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110 Sentences With "parses"

How to use parses in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "parses" and check conjugation/comparative form for "parses". Mastering all the usages of "parses" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Understanding consciousness may require an upheaval in how science parses reality.
Our sportswriter parses what that might mean for the coming season.
Our Moscow bureau chief parses the Kremlin's overtures to President Trump.
The critic who parses the artist parsing death must be every inch
The sequence parses emotionally, like a folk story reconstructed from a dream.
Owen dismisses or, at least, parses some of the nastier Roberts legends.
An artificial intelligence program parses those files to find talented amateur performers.
The bot then parses the text you provided and retrieves an appropriate animation.
Amazon parses search queries to figure out what products to show similar shoppers.
Take the way it automatically parses and collates information on your upcoming trips, for instance.
She parses statements regarding her private email server to highlight certain things while hiding others.
Throughout, Daum parses then tallies emotional truths; her revelations are exhilarating, terrifying and oddly comforting.
As one parses the biennial, nostalgia is an important lens through which the past is evoked.
The Cook Political Report's Amy Walter parses new Pew data and finds Warren was onto something.
Theow parses why that definition is flawed — beginning with the fact that Reddit's narrow definition excludes movies.
The trick is to figure out where to put that GAP so the new phrase parses correctly.
No sport parses itself as vigorously as baseball, and it's hard to imagine any sport that ever would.
Mr. Broderick parses these entangled responses with a mixture of bafflement, self-reproach and something like sacred wonder.
It parses the whole scene using just a camera so that you can use your hands as controllers.
AI also parses each pre-viral article and creates a unique video out of millions of pre-made animations.
"I wrote a script which parses a JPG file and inserts a big blob of ICC metadata," he said.
Patent-pending technology parses through the existing product databases and matches it up with the information on the receipt.
It parses the URL to find out which domain the user is visiting, and then enters the appropriate password.
The computer parses the player's input and presents a new piece of text to tell the player what has changed.
The way our technology works is it identifies what's an ereceipt, and then parses the purchase data from that receipt.
As she parses the data, she's looking for unique insights that could help the Detroit Fire Department keep residents safer.
Nicole Dennis-Benn parses the intersection of motherly obligation, sexuality, and immigration to create a rich and thought-provoking book.
Rickman and Mirren are excellent throughout as he parries and parses her demands, ultimately voicing the film's primary moral vision.
She parses more than 400 recipes from her own repertoire and other sources and discusses how Jewish food has changed.
But watch out: In a play that parses the meaning of a 230-year-old legal document, words are tricky.
Its system parses through information on millions of people collected by websites and other digital means to create profiles of consumers.
What remains constant is Ortberg's narrator, a delicious blend of sensible and sentimental, who parses the stories' wild events with wit.
"So basically, I wrote a script which parses a JPG file and inserts a big blob of ICC metadata," he said.
The new feature is an expansion of Instagram's offensive comment filter, which automatically parses out and removes abusive and toxic speech.
He parses political tactics and media strategy with an intensity of a campaign operative who sees public perception as blood sport.
Zola, Simenon and more-contemporary voices guide our wanderings, expertly translated by Constantine, whose introduction parses the history of Parisian geography.
She also parses an unsettling paradox: Why do venture capital firms hire female employees, only to prevent them from advancing professionally?
The overall experience is pretty intuitive and straightforward, though there's obviously a tiny bit of lag before the service parses incoming emails.
For the brainiacs out there, Kehrer has provided technical details of the search engine, which parses episodes and creates screengrabs from them.
The feature, which is already available on other Todoist platforms, parses phrases like "buy groceries on Tuesday" to set due dates automatically.
Scientists have created a machine-learning algorithm that parses babies' MRIs to predict language development and determine if they'll need extra help.
When our government makes references to their commitment to hostages and then parses Bob's situation as having "disappeared," they enable his kidnappers.
We then pass that barf on to Beautiful Soup, which parses it all and makes it available via our new soup keyword.
The tubular Amazon Echo has excellent hearing (some would say too good) and parses most voice requests with aplomb, but there are limits.
As a classification algorithm learns the difference, it parses these points and their positions on the graph, which correspond to different image features.
To understand how maddening this is, watch this YouTube video demonstrating how a screen reader parses The New York Times homepage from 2014.
This year, more than 100 powerful people have been accused of sexual misconduct, according to an ongoing Vox list that parses news reports.
Lending Robot parses through everything from FICO scores to employment history and debt-to-equity ratios when determining whether to execute a transaction.
The Fall of Heaven parses what went wrong in the 1970s, leaning heavily on the memoirs and testimony of regime loyalists, alive and dead.
The media analyzes and parses every word with a greater seriousness and intensity when spoken by a likely nominee for president of the United States.
Each of these groupings makes the relevant emails easy to find without searching, and the app parses the key info into easy-to-read cards.
Wynn's strikes as ContraPoints are similarly surgical, and what parses as lighthearted jocularity or inexplicable sexual attraction at first quickly resolves into a virtual pantsing.
"Right now, I want to put my energy towards things I'm passionate about," she told us in regards to how she parses out potential gigs.
Expect more information about the makeup of Saturn's rings, as well as details from the planet itself, as NASA parses the data Cassini sends back.
He parses toys with an expert eye, looking for any tiny flaw or concern; to date, he has dissected toys from at least eight companies.
The platform parses through membership data, demographic data, lifestyle data, and geospatial data to pick out specific individuals with a likelihood of a successful intervention.
To do that, I use a function called strptime, which takes in a text string representing a date and parses it into a datetime object.
Apple Card parses these by vendor name, website name and then whatever it can parse on its own before it defaults back to the raw identifier.
To guard against plagiarism, Portfolium parses work samples, and has integrated with university systems, allowing faculty to both assign and assess work samples through the site.
Very Good Security (VGS) is one such startup, which layers itself on top of a company&aposs software and parses out which data is most sensitive.
Hospital employees said they had received no guidance, but that nearly all hiring had been postponed while the agency parses the meaning of the executive order.
Shaun parses these dense bureaucratic documents and cryptofascist character constellations with his trademark droll, sardonic narration, which makes for a strangely compelling and often amusing experience.
With voting day looming, and opinion polls indicating the nation is still divided, VICE News parses the two key points of the Brexit debate so far.
He plops multicolored olives in a bucket, and parses the different brands of feta, from Bulgarian sheep's milk to Green dodoni, before selecting the kind he wants.
Kevin Drum, in an article for Mother Jones RE: FIRST WORDS Amanda Hess parses the current usage of the word "woke," now a label for political awareness.
However one parses the data, it is clear that many U.S. clinicians say they favor single-payer, despite the risk that they might take a financial hit.
Vulnerable Republican parses difference between 'support' and 'endorsement' of Trump Yet the RNC agreement also brought old tensions between Trump's team and the party apparatus back to the surface.
The software parses that data and when something goes wrong or the system isn't sure how to move forward, Formant alerts the human "foreman" that they need to intervene.
Text IQ, a machine learning system that parses and understands sensitive corporate data, has raised $12.6 million in Series A funding led by FirstMark Capital, with participation from Sierra Ventures.
In December 2018, Indigo Ag acquired Tellus Labs, a company that parses complicated images from satellites to figure out what's growing, where on Earth and in what conditions, each day.
The other relevant metric is debt held by the public, which parses out "intragovernmental holdings," or money the government borrows to operate from its various trust funds like Social Security and Medicare.
It then parses, condenses, and organizes those pre-approved, peer-reviewed publications from Springer Nature's online database into coherent chapters and sections that each focus on a different aspect of battery research.
The service is basic, but largely functional: the developer explained it collects bucket names, grabs the bucket's index page, parses the results and stores it in a database for others to search.
The system was trained on a growing library of around 11 million product images and corresponding descriptions, which the system parses using natural language processing to figure out what's referring to what.
Frazier's work has always offered an unflinching sense of intimacy and directness; it parses the violent aftermath of late-stage capitalism and racism, even as it highlights the resiliency of affected communities.
In addition to recommending arming teachers, the report parses in exhaustive detail the shooter's movements, and what breakdowns in the school's security infrastructure led to the deaths of 17 people that day.
He then parses its lyrics from two antithetical points of view, showing how its words can be used to bolster arguments of both a white supremacist and someone of Mr. Thorpe's liberal persuasion.
Any explanation I present that parses out the different parts, players, standards, and brands that Artik is now a part of is only going to be good for roughly a week or two.
These filters, we have to make it so it only works when you want to think into it, and you turn on the parses whether you want to communicate about sex or violence.
It is taken from an Arabic lexicon of a Persian grammatician, Al-Thaalibi, that parses the differing levels of thirst codified in the language, from regular thirst to the thirst that makes you die.
Google, too, parses insane numbers of photos as part of its tools for visual recognition, trying to pick up the little pieces of information based on visual cues with increasingly sophisticated algorithms and training.
He parses out information about his characters incrementally in scenes that come across less like moments from fully realized lives and more like flashcards: a man walking amid debris to imply alienation and abjection.
The panel parses each episode for the audience, and their thoughts are bundled within the episode itself, as if the audience is watching and reacting to the show at the same time as the panel.
Nonetheless, an investment management firm called Triumph Asset Management is making a go of it with a new system that parses large volumes of news articles for indicators that can be incorporated into predictive models.
Just as Wall Street parses every word from the Federal Reserve to infer the state of the economy, energy traders scrutinize every release from the Energy Information Administration (EIA) to gauge trends in energy markets.
"Frontline" investigates the country's heroin epidemic as it follows four addicts in Seattle, parses the government's drug policy and explores what happens when heroin use is treated as a public health crisis rather than a crime.
In one long chapter, Eire parses the differences between Melchiorites and Mennonites, Socinians and Davidists; in another, on new Catholic orders, he exhaustively describes the activities of the Barnabites, Ursulines, Visitandines, Piarists, Lazarists, Eudists and Sulpicians.
For Vernon to have grown uncomfortable with his previous album's slickness is unsurprising, as beauty and purity are stifling, conservative ideals, and so is earnest expression once one parses its implications about authenticity and the internal self.
As well as helping with pensions, insurance and tax-related issues, the company also parses the investment market for best-in-class money managers, often giving them billions of pounds to run on behalf of its clients.
As one parses these passionate bodies of work that weave in the exhibition's themes, the inclusion of installations such as Dong Yuan's "Grandmother's House" (2013) — an ode to memories of her grandmother's demolished home in Beijing — seems more tangential.
Despite the showrunners' evident—and crucial—concern with diverse racial and sexual dynamics, these two women remain planted at the narrative center, as the show parses the relics of sororal trust that was broken when Ruth slept with Debbie's husband.
Established in 2004 by Peter Thiel—Trump dinner companion, PayPal co-founder, Facebook board member, and slayer of Gawker Media—Palantir organizes and parses vast amounts of data for corporate and government clients, particularly in the defense and intelligence communities.
Ricks is an engaging, if repetitive, guide, and his book doubles as a deft study of wartime society—a chapter on the Battle of Britain, which parses Churchill's leadership and Orwell's firsthand observations, shows how the Blitz eroded English class hierarchies.
The Thin Blue Line forces witnesses in a murder trial to reckon with their false testimonies, Mr. Death shames a Holocaust denier, A Wilderness of Error parses "mistakes" made by a federal court in a homicide case, and so on.
But even more surprising than its prescient political framework is that underneath the plentiful and delightful gross-out humor, body horror, and literal lingo, Coneheads is a cryptically emotional family comedy that parses out what it means to be happy in America.
The group sorts companies by topics in addition to industry or financial metrics, parses language used in written research reports to gauge analyst sentiment, and analyzes options pricing data collected over the years by Goldman's trading desks, to name just three functions.
Jessica Bennet parses the results in this piece, interviewing Times staffers of different generations and focusing in part on reactions to recent allegations against Aziz Ansari that raise the question, Is it possible for something to be nonconsensual but also not sexual assault?
An essay about Brexit, grievances, and blame, "On Rudeness," parses the individual and political implications of a disagreement between Cusk and an airport employee, who shouts at and picks on travelers at passport control:
 There's no need to be rude, I say.
Indeed, it's easy to envision an automated system which takes a simple text document, parses it into sentences, bullet points, paragraphs, sections and chapters, and tracks the estimation and progress of those elements — at whichever scale makes sense in that context — instead of tickets.
The Dirichlet model allows for more than one "source"—a place relevant to a suspect such as home, work or a frequent pit stop on a commute—but makes no assumptions about their number; it automatically parses the mess of crime sites into clusters of activity.
Notice how the narrator tells you what her son says, but then immediately parses what it might mean: I don't think anything would rattle the mother of a preteen boy quite like the words my 12-year-old uttered this spring: "Mom, we need to talk," he said.
Curiously, Allen's Atlantic colleague Appelbaum parses the polarization over slavery in the 1850s to contend that now, as then, the United States needs a moderate, center-right party and presidency—he may have Michael Bloomberg in mind—to fend off alt-right extremists and leftists who provoke them.
In what appears to be an attempt to right that wrong, Peele's docuseries parses through the lesser known aspects of the notorious event, highlighting the harsh realities of domestic violence, xenophobia, sexism, and sensationalized media that shaped how the world now sees Lorena and her motivation to brutally assault her husband.
I asked about how spammers and unwanted calls are identified, and Algard was unequivocal in noting that whatever data the company amasses and parses comes only from the call log data that the company collects by way of its integrations with carriers — not from the content of the calls themselves.
"Frontline" parses the fighting stance of Stephen K. Bannon, the White House chief strategist, and his personal crusade to transform the United States dramatically — from his mission, as an adviser to President Trump, to deliver on his boss's promises, to his battle against radical Islam and his quarrels with political rivals.
In the first quarter of 2018, just 727 "seed stage" companies raised money in the U.S. Mr. Braithwaite parses that number: That is the lowest number since 2011 and half the level of three years ago ... With such a dramatic decline, the chances of challengers graduating to the next stage and eventually taking on the incumbents is inevitably reduced.
DataSift, the London-based company that pulls data from conversations across social, news and blog platforms, anonymises it, and then parses it for insights for third party organizations, is being acquired by Meltwater, the company originally out of Norway but now based in San Francisco that provides business intelligence services such as media monitoring and AI analytics on internal business communications.
To prove out its software, the startup first built an app based on the platform that it calls Neera (Sanskrit for "water"), which specifically parses footfall and other "human movement" metrics, useful for applications in retail, real estate and civic planning — for example to determine well certain retail locations are performing, footfall in popular locations, decisions on where to place or remove stores, or how to price a piece of property.
Hong parses what it means to be Asian American, from the frustrating lack of nuance in that term to the traps that come with writing about race in a predominantly white publishing world that favors simplistic narratives to her own artistic ambitions, her friendship with two fellow Asian women in college, and a retrospective look at the life and violent death of the artist Theresa Hak Kyung Cha.
The lineup, which may be viewed free on Tuesday, consists of "A Hug From Paul Ryan," which follows Tianna Gaines-Turner, one of the country's working poor and a member of Witnesses to Hunger, after her testimony at the 2014 House Budget Committee's "The War on Poverty" hearing; "The New Fight for Voting Rights," which parses North Carolina's voting law; "Limbo," a look at bail regulations that discriminate against the poor; "Who Will Survive America," in which the filmmaker Sheldon Candis sets out to buy a handgun; and "Degentrify America," Nelson George's chronicle of gentrification in Crown Heights, Brooklyn.

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