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200 Sentences With "tableaux"

How to use tableaux in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "tableaux" and check conjugation/comparative form for "tableaux". Mastering all the usages of "tableaux" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Bird also likes to place contemporary celebrities in art historical tableaux.
His realistic photographs of these tableaux eventually drew art-world validation.
It's the ultimate tableaux of what a Nappy Night is all about.
Lowell's earliest poems give us local and domestic tableaux, electrified by allegory.
The party spectacles gave way to hospital scenes gave way to funeral tableaux.
As with past collections, the tableaux vivant devised here ended without plot resolution.
Window display styles have advanced from traditional mechanized tableaux to interactive technological productions.
Her crowd scenes have evolved, too, into manic tableaux of movement and satire.
There were "swings, clay pigeon shooting, fireworks, and racy tableaux vivants," he writes.
Tableaux include traditional haka dances, floggings by Cook's men and comedies of miscommunication.
The show Devlin worked on involved old-fashioned conjuring tricks and Surrealist tableaux.
The result is tableaux-mural of photos, some up to six by seven feet.
A breathtaking series of 28 images shot against a series of utterly magical tableaux.
At other times, the beautifully lit tableaux highlight the performers' stagecraft and dance abilities.
Here they are pieced together in 'poetic visual puzzles' to create 3D tableaux of daily life.
The tableaux were then tacked to the bulletin board for parents to see on PTA night.
Eventually, he taught himself to use multiple exposures to compile disparate images into a single tableaux.
They are clanging, mad-scientist tableaux — one bright and mostly stationary, the other loud and roving.
Yuki remains indistinct through this nostalgic haze, overwhelmed by the meticulously styled tableaux constructed around her.
Arias makes a concerted effort to balance the veterans' warfront reportage with tableaux of their everyday lives.
"We will never give up," warned leaflets decorated with vivid tableaux of burning buildings and rolling tanks.
Of course, they sketch in the scenic Mississippi River tableaux that give "Show Boat" its eternal appeal.
Instead, it is heavy-handed in the best way, dramatizing Offred's claustrophobia through gorgeous tableaux of repression.
The latest installations by Serra Victoria Bothwell Fels are like frozen tableaux of not-quite-natural events.
For TERRAoptics, Sundaram has taken these same artifacts and reconfigured them into a series of small tableaux.
Second, he represents another alternative to speediness, eschewing decisive moments in favor of large, meticulously constructed tableaux.
In that same gallery, Penn Chan exhibits a handful of strange tableaux investigating the quirks of modern life.
The end tableaux all had an exact duration of 15 seconds, something like that, timed with a stopwatch.
In her series Domestic Objects Marasco made tableaux containing pages from a woman's diary and a familiar object.
Its rich tableaux of the borderlands mixed with unrelenting violence creates an inimitable portrait of our country's history.
The final film by Iranian titan Abbas Kiarostami is, as the title suggests, a series of 24 tableaux.
In that work she recast the violence of chattel slavery as room-sized, cartoon-like black paper tableaux.
He poses his characters in static medium-shot tableaux in front of wallpapered, monochrome-painted and rear-projected backdrops.
The solutions to these little tableaux require serious thinking as you position, attack, and (hopefully) repel the alien invaders.
Post-apocalyptic angels are brought to life in a modern day tableaux vivant through the magic of 3D projection.
Delille has created spare tableaux that suggest the girl's evolving physicality, from a prowling beast to a rescued orphan.
Au Bercy Lab, il y a des bureaux lisses et des tableaux blancs, ainsi que des détails assez loufoques.
"Similarly, we reuse and repurpose a lot of the costume elements from our annual tableaux vivant," Mr. LaForce said.
These works of folk art are wonderful, sometimes wacky tableaux that occasionally display a self-taught knack for formal assemblage.
Part of the success of these tableaux is that they get torn down before they become too implausible and intangible.
Inside the gallery, the audience meandered through various living tableaux staged by members of his performance troupe, La Pocha Nostra.
Egan gives us their stories in anachronistic chunks, weaving together interconnected narratives through tableaux of different moments from their lives.
The rest of the show was similarly devoid of stereotypical Spanish signposts, betting instead on visceral physicality and complex tableaux.
The killer mutilated three of his five victims, used solvent to wipe away clues and left their bodies in ghastly tableaux.
In addition to a few default images, SteamVR lets you personalize your home base by browsing the Workshop for virtual tableaux.
It's a tableaux, really, full of symbols and situations that unearth deeper meaning to what we were presented with at first.
The Cité Mémoire projection project has 19 different "tableaux" around the Vieux-Montréal and Vieux-Port sections of the Canadian city.
In one of its sculptural tableaux vivants , a grotesque male figure, down on all fours, is penetrated by a long pole.
I remember when candidates announced their presidential bids in formal tableaux, with flags and members of their family placed just so.
London-based Stephenson crafts life-size boyfriends out of paint, clay and paper and photographs herself with them in elaborately staged tableaux.
Roland Reiss: Unrepentant Flowers and New Miniature Tableaux continues at Diane Rosenstein Gallery, (831 North Highland Avenue, Los Angeles ) through June 2.
It has occurred to me that perhaps some people feel certain images are contrived because their composition makes them feel like tableaux.
The TOILETPAPER agency has become know for combining the vernacular of commercial photography with twisted narrative tableaux of neo-surrealistic shock imagery.
Cather's prose, more chiselled than in her earlier fiction, refracts these tableaux into "something in the style of legend," as she said.
There are tableaux that show their female performers for the highly trained dancers they are, while others treat them as mere decoration.
Alongside the hieratic tableaux, I will long remember the virtuoso turns by solo performers, who gave this suprahuman work a human immediacy.
The tableaux had a haunting quality that reminded her of " The Poetics of Space ," from 1958, by the French philosopher Gaston Bachelard.
You get 10 huge tableaux vivants of Old Masters paintings — one actress posing naked for a living re-creation of Rembrandt's 'Danae.
Religious imagery permeated the tableaux, from altar boys to apostlelike figures gathering around a table for what looked like a Last Supper.
Or in the tableaux of BDSM where April Dawn Alison is trussed, gagged, hanging, but where there was (presumably) no partner in play.
His aerial gaze — usually at an oblique angle to the terrain — abstracts humanity into a sweeping tableaux of manufactured landscapes impinging on nature.
Then he captured these tableaux in detailed illustrations, published from 1701 to 1716 as engravings by Cornelius Huyberts in the Thesaurus anatomicus primus.
One could consider this tableaux to be Tanning's contribution to the practice of museum period rooms, such as recreations of 18th century parlors.
A good place to start looking for it might be in the history of bed tableaux and rows of bodies in Western art.
It comes in halfway through a series of tableaux vivants — I probably just felt I had to liven up this staid, silent progression.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays, Margulis works as a shop assistant at an Upper East Side boutique, rearranging tableaux of three-thousand-dollar handbags.
The most astonishing work came from Mesoamerica, where the Aztecs used feathers like mosaic pieces, to create intricate tableaux of gods and martyrs.
Lining the walls of consecutive rooms are two categories of new, small-format works: 20 boxed tableaux and 213 riveting drawings on paper.
We later see these tableaux echoed in Kogonada's feature, such as when Casey sits or stands in her kitchen chopping and peeling vegetables.
"Five More Found, New York City, 2001" brings to mind Rembrandt's "Night Watch" or one of those complex tableaux by Jacques-Louis David.
Red is typically the most prominent color in these tableaux, marking flames, blood, and the fiery skin of demons — the only ones ever smiling.
Their paintings evolved into often elaborate tableaux that depicted a dissolve of binaries: between domesticity and power, witchcraft and science, astrology and mathematics, gender.
Mr. Miyagi made the most of it, staging entrances from behind the audience and arranging the actors and musicians in wraparound tableaux like frescoes.
In contrast, Richard Mosse's "Incoming" (2017), which has received significant international attention, illustrates the art world's susceptibility to big-budget, high-concept, immersive tableaux.
As we will see later, Spoerri is the key figure here, with his concept of "tableaux-pièges" (trap paintings) and his close association with Fluxus.
Instead of running through Superhot's stylized glass-and-ceramic environments — or teleporting, as in many VR games — you proceed through a bunch of individual tableaux.
The resulting figures look ravaged and raw and they are caught in tableaux that offer no way out of that seemingly endless cycle of violence.
Siamak Filizadeh's bizarre photos are so intricate that they appear photoshopped, but are in fact a meticulously produced tableaux of semi-comical, semi-uneasy scenes.
In his TriBeCa studio, the easels are only steps away from his home kitchen, where he personally bakes each confection featured in his massive tableaux.
The kitsch-retro feel of his work still manages to reveal a bit of the alienation or loneliness inside even the liveliest of his tableaux.
The opening and closing tableaux make that point, with the cast huddled around a leather-bound Shakespeare edition as if it were a family album.
But the plot is not delivered in any narrative sense; rather it serves as a structure for a series of tableaux of song and dance.
Every time I walked by the booth, the viewing area was filled with fairgoers, frozen by the epic tableaux and lost in their cryptic grandeur.
It's a reproduction of it, and I think that if you just make tableaux and things like that, it's very different from knowing the characters.
The MacArthur Genius Grant-winning photographer has spent the past 30 years in documentary, tableaux, self portrait and oral history, focusing on African-American life.
One of his students was Michael C. McMillen, an installation artist and filmmaker whose incredibly detailed tableaux reproduce miniature versions of everyday buildings and structures.
In the most deeply moving of the sections, dancers come together in a series of repeating formations that resemble scenes from a painting, or tableaux vivants.
In the wake of her artist statement, it was easy to imagine Walker giving up her traumatic, triggering tableaux for something more banal, like naturalistic landscapes.
Tableaux Vivant by Yolanda López places the young artist on a tiny altar with a backdrop similar to the sacred veil of La Virgen de Guadalupe.
Timbers stood in the auditorium adjusting the actors' positions—five inches to the side here, thirty degrees to the right there—to create the desired tableaux.
But then he'd gone back to his familiar tableaux, seemingly unaffected by Elvis Presley, suburbia's advent, or the Cold War — and certainly not by Brown v.
Birkin plays Joan of Arc and Ariadne, acts in a Western and in an art-world film noir, and appears in tableaux vivants of Renaissance paintings.
There are long, contemplative shots of everyday tableaux suddenly rendered so tender and precious you'll find yourself sobbing over a 10-second camera pan of wainscoting.
All kinds of cutely upside down sexual fruit make intriguing tableaux for people who only want to be tickled by art, or have their jaded tastes stirred.
Even as late as the 1890s, more than 19163 years after Britain's last conflict with China, the Opium Wars were still being celebrated in extravagant firework tableaux.
And unlike the tableaux above — where each figure is just a vague body, not an individual — its success depends on our knowledge of the figures it depicts.
But, in these 1861 sketches, we see Nast's mastery of the living thing, the face seized from life, which gives tensile strength to his more elaborate tableaux.
Yet the roots of the work are clear: there's something both narrative and didactic about his carved tableaux, to say nothing of their painstaking detail and execution.
She subtracted two of the four Rachmaninoff preludes she'd planned to give before intermission and added an extra three of his later, even less scrutable Études-Tableaux.
Annie is an artist who creates tableaux in miniature houses, which the camera lingers on, at one point segueing seamlessly into a scene of the real house.
In one of its many tableaux, a woman in a green polka-dot dress and jacket sits at the edge of what seems to be a bathtub.
She had up to 10 dancers joining her, and hydraulic pedestals to rise upon, in tableaux that were full of camaraderie and playfulness, not command and control.
The film is screened in two places along the museum's ramp, occasioning accidental tableaux-vivants of viewers who, having paused for a glance, freeze in their tracks.
The tableaux she lays out in Lord Ludd are playful and metaphorical, alluding to the standards of appearance and desire we are all bound to and complicit in.
The participants finish the art, and by having two pedestals, they may also create intentional or inadvertent tableaux with someone who has chosen to mount the adjoining pedestal.
Some of this year's themes to be showcased in the tableaux include 'Transforming India through Skill Development', 'Green India – Clean India', and 'Khadi India', the Indian Express reported.
Not true in the end, of course, but it struck him how important it was to have — or create — a space in which he could make his tableaux.
One, New England College, is on 220 acres in rural Henniker, N.H. A river flows through the campus, and a nearby covered bridge adds to the Rockwellian tableaux.
Mr. Serebrennikov quotes from Mr. Ren's poems and reconstructs his nude photo shoots, in which models often posed with organic props including flowers and plants, alongside fantasy tableaux.
Though they look like simple, free-form marble tables, the pieces in Studio Binocle's Six Tableaux series have an entertaining back story that made the series a favorite.
They then posed in a series of tableaux involving an artificial breast, which Caesar placed upon his chest; it was later laid on the floor and kicked aside.
As viewers, we have plenty to revel in from these delightful narratives and detailed tableaux, and it's all too easy to forget the sly critique underlying such exquisite craft.
Opening with an extended skit that showcases some strong generational differences, the video becomes a vibrant tableaux against which Dumbfoundead's own likeness is slowly painted onto a neighborhood wall.
It relies on digitised videos and photos presented to the visitor in various creative ways: in interactive slideshows and 3D tableaux, on gesture-activated screens and as virtual reality.
Video manipulation, for example, could be used to scale realistic high-res characters like Lil' Miquela through accelerating the creation of new stories and tableaux for her to inhabit.
Armed with scissors and glue, Ernst performed meticulous surgery on 19th-century engravings— illustrations from Gothic romances, penny dreadfuls, mail order catalogues, and scientific texts — to create disquieting tableaux.
Nobody seemed very concerned with the purpose of all this, only with exploiting its effects, as we figured out collectively how to collage our frozen silhouettes into grotesque tableaux.
In his current exhibition TERRAoptics at Sepia Gallery, Vivan Sundaram has created tableaux with ceramic pottery shards from an archeological dig at Pattanam, in the Indian state of Kerala.
In the 21980s, Marshall began painting large group portraits on unstretched canvases outfitted with grommets for hanging on the wall — complex tableaux that can taken down and rolled up.
What he was able to do with the video was make the tableaux almost look composed in Photoshop, but it's for the most part all there in real life.
A privileged New York debutante, Eva studied classical subjects at Bryn Mawr and acted in ancient history-inspired "tableaux" at Bar Harbor, an island resort off the coast of Maine.
But Sutu properly cut his teeth on Tilt Brush with SUTUWERLD, which features a sequence of 21st century tableaux vivants that give participants the sense they're actually stepping into paintings.
Airbrushed men and women in advertising-style tableaux, balanced against exposed black matting in black frames, feel curiously weightless, while a low glass table with sharp corners is positively disorienting.
Schlemmer's ambition for creating dancing tableaux vivants was to renew the art theories of his time through a combination of Gropius's gesamtkunstwerk thinking and humanist ideas stemming from the Renaissance.
Brown was a voracious collector of outsider art and cultural ephemera, and the eclectic tableaux on the second floor at Kavi Gupta illuminated his playful and cartoony paintings on the first.
Shot in 1978, when the artist was in her early 30s, the series marks the beginning of what came to be Skoglund's signature style of staged, surreal, and carefully pigmented tableaux.
Many shots have the feel more of portraits or tableaux than conventional movie blocking, with close-ups on faces and coordinated swatches of color: red, blue, purple and lots of pink.
Brock's tiny tableaux would be impressive merely as works of miniature; the fact that they are executed entirely in glass (with just a few metal details) pushes them over to mind-melting.
Troy is credited with establishing the painting genre known as tableaux de mode (paintings of fashionable society), which depicts the lifestyle and social mores of the French elites in the 18813th century.
Ivo, Ludmilla, Adalbert, Cyril and Methodius, John of Nepomuk, Sigismund and Wenceslas and others are each arranged in tableaux commemorating events and stories that require a history Ph.D. thesis to fully comprehend.
Ms. Senot's father ran a sober computer-network maintenance business from the ex-brothel's big ground floor room, where many years before the elaborate "tableaux vivants" — or living pictures — amused ogling customers.
Scored for three harpists, three pianists and three percussionists, the exuberant piece, composed late in his career, is a vivid example of Mr. Boulez's gift for using inventive instrumentation to create kaleidoscopic tableaux.
Diane von Furstenberg eschewed the traditional runway format in favor of tableaux vivants; Prabal Gurung took the city girl to the woods with a winter-white and berry palette and feather motifs. 5.
It sees a variety of drills from about 25 marching and mounted contingents, around 20 military bands, various military vehicles, 30 cultural tableaux, nearly 30 aircrafts, state-wise cultural performers, and 1,200 schoolchildren.
One grasps at legacy tableaux: office towers emptied of bankers, lawyers, and accountants; crypto-utopian settlements on hurricane-ravaged Caribbean islands; open-air barns out on the steppes, stacked with bitcoin-mining computers.
On a recent night, in the Americana glow of a nearby McDonald's sign, a mustachioed man adorned in ponderous rings and wearing little oval sunglasses slowly drained his glass and observed the tableaux.
They deliver a contemporary jolt to long-familiar tableaux and allow us to see what Winogrand himself was actually seeing: A city, a world, as alive as the one you walked out into today.
Harris invokes Ntozake Shange's term "choreopoem" to describe a collagelike construction that incorporates free verse, choral speaking, dance, tableaux vivants and (in his case, not hers) text message chains about getting gonorrhea in Berlin.
Björk's a singer/songwriter who thinks like a composer and operates like a DJ. She writes abstract but emotionally invested songs, considers them as broad tableaux, then assembles them from stacking disparate parts together.
McDermott, in collaboration with the set designer Tom Pye and the costume designer Kevin Pollard, achieved another wonder here: many tableaux played like cinematic reënactments of Egyptian friezes in motion, with surreal anachronisms intermingled.
From the McCarthy hearings through Watergate, Iran-contra and the Clinton impeachment, the American public has become quite familiar with the tableaux of the congressional investigation and the serious business that can be involved.
The result, Marc Chagall, Flowers, and the French Riviera: The Color of Dreams, may sound initially gimmicky but gains conceptual momentum the further one explores the living tableaux staged within the Selby conservatory and grounds.
In the case of Visions from India, it took me some time to identify a thread of emotional dissonance arising in response to the tableaux, grouped in galleries on all three floors of the building.
Experiencing these predawn tableaux late last summer, it was as if one city block's worth of mid-20th-century Americana had seeped from a well-preserved Kodachrome photo onto the streets of the West Village.
The culmination of this part of his career came in the form of a plan for an elaborate set of tableaux, the "Panthéon-Nadar," in which all the notables of France were to parade, comically.
Throughout the process she's very aware of the slowed-down, patiently analog nature of what she does—that is, until she recommits the picture to digital photographs, unleashing them online, and dismantling her clay tableaux.
Carols at St. Patrick's Cathedral are an annual Christmas highlight, as is the Moving Crib at St. Martin Apostolate's, a "nativity tableaux told through handcrafted moving figures" that has been around for more than 236 years.
He's currently teaching two of his daughters how to paint the detail-filled tableaux of history and legend that the region is famous for, and is hoping to build a whole school for the art form.
When their husbands filled their wunderkammers, or cabinets of curiosities, with treasures they had looted conquistadoring around the world, wealthy European women created bittersweet tableaux that seemed to exalt their domestic power while accentuating its limits.
Every vote for National Rifle Association-backed candidates increases the likelihood of more such tableaux, because certain politicians on this issue have shown they have no more conscience than the weapons they make so very available.
These trends had first appeared in the 21 Chinese Avant-Garde show at the National Gallery in Beijing through Wang Guangyi's series of Mao paintings, as well as his gray tableaux, "Death of Marat" from 251.
Yet, whether shooting in jaundiced interiors or verdant, autumnal exteriors, Bakatakis ensures that The Lobster is never less than beautiful to behold as he employs a series of painterly tableaux intensified by patient, barely perceptible zoom-ins.
In my mind, beehives have always belonged outside country homes filled with brightly colored gardens, where bees bounce from blossom to bud in tableaux that are as impossibly effortless and idyllic as a Martha Stewart gardening spread.
This Italian director creates masterful living tableaux that often draw from classical and religious themes, and summon tectonic, elemental forces — the striking visuals are sometimes accompanied by deafening soundscapes, and sometimes unfurl in a quasi-mystical quiet.
Their slow-moving tableaux dwarf any human presence, leaving audiences with enigmatic, elemental images — a shadowy army of frozen figures melting before our eyes, say, or a lonely performer struggling in a vortex of fan-powered winds.
McQueen arranges his actors in a series of long-held, reluctantly pretty tableaux, as mannered as a landscape of the Hudson River School—as something, in other words, that Northup might have had the cultivation to appreciate.
The "tableaux vivants" highlighted the collection's architectural tailoring, combining romantically draped wraps, futurist utilitarian vests, assorted animal patterns (taken from Mr. Dior's first collection) and original prints — some referencing the Mona Lisa — by the artist Raymond Pettibon.
Instead of a florid tableaux in which you look like Khaleesi stooping to scatter millet for the teeming indigents of Slaver's Bay to snarl and grub over, try a cute Starbucks selfie that shows off your new hat.
If Gary Winogrand's black-and-white work, featured in the previously mentioned Vice article, is steeped in the energy of the city streets, then Evelyn Hofner's color images are crystalized scenes of tableaux vivants, rich in vibrancy and tone.
His new Oh Magic Night exhibition at the Hong Kong Contemporary Art Foundation (HOCA) runs like a survey of his artistic development within the purview of certain themes in his work like mythological guardians, fictional tableaux, and ornate abstractions.
Its successor, "Steps"—which David Foster Wallace later described as a "collection of unbelievably creepy little allegorical tableaux done in a terse elegant voice that's like nothing else anywhere ever"—won the National Book Award for fiction in 1969.
Brown was a voracious collector of outsider art and cultural ephemera, and the eclectic tableaux on the second floor at Kavi Gupta contain a great deal of information that bears directly on his playful and cartoony paintings on the first.
Often painted to the strains of classical music, these images are engrossing portals to strange worlds that combine the terror tableaux of Bruegel with the van mural fantasy of Frank Frazetta, making for a distinctive body of work worthy of attention.
In the photographic series Tales of Lost Time (2001), appropriately exhibited in the same room with a Cindy Sherman's "Film Still" (1978), Mamyshev-Monroe dresses up as some of Russia's and the world's iconic figures, staged in humorous tableaux vivants.
The result is a series of tableaux, as Georgiou calls them, that tell the stories of these environments and communities, highlighting the economic and racial contexts of each parade as well as modern-day codes of behavior in these groups.
The figures of his installations are placed in animated poses that make for provocative tableaux: engaged in debate around a table, immobilized by the weight of enormous stacks of books or suitcases, or aggressively confronting a rival with a firearm.
And later that year, in our performance of the "stations of the cross," a narrated tableaux of Jesus on his day of crucifixion, I played the angel who greeted Mary Magdalene when she looked for Jesus at the tomb where he'd been buried.
Just like that, it becomes one more part of the whole tableaux—a question to be fielded at the same podiums that video games reproduce so you can feel just like a real athlete and answer the same questions, only more anodyne.
As Weems tells it, the idea of making a series of tableaux vivants about a woman's life began with an evening with a man and a chance shot at her kitchen table, the expository triangle of light demarcating a kind of domestic stage.
Poisoned husbands, heartbroken suicides, gaunt innocents so consumed by illness that they wander into the street and get run over by a car: Gorey depicted their grisly deaths, and often their hollow-eyed ghosts, in meticulously crosshatched tableaux that resembled Victorian engravings.
Over in the extra-bold category, look for the psychologically charged, drippy-trippy, semi-abstract tableaux in various media of the Japanese artist Issei Nishimura, a reclusive painter and prolific maker of drawings who lives in Nagoya, the center of Japan's automotive industry.
So when I began to work with other women, who were mostly my friends, family members, and lovers, using my tableaux as backdrops for their portraits, I wanted them to engage with the space, just as an actress would entering a theatrical stage.
The soul-sinking dread seeping through Gironcoli's imagery, propelled by the force of history and underscored by the occasional swastika, cropping up like a horsefly in your pastry, amid the tableaux of dogs, men, and baboons, is emphatically more now than then.
Fleshing out these stories are tableaux with life-size mannequins that recreate telling moments: the toppling of a statue of King George in New York; a meeting of the leaders of the Oneida Indian Nation as they debate whether to join the colonists' struggle.
And although photography is now her primary medium—Allchurch best known for her intricate photo collages based on Old Master paintings—that sculptural background can still be glimpsed in the way she digitally assembles hundreds of photographs into fantastical tableaux of British buildings and monuments.
We watched strange emoji tableaux flash across the club's video screens: a throbbing, sobbing emoji synching with a sad lyric, a smiley face whose pupils were hands flipping the bird, an emoji-with-a-body dancing amid cartoon cash stacks, hot dogs, and ibuprofen.
Where the first season was all white backgrounds with the Handmaid reds screaming against them, the new Handmaid's Tale is working with a bluer palette: all those lush floral tableaux like the ones at this week's baby shower, with something twisted and traumatic lurking underneath.
Though there are several other pieces in Wiharso's solo exhibition Promising Land, including the frieze-type sculptures he has become known for, they don't interest me nearly as much as the semi-narrative tableaux depicted in "Double Protection" and echoed by "Golden Sweat" (2014–16).
A current show at Sperone Westwater of some of his last works, with a few early gems thrown in, won't exalt his reputation, but its antic perversity—with flatly painted, surreal tableaux, wizardly in composition, of toy medieval knights on fabric-armored horses—is well worth witnessing.
Projected on an entire wall of a dark, carpeted room, it reenacts the journey of the train that carried Robert Kennedy's coffin to Washington D.C. As the train lumbers along the rails, we see tableaux of people beside the tracks, arranged as if in Fusco's photographs.
Buchinger won popularity, too, by playing musical instruments, building tableaux of objects in bottles, loading and firing guns, doing magic tricks with cups and balls, and bowling—"knocking down pins on which a glass of liquor was balanced without missing a drop," according to one witness.
His creations were 19th-century tableaux of dense imagery often based on literary and historical storytelling, such as the medieval world of Ivanhoe, or Freaks of Fable that involved monsters from around the world, including ogres and the Roc bird of prey from Southwest Asian mythology.
These works represent just one category of subjects for Hocking as a photographer; others include scrappers, bad graffiti, abandoned boats, nocturnal tableaux, and oddities that punctuate Detroit's varied landscape, even as waves of development drive the city to increasingly become a part of the normal run of mainstream existence.
There are beautiful images of crashing waves, sunsets, and dolphins swimming juxtaposed with black and white images of people setting sail long ago and sailors dancing on deck, along with tableaux of actors in old-fashioned clothes, standing by the shore with abandoned items: a clock, chairs, a table.
When the court indulged itself or its visitors with one of its elaborate tableaux vivants, Indian faces were prominent on the stage, and indeed in the tableau of the king of Egypt, pictured in this book, the Pharaonic ruler himself was played by none other than — the munshi!
Recycling canvases to make new artworks was also a habit of Magritte's (and a common practice among painters); given the fact that the locations of a number of his paintings are still unknown, it's probable that other pieces of long-unseen artworks still lie hidden beneath celebrated tableaux.
She'll also show a number of more recent large-scale paintings in which, inspired by the freewheeling cartoonish tableaux made by the abstract expressionist Philip Guston late in his life, she's liberated her subjects, once trapped in tightly cropped close-ups, to wander in acid green fields and misty clearings.
Most of the scenes run five minutes or more, composed in long takes that follow a restless array of characters through apartments and corridors, alleys and courtyards, train stations and industrial wastelands—but the kinetic cinematography (by Fan Chao) freezes into tense, painterly tableaux of bitter confrontations pregnant with violence.
The images of the fires are a cross between "Mad Max" and "On the Beach": thousands driven onto beaches in a dull orange haze, crowded tableaux of people and animals almost medieval in their strange muteness — half-Bruegel, half-Bosch, ringed by fire, survivors' faces hidden behind masks and swimming goggles.
La chambre d'écho résonnant particulièrement fort sur les réseaux sociaux, il y a fort à parier que les posts commentant avec une infinie patience les biais de raisonnement des individus qui consignent les apparitions de ptérosaures dans des tableaux Excel... ne seront jamais lus par ceux à qui ils s'adressent.
This painting (among others in the show) recalls the work of Martin Johnson Heade, the nineteenth-century American painter whose delightfully contrived tableaux typically include closely observed examples of flowers and birds in the extreme foreground, set against a panorama of the species' native habitat — often, tropical jungles — with no sign of civilization in sight.
Tod's presentation, held last week in a pavilion set up over the tennis court at the Villa Necchi Campiglio in Milan, involved a series of tableaux vivants reminiscent of the images of elegant locals, mainly nobles, photographed for "Italian Portraits," a volume commissioned some years ago by Diego della Valle, chairman and owner of Tod's Group.
Using both emblematic designs (Elsa Schiaparelli's iconic shoe hat, say, or a famous sheath dress designed by the seminal 20th-century dressmaker Madeleine Vionnet) and ordinary suits from his own wardrobe, installed in ghostly tableaux, Mr. Saillard explores an element of costume ignored by most installations devoted to the subject: that is, the bodies that once inhabited the clothes.
In his nighttime tableaux of bar and party store exteriors (the "party store" being Detroit's answer to the bodega), makeshift basketball hoops on residential streets, and unmarked buildings, Jordano beautifully handles another truth about Detroit, one that I, as a much less professional photographer, continue to find challenging: it is hard to get a wide enough angle to capture the essence of Detroit.
The work "in Pursuit of Venus [infected]" (2015–2017) is a looping 64-minute installation that casts a variety of actors and Indigenous Pacific cultural practitioners — some chanting or dancing, others relaxing, painting, studying, or arguing — in 70 tableaux that may or may not have taken place between European explorers and peoples in Hawaii, Australia, New Zealand, Tahiti, Tonga, Palau, and elsewhere across Oceania.
"We're not that different," ventured Rudolph, who has been a longtime fan of Beecroft's work, which has recently included a pair of fashionable tableaux — one a nod to the craftsmanship of Tod's leather goods with Karlie Kloss lying on a table swathed in saddle-covered pelts, the other a mythical reimagining of a refugee camp, with more than a thousand street-casted models, for Yeezy by Kanye West.
The groupings of mummies bear a relationship to such regional Italian artistic traditions as the terra cotta tableaux, found mostly in northern Italy, that illustrate the life of Christ, or the Misteri of Trapani, a city on Sicily's northwestern coast, comprised of life-size wood-and-fabric sculptures recounting the Passion, which are carried by teams of men, 20-strong each, in the city's annual Good Friday procession.
Kudzanai Chiurai's We Live in Silence (2017) is a series of tableaux vivants reflecting on Zimbabwe's complicated relationships to American politics, Christian biblical stories, and African history; Zina Saro-Wiwa's Table Manners (2014–19) depicts eight people on eight screens eating homemade Nigerian meals, offering commentary on the effect of Big Oil on Nigeria's agriculture; and Mikhael Subotzky's video installation WYE (2016), filmed on a nature preserve, follows three characters navigating post-Apartheid South Africa.
Seven dancers — men and women alike dressed in black sports bras and hyper-color Lycra tights, later donning T-shirts printed with their own faces — perform movements in that pastiche way McNamara has become known for; they form tableaux, they line up like a blasé chorus line, they move in canon, they prance, they body-roll, they make staccato angular arm gesticulations, they smack their hips with their fists like video clip backup dancers, and they take a break to drink water from water bottles in a severely formalized manner.
Mine prominently includes, alongside the pieces I've already mentioned, works by Edgar Degas ("Like Life" might justly be picketed were it lacking "The Little Fourteen-Year-Old Dancer," modelled circa 1880 and cast in 1922), Augustus Saint-Gaudens (poignant busts in white marble and in pigmented wax, made in the mid-eighteen-nineties to memorialize the deceased young wife of a patron), Auguste Rodin (the uncanny glass "Mask of Hanako," depicting the face of a Japanese actress, from 1911), and Duane Hanson (from 1969-70 and 1984, hyperrealistic tableaux, starring a frowsy working-class housewife and a weary housepainter, that curiously become ever more affecting as their period looks recede in time).

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