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"recapitulates" Antonyms

130 Sentences With "recapitulates"

How to use recapitulates in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "recapitulates" and check conjugation/comparative form for "recapitulates". Mastering all the usages of "recapitulates" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Perhaps science, the presumably unique human invention, actually is an adaptation that simply recapitulates evolution.
"Good Times!" recapitulates the Monkees' arc from performers to singer-songwriters, keeping an uncomputerized 1960s sound.
And his friendship with Mitch recapitulates Manson's attempted lock on Dennis Wilson, the Beach Boys' drummer.
The highly influential conceptual artist Mel Bochner recapitulates his 50-year dalliance with the English thesaurus.
But the most important ways in which Mr. Trump recapitulates the winning themes of earlier Republicans are less direct.
But as far as I can tell, it recapitulates the same arguments I've heard from libertarian conservatives for years.
Their push-pull power game under the Alpine stars recapitulates some of the back-and-forth with Madame Sophie in Cairo.
Still, the fact that synthetic biology recapitulates some early aspects of the computer revolution should not lead people to ignore crucial differences.
"We know very well having studied tobacco advertising that Juul's marketing faithfully recapitulates the methods used by the tobacco industry to target young people," Jackler said. Rep.
The belief that humankind will eventually achieve lasting peace and happiness merely recapitulates Christianity's salvation history, in which the People of God will be redeemed at the end of days.
So whatever advances have been made in supportive parenting, the process by which a gay man finds himself and his people is much the same as it ever was: Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny.
The Slack discussion, which seemed to lack that generosity of spirit, troubles Gupta because it recapitulates the racial strife he knew from Staten Island and the Deep South—tensions that are now tearing apart American society.
Sanders's critique of Clinton in many ways recapitulates an old argument between Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt when both men were competing for a pool of progressive-minded voters in the odd three-way campaign of 1912.
On SoundCloud and Bandcamp, self-identified fascist musicians really have appropriated vaporwave, along with synthwave, a genre that nostalgically recapitulates the soundtracks of early video games like Sonic the Hedgehog and 80s movies like Blade Runner and Halloween.
Bonnie's damage intersects with that of Alyssa and James, and she joins them in a violent misadventure that recapitulates some of the motifs of the first season — aimless road tripping through a backwoods British countryside reminiscent of "Twin Peaks," severe harm to an adult male who probably deserves it.
This piece recapitulates online identities: the hierarchically dictated identities of the Domain Name System and certificate authorities, still in use today; the idealistic, impractical "Web of Trust" of PGP; OpenID and OAuth; argues that the next phase of identity is self-sovereign identity; and itemizes its ten core principles.
Mr. Morgan uses this premise to provide the ultimate in fan service — constructing an elaborate meta-story that recapitulates the history of the series, with a cracked version of "The Twilight Zone" as a framing device, and wallows in specific references to past "X-Files" installments (including "Clyde Bruckman's").
The other reason for the walk from Arthur Avenue is that it recapitulates a pattern that's repeated throughout this neighborhood, where the signs and menus facing the street are still written in Italian but many of the people in the back rooms, seasoning the sausages and frying the veal cutlets, are Albanian.
Anyone reasonably informed about current events won't be surprised by the installation, which mainly recapitulates the past three years of heinous developments in this realm — the administration's ban on immigration from select Muslim-majority countries, the bolstering of both the US/Mexico border wall and increased border patrols, the 2018 caravan of Central American migrants who were used as a wedge issue in the election, etc.
The idea that ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny has been applied to some other areas.
The movement recapitulates melodies and effects from previous movements including the "Hostias" and the "Introit".
An accessory auricle is considered a developmental anomaly resulting from the persistence of a structure which variably recapitulates the normal external ear.
This model not only recapitulates monoallelic OR expression but also elucidates how the olfactory system maximizes and maintains the diversity of OR expression.
The final section recapitulates some of the thematic material of the first section. At the end, the tension subsides, leaving room for ethereal harmonies and a conclusive ending.
It is also noteworthy that the orthotopic tumor model developed by Dr. Soloway is still the only tumor model that recapitulates the development of muscle invasive bladder cancer in patients.
S. rosetta can be induced to undergo sexual reproduction by the marine bacterium Vibrio fischeri. A single protein of V. fischeri, EroS, fully recapitulates the aphrodesiac-like activity of living V. fischeri.
As claimed in the opening prefaces, the text is "discovered" by the author. A hypertext encyclopedia also figures in the book, years before the invention of hypertext and three decades before the Web became part of society at large. The character Max Spielman is a parody of Ernst Haeckel, whose insight "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny" is rephrased as "ontogeny recapitulates cosmogeny" and "proctoscopy repeats hagiography".Mercer 1971: 7 The "riddle of the universe" is rephrased as "the riddle of the sphincters".
The third movement, the only slow movement, features call-and-response, and continues without pause into the finale, which recapitulates in turn the structures of the first three movements. A typical performance takes about 30 minutes.
It is worth doing. And he recapitulates in the > Epilogue. Watt (2003:11) sums up the divided critical reactions as "reflecting ... the complexity of both the poem itself, which invites conflicting interpretations and contradictory reactions, and its textual history".
Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Pp. 136–142 Since early in the twentieth century, Haeckel's "biogenetic law" has been refuted on many fronts. Haeckel formulated his theory as "Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny". The notion later became simply known as the recapitulation theory.
A sialoblastoma is a low-grade salivary gland neoplasm that recapitulates primitive salivary gland anlage. It has previously been referred to as congenital basal cell adenoma, embryoma, or basaloid adenocarcinoma. It is an extremely rare tumor, with less than 100 cases reported worldwide.
D3 agonists have been shown to disrupt prepulse inhibition of startle (PPI), a cross-species measure that recapitulates deficits in sensorimotor gating in neuropsychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia. In contrast, D3-preferring antagonists have antipsychotic-like profiles in measures of PPI in rats.
DBH, another copper-dependent enzyme, normally converts dopamine to norepinephrine, a crucial neurotransmitter in norepinephrinergic neurons. A natural mouse model of OHS, the so-called mottled blotchy model, recapitulates the connective tissue abnormalities, DBH deficiency and mild CNS damage seen in humans.
"Amahuaca" listed in "Panoan" group, "south central". Subsequently, the issue has been addressed by several different writers, with opinions divided.Beyer (2009) at 227, 302. Jonathan Ott, an expert on entheogenic drugs including ayahuasca, recapitulates Carneiro's essay and seconds his conclusions.Ott (1993) at 234–37.
The energetic fourth movement recapitulates and develops material from the end of the second, with brisk chords intersected by short chromatic runs. These chromatic sequences come to dominate as the movement progresses, taking over from the earlier chord stabs and steering the movement into its closing theme.
Guðrúnarkviða I, II and III are three different heroic poems in the Poetic Edda with the same protagonist, Gudrun. In Guðrúnarkviða I, Gudrun finds her dead husband Sigurd. She cries and laments her husband with beautiful imagery. In Guðrúnarkviða II, she recapitulates her life in a monologue.
Il vero modo di scrivere in cifra ... 1564. Foreword. Bellaso's third book was printed in 1564 and dedicated to Alessandro Farnese. It recapitulates the preceding ciphers, with many new variations with regard to their usage. All tables are used with or without countersigns or index letters.
The Credo is structured in three parts, the center being formed by an Adagio for the birth, suffering and death of Jesus, delivered by the choir mostly in homophony, accompanied by broken chords in the violins and repetition in the bass. The third section recapitulates music from the Gloria.
The CALCRL or CLR KO mouse recapitulates the same phenotype, as it lacks both the AM1 and AM2 receptors (incidentally confirming the lack of physiological significance for the earlier single protein AM receptor discovered by Kapas). RAMP2 KO mice also recapitulates the same phenotype showing that major physiological effects of AM are transduced by the AM1 receptor. Even the heterozygote RAMP 2 mice have disturbed physiology with unusual bone and mammary gland defects, and very aberrant endocrinology, leading to poor fertility and lactation problems. What is very surprising is that the effect of deletion of RAMP3 has no deleterious effects and seems to confer advantages due to higher than normal bone mass, and reduced weight gain in older age.
The psychiatrist Anthony Stevens called The Origins and History of Consciousness, "a great but misguided book". Stevens argues that Neumann's assumptions that ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny, that preliterate human beings were "unconscious", and that Western consciousness has been subjected to different selection pressures to that of other civilized populations, are fallacious and biologically untenable.
The longest track, "Sphinx Lightning"', recapitulates every style explored by Tangerine Dream over the previous decade. The album title refers to Hyperborea, a mythical, idyllic land in the Ancient Greek tradition, supposedly located far to the north of Thrace and where it was claimed the sun shone twenty-four hours a day.
Dann habe ich umsonst gelebt is the fourth studio album by the Austrian electronic music band L'Âme Immortelle. It is a concept album based on the thoughts of a dying man who recapitulates his life. The album's title in German language refers to the man's final question whether he has lived to no avail.
László Marton depicting the nine stags Cantata Profana is divided into three continuous movements: the first movement describes the hunt and the magic transformation, while the second movement recounts the father's search for his sons and his encounter with them. The third movement recapitulates the narrative. The overall ABA' structure exemplifies Bartók's use of palindromic, or arch, form.Antokoletz, Elliott.
Comparing with cells from other lineage, the in vitro differentiation of fat cells is authentic and recapitulates most of the characteristic feature of in vivo differentiation. The key features of differentiated adipocytes are growth arrest, morphological change, high expression of lipogenic genes and production of adipokines like adiponectin, leptin, resistin (in the mouse, not in humans) and TNF-alpha.
This indicates intercellular signaling that better recapitulates WAT organogenesis. This MLM for 3D co-culturing creates adipospheres appropriate for WAT modeling ex vivo and provides a new platform for functional screens to identify molecules bioactive toward individual adipose cell populations. It can also be adopted for WAT transplantation applications and aid other approaches to WAT- based cell therapy.
First edition The Economics of Innocent Fraud: Truth for Our Time was Harvard economist John Kenneth Galbraith's final book, published by Houghton Mifflin in 2004. It is a 62-page essay that recapitulates themes—such as the dominance of corporate power in the public sector and the role of advertising in shaping consumer demand—found in earlier works.
This ploidy shift coincides with mating during which small, flagellated cells fuse with larger flagellated cells. There is also evidence of historical mating and recombination in S. rosetta. S. rosetta is induced to undergo sexual reproduction by the marine bacterium Vibrio fischeri. A single V. fischeri protein, EroS fully recapitulates the aphrodisiac-like activity of live V. fisheri.
During the late 19th century, Ernst Haeckel's recapitulation theory, or "biogenetic fundamental law", was widely accepted. It was often expressed as "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny", i.e. the development of a single organism during its lifetime, from germ to adult, successively mirrors the adult stages of successive ancestors of the species to which it belongs. But this theory has long been rejected.
The opening ostinato derives from the opening of a similar Reich piece, Music for 18 Musicians (1976). Out of the synthetic pulses arises a simple melody which repeats in phase with other groupings of clarinets. The use of interlocking repeated melodic patterns, according to Reich, echoes his earlier works Piano Phase (1967) and Violin Phase (1967). The theme recapitulates the pulses in an identical harmonic progression.
In 1828, Karl Ernst von Baer created his laws of embryology, which summarized the results of his comparative embryogenesis studies. In his first law, he proposed that the more general characters of a group appear earlier in their embryos than the more special characters. In 1866, Ernst Haeckel proposed that each developing organism passes through the evolutionary stages of its ancestors, i.e., ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny.
Anonymity provides to rational individuals a feeling of invincibility and the loss of personal responsibility. An individual becomes primitive, unreasoning, and emotional. This lack of self-restraint allows individuals to "yield to instincts" and to accept the instinctual drives of their "racial unconscious". For Le Bon, the crowd inverts Darwin's law of evolution and becomes atavistic, proving Ernst Haeckel's embryological theory: "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny".
The human genome has a layered structure and (up to a point) recapitulates the history of our human lineage. The oldest and deepest strata of our nature represent the living functions common to all life on Earth. Subsequent strata reflect later novelties. The newest layers are devoted to the most recent acquisitions, like bipedalism, grip of precision, large brain cortex, language and other abstract or recursive cognitive processes.
It recapitulates the early steps of human brain development during the first trimester and has been used by many other research groups. Organoid models enable researches to perform studies directly on human tissues that can be grown from any human individual. They allow scientists to efficiently transfer research findings from fruit flies and animal models to human tissues and thus to investigate heritable genetic brain diseases on human tissue.
Eventually, the work introduces a second, more tense melody in F minor, which builds up into a passage of constant quavers. The development of the movement runs through various minor keys, ever becoming more dramatic and angst-filled as it compresses the main theme into a repeated one-bar rhythm, which gradually fades away. It then recapitulates back into the themes of the beginning. The Andante movement is in D minor.
Ernst Haeckel formulated his recapitulation theory in 1867, which stated that "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny": the evolution of each individual reproduces the species' evolution, such as in the development of embryos. Hence, a child goes through all the steps from primitive society to modern society. This was later discredited. Haeckel did not support Darwin's theory of natural selection introduced in The Origin of Species (1859), rather believing in a Lamarckian inheritance of acquired characteristics.
The Darwinian Revolution. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Embryology theories of Ernst Haeckel and Karl Ernst von Baer compared Haeckel advanced a version of the earlier recapitulation theory previously set out by Étienne Serres in the 1820s and supported by followers of Étienne Geoffroy Saint- Hilaire including Robert Edmond Grant. It proposed a link between ontogeny (development of form) and phylogeny (evolutionary descent), summed up by Haeckel in the phrase "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny".
The young men become boisterous, and even start talking about topics such as fertility, contraception and abortion. There is also a suggestion that Milly, Bloom's daughter, is in a relationship with one of the young men, Bannon. They continue on to a pub to continue drinking, following the successful birth of a son to Mina Purefoy. This chapter is remarkable for Joyce's wordplay, which, among other things, recapitulates the entire history of the English language.
The choral ode from the Antigone of Sophocles is according to Heidegger the singular work radiating throughout the poetry of Hölderlin.Heidegger (1996), p. 51. Heidegger had previously interpreted this ode in his 1935 lecture course, An Introduction to Metaphysics, and in 1942 he both recapitulates and extends this interpretation. Like "Der Ister," the ode begins with a call to the dawning sun, yet it is clear the ode is equally concerned with darkness.
The 1960 film School for Scoundrels recapitulates many of the "one-up" ideas, and extends them to "Woo-manship", meaning the art of manipulative seduction of women. The script was adapted by Peter Ustinov from Potter's books. The film starred Ian Carmichael as the innocent in need of Professor Potter's teaching, Alastair Sim as Potter, Terry-Thomas, Dennis Price and Peter Jones as exemplars of one- upmanship.The Times, 25 April 1959, p.
He recapitulates the events leading to Alexis's negotiations with the Crusaders. Compare this to Robert de Clari's account of the Fourth Crusade. His Crusade is more than just a Holy War, it is an event of such great magnitude that he must recapture it within his work in lengthy detail and describe the actors. Villehardouin describes the Doge of Venice (Enrico Dandolo) as a blind man who valiantly leads his men into battle.
Ontogeny and Phylogeny is a 1977 book on evolution by Stephen Jay Gould, in which the author explores the relationship between embryonic development (ontogeny) and biological evolution (phylogeny). Unlike his many popular books of essays, it was a technical book, and over the following decades it was influential in stimulating research into heterochrony, changes in the timing of embryonic development, which had been neglected since Ernst Haeckel's theory that ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny had been largely discredited.
Only during high floods can a portion of the creek's waters surmount the floodgate and return to the original channel. Therefore, the Diversion Channel effectively reconnects Permanente Creek to the Stevens Creek watershed. This recapitulates the 1862 Allardt Map of the San Francisco & San Jose Railroad which shows Permanente Creek (Arroyo Permanente) as a tributary of Stevens Creek (then Cupertino Creek) (see inset). This is significant ecologically, because Stevens Creek still hosts an anadromous steelhead trout run.
High School Cadets is in the form of a regimental march, consisting of four repeated musical strains with a short introduction: I-AA-BB-CC-DD. An alternate form plays all four strains without repeats, and then recapitulates the whole march (minus the introduction): I-ABCD-ABCD. This variant is popular with marching bands and was also used by the Edison Military Band in their 1907 recording. (see Recordings) Second (B) strain of High School Cadets, 1st Cornet part.
Finally, the third part (thirteen visions) recapitulates the history of salvation told in the first two parts, symbolized as a building adorned with various allegorical figures and virtues. It concludes with the Symphony of Heaven, an early version of Hildegard's musical compositions.SCIVIAS. In early 1148, a commission was sent by the Pope to Disibodenberg to find out more about Hildegard and her writings. The commission found that the visions were authentic and returned to the Pope, with a portion of the Scivias.
Ex serviceman Jeffrey Dolan is held incarcerated in a New Jersey jail, suspected of murder. He gets a visit from a night club singer, Dolores Starr, and recapitulates the events leading him to his current miserable situation. Not long ago Jeffrey was an Air Force clerk stationed in London. He shared a bomb shelter with a British man he calls "The Old Duffer", and tells the man about his wonderful wife Annie and her exquisite cakes, for which he longs.
This system of replicating > clays and their metabolic phenotype then evolved into the sulfide rich > region of the hotspring acquiring the ability to fix nitrogen. Finally > phosphate was incorporated into the evolving system which allowed the > synthesis of nucleotides and phospholipids. If biosynthesis recapitulates > biopoiesis, then the synthesis of amino acids preceded the synthesis of the > purine and pyrimidine bases. Furthermore, the polymerization of the amino > acid thioesters into polypeptides preceded the directed polymerization of > amino acid esters by polynucleotides.
It can also be caused by a range of intravenous crystal treatments in those susceptible to the disorder. A transgenic mouse has been created carrying a single copy of a mutant fibrillin-1, a mutation similar to that found in the human gene known to cause MFS. This mouse strain recapitulates many of the features of the human disease and promises to provide insights into the pathogenesis of the disease. Reducing the level of normal fibrillin 1 causes a Marfan-related disease in mice.
Gurney's two great study objects were the Copepoda and the larvae of Decapoda, and his greatest works were the three-volume monograph British Freshwater Copepoda, published by the Ray Society in 1931–1933, and his Larvae of Decapod Crustacea published by the Ray Society in 1942. Perhaps through the influence of Garstang, Gurney rejected Ernst Haeckel's biogenetic law (that "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny"), preferring Garstang's concept of paedomorphosis as an explanation for the similarities between copepods and decapod larvae. Gurney was, however, very tentative in his speculations.
Then, explaining the history of Santa Claus on the way, she walks with them and the rest of the villagers in a candlelit procession to church ("Chansons Tous le Plus Haut") for Midnight Mass ("He Shall Feed His Flock", "Alleluia"), before she takes them home again and puts them to bed with a lullaby ("Silent Night"). A concluding Christmas morning sequence recapitulates the highlights of the film (reprise of "The Twelve Days of Christmas") and offers up several humorous outtakes before the credits roll (reprise of "Alleluia").
At the climax, the violin plays a rapid descending chromatic scale, and upon reaching the bottom, the music transitions back into the opening minor theme, again in 3/4 time. At the start of the third section, the opening horn melody returns. After another brief orchestral interlude, the violin theme of the beginning returns. The violin part recapitulates the melody, and then executes scalar and arpeggio passages all the while making a decrescendo, ending softly on a high G (three octaves above middle C).
The first of the piece's four movements is similar in style to a hymn; it opens with a five-note instrumental invocation meant to rhythmically spell out the name "Thomas Jefferson". The melody used in the movement reappears in various forms throughout the rest of the piece. The second movement is slower in nature, and resembles a dirge; numerous writers, including Virgil Thomson, commented on its resemblance to Eastern Orthodox chant. The third movement is a scherzo, while the fourth recapitulates themes heard in the other movements.
The tale allegorically recapitulates the story of human life in condensed form. In "Petition", one half of a pair of Siamese twins, joined at the stomach to his brother's back, writes a petition in 1931 to Prajadhipok, King of Siam (now Thailand), protesting his brother's not acknowledging his existence. In "Menalaiad", Barth leads the reader in and out of seven metaleptic layers. Menalaus despairs as his story progresses through layer after layer of quotation marks, as one story is framed by another and then another.
It is tripartite in structure, though the overriding aesthetic is one of continual change. Although the final section returns to the texture of the first and recapitulates some of its material, this is only used as a background for the introduction of seven new motives, another mestizo melody, and two more ostinatos. Given the amount of new material introduced, it would be more accurate to describe it as an ABC form than an ABA . The simultaneous presentation of different motivic material produces a pervasive, dissonant polytonality.
The exactness of Ernst Haeckel's drawings of embryos has caused much controversy among Intelligent Design proponents recently and Haeckel's intellectual opponents in the past. Although the early embryos of different species exhibit similarities, Haeckel apparently exaggerated these similarities in support of his Recapitulation theory, sometimes known as the Biogenetic Law or "Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny". Furthermore, Haeckel even proposed theoretical life-forms to accommodate certain stages in embryogenesis. A recent review concluded that the "biogenetic law is supported by several recent studies - if applied to single characters only".
Esther and Mordechai writing the second letter of Purim. Aert de Gelder (1685). This section, perhaps an addition to the coherent narrative of 1:1 through , recapitulates the core reversals: relief from persecution, turning 'sorrow into gladness' and 'mourning into a holiday' (). For commemoration by future generations, a two-day holiday is newly instituted, reflecting the original feasting on the fourteenth of Adar in the provinces and a day later in Susa, with Haman's casting of lots (purim) providing an etymology for the festival.
The ending recapitulates on the opening section and draws the death song to a close. The bleakness inherent in the piece is compounded by a 5/4 time signature at an Andante mesto pace throughout, which never allows the listener to feel any regular rhythm or comfort. The key is a very melancholic F minor, though the cadences and chord progressions employed by Ireland are never finished and are constantly left hanging, even on the final chord. This piece carries a dedication to Alfred Chenhalls.
When he recapitulates this theme, he adds further rhythmic movement in the form of chromatic lines in the woodwinds. The second theme follows a more regular rhythm, which is enhanced by exchanges between violins and woodwinds. The music goes from rhythmic complexity to stasis, "in which a single chord is maintained for twenty-two measures in a regular rhythmic pattern." This respite, however, is also preparation for "a rhythmically confused episode" where various instrumental groups "converse by complex hemiola structures," where multiple rhythms play against one another.
One interpretation is that Lakatos's philosophy of mathematics and science was based on creative transformations of Hegelian historiographic ideas, many associated with Lakatos's teacher in Hungary Georg Lukács. Feyerabend's debate with Lakatos on scientific method recapitulates the debate of Lukács and (Feyerabend's would-be mentor) Brecht, over aesthetics several decades earlier. While Feyerabend described himself as an "epistemological anarchist", he explicitly disavowed being a "political anarchist". Some anarchist-leaning critics of science have agreed with this distinction, while others have argued that political anarchism is tacitly embedded in Feyerabend's philosophy of science.
This theory applied to both vertebrates and invertebrates, and also stated that higher animals go through embryological stages analogous to the adult stages of lower life-forms in the course of their development, a version of the recapitulation theory later ossified in the statement "Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny" of Ernst Haeckel. In the field of teratology, Serres explained the presence of malformations as cases of arrested development or overdevelopment. He had disagreements with Charles Darwin regarding the latter's evolutionary theories. Serres believed that humans were creatures set apart and a supreme goal of all creation.
Feature geometry has attracted formal and conceptual criticism. In 2003 Charles Reiss argued that feature geometry is insufficiently powerful to account for a class of phonological rules that involve dependencies between segments, such as partial and total identity and nonidentity. Feature geometry is unable to encode these properties. In 2008 Jeff Mielke argued that feature geometry merely recapitulated physiological organization, and that since the influence of articulation on sound change will independently create patterns in the behavior of features, feature geometry recapitulates diachrony and is redundant as a theory of the mental organisation of phonology.
He does not regard this endeavor as ontology at all because it is actually concerned with vocabularies and terminologies confirming the slogan "ontology recapitulates philology".Cf. pp. 797–800 of the HandbookOn page viii of his book Word and Object (paperback edition 1964), Willard Van Orman Quine attributes the sardonic slogan to James Grier Miller (ii) On medical truth. After a thorough discussion of truth theories, Sadegh-Zadeh shows that there is sufficient evidence to support the assertion that medical truths are system-relative, and are produced within the respective health care systems themselves.
"Cooper's Monikins." Near the end of his opinion the Chief Justice recapitulates what is perhaps the central contention of his opinion: "contracts derive their obligation from the act of the parties, not from the grant of government". The Chief Justice in the course of his opinion uses the "will theory of contract". The fact that the state may define how contracts can be formed, how defaults can be remedied, and even exclude from the outset certain types of contract, usurious ones for example, does not make contract a creature of the state.
Ernst Haeckel supposed that embryonic development recapitulated an animal's phylogeny, and introduced heterochrony as an exception for individual organs. Modern biology agrees instead with Karl Ernst von Baer's view that development itself varies, such as by changing the timing of different processes, to cause a branching phylogeny. The concept of heterochrony was introduced by the German zoologist Ernst Haeckel in 1875, where he used it to define deviations from recapitulation theory, which held that "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny". As Stephen Jay Gould pointed out, Haeckel's term is now used in a sense contrary to his coinage.
Another Darwinist, Ernst Haeckel, proposed a Protozoa-Metazoa theory of animal origins, while arguing that embryonic "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny" throughout organic prehistory. Haeckel popularized his paleozoologic ideas with majestic genealogical trees of the Animal Kingdom in his General Morphology of Organisms (1866). A half-century later, the genetic conclusions of Gregor Mendel (1822 to 1884) were revived by The Mutation Theory propounded by Hugo de Vries, thereby fortifying Darwin's 19th-century theory of evolution.For more about de Vries and Mendelism, see Theodosius Dobzhansky (1951), Genetics and the Origin of Species. .
The trio ends with a plagal cadence to G major, for a Baroque-like Picardy third conclusion; but then the minuet recapitulates in G minor. The move from G major back to G minor is so jolting that Drabkin speculates that the trio might possibly have been borrowed from another piece. The third movement, marked Poco Adagio, is a long cantabile aria in G major, dominated by the first violin and the cello. After the first violin states the theme, the cello takes over with a long rippling line of sixteenth notes.
This philosophy serves as a meeting of two opposing schools of Hindu philosophy, pure monism (God and the soul as one entity) and pure dualism (God and the soul as absolutely separate). This philosophy largely recapitulates the concepts of qualified nondualism practiced by the older Vedantic school Vishishtadvaita, but emphasizes the figure of Krishna over Narayana and holy sites in and around Bengal over sites in Tamil Nadu. In practice, Gaudiya Vaishnava philosophy has much more in common with the dualistic schools especially closely following theological traditions established by Madhvacharya's Dvaita Vedanta.
Self-assembly methods have been shown to be promising methods for tissue engineering. Self-assembly methods have the advantage of allowing tissues to develop their own extracellular matrix, resulting in tissue that better recapitulates biochemical and biomechanical properties of native tissue. Self-assembling engineered articular cartilage was introduced by Jerry Hu and Kyriacos A. Athanasiou in 2006 and applications of the process have resulted in engineered cartilage approaching the strength of native tissue. Self-assembly is a prime technology to get cells grown in a lab to assemble into three-dimensional shapes.
He drew upon the works of fellow Franciscans Gerónimo de Mendieta and Juan de Torquemada. Although he recapitulates some material from his sources, there is considerable material on prehispanic and colonial indigenous not found elsewhere and particularly valuable for the seventeenth century. He was helped in his work by Don Carlos de Siguenza y Gongora, and it is possible that some information on prehispanic indigenous culture came from him.Ernest J. Burrus, S.J., "Religious Chroniclers and Historians: A Summary with Annotated Bibliography," in Handbook of Middle American Indians vol. 13.
In 1826, Felix Mendelssohn wrote his well-known overture to Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, and later supplied the play with incidental music. In Verdi's La Traviata, Violetta receives a letter from Alfredo's father where he writes that Alfredo now knows why she parted from him and that he forgives her ("Teneste la promessa..."). In her speaking voice, she intones the words of what is written, while the orchestra recapitulates the music of their first love from Act I: this is technically melodrama. In a few moments Violetta bursts into a passionate despairing aria ("Addio, del passato"): this is opera again.
A room of furniture built according to Brigham's designs, illustrated for The Ladies' Home Journal, 1910. Brigham specifically aligns her modernist aesthetic with that of Hoffmann, with its focus on the square as a fundamental unit of design. However, the raw surfaces and rough construction that were keystones of her approach don't become a mainstay of modern design for another two decades, when Gerrit Rietveld's crate furniture of the 1930s recapitulates Brigham's box furniture under the banner of De Stijl. A combination desk, reading table, and bookcase built from crates during Brigham's sojourn on the island of Spitsbergen.
Between the World and Me is a 2015 nonfiction book written by Ta-Nehisi Coates and published by Spiegel & Grau. It is written as a letter to the author's teenage son about the feelings, symbolism, and realities associated with being Black in the United States. Coates recapitulates American history and explains to his son the "racist violence that has been woven into American culture." Coates draws from an abridged, autobiographical account of his youth in Baltimore, detailing the ways in which institutions like the school, the police, and even "the streets" discipline, endanger, and threaten to disembody black men and women.
The book recapitulates the debates from Mathematics Teacher, with Kline conceding some progress: He cites Howard Fehr of Columbia University who sought to unify the subject through its general concepts, sets, operations, mappings, relations, and structure in the Secondary School Mathematics Curriculum Improvement Study. In 1977 Kline turned to undergraduate university education; he took on the academic mathematics establishment with his Why the Professor Can’t Teach: the dilemma of university education. Kline argues that the onus to conduct research misdirects the scholarly method that characterizes good teaching. He lauds scholarship as expressed by expository writing or reviews of original work of others.
In Chapter 13, Darwin discusses complex emotional states including self-attention, shame, shyness, modesty and blushing. Darwin describes blushing as "the most peculiar and most human of the expressions". Darwin closes the book with Chapter 14 in which he recapitulates his main argument: he shows how human emotions link mental states with bodily movement, and are genetically determined, deriving from purposeful animal actions. He comments on the implications of the book: a single origin for the entire human species, with universal human expressions; and he stresses the social value of expression, citing the emotional communication between mother and child.
Contour line of sforzati (bars 16–45) after Leichtentritt Leichtentritt believes that in fast tempo the sforzati climaxes in bars 16–45 can be perceived as a coherent contour line.Leichtentritt, p. 103 Again, as in Op. 10, No. 1, Chopin achieves powerful sound effects with arpeggios in tenths on diminished seventh chords. After the climax, , con forza (45–47), a more transparent bridge leads to the return of the A section which recapitulates the first two eight-bar periods extending the cadence by four extra bars, increasing to and preparing the raging coda, con più fuoco possibile (as fierily as possible).
Between the World and Me takes the form of a book-length letter from the author to his son, adopting the structure of Baldwin's The Fire Next Time; the latter is directed, in part, towards Baldwin's nephew, while the former addresses Coates's 15-year- old son. Coates's letter is divided into three parts, recounting Coates's experiences as a young man, after the birth of his son, and during a visit with Mabel Jones. Coates contemplates the feelings, symbolism, and realities associated with being Black in the United States. He recapitulates the American history of violence against Black people and the incommensurate policing of Black youth.
In addition to the way it recapitulates previous modes of royal representation, Helgerson notes a certain affinity between the textual aesthetics of the "King's Book" and those of the Counter-Reformation: "Eikon Basilike drew on a set of culturally conditioned responses against which the new culture of print was defining itself, responses that had previously served Elizabeth and Shakespeare and that even then were serving Counter-Reformation Catholicism. This unbookish—indeed anti-bookish—book thus turned print against itself".Helgerson 9. In Helgerson's view, Eikon Basilike draws upon devotional impulses that both precede and supersede the dominance of the print-obsessed Protestant scripturalism ascendant at the moment of Charles' execution.
60 amino acids each, plus transmembrane and cytoplasmic regions. Isoform CR2 (1,032 amino acids) is encoded by a shorter transcript (3,096 coding nucleotides) that lacks exons 2-8 encoding SCR1-6. CR1 and CR2 on murine B cells form complexes with a co-accessory activation complex containing CD19, CD81, and the fragilis/Ifitm (murine equivalents of LEU13) proteins. The CR2 gene of primates produces only the smaller isoform, CR2; primate complement receptor 1, which recapitulates many of the structural domains and presumed functions of Cr2-derived CR1 in subprimates, is encoded by a distinct CR1 gene (apparently derived from the gene Crry of subprimates).
Dunnigan-type familial partial lipodystrophy, also known as FPLD Type II and abbreviated as (FPLD2), is a rare monogenic form of insulin resistance characterized by loss of subcutaneous fat from the extremities, trunk, and gluteal region. FPLD recapitulates the main metabolic attributes of the insulin resistance syndrome, including central obesity, hyperinsulinemia, glucose intolerance and diabetes usually type 2, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and early endpoints of atherosclerosis. It can also result in hepatic steatosis. FPLD results from mutations in LMNA gene, which is the gene that encodes nuclear lamins A and C.. The condition is named after Scottish doctor Matthew Dunnigan, who pioneered early study into the disorder.
In the essay, Wagner recapitulates the ideas he had developed ten years previously in the essays Art and Revolution, The Artwork of the Future and Opera and Drama, placing them in the context of his own autobiographical experiences. He advances his opera libretti as practical examples of his theories. He condemns the artificiality of Italian opera, with its recitatives and repeated arias that break up dramatic flow; he continues his attack on Grand Opera; he denounces German opera as without any style of its own, with a few exceptions (notably Carl Maria von Weber). He takes Beethoven's symphonies as the furthest possible development of instrumental music.
It is in three movements: #Allegro - Poco largemente - Tempo I #Lento - Piu mosso. In Legendary Mood - Tempo I #Theme and Variations: Allegro - Andante - Tempo I - Epilogue (Sereno) The movement opens with a melodic motive from the clarinets, and the slower, second main motive is introduced almost immediately after (sounding like a quote from the Tragic Overture, Op. 81 by Johannes Brahms). These two motives form a basis for the first subject, which has a very haunting mood, almost looking back on the opening of the fifth symphony. The lyrical second subject is achingly tender, but does show signs of optimism, particularly when it recapitulates at the end of the movement.
The link between the GP and self-aware agency also appears in children's language development, which can be linked to the origin of language in a version of the long-dismissed "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny" hypothesis of recapitulation theory. McNeill considers that when something emerges in current-day ontogenesis only at a certain stage of development, the original natural selection of the feature (if there was any) might have taken place in a similar psychological milieu in phylogenesis. This opens a window onto the mindset of the creature in which the Mead's Loop "twist" was evolving. As a mode of reasoning, it exploits the fact that children's intellectual status is not fixed but changing.
Thomas Hardy in 1923, the year By Footpath and Stile premiered By Footpath and Stile consists of six settings of poems written by Thomas Hardy during and shortly after World War I. Its title is adapted from "I went by footpath and by stile", the opening line of the first of song in the cycle. The ordering of the poems in the song cycle, all of which deal with death, loss, separation, and the passing of time, is not chronological, but Finzi's own. The final poem, "Exeunt Omnes", recapitulates the themes in three of the previous poems in the cycle. Sequence of the poems in the cycle and their publication dates: 1\.
Deeply familiar with the solid work done by historical linguists, but skeptical by nature,Cardona 2006:10 he rapidly came to question their stated rationale and justification for these results,Davies 2003 "the gap between substantive practice and theoretical preachment".Hoenigswald 1978:28, quoted in Cardona 2006:8n3. His work included on the one hand specific penetrating studies in Indo-European and Classical linguistics, and on the other fundamental work in the theory of historical linguistics, some of the first and most lastingly important attempts at formalization of the techniques of historical comparison and reconstruction. His major work Language change and linguistic reconstruction (Hoenigswald 1960) recapitulates and epitomizes his thinking and his way of working.
Rutland Barrington and Courtice Pounds as Giuseppe and Marco in The Gondoliers The Gondoliers (1889) takes place partly in Venice and partly in a kingdom ruled by a pair of gondoliers who attempt to remodel the monarchy in a spirit of "republican equality."The Gondoliers at The Gilbert and Sullivan Archive, accessed 21 July 2007 Gilbert recapitulates a number of his earlier themes, including the satire of class distinctions figuring in many of his earlier librettos. The libretto also reflects Gilbert's fascination with the "Stock Company Act", highlighting the absurd convergence of natural persons and legal entities, which plays an even larger part in the next opera, Utopia Limited. Press accounts were almost entirely favourable.
"Cezanne Smoker"(2010) Terracotta During the first decade of the 21st century Stahl carried her interests in narrative into the realm of terracotta reliefs where she revisits classical and modern depictions of Bible stories and myths. Sometimes using glazes or oil paint she reanimates the works of Cézanne, Chardin, Durer, Degas, Beckmann, Balthus, Gauguin, Picasso, Piero della Francesca, Titian, and Mantegna. The collection recapitulates the narrative of Western art history while demonstrating a simultaneous command of mixed media in a burst of hues, colors, and fired textures. Examples appeared in 2011 alongside the reliefs of Natalie Charnoff, Jock Ireland, and Cynthia Harmon in “Relief: Drawing in Depth” at the Hudson Guild Gallery.
In other words, OTUs are pragmatic proxies for "species" (microbial or metazoan) at different taxonomic levels, in the absence of traditional systems of biological classification as are available for macroscopic organisms. For several years, OTUs have been the most commonly used units of diversity, especially when analysing small subunit 16S (for prokaryotes) or 18S rRNA (for eukaryotes ) marker gene sequence datasets. Sequences can be clustered according to their similarity to one another, and operational taxonomic units are defined based on the similarity threshold (usually 97% similarity; however also 100% similarity is common, also known as single variants ) set by the researcher. It remains debatable how well this commonly-used method recapitulates true microbial species phylogeny or ecology.
In the field of microbiome research, a group of species is said to show a phylosymbiotic signal if the degree of similarity between the species' microbiomes recapitulates to a significant extent their evolutionary history. In other words, a phylosymbiotic signal among a group of species is evident if their microbiome similarity dendrogram could significantly recapitulate their host's phylogenic tree. For the analysis of the phylosymbiotic signal to be reliable, environmental differences that could shape the host microbiome should be either eliminated or accounted for. One plausible mechanistic explanation for such phenomena could be, for example, a result of host immune genes that rapidly evolve in a continuous arms race with members of its microbiome.
Christopher Marlowe's Doctor Faustus refers to the Queen of Sheba as Saba, when Mephistopheles is trying to persuade Faustus of the wisdom of the women with whom he supposedly shall be presented every morning.Marlowe, Christopher; Doctor Faustus and other plays: Oxford World Classics, p. 155. Gérard de Nerval's autobiographical novel, Voyage to the Orient (1851), details his travels through the Middle East with much artistic license. He recapitulates at length a tale told in a Turkish cafe of King Soliman's love of Balkis, the Queen of Saba, but she, in turn, is destined to love Adoniram (Hiram Abif), Soliman's chief craftsman of the Temple, owing to both her and Adoniram's divine genealogy.
Mouse models of RTT are available and the most studied are constitutively deleted Mecp2 mice developed by Adrian Bird or Rudolf Jaenisch laboratories. In accordance with the motor spectrum of the RTT phenotype, Mecp2-null mice show motor abnormalities from postnatal day 30 that worsen until death. These models offer a crucial substrate to elucidate the molecular and neuroanatomical correlates of an MeCP2-deficiency. Recently (2008), it was shown that the conditional deletion of Mecp2 in catecholaminergic neurons (by crossing of Th-Cre mice with loxP-flanked Mecp2 ones) recapitulates a motor symptomatology, it was further documented that brain levels of Th in mice lacking MeCP2 in catecholaminergic neurons only are reduced, participating to the motor phenotype.
Buckingham standing over "Briberie" and "Faction" Vox Dei is a political- religious pamphlet by Thomas Scott published in Utrecht in 1623.P. Salzman Literature and Politics in the 1620s: 'Whisper'd Counsells' 1137305983 \- 2014 "Vox Dei recapitulates the history of the preceding few years, stressing the significance of the rejection of the Spanish ... Vox Dei seemstohave been aimedat readers who wanted to understand (from a partisan perspective of course) how England had reached the current situation, while also continuing Scott's dramatic antiSpanish campaign. This pamphlet .." Thomas Cogswell The Blessed Revolution: English Politics and the Coming of War, 1621-1624 p.293 The pamphlet contains an attack on the Spanish match, and ends by anticipating the triumph of the 1624 parliament.
He was a member of the consortium that identified the Lamin A gene as the cause of the accelerated aging disease Hutchinson–Gilford progeria syndrome and participated in the first National Institutes of Health - Progeria Research Foundation workshop.Eriksson M, Brown WT, Gordon LB, Glynn MW, Singer J, Scott L, Erdos MR, Robbins CM, Moses TY, Berglund P, Dutra A, Pak E, Durkin S, Csoka AB, Boehnke M, Glover TW, Collins FS. Recurrent de novo point mutations in lamin A cause Hutchinson–Gilford progeria syndrome. Nature 2003;423:293-8. . He also showed that progeria is a true representation of aging with respect to cellular signaling pathways, and truly recapitulates the normal aging process at the cellular level.
However, he was less convinced by Webster's attempt to minimize Freud's originality, finding it "wearisome". He argued that Webster lacked familiarity with the history of ideas in 19th-century Germany and Austria and was too "Anglo-centric" in his approach, and criticized him for devoting only half a page to Freud's most intellectually formative years, and ignoring published letters by Freud written during that period. He considered Webster, following Frank Sulloway, correct to emphasize that the development of Freud's theories after 1896 was mainly inspired by assumptions drawn from contemporary biology. However, he maintained that Webster was "oblivious to Freud's background in biology" and wrongly concluded that it was Fliess, rather than Haeckel, who led Freud to accept the view that ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny.
The current taxonomic content of the family Echimyidae has been reshaped over time, and its organization into coherent units stems from two realizations. The first is that cladistic approaches applied to morphological characters showed that many traits used to define taxa were plesiomorphic or homoplastic. The second realization came from the advent of phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequence and protein sequence data with probability methods — maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference — leading to the identification of robust clades and the recognition of higher categorical ranks (see Phylogeny section). The following table recapitulates and compares the taxonomic content of taxa recognized on molecular and traditional basis: the two families Capromyidae and Myocastoridae, the five subfamilies Echimyinae, Euryzygomatomyinae, Capromyinae, Dactylomyinae, Eumysopinae, and the four tribes Echimyini, Myocastorini, Capromyini, and Plagiodontini.
B. Morphological character of the kingdom of protists. Ba. Character of the protist Individualities. The essential tectological character of protists lies in the very incomplete formation and differentiation of individuality generally, however particularly of those of the second order, the organs. Very many protists never rise above the morphological level of individuals of the first order or plastids.) Haeckel promoted and popularised Charles Darwin's work in Germany and developed the influential but no longer widely held recapitulation theory ("ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny") claiming that an individual organism's biological development, or ontogeny, parallels and summarises its species' evolutionary development, or phylogeny. The published artwork of Haeckel includes over 100 detailed, multi-colour illustrations of animals and sea creatures, collected in his Kunstformen der Natur ("Art Forms of Nature").
The musicologist Richard Taruskin in 2005 applied the phrase "ontogeny becomes phylogeny" to the process of creating and recasting music history, often to assert a perspective or argument. For example, the peculiar development of the works by modernist composer Arnold Schoenberg (here an "ontogeny") is generalized in many histories into a "phylogeny" – a historical development ("evolution") of Western music toward atonal styles of which Schoenberg is a representative. Such historiographies of the "collapse of traditional tonality" are faulted by music historians as asserting a rhetorical rather than historical point about tonality's "collapse". Taruskin also developed a variation of the motto into the pun "ontogeny recapitulates ontology" to refute the concept of "absolute music" advancing the socio- artistic theories of the musicologist Carl Dahlhaus.
The conclusion of Book 3, and therefore the Treatise as a whole, briefly recapitulates the reasoning for Hume's thesis that "sympathy is the chief source of moral distinctions". Indeed, most would agree that justice and "the useful qualities of the mind" are valued for their usefulness, and what besides sympathy can explain why we care about the public good or "the happiness of strangers"? This "system of ethics" is not only supported by "solid argument", Hume adds, but it can help moralists show the "dignity" and the "happiness" of virtue. First, it puts morality in a good light to see it derived from "so noble a source" as sympathy: we end up approving of virtue, the sense of virtue, and even the psychological principles underlying the sense of virtue.
The dance-like feel of the first movement is capitalized upon in the third movement, which after lingering on a single chord for a brief period, works up a Latin American rhythm along with untuned wooden percussion. With the introduction of the violin, the movement wheels off into a vibrant dance that repeatedly hurls itself toward a powerful cadence only to turn away from resolution at the last moment, with the violin twisting and turning amidst the drama. Out of the ebullience of the dance emerges the slow finale requested by Zukofsky: the tempo drops and a variation of the now-familiar pulsing chord motif from the first movement enters to support the violin as it spins through a soft closing theme that recapitulates the tenor of the second.
Stucley's career made a considerable impression on his contemporaries, and in death he attracted as much speculation and gossip as he had in life. A play generally assigned to George Peele, The Battell of Alcazar with the Death of Captain Stukely, printed in 1594, was probably acted in 1592. It deals with Stucley's arrival in Lisbon and his Moorish expedition; in a long speech before his death he recapitulates the events of his life. A later piece, The Famous History of the Life and Death of Captain Thomas Stukeley, printed for Thomas Pavier (1605), which is possibly the Stewtle, played, according to Henslowe, on 11 December 1596, is a biographical piece dealing with successive episodes, and seems to be a patchwork of older plays on Dom António and on Stucley.
According to Philip Lutgendorf, the movie is an allegory that "synthesizes classical and mythic narrative, soft-core political and social commentary (here condemning the corruption of politicians and capitalists and championing the nascent environmental initiatives of Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi). The narrative recapitulates the Abhijñānaśākuntalam story that first appeared in the epic Mahabharata and then was reworked, some six hundred years later, by the poet Kalidasa." The final song sequence "Ek Radha ek Meera" brings Raj Kapoor's personal experiences with filmdom and reality. This song sequence is the climax of the plot where the bride-to-be is face-to-face with the other "saut", the culturally "polluted" dancer who has made that journey from the pure source of the Himalayas to the ever-flowing and ever-absorbing Ganges with all of the human impurities.
299-301; 288ff Anthroposophy speaks of the reincarnation of the human spirit: that the human being passes between stages of existence, incarnating into an earthly body, living on earth, leaving the body behind, and entering into the spiritual worlds before returning to be born again into a new life on earth. After the death of the physical body, the human spirit recapitulates the past life, perceiving its events as they were experienced by the objects of its actions. A complex transformation takes place between the review of the past life and the preparation for the next life. The individual's karmic condition eventually leads to a choice of parents, physical body, disposition, and capacities that provide the challenges and opportunities that further development requires, which includes karmically chosen tasks for the future life.
The theory of recapitulation, also called the biogenetic law or embryological parallelism—often expressed using Ernst Haeckel's phrase "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny"—is a historical hypothesis that the development of the embryo of an animal, from fertilization to gestation or hatching (ontogeny), goes through stages resembling or representing successive adult stages in the evolution of the animal's remote ancestors (phylogeny). It was formulated in the 1820s by Étienne Serres based on the work of Johann Friedrich Meckel, after whom it is also known as Meckel–Serres law. Since embryos also evolve in different ways, the shortcomings of the theory had been recognized by the early 20th century, and it had been relegated to "biological mythology"Ehrlich, Paul; Richard Holm; Dennis Parnell (1963) The Process of Evolution. New York: McGraw–Hill, pg.
"Action This Day", one of two Taylor songs that appear on the album, was clearly influenced by the new wave movement/style current at the time; the track is driven by a pounding electronic drum machine in 2/4 time and features a saxophone solo, played by Italian session musician Dino Solera. "Action This Day" takes its title from a Winston Churchill catchphrase that the statesman would attach to urgent documents, and recapitulates the theme of social awareness that Taylor espoused in many of his songs. The band performed "Action This Day" live on the Hot Space Tour with a more conventional arrangement, replacing the drum machine and bass synth with a rock rhythm section and an actual synthesizer replacing the saxophone solo. The verses are duets between Taylor and Mercury, while the chorus is sung by both.
The particular drawing on the pediment of the gate, with two overlapping triangles and Latin inscriptions, recapitulates the title page in the posthumous 1677 edition—which differed from the title page of the first edition—of the alchemical book Aureum Saeculum Redivivum (1621) by Adrian von Mynsicht (known also as Madathanus). In 1747 the emblem was used by Wienner von Sonnenfels in his Splendor lucis, oder Glanz des Lichts. Similarly, the lower part of the emblem by von Mynsicht depicting a "centrum in trigono centri", was reproduced in a manuscript called the Geheime Figuren der Rosencreutzer (1785–88). The same drawing appear in a bookmark possessed by Bérenger Saunière, a parish priest at Rennes-le-Château in 1885. It is suggested as well that the geometrical construction of the gate is similar to that of the 21st emblem of Michael Maier’s Atalanta Fugiens (1617).
"Whither Must I Wander" offers the first of Vaughan Williams's many "big tunes," the essentially strophic song recalls happy days of the past and reminds us that while the world is renewed each spring, our traveller cannot bring back his past. However, the composer offers the listener some consolation in "Bright is the ring of words": The listener is reminded that while all wanderers (and artists) must eventually die, the beauty of their work shall remain as a testament of their lives. The final song, "I have trod the upward and the downward slope", was added to the cycle only in 1960 after its posthumous publication. This song recapitulates the whole cycle in just four phrases that form a miniature scena of recitative and arioso, quoting four of the previous songs in the cycle, before ending with the opening chords, suggesting that the traveller's journey continues forever, even in death.
Mesgegra (Messcegra), Mesroida (Mesreta), Mesdana, Mesdomnand are named as siblings in the poem Cethri meic Airtt Mis-Telmann ("four sons of Art Mes-Telmann") and notes Their father Art is said to have belonged to the tribe of Domnann, and the settlement of the British Dumnonii in East Leinster appears to be incontrovertible historical fact. Mesgegra was a King of Leinster, Mesroidia a wealthy brugaid of Leinster also known as Mac-Da-Tho, Mesdana, a warrior, and Mesdomnand, a poet according to the stated poem. Mesroída aka Mac Datho Mesroída who was the brugaid (hospitaller, from brug "hostel") was of course the titular figure of Scéla Muicce Mac Dáthó "The Tale of Mac Da Thó's Pig", and the final strophe of the poem recapitulates that story by telling of the pig and hound and the banquet and the "Four times seven fifties" who died in the mansion.
Frankincense is the Sunday scent The fourth scene recapitulates the seven days of the entire Licht cycle. The protagonists explain each day in terms of their characteristic signs and scents. Afterward, Eve appears as Earth Mother (sung by an alto), and Michael appears in the form of a boy soprano. The seven fragrances chosen for the days of the week, their associated geographical areas, and the seven voices and voice combinations are: # Monday: Cúchulainn (Ireland), solo for high soprano # Tuesday: Kyphi (Egypt), duet for tenor and bass # Wednesday: Mastic (Greece), trio for soprano, tenor, and baritone # Thursday: Rosa Mystica (Italy/Germany), solo for high tenor # Friday: Tate Yunanaka (Mexico), duet for soprano and baritone # Saturday: Ud (India), solo for bass # Sunday: Frankincense (Africa), duet for high soprano and high tenor An alto voice from outside the hall, identifying herself as Eve, causes the soloists to run out, in turbulence.
Much of the evidence for evolution has been accused of being fraudulent at various times, including Archaeopteryx, peppered moth melanism, and Darwin's finches; these claims have been subsequently refuted. It has also been claimed that certain former pieces of evidence for evolution which are now considered out-of-date and erroneous, such as Ernst Haeckel's 19th-century comparative drawings of embryos, used to illustrate his recapitulation theory ("ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny"), were not merely errors but frauds. Molecular biologist Jonathan Wells criticizes biology textbooks by alleging that they continue to reproduce such evidence after it has been debunked. In response, the National Center for Science Education notes that none of the textbooks reviewed by Wells makes the claimed error, as Haeckel's drawings are shown in a historical context with discussion about why they are wrong, and the accurate modern drawings and photos used in the textbooks are misrepresented by Wells.
Kaveney characterizes Hill's and Giler's "menacing robot" as a counter- revisionist robot, from an era where the image of the robot in science fiction was reverting to its pre-Isaac Asimov characterization of "a competitor to humanity who would sooner or later turn on us or pass for human and mis-lead us". The revelation that Ash is, in the words of crewman Parker at the crux of the fight scene, "a goddamned robot", is a pivotal point of the plot of the film, that forces, for the audience, a retrospective wholesale reinterpretation of all his prior actions. Moreover, as Nicholas Mirzoeff observes, with Ash, Alien recapitulates the idea central to Invasion of the Body Snatchers that "the most frightening monster is the one that looks exactly like other humans" and that "the replica human is almost as threatening as the extraterrestrial itself". Indeed, in a direct echo of Body Snatchers, when Ash is first hit by the canister, causing him to go berserk, he emits a high-pitched squealing noise, just as do the aliens in Body Snatchers.
The sonata, while it is nominally structured in four movements, is effectively a two-movement work with the first movement directly linked to the second and the third movement directly linked to the fourth: #Placido, teneramente, ma con moto - Lento, assai espressivo e tranquillo #Allegro mosso, scherzando - Epliogue: Tranquillo, mesto, ma con moto Since the work was rediscovered, there has been speculation about just what it was that caused Goosens to reject the sonata. In looking at the later clarinet sonata, both Huss and the anonymous author of the liner notes to the Hyperion recording comment that while both compositions share structural and rhythmic similarities, the clarinet sonata represents a simplification and clarification over the earlier work. Huss further speculates that as he started the process of revision Howells may have decided that in attempting to write a composition that would challenge Goosens skills as an oboist, he had in fact written beyond the capabilities of the oboe as he perceived them. The author of the Hyperion liner notes comments that in their opinion that the ending of the composition, which recapitulates material from the first two movements may have been a miscalculation on the composers part.
Vĩnh Lộc, page 132 A 1966 PAVN Central Highlands Front report claimed that in five major engagements with U.S. forces, PAVN forces suffered 559 soldiers killed and 669 wounded. PAVN histories claim the United States suffered 1,500 to 1,700 casualties during the Ia Drang Campaign. The official PAVN history claimed that the Plei Me Campaign, which included Ia Drang elimiated 1,700 U.S and 1,270 ARVN and shot down 59 helicopters and destroyed 89 vehicles. The U.S. military confirmed 305 killed and 524 wounded (including 234 killed and 242 wounded between November 14 and 18, 1965), and claimed 3,561 PAVN were killed and more than 1,000 were wounded during engagements with the 1st Cavalry Division troops.Vinh Loc, page 111 According to ARVN intelligence sources, each of the three PAVN regiments' initial strength was 2,200 soldiers: 1st Battalion-500, 2nd Battalion-500, 3rd Battalion-500, Mortar Company-150, Anti-Aircraft Company-150, Signal Company-120, Transportation Company-150, Medical Company-40, Engineer Company-60, Recon Company-50. ARVN's II Corps Command recapitulates the losses of the PAVN from 18 October to 26 November as follows: KIA (bc) 4,254, KIA (est) 2,270, WIA 1293, CIA 179, weapons (crew served) 169, (individual) 1,027.

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