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100 Sentences With "simulacra"

How to use simulacra in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "simulacra" and check conjugation/comparative form for "simulacra". Mastering all the usages of "simulacra" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The video, inspired in part by PKD's novel The Simulacra, in which a political leader is an android (simulacra), grew out of the pair's live audiovisual project, Centaure.
Handball is kind of like a simulacra of a team sport.
Or is it what one scientist called a simulacra, an imitation fossil?
According to Baudrillard, "simulacra" have come to displace realities in human understanding.
Simulacra of persuasion are just something occasionally required to placate the media.
We live in a world where cultural simulacra are as real as reality.
Baudrillard popularized the world "simulacra" to describe the unreality this puts us in.
However stock, the dialogue and action were experienced as both simulacra and actual occurrences.
"Simulacra" (Yale), her first collection, doesn't feel like an anthology of distractions or novelties.
Elsewhere, she builds free-standing ruins and fills the walls with simulacra of bloody guts.
The essence of such performance is the deadly sincerity with which the simulacra is delivered.
Russian politics consists entirely of simulations and simulacra; its political dramas are a complete sham.
Foy emphasizes that what you're seeing in First Man is an accurate simulacra of Janet herself.
It is nevertheless the map that precedes the territory—precession of simulacra—that engenders the territory.
But creating these simulacra of the book's characters, however accurately, is not the same as dramatizing them.
In Baudrillard's terms, Trump is a simulacra businessman, a copy of a reality that has no real existence.
Over all, the brand offered watered-down simulacra of luxury goods, accessibly priced, elite-seeming but poorly made.
Eventually, camera in hand, she decided to seek out the original places on which these simulacra were based.
Both the bar and the hotel are theatrical simulacra of a glamorous Art Deco watering hole and hostelry.
Social media is rife with cliched images, we're all guilty of it, churning out simulacra into the digital abyss.
The stage show eschews realism for hyperrealism; fluorescent colors and bold imagery, clinical and forensic, all simulacra and simulation.
"No art lover wants to see a replica Rembrandt, a fake Freud, or a simulacra of Seurat," he sniffed.
There are leaves to rake, scary movies to watch, and houses to be festooned with acres of spiderweb simulacra.
There will also be striking visual effects, including pyrotechnics and simulacra of "Game of Thrones" sites like Castle Black.
At the San Francisco Tussauds outpost, cast your gaze on wool-ensconced simulacra of Lorde, Sam Smith and Ed Sheeran.
Baby Girl and Lola 2.0 even host a joint video together in a perfect virtual simulacra of Alice's bedroom (creepy).
The only difference is that it will not be a person that they are interacting with but rather a simulacra.
Rather—the more direct the sloganeered simulacra, the better, the more the foe resembled an action movie villain, the easier.
By now, most Americans recognize that Westernized basics like chop suey and General Tso's are compromised simulacra of authentic Chinese food.
They seemed to emerge overnight: white walls and rounded fonts and bleacher seating, matte simulacra of a world they had replaced.
At that point, most of what the world will have access to is this kind of simulacra, rather than the lived experience.
I've been having this debate for years with my mother, a hard-liner on the question of soil-grown flowers versus simulacra.
This simulacra comes equipped with Wi-Fi, air conditioning, and a nearby, 1,500-seat restaurant that serves comfort food and gluten-free options.
Hard on its luck, the instrument company transitions from making electronic keyboards to robotic simulacra of Civil War-era figures like Abraham Lincoln.
Costing up to $1.5 million and taking months to construct, these highly detailed alpine simulacra appeal to urban Koreans' love of natural scenery.
From the biological simulacra to the digital fauna, Stephen describes these interconnected systems as if they were hewn directly from their real life counterparts.
But a closer match is the empire Ralph Lauren built, where stylists scout thrift stores and old magazines, and produce simulacra of alternate worlds.
Maybe there really are giant pods waiting for the moment when simulacra of actual cabinet officers slip into the seats behind those big desks.
He published arguably his most famous book, Simulacra and Simulation, in 1981, in which he explored the consequences of living in a heavily mediated world.
It posits that cats stand in as useful simulacra for humans, that you can read the history of a place in the history of its cats.
The authentic nature of the products we make with our hands and the relationships we make with our words have been removed, replaced by their simulacra.
It is as though Markovits constructed simulacra of human beings out of his data: this is what the numbers tell you that people must be like.
In doing so, he began feeling out the distinctive tensions between grubby anthropological narratives and serene mechanical simulacra that are so typical of our automated period.
Not only is the male flower a huge brown phallic rod; the female blossoms are simulacra of DD+ breasts, each with its own nectarlactating nipple-like ovule.
The otaku takes an obsessive interest in things, generally anime or manga, and inhabits a world of fetish and simulacra (not unlike those in the art world).
There are female gamers, though livestream firms mostly try to attract female viewers with video of young women singing, dancing and cracking jokes in winsome simulacra of teenage bedrooms.
Curry, more and more, is a simulacra, and to watch him play is to experience an unnerving confrontation with an increasingly unreal future built on technology and soft order.
Recall that high-rise thriller episode that looked like it was filmed as one long take, for example, or the series's perfect simulacra of 1990s sitcoms and 1980s slasher films.
The rest of the population — or the digitally created simulacra thereof — is required only to die en masse, to cower in terror, and to watch in wide-eyed, worshipful gratitude.
Now we have even more of these Disney simulacra to look forward to, from Aladdin — coming in May — to the hugely hyped, star-studded "photorealistic" CGI Lion King due this summer.
When such different artists as Sherrie Levine and Mike Bidlo created simulacra of modernist masterpieces, works all but indistinguishable from their sources, they questioned how critics could critically evaluate this achievement.
My first personal project, Talking Heads, was a series of portraits of a rare collection of ventriloquist dummies and an exploration of the ways we project our life force into simulacra.
Our nation's cities are—thanks to the triple-headed fun-sucker that is local councils, police forces, and government—increasingly homogenic, a deathly-dull simulacra of what city life should be.
" Or Elaine Sturtevant in 2004: "All current art is fake, not because it is copy, appropriation, simulacra, or imitation, but because it lacks the crucial push of power, guts, and passion.
"Years and Years" is harrowing because it's only half a step away from our present, where reality feels as if it's disintegrating under the weight of digital simulacra and epistemological nihilism.
Beto O'Rourke and Pete Buttigieg are outliers in all this; their chiseled typefaces look more like blue jeans branding than presidential logos, strange simulacra that evoke some vague, undefined middle-American nostalgia.
This is the kind of work we will share when we have so laid waste to the planet that most of what the world will have access to is this kind of simulacra.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads PARIS — With electronic digital simulacra, there is no longer a spent nostalgia for natural semblance: Warholian reproducibility is the fundamental logic and code of our information society.
And in place of caged elephants, there are wondrous puppet simulacra from the "War Horse" team, creatures of burlap and sorcery that caused several children in the audience to delightedly lose their minds.
If Nazi Germany and the Holocaust are props, simulacra of events rather than the real thing, then it becomes much easier to throw them around jokingly as part of a jocular culture war.
In recruiting them to his team, Trump has beefed up his presence in the realtime cable simulacra that seems to be the only aspect of the political system he knows or cares about.
On Sunday night's batshit crazy episode, "Les Écorchés," Robert Ford (Anthony Hopkins) made his return in the form of a simulacra of himself implanted in a Westworld server, and, later, in Bernard's host consciousness.
Hampered by evolving hardware and a medium with no set rules or audience expectations, most virtual reality experiences come off as either glorified tech demos, or simulacra of other, more established types of content.
And there's still plenty of other absurd simulacra to come: Cher, whose emoji-heavy Twitter account has become a gleefully retweeted presence in the online #resistance, is set to make an appearance later this season.
Drinking inside a simulacra glacier has proved to be a hugely popular tourist attraction—so much so that there's now a Minus 5 in New York City, a very different seasonal environment from Vegas, noted Bowman.
Look closer, and the faded denim jeans and shirt were actually trompe l'oeil silk; a pair of basket-woven pants, perforated leather; what seemed to be semiprecious stones on a vest, in fact, man-made simulacra.
Britton's pieces reflect the impractical, unstable architectural projects gentrifying cities like his native Baltimore (how could the community see long-lasting benefits from, say, a gigantic Caribbean lagoon simulacra?), making the internal ugliness more readily visible.
Sure, the parallels are there: you're a drug addled, paranoid science fiction writer in Berkeley; your wife has left you (Dick himself was divorced five times); the game is laden with motifs of uncertain realities and simulacra.
But the ketwurst is a special case because—and I hate to get all "I've got a degree" on you here—it is basically a pork-and-wheat interrogation of Jean Baudrillard's theory of Simulacra and Simulation.
The history of the idea that somebody could change from one sex to another is recent, dating from around 216, when German doctors treating male cross-dressers started trying to refashion male genitals into simulacra of female ones.
You could describe to someone what it's like to hang out with friends in VR platforms like VRchat and High Fidelity, simulacra that resist conventional description, or you could snap a photo and send it to a friend.
Paradoxically, the legal process tempts writers (notably Janet Malcolm, Garner's admired model) because trial machinery appears to operate like the machinery of narrative, pumping out its near-simulacra for the benefit of reporters, TV journalists, voyeurs, and jurors.
He devotes three chapters to lamenting the various simulacra of Venice around the world, including the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas, which he fears are "corrupting the real Venice's image of itself" by further reducing the city to caricature.
Trump and Stephen K. Bannon probably don't spend evenings poring over Jean Baudrillard's "Simulacra and Simulation" or Michel Foucault's "The Archaeology of Knowledge" (although Bannon's adviser, Julia Hahn, did write her undergraduate thesis on the psychoanalytic theorist Leo Bersani).
The most suggestive aspect of his Westworld was the way its theme park setting anticipated the philosopher Jean Baudrillard, whose research into consumerism led him to see Disneyland as a model for a world in which simulacra and simulation would displace nature.
As more websites cover the trend of "hair dryer chicken," it starts to feel like it's something worth covering or that it's actually part of a new culinary moment, when, really, like the many digital simulacra that have come before it, there's almost nothing there.
The Reality Based Training Association (RBTA), an advocacy group, proposes that these simulacra are the best way to prepare officers for future situations, "to approximate in a training setting any situation that might occur in an operational setting," the group says on its website.
Or, if one wants to go back to the Greeks (who doesn't?), it is the allegory of the cave: What we believe is the real world is nothing but the distorted shadows cast on the cave's wall by simulacra (statues and silhouettes) of actual objects.
It's over a bowl of real grapes, though, that the flies are crowding: For weeks, Ryan has been observing the fruits' slowly shriveling skins, now furrowed with mineral-green pastures of mold, in an effort to perfect her simulacra in amethyst, rose quartz and amazonite.
So why not use this little AI-powered tool to turn a photo of your face into a 3D model, then idly spin it round, pondering exactly how and when super-intelligent robots will liquidate your body and replace you with a perfect 3D-printed simulacra.
Indeed the artist cited to me as influence on her work, Jean Baudrillard's book of essays The Gulf War Did Not Take Place which makes the point that media representations made it hard to distinguish between the experience of what truly happened and its stylized simulacra. Excellent.
As simulacra, the plants only pass for the real thing at a glance, and often seem to be imaginary flora entirely, yet they still show the diversity of nature in this reflection, with cacti, succulents, lotus flowers, pine branches, and other forms among the mass-produced replicas.
Like the mutants the franchise is built upon, Fox's X-Men films have developed and honed in a superpower that's only gotten more powerful with time: squandering megawatt talent and boiling its rich array characters into one-note simulacra of their previous selves from earlier films.
EUSA's title is, clearly, a portmanteau of "EU" and "USA," and its subject matter is an exploration of cultural imitation taken to the extreme: America-themed parks in Europe and Europe-themed festivals in America, kitschy simulacra of eras and histories to which many attendees have little connection.
Meanwhile, the pod people in "Invasion of the Body Snatchers"—first in 1956 and then, with an added dash of humor from which Peele has learned, in 1978—morphed into us, mocking our social conformity and daring us to tell the difference between human simulacra and the real thing.
Land art was inherently anti-institutional — an artistic expression of man's smallness in the face of expressly inhospitable settings — whereas art parks are, ultimately, curated: meant to attract visitors into what its critics say are simulacra of museums, a partially controlled setting that happens to be out of doors.
Given Google's long experience in creating panoramic imagery for both Google Street View and its Expeditions virtual tours project, it could be that the search giant plans to put a VR camera in the hands of millions of users to help it more quickly construct a VR simulacra of the entire world.
The booth is key to the exhibition's refusal to distinguish between parody and reality: its collection of paintings, ceramics, and fabrics — dominated by a giant color photograph of the Trump Taj Mahal and presided over by a video simulacra of a bored gallerista — are indistinguishable from bona fide Art Basel Miami Beach tchotchkes.
Here's another thing we're playing at, with our rules and reviews and umpires: in the safe simulacra of these games we make, with the bearable stakes for winning and losing that we build into them, we also introduce the idea that all of it is in some way controllable, and controllable by us, ourselves.
In the interest of truth and time indeed telling all, let the following interviews —which have been condensed from separate conversations with the minds behind The Hills — finally offer some definitive answers about how producers carefully sculpted the show into a finely tuned simulacra of the various cast members' real lives during that time period.
The book is punctuated with snapshots of the couple's 18th Street loft, which looks just as you'd expect it to: flooded with light, full of houseplants, crammed with art and papers and meaningful bric-a-brac, the kind of New York homestead that seems only to live on in simulacra, as art-directed television location.
Certain works reference the country's current political situation, sometimes in crass ways, such as with Jeffery Vallance's Trump Pareidolia (2019), a two-channel video of slabs of meat and other substances that uncannily resemble Donald Trump — Vallance, an invited artist, sourced his imagery from the archives of a Facebook group established in 2016 to record Trump simulacra.
Imperium Simulacra, the latest mass of sludge from the San Francisco-based Black Cobra, a two piece comprised of guitarist/vocalist Jason Landrian and drummer Rafa Martinez, explores futurism and a society that is increasingly bound by technology, but when it came to the video for the single "Eye Among the Blind," the duo found inspiration in the past.
Having this experience of other people (or of fictional simulacra of people) is an annoyingly persistent habit of actual humans, no matter how many convincing theoretical arguments attempt to bracket and contain the impulse, to carefully unhook it from transcendental ideas, or simply to curse it by one of its many names: realism, humanism, naturalism, figuration.
As long as Donald Trump still had to go through the motions to fend off candidates whose campaigns had been reduced to simulacra, and as long as his opponents were clinging to the hope of defeating him at the GOP convention, their combat served as a kind of permission for reporters to treat Trump's campaign as the anomaly that it was.
In his essay "The Precession of Simulacra," the French savant Jean Baudrillard recalls the story by Jorge Luis Borges in which the Empire's cartographers spend years drawing up a map so detailed that when it is done it covers exactly the territory of the Empire, and imperial decline is plotted by the fraying of the map until only a few shreds remain.
Postmodernists, Heer wrote, describe a world where Fragmented sound bites have replaced linear thinking, where nostalgia ("Make America Great Again") has replaced historical consciousness or felt experiences of the past, where simulacra is indistinguishable from reality, where an aesthetic of pastiche and kitsch (Trump Tower) replaces modernism's striving for purity and elitism, and where a shared plebeian culture of vulgarity papers over intensifying class disparities.
Those who profit most handsomely in Washington have long benefited from organizations that will transform their naked financial interests into simulacra of compelling public interest, from think tanks that spout the views of their industry funders, to media outlets that will publish those industries' thin justifications for their greed—or partner with them to do boring but slick panels and festivals, where everyone pretends to listen and eats the free breakfast.
These writers describe a world where the visual has triumphed over the literary, where fragmented sound bites have replaced linear thinking, where nostalgia ("Make America Great Again") has replaced historical consciousness or felt experiences of the past, where simulacra is indistinguishable from reality, where an aesthetic of pastiche and kitsch (Trump Tower) replaces modernism's striving for purity and elitism, and where a shared plebeian culture of vulgarity papers over intensifying class disparities.
These works, which include a series of "soft guitars" rendered by Rogers in fabric and droopingly wall-mounted, a shelf filled with "Vinyl"-scented Yankee Candles, a trio of withered sausages on a long fork, representing the trio of "maybe-cops" watching an MMA fight at the bar, a kind of impossible sex-bike furnished with a dildo (represented in simulacra by a naughty cookie), a set of "family photos" hanging on Marty's wall that were redrawn by McCloughan, and a mysterious ladder to an attic trapdoor — into which Rogers was invited, but declined, understanding this to be a place of no escape.

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