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"minorities" Antonyms

890 Sentences With "minorities"

How to use minorities in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "minorities" and check conjugation/comparative form for "minorities". Mastering all the usages of "minorities" from sentence examples published by news publications.

And something unique about queer minorities is that they're not only minorities in a culture, they're minorities in their own intimate families.
There was no statistically significant difference between U.S. minorities and non-minorities.
Because when it comes to minorities, America has never been great for minorities.
They redirect popular anger about inequality and declining economic conditions into violent rage against minorities — whether they are immigrants, racial minorities, religious minorities or the LGBT community.
Minorities who attended highly selective schools earned more money than minorities at less selective schools.
We could learn to be minorities together, to be what Rabbi Jonathan Sacks calls creative minorities.
Just the words that get used: urban, inner city, marginalized, minorities, illegals, anchor babies, model minorities.
It also said that the median pay of its US minorities is 7% less than non-minorities.
It also said that median pay for American minorities is 93% of the median for non-minorities.
They also underscore how minorities — including women and nonwhites — can actively participate in the exclusion of other minorities.
Meanwhile the median pay for U.S. minorities was 93 percent of the median for non-minorities, Citigroup said.
In addition to jeopardising the rights of women and sexual minorities, the bill also discriminates against religious minorities.
In the United States, minorities were said to have made at least 99% of what non-minorities made.
The company also said that median pay for American minorities is 93% of the median for non-minorities.
" He added, "There's a low representation of minorities teaching minorities and helping them get out of systemic problems.
The focus typically falls on women, racial minorities, immigrants, LGBTQ people, and religious minorities, such as Muslim Americans.
Those are minorities, but not small minorities; they imply tens of millions of Americans felt favorably about political violence.
It could impact countless Americans, including women, racial minorities, religious minorities, unwed parents, interracial couples, and so many others.
Calabria's proposal would hit the poor and minorities hardest, since minorities are disproportionately likely to have lower credit scores.
You can't be mad at corporations profiting off minorities in prison when you're a corporation profiting off minorities in prison.
Women and minorities: The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) is rewriting regulations for a program that promotes women and minorities.
Unlike racial minorities, their condition is not immutable, but, like many religious minorities, they are subject to hostility and prejudice.
On average, Citi found, women and minorities are paid 99 percent of what men and non-minorities are paid, respectively.
Tamir, Washington: It's true that, all things being equal, certain minorities, particularly African-Americans, suffer burdens relative to other minorities.
San Francisco cops disproportionately target minorities, DOJ says San Francisco cops disproportionately target minorities, DOJ says San Francisco's police department disproportionately targets minorities for arrests and traffic stops, according to a U.S. Department of Justice review released Wednesday.
Worse still, the proportion of minorities in metropolitan areas are often far above the national average, compounding the vulnerability of minorities.
Hariri noted that the country wasn't a mix of majorities and minorities: "We are all minorities in the country," he said.
Chinese policies toward these minorities have come under international criticism, but many Han Chinese see themselves as generous protectors of minorities.
Only small minorities of voters favor tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations; even smaller minorities favor cuts in major social programs.
For minorities in the United States, the median pay was 94% of the median for non-minorities, up from 93% last year.
First, Bloomberg didn't see individual criminals, many of whom happened to be minorities; he saw a class of criminals who were minorities.
While ethnic minorities make up 16% of the working-age population in England, minorities comprise only 11% of employees at NPO institutions.
Often they target religious minorities, including Muslim minorities such as the Ahmadiyya, as well as those who have no religious faith at all.
In particular, he pointed out ethnic minorities, those with disabilities and sexual orientation minorities are often on the receiving end of Twitter hate.
Where candidate Trump pledged to increase social mobility for American minorities, Le Pen uses minorities as a whipping horse to pleasure her base.
Under a receding economy, young white men blame "minorities" for stealing their jobs, while minorities endure "meaningless work," unlawful layoffs, and pay disparity.
There is no downside for the international community pressing governments where there are widespread discriminations against women, or ethnic minorities, or religious minorities.
Yes, the people arrested for these crimes are likelier to be minorities, but the economic victims are even more likely to be minorities.
For minorities in the United States, Citi said the median pay was 94% of the median for non-minorities, up from 93% last year.
On women, minorities: Wilkie defended his record on treatment of women and minorities following a news article about statements he made as a congressional aide.
"The low numbers of religious minorities being resettled contradicts the administration's policies and stated goals to actually help persecuted religious minorities around the world," Yang said.
Nor did white attitudes change overnight; while explicit prejudice toward all groups became less popular, stereotypes about minorities persist and affect the way whites treat minorities.
The straightforward answer is the underrepresentation of minorities in elite colleges and universities, where the percentage of minorities is far below their percentage of the population.
The government's defense is that it is meant to protect persecuted minorities in its pan-Islamic neighborhood, specifically, non-Muslim minorities in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh.
A policy aide explained why minorities are half as likely to start their own businesses as non-minorities and how the new proposal sought to remedy that.
The impact on women and minorities was even greater when it looked only at separations — 51 percent of those fired were women, and 40 percent were minorities.
And, according to Carson, Trump is now getting ready for his big adventure — "prepping the ground" for talking to minorities by talking to white people about minorities.
Democrats want to hold constant their support from women and minorities even as they chase the votes of people hostile to the interests of women and minorities.
Last year it asked several US banks to release adjusted pay statistics that compared the compensation of men and women, as well as minorities and non-minorities.
The old approach to identity politics typically focused on a siloed approach to racial minorities such as African Americans and Latinos, women, religious minorities, and the LGBT community.
So ethnic minorities, feminists, religious minorities, all of these people rely on lawyers to help them in legal battles, but there aren't a lot of human-rights lawyers.
As the Trump administration continues to advocate for persecuted Christians and minorities around the world, let us not forget the Karen people and all ethnic minorities within Burma.
Citi said it had conducted a survey in the three countries, where it found that women and minorities are paid slightly less than men and non-minorities, respectively.
As such, just to give religious minorities a fair share of refugee admissions requires the United States to go to additional lengths to identify religious or ethnic minorities.
Since then, Republicans, through the so-called "Southern strategy," have played into white people's fears of minorities to win elections, while Democrats have increasingly championed minorities' civil rights.
Boustan said the paper pushes back on the idea of "model minorities": that minorities from certain ethnic or racial backgrounds tend to find more socioeconomic success than others.
The result of this slapdash border-design is that Europe's map is speckled with "national minorities"—the minorities who did not migrate, but saw borders migrate over their heads.
If those factors were considered, Citi said women globally are paid nearly the same as men as are, and that the same applies when comparing US minorities non-minorities.
Because of the L.G.B.T. culture wars, many incorrectly assume that if conservative churchgoers are less accepting of sexual minorities, they are also less accepting of racial and religious minorities.
In recent years, powerful right-wing Christian groups have intensified a campaign against homosexuality, scuttling a bill that would have given sexual minorities the same protection as other minorities.
"When you had the executive authority to distribute contracts to minorities within your own community in South Bend, you only issued 3 percent of contracts to minorities," Charlamagne said.
Truly, just as it is "politically incorrect" to liberals for conservatives to discriminate against minorities, it is politically incorrect to conservatives for liberals to fight for minorities' right to exist.
If "6900 percent of murders — murderers and murder victims fit one M.O. … male, minorities 2628 to 28503," he said, then police should be questioning about 22020 percent young male minorities.
Lawsuit Says Citizenship Question Targets Minorities for Political Gain The lawsuit, filed by several groups representing minorities, was the fourth major effort to block the question from the 2020 census.
Minorities are increasingly diverging from white Britons, though the effect is not as pronounced as in America, given that racial minorities represent less than 15 percent of the British population.
There were seven women and 10 minorities in President Barack Obama's first 2063-member Cabinet; in Trump's 24-member cabinet, there were four women and four minorities, according to Business Insider.
Yet overall, as Mr Kaufmann observes, minorities are entering white areas but whites are often avoiding minority areas, producing a growing number of zones where minorities are relatively isolated from whites.
From the beginning, our culture feeds us this story that minorities were really, truly minorities, and I had a tough time feeling like I was really part of the national community.
That's fewer minorities than in Donald Trump's cabinet, so… .
Of the 196 far-right extremist homicides we identified, 50 percent targeted racial or ethnic minorities, nine percent were hate crimes against the LGBT community and around 10 percent targeted religious minorities.
The use of force by law enforcement against minorities has become the focus of national debate in the last 18 months due to high-profile killings of minorities by mainly white officers.
Even so, most firms lack minorities on their management committees, and more than a third have no racial or ethnic minorities serving as heads of practice groups, such as bankruptcy and litigation.
Affirmative action, however, denies this: When the purpose is sufficiently worthy, it's right to prefer minority over majority applicants (and even to prefer some minorities over other minorities, such as Asian-Americans).
" Beneath it, he wrote, "Us white folks don't oppress minorities, we subjugate minorities..." Instagram confirmed to BuzzFeed News that it had disabled the account associated with the suspect for "violating our policies.
The assault raised concerns about the security of religious minorities, especially Christians, in a country with a dismal record when it comes to the treatment and protection of religious minorities, analysts say.
The irony here is that one of the most attractive features of American liberalism, its hallmark, is its commitment to inclusion—inclusion of racial minorities, women, gays and lesbians, religious minorities, and immigrants.
Clinton continues to be popular among older voters and minorities.
Early on, minorities lowered their profile to avoid being targeted.
It is a concern shared by many liberals and minorities.
Africa is still the world's worst continent for sexual minorities.
In the process, they have demonized minorities and progressive values.
He said Trump regularly smears religious minorities like his family.
It gathered responses from 1,258 adults, including 494 racial minorities.
A lot of workers were leaving, particularly women and minorities.
Recent history already shows that the attempt to assimilate minorities
The recovery has worked well for Americans generally — except minorities.
Steve King, asked what minorities have contributed to the world.Rep.
Are activists from ethnic minorities engaged in armed struggle silenced?
Representing not only minorities, but all of us as humans.
The worst of it is directed at women and minorities.
It tends to ride roughshod over the rights of minorities.
Discrimination makes things harder still: many see minorities as backward.
Significant Russian minorities in all three countries are hardly immune.
So we need laws like that to protect religious minorities.
These local, indigenous communities represent tiny minorities in their countries.
Even in our industry, we don't just talk about minorities.
When women and minorities advocate for diversity, they are penalized.
The group operates in areas with high percentages of minorities.
"And that remains true for women and minorities," she adds.
It gathered responses from 1,210 adults, including 483 racial minorities.
He offended minorities and did not reach out to working
This last group includes undecided women, minorities or progressive voters.
EB: I agree with hiring and promoting all underrepresented minorities.
The ticket must acknowledge the importance of women and minorities.
Despite a substantial shift of minorities from cities to suburbs,
For Muslims and for minorities, there exists no such privilege.
But, the most conspicuous thing were the minorities in attendance.
If you look at this industry, there's very few minorities.
But they all purposefully left out most women and minorities.
And the large minorities of most other groups, as well?
Some of these groups publicly call for violence against minorities.
USA Today: Women and minorities make history on Election Night.
Minorities account for only about 9 percent of Trump's team.
Clinton a "bigot" who courted minorities only for their votes.
Othman said all Iraqi minorities are with the United States.
The Trump campaign also maligned blacks, Latinos and other minorities.
"White people were "repelled from, communities with large ethnic minorities.
She is white, but teaches many students who are minorities.
Technology alone can't address the environmental injustice disproportionately confronting minorities.
However, minorities did significantly more pro bono work than whites.
Minorities are disproportionately concentrated in the country's most distressed communities.
Because, you know, girls can code and minorities can code.
Most of the victims were transgender and gender nonconforming minorities.
But women and minorities aren't taking advantage of the opportunity.
But this isn't a story about what minorities have done.
When minorities aren't included in scientific research, they can suffer.
Manbij is heavily Arab, with minorities of Kurds and others.
They genuinely do not understand today's shock, particularly from minorities.
We're drawn to tales of fierce resistance by oppressed minorities.
There are nearly 200 national and ethnic minorities in Russia.
Both of them came into power through inciting against minorities.
China's oppression of religious and ethnic minorities is well known.
But his party has also alienated minorities and created fear.
More women and minorities won this year than ever before.
Last year, almost half the police academy graduates were minorities.
But blaming minorities is the last thing he is doing.
Within U.S. boundaries, Muslim minorities are being targeted and ostracized.
Gender minorities accounted for less than 7413 percent of victims.
"The minorities had to prove themselves to her," Ruffin said.
"People say I'm not very popular among minorities," he said.
Iranian religious minorities were added to the program in 2200.
Unchecked monitoring can also disproportionately affect religious and ethnic minorities.
Minorities will have little representation in the first two contests.
When Pakistan was created, its population was 23 percent minorities.
HP's executive leadership team comprises 38% minorities and 23% women.
In 2011, minorities accounted for 14% of the UK's population.
Is there a design in America to keep minorities down?
Christians, Yazidis and other religious minorities make up about 2%.
Kurds live as minorities in Iraq, Syria, Turkey and Iran.
It expects management and minorities to demand a higher price.
The rules favoring Senate minorities are there for a reason.
Nor would free college do much to advance racial minorities.
For some ethnic and religious minorities, it is even menacing.
Women, homosexuals, and ethnic and religious minorities suffered routine persecution.
You are arresting kids for marijuana who are all minorities.
Yes, opening the doors to women and minorities is great.
You stop because my math makes no sense: mostly minorities?
In 2016, Trump capitalized on hostility to immigrants and minorities.
Minorities again rank in between on many of these measures.
Muslims are very small minorities throughout Europe and North America.
Not a single joke demeaning to women or racial minorities.
Traditionally, the laws have been used to protect religious minorities.
And the same can be said about minorities in tech.
" He refers to minorities as "the blacks" and "the Hispanics.
Just 16 percent are women, and 7 percent are minorities.
This is a classic phenomenon for minorities of any kind.
In the VC industry, metrics that will drive change include tracking the dollars invested in diverse management teams, number of deals sourced by minorities, and number of investment partners that are female or minorities.
Low-income whites were given preference over minorities in hiring, wages, and promotions (except during strikes, when employers were quick to replace strikers with minorities whom they fired afterward, reinforcing hostility on both sides).
For, like all extreme belief-systems, radical Islamism confronts pluralists with a paradox—namely, how do liberal, tolerant majorities protect their values while defending the rights of less tolerant minorities, or fractions of minorities?
Nearly half went to census areas where minorities made up less than 10 percent of the population, and another fourth went to areas where minorities made up 10 to 19 percent of the population.
Enacted in 22 to enable Jews and Christian minorities from the former Soviet Union to settle in the United States as refugees, the Lautenberg Amendment was expanded in 210 to include Iranian religious minorities.
By creating an additional layer of privilege, this time ethnic, indirect rule fragmented the racially conscious majority into so many ethnic minorities, in every part of the country setting ethnic majorities against ethnic minorities.
The law ignores the claims of Muslim minorities facing religious persecution in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan and excludes persecuted minorities of all faiths from Sri Lanka, China and Myanmar, which have non-Muslim governments.
Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms only requires the federal government to finance education for Canada's official language minorities; that is, the anglophone minority in Quebec and francophone minorities across the rest of Canada.
Johnson refines and updates the work that came before, but he does not refute its central conclusion: that segregation harms all Americans (minorities the most) and that racial integration benefits all Americans (minorities the most).
And as companies take care to make minorities feel welcome, minorities will also be more likely to take jobs where they aren't historically represented, which creates a positive feedback loop of diversity where everyone wins.
If the demonstrators in '19683 were preoccupied with the rights of minorities — ethnic, religious and sexual (one slogan was "We all are minorities") — the nativist revolution of today is about the rights of the majorities.
In recent years, concern has been expressed about the paucity of commercial productions of plays and musicals by women and minorities, and about the lack of representation of women and minorities in many backstage jobs.
"If Lithuania agreed to have bilingual signs in the few places where ethnic minorities live, then Latvia and Estonia, with larger minorities, would face pressure to follow suit in much more numerous way," Girnius added.
The march comes amid heightened tension between police and racial minorities.
The topic was ''bridging the gap'' between minorities and the police.
But as the war swung their way, minorities regained their confidence.
Drumming up rampant fear about undocumented immigrants, Muslims, minorities, the poor.
You&aposve got a record low unemployment for blacks, women, minorities.
"Dealerships remain a scary place for women and minorities," Resnik said.
Corralling minorities and making lecherous advances...sound like anyone you know?
I expect these products will make significant minorities of users happy.
We need more under represented minorities at the top of organizations.
Critics say adding the question could result in minorities being undercounted.
We are for religious equality -- minorities can also profess their religion.
Adding the question, critics say, could result in minorities being undercounted.
There are significant Bulgarian minorities in Macedonia, Serbia, Moldova and Ukraine.
The issue of minorities' access to higher education remains controversial today.
The Kurds and Turkmen are both minorities in majority-Arab Iraq.
There are also prominent companies with minorities in the highest ranks.
Few Muslim minorities anywhere in the world can say as much.
Some colleges trumpet data about underrepresented minorities and first-generation students.
"We know that minorities have less access to healthcare," Dawson says.
We must not tolerate hateful rhetoric that incites violence against minorities.
Notably, minorities in the United States have never held much power.
The primaries revealed his weaknesses with constituencies like women and minorities.
They're primarily targeting Hong Kong protestors and ethnic minorities like Uighurs.
"I've never seen so many minorities in this party," he said.
Popular attitudes towards sexual minorities have changed rapidly in the West.
The ramifications extend to all Americans but especially minorities, she wrote.
He says minorities don't always get a fair shot in tech.
Amnesty notes the high proportion of ethnic minorities in the database.
Ralph Northam "are pitting minorities against the police" with their rhetoric.
Regarding underrepresented minorities, Airbnb's workforce is 6.5% Hispanic and 2.9% black.
He has been buttering up religious minorities and supporters of Ahok.
Moreover, this kind of demonizing non-minorities doesn't make sense mathematically.
Among the minorities and their friends, there are several specific fears.
Algorithms accidentally incorporate human biases, making loans more expensive for minorities.
And why should members of ethnic minorities trust the Tories again?
So shame on those minorities who failed to exercise their franchise.
Myanmar's minorities have long demanded self-determination under a federal system.
And solving problems that are facing underrepresented minorities in this country.
In theory, democracy is designed to safeguard the rights of minorities.
He said that many municipalities have regulations that discriminate against minorities.
We are worried about hate crimes against minorities and LGBTQ people.
Neighborhoods coded red were almost exclusively those occupied by racial minorities.
The implication: Stories about women and minorities aren't seen as marketable
It's about majorities being unsettled by minorities having rights and voices.
But, for women and minorities, it is often one of many.
Many of these excluded poor areas were predominantly inhabited by minorities.
Here's what a win for Modi would mean for India's minorities.
SK: To me, it's hiring and funding more women and minorities.
That was seen as insensitive to religious minorities such as Muslims.
Other religious minorities include Jaafari Shia Muslims, Jews, Christians and Yazidis.
Even more troubling, many of those facing difficulties were minorities. Rep.
Fear and hatred of minorities are key features of their appeal.
I vote for equal rights for women and all minorities. pic.twitter.
Opponents of the laws, mostly Democrats, say they discriminate against minorities.
But the Islamists have outwitted them by reaching out to minorities.
Minorities' struggles with homeownership are one facet of a larger story.
Politicians realised they could exploit migration policy to remove unwanted minorities.
Many minorities have fought very hard to have their voices heard.
It's all war, dangerous minorities, and the end of American values.
The assailants have targeted secular bloggers, activists, religious minorities and intellectuals.
Over all, 61 percent said they favored those efforts for minorities.
Minorities, who disproportionately worked in low-wage jobs, had large gains.
The firebrand GOP candidate has struggled with minorities in recent polls.
Yet others worry that it will sour police relations with minorities.
Historically low unemployment extends to all demographics, including minorities and women.
She said almost 80% of her patients are from ethnic minorities.
He hates Muslims, he hates gay people, and he hates minorities.
They are not used as often by the young or minorities.
Historic wins for minorities Two openly transgender candidates won their races.
Clinton leads Mr. Trump by double digits among women and minorities.
They're not exclusive to Yugurs or other ethnic minorities in China.
Just over 40 percent of new businesses were formed by minorities.
In second place, the treatment of minorities and racism garnered 14%.
Democrats continued to make inroads with minorities and in urban areas.
Some Denver citizens are concerned about police treating minorities with aggression.
It's time to stop punishing women and minorities for promoting diversity.
The police routinely measure how satisfied minorities are with their service.
How could these minorities vote for a white, uneducated populist movement?
Reports of hostility toward minorities were not limited to university campuses.
Officials at several universities were investigating reports of hostility toward minorities.
He's finding out that he can't afford to alienate those minorities.
Such freedom extends to women, racial minorities, and the LGBTQ community.
It explicitly banned discrimination against women and religious minorities as well.
Houston's also agreed to bring more minorities into the restaurant's business.
Some argue the move was designed to undercount immigrants and minorities.
Lower-income people and racial and ethnic minorities are severely underrepresented.
The LGBT community is small relative to many other underserved minorities.
Women and minorities in America will find this a familiar story.
Then, as now, immigrants and racial minorities were the primary targets.
Any lurch to authoritarianism is likely to have consequences for minorities.
Sadly, there's a lack of women and underrepresented minorities in cybersecurity.
When large numbers of voters — particularly minorities — turn out, Democrats win.
Sometimes those stories reflect issues confronting minorities in the United States.
Prince William County now has more minorities than it does whites.
More than a quarter of my law clerks have been minorities.
It also noted how white supremacist violence has historically targeted minorities.
Will such tools disproportionately harm certain types of people — say, minorities?
You're kind of living through us, being minorities, in a way.
I wanted to get more women and more minorities in office.
He stokes majoritarian resentments against the minorities to further his rule.
More than a quarter of my law clerks have been minorities.
The immoral scapegoating of immigrants and minorities would find little support.
The plight of minorities and other oppressed groups was an afterthought.
Two decades ago, just 6 percent of new golfers were minorities.
Around the world, dominant majorities increasingly see themselves as imperiled minorities.
National self-determination is not a license for attacks against minorities.
The lie, in this case, is the negative portrayal of minorities.
"This will help with suburban women, millennials and minorities," he said.
For many minorities in America, it's an all too familiar scene.
They need to give blacks and other minorities a positive message.
Associates with these "thin files" tended to be minorities and women.
Through the politics of artificial crisis, minorities take the system hostage.
Demographic change does not threaten minorities as it does white Americans.
This project has a human cost, with minorities the worst affected.
Lawyers describe such actions as having a "disparate impact" on minorities.
The Trump administration's hostility to justice for racial minorities continues unabated.
Mr. Modi's policies have alienated minorities, especially Muslims, provoking deadly protests.
When minorities embrace Republican ideas, they are further embracing their lives.
Dehumanization also dominates stereotypes and perceptions of racial and ethnic minorities.
Moreover, the power of political minorities in the Senate was formidable.
Religious minorities in the Middle East today face real existential danger.
Minorities account for 35 percent of residents, mirroring the US population.
It provides a crucial source of higher-paying jobs for minorities.
"A lot of minorities are poor or under-insured," he explained.
It's important to note that hookup culture can actively exclude minorities.
Any measures to restrict abortion disproportionately affect minorities and the poor.
The surge in violent crime has largely targeted teenagers and minorities.
His virulent Malay nationalism alienated Malaysia's sizable Chinese and Indian minorities.
At the top 200 companies, minorities accounted for 19% of directors.
At the top 200 companies, minorities accounted for 19% of directors.
And a vast majority of those people and communities were minorities.
I also belong, as we all do, to myriad other minorities.
He's alienated moderate Republicans with his harsh rhetoric toward racial minorities.
So, minorities also had to vote to get Mayor Pete elected.
Implicit benefits for minorities are difficult enough to create and maintain.
His death heightened a U.S. debate on police treatment of minorities.
So why should minorities —or anyone else— care about this fight?
Undercounting is worst among minorities and immigrants -- traditional constituencies of Democrats.
About 11% came from minorities considered to be underrepresented in medicine.
Eliminating cash disproportionately hurts minorities, immigrants and senior citizens, critics say.
Many young minorities do not believe Denver's growth has included them.
Vilified and insulted members of racial and ethnic minorities are seething.
But in a fight for states, these rural minorities are irrelevant.
Liberal whites — not minorities — are setting the tone on these issues.
Their privilege will inoculate them to it, but minorities won't be.
Tailoring games to vulnerable sexual minorities requires lots of sensitivity, though.
It's a trope that's particularly harmful for double minorities like me.
In real life, minorities caught within that system can't get out.
However, police were much more likely to point guns at minorities.
This is not the first legal strike against Russia's religious minorities.
About 52 percent of all students are racial or ethnic minorities.
The U.S. State Department report examined attacks on minorities during 2018.
"She's well aware that we as minorities often get the short end of the stick," the student told CNBC, adding that she believed the former Secretary of State had the best interests of minorities at heart.
Policy makers in Riyadh and Tehran have known that backing militant groups among their rival's Shiite minorities in Saudi Arabia or Sunni minorities in Iran could lead to an escalation for which neither country is ready.
This might be because elite degrees help insulate minorities from racial discrimination in hiring, a problem whites don't face, or because minorities lack the job-relevant connections that an elite education provides more than whites do.
"This is what the party seems to do these days—trot out women or minorities to show the public, 'We do know some women' or 'We do know some minorities,' when it serves them," Lim, says.
The schools has doubled the number of minorities in the MD program in the past 2 years -- reaching 20% of the last two classes -- and has increased the number of underrepresented minorities in their other programs.
If they're angry at ethnic minorities, he claims, it's not so much due to racism but rather to a belief, a perception, really, that those minorities are afforded social advantages at the expense of the white underclass.
A study by the bank shows that the median pay for women globally is 71 percent of the median for men, and the median pay for U.S. minorities is 93 percent of the median for non-minorities.
Damore argued that the company should not offer programs for racial minorities or women and that "ideological diversity" — including more conservative viewpoints like Damore's — was more important than hiring more people of underrepresented racial minorities or women.
Examining the recent housing crash, researchers at Harvard University discovered that, among minorities and whites of similar incomes, mortgage lenders targeted minorities more often for sub-prime loans, even when they were eligible for more secure arrangements.
Trump's basic bet is that be can couch an entreaty to minorities in terms that reflect his supporters' caricatured views of those same minorities, allowing him to skim some minority support without breaking faith with his base.
The experience of African-Americans, like Ms. Lewis, and other minorities illustrates a problem as persistent as it is complex: Minorities tend to receive less treatment for pain than whites, and suffer more disability as a result.
Moreover, Russia has the dubious distinction of being a country that not only oppresses its religious minorities — it also exports such oppression, as is evidenced by the treatment of religious minorities in Russian-occupied Ukraine and Crimea.
Afraid that ethnic minorities living in the west of Romania near the borders with Yugoslavia would revolt, Romania chose to forcibly relocate these minorities—among them Serbs, Bulgarians, and Ukrainians—to the other side of the country.
Mr. Pak, who represents Gwinnett County, a suburban area near Atlanta where minorities now outnumber whites, said it had been hard this year to recruit a diverse slate of candidates, or to win over women and minorities.
The life and cricket career of Moeen Ali, a visibly Muslim player on the England cricket team, illustrates how both the country and its minorities thrive when British institutions accommodate the religious and cultural needs of minorities.
Dr. Moreau and other scientists worry that China's research into the genes and personal data of ethnic minorities is being used to build databases, facial recognition systems and other methods for monitoring and subjugating China's ethnic minorities.
For example: Even though the recent Purge franchise is savvy about the way violent power structures dehumanize minorities and the working class, it explicitly condemns minorities who attempt to resist rather than work with the white establishment.
The Tories are almost certain to expand their gains among ethnic minorities.
Biden receives his strongest levels of support from older adults and minorities.
New company creation was bolstered by growth among both women and minorities.
He&aposs bringing in record-low unemployment, helping women and minorities most.
In its statement, the school said 43% of its students were minorities.
If most interviewers are white, perhaps minorities will give more guarded answers.
The Buddhist Rakhine, Hindu and other ethnic minorities have suffered no less.
"Religious minorities, particularly Christians and Muslims, are feeling increasingly vulnerable," Ganguly said.
The coalition also has support from ethnic minorities which won eight seats.
Anfam pushes these artists not as minorities but for their timely contribution.
In reality, harassment happens most to minorities and people in vulnerable positions.
Ten of the 24 Democrats seeking the nomination are minorities or women.
EBITDA is unadjusted for dividends received from associates or paid to minorities.
Rebel advances could also result in atrocities against regime supporters and minorities.
The diversity of Syrian society has been destroyed, and minorities are persecuted.
Minorities, in turn, overwhelmingly support parties that advocate less discrimination against them.
Like ethnic minorities the world over, haitianos are frequent targets of discrimination.
For example, white men often overestimate the presence and impact of minorities.
And minorities are often stuck being taught by less qualified teachers. 5.
In July, Twitter launched an engineering apprenticeship aimed at women and minorities.
Officialdom theoretically treats minorities as equal and even grants them certain privileges.
Opponents, including many Democrats, say the laws are discriminatory, particularly against minorities.
These will investigate whether Facebook discriminates against minorities or suppresses conservative views.
He highlighted Trump's most offensive remarks about minorities and women -- Clinton's constituency.
Yet poorly educated white men remain better off than women and minorities.
As a cast comprised of minorities, women, gay people, it was necessary.
Using racist language to describe Mexicans, immigrants and other minorities dehumanize us.
The war on people of color and minorities needs to be over.
A democratic system for protecting the rights of minorities is desperately needed.
I also question whether Trump can win given his unpopularity with minorities.
Twitter erupted, agreeing that the school's decision was offensive to all minorities.
He said Trump smears "the character" of religious minorities like his family.
Riley wanted to do a data project, looking at minorities in healthcare.
"There's a lot of minorities that are hidden Trump supporters," Fuentes said.
The idea is to protect minorities by placing their concerns above politics.
The area is home to ethnic minorities with roots in neighboring Myanmar.
So, we need to be more than intolerant with some intolerant minorities.
In China, the government is using the technology to track Muslim minorities.
"Minorities and diversity is the big thing at the moment," he said.
Gorsuch argued that the words of the 2628th Amendment do protect minorities.
This is about hiring and creating opportunities for more minorities and women.
The coup resulted in a crackdown against Erdogan's opposition, including Christian minorities.
They are one of the most persecuted minorities anywhere in the world.
"This should act in favour of those from ethnic minorities," she argues.
For Clinton, it was about hitting point-by-point challenges confronting minorities.
Reports said those included events to help the Roma and other minorities.
He has insulted minorities, women, a war hero and Gold Star parents.
And homeownership declined faster among minorities than whites between 2010 and 2013.
Get involved now to ensure equal treatment of gender and sexual minorities.
In poll after poll, only minorities favored repealing the Affordable Care Act.
Defense lawyers had complained not enough minorities were seated on the jury.
How does Trump's rhetoric about minorities in the U.S. make them feel?
These ostensibly ensure that the ethnic-Malay and -Indian minorities are represented.
These groups include the disabled, women, Muslims, and racial and ethnic minorities.
"We seek Lebanon's stability with due regard to all minorities," he said.
Myanmar's Muslim Rohingyas are considered one of the world's most persecuted minorities.
And underrepresented minorities earn one dollar for every dollar white employees earn.
Caribbean governments have sought to block regionwide efforts to protect sexual minorities.
She researches how environmental stressors disproportionately impact the health outcomes of minorities.
President Obama is telling the nation's security agencies to hire more minorities.
Critics have said that the city's previous marijuana policies unfairly targeted minorities.
Most are minorities, some children of parents who did not attend college.
The rights of women, workers, LGBT citizens and minorities would be upheld.
Then there are "safe spaces", dedicated sanctuaries in which minorities can recuperate.
Or join companies that already embrace and support women and other minorities?
In her view, the dictatorship committed "crimes against humanity" toward sexual minorities.
And so even under "our mayor," the dislocation of minorities continues apace.
Additionally, the only two House Democrats standing with Sanders are minorities: Rep.
And Christians and other religious minorities have been targeted for genocidal elimination.
Minorities make up for a good percentage of the population in California.
Minorities have been underrepresented in studies, for reasons that are not clear.
Persecution of Christians and other religious minorities is nothing new in China.
Of course, minorities do get prescriptions for opioids, and some become addicted.
Hard-won rights may well be lost, especially for women and minorities.
Three of the remaining Seven belong to minorities — Asian, Mexican and Comanche.
What China and India are doing to their Muslim minorities is bleak.
As minorities, my mother, father, grandparents and I have experienced racial hate.
He's been charged with discriminating against racial minorities in his rental properties.
Literacy tests were used to disenfranchise racial minorities as late as 1970.
Here is a white man telling minorities what real racism looks like.
It's because of Republican leadership that more minorities are pursuing higher education.
The problem, of course, is not that minorities won't listen to Trump.
It noted these individuals were more likely to be female and minorities.
Often, they insist that movies with minorities in lead roles are gambles.
And minorities account for 34% of the new members in both houses.
Clinton is leading significantly with minorities, younger voters, and the well-educated.
You see the numbers up with women, with minorities, African- American community.
Or minorities who have been discriminated against for housing and job opportunities?
The goal is to increase the representation of women and ethnic minorities.
The candidates who refer to minorities most are Mr. Sanders and Mrs.
No buyout of the ViiV minorities over the four-year rating horizon.
They'd go gay-bashing and beat up black people and other minorities.
What we don't quite know is how to reach Syrian religious minorities.
The grievances include stereotypical depictions of minorities, racist jokes, and whitewashed casting.
Through this excavation, there were incredible numbers of people displaced, particularly minorities.
Several owners also pointed to another benefit: Their companies hired more minorities.
Mike Capuano in a Massachusetts district where minorities make up the majority.
Some firms also had no women or minorities on their management committee.
Perhaps you've felt outrage about the humiliation of women, minorities and immigrants.
Poor people, working people, racial minorities will lose a powerful, effective voice.
His sermons have been filled with invectives against religious minorities and opponents.
His remarks disparage the experience of racial minorities and women in America.
But the voters who share their concerns about minorities and immigration are.
This is impostor syndrome, and minorities are more likely to feel it.
Pakistan has a dismal record over the treatment of vulnerable religious minorities.
The Higher Education Act of 1965 increased accessibility for women and minorities.
Minorities are making history, entering the workforce in larger numbers than ever.
In 2015 only 1.9 percent of respiratory disease studies included any minorities.
"An insecure majority is not the ideal bedfellow for minorities," he said.
There's not a whole lot of minorities looking to be into NASCAR.
Obesity now spans across races, but minorities are more overweight and obese.
The party has attacked the rule of law, and inveighed against minorities.
The students hit hardest, he added, were almost entirely low-income minorities.
Throughout his campaign, Trump repeatedly played into white people's fears about minorities.
The country is predominantly Buddhist, with significant Hindu, Muslim and Christian minorities.
But that can leave minorities at risk of discrimination or even violence.
Much of this took place amid anxiety over crime and ascendant minorities.
I don't want any more white people calling people of color minorities.
It targets the federal government, "minorities, homosexuals, and Jews," the complaint says.
Google's technical work force is 19 percent women and 43 percent minorities.
Minorities made up 29 percent of economists, up six points, Brookings found.
Usually only political dissidents or minorities are subject to overt state control.
Many, exceptionally for France, are also minorities, and 50 percent are women.
Minorities can find it gratifying to see people who resemble them onscreen.
Discrimination — against women, racial minorities and others — often happens in unannounced ways.
The Kurds ended up being persecuted minorities in each of these countries.
They occurred in parts of east Austin where most residents are minorities.
There is no public data on trans workers or other gender minorities.
The Tories' list of target voters also includes socially conservative ethnic minorities.
The protesters wanted to raise the issue of police treatment of minorities.
Homosexuality is taboo in Kenya and persecution of sexual minorities is rife.
The group advocates for civil rights and equal justice, particularly for minorities.
Moreover, Moscow could instigate unrest among the large Russian minorities living there.
Highly selective colleges tend to select from the best-off underrepresented minorities.
Villagers from Muslim minorities should be pushed into jobs, willing or not.
And minorities, in particular, still struggle to get mortgages and business loans.
This will affect women and minorities in ways we can barely conceive.
This is a burden under which most minorities in this country labor.
King has a history of making statements critical of immigrants and minorities.
Minorities with aspirations of upward mobility have considerable barriers holding them back.
More than one-third of President Barack Obama's confirmed judges were minorities.
Scapegoating minorities has long been a popular tactic for authoritarian-minded leaders.
LePage has repeatedly drawn attention for blunt rhetoric about crime and minorities.
You non-Black minorities, I mean... not sure what to tell y'all.
Racial and ethnic minorities preferred avoiding a shutdown by 51% to 39%.
Hate crimes are surging, as are attacks on religious and ethnic minorities.
"An Orchestra of Minorities" is more expansive in form, broader in reach.
These commissions can also ensure representation for racial minorities and other communities.
These commissions can also ensure representation for racial minorities and other communities.
The nonnative minorities are given special districts and rights of self-administration.
Such a perspective opens the door for the successful integration of minorities.
Are movements like Black Lives Matter about helping minorities or hurting whites?
That's less surprising when you realize that minorities are underrepresented in advertising.
China has built concentration camps for over a million Muslim ethnic minorities.
After all, he had insulted veterans, women, minorities, and countless other constituencies.
Frankly, most prison officials talk very openly about the overrepresentation of minorities.
They not only indicate how the courts will treat minorities like us.
He has proposed budget measures that would specifically and adversely affect minorities.
Sexual Minorities Uganda works to protect and support Uganda's vulnerable LGBTQ population.
Ten out of China's 55 officially recognized ethnic minorities are Sunni Muslims.
We see symbols that gesture towards farmers' suicides and discrimination against minorities.
To what extent are we leveraging Euro strengths, and forming coalitions, and understanding that standing up for the rights of minorities in each of our countries is like standing up for the rights of minorities in all countries?
After years of American foreign policy that has pushed for human rights, such a stark absence of women — and minorities — could send a symbolic message to the ultraconservative country known for its oppression of women and religious minorities.
Do your own facts and you&aposll be surprised what you find out, but ultimately, particularly for minorities in America - racial minorities, LGBT people, I want them to become aware that the Democratic Party doesn&apost actually support them.
Floris Vermeulen, a political scientist at the University of Amsterdam, thinks gestures such as Mr Rutte's letter will either discourage minorities from voting or drive them towards the new DENK (Think) party, which targets disillusioned Muslims and ethnic minorities.
Given America's incarceration rate and the demographic breakdown of its prison population – 216 percent of inmates are African-American and 163 percent are Hispanic – felony disenfranchisement is harshly skewed against minorities, reducing turnout among minorities and low-income households.
Minorities in the arts As a fellow musician of color, Blue said he understands the challenges that minorities face to succeed in the arts and he feels someone should recognize how much Mason had accomplished in his short life.
He has co-authored 28 publications, focusing on how health issues affect minorities.
Though largely symbolic, it alienated Israel's non-Jewish minorities and drew scorn abroad.
For the second straight year Oscar voters snubbed minorities in the acting categories.
He called Trump's messaging "false" and criticized the GOP frontrunner for scapegoating minorities.
Environmental factors, like air quality, also put minorities at increased risk for asthma.
In 2017, it's Democrats who are the minorities in the House and Senate.
Segregation, then the creation of a punitive justice system that disproportionately punishes minorities.
Hate crimes against minorities other than Muslims also increased, according to the report.
Trump's election has left Democrats angry and many minorities fearful about the future.
There were also 16 delegates from ethnic minorities, three of whom are women.
Airbnb is also working to recruit underrepresented minorities in computer and data science.
It also got rid of language that would give priority to religious minorities.
To them, racism was using the n-word or hating blacks and minorities.
The new order does not prioritize religious minorities when considering refugee admissions cases.
And minorities represented just 12% of those senior-level positions, the GAO found.
Ahok is from two prominent minorities -- he's a Christian and of Chinese ethnicity.
Others thought she was "pandering" — not just to young people, but to minorities.
We have a lot of folks who are lower income or underrepresented minorities.
How, she questioned, could America promote democracy abroad while stifling minorities at home?
University of Texas at Austin, some believe colleges prioritize minorities over white applicants.
Muslim parties in parliament have pushed laws against alcohol, pornography and sexual minorities.
Because they are relatively dispersed, Chinese people are better integrated than many minorities.
Last year, some textbooks started to include a separate chapter on religious minorities.
Half of the 22 committee chairs would be women or minorities — or both.
The kind of hate I'm seeing lately towards minorities is scary as hell.
As in other growing states, its population boom has been fueled by minorities.
Strengthening borders and renegotiating trade deals, he said, would address unemployment among minorities.
The war on people of color and all minorities needs to be over.
Unfortunately, Hindu, Christian, and Shia minorities have also been subjected to deadly attacks.
Today Korean-Chinese are among the more prosperous of the country's ethnic minorities.
So, scratch Fallin, Haley and all women and male minorities off the list.
It does not state what percentage are women and what percentage are minorities.
Also worth noting is that many of them are women or ethnic minorities.
There was some progress for both women and minorities at last night's show.
Some of them think racial minorities are bought off by the Democratic machine.
Almost half of Gen Zs are minorities, compared to 22% of Baby Boomers.
Its primary targets will include middle-class families, women, millennial voters and minorities.
"He has no track record of fighting for justice for minorities," Richmond said.
Meanwhile, the number of underrepresented minorities at the board level is even lower.
Muslim minorities there seem to be less integrated than in other European countries.
The changes would bolster Americans, including women and minorities, financially, according to Larson.
Many experts think that the Communist Party sees minorities as a security risk.
He also lambasted the BJP for failing to stick up for minorities elsewhere.
Mosul sits in a region with many different ethnic groups and religious minorities.
And the same for racial, ethnic, and religious minorities, and other dissenting groups.
Specifically, $10 million from the nonprofit #YesWeCode will fund 2,000 scholarships for minorities.
One way to solve the problem may be more licenses, especially for minorities.
They give paranoid regimes an excuse to crack down on local religious minorities.
Research shows women and minorities are disproportionately affected by the minimum wage issue.
"[1] In addition to discussing "how can we provide support mechanisms for minorities?
What do minorities miss out on when they can't participate in clinical trials?
Why is it hard at all to get minorities into these clinical trials?
So having really strict criteria is another barrier that actually, particularly, affects minorities.
"Simply put, in 2019 women and minorities continue to be ignored," she said.
We're going to classify all that to create thousands of little minorities everywhere?
Since then, the video has sparked national outrage over police treatment of minorities.
What are they doing to ensure fair rental and housing practices for minorities?
Despite the "casual white supremacy" on display, minorities aren't going anywhere, Ansari said.
Critics of the practice say it causes racial profiling and disproportionately affects minorities.
This solution, it turned out, codified the discrimination against minorities by credit companies.
And yes, states might resist expansions partly because of insensitivity to minorities' interests.
The company also has an executive mentoring program geared toward women and minorities.
Nevada, which I called "the O.K. Corral," proves she can keep minorities inside.
The remainder of the parliament goes to seats reserved for women and minorities.
Others dispute the value of "separateness", arguing that minorities benefit more from mixing.
It's no surprise that minorities are encountering heightened police violence across the nation.
ISIS soldiers killed at will and forcibly converted minorities to Islam, Aboush says.
"He disrespects minorities and women, judges, even his own party leadership," Khan said.
"I voted for Trump thinking he would protect ethnic minorities," Shantal Hanna said.
Tehran's oppression of ethnic minorities has even reached citizens who serve the regime.
But it gets high marks for its diverse composition, including women and minorities.
I'm here to march for all minorities, because everyone deserves to get respect.
Jews and Muslims and other minorities are meant to receive treatment without discrimination.
Help us collect & map public reports of harassment & attacks against US minorities: HarassMap.
Fostering cross-sectarian cooperation could help to avoid marginalizing minorities and counter extremism.
A single constituency system, such as the presidency, gives undue influence to minorities.
We're excited about making sure minorities have a stake in the infrastructure space.
Minorities, especially Hispanic voters, are more likely to be undecided than white voters.
But migrants and minorities do not account for the bulk of the change.
Homosexuality has never been criminalised and sexual minorities have mostly been left alone.
That may raise eyebrows, given that her fund focuses on funding underrepresented minorities.
Both of these decisions share one thing: Trump is legitimizing discrimination against minorities.
There is a tendency to presume autobiography in fiction by women or minorities.
Generation X is 6900 percent minority, while 2628 percent of millennials are minorities.
There, ISIL murdered 7,000 people — Iraqi security personnel, political opponents and religious minorities.
There are plenty of talented women and minorities who could sit on boards.
Last week Johnson insisted his previous comments about ethnic minorities were "wholly satirical".
Spain's Abengoa bought a controlling stake in 2000 and later squeezed out minorities.
The judges also ruled that several state House districts violated minorities' civil rights.
In particular, the GOP faces an enthusiasm gap among young women and minorities.
We needed to expand that to include business groups, minorities and women's groups.
Hindu nationalists hailed the ruling as a blow to the "appeasement" of minorities.
They can completely lock out of power large minorities of like-minded voters.
Critics say the writings show an insensitivity to racial minorities, among other issues.
India, minorities are still governed by religious law when it comes to matters
That means increased clout for minorities and the disadvantaged; that's a good thing.
Both of the shooters are white supremacist terrorist with intentions to kill [minorities] .
All four members of the self-described Squad are minorities and U.S. citizens.
The Chinese government brutally discriminates against the minorities in China's westernmost region, Xinjiang.
Citigroup pledged to narrow the unadjusted wage gap for women and U.S. minorities.
A clearly worded law would signal that women and minorities deserve equal rights.
It could also harm the denomination's fragile relationship with racial minorities, he said.
Minorities, in particular, have struggled for equal voting rights for our entire history.
Bolsonaro drew backlash during that campaign for inflammatory comments about minorities and women.
Women, underrepresented minorities and LGBTQ employees bear the brunt of discrimination (Kapor Center).
Clinton is portraying Trump as someone who doesn't care about minorities and women.
Additionally, this legislation encourages increased representation of women and minorities in STEM occupations.
The majority of the people here are of visible ethnic or religious minorities.
Underrepresented minorities in tech could stand to benefit from this quite a bit.
"It's time to stop punishing women and minorities for promoting diversity," they write.
Still, an income gap between young, white Americans and racial minorities has persisted.
For women, for LGBTQ, and for minorities, black lives matter — every life matters.
It's why Kapor Capital has a mandate to invest in women and minorities.
"Less than 5 percent of clinical trials have minorities in them," Noel continues.
The remarks have been seen as a reference to places populated by minorities.
He became an advocate for minorities and liaison to student groups at Berkeley.
They are also much more likely to be hostile to minorities and foreigners.
By the early 2040s, minorities will account for the majority of the population.
This distinction often translates into a differentiation between poor whites and poor minorities.
Company leaders should ensure that women and minorities are included in decision-making.
"France is stuck in terms of integration and visibility of minorities," he said.
Our industry needs and wants creative people from different backgrounds — women, minorities, everybody.
"We are all minorities in Quebec," the detective novelist Louise Penny told me.
Traditionally, RFRAs were used to protect religious minorities, including the Amish and Muslims.
On average, Craig says, people in her studies report tolerant attitudes toward minorities.
What are some of the benefits minorities might get from groups like these?
Adherents of both religions are small minorities compared with the country's Buddhist majority.
But it's just not true that all minorities' experience is defined by poverty.
They can make it civilized so people, women and minorities aren't scared away.
The group Sexual Minorities Uganda asked to charge Lively with crimes against humanity.
"Issues of women and minorities is very very important to us," he said.
Another benefit would be identifying patterns of illegal discrimination against women or minorities.
It could also protect ethnic minorities like the Yazidis in the Middle East.
Affirmative action for minorities in college admissions is once again under serious challenge.
Racial and ethnic minorities — particularly African-Americans and Latinos — are even more underrepresented.
We hear a lot of debate these days about media representation of minorities.
Free thinkers, writers, activists, bloggers and religious minorities in Bangladesh have been targeted.
Of the four national co-chairwomen of the Washington march, three were minorities.
With their votes, white evangelicals left poor people, immigrants, and other minorities behind.
America has a foundation of prejudice, and many minorities suffer from this today.
In the news, though, poor people, especially members of minorities, are one-dimensional.
"Unwritten rules are highly dangerous, especially to sexual and gender minorities," he explained.
We opened up the universities and the workplace to Jews, women and minorities.
Instead, we should create media that purposely portrays minorities in a positive light.
As with many other environmentally hazardous industries, the communities affected are disproportionately minorities.
Both armies, he said, were sympathetic to each other's problems with Muslim minorities.
Iran and Turkey fear it will escalate separatist ambitions among their Kurdish minorities.
In prosperous times, they can take pride in their success compared with minorities.
"Conservative minorities are accustomed to being attacked for telling the truth," she said.
" He continued, "Today, we've opened the doors of opportunity to minorities, to women.
About 40 percent of the students are women and 53 percent are minorities.
Other murders followed: intellectuals, religious minorities, foreigners and members of the L.G.B.T. community.
Just by living in this society, they have acquired biases, specially against minorities.
Fewer women and minorities express interest in and complete degrees in the field.
Then women, minorities, the disabled, Mexico and Puerto Rico were like, 'You first.
You could say that if it translates into denigration of minorities, it's antidemocratic.
In his political life, Mr. Singh has fought to combat discrimination against minorities.
Biden said the 2008 economic recession had particularly hurt minorities and the impoverished.
In the 2015 election the Conservatives got more than 1m votes from minorities.
Mr. Rorty did not deny that identity politics reduced the suffering of minorities.
Yet policymakers should proceed with caution in creating special regions designated for minorities.
He has been credited with rebuilding relationships with minorities and sharply reducing crime.
Such systems have been used to flag Xinjiang ethnic minorities for extrajudicial detention.
Muslims were excluded, officially because they are not religious minorities in those countries.
One-third of Canadian governments have been minorities in the last 30 years.
At the same time, the departures of minorities without college degrees continued unabated.
In 2013, a federal judge ruled that it violated the rights of minorities.
"Racists are most bothered by minorities when they start to succeed," she said.
In short, quality of life crime enforcement isn't a war on America's minorities.
"It was already an issue for us minorities to get trust," she said.
These families are predominantly lower-income, less-educated and minorities, the FDIC said.
The pace of change is also accelerating for minorities at Facebook's U.S. operations.
Widodo has faced widespread criticism for not doing enough to protect religious minorities.
"The decision has negative tax implications and it clearly disadvantages minorities," Kubicki said.
Republican officials have publicly said that Trump needs to do better with minorities.
But it's also happening because nonimmigrant minorities have been dispersing from central cities.
She said that the biggest threat to British minorities remained the far right.
For racial minorities and women, facial recognition systems have proven disproportionately less accurate.
Are women, people of color and ethnic minorities finding success on Wall Street?
The government says Muslims cannot be treated as persecuted minorities in those countries.
Since 2017, authorities in Xinjiang have detained hundreds of thousands of Muslim minorities.
Yet the share of women and minorities there remains mostly unchanged since 217.
It's also diverse: More than 70% of the city's population identify as minorities.
Also, governments are not the only entities that persecute religious minorities, Konyndyk said.
Such nonsense often had deadly consequences, as minorities fell victim to popular rage.
Such nonsense often had deadly consequences, as minorities fell victim to popular rage.
Then there were beliefs that physicians already held about the behavior of minorities.
Is it conservative to demonize and vilify and mischaracterize religious and ethnic minorities …?
There's also less racial segregation: Minorities are more likely to have white neighbors.
Most of them target Shiite or Christian minorities in Pakistan and occasionally Indians.
Though many suffered under the military junta, ethnic minorities were hit the hardest.
Will they be the best repressors and jailers of minorities in the world?
The two faiths are small minorities in the country, which is predominantly Buddhist.
And it will welcome "religious minorities" who are being persecuted by their governments.
By 2050, minorities would make up more than 50 percent of the population.
"Crime infested" in a city where almost 60 percent of people are minorities?
They already felt white Americans were losing ground to ethnic minorities in America.
We've had about 41% of the loans that went to minorities last year.
Dark web intellectuals too have seen their culture invaded by women and minorities.
So does NCHS's data mean that most American babies aren't really racial minorities?
From July to August, both Biden and Sanders received a stronger level of support from minorities, and minorities also shifted their support away from lesser-known candidates like U.S. Senator Kamala Harris of California and former Texas congressman Beto O'Rourke.
The company said last year that, when accounting for job function, level and geography, women are paid on average 99 percent of what men are paid and minorities are paid on average 99 percent of what non-minorities are paid.
There have been hundreds of religiously motivated attacks on religious minorities in recent years, some resulting in death, as well as the forced closures of houses of worship and the passage of local bylaws viewed as discriminatory against religious minorities.
Two years ago, minorities began to account for more than half of public school children, and between now and 2030, all of the growth in the population in prime labor force ages (18-64) will be comprised of racial minorities.
Combined with other policies that, on paper, favored minorities, such as bonus points in the national examination system and a more generous approach to the one-child Policy, this convinced many Chinese that minorities were actively favored and spurred resentment.
So much dumber that, setting aside the pot-kettle-black problem, it probably isn't worth explaining at length why policy aimed at improving the lives of disproportionately poor minorities isn't comparable to saying those same minorities can't be impartial judges.
His persistence is one reason why a new report from the Resolution Foundation on employment rates for people from ethnic minorities finds Northern Ireland the only region where such minorities outperformed the average, at 72% of their working-age population.
" A massive report from the National Institutes of Health found that "racial and ethnic minorities tend to receive a lower quality of healthcare than non-minorities, even when access-related factors, such as patients' insurance status and income, are controlled.
WASHINGTON — A decision by the Trump administration to add a question on citizenship to the 2020 census discriminates against ethnic minorities for political gain, violating the Constitution, argues a federal lawsuit brought Thursday on behalf of several groups representing minorities.
I am a two-time minority, and Hillary has been a voice for minorities.
Then again, two-thirds of the players in the N.F.L. are members of minorities.
Or that underlines how so-called minorities are unfairly forgotten by the cybersecurity industry?
Alongside other LGBTQ people, Jewish people and other minorities, he lived through immeasurable horrors.
That number is even higher among minorities, climbing to 19 percent for African Americans.
In 1993, Congress passed legislation requiring publicly funded medical studies to include more minorities.
Sanders were serious about a revolution, about supporting minorities, he would support the women.
Like herself, the majority of the girls there were ethnic minorities from modest backgrounds.
Most of these companies have zero underrepresented minorities on their board or executive teams….
Roughly 10,000 people live in the affected area, with most belonging to ethnic minorities.
Bolsonaro has railed against what he sees as excessive federal protections for these minorities.
What is the solution for the HRC to be more inclusive of LGBTQ minorities?
Federal minister for minorities Shahbaz Bhatti was also killed after calling for her release.
But the company acknowledged weaknesses, including retaining employees of underrepresented minorities, particularly African-Americans.
These decisions are an outgrowth of Canada's precocity in recognising rights and protecting minorities.
The terror-driven exodus emptied the city of Christians, Yazidis and other religious minorities.
They had seen encouraging trends in early voting before October 28, particularly among minorities.
Muslims and Christians make up tiny minorities in Sri Lanka, which is predominantly Buddhist.
Meanwhile, Gaine "would not say much to me or several other minorities," Pope said.
He was questioned on his record on race, religious minorities and enhanced interrogation techniques.
So, suddenly, the left, Peter Fonda included, care about minorities and care about children?
That should, theoretically, eliminate the odd "underrepresented minorities" measurement that Twitter is now reporting.
They also spoke out against policies aimed at other communities, like immigrants and minorities.
Previous attacks involved machete-wielding men singling out individual activists, foreigners and religious minorities.
And they also tend to be men more than women, whites more than minorities.
Cuomo cautioned against accepting racism, citing a history of American persecution of racial minorities.
Facebook And Pinterest Have Their Own Version Of The Rooney Rule To Hire Minorities.
History has proven minorities need majority group leaders on their side to see change.
Martin Luther King Jr., is why minorities should band together and defend one another.
They can't really have set overpasses purposefully low to keep minorities away from beaches.
Women, the disabled, and racial and religious minorities are still underrepresented in Western democracies.
"Diversity is not just something that belongs to minorities and marginalized people," Williams said.
You see that with police violence against racial minorities and government violence against women.
The percentage of American adults who remain unbanked and underbanked are higher among minorities.
They are far more likely to marry a Han than minorities in western China.
People are going to feel justified in committing crimes and spewing hate towards minorities.
To homogenize and even pit minorities against each other only perpetuates their structural subordination.
Pekgoz's logic, however, doesn't account for students who happen to be women and minorities.
The Labour Party has become a coalition of the university-educated and racial minorities.
No wonder, then, that disenchantment with state-led peace efforts is growing among minorities.
Some 64.7 per cent of residents are ethnic minorities and the rest Han Chinese.
Abdul-Jabbar said stop-and-frisk is wrong and is a "nuisance" for minorities.
" Laycock called the threat of boycotts "ill-informed and deeply intolerant of religious minorities.
Some critics have suggested Buttigieg has a history of alienating minorities in South Bend.
Both House and Senate minorities employed other tactics to stop bills they didn't like.
One reason for changing attitudes may be greater exposure to positive images of minorities.
But his new cabinet excluded women and Sunnis and contained few non-Persian minorities.
The treatment of Maoris, some say, gives a leg-up to other minorities too.
About 329,000 Croatians belong to ethnic minorities, out of a population of 4.3 million.
Under a government affirmative-action policy, university-entrance requirements are lower for ethnic minorities.
People denying science, drumming up rampant fear about undocumented immigrants, Muslims, minorities, the poor.
Similar wishes are expressed in almost every European country which hosts large Muslim minorities.
Conservatives emphasize the rights to property, the rights of religious minorities, and gun rights.
Are a different set of policies necessary to address the plight of "double minorities"?
Mr Iqbal's outspoken defence of minorities has earned him the enmity of Muslim radicals.
In practice, that means attacking Hillary Clinton and attracting independents, women, millennials and minorities.
Critics say asking about citizenship could scare minorities from responding and leave them uncounted.
CredCon is organized primarily by women, and 15 percent of attendees are underrepresented minorities.
Ana, a proud Cuban-American did say "minorities" like her need a place, too.
The FCC plan also hopes to surface more content from independent creators and minorities.
Most were members of one of China's ethnic minorities, including Tibetans, Mongolians and Kazakhs.
You're seeing more women, more minorities, you're seeing the diversification of the Democratic Party.
In addition, the center looked at women minorities in film and found mixed results.
At least 133 companies were listed as owned by minorities — including 39 by Hispanics.
And even its efforts have not changed the overall situation of women and minorities.
He is the patron saint of white voters who resent ethnic minorities, of course.
Minorities in Iran say they are deprived of decent living standards and civil rights.
"The dominant narrative for decades emphasized the over-representation of racial minorities," she said.
Minorities living and working in different communities describe the phenomenon in almost identical words.
"My coworkers who are underrepresented minorities didn't relate to them at all," she says.
Rights groups and minorities say the measures are often used to settle local scores.
Experts say such polarisation is dangerous for Indonesia and could stoke anger against minorities.
But Clooney said he's not just talking about African-Americans, he's considering all minorities.
The previous order indefinitely suspended Syrian refugees and allowed preference for some religious minorities.
What would you like to see in 2018 for women and minorities in Colombia?
Clinton's success with women is a statistic largely driven by her popularity among minorities.
There are other minorities at the school, but Nasir said she was singled out.
For the region's large Assyrian and Syriac Christian minorities, the future looks equally grim.
The technology also has accuracy problems, particularly identifying people from ethnic minorities, she added.
It came alongside increased persecution of minorities and the eradication of their religious institutions.
The shooting fueled nationwide protests over law enforcement's use of excessive force on minorities.
The Utusan Malaysia front page was not an isolated attack on non-minorities either.
Plainly stated, the road to success for minorities in America travels through higher education.
And they are proud of cracking down on expressions of hatred against religious minorities.
Trump on Wednesday said Clinton is a "bigot" who doesn't truly care about minorities.
Their emphasis is therefore on counting centuries-old national minorities, rather than new migrants.
In Florida, my family was priced out of the good neighborhoods that welcomed minorities.
" Reilly's ordinance accuses Trump of running a "hateful, racist campaign against immigrants and minorities.
The youth unemployment rate is even higher in some urban centers and among minorities.
Some provinces also award extra points on the test to students representing ethnic minorities.
Critics say the technology also has accuracy problems, particularly identifying people from ethnic minorities.
And so far the reality for minorities isn't even going backward—it's getting worse.
Latinos were 9 percent, blacks 7 percent and Asians and other minorities 6 percent.
Secularists, Kurds and other minorities feel intimidated by Mr Erdogan's loyalists on the streets.
The American Civil Liberties Union opposed the bill, saying mandatory minimums disproportionately affect minorities.
They are not included among the 135 ethnic minorities officially recognized by the state.
The group was made up of minorities, "mostly consisting of African-Americans," she wrote.
Across all nine states, 4,656 participants, or almost 5 percent, identified as sexual minorities.
However, minorities say the goal of a fair federal system has not been achieved.
He spent his entire political career, dating back to Texas, reaching out to minorities.
Many with the disease are never diagnosed or treated, particularly minorities and underserved individuals.
Arbitrary volume requirements harm patients, particularly racial and ethnic minorities who are already undertreated.
The Democratic nominee for president noted minorities were especially hurt by the financial crisis.
Instead, America now has a system in which determined minorities routinely defeat somnolent majorities.
What those Iraqis need is the Deferred Removal for Iraqi National Including Minorities Act.
In a few decades, America will be a plurality of racial and ethnic minorities.
Much is at stake, especially for beleaguered minorities hanging on for their very survival.
A disproportionate number were minorities, low-income, college students, or had transient housing situations.
The courts found that the requirements discriminated against minorities, and often seniors and students.
Meghan Milloy: When he started spewing out this rhetoric against women and against minorities.
The destructive force embodied in incitement against foreigners and minorities is a frightening thing.
Sessions stood by his support for voter ID laws, which liberals say disenfranchise minorities.
They say that part of the problem comes in technology companies' definition of minorities.
The percentage of minorities in the broader US population is even lower at 41.5%.
And there are some agencies with a much lower-than-average percentage of minorities.
It was a perfect example of how the experiences of minorities are often misconstrued.
Yet in another confounding twist, a significant minority of Trump supporters were minorities themselves.
A job listing posted by Novak, for example, "strongly" encouraged minorities not to apply.
History also provides reasons that those holding political power might want to undercount minorities.
He believes in environmental justice, the concept that minorities are disproportionately affected by pollution.
MI minorities by two weeks, a source close to the matter said on Thursday.
Minorities have also denounced the march for excluding transgender women and women of color.
State-run VC organizations usually reward their friends and relations over minorities and women.
Religious minorities are also far more likely to be charged with blasphemy than Muslims.
Experts say such polarization is dangerous for Indonesia and could stoke anger against minorities.
Just 2% of tenured full-time Classics faculty were minorities, according to the study.
Many women and minorities find themselves victims of misogyny, hate speech, and online attacks.
"The state of media for minorities in this country is terrible," Nogales told me.
Be smart: Brown's situation offers a glimpse of the struggles minorities face every day.
One key trend: Minorities and immigrants have already started moving out to suburban areas.
This number is higher for visible minorities, people who identify as LGBTQ, and women.
Studies show obesity appears to be plateauing in Caucasians, though not in ethnic minorities.
A gradual exodus of minorities delights Malay supremacists but will make the country poorer.
But religious minorities in Iran are also supposed to benefit from the Lautenberg Amendment.
Barriers in the U.S. political, economic and social systems often disadvantage minorities, Emmons said.
There are also bad members and candidates who are women, and who are minorities.
Tension between the police and minorities are lower in Dallas than some comparable cities.
His views on women and minorities are unacceptable to nearly everybody on the left.
Jurors also heard excepts from Roof's online manifesto, where he criticized minorities and Jews.
Clinton continues to hold large leads with women, minorities and voters with college degrees.
"Despite everyone's best efforts to bring in minorities, it wasn't culturally successful," she said.
Comments from service members and veterans who are minorities on the ongoing N.F.L. protests.
China, our largest trading partner, is engaging in the mass detention of Muslim minorities.
There are also minorities of Jews and Hindus in the seven-square-mile area.
Yet the mainstream perception of drug addicts as minorities — blacks and Hispanics — still persists.
The legacy advantage dwarfs any edge afforded to African-Americans or other underrepresented minorities.
Acceptance of sexual and gender minorities is low across the largely conservative Middle East.
He took power in 2014, promising to uphold the rights of minorities and women.
But the community most affected by the student debt crisis overall: middle-class minorities.
This, he said, shows "how little regard" Tulsa police have for the community's minorities.
In 2015, 25 percent of the members were female and 8 percent were minorities.
The tool's impact on the admission of racial minorities has not yet been analyzed.
The two groups argued that the limited opportunities for early voting directly affected minorities.
The profession has, "unfortunately, a reputation for hostility toward women and minorities," he said.
The group does not recognize the Nigerian Constitution, claiming it excludes protections for minorities.
I fear it is vulnerable racial and religious minorities that will pay the price.
So, let's just create a constant to give increased scores for women and minorities.
The army's constant warfare with ethnic minorities has also given it a business advantage.
The Bharatiya Janata Party's rule came with an attack on Dalits and the minorities.
As news of the exit polls spread, the people most distressed were India's minorities.
The canaries in the coal mine of democracy — minorities, journalists, activists — are already falling.
By promoting her, those leaders advertised openness to young people, to minorities, to immigrants.
Of course, because of racial bias, a disproportionate number of those people are minorities.
Today, too many women — and minorities — still feel unwelcome in many corners of science.
She also emphasized that LGBTQ discrimination intersects with discrimination against racial and ethnic minorities.
"The whole answer is to get women and minorities in leadership positions," she says.

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