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119 Sentences With "rampages"

How to use rampages in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "rampages" and check conjugation/comparative form for "rampages". Mastering all the usages of "rampages" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Abadi's task is made a lot harder by militia rampages.
It was one of the deadliest shooting rampages in US history.
A spiky blue pig rampages through a jungle exploding randomly into jewelry.
" A spokesman for Vladimir V. Putin, Russia's president, denounced the "rampages in Marseille.
There will always be more rampages because of the way society treats us.
Yet all legally purchased semi-automatic weapons as a prelude to their murderous rampages.
Large parts of Europe are under lockdown as the virus rampages through the region.
Added to these we have the rampages in Las Vegas, Orlando, and countless other places.
Or should you only count public, apparently indiscriminate rampages like the carnage in Las Vegas?
In a boisterous early sequence, she rampages through a store snapping up everything in sight.
The attackers in the San Bernardino, California, and Orlando, Florida, rampages used high-caliber semiautomatic weapons.
The California Democrat set the stage for more congressional legislation as the pandemic rampages through the country.
The California Democrat set the stage for more congressional legislation as the pandemic rampages throughout the country.
Perhaps because they are difficult to obtain, they have rarely, if ever, been used in shooting rampages.
During the murderous rampages of Idi Amin and Joseph Kony, the Sudanese provided critical support to Ugandan refugees.
" A seven-time recipient of Trump's Twitter rampages, Brzezinski described her induction as "truly an honor of a lifetime.
Yet the only mass shootings that regularly grab our attention and drive national conversations are the indiscriminate public rampages.
Instead, Trump and many others try to reduce white nationalism and white supremacy to terrorist plots and murderous rampages.
For almost a year, Mr. Trump has been the 800-pound gorilla whose unpredictable rampages have obsessed the news media.
The London attack echoed vehicle rampages in Nice, France, and Berlin last year that the group claimed under its banner.
In 2002, a Muslim mob attacked a train carrying Hindu pilgrims, and some 1,000 people were killed in retaliatory rampages.
Part of that is thinking if we could predict these murderous rampages beforehand, the shooters could be stopped and violence prevented.
The company did retain and restore some of the bullet-riddled facades that had withstood the rampages of the various militias.
He rampages through the rest of the play until he ends up on skid row, a tramp wheeling a shopping trolley.
"Because I'm a 'national treasure,' I could get away with anything," Ms. Ullman's Judi says innocently as she goes on rampages.
Communities outside of the United States, most notably in Germany, New Zealand, and Norway, were also struck by far-right rampages.
Beierle is the latest of several men to have connected with "incel" or "involuntary celibate" communities online before going on violent rampages.
Frenzied mobs have gone on rampages and killed people at the mere suggestion that at an act of blasphemy has been committed.
To some audiences, ascribing murderous rampages to political motives may make more sense than a more nuanced explanation that includes mental illness.
Perchta was particularly intolerant of unruly children and liked to bring a posse of zombie-like helpers with her on her rampages.
From Negan and Lucille's bloody rampages to Maggie Rhee's resistance and persistence, season 7 has already given fans a lot to digest.
Dowling relates anecdotes about boxing matches, the rampages of Norman Mailer, and the challenges of attending seminars while mothering two small children.
The arsenal of the Las Vegas perpetrator included the AR-215 assault rifle, a weapon that has been used in many rampages.
Mother Jones defines mass shootings as "indiscriminate rampages" resulting in four or more deaths from a single shooting incident in a public space.
When a piece of unprecedented malicious software rampages through thousands of critical networks around the world, it tends to get our full attention.
It's understandable that apparently random rampages stoke more personal concern than other attacks, and that novel settings and lurid details catch audiences' eyes.
Though its colorful name may conjure up visions of moonlit werewolf rampages, it actually refers to the characteristics of this rare celestial event.
A peace agreement aimed at ending a three-year civil war there collapsed last month, leading to some of the worst rampages yet.
He breaks free, rampages through the city, and then scales the Empire State Building with Ann, only to be shot down and die.
The attack fit the pattern of rampages by Boko Haram, the terrorist group that has killed poor people in this region for years.
A small number of people with strong personal grievances appear to be mining massacres for methods and potential targets to plan their own rampages.
It means more Twitter rampages and attacks on the press, the complete destruction of institutional norms, and possibly another conservative on the Supreme Court.
In 2016 France, for example, was subject to a year of horrific terror attacks, including murderous rampages in Paris and Nice that killed hundreds.
Donald Trump took some time off from staffing his White House and enjoying Thanksgiving to go on a series of Twitter rampages this weekend.
By the game's end, after so many hours of emotionally exhausting murderous rampages, I truly  missed those slow, simple early days on Ms. McFarlane's ranch.
Trump, a Republican who backed gun rights during and since his 2016 presidential campaign, last week suggested that arming teachers could help stop more rampages.
Kano's residents live in fear of such events, during which the gangs go on rampages, attacking each other and snatching purses and phones from passers-by.
It's part of the way Burning Games is trying to temper players from simply indulging in genocidal rampages in a fantasy of Europe's conquest of South America.
The shooting rampages that have terrorized communities across the country have spurred lawsuits from the ever-growing ranks of victims and survivors seeking a measure of justice.
So does Luis, and just about all the children playing Nok-Hockey, basketball, soccer and board games, or running on general rampages through the fire-hydrant sprinkler.
Indeed, one might argue the grinding epidemic of large scale shootings in America is actually more haphazard and thus dangerous for the average citizen than headline-grabbing rampages.
There's an even stronger argument that the same calculus might be applied to Live videos on Facebook, which have previously allowed people to broadcast shooting rampages and suicides.
This may be one reason why legal systems have historically been rather forgiving of men who go on rampages after too much wifely nagging or losing their jobs.
The other Arctic appears in books like Gretel Ehrlich's The Future of Ice or Marla Cone's Silent Snow, vulnerable, dying, itself a victim of the rampages of man.
After years of brutal rampages by the Boko Haram militants, some Nigerians fear that anyone who has spent time with the group may have become a Boko Haram sympathizer.
Seminal bands such as The Germs, The Adolescents, and T.S.O.L. appear, but only to soundtrack La Mirada Punks brutal rampages, or worse, get bullied and bruised by the gang.
For starters, even the most competent government agency would be hard-pressed to spot and stop deranged people — whose dark fantasies occur in the proverbial dark — before their rampages.
Of course, but when offered alongside all the other "evil news" of White House iniquities, shooting rampages and other horrors, it's barely enough, as Mark Twain might have put it.
The line between people who carry out acts of terrorism because of political beliefs and those who go on violent rampages mostly because they are mentally disturbed has become blurred.
Just in case there are any doubters, he rampages through the streets throwing grenades, firing his rifle and — in a final act of defiance — lights the Gestapo headquarters on fire.
When a muscular grizzly bear rampages their hive for honey, "every damn mama bee, daddy bee and every little jitterbug bee jump Brer Bear's burly ass," Wideman says to Till.
Terence Stamp stars as Wilson, an aging British ex-con who rampages through the Los Angeles underworld, looking for anyone who can tell him what happened to his long-estranged daughter.
The main concern about this liberalized definition is that it could theoretically make it more difficult for casual observers to discern whether truly enormous public rampages are actually on the rise.
KITTEN AMBITION PROMPTS SLICK MOVES — The kittens, though young, have already shown the killer instincts we expect, and have gone on occasional rampages around their pen, including near the kitten cam.
It also included draft legislation related to domestic terrorism, which some law enforcement agents believe could help them crack down on political extremists or white supremacists who go on killing rampages.
LeBron's rampages were barely sufficient against the Pacers and appear to be in vain against the Celtics when Al Horford is playing the most forceful two-way ball of his career.
She goes on murderous rampages when she senses her family—Jessica or the doctor, who she is in a relationship with—is in danger, the very definition of a raging mama bear.
PAGARINYA, Uganda (Reuters) - A year ago the view from Ugandan teacher Richard Inyani's mud hut was wilderness, land untouched since the 1990s and the murderous rampages of Joseph Kony's Lord's Resistance Army.
Searches revealed that the unnamed 18-year-old who was born and raised in the Bavarian capital had "looked intensively" at the subject of "shooting rampages," Police Chief Hubertus Andrae told reporters.
We both went out on our own separate rampages, and we both ended up seeing a lot of other people, but we kept coming back and talking about it with each other.
The scene evoked memories of deadly vehicle rampages carried out by extremists in a number of major Western cities in recent years, including New York, London, Stockholm, Berlin, Barcelona and Nice, France.
It was too obvious that he was the kind of person who thought that life had been basically okay before 2017, that Washington hadn't abandoned Americans to the rampages of criminal gangs.
The way Knox paints it, aside from the two rampages in Michigan and Kansas, most of this week's mass shootings were just your average incidents of street crime that hit more bodies than usual.
The victims were among the more than 50,000 people who had been forced from their homes by Boko Haram's rampages, only to be confronted with the same horror in the very place they had sought refuge.
PopSugar notes that in one scene, there's a glimpse of Beverly Hope (Adina Porter) wearing the exact same dress that the pentagram-faced, hands-sprouting-out-of-her-head clown wears during the group's murderous rampages.
But you aren't as young as you used to be, and your liver isn't as willing to deal with those monumental binge-drinking rampages that used to be a breeze for you in your early 20s.
There is a violent case history where refugees from countries on the travel ban list have been allowed entry into the United States, only to go on rampages with the intention of killing innocent American citizens.
Or there are tales like Florida's skunk ape, a sort of warm-weather yeti that thrives in the sticky humidity among the snakes and mosquitos, going on rampages and taking out whatever unfortunate soul crosses its path.
Students galvanized by the deadly mass shooting at the Florida high school confronted lawmakers with demands to restrict sales of assault rifles, while President Donald Trump suggested arming teachers as a way to stop more U.S. rampages.
Bank of America, the second-biggest U.S. bank by assets, said its request to makers of the military-style weapons was in line with those taken by other financial industry companies to help prevent deadly gun rampages.
In 1960s Los Angeles, the gorehound antagonist role Blassie had honed down South over the previous decade made him so thoroughly loathed that fans eventually came around to finding his rampages not just entertaining but worth rooting for.
Since the Columbine High School shooting in 1999, the standard police protocol has been that any officer immediately tries to stop the shooter rather than waiting for backup, as deadly shooting rampages typically last only a few minutes.
Pamela Anderson says her ex-husband, Tommy Lee, is a "disaster spinning out of control" who has gone on "Trump style" rampages who cannot handle the "guilt about his abusive behavior" and got punched because he deserved it.
That sense of superiority is, arguably, why men like Turner feel entitled to violating an unconscious woman's body and why ones like Mateen will defend it with murderous rampages, even if it means destroying themselves in the process.
At Cologne and Stockholm stations, in the two countries that have overwhelmingly taken in the most refugees, two rampages — by asylum seekers against women in Germany and by masked nationalist thugs against refugee children in Sweden — illustrate the tensions.
Recently, the Daily Mail (stay with me) proclaimed that, "Britain is under attack from 'lager lout' wasps who are going on stinging rampages after getting drunk on fermented fruit and leftover pub-garden cider," which is big, if true.
Granted, at times, in such a short but information-packed book, accounts of such continuities may feel schematic; but at others, they can feel revelatory, as when Dunbar-Ortiz compares "savage war" to the rampages of contemporary mass killers.
Observers have long believed in the power of warm weather to increase gun violence, suggesting that the heat of summer especially raises people's heart rates, changes their metabolisms, and increases testosterone levels, giving a boost to rage and rampages.
The fact that the European vogue for cacao was born of colonial rampages may not come as a revelation, but Nealon's suggestion that chocolate acted — for both the Maya and the French — as an exacerbator of social tensions does.
In one fell caped-crusader swoop—SPOILER ALERT —Wonder Woman's original motivations of peace, justice and girl-power are replaced with the same justifications employed to warrant the testosterone rampages of action heroes like Rambo, Chuck Norris, or The Road Warrior.
Permit-to-purchase policies can alert authorities when an individual is stockpiling a large number of assault rifles and accessories; this allows officials to investigate individuals who may be dangerous or planning rampages like the one we saw last week.
Created by Liz Feldman, and co-produced by Will Ferrell and Adam McKay, this dramedy follows two emotionally fragile characters as they self-soothe with boozy rampages through a ritzy suburb, while skirting a secret that could end their friendship.
An ABC News investigation in 703 found that in the 14 years after Columbine, at least 17 school shooters — and 36 other students who threatened rampages that were averted —directly cited the Columbine shooting or its perpetrators as partial motivation for the attack.
A T. rex briefly rampages through the streets of San Diego in 20493's The Lost World; a flock of pteranodons flap off in search of new nesting grounds, never to be mentioned again, at the close of Jurassic Park III in 2001.
MICHAEL BEARDPortland, Oregon It is unlikely that a generation raised on lockdown drills, with access to phone footage of gun rampages and a waning interest in hunting, will grow up parroting the National Rifle Association's rhetoric as enthusiastically as today's political leaders.
An ABC News investigation in 2014 found that in the 14 years after Columbine, at least 17 school shooters — and 36 other students who threatened rampages that were averted —directly cited the Columbine shooting or its perpetrators as partial motivation for the attack.
WhatsApp, which is owned by Facebook (FB), is coming under renewed scrutiny over how it handles misinformation as the coronavirus pandemic rampages across the globe, infecting more than 200,000 people and killing over 8,000, according to figures compiled by Johns Hopkins University.
The disease of extremism rampages through Albert Camus's "State of Siege," a deservedly minor 1948 play revived by the director Emmanuel Demarcy-Mota of Théâtre de la Ville in Paris and presented by the Next Wave Festival at the Brooklyn Academy of Music.
Washington (CNN)2020 presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg unveiled a policy plan Tuesday to prevent gun violence in the wake of the mass shootings in Dayton, Ohio, and El Paso, Texas, and said he believes President Donald Trump bears "some responsibility" for the rampages.
A database compiled by The Associated Press, USA Today and Northeastern University shows that there were more mass killings in 2019 than any year dating back to at least the 1970s, punctuated by a chilling succession of deadly rampages during the summer.
As A.A. Dowd from the AV Club wrote, "It's yet another entry in the endless cycle of middle-aged vigilante rampages-a formula that no one but Liam Neeson seems capable of actually wringing entertainment from, try as his various fiftysomething peers might."
The apparent inability of the world's biggest tech companies (Twitch is owned by Amazon) to keep scenes of violent rampages from spreading wildly is becoming a problem for brands that are spending increasing amounts of their advertising budgets on those very sites.
LOS ANGELES/CHARLESTON, S.C. (Reuters) - Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden on Wednesday accused Republican President Donald Trump of fueling the white supremacy beliefs blamed for several U.S. mass shootings, as Trump visited two cities where 31 people were killed in rampages last weekend.
"The Islamic State and other groups, Al Qaeda, also use bombs, but there's a preference for these kinds of shooting rampages," said Henry Wilkinson, the director of intelligence analysis for the Risk Advisory Group, a British company carrying out security assessments for Euro 2016.
In her recently published book, "Presidents' Secrets: The Use and Abuse of Hidden Power," Mary Graham rampages through American history to show that it's an old story: Presidents almost always try to keep information secret, and someone else is always trying to make it public.
But compared to last week, which saw 12 shootings (including two high-profile random public rampages) that left 20 dead and 41 wounded—over six times as many deaths and over four times as many injuries as Americans experienced this week—the contrast is a stark one.
Saturday on his family's apartment in the Maxvorstadt neighborhood, which includes some of the city's renowned art museums and is adjacent to the city's historic center, the authorities found newspaper articles on police responses to other shooting rampages, as well as the book on school gunmen.
"Swallow (after Giotto)" (22004), at a mere 21656¾ by 51960 by 2529½ inches, isolates the narrow-eyed, hairy green head of the enormous monster that rampages through Giotto's fire and brimstone, with the half-devoured body of one of the damned still protruding from its mouth.
In one season seven episode, the office calls Archer as he's on one of his murderous "rampages," but they think it's just another one of his prank voicemail gags, where his recording tries to pretend like he picked up the phone in order to fake out a caller.
Along with the Fort Lauderdale gunman, a number of recent mass shooters clearly suffered from mental illnesses but had never been involuntarily committed, including the perpetrators of the attack that wounded former congresswoman Gabby Giffords, the Aurora movie theater shooting, and the Washington Navy Yard and Santa Barbara rampages.
Almost immediately after last Friday's killings, Ms. Ardern listened to her constituents' outrage and declared that within days her government would introduce new controls on the military-style weapons that the Christchurch shooter and many of the mass killers in the United States have used on their rampages.
In the tradition of great monster movies, its central aquatic monster is both a physical terror and a pointed metaphor, and Bong makes great use of the creepy, tentacled beast in a daytime attack scene early in the film that stands along some of the best monster rampages in cinema history.
The season of strife and tears took another bloody twist when five Dallas police officers were slain on Thursday as one tragedy rolled into another following police shootings of black men at traffic stops, gun rampages in cities like Chicago and an Orlando terror attack carried out by a radicalized gunman.
Whereas they make up a minority of mass shootings as VICE defines them and often receive less attention than random public shooter rampages, when you look at shootings between 2009 and 2015 involving four or more deaths, 57 percent of these especially lethal incidents involved intimate partners or family members.
Eastern Europe is home to some of the highest rates of alcohol consumption on the planet, thanks in part to a combination of bitterly cold winters and alarmingly frequent encounters with the Russian Army, to say nothing of alternating rampages of Swedes, Germans, and Central Asian horse tribes at various points through history.
In one class are books like Hampton Sides's In the Kingdom of Ice or Anthony Brandt's The Man Who Ate His Boots—books in which the Arctic is terrifying, destructive, a thing to be fought and conquered, in which man (it's always a man) falls victim to the rampages of the ice and wind.
The border city is a far cry from the chaos of their hometown of Homs, but Nuevo Laredo is also wracked with violence: the rampages of the brutal Los Zetas drug cartel have prompted the State Department to warn Americans to defer travel to the region because of the prevalence of murder, robbery, carjacking, kidnapping, extortion and sexual assault.
But the highly publicized attacks in a nightclub and restaurants in Paris, at airports in Brussels and Istanbul, and in public spaces in Mumbai may be providing troubled people already contemplating violence a spur to act, experts said, in the same way that many school shootings and other violent rampages follow close on the heels of similar incidents in the news.
We live in a country where we do not even allow the CDC to study gun violence as the epidemic it is; where we cannot pass the simplest ban on automatic rifles; or where the Air Force fails to keep guns out of the hands of someone it itself noticed was abusive; where men with a history of abusive behavior again and again go on public rampages.

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