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159 Sentences With "redefines"

How to use redefines in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "redefines" and check conjugation/comparative form for "redefines". Mastering all the usages of "redefines" from sentence examples published by news publications.

He not only redefines history, but how history is told.
The A6300 redefines the meaning of a consumer mirrorless camera.
She redefines beauty and the idea of elegance and femininity.
Redefines human life as beginning at conception and bans abortion.
Defy Ventures redefines 'the hustle' from prison yard to startup office
This citizen-protector ethic redefines men's social utility to their families.
The latest "it" bag redefines what it means to be relevant.
This is a game that redefines what an Assassin's Creed can be.
It may very well be the force that redefines and revives it.
Basically, what Russ is doing redefines what athletes are capable of achieving.
"Summerspace" is a work that redefines the three-dimensionality of stage space.
But to see that from all walks of life, it redefines the term hero.
On KTSE— on this first listen, anyway—Teyana redefines it all on her terms.
Leaning forward in his chair, he redefines Naraha's existential dilemma as a simple misunderstanding.
Finished tableside with a frothy and fragrant broth, it redefines cream-of-mushroom soup.
It completely redefines the problem of how you support people on the surface of Mars.
While that law redefines domestic terrorism, it does not establish domestic terrorism as a crime.
Jay-Z or Britney over a PA system redefines an alien space as one nation under
He defines himself and redefines himself from day to day by what happens in his life.
Corcovado is stunning — the train ride to the hilltop statue of Christ the Redeemer redefines steep.
A story that redefines what success means for a nation founded imperfectly on near-perfect ideals.
"Emotional Intelligence: The Groundbreaking Book that Redefines What it Means to be Smart" by Daniel Goleman
Every affair redefines a relationship, and every relationship determines what the legacy of the affair will be.
No. But Joaquin Phoenix brilliantly redefines the role as a terrifying outcast in the Warner Bros. standalone.
Additionally, the proposed rule includes a provision that redefines how a state determines their essential health benefits.
Even as he redefines the role of a Broadway bigwig, Mr. Roth is surrounded by its history.
Gary Herbert (R) signed the law earlier this month that redefines child "neglect," ABC News reported Tuesday.
It will depend on how he redefines success — and if the meeting takes place, our correspondent noted.
We don't have the option of standing idly by as the Left redefines Christian teachings as hate.
Brett Kavanaugh's nomination turns the counterargument into the central argument and redefines the mission of the Court.
"New Discovery redefines the large SUV," said Gerry McGovern, Land Rover's chief design officer, in a press release.
"I love this title because the novel redefines the traditional American love story," Winfrey said for the announcement.
The most important issue is that this redefines what it means for a tweet to be a tweet.
It will depend on how he redefines success — and if he meets with Mr. Kim, our correspondent noted.
Extra Bases The Milwaukee Brewers have used Hader in a way that redefines the role of a bullpen ace.
The impact of quartile-zero thinking is dramatic because the digital mindset redefines a company's performance assessment and ambition.
John Barrasso, does: Redefines short-term plans as lasting up to 364 days, which the administration has already proposed.
As a floral arrangement, it redefines the term: The flower appears isolated, dwarfed by its container, perhaps near death.
Crewing up with three friends and setting out on a Sea of Thieves voyage redefines the notion of hanging out.
The unusual design of private equity makes it resistant to all but the most protracted turbulence; its record redefines resilience.
"The idea is that society as a whole redefines what is acceptable or not," she told France's La Croix newspaper.
It redefines the modern clutch by being the first patent-pending custom clutch to incorporate smartphone design into its hardware.
She redefines her motives — "Fine, a dynasty for us, then" — now that she has no children to inherit a kingdom.
What Pixel 3a tells us about the state of the smartphone — and Google OnePlus redefines premium with the 7 Pro
It redefines what adoption can and should be: a process of entrustment that puts the child's needs at its center.
The design redefines the traditional dorm-room layout by bringing the community together in informal gathering spaces and student kitchens.
Her ambitions were larger than just technology, but her expertise will be essential as tech disruption redefines companies across sectors.
The choreography redefines dance for Black women as being an all encompassing experience and transformative in getting to one's true self.
Media wins despite though the candidate they loathe defying all the negative coverage that redefines the definition of a pile-on.
"It redefines flexibility," said Rahm Emanuel, the mayor of Chicago, who was a senior adviser to Mr. Clinton at the time.
It looks like it could be the type of movie that redefines the aesthetics of special effects, just like The Matrix did.
This wave of female-controlled capital coming off the sidelines could be a game changer that redefines how we quantify economic value.
"We look forward to this ongoing collaboration as Metromile redefines the marketplace with its unique business model, innovations and smart technology offerings."
"Playtest" provides a look at what virtual reality could become — a force so powerful it redefines what a horror game could be.
"For us, it was about creating a brand that challenges the status quo and redefines what it means to make something 'better.'"
And it further redefines that role as less of an aesthetic alchemist and more of an employee with a transferable skill set.
Leffen wins at Get on My Level Melee redefines the rules of competitive fighting games and competitive video games as a whole.
And trade wars aside, there's a futuristic tilt to a chunk of the Chinese economy that redefines the role of the human.
And it continually redefines "broadband" to require higher and higher bandwidths as a way of narrowing the extent of broadband's market reach.
This can be accomplished with an amendment that redefines congressional districts and institutes a proportional voting method for the House of Representatives.
It's part of a larger shift that redefines what it means to be a filmmaker — and what you can do with that power.
Much like Frida Kahlo, Katayama uses her particular bodily contours, along with accessories and fashion, to create an iconoclastic look that redefines beauty.
While social media redefines the relationship between artist, artwork, and viewer, responses to global tragedies allow works of art to gain mimetic momentum.
But Samus Aran retains her normal orientation — so the hack effectively redefines how up/down and left/right work in Super Metroid's world.
What you might not expect to encounter, however, is a mind-blowing site-specific installation that effectively redefines the meaning of multidisciplinary art.
It redefines citizens as consumers, whose democratic choices are best exercised by buying and selling, a process that rewards merit and punishes inefficiency.
As the new administration reevaluates and redefines American foreign policy, this bipartisan group will actively participate in shaping policy related to Eastern Europe.
Every once in a while, a show comes along that redefines how we watch TV and the ways in which we talk about it.
LeWitt redefines our idea of a drawing by having assistants make it directly on the wall, based on his written instructions — like a game.
It also redefines EPA's authority to regulate emissions under the Clean Air Act in a narrower way and overhauls a permit process for big facilities.
It is a jaw-dropping retrospective of Mukherjee's career that investigates her transitions between modern and traditional forms and redefines boundaries between figuration and abstraction.
Written in reaction to how immigrants are seen pejoratively in the British media, curator Sabrina Mumtaz Hasan's manifesto redefines terms like "parasite" in a favorable light.
"It really redefines for us what we know about the capabilities of orangutans," said Rob Shumaker, director of the zoo and an author on the paper.
The advance is not in the idea but the execution: a confluence of technologies that redefines "virtual production" and will empower a new generation of creators.
New Mexico HB 218: Redefines what it means for a fetus to be "born alive" to include when a fetus is born with a discernible heartbeat.
Forever darting between brutality and vulnerability, aggression and sexuality, the album redefines and fucks with the whole concept of femininity by creating a collage of contradictions.
The new Twin Peaks isn't just violent — it redefines what violence is But the storylines rooted in poverty and isolation aren't in service of a pointed polemic.
The new law redefines the word "enemy", so that those designated as enemies will remain so even if India and the country concerned start getting on famously.
Related: China's 105' "Multimedia Tower" Literally Looks Insane Shadow Puppetry and Dance Meet for an Adventure in Hybrid Theater This Light Art and Dance Duet Redefines "Electrifying"
I really love old punk, I'm inspired by it but I think that punk should redefine itself all the time, just as punk redefines everything around it.
It redefines the EPA's jurisdiction under the Clean Water Act, making some small waterways like wetlands and ponds subject to federal rules, angering many major business interests.
After years of complaining about China, it's time for bold action that redefines our economic relationship for the 21st century and ends fears of a trade war.
It redefines the importance to Aalto's work of Aino Marsio-Aalto (1894-1949), a designer and architect whom he met at art school and married in 1924.
OnePlus redefines premium with the 7 Pro The device has a 6.47-inch display with a small camera notch up top and an in-screen fingerprint reader.
Meanwhile, Christopher Nolan made another masterpiece (all of his films are) — "Inception" was a mind-bending blockbuster with a brain, the sort of film that redefines cinema.
Do we want a progressive activist court that redefines morality and redefine issues or do we want a court that understands that the constitution exists to preserve liberty.
Defy Ventures redefines 'the hustle' from prison yard to startup office Cybersecurity has regularly dominated the news, most recently with the ongoing showdown between Apple and the FBI.
It's that it embraces and redefines it, making it clear that it's possible to wallow in the emotional troubles that have defined DCEU movies, and still have fun.
This new exhibition at the Children's Museum of the Arts explores the intersection of cartography and art, showing work that expands upon, redefines or simply refers to maps.
The speaker of Sotelo's Virgin redefines vulnerability in a collection of poems that combine unrequited feelings, myth, fatherlessness, and heartbreak with a sense of humor, sensitivity, and feistiness.
Natsai Audrey Chieza, Design researcher -- Zimbabwe Natsai Audrey Chieza is the founder and creative director of Faber Futures, a creative R&D studio that redefines technology and biodesign.
So that includes the Clean Power Plan and the "Waters of the United States" rule [which redefines which rivers, streams, and lakes fall under Clean Water Act protection].
It is all richly deserved: "When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?" redefines teen-pop stardom, as Jon Pareles wrote in his review of the album.
Stakeholder capitalism, a movement that redefines a company's purpose from serving only its shareholders to all stakeholders, including customers and communities, will be the dominant theme this year.
Wyden maintained that including individual mandate repeal in the tax bill "redefines the scope of this markup" and appealed Hatch's ruling that no additional amendments could be filed.
And recent successes, like the excellent first-generation AirPods, prove Apple is capable of designing a best-in-class product out of the gate that completely redefines a category.
Emergency funds are boring, and the advice to set one up is timeless, but the author redefines them in a way that makes them feel current and absolutely essential.
But it's really the change that came to the comics in 2011, the Zeus-you-are-the-father reveal we see in the movie, that fundamentally redefines Wonder Woman.
However, Lila Rose redefines the meaning of abortion to exclude the cases when abortion is medically necessary in order to bolster her claim that "abortion is never medically necessary".
This exhibition at the Children's Museum of the Arts, closing this weekend, explores the intersection of cartography and art, showing work that expands upon, redefines or simply refers to maps.
Meghan Markle redefines what it means to be royal Over 10 days, The Duchess of Sussex toured South Africa and encouraged many initiatives Princess Diana started over 20 years ago.
The 2015 rule by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Army Corps of Engineers redefines the federal government's authority when it comes to protecting waterways from pollution and harm.
Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) Ernst has taken a lead role in the fight against the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Clean Water Rule, which redefines the federal government's jurisdiction over waterways.
Something about floating up there in the vast emptiness above the planet apparently redefines your sense of proportion, of what truly matters in life, of your own importance in the world.
São Paulo-based writer, multimedia artist, musician, and 'newsgame' pioneer Fred Di Giacomo redefines the meaning of multidisciplinary storytelling, working across various platforms from books and videos to games and infographics.
It redefines America's relationship to the rest of the world, and to Islam in particular, and is a blow to the very concept of America as a tolerant land of immigrants.
At the end of the evaluation process, each individual is assigned a rating by a manager — ranging from "doesn't meet expectations" to "redefines expectations" — which is algorithmically tied to their compensation.
While some critics have called it a "masterpiece," lauding it as an expertly made superhero movie that redefines the genre, others have criticized it for being too sympathetic to Phoenix's character.
The role Clinton models, however, foregoes Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg's advice to Lean In and redefines traditional masculine and feminine roles in favor of "Princeton Mom" Susan Patton's advice to Marry Well.
While still considered controversial (see Pearl's debate with statistician Andrew Gelman on Twitter), The Book of Why presents a new narrative that questions and redefines the building blocks of our AI systems.
Defy Ventures redefines 'the hustle' from prison yard to startup office This week on the Ventured podcast, I sat down with Tony Fadell, father of the iPod and co-founder of Nest.
Even if the reality star's most recent successes didn't stem from the launch of her own lipstick line, her 2.5 hour daily routine to get ready basically redefines the term beauty junkie.
Defy Ventures redefines 'the hustle' from prison yard to startup office Entrepreneurs are first and foremost all about creativity — they see a better future, and strive with minimal resources to achieve it.
In scenario D — "dystopian nightmare" — everything lines up just wrong: Policymaker and industry's eagerness leads to broad adoption of Level 4 automation, which totally redefines what it means to travel by car.
"As the UK redefines its role in the world, we have the opportunity to really consider what sort of nation we want to be," said Clarke, a former candidate for the Conservative party.
A surprise twist among older voters Viewed by age, the results offered a vivid portrait of the price Republicans are paying among younger voters as Trump redefines the party in his confrontational image.
The multi-threat singer-songwriter, producer, choreographer, activist, and Flint, Michigan, native makes music that redefines what it means to live in a queer black body that is often politicized before it's humanized.
Founded by 24-year-old Jessie Willner, The Mighty Company offers a unique range that redefines classic jacket silhouettes, sources high-quality leathers, and partners with Paris mill Malhia Kent on vibrant tweeds.
A new relationship Both men have expressed frustration at the lack of progress in previous negotiations and may be interested in a game-changing breakthrough that redefines the relationship between the two nations.
Article 68, which redefines matrimony as gender neutral, has sparked a particular uproar, revealing how macho Cuban society remains despite making headway on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights in recent years.
This fast-absorbing dry oil redefines salicylic acid the way Luna does retinoids: by putting the typically drying ingredient in a well-balanced formula that keep skin smooth and hydrated, not parched and flaky.
Fitch expects comps to decline 0.5% in fiscal 2018 and then grow about 33711% in fiscal 3371212 as Brinker redefines its value proposition, improves restaurant execution, and strengthens takeout capabilities to offer enhanced convenience.
The same pattern can be seen in industry after industry after the introduction of computers, says Mr Bessen: rather than destroying jobs, automation redefines them, and in ways that reduce costs and boost demand.
The incoming administration and its Israeli ally were busy counting the days until the old team will be swept from the stage and a new Israeli-American alignment redefines the politics of the region.
We haven't yet seen a game that really pushes the limits of what the medium can accomplish — a game that redefines VR gaming by achieving something even close to a big-budget, major studio game.
Ahead of the release of Black Moses, VICE caught up with Tres to talk about his latest offering and how his style redefines Black masculinity: VICE: Why did you dedicate your album to Issac Hayes?
In the same list, the department broadly redefines "work force" so religious protections can apply not just to the nurse in the room, but also to the scheduler, the janitor and the security guard outside.
Written and directed by Céline Sciamma, who won the award for Best Screenplay at last summer's Cannes Film Festival, it's a film that successfully avoids the male gaze and redefines how desire can appear on screen.
Xnor's saltine-sized, solar-powered AI hardware redefines the edge CEO Ali Farhadi and his founding team put the company together at AI2 and spun it out just before the organization formally launched its incubator program.
But I really want to see you back in the game with a leapfrog moment — one that redefines assistance in the user's image, that operates in my interests, that shifts from tedious recommendation to blissful anticipation.
"When the president says, 'Make sure to hit the heads of people on the door of the police car,' or pardons a sheriff accused of racial profiling, it redefines the law as just brute force," Mr. Waldman said.
" She had received little attention until Ms. Maddox's biography, which, Caryn James wrote in a review in The New York Times, "redefines the muse as a down-to-earth woman whose devotion was always total and never blind.
Billie Eilish Redefines Teen-Pop Stardom on a Haunted, Heartfelt Debut Album The 17-year-old's "When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?" traces an arc from bravado to melancholy using sparse instrumentation and whispery, intimate vocals.
The force that has been let loose in the hall redefines me as it defines Reeve, as a disability object, presumably tragic but brave, someone to gawk at, someone to make them grateful that they are not like us.
But 'Listen With(out) Piano' was more about the fact that each track could both exist as its own entity and act as something that redefines the Piano songs and brings another dimension, another person's response to them, to the listener.
If Pai redefines the standard downwards, it would thus create a situation in which the FCC could pretend millions of people who currently have inadequate access to the internet actually do—never mind that broadband and mobile are used for very different purposes.
So this weekend's World Cup is not only a culmination and celebration of Fortnite's reach as a game, but it also confirms its status as the driver of an online social landscape that redefines what it means to consume and engage with content.
Next comes "We don't believe that ": since reincarnation means eternal rebirth and coming back as a monkey and the rest of it, the enlightened Buddhist tries to de-literalize the "that" to make it more appealing, just as the Christian redefines Hell.
When one of the most storied institutions in our country has recognized that caring for a baby does not diminish a new parent's capacity to be a professional and a leader, that redefines norms of professionalism and leadership to be more inclusive.
This past January, she attended the Women's March on DC. Time and again, she puts her money where her mouth is, making an effort to learn the ways inequality's woven into society—in the process she constantly redefines the position of pop princess.
Rather than declare that trans women had always been female, the Gender Representation on Public Boards Act 2018 redefines the word "woman" to include a person who "is proposing to undergo, is undergoing or has undergone a process for the purpose of becoming female".
The creative team behind the character and comic — writer G. Willow Wilson, artist Adrian Alphona, and editors Sana Amanat and Steve Wacker — has created an intelligent, endearing story that soars and redefines who superheroes are, what they stand for, and how we see them.
Defy Ventures redefines 'the hustle' from prison yard to startup office Former Columbia University football coach Bill Campbell had long ago tossed the football for a more corporate role: coach to legendary CEOs such as Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, Eric Schmidt and Larry Page.
Always, a manufacturer of women's hygiene products, scored big in 2015 with a heartwarming spot that redefines what it means to run, throw, and fight "like a girl" — and in the process, the company found a fine balance between public service and brand awareness.
State Department officials will give more scrutiny to people traveling for medical treatmentAccording to State Department officials, the new rule keeps current regulations but simply redefines how consular officers will conduct these interviews, adding a portion to determine the purpose of the travelers&apos visit.
"By making Buzz available for free to everyone in the organization and putting business insights at the center of the conversation, Buzz redefines how social technologies can improve the speed at which insights can be reached and business decisions can be made," James said in today's announcement.
By working with a variety of stakeholders representing an array of autonomous vehicle platforms, these leaders can help establish and accelerate the deployment of what could be a truly revolutionary new model for cooperation among multimodal autonomous vehicles that facilitates commerce, enhances roadway safety, and redefines mobility.
"American Woman" (June 7, Paramount Network) Inspired by the childhood of "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" star Kyle Richards, this 1970s-set sitcom-with-an-edge features Alicia Silverstone playing a mom and housewife who redefines her life path after her cheating husband takes a hike.
Pearson describes the "student-centered, accelerated approach" of CBE as a "new model in education that uses learning, not time, as the metric of student success," noting that the method "redefines traditional credit-based requirements" by emphasizing competencies derived from the skills that employers value the most.
Yet some of those operatives had another parallel concern: The record number of first-time candidates raises the risk of an unforced error — a gaffe, an unvetted skeleton in the closet, what have you — that redefines the race and makes it about them instead of Republicans.
One of them has got to start… a center-right party liberated from all the Trump birthers, the Sarah Palins, the Grover Norquists, the Sean Hannitys, the Rush Limbaughs, the gun lobby, the oil lobby and every other narrow-interest group, a party that redefines a principled conservatism.
As technology redefines security, who can credibly provide it, and where the cyber attacks might be coming from, there is an urgent need to redefine a new social contract for the cyber age to ensure the sustainability of an increasingly connected global economy and reducing risks to the critical infrastructure.
The Good Stylish exterior design • Efficient turbocharged engine • Entry model is impressively affordable at • Loaded with as much tech as a $100,000 German sedan The Bad Lacks oomph for quick freeway-speed passing The Bottom Line With the all-new Cruze, Chevy redefines the compact sedan segment with heaps of tech and style.
One of them has got to start the N.R.P. — New Republican Party — a center-right party liberated from all the Trump birthers, the Sarah Palins, the Grover Norquists, the Sean Hannitys, the Rush Limbaughs, the gun lobby, the oil lobby and every other narrow-interest group, a party that redefines a principled conservatism.
Seth Meyers slams the GOP's latest attempts to undermine impeachment hearings Kristen Bell's Hollywood Walk of Fame acceptance speech redefines 'let it go' Stephen Colbert examines Trump's butt in the name of the impeachment hearings Adam Driver took 2 souvenirs home with him from the set of 'Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker'
"As the next generation of employees redefines both the physical and digital workplace, we see a rapidly expanding market for innovative solutions that enable an organization to better engage its workforce by fostering collaboration and connecting employees with the right information at the right time," said Andrew Lindner, co-founder and managing partner at Frontier Capital, in a statement.
"The Gulfstream G700 takes the very best elements from our most innovative products and unites them with cutting-edge advances to create an all-new, advanced-technology aircraft that redefines safety, comfort, and range at speed," Gulfstream President Mark Burns said at the 2019 National Business Aviation Association Convention and Exhibition in Las Vegas on Monday when the plane was first unveiled.
None of this dismisses or ignores the need for oversight of A.I. It's just that instead of worrying about the black box, we should focus on the opportunity and therefore better address a future where A.I. not only augments human intelligence and intuition but also perhaps even sheds light on and redefines what it means to be human in the first place.

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