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621 Sentences With "childhoods"

How to use childhoods in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "childhoods" and check conjugation/comparative form for "childhoods". Mastering all the usages of "childhoods" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Often, they envy their children's childhoods — the opportunities they have.
Cheers to tarnishing yet another indelible piece of our childhoods.
Its haunting melody can instantly transport us back to our childhoods.
Many of us have mixed feelings about our childhoods and families.
The number of similarities between our two childhoods are uncannily similar.
But the young women in her classroom saw their childhoods differently.
Hell, for some people's childhoods, entire television networks were ruled out.
Both were college dropouts, and both had suffered through difficult childhoods.
The documentary does find memorable moments in the candidates' childhoods. Mrs.
Disney excels at repackaging and reselling our childhoods back to us.
We label them sociopaths, paranoiacs or just victims of bad childhoods.
This is going to be an event that defines their childhoods.
MINNEAPOLIS — Philip Dawkins asked them to tell him about their childhoods.
Reading the blog feels like witnessing the corroboration of entire childhoods.
" Big E -- "Mean Gene was the voice of millions of childhoods.
If you read about their childhoods, it matched up so perfectly.
We spent most of our childhoods finding entire worlds in your tidepools.
Since their childhoods, the two brothers have never had a good relationship.
Their childhoods, like the Merahs', were an almost absurd cumulation of horrors.
Jones told the BBC that children had their childhoods taken from them.
We lived through their childhoods without being hit by a deadly earthquake.
With this single Starbucks order, Posh Spice and our childhoods live on.
"We're all dragging our childhoods around with us every day," she said.
But the two had emerged from unsteady childhoods with markedly different temperaments.
Drawing from their childhoods, Mr. Ferver has devised a solo for each.
Often, it only takes a whiff to transport us to our childhoods.
Both have deep roots in their districts, where they spent their childhoods.
But not without losing a part of our childhoods in the process.
As Bay Area childhoods go, Marc Russell Benioff's was solitary and geeky.
The Flintstones television cartoon was a fixture of many of our childhoods.
Their childhoods might be slightly different than those of Kendall and Kylie Jenner.
We don't have many pirates who came from happy homes and storybook childhoods.
They're all these stories about these childhoods that affected them, or the creation.
Two 'great childhoods' diverged Jessica and Stephanie met at church 21 years ago.
When it comes to childhoods, Mandy Moore didn't exactly have a traditional one.
We had relatively harmonious, normal childhoods and excelled through primary and secondary school.
"For most of these kids, their childhoods were robbed from them," she says.
We've seen their starved, sorrowful childhoods, the brutal training and manipulation they endured.
We often associate Play-Doh with the pure, unadulterated fun of our childhoods.
Our childhoods are filled with scary things that "go bump" in the night.
Grieving relatives fondly remembered happy childhoods marked by thriving farms and big families.
When AIM died in 2017 a piece of our childhoods went with it.
Though your childhoods were very different, your moms were similar in many ways.
I maintain that the agency of individuals will lead to fewer impoverished childhoods.
There are so many brilliant people that have functional, normal childhoods, you know?
Life at home and at the movies proved my tale of two childhoods.
We just can't seem to leave our childhoods in the past where they belong.
We had excuses for all these men, from broken dialing fingers to difficult childhoods.
I get that a lot: that they're sad that their childhoods are over now.
He now wants to turn it into the world's biggest archive on wartime childhoods.
Disney's The Lion King was a movie that defined so many of our childhoods.
And like many teenagers who've had difficult early childhoods, I was angry with adults.
But many psychologists believe children with traumatic childhoods often come away with damaged empathy.
Rod knows that the short window of Amy and Annie's childhoods is rapidly closing.
Those who spend their childhoods in state care often end up unemployed or homeless.
Both of us came from brutal childhoods, and that has sometimes made communication difficult.
For most of their childhoods, Mari had dominated her younger sister in practice matches.
Many described happy childhoods in Mosuo homes as reason enough to preserve the walking marriage.
Women love an illustration, too – they're fun and warm and remind us of our childhoods.
Adults yearn for the familiar — their own childhoods — at moments when they feel particularly unmoored.
" --via Twitter Anthony and Joseph Russo "Thank you for filling our childhoods with such joy.
To be fair, an entire generation spent their childhoods trying to perfect that turnaround fadeaway.
Japanese game publisher Capcom markets to the childhoods of millennials and their Gen X predecessors.
The distinct mindsets about money, the survey says, likely date back to the millennials' childhoods.
For many Merivale Retirement Village residents, Maori was rarely seen or heard in their childhoods.
Would you both say that your childhoods were the gift that keeps on giving, workwise?
Harris contends that America has stiffed our generation, filling childhoods with homework and extracurricular activities.
I thought about her children and how confusing and harrowing their childhoods must have been.
Without question, these same young men are also victims of stolen childhoods and shriveled opportunities.
And yet, I would not trade my life with her for a thousand "normal" childhoods.
All of them have spent portions of their childhoods in New York City's shelter system.
"It may be that what we really need is robots that have childhoods," she says.
And silence, for both Mr. Jenkins and Mr. McCraney, was the armor of their childhoods.
Children's Books Kids too young to read generally have their books selected for them by adults, and we tend to gravitate toward favorite characters from our childhoods, which often means our parents' childhoods: Madeline, Babar, Curious George and the rest of the time-tested gang.
"The music is the spirit of the childhoods of millennials," Anglin wrote on the Daily Stormer.
They often live their childhoods in abject terror, a sense further intensified by relentless school bullying.
Z. and I share more about our families and our childhoods, bouncing from topic to topic.
"People love coming here, whether to try new things or to remember their childhoods," says Robert.
It appears that these young people had their freedom and childhoods stolen, allegedly by their guardian.
But my youngest co-workers, they will have HD video from the world of their childhoods.
During the pups' childhoods, the scientists noted few differences in exercise behavior between the young mice.
Who could ever forget the football-shaped head that defined so many of our '90s childhoods?
For the last six years, Maddox has dedicated herself to giving young people their childhoods back.
Laura Ingalls Wilder's "Little House on the Prairie" books are a staple of countless American childhoods.
You can't just declare war on all of our childhoods and then drag it on foreverrrrrrr.
Some described a bond born of difficult childhoods: both men's fathers died while they were teenagers.
She blames childhoods in which daily transactions like playdates and soccer practice have trumped self-knowing.
It comes down to getting new perspectives on places where a lot of childhoods were spent.
We cast longing glances at our neighbors' tables and dream of the flavors of other childhoods.
Growing up as digital natives, almost all of them have photos and videos of their childhoods.
Larsen's Toads have run for many reasons — some to escape war, others to escape difficult childhoods.
Both wished they had stuck with it, but note that their childhoods affected the relationship negatively.
This doesn't mean that Corcoran exclusively hires people who have happy families or picture-perfect childhoods.
Many said they had never known stability, describing childhoods bouncing between foster homes and homeless shelters.
Like gods and superheroes, Presidential candidates require origin stories; lately, these stories have involved their childhoods.
They tend to like feedback at work because recognition and feedback were ingrained in their childhoods.
How did they manipulate Chessy and Martin into keeping their mouths shut for the twins' entire childhoods?
Nineties kids like to be reminded of their childhoods all the time, including during their smoke sessions.
Millions more are in danger of physical, emotional and sexual abuse that could destroy their childhoods forever.
How is it possible we were calling the doughy character by the wrong name our entire childhoods?!
Both are about the heavy burden of adulthood for people whose childhoods were oppressive rather than nurturing.
In many countries, unequal childhoods between boys and girls have transformed into inferior educational opportunities for girls.
These cookies might be the best and most delicious possible way to hang on to our childhoods.
The childhoods of the parents, John Allen Rubio and Angela Camacho, aren't described in a single shot.
" Laing identifies some commonalities between their two childhoods — "people leaving, people drinking too much, people losing control.
Both men knew a measure of security in their early childhoods, which was shattered by family upheavals.
But what about all the people who went through traumatic childhoods, and didn't become dictators or criminals?
Four hours and five or six stories about your childhoods later, it is not so early anymore.
Maurissa and Sydney both explain how their childhoods in predominantly white neighborhoods make these experiences particularly painful.
But I can't help it — I would like to retrofit their childhoods with a smartphone for me.
Their approach to the cuisine of their childhoods is a mix of scholarship, invention and battle cry.
For the past three years, the volunteers in an organization I founded, Mothers Against Senseless Killings, have made it our mission to give them their childhoods back — the kind of carefree childhoods so many people in our generation had but too many children in poor neighborhoods are denied.
THEIR CHILDHOODS HAVE BEEN STOLEN Earlier in 2016, we met some of the youngest victims of Chicago's violence.
For a show that's already stacked with nostalgia, her appearance is icing on the cake from our childhoods.
Liquid nitrogen is also used to make Dippin' Dots, the cryogenically frozen ice cream beads of millennials' childhoods.
"We spent the better part of our childhoods as neighbors, our two families right next door," Joely writes.
People carry different "money scripts," or financial beliefs that are shaped by our childhoods and communities, he said.
Lucky129 begins with their childhoods: Both Ned and Sam grew up in the shadow of beloved older brothers.
Both of them admit to having used the other as an escape route out of their unhappy childhoods.
A late scene in which he recounts their childhoods is among the play's best and is flawlessly performed.
To be clear, these Rihanna jellies — while reminiscent of our childhoods — are not the jellies of our past.
For many of us, this was like reliving the best parts of our childhoods, but in real time.
Watching movies, having adventures, and creating stories were a huge part of the 33-year-old brothers' childhoods.
Yesterday, those of us whose childhoods were profoundly affected by Harry Potter — that's pretty much every millennial, right?
Sarah and Prince Andrew knew each other throughout their childhoods, but were reintroduced by Diana and Prince Charles.
But in general, we turned to memes that mocked our childhoods and distracted us from more serious topics.
Many of us will still watch this film out of reverence for the series that defined our childhoods.
Nevertheless, they said, they were pleased to see one of the favorite singers of their childhoods win again.
We're doing what many of us spent our childhoods doing in basements and parking lots: just hanging out.
But so were time, dignity, childhoods, selfies, songs and a New Year's Eve allegedly culminating at Drake's mansion.
Fish fingers are synonymous with people's childhoods in Britain, and fish finger sandwiches are the ultimate comfort food.
Most of us wore braces, spent our childhoods in and out of orthopedic units and had bone surgeries.
"Take a pause before you react because oftentimes, we're re-enacting roles from our childhoods," Dr. Birditt said.
Like Miller, many wax nostalgic about care-free childhoods, even if their own kids might be raised elsewhere.
But it's still bittersweet for people who spent their childhoods longing to spend allowance or birthday money there.
Nostalgia-seekers obsessed with the '80s and their childhoods will be happy to see Teddy Ruxpin back in stores.
The kona coffee ice cream brings back sweet childhood memories and my husband and I reflect on our childhoods.
In another corner a gaggle of university students fiddle with displays of toys from the era of their childhoods.
"One of the hallmarks of Gen X-ers' childhoods was having both mom and dad working," Connelly told PEOPLE.
I'm glad that I started something that made so many people's childhoods and brought joy to those adolescent lives.
On the same night, he lost his wife and then was doomed to miss out on his kids' childhoods.
It can give people that comforting feeling of their childhoods or remind them of a specific time and place.
So all of us felt free and very happy to be returning to our childhoods to tell this story.
Perhaps most surprisingly, a staggering 22016% of American kids will receive SNAP benefits at some point in their childhoods.
And the root causes plant themselves in the childhoods of the men and women who find themselves locked up.
So maybe it's easier to be a misfit because people have seen it represented all throughout their childhoods, right?
At least two thirds have suffered from traumatic childhoods and more than 50 percent mental illness or personality disorders.
Almost all of us played with some kind of rinky-dink Spirograph toy at one point in our childhoods.
But I kind of lived a couple of different childhoods, because my father passed away when I was 13.
Before we met we both worried we would end up alone in old age, a repeat of our childhoods.
In doing so, they're revisiting their childhoods and the legacy of the first person to walk on the moon.
I am bewildered by the people I know who dredge up their childhoods all the time at our age.
We chatted about our mirrored childhoods — I had been born in Spain to American parents and raised in Ireland.
The heroes' powers, embedded in their childhoods, don't manifest until they find each other as teenagers and physically touch.
By choice or necessity, they turned to the kitchen and became quiet ambassadors for the food of their childhoods.
But their childhoods, rather than mirror images, trace a kind of parabola: two archetypes of the African immigrant narrative.
While Tyler grapples with his life as a trans man, the pair revisits shared memories of their difficult childhoods.
No school, no learning, no freedom The childhoods of refugee children are smeared with memories of violence and disorder.
Sure, most of our childhoods weren't a Norman Rockwell painting, but we made it out all right, didn't we?
Inspired by botanicals and spices such as cinnamon, Mor challenged Cindy's bartenders to create drinks inspired by their childhoods.
For the entirety of their childhoods, boys are allowed the false belief they can one day be a pro baller.
Reddit is teeming with stories of people who believe they heard La Llorona's wailing at some point during their childhoods.
But "Toy Story" was also an ode to sunlit childhoods, with such vintage toys as Mr Potatohead and Slinky Dog.
There was definitely not enough gender support or open conversations about identity or mental health in most of their childhoods.
He had attended an international high school in Shanghai and thought his classmates might miss the foods of their childhoods.
The second step is exposure to certain infections later in childhood, after clean early childhoods that limited exposure to infections.
Maybe the final straw is when they start ruining our childhoods, as the There's Waldo robot seems determined to do.
At the center of this earnest novel are the dysfunctional childhoods of three siblings in mid-twentieth-century South Dakota.
The man has likely ruined hundreds of childhoods with his releases, and this was the one that gave him pause.
"We want to keep the Czech Republic we remember from our childhoods," he said in an interview earlier this month.
Comics are powerful pieces of art and fiction that have shaped childhoods and realities for the people who read them.
Andrew seems unaware that high-achieving people from modest backgrounds tend not to be impressed by tales of pampered childhoods.
In the past, Miss Oates has been our poet laureate of schizophrenia, of blasted childhoods, of random acts of violence.
Two other memoirs evoke their authors' childhoods — each marked by the death of a parent — with emotional and sensory precision.
In one paragraph, the narrator's children's childhoods fly by entirely as a list of the subjects they covered in school.
Also complicating things is that Miguel has remarried since the boys' childhoods; Eva Longoria is underused as his current wife.
We had the right to demand something better for our workplaces, for our childhoods, for our schools, for our bodies.
Most people I know grew up in one suburb or another, and their childhoods always sound awfully boring to me.
Baby boomers old enough to remember Erector sets might think Cisbot was constructed from the parts bins of their childhoods.
"Wallah," the band of cousins swear to one another, again and again — and that word evokes many of our childhoods.
In the interim, youngsters like Ibrahim and Chaled continue to miss out on vital aspects of their childhoods and education.
They also put new coats of paint on some older superheroes and cartoons, reimagining the figures who shaped our childhoods.
If we had to pick one food from our childhoods to make a comeback, it probably wouldn't have been the Twinkie.
Their shocking childhoods are chronicled in a new special titled "People Magazine Investigates: Cults" on Investigation Discovery,  People magazine reported Wednesday.
Monica and Quincy meet as kids and spend their childhoods pursuing their dreams of professional basketball stardom — and orbiting one another.
We start telling stories about our childhoods, and I tell him about my multiple degrees that led to no real passion.
"The devices they hold in their hand have both extended their childhoods and isolated them from true human contact," she writes.
The two men shared humble childhoods in working-class cities, a high value of family and deep devotions to their faiths.
Do you just really love pizza or is it more about capturing and documenting this forgotten moment in our collective childhoods?
During their childhoods, Mr. Offutt and his siblings certainly had a dim notion of what their father did for a living.
Our childhoods may have been stolen from us but there are so many lives that can still be protected, and saved.
Frank's art was a huge part of many people's childhoods, and she's seen a resurgence of interest thanks to millennial nostalgia.
Throughout the videos, the longtime friends chat about topics like parenting and their own childhoods while Ingraham prepares meals and drinks.
Foremost, there is the problem of distinguishing the peculiarities of such an upbringing from the universal nostalgia that clouds happy childhoods.
His latest study, also published in PNAS, found that adults with high-stress childhoods responded to potential losses and rewards differently.
The wounded man-children will keep on whining about their ruined childhoods, but meanwhile the debate has moved in other directions.
Like much else in our gilded childhoods, those women lived fictions created by adults whose betrayals came unstuck all at once.
Compared with history's more boring childhoods, hers lacks for nothing but nothingness itself, and that's what I wanted to show her.
We started thinking about our childhoods, and recalled that our favorite book was Pat the Bunny because it was so interactive.
Both Dun and Joseph grew up nearby in strict, religious homes, a topic they deftly avoid when recounting their childhoods today.
But they worried about how their children were processing the trauma and grief, and how they could ever reclaim their childhoods.
Perpetrators tend to have a lot of violence in their own childhoods — sexual assaults or child abuse or what have you.
I could not help comparing how drastically different their childhoods were from mine growing up in the suburbs of San Francisco.
I'll try to be honest: Neither am I. Most men are still working through their own childhoods when they become fathers.
We were remembering our own childhoods and the specialness of birthdays, and celebrating the eccentricity of family life and its rituals.
This puzzle by Emily Carroll is a trip back to our childhoods, and I smiled all the way through it. 52A.
For many "Sesame" fans, it was the end of an era for a man whose characters helped to define their childhoods.
I don't think they understand the gravity of it because they didn't have to consider the issues during their own childhoods.
Other research indicates that men and women who join the services have often experienced difficult childhoods, including emotional and sexual abuse.
One of the greatest joys of parenthood is being able to replicate the good parts of our childhoods for our kids.
"Across the Middle East, there are Syrian refugee children whose entire childhoods have been a life of displacement," Mr. Miliband said.
Yet both are known for self-centered, narcissistic personalities — and these, perhaps were sired by the emotional austerity of their childhoods.
The implications are clear: 80s childhoods were not nearly as innocent or comforting as they were made out to be on screen.
Practical Magic embedded itself in a lot of childhoods, and 20 years later, it remains beloved by the adults those children became.
Our country's economic security and position in the world tomorrow is entirely dependent on the childhoods taking place in our country today.
Here's a major piece of our childhoods being tremendously honored, but also put in a museum, that place where old things go.
Others also commented on Plaayer's photo, talking about their own childhoods with divorced parents who still worked together to raise their child.
In a movie from our childhoods about America, Meryl Streep would make a better president of the United States than Donald Trump.
They recounted stories of my parents' childhoods, organized gatherings around birthdays and anniversaries, always acknowledged the empty seats at the holiday table.
In their new book Been There, Done That, Roker, 61, and Roberts, 55, share stories about their respective childhoods, marriage and children.
And we both had been so injured by our violent and loud childhoods that we found refuge and joy in the quiet.
After spending most of their childhoods in separate bedrooms, they shared a dormitory room, and the arrangement has lasted for three years.
Like Derek, many spent their childhoods completely removed from mainstream pop culture, so lack a shared set of references with most Americans.
"I think what we might have here is a generation that really defines itself by the markers of their childhoods," she said.
For the most part, the Olympians of Norwich did not sacrifice their childhoods by specializing in one pursuit to hasten their progress.
Both Louis's deeply autobiographical novel and J. D. Vance's memoir are stories by precocious young men about the savagery of their childhoods.
We hear about childhoods spent listening and learning from grandparents who passed on traditions, and of discrimination encountered in the broader world.
Thus, girls spend their childhoods practicing how to be pretty and care for another person, while boys practice getting what they want.
Now, a dozen years later, he was pared down to the bone, but his smile could still return people to their childhoods.
PG Do your childhoods explain the consistent work posses that you've assembled — Seth Rogen and Paul Rudd, Jenni Konner and Jemima Kirke?
Others: Disney's been such a formative part of so many people's childhoods that they'll probably never run out of properties with nostalgic appeal.
The kids in the scene are strikingly young, which only serves to underline how much of a violation racism is to people's childhoods.
And Ikeda, who has interviewed hundreds of them through his work at Denshō, has also seen the harmful effects of their childhoods firsthand.
We practice our Mandarin (we're all heritage language learners) and try to remember New Year's stories from our childhoods. 新年快樂!
In one post, he accuses Assad and Russian President Vladimir Putin of stealing the childhoods of Ghouta's young, as explosions are heard overhead.
This war, this siege will produce an entire generation of children with anxiety disorders, children whose very childhoods have been stolen from them.
There hadn't been a week in either of their childhoods that offered the possibility of meat every day, not to mention the variety.
Both of my sons' childhoods were different [from average]; they didn't have a lot of friends because there were no kids their ages.
The poster is another piece of evidence that the film is poised to give fans a fun, creepy nostalgia trip through their childhoods.
Most recently Google's Cardboard is an easy and cheap way to get entry-level VR and functions like the viewfinders of our childhoods.
This is the story of Hans Christian Andersen's The Little Mermaid, which made it into most of our childhoods, mostly unchanged, via Disney.
As a bonus, this franchise doesn't come saddled with a fanboy contingent invested enough to label this a sacrilegious blight on their childhoods.
For young children burdened by the mental scars of toxic stress and impoverished childhoods, this approach can break a pervasive cycle of failure.
Packard Bell computers were so ubiquitous and core to a generation's childhoods that there are whole YouTube channels dedicated to Packard Bell nostalgia.
The fact that the effects were bigger for people who spent more of their childhoods in high-opportunity areas only strengthened that conclusion.
It may seem as if there is nothing particularly damaging about this — parts of all of our childhoods have been lost, scrubbed, forgotten.
Mr. Shore was born in New York in 1947 and may have had one of the most precocious childhoods of any American artist.
Survivors expressed relief at the release of the report, but one of them, Udo Kaiser, said it could not restore their stolen childhoods.
Four new picture books make inventive use of that sturdy old technology as they tell stories for kids living modern, computer-saturated childhoods.
The fact of the matter is that our future may look very different from our own childhoods if we refuse to take action.
There was no longer a place for those awe-inspiring, imaginative, heartfelt, and painstakingly hand-drawn worlds that defined so many of our childhoods.
"I Believe I Can Fly," for example, was an anthem of many millennial childhoods and one of the most memorable aspects of Space Jam.
The father-to-be shared the exciting news earlier this month, in a heartwarming Facebook post complete with photos from the couple's respective childhoods.
In an interview with People, Richards revealed the rift that the prospect of a TV show about their childhoods has caused between the sisters.
Thousands of migrant kids could spend the rest of their childhoods in federal custody because the government hasn't been able to find their sponsors.
"Creator/Destroyer" begins by hitting us over the head with just how opposite Andrew Cunanan (Darren Criss) and Gianni Versace's (Edgar Ramirez) childhoods were.
The 100-plus interviews he conducted included intense conversations with her offspring, who ended their childhoods in horrible institutions and now campaign for justice.
By most accounts, it was a fixture in Soviet pharmacies for decades, right up until the collapse of the USSR—and in Soviet childhoods.
Kendall Jenner and Jaden Smith have been friends for years, dating back to their childhoods growing up with their famous families in Calabasas, California.
During their Monroeville childhoods, Lee developed a lifelong friendship with Truman Capote, a boy sent to live next door with his aunt and uncle.
For some, it's a chance to relive their childhoods and for others it's a chance to share those childhood favorites with their own children.
Acute poverty pushed many Otomí to migrate to the United States, the only way to shake off childhoods when they went hungry and shoeless.
Many people began by talking about their childhoods, their parents or how they were raised — an indication, to me, of how deeply representation matters.
Check out more videos by Creators: When it comes to quintessential New York childhoods, Streisand has Neil Simon, Woody Allen, and Lena Dunham beat.
It was based on somebody's childhood in Italy, and other people's childhoods in England and the US who came to help build the place.
Even two of Ms. Morris's daughters, though beneficiaries of suburban childhoods, found as adults that they felt more at home living in a city.
In 2007, a group of German-born children took Norway to the European Court of Human Rights to seek compensation for their lost childhoods.
In the process, they are revisiting their childhoods and the enduring legacy of their father as the first person to walk on the moon.
His mother, Ivana, published a memoir recently that makes it clear this guy had one of the worst childhoods this side of Oliver Twist.
"The Right-Hand Shore" steeps us in the childhoods and adolescence of Thomas, Beal and Beal's brilliant brother, Randall, who condemned the couple's relationship.
Maybe we accord specific significance to parts of our childhoods ("Pink + White") or young adulthoods ("Nights") that then we begin to relate to less.
This new album is another mile marker in the friendship between Maas and Bland that stretches back to their childhoods growing up outside Houston.
Whether the choice is Pocahontas, Mulan, Rapunzel, or Jasmine, chances are most people have a favorite Disney princess, and possibly a prince, from their childhoods.
We're so ready to start counting down to the holidays, but many of us have also said goodbye to the advent calendars of our childhoods.
But they went on to discuss "everything from the best vacations they've taken to stories about their hometowns and childhoods," according to a Zappos rep.
It's also aiming to tap into the undercurrent of discontent that pains parents today – from all generations, but especially those who remember less digital childhoods.
She feels safe, which is key, and not something either of us can say we felt in our childhoods considering the traumatic transitions we experienced.
It's not about sex, she clarifies, but deeper things—their recording-studio alchemy, their troubled childhoods and drug abuse, and their defensive petulance towards authority.
Similar characters, but this time, you're watching the childhoods of characters that are grandparents in 2019, so it's harder to place their faces and names.
I want to have memories of my kids' childhoods that aren't interrupted by a closed door or the tap of my fingers on a keyboard.
Many women affected by sexual exploitation are, like Abeer, products of abusive or challenging childhoods even apart from the problems caused by displacement and war.
Naturally, because we're all averse to change and want every part of our childhoods to stay intact, Twitter users were not feeling the new additions.
If the masses do forget Pokémon again, there's a heap of retro time killers from our childhoods that could see an unexpected revival.
Also, their lifelong oral health has been impacted due to the prolonged nutritional deprivation and little to no dental care many experienced throughout their childhoods.
"It's like a vacation where we rediscover our childhoods," says Eric Ospital, one of France's most prestigious charcutiers, who comes from the foothills near Biarritz.
My family could be separated; if I were to be deported, I would miss the childhoods of my niece and soon-to-be-born nephew.
As an inveterate adolescent Walkman user, I found its use as an ersatz Proustian madeleine for Elliot's, Darlene's and Angela's childhoods to be astutely observed.
Some, like former Olympian Natalie Darwitz, brought an impressive resume to the ice but still viewed the competition as a chance to revisit their childhoods.
Trump took up Michelle Obama's track record of hosting events emphasizing healthy food and active childhoods by sporting Converse sneakers and a casual plaid shirt.
What linked us was lost in our far-off childhoods; and here we were, two graying adults talking across a waste of gain and loss.
There are no mentions of cellphones or internet searches or other 21st-century markers, and some of the tenants' memories hark back to midcentury childhoods.
Once we both agreed that it should be from The Nutcracker — something we both revered from our childhoods — the idea just started flowing out of us.
When my friends talk warmly about their childhoods, the family vacations they took, the extra-curricular activities they participated in, I have a hard time relating.
Children of successful celebrities typically don't live traditional lives as their childhoods and upbringings can often cause them to take things for granted or become troubled.
Now — with the classic story making its comeback on the big screen with the help of Emma Watson and Josh Gad — we're reliving our collective childhoods.
All the people here, like at their other gatherings, have owned the things that made their childhoods hard, the symbols of what made them feel powerless.
Here's the thing: Our childhoods were oversaturated with hundreds of different candies, all decorated in neon packaging and with commercials so enticing, we simply couldn't resist.
As grown women, the clique reunites into their hometown and recalls that summer, as well as reflecting on the way their childhoods have shaped their lives.
One answer may come from dysfunctional childhoods: experiencing physical or sexual abuse, having a depressed parent or having a family broken up by tragedy or divorce.
At least the Minnie cake fail was trying to look like something sweet and comforting from our childhoods, and not meant to totally gross us out.
One of the hallmarks of both parks remain their focus Disney princesses, nearly all of whom come from movies that hearken back to specifically millennial childhoods.
Barbra Streisand has weighed in on Leaving Neverland, the groundbreaking HBO documentary in which two men accused Michael Jackson of sexually abusing them throughout their childhoods.
They also studied the childhoods of well-known figures, from Anne, Susan and Janet Wojcicki (who have been called the "Silicon Valley sisters") to Albert Einstein.
Whatever else we put in the tin, we knew this would make for good reading, especially if we'd forgotten our childhoods, like most adults we knew.
The transition between these two states is embodied in the lives of the generation I write about, whose childhoods were defined by the crackdown after Tiananmen.
But as the years passed, it became a touchstone of their Brooklyn childhoods, and a memorable achievement during a formative and poignant time in their lives.
Yet this account of a Roman Catholic boyhood interrupted — and derailed — retains a luminous, novelistic complexity that sets it apart from similar tales of stolen childhoods.
Most of the participants said that their estrangements followed childhoods in which they had already had poor connections with parents who were physically or emotionally unavailable.
American chefs of Asian descent are changing the way we eat, reclaiming the ingredients and flavors of their childhoods and making of them a new cuisine.
" When one of his patients tells him a story about his childhood, he writes, "I didn't like thinking that some of the men even had childhoods.
I felt literally connected to all of my female relatives, and started to think about the stories that I had heard about their childhoods and lives.
Even though these two pieces of entertainment are equally important to our childhoods, it seems unlikely that anyone would bring them up in the same sentence.
The SIJ aliens would be returning to abuse, neglect, or abandonment; and the DACA aliens spent their childhoods here and know no home other than America.
Subjects recount childhoods spent battling homophobia and transphobia at school and home, and adult lives lived to whatever degree of transparency and self-embrace one can find.
"The photos you see on the site are the memories of our collective childhoods with the magic that was the early years with Star Wars," Berges said.
The 1964 Disney version of Mary Poppins starring Julie Andrews, Dick Van Dyke, and some awesome dancing penguins holds a special place in many of our childhoods.
Like the novel, Helen Edmundson's adaptation jumps between different perspectives and timelines, deftly conjuring the childhoods of two principal guides, Hortense (Leah Harvey) and Queenie (Aisling Loftus).
Coverage transcends the tennis bubble, people wonder whose box their family members will sit in, footage from their childhoods are rolled out and played over and over.
The documentary tells the stories of two adult men who allege that they suffered years of sexual abuse throughout their childhoods at the hands of Michael Jackson.
The chef and his three siblings spent most of their childhoods toiling away in his parents' small Vietnamese restaurant while the family fought to stave off bankruptcy.
The details are hazy—trouble with the law, unsavory characters hanging around the house—and I ask because so much of boxing is defined by rough childhoods.
Jon Morris: Both of my parents collected comics before I was born, so I grew up in this house with whatever was left over from their childhoods.
We all have baggage to work through—and plenty of people with fucked up childhoods still know it's kinder to decline an invitation than leave someone hanging.
Berry's music defined the baby boomers' childhoods, but it also shaped their kids (not just the time-traveling ones) and the art those kids grew up with.
I believe greed was the driving force behind the actions of the Boy Scouts organization, whose leaders sacrificed the childhoods of their scouts for growth and money.
The admissions signals sent by selective colleges have spawned a vast and rapacious Youth Sports Industrial Complex that devours childhoods (and parental income) at a frightening rate.
She has made herself a tremendous kidnap risk and virtually guaranteed that the children she has expressed a desire to raise will have traumatic, possibly terrifying, childhoods.
Many alleged that to them, Epstein was not just a rapist, he was also a murderer; he'd murdered their childhoods, he'd killed the girls they'd once been.
It took us back to the '80s to inspire nostalgia for our childhoods, as it focused on a stellar cast of kids, including Finn Wolfhard and Sophia Lillis.
They even waxed nostalgic about the clunky plastic cameras of their childhoods, wistfully recalling the days of limited exposures and a waiting period before seeing their developed prints.
Old, tattered, aged, and marked books all make their way into Mansfield's series, highlighting a special part of many of our childhoods that most have almost forgotten about.
This article originally appeared on VICE UK. Every adult emo fan and rock music writer will remember the Halloween of 2019 as the greatest Samhain since their childhoods.
Mr. Gandhi said some participants came away saying that it helped them remember their childhoods — an aquatic scent, for example, triggered a distant memory of the Goa seaside.
In March, Toys R Us, the paradise of our childhoods/money pit for our parents, announced it would be closing or selling all 800 of its U.S. stores.
"Persona-wise, I represent a lot of people's childhoods," Mr. Macchio said during an interview at the June Havoc Theater, where the Abingdon Theater Company production will open.
While most of us spent our childhoods scouting out the newest McDonalds Happy Meal toys, modern kids are designing and flying custom drones right out of the box.
At its best, the shame silo offers up a fractured version of the Sears Roebuck catalog (an institution of perusal that faded along with Gen X-ers' childhoods).
"Give your aunt/uncle/grandma/grandpa a hug!" is something most people probably heard during their childhoods, but is it the right thing to say to a child?
Finely rendered gummy bears, avalanches of soft serve, the supersaturated palette of the candy store, and a direct lining tapping into our collective childhoods are Magruder's active ingredients.
It's in the enclaves at the end of railway tracks that suburbia is at its most painfully suburban, where lives develop unobserved and childhoods flourish in slow motion.
It finds the lack of progress very concerning, particularly given what's at stake, which is really childhoods, and the opportunity to grow up safely with their own families.
It is a parallel portrait of two childhoods: those of Versace, the renowned fashion designer, and Andrew Cunanan, the serial killer who shot him to death in 1997.
And its subjects, Wade Robson and James Safechuck, who detail disturbing accusations from their childhoods against Jackson, have received both plaudits and abuse for their part in it.
With few exceptions, when their competitive careers are over they unpack their bags and stay put, because they want their offspring to enjoy childhoods similar to their own.
Alternatively, digital life fills and absorbs waking life time so that people do not engage in paradigm cases of friendship (like sports, collective arts, free-range childhoods, etc.).
The Weimar Bauhaus was a kind of kindergarten-cum-commune for adults, whose real families and childhoods had in many cases been thrown into chaos by the war.
Or, more likely, trolls are going to need to find a new place to complain about the ruination of their childhoods thanks to the next Star Wars film.
Still others hoped that their children would live with her, maybe for the remainder of their childhoods — something Sándigo wasn't promising and worried that people assumed she was.
Tycoon games became a staple in many childhoods after Rollercoaster Tycoon showed us the joy of murdering a bunch of innocent theme park visitors through horribly designed coaster rides.
Pinkett Smith also spoke on the show about balancing her kid's childhoods with their ambitious career goals, noting that the subject caused serious conflict between her and her husband.
Half a century ago, back in 1964, a film came out that would shape the childhoods of not just one generation, but pretty much every generation that came thereafter.
In When They See Us, the five Black men at the center of DuVernay's story are devastatingly stripped of their childhoods by a wrongful conviction and broken justice system.
All four of them are not only sex workers who use drugs, but also survivors of impoverished childhoods and underage survival sex work — and still they manage to flourish.
I don't just mean the financial education (or lack thereof) that our families provided, but the deep ways that emotions from our childhoods affected the way we viewed money.
Sometimes, though, returning to a place where childhoods happened, first jobs were held and mates were met can evoke strong sentiments about the passing of time and life choices.
Ready Player One is still, after all, helmed by Steven Spielberg, the guy who served as creative director for the childhoods of almost everyone in the movie's target audience.
It splices together those glimpses of the past with an examination of what the family is up to now as adults, traumatized by childhoods spent living in that house.
As a black British dancer who now resides in New York, Zadie's descriptiveness in regards to her characters' childhoods sent me back in time to a very English place.
My parents' childhoods had been haunted by nightmares of mushroom clouds and nuclear winter, their lives indelibly shaped by the social and political upheavals of the '60s and '70s.
My understanding of our divorce was that we started too young, and the differences that seemed small at the time widened, as our childhoods ended and our adulthoods began.
My understanding of our divorce was that we started too young, and the differences that seemed small at the time widened, as our childhoods ended and our adulthoods began.
It's too bad the film doesn't have more of this feisty interplay — long stretches are just the usual food-speak about local ingredients and childhoods spent watching Grandma cook.
During our childhoods, global warming awareness campaigns were everywhere, and conversations regarding the environment were something we were exposed to frequently given the political climate of the early 0373s.
"You have a lot of retirees who reminisce about their childhoods every time they hear Donald Trump say 'Make America Great Again,'" said Representative Darren Soto, an Orlando Democrat.
Since then, the franchise continues to deliver heartfelt and rewarding sequels that somehow make theatergoers want to cry, think about their childhoods, and erupt into laughter in the same sitting.
My single prayer as we enter this era of always-on childhoods and dark communities with their own violent visions is that we all, whatever our beliefs, eventually see light.
"SUVs have definitely assumed the mantle of family haulers from the station wagons and minivans we remember from our childhoods," said Scott Keogh, president and CEO of Volkswagen of America.
The comments for a highly enjoyable funk soundtrack called "Positron," for example, are replete with memories of childhoods spent listening to the test card music for long stretches of time.
But thanks to one new meme, for which Twitter users are sharing the most "on brand" stories from their childhoods, people are proudly taking ownership of their weird youthful selves.
It was a complex survey of the instincts that Dre et al honed over dance-obsessed childhoods in America's second-biggest city, in one of its most culturally diverse neighborhoods.
While Thomas the Tank Engine has been a part of many childhoods around the world, it never had many friends from around the globe, apart from Hiro the Japanese train.
A survey from Global Web Index on Disney's new streaming service, Disney Plus, showed that 42 percent of surveyors would sign up because the content reminds them of their childhoods.
The pace of modern life has sped up considerably since our childhoods, and kids have less time to be bored and discover what they can do in moments of quiet.
While both women say they feel robbed of their childhoods together, they have come to be at peace with uncovering this life-altering revelation at this stage in their lives.
Actually, to be honest, we don't know if the cafeteria workers were lunchroom ladies or gentlemen—it may just be PTSD from our own particular childhoods that is haunting us.
Austin, Patrick, Rob and Danielle discuss the sad news that is the end of Toys R Us, the store that has always held a special place in our gaming childhoods.
When Corgan was asked by a follower if he had seen "the hit movie Shrek," he responded not by directly answering, but by upending the childhoods of an entire generation.
They grew up with Hollywood movies, low-def network television and ad-heavy pictorial magazines like Look and Life as the audiovisual wallpaper of their childhoods, mostly in American suburbs.
Mr. Baumann gently deflates the expectations of about 20 would-be sellers every day, having to tell them that only about four cards from their childhoods are worth anything now.
It was something that my husband, Larry, and I discovered we had in common: We had both, all through our childhoods, been taken matter-of-factly to see adult entertainments.
A Save the Children index ranks Mali third bottom of 172 nations measuring the extent childhoods are threatened by factors from child marriage and teenage pregnancy to being out of school.
That's exactly how Hasbro describes the scent of Play-Doh, a smell that many of us associate with out childhoods, and a smell that the toy maker has officially now trademarked.
When I met these people who were just like me, who had grown up here, who had lived really normal and mainstream American childhoods, I realized I wasn't the only one.
The crisis of the 1980s and '90s, and the public's blind eye to countless deaths, may have colored their childhoods with fear, but it is all still imagined from a distance.
Harris called for tech companies to enable a new "race to the top," centered on building tools to help people focus, find common ground, promote healthy childhoods, and bolster our democracy.
He continued, "There's kind of an innocence to it — a lot of nostalgia for us — and in some ways it's reliving our own childhoods together and working on this TV show."
Lawnmowers don't just hover over their kids to make sure that they are safe, they obliterate any whiff of a struggle for their kids by curating every aspect of their childhoods.
"I felt like I was bullying him a little bit at times, like I felt like I was a little too hard on him at times," Cruz said of their childhoods.
"You had to have been a real cool person and someone he could relate to," Mr. Harris said, adding that he and Mr. Scott talked about similar experiences during their childhoods.
Ringling's customers tend to be parents wanting to pass along a rite from their own childhoods — the smell of the sawdust, the drippy snow cone, the booming voice of the ringmaster.
"Their childhoods were robbed of them because of asthma," said Ms. Sanchez, 40, who suffers from a severe version of the disease, along with Leonardo, 8, Olivia, 11, and Ruben, 16.
Like Osborn's characters, the denizens of "Rancho Viejo" attest to the notion that adulthood is a chimera, that we're all always stuck on some level in our rivalrous, security-seeking childhoods.
John Singleton's films were the visual soundtrack for countless Black childhoods — on a given week, you can't watch BET without catching a few minutes of Baby Boy or Boyz n the Hood.
Over the course of the heart-wrenching and difficult film, both men recount in frank and graphic detail claims of how the singer sexually abused them for the majority of their childhoods.
It's not such a thing with people from the South — everyone who grew up in the South knows country, knows Nashville, has been here at some point in their childhoods for something.
When the pair first met, they went on a perfect season-starting date, bonded over their difficult childhoods, and eventually spent the BIP hiatus together, with Dean following Kristina home to Kentucky.
The film is expected to begin during the men's childhoods — they grew up together — and show their long-lasting friendship leading up to the harrowing moments on the train, according to Variety.
But these are important games to us, from our childhoods, and we wanted to sort of find a game that melds those influences as it passed from one brain to the other.
Sociologist Annette Lareau followed dozens of children for a decade and found in her 2003 book, Unequal Childhoods, that more privileged children tend to be raised to reason with and question authority.
Their mother was chronically ill and their father left them at an early age, so they each lost huge chunks of their childhoods working side gigs after school to support the family.
He not so jokingly claims in the movie that now there are 14 famous South Asians, and he knows all of them—and all of them agreed that Apu haunted their childhoods.
While they were generally less than loquacious on the sensitive topic of politics, the people we profile were more than happy to talk at length about themselves – their childhoods, families, jobs, dreams.
The books trace the lives of two women from their childhoods in poverty in Naples into the middle class against the backdrop of Italian postwar history, exploring the complexities of female friendship.
Neighbors have invited me into their homes, and shared details of their childhoods and other things I would never have known if not for the flood, conversations that have drawn us closer.
On one of their off days, Warriors players Klay Thompson, Leandro Barbosa, and Harrison Barnes decided to make their way to Orlando to relive the magic of their childhoods with Harry Potter.
The focus stays trained on the women — their childhoods, their relationships with men and their mothers — bookended by sections in which the author expresses vague hopes of kindling empathy in her readers.
This is not only because tales of their childhoods and news of their marriages and divorces feed our prurient appetites, or because we can peek into their lives on Instagram and Twitter.
His parents had spent periods of their own childhoods going hungry in the wake of China's civil war, and they were delighted to discover that Americans ate meat at practically every meal.
I became a father at the start of the decade, and spent all of it watching my kids' childhoods fly by; "Boyhood" distilled that feeling of constant loss into two unforgettable hours.
Millennials are a notoriously nostalgic generation, with their Polaroids and their affection for defunct cookies and Technicolor unicorns — shouldn't raisins tap into the same nostalgia for our neon, latchkey, Dunkaroo-inflected childhoods?
Stranger Things may have found the limits of its conceit, or maybe even the limits of slavish devotion to the idealized cinematic childhoods so many of us remember, but never actually lived.
Before founding Pill City, they'd also learned a great deal about traditional corner dealing, having spent their childhoods in the care of heroin-addicted mothers, even copping drugs for the women on occasion.
Verbal and physical abuse was speckled throughout every story, from the childhoods of Sirius Black, Severus Snape, and Tom Riddle, to the misconduct of school and government officials like professors Snape and Umbridge.
It's one of the most devastating movie scenes from many of our childhoods, watching Simba nestle into his father's mane, tug at his ear, and try to wake him as the dust settles.
A literary classic full of quotable quotes and teeming with whimsical illustrations, The Little Prince is a choice example of the sort of beloved cultural product that movingly recalls to us our childhoods.
And if they are, they're genetically immaculate hipster-spawn living Pinterest board childhoods with parents that give them names like Chesterfield or Maxian and dress them in berets and fedoras from age four.
Jim Crow may have been legally outlawed in 19603, but many of its health effects may only now be emerging for black Americans who lived under its racist rule in their early childhoods.
This will be the first major screenplay for Shokunbi and Palmer, and they'll be helming a story that, you know, will be a huge part of young girls' childhoods for years to come.
The museum is best known for its Monet murals of water lilies, but Tomic was enraptured by Renoir's glowing renderings of happy childhoods: kids playing with figurines , practicing the piano , snuggling with mothers .
It's also worth noting that many of the women cited in the report recalled dealing with the same sorts of issues in their childhoods, showing that this is far from a new problem.
Studies on second-generation parenting also show that many of us are striving to cultivate individuality and autonomy in our children in a way that we feel was missing from our own childhoods.
Take modern escapist fantasies like tiny homes, voluntary simplicity, forest bathing and screen-free childhoods, then place them inside a delicate, moss-filled terrarium, and the result will look a lot like cottagecore.
The same way Boris Johnson tapped into Britain's inner erudite buffoon, so Trump tapped into our inner core, which all too often turns out to have comprised midnight cheeseburgers and hormonal TV childhoods.
After 9/11, millennials grew up in a world where all we've really known throughout our teens and our childhoods is Islamophobia, xenophobia, and fear stoked against vulnerable communities by our top leadership.
As the founder of the ReThink Group, a consultancy in Manhattan, she advises traders and portfolios managers to analyze their fluctuating emotions, and even their childhoods, as carefully as they do the markets.
From Queen Elizabeth II and her descendants' regal childhoods to Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle's ordinary lives growing up outside the palace, INSIDER has rounded up nostalgic childhood photos of the British royal family.
Soft-launched in February while ironing out some kinks, the new Highlights Every Day app officially debuted just last week, appealing to the Gen X parents who remember the mag from their own childhoods.
From the looks of the trailer, each of the teens is haunted, in turn, by one of the familiar and traumatizing tales that many '80s and '90s kids probably remember well from their childhoods.
That said, if we can't look back on our childhoods, and the experiences, objects, and terrible fashion decisions that made us the generation we are today, then I think we risk losing a lot.
There's a notable gloss of digital polish and artificiality over this new Jungle Book, and adults may not be able to shake the sense that they're watching a cash-grab rerun from their childhoods.
The specter of their imagined pregnancies and imagined children is inextricable from the childhoods they imagine they would have enjoyed if they had been better, or stronger, or more worthy of a mother's love.
"Disney clearly left a strong impression on both of us in our childhoods — the magic, the mystique, and the romance," lifestyle consultant Juliana Chong Stryker says of her November 2014 wedding to husband Bobby.
Thanks to its plucky band of misfit protagonists, heartfelt plot, and carefully rendered depictions of dinosaurs, the 1988 classic animated movie "The Land Before Time" has become an integral part of many generation's childhoods.
Lee had, therefore, two childhoods, as he writes in "A Hymn to Childhood": "one that didn't last," because it was disrupted by trauma, and "one that never ends," because it was redeemed by language.
Undoubtedly, Chief Keef's national rise in 2012 would not have happened had he and the rest of the Glory Boyz not spent the bulk of their childhoods absorbing all of 1017 Brick Squad's output.
If that's the case, it wouldn't be that surprising to see other creatures from millennial childhoods, like trolls or any animal from Lisa Frank's radioactive zoo, enjoy the same kind of popularity as unicorns.
Several patrons saw their own childhoods in the paintings, but I noticed the spectacular skill in the room that recalled Thomas Hart Benton or Ernest L. Blumenschein and understood why that work still captivates.
As a fifth-generation resident of New York City, I can tell you that New Yorkers reminisce about the price of a slice of pizza during their childhoods like Charles Foster Kane reminisced about Rosebud.
"It's not just that it's child labor and that these children are missing school and they are missing their childhoods," says Reid Maki, director of child labor advocacy and coordinator for the Child Labor Coalition.
Yes, movie marquees are filled with familiar titles from our childhoods from Child's Play to Men in Black, with remakes of The Grudge, Charlie's Angels, Little Women, and Dune all scheduled for the coming year.
He believed that gay people had bad relationships with their parents in absolutely all cases, and spent a great deal of therapeutic time probing patients for incidents of humiliation, neglect, or contempt in their childhoods.
It's beginning to seem as though anywhere there is a book that millennials widely fell in love with in their childhoods, Jack Thorne is out there too, adapting that beloved book for a new medium.
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic also builds on the My Little Pony franchise of the 2800s, which was a part of many millennials' childhoods, and thrives on the well-documented millennial affinity for nostalgia.
Generation Grandparent We spend money on our grandchildren because we want their childhoods to be special, because we need them to know we love them, because it's one way to feel part of their lives.
This week's episode reveals a new facet of Gilead's structural misogyny, in which girls become victims of what Massachusetts law currently classifies as statutory rape, and then lose their childhoods to the demands of reproduction.
Ask any local, though: The weather is a show by Mother Nature that never ends, and we wouldn't have changed the temperamental, trying tropical weather of our childhoods for all the snow in the world.
At Imperial, for example, participants go through an extensive screening process, where they discuss their mental health, and also their childhoods and past trauma, which starts to build trust with the therapists, Watts told me.
The store chain will partner with the retail service startup B23ta to create hands-on, engaging experiences for kids and their parents, who may have fond memories of Toys "R" Us from their own childhoods.
After completing questionnaires about their childhoods, more than seventeen thousand Kaiser Permanente patients were assigned an " ace score," from zero to ten, a tally of the kinds of adversity experienced before the age of eighteen.
A house cleaner in Blanding, a jeweler at a stand along the highway in Monument Valley, a health care provider in Red Mesa will recount losing their childhoods, their own children, and their faith to Mormonism.
And I think that there's a whole bunch of weight put on this idea that Disney, like this kind of huge feature in a lot of people's childhoods, is finally acknowledging this idea of queerness onscreen.
Though we did not yet have our generational moniker, millennial childhoods were marked by frequent interactions with the faces of Mary-Kate and Ashley, though which one we were seeing at any given point remains mysterious.
These iconic shoes made a serious mark on the childhoods of anyone who grew up in the early 2000s, and if you're like me, they also left their mark in the form of a few scars.
Peel-off face masks are the beauty product of choice for skin-care enthusiasts who, at some point during their childhoods, spent half the class applying Elmer's glue to their hands only to rip it off.
"What's so exciting about this project is that we are creating one of the most iconic homes from many of our viewers' childhoods," Loren Ruch, senior vice president, HGTV programming and partnerships, said in a statement.
Fans of the original trilogy can put it together like the ship from their childhoods, but you can also convert it into its Force Awakens and Last Jedi versions just by swapping out a few pieces.
Traumatic childhoods, bad parenting, awful schools and a lack of extra-curricular opportunities can make it harder for children to develop grit; success for poor pupils is not simply a matter of them pulling themselves together.
Of course, Disney is such a huge part of a lot of people's childhoods, so perhaps there's a baked-in advantage there, but for the rest of us, we'll just have to get a little creative.
The Neopets community, for example, which first took off after the virtual pet website's creation in 215 and ruled childhoods in the early 2000s, has recently made a fairly painless resurgence in our nostalgia-hungry society.
Many things are accidents, you know: 70 percent of any given baseball game, for instance, or where we are born and live during our childhoods, or the identity of the person we meet, love, and marry.
Even the girls' wide-eyed wonder in the face of a pair of incredibly dopey boys just underscores the larger point — they gave up their social lives, childhoods, and adolescence to dedicate their themselves to training.
Brandon Brodwater from Wilmington, N.C., put it this way: I have always heard my parents talk of their childhoods; how carefree they were, how simple everything was, and how blissfully ignorant all the kids could be.
While bubble tea had long been available in the United States and a staple of Asian-American childhoods, the Boba Guys' approach helped widen its appeal among non-Asians and earn annual revenues in the millions.
But one woman's agonizing embarrassment is another's fodder for an appearance at this recurring event, wherein adults dive back into their childhoods to share journal entries, letters, poetry and more with a room full of strangers.
"Barney was a ubiquitous figure in many of our childhoods, then he disappeared into the shadows, left misunderstood," said Kaluuya, who is working on the film with his production company 59%, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
When children grow up with a strong understanding of their family's history — where their grandparents grew up, what their parents' childhoods were like — they have better coping skills and a stronger sense of mattering and belonging.
Visit any courtroom in America — from rural Ohio to urban Chicago — and it's easy to count the costs of the crisis, in the currency of broken families, ruined homes and childhoods doomed by adult drug abuse.
It's meant to sound effectively neutral, and there's nothing neutral about forcing trans kids to spend their childhoods in the closet and grow up with absolutely no memories of being authentically present in their entire childhood.
They're all characters who have beaten the odds to rise up to power; they all had troubled childhoods; they all started life on the outside, and they've all had to fight for their place in the world.
But now that millennials are adults and buying trees for themselves, they lean toward the real Christmas trees of their childhoods partly because of nostalgia and partly because they are concerned for the earth, the NCTA posits.
The series appears to focus to some degree on the trauma that the siblings endured due to their childhoods, adding an emotional and character-centric component that seems well-suited as a premise for an ongoing series.
Hours and hours of our childhoods were spent racing those pixelated courses in our parents' basements, but with the SNES only supporting four players, our races were never as intense as this epic 101-player battle royale.
Nostalgia is the Gingham filter we put over our childhoods, and it makes all the slinkies and Spice Girl CDs and afternoons spent watching cartoons while devouring a log cabin of taquitos seem even more blissed-out.
She was so alert that she felt as if she could "figure people out," unpacking the details of their identities: she imagined that she could peer into their childhoods and see how their parents had raised them.
Perhaps secretly, or on a subconscious level, millennials feel embarrassed and guilty about how much of their childhoods they invested in them: We might ourselves be the product of these "damaging stereotypes" the Daily Mail warns about.
Ms. Rehihil told us that the goal of the show, in which Moroccan Jews reminisce about their childhoods in villages around the country, is to familiarize them to a Muslim audience that often associates Jews with foreigners.
The idea of dirty Muppets is funny partly because so many of us spent our childhoods with squeaky-clean Muppets on Sesame Street teaching us the alphabet and basic Spanish and the rules of kindness and sharing.
And each day of their young lives, the boys are forced to sacrifice their childhoods in grueling practice, bizarre lessons in personal hygiene, exploitative sponsorship arrangements and a constricting determinism about what their lives must amount to.
His marriage to actress Vanessa Marcil lasted from 2902 to 2105, and his unlikely friendship with Michael Jackson – introduced by Steven Spielberg, the pair would hit Disneyland together, bonding over their mutually traumatic childhoods – fell apart in 2000.
Lipi engages more directly, seemingly obsessed with a comparison between herself and Anonnya — one work juxtaposes photos from their childhoods, another presents fiberglass castings of their faces side by side, without the gender signifiers of hair or makeup.
He calls this motivation "the burn," and says it often comes out of things in the parents' histories: It could be something that went wrong in their own childhoods that they didn't want repeated for their own children.
The root of the abuse is Jones' starring role in the rebooted Ghostbusters, a movie that angered certain corners of the internet by featuring an all-female cast, a decision that apparently "ruined the childhoods" of some individuals.
When people here watch Trump rallies, some see imagery that reminds them of their childhoods in the Deep South; some go so far as to wonder if Mr. Trump's supporters have been planted by the Ku Klux Klan.
Some include "evergreen" songs that parents may remember from their own childhoods, while others are come from those popular on Spotify today with other listeners, as well as those that are popular with families, not just small children.
The Last Resort resurrects Miami as an artistic muse, bringing together authors, artists, and filmmakers who grew up in Miami of the 1970s, and listens to them as they recount their childhoods and the art it has inspired.
Through their interviews with Sacks, which are edited into episodes of roughly a half-hour, the women delve into their mixed feelings about motherhood, their guilt over those mixed feelings, and the shadows cast by their own childhoods.
The difficult childhoods and lack of relationship skills thwarted all attempts for successful matrimony for Sjanna Leighton, 20083, and Peter Leighton, 22008, until, in midlife, they found they were in a different place, but also a familiar one.
Mr. Odar, 39, and Ms. Friese, 40, were inspired by their childhoods in small German towns during the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in Ukraine, when the release of radioactive materials over Europe in 1986 spurred widespread fears of contamination.
Stolen childhoods Save the Children reports that eight out of 10 states with the worst childhood poverty are in the Southeast, where low income, high infant mortality rates, food insecurity and teen pregnancy keep many kids from thriving.
This proves no more possible than it was in the forests of our childhoods, but we go on rubbing in the faith that we are in a magical land where the laws of physics bend toward human satisfaction.
The original animated series was a highlight of many childhoods, and it spawned an equally memorable Game Boy title that introduced some wonderful new ideas to side-scrolling adventures, including Uncle Scrooge pogo-sticking over enemies using his cane.
The new trailer introduces us to the other "half" of King's famously sprawling novel, in which the adult members of the "Losers Club" begin to confront their pasts and terrifying childhoods battling Pennywise, the evil, murderous, shape-shifting clown.
Yet let's be real here: We have a culture that lionizes survivors of challenging childhoods, that gobbles up memoirs of poverty and suffering, and that makes having endured harrowing circumstances seem almost necessary to speak with any moral authority.
When Cora reunited with both of her daughters, Regina and Zelena, it was bound to be emotional, but a buried family secret from their childhoods changed everything for the sisters — and sent someone out of the depths of hell.
But as much as we're looking forward to this new real life version of one of our fave animated films, we don't want to completely betray our childhoods and forget about those illustrated characters we once held so dearly.
Next, to get a better sense of what this global section is all about, set a stopwatch for five minutes and scroll through "200 Dispatches: Odd Animals, Offbeat Childhoods, Celebrity Origins and Extreme Sports" until the timer goes off.
Regardless, like many of my peers who survived dysfunctional childhoods, I made a conscious decision the moment I set foot into the adult world at age 18 that I wasn't going to make the same mistakes my parents made.
That soft-spoken, honey-loving bear will remind many viewers of their childhoods, and that's certainly the case with Christopher; he soon finds himself on an adventure that eventually involves the rest of the motley Hundred Acre Wood crew.
It was the moment they went from being acquaintances to homies, the song's lyrics articulating everything they wanted to tell each other about their hard childhoods and the hope it had taken to bring them together in that moment.
I know this sounds weird, but one of the dustiest comics of your parents' (and grandparents') childhoods has been revitalized beyond what you thought was possible, and a big part of that is because Nancy's kind of an asshole.
We spend money on our grandchildren because we want their childhoods to be special, because we need them to know we love them, because it's one way to feel part of their lives, especially if we live far away.
Future participants in the first women's cross-country air race did indeed spend their childhoods leaping from outlandish heights with umbrella parachutes, greasing the tracks of rickety homemade roller coasters and building honest-to-goodness airplanes in the backyard.
Every time that I look between our grand piano and our baby chickens, I'm amazed by the stark differences between our childhoods, and how in raising livestock, my dad shares a piece of his own rural upbringing with me.
Even as its characters ruin weddings, relationships, childhoods, and most everything else, the show's hook of letting you in on their inner monologues makes you bond with them in a way that feels different and deeper than most sitcoms.
Sapolsky, a neurologist and the recipient of a MacArthur Foundation "genius" grant, offers a masterly cross-disciplinary scientific study of human behavior: What in our glands, our genes, our childhoods explains our species' capacity for both altruism and brutality?
Both Chang and Steytler made dishes from their childhoods: crab potstickers just like Chang's mum used to make and Cornish saffron bread and butter pudding in honour of Steytler's grandmother—a beautiful, pillowy sweet way to finish things off.
People generally enjoy the throwback undertones of Stranger Things, yet the trailer for Steven Spielberg's Ready Player One stoked a horde of angry fanboys to gripe that the use of old arcade games and cartoons was pillaging their childhoods.
Should the show go to series, the family drama will center on two vastly different siblings, played by Schum and Findlay, who discover they are related and have to come to terms with the "mysteries of their separate childhoods," per THR.
NEW YORK (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - A proposed law that could allow marriage for children as young as 9 years old in Iraq would rob boys and girls already scarred by war of their childhoods, top U.N. officials said on Monday.
At a time when a large chunk of the movie industry is hellbent on capitalizing on adult nerds' nostalgia for properties from their childhoods, Sonic the Hedgehog takes a different path: It doesn't try to appeal to adults at all.
The footage is edited to include the nostalgic TV static and lines that are a staple of childhoods spent in front of the screen after school, and is made only better by the chirpy font that introduces all the characters.
Essentially, my argument is that we as children have these kinds of primitive animal 'I want it now' instincts and good parenting, happy childhoods, environmental stability, all these different things ween us off those instincts and teach us to inhibit them.
In her book "Unequal Childhoods", based on in-depth studies conducted in the 250s and early 210s, she looked at the child-rearing habits of American families from a variety of social and ethnic backgrounds and found a yawning gap.
We built a concept around some Facebook conversations we had throughout the following year about the importance of the television in our childhoods, relating it back to the failed experiment we had gazing at the bleu screen and scratching out heads.
And we're reminded that while Mother's Day is a joyful occasion for most, it's another reminder for these moms that their children could be missing out on the childhoods most other kids get to have, including celebrating Mother's Day at home.
The photo has spurred social media users to create memes of Ocasio-Cortez alongside the hashtag #ItalianAOC and captions that reference notable lines from Italian mob movies, classic Italian dishes, and memories that those particular gestures invoke from their own childhoods.
Cinematic in scope, the novels trace the friendship of two women, Elena and Lila, from their childhoods amid the poverty of postwar Naples through the political and social changes that swept Italy in the '60s and '70s, to the present day.
Let's just say that if the adaptation is as loyal to the book as Tim Burton's Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory was to the original, The BFG is going to be quite different from the one of our childhoods.
And while the administration stokes fake cancer fears, Trump administration officials have suppressed reports about carcinogens associated with formaldehyde, and rolled back health and environmental regulations aimed at preventing childhoods cancers that have subsequently become prevalent in communities like suburban Indianapolis.
During the almost-week I spent with them in August, every time Nicky or Brandon verged on saying something profound, whether it be about music or their childhoods, they'd substitute "shit" or "fucking" for whatever the key word might otherwise be.
YouTube's "rethinking" of its kids' experience should also include whether or not it should continue to incentivize the creation of these "kid influencer" and YouTube family videos, where little girls' and boys' childhoods have become the source of parents' incomes.
It's a kid's cake that gets grown-ups remembering their own childhoods — noisy birthday parties with silly decorations and games, the cold milk that always came with the cake and the inevitability of leaving the table with chocolate-smudged lips.
" Mr. Bruni calls sleep deprivation, "a perfect shorthand for childhoods bereft of spontaneity, stripped of real play and haunted by the 'pressure of perfection,' to quote the headline on a story [about campus suicide] by Julie Scelfo in The Times….
It took a few tries and an illegal U-turn, but we soon found ourselves outside the Teatro Gerolamo, a miniature version of La Scala familiar to past generations of cultivated Milanese audiences from the marionette shows of their childhoods.
It's a generational thing The kids leading the current charge were aged 11 or 12 during 2012's Sandy Hook school massacre and their childhoods have been punctuated by mass shootings that seem to be happening more and more often.
Agnes and Daisy narrate their way through their respective childhoods in chapters that alternate with Aunt Lydia's account of Gilead's origins and her work as an Aunt, and it's in the younger women's contributions that The Testaments is at its weakest.
"With a lot of the guys who collect and do this, it's all deeply rooted in their childhoods," said Peter Goral, 21970, who started making artisanal action figures around 250 and said he now lives comfortably on the income they generate.
In the years after I began transitioning, Seth and I had long conversations about our childhoods, how we were both always so gender-nonconforming, and at times those conversations strayed into questioning whether or not Seth, like me, is trans.
It's been a while since we last saw Dustin (Gaten Matarazzo), Mike (Finn Wolfhard), Lucas (Caleb McLaughlin), Will (Noah Schnapp), and Eleven (Millie Bobby Brown), and it seems as though they've resumed their childhoods after the events of seasons 1 and 2.
The result is a composite portrait of the protagonists' Southern childhoods, and their courtship and family life in Ohio from the early years of the 20th century through their deaths in the 1960s, all told against the backdrop of the Great Migration.
The auditory and sensory violence that children are experiencing day to day, where many are harmed or detained as a form of punishment, rather than receiving psychosocial support, has led to violence becoming a normal part of the reality of their "childhoods."
In fact, the very children he had observed were now parents, and although they recollected their childhoods and the great amount of freedom they had with extreme fondness, they refused to allow their own children even a modicum of the same freedom.
If Spielberg is being nostalgic, it's less for his own childhood (he grew up in the fifties) than for the childhoods that he helped transform—for the epoch that was so effectively colonized by his films, and by those of his contemporaries.
I went to an international school in Shanghai, China, and felt my classmates in the group might have the same inclinations as I did (in terms of wanting to eat foods from their childhoods in Asia even though they might live elsewhere now).
"On Your Feet!" will feature some of her most famous hits such as "Rhythm is Gonna Get You", and "Don't Want to Lose You Now" and will track the couple's childhoods in Cuba, their meeting in Miami and path to worldwide fame.
Among a small group of organizers, men mostly in their late 20s and early 30s, all said their childhoods in Pakistan's tribal areas were marred by violence and chaos as their villages were caught in the crossfire between militants and the military.
And parents, on the whole, had fewer household labor needs and could afford to spare their kids the less pleasant experiences of their own childhoods, while providing them with things they wish they'd had, as well as opportunities to cultivate new skills.
Lee was speaking in a dance studio at BAM 's Fisher theatre, where the nineteen students selected for the program—many come back year after year—had been working in small groups, using songs from their childhoods to create original theatre pieces.
Not only are many of them stars from our childhoods, like Full House's Candace Cameron Bure or Lacey Chabert from Mean Girls, but most of them come back for new movies on the network almost every year — if not multiple times a year.
Here are some of the organizations helping girls get greater access to education: Camfed Let Girls Learn Room to Read The Malala Fund Child brides As many as 15 million girls each year become child brides, destroying childhoods, killing freedoms and blocking opportunities.
But this latest incident is also a reminder of how that suspicion is not limited to black adults, but also extends to children, showing how black children are easily exposed to the justice system and denied the childhoods accessible to their white peers.
The quartet of novels, which were published between 2012 and 2014 and have gained a devoted following, trace the friendship of two women, Elena and Lila, from their childhoods in the poverty of postwar Naples through their entire lives, against the backdrop of Italian history.
" —Jonah Soolman, RD, Soolman Nutrition and Wellness LLC, Wellesley, Massachusetts "Some of my clients were labeled 'picky eaters' in their childhoods and were never given a chance to grow their food acceptance skills, or a lifetime of restriction has left them with food fears.
"They are not living their childhoods as they should because for them, life is now just about getting money and putting bread on the table," says Ahmed Bayram, a spokesperson for Save the Children, an international aid group working with Syrian refugees in Lebanon.
Those childhoods of yesteryear are alive and well today for Niki Boon's children, who spend their days with their cousins soaking in life and nature on a 10-acre coastline property in New Zealand, rather than spending it draining iPad batteries or cell data.
Good schools, crime-free neighborhoods, childhoods spared the trauma of family dysfunction, and other factors all contribute to whether someone is happy and healthy as an adult, or whether they're trapped in that old cycle of poverty begetting stress begetting illness begetting more poverty.
And I honestly do feel terrible for the thousands of San Diegans that spent their childhoods and adulthoods going to Jack Murphy Stadium (from now I am refusing to call that stadium Qualcomm Park, because enough with all these corporate interests) for Chargers games.
Richard Pitino seems to have internalized the sort of even-keeled temperament that is often inherited from tumultuous childhoods — like, say, watching his father leave Kentucky for the Boston Celtics and then, a few years later, return to the state to lead Kentucky's archrival, Louisville.
Sleep deprivation is just a part of the craziness, but it's a perfect shorthand for childhoods bereft of spontaneity, stripped of real play and haunted by the "pressure of perfection," to quote the headline on a story by Julie Scelfo in The Times this week.
Wright said she encourages her clients to think back to their childhoods and reflect on any experiences that may have shaped how they view self-pleasure so they can actively notice these beliefs and change them if they&aposre interfering with their sex lives.
The Jonas Brothers made their comeback as a band earlier this year with their first post-hiatus singles "Sucker" and "Cool," and now, they're helping to usher in the return of something else deeply beloved from many of our childhoods: the Nickelodeon sketch comedy series, All That.
Those of us who responded so strongly to the trailer, and since then to the documentary itself, have probably done so because Rogers has become a fond symbol of our childhoods, an embodiment of pureness and intention, and the selfless reassurance he provided as we grew up.
Barney the Dinosaur, the giant purple nightmare from our childhoods, has found his way into our current hellscape — because if there's anything we as a species deserve right now, it's remixes of "I Love You, You Love Me" earwormed in our heads as the world burns.
There's too much of an "origin story" quality to Southside With You, but Sawyers and Sumpter are very likable as Barack and Michelle, and as they spend the day chatting about art, music, political values, and their very different childhoods, they effectively turn icons into real people.
Research shows that, compared to those in foster care with non-relatives, children in relative foster care have safer, more stable safe childhoods — as well as better behavioral and mental health outcomes — thanks to fewer school changes and a greater likelihood of having a permanent home.
Likewise, this is not to claim that Hogan somehow ruined our childhoods – there are many of us who have fond memories of his bulging machismo and mad antics, even if we now recognise how amazing it is that we were guilelessly watching them in the first place.
No surprise, then, that studies have shown gay fathers often had happy childhoods themselves; according to a 2012 study of Australian and New Zealand fathers, the majority of those surveyed enjoyed strong bonds with their own family as adults, and regularly kept in touch with their parents.
Not in a world where Tiger Woods left college after two years, Rory McIlroy turned pro before finishing high school and the leader boards are lousy with players whose childhoods were sawed-down versions of their pro careers, replete with world rankings, nonstop travel and adult entourages.
They'll recall that weird, not unpleasant, lull in their otherwise-busy childhoods when Mama and Papa were home all day, they all but lived in their pajamas and "music class" was Papa playing the guitar in the backyard under a budding 150-year-old oak tree.
For those of us who spent our childhoods getting drilled on how to be prepared to die for our faith in the event of a Communist takeover, it was a relief when the Soviet Union broke up and nobody felt obliged to worry about Moscow any more.
Yet I can see whole stretches of their childhoods where I coasted by in the same phase for years, my routine on caregiving autopilot — wake people up, feed people, drive people, get a little work done, start driving people again, feed people again, put people to bed.
It's the same lesson the broader society affirms when communities block mosques from being built, when authorities legitimize and implement unjust surveillance and profiling policies and when media outlets reinforce cursory links of Muslims to terrorism but connect terrorists of other backgrounds to troubled childhoods or mental health issues.
Inspired by the aesthetic culture of the Samurai and Ancient Egypt, No Death put together a cast of marble, reflective, and translucent humanoids that study relationships and profiles of humanity—like the plight of two parents trying to give their children happy childhoods in a world riddled with violence.
We did it for ourselves, we did it for our sense of humor, and we were a particular bunch of artists who were really interested in childhood, especially our late-50s early-60s childhoods, which we reflected into the look and the color and the feel—it's very retro.
In nontheme news, I liked some of the fill that seemed like a nod to Mr. Yankovic, like Tom LEHRER and John CLEESE, in addition to the shout-outs to memories from his and Mr. Berlin's childhoods, like Wile E. Coyote (TNT) and Star Trek ("HE'S dead, Jim").
If childhoods full of sugary cereal or pancake breakfasts may perhaps account for seemingly everyone else in the world's sweet tooth, then maybe my constant need for salt could be attributed to the entirely savory way I'd start my days growing up: a mix of rice, meat, and eggs.
But a lot of it has to do with how parents might model social behaviors for their kids... There was one study about these moms who were either very popular — and remember their childhoods as very difficult — or they were very anxious about their own experiences growing up.
RAISED BY WOLVES on Acorn TV. The British journalist Caitlin Moran and her sister Caroline mine their childhoods in this raunchy comedy about a home-schooled family of six and their overwrought run-ins with the outside world — that is, if they can even get out the door.
In New York and across the country, so-called Potterheads swarmed bookstores Saturday night and into Sunday morning to celebrate the release, as if they had found the secret winged key that not only let them back into their childhoods but also opened the door to another generation.
"If you look at the childhoods of Franco, Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini, one very obvious thing they all had in common was very complex relationships with their fathers," says history professor Antonio Cazorla-Sanchez, also author of Franco: The Biography of a Myth, on the former Spanish dictator.
Independent mobility – when a child can move around a city without being accompanied by an adult – depends on road crossings, perceptions of safety, and the proximity and availability of things to do, global engineering firm Arup said in a report earlier this year on design for urban childhoods.
The then-nine members of Girls' Generation were factory-assembled into the picture-perfect, male-gaze-ready dolls you see in the song's music video via extreme studio oversight and years of hard work from each woman — a combined 52 years of training in total, beginning in their childhoods.
My parents had survived war and dictatorship before the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 allowed more non-Europeans to immigrate to the United States, and they overcompensated for the austerity of their childhoods by allowing me to consume any food I wanted, with a side of guilt trip.
"A lot of them had very unhappy childhoods and they were behaving like lost kids and I thought maybe I could help them," said Mr. Schneider, a patient listener with a soft voice that is slightly nasal sounding, most likely from having had his nose broken a dozen times.
While it can take a minute to keep track of who&aposs doing what if you&aposre not familiar with the novel, Gerwig&aposs nonlinear chronology helps to revitalize the well-known story — and actually adds some context that make the sisters&apos childhoods all the more special.
It's an energetic, autobiographical song in which Raphael and Cartier boast about how they've been climbing their way to this point since spending their childhoods isolated from each other, and by the time it's over it feels like a both the fulfillment of a prophecy and a gauntlet thrown.
We've offered a number of snapshots of the different, often difficult childhoods experienced across the world, from professional child jockeys as young as 5 in Indonesia; to Afghan girls who prep for college in crude, computerless classrooms; to girls in Rio de Janeiro who study ballet as bullets fly around them.
The lingering irony is that, while Mr Miyamoto's nostalgic intention with "The Legend of Zelda" was to recapture his childhood out in nature, for generations of gamers reared on the franchise, playing "Breath of the Wild" will be nostalgic mostly for how it evokes their childhoods playing previous "Zelda" games.
She and Aislinn both do their work by acting out male fantasies to manipulate men, and as Antoinette digs deeper into Aislinn's life, she realizes that they both had their childhoods shaped by disappearing fathers — Antoinette's took off before she was born, and Aislinn's left when she was a child.
In the latest episode of the Latina Love Project series, Orange Is the New Black's Selenis Leyva and her transgender sister Marizol talk about the pain they endured to protect one another from hard truths in their childhoods and the sacrifices they made for the greater good of their family.
If you ever wish to re-immerse yourself in memories of your youth, now lost forever (just accept it), I'll leave you with a playlist, selected by yours truly, with the best tracks from the last two decades of a game that has left its mark on childhoods around the world.
The Virgin Suicides (713) dealt with girlhood sexuality; Lost in Translation (2003) depicted an alienation very specific to your 20s; Marie Antoinette (2006) was about a literal teenage queen; Somewhere (2010) explored the quiet loneliness of Hollywood childhoods; The Bling Ring (2013) was a frenzied deep dive into teenage consumerism.
This has led to many memes (what a glow-up!), a second round of virality, and lots of goodwill for Paramount, which announced after fan backlash earlier this year that it would redesign Sonic from a longboi human bodysuit freak into the cute lovable hedgehog we remember from our childhoods.
Marion Cotillard and Guillaume Canet (who would later get together in real life and create the world's most angelic baby) star as Sophie and Julien, who help each other manage difficult childhoods — she's bullied for being an immigrant; he loses his mother to cancer — through a series of escalating dares.
Although the women said they had not intentionally sought to dredge up a tragic memory from their childhoods, Basswood — through which Terri and Kelly Nowak paddled with their cousin Nicole Nowak-Saenz — was where Terri and Kelly's father, Theodore, a taconite miner, had drowned in a canoe accident decades earlier.
Between trips into the forest and swamp in search of the abandoned bridge, the running time is filled out with flashbacks to Hap's and Leonard's childhoods and a subplot about a pair of spree killers, one of whom is a towering disco queen in a white breastplate and ripped spandex.
While most people can recall a mild interaction with chickenpox from their own childhoods, Dr. Smith's own family has not been so lucky: An uncle died from chickenpox and her grandmother contracted shingles when she was in her 80s, which led to pneumonia and her subsequent death, Dr. Smith said.
Over lunch at Charlie Bird in SoHo (grilled octopus and burrata for Ms. Copeland; roast chicken with arugula salad for Ms. Field), they discussed the social significance of their success, the complicated childhoods that spurred them, and the political meaning of their work in the early days of the Trump administration.
Some Beltrán Leyva offspring have also reportedly been seeking revenge on El Chapo's organization while he awaits extradition to the US. One of Alfredo's sons was reportedly involved in attacks in June near the Sinaloa village where Chapo built his mother a mansion, and where the Beltrán Leyvas also spent their childhoods.
The eight-track record is brimming with nostalgia from past decades, from the bubbling disco of post-breakup anthem "A Life to Lead" to the 80s-style vocals of "Photobooth," the latter's lyrics ("Take a picture, it'll last longer") channeling a cheeky ebullience that will transport older listeners back to their childhoods.
Featured Article: "21 Dispatches: Odd Animals, Offbeat Childhoods, Celebrity Origins and Extreme Sports" Since The New York Times introduced its Dispatches section a little over a year ago, it has published over 2600 stories, each artfully told by a global team of correspondents and beautifully illustrated by some of the world's best photographers.
Instead of the maddening and beautiful brevity that made the site worth using, our timelines are about to be clogged by thick blocks of text from self-righteous nerds who need 30 adverbs to scream about how social justice warriors and/or Russian hacking ruined the latest brain-dead superhero blockbuster and their childhoods.
Introduced years ago by the "Thelma and Louise" screenwriter Callie Khouri, Ms. Steinem and Ms. Lahti, who is 68, have a rapport based on feminism, of course, but also on their Midwestern roots, dysfunctional childhoods and a sense that — as they told me in unison — they were living "the unlived lives" of their mothers.
"Take modern escapist fantasies like tiny homes, voluntary simplicity, forest bathing and screen-free childhoods, then place them inside a delicate, moss-filled terrarium, and the result will look a lot like cottagecore," says Isabel Slone, who wrote about the budding online movement, where scenes of idyllic pastoral life meet ideas of rural self-sufficiency.
In another standout — "Parents," which won Ansari and Yang an Emmy for Outstanding Writing for a Comedy Series — Dev and his friend Brian (Kelvin Yu) ask their fathers what it was like to immigrate from India and Taiwan to the US, prompting sharp flashbacks to their respective childhoods and difficult transitions to a new country.
Dr. Seuss' rhymes were a prominent part of most people's childhoods, thanks to his classic books like The Cat in the Hat and Green Eggs and Ham,  In fact, the children's literary master was so skilled at getting youth to read, that the National Education Association's Read Across America Day purposefully coincides with his birthday, March 2.
When you talk about their childhoods, most of them were already obsessed with not just death, but the sort of general limitations of being human, of the frustrations of not being able to do certain things, not being able to live infinitely, not being able to explore space, not being able to think at the level they wanted.
In today's episode of famous offspring with super-chic and glamorous childhoods: Gigi Hadid revealed that when she was about five years old, she somehow ended up in the middle of a French Vogue photoshoot; naturally, she did exactly what one does when a Vogue photographer has a camera pointed in your direction: strike a pose and hold it.
A justice confirmed under this cloud could be blackmailed if evidence of perjury were to emerge later As PBS NewsHour has explained, these background checks are extremely invasive probes of everything from a nominee's romantic history to their credit score: Candidates' taxes, writings, childhoods, business dealings, medical histories and, yes, love lives, are all scrutinized for potential red flags.
Scattered among the many new pieces of furniture is a cache of treasures that Ms. Paulus has taken from place to place: the tiny white rocking chair that was made by her father; a collage of photos from her parents' childhoods; a picture she painted in high school that her mother and Mr. Weiner had framed.
I mean, OK, you weren't ever going to hear the latest Tuff City Kids remix from them, but those hardy souls who braved the school halls of our shared childhoods are, in their own way, the living embodiment of what it means to be a DJ. They work a crowd, create a narrative, and leave everyone begging for more.
Such techniques also make a thematic point: Reviewing the film for New York Magazine, Matt Zoller Seitz observed that "the majestic gliding rhythm of the shots evokes the flights in J.M. Barrie's 'Peter Pan,'" suggesting both that these men's childhoods were stolen at Neverland Ranch, and that this documentary represents their final flight from Jackson and his legacy.
As childhoods go, Garcia's mirrors those of many others who've had the dubious fortune of growing up in LA: the early excitement of living near Hollywood, the ensuing disillusion over being raised in the culturally barren suburbs, and the adult-age return to the throes of the city in order to rekindle and fuel dormant creativity.
Most movies and TV shows that rely on nostalgia use it to appeal to some broader, preexisting cultural sensibility: the way Star Wars: The Force Awakens echoed the story beats of the 1977 original, engaging its millions of fans, or the way something like Fuller House leverages the vague, wistful sentiment of a generation that associates a mediocre family sitcom with their childhoods.
What people like me can do is recognize a simple truth: The NRA is a problem, and no matter how committed the organization may have been to gun safety in past decades, no matter how pleasant our memories may be of its role in our childhoods, times have changed—and those who continue to support the NRA have blood on their hands.
So seeing as it's now been 15 years since the release of Jackass: The Movie, we wanted to commemorate the team's contribution to popular culture and all of our childhoods by speaking to Jeff Tremaine, Johnny Knoxville, Spike Jonze, Steve-O, Chris Pontius, Bam Margera, Wee Man, Dave England, Ehren McGhehey, and Bam's mom, April Margera, about how exactly the film came together.
Jazmine Barnes's death is also a story about black childhoods — Barnes, a second-grader who wanted to be a teacher and loved music, was killed at a time where research has shown that black children are often viewed as less innocent and more adultlike than their white peers, a perception that likely plays a role in how often they're exposed to violence.
The foods of their childhoods were once mocked and rejected by their non-Asian peers (and by their ashamed or rebellious younger selves); then accepted in dilute, placating form; and now are able to command audiences who clamor for their sensations and aggressive flavors, and who might be unnerved if they knew exactly what they were putting in their mouths.
The Hayden Planetarium was one of my favorite places to visit when I was a child and Dr. Tyson and I are fellow graduates of the Bronx High School of Science, so it is my pleasure as a space geek to have him here, even if he did ruin thousands of childhoods by kicking Pluto out of the planet club.
I think that's why so many people look at athletes and wonder if they know how lucky they are, if they feel the gratitude that they should for the fact that they are allowed to play a game that leaves most of us behind in those long-ago childhoods that they remember as far more carefree and far more oblivious than they really are.
One thing that we all agreed on, however, is that the documentary offers an illuminating look at a world that most of us only knew through the teen comedy "Bring It On." It's filled with compelling characters — not just Aldama, but also many of the students on her team, with the show taking the time to sketch out their often difficult or even tragic childhoods.
They may cover up murders and sexual assaults and criminal negligence, they may callously lay off entire digital newsrooms and humiliate their lowliest employees, and they may be battling over who gets to be the richest when they're all going to be just fine regardless—but to them, the only inheritance that matters is the affection that Logan has stubbornly withheld since their childhoods.
In her excellent first collection, "Homesick for Another World," Ottessa Moshfegh, the daughter of a Croatian mother and an Iranian father, moves from the West Coast to East Coast (with a brief stop in China) and homes in on characters in states of weirdly dynamic paralysis, trapped between the pains of the past — bad childhoods, bad relationships, bad marriages — and dreams of the future.
In this gentle reckoning with the passage of time, Iyer, born in England to Indian parents, registers, through years of autumns, the shifts in the neighborhood in Japan where he has lived for nearly three decades: his father-in-law dies; elderly friends, whose memories grow keener as they age, recount wartime childhoods; Iyer finds his own descriptions of his first impressions of Japan unrecognizable.
But conversations still need to be had about how scripture is interpreted in the modern age, and to whom it's applied to, and how queer voices and faces are welcomed in communities—or else little gay Jewish kids will spend their childhoods thinking they won't be welcomed by the big guy upstairs—which is just unnecessary extra stress when you've already got all your other insecurities to deal with.
No sooner had she won the Senate seat ... than pundits began floating her name as future vice presidential or even presidential material, a kind of incarnation of President Obama, with whom she shares similar personal histories—both were born to immigrant black economist fathers, raised by their mothers in middle-class homes, and spent some of their childhoods out of the country, Obama in Indonesia and Harris in Canada.
In allowing students the opportunity to seriously engage art and a range of artmaking practices over the course of their childhoods, Free Arts NYC not only empowers students to develop the grit and character skills needed to negotiate poverty, it also exposes a diverse group of youths to the arts, an unintended effect being that Free Arts NYC kids are building visual vocabularies that make art more accessible.
People who grew up regularly visiting Fred Rogers' neighborhood will doubtless be propelled back to their childhoods, aided by a roster of celebrities who watch old episodes and marvel at how the host approached them, speaking directly to his audience through the TV. That list includes Sarah Silverman, who actually tears up at one point, John Lithgow and cellist Yo-Yo Ma, who is shown performing -- twice -- with his son Nicholas, first when the lad is just a child, later in his teens.
My favorite item at the library is Hillary Clinton's Grammy, from 1997 for Best Spoken Word Album for "It Takes a Village" (this is your semi-regular reminder that she's won more Grammys than Katy Perry): There are also some fun items from the Clintons' childhoods, like this high school campaign sign: Meet Skip Rutherford, Dean of the Clinton School of Public Service: To get into Little Rock you can fly into the Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport and take the Clinton exit to get to downtown.
In the mid-1970s, she found herself in the garment business, selling jeans to ordinary people, and while this hardly made her an agent of the resistance, it gave her outlier standing among people who spent their childhoods in mansions in Newport, R.I. Vanderbilt had come of age when the adage for a woman in the highest tiers of society still applied, that her name appear in the paper only three times during the course of her life: when she was born, when she married and when she died.
As Vox's P.R. Lockhart explains, she represented the intersection of violence directed at one of the most vulnerable populations — young black women — and how, too often, their deaths go uncovered: Jazmine Barnes's death is also a story about black childhoods — Barnes, a second-grader who wanted to be a teacher and loved music, was killed at a time where research has shown that black children are often viewed as less innocent and more adultlike than their white peers, a perception that likely plays a role in how often they're exposed to violence.

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