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137 Sentences With "pagans"

How to use pagans in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "pagans" and check conjugation/comparative form for "pagans". Mastering all the usages of "pagans" from sentence examples published by news publications.

"These individuals were all Pagans, former Pagans or associated with the Pagans," prosecutors claimed.
"These individuals were all Pagans, former Pagans or associated with the Pagans," reads the statement.
For pagans, equinoxes are particularly significant events, and the autumnal equinox—also referred to as Mabon by neo-Pagans—is somewhat equivalent to Thanksgiving.
Unsurprisingly, the online community of witches and pagans was outraged.
The slick sixth album, "Pagans in Vegas," was released in September.
We will train and equip you to go and kill pagans.
The other three are the Hells Angels, the Pagans and the Outlaws.
He says, "Real thugs never worry 'bout pagans," which is so great.
PantheaCon draws pagans from all over the map, both spiritually and religiously speaking.
Consequently, a lot of pagans who are into pre-Christian Viking, Germanic, etc.
Pagans living in Ireland 2,000 years ago celebrated their new year on Nov.
Some Pagans have tried to combat the spread of racism within their ranks.
According to the census, the number of pagans increased from 42,000 to 57,000 between 2001 and 2011—mainly because pagans have become increasingly willing to declare themselves as such, believes David Spofforth of the Pagan Federation, a pan-European group.
Evergreen trees were actually used by pagans in winter festivals for thousands of years.
In it we read: 'Allah will not tolerate idolatry...the pagans pray to females.
Like the pagans of old during an eclipse, no one expects to survive the night.
For some Pagans, Earth Day is just a small part of a larger commitment to environmentalism.
In the United States, neo-pagans can look back on a series of hard-won successes.
Practicing Pagans actually still invoke her during healing and fertility rites and celebrate her during springtime.
But for pagans, you can swap out the candy and swap in some bitchin' homemade bread.
And in Stonehenge, England, pagans, druids and tourists watch the picturesque sunrise at the prehistoric monument.
"Witches and pagans will come and get one thing from the exhibition," he tells The Creators Project.
" Another question: "Mohammed was a killer of pagans, Christians and Jews that did not agree with him.
Mr Baghdadi has emulated the Prophet Muhammad's defences of Medina from pagans, digging a trench around Mosul.
Pew includes pagans in this category, as well as followers of religions like Sikhism, Zoroastrianism, and Jainism.
The producer told THUMP about his approach to the track, and to Pagans in general via email.
The pagans have gathered at the burial mound to pay homage to the gods through music and dance.
Religious extremism is the breeding ground for terrorism; it incites hatred towards believers of other faiths, or pagans.
Earth Day is a chance for Pagans to show gratitude to nature, which Blake refers to as Gaia.
Pagans often take this time to find connection to Gaia, the goddess of the earth and nature incarnate.
The summer solstice, the longest day of the year, is one of the most sacred holidays for pagans.
Ten years later there were 134,000, and today, along with other neo-pagans, there are over a million.
After all, the Vikings were pagans, and their flowing hair, thick beards, and battle axes are unequivocally metal.
Witches and pagans have long believed celestial events can have real world implications, a notion shared by ancient civilizations.
This was the first instance, Mr. Parlic told me, of medieval iconography displaying pagans who sought to become Christians.
And, of course, living with the pagans, Patrick likely would have been a partier, so don't close the bars.
Nowadays, modern-day Pagans honor Litha by meditating on their role in nature and raising awareness for solar energy.
But she was transformed back to life with the help of Circe (one of the pagans) on episode six.
Pagans, including a bearded druid in white robes and an elaborate headdress made of flowers and branches, performed rituals.
For practitioners of some ancient religions that worship nature, including pagans and druids, it's an important day known as Ostara.
As we've seen with other Christian holidays, we must trace Fat Tuesday's roots back to the Pagans of ancient Rome.
Or "Pagans," in which two sisters sleep with the husband of one, and take up the same young Indian protégé.
Because of that, the Islamic State called us pagans without a holy book, and used that slander to justify murder.
People who identify as Wiccan may call themselves witches, but so may Pagans or those who practice other forms of witchcraft.
These sects were strange to outsiders — as strange, perhaps, as the apostolic communes were to the pagans of the Roman Empire.
First off, it isn't one of the eight sabbats (the equinoxes, solstices, and festivals that Pagans celebrate on a yearly basis).
So, for all the budding witches, Pagans, priestesses, and solitary practitioners, here are the best beginner's guides to nature-based faiths.
In the early 1980s, Cipriani said he found himself in a romantic rivalry with a member of the Pagans Motorcycle Club.
"Mohammed was a killer of pagans, Christians and Jews that did not agree with him," the survey read, according to ABC.
Historians, pagans, and Christians around the world will tell you All Hallow's Eve is a festival dedicated to remembering the dead.
But before you do that, listen to "Dark Saturday," Metric's first new single since Pagans in Vegas came out in 2015.
Mr. Augello started looking for someone he could hire to kill Ms. Kauffman, asking Pagans and others connected to the gang.
So going to a full moon party with a lot of pagans who were gentle and sweet and playing classic disco was nice.
Boyle, in a video statement released by the Pakistani military, called his captors criminals and pagans who had nothing to do with Islam.
The joy with which God, in his infinite mercy, has embraced us pagans, sinners and foreigners, and demands that we do the same.
According to O-Ishi, many modern pagans have overlooked the importance of female energy, an error that the Grailwood Coven attempts to rectify.
" It appears to target Christians, calling them "pagans," giving them the choice of conversion or death and urging followers to "kill the disbelievers.
It isn't as if Santa Claus — possibly dreamed up by pagans, aided and abetted by Coca-Cola — is some paragon of spiritual purity.
"I come from a long line of pagans," said Cassandra Weartz, who plans to pursue a career as a special-effects makeup artist.
From what I'd seen of Pagans of the Path and similar groups, few people reach witchcraft as a spiritual conclusion without also experiencing trauma.
To spread the word in Ireland, he brought in the pagans and integrated some of their ideas and rituals into his services and teachings.
She now faces a coronation as Queen of the Underworld to save her town and coven from an evil prince and some destructive pagans.
STONEHENGE, England (Reuters) - More than five thousand pagans, druids and revelers gathered at Britain's ancient monument Stonehenge on Wednesday to celebrate the winter solstice.
It's been said that, later on, Christians adopted this superstition from Pagans and, in turn, made it more about Jesus and less about woodland fairies.
Pagans had celebrated her in a month that became known as Eosturmonath in Old English, he wrote, which corresponds to what we now call April.
Winterhalder says men in the Outlaws, Pagans, Bandidos, Vagos, and Mongols all kiss each other as a traditional greeting more so than to shock strangers.
Patrick arrived in Ireland in 431 and converted the Pagans living on the island to Catholicism by using the shamrock to represent the Holy Trinity.
The group that Detloff posts his videos in and helps moderate, Pagans of the Path, is a sort of life raft for the eclectic Wiccan set.
This first battle of Islam, known as Badr, took place inside the holy month because the pagans had violated peace agreements between the prophet and themselves.
Legend has it that St. Patrick used a three-leaf clover, otherwise known as a shamrock, to explain the concept of the Holy Trinity to pagans.
His act resulted in the conversion of a large number of local pagans to Christianity, which then resulted in his gruesome martyrdom by the Roman authorities.
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Image: Pagans of the PathPart of me wondered if witchcraft, as it exists on internet communities, is less of a religion and more of a spiritual salve.
State Police identified the two gangs as the Pagans and Kryptmen, who were dubbed "some of the most violent" gangs in the country, the Providence Journal reported.
But outcry related to this trend has recently grown louder, with pagans and people of color objecting to the idea that corporations can pass down their traditions.
In "The Divine Comedy", he merits a place in Dante's first circle of hell, alongside virtuous pagans such as Plato—and seven levels above the Prophet Muhammad.
However, after an encounter with one of the pagans during the Hare Moon celebration on episode four, she was crushed and started morphing into a grotesque insect.
He is the author of six books, including Our Non-Christian Nation: How Atheists, Satanists, Pagans, and Others Are Demanding Their Rightful Place in American Public Life.
" Reliable data about the number of pagans globally doesn't exist, nor does solid information on the growing category of people who count themselves as "spiritual but not religious.
You, too, can surf the etheric waves between the old school occultists and the new wave of social media pagans, with Louv's free book and numerous online courses.
But with the recent rise of right-wing extremism in America, we've seen a co-mingling of racism and Paganism that has alarmed experts, activists, and Pagans themselves.
While it's uncommon for Americans who follow alternative religions to be imprisoned for their beliefs, several employment lawsuits involving discrimination against pagans have been filed in the 21st century.
In 2014, the group killed hundreds of Yazidi men and older women, members of an ancient sect branded as pagans by the militants, in the Iraqi town of Kocho.
Although Beltane has continued to be a significant sabbat among modern-day Pagans, May Day has become completely secular, so it's really just about spending time outside with your community.
So throw caution to the wind, go to bed early or stay up late, have a candle-lit vigil like the pagans of old, or the Great Hall at Hogwarts.
Historically, that bounty was literal: Pagans and other followers of nature-based faiths would spend the equinox celebrating a successful crop and preparing their pantries for the colder months to come.
People of all ages, including druids and pagans, sang, clapped and cheered as the sun rose over the prehistoric site made up of huge standing stones in the southwest of England.
Probably. One of the biggest solstice celebrations in the world is still going on at Stonehenge in Wiltshire, England, annually, where druids, Wiccans and other pagans gather to mark the holiday.
" One of the nation's most notorious alt-right reconstructionist Pagans, Seana Fenner, explained to me that, "A few years ago, there wasn't as much interest or knowledge about Odinism or Asatru.
Neo-pagans, Viking re-enactors and fans of the national ski team expressed dismay at what they considered "giving up" the collective ownership of ancestral symbols to a tiny, unrepresentative minority.
"Their view of the Christian mission isn't to be in the fortress and hold out against the pagans, but to engage culture from a Christian worldview and transform it," Israel said.
Recently, the contention between these two groups has reached a tipping point as anti-racist Pagans try to claim the narrative around their faith before it is overtaken by alt-right racists.
Malcolm Lambert, whose previous books include "Christians and Pagans," does a workmanlike job of clearly summarizing a vast sweep of history in GOD'S ARMIES: Crusade and Jihad: Origins, History, Aftermath (Pegasus, $229.95).
And while there were plenty of henotheist pagans (that is, people who worshiped one god while not denying the validity of others), Christianity went far beyond henotheism's hesitant claim upon ultimate truth.
This point brings a few holidays: celebrations like Groundhog's Day, which is derived from Imbolc (Gaelic, celebrated by many pagans) and Candlemas (Catholic, but which many people believe is a Christianization of Imbolc).
" He argues that many on the alt-right who consider themselves atheists or pagans only lost their faith in Christianity "due to the antiwhite hatred and Marxist dogma held by the modern church.
ATHBOY, Ireland (Reuters) - Irish pagans gathered at an ancient sacred site on Wednesday night to mark the festival of Samhain - a precursor of Halloween - with bonfires and a procession to honor the dead.
In those days, neo-pagans began celebrating the customs of Yule, and by the 1970s, you began seeing an even more nihilistic response with Christmas slasher films like Black Christmas or Christmas Evil.
Within nature-based faiths, this month's full moon is known as the Blessing Moon (most likely for the bountiful crops, plants, and flowers that early Pagans and Wiccans enjoyed around this time of year).
For instance, this was the scene at Stonehenge on winter solstice 2016, where pagans, druids, and other revelers gathered to celebrate the sunrise as it lined up directly with some of the stone monuments.
Ehrman is careful to note that, for the most part, there was no Christian secret police forcing pagans to convert: The empire was too large and diffusely governed to make such an effort feasible.
They are pagans and Christians, vagabonds and military generals, newspaper columnists and victims of H.I.V. Some are looking for families, like the orphan girl vying for her neighbors' charity in a crowded Kampala boardinghouse.
Tumblr is an option if your blog is geared toward fandom or another die-hard community (think Studyblr, a community of studying students, or Witchblr, a community of practicing Pagans), and it's a free service.
Goth is as much a fashion aesthetic as a musical one, and Leipzig will be awash in heavily made-up vampires, pagans, Victorians and pretty much anything to do with horror, decadence and the dark side.
Today, many pagans, witches, and other magical practitioners who work with divine female forces use Lilith in their own practices; she's typically invoked in rites involving sex, power, and the dark side of the divine feminine archetype.
"… I am a witch and I Will Not support any company that specifically discriminates against pagans so @square will not be considered for my website as an option for accepting credit cards," a user named Krystal Holm posted.
He was a patriot — he believed that America was "founded as a Christian nation" — yet suspected that the nation's cultural decline (brought on, in his view, by abortionists, pagans, gays, and feminists) had caused the 9/11 attacks.
In The Perilous Gard, Janet is a clumsy and awkward young noblewoman named Kate, and the fairies are the descendants of Bronze Age British pagans who have kept their holy cults alive in hidden caves under the hill.
Loki's role in the festivities has faded in and out of mainstream thought, but some Pagans and self-described Heathens actually refer to April Fool's Day as Loki's Day or Lokiblót, and spend the day celebrating the mythic trickster.
"I hope the filmmakers are sensitive to the fact that they can influence how the general public views witches and pagans, and I hope they make an effort for their portrayal to be more accurate than fantastical," she said.
But before hanging with the Gunners on Sunset Strip, and his current gig, performing in the modern lineup of The Pagans, Duguay was a punk rocker from Winnipeg, Canada who played in bands Personalty Crisis and the short-lived Lowlife.
This year is particularly—and bizarrely—controversial: Some druids, led by a man named King Arthur Pendragon, protested the event entirely; others stayed and performed rituals as usual; and thousands of non-pagans showed up just to have a good time.
In another controversy, in May 2016, Mr. Rafsanjani was drawn into a ferocious debate over a meeting between his activist daughter, Faezeh, and Fariba Kamalabadi, a leader of the Baha'is, a minority religious group regarded by the clerical hierarchy as impure pagans.
I can just hear the sci-fi/fantasy haters going off again about that last one, but ELDER WAND is at least made up of two real words, so non-Harry Potter fans (pagans!) ought to at least be able to infer it.
So around the holiday time, because holly is the one bright thing in the environment in colder climates, nature has given us it as a symbol, and pagans used it, and to this day we still think of holly as associated with Christmas.
Watching the Christmas special put me in mind of Dar Williams's song "The Christians and the Pagans," about an extended family coming together for a holiday celebration, despite the fact that some of them are Christians and some of them are ... not.
In an attempt to increase their chances of survival, Irish pagans would curry favour with evil spirits during the festival of Samhain—which fell at the midpoint of the equinox and the winter solstice—by inviting occupants of the "Otherworld" to feast with them.
A couple years ago we were mad that he'd moved to Los Angeles and stopped making music to help us see the light at the end of the N8 bus, but then he released last year's double-threat of bangers "Pagans" and "Couple of Stacks".
TEHRAN — A house visit by a daughter of a prominent ayatollah to a female leader of the persecuted Bahai religious minority touched off a debate this week in Iran about the harsh treatment of a group deemed pagans and impure by the country's dominant clerics.
Doucette — which is her married name, not her legal name — is one of the "resistance witches," an at least 13,000-strong umbrella group of internet neo-pagans, Wiccans, solo practitioners who self-identify as "hedge witches," longtime magical practitioners in various traditions, and committed activists.
The 15th-century bulls that are collectively known as the Doctrine of Discovery gave European explorers carte blanche "to invade, capture, vanquish, and subdue all Saracens, pagans, and other enemies of Christ, to put them into perpetual slavery, and to take away all their possessions and property".
When Celtic pagans or early Christians (the holiday's origins are fiercely debated) held feasts to celebrate the autumn harvest, they couldn't have imagined that one day a man dressed as an Italian plumber created by a Japanese corporation would commemorate the night by peeing on my stoop.
"[The March equinox] is a highly significant moment in time in many different cultures and practices, including pagans, Wiccans, and astrologers, because it's very telling of the relationships between the Earth and the Sun at this time of the year," explains Narayana Montúfar, senior astrologer at Astrology.
Bristol producer Pessimist today shared "Astrous," a malicious new track off his forthcoming Pagans EP on Osiris Music UK. Underpinned by a noxious flood of subbass, the track elaborates an ambiance of heated dread by melding gestures from the producer's drum and bass background with a techno template.
Anti-Chinese sentiment seethed long before the arrival of the first immigrant in the Americas; it sprang up "from the thorny territory of the imagination," nurtured by reports from spurned missionaries to China who concocted stories of "irremediable pagans, child murderers" that were enthusiastically taken up by American tabloids.
The singer-songwriter's largely acoustic "Christians, Pagans & Other Hipsters" shows, named after a holiday-themed song from 1996, typically cover the high points of her 25-year career (attendees often get a chance to sing along to "Iowa"), but the set lists are only half of the appeal.
The covers vary from tracks by widely known metal entities (Venom, Quiet Riot, Girlschool) and Midwest punk squads (The Pagans, The Spits) to NWOBHM rarities (Scarab, Crucifixion) and a band so obscure that their only recordings were rehearsal tapes made in a basement five doors down from Walters' house in Cleveland.
"Pagans can aid in the repair of our environment by teaching how we are part of life on Earth, sharing rituals and ceremonies that foster bonds between ourselves and the rest of the web of life, and instilling a sense of responsibility for how we interact with the ecosystem," the statement reads.
Perhaps it should come as no surprise that witchcraft is attracting people, particularly millennial women: Interest in spirituality tends to increase in periods of upheaval, said Helen Berger, a sociologist at Brandeis University and the author of "Solitary Pagans: Contemporary Witches, Wiccans, and Others Who Practice Alone," which came out in August.
Despite openly supporting, for example, Alabama's abortion ban, French is nonetheless being pilloried on Twitter and elsewhere by others on the right for being inadequately "realistic" about the culture war and contributing to the "surrender of the public square ... to the pagans and the perverts" (for liking Game of Thrones, for example).
So if we're going to answer whatever is killing tens of thousands of our countrymen, it's as important to pay attention to the would-be cultural healers — from the old churches to the New Agers, the online Nietzscheans to the neo-pagans, Jordan Peterson to Marianne Williamson — as it is to have the policy conversations about what's possible in the next presidential term.
Our itinerary included a motorboat ride to Philae, begun by a pharaoh in the fourth century B.C. and abandoned by pagans in the sixth century A.D. As we meandered through its courtyard, pylons and sanctuary with our guide, Ahmed A. Kader, an Egyptologist, it became clear that this trip was going to be filled with a bewildering array of dynasties and deities.
To get a fully revived paganism in contemporary America, that's what would have to happen again — the philosophers of pantheism and civil religion would need to build a religious bridge to the New Agers and neo-pagans, and together they would need to create a more fully realized cult of the immanent divine, an actual way to worship, not just to appreciate, the pantheistic order they discern.
He writes: If we're going to answer whatever is killing tens of thousands of our countrymen, it's as important to pay attention to the would-be cultural healers — from the old churches to the New Agers, the online Nietzscheans to the neo-pagans, Jordan Peterson to Marianne Williamson — as it is to have the policy conversations about what's possible in the next presidential term.
The priestesses who conduct rituals at PantheaCon, an annual gathering of a few thousand pagans over a long weekend in San Jose, California, have to meet a particular set of challenges: They have just an hour and a half to facilitate deep magical work, in a conference hotel ballroom, for a group of mostly total strangers who might never have encountered their particular tradition of magic and methods of worship.
" But like many in Pagans of the Path—some of whom claim to see dragons or sense auras —he believes not just in the ideologically comforting power of witchcraft, but its ability to change our physical reality:"After an exercise in letting our core star shine, as a candlelight vigil for those affected by the Orlando shooting, Angel [Greer, an administrator] vomited and felt her chest expand, and immediately felt herself become open.
She began by reading Drawing Down the Moon: Witches, Druids, Goddess-Worshippers, and Other Pagans in America the only detailed history of Neo-Pagan subculture in the United States by former NPR correspondent and a Wiccan high priestess Margot Adler, as well as Barbara Ehrenreich's Witches, Midwives, and Nurses: A History of Women Healers, Stacy Schiff's The Witches: Suspicion, Betrayal, and Hysteria in 1692 Salem, and Starhawk's Spiral Dance: A Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Goddesses.

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