appears as if the typist of the Killian documents used a space in some cases and forgot to delete it, and didn't note in others that the superscript was inserted.
But the putative elevation to the presidency of Mrs Mugabe, the president's former typist and an extravagant avid shopper, disgusted even the most cynical elders of ZANU-PF, the ruling party.
Although he hadn't made it past high school, he was an incessant reader, as was his wife, Cookie, who volunteered as a Braille typist, transcribing books for Lighthouse for the Blind.
Mr. Mugabe's wife, Grace, a former typist, emerged as a power in her own right this year as she began to position herself as a possible successor to her aging husband.
He spent his time serving in the war as a corporal, working as a typist with a quartermaster battalion supplying front-line combat units in North Africa and Italy for three years.
Though an adoring husband to Delia (Mercedes Morán), an Argentinean aristocrat, he remains a committed orgiast, and slips a hand down the blouse of a typist while Delia is in the room.
After earning a degree in business from the University of Alabama, he moved to New York, where he worked as a typist at the United Nations while harboring hopes for a stage career.
She went to Washington to work as a typist for the government during World War II, and eventually persuaded the reluctant editor of the Associated Negro Press agency to give her a job.
Many women learned to type in order to secure higher-paying jobs in an office as a secretary or a typist in a clerical office, rather than having to work in a factory.
It is a secret he unwillingly shares with Charlotte Ritter (Liv Lisa Fries), a young and beautiful typist in the Berlin Homicide squad, who finds him trembling on the toilet floor of police headquarters.
After moving to New York City in 1952, Mr. Hendricks worked as a clerk-typist and achieved a modicum of success on the side as a songwriter, but found little work as a performer.
She spent about 213 years in the Russian opposition, starting as a typist for a samizdat journal in the 1960s and continuing as an observer of politicized court hearings against street protesters under Mr. Putin.
The makeover will ensure the keyboard is better adapted to a language that relies heavily on accents, cedillas, and other special characters that often require feats of gymnastic dexterity on the part of the typist.
During his time in the the Army, John Edward James, Jr. served as a corporal, working as a typist with a quartermaster battalion supplying front-line combat units in North Africa and Italy for three years.
There's the part-invisible fight scene between Major and the runaway driver in ankle-deep water, the many fingered typist in the van, and the lengthy chase scene as the trucks swerve around streets of squalor.
This helps them remember the old and the new — and because the memories are not kept separate, a computer could use parts of one to help learn the other, like a typist learning to play piano.
Job positions included that of a typist, secretary to the stars and executive secretary, costume designer, seamstress, telephone operator, hairdresser, script girl, film retoucher, title writer, publicity writer, musician, film editor, director, and producer, among others.
"Let us now go and deliver the message that grandfather Mugabe and his typist-cum-wife should go home," war veterans secretary-general Victor Matemadanda told an anti-Mugabe rally in the Harare township of Highfield.
A former typist in the presidential typing pool, Mugabe's second wife is more than 40 years his junior and initially showed no political ambitions, earning the nickname "Gucci Grace" for her frequent expensive overseas shopping trips.
Software, computers, mobile phones, robots and other technologies are constantly eliminating some jobs (video store owner, receptionist, mail room employee, typist, telephone operator, etc.) and creating others (video game programmer, 3D architectural designer, social media specialist, etc.).
The troubled young detective is assisted by Charlotte Ritter, a police typist played by Liv Lisa Fries, who strives to make the most of Weimar Berlin's new freedoms to escape the poverty of her bleak, overcrowded tenement.
He was trained as a clerk-typist and befriended by an Italian-American soldier who had also felt the sting of discrimination and who urged Mr. Elie to one day get a law degree, as he had.
As I enter the real world post graduation, I want to embody the spirit of Mad Men's Peggy Olson — not as a timid typist, but as Peggy Olson after she has already bloomed into what she can be.
Juliet is a young typist, plucked out of virtually nowhere and taken under the wing of Peregrine Gibbons ("Do call me Perry") to work in Dolphin Square, right near the place the fascist politician Oswald Mosley calls home.
In the 21986s, Ian Brady, a slender 2100-year-old stock clerk with sharp features and a pompadour, and his girlfriend, Myra Hindley, a 22002-year-old typist with dyed blond hair, were suspected of killing five children.
The keyboard's layout also manages to stretch to about 230-percent of the width of my MacBook Pro's (fading) keyboard, so it didn't take long for a touch typist like myself to get used to its smaller home row.
"When I was a kid and told my mom I wanted to be an actress, she said, 'Well, you're not pretty enough; you better cut your nails off and become a typist so you'll have a job,' " she wrote.
Lekashman says that, beyond allowing customization (the Keystone uses AI to properly match the keyboard to the typist, and allows for different levels of key sensitivity on individual keys), it allows for even longer-lasting keys than existing solutions.
Mitsuye Endo, a 22004-year-old typist with the Department of Motor Vehicles, dutifully answered the questions, and that spring she was fired, along with dozens of other Nisei, or second-generation Japanese-Americans, who worked for the state.
If you're a typist with cash to burn, or you need a big display and a lot of power in a package that's super light, then the ThinkPad X1 Carbon should be one of your top choices for a laptop.
In the excerpts, the typist said she had not kept a copy of the novel - perhaps sparing the blushes of a leader who has promised to clean up French politics and says he wants to restore the dignity of the presidency.
At first the essays were supplied by Bill, who would sit next to Alex Palmer, the Style department's editorial assistant and a woman of boundless charm and good humor who was a better speller and typist than he was, and dictate.
Despite admiration for Mugabe among older African leaders, there is little public affection for 52-year-old Grace, an ex-government typist who began an affair with Mugabe in the early 1990s while his first wife Sally was dying of kidney failure.
The California State Emergency Relief Administration hired Taylor in 1934 to study migrant workers, and he convinced them to hire Lange in 1935, sneaking her onto his research trips as a typist, knowing very well that she would, in fact, be photographing everything.
In late 2014 Mr. Mugabe purged his governing party, replacing his vice president, Joice Mujuru, with Mr. Mnangagwa, a hard-line loyalist, and elevating his second wife, Grace Mugabe, a former typist some four decades his junior, to high office in the party.
Mugabe's wife, Grace, will be fired as head of the ZANU-PF Women's League, the sources told Reuters, completing the demise of a 52-year-old former government typist who just a week ago stood in pole position to succeed her husband after Mnangagwa's dismissal.
CILLA on Acorn TV. Sheridan Smith, currently one of the most popular actresses in Britain, channels Cilla Black, the Liverpool typist who, aided by the Beatles manager Brian Epstein (Ed Stoppard), ascended to 1960s pop stardom with a cover of a Dionne Warwick hit.
Churchill resists such capitulation, but shares his private doubts with his wife Clementine (Kristin Scott Thomas), and, after raging at her, forms a bond with his assistant/typist ("Downton Abbey's" Lily James), who, among other things, must figure out how to decipher his guttural utterances.
Her biographer reports that as a 21-year-old Army wife, Ginsburg was told that her job as a claims examiner would be downgraded to a clerk typist because of her first pregnancy and she would be required to quit when her child was born.
So he swallowed that injustice and the indignities of racial discrimination and segregation that dogged the rest of his service, including three years as a typist with the 242nd Quartermaster Battalion, which supplied the front lines in some of the fiercest battles in Italy and northern Africa.
The custom keys feature the same muted color palette as an official Scrabble board, and if you're a touch typist who doesn't need to hunt and peck for letters, the keyboard also includes additional triple/double word/letter score keycaps you can swap in to boost your points.
This, according to Aleksander Kijek, head of product at Nethone, a firm in Warsaw that works out behavioural biometrics for companies that sell things online, is an indication that the device has been hijacked and is under the remote control of a computer program rather than a human typist.
The Craft is being billed as a creative tool thanks to the integration of a control dial with custom functions, depending on which application you're using, but it's also just a top-notch typist tool for anyone who values good craftsmanship in one of the devices they probably use more than almost any other in their daily computing work.
They include an over-the-hill ballet star (Irina Dvorovenko, in the Garbo part) who falls in love with an aristocratic thief (Barrymore's role, played by James Snyder); a poor but ambitious typist (Heléne Yorke), working for a lecherous tycoon on the verge of bankruptcy (John Dossett); and a consumptive Jewish clerk (Brandon Uranowitz) who wants to live, live, live before he expires.
But her poems draw their unique power from a similar source: the tigerish child who lives in the attic of the adult self; the child who is both vulnerable ("Dark was the day for Childe Rolandine the artist / When she went to work as a ­secretary-typist") and drawn to malice ("And now in the desolate night / I think only of the people I should like to bite").
The keyboard uses USB-C for charging, with a cable included (braided, no less) and it just works out of the box with both macOS and Windows thanks to the convenient mode switch at the back and the aforementioned interchangeable key caps (no tools required, either – just pull them off and push on the replacements.) [gallery ids="1596857,1596856,1596855,1596854,1596853,1596852,1596851,1596850,1596849,1596848"] In addition to the lovely material accents, and the Azio mechanical switches, which are indeed clicky and offer just the right amount of resistance for me, the Retro Classic also has typing angle adjustability thanks to screw down feet that can add a fair amount of lift if you find that more comfortable as a typist.

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