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22 Sentences With "bloodthirstiness"

How to use bloodthirstiness in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "bloodthirstiness" and check conjugation/comparative form for "bloodthirstiness". Mastering all the usages of "bloodthirstiness" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The mainstream media's bloodthirstiness is well-documented by Trump himself, most recently in his Feb.
In a sense, our ancestors and their habitat are scarier than the film's eponymous witch, her bloodthirstiness notwithstanding.
What has changed, though, is the bloodthirstiness of radical Islamists in Egypt with the growth of ISIS in the country.
At least since the 2016 election (arguably earlier), the underlying bloodthirstiness of the internet is more dominant than ever before.
As a rule, the populists who elected Trump lack bloodthirstiness, a trait more ascribable to Trump's opponents than to Trump's supporters.
I read one editorial criticizing the clowns for condescending to their audiences with "pidgin Japanese, and tiresome tomfoolery," and another expressing discomfort with the gladiatorial bloodthirstiness of the lion show.
This is a nation that was literally built on propaganda (and the backs of poor peasant farmers), and the best idea they could come up with to inspire revolutionary bloodthirstiness in its young comrades was... a "viral" rap video?
Played with acidic irony by Brianna Hildebrand and Alexandra Shipp, Sadie and McKayla exhibit all the textbook signs of narcissism, and their bloodthirstiness is really a thirst for the followers that murder is able to drum up for their online horror brand.
Rome he described as "the pestilent hydra" and the pope "the sonne of sathan, and the manne of sinne, and the enimie unto the crosse of Christ, whose bloodthirstiness will never be quenched".
The > problems arise from 'bloodthirstiness'. People can lose their minds when > they resort to violence. Eventually, they don't know why they fight each > other and what the problems they need to resolve are. They merely know that > they must overcome each other and they must be the only winner.
He feared that Mudclaw would do harm to ThunderClan because he had shown signs of bloodthirstiness. He mentors Morningflower and Deadfoot. His warrior name was Talltail. He is born Tallkit, but another kit, a tom named Shrewkit, calls him Wormkit because of his expected destiny of digging tunnels.
Slovene from 1920. The text reads: "Mother, do not vote for Yugoslavia, or I will be drafted for King Peter". With such messages, the Austrian side tried to persuade voters that the military matters and bloodthirstiness were characteristic of Yugoslavs, whereas the Austrians and Germans were depicted as peace-loving. A Yugoslav propaganda sticker.
Most workers, even of extreme views, were repelled by Babeuf's bloodthirstiness; and police reported that his agitation increased support for the government. The Jacobin Club refused to admit Babeuf and Lebois, on the ground that they were "throat-cutters" (égorgeurs). However, the economic crisis increased Babeuf's influence. After Napoleon Bonaparte closed the club of the Panthéon on 27 February 1796, Babeuf increased his activity.
Procopio (c. 1841 – 1882 to early 1890s), also known as Red-Handed bebito and Red Dick was one of the best-known bandits in California history. His nickname was reportedly given due either to his red hair or his violent nature and bloodthirstiness. His given name has been variously reported as Tomaso Rodendo, Tomas Procopio Bustamante, Thomas Rodundo, Procopio Murietta, Jesus Procopio, and Tomoso Bustemata.
The word 'bloodhound' is recorded from c. 1330. Most recent accounts say that its etymological meaning is 'hound of pure or noble blood'. This derives from an original suggestion of Le Couteulx de Canteleu in the 19th century, which has been enthusiastically and uncritically espoused by later writers, perhaps because it absolved this undoubtedly good-natured dog from suggestions of bloodthirstiness. Neither Le Couteulx nor anyone since has offered any historical evidence to support this view.
Bc4 Nf6 :3. Nc3 Nxe4 The opening involves many complications; however, with accurate play the opening is viable for both sides. The variation was given its name by Tim Harding in his 1976 book on the Vienna Game, in which he said that the bloodthirstiness of the character of play was such that "a game between Dracula and the Frankenstein Monster would not seem out of place." The line is rarely seen in top-level play.
"It's 90 minutes of skill", he wrote, "bringing viewers back into the story without missing a beat, adding immediate depth to characters, ratcheting up suspense [...], plus expanding the emotional palette of the series." In his review, John Griffiths of Us Weekly liked the personal dynamics almost as much as the bloodthirstiness. Some critics were less enthusiastic about the episode. Zack Handlen of The A.V. Club gave it a B+ grade; he praised the horror sequences in the episode, but called the character development "tepid".
For a time the government, while keeping itself informed of his activities, left him alone. It suited the Directory to let the socialist agitation continue, in order to deter the people from joining in any royalist movement for the overthrow of the existing régime. Moreover the mass of the ouvriers, even of extreme views, were repelled by Babeuf's bloodthirstiness; and the police agents reported that his agitation was making many converts - for the government. The Jacobin Club refused to admit Babeuf and René-François Lebois, on the ground that they were "égorgeurs" ("throat-cutters").
Pilate's bemused indifference turns to a frenzy of confusion and anger, both at the crowd's irrational bloodthirstiness and Jesus' inexplicable resignation and refusal to defend himself. Pilate realizes he has no option but to have Jesus executed or the masses will grow violent ("Trial Before Pilate [Including the Thirty-Nine Lashes]"). After Pilate washes his hands of Jesus' fate, Jesus' appearance transforms, the heavens open, and a white-jumpsuit clad Judas descends on a silver cross. Judas laments that if Jesus had returned as the Messiah today, he would have been more popular and his message easier to spread.
Wolseley wrote, "I do not think that the fact that one-half of the small garrison of a place taken by assault was either killed or wounded evinced any very unusual bloodthirstiness on the part of the assailants."United Service Magazine, London, 1892, April and May issues Wolseley returned to Canada where he became a brevet colonel on 5 June 1865 and Assistant Quartermaster-General in Canada with effect from the same date. He was actively employed the following year in the defence of Canada from Fenian raids launched from the United States. He was appointed Deputy Quartermaster-General in Canada on 1 October 1867.
Helicopter tours run. Originally, Spider-Man thinks that the events are illusions caused by Mysterio, however this is proven false when Mysterio is arrested and the strangeness continues Meanwhile, N'astirh had made a bargain with Madelyne Pryor, agreeing to locate her son Nathan and manipulate the X-Men into killing the Marauders in exchange for her casting a spell that would make a permanent bridge between Earth and Limbo. To keep his end, N'astirh alters the X-Men's computer systems so that they can use them to locate the Marauders. Driven to bloodthirstiness by N'astirh's Inferno spell, the X-Men attack the Marauders' headquarters, gleefully killing most of them in the ensuing battle.
However, some contemporary reports documented brutality and corrupt governance against subjugated Christians, including a law that forced all Christian families to relinquish at least one child to the Janissaries in order to fulfill the Quranic requirement of jizya. In Sweden, the Turks were portrayed as the archenemies of Christianity. A book by the parish priest Erland Dryselius of Jönköping, published in 1694, was titled Luna Turcica eller Turkeske måne, anwissjandes lika som uti en spegel det mahometiske vanskelige regementet, fördelter uti fyra qvarter eller böcker ("Turkish moon showing as in a mirror the dangerous Mohammedan rule, divided into four quarters or books"). In sermons, the Swedish clergy preached about the Turks' cruelty and bloodthirstiness, and how they systematically burned and plundered the areas they conquered.

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