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102 Sentences With "nebulas"

How to use nebulas in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "nebulas" and check conjugation/comparative form for "nebulas". Mastering all the usages of "nebulas" from sentence examples published by news publications.

How many nebulas do you think are in this photo?
I wanted to represent this nebulas othering of South Central.
Which brings us to... So How Can There Be Two Nebulas?
Nebulas are among the most visually astounding phenomena in the universe.
The Nebulas are a sort of industry award, determined by professional authors.
He won 11 Hugo Awards, 6 Bram Stoker Awards, and 5 Nebulas.
The photographs we have of galaxies and nebulas aren't exactly as they appear.
Best Novella has been a category at the Hugos and Nebulas since the '60s.
The updated site offers plenty of stunning photos of nebulas, supernovas, star systems, galaxies, etc.
Planetary nebulas generally are some of the most gorgeous objects we've photographed in the universe.
Spitzer can even measure the bubbles of pressurized gas that indicate the creation of stars in nebulas.
Through some clever manipulations, he switches out the two Nebulas – so there's a traitor in the Avengers' midst.
Awarded annually since 1966, the Nebulas recognize the best novels, novellas, novelettes, and short stories within genre publishing.
From nebulas and auroras through to starbursts and solar eclipses, these photographs will rekindle your sense of wonder.
Unlike the Hugos and Nebulas, the other major speculative fiction awards, the Dragon Awards are open to popular vote.
Nebulas are enormous clouds of dust and gas that often act as stellar nurseries for successive generations of stars.
Neil Halstead and Rachel Goswell's dazed voices echo in the margins—human forms floating somewhere out amidst the nebulas.
Space can be cold and scary, but this week we explore some of the universe's most active objects: nebulas.
While his career spans only a handful of short stories, Chiang has won multiple Nebulas, Hugos, and Locus Awards.
The Nebulas, on the other hand, are selected and voted on by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America.
Previously, astronomers believed there were regions of space without stars, but later discovered that dark nebulas just obscure starlight from our view.
DUBAI, Aug 15 (Reuters) - Bahrain-based private equity investor Investcorp said on Monday it had acquired Nebulas Solutions, a British cybersecurity services firm.
The gas and dust of these nebulas consist of different elements that appear in our telescopes and cameras as a variety of colors.
Amazon's best-selling BlissLights Sky Lite projector, which is currently $10 off, coats your bedroom walls with fields of drifting stars and nebulas.
The Nebulas are primarily industry and professional awards, stemming from peer recognition, rather than the fan recognition that produces the better-known Hugo Awards.
Astronomers will now be able to more accurately track stars and learn more about the origins of planetary nebulas out there in the galaxy.
The telescope has generated some of the most awe-inspiring images that we have of nebulas and galaxies, and led to many groundbreaking discoveries.
It takes detailed images of a large selection of deep-sky objects like galaxies, nebulas, and clusters of stars with just a few taps.
There are several huge awards in the speculative-fiction community: science fiction has the Hugos and Nebulas, and fantasy literature has the World Fantasy Award.
While nebulas come in all different shapes, Hen 2-436 is a biopolar nebula as evidenced by the two blue lobes streaming outward from the center.
These energetic elementary particles are created when light from beyond our solar system—emitted by exploding stars, radiant nebulas, and neighboring galaxies—crashes against Earth's atmosphere.
After taking a few hits off Osborn's fretboard, living in Electric Wizard's world of black nebulas and dope priest prophecies starts to sound pretty fucking appealing.
In that spirit, here's our guide to some of the most Halloweeny of astronomical phenomena, running the gamut from flesh-vaporizing lava planets to Orwellian nightmare nebulas.
Today, when most prizes for literary fiction are limited to book-length works, the major science fiction awards — the Hugos and the Nebulas — include short fiction categories.
Protecting individual privacy may seem somewhat nebulas in the face of remote adversaries, yet it's critical we take measures to educate ourselves and secure our connected world.
This composite of two images compares slitless spectroscopy of two well-known planetary nebulas, NGC6543 (Cat's Eye Nebula) at the top and NGC6720 (M57, Ring Nebula) below it.
Now, if you put the piece back on the wall, you'll see something new again: nebulas, sun storms, and stars to navigate by in a summer night sky.
This year's crop features a stunning images, from auroras and sunspots to galaxies and nebulas—along with a perspective of a lunar eclipse unlike anything we've seen before.
After briefly going into safe mode last week, NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory — which observes galaxies and nebulas from Earth's orbit — should be getting back to normal operations soon.
Once in space, it'll capture light from some of the dimmest and oldest galaxies in the universe, and gaze inside cloudy nebulas where stars and planetary systems are formed.
Radio waves don't just come from humans, they're emitted by objects in space, and scientists can use them to analyze just about everything, from stars to nebulas to comets.
Other genre awards, such as the Hugo and Nebulas, notify authors in advance before nominations are published, to give them the opportunity to bow out for a range of reasons.
One of these scenes simply cycles through pictures of celestial objects like nebulas and galaxies while a voiceover ponders the infinite and another features two women walking in gas masks.
From stars and nebulas shining hundreds of light-years away, to views of closer cosmic objects like Mars and Jupiter, the Hubble provides frequent reminders of just how small we are.
Over the course of 25 years and 15 stories, he has won numerous awards including four Nebulas, four Hugos, four Locuses, and the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer.
It's all part of Project SKYGLOW, a crowdfunded effort to raise awareness of how urban light pollution is swamping out our connection to the revolving expanse of stars and nebulas overhead.
And while I'm pretty sure my family will continue to generate more brilliant scientists, my four-year-old nephew recently read me a book he wrote (with crayon) about solar nebulas.
It's…Read more ReadI Made Amazing Images of Galaxies and Nebulas in Minutes Using This Idiot-Proof Automatic TelescopeSteven Bellavia couldn't find the astrophotography setup he wanted, so he built his own.
But given that the Dragon nominees include 53 novels, compared with just six Hugo contenders and five for the Nebulas, the Dragon awards automatically draw from a much wider pool of candidates and specific subgenres.
The real find, say researchers, isn't really in the cloud itself—it's what the clouds are hiding: Giant stars (several times the size of our own sun) that only form behind incredibly thick clouds in nebulas.
I had some white, purple, and black nebulas that I used for the non-binary flag lined up in my image folder, and thought 'If there was a yellow, it would make the non-binary flag.
We build habitats, rocket ships, and satellites that can be beautiful in their own utilitarian ways, and we gain a lot of inspiration from what these devices see for us: Distant stars, awesome nebulas, our own home world.
Corona Australis Dust Complex: Mario Cogo (Italy)This stunning photo of nebulas NGC 6726-27-29, dark dust cloud Bernes 157, globular cluster NGC 6723, and other celestial objects, was awarded top prize in the Stars and Nebulae category.
Apart from 3i, Investcorp has also announced deals in the past 12 months for a 55 percent stake in Italian menswear company Corneliani, a minority stake in Saudi Arabian supermarket group Bindawood Holding, and cybersecurity firms Securelink and Nebulas.
The game features two main settings: New New York, which focuses on simulation and character progression gameplay, and Space Adventures, in which players will explore and battle their way through planets, nebulas, and other weird stuff across the Futurama universe.
Theories explaining their origin include that they are caused by polarized waves traveling through strong magnetic fields in dense plasma (such as from a neutron star in the cosmic neighborhood of a galactic core's supermassive black hole or within dense, magnetized nebulas).
It did not disclose the value of the acquisition, but said Nebulas would be combined with Investcorp-owned SecureLink Group, which provides cybersecurity services in Benelux and Nordic countries, and the combined company targeted revenue of 235 million euros ($263 mln) in 2016.
All of this speaks to a larger issue, which the Hugos, Nebulas, Dragons, and many other awards seem to be facing: rather than celebrations of the best the genre has to offer, they're pushed into becoming battlegrounds for hostile factions that wish to plant a flag on a particular bit of popular culture.
JERSEY CITY — Bigger is better when it comes to planetariums — a bigger dome to make the audience ooh and ahh, more pixels to make the stars and planets sharper, more colors to make them more realistic, more windows on intriguing but distant nebulas, more images of Earth as a shimmering jewel against the dark drape of space.
Charles Messier publishes his catalog of star clusters and nebulas. Messier draws up the list to prevent these objects from being identified as comets. However, it soon becomes a standard reference for the study of star clusters and nebulas and is still in use today.
The recipient is announced in advance, commonly during the preceding calendar year, which is the publication year and official award year for the Nebulas.
The New General Catalogue (NGC, J. L. E. Dreyer 1888) was much larger and contained nearly 8,000 objects, still mixing galaxies with nebulas and star clusters.
NGC 6590 is a reflection nebula in the constellation of Sagittarius. This nebula is near the similar reflection nebula NGC 6589. Both nebulas are flanked by red emission nebula IC 1284.
Edwin Hubble discovers a Cepheid variable star in the "Andromeda Nebula" and proves that Andromeda and other nebulas are galaxies far beyond our own. By 1925, he produces a classification system for galaxies.
It consists of a cylindrical framework with independent projectors for the Moon, the Sun and the visible planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) and two spheres in the extremes that project 8,900 stars, constellations and nebulas.
The two main awards given in American science fiction are the Hugos and the Nebulas. Complete lists of the short stories that won these awards are at Hugo Award for Best Short Story and Nebula Award for Best Short Story.
The well-known Russian-German astronomer, Heinrich Louis d'Arrest, who had been appointed professor in astronomy at the university in 1857, was chosen to plan the new observatory. He used the observatory for his study of nebulas, in 1867 publishing an astronomical catalogue of 1,942 nebulas with 4,900 positions. He also did significant work in spectroscopy, and discovered, for the first time, the differences in the evolutionary state and spatial distribution of stars. While d'Arrest used the main telescope, observer H. C. F. C. Schjellerup used the Meridian circle for creating one of the most comprehensive astronomical catalogues of the time of stars of the 8th-9th magnitude: 10,000 positions on 259 observation nights.
Describes double stars, variable star, star clusters, nebulas, globular clusters, and galaxies. Explains how astronomers determine the distances to stars and galaxies, how sky objects are designated, and how to use deep-sky charts. Includes an atlas of 20 star charts. The charts are ideal for stargazers using a small telescope or binoculars.
254 online. The agricultural writer Columella gives the name in the feminine as Robigo, like the word used for a form of the disease of wheat rust,Vergil, Georgics 1.151. The 4th-century agricultural writer Palladius devotes a chapter contra nebulas et rubiginem, on preventing miasma and mildew (1.35). which has a reddish or reddish-brown color.
The fourth and longest story, "Dramatic Mission" (originally published in Analog, June 1969), was one of five nominees for both the annual Hugo Award and the annual Nebula Award in the Best Novella category. The Hugos are voted by paying participants in the World Science Fiction Convention and the Nebulas by members of the Science Fiction Writers of America.Dramatic Mission. ISFDB. Anne McCaffrey.
Published in 2005 at Firefly Books Ltd., Brunier's Concise Atlas of the Stars helps to identify specific stars, nebulas, and galaxies by large photographs and transparent overlays, in particular of the most important constellations. It informs about location, luminosity, and dimensions as well as about when a specific object of the night sky can best be observed.The Concise Atlas of the Stars by Serge Brunier.
Characteristics of extraterrestrial sky appear to vary substantially due to a number of factors. An extraterrestrial atmosphere, if present, has a large bearing on visible characteristics. The atmosphere's density and chemical composition can contribute to differences in colour, opacity (including haze) and the presence of clouds. Astronomical objects may also be visible and can include natural satellites, rings, star systems and nebulas and other planetary system bodies.
Reinhard Mecke (born 14 July 1895 in Stettin; died 30 December 1969) was a German physicist, who focused on chemical physics. He was one of the pioneers of infrared spectroscopy. Reinhard Mecke studied from 1913 mathematics and physics at the universities of Freiburg, Bern and Marburg and did his doctorate at Franz Richarz in Marburg in 1920 on halos in homogeneous nebulas. [Marburg, Phil. Diss.
"Nebulas" is a term to describe late Hopewellian—localizing societies. Later (650 CE), some Woodland would be alongside very Late Adena (46PU2) and assimilating on the Greater Kanawhan region. Burial ceremonials and mound construction gradually became smaller which has phased out by the end of the Woodland period.McConaughy 2000; Dragoo 1956 However, because tobacco was probably being grown and used, McConaughy in 1990 suggests the development of complex society.
Lucy Lockley in Booklist, while observing that the editor calls 2016 "an odd year for the Nebulas," writes "Readers will enjoy this 'odd' variety of excellence." She notes "The entries embrace a spectrum of themes, including disastrous, apocalyptic, and dystopian events; spins on mythology and folk and fairy tales; and poignant stories about family." Singled out for particular comment are the contributions by Yoachim, Krasnoff, Sandford, and Stufflebeam.Lockley, Lucy.
Lord Rosse A main component of Rosse's nebular research was his attempt to resolve the nebular hypothesis, which posited that planets and stars were formed by gravity acting on gaseous nebulae. Rosse himself did not believe that nebulas were truly gaseous, arguing rather that they were made of such an amount of fine stars that most telescopes could not resolve them individually (that is, he considered nebulas to be stellar in nature). In 1845 Rosse and his technicians claimed to have resolved the Orion nebula into its individual stars using the Leviathan, a claim which had considerable cosmological and even philosophical implications, as at the time there was considerable debate over whether or not the universe was "evolved" (in a pre-Darwinian sense), a concept which the nebular hypothesis supported and with which Rosse disagreed strongly. Rosse's primary opponent in this was John Herschel, who used his own instruments to claim that the Orion nebula was a "true" nebula (i.e.
General catalogs for deep space objects or for objects other than stars are also large. Again, there are specialized ones for nebulas, galaxies, X-ray sources, radio sources, quasars and other classes. The same is true for asteroids, comets and other solar system bodies. Astronomical catalogs such as those for asteroids may be compiled from multiple sources, but most modern catalogs are the result of a particular astronomical survey of some kind.
Like stars, most galaxies do not have names. There are a few exceptions such as the Andromeda Galaxy, the Whirlpool Galaxy, and others, but most simply have a catalog number. In the 19th century, the exact nature of galaxies was not yet understood, and the early catalogs simply grouped together open clusters, globular clusters, nebulas, and galaxies: the Messier catalog has 110 in total. The Andromeda Galaxy is Messier object 31, or M31; the Whirlpool Galaxy is M51.
Castro's fiction has been nominated for eight Nebulas, two Hugos, two Seiuns, the World Fantasy Award, and three Stokers. In 2007, Castro and Jerry Oltion won the Seiun Award for Best Foreign Language Short Story of the Year for "The Astronaut from Wyoming." In 2009, Castro won the Philip K. Dick Award for Emissaries from the Dead. “The Ten Things She Said While Dying: An Annotation” was nominated for the 2019 World Fantasy Award for Best Short Fiction.
Irish astronomer William Parsons, 3rd Earl of Rosse completes the first of the world's great telescopes, with a 180-cm mirror. He uses it to study and draw the structure of nebulas, and within a few months discovers the spiral structure of the Whirlpool Galaxy. French physicists Jean Foucault and Armand Fizeau take the first detailed photographs of the Sun's surface through a telescope - the birth of scientific astrophotography. Within five years, astronomers produce the first detailed photographs of the Moon.
The music on the album featured an experimental sound, evident on songs that used binaural recording techniques. The atmospheric tracks, mostly featuring somber lyrics dealing with social criticism, led the band to convey these themes with images of nebulas in the album artwork. Binaural received positive reviews, and debuted at number two on the Billboard 200. Although the album was certified gold by the RIAA, it became the first Pearl Jam studio album to fail to reach Platinum status in the United States.
In addition to the educational programs presented by the planetarium, the staff offers Cosmic Concerts on the first Friday nights of each month. The shows combine music (usually rock, pop or classical) with a multi-colored laser light show and video projected on the dome, interspersed with special effects and cosmic images of galaxies, nebulas, and pulsars. The museum also sells diffraction glasses which can enhance the viewing experience. The audio is recorded and played back digitally on the planetarium's 18,000-watt sound system.
The Yerkes grounds have landscaping designed by Olmstead, for example. Great advancements such as astrophotography and the discovery of nebulas and different types of stars provided a major advance in this period. The importance of finely crafted mounts matched to a large aperture, harnessing the power of the basic equations of the telescopes design to bring the heavens into closer, brighter examination increased humankind's understanding of space and Earth's place in the Galaxy. Among the accomplishments, Kuiper discovered that Saturn's Moon Titan has an atmosphere.
Unlike optical telescopes, radio telescopes can be used in the daytime as well as at night. Since astronomical radio sources such as planets, stars, nebulas and galaxies are very far away, the radio waves coming from them are extremely weak, so radio telescopes require very large antennas to collect enough radio energy to study them, and extremely sensitive receiving equipment. Radio telescopes are typically large parabolic ("dish") antennas similar to those employed in tracking and communicating with satellites and space probes. They may be used singly or linked together electronically in an array.
The Lagoon Nebula is estimated to be between 4,000-6,000 light-years away from the Earth. In the sky of Earth, it spans 90' by 40', which translates to an actual dimension of 110 by 50 light years. Like many nebulas, it appears pink in time-exposure color photos but is gray to the eye peering through binoculars or a telescope, human vision having poor color sensitivity at low light levels. The nebula contains a number of Bok globules (dark, collapsing clouds of protostellar material), the most prominent of which have been catalogued by E. E. Barnard as B88, B89 and B296.
In 1955 he moved the printing to a Dublin-based firm, and the schedule became a little more regular, with a steady monthly run beginning in 1958 that lasted into the following year. Nebulas circulation was international, with only a quarter of the sales in the United Kingdom; this led to disaster when South Africa and Australia imposed import controls on foreign periodicals at the end of the 1950s. Excise duties imposed in the UK added to Hamilton's financial burdens, and he was rapidly forced to close the magazine. The last issue was dated June 1959.
Its luminosity is about . Like most irregular galaxies, NGC 5204 is relatively rich in gas and dust, although it lacks any prominent nebulas or broad areas of vigorous star formation. Despite its relatively diffuse distribution of stars, the galaxy does have several clusters of hot, young stars that are thought to be the location of most of the eleven known X-ray sources. The galaxy also appears to have a larger than normal dark matter component as the estimated mass of its visible portion does not adequately explain the observed rotation curve of the individual stars, even very close to its center.
Time Machine will help users explore the map of the night sky of tomorrow or years ago. The application helps to determine the exact position of celestial objects in the sky above. It also includes extra information on star clusters, meteor showers, iridium flares, galaxies and nebulas, along with the current position of dwarf planets, comets, asteroids and man-made satellites. Star Walk also provides a single-screen space dashboard, showing you when the Sun (and potentially visible planets) rises and sets at your location, along with the current moon phase, elevation angle, and day length.
The series Nebula Winners, published yearly by SFWA and edited by a variety of SFWA members and renamed as the Nebula Awards Showcase series since 1999, was started in 1966 as a collection of short story winners and nominees for that year. The sales of these anthologies were intended to pay for presenting the awards themselves. The anthology The Best of the Nebulas (1989), edited by Ben Bova, collected winners of Nebula awards from 1966 through 1986 officially selected by SFWA members. The unofficial anthology Nebula Award Winning Novellas (1994), edited by Martin H. Greenberg, contained ten stories which had won the novella award between 1970 and 1989.
An astronomical interferometer is an array of separate telescopes, mirror segments, or radio telescope antennas that work together as a single telescope to provide higher resolution images of astronomical objects such as stars, nebulas and galaxies by means of interferometry. The advantage of this technique is that it can theoretically produce images with the angular resolution of a huge telescope with an aperture equal to the separation between the component telescopes. The main drawback is that it does not collect as much light as the complete instrument's mirror. Thus it is mainly useful for fine resolution of more luminous astronomical objects, such as close binary stars.
Drawing of the Whirlpool Galaxy by Rosse in 1845 Lord Rosse performed astronomical studies and discovered the spiral nature of some nebulas, today known to be spiral galaxies. Rosse's telescope Leviathan was the first to reveal the spiral structure of M51, a galaxy nicknamed later as the "Whirlpool Galaxy", and his drawings of it closely resemble modern photographs. Rosse named the Crab Nebula, based on an earlier drawing made with his older 36-inch (91 cm) telescope in which it resembled a crab. A few years later, when the 72-inch (183 cm) telescope was in service, he produced an improved drawing of considerably different appearance, but the original name continued to be used.
Bernd Steber came up with the idea of hiding all acoustical trapping behind a full-size piece of canvas which could be stretched from one side of the room to the other and painted like a picture. The artist painted a night sky with thousands of stars and some very close star nebulas, similar as seen on images taken from the Hubble Space Telescope. The walls are built with blocks of open porous sandstone and they seem to break in an irregular line just under the ceiling. The big monitor speakers and the outboard equipment racks are built into these sandstone walls and the entrance into the room is through two big Arabic sandstone arcs in the back.
Upon his departure, with a hydrometer of his own invention, Feuillée showed the Mediterranean was saltier than the Atlantic, which proved its diffusion and advection (including their combination, convection currents) through the Strait of Gibraltar insufficient to cancel out their differing evaporation, precipitation and river discharge profiles. He attributed the fact chiefly to the freshwater of the Amazon and other jungle rivers flowed far into the Atlantic, at a time when the complexities of the salinity of ocean water were little studied He drew a new map of South America. His work made it possible to position more exactly the Pacific and Atlantic coasts of the conical continent of South America. He also discovered in the southern Milky Way three dark nebulas of absorbing dust.
Often, these metaphors are used as a visual shorthand in explanations as they allow one to refer to the Internet as a definite object without having to explain the intricate details of its functioning. Clouds are the most common of abstract metaphors employed for this purpose in cloud computing and have been used since the creation of the Internet. Other abstract metaphors of the Internet draw on the fractal branching of trees and leaves, and the lattices of coral and webs, while others are based on the aesthetics of astronomy such as gas nebulas, and star clusters. Technical methods such as algorithms are often used to create huge, complex graphs or maps of raw data from networks and the topology of connections.
Messier 60 was the fastest-moving galaxy included in Edwin Hubble's landmark 1929 paper concerning the relationship between recession speed and distance. He used a value of 1090 km/s for the recession speed, quite close to the more recent value of about 1110 km/s (based on a redshift of 0.003726). But he estimated the distance of Messier 60, as well as of the other three nebulas of the Virgo Cluster which he included (Messier 85, 49, and 87), to be only two million parsecs, rather than the accepted value today of around 16 million parsecs. These errors in distance led him to propose a "Hubble constant" of 500 km/s/Mpc, whereas the present estimate is around 70 km/s/Mpc.
It is possible to see objects that are now further away than 13.799 billion light-years because space itself has expanded, and it is still expanding today. This means that objects which are now up to 46.5 billion light-years away can still be seen in their distant past, because in the past, when their light was emitted, they were much closer to Earth. From studying the movement of galaxies, it has been discovered that the universe contains much more matter than is accounted for by visible objects; stars, galaxies, nebulas and interstellar gas. This unseen matter is known as dark matter (dark means that there is a wide range of strong indirect evidence that it exists, but we have not yet detected it directly).
Microwaves emitted by astronomical radio sources; planets, stars, galaxies, and nebulas are studied in radio astronomy with large dish antennas called radio telescopes. In addition to receiving naturally occurring microwave radiation, radio telescopes have been used in active radar experiments to bounce microwaves off planets in the solar system, to determine the distance to the Moon or map the invisible surface of Venus through cloud cover. A recently completed microwave radio telescope is the Atacama Large Millimeter Array, located at more than 5,000 meters (16,597 ft) altitude in Chile, observes the universe in the millimetre and submillimetre wavelength ranges. The world's largest ground-based astronomy project to date, it consists of more than 66 dishes and was built in an international collaboration by Europe, North America, East Asia and Chile.
The Damon Knight Memorial Grand Master Award is a lifetime honor presented annually by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) to no more than one living writer of fantasy or science fiction. It was inaugurated in 1975 when Robert Heinlein was made the first SFWA Grand Master and it was renamed in 2002 after the Association's founder, Damon Knight, who had died that year. The presentation is made at the annual SFWA Nebula Awards banquet, commonly during May, but it is not one of the Nebulas—which recognize the preceding calendar year's best works of SF and fantasy, selected by vote of all Association members. SFWA officers and past presidents alone submit Grand Master nominations and the final selection must be approved by a majority of that group.
Social and political themes, including race, gender, sexuality, and coming of age were prominent in her writing, and she explored alternative political structures in many stories, such as in the parable "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas" (1973) and the utopian novel The Dispossessed (1974). Le Guin's writing was enormously influential in the field of speculative fiction, and has been the subject of intense critical attention. She received numerous accolades, including eight Hugos, six Nebulas, and twenty-two Locus Awards, and in 2003 became the second woman honored as a Grand Master of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America. The U.S. Library of Congress named her a Living Legend in 2000, and in 2014, she won the National Book Foundation Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters.
The contents of each volume are variable, but usually include an editorial introduction and the stories that won the Nebula Awards for Best Novella, Best Novelette and Best Short Story for the year covered and a selection of stories that were nominated but did not win. Also often included are excerpts from the books that won the Nebula Award for Best Novel and Andre Norton Award, the poems that won the Rhysling Award and Dwarf Stars Award for the year covered (dated for the year published rather than the year awarded, unlike the Nebulas), tributes to prominent recently deceased authors and authors voted Grand Master and Author Emeritus (together with representative pieces by them), surveys of the literature and films of the year covered, and lists of Nebula winners and nominees from previous years.
Swann, then offered him to earn a Ph.D. degree in theoretical physics with him at the University of Minnesota at Minneapolis, which he did in two years time by expanding on his paper (dissertation: A Study of Relative Motion in Connection with Classical Mechanics, 1923). After another year with Swann, now in Chicago, and a year at various labs in the Netherlands and Germany and two months at Niels Bohr's lab in Copenhagen, he became a postdoc at Caltech. Here he wrote a famous paper, An Application of the Quantum Theory to the Luminosity of Diffuse Nebulae, which for the first time provided a quantitative method (the "Zanstra method") for understanding the luminosity of nebulas and comets. After teaching briefly at the University of Washington he went to London and eventually to the University of Amsterdam.
Nebula Award for Best Novella for The Green Leopard Plague, by Walter Jon Williams The first Nebulas were given in 1966, for works published in 1965. The idea for such an award, funded by the sales of anthologies collecting the winning works, was proposed by SFWA secretary- treasurer Lloyd Biggle, Jr. in 1965. The idea was based on the Edgar Awards, presented by the Mystery Writers of America, and the idea to have a ceremony at which to present them was prompted by the Edgar and Hugo Awards. The initial ceremony consisted of four literary awards, for Novels, Novellas, Novelettes, and Short Stories, which have been presented every year since. A Script award was also presented from 1974 to 1978 under the names Best Dramatic Presentation and Best Dramatic Writing and again from 2000 through 2009 as Best Script, but after 2009 it was again removed and replaced by SFWA with the Ray Bradbury Award.

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